This document provides a troubleshooting guide for wheel dryers. It lists several issues that could cause the dryer to not start, the heater to not start, or material in the hopper to not dry properly. For each issue, it describes potential causes and solutions. Some common causes include power issues, alarm faults, incorrect temperatures, dirty filters reducing airflow, and desiccant or sensor problems preventing the dryer from achieving the proper dew point. The guide recommends checking manufacturer specifications and dryer alarms for guidance on resolving issues.
This document provides a troubleshooting guide for wheel dryers. It lists several issues that could cause the dryer to not start, the heater to not start, or material in the hopper to not dry properly. For each issue, it describes potential causes and solutions. Some common causes include power issues, alarm faults, incorrect temperatures, dirty filters reducing airflow, and desiccant or sensor problems preventing the dryer from achieving the proper dew point. The guide recommends checking manufacturer specifications and dryer alarms for guidance on resolving issues.
This document provides a troubleshooting guide for wheel dryers. It lists several issues that could cause the dryer to not start, the heater to not start, or material in the hopper to not dry properly. For each issue, it describes potential causes and solutions. Some common causes include power issues, alarm faults, incorrect temperatures, dirty filters reducing airflow, and desiccant or sensor problems preventing the dryer from achieving the proper dew point. The guide recommends checking manufacturer specifications and dryer alarms for guidance on resolving issues.
This document provides a troubleshooting guide for wheel dryers. It lists several issues that could cause the dryer to not start, the heater to not start, or material in the hopper to not dry properly. For each issue, it describes potential causes and solutions. Some common causes include power issues, alarm faults, incorrect temperatures, dirty filters reducing airflow, and desiccant or sensor problems preventing the dryer from achieving the proper dew point. The guide recommends checking manufacturer specifications and dryer alarms for guidance on resolving issues.
The wheel dryer is a desiccant dryer. These are the
THE DRYER IS NOT MAKING THE most predominant dryers in service today. It uses a continuously turning wheel of desiccant that general- CORRECT DEW POINT ly provides a very consistent dew point and tempera- a. Return Air Temperature – Most dryers ture to the process. However, there are some things need no more than a 140 F return tem- you need to know to address issues that you may see. perature to the desiccant so that it oper- ates properly. If the return temperature THE DRYER WILL NOT START is too high, it can be difficult to make a a. Power issues – Is there power getting to -40 dew point. It may be necessary to the dryer and the dryer controls? This use cooling water at the return air cool- could be because the dryer main circuit ing coil. breaker or disconnect are not turned b. Dew Point Sensor – Generally the dew on. Check to see if the dryer has the point sensor needs to be replaced yearly. proper power and voltage. If the dryer is Ensure it’s in proper working order getting power but the controls are not, c. Desiccant condition – Is there any dust check the control transformers second- or volatile contamination of the desic- ary fuse. cant? If so, replace it. b. Alarm Faults - Did the dryer shut sown d. High return dew point to the desiccant in an alarm condition? Dryers have – There are limits to how much moisture safety features that insure they don’t the desiccant can adsorb. If there is start until there is a corrective action for excessive moisture coming from the resin major faults. (i.e. surface moisture or from excessive c. Phase issues – Is the dryer seeing power hydration) the desiccant may not be able on all phases? Is there correct rotation to achieve the required dew point perfor- on the blowers? Was there a blower fault mance. such as pulling too many amps? e. Insufficient regeneration heat or flow – Check your regeneration filters and the THE HEATER WILL NOT START regeneration inlet and discharge tem- a. Safety Interlocks – Most process heat- perature. If the filters are dirty, replace ers, have an interlock to ensure that the them? If the inlet temperature is below heater does not come on if the process that specified by the manufacturer, blower is not running check to see if the heating element is b. Blower rotation – The heater may not operating properly. If the regeneration start in the event of incorrect blower exhaust is less than 212 F, the air flow rotation. may be insufficient or the resin moisture c. Flow Switch – There may be a flow may be beyond the dryers design limits. switch so that the heater doesn’t come on if the air flow is low enough that there could be an overheat condition. This could be caused by dirty filters or clogged lines with fines or volatiles.
Drying Done Right
DRYING PROPERLY IN THE HOPPER/ DOES NOT DISCHARGE a. D irty filters – If the air flow is reduced, PROPERLY the resin may not dry properly. a. Process Drying Temperature – Has the b. Hopper Residence Time – Is the hopper manufacturer’s recommended drying sized properly? Different resins require temperature been exceeded? Most different drying times. Not all resins dryers have minimum temperatures that can be dried in 2-4 hours. This is espe- the can operate. Part of this is because cially true for resins with a low drying there is a temperature rise across the temperature or soft resins that can stick process blower (heat of compression) together if the drying temperature is and another rise across the desiccant elevated. (heat of adsorption). You may need c. Leaks in the System – The hopper and cooling water prior to the desiccant and/ the conveying system need to be isolated or following it to achieve the manufac- from ambient and each other. Any leaks turer’s recommended temperature. This that can cause the dry air to leave the is a typical occurrence with copolyesters system should be eliminated. This is and bio-resins. also true of hoses and ducting. b. W heel Speed – Generally high wheel d. Incorrect drying temperatures – Try to speeds lead to higher discharge tempera- follow the manufacturer’s recommenda- tures. This is because the time in the tions. For instance, not all grades of the cooling section is reduced. Discuss same resin class should be dried at the changing the wheel speed with the dry- same temperature. (i.e. not all nylon 66’s er’s manufacturer. are the same) Also, are all of the ele- c. Low Air Flow – Low air flow could lead ments in the process heater working? At to less cooling and higher discharge times, this can lead to lower than de- temperatures. Check your filters and signed drying temperatures. consider adding a flow switch alarm if it e. Hopper Level – Is the hopper level being wasn’t provided with the dryer. controlled at too low a level for the d. R esin type – Some resin types, like residence time necessary? elastomers, have issues with bridging. f. Dew Point Performance – There must Tall hoppers can lead to high pressure be a driving force for the resin’s mois- on the resin at the bottom of the hop- ture to leave it for the air stream. Is the pers, and compression that leads to dryer operating at it should per the bridging. Soft resins may require special previous section? Dew points higher hopper designs, or agitation, that limit than -40 can indicate that the dryer isn’t this issue. performing to specifications. Many dryers today give you recommendations g. W heel Speed – Is the wheel rotating at for solving issues. Please note the alarms given by the manufacturer’s specified speed? the dryers and correct any issues. For further information, check the instruction manual or dis- cuss the problem with the vendor’s service depart- ment expert.