Quantam Freeze and Squeeze Protocol
Quantam Freeze and Squeeze Protocol
Quantam Freeze and Squeeze Protocol
1. Electrophorese the DNA sample in an agarose gel (TAE or TBE), then stain with an appropriate reagent, e.g., ethidium bromide or
2. Using a clean razor blade, carefully excise the band of interest. Trim excess agarose from all six sides of the DNA band to maxi-
mize recovery and purity.
3. Chop the trimmed gel slice and place the pieces into the filter cup of the Quantum Prep Freeze ‘N Squeeze DNA Gel Extraction
Spin Column. Place the filter cup into the dolphin tube.
If the volume of your trimmed gel slice is too great to fit into one filter cup, then use two or more and pool the recovered samples
at the end of the protocol.
4. Place the Quantum Prep Freeze ‘N Squeeze DNA Gel Extraction Spin Column (filter cup nested within dolphin tube) in a -20° C
freezer for 5 minutes.
5. Spin the sample at 13,000 x g for 3 minutes at room temperature.
6. Collect the purified DNA from the collection tube; the agarose debris will be retained within the filter cup of the Quantum Prep
Freeze ‘N Squeeze DNA Gel Extraction Spin Column. The DNA is ready to use for PCR, ligations, labeling or other enzymatic
reactions. Ethanol precipitation is recommended for applications requiring a more concentrated sample and will also have the effect
of further purifying the sample.
1. Thuring, R.W.J., Sanders, J.P.M. and Borst, P., Anal. Biochem., 66, 213, (1975).
Product Information
Number Description
732-6165 Quantum Prep Freeze ‘N Squeeze DNA Gel Extraction Spin Column, 25 per bag
732-6166 Quantum Prep Freeze ‘N Squeeze DNA Gel Extraction Spin Column, 100 per bag
732-6160 Quantum Prep Gel Slice Kit
4106139 Rev B