Housewife in Ohio Accidentally Invents A Bread That Miraculously Stops Your Appetite and Hunger

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Copvnghl * 1977 Americ in He.illh Institute Advi.rtivi.


Based on 2000 Year Old Recipe

Housewife In Ohio Accidentally
Invents A Bread That Miraculously
Stops Your Appetite And Hunger
NO-HUNGER BREAD said to best all fad diets hands down. It's the fastest, painless way to lose weight.
BY Jack C I he article then re-latesaneveopenmg We both were ready to kick ourselves Answer: "You will soon find out
Special leature writer experiment bv the world renowned, for not seeing it before. Here is a piece Spread it thinly with
(Canton, Ohio) More is a message to brilliant English surgeon. Dr Robert Both mv husband and myself started butter and eat away "
•ill vou genius research scientists using \1e< arrison, who tested the merits of using Ihe bread as a weight loss device I prepared m) slice w i t h butter Ihe
to find a painless wa) for people to lose the Hun/a diet in a controlled, scientific and we shed pounds like water off a bread was medium brown and it was a
weight It's been done1 Mot h\ a experiment on VOOIahoratorv rats He duck's back, faster than anv weight loss heavv bread It had a verv appealing
scientist, hut, h\ ,i housewife look till one group ol not ma! latsand method w e e v e i Hied.and. we have tried grams texture and when I spread the
Beinj! hailed here as the weight loss put them on the lluiua diet He then them all We then named the bread NO- butter on the warm slice it melted into
method ol the eenluu, NO lll'Ndl1 K took a sitoiul group and put them on a HUNC.lI R BRI AD." the bread and made my mouth wutcr.
BRI AD is lolling like a mggeinaui did stall as that of Ingland After Question: "Ben, according to vour I took a bite. Ihe delicious taste of the
I he bread was! b\ <KCI- \eais ihe rats on (he Hun/a diet research, cxuetl.v how does it compare to bread filled my mouth You could tell
dent N.IIHV Sperrv, wile ol i healt' 1 showed ahsolutilv no disease, had some of the new fud diets such as liquid that it was hcartv. full of substance,
re-searcher, was Irvmu to duplicate i piopei weight md were completeIv protein?" chewy, and 1 could just tell it was good
2,001) \ear-old. high toughagv hie.iil he-alt h\ bevond noimal I he ia(s on the Answer: "fhere is no comparison for you Maybe the bod) still does have
used b\ the little known civili/atton ol I nglish diet were overweight, diseased Those diets arc in another league, the some instincts to tell good from bad
HIIIIAI The Hun/us were being studied anil had tumors, ulcers, bad teeth, minor league, next to the NO- White bread gives you an empty feeling
hy her husband I he Hun/as, ate ciooked spines, tailing hair, skin dis- HUNG! R BRE..AD like you're biting into cotton compared
umsideied to be the healthiest people on oideis In art tumble, kidnc.v trouble, I he latest fad diets such as the \\airr to this bread It was indeed the best
cMiih I heir bread is the main part ol gliiiuliilcti trouble and thev were verv antl i>n>/<w. the/on «ir/Wn <//•<''«' and bread I had ever tasted I gobbled up
tlwirdiet Nanc\ w<tsir\uiv to make this hostile He then took these diseased r<tls the new /«/(//</ i>mit'i>i are not onl> two slices 1 felt very full and satisfied I
bread pood lasting so the children who been on the Lnghsh diet und ineffective, the) are downright watched the time ft was I 25pm
would eat it put them on the Hun/a diet The-) all dangerous Question: "You were not ex-
Nancy succeeded in coming up with a became well 1 When I sav the) are ineffective I mean aggerating were youl That is out of this
recipe- was absolutely delicious 0 K., now we can continue. So, jou that either a person will not slick with world. It just gives jou what jou crave. I
I verv, bod) lo\ed it But, then a startling feel that the Hun/a bread ma> be l>> them because the) a.e uncomfortable or can't put mv finger on it."
discovery was made hist one or two design both a hunger suppressant and a when the diet is ovei lhe> will put the Answer:"! behest part is)et to come
\er\ small pieces of bread would turn a super health food?" weight right back on let me know what vou experience bv
pel son's appetite for 5 or h hours' She Answer. Hs. hut if it is theie is a All of us liletime dieters know of the calling us in about 6 hours"
became upset at this ".li aw hat k" at first question, who designed it1 Now ihe miseries of the \\alcr/>ron ;/;aild the/OH
But. then while discussing it w i t h her Hun/as \\ere origmallv soldieis ol tnrl>o!n<ir<in diets 1 hev don't seem Question: "I'll tell vou mv appetite is
husband Beniainin Spem, it hit them Alexander the This bread mav bad for the first few davs. then thev just about gone right now. t sec what
Jliis was not a "drawKick" .it all. hut a have been designed lor the use ol his lar become repulsive You get 'lull'on these vou mean bv the build up effect. I feel
huge benefit It was the ultimate weapon traveling armies It would make sense- diets but not satisfied I hen thev bring like I've just eaten a full course meal. But
in the light against obcsitv that It's the most compact form of hunger on unpleasant complications that now how do people get the bread?"
lese.ircheishave been trjmgto disco\er satisfaction and nutrition I know of jeopardi/e your health. Answer: "The recipe has been turned
for decades But further investigation brought (he new liquid protein diet is the over to the American Health Institute
N.incv had appaieniK conn up with about some rcall) vuld possibilities worst ol .ill This diet is really dangerous Many ol the matediwis arc hard to
the lust natural and healths appetite Aceoidmg to traces ol Macedonian to vour health and most unpleasant v.</>;< i ,S/»iv;i in In'f n>:\ A ililitnin Canioii Ohm I ln\ i\ i \u< tl\ \\ln'n'ihc come bv. so we felt the best wav to make
inhibitoi Or was she the first' Could Hciitage this biead could have I his diet causes fatigue. di//y spells', bad hi i ail \\<i\ iit\iiiUil \\lnlt n 1 1 HI; in < HUH ti/> » nil it (,•< •»</ it/Mint; lni;li roiii;luitn n available to the public is to bu) these
this be a designed biead invented originated in Igvpt ovei 5.000 veais breath, hail loss, oily skin, constipation, huinl A\ n liin^iftiiil */i< anuliiilttll\ tin t/Htif a h aif linn i Inniiitiit \ rare ingredients in bulk and make the
thousands of vears ago' ago As we know, the Igvptians weie kidiie\ problems, liver disorders, and mill lil/\< \ n'l n <n;/;/ //)< /HIM/ /xinil, u IK;I />«vu/>/c whole thing into a pre-mix Ihe
Mr bperry is a researchei lor the capable ol doing mam things that cardiovascular disorders All that stufl American Health Institute has con-
•\nurican Health Institute He had been modern science cannot duplicate the) tell vou about liquid protein is utter tracted with a reputable food process'
studvmg the Hun/as for vears Now !>•• But Bating back to the focal point of nonsense What it leally amounts to is to piepaie and package the p«x -m"\.
had some questions needed this matter, regardless ol where K came lasting But, they tell vou that 'in fasting The food processing company is the
answered the Hun/as ha\e little food Irom. we have it And. it's tested and it ihe bodv attacks the body protein first.' Now. here's what it's like hour bv IMan D- I at a slice of Ilun/a Bread 10 supplier to the largest baking companies
in the winter Was this bread an ancient works " I hat is hogwash. hasting is an effective hour alter vou eat the bread minutes before vou eat vour regulir in the country. The American Health
discover) ofu hunger suppressant which and healthful practice used by the Hour I and 2. Lach minute after vou meal \\hen we do this we eat onlv a Institute will do the distributing by mail
Question: "That bread in the oven is
also provided healthful nourishment to smelling better and better. And since greatest men in history for over 2,000 finish eating the bread seems like a tiaction. such as Vi of what we would for the present. Here are the. ordering
the body during winter months' vears The Hun/as fast regularly and build-up of a'fullness'feeling It'sjtist as ustiallv cat If we wait longer than 10 details for the public:
we're going to discuvs the bread, let's go tilt) live to be over 120 years old
I held an interview with Mr. and Mis to the discoverer. Nancj, how did it all though vou have kept on eating You minutes we do not want to eat at all For those w ho wish to order the bread
Sparry 1" 'h*-'11" lovely home in Canton, start?'* Liquid protein actual!) rums a fast keep getting fuller and fuller Both vour Plan F: f a t the bread at the end of pre-mix, it conies m a package which
Ohio, a' medium si/ed, mid-Western Ihe only thing you do when you add appetite and hunger are full) satisfied meals don't fill vou upciiough. such contains everything you need to make 4
Answer: "Well, as I mentioned, Ben liquid protein is cause problems. You loaves I ach loaf has about 20 slices of
community 60 miles south of Cleveland had been investigating Ihe Hun/as for You don't crave anv thing else as low calone meals I his is a perfect
;t'>pon arrival m\ greeting was warm main \earsand wasconvinced their have a less effective fast and the excess Hour 3. In hour Komcthmgdillcunt wav to use the bread 'V. on eat a low bread I ach 4-loaf pre-nnx costs 58 00
and frtcndlv and I immediate l\ lelt right bre id was one ol the rnaior reasons lor piotcm wreaks havoc with the bod) All happens I he thought of Jood isactuallv calorie meal enjov it. then eat a shee or plus S2 00 (or shipment, packaging and
at home and everyone was on a lirst their good health So he asked me to the liquid protein diet amounts to is a repulsive You don't get nauseated and two of bread to fill vou up Peilect 1 No postage "
name basis I also noticed that the duplicate it and use it as our biead scheme to sell liquid protein " it's not unpleasant, quite the contrarv stitlciing and no urge to snack
Spems were exceptional!) turn, lit and Question. "| know what you're But. vou iiisi don t want lood in anv IMan I ;Allein.ue Plan A. B. C . U \\e Question: "Ihat's about SJ.50 per
1 thought it would be eas\ at first but loaf. Do vuu think people will consider
health) Our mter\lew took place in the it turned into a nightmare Ihe iccipe talking uhout, I'm what you call a wav, shape or form recommend an alternation of the plans,
kitchen with two loaves of NO- that visitois to Hun/a came back with 'lifetime dirter' mvsclf. These fad diets Hour 4 and S, 'V.on no longer have the bin some people w ho just want to get the that expensive?"
IIUNOI R BRt AD baking in the o\cn w e i e cither too general or did not turn are just that — fads, because as soon as stuffed or repiilsiveiiess lor food feeling, weight oil as soon as possible will Use- Answer: "| irst thev should know that
It smclled delicious people find out how bad they are, thev Plan A exclusively " the mgiedients m the bread are verv
into bread at all I herefore, I made a list disappear. Now, I like findlne out about but. kind ol a nothing feeling >, on don't
Question: "Ben, to what do vou of .ill the ke) food elements in Hun/a want lo eat. and vou don't eiave Question: '"V.cs, Nane), >ou have a expensive and you can't compare it with
a diet that's been around at leant 2,000 comment?'" cheap, store bought bread which con-
attribute the powerful appetite in- and started experimenting and tried to anvthmg It's IUM as I s.nd. a comtor-
hibiting proprieties of >our wife's come up with (he taste and texture vears. That rings of stahilil). (At this table 'nothing' stage Answer: "Yes. vou can rcallv think up tains little of an)thing Howwer.
bread?" (K'suihcd b) Ihe Ilun/a people I was
point Nanc\ look the bread out of the Hour 6 and 7. I owaid the end ol the all kinds of w a v s to use the bread f-or actuallv it is inexpensive. What people-
Answer.' Well, .lack, light now we le also li v ing to come up w ilii a biead that
oven to cool. It looks >cr) appeti/ing to 6th houi )ou begin to get mildlv hungrv instance, as .1 housewife it's harder to ate biiMiig lure is a weight loss and
in the stage ol making educated guesses would taste good so that the kids would
sjv the least.) Fell me the advantage of which then builds up being goodwav diet because you have to prepare food weight control produei Other weight
Iheoiv I is that N.incv, in experimen- eat it the ISO-lllirNGLK BRbAD. I will get a into the 6th and 7ih hour " loi the family I cat mv bread exactly 2 control methods are much more expen-
ting with the bread recipe accidental!) Mv final product consisted of some 13
piece, won't 1?" Question: "Now, all that for onh the hours before I am going to prepare a sive Buving high protein food »ucn as
combined natural food substances diflerent ke) food elements, stone Answer: "Oh yes, just as soon as it cost of 100 lo 200 calories. N on can't get meal I hat wav when I prepare the meal steak, eggs, etc add up to an
which react together to form a natural ground whole wheat flour, two Hun/a cools a little. There arc primary and that performance out of a 2,000 calorie I am m the 3rd hour where food is astronomical food bill A three dav
appetite or Iningci inhibitor dairv products, a special oil from the pit secondary benefits The big primary meal can )ou?" pleasantly repulsive. No way am I supplv of liquid, protein costs over $7 00
benefit is that mostly Ihe dieter does not Answer: "Right Now )ou've got the tempted lo nibble or taste " and. ever)bod) knows how expensive
There are also facts being uncovered of a Iruit, certain minerals and various 1 doctors arc
that support Theory 2 thai this bread special herbs I he fruit oil in the bread is suffer A T ALL It is such a natural and gist of the whole thing Question: "Nanev, >ou all look »er>
Not is it the least expensive-
was designed in ancient times for the believed to be the reason that the powerful appetite inhibitor. Here's another little known thing health). Is it because of the bread?"
express purpose of tiding over people Hun/as haw such a good circiilatorv I his bread satisfies both appetite and about standard lunch hours and Answer: "I hat's a big part of it You weight control method itr even savcsyou
when food supplies w e l e searee I et s svstein and it is said to be the secret to hunger And it does it with on!) 84 dinners Sav von eat a milk shake, feel bettei and look betteralter vou start mone) I notice a 20 , drop on ni)
start with the Hun/as who ate the the lluii/a women's flawless, ageless calories (100 calories spread w ith butter) hamburger and freiieh fires for lunch, eating this bread ^ on know ill) grocer) bill With this bread )ou cat less,
healthiest periple on earth I consider complexion It mav as effective!) as most 1X00 calorie full that's over 1,000 calories 1 here's a lot of daughter, besides having a weight especially snacks which are the most
their bread lobe one of the mam reasons disease immumi) qualities along with meals We define appetite and hunger sugar and salt m meal U hen vou're problem also had an acne problem and expensive grocery items and the worst
lor this " ihe special herbs" like this appetite manifests itself mainly done the fust thing that happens is that since she started eating the bread her thing for you."
in the mouth It's that craving \oti get jour bodv shoots a large amount ol skin completelv cleared up " Question: "So much for that. Well,
Question: "Before vou do, Ben, I Question. "How long did It lake that I call the «>l<lnit>uih feeling
would like to give the reader a little before vou were successful?" insulin into vour svsiem to counteract Question: "Ren, how manv pounds thank vou for >our hospitality and a
background nflhr Hun/as. I ha»e here a Answer: "Oh in about three months It can also be present even though )ou the sugar Your blood sugar is loweied can vou lose a werk using this bread?" most enriching interview."
feature published h> the American of till and on experimenting 1 finallv hit have itist eaten Your stomach may be and within an hour vou feel hungrv Answer: "Ihe exact number of Answer: "You're quite wclcomt."
Health Institute which has. been in man> ona perfect batch one summer morning full but \oustillcravcsomethmg Ihisis again and start snaeking On top of that pounds depends on the person's si/eand At 7 J0p m I phoned th« 5ptrry'»
major newspapers across the country. I vervone in the famil) had some bread the feeling )ou get with the protein diet the salt has made vou thirsty and vou metabolic rate Using the bread I lost 11 with the results of my post bread eaiinc
Ilia is »n excerpt from this fen tun: and raved about the taste With no Youean stuff yourself with protein until gulp watet 01 sou dunks und retain the pounds and Nanc) lost 7 pounds m the hours h went like clockwork, exactly a"
'flic- Hun/as exist isolated from the exaggeration, it lasted at least twice as vou're read) to bust but the <«/</won//) Hinds fust two weeks. they had described it. No hunger for ft
test of the world in the Himalayan good as store bought bread and was the ctaving is still there. Hunger on the I hen if vou try 'weight watchers' I he point is, as stated before, that our hours I heir bread is truly a discovery. |
Mountains where thev live to be'120 best bread we had ever tasted Alter other hand manifests itself mainly in the lunch, vou would have to cat between experience shows that )ou lose weight am impressed. Ihe way tnat the bread i*
to MO vcars old. the) have no eating the bread, nohodv had an stomach with pangsorancmpiv, feeling 400 to <M)0 calories of cottage cheese, (aster on this method than anv other going to help the fight against obesity i»
cancer, heart attacks, or other ma|or appetite that dav and the kids were not After nisi one or two slices' of NO- lean meat, and eggs to led rcasonablv method that I know exists" endless, You will be hearing a great cfcal
disorders to speak of I hev ate active hungrv for lunch hunger BRI Af) you kill both appetite full But, you would not be satisfied and QueMion: "lhat Is a lot of weight to about n m the very near future. For
which was vciv, and hunger. You feel both satisfied and lf
and fil 10 the verv end Men fiiivr '!"•!• •:.:! !-.::. -.\v .', off ..i ;"!...;
j«lmns» inyiii.^1511^.11 * f»«j M oy|;J ^ v )i? in !h:t period r.f Unit. Ns;u>,! Mi ;&>>* AT.VI *!»;• io pufch«kc the bread
children at 100 )enrs and older time. lull And. it lusts - depending on the hungry Hgnin and need to consume more .vou're culling the bread. It's strange to right now, I will puhlici/e the ordering
Overweight people arc unheard of person — up to 7 hours. \ or both of us it of the same. say. It even looks like it would fill you up coupon here which will allow you to
Then we started (o notice thnt lasts 6 to 7 hours "
for they have the perfect weight whenever we MIC the bread during the You can't win. 1 here is not an existing quickly." order your bread by mail or phone:
control system' day we were not hungry for the evening Question; "What lv the secondar) diet where vou will not suffer in some
I he slorj then relates research and meal It got so that I would not allow benefit?" wav. "
l.tct finding visits to Hun/a hy such anyone to cat the hrcud unless it was Answer: "Well, first of all each slice of NO-HUNOLK HRI Al> re-tidy mix i\ complete with all necessary Ingredient* and
Question: "Ben, exact!) what kind of nidkcs 4 loaves of bread which cut up into 20 slices (or each loaf You simply add water
notables as Art I ink letter and Si B C .with the meal in the evening But. then I NO-MUNOIR BRI AD is close to a program do >ou to on to lose weight I he ic*d> mix also comes with a npo" <>n le-slvd \*<tyi, to use- the lo lose weight the
National Geographic Maga/me. I tank found that when I served it at dinner being a balanced meal in itself So right with NO-Hl NGKR BRtAD?" i4xle-»t wav possible
Shor, I owell Thomas. ,lr,, Choii t n Lai everybody ate a much smaller amount off the bat >ou don't strip \oui body of Answer: " I here are many wa\s to do TO OHUIM IV MAI!: Indicate the number of 4-lisif mixes, yog want, fill out your
of China and Queen I h/abeth of of their meal nutrition or give it too much of one- it I his is another benefit. It'* flexible. ti.uiK and address txlow. clip Ihe coupon diid tnclose it in an envelope along with yetir
I ngland. Visitors to Hun/a all came It got to be a standard routine that if thing or too little of another Here are some typical plans. Each slice of $X rJO plus JJ 00 shipping, packaging and postage', for 4 total of $10 00 Mak«
bade v\\th the same identical description we were going out to cat or if I was Second, not onl) is the bread of bread here is mm!) spread with butter p.ivmenl in cash, eheek or money ordef M.ike- checks pa\jhle- to The Airie-ncan Health
of the Hun/a people cooking a special meal, the bread was nutritional, bin it contains some proven for a total of 100 calories Instilute
Please mall nie-- •lodfNO-HUNGLR BRI Already mix atSIOOO|
'Hun/a men arc straight, tall, broad- not allowed for that day. I was very good health producing foods of the Plan A: Lai 1 slice evcrv S hours of the for titch pocliiice
shouldered, deep-chested, sbm- peeved <rwt my delrcrom hrond h irj Hiin/i\ ANn, (i i\ high w roughage or Ift !v,/.s you're a A . l k c i l i . l t ' s ^ sliees /»/././«.s/. pft/kr 1
waisied, heavy-legged, and have full turned into a monster — a monster that fiber. It passes through >our digestive which tola! WO calorics I his is the
Name —
heads of hair. Hun/a women arc devoured appetite and hunger." svstcm quickly so the actual absorbed fastest way to lose weight I know of It
straight, tall, slmi-waistcd. Question: v'How long dm II lake you calorie* arc less. You also become very works faster for me than any high Address
developed hosoms, perfect complex- l<> rrall/e that what you really had was regular eating this bread " protein diet SShv'' You have more CUV Slate- .Zip.
ions, and luxuriant hair. Both men the all-time weapon against obesity?" Question; "NarK>, t«ll m« what |fn energy and burn more calorics Second, M,nl lo
American Health Institute i
and women have perfect teeth and Answer: "You know it was quite a like to eat • pkce of the bread, that h, live high fiber bread keeps vourdigestive t>ept B-2S
cvevight — even at 100 vcars and lone time Six months or so And, m> what do you e»Mrknc«r system regular. Ihird, your body stays, 125 Health Institute Blvd
okkr! They are neat, clean, m- husband was involved with obesity Answer: "OK., let's uirt with th« healthy. A healthy hod) means a Canton, Ohio 44767
. tellifent and fnendlv And vou can't research everv day Also, both of us had eating We suggest eating it hot out of properly functioning metabolic system 700KUI* BY PHOM: I) f)i«l thi> TOI L mtr number. l40*>32r4MlfOM«
find an overweight person trouble with being overweight. There it the toaster ihinlv spread with butter. It fVanl: Really gorge yourself with trte reM<Kniv dial M(XM*2 DMA) and a:k for operator B23 . 3) Say (N wt*ti''NO»
Hun/1 women at 80 look no older wan right in front of our noses; but, we is a heavy bread and will fet hot in ihe bread Two slices evtry four hours for a HI V'F. R BRI Air. *> (me your name ami address, 4) Indtc^tt the ft«mt»re**4-lMf
th«n American women of 40 Fatigue were too close to It to tec it. totMer without over crisping. I require total of R slices bui only 800 calories rnixo von want, 5) Give the operator one of your f6liowin«er«dit card ftvmlim.' MatHr
h virtually unknown Hun/a men Then one day we were talking to a one slice, my husband requires 2 slices, Yon will feel stuffed all dav In fact, I Charge or VIM (also include your Interbank number) Or. i?you don't w*n< fonta erttftt
over 90 year* old repeatedly walk the friend of ours who wa< telling IK that she fating n is the first delightful ex- doubt many people could cat this much card tell the optrtior you want it milled C O O Operator* are on <J«y right now anil
mountain trail of 65 miles from the wa« lakinc prescribed PilN to reduce her perience li tastes better than any bread around the clock
of ihe bread Direct *ny inquire* to (216) 494-4382 Toll free operators only tike order* and art not
town of Cnlpit with a full pack and appetite It hit us both like a lightning that we have ever eaten Along with Ibc Phm ( : Put a slice in the morning for to unswtr inquiry qu*Miotf»
immediately Mart to work in the Mi \\c lumped upandsaid. 'Boy. have ta«te. being warm makes rt truly breakfast and a slice ' hours before vour
1 Thi\ nfltr i arrtr\ a full roiiwn -ht* * tHoranh <
fields again'' we got the thing for you ' That was it satisfying to eat dinner and you will eat a great de<ii less

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