Vin 4
Vin 4
Vin 4
1.0 Background
During the 2nd round of Janma Bhoomi which was conducted from 3 rd June,
2015 to 7th June, 2015 the focussed areas are Distribution of Rations through PDS
for the month of June, Sensitization on Primary, Social Empowerment, Knowledge/
Skill Development and Urban Mission, Grievance redressal Receiving the petitions,
registering and redressal, Action Taken Report on Micro Plans developed as well as
grievances received during the first round of JBMV, Health Camps- Primary health
Check up and Referral, Veterinary Camps Health Check up, Vaccination and
Referral, Sensitization and mobilization for the 5 Campaigns taken up by GoAP.
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Human Development:
Social Development:
Economic Development:
1. Home for all – with access to toilet, safe- drinking water, and regular
3. Every village household has a functional bank account/PM Jan Dhan Bank
Environmental Development:
1. GP / Ward has trees in vacant land i.e. common land, road side,
institutional premises
Local Bodies:
Good Governance:
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3. GP / Ward has functional grievance redressal system
The Government also launched several immediate, medium term and longer
term initiatives - viz., the 7 Missions (Primary Sector, Social Empowerment,
Knowledge & Skill Development, Urban Development, Industry Sector,
Infrastructure, Service Sector), 5 Campaigns (Polam Pilustondi, Badi Pilustondi,
Pedarikam Pai Gelupu, Swaccha Andhra Pradesh, Neeru Chettu) and 5 Grids
(Water, Road, Power, Gas, Fibre Optic) for sustainable development of the State.
Government schemes
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o Distributing the 12.43 lakh ration cards during the programme after
due verification in advance at village level
o Taking up of CC roads-3 kms per day per district in 100 days under
o Launching the NTR Jala Siri programme of taking up 1.00 lakh bore
wells in feasible areas.
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GP/Ward visits will commence from 2 nd January, 2016 and will
continue till 11th January, 2016. In this regard, it is to be ensured
that all GPs/ Wards are covered in the aforementioned time.
4.2 Coverage:
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namely Pedarikam Pai Gelupu, Badi Pilustondi / Mallee Badi
Pilustondi, Polam Pilustondi, Neeru-Chettu and Swach Andhra
All village level functionaries would join for the respective GPs.
All members of a team will visit all the Panchayats together lead by
MPDO or the Tehsildar as the case maybe.
Apart from the officials, ASHA worker, ANM, AWW and any other
personnel as felt necessary by the District Collector may be co-
opted in the team.
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and send to I&PR Department well in advance and
coordinate with them to ensure that the material reaches
the districts in time.
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grievance management system (MEE Kosam website). The applications
received should be scanned and uploaded to the website.
The individual grievances should be followed up by the MRO/ respective
departments. The team should also furnish the action taken report on
grievances / assurances of previous rounds of JBMV.
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a) Identify the GPs/ Wards where Fluoride and contaminated water is
present and ensure supply of mineral water by 31 st Jan 2016.
Village wise Land records with certain litigations need to be sorted out
by reading them in the JB programme.
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fulfil the grievances or any requests given during the programme will
generally be met by meeting the expenditure from the regular budgets
of the respective departments only.
7.7 All the District Collectors shall make arrangements for providing the
information daily by the end of the day on conduct of the program in
the website developed for the purpose.
7.8 Control rooms must be opened in offices of the District Collectors for
providing any clarifications sought from the GPs/ wards during the
programme period. The contact person’s name and contact numbers
should be publicized.
7.9 District Collectors are advised to follow the theme and content of the
programme to realize the objectives.
1. Sri.Sundar,
3. Sri. Chiranjeevi,
4. Sri.P. Sandeep,
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For general clarifications
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