AGE OF EXTREMES. Ep 8: Full Episode - History of The World - BBC Documentary
AGE OF EXTREMES. Ep 8: Full Episode - History of The World - BBC Documentary
AGE OF EXTREMES. Ep 8: Full Episode - History of The World - BBC Documentary
Hobsbawm, placing it in the context of historiographic production and the political and
intellectual commitments of the English author. Eric John Hobsbawm's work has had a
very noticeable influence among historians and social scientists in the Anglo-Saxon
Hobsawm's work in Age of Extremes becomes relevant in the context of the abundant
historiographic production. In English political and intellectual relevance commitments.
Today there is an influence of his thinking and they continue to study in Universities of
the European Union as the one that welcomes us, the Complutense. Therefore, his work
has had a very noticeable influence on social scientists. They need the knowledge of
reading these years of destruction to compromise human behavior. Knowing how far the
impulses of man in the sense of war itself and of women in birth control and decision
making can go.
Hobsbawm analyzes a period of wars, crises and revolutions in which the world of the
nineteenth century collapses. Those three decades of instability begin with the First
World War.
The twentieth century was characterized by large-scale violence. They were based on
the moral dilemmas that mattered to Humanity. For three years, scientist Robbert
Oppenhemeir worked on a confidential mission. In a war, as are all wars, mortals, at the
universal level. In a war, as are all wars, mortals, at the universal level. He invented the
weapon with more power to eliminate the world. I must underline that as a graduate in
Psychology, the analysis of the pathological personality of such inhuman persons whose
first and last purpose is annihilation is of interest. For this they seek justifications and
arguments to the context that can affirm their beliefs and gain adherents for their
purpose. That is why, the atrocities that Hitler committed and the capacity I had for
persuasion were so invasive that they are a must study.
What is the thought of men influenced to feel pleasure in hate? What is your desire to
kill for the chance of dying? If there was a world of war, is it possible in that dichotomy
to create a world of peace? Later we will talk about Ghandi as a reference of Non-
Violence as an indisputable way of perpetuity of life.
There were three fundamental ideas about the supremacy of one another. Capitalism,
communism and facism. Democracy found all its extremes faced and believed that it
would find a way out.
In Germany
in 1918 when the war was over ... they were on the one hand in their homes where they
continued their struggle.
In the beginning, few people trusted Adolf's oratory but in a short time his speech fell
silent on his allies and was impossible for the armed conflict.
Hitler proposed a new idea of nation and survival, the inflation of the economy. Concept
that reaches our days and influences us as university students. For example, when we
receive an international scholarship, there is a difference between the Universities of
Brazil, USA, Buenos Aires with respect to the euro. This inflation that began in bread,
moves to most areas of life, whether housing, health, education ... and climate, among
For many, communism was the answer. All this entailed the
agglomeration of opposing diets and difficult to live together. I
suspect the brutal inevitable confrontation. But if we think of
History to learn from it and not fall into the same atrocities we
must establish peaceful tools in the diversity of opinions in which
we live.
therefore, organized traditional enemies of the right but did not increase its number;
mobilized minorities more easily than majorities. Intellectuals and artists were the ones
who allowed theself to be won more easily by anti-fascist sentiments (except for an
international literary current inspired by the nationalist and undemocratic right) because
hostility arrogant and aggressive national socialism towards the values of civilization as
conceived until then was immediately evident in the areas concerned, Nazi racism
immediately translated into the
mass exodus of Jewish and leftist
intellectuals, who dispersed
throughthe areas of the world where
tolerance still reigned. The Nazis'
hostility to intellectual freedom
caused nearly a third of their
While men who only thought of violence, war, justified destruction in power, women
got the right to vote. Women achieve their goals and achievements in non-violent ways,
when they are alibis.
Margaret Sanger was a very aware nurse and that is why she carried out struggles for
unwanted births. I thought that women are the ones who give birth and that is why they
have the right to abort. That's why it was done in a street way.
Mahattan was a polar island. On the one hand, they were very fashionable places and on
the other it was a place of poverty where women carried out abortions that put their own
lives at risk. These events led to quen in 1916 MArgaret opened a clinic in Brooklyn.
Catherine Mc Cormarck and Sanger joined and took out the birth control pill. This
carried out substantial changes in the population, in the way women live. Now they
conquered their own rights that had been subject to the demands of men. These who, in
different parts of the world, were favoring Humanity towards barbarism.
The rights of women, our rights, continue in the 21st century, thanks to those achieved
in the last century. Now feminism is the movement that vindicates and fights for equal
rights, opportunities and places in the space where we can develop. In our case, in
Music there are still few women who are on stage. Motherhood and family conciliation
means that this conciliation does not happen and many leave their professional career. It
is true that more and more women are studying careers such as engineering, information
sciences, musicology in my case ... but it is necessary that the revolutions that began to
advance and not be left in the future of the "comfort" associated with established roles.
Gandhi's thinking was the pacifist resistance, and only then could change happen.
Gandhi's position on Nazism has been criticized by many historians. The pacifist leader
was never an admirer of Hitler, but addresses him in a suspiciously friendly way
Mathama Ghandi in 1930 promoted different non-violent actions such as the Salt
March.and he tried to consume salt, a product of first necessity with which only British
companies could trade.
The beginning of World War II (1939-1945) and the fact that India participated
indirectly as a colony of the British Empire caused the Indian independence movement
to gain more strength. The British authorities arrested thousands of people and Gandhi,
already in his seventies, spent two years in jail. Popular pressure and the end of the war
made the British agree to demands for independence.
Brazil is one of the currently developing countries. It has rich forests, but capitalism is
sweeping the Amazon. Conflicts arise between preserving the authenticity of the tribes
and the arrival of developed countries. Are we running out of water? Will only the tribes
adapted to the natural environment survive the climatic extremes? Brazil is a country
with extremes, from families living in slums with hardly any healthy conditions in their
homes and neighborhoods, to skyscrapers with paradisiacal views.
We must think among all the states of joint actions for the development of progressive,
integral and natural of our Earth to continue inhabiting it. For all this, ambition, power
struggles must be set aside and an intermediate life that approaches the poles of the
extreme and opposing magnets must be put aside.
- Hobsbawn, Eric: Age of Extremes (1914-1991). The Short Twentieth Century”:
Eric Hobsbawm