PCCF -QB (1)
PCCF -QB (1)
PCCF -QB (1)
1. Define Program.
2. List any 4 Characteristics of algorithm.
3. Write an Algorithm to find the area of a circle.
4. Explain the types of Flowchart.
5. Mention 2 advantages and disadvantages of Flowchart.
6. List any 4 benefits of Pseudocode.
7. Define Pseudocode
8. Write a pseudo code to find the largest number between two numbers.
9. Convert the number system of decimal to binary (246)10 → (?)2
10.Difference between while and do while loop.
11. Draw a Flowchart - Product of two numbers.
1. Explain steps involved in PDLC briefly.
2. Explain the symbols and meaning of the symbols in flowchart.
3. Explain the guidelines of pseudo code.
4. Discuss the basic control structure with examples.
5. Discuss the types of Decision making with examples.
6. Explain the looping statement for each and provide an example.
7. Convert the number system of octal to hexadecimal (672)8 → (?)16
5)Define inheritance.
6)Define polymorphism.
7)Define abstraction.
6/10 MARKS
1)Discuss structured programming.
6. Define Protocol.
10. What are the different types of transmission modes in computer networks?
2. Define the term "export" in the context of a Word document and provide one
example of a format you can export to.
3. What is data validation in Excel, and why is it important? Give one example
of how it can be used.
4. What does it mean to import text into a Word document? Give one reason
why you might do this.
8. Explain the purpose of a pie chart. In what situation would you use one?
9. Analyze the roles of logical functions and statistical functions in Excel. How
does each function serve a different purpose?
10.How does a Pivot Table in Excel help you summarize data? Give one
example of its use.
11.What are macros in Word? How can they be used? Give one example.
12.Identify two basic formatting options in Word and explain how each one can
enhance the appearance of a document.
14.Explain the role of the IF function in Excel and illustrate its use with a
simple example.
15.Compare filtering and sorting in Excel. How do they differ in how you
organize data?
1. Explain the process of mail merge and its practical applications. Discuss
how it improves efficiency in document creation.
2. Discuss three advantages of using Pivot Tables in Excel for data analysis.
Provide a brief explanation for each advantage.
3. Describe the difference between a line chart and a pie chart. When would
you use each?
4. Discuss the importance of sorting data in Excel. What are the steps to sort a
dataset in ascending and descending order? Provide an example of when
sorting is beneficial.
5. What are the steps to record a macro in Word?
6. List and explain three types of charts in Excel. Provide an example of data
for each.
7. What are the steps to create a pivot table in Excel? How can pivot tables
help analyze data? Give one example.
8. Why is data validation important in Excel? Provide an example of a situation
where this would be helpful.
9. Describe the role of statistical functions in Excel. List any three common
statistical functions, explain what they do, and provide an example of how
each can be used in data analysis.
10.Refer EXCEL programs in the LAB exercise (student and Employee)
2 marks
1. What is HTML
2. List the three types of HTML lists and provide one example of each.
3. How to insert images in HTML
4. What is the purpose of the <table> tag in HTML?
5. How is the <marquee> tag used in HTML? Mention one example.
6. What are two key differences between an ordered list and an unordered list
in HTML?
7. Define the purpose of <div> and <span> tags in HTML.
8. Which tag and attribute are used to add an image in HTML?
9. List the three types of HTML lists and provide one example of each.
10.What are two differences between cellpadding and cell spacing attributes in
11.What is the purpose of the <table> tag in HTML?
12.List out 4 different types HTML tags for formatting the content.
6/ 10 marks
1. Design an HTML table to display a list of products, including
columns for Product Name, Description, Price, and Quantity.
2. List the different HTML formatting tags and explain their purposes
with examples.
3. Explain the role of <div> and <span> tags in grouping elements on a
webpage with examples.
4. Write the HTML code to create a simple webpage that includes a list,
an image, and a hyperlink. Describe each tag used.
5. Describe the differences between ordered (<ol>) and unordered (<ul>)
lists, and give examples of situations where each is appropriate.
6. Explain the structure of an HTML table. Explain different table
7. Create a table displaying student data with columns for Student
Name, Age, and Grade, and add a header row. Also, explain the code.
8. Design a webpage that includes an embedded video and an audio file
with controls for play, pause, and volume.
9. Demonstrate the use of hyperlinks using html code.
10.Write CSS code to set the background color and font for a webpage.
Describe the properties used.
11.What is the CSS Box Model? Describe its components by Include a
diagram to illustrate the box model.
12.Refer all the HTML programs in the LAB exercise