Understanding The Interpersonal Self - Interpersonal Behavior
Understanding The Interpersonal Self - Interpersonal Behavior
Understanding The Interpersonal Self - Interpersonal Behavior
Interpersonal Self –
Interpersonal Behavior
Session 6
Psychoanalysis: The id, the ego, and the superego.
• The id has the quality of being unconscious and contains everything that is
present at birth (inherited), and the instincts.
• The ego has the quality of being conscious and is responsible for controlling
the demands of the id and of the instincts and becoming aware of stimuli.
The ego regulates activity, and strives to achieve pleasure and
avoid displeasure.
ANAL STAGE • Parents who utilize praise and rewards for using the toilet at the appropriate time
(1 to 3 years) encourage positive outcomes and help children feel capable and productive.
• Freud believed that positive experiences during this stage served as the basis for
people to become competent, productive, and creative adults.
• Inappropriate parental responses can result in negative outcomes, such as:
- the individual has a messy, wasteful, or destructive personality or individual is
stringent, orderly, rigid, and obsessive.
PHALLIC STAGE • At this age, children also begin to discover the differences between males and
(3 to 6 years) females.
• The Oedipus complex describes these feelings of wanting to possess the mother and
the desire to replace the father.
• The term Electra complex has been used to described a similar set of feelings
experienced by young girls.
LATENT STAGE • The latent period is a time of exploration in which the sexual energy is still
(6 years to present, but it is directed into other areas such as intellectual pursuits and social
puberty) interactions.
• This stage is important in the development of social and communication skills
and self-confidence.
• During the latent period, the libido interests are suppressed.
• The development of the ego and superego contribute to this period of calm.
GENITAL STAGE • The individual develops a strong sexual interest in the opposite sex.
(Puberty to • This stage begins during puberty but last throughout the rest of a person's life.
Death) • Where in earlier stages the focus was solely on individual needs, interest in the
welfare of others grows during this stage.
• If the other stages have been completed successfully, the individual should now
be well-balanced, warm, and caring.
• The goal of this stage is to establish a balance between the various life areas.
• How to remember the 5 stages of
psycho sexual development