Mature Seed
Mature Seed
Mature Seed
DOI 10.1007/s00299-010-0921-x
Abstract We previously established an efficient Agro- callus of Nipponbare and Kasalath and again found superior
bacterium-mediated transformation system using primary competency in Kasalath, although the identification and
calli derived from mature seeds of the model japonica rice subsequent observation of independent transformation
variety Nipponbare. We expected that the shortened tissue events in secondary callus is difficult due to the vigorous
culture period would reduce callus browning—a common growth of both transformed and non-transformed cells. An
problem with the indica transformation system during pro- efficient transformation system in Kasalath could facilitate
longed tissue culture in the undifferentiated state. In this the identification of QTL genes, since many QTL genes are
study, we successfully applied our efficient transformation analyzed in a Nipponbare 9 Kasalath genetic background.
system to Kasalath—a model variety of indica rice. The Luc The higher transformation competency of Kasalath could be
reporter system is sensitive enough to allow quantitative a useful trait in the establishment of highly efficient systems
analysis of the competency of rice callus for Agrobacterium- involving new transformation technologies such as gene
mediated transformation. We unexpectedly discovered that targeting.
primary callus of Kasalath exhibits a remarkably high
competency for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation Keywords Agrobacterium Bacterial density Genetic
compared to Nipponbare. Southern blot analysis and Luc transformation Indica rice Transformation efficiency
luminescence showed that independent transformation
events in primary callus of Kasalath occurred successfully at
ca. tenfold higher frequency than in Nipponbare, and single
GFP Green fluorescent protein
copy T-DNA integration was observed in *40% of these
hpt Hygromycin phosphotransferase
events. We also compared the competency of secondary
hyg Hygromycin
Luc Luciferase
Communicated by K. Toriyama.
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from mature seeds and immature embryos are used in of 95–98% [% co-cultured seeds yielding Hyg-tolerant or
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Routine protocols green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing calli] using pri-
for highly efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transforma- mary calli, i.e., 5-day-old mature seed-derived embryogenic
tion using calli derived from mature seeds have been calli, and transgenic plantlets within a month after the onset
reported in various cultivars of japonica rice (Hiei and of inoculation of mature seeds (Toki et al. 2006). The
Komari 2008; Nishimura et al. 2006; Toki et al. 2006). For occurrence of genomic changes at high frequency is asso-
example, it was reported that transgenic plants were ciated with plant regeneration from de-differentiated cells
obtained using 3-week-old mature seed-derived embryo- (Labra et al. 2001), but a short period of tissue culture helps
genic calli in Nipponbare—a model variety of japonica minimize somaclonal variation. In addition, long periods of
rice—with a transformation efficiency of 40–70% (inde- culture result in browning, especially in callus of indica rice.
pendent transgenic plants/inoculated callus; (Hiei and Since callus browning results from polyphenol accumulation
Komari 2008). By contrast, transgenic plants were obtained and cell death, which prevents further proliferation, this is
at low frequencies of only 4.6–5.5 and 6.4–7.3% (no. of thought to be one of the reasons underlying regeneration
callus lines regenerated/no. of explants used for co-culti- failure in this cultivar (Zhao et al. 2009). In our efficient
vation) using 2-month-old mature seed-derived embryo- transformation system, somaclonal mutations are thought to
genic calli in indica varieties IR64 and IR72, respectively occur at lower frequency because the time required for callus
(Kumar et al. 2005). Thus, many indica rice varieties are induction from mature seeds is shortened (Toki et al. 2006).
still recalcitrant to Agrobacterium-mediated transformation Regeneration can start before callus browning because of the
using calli derived from mature seeds, and a widely short period of callus proliferation. Thus, our efficient
applicable and efficient transformation system has not yet transformation system using primary callus derived from
been reported. On the other hand, a protocol for Agro- mature seeds is not only convenient and efficient compared
bacterium-mediated transformation using immature to conventional transformation systems using secondary
embryos has been reported to be applicable to many rice callus derived from mature seeds and immature embryos, but
cultivars of both japonica and indica (Hiei and Komari could also be useful for transformation in indica-type rice.
2008), suggesting that immature embryos are more com- In this study, we established our efficient transformation
petent than mature seeds for Agrobacterium-mediated system in Kasalath—a model variety of indica-type rice
transformation. However, unlike mature seeds, the prepa- used for quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of genes
ration and manipulation of immature embryos is trouble- involved in agronomically useful traits. Furthermore, an
some because only a limited number of immature embryos unexpected finding was that primary callus of Kasalath has
can be obtained at the right developmental stage remarkably high competency in Agrobacterium infection
(8–12 days after pollination; (Hiei and Komari 2008). compared to that of Nipponbare; the number of trans-
Thus, the establishment of a highly efficient and widely formed cells of Kasalath in which T-DNA were expressed
applicable Agrobacterium-mediated transformation using transiently and/or stably was much higher than in Nip-
calli derived from mature seeds in indica rice would be of ponbare. Additionally, transformation was achieved in
significant benefit to the field. Kasalath under conditions of low density (OD = 10-5)
There are two types of mature seed-derived callus: pri- Agrobacterium co-cultivation. We discuss the potential use
mary callus, i.e.,\10-day-old callus representing prolifera- of this high competency trait to improve gene targeting
tion of scutellum; and secondary callus, i.e., [2-week-old frequency.
callus proliferating from primary callus (Online Resource 1).
Primary callus derived from mature seeds is compact and
hard, although secondary callus is friable due to vigorous Materials and methods
growth. Therefore, antibiotic-resistant secondary calli
[Hygromycin (Hyg)-resistant in the case illustrated in Online Plant materials
Resource 1] appearing on primary callus co-cultivated with
Agrobacterium can be distinguished clearly and propagated The indica-type rice Oryza sativa L. cv. Kasalath and the
independently. On the other hand, antibiotic-resistant sec- japonica-type rice O. sativa L. cv. Nipponbare were used
ondary calli are hard to distinguish from secondary callus in this study.
co-cultivated with Agrobacterium due to the vigorous growth
of both transformed and non-transformed cells. Our trans- Binary vectors
formation system using primary callus enables independent
transformation events occurring within a single primary The binary plasmid vectors used in this study, pCAM-
callus to be distinguished. In a previous study, we succeeded BIA1390-Luc [hygromycin phosphotransferase (hpt) expres-
in obtaining transformed calli of Nipponbare at a frequency sion cassette and luciferase (luc) expression cassette] and
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pCAMBIA1390-sGFP (hpt expression cassette and sgfp 2 mg/L glycine, N6-vitamins and 2 mg/L 2,4-D, pH = 5.2],
expression cassette Toki et al. 2006) are shown in Fig. 1. calli were washed with water and carbenicillin (Nakalai
The binary vector, pCAMBIA1390 was provided by tesque, Kyoto, Japan) or meropenem (Wako Pure Chemical
CAMBIA (Canberra, Australia). To construct pCAM- Industries) solution, and cultured on N6D medium contain-
BIA1390-Luc, pCAMBIA1390-sGFP was digested with ing 50 mg/L Hyg (Wako Pure Chemical Industries) and
SalI and BsrGI [blunt-ended with T4 DNA polymerase 400 mg/L carbenicillin or 12.5 mg/L meropenem for
(Toyobo, Osaka, Japan)], and the SalI-/SacI-digested 3 weeks at 33°C (light for 10 h)/30°C (dark for 14 h). After
(blunt-ended with T4 DNA polymerase) luc fragment from 10 days of selection, calli were transferred to fresh N6D
the luc expression vector was inserted. selection medium. For regeneration, calli growing vigor-
ously on Hyg were transferred to Re-III medium [30 g/L
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation sucrose, 30 g/L sorbitol, 2 g/L casamino acids, MS Medium
Salt Mixture (Wako Pure Chemical Industries), 2 mg/L
The binary plasmid vectors described above were transferred glycine, N6-vitamins, 20 lg/L 1-naphthalene acetic acid
into Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105 by electro- and 2 mg/L kinetin, pH = 5.8] with 200 mg/L carbenicillin
poration (Hood et al. 1993) using an E. coli pulser (Bio-Rad, and 30 mg/L Hyg and cultured for 3 weeks at 30°C under
Hercules, CA, USA). A schematic representation of Agro- constant light. At 10 days after transfer to Re-III medium,
bacterium-mediated transformation using primary callus is some pieces of vigorously growing or greening callus were
shown in Online Resource 1. Dehulled mature seeds, which transferred to fresh Re-III medium. Shoots arising from
were sterilized with 70% ethanol and then 2.5% sodium callus on Re-III medium were transferred to HF medium
hypochlorite, were inoculated on callus induction N6D [30 g/L sucrose, MS Medium Salt Mixture (Wako Pure
medium solidified with 0.4% gelrite [30 g/L sucrose, Chemical Industries), 2 mg/L glycine and N6-vitamins,
0.3 g/L casamino acids, Chu(N6) Medium Salt Mixture pH = 5.8] with 30 mg/L Hyg to allow vigorous growth of
(Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Osaka, Japan), 2.878 g/L roots.
proline, 2 mg/L glycine, N6-vitamins and 2 mg/L
2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), pH = 5.8], and Extraction of rice genomic DNA, PCR analysis
cultured at 33°C (light for 10 h)/30°C (dark for 14 h). 7-day- and Southern blot analysis
old and 3-week-old calli were used for transformation as
primary and secondary calli, respectively. Secondary calli For extraction of genomic DNA, rice seedlings were har-
were subcultured on fresh N6D medium for 3 days before vested, immediately frozen in liquid N2 and stored at
the onset of Agrobacterium co-cultivation. Agrobacterium -80°C. Genomic DNA was extracted from leaves using
co-cultivation, selection against hygromycin (Hyg) and Nucleon PhytoPure (GE Healthcare, Piscataway, NJ, USA)
regeneration of transgenic plants followed Toki et al. (2006). according to the manufacturer’s protocol. PCR analysis to
After 3 days of co-cultivation with Agrobacterium at detect the hpt gene was performed using KOD dash DNA
22–25°C under constant dark on 2N6-AS medium [30 g/L polymerase (Toyobo) with the primer set 50 -ATAG
sucrose, 10 g/L glucose, 0.3 g/L casamino acids, Chu(N6) CTGCGCCGATGGTT-30 /50 -CGTCTGCTGCTCCATAC
Medium Salt Mixture (Wako Pure Chemical Industries), AAG-30 . Southern blot analysis was performed according
Fig. 1 Structure of the T-DNAs used in this study. The gfp and luc and the CaMV 35S polyA (35S-t). Black arrowheads in pCAM-
expression cassettes were cloned in the binary vector pCAMBIA1390, BIA1390-sGFP indicate the primers used for PCR analysis shown in
yielding pCAMBIA1390-sGFP and pCAMBIA1390-Luc, respec- Fig. 2e. The black bar in pCAMBIA1390-sGFP indicates the region
tively. The gfp and luc genes are under the control of the CaMV covered by the DIG-labeled gfp probe used for the Southern blot
35S promoter (35Spro) and nopaline synthase terminator (nos-t); hpt analysis shown in Figs. 2f, 4a and 5b
expression was directed by a duplicated 35S promoter (2 9 35Spro)
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Fig. 2 Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in primary calli of 0.59 kb band corresponding to the hpt gene of the T-DNA. M DNA
Kasalath. a Rice calli induced on N6D medium from mature seeds of size marker, 1–20 genomic DNA extracted from transformed T0
Nipponbare (left) and Kasalath (right) for 7 days. Bar 1 cm. plants (lane 1–4 4 independent regenerated plantlets in Exp.3 shown
b Transformed calli 21 days after the onset of selection on Hyg. in Table 1, lane 5–20 16 independent regenerated plantlets in Exp.4),
Left panel, under blue light; right panel, under white light. G genomic DNA extracted from a non-transformant; N no template;
c Regenerated shoots 24 days after the onset of regeneration. Left V binary vector pCAMBIA1390-sGFP as template. f Southern blot
panel, under blue light; right panel, under white light. d Transgenic analysis of 1.5 lg of EcoRI-digested genomic DNA extracted from T0
Kasalath plants in the T0 generation. e An example of PCR analysis of plants using the gfp probe shown in Fig. 1. Lanes: NT non-
the presence of the hpt gene in T0 plants. The arrowhead indicates the transformant, 1–10 transgenic T0 plants
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Transformation frequency in primary and secondary plant genome (late stage). In previous reports of trans-
calli of Nipponbare and Kasalath formed calli of Nipponbare, GFP signals were derived from
transient expression of a foreign gene on T-DNA that was
In a previous report, we calculated the transformation not integrated into the rice genome after 1–2 days of
efficiency of Nipponbare (Saika and Toki 2009b). We Agrobacterium elimination, with cells that have been stably
counted one primary callus derived from one seed as one transformed with T-DNA starting growth via cell division
line, and calculated clonal propagation efficiency as the and cell expansion 4 days after Agrobacterium elimination
ratio of the number of clonal lines successfully propagated (Toki et al. 2006). We observed transformed cells in the
to the number of Agrobacterium-infected calli under our early transformation stage just after the onset of selection.
experimental conditions, regardless of statistical signifi- Since the auto-fluorescence of rice callus can interfere with
cance (Table 1). However, more Hyg-resistant secondary the observation of GFP fluorescence emitted from trans-
calli were apparently propagated from Agrobacterium formed cells, we used the Luc luminescence system, in
co-cultivated primary calli in Kasalath compared to Nip- which background emitted from rice callus can be reduced.
ponbare (Fig. 3a). This suggested the possibility that higher Luc luminescence from transformed calli in Kasalath was
numbers of independent cells were successfully trans- found to be higher than that in Nipponbare just after the
formed in Kasalath than in Nipponbare. To confirm this, onset of selection (Fig. 3c, d). These results suggested that
we first compared the number of cells transformed with callus of Kasalath contains more transformed cells than
pCAMBIA1390-sGFP (shown in Fig. 1) emitting green that of Nipponbare in later stages because of the larger
fluorescence in Kasalath primary calli with that in Nip- number of transformed cells of Kasalath at the early stage.
ponbare. Interestingly, the number of cells in which GFP Southern blot analysis using EcoRI-digested or non-
signals were observed in Kasalath was found to be much digested genomic DNA was performed to estimate the
higher than that in Nipponbare after 8 days of selection integrated T-DNA copy number in transformed callus.
(Fig. 3b; Online Resource 2a). We repeated the transfor- Comparison of the band pattern detected by hybridization
mation with another vector, pCAMBIA1304, which har- with a GFP probe between EcoRI-digested or non-digested
bors a gfp-gus expression cassette. As with GFP, the genomic DNA showed that the high molecular weight bands
number of GUS-staining cells in Kasalath was higher than observed in non-digested DNA (indicated by a black
in Nipponbare (Online Resource 2b), confirming that the arrowhead; Fig. 4a) were not detected following digestion
difference in the number of GFP-positive cells in trans- with EcoRI, suggesting that they represented T-DNA inte-
formed calli between Nipponbare and Kasalath shown in grated into the rice genome. Moreover, only the upper band
Fig. 3b and Online Resource 2a was not caused by dif- of two bands observed in non-digested DNA (white arrow-
ferences in the spectral qualities of GFP due to cellular heads; Fig. 4a) was detected following digestion with
conditions. EcoRI, suggesting that this band represented the 10.2 kb
Two stages in Agrobacterium-mediated transformation binary vector derived from survival of Agrobacterium in rice
have been proposed: (1) transient expression of foreign callus. Southern blot analysis using a GFP probe showed that
genes on T-DNA that is not integrated into the plant gen- the intensity of bands corresponding to T-DNA integrated
ome (early stage), and (2) stable expression of foreign into the genome of Kasalath was higher than that of Nip-
genes on T-DNA that is successfully integrated into the ponbare (Fig. 4a). In addition, we examined expression
Plant Cell Rep
Fig. 3 Transformed primary calli of Nipponbare and Kasalath. with pCAMBIA1390-Luc just after the onset of selection. Lumines-
a Transformed callus 14 days after the onset of selection. Hyg- cence intensity is shown by the false color scale. d Graphical
tolerant cells were grown from all transformed callus of Kasalath, representation of the Luc luminescence intensity emitted from the
whereas only some transformed callus of Nipponbare grew. b Rep- transformed Nipponbare or Kasalath calli shown in Fig. 3c. The y axis
resentative images of green fluorescence (viewed under blue light) shows luminescence level (photon) per callus. Data are presented as
emitted from callus transformed with pCAMBIA1390-sGFP 8 days mean ± SD (n = 75). Significant difference between Nipponbare and
after the onset of selection. Bar 5 mm. Other images are shown in Kasalath at P \ 0.01 as determined by t test
Online Resource 2a. c Luminescence emitted from callus transformed
levels of the gfp gene in transformed callus of Nipponbare Kasalath was over eightfold higher than that in Nipponbare
and Kasalath at both early (just after onset of selection) and (Table 2). Southern blot analysis showed that almost all the
late (7 days after onset of selection) stages of transforma- Hyg-resistant secondary calli isolated were derived from
tion. The levels of gfp mRNA and GFP protein accumulation independent transformation events in Nipponbare and
in transformed callus of Kasalath were higher than those in Kasalath, and there was no significant difference between
Nipponbare at both timepoints (Fig. 4b, c). These results the number of T-DNA copies integrated into the genome of
again support the finding that callus of Kasalath contains isolated Hyg-resistant secondary calli between Nipponbare
more transformed cells than that of Nipponbare. and Kasalath (Table 2; Fig. 5b). Moreover, single copy
Careful observation of transformed calli under blue light T-DNA integration was observed to have occurred in
showed that GFP spots were dispersed over the entire *40% of isolated secondary calli of both Nipponbare and
surface of transformed primary callus, suggesting that Kasalath (Fig. 5c). Thus, we confirmed that successful
transformation events occurred independently in each GFP independent transformation events in Kasalath occur at a
positive cell (Fig. 3b; Online Resource 2a). We checked frequency over eightfold higher than in Nipponbare.
whether independent transformation events in Kasalath Furthermore, we determined the transformation fre-
occurred with higher frequency than in Nipponbare. As quency in secondary callus of Nipponbare and Kasalath
shown schematically in Fig. 5a, every piece of secondary using the Luc reporter system. Similar to the results from
callus grown under Hyg selection was propagated and primary calli, Luc luminescence from transformed sec-
some of them were used for molecular analysis. The ondary calli in Kasalath was found to be much higher than
number of emerging Hyg-resistant secondary calli per that in Nipponbare at both 0 and 7 days after selection
primary callus co-cultivated with Agrobacterium in (Fig. 6). This result suggested that Kasalath callus is highly
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Fig. 4 Molecular analysis of transformed calli of Nipponbare and 5 ng of total RNA extracted from Agrobacterium-co-cultivated calli
Kasalath. a Integrated T-DNA copy number in transformed callus of was used as a template. All mRNA levels were normalized to the
Nipponbare (NB) and Kasalath (Kas). Southern blot analysis using a OsActin1 level as a control. Data are the mean ± SD of three separate
GFP probe (shown in Fig. 1) and 5 lg of genomic DNA extracted from PCR analyses 0 and 7 days after the onset of Hyg selection. c Immuno-
transformed primary calli 3 days after the onset of Agrobacterium co- blot analysis of GFP protein expression in Agrobacterium co-cultivated
cultivation and digested with EcoRI or non-digested (no cut). Upper calli. 15 lg of total soluble proteins extracted from transformed calli
panel Southern blot analysis using GFP probe. Lower panel ethidium and 10 ng recombinant GFP protein (rGFP) were separated by SDS-
bromide (EtBr) staining of genomic DNA as a loading control. Black PAGE and analyzed with an anti-GFP antibody. Upper panel western
and white arrowheads show the bands corresponding to T-DNA blot analysis. Lower panel membrane stained with MemCode Revers-
integrated into rice genome and binary vector in Agrobacterium, ible Protein Stain Kit after blotting as a loading control 0 and 7 days
respectively. b gfp mRNA levels in transformed calli. For qRT-PCR, after the onset of Hyg selection
competent for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation Kasalath were found to be consistently higher than those of
compared to Nipponbare, regardless of whether primary or Nipponbare at any bacterial density in co-cultivation
secondary callus is used. (Fig. 7a, b). Similar results were observed at later transfor-
mation stages in the evaluation of Hyg-tolerant cells
Agrobacterium density in co-cultivation (Fig. 7c; Table 3). All calli of Kasalath were transformed
with callus of Kasalath successfully (cf. 10–25% in Nipponbare) when the Agro-
bacterium density was adjusted to OD = 10-3 in co-culti-
The density of Agrobacterium in co-cultivation with rice vation (Table 3). Surprisingly, some calli of Kasalath gave
callus is considered an important factor affecting transfor- rise successfully to transformed cells even at very low
mation efficiency. We next examined the effect of low density (OD = 10-5) of Agrobacterium co-cultivation
bacterial density in co-cultivation on transformation effi- (Table 3).
ciency in Kasalath. Primary callus of Nipponbare and
Kasalath were transformed with various densities of Agro-
bacterium harboring pCAMBIA1390-Luc (Fig. 1). In the Discussion
early transformation stage, transformation frequency was
estimated as Luc luminescence intensity. Dilution of Agro- Fast and efficient transformation in Kasalath
bacterium density to 10-1 to 10-5 reduced the luminescence
intensity in both Nipponbare and Kasalath (Fig. 7a, b). In this study, we successfully produced transgenic plants of
However, luminescence intensities from transformed calli of Kasalath using primary callus derived from mature seeds
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Fig. 5 Independent transformation events in primary callus. events had occurred successfully, some lines were chosen randomly
a Schematic representation of Hyg-tolerant callus isolation. 7-day- and used for Southern blot analysis. b Southern blot analysis of 1 lg
old primary callus derived from mature seeds of Nipponbare or of EcoRI-digested genomic DNA extracted from Hyg-tolerant calli
Kasalath was co-cultivated with Agrobacterium harboring a binary isolated individually from one primary callus using the gfp probe
vector, pCAMBIA1390-sGFP for 3 days. After Agrobacterium- shown in Fig. 1. Lanes 8 callus lines of Nipponbare-Exp.8 and
infection, washed calli were grown under Hyg pressure for 7–10 days. Kasalath-Exp.1 (Table 2). c T-DNA copy number in isolated clonal
The resulting Hyg-tolerant callus pieces were isolated and propagated propagated calli. The x and y axes show T-DNA copy number and the
independently. To confirm whether independent transformation frequency of transformed callus lines, respectively
(Fig. 2). To date, transformation experiments using sec- comparing Kasalath with Nipponbare and Koshihikari are
ondary callus derived from mature seeds and callus derived already available (Ebitani et al. 2005; Harushima et al.
from immature embryos of Kasalath have been reported 1998; Katagiri et al. 2004). Moreover, QTL analysis
(Du et al. 2009; Hiei and Komari 2008; Nishimura et al. between Kasalath and Koshihikari has shown that Kasalath
2006; Prodhan et al. 2008; Yamaya et al. 2002). However, has alleles with positive effects for 14 agronomic and
there are no reports of transformation using primary callus morphological traits (Madoka et al. 2008). Thus, Kasalath
of Kasalath derived from mature seeds. has been used frequently for the isolation of genes con-
Genetic information on Kasalath, such as end sequenc- trolling useful agronomic traits in forward genetics, and
ing and chromosomal mapping of bacterial artificial chro- could be used to improve agronomic traits including
mosome clones, as well as a high density linkage map nutrient and water uptake, and yield in japonica rice. Our
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Table 2 Independent
No. of Hyg-resistant No. of Hyg-resistant Average copy
transformation events from one
secondary callus lines observed callus lines analyzeda no. of T-DNAa
primary callus
on a single primary callus
Fig. 6 Transformed secondary calli of Nipponbare and Kasalath. calli shown in a. The y axis shows luminescence level (photons) per
a Luminescence emitted from secondary callus transformed with callus. Data are presented as mean ± SD (n = 40). The experiments
pCAMBIA1390-Luc 0 or 7 days after the onset of Hyg selection. were performed twice using different samples. Similar results were
Luminescence intensity is indicated by the false color scale. obtained in another experiment. Asterisks indicate significant differ-
b Graphic representation of the Luc luminescence intensity emitted ence between Nipponbare and Kasalath at P \ 0.01 as determined by
from the transformed Nipponbare (white bars) or Kasalath (gray bars) t test
rapid and efficient transformation system could help to genome at the late stage. In this study, we were able to
research functional genomics and could be applied to visualize and sequentially observe independent transfor-
molecular breeding in Kasalath. mation events in transformed cells using GFP and the Luc
system (Figs. 3, 6). This is the first report of sequential
Luc—a highly-sensitive transformation monitoring comparison of transformation processes between rice
system cultivars using visual markers. We applied our transfor-
mation system to both primary and secondary callus
As described above, T-DNA integration steps can be (Figs. 3, 6; Online Resource 2). However, in our high-
divided into two main stages: transient expression of speed transformation system, transformed primary callus
double-stranded T-DNA in the nucleus at the early stage proved more suitable for sequential observation than
and stable expression of T-DNA integrated into the plant secondary callus because of the rapid change in shape of
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Fig. 7 Effect of Agrobacterium density on transformation frequency. presented as mean ± SD (n = 10). The experiments were performed
a Luminescence emitted from callus transformed with pCAM- twice using different samples. Similar results were obtained in both
BIA1390-Luc just after the onset of Hyg selection. Luminescence experiments. Asterisks indicate significant difference between Nip-
intensity is indicated by the false color scale. b Graphical represen- ponbare and Kasalath in each Agrobacterium density at P \ 0.01 as
tation of the Luc luminescence intensity emitted from the transformed determined by t test. c Hyg-tolerant cells 14 days after onset of
Nipponbare (white bars) or Kasalath (gray bars) calli shown in a. The selection. 10-1 to 10-5 Agrobacterium density in co-cultivation with
x and y axes show Agrobacterium density in co-cultivation and rice callus (OD600). The frequencies of Hyg-tolerant cells are listed in
luminescence level (photon) per callus, respectively. Data are Table 3
Table 3 Effect of Agrobacterium density on the transformation This method could be also useful in analyzing details of
frequency of Nipponbare and Kasalath the mechanism of T-DNA integration into the plant gen-
Transformation frequencya Agrobacterium density (OD600) ome. Forward and reverse genetic approaches have suc-
ceeded in isolating over 125 genes involved in
10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in Arabidopsis
Nipponbare-Exp.1 9/10 10/10 1/10 1/10 0/10 (Zhu et al. 2003), some of which have been characterized.
Kasalath-Exp.1 9/10 10/10 10/10 6/10 1/10 In yeast, non-homologous end joining (NHEJ)—the
Nipponbare-Exp.2 8/16 9/16 4/16 0/16 0/16 mechanism used to repair DNA double strand breaks—
Kasalath-Exp.2 16/16 16/16 16/16 12/16 3/16 plays a crucial role in Agrobacterium T-DNA integration
into the genome. However, the mechanism of T-DNA
Transformation frequency was defined as the number of calli that
could produce Hyg-resistant secondary calli/number of primary calli
integration via NHEJ in plants remains unclear, although
inoculated with Agrobacterium analyses of T-DNA integration and transformation effi-
ciency have been performed using NHEJ mutants such as
the latter due to the vigorous growth of both transformed atligIV and atku80 (Gelvin 2008). We are currently
and non-transformed cells. Indeed, this might explain why establishing a transformation monitoring system to analyze
a high transformation frequency in Kasalath has not been the molecular mechanisms of T-DNA integration by visu-
reported to date. alizing transient and stable expressions of T-DNA. The
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mechanism of NHEJ in T-DNA integration in plants could The isolation and characterization of genes involved in this
be elucidated using such a system. trait would be of interest not only from the point of view of
basic research into the rice–Agrobacterium interaction, but
Application of highly efficient transformation to new also in terms of improving transformation technology. We
technologies are currently performing genetic analysis to isolate and
characterize the genes involved in this trait using our
In a previous study, we succeeded in obtaining transformed highly sensitive transformation monitoring system.
calli with high efficiency (95–98%) by use of primary calli
in Nipponbare (Toki et al. 2006). This level of efficiency is Agrobacterium density and transformation frequency
thought to be adequate to produce transgenic plants for
functional genomics of genes of interest because we suc- Agrobacterium density in co-cultivation affects transfor-
ceeded in clonal propagation of at least one cluster of mation efficiency. Under our experimental conditions, we
successfully transformed cells in almost all co-cultivated succeeded in clonal propagation of Hyg-resistant cells at a
seeds (Toki et al. 2006). However, for some purposes, such low frequency of 10–20% even at very low bacterial den-
as the large-scale identification of gene function using sity (OD = 10-5) in co-cultivation (Fig. 7c; Table 3). It
transgenic plants, visual selection under no antibiotic has been suggested that Agrobacterium induces browning
pressure, and gene modification by gene targeting (GT) via and programmed cell death in non-host plant cells. Inhi-
homologous recombination (HR), much higher transfor- bition of cell death as well as efficient T-DNA transfer can
mation efficiencies, i.e., many more transformed cells per have a dramatic impact on transformation efficiency
co-cultivated callus, are required. Targeted gene modifi- (Khanna et al. 2007). Moreover, overgrowth of Agrobac-
cation by GT via HR has been reported in rice (Endo et al. terium is thought to cause a decrease in transformation
2007; Saika and Toki 2009a; Terada et al. 2007; Terada efficiency. On the contrary, a high density of Agrobacte-
et al. 2002; Yamauchi et al. 2009). The efficiency of rium in co-cultivation enhanced transformation frequency
obtaining cells in which GT had successfully occurred was (Fig. 7). Thus, high competency to Agrobacterium-medi-
very low because the efficiency of HR between the targeted ated transformation observed in Kasalath could be applied
genomic locus and the donor DNA was quite low, and the to the transformation of any plant hyper-susceptible or
ratio of random integration of donor DNA into the genome resistant to Agrobacterium infection. Our results suggest
in higher plants is of the order of 10-3 to 10-6 (Iida and that transformation efficiency could be improved if sur-
Terada 2005). Both improving the efficiency of HR and vival of Agrobacterium after the onset of selection can be
increasing the number of cells in which donor DNAs are prevented by the use of appropriate culture conditions and
integrated into plant nuclear DNA would lead to increased efficient antibiotics. It is possible that cultivation under
GT efficiency (Saika and Toki 2009a). In this study, we high temperature conditions (32–33°C) also stimulates
showed that the number of independent transformation removal of Agrobacterium in rice (Toki et al. 2006). In
events in each primary callus of Kasalath was ca. 10 times addition, application of meropenem—a b-lactam antibi-
greater than that in Nipponbare, and that single copy of otic—was reported to improve transformation efficiency
T-DNA integration was observed in *40% of these events without the need for modification of protocols in many
(Table 2; Fig. 5). This highly efficient transformation of plants (Ogawa and Mii 2007).
Kasalath suggests that this variety could be used to
improve the efficiency of some of these new transformation
techniques. Conclusion
Transformation efficiency is thought to be determined
by the efficiency of tissue culture and the ability to accept a In conclusion, we have succeeded in obtaining regenerated
transgene via Agrobacterium; both these characteristics are transformed plants of the rice indica variety Kasalath via
regulated by both genetic and physiological factors. It has Agrobacterium-mediated transformation using primary
been shown that IR64 and IR72 are recalcitrant to tissue callus derived from mature seeds. Furthermore, Kasalath is
culture compared to Nipponbare and Kasalath, with con- shown to be more competent for Agrobacterium co-culti-
sequent low transformation efficiencies. On the other hand, vation and subsequent clonal propagation than Nipponbare.
Kasalath showed higher competency for Agrobacterium- This higher transformation competency of Kasalath could
mediated transformation compared to Nipponbare in spite be exploited in the application of new transformation
of the fact that the tissue culture performance of both technologies.
cultivars were comparable. Thus, Kasalath is a good can-
didate cultivar for the isolation of genes involved in high Acknowledgments We thank M. Yano for providing Kasalath
competency for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. seeds, Y. Niwa for providing sGFP, A. Baba for providing
Plant Cell Rep
pCAMBIA1390-sGFP and, K. Osakabe and S. Nonaka for providing Katagiri S, Wu JZ, Ito YK, Karasawa W, Shibata M, Kanamori H,
the luc expression vector. We also thank K. Osakabe, K. Abe, Katayose Y, Namiki N, Matsumoto T, Sasaki T (2004) End
M. Endo, S. Nonaka and N. Ohtsuki for stimulating discussion, and sequencing and chromosomal in silico mapping of BAC clones
K. Amagai, R. Aoto, C. Furusawa, A. Nagashii, E. Ozawa and F. Suzuki derived from an indica rice cultivar, Kasalath. Breed Sci
for technical help. This work was supported financially by a grant 54:273–279
from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan to Khanna HK, Paul JY, Harding RM, Dickman MB, Dale JL (2007)
H.S. and S.T., and a grants-in-aid from the Ministry of Education, Inhibition of Agrobacterium-induced cell death by antiapoptotic
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan to H.S. This work gene expression leads to very high transformation efficiency of
was also supported by a Program for Promotion of Basic Research banana. Mol Plant Microbe Interact 20:1048–1054
Activities for Innovative Biosciences (PROBRAIN) grant to S.T. and Kumar KK, Maruthasalam S, Loganathan M, Sudhakar D, Balasubr-
the Budget for Nuclear Research of the Ministry of Education, Cul- amanian P (2005) An improved Agrobacterium-mediated trans-
ture, Sports, Science and Technology, based on screening and coun- formation protocol for recalcitrant elite indica rice cultivars.
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