It's "Game Over" For Many in Our Industry Who Still Believe in The Old Shell Games
It's "Game Over" For Many in Our Industry Who Still Believe in The Old Shell Games
It's "Game Over" For Many in Our Industry Who Still Believe in The Old Shell Games
Here it is early December of 2008 and we all know that the world as we
knew it, six months ago, has changed. And to the people who are not
prepared to change with the times—-quickly—-I say again, "game over."
The days of ramming a big ticket $2K and $4K program down people's
throats are over. In this economic climate the days of "oh what the hell
here is four grand" are so 2007. So are the days of selling bogus crap
and praying the new guys wife never asks, "Hey Honey, what is this on
your credit card for $250 per month?" Bang-Bang. You're dead. Game over.
Do you honestly think with Millions of job cuts coming and most people
secretly scared out of their pretty little heads, that your get-rich-
quick or fruity juice of the month MLM at $240 per month is gonna fly?
You do? Great. Now just tell me how many of your people have quit lately.
Truth is truth and the closer you move to it my Amigo of sane mind, the
more income we can both make together and the more lives we can abso-
lutely 100% change. But the cheese has moved and . . .
Those foolish enough (they're not fools, these are just people just too
mentally lazy to recognize a new trend) enough to still be caught trying
to rope folks into programs based on one thing or still trying to hype a
new "automatic" date with another lost grand over some dumb new internet
widget, oh how these types will experience excruciating regret.
For over ten years now in our community , we have taught people to
bury the words I can't. We've also taught the "YES-YES" concept to
people as well as the ills of being a hustler and promoted the
higher ideal of being a "good news merchant."
Some said we weren't "slick" enough and others wondered why were
so dead set on MIND-SET rather than screaming about money and mak-
ing it all about getting paid. Now here we are in late 2008 and
Hollywood has taken a sheet out of our books, and now Jim Carey
has a new movie called "Yes Man." Why? Because Universal truth
can't be denied.
I always said, "If you build people, the people will build your
business." Love people and use money. Not vice versa.
But first, go get your $97 because by page #7 you will see the
eureka I am about to reveal to you.
That plus, you will be more hopeful and see more "light" at the
end of the tunnel, than I dare say you have in many months!
Not only that, but I predict major, major, major scores for people
like you and me right now. People who ride the new wave to hit our
industry that I call, "The Inspiration economy."
Over Time, Truth Always Reveals Itself and Anguish is Her Revelation Page # 2
The New Money is:
"Tribes" Not Downlines
Three summers ago it was a $1,500 "Dialer" technology where the widget
would dial and call thousands of people for you. It was all about
spamming people's phones and getting rich. Those days are over and
that program shut down just about the time the kids all went back to
Two summers ago it was all about some $3,000 "You-Tube" program and
the rage was becoming a star on You-Tube. That folded as well.
Last summer the new "it" program was some $1,000 MLM and also some
Big-Ticket gimmick program run by a young kid whose picture had him
sitting it Hawaii sipping a cocktail. Oh, and the monthly fee to use
that kids program was $300 bucks. Just to use his website!
Gee. I wonder why all of those programs only lasted a few months?
Not to mention the lost reputations. The fact is, little guys trusted
the full-timers and they sank THOUSANDS into some pot-o-gold "we do it
for you" and then before you could say "Captain Crunch," the entire
program was forced to walk the plank!
Now you know why state run lotteries only promise one (1) winner.
When you make a promise you can't deliver to 1,000 people "game over."
When you can predict the future you have the "first mover advantage"
you also get to remain standing, not to mention wealthy. Not many
years ago I forecasted and brought the "funded proposal" to the indus-
try. Not long later, the entire industry used that model. Then I in-
troduced the "YES-YES" concept and now look at how Hollywood adopted
it. Then I predicted cultures and tribes and consumption marketing.
And now time has proven us right once again, as you will see on Pg. 4.
Single Entity Programs and Programs Based on "Me-Me-Me " are About To Die. Page # 3
If You Understood Why The Palm Pilot Died
You'll Better Understand Also, Why Programs That
Don't Include "The People" and Induce Emotions Disappear
Now look at how our teenagers use text messaging, basically non-
stop and study the mass appeal of iPhones and smart phones. Which
also has the "palm" function of adding dates, reminders and PDA
functionality. So what's the difference? Why did the Palm go off
the deep end and yet cell phones, iPods and Smart-Phones have be-
come so mandatory and must-haves? One receives and gives data while
the lonely palm, only allowed you to use it alone all by yourself.
Which Barnes and Noble's book store knows all too well about.
Their model was this, "We will sell more books if we arrange an at-
mosphere for tribes of people to drink coffee, nosh on muffins and
sit awhile." So Barnes and Nobles became not just a place to buy a
book. But rather a place to mingle, relax and it offers at atmos-
phere where people fellowship and spend time together.
When what you deliver helps people "village" better, you score big.
Drive by one of those books stores at night. They're packed.
It's a place where there are live seminars, people actually meet and
hang out together and where something beyond product sold is deliv-
ered. And that's the magic of old school network marketing.
Where the bank was the culture or even more than what was sold.
And in today's economy I dare say, those who fail to deliver what was
promised, as in a guaranteed check, will lose everyone because in to-
day's economy, few will be able to afford any more lies. However, if
what you sell is a feeling and a community driven program—-that money
can not buy—-home run. You will win. You have to.
Mind-Set + Residual Income + Cash Flow + Coaching + Web 2.0 + Marketing Page # 5
Those Who Can Gather People and Inspire Them
Will Rule and Win Large in 2009 and Beyond
You won't be gathering many people in 2009 with this proposal,
"Gimme $2,000 and make $10,000."
Reason 1: His wife will toss him outta the house this time.
Reason 2: He lost his $2,000 last summer and the summer before.
Reason 3: Good honest people are done selling other people lies.
But you will gather hundreds, yes you will, if you show them an
honest $1,341 program like ours, were folks can stew and get their
feet wet for only $97 and $597. And if you really want to rule the
roost, you can scoot down to almost free and lead with our famous
little marketing course, "Chaos to Cash."
Then there is us, the Good News Merchants. We are dead-heads, old
Beatle and Bob Dylan fans, and we are throw backs to what feels
good rather than what pays the fastest. We actually believe what we
have is sheer gold. Freaky good. A God send. And we prove that by
asking not for $500 to $1,000 to $2,000, but with a little $14.95
course. Why? Because we know that once you sample what we sell and
experience our "Tribe," you won't want to leave. Even better, we
know that over time, you will want to own our entire library, re-
sell it to other ex-Amway Squares likes us and to set yourself up
to earn $400 to $700 per sale. When you are lovable, you believe
others will love you back. Therefore to rush anyone is faithless.
Nightly Live Calls Page # 6
The Million Mind March
$97 "Day Job Bail-Out" Home Study Course The title alone will attract the masses and with
** Written for the average person. this we can gather the 10 Million newly axed job
market people. This product is what we will use
** Earn $60 per sale.
to introduce this industry to non-internet types.
** Teaches / sells the idea of residual money.
We can place ads like this:
** People can start for $14.95 or $97.
Average Joe Bail-Out. Earn a lazy $200 to
** Use ads, flyers and the internet to introduce this. $800 on weekends. Free eBook and MP-3.
** Then they witness / experience our community! Must work. My friend made $6K. Start up $14.95
Content Feed + Brochures + ads + Flyers Without tools that can put the average new
** We give you letters + blog content + tools. guy into the market "next day" you have to
** We seek to give you a true voice + branding. wait months for them to learn the internet.
Doing it that way, you might as well say
Few programs, if any, give you the actual content to "good-bye" to the 10 Million who need money
attract, maintain and earn from your list. We do. Be- and just lost their jobs. Be smart. Have tools
cause we build leaders. Not "distributors." and easy 1-2-3 plans that anyone can use.
We Study Books That Are 100 Years Old Our tag-line is not "earn a CEO income from
** We study "The Science of Getting Rich." home." Rather it's change your mind.
** We study "The Power of Subconscious Mind." Change your income. Change the world and
** We study the Ben Franklin autobiography. change your life. And without reengineering
people's MIND they seldom can rise to the
Books after 1945 taught "pump up" and they were level of true wealth. Our seminars and private
all about you and how to be Godzilla. Books from member only book clubs are the staple that
1865 to 1940's taught character and self-image. holds our organization together. Very unique.
The Key: We Teach Addition, Not Subtraction You already have a solid program. What you
** We don't teach quit yours and join ours. don't have is an income driven by mind-set
** We don't teach "them versus us." and a portfolio of incomes based on services
** We have no competition. So we include all. that this industry already uses. Now you do!
Mind+ Residual Income + $400-$700 Per Sale The Better Question For 2009-2010
** Earn $60 on our $97 home-study course.
** Our $597 course pays TWO levels $400 + $100. For years people asked, "What's the pay plan?"
**The $1,341 pays two levels $700 + $100. And now they are forced to answer this question,
** Membership is $67 and pays $20 + $5 + $10. "Did the pay plan pay you?" The better question is,
"who shall I be" and "who do I need to become in
** Our MLM coaching program is $50 / 5 levels.
order to grow my own tribe?" That question will
** Combined is $117 which includes 2 residuals.
force you to lead with your own core values and
** Not $200 or $300 or $400. Only $114 for both.
someone who is lovable—you— is hard to resist!
** Big pay. Low start up. Long term plan. Safe.
How many times did you follow someone into a program with a
significant investment, with your hard earned money, and your
time, and within a short ninety days, your sponsor up and split.
Now tell me, how did that make you feel? Even worse, I bet they
thought that they could use you again and I bet they came around again
to see if they could get their rent money from you again.
Who they were and their names aren't important. What is though is
this, that has to stop! Because in today's market, less than stable
won't be allowed to survive. Today more than ever, reputation and your
history, good or bad, will be there all waiting for other people to
evaluate you and whether or not you are worthy of their time.
So the next time someone asks you to join them, maybe the better ques-
tion instead of, "What's the comp plan?" ——maybe the question "where
have you been for three years and just exactly how many programs have
you suckered others into and then quit," maybe that question would ac-
tually serve you better. But that's just me. What do I know?
The problem is that the average new guy in our industry, and even the old
timers which character, they don't know that a program like ours even
exists! They think the internet is all shell-game. They think they
need thousands of dollars to play. Do they know about us? No. Do they
know of the beauty and income potential Million Mind March has? No.
And if you were the one to show 10,000 people this, get my drift?
"A" "B"
$1,500 Start-Up $97 Start-Up
** People encouraged to quit their jobs and go FT. ** People are encouraged to keep their days jobs.
** It's assumed everyone sits on-line 10 hrs. a day. ** No one gets hurt. It's under $100 to get in.
** Can you make slick video's? Hope so. ** We teach people how to safely make extra $$.
** Your prospects better have $2K to $3K to invest. ** We give you flyers, invite letters and tri-folds.
** Everyone is promised serious big money. ** Free nightly "teaching" calls to bring guests to.
** The goal is to earn at least $50,000 per month. ** We have an incredible user generated members area.
** No tools for off-line marketing. ** We study 100 year old books and teach mind-set.
** Everyone better be a FT internet big gun! ** We have live events and have internet 2.0 webinars.
** Site fee is $200 to $300 + $500 ad co-ops. ** Learn true basics of marketing + advanced.
** Call strangers and show them a $3K investment. ** Easy to retail $14.95 marketing course.
** People on top too "big" to take your calls. ** People pay you. You get to get paid first.
** The leaders charge $5,000 for coaching. ** To have product drop-shipped, pay headquarters.
** No live events. No basic training. ** Multiple low cost generic MLM programs.
** To "buy in" properly you need $3K to $5K. ** Multiple cash flow courses to earn from.
** NO RETAIL front-end. Just sell big tickets. ** True entrepreneurs school with an honest promise.
** No $14.95 or $25 retail entry products. ** Auto-responder + multiple splash pages to use.
** NO actual products. Just an excuse to get paid. ** 100% Generic program. No conflict of interests.
** Company owners are not visible. ** Classified ad classes. Learn direct response.
** They promise to do it all for you. ** Get Master-Files. Brandable eBooks+ reports.
** Subconscious mind training. Grow self-image.
** Learn how to build lists and attraction marketing.
** Library of 18 audio CD + 8 manuals + 6 books.
** A true MASTER-MIND club that lives and breathes.
** Old fashioned off line advertising is taught.
** We also teach complicated "Pro" level web 2.0
** How to manage 100+ new leads per day.
The above list is taught both "live" and in our courses. For
$68 per month the above is not taught. It's assumed that you
are at least at the $597 level of expertise.
Page #9
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