United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,611,186 B2
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,611,186 B2
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,611,186 B2
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U.S. Patent Aug. 26, 2003 Sheet 1 of 7 US 6,611,186 B2
FIG. 1
U.S. Patent Aug. 26, 2003 Sheet 2 of 7 US 6,611,186 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 26, 2003 Sheet 3 of 7 US 6,611,186 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 26, 2003 Sheet 5 of 7 US 6,611,186 B2
FIG. 8
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U.S. Patent Aug. 26, 2003 Sheet 6 of 7 US 6,611,186 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 26, 2003 Sheet 7 of 7 US 6,611,186 B2
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US 6,611,186 B2
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SOLENOID HAVING AN ELASTOMERIC Solenoid that avoids the potential drawbacks associated with
RETAINING DEVICE AND METHOD OF potting compound Such as inefficiencies associated with
MANUFACTURING SAME WITHOUT potting StepS and Shrinkage of cured potting material Over
It is another objective of the present invention to provide
a method of manufacturing and assembling a Solenoid that
FIELD OF THE INVENTION may avoid the Step of grinding the final lamination Stack and
The present invention relates generally to electrical housing assembly.
Solenoids, and more particularly to retaining apparatus of It is a further object of the present invention to provide a
Solenoids and methods of manufacturing Solenoids. Solenoid capable of being adequately Sealed for Such appli
cations that require Sealing, while achieving any or all of the
Solenoids are widely used in the electromechanical and In accordance with the foregoing objectives and/or other
fluid controls industries, Such as in engines and turbines, to 15
Such objectives, the present invention is directed toward an
Switch a wide variety of control apparatuS Such as valves, electrical Solenoid Suitable for fluid controls applications
drives, flow control devices, Switches and the like between with a novel method and apparatus for retaining the lami
two states (typically either “on” and “off” states or “open” nation Stack in a Solenoid housing. Accordingly, an elasto
and “closed States). Solenoids typically comprise a lami meric retaining device of an elastomeric material is arranged
nation Stack and a wire coil wound about the lamination between the housing and the lamination Stack to perform the
Stack. The lamination Stack and wire coil are housed and retaining function. An advantage of the elastomeric retaining
Supported inside a Solenoid housing that in turn can be device is that the need for potting compound and the Steps
mounted to the control apparatus. of filling the housing with potting and curing the potting
compound can be eliminated. AS is the case in any Solenoid,
Heretofore, the method of assembling and mounting the a wire coil is wound about the lamination Stack in which the
lamination Stack and wire coil into a housing has been by 25
wire coil has an electrical connection extending through the
potting the lamination Stack and wire coil into the housing housing for electrical communication with an external elec
with a potting compound. According to this prior method of trical control. As will be pointed out further below, however,
assembly, the lamination Stack and wire coil are arranged in there are also novel and beneficial aspects of the wire coil
a fixed position inside the housing with leads of the wire coil assembly of the disclosed embodiment.
connected to terminals on the housing. Then, potting com It is an aspect of the present invention that the end of the
pound (which is typically a relatively viscous liquid) is filled lamination Stack projects out of the housing slightly after
into all of Voids between the housing, the lamination Stack manufacturing and assembly operations. When the Solenoid
and wire coil. Thereafter, the potting compound is cured is mounted, the end of the lamination Stack retracts to be
with high temperature baking over a predetermined time coplanar with the mounting Surface of the housing causing
which Solidifies the potting compound into a rigid Solid mass 35
the elastomeric retaining device to compress, and the elas
and fixes the lamination Stack and wire coil in position. tomeric retaining device biases the lamination Stack against
Thereafter, the exposed end of the lamination Stack and/or the mounting Surface for axial retention.
housing end are machine ground with a grinder to be Other objectives and advantages of the invention will
coplanar with each other So that the Solenoid Seats in flat become more apparent from the following detailed descrip
mating contact when mounted to fluid control devices or 40
tion when taken in conjunction with the accompanying
other Such apparatus. drawings.
As will be appreciated by those of skill in the art,
commercial production of Solenoids using the potting BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
method requires high Volume production to justify all of the 45 The accompanying drawings incorporated in and forming
Set up, tooling and fixture expenses. Minor changes to an a part of the Specification illustrate Several aspects of the
existing Solenoid design to meet different customer or appli present invention, and together with the description Serve to
cation requirements are costly. Heretofore, there has been a explain the principles of the invention. In the drawings:
desire for a lower volume or “medium volume” production FIG. 1 is an isometric, partially cut-away view of an
Solenoids in the marketplace. 50 electrical Solenoid according to a preferred embodiment of
Furthermore, as will be more fully appreciated by the the present invention.
present invention, the extra Step of grinding the end of the FIGS. 2-5 are top, front, side and bottom views of the
lamination Stack and/or housing end has been found by the Solenoid similar to that illustrated in FIG. 1.
inventors of the present invention to be inefficient. The time FIG. 6 is an isometric view of the Solenoid illustrated in
and heat required for potting and curing the potting com 55 FIGS. 2-5.
pound have also been found by the inventors to be ineffi
cient. Furthermore, cured potting compound can shrink or FIG. 7 is a cross-section of FIG. 2 taken about line 7-7.
crack over time which can limit Solenoid life. FIG. 8 is a cross-section of FIG. 2 taken about line 8-8.
FIG. 9 is a cross-section of FIG. 3 taken about line 9-9.
60 FIG. 10 is an isometric view of a wire coil assembly used
According to one aspect of the invention, it is an objective in the Solenoid illustrated in the previous drawings.
of the present invention to provide a leSS expensive method FIG. 11 is a cross-section of FIG. 10 taken about line
for commercially manufacturing and assembling a Solenoid 11-11.
in medium volume production for the fluid controls indus FIG. 12 is an isometric view of the retaining device used
tries or other industries where Such Solenoids are utilized. 65 in the Solenoid illustrated previously in FIGS. 1-9.
According to a different aspect of the invention, it is FIG. 13 is a cross-section of the Solenoid illustrated in
another objective of the present invention to provide a FIG. 7 in combination with one such example of a fluid
US 6,611,186 B2
3 4
control device, thus illustrating one of the many applications interrelationship between dimensions, the flange portion 38
for the Solenoid. of the retaining Web 32 will compress until the projecting
While the invention will be described in connection with axial end 43 of the lamination stack 24 retracts to be
certain preferred embodiments, there is no intent to limit it coplanar with the end mating Surface 48 of the housing 22
when the Solenoid 20 is mounted in flat Surface 48 to Surface
to those embodiments. On the contrary, the intent is to cover
all alternatives, modifications and equivalents as included 102 mating contact a fluid control device 100 (See e.g. FIG.
within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the 11). Once the Solenoid 20 is mounted, the compression in the
appended claims. retaining web 32 biases the lamination Stack 24 to Secure and
fixes the lamination Stack 24 relative to the housing 22.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE When properly mounted, the retaining web 32 exerts an
PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS axial retaining force of between 50 and 500 pounds depend
ing on the size of the Solenoid. The mounting axis and axial
For purposes of illustration, an embodiment of the present force axis are shown in FIGS. 7 and 13 as a center line.
invention is illustrated as an electrical Solenoid 20. The
Solenoid 20 comprises a rigid housing 22, a lamination Stack The wire coil assembly 26 also is novel in that it is a
24, and a wire coil assembly 26. The wire coil assembly 26
15 pre-assembled part as shown in FIGS. 9 and 10, that does not
require the Step of potting to Seal the wires if the desired
contains a wire coil 28 which is arranged in a wound coil application requires Such Sealing. In the disclosed
about the lamination stack 24 when the Solenoid is
assembled. The wire coil 28 can be energized to magnetize embodiment, the Solenoid 20 has a three leg lamination Stack
the lamination Stack 24 and effect a magnetic force that in 24 with the three legs indicated 49, 50, 51. The wire coil
assembly 26 is sized to closely fit over the center leg 50 and
turn can be used to position associated fluid controls or other fill the gaps or Spaces between the intermediate leg 50 and
outside legs 49, 51. In the disclosed embodiment, the wire
In accordance with the present invention, an elastomeric coil assembly 26 comprises a wire coil 28 that is wound
retaining device in the form of a pre-formed elastomeric about a spool or bobbin 54 and then encapsulated in a
retaining web 32 retains the lamination Stack 24 inside the 25 thermoplastic overmold 58. The bobbin 54 is manufactured
internal cavity 34 of the housing 22. The elastomeric retain of a similar plastic material with a similar melting point
ing web 32 is a pre-formed device that may be inserted into which improves remelting and Sealing at the heat Weld
the cavity 34 of the housing 22 prior to installing the interface 64 between the Overmold 58 and the bobbin 54.
lamination Stack 24 into the housing 22. Alternatively, the The bobbin 54 has a pair of coil bosses 60 which support
retaining web 32 may also be arranged over the exterior of electrical leads 62 that are operatively connected to the wire
the lamination Stack 24 and then the combination inserted coil 28. The bosses 60 have a reduced diameter tip with a
into the housing 22. The retaining web 32 is comprised of a formed shoulder 69 that supports resilient O-rings 71 (see
resilient, elastomeric material Such as a flouro-elastomer FIGS. 8 and 9) that seal an air gap 73 containing exposed
Such as AFLAS or other Suitable rubber/elastomeric material electrical leads from the external environment preventing
Such as Silicon based elastomers possibly. 35 gases from reaching the air gap 73 that may travel between
In the disclosed embodiment, the retaining web 32 com the retaining device and housing. The tips of the coil bosses
prises Several SideS36 Surrounding and engaging Sides of the 60 extend through holes 77 in a partition web 75 extending
lamination Stack 24 and wire coil assembly 26 (a continuous acroSS the top of the housing. The O-rings 71 seat against a
Sidewall completely Surrounding the lamination Stack may formed counter-bore 79 in the partition web 75, and com
also be used) for radial retention and a radially planar ring 40 press between the bosses 60 and seat of the counter-bore 79.
shaped flange portion 38 projecting radially inward from an In the disclosed embodiment, the housing 22 is a two
end of the sides 36 for axial retention purposes. The sides 36 piece assembly comprising a cover 66 fastened to a gener
may be slightly angled in configuration as illustrated in FIG. ally cylindrical mounting base 68 having an Outer Sidewall
6 to facilitate easy insertion of the retaining web 32 and enclosing the wire coil assembly 26 and the lamination Stack
lamination stack 24 into the housing 22. The sides 36 are 45 24. Although in alternative embodiments of the instant
dimensioned and Spaced to closely fit and provide an inter invention the plastic coil overmold could provide for the top
ference fit between the inner diameter of the larger diameter end termination, a two piece housing allows various differ
housing Section 40 and the outer peripheral Surface of the ent cover configurations to be used depending upon appli
lamination stack 24 and wire coil assembly 26. This close cation and without the need to change the mounting base, the
dimensioning of the retaining web sides 36 and slight radial 50 lamination Stack, the elastomeric retaining device or the
compression in the Sides 36 ensure that the lamination Stack plastic Overmold configuration for the wire coil assembly.
24 properly centers in the housing 22 and Separates/cushions The mounting base includes mounts in the form of bosses or
the lamination Stack 24 from the housing 22. flanges 70 to facilitate mounting to a fluid control device 100
The flange portion 38 of the retaining web 32 is seated (FIG. 11). The cover 66 may be a plastic injection molded
axially between one axial end 41 of the lamination stack 24 55 part while the mounting base 68 is preferably molded metal
and an annular radially planar shoulder 42 defined at a material for proper Support and mounting of the Solenoid.
corner 44 between the larger diameter section 40 of the The cover 66 has two electrical terminals 72 mounted
housing 22 and a Smaller diameter Section 46 of the housing. therein which provide for electrical connection to an exter
The flange portion 38 is thick enough such that the other nal electrical control (not shown). The terminals 72 are
axial end 43 of the lamination Stack projects axially beyond 60 electrically connected to the wire leads 62 via Soldering or
the radially planar annular end mating Surface 48 of the other Suitable electrical coupling. The exceSS wire from the
housing 22 when assembled. However, the projecting axial wire leads 62 preferably reside in a sealed air gap 73 that
end 43 of the lamination Stack projects axially out of the exists between the cover 66 and the partition web 75 across
housing relative to Surface 49 at a distance less than the axial the top of the housing. An O-ring 74 is arranged between the
thickness of the flange portion 38 of the retaining web 32 65 cover 66 and the mounting base 68 to provide a seal
(and preferably only between about 20 percent and 40 therebetween. An O-ring 76 may also be arranged along the
percent of the axial thickness of the retaining web). With this mating Surface 48 of the housing 22 to provide a Seal
US 6,611,186 B2
S 6
between the fluid control device 100 and the Solenoid 20 a pre-formed elastomeric retaining device of an elasto
when mounted thereto. meric material between the housing and the lamination
The foregoing description of various preferred embodi Stack for axial retention of the lamination Stack;
ments of the invention has been presented for purposes of wherein the first end of the lamination Stack projects
illustration and description. It is not intended to be exhaus Outside of the housing breaking the plane of the annular
tive or to limit the invention to the precise forms disclosed. planar mounting Surface, the first end of the lamination
Obvious modifications or variations are possible in light of Stack aligning coplanar with the planar mating Surface
the above teachings. The embodiments discussed were cho when an axial force is applied against the end of the
Sen and described to provide the best illustration of the lamination Stack thereby compressing elastomeric
principles of the invention and its practical application to 1O retaining web.
thereby enable one of ordinary skill in the art to utilize the 7. The electrical Solenoid of claim 6 wherein the wire coil
invention in various embodiments and with various modi
fications as are Suited to the particular use contemplated. All assembly comprises a wire wound on a bobbin, and a plastic
Such modifications and variations are within the Scope of the Overmold Substantially encapsulating the wire, the plastic
invention as determined by the appended claims when overmold being integral with the bobbin.
15 8. The electrical Solenoid of claim 6 wherein the mounting
interpreted in accordance with the breadth to which they are
fairly, legally, and equitably entitled. base defines an annular Seating Surface for axially Support
What is claimed is: ing the elastomeric retaining device, the elastomeric retain
1. A electrical Solenoid, comprising: ing device comprising a ring shaped flange portion Seated on
a housing; the annular Seating Surface and at least one side projecting
a lamination Stack disposed in the housing, axially toward the first end of lamination Stack and at least
a wire coil arranged about the lamination Stack; partially Surrounding the lamination Stack.
9. The electrical Solenoid of claim 8 wherein the first end
an elastomeric retaining device of an elastomeric material of the lamination Stack projects an axial distance relative to
between the housing and the lamination Stack, and the plane of annular planar mounting Surface that is between
wherein the lamination stack is movable relative to the
housing through compression and expansion of the
25 20 percent and 40 percent of the axial thickness of the flange
elastomeric retaining device. 10. The electrical Solenoid of claim 6 wherein the elas
2. The electrical Solenoid of claim 1 wherein the lamina
tion Stack has an end projecting axially from the housing a tomeric retaining device applies a counteracting axial force
distance of between 20 percent and 40 percent of an axial of between about 50 pounds and about 500 pounds when the
thickness of the elastomeric retaining device. elastomeric retaining web is under compression with the end
3. The electrical Solenoid of claim 1 wherein the wire coil of the lamination Stack coplanar with the planar mounting
is part of a pre-assembled wire coil assembly having a 11. The electrical Solenoid of claim 7 wherein the elec
bobbin upon which the wire coil is wound, the wire coil trical leads are disposed in an air gap axially between the
being Substantially encapsulated in a plastic Overmold. 35 cover and the elastomeric retaining web.
4. The electrical Solenoid of claim 3 wherein the housing 12. The electrical Solenoid of claim 6 wherein the lami
is of a multiple piece assembly including a mounting base nation Stack has three legs extending axially in Spaced
and a cover mounted to an end of the mounting base, the relation, the lamination Stack being arranged about the
mounting base Supporting the lamination Stack and wire coil intermediate leg of the three legs.
assembly, the cover having electrical terminals electrically 40 13. An electrical Solenoid for controlling position of an
connected to corresponding wire leads of the wire coil, the apparatus, the apparatus having a mounting Surface for
wire leads extending through the plastic Overmold and being Supporting the electrical Solenoid, comprising:
Situated in an air gap defined between the cover and a a housing including a generally cylindrical mounting base
partition wall extending across the housing, the wire leads having mounts for facilitating fastening, and a cover
extending through the partition wall in a Sealed manner. 45
5. The electrical Solenoid of claim 1 wherein the housing enclosing a first end of the mounting base, the mount
comprises a Sidewall Surrounding the lamination Stack and ing base including an planar Second end adapted to
wire coil, the Sidewall terminating in a planar mating mate against the mounting Surface;
Surface, wherein an end of the lamination Stack projects electrical terminals mounted in the cover for electrical
axially outside beyond the plane of the planar mating 50
connection to an external electrical control;
Surface, the end of the lamination Stack aligning coplanar a lamination Stack having three legs including an inter
with the planar mating Surface when an axial force is applied mediate leg between outer legs,
against the end of the lamination Stack thereby compressing a wire coil assembly comprising a bobbin upon which a
elastomeric retaining device. coil of wire is wound, a coil overmold substantially
6. A electrical Solenoid, comprising: 55 encapsulating the coil of wire, and electrical leads, the
a housing comprising a mounting base and a cover, the coil assembly arranged over the intermediate leg, the
mounting base having a Sidewall terminating in an electrical leads being electrically connected to the
annular planar mounting Surface, the cover having electrical terminals,
electrical terminals for electrical communication with a pre-formed elastomeric retaining web of an elastomeric
an external electrical control; 60 material disposed axially between the lamination Stack
a lamination Stack in the housing Surrounded by the and the housing, the lamination Stack having an end
Sidewall, the lamination Stack having first and Second portion projecting past the Second end of the housing;
ends, and
a wire coil assembly arranged about the lamination Stack, wherein when the electrical Solenoid is mounted to the
the wire coil assembly having electrical leads electri 65 fluid control apparatus with the Second end in mating
cally connected to the electrical terminals of the hous contact with the mounting Surface the end portion of
ing; the lamination Stack retracts placing the elastomeric
US 6,611,186 B2
7 8
retaining web in compression thereby biasing the lami 21. The electrical Solenoid of claim 20 wherein the at least
nation Stack against the mounting Surface. one side comprises four generally planar Sides engaging
14. The electrical Solenoid of claim 13 wherein the different Sides of the lamination Stack and wire coil.
mounting base includes a larger Section proximate the Sec 22. The electrical Solenoid of claim 1 wherein the elas
ond end and a Smaller Section the first end, the larger and tomeric retaining device is in direct contact with the lami
Smaller Sections joined by a radial shoulder, the preformed nation Stack and the housing.
elastomeric retaining web comprising a ring shaped flange 23. The electrical Solenoid of claim 1 further comprising
portion Seated on the radial shoulder and a plurality of Sides an outer Seal on an end of the housing Surrounding the
projecting axially therefrom at least partially Surrounding lamination Stack.
the lamination Stack. 24. The electrical Solenoid of claim 6 wherein the elas
15. The electrical Solenoid of claim 14 wherein the end
portion of the lamination Stack projects an axial distance tomeric retaining device includes a flange portion disposed
relative to the plane of annular planar mounting Surface that axially between the housing and the lamination Stack and at
is between 20 percent and 40 percent of the axial thickness least one side portion extending axially from the flange
of the flange portion. 15 portion radially between the housing and the lamination
16. The electrical Solenoid of claim 13 wherein the Stack.
electrical leads are disposed in an air gap axially between the 25. The electrical Solenoid of claim 24 wherein the at least
cover and a partition wall extending across the housing, the one side comprises four generally planar Sides engaging
electrical leads extending through holes in the partition wall, different Sides of the lamination Stack and wire coil.
the coil overmold including bosses encapsulating a portion 26. The electrical Solenoid of claim 6 wherein the elas
of the wire leads, the bosses being inserted into the holes and tomeric retaining device is in direct contact with the lami
compressing O-rings against the partition wall to Seal the air nation Stack and the housing.
gap. 27. The electrical Solenoid of claim 6 further comprising
17. The electrical Solenoid of claim 16 further comprising an outer Seal on the annular planar mounting Surface of the
a ring Seal compressed between the cover and the mounting 25 housing Surrounding the lamination Stack.
base. 28. The electrical Solenoid of claim 13 wherein the
18. The electrical Solenoid of claim 17 further comprising elastomeric retaining device includes a flange portion dis
an O-ring gasket carried on the planar annular Second end of posed axially between the housing and the lamination Stack
the housing for forming a Seal against the mounting Surface. and at least one side portion extending axially from the
19. The electrical Solenoid of claim 1 wherein the elas flange portion radially between the housing and the lami
tomeric ring applies a counteracting axial force of between nation Stack.
about 50 pounds and about 500 pounds when the electrical 29. The electrical Solenoid of claim 28 wherein the at least
Solenoid is mounted to the mounting Surface. one Side comprises four generally planar Sides engaging
20. The electrical Solenoid of claim 1 wherein the elas different Sides of the lamination Stack and wire coil.
tomeric retaining device includes a flange portion disposed 35 30. The electrical Solenoid of claim 13 wherein the
axially between the housing and the lamination Stack and at elastomeric retaining device is in direct contact with the
least one side portion extending axially from the flange lamination Stack and the housing.
portion radially between the housing and the lamination
Stack. k k k k k