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Guidelines for 3rd Round of Janma Bhoomi- Maa Vooru (JBMV)

From 2nd January, 2016 to 11th January, 2016

Theme: Smart Village – Smart Ward Towards Smart Andhra Pradesh

1.0 Background

The Government has launched a people centred development and welfare

programme “Janmabhoomi - Maa Vooru” in the month of October,2014 and
initiated to conduct 1st round Janmabhoomi from 2 nd October,2014 to 20th
October,2014on the thrust areas viz., Pensions, Health Camps, Veterinary camps,
sensitizing peoples through 5 Campaigns, Grievance redressal and preparation and
collection of data through Micro Plan.

During the 2nd round of Janma Bhoomi which was conducted from 3 rd June,
2015 to 7th June, 2015 the focussed areas are Distribution of Rations through PDS
for the month of June, Sensitization on Primary, Social Empowerment, Knowledge/
Skill Development and Urban Mission, Grievance redressal Receiving the petitions,
registering and redressal, Action Taken Report on Micro Plans developed as well as
grievances received during the first round of JBMV, Health Camps- Primary health
Check up and Referral, Veterinary Camps Health Check up, Vaccination and
Referral, Sensitization and mobilization for the 5 Campaigns taken up by GoAP.

2.0 3rd Round of Janma Bhoomi:

As a continuous programme, the 3rd Round of Janma Bhoomi will be

conducted from 2nd to 11th January, 2016 with the main theme of Smart Village –
Smart Ward Towards Smart Andhra Pradesh (SVSW) in all the GPs/Wards.

Government of Andhra Pradesh has embarked a noble initiative to make all

Gram Panchayats and Wards smart as part of Smart Village and Smart Ward
towards Smart Andhra Pradesh programme, which was officially launched by the
Hon’ble Chief Minister in January 2015. The Smart Village-Smart Ward programme
intends to achieve smart infrastructure, smart service delivery, smart technology
and innovation, smart institutions along with optimal mobilisation and utilisation of
available resources, leading to faster and more inclusive growth.

A ‘Smart Village/Ward’ encompasses sustainable and inclusive development

of all sections of its community, so they enjoy a high standard of living. The 100
per cent achievement of the 20 basic amenities, outcomes and services in a definite
time frame, is a non-negotiable condition for moving towards Smart Village-Smart
Ward. These 20 non-negotiables are categorized as follows:

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Human Development:

1. 100% Institutional Deliveries

2. End all preventable maternal deaths

3. End all preventable infant deaths

4. Malnutrition free children (below 9 years of age)

5. Zero school drop outs of boys and girls up to 12th class

Social Development:

1. End open defecation

2. End girl-child marriages (girls below 18 years of age)

Economic Development:

1. Home for all – with access to toilet, safe- drinking water, and regular

2. Every household has diversified livelihood opportunities and/or micro-


3. Every village household has a functional bank account/PM Jan Dhan Bank

4. Every farmer has soil health card, enriched micro-nutrients

5. Functional toilet, potable water, electricity available in Anganwadi

Centres, Govt. Schools, health centre, GP / Ward building

Environmental Development:

1. GP / Ward has trees in vacant land i.e. common land, road side,
institutional premises

2. GP / Ward has functional water conservation and harvesting structures

3. Functional solid / liquid waste management system

Local Bodies:

1. Gram Sabha/Ward Sabha held 4 times a year with 2/3rd attendance

2. GP / Ward has its own dynamic development plan prepared by community


Good Governance:

1. GP / Ward has functional Information Centre i.e. Computer Lab, and

Mee-Seva Centre

2. GP / Ward has telecom/ internet connectivity

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3. GP / Ward has functional grievance redressal system

The Government also launched several immediate, medium term and longer
term initiatives - viz., the 7 Missions (Primary Sector, Social Empowerment,
Knowledge & Skill Development, Urban Development, Industry Sector,
Infrastructure, Service Sector), 5 Campaigns (Polam Pilustondi, Badi Pilustondi,
Pedarikam Pai Gelupu, Swaccha Andhra Pradesh, Neeru Chettu) and 5 Grids
(Water, Road, Power, Gas, Fibre Optic) for sustainable development of the State.

3.0 Thrust areas

 The Thrust areas of current round of JBMV is as follows:

 Smart Village-Smart Ward

o Facilitating interaction of the partners of SVSW with government

officials and community.

o Sensitizing the partners and community on 20 non-negotiables of the

SVSW Programme.

o Sensitizing the partners and community on baseline survey of the

SVSW Programme.

o Sensitizing the partners and community on Village Development Plans

of the SVSW Programme.

o Sensitizing the partners and community on geo-tagging of assets and

resources available in GPs.

o Creating awareness of all Government schemes related to 20 non-

negotiables of SVSW Programme.

o Publicising and documentation of success stories of the work done by

the active partners and giving awards to partners for the best work in
the field on any of the 20 non negotiables in functions organised at
district level during the programme period of Janma Bhooomi .

 Government schemes

o Ascertaining the status of grounding of Government schemes

o Distributing 43.74 lakh existing pensions

o Ensuring effective implementation of e-POS system for distribution of

commodities under PDS.

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o Distributing the 12.43 lakh ration cards during the programme after
due verification in advance at village level

o Sanctioning of houses and verification of eligibility for new houses

o Publicising the completion of digitization of land records under MEE

BHOOMI programme

o Internal roads, internal drainage, rural water supply and grounding of


o Taking up of one of the three types of farm ponds under PANTA


o Taking up of CC roads-3 kms per day per district in 100 days under

o Launching the NTR Jala Siri programme of taking up 1.00 lakh bore
wells in feasible areas.

o Demonstration of the ground water levels in villages during the


o Conducting health and veterinary camps

 Campaigns

o Sensitizing on Five Campaigns

1. Pedarikam pai Gelupu

2. Badi Pilustondi / Mallee Badi Pilusthondi
3. Polam Pilustondi
4. Neeru-Chettu
5. Swacha Andhra Pradesh

 Grievances

o Action Taken Report on grievances / assurances of previous rounds of


o Registering the new grievances / assurances.

4.0 Operational guidelines

4.1 Programme Duration:

 Programme duration will be from 2nd January, 2016 to 11thJanuary,

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 GP/Ward visits will commence from 2 nd January, 2016 and will
continue till 11th January, 2016. In this regard, it is to be ensured
that all GPs/ Wards are covered in the aforementioned time.

4.2 Coverage:

 Required number of teams as decided by the District Collector will

be constituted for each Mandal. Each team would cover sufficient
number of GPs per day to cover all GPs in the Mandal during the
program duration. The District Collectors will also constitute the
requisite number of teams for covering each ward in the municipal
areas. The visit schedule of teams of rural and municipal areas will
be prepared accordingly by the District Collector.

 The teams will use Focused Group Discussion as well as other

means to conduct the meetings.

4.3 Visit Schedule:

 The District Collectors should prepare the schedule of each team in

advance. Wide publicity shall be given to the GP/ Municipal ward
visit schedule under the Janmabhoomi-Maa Vooru programme and
it shall also be informed well in advance to respective GPs/Wards.

 The schedule will also be uploaded in the designated website for

information and for monitoring the visits.

4.4 Officers Responsible at Various Levels:

 A District Level Committee is constituted for the coordination of the

JBMV programme.

 The Gram Panchayat/Mandal level Committee coordinates the

programme at the Panchayat/mandal level in the rural areas.

 The Municipal ward/division Committee will coordinate the

programme at the Municipal level in the urban areas.

 The District Collector will be responsible of the programme at

District level supported by District Panchayat Officer. Mandal
Development officer will be responsible for the respective mandals
and the Municipal Commissioner at the Municipality level. These
officers shall be responsible in all respects for organizing and
conducting the programme successfully.

 Create awareness for the five campaigns, representation is sought

from officials of the Departments of Agriculture and Horticulture,
Rural Development and RWS, Irrigation, Education, Women and
Child Development and Velugu representing the five campaigns,

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namely Pedarikam Pai Gelupu, Badi Pilustondi / Mallee Badi
Pilustondi, Polam Pilustondi, Neeru-Chettu and Swach Andhra

 Facilitate grounding of 5 identified non-negotiables viz., Drinking

Water, sanitation, Swach Andhra, Greening and Water Harvesting

4.5 Visiting teams: 

The District Collectors would constitute the number of teams as per

the field requirements to complete the program as per the guidelines. 

Rural Team: Each Mandal would have sufficient number of teams

headed by Senior Mandal Level Officers like the MPDO, Tehsildar etc.
Necessary number of teams to be formed in all the Mandals so as to
cover all the GPs during the programme duration. The Mandal Level
Officers should be judiciously distributed between the teams by the
District Collector as per the field necessity.

 All village level functionaries would join for the respective GPs.

 All members of a team will visit all the Panchayats together lead by
MPDO or the Tehsildar as the case maybe.

 Apart from the officials, ASHA worker, ANM, AWW and any other
personnel as felt necessary by the District Collector may be co-
opted in the team.

Urban Team: Municipal Commissioners in consultation with

the District Collectors would constitute the necessary number of teams
to cover all the wards in each municipality during the programme

 The Municipal Ward/ Municipal Corporation Committee will also

participate in the programme.

 The team members consisting of Ward member, bill collector and

other officers concerned together will visit all the Wards in the
Municipal towns under the leadership of Municipal Commissioner.

4.6 Budgetary support

 An amount of Rs.1crore (approx.) per district is being provided for

conduct of the programme.

4.7 Programme Structure:

 The departments concerned to the thrust areas of the

programme are requested to prepare the publicity material

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and send to I&PR Department well in advance and
coordinate with them to ensure that the material reaches
the districts in time.

 The District Collectors must ensure that posters, depicting the

vision of the government, supplied by I&PR department are
prominently exhibited well before the commencement of the
programme in all GPs/wards particularly during the visit.

 Commencing the programme: The Janmabhoomi Maa Vooru

programme at GP/Ward level will commence from 2 nd January,
2016 and will begin with recitation of ‘Maa Telugu Talli’ followed by
the Janmabhoomi song. It will be followed by reading out the
message of the Hon’ble Chief Minister.

5.0 Data Collection and Transmission

 The data will be collected in “Daily Reporting Format” pertains to the
conduct of the program and summary of key items. It will be linked to the
CM Dash Board for online real-time reporting.
 The purpose of having formal identity linked to individuals is to facilitate
tracking of the request, to avoid middlemen and thereby ensure
transparency in proper service delivery to the targeted persons. Further,
the mobile number would be used for communicating the status of the
 Data pertaining to the individuals may be Aadhaar number-based or
Enrolment ID (EID) or Voter ID or Ration Card No. based. Phone (mobile
number) if available may be taken as the whole exercise must facilitate
further follow up.
 The data entry can take place at the GP level if the connectivity is
available or in the office of MPDO.
 The data should be daily entered in the evening in the designated
 The Chief Planning Officer at the district level and the Mandal ASO at the
mandal level will coordinate the data collection and entry.
 The Habitation Codes to be used to uniquely identify GP/Ward

 Individual Grievances: Two/three officers should be designated to receive

the individual grievances. MRO would be responsible for the coordination
and management of grievances received. The grievances received should
be grouped in 22 categories as per usual practices.
 The individual grievance data should be entered into the existing

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grievance management system (MEE Kosam website). The applications
received should be scanned and uploaded to the website.
 The individual grievances should be followed up by the MRO/ respective
departments. The team should also furnish the action taken report on
grievances / assurances of previous rounds of JBMV.

6.0 Additional activities

6.1 Ration Cards:

a) Six step validation to be followed before distributing the new
b) JB Committee members to verify the eligible beneficiaries.
c) NIC to verify the “fields” (Aadhar number, finger prints etc.) of
e-POS for stabilizing the system and to avoid biometric failures.
6.2 Medical and Health:

1. Five new services are to be introduced during the year 2016-17:

a) Comprehensive maintenance of all equipment across District
Hospitals, CHCs, and PHCs under PPP mode with TBS India and
NHM support.
b) Tele-Radiology interfaced till CHC level would be launched during
the Janma Bhoomi Programme.
c) Free Lab diagnostics program to be initiated under NHM support.
For tests that are not currently provided in PHCs/CHCs & DHs,
the samples shall be collected by service provider from facilities
and results reported within stipulated time frame.
d) 102 toll free call centre for all health services will be launched on
1st Jan 2016.
e) 102 drop back services for mother and child (talli bidda express)
to be launched on1stJan 2016.
2. NTR Vydya Seva Cards will be distributed during the JB Programme.
3. Inter departmental coordination with PR, MA&UD and Health to
ensure non prevalence of Dengue and Malaria to be put in place.
4. Posters/ Pamphlets on the above services to be prepared to give
vide publicity during the JB programme.
6.3 Roads:
Steps to be initiated to ensure that there are No potholes on both R&B
and PR Roads by 30th Jan 2016.

6.4 Drinking Water:

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a) Identify the GPs/ Wards where Fluoride and contaminated water is
present and ensure supply of mineral water by 31 st Jan 2016.

b) Action plan to be prepared and a specific mechanism to be put in

place to ensure supply of drinking water in summer on daily basis by
utilising the water available in local sources without resorting to
transportation of water.

6.5 Land Records:

Village wise Land records with certain litigations need to be sorted out
by reading them in the JB programme.

6.6 Cultural Activities:

The Department of Culture is requested to organise festivals in the

districts during the period of JBMV programme from 2 nd January 2016
to 11th January 2016 and culminated with Sankranthi festival on 15 th
January 2016.
7.0 General instructions
7.1 It is to be noted that the data collected during the programme will
actually flow into the District Annual Plan and it will be used for regular

7.2 An orientation programme shall be conducted at District level for all

the departments, on Janmabhoomi-Maa Vooru under the Chairmanship
of District In-charge Minister.

7.3 Commissioner Rural Development in Rural areas and Director,

MA&UD in urban areas are requested to take up one day
training programme at Mandal / Municipality level to all the
Janmabhoomi members to sensitize them on the thrust areas of
the current round of Janmabhoomi along with the roles and
responsibilities of the JB Committee members. Principal
secretary, PR&RD and Principal Secretary, MA&UD are
requested to issue necessary instructions to all the concerned
in this regard.

7.4 The members of the JB Committees at Mandal/Municipality levels and

at GP/Ward level should actively participate during the Janmabhoomi
Maa vooru programme.

7.5 The Mandal/Municipal team shall travel in a single van/ vehicle of an

appropriate size. Required vehicles may be hired for visit during the
month as per existing government norms. Any financial requirement to

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fulfil the grievances or any requests given during the programme will
generally be met by meeting the expenditure from the regular budgets
of the respective departments only.

7.6 The MRO concerned is responsible for proper registering of the

grievances and for coordinating the redressal of the grievance. The
status of the grievance is to be informed to the cell number of the
applicant. The grievance is to be entered under JB MV grievances.

7.7 All the District Collectors shall make arrangements for providing the
information daily by the end of the day on conduct of the program in
the website developed for the purpose.

7.8 Control rooms must be opened in offices of the District Collectors for
providing any clarifications sought from the GPs/ wards during the
programme period. The contact person’s name and contact numbers
should be publicized.

7.9 District Collectors are advised to follow the theme and content of the
programme to realize the objectives.

7.10 Contact persons:

For technical issues

1. Sri.Sundar,

Director, ESD, Mee Seva, IT&C Dept.,

Cell number 8332959789

2. Sri.V. Muthu Ramasamy,

Deputy Director (Tech.), Mee Seva,


3. Sri. Chiranjeevi,

Team Member, Mee Seva, IT&C Dept.,

Cell number 9100939282

4. Sri.P. Sandeep,

Technical Consultant, PERITUS Technologies


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For general clarifications

1. Sri. Ch. Santhi Swarup

Joint Director, Planning Dept.
Cell No. 9849901509
2. Sri. M. Balakrishna
Joint Director, Planning Dept.
Cell No. 9989774478
3. Sri. L. Kodanda Rao
Deputy Director, Planning Dept.
Cell No. 9100797133

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