Swedish Society For Anthropology and Geography, Taylor & Francis, Ltd. Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography
Swedish Society For Anthropology and Geography, Taylor & Francis, Ltd. Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography
Swedish Society For Anthropology and Geography, Taylor & Francis, Ltd. Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography
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Series B, Human Geography
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Doreen Massey
Massey, D., 2004: Geographies of responsibility. Geogr. Ann., 86 commitments. What one might call the more gen-
B (1): 5-18.
eral rethinking of identity engaged with a number
ABSTRACT. Issues of space, place and politics run deep. There
of currents, from a determination to challenge the
is a long history of the entanglement of the conceptualisation of hegemonic notion of individuals as isolated atom-
space and place with the framing of political positions. The in- istic entities which took on (or were assigned) their
junction to think space relationally is a very general one and, as
essential character prior to social interaction,
this collection indicates, can lead in many directions. The partic-
ular avenue to be explored in this paper concerns the relationship through re-evaluations of the formation of political
between identity and responsibility, and the potential geographies identities, to the fundamental challenges presented
of both.
by second-wave feminism and by some in postco-
lonial studies. For these latter groups, rethinking
Key words: space, place, identity, responsibility
identity has been a crucial theoretical complement
to a politics which is suspicious of foundational es-
sentialisms; a politics which, rather than claiming
Changing identities
'rights' for pre-given identities ('women', say, or
Thinking space relationally, in the way we mean it gays, or some hyphenated ethnicity) based on as-
here, has of course been bound up with a wider set sumptions of authenticity, argues that it is at least
of reconceptualisations. In particular it has been as important to challenge the identities themselves
bound up with a significant refiguring of the nature and thus - afortiori - the relations through which
of identity. There is a widespread argument these those identities have been established. It is worth
days that, in one way or another, identities are 're- noting a number of points immediately. First, that
lational'. That, for instance, we do not have our be-
although there are in the wider literature many dis-
ings and then go out and interact, but that to a dis- agreements about this, and many variations in em-
puted but none-the-less significant extent our be- phasis, I take 'identity' here, along with the prac-
ings, our identities, are constituted in and through tices of its constitution, to be both material and dis-
those engagements, those practices of interaction. cursive. Second, it might be noted that this refor-
Identities are forged in and through relations mulation of identity itself already implies a
(which include non-relations, absences and hiatus- different spatiality, a different 'geography' of iden-
es). In consequence they are not rooted or static, but tities in general. Third, the political abandonment
mutable ongoing productions. of the security of a grounded identity in what we
This is an argument which has had its precise might call the old sense has been difficult. The long
parallel in the reconceptualisation of spatial iden- and fraught debates over the political stakes at issue
tities. An understanding of the relational nature of in the ability, or not, to mobilise the term 'women'
space has been accompanied by arguments about are just one case in point. It has been a discussion
the relational construction of the identity of place. which entailed not only theoretical confusions, and
If space is a product of practices, trajectories, in- clashes between conceptual positions and the de-
terrelations, if we make space through interactions mands of 'real' politics, but - as if that were not
at all levels, from the (so-called) local to the (so- enough - also huge emotional challenges and up-
called) global, then those spatial identities such as heavals, not least about how one conceptualises
places, regions, nations, and the local and the glo- oneself. Linda McDowell's paper (this issue) ex-
bal, must be forged in this relational way too, as in- plores an acute situation in this regard, and draws
ternally complex, essentially unboundable in any a clear connection between the conceptualisation
absolute sense, and inevitably historically chang- of identity and the changing demands on policy and
ing (Massey, 1994; Ash Amin in this issue). politics. Here, then, is another aspect of the con-
These theoretical reformulations have gone nection between thinking relationally and the af-
alongside and been deeply entangled with political fective dimension of politics of which Nigel Thrift
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lonial globalthis
writes in this issue. It is important to mention status', that is an argument of peculiar
here because the politics associated with force.the re-
Indeed, it may be argued that London/Lon-
thinking of spatial identities have been, and have begun to assume an identity, discur-
ue to be, equally emotionally fraught and liable
sively, within to
the self-conception of the city, which
touch on deep feelings and desires not is always
around mixity rather than a coherence
mediately associated with 'the political'. derived from common roots.
ing a politics of place, or nation, is an emotionally Now, it is perhaps in these terms, concerning the
charged issue. internal construction of the identity of place, that
But that is what thinking place relationally was many of our threads of thinking about ethics have
designed to do - to intervene in a charged political evolved. The old question of 'the stranger within
arena. The aim initially was to combat localist or the gates'. Many of our inherited formulations of
nationalist claims to place based on eternal essen- ethical questions have that particular imaginative
tial, and in consequence exclusive, characteristics geography: the Walled City (and who shall come
of belonging: to retain, while reformulating, an ap- in), the question of engagement in proximity, the
preciation of the specific and the distinctive while question of hospitality. Jacques Derrida's On Cos-
refusing the parochial. mopolitanism, with its consideration of open cities
This then has been a theoretical engagement pur- (villesfranches) and refuge cities (villes refuges), is
sued through political entanglement, and what I a recent example. These questions are important
want to do in this paper is to push further this pon- and are by no means going away (Critchley and
dering over the spaces and times of identity and to Kearney, in the Introduction to Derrida, call them
enquire how they may be connected up with the 'perennial'). Thinking in terms of networks and
question of political responsibility. The political lo- flows, and living in an age of globalisation, refash-
cation that has sparked these enquiries is London: ions, but does not deny, a politics of place (see also
global city and bustling with the resources through Low, 1997). Propinquity needs to be negotiated.
which the lineaments of globalisation are invented However, there is also a second geography im-
and coordinated. This, then, is a place quite unlike plied by the relational construction of identity. For
those regions considered by Ash Amin in his paper, 'a global sense of place' means that any nation, re-
and in consequence the challenges it poses, both gion, city, as well as being internally multiple, is
conceptually and politically, though within the also a product of relations which spread out way be-
same framework are rather different. yond it. In his paper Ash Amin has broached 'a pol-
itics of connectivity', and it is this issue which I
wish to pursue. London, as a whole, is a rich city,
The question certainly not a place on the wrong end of uneven
This destabilisation and reconfiguration of the no- development, with huge resources and a self-de-
tion of identity can lead in many directions, both clared radical mayor who has proclaimed his desire
conceptually and politically. to work towards London being a sustainable world
It can, on the one hand, turn us inwards, towards city. There are certainly, in principle, more choices
an appreciation of the internal multiplicities, the available to London than to the regions in the north
decentrings, perhaps the fragmentations, of identi- of England. It is a city which exudes the fact that it
ty. It is in this context that we consider place as is, indeed, a globally constructed place.
meeting place and the inevitable hybridities of the So, if that is the case, if we take seriously the re-
constitution of anywhere. It is this which Ash ad- lational construction of identity, then it poses, first,
dresses in his discussion of 'a politics of propinqui- the question of the geography of those relations of
ty': the necessity of negotiating across and among construction: the geography of the relations
difference the implacable spatial fact of shared turf. through which the identity of London, for example,
If places (localities, regions, nations) are necessar- is established and reproduced. This in turn poses
ily the location of the intersection of disparate tra- the question of what is the nature of 'London's' so-
jectories, then they are necessarily places of 'nego- cial and political relationship to those geographies.
tiation' in the widest sense of that term. This is an What is, in a relational imagination and in light of
important shift which renders deeply problematical the relational construction of identity, the geogra-
any easy summoning of 'community' either as pre- phy of our social and political responsibility?
existing or as a simple aim (Amin, 2002). In Lon- What, in other words, of the question of the stranger
don, with the cultural multiplicities of its 'postco- without?
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play; the global is penetrating, the local as taking advantage of those areas of economy and
and transformed', p. 27), the local is not society which are not simply 'subject to' globali-
passive. In these worldviews the agency of sation).
theNonelocalof the authors whom I have cited are
consists in moulding global forces (which arguingarrive
for a politics which simply posits the local
from outside) to specific circumstances. (good)Local
against the global (bad).2 Nor is this a local-
place, here, is the locus of the productionismofbased on any kind of romantic essentialism of
ogeneity. This is its role in life. It is an endless
place. It is, none-the-less, a politics which is char-
theme of cultural studies. Moreover, on some over and over again as a 'defence' of
ings, even this agency is promptly snatched place. back
again since it may be argued that this kind However,
of dif- if we take seriously the relational con-
ferentiation is just what capitalism wants: whatever
struction of space and place, if we take seriously the
the local does will be recuperated; the 'global' willnature even of the global, and take
locally grounded
reign supreme. This is not only a diminished un-that oft-repeated mantra that the
seriously indeed
derstanding of the potential of local agency; local it
al-global are mutually constituted, then
so, I would argue, a very diminished understanding there is another way of approaching this issue. For
of spatialisation, in terms simply of inter-local in this imagination
het- 'places' are criss-crossings in
erogeneity. the wider power-geometries which constitute both
Gibson-Graham, Escobar, Harcourt and many themselves and 'the global'. In this view local plac-
others want to go beyond this very limited view of es are not simply always the victims of the global;
local agency. For Gibson-Graham one of the criti- nor are they always politically defensible redoubts
cal issues here concerns the re-imagining of 'capi- against the global. For places are also the moments
tal' and 'the global' away from being seamless self- through which the global is constituted, invented,
constituting singular identities, and the assertion of coordinated, produced. They are 'agents' in glo-
the presence in their own right of other forms of balisation. There are two immediate implications.
practice, other ways of organising the economic. It First this fact of the inevitably local production of
is a form of re-imagination, of an alternative under- the global means that there is potentially some pur-
standing, which she argues is an essential element chase through 'local' politics on wider global
in the redistribution of the potential for agency: an mechanisms. Not merely defending the local
attempt to get out from under the position of think- against the global, but seeking to alter the very
ing one's identity as simply 'subject to' globalisa- mechanisms of the global itself. A local politics
tion; it is a process which goes hand in hand with with a wider reach; a local politics on the global -
inhabiting that reforming identity through engage- and we do need to address global politics too. This,
ment in embodied political practice. The stress on then, is a further, different, basis for the recognition
the embodiedness of all this, again, is interesting. of the potential agency of the local.
Of her opponents, the globalists, Gibson-Graham The second implication of this line of reasoning
writes of the rejection of local politics as seeming returns us again to the central question of this paper.
'to emanate from a bodily state, not simply a rea- If the identities of places are indeed the product of
soned intellectual position' (p. 27). This is an ar- relations which spread way beyond them (if we
resting observation, which resonates with all those think space/place in terms of flows and (dis)con-
arguments about Western science's desire for re- nectivities rather than in terms only of territories),
moval from the world (the messiness of the local); then what should be the political relationship to
it may be, as I shall argue below, that there is also those wider geographies of construction?
something else at issue. Now, this is a general proposition. However, dif-
These arguments in favour of both recognising ferent places are of course constructed as varying
and acting upon the potential for local agency are kinds of nodes within globalisation; they each have
extremely important and I should like to take them distinct positions within the wider power-geo-
off in some rather different directions. Once again metries of the global. In consequence, both the pos-
this returns us to the nature of agency. sibilities for intervention in (the degree of purchase
In much of this literature the agency, or potential upon), and the nature of the potential political re-
agency, imputed to the local could be characterised lationship to (including the degree and nature of re-
either in terms of resistance and fightback (i.e. sponsibility for), these wider constitutive relations,
fending off in some way the 'global' forces) or in will also vary. As Escobar points out and exempli-
terms of building alternatives (itself characterised fies so well, one of the significant implications of
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