Swachhagrahi Guidelines 2018

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Government of India
Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation
Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin)
12thFloor, Pt. Deendayal 'Antyodaya Bhawan'
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
New Delhi-l 10 003
Dated 07.08.2018

The Add], Chief SecretarylPr. Secretary/Secretary
In-charge of rural sanitation,
All StateslUTs

Subject: - Circulation of revised Swachhagrahi Guidelines, 2018 - regarding


As you are aware, Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) [SBM (G)] emphasizes on intense
behaviour change campaigns including inter-personal communication for achieving
sustainable sanitation outcomes. Swachhagrahis are the foot soldiers of the SBM (G) and the
motivators for bringing about behaviour change with respect to key sanitation practices in rural
areas. Role of Swachhagrahis is one of the key factors in achieving the ODF status and
sustaining it through post ODF activities.
2. Considering the importance of Swachhagrahis in implementation of the programme,
this Ministry has come up withdetailed guidelines for engagement of Swachhagrahis in
planning, implementation and monitoring of SBM (G). The guidelines also suggest specific
activity-wise incentive structure for Swachhagrahis, including post ODF activities.
3. I am glad to forward herewith the revised Swachhagrahi guidelines, 2018 for
information and necessary action by the States/U'Ts. It is hoped that these revised guidelines
will help the States/UTs to use services of the Swachhagrahis for achieving the goal of SBM
(G) in letter and spirit.
Encl. As above
\ l-,t..
(Arun Baroka)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
Tele: -011-24362192
Email: -arun.baroka@nic.in
Copy to: - Mission Director/State coordinator, SBM (G), all States/UTs

Sustaining ODF outcomes through Swachhagrahis

1 Introduction

Swachh Bharat Mission aims to provide people with sustainable sanitation and hygiene services. As
per the SBM (G) guidelines, Swachhagrahis are the foot soldiers of the Swachh Bharat Mission
(Grameen) and the motivators for bringing about behavior change with respect to key sanitation
practices in rural India. Every village should ideally have at least one Swachhagrahi, with preference
given to women candidates. A Swachhagrahi is a volunteer who can come from any background,
including a local ASHA worker, ANM, Anganwadi worker, and staff, water line man, pump operator,
member of NCO/CSOs,youth organisations or from the general public living in villages.

The role of Swachhagrahis remains critical even after the ODF declaration, as they playa crucial role
in sustaining the ODF status of their villages. In this, the following have been found to be critical:

• Sustained engagement with the Swachhagrahis

• Systems for continued capacity building and motivation of Swachhagrahis
• Appropriate incentives for this sustained engagement

2 Role of Swachhagrahis

The range of activities being performed by Swachhagrahis can be grouped as per the phases of SBM-
G program:
• Planning
• Implementation
• Sustainability

2.1 Planning

During this phase, the role and responsibilities of the Swachhagrahi are:
• Undertake pre-triggering activities and prepare the community for triggering
• Facilitate community triggering sessions in assigned villages using Community Approaches to
sanitation (CAS)
• Carry out participative mapping of the village's open defection status and also record the
sanitation status of all the households in the concerned village
• Participate in and support the Gram Panchayat (GP) in the preparation of a time-bound village-
level action plan to eliminate open defecation
• Facilitate formation of and strengthening of Nigrani Samitis in the triggered villages
• Conduct household visits to generate demand of toilet construction and use, and raise awareness
about hygiene
• Support activities like assisting GPs to hold a {Sanitation Day' every month so that the GP
achieves/sustains the ODF status
• Any other activity that supports village plan for attaining ODF status

2.2 Implementation

During this phase, the role and responsibilities of the Swachhagrahi are:

Facilitating Toilet Construction

• Assist the Gram Pradhan/Sarpanch and GP Secretary for ensuring the availability of sufficient
number of trained masons and their effective deployment.
• Mobilise and support the community for the construction of Household toilets of good quality.
Provide information on appropriate toilet technologies and support in supply chain management
• Monitor the quality of construction of toilets and support in training and coordinating with masons
• Ensure that the masons are adequately trained on the twin leach-pit technology toilet
• Canvass for the construction and sustainable operation and maintenance of institutional toilets
such as toilets in schools, AWCs and Health facilities

Facilitating sustained behavior change

• Coordinate with local stakeholders, GP,Village Water and Sanitation Committees (VWSCs),ASHAs,
AWWs, Teachers, etc. for effective implementation of SBM(G) activities
• Interact with other locally available organisations like SHGs,youth organizations like Nehru Yuva
Kendra Sangathan (NYKS),Mahila Sangathans etc.
• Assist in developing and implementing capacity building plans for strengthening Nigrani Samitis at
village/GP level.
• Conduct community mobilisation events and public meetings with the Nigrani Samitis, community
members and other key stakeholders including for events in schools and AWCs
• Organise Prabhat Pheris (morning walks); evening follow-ups and Ratri Chaupals (Night meetings)
• Provides support to document best practices for replication in other villages
• Assist the monitoring of the SBM(G) programme in his/her village as a support to block and district

2.3 Sustainability
Swachhagrahis are expected to support ODF sustainability in the following ways:

Retrofitting and improvisation of assets

• Geotag the toilets constructed
• Assist in construction/retro-fitting of defunct or poorly built HH and institutional toilets in the
• Communicate about financing options for use for the upgradation of sanitation, hygiene and bath
facilities in homes so that Households can develop better quality facilities.

Reinforcing improved behaviours

• Conduct ODF verifications of the village: First verification, second verification and subsequent
sustainability verifications
• Assist GPfunctionaries in organizing functions/ events to commemorate ODF status- regular ODF
Days, celebration on Independence Day/ Republic Day
• Ensure continued functioning of the village Nigrani Samiti, organization of ratri chaupals, village
meetings on the issue of cleanliness
• Ensure institutionalization of ODF approach in the village through ODF branding in the village,
resolutions passed in Gram Sabhas, construction of Model toilets etc.
• Promote community-level water conservation to ensure availability of water for use in toilets
• Organise awareness programmes in institutions such as schools and AWC regarding the
sustainability of ODF status ofthe village

Operation and maintenance

• Raise awareness about proper operation and maintenance of toilets (O&M) including correct
ways of emptying compost from toilet pits by the members of the household themselves
• Operation and maintenance of toilets in institutional buildings viz. schools, PHCs, community
toilets and sanitary complexes, Anganwadi centres

• Hand washing with soap at homes and in schools and anganwadis before mid-day meals
• Develop plan and support implementation of SLRM activities viz. construction of covered drains,
community soak pits, compost pits; maintenance of the assets thus created; schemes like
• Support villages in cleaning of water sources and public water bodies
• Menstrual hygiene management (MHM) activities including awareness generation among
adolescent girls and safe disposal of sanitary waste

3. Recruitment and deployment of Swachhagrahis

The practices related to the recruitment and deployment of Swachhagrahis vary across states in India.
Some States have issued dedicated guidelines/government orders for engagement of Swachhagrahis
(previously known as Swachhata Doots).

3.1 Engagement of Swachhagrahis

The Swachhagrahi is a voluntary position, and not envisaged to be permanent in nature. This message
has to be clearly spread in the GP during the selection process itself. However, the Swachhagrahis
must be paid an appropriate incentive for their contribution.

Swachhagrahis should be engaged by the District Water Sanitation Committee (DWSC) on

recommendation of GP.There should be adequate representation of men and women.

The general qualifications of the Swachhagrahis are:

• resident of the same or neighboring GP
• must have accessto a toilet and should not be practicing open defecation, and
• should possessgood communication skills (esp. the local language and dialect)

3.2 Capacity building of Swachhagrahis

Swachhagrahis should ideally undergo a 5-day CAS training in community mobilization / triggering
skills. For this, the State/district should engage a KRC(empaneled KRClist on SBM website) or by using
the services of trained government trainers.

The Swachhagrahi should be provided a toolkit comprising of:

• Resource Material for Community Mobilization (Saarthi)
• Resource Material for Safe Toilet Technology facilitation
• A T-Shirt (Male) / Apron (Female) with SBM (G) branding
• A Cap with SBM (G) branding
• A torch and a whistle

After their village/GP is declared ODF, a fresh orientation of their roles and responsibilities towards
ODF-Sis required in the following areas:
• IPC/IECactivities for ODF sustainability and ODF+
• Engaging and mobilising communities and Nigrani Samitis for ODF sustainability
• Retrofitting of defunct or incorrectly built toilets
• Basic skills on developing, demonstrating and implementing SLRM initiatives in communities
• Principles and techniques of Faecal sludge management in rural areas
• Basic concepts and interventions of Menstrual hygiene management

Further, they must be trained to explain why the ODF momentum should be sustained.

3.3 Arrangements before deployment of Swachhagrahis:

• Well-defined roles & responsibilities

• Suitable provision of incentives
• Timely incentive payments
• Clear structures for reporting and supervision of Swachhagrahis
• Mechanism for monthly performance review
• Capacity enhancement support (including trainings) and performance monitoring
• Availability of basic logistical support for undertaking inter-personal communication activities

4. Incentives for Swachhagrahis

Incentive structure pre-ODF

As per the guidelines, Swachhagrahis can receive up to INR 150/- for construction and sustained use
of every household toilet triggered by him/her. This could either be given as a lumpsum amount on
achievement of a particular milestone or in a phased manner, from the IEC budget. Often the
Swachhagrahi also receives an award amount, as decided by the State /district, for each ODF declared

Incentive structure post-ODF

For sustaining ODF status of the village, Swachhagrahis will undertake the following activities and may
receive payment from IECbudget subject to confirmation on achievement of the same:

Activities Allowable payment of incentive

1. Geotagging of each toilet in the village Up to Rs. 5/ toilet
2. First Verification of each household in the village Up to Rs. 10 per household
(within 3 months of ODF declaration of the village) (verification and IPC)
along with IPC/ IEC activity to ensure community
awareness and participation leading to ODF (S)
3. Second verification/ subsequent sustainability Up to Rs. 15 per household
verification of each household {within 9 months of (verification and IPC)

ODF declaration of the village) along with IPC/ IEC

activity to ensure community awareness and
participation leading to ODF (5) sustenance
4. Ensuring conversion of household's dysfunctional Rs. 25/ toilet
toilet to functional toilet
• Repair of broken pan
• Choked pipes
• Blocked drains
• Broken doors/walls/roof etc.
5. Ensuring retrofitting of previously constructed toilets Rs. 25/ toilet
(as per safe technology)
• Addition of a second pit to a single pit toilet
• Construction of soak pit with septic tank
• Construction of separate pits for in situ
toilets etc.
6. Ensuring following SLWM activities in the village and Rs. 200 per village (assuming the
creating public awareness on the operation and village will comprise of 50-100
maintenance of the assets created households)
• Construction of pucca and covered drains
(one time)
• Construction of community soak pits (one
• Construction of community compost pits
(one time)
• Construction of community bio gas plants
7. Ensuring activities for visual cleanliness in the village Rs. 200 per village (assuming the
• Maintenance of drains (monthly) village will comprise of 50-100
• Maintenance of bio gas plants (monthly) households) per activity
• Cleaning of ponds, drains, streets, local
markets, etc. - fortnightly.
• Early morning/evening Nigrani, along with
the other Nigrani Samiti members - weekly.
• Organizing Ratri chaupals/ village meeting on
the issue of Swachhata/ ODF sustainability-
8. Facilitating ODF sustainability activities Rs. 200 per village (assuming the
• Repair and cleanliness of toilets in village will comprise of 50-100
institutional buildings households) per activity
o Schools, PHCs, community toilets and
sanitary complexes, Anganwadi centres-
monthly basis.
• Observance of days of national importance
viz. Independence Day, Republic day as well
as ODF day/ Swachhata day to
commemorate the ODF status of the village.
.. 6

• Construction (one time) and maintenance

(monthly) of Model Toilet at GP level

• ODF branding in the village- wall writings,

erection of display board/plaque announcing
the ODF status of the village
• Passing of resolution in the Gram Sabha for
the following:
0 ODF declaration of the village
0 ODF verification of the village
0 Post -ODF declaration, any new families/
HHs to essentially self-construct their
9. Facilitating self-construction of toilets by any new Rs.25/ toilet
families/ HHs post -ODF declaration of the village

Such initiatives may only be provided to Swachhagrahis (non-government employees) with

demonstrated skills and requisite capacity (successful completion of 5 days CAStraining and other
mandatory trainings as recommended by Gol) for carrying out the above activities, to be certified
at the district level.

Non-financial incentives
These include recognition by governments at different levels. They are felicitated by different public
and private organisations (e.g. recognition/awards by Government etc.). Some creative rewards have
also been introduced in different states and districts, such as Lunch and Dinner of Champion
Swachhagrahis with the District Collector. Some States also choose to give incentives such as passes/
discount for travel through public transport/ train; Provision of insurance (medical and / or life
insurance); Atal pension scheme etc.

5. Suggested activities for Swachhagrahi Management

• An online system for registration of all Swachhagrahis shall give identity to each Swachhagrahi
• Publications of Champion Swachhagrahi stories with their photos, in government publications
print, electronic and social media
• Use of ICTbased training tools to keep swachhagrahis motivated. E.g. Mobile-based training
• Training of swacchagrahis in communication skills, toilet technology, etc. (ITI/ IGNOU / NSDC)
• Charting a career progression plan, e.g. deployment as a master trainer, or block level postings

6. Monitoring availability of Swachhagrahis

The SBMG MIS has a Swachhagrahi monitoring database and dashboard (consolidated at district, block,
GP levels) to capture the status of each Swachhagrahi, their activity status, their performance, the
training they have received, and the incentives they have received. This is to be populated and
updated by the States.

The district should maintain a roster of Swachhagrahis trained, employed. Any inactive swachhagrahi
should be replaced within a period of one month of reporting. All cases of attrition and new
recruitment should be suitably reflected on the MIS.

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