Drying Dry: Process Optimization With Dry Running Vacuum Pumps

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Drying dry

Process optimization
With dry running vacuum pumps

Pharmaceutical drying applications require

reproducible quality at controlled operating
conditions. For the operator it is important to get
a fast return on investment by running the drying
installation at most effective conditions. The only
possibility is the right combination of drier and
vacuum unit.

SIHIdry H750 with gas ballast,

best choice to handle corrosive media

The building 417 with handle very corrosive not possible to run This indicates exactly
its spherical drier gases without any below the vapour the end of main drying
installation has become corrosion problems. For pressure of the solvent. phase.
a representative object a good drying result, a Therefore the controller With final pressure of
for the pharmaceutical precise vacuum setting forces the pump to its 10 mbar the vacuum
intermediates producer is important. The main maximum suction pump can now speed
Siegfried Ltd (Zofingen, phase of drying is capacity. This results up and do the capillary
Switzerland). Already characterized by into a too fast drying phase in shortest
the first batches which reducing the pressure at evaporation of the time.
were produced on the a fixed temperature to solvents. The
new drier, indicated that the corresponding evaporation heat is Drying time is
the drying time was solvent vapour pressure. taken out of the product reduced by 40%
shortened extensively. The solvent starts to which cools down
Pit Hofer, project leader evaporate and can be extremely until to During a dissertation
at Siegfried believes, evacuated. Often there freezing. in some cases. this operation mode
that the time reduction are condensers installed Another effect is the was scientifically
is manly driven by the upstream of the vacuum building up of analysed. An important
drier and the new dry pump. Most of the impermeable layers on result was: Comparing
running vacuum pump vapour condenses and the surface covering the the optimised cycle
dry can be drained out. The vapour in deeper layers. time using the speed
vacuum pump has to This leads to bad drying characteristic of an
Accurate vacuum handle only air leakage results. exact controlled
control and non-condensable Important for a good vacuum pump instead
vapour. drying result is a precise of time driven drying
One important In the following phase of vacuum control during steps allows to shorten
application of the multi capillary drying, vapour the main drying phase the drying time by 40%.
purpose cGMP and which is “physically” kept and the knowledge of its This strategy leads to
FDA certified drying in the capillaries is dried end to start the capillary optimised drier
installation is, to dry out. During this phase it drying phase in time. capacities.
corrosive products. is useful to work on To find the right point a Meanwhile existing
Therefore the 2400 l maximum vacuum to useful tool is to observe vacuum systems at
spherical dryer is made overcome the “binding the vacuum pump other Sigfried drier
of Hastelloy. The forces” of solvents inside speed. At the end of the positions are changed
vacuum pump is the capillaries. main drying phase less over to SIHI dry running
equipped with a special A mistake frequently vapour is handled. This vacuum pumps. This is
developed gas ballast done during the first leads automatically to a a cost effective way to
system which allows to phase is to work on a lower vacuum pump increase the plant
too low vacuum set speed as the required drying capacity just by
value. For the pump it is volume flow is lower. reducing drying time.

Pharma + Food 06/2003

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