Harpoon 1990-91 Data Annex (GDW 0715)
Harpoon 1990-91 Data Annex (GDW 0715)
Harpoon 1990-91 Data Annex (GDW 0715)
Modern • Naval • Wargame • Rules
Modern • Naval • Wargame • Rules
Contents Introduction
ANNEX A-SHIPS ............................................................ 4 This is a fully revised and updated data annex. There are a lot of
Argentina ................................................................................. 4 new systems and countries covered, and I've tried to clarify the
Belgium ................................................................................... 7 annexes as much as possible. By substituting this booklet for the
Canada .................................................................................... 7 one in versions 3.010 3.1 of the third edition, your game will officially
Denmark .................................................................................. 9 be version 3.2.
France ..................................................................................... 9 Annex A has a few changes in notation. If a ship class is out of
Federal Republic of Germany (FAG) ..................................... t 4 service, the number of units in the class will be surrounded by [ ].
Italy ........................................................................................ 16 Otherwise, the number of active untts in the class will be shown, and
Japan ..................................................................................... 19 any out of service untts will be listed in the remarks, as before.
Libya ...................................................................................... 23 Because so many countries use other countries' equipment on
Netherlands ........................................................................... 24 their ships, I have changed the annex notation at the end of each
Norway .................................................................................. 25 weapons and sensors line. Now, ii the weapon or sensor is not
Portugal ................................................................................. 27 manufactured by the same country as the ship, it will be listed after
People's Republic of China (PRC) ........................................ 28 the annex letter. For example, Japanese destroyers use the US Mk42
Spain ..................................................................................... 31 127mm gun. The annex notation will be "C/USA."
Sweden ................................................................................. 33 One new wrinkle: I have splitthe torpedo tubes on submarines so
United Kingdom (UK) ............................................................. 34 that most boats with forward tubes have two "mounts." representing
USA ....................................................................................... 44 the port and starboard side tube nests. Unlike other shipboard
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) .......................... 57 weapons, the weapons listed alter submarine torpedo tubes are for
ANNEX B-AIRCRAFT •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••.•••••••••• 72 all mounts on that line, not per mount as is normally the case.
Argentina ............................................................................... 72 Annex B has a real change: The aircraft are now provided with all
Canada .................................................................................. 74 the data needed to compute endurance and range during game play.
France ................................................................................... 75 The rules needed to do this are provided at the end of the booklet.
1990-91 Data Annex is an updated version of the Data Annex included wtth the boxed Harpoon g~me and sul?ercedes that book. 1990- Federal Republic of Germany (FAG) ..................................... 78 In Annex C, the damage listed is for each mount, not each barrel.
91 Data Annex does not stand on its own; you must have Harpoon to use it. The data and rules provided here bring Harpoon up to ed1t1on International ........................................................................... 79 Some of the guns are used in mounts with varying numbers of bar-
3.2 standards. Italy ........................................................................................ 80 rels. These are now listed separately.
Japan ..................................................................................... 81 In Annex D, if a SAM needs an HF radar to engage an air target,
Netherlands ........................................................................... 81 this will be listed in a separate column.
People's Republic of China (PRC) ........................................ 81 Annex G has been further split: Unguided ordnance, airborne
Spain ..................................................................................... 84 electronics pods, cannon, and missiles are each listed separately so
United Kingdom (UK) ............................................................. 84 that they can be better described.
Designed by Larry Bond. United States of America (USA) ............................................ 88 Harpoon has been in existence almost 1O years now. We are
Art Direction by Amy Doubet. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) .......................... 93 continuing to work to expand and improve the game system, while
Cover Painting by Steve Venters. ANNEX C-SURFACE GUN SYSTEMS ...................... 100 keeping it as playable as possible. There is a fine balance between
Text Management by Michelle Sturgeon. ANNEX D-SURFACE MISSILE SYSTEMS ................ 102 not enough data and too much data. I want to thank you for giving me
Text Processing by Julia Martin. ANNEX E-ASW SYSTEMS ........................................ 104 the opportunity to make adjustments to the game system in succes-
ANNEX F-TORPEDOES ............................................. 105 sive editions.
ANNEX G'-UNGUIDED AIR ORDNANCE ................. 108 I also want to thank Marc Miller and Michelle Sturgeon for their
ANNEX G"-AIRCRAFT ELECTRONICS PODS ......... 110 assistance and guidance in preparing this booklet, and Les Hill for
ANNEX G 3-AIRCRAFT CANNON ............................... 111 doing so much to clear up errors in the data.
Copyright©1990 by GOW, Inc. ANNEX G 4 -GUIDED AIR ORDNANCE ....................... 112 As always, tt you have any questions about the information in this
All rights reserved. Printed in USA. Made in USA. ANNEX H-AIR·TO·AIR MISSILES ............................. 114 booklet or the game system in general, please let me know.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher. ANNEX I-NUCLEAR WEAPONS ............................... 115
ISBN 1-55878-053-X. ANNEX K-WEAPON DIRECTORS ............................. 119
123 4 5 6 78 9 ANNEX L-AIRBORNE SEARCH RADARS ............... 120
ANNEX M-SEARCH SONARS ................................... 121
Harpoon® is GDW's registered trademark for its modern naval wargame. ANNEX N-ENVIRONMENT ........................................ 126
ANNEX 0-SOURCES ................................................. 127
The designer of Harpoon is prepared to answer questions about play of the game system. He can be reached in care of GOW. ANNEX P-ABBREVIATIONS ...................................... 128
FACTORS AND SCALES ......................................... 129
ANNEX R-US CARRIER AIR GROUPS ..................... 129
HARPOON FORM 5 ...................................................... 132
Contents Introduction
ANNEX A-SHIPS ............................................................ 4 This is a fully revised and updated data annex. There are a lot of
Argentina ................................................................................. 4 new systems and countries covered, and I've tried to clarify the
Belgium ................................................................................... 7 annexes as much as possible. By substituting this booklet for the
Canada .................................................................................... 7 one in versions 3.010 3.1 of the third edition, your game will officially
Denmark .................................................................................. 9 be version 3.2.
France ..................................................................................... 9 Annex A has a few changes in notation. If a ship class is out of
Federal Republic of Germany (FAG) ..................................... t 4 service, the number of units in the class will be surrounded by [ ].
Italy ........................................................................................ 16 Otherwise, the number of active untts in the class will be shown, and
Japan ..................................................................................... 19 any out of service untts will be listed in the remarks, as before.
Libya ...................................................................................... 23 Because so many countries use other countries' equipment on
Netherlands ........................................................................... 24 their ships, I have changed the annex notation at the end of each
Norway .................................................................................. 25 weapons and sensors line. Now, ii the weapon or sensor is not
Portugal ................................................................................. 27 manufactured by the same country as the ship, it will be listed after
People's Republic of China (PRC) ........................................ 28 the annex letter. For example, Japanese destroyers use the US Mk42
Spain ..................................................................................... 31 127mm gun. The annex notation will be "C/USA."
Sweden ................................................................................. 33 One new wrinkle: I have splitthe torpedo tubes on submarines so
United Kingdom (UK) ............................................................. 34 that most boats with forward tubes have two "mounts." representing
USA ....................................................................................... 44 the port and starboard side tube nests. Unlike other shipboard
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) .......................... 57 weapons, the weapons listed alter submarine torpedo tubes are for
ANNEX B-AIRCRAFT •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••.•••••••••• 72 all mounts on that line, not per mount as is normally the case.
Argentina ............................................................................... 72 Annex B has a real change: The aircraft are now provided with all
Canada .................................................................................. 74 the data needed to compute endurance and range during game play.
France ................................................................................... 75 The rules needed to do this are provided at the end of the booklet.
1990-91 Data Annex is an updated version of the Data Annex included wtth the boxed Harpoon g~me and sul?ercedes that book. 1990- Federal Republic of Germany (FAG) ..................................... 78 In Annex C, the damage listed is for each mount, not each barrel.
91 Data Annex does not stand on its own; you must have Harpoon to use it. The data and rules provided here bring Harpoon up to ed1t1on International ........................................................................... 79 Some of the guns are used in mounts with varying numbers of bar-
3.2 standards. Italy ........................................................................................ 80 rels. These are now listed separately.
Japan ..................................................................................... 81 In Annex D, if a SAM needs an HF radar to engage an air target,
Netherlands ........................................................................... 81 this will be listed in a separate column.
People's Republic of China (PRC) ........................................ 81 Annex G has been further split: Unguided ordnance, airborne
Spain ..................................................................................... 84 electronics pods, cannon, and missiles are each listed separately so
United Kingdom (UK) ............................................................. 84 that they can be better described.
Designed by Larry Bond. United States of America (USA) ............................................ 88 Harpoon has been in existence almost 1O years now. We are
Art Direction by Amy Doubet. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) .......................... 93 continuing to work to expand and improve the game system, while
Cover Painting by Steve Venters. ANNEX C-SURFACE GUN SYSTEMS ...................... 100 keeping it as playable as possible. There is a fine balance between
Text Management by Michelle Sturgeon. ANNEX D-SURFACE MISSILE SYSTEMS ................ 102 not enough data and too much data. I want to thank you for giving me
Text Processing by Julia Martin. ANNEX E-ASW SYSTEMS ........................................ 104 the opportunity to make adjustments to the game system in succes-
ANNEX F-TORPEDOES ............................................. 105 sive editions.
ANNEX G'-UNGUIDED AIR ORDNANCE ................. 108 I also want to thank Marc Miller and Michelle Sturgeon for their
ANNEX G"-AIRCRAFT ELECTRONICS PODS ......... 110 assistance and guidance in preparing this booklet, and Les Hill for
ANNEX G 3-AIRCRAFT CANNON ............................... 111 doing so much to clear up errors in the data.
Copyright©1990 by GOW, Inc. ANNEX G 4 -GUIDED AIR ORDNANCE ....................... 112 As always, tt you have any questions about the information in this
All rights reserved. Printed in USA. Made in USA. ANNEX H-AIR·TO·AIR MISSILES ............................. 114 booklet or the game system in general, please let me know.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher. ANNEX I-NUCLEAR WEAPONS ............................... 115
ISBN 1-55878-053-X. ANNEX K-WEAPON DIRECTORS ............................. 119
123 4 5 6 78 9 ANNEX L-AIRBORNE SEARCH RADARS ............... 120
ANNEX M-SEARCH SONARS ................................... 121
Harpoon® is GDW's registered trademark for its modern naval wargame. ANNEX N-ENVIRONMENT ........................................ 126
ANNEX 0-SOURCES ................................................. 127
The designer of Harpoon is prepared to answer questions about play of the game system. He can be reached in care of GOW. ANNEX P-ABBREVIATIONS ...................................... 128
FACTORS AND SCALES ......................................... 129
ANNEX R-US CARRIER AIR GROUPS ..................... 129
HARPOON FORM 5 ...................................................... 132
sensors: Sensors:
ComodoroPy DD oecca 1226 J/UK SPS-10, SPS-6C J/USA
Displacement: 2425 In Class:[1] DSOS-218 (ASO 85) M/FRG SQS-4 M/USA
Damage Points: 67 In Service: 1945-83 J/Nethl Remarks:
Speed: 32 kts
Jlnnex Jl-Ships Damage Modifier: 0. 75
Propulsion: Steam
Total Mounts: 12
MEKO 140type. W28 controls 76mm and 40mm guns at same target. Tele-
scoping helo hangar and helicopter on last 3 units only. Fitted with stabilizers.
Four units transferred to Argentina in 1962-63 and 1971-72. Fifth unit pur-
chased for parts. Brown struck in 1980. Almirante Storni and Rosales struck
in 1981. Almirante Domecq Garcia repaired after collision with CV Veinticinco
2F/A(2)3 Mk38 127mm/38//1 Mk25 C/USA oamage and Speed Breakdown: De Mayo in May 1980; sunk as Exocet target on 7 Nov 1983. Mk10 Hedge-
Argentina PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 A.244s
P8&S8( 24)2 Mk10 Hedgehog w/6 salvoes
oamage Points: 0 15 31 46 55 61 hog takes 5 min to reload.
Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Aftpad(1)1SA.3198Alouette111 B/Frn Damage Points: 0 19 38 58 69 77
Almirante Brown DD PB&SB(1)4 MM38 Exocetw/1 msl D/Frn Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 O Sinks
Displacement: 2900 In Class: 4 Ex-US Allen M. Sumner DD
Sensors: Displacement: 2200 In Class: [3]
Damage Points: 106 In Service: 1983 J/USA
SPS-10, SPS-40 Damage Points: 82 In Service: 1944-84 General Belgrano CL
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts M/USA
SOS-23 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Dlsplacemenl: 10800 In Class: [1]
Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 200
Remarks: Propulsion: Steam Crew: 274 Damage Points: 292 In Service: 1938-82
Weapons: Total Mounts: 12
Gearing (FRAM/~ class. Ex-USS Perkins. Transferred, 1973; struck, 1984. Weapons: Total Mounts; 14 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts
A(8)1 Albatros w/8 Aspide//1 STIR D/ltaly
Mk1 O Hedgehog takes 5 min to reload. F/A(2)3 Mk38 127mm/38//1 Mk25 C/USA Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1200
F(1)1Compact127mm/54//1 WM25 Cntaly
Damage and Speed Breakdown: A(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50//1 Mk35 C/USA Weapons: Tolal Mounts: 25
F/A(2)4 Dardo 40mm/70//2 LIROD C/ltaly
Damage Points: 0 17 34 50 60 67 PB/58(3)2 Mk32 324mm TTw/3A.244s F/ltaly F/A(3)4 Mk16 152mm/47//2 Mk28 C/USA
PB/S8(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm TT w/3 A.244s torp F/ltaly
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks (24)2 Mk10 Hedgehog w/6 salvoes E/USA P&S(3)1 Mk16152mm/47 C/USA
Alt Pad(1 )2 SA.3198 Alouette Ill B/Frn
D/Frn Alt pad( 1)1 SA.3198 Alouette Ill B/Frn F/A(1)8 Mk27127mm/25//2 Mk28 C/USA
P8&S8(4)2 MM40 Exocet w/4 msls
Costa Sur AK P8&S8(1 )4 MM38 Exocet w/1 msl D/Frn F/A(4)2 Mk2 40mm/60 C/USA
Sensors: In Class:3
J/Nethl Displacement: 4600 grt Sensors: P/S(2)6 Mk1 40mm/60 C/USA
DA.08, ZW.06 In Service: 1978
J/UK Damage Points: 122 SPS-10, SPS-40 J/USA P/S(4)2 Sea Cat w/4 msls//2 RTN-10X D/UK
Decca 1226 Speed: 15 kts
M/FRG Damage Modifier: 1.00 SQS-30, SOA-10 M/USA P/S(1)2 Mk10 20mm/80 Cilnll
DSOS-218 (ASO 85) Crew:?
Propulsion: Diesel Remarks: Sensors:
Remarks: Total Mounts: O
MEKO 360 class. 24 msls total for Aspide. 16 reloads in rapid-reload maga- Weapons: Four units transferred-3 commissioned and fourth cannibalized for spares. LW.01, DA.02, SGR.110 J/Nethl
zine. 1O AS.244s for helicopter; total of 18 for 324mm TT. Albatros ROF 2 None Segui has SPS-6C vice SPS-40; 2F/1A(2)3 127mm/38 vice F/A(2)2. Does Remarks:
msls per turn at same target. MM40 ROF 8 msls per tum (both mounts) at Sensors: nol have Exocet or VOS; is only unit with 76mm/50 & Mk35 radar; does not Ex-USS Phoenix(Brooklyn class). Transferred in 1951. 70 Sea Cat msls on
None have pad aft or helicopter. Segui struck in 1983, Hipolito Bouchard and Piedra board (manual reload). Helo pad aft; hangar can hold 2 helicopters. Armor
same target. Helicopter type estimated.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks: Buena struck in 1984. Mk1 O Hedgehog takes 5 min to reload. MM38 ROF 8 102mm belt thinning to 36mm at ends. 76mm decks. 127mm-76mm turrets.
80 95 106 5800T dwt. 9700 m' cargo. msls per turn (both mounts) at same target. 203mm conning tower. Sunk on 2 May 1982 by 2 Mk8 torpedoes fired by
Damage Points: O 26 53
15 8 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: HMS Conquerorduring Falklands War. Armor: General rating is M. CHPFao-
Surface Speed: 30 22 110 122
Damage Points: 0 30 61 92 Damage Points: 0 20 41 62 74 82 tors: Bridge and 152mm turret, M; engineering is L.
Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 O Sinks Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 O Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Bahia Aguirre AK Damage Points: O 73 146 219 263
In Class: [3] 292
Displacement: 3100 FF
Damage Points: 84 In Service: 1950-82 Drummond Ex-US Achomawl ATF Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks
Displacement: 1100 std In Class: 3 Displacement: 1235 std In Class: 2
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15 kts
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 100 Damage Points: 46 In Service: 1978 Damage Points: 38 In Service: 1945 Hercules DOG
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 24 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts Displacement: 3150 In Class: 2
Weapons: Total Mounls: 4
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 93 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 85 Damage Points: 114 In Service: 1976
P/S(1)2 Mk3 40mm/60 C/USA
Weapons: Total Mounts: 10 Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts
P/S(1 )2 20mm/80 C/lntl
F(1 )1 M1968 100mm/55//1 DRBC 32C C/Frn P/S(1)2 MK3 40mm/60 C/USA Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 270
Sensors: C/Sweden
J/lnll A(2)1 8ofors 40mm/70 F/A(2)2 Mk1 40mm/60 C/USA Weapons: Total Mounts: 11
Nav radar cnnu
P/S(1)2 DCN 20mm/80 P/S(1)2 Mk1 20mm/80 C/USA F(2)1 Sea Dart w/24 msls//2 Type 909 D/UK
Remarks: Filtaly
Ex-US Army cargo ships. Bahia Thetis struck in 1973; Bahia Aguirre struck PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 A.244s Sensors: P/S(1)2 Mk7 20mm/80 C/lntl
P8&SB(1)4 MM38 Exocet w/1 msl D/Frn None Alt Pad(1 )1 SA.3198 Alouette Ill B/Frn
in 1981; Bahia Buen Suceso struck in 1982 (left as derelict during Falklands
Sensors: Remarks: PO&S0(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm TT w/3 A.244s Filtaly
War, and later sunk). Original weapons fit 2105mm, 2 40mm, 2 20mm guns.
Decca 1226 J/UK Transferred to Argentina in 1961. Francisco De Churruga has F(2) 1 Mk3 P/S(1)4 MM38 Exocet w/1 msl D/Frn
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Diodon M/Frn 40mm/60only. Fitted with pumps and other salvage equipment. Used as patrol F(1)1Mk8114mm/55//1Type909 C/UK
Damage Points: 0 21 42 63 76 84
DR8V 51A J/Frn vessels when not engaged in salvage or towing duties. Sensors:
Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 O Sinks
Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Type 9920, Type 1006, Type 965M J/UK
FrenchA-69class. MM38 ROF8 mslspertum (both mounts) at same large!. Guer- Damage Points: 0 10 19 28 34 38 Type 184M, Type 162M MiUK
Cabo San Antonio LST rico damaged on 3 Apr 1982 during Argentine occupation of Grytviken harbor. Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks Remarks:
Displacement: 4300 In Class: 1
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Single Type 909 forward controls either Mk8 gun or Sea Dart missile. Other
Damage Points: 152 In Service: 1978
Damage Points: 0 12 23 35 41 46 Ex-us Fletcher DD Type 909 has aft arc for missile only. MM38 ROF 8 msls per turn (both mounts)
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts
Surface Speed: 24 18 12 6 O Sinks Displacement: 2050 In Class: [4] at same target.
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 124
Damage Points: 77 In Service: 1943-83 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
C/USA Espora FF Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Damage Points: 0 28 57 86 103 114
2F/A(4)3 Mk2 40mm/60//3 Mk5 optical
Displacement: 1560 In Class: 4+2 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 262 Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks
P/S(1)2 Mk1 20mm/60 C/USA
Damage Points: 61 In Service: 1985 Weapons: Total Mounts: 15
2LCUP Speed: 27 kts
Damage Modifier: 1.00 PiS(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50//2 Mk34 C/USA lntrepida PT
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 93 A(2)1 Mk 34 76mm/50//1 Mk35 C/USA Displacement: 240 std In Class: 2
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 P&S(4)1 533mm TT w/4 Mk14 torp F/USA Damage Points: 12 In Service: 1974
Nav radar J/lnll
F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 WM28 C/ltaly PB/S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 A.244s F/ltaly Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 40 kts
Remarks: C/ltaly
F/A(2)2 Dardo 40mm/70//2 WM28 I Mk3 DC rail E/USA Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 8
Can carry a helicopter on aft pad.
PB/S8(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm TT w/3 A.244s F/ltaly 2 DC Proj Eilntl Weapons: Total Mounts: 5
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Alt pad(1)1 SA:3198Alouette Ill B/Frn (24)2 Mk10 Hedgehog w/6 salvoes E/USA A(1 )2 Mk3 40mm/60//1 WM22 C/USA
Damage Points: 0 38 76 114 137 152
o Sinks P8&PQ/S8&S0(4)2 MM40 Exocet w/4 msls D/Frn FiA(1)4 Mk30 127mm/38//1 Mk25 C/USA P8&SB(1)2533mm TT w/1 SST-4 torp F/FRG
Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4
r--1 GOW 1990·91 Data Annex
sensors: Sensors:
ComodoroPy DD oecca 1226 J/UK SPS-10, SPS-6C J/USA
Displacement: 2425 In Class:[1] DSOS-218 (ASO 85) M/FRG SQS-4 M/USA
Damage Points: 67 In Service: 1945-83 J/Nethl Remarks:
Speed: 32 kts
Jlnnex Jl-Ships Damage Modifier: 0. 75
Propulsion: Steam
Total Mounts: 12
MEKO 140type. W28 controls 76mm and 40mm guns at same target. Tele-
scoping helo hangar and helicopter on last 3 units only. Fitted with stabilizers.
Four units transferred to Argentina in 1962-63 and 1971-72. Fifth unit pur-
chased for parts. Brown struck in 1980. Almirante Storni and Rosales struck
in 1981. Almirante Domecq Garcia repaired after collision with CV Veinticinco
2F/A(2)3 Mk38 127mm/38//1 Mk25 C/USA oamage and Speed Breakdown: De Mayo in May 1980; sunk as Exocet target on 7 Nov 1983. Mk10 Hedge-
Argentina PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 A.244s
P8&S8( 24)2 Mk10 Hedgehog w/6 salvoes
oamage Points: 0 15 31 46 55 61 hog takes 5 min to reload.
Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Aftpad(1)1SA.3198Alouette111 B/Frn Damage Points: 0 19 38 58 69 77
Almirante Brown DD PB&SB(1)4 MM38 Exocetw/1 msl D/Frn Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 O Sinks
Displacement: 2900 In Class: 4 Ex-US Allen M. Sumner DD
Sensors: Displacement: 2200 In Class: [3]
Damage Points: 106 In Service: 1983 J/USA
SPS-10, SPS-40 Damage Points: 82 In Service: 1944-84 General Belgrano CL
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts M/USA
SOS-23 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Dlsplacemenl: 10800 In Class: [1]
Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 200
Remarks: Propulsion: Steam Crew: 274 Damage Points: 292 In Service: 1938-82
Weapons: Total Mounts: 12
Gearing (FRAM/~ class. Ex-USS Perkins. Transferred, 1973; struck, 1984. Weapons: Total Mounts; 14 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts
A(8)1 Albatros w/8 Aspide//1 STIR D/ltaly
Mk1 O Hedgehog takes 5 min to reload. F/A(2)3 Mk38 127mm/38//1 Mk25 C/USA Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1200
F(1)1Compact127mm/54//1 WM25 Cntaly
Damage and Speed Breakdown: A(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50//1 Mk35 C/USA Weapons: Tolal Mounts: 25
F/A(2)4 Dardo 40mm/70//2 LIROD C/ltaly
Damage Points: 0 17 34 50 60 67 PB/58(3)2 Mk32 324mm TTw/3A.244s F/ltaly F/A(3)4 Mk16 152mm/47//2 Mk28 C/USA
PB/S8(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm TT w/3 A.244s torp F/ltaly
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks (24)2 Mk10 Hedgehog w/6 salvoes E/USA P&S(3)1 Mk16152mm/47 C/USA
Alt Pad(1 )2 SA.3198 Alouette Ill B/Frn
D/Frn Alt pad( 1)1 SA.3198 Alouette Ill B/Frn F/A(1)8 Mk27127mm/25//2 Mk28 C/USA
P8&S8(4)2 MM40 Exocet w/4 msls
Costa Sur AK P8&S8(1 )4 MM38 Exocet w/1 msl D/Frn F/A(4)2 Mk2 40mm/60 C/USA
Sensors: In Class:3
J/Nethl Displacement: 4600 grt Sensors: P/S(2)6 Mk1 40mm/60 C/USA
DA.08, ZW.06 In Service: 1978
J/UK Damage Points: 122 SPS-10, SPS-40 J/USA P/S(4)2 Sea Cat w/4 msls//2 RTN-10X D/UK
Decca 1226 Speed: 15 kts
M/FRG Damage Modifier: 1.00 SQS-30, SOA-10 M/USA P/S(1)2 Mk10 20mm/80 Cilnll
DSOS-218 (ASO 85) Crew:?
Propulsion: Diesel Remarks: Sensors:
Remarks: Total Mounts: O
MEKO 360 class. 24 msls total for Aspide. 16 reloads in rapid-reload maga- Weapons: Four units transferred-3 commissioned and fourth cannibalized for spares. LW.01, DA.02, SGR.110 J/Nethl
zine. 1O AS.244s for helicopter; total of 18 for 324mm TT. Albatros ROF 2 None Segui has SPS-6C vice SPS-40; 2F/1A(2)3 127mm/38 vice F/A(2)2. Does Remarks:
msls per turn at same target. MM40 ROF 8 msls per tum (both mounts) at Sensors: nol have Exocet or VOS; is only unit with 76mm/50 & Mk35 radar; does not Ex-USS Phoenix(Brooklyn class). Transferred in 1951. 70 Sea Cat msls on
None have pad aft or helicopter. Segui struck in 1983, Hipolito Bouchard and Piedra board (manual reload). Helo pad aft; hangar can hold 2 helicopters. Armor
same target. Helicopter type estimated.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks: Buena struck in 1984. Mk1 O Hedgehog takes 5 min to reload. MM38 ROF 8 102mm belt thinning to 36mm at ends. 76mm decks. 127mm-76mm turrets.
80 95 106 5800T dwt. 9700 m' cargo. msls per turn (both mounts) at same target. 203mm conning tower. Sunk on 2 May 1982 by 2 Mk8 torpedoes fired by
Damage Points: O 26 53
15 8 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: HMS Conquerorduring Falklands War. Armor: General rating is M. CHPFao-
Surface Speed: 30 22 110 122
Damage Points: 0 30 61 92 Damage Points: 0 20 41 62 74 82 tors: Bridge and 152mm turret, M; engineering is L.
Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 O Sinks Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 O Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Bahia Aguirre AK Damage Points: O 73 146 219 263
In Class: [3] 292
Displacement: 3100 FF
Damage Points: 84 In Service: 1950-82 Drummond Ex-US Achomawl ATF Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks
Displacement: 1100 std In Class: 3 Displacement: 1235 std In Class: 2
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15 kts
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 100 Damage Points: 46 In Service: 1978 Damage Points: 38 In Service: 1945 Hercules DOG
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 24 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts Displacement: 3150 In Class: 2
Weapons: Total Mounls: 4
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 93 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 85 Damage Points: 114 In Service: 1976
P/S(1)2 Mk3 40mm/60 C/USA
Weapons: Total Mounts: 10 Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts
P/S(1 )2 20mm/80 C/lntl
F(1 )1 M1968 100mm/55//1 DRBC 32C C/Frn P/S(1)2 MK3 40mm/60 C/USA Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 270
Sensors: C/Sweden
J/lnll A(2)1 8ofors 40mm/70 F/A(2)2 Mk1 40mm/60 C/USA Weapons: Total Mounts: 11
Nav radar cnnu
P/S(1)2 DCN 20mm/80 P/S(1)2 Mk1 20mm/80 C/USA F(2)1 Sea Dart w/24 msls//2 Type 909 D/UK
Remarks: Filtaly
Ex-US Army cargo ships. Bahia Thetis struck in 1973; Bahia Aguirre struck PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 A.244s Sensors: P/S(1)2 Mk7 20mm/80 C/lntl
P8&SB(1)4 MM38 Exocet w/1 msl D/Frn None Alt Pad(1 )1 SA.3198 Alouette Ill B/Frn
in 1981; Bahia Buen Suceso struck in 1982 (left as derelict during Falklands
Sensors: Remarks: PO&S0(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm TT w/3 A.244s Filtaly
War, and later sunk). Original weapons fit 2105mm, 2 40mm, 2 20mm guns.
Decca 1226 J/UK Transferred to Argentina in 1961. Francisco De Churruga has F(2) 1 Mk3 P/S(1)4 MM38 Exocet w/1 msl D/Frn
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Diodon M/Frn 40mm/60only. Fitted with pumps and other salvage equipment. Used as patrol F(1)1Mk8114mm/55//1Type909 C/UK
Damage Points: 0 21 42 63 76 84
DR8V 51A J/Frn vessels when not engaged in salvage or towing duties. Sensors:
Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 O Sinks
Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Type 9920, Type 1006, Type 965M J/UK
FrenchA-69class. MM38 ROF8 mslspertum (both mounts) at same large!. Guer- Damage Points: 0 10 19 28 34 38 Type 184M, Type 162M MiUK
Cabo San Antonio LST rico damaged on 3 Apr 1982 during Argentine occupation of Grytviken harbor. Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks Remarks:
Displacement: 4300 In Class: 1
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Single Type 909 forward controls either Mk8 gun or Sea Dart missile. Other
Damage Points: 152 In Service: 1978
Damage Points: 0 12 23 35 41 46 Ex-us Fletcher DD Type 909 has aft arc for missile only. MM38 ROF 8 msls per turn (both mounts)
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts
Surface Speed: 24 18 12 6 O Sinks Displacement: 2050 In Class: [4] at same target.
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 124
Damage Points: 77 In Service: 1943-83 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
C/USA Espora FF Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Damage Points: 0 28 57 86 103 114
2F/A(4)3 Mk2 40mm/60//3 Mk5 optical
Displacement: 1560 In Class: 4+2 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 262 Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks
P/S(1)2 Mk1 20mm/60 C/USA
Damage Points: 61 In Service: 1985 Weapons: Total Mounts: 15
2LCUP Speed: 27 kts
Damage Modifier: 1.00 PiS(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50//2 Mk34 C/USA lntrepida PT
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 93 A(2)1 Mk 34 76mm/50//1 Mk35 C/USA Displacement: 240 std In Class: 2
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 P&S(4)1 533mm TT w/4 Mk14 torp F/USA Damage Points: 12 In Service: 1974
Nav radar J/lnll
F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 WM28 C/ltaly PB/S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 A.244s F/ltaly Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 40 kts
Remarks: C/ltaly
F/A(2)2 Dardo 40mm/70//2 WM28 I Mk3 DC rail E/USA Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 8
Can carry a helicopter on aft pad.
PB/S8(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm TT w/3 A.244s F/ltaly 2 DC Proj Eilntl Weapons: Total Mounts: 5
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Alt pad(1)1 SA:3198Alouette Ill B/Frn (24)2 Mk10 Hedgehog w/6 salvoes E/USA A(1 )2 Mk3 40mm/60//1 WM22 C/USA
Damage Points: 0 38 76 114 137 152
o Sinks P8&PQ/S8&S0(4)2 MM40 Exocet w/4 msls D/Frn FiA(1)4 Mk30 127mm/38//1 Mk25 C/USA P8&SB(1)2533mm TT w/1 SST-4 torp F/FRG
Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4
F(1 )1 Compact 76mm/62 cn1a1y Damage end Speed Breakdown: Damageend Speed Breakdown: Welling en FF
Damage Points: O 36 73 110 131 146 Damage Points: O 11 22 33 40 44 Displacement: 1880 std In Class: 4
Sensors: 0 Sinks surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks
JIUK Surface Speed: 11 8 6 3 Damage Points: 72 In Service: 1978
Decca 101 (Decca Series)
Submerged Speed: 25 19 12 6 O Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts
Remarks: Punta Medanos AOR Propul•lon: CODOG Crew: 160
Type TNC 45 class. Fitted with stabilizers. Displacement: 14352 In Class: [1] Santa Fe SS Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
Damage Points: 266 In Service: 1950-84 Displacement: 2420 subm lnClaos:(2] PB&SB(2)2 MM38 Exocet w/2 msls D/Frn
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
9 11 12 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18 kts Damage Points: 45 In Service: 1944-82 F(1)1 M1968100mm/55//1 WM25 C/Fm
Damage Points: O 3 6
Surface Speed: 40 30 20 10 O Sinks Proj>ulslon: Steam Crew: 99 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18/15 kts A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//1 WM25 DIUSA
Weapons: Total Mounts: O Propulslon: Diesel-Electric Crew: 84 F(6)1 Bofors 375mm mortar E/Sweden
AK Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 PB/SB(1)2 533mm TTw/1 L5 torp F/Frn
Islas De Los Estados None
PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTw/16 Mk14 torp F/USA Sensors:
Displacement: 3840 In Class: [1) Sensors:
None pQ&S0(2)2 533mm TT w/8 Mk 14 torp F/USA Raytheon 1645 (Raytheon series) J/USA
Damage Points: 103 In Service: 19B0-82
Remarks: Sensors: DA.05 J/Nethl
Damage Modlllar: 1.00 Speed: 14 kts
Helo pad alt. Struck in 1984. BOR-2 M/USA SQS-505 hull M/Can
Propulsion: Diesel Crew:?
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Periscope radar JAntl Remarks:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 0
Damage Points: O 66 133 200 239 266 Remarks: Fitted with fin stabilizers. WM 25 can control either 1OOmm gun or two NATO
None 4 0 Sinks Both units transferred in 1971. Santa Fe is Guppy II; Santiago Del Estero is Sea Sparrow (RIM-7M) missiles at one target. TT to be replaced in 1990 with
Surface Speed: 18 14 9
Sensors: Guppy IA. Santiago Del Estero cannibalized to provide parts for Santa Fe. 324mm diameter for Mk46 torp. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 15 per turn.
None Santa Fe damaged on 25Apr 1982 in retaking of South Georgia. Beached;
Remarks: Salta SS Damage and Speed Breakdown:
lnClass:2 later scrapped. Damage Points: O 18 36 54 65 72
Ex-MV TransBotica. Built In 1975. Sunk on to May 1982 during Falklands War. Dlsplecement: 1230 subm
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 2B 21 14 7 o Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 25 In Service: 1974
Speed: 10/22 kts Damage Points: 0 11 22 34 40 45
Damage Points: O 26 52 77 93 103 Damage Modifier: 1.00
Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 0 Sinks
Surface Speed: 14 10 7 4 0 Sinks Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 32
Total Mounts: 2 Submerged Speed: 15 11 B 4 0 Sinks Canada
PC PB&SB(4)2 533mm TT w/14 see remarks F/FRG
King Veintlclnco De Mayo CVL Annapolis FF
Displacement: 913 std lnCless:2 Sensors:
CSU 3-4 M/FRG Displacement: 15892 In CIHs: 1 Displacement: 2400 std In Class: 2
Damage Points: 39 In Service: 1945
Calypso Ill J/Frg Damage Points: 381 In Service: 1945 Damage Points: B9 In Service: 1964
Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 1B kts
Remarks: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 24 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts
Propulsion: Dtesel Crew: 100
German-built Type 209 class. Carries SST-4 and Mk37 torpedoes. Salta Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1500 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 228
Weapons: Total Mounts: 10
C/USA undergoing mid-life refit. Sensors and weapons being upgraded. New con- Weapons: Total Mounts: 12 Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
A(2)1 MK1 40mm/60 2F/2A/4S/1 P( 1)9 Mk3 40mm/60 C/UK
C/USA figuration unknown. Fined with DUUX 2 passive ranging sonar (not a search F(2)1 Mk33 76mm/50//1 SPG-515 C/USA
P/S(1 )2 MK3 40mm/60 12 Super Etendard B/Frn
E/lntl sensor). Add 5% to Passive Fire Control solution chance if target detected by PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp FIUSA
4 DC Proj 6 S-2E Tracker B/USA
2F/1A(1)3105mm c this sonar.
4 SH-3D Sea King BIUSA
Alt Pad(1)1 CH-124A Sea King B
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors:
Sensors: 22 25 1 SA.319BAlouette Ill BIFrn
Damage Points: O 6 12 19 SPS-10 J/USA
None 0 Sinks 1 Catapult
Surface Speed: 1O 8 5 2 Sperry MK2, SPS-503 J
Remarks: 0 Sinks 2 Elevator
Submerged Speed: 22 16 11 6 SQS-505 hull , SQR-501 CANTASS, SQS-501 M
Normally used for cadet training. Due for disposal. Sensors: Remarks:
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: O 1O 20 29 35 39 San Julian AK DA.OB, ZW.01. Vl.01, LW.01, DA.02. LW.OB J/Nethl HMCS Nipigon trials ship; fitted with SOS-510 vice SOS-505. Mk60 GFCS
In Class: 1 Remarks: increases Air Pk of Mk33 76mm to 20%. Limbo and SQR-504 VOS replaced
Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 O Sinks Displacement: 930
In Service: 1945 Transferred to Argentina in 1968; commissioned in 1969. Operated Super by trials SOR-501 CANTASS in 19B7/8B.
Damage Points: 30
Etendard for the first time in Apr 1983. Speed limited to 18 kts by severe en- Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Punta Alta AOR Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 10 kts
gineering problems (treat as nonreparable critical hit). Started two-year Damage Points: O 22 44 67 BO B9
In Class: 1 Propulalon: Diesel Crew: 40
Displacement: 1600 modernization in late 1988. Will have steam turbines replaced by diesels. Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks
In Service: 193B-87 Weapons: Tolal Mounts: O
Damage Points: 47 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 8 kts None
Damage Points: 0 95 190 286 343 381
Propulslon: Diesel Crew: 40 Sensors:
Surface Speed: 24 18 12 6 0 Sinks
Total Mounts: 0 None Displacement: 3866 std In Class: 0+3+9
Remarks: Damage Points: 151 In Service: 1990
Ex-FS-281 (US Army cargo ship). Struck in early 19BOs but used as buoy- Belgium Damage Modifier: 1.00
Propulsion: CODAG
Speed: 30 kts
Crew: 225
None tender.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons: Total Mounts: 9
Used for harbor storage. Struck in 1987. Damage Points: O 8 15 22 27 30 Tripartite MH Alt Pad( 1) 1 CH-124A Sea King B
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 10 8 5 2 O Sinks Dispiacement: 511 std In Class: 7+3 PB&SB(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA
35 42 47 Damage Points: 20 In Service: 19B5 F&A(8)2 Mk48 VL Sea Sparrow w/B RIM-7M//2 STIR DIUSA
Damage Points: O 12 24
Surface Speed: 8 6 4 2 O Sinks Santa Cruz SS Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 15 kts F(1)1 Bofors Mk2 57mm/70//1 STIR C/Sweden
Displacement: 2364 subm In Class: 2+3+(1) Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 34 A(R)1 Mk15 Phalanx Block 1 w/5 bursts C/USA
AOR Damage Points: 44 In Service: 1984 Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA
Punta Delgada Speed: 15125 kts F(1 )1 DCN 20mm/80 C/Frn Sensors:
Displacement: 5930 lnClass:(3] Damage Modifier: 1.00
Propulsion: Diesel·Electric Crew:35 2 PAP104 SPS-49, Raytheon 1629C (Rayth. series) J/USA
Damage Points: 146 In Service: 1945-83
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Sensors: SAR-B (IA sensor)
Damage Modlfter: 1.00 Speed: 11 kts
Crew: 72 PB&S8(3)2 533mm TTw/22 SST-4 torp F/FRG Decca 1229 J/UK SQS-505, SQR-501 CANTASS M
Propulsion: Diesel DUBM21, DUBM41 (to befitted) Sea Giraffe 150HC J/Sweden
Weapons: Total Mounts: O Sensors:
DBQS-21 (CSU 83) MIFRG Remarks: Remarks:
None J/lntl Hull constructed of GRP. DUBM 21 and DUBM 41 sonars, and PAP104mine 12 manual reloads carried for Sea Sparrow. 24 Mk46 torpedoes carried for
Sensors: SMA Periscope radar
disposal vehicles are for mine hunting only. helicopter and torpedo tubes. Fitted with Bear Trap and stabilizers. Bubbler
None Remarks:
German-built TR1700 class. Fitted with DUUX 5 Fenelon passive ranging Damage and Speed Breakdown: noise reduction system (quieted). Harpoon ROFB msls per turn (both mounts)
Remarks: Damage Points: O 5 10 15 1B 20 at same. target. Sea Sparrow ROF 15 per turn (each mount).
Ex-US Kfickitatclass. Three units transferred; struck in 1964. 1966, and 1983 sonar (not a search sensor). Add 10% to Passive Fire Control solution chance
if target detected by this sonar. Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks
(Punta Delgada).
F(1 )1 Compact 76mm/62 cn1a1y Damage end Speed Breakdown: Damageend Speed Breakdown: Welling en FF
Damage Points: O 36 73 110 131 146 Damage Points: O 11 22 33 40 44 Displacement: 1880 std In Class: 4
Sensors: 0 Sinks surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks
JIUK Surface Speed: 11 8 6 3 Damage Points: 72 In Service: 1978
Decca 101 (Decca Series)
Submerged Speed: 25 19 12 6 O Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts
Remarks: Punta Medanos AOR Propul•lon: CODOG Crew: 160
Type TNC 45 class. Fitted with stabilizers. Displacement: 14352 In Class: [1] Santa Fe SS Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
Damage Points: 266 In Service: 1950-84 Displacement: 2420 subm lnClaos:(2] PB&SB(2)2 MM38 Exocet w/2 msls D/Frn
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
9 11 12 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18 kts Damage Points: 45 In Service: 1944-82 F(1)1 M1968100mm/55//1 WM25 C/Fm
Damage Points: O 3 6
Surface Speed: 40 30 20 10 O Sinks Proj>ulslon: Steam Crew: 99 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18/15 kts A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//1 WM25 DIUSA
Weapons: Total Mounts: O Propulslon: Diesel-Electric Crew: 84 F(6)1 Bofors 375mm mortar E/Sweden
AK Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 PB/SB(1)2 533mm TTw/1 L5 torp F/Frn
Islas De Los Estados None
PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTw/16 Mk14 torp F/USA Sensors:
Displacement: 3840 In Class: [1) Sensors:
None pQ&S0(2)2 533mm TT w/8 Mk 14 torp F/USA Raytheon 1645 (Raytheon series) J/USA
Damage Points: 103 In Service: 19B0-82
Remarks: Sensors: DA.05 J/Nethl
Damage Modlllar: 1.00 Speed: 14 kts
Helo pad alt. Struck in 1984. BOR-2 M/USA SQS-505 hull M/Can
Propulsion: Diesel Crew:?
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Periscope radar JAntl Remarks:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 0
Damage Points: O 66 133 200 239 266 Remarks: Fitted with fin stabilizers. WM 25 can control either 1OOmm gun or two NATO
None 4 0 Sinks Both units transferred in 1971. Santa Fe is Guppy II; Santiago Del Estero is Sea Sparrow (RIM-7M) missiles at one target. TT to be replaced in 1990 with
Surface Speed: 18 14 9
Sensors: Guppy IA. Santiago Del Estero cannibalized to provide parts for Santa Fe. 324mm diameter for Mk46 torp. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 15 per turn.
None Santa Fe damaged on 25Apr 1982 in retaking of South Georgia. Beached;
Remarks: Salta SS Damage and Speed Breakdown:
lnClass:2 later scrapped. Damage Points: O 18 36 54 65 72
Ex-MV TransBotica. Built In 1975. Sunk on to May 1982 during Falklands War. Dlsplecement: 1230 subm
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 2B 21 14 7 o Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 25 In Service: 1974
Speed: 10/22 kts Damage Points: 0 11 22 34 40 45
Damage Points: O 26 52 77 93 103 Damage Modifier: 1.00
Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 0 Sinks
Surface Speed: 14 10 7 4 0 Sinks Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 32
Total Mounts: 2 Submerged Speed: 15 11 B 4 0 Sinks Canada
PC PB&SB(4)2 533mm TT w/14 see remarks F/FRG
King Veintlclnco De Mayo CVL Annapolis FF
Displacement: 913 std lnCless:2 Sensors:
CSU 3-4 M/FRG Displacement: 15892 In CIHs: 1 Displacement: 2400 std In Class: 2
Damage Points: 39 In Service: 1945
Calypso Ill J/Frg Damage Points: 381 In Service: 1945 Damage Points: B9 In Service: 1964
Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 1B kts
Remarks: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 24 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts
Propulsion: Dtesel Crew: 100
German-built Type 209 class. Carries SST-4 and Mk37 torpedoes. Salta Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1500 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 228
Weapons: Total Mounts: 10
C/USA undergoing mid-life refit. Sensors and weapons being upgraded. New con- Weapons: Total Mounts: 12 Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
A(2)1 MK1 40mm/60 2F/2A/4S/1 P( 1)9 Mk3 40mm/60 C/UK
C/USA figuration unknown. Fined with DUUX 2 passive ranging sonar (not a search F(2)1 Mk33 76mm/50//1 SPG-515 C/USA
P/S(1 )2 MK3 40mm/60 12 Super Etendard B/Frn
E/lntl sensor). Add 5% to Passive Fire Control solution chance if target detected by PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp FIUSA
4 DC Proj 6 S-2E Tracker B/USA
2F/1A(1)3105mm c this sonar.
4 SH-3D Sea King BIUSA
Alt Pad(1)1 CH-124A Sea King B
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors:
Sensors: 22 25 1 SA.319BAlouette Ill BIFrn
Damage Points: O 6 12 19 SPS-10 J/USA
None 0 Sinks 1 Catapult
Surface Speed: 1O 8 5 2 Sperry MK2, SPS-503 J
Remarks: 0 Sinks 2 Elevator
Submerged Speed: 22 16 11 6 SQS-505 hull , SQR-501 CANTASS, SQS-501 M
Normally used for cadet training. Due for disposal. Sensors: Remarks:
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: O 1O 20 29 35 39 San Julian AK DA.OB, ZW.01. Vl.01, LW.01, DA.02. LW.OB J/Nethl HMCS Nipigon trials ship; fitted with SOS-510 vice SOS-505. Mk60 GFCS
In Class: 1 Remarks: increases Air Pk of Mk33 76mm to 20%. Limbo and SQR-504 VOS replaced
Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 O Sinks Displacement: 930
In Service: 1945 Transferred to Argentina in 1968; commissioned in 1969. Operated Super by trials SOR-501 CANTASS in 19B7/8B.
Damage Points: 30
Etendard for the first time in Apr 1983. Speed limited to 18 kts by severe en- Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Punta Alta AOR Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 10 kts
gineering problems (treat as nonreparable critical hit). Started two-year Damage Points: O 22 44 67 BO B9
In Class: 1 Propulalon: Diesel Crew: 40
Displacement: 1600 modernization in late 1988. Will have steam turbines replaced by diesels. Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks
In Service: 193B-87 Weapons: Tolal Mounts: O
Damage Points: 47 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 8 kts None
Damage Points: 0 95 190 286 343 381
Propulslon: Diesel Crew: 40 Sensors:
Surface Speed: 24 18 12 6 0 Sinks
Total Mounts: 0 None Displacement: 3866 std In Class: 0+3+9
Remarks: Damage Points: 151 In Service: 1990
Ex-FS-281 (US Army cargo ship). Struck in early 19BOs but used as buoy- Belgium Damage Modifier: 1.00
Propulsion: CODAG
Speed: 30 kts
Crew: 225
None tender.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons: Total Mounts: 9
Used for harbor storage. Struck in 1987. Damage Points: O 8 15 22 27 30 Tripartite MH Alt Pad( 1) 1 CH-124A Sea King B
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 10 8 5 2 O Sinks Dispiacement: 511 std In Class: 7+3 PB&SB(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA
35 42 47 Damage Points: 20 In Service: 19B5 F&A(8)2 Mk48 VL Sea Sparrow w/B RIM-7M//2 STIR DIUSA
Damage Points: O 12 24
Surface Speed: 8 6 4 2 O Sinks Santa Cruz SS Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 15 kts F(1)1 Bofors Mk2 57mm/70//1 STIR C/Sweden
Displacement: 2364 subm In Class: 2+3+(1) Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 34 A(R)1 Mk15 Phalanx Block 1 w/5 bursts C/USA
AOR Damage Points: 44 In Service: 1984 Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA
Punta Delgada Speed: 15125 kts F(1 )1 DCN 20mm/80 C/Frn Sensors:
Displacement: 5930 lnClass:(3] Damage Modifier: 1.00
Propulsion: Diesel·Electric Crew:35 2 PAP104 SPS-49, Raytheon 1629C (Rayth. series) J/USA
Damage Points: 146 In Service: 1945-83
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Sensors: SAR-B (IA sensor)
Damage Modlfter: 1.00 Speed: 11 kts
Crew: 72 PB&S8(3)2 533mm TTw/22 SST-4 torp F/FRG Decca 1229 J/UK SQS-505, SQR-501 CANTASS M
Propulsion: Diesel DUBM21, DUBM41 (to befitted) Sea Giraffe 150HC J/Sweden
Weapons: Total Mounts: O Sensors:
DBQS-21 (CSU 83) MIFRG Remarks: Remarks:
None J/lntl Hull constructed of GRP. DUBM 21 and DUBM 41 sonars, and PAP104mine 12 manual reloads carried for Sea Sparrow. 24 Mk46 torpedoes carried for
Sensors: SMA Periscope radar
disposal vehicles are for mine hunting only. helicopter and torpedo tubes. Fitted with Bear Trap and stabilizers. Bubbler
None Remarks:
German-built TR1700 class. Fitted with DUUX 5 Fenelon passive ranging Damage and Speed Breakdown: noise reduction system (quieted). Harpoon ROFB msls per turn (both mounts)
Remarks: Damage Points: O 5 10 15 1B 20 at same. target. Sea Sparrow ROF 15 per turn (each mount).
Ex-US Kfickitatclass. Three units transferred; struck in 1964. 1966, and 1983 sonar (not a search sensor). Add 10% to Passive Fire Control solution chance
if target detected by this sonar. Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks
(Punta Delgada).
GOW 1990·91 Data Annex
DD surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks Propulsion: Steam Crew: 228 Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 Sinks o
Iroquois Weapons: Total Mounts: 5
Displacement: 3551 std In Class: 4 A(3)1 Mk10 Limbow/17 salvoes//1 SQS-S02 Willemoes
In Service: 1972 Ojibwa SS E/UK PTM
Damage Points: 127 PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA Displacement: 232 std In Class: 10
Speed: 30 kts Displacement: 2410 subm lnCfass:3
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Aft Pad(1)1 CH-124A Sea King B Damage Points: 12
Crew: 319 Damage Points: 4S In Service: 1965 In Service: 1977
Propulsion: COGOG F(2)1 Mk33 76mm/S0//1 SPG-48 C/USA Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 40 kts
Total Mounts: a Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15117 kts
Weapons: Sensors: Propulsion: CODOG
cntaly Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew:65 Crew: 26
F(1)1 Compact 127mm/S4//1 SPG-S3 SPS-10, SPS-12 J/USA Weapons:
E/UK Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Total Mounts: S
A(3)1 Mk10 Limbo w/17 salvoes//1 SQS-S02 Sperry Mk2 J
PB&SB(3)2 S33mm TI w/18 see remarks F, D/USA PB&SB(4)2 Mk141 w/2 Harpoon D/USA
PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 tarp F/USA
F/USA SOS-S03, SOS-S01, SQS-504 VDS M F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 9LV200 cntafy
Aft Pad(1)2 CH-124A Sea King B PQ&SQ(2)1 S33mm TI w/4 NT-37C
Remarks: PBISB(1)2 S33mm TI w/1 Tp617 tarp F/Sweden
PBISB(4)2 Sea Sparrow w/16 RIM-7M//2 WM22 D/USA Sensors:
M/FRG Fitted with stabilizers. Under DE LEX program will get Raytheon 1629C radar. Sensors:
Sensors: CSU 3-41
MIUK Use statistics for generic nav radar in Annex L for Sperry Mk2 radar. Addi- NWS-3 J
SPQ2D J/ltaly Type 2007
J/UK tional unit St. Laurentstruckin 1974; sunk in 1979.Additional unitAssinboine 9GR600 J/Sweden
SPS-S01 J Type 1006
entered period of reduced operations in July 1988, started 12-month decomm ESM
SOS-SOS hull, SOS-SOS VDS, SOS-S01 M Remarks:
UK Oberon class. Can carry Mk48 tarp and Harpoon in forward TT. Normal process on 1 Jan 1989. Unless used as training ship, will decomm in 1990. Remarks:
Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Normally operate with only two Harpoon fitted. Can carry 20 mines instead of
DD 280 or Tribal class. Has Bear Trap helo recovery system; fitted w/stabi- TI loadout is 12 Mk48 and 4 Harpoon IB. Configuration is after SOUP refit.
All units have been converted. Fitted with USA BQG-S01 Micropuffs passive Damage Points: 0 21 42 63 76 84 SSMs or TT, or 4 533mm TT and no SSM launchers, or 8 Harpoon and no TT.
lizers. Ships receiving TRUMP upgrade. R_emoves Limbo, 127mm gun, Sea Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 O Sinks
ranging sonar (not a search sensor). Add 10°/o to Passive Fire Control solu- Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Sparrow. Will get F&A(29)1 Mk41 VLS w/29 SM2MR Block II, F(1)1 Super
tion chance if target detected by this sonar. Damage Points: 0 3 6 9 10 12
Rapid 76mm/62, A(R)1 Mk1S Phalanx 20mml76 Block I w/S bursts. SM2 and
76mm will be controlled by 2 STIR. SPS-S01 replaced by LW.08. Add DA.OS Damage and Speed Breakdown: Denmark Surface Speed: 40 30 20 1O o
Damage Points: O 11 22 34 40 4S
radar. Sea Sparrow ROF 15 msls per _tum per mount. Algonquin finishing
0 Sinks
TRUMP mid-1990; Iroquois starting. Last unit complete by 1992. surface Speed:
Submerged Speed:
4 0 Sinks Niels Juel FF
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: O 32 64 9S 114 127 Displacement: 1100 std lnClass:3
Surface Speed: 30 22 1S 8 0 Sinks Protecteur AOR Damage Points: 46 In Service: 1980 Aconlt DD
Displacement: 8389 It In Class: 2 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Displacement: 3500 In Class: 1
Mackenzie FF Damage Points: 183 In Service: 1969 Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 92 Damage Points: 126 In Service: 1973
In Class: 4 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 21 kts Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts
Displacement: 2380 std
In Service: 1962 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 284 PB&SB/PQ&S0(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA Propulsion: Steam Crew: 228
Damage Points: 88
Speed: 28 kts Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 A(8)1 Mk29 NATOSeaSparroww/8 RIM-7M//2 RTN-10X D/USA Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 210 Aft Pad( 1)3 CH-124A Se~ King
4 LCVP ,, .. ··.· . ,
B F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 9LV200 C/ltaly F/A(1)2 M1968100mm/SS//1DRBC32 c
· To181 Mounts: 7 1 DC Rail E/lntl P&S(1)1 Malafon w/13 msls E
C/USA Sensors: P/S(1 )4 20mm/80 C/lntl P/S(1)2 S33mm TI w/S L5 torp F
A(2)1 Mk33 76mm/S0//1 SPG-34
E/UK Decca series, Decca 969 (Decca series) J/UK Sensors: PB&SB(4)2 MM40 Exocet w/4 msls D
A(3)2 Mk1 O Limbo w/17 salvoes//1 SQS-S02
PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 tarp
C/UK Remarks: Skanter 009 J/Sweden DRBN 32, DRBV 22, DRBV 1S J
F(2)2 Mk6 76mm/70//1 SPG-48
Previously fitted with F(2)1 Mk33 76mm/50 under local control. Removed ln PMS26 M/UK DUBV 23/43 M
J/USA 1983; could be reinstalled. Four RAS stations. Remarks: Remarks:
SPS-10, SPS-12
J/USA Damage and Speed Breakdown: Only four Harpoon are normally carried. No reloads for Sea Sparrow. Burst Type F65. Fitted with stabilizers. MM40 ROF is 8 msls per tum (both mounts)
Raytheon 1629C (Rayth. series)
M Damage Points: 0 46 91 137 165 183 speed of 30 kts for short periods. Mk91 Mod 1 MFCShas 2RTN 10directors. at same target. To be fitted with OSBV 61 towed array sonar. Originally fitted
SOS-SOS hull, SQS-S01
Surface Speed: 21 16 10 S O Sinks To be fitted with 2 RAM. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 1S msls per turn. with 305mm ASW mortar; removed.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Qu'Appelle has F(2)1 76mm/50 vice 76mm/70. Configuration is as of com-
pletion of DELEX on all units. Last unit finished by 1987. Will remain in ser- Restlgouche FF Damage Points: O 11 23 34 41 46 Damage Points: 0 32 63 94 113 126
vice until 1993. Displacement: 2370 In Class: [31 Surface Speed: 30 22 1S 8 o Sinks Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 88 In Service: 1959-74
Damage Points: 0 22 44 66 79 88 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts PederSkram FF Agosta SS
Surface Speed: 28 21 14' 7 0 Sinks Propulsion: Steam Crew: 248 Displacement: 2030 std In Class: [2) Displacement: 1740 subm lnClass:4
Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 Damage Points: 77 In Service: 1966-87 Damage Points: 34 In Service: 1977
Mod Restlgouche FF F(2)1 Mk6 76mm/70//1 SPG-48 C/UK Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12120 kts
In Class: 4 A(2)1 Mk33 76mm/S0//1 SPG-48 C/USA Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 200 Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew:S2
Displacement: 2390 std
In Service: 19S9 A(3)2 Mk10 Limbo w/17 salvoes//1 SOS-S02 E/UK Weapons: Total Mounts: 17 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Damage Points: 89
Speed: 28 kts Sensors: PB&PO/SB&SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon DIUSA PB&SB(2)2 S33mm TI w/20 see remarks F, D
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Crew: 214 SPS-10, SPS-12 J/USA A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//2 Mk91 D/USA Sensors:
Propulsion: Steam
Total Mounts: 5 SQS-S01, SQS-S03 M F(2)1 Mk38127mm/381/1 M46 C/USA DRUA33 J
E/USA SOS-10/11 M/USA PIS( 1)4 20mm/80 C/lntl DUUA 2D, DUUA 1, DSUV 22 M
A(8)1 Mk16w/8ASROC
E/UK Remarks: PB/SB(1 )4 533mm Tiw/1 Tp617 tarp F/Sweden DSUV 62 towed array M
A(3)1 Mk10 Limbo w/17 salvoes//1 SQS-S02
F/USA Single SPG-48 controls both gun mounts at single target. All units in reserve 1 DC Rail E/lnll Remarks:
PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 tarp
C/UK since 1974. P/S(1)4 40mm/60//2 M46 C/lntl Normal TT loadout 8 F17 Mk2, 8 LS torp, 4 SM39 Exocet. Fitted with DUUX 2
F(2)1 Mk6 76mm/70//1 SPG-S1S
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors: passive ranging sonar (not a search sensor). Add 5o/o to Passive Fire Control
J/USA Damage Points: O 22 44 66 79 88 Skanter 009 J/Sweden solution chance if target detected by lhis sonar. Very Small sonar conlact. -10"/o
SPS-10, SPS-12
J Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks PMS26 MIUK active sonar detection chance. Towed array to be fitted lo all units by 1991.
Sperry MK2
M CWS-2, CWS-3 J Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Remarks: Damage Points: O 8 17 26 31 34
DD 236 and 2S7 do not have Mk32 TI. 8 manual re.loads for ASROC. Mk60 Triple TI replaced by PBISB(2)2 S33mm TI. Modernized 1976-78; one of Surface Speed: 12 9 6 3 O Sinks
GFCS gives Mk6 76mm air Pk of .4. Under DE LEX all units will get Raytheon 127mm mounts removed and replaced with Harpoon launchers, Mk29 NATO Submerged Speed: 20 1S 10 S O Sinks
GOW 1990·91 Data Annex
DD surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks Propulsion: Steam Crew: 228 Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 Sinks o
Iroquois Weapons: Total Mounts: 5
Displacement: 3551 std In Class: 4 A(3)1 Mk10 Limbow/17 salvoes//1 SQS-S02 Willemoes
In Service: 1972 Ojibwa SS E/UK PTM
Damage Points: 127 PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA Displacement: 232 std In Class: 10
Speed: 30 kts Displacement: 2410 subm lnCfass:3
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Aft Pad(1)1 CH-124A Sea King B Damage Points: 12
Crew: 319 Damage Points: 4S In Service: 1965 In Service: 1977
Propulsion: COGOG F(2)1 Mk33 76mm/S0//1 SPG-48 C/USA Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 40 kts
Total Mounts: a Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15117 kts
Weapons: Sensors: Propulsion: CODOG
cntaly Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew:65 Crew: 26
F(1)1 Compact 127mm/S4//1 SPG-S3 SPS-10, SPS-12 J/USA Weapons:
E/UK Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Total Mounts: S
A(3)1 Mk10 Limbo w/17 salvoes//1 SQS-S02 Sperry Mk2 J
PB&SB(3)2 S33mm TI w/18 see remarks F, D/USA PB&SB(4)2 Mk141 w/2 Harpoon D/USA
PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 tarp F/USA
F/USA SOS-S03, SOS-S01, SQS-504 VDS M F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 9LV200 cntafy
Aft Pad(1)2 CH-124A Sea King B PQ&SQ(2)1 S33mm TI w/4 NT-37C
Remarks: PBISB(1)2 S33mm TI w/1 Tp617 tarp F/Sweden
PBISB(4)2 Sea Sparrow w/16 RIM-7M//2 WM22 D/USA Sensors:
M/FRG Fitted with stabilizers. Under DE LEX program will get Raytheon 1629C radar. Sensors:
Sensors: CSU 3-41
MIUK Use statistics for generic nav radar in Annex L for Sperry Mk2 radar. Addi- NWS-3 J
SPQ2D J/ltaly Type 2007
J/UK tional unit St. Laurentstruckin 1974; sunk in 1979.Additional unitAssinboine 9GR600 J/Sweden
SPS-S01 J Type 1006
entered period of reduced operations in July 1988, started 12-month decomm ESM
SOS-SOS hull, SOS-SOS VDS, SOS-S01 M Remarks:
UK Oberon class. Can carry Mk48 tarp and Harpoon in forward TT. Normal process on 1 Jan 1989. Unless used as training ship, will decomm in 1990. Remarks:
Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Normally operate with only two Harpoon fitted. Can carry 20 mines instead of
DD 280 or Tribal class. Has Bear Trap helo recovery system; fitted w/stabi- TI loadout is 12 Mk48 and 4 Harpoon IB. Configuration is after SOUP refit.
All units have been converted. Fitted with USA BQG-S01 Micropuffs passive Damage Points: 0 21 42 63 76 84 SSMs or TT, or 4 533mm TT and no SSM launchers, or 8 Harpoon and no TT.
lizers. Ships receiving TRUMP upgrade. R_emoves Limbo, 127mm gun, Sea Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 O Sinks
ranging sonar (not a search sensor). Add 10°/o to Passive Fire Control solu- Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Sparrow. Will get F&A(29)1 Mk41 VLS w/29 SM2MR Block II, F(1)1 Super
tion chance if target detected by this sonar. Damage Points: 0 3 6 9 10 12
Rapid 76mm/62, A(R)1 Mk1S Phalanx 20mml76 Block I w/S bursts. SM2 and
76mm will be controlled by 2 STIR. SPS-S01 replaced by LW.08. Add DA.OS Damage and Speed Breakdown: Denmark Surface Speed: 40 30 20 1O o
Damage Points: O 11 22 34 40 4S
radar. Sea Sparrow ROF 15 msls per _tum per mount. Algonquin finishing
0 Sinks
TRUMP mid-1990; Iroquois starting. Last unit complete by 1992. surface Speed:
Submerged Speed:
4 0 Sinks Niels Juel FF
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: O 32 64 9S 114 127 Displacement: 1100 std lnClass:3
Surface Speed: 30 22 1S 8 0 Sinks Protecteur AOR Damage Points: 46 In Service: 1980 Aconlt DD
Displacement: 8389 It In Class: 2 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Displacement: 3500 In Class: 1
Mackenzie FF Damage Points: 183 In Service: 1969 Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 92 Damage Points: 126 In Service: 1973
In Class: 4 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 21 kts Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts
Displacement: 2380 std
In Service: 1962 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 284 PB&SB/PQ&S0(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA Propulsion: Steam Crew: 228
Damage Points: 88
Speed: 28 kts Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 A(8)1 Mk29 NATOSeaSparroww/8 RIM-7M//2 RTN-10X D/USA Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 210 Aft Pad( 1)3 CH-124A Se~ King
4 LCVP ,, .. ··.· . ,
B F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 9LV200 C/ltaly F/A(1)2 M1968100mm/SS//1DRBC32 c
· To181 Mounts: 7 1 DC Rail E/lntl P&S(1)1 Malafon w/13 msls E
C/USA Sensors: P/S(1 )4 20mm/80 C/lntl P/S(1)2 S33mm TI w/S L5 torp F
A(2)1 Mk33 76mm/S0//1 SPG-34
E/UK Decca series, Decca 969 (Decca series) J/UK Sensors: PB&SB(4)2 MM40 Exocet w/4 msls D
A(3)2 Mk1 O Limbo w/17 salvoes//1 SQS-S02
PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 tarp
C/UK Remarks: Skanter 009 J/Sweden DRBN 32, DRBV 22, DRBV 1S J
F(2)2 Mk6 76mm/70//1 SPG-48
Previously fitted with F(2)1 Mk33 76mm/50 under local control. Removed ln PMS26 M/UK DUBV 23/43 M
J/USA 1983; could be reinstalled. Four RAS stations. Remarks: Remarks:
SPS-10, SPS-12
J/USA Damage and Speed Breakdown: Only four Harpoon are normally carried. No reloads for Sea Sparrow. Burst Type F65. Fitted with stabilizers. MM40 ROF is 8 msls per tum (both mounts)
Raytheon 1629C (Rayth. series)
M Damage Points: 0 46 91 137 165 183 speed of 30 kts for short periods. Mk91 Mod 1 MFCShas 2RTN 10directors. at same target. To be fitted with OSBV 61 towed array sonar. Originally fitted
SOS-SOS hull, SQS-S01
Surface Speed: 21 16 10 S O Sinks To be fitted with 2 RAM. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 1S msls per turn. with 305mm ASW mortar; removed.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Qu'Appelle has F(2)1 76mm/50 vice 76mm/70. Configuration is as of com-
pletion of DELEX on all units. Last unit finished by 1987. Will remain in ser- Restlgouche FF Damage Points: O 11 23 34 41 46 Damage Points: 0 32 63 94 113 126
vice until 1993. Displacement: 2370 In Class: [31 Surface Speed: 30 22 1S 8 o Sinks Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 88 In Service: 1959-74
Damage Points: 0 22 44 66 79 88 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts PederSkram FF Agosta SS
Surface Speed: 28 21 14' 7 0 Sinks Propulsion: Steam Crew: 248 Displacement: 2030 std In Class: [2) Displacement: 1740 subm lnClass:4
Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 Damage Points: 77 In Service: 1966-87 Damage Points: 34 In Service: 1977
Mod Restlgouche FF F(2)1 Mk6 76mm/70//1 SPG-48 C/UK Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12120 kts
In Class: 4 A(2)1 Mk33 76mm/S0//1 SPG-48 C/USA Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 200 Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew:S2
Displacement: 2390 std
In Service: 19S9 A(3)2 Mk10 Limbo w/17 salvoes//1 SOS-S02 E/UK Weapons: Total Mounts: 17 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Damage Points: 89
Speed: 28 kts Sensors: PB&PO/SB&SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon DIUSA PB&SB(2)2 S33mm TI w/20 see remarks F, D
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Crew: 214 SPS-10, SPS-12 J/USA A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//2 Mk91 D/USA Sensors:
Propulsion: Steam
Total Mounts: 5 SQS-S01, SQS-S03 M F(2)1 Mk38127mm/381/1 M46 C/USA DRUA33 J
E/USA SOS-10/11 M/USA PIS( 1)4 20mm/80 C/lntl DUUA 2D, DUUA 1, DSUV 22 M
A(8)1 Mk16w/8ASROC
E/UK Remarks: PB/SB(1 )4 533mm Tiw/1 Tp617 tarp F/Sweden DSUV 62 towed array M
A(3)1 Mk10 Limbo w/17 salvoes//1 SQS-S02
F/USA Single SPG-48 controls both gun mounts at single target. All units in reserve 1 DC Rail E/lnll Remarks:
PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 tarp
C/UK since 1974. P/S(1)4 40mm/60//2 M46 C/lntl Normal TT loadout 8 F17 Mk2, 8 LS torp, 4 SM39 Exocet. Fitted with DUUX 2
F(2)1 Mk6 76mm/70//1 SPG-S1S
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors: passive ranging sonar (not a search sensor). Add 5o/o to Passive Fire Control
J/USA Damage Points: O 22 44 66 79 88 Skanter 009 J/Sweden solution chance if target detected by lhis sonar. Very Small sonar conlact. -10"/o
SPS-10, SPS-12
J Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks PMS26 MIUK active sonar detection chance. Towed array to be fitted lo all units by 1991.
Sperry MK2
M CWS-2, CWS-3 J Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Remarks: Damage Points: O 8 17 26 31 34
DD 236 and 2S7 do not have Mk32 TI. 8 manual re.loads for ASROC. Mk60 Triple TI replaced by PBISB(2)2 S33mm TI. Modernized 1976-78; one of Surface Speed: 12 9 6 3 O Sinks
GFCS gives Mk6 76mm air Pk of .4. Under DE LEX all units will get Raytheon 127mm mounts removed and replaced with Harpoon launchers, Mk29 NATO Submerged Speed: 20 1S 10 S O Sinks
1990·91 Data Annex
Amethyste SSN Sensors: 16 Super Etendarcl B Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 79
Displacement: 2660 subm In Class:0+2 DRBN 32 J 7Alize B Weapons: Total Mounts: 10
Damage Pointe: 49 In Service: 1991 Remarks: 2 SA.365 Dauphin 2 B P/5(1)4 550mm TTw/1 L3 & L5 torp F
Damage ModlHer: 1.00 Speed: 18/25 kts Specialized vessel designed to support nuclear tests between Papeete and 3 Entendard IVP B F(1)1 M1968100mm/55111 DRBC 32E c
Propulsion: Nuclear-Eleclric Crew: 66 Muraroa. Carries 70 cubic meters of helicopter fuel. Miniature LSD design. Sensors: P/5(1 )2 DCN 20mm/80 c
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Can act as repair and stores ship. Super Pumas are cargo version; no ASW DRBN 32, DRBV 23, 2 DRBI 10, DRBV 15 J A(6)1 Mk54 375mm Mortar E
PB&SB(2)2 533mm TT w/14 see remarks F, D capability. DRBV 50 J PB&SB(2)2 MM40 Exocet w/2 msls D
Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown: SOS-503 hull M/Can Sensors:
DRUA33 J Damage Points: 0 37 74 112 134 149 Remarks: DRBV 51, DRBN 32 J
DMUX 20 M Surface Speed: 14 1O 7 4 O Sinks Deck angled port at 8°. Due to peacetime manning, only one carrier operates DUBA 25 Tarpon M
DSUV 62 towed array M a tull complement of fixed-wing aircraft. The other operates with reduced crew Remarks:
Remarks: Cassard DOG and helicopters, reverting to full manning in wartime. Carries mix of 30-40 F 718, 783, 784, 786, and 787 have PB&SB(1 )2 MM38 Exocet vice MM40.
Normal TT loadout 10 F17 Mk2 torp, 4 SM39 Exocet. Has improved hull of Displacement: 3820 std In Class: 1+1 helicopters, including Super Frelon, Lynx, Super Puma, Puma. The carriers Will receive newer missile in refits. Fitted with stabilizers. MM38/MM40 ROF
HLES 80 steel. Hull form improved to reduce noise signature compared to Damage Points: 102 In Service: 1988 switch status every few years. Can launch 10 small/med helos at once. 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target.
Rubisclass. Has natural circulation nuclear plant below 16 knots. (-1 Oo/o pas- Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 30 kts Armored flight deck, bridge/island, machinery spaces, and magazines. CHP Damage and Speed Breakdown:
sive sonar detection chance). Fitted with DUUX 5 Fenelon passive ranging Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 241 Faclors: Bridge, flight deck, engineering, magazines are L. Crotale mounts Damage Points: 0 12 23 34 41 46
sonar (not a search sensor). Add 1Oo/o to Passive Fire Control solution chance Weapons: Total Mounts: 11 each have 12 manual reloads. Surface Speed: 24 18 12 6 0 Sinks
if target detected by lhis sonar. P/5(1)2 533mm TT w/5 L5 torp F Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: P&PB/S&SB(4)2 MM40 Exocet w/4 msl D Damage Points: O 121 242 362 435 483 Daphne SS
Damage Points: O 12 24 37 44 49 A(1)1 Mk13 w/40 SM1MRl/2 SPG-51 D/USA Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Displacement: 1043 subm In Class: 3+[6]
Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 0 Sinks P/5(1 )2 DCN 20mm/80 c Damage Points: 22 In Service: 1964
Submerged Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks PO/S0(6)2 Sadral w/6 Mistral D Colbert CG Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 14/16 kts
Aft Pad(1)1 Lynx Mk4 B Displacement: 8500 std In Class: 1 Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 45
Arethuse SS F(1)1 M1968100mm/55111DRBC33 c Damage Points: 246 In Service: 1959 Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
Displacement: 669 subm lnClass:[4] Sensors: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Spsed: 31 kts PB&SB(4)2 550mm TT w/8 E15 torp F
Damage Points: 16 In Service: 1958 DRBV 26, DRBJ 11, 2 DRBN 32 J Propulsion: Steam Crew: 562 PO&S0(2)2 550mm TTw/4 E15 torp F
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 13/16 kls DUBA 25 Tarpon M Weapons: Total Mounts: 13 Sensors:
Propulslon: Diesel-Electric Crew: 40 DIBV 10 Vampir (IR sensor) A(2)1 Masurca w/48 msls/12 DRBR 51 D DSUV 2, DUUA 2B M
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Remarks: P/S(2)6 M195157mm/60112 DRBR31 c DRUA 31 J
PB&SB(2)2 550mm TT w/8 L5 torp F TypeFlOAAW class. Mk13 rateolfire is 3 mslsltum. May be fitted later with PB/SB(1 )4 MM38 Exocet w/1 msl D Remarks:
Sensors: DSBV 61 towed array sonar. MM40 ROF is 8/turn (both mounts) at same F(1)2 M1968100mm/55111DRBR32 c Fitted with DUUX 2 passive ranging sonar (not a search sensor). Add So/o to
DUUA 2, DUUA 1 M target. Aluminum superstructure. Cassard temporarily fitted wilh DRBV 15 Sensors: Passive Fire Control solution chance if target detected by this sonar. Six units
DRUA31 J until DRBJ 11 development completed. 16 manual reloads for Crotale. DRBI 10, DRBV 20, DRBV 23, DRBN 32 J struck in 1988.
Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown: DRBV 50 J Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Four units built. Fitted with DUUX 2 passive ranging sonar (not a search Damage Points: 0 26 51 77 92 102 Remarks: Damage Points: 0 6 11 16 20 22
sensor). Add 5% to Passive Fire Control solution chance if target detected by Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks Armored deck 50mm; armored belt 50mm-80mm. General armor rating is L. Surface Speed: 14 10 7 4 O Sinks
this sonar. Arethuse struck in Apr 1979; Amazone, Jun 1980; Ariane, Mar CHP rating for engineering is L. Fitted with stabilizers. MM38 Exocet ROF s Submerged Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks
1981; Argonaute, July 1982. Charles de Gau lie CVN msls per tum (all mounts) at same target
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 35000 std In Class: 0+1+1 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Durance AO
Damage Points: O 4 8 12 14 16 Damage Points: 699 In Service: 1996 Damage Points: 0 62 123 184 221 246 Displacement: 7600 std In Class: 5
surface Speed: 13 1O 6 3 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks Damage Points: 171 In Service: 1976
Submerged Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 1950 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 19 kts
Weapons: Total Mounts: 22 Commandant Riviere FF Propulsion: Diesels Crew: 159
Balny FF 35Airaaft B Displacement: 1750 std In Class: 6 Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
Dloplacament: 1750 std In Class: 1 2 Catapull Damage Points: 67 In Service: 1962 A(1)1 40mm/60 Cllnll
Damage Points: 64 In Service: 1970 SB/SQ/P(6)3 Sadral w/6 Mistral D Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts P/5(1 )2 DCN 20mm/80 c
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts F&A(8)7 ASTER 15 w/8 msls/11 Arabel D Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 166 Aft Pad(1 )1 Lynx Mk4 B
Propulsion: CODAG Crew: 167 P/5(1)8 DCN 20mm/80 c Weapons: Total Mounts: 11 Sensors:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 2 Elevator F/A(1)2 M1953 100mm/55111 DRBC 32C c Nav radar J/lnll
PIS(1)2 CAS 62 30mmno c Sensors: P/5(1)2 CAS 62 30mm/70 c Remarks:
DRBJ 11 B, DRBV 15, DRBV 27, 2 DRBN 32 J F(4)1 305mm Mortar w/18 salvoes/11 DUBA 3 E Durance (A 629) has 1(2)40mm, no 20mm. Can supply two ships alongside,
F(6)1 305mm Mortar w/18 salvoes/11 DUBA 3 E
P/5(3)2 550mm TT w/3 L3 torp F DIBV 1o Vampir (IR Sensor) PIS(3)2 550mm TT w/3 K2 & L3 torp F one astern. Helo pad can accommodate large helicopters. 40mm arc on Var
PB&SB(1 )4 MM38 Exocet w/1 msl
F12A( 1)3 M 1953 1OOmm/55111 DRBC 32 c Remarks:
Can carry Super Etendard and Rafala. Fitted with stabilizers. ASTER ROF is Sensors:
D (A 608) is F(1)1.
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
15 msls per turn (all mounts). DRBV 22, DRBN 32, DRBV 20 J Damage Points: 0 43 86 128 154 171
DRBN 32, DRBV 22 J
Damage and Speed Breakdown: SOS-17 M/USA Surface Speed: 19 14 10 5 0 Sinks
Damage Points: 0 175 350 524 629 699 Remarks:
Modified Commandant RMere class. Helo pad aft. SUrface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks Some have 40mm/60 vice 30mm/80. MM38 Exocel ROF 8 msls per turn (all La Fayette FF
Damage and Speed Breakdown: mounts) at same target. Helo pad aft. Additional unit Victor Schoe/er(F 725) Displacement: 3200 In Class: 0+3
Damage Points: 0 16 32 48 58 64 Clemenceau CV transferred to Uraguay Navy. Commandant Riviere completed refit at Lori- Damage Points: 109 In Service: 1994
Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks Displacement: 22000 std lnClass:2 ent Main armament removed; stern modified to increase the beam. Will serve Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 26 kts
Damage Points: 483 In Service: 1964 as ASW trials ship. Propulsion: Diesel-electric Crew: 164
Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons: Total Mounts: 11
Bouganvllle LSD Damage Points: 0 17 34 50 60 67
Displacement: 4200 std In Class: 1 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1338 Aft Pad(1)1 Helicopter (type unk) B
Weapons: Total Mounts: 10 Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 O Sinks PB&SB(4)2 MM40 Exocet w/4 msls D
Damage Points: 149 In Service: 1988
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 14 kts PB/S&SQ(1)4 M1953100mm/55112 DRBC 32 c A(8)1 Crotale EDIR w/8 msls/11 Mirador IV D
Propulslon: Diesel Crew: 52+500 P&PO/S&SB(6)2 Crotale EDIR w/6 msls/12 Mirador IV D D'Estienne D'Orves FFL FIA(6)2 Sadral w/6 Mistral D
Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 2 Catapult Displacement: 1100 In Class: 17 F(1)1Compact100mml55111DRBC33 c
Midships Pad(1)2 AS.322B Super Puma B 2 Elevator Damage Points: 46 In Service: 1976 P/5(1)2 DCN 20mm/80 c
10 F-8E (FN) Crusader B Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 24 kts PB/SB(3)2 324mm TTw/18 Murene torp F
1990·91 Data Annex
Amethyste SSN Sensors: 16 Super Etendarcl B Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 79
Displacement: 2660 subm In Class:0+2 DRBN 32 J 7Alize B Weapons: Total Mounts: 10
Damage Pointe: 49 In Service: 1991 Remarks: 2 SA.365 Dauphin 2 B P/5(1)4 550mm TTw/1 L3 & L5 torp F
Damage ModlHer: 1.00 Speed: 18/25 kts Specialized vessel designed to support nuclear tests between Papeete and 3 Entendard IVP B F(1)1 M1968100mm/55111 DRBC 32E c
Propulsion: Nuclear-Eleclric Crew: 66 Muraroa. Carries 70 cubic meters of helicopter fuel. Miniature LSD design. Sensors: P/5(1 )2 DCN 20mm/80 c
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Can act as repair and stores ship. Super Pumas are cargo version; no ASW DRBN 32, DRBV 23, 2 DRBI 10, DRBV 15 J A(6)1 Mk54 375mm Mortar E
PB&SB(2)2 533mm TT w/14 see remarks F, D capability. DRBV 50 J PB&SB(2)2 MM40 Exocet w/2 msls D
Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown: SOS-503 hull M/Can Sensors:
DRUA33 J Damage Points: 0 37 74 112 134 149 Remarks: DRBV 51, DRBN 32 J
DMUX 20 M Surface Speed: 14 1O 7 4 O Sinks Deck angled port at 8°. Due to peacetime manning, only one carrier operates DUBA 25 Tarpon M
DSUV 62 towed array M a tull complement of fixed-wing aircraft. The other operates with reduced crew Remarks:
Remarks: Cassard DOG and helicopters, reverting to full manning in wartime. Carries mix of 30-40 F 718, 783, 784, 786, and 787 have PB&SB(1 )2 MM38 Exocet vice MM40.
Normal TT loadout 10 F17 Mk2 torp, 4 SM39 Exocet. Has improved hull of Displacement: 3820 std In Class: 1+1 helicopters, including Super Frelon, Lynx, Super Puma, Puma. The carriers Will receive newer missile in refits. Fitted with stabilizers. MM38/MM40 ROF
HLES 80 steel. Hull form improved to reduce noise signature compared to Damage Points: 102 In Service: 1988 switch status every few years. Can launch 10 small/med helos at once. 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target.
Rubisclass. Has natural circulation nuclear plant below 16 knots. (-1 Oo/o pas- Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 30 kts Armored flight deck, bridge/island, machinery spaces, and magazines. CHP Damage and Speed Breakdown:
sive sonar detection chance). Fitted with DUUX 5 Fenelon passive ranging Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 241 Faclors: Bridge, flight deck, engineering, magazines are L. Crotale mounts Damage Points: 0 12 23 34 41 46
sonar (not a search sensor). Add 1Oo/o to Passive Fire Control solution chance Weapons: Total Mounts: 11 each have 12 manual reloads. Surface Speed: 24 18 12 6 0 Sinks
if target detected by lhis sonar. P/5(1)2 533mm TT w/5 L5 torp F Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: P&PB/S&SB(4)2 MM40 Exocet w/4 msl D Damage Points: O 121 242 362 435 483 Daphne SS
Damage Points: O 12 24 37 44 49 A(1)1 Mk13 w/40 SM1MRl/2 SPG-51 D/USA Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Displacement: 1043 subm In Class: 3+[6]
Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 0 Sinks P/5(1 )2 DCN 20mm/80 c Damage Points: 22 In Service: 1964
Submerged Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks PO/S0(6)2 Sadral w/6 Mistral D Colbert CG Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 14/16 kts
Aft Pad(1)1 Lynx Mk4 B Displacement: 8500 std In Class: 1 Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 45
Arethuse SS F(1)1 M1968100mm/55111DRBC33 c Damage Points: 246 In Service: 1959 Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
Displacement: 669 subm lnClass:[4] Sensors: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Spsed: 31 kts PB&SB(4)2 550mm TT w/8 E15 torp F
Damage Points: 16 In Service: 1958 DRBV 26, DRBJ 11, 2 DRBN 32 J Propulsion: Steam Crew: 562 PO&S0(2)2 550mm TTw/4 E15 torp F
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 13/16 kls DUBA 25 Tarpon M Weapons: Total Mounts: 13 Sensors:
Propulslon: Diesel-Electric Crew: 40 DIBV 10 Vampir (IR sensor) A(2)1 Masurca w/48 msls/12 DRBR 51 D DSUV 2, DUUA 2B M
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Remarks: P/S(2)6 M195157mm/60112 DRBR31 c DRUA 31 J
PB&SB(2)2 550mm TT w/8 L5 torp F TypeFlOAAW class. Mk13 rateolfire is 3 mslsltum. May be fitted later with PB/SB(1 )4 MM38 Exocet w/1 msl D Remarks:
Sensors: DSBV 61 towed array sonar. MM40 ROF is 8/turn (both mounts) at same F(1)2 M1968100mm/55111DRBR32 c Fitted with DUUX 2 passive ranging sonar (not a search sensor). Add So/o to
DUUA 2, DUUA 1 M target. Aluminum superstructure. Cassard temporarily fitted wilh DRBV 15 Sensors: Passive Fire Control solution chance if target detected by this sonar. Six units
DRUA31 J until DRBJ 11 development completed. 16 manual reloads for Crotale. DRBI 10, DRBV 20, DRBV 23, DRBN 32 J struck in 1988.
Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown: DRBV 50 J Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Four units built. Fitted with DUUX 2 passive ranging sonar (not a search Damage Points: 0 26 51 77 92 102 Remarks: Damage Points: 0 6 11 16 20 22
sensor). Add 5% to Passive Fire Control solution chance if target detected by Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks Armored deck 50mm; armored belt 50mm-80mm. General armor rating is L. Surface Speed: 14 10 7 4 O Sinks
this sonar. Arethuse struck in Apr 1979; Amazone, Jun 1980; Ariane, Mar CHP rating for engineering is L. Fitted with stabilizers. MM38 Exocet ROF s Submerged Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks
1981; Argonaute, July 1982. Charles de Gau lie CVN msls per tum (all mounts) at same target
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 35000 std In Class: 0+1+1 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Durance AO
Damage Points: O 4 8 12 14 16 Damage Points: 699 In Service: 1996 Damage Points: 0 62 123 184 221 246 Displacement: 7600 std In Class: 5
surface Speed: 13 1O 6 3 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks Damage Points: 171 In Service: 1976
Submerged Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 1950 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 19 kts
Weapons: Total Mounts: 22 Commandant Riviere FF Propulsion: Diesels Crew: 159
Balny FF 35Airaaft B Displacement: 1750 std In Class: 6 Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
Dloplacament: 1750 std In Class: 1 2 Catapull Damage Points: 67 In Service: 1962 A(1)1 40mm/60 Cllnll
Damage Points: 64 In Service: 1970 SB/SQ/P(6)3 Sadral w/6 Mistral D Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts P/5(1 )2 DCN 20mm/80 c
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts F&A(8)7 ASTER 15 w/8 msls/11 Arabel D Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 166 Aft Pad(1 )1 Lynx Mk4 B
Propulsion: CODAG Crew: 167 P/5(1)8 DCN 20mm/80 c Weapons: Total Mounts: 11 Sensors:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 2 Elevator F/A(1)2 M1953 100mm/55111 DRBC 32C c Nav radar J/lnll
PIS(1)2 CAS 62 30mmno c Sensors: P/5(1)2 CAS 62 30mm/70 c Remarks:
DRBJ 11 B, DRBV 15, DRBV 27, 2 DRBN 32 J F(4)1 305mm Mortar w/18 salvoes/11 DUBA 3 E Durance (A 629) has 1(2)40mm, no 20mm. Can supply two ships alongside,
F(6)1 305mm Mortar w/18 salvoes/11 DUBA 3 E
P/5(3)2 550mm TT w/3 L3 torp F DIBV 1o Vampir (IR Sensor) PIS(3)2 550mm TT w/3 K2 & L3 torp F one astern. Helo pad can accommodate large helicopters. 40mm arc on Var
PB&SB(1 )4 MM38 Exocet w/1 msl
F12A( 1)3 M 1953 1OOmm/55111 DRBC 32 c Remarks:
Can carry Super Etendard and Rafala. Fitted with stabilizers. ASTER ROF is Sensors:
D (A 608) is F(1)1.
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
15 msls per turn (all mounts). DRBV 22, DRBN 32, DRBV 20 J Damage Points: 0 43 86 128 154 171
DRBN 32, DRBV 22 J
Damage and Speed Breakdown: SOS-17 M/USA Surface Speed: 19 14 10 5 0 Sinks
Damage Points: 0 175 350 524 629 699 Remarks:
Modified Commandant RMere class. Helo pad aft. SUrface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks Some have 40mm/60 vice 30mm/80. MM38 Exocel ROF 8 msls per turn (all La Fayette FF
Damage and Speed Breakdown: mounts) at same target. Helo pad aft. Additional unit Victor Schoe/er(F 725) Displacement: 3200 In Class: 0+3
Damage Points: 0 16 32 48 58 64 Clemenceau CV transferred to Uraguay Navy. Commandant Riviere completed refit at Lori- Damage Points: 109 In Service: 1994
Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks Displacement: 22000 std lnClass:2 ent Main armament removed; stern modified to increase the beam. Will serve Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 26 kts
Damage Points: 483 In Service: 1964 as ASW trials ship. Propulsion: Diesel-electric Crew: 164
Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons: Total Mounts: 11
Bouganvllle LSD Damage Points: 0 17 34 50 60 67
Displacement: 4200 std In Class: 1 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1338 Aft Pad(1)1 Helicopter (type unk) B
Weapons: Total Mounts: 10 Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 O Sinks PB&SB(4)2 MM40 Exocet w/4 msls D
Damage Points: 149 In Service: 1988
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 14 kts PB/S&SQ(1)4 M1953100mm/55112 DRBC 32 c A(8)1 Crotale EDIR w/8 msls/11 Mirador IV D
Propulslon: Diesel Crew: 52+500 P&PO/S&SB(6)2 Crotale EDIR w/6 msls/12 Mirador IV D D'Estienne D'Orves FFL FIA(6)2 Sadral w/6 Mistral D
Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 2 Catapult Displacement: 1100 In Class: 17 F(1)1Compact100mml55111DRBC33 c
Midships Pad(1)2 AS.322B Super Puma B 2 Elevator Damage Points: 46 In Service: 1976 P/5(1)2 DCN 20mm/80 c
10 F-8E (FN) Crusader B Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 24 kts PB/SB(3)2 324mm TTw/18 Murene torp F
Weapons: Total Mounts: 13 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Sensors: sensors:
OSBY 61 FLUTE towed array, DUBA 26 M P&PQ/P&PB/S&SO/S&SB(1 )4 DRUA 31 J Damage Points: O 44 89 134 160 178
DRBV 1S, DRBN 32, DRBV 26 J M19S3 100mm/55//3 DRBC 32A c QSUV 2, DUUA 2A M Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 O Sinks
DIBV 10 Vampir (IR sensor) 1 Elevator Remarks:
8 Lynx Mk4 B Improved version of WWII German Type XXI. Fitted with DUUX 2 passive DOG
Remarks: T47
Quieted when cruising on electric drive; max speed 12 knots. 18 Murene 2LCVP ranging sonar (not a search sensor).Add 5°/o to Passive Fire Control solution Displacemenl: 2750 In Class: [4]
torpedoes carried for TI and helicopter. MM40 ROF is 8 msls per turn (both PB&SB(1 )6 MM38 Exocet w/1 msl D chance if target detected by this sonar. Originally 6 built. Additional units Re- Damage Points: 101 In Service: 1956-88
mounts) at same target. Estimated 16 reloads for Crotale. DUBA 26 hull sonar Sensors: quin struck in 1985 (laid up in special reserve); Marsouin, 1982; Narval, 1983; Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
DRBV 50, DRBN 32, DRBI 10, DRBV 22 J Espadon, 1985; Morse, 1986. Dauphin used as trials platform. Crew: 320
estimated. Propulsion: Steam
DUBY 24 M Damage and Speed Breakdown: Total Mounts: 7
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons:
Damage Points: 0 27 S4 82 98 109 Remarks: Damage Points: 0 9 18 27 32 36 F/P&PQ/S&S0(2)3 M19S1 S7mm/60 //1 DRBC 31 c
Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 O Sinks Peacetime role is as a training ship with 4 Lynx and cadets embarked. Can surface Speed: 1S 11 8 4 O Sinks F(6)1 MK54 37Smm Mortar//1 DUBA 1 E
carry a 700-man commando battalion. Can launch 4 small/med helos at once. Submerged Speed: 18 14 9 4 O Sinks PBISB(3)2 SSOmm TT w/3 L3 torp F
FF MM38 ROF is 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. A(1)1 Mk13 w/40 SM1 MR//2 SPG-S1 D/USA
Florea I Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Displacement: 2600 In Class: 0+2+4 ouragan LPD Sensors:
Damage Points: O 69 138 207 248 276 SPS-39 J/USA
Damage Points: 72 In Service: 1991 Displacement: 5800 std In Class: 2
Speed: 20 kts Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 0 Sinks In Service: 1965 DRBV 31, DRBV 22 J
Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Damage Points: 192
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 100+24 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 17 kts DUBY 24 M
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 L'lnllexible SSBN Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 211 Remarks:
F( 1) 1 M 1968 1OOmm/SS//1 Najir EO director c Displacement: 8920 subm In Class: 1
Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 Mk13 ROF 3 msls per turn. Four units built. Bouvet struck in 1982; Kersaint,
P/S(1)2 DCN 20mm/80 c Damage Points: 127 In Service: 1985 PB&P/P&PO/SB&S/S&SQ (1)4 40mm/70 C/Sweden 1983; Dupetit Thouars, 1987; Du Chay/a, 1988.
D Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/2S kts Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
P/S(2)2 MM40 Exocet w/2 msls
D Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 135 DRBN 32 J Damage Points: 0 2S SO 76 91 101
P&PQ/S&SQ(6)2 Sadral w/6 Mistral
B Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 SOS-17 (L 9021) M/USA Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 O Sinks
Aft Pad(1)1 AS.332F Super Puma
Sensors: PB&SB(2)2 S33mm TTw/12 torpor SM39 F, D Remarks: __ _
DRBV 1S, DRBN 32 J (16)1 M4 w/16 msls Ouragon (L 9021) to be scrapped in 1990; Orage (L 9022) in 1993. T47ASW FF
Remarks: Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 2750 In Class: [SJ
French Fregates De SurveiJ/ance. ESM, Exocet and Sadral would be fitted DRUA 33 J Damage Points: 0 48 96 144 173 192 Damage Points: 101 In Service: 1957-88
only in wartime. Follow-on to Commandant Riviere class. Mission is surveil- DSUX 21, DSUV 61 towed array M Surface Speed: 17 13 8 4 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
lance in low-threat areas. Hull and superstructure of steel. NoASW capabil- Remarks: Propulsion: Steam Crew: 269
ity. Constructed to mercantile standards to reduce costs. Controllable-pitch TI can fire F17, L5 torp, and SM39. Fitted with DUUX 5 Fenelon passive SSN Total Mounts: 8
ranging sonar (not a search sensor). Add 10o/o to Passive Fire Control solu-
Ru bis Weapons:
propellers. Retractable stabilizers and helicopter haul-down sys~em. ~II four Displacement: 2670 subm In Class: 4 P/S(1)2 DCN 20mm/80 c
diesels housed in single engineering room. 1OOmm gun has optical director tion chance if target detected by this sonar. Estimated loadout is 8 F17, 2 L5 P&S(1)1 Malafon w/13 msls E
Damage Points: 49 In Service: 1982
only. tarp, 2 SM39 Exocet. Improved Le Redoutable class. Quieter. Speed: 18/2S kts P/S(3)2 SSOmm TT w/3 K2 & L3 torp F
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: Nuclear-Electric Crew: 65 A(6)1 Mk54 37Smm Mortar//1 DUBA 1 E
64 9S 114 127
Damage Points: O 18 36 54 65 72 Damage Points: 0 32
s 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 1 F/A(1)2 M19S3 100mm/55//1 DRBC 32 c
Surface Speed: 20 1S 10 S O Sinks Surface Spead: 20 1S 10
PB&SB(4)1 S33mm TTw/14 see remarks F, D Sensors:
submerged Speed: 2S 19 13
6~ 0 Sinks Sensors: DRBV SO, DRBN 32, DRBV 22 J
Georges Leygues DOG DRUA 33 J DUBY 23/43 M
Displacement: 3810 std In Class: 6+ 1 Le Redoutable SSBN DUUA 2B, DSUV 22, DSUV 62 towed array M Remarks:
In Service: 1979 Displacement: 9000 subm lnCI s:S Remarks: 5 built. Casabianca struck in 1984; D'Estrees and Guepratte, 1985; Maille
Damage Points: 136
Speed: 30 kts Damage Points: 128 In Servi e: 1971 Normal TT loadout 8 F17 Mk2 torp, 2 LS torp, and 4 SM39 Exocet. Fitted with Bnize and Vaquelin, 1988.
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Crew: 216 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/2S kts DUUX 5 Fenelon passive ranging sonar (not a search sensor). Add 1Oo/o to Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Propulsion: CODOG
Total Mounts: 12 Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 13S Passive Fire Control solution chance if target detected by this sonar. Has Damage Points: 0 2S SO 76 91 101
F(1)1 M1968100mm/SS//1 DRBC 32E c Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 natural.circulation nuclear plant, but inefficient hull form negates any advan- Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks
A(8)1 Crotale w/8 msls//1 Mirador IV D PB&SB(2)2 SSOmm TTw/18 see remarks F tage. This will be corrected in refits on the 4 units from 1989-95.
P/S(1 )2 DCN 20mm/80 c (16)1 M20 or M4 w/16 msls Damage and Speed Breakdown: T53 DD
PB/SB(1)2 S33mm TTw/S LS torp F Sensors: Damage Points: 0 13 2S 37 44 49 Dlsplacement: 2750 In Class: [2]
Aft pad(1)2 Lynx Mk4 B DRUA 33 J Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 0 Sinks Damage Points: 101 In Service: 1958-81
PB&SB(1)4 MM38 Exocet w/1 msl D DSUV 23, DSUV 61 M Submerged Speed: 2S 19 13 6 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
Sensors: Remarks: Propulsion: Steam Crew: 276
J First two units initially carried the M1 msls. Converted in 1977 to carry M2/
DRBV S1, DRBV 26, DRBN 32 Suffren DOG Weapons: Total Mounts: 10
DUBY 23/43 or DRBV 23C/43C M M20 msls of later boats. All will carry M4 msl except first unit, Le Redoubt- P/S(2)2 M19S1 S7mm/60//1 DRBC 31 c
Displacement: 5090 std In Class: 2
Remarks: able. Fitted with DUUX 2 passive ranging sonar (not a search sensor). Add P/S(3)2 SSOmm TT w/2 L3 torp F
Damage Points: 178 In Service: 1967
Type F70 (ASW). Max speed with DUBY 43 streamed is 19 knots. Fitted with 5°/o to Passive Fire Control solution chance if target detected by this sonar. A(6)1 Mk54 37Smm Mortar//1 DUBA 1 E
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts
stabilizers. Unit#3 Montcalm and on have (4)2 MM40 Exocet vice (1 )4 MM38. Sonar suit will be upgraded by adding DSUX 21 multifunction system. TT can c
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 3SS F/2A(2)3 M1948 127mm/S4
18 reloads (manual) carried for Crotale. Can carry 4 Exocet msl reloads in carry F17 and LS torp, SM39 Exocet.
Weapons: Total Mounts: 14 P/S(1)2 DCN 20mm/80 c
wartime. Unit#5andon much improved: 100mm Compact vice M1968, DIBV Damage and Speed Breakdown: D Sensors:
PB&SB(1)4 MM38 Exocetw/1 msl
Damage Points: 0 32 64 96 11 S 128
10 Vampir IR sensor, Crotale EDIR, DRBV 1S vice 26, DRBC 33 vice 32,
Surface Speed: 20 1S 10 S 0 Sinks
F( 1)2 M 1953 1OOmm/SS//1 DRBC 32A c DRBV 31, DRBI 10, DRBV 23 J
DSBV 61 towed array sonar. MM38/40 ROF 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at P&S(1)1 Malafon w/13 msls E DUBV 24 M
same target. Submerged Spead: 2S 19 13 6 0 Sinks
P/S(2)2 S33mm TT w/S LS torp F Remarks:
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
P/S(1 )4 DCN 20mm/80 c Two units built. Tartustruck in 1980; Forbinstruck in 1981. Forbinhad one aft
Damage Points: 0 34 68 102 122 136 Narval A(2)1 Masurca w/48 msls//2 DRBR S1 D 127mm mount removed and helo pad added to act as a training ship.
Surface Speed: 30 22 1S 8 O Sinks Displacement: 1910 subm In Class: 1 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 36 In Service: 1957 DRBI 23, DRBV 1S, DRBN 32 J Damage Points: 0 2S SO 76 91 101
CVH Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15/18 kts
Jeanne D'Arc DUBY 23/43 M Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks
Displacement: 10000 std In Class: 1 Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 64
In Service: 1964 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 DD
Damage Points: 276
MM38 ROF 8 msls per tum (all launchers) at same target. Fitted w/triple T53ASW
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 26 kts PB&SB(3)2 SSOmm TTw/14 E14 torp stabilizers (treat as duals). In Class: 1
Displacement: 2750 std
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 809 Damage Points: 101 In Service: 1957
Weapons: Total Mounts: 13 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Sensors: sensors:
OSBY 61 FLUTE towed array, DUBA 26 M P&PQ/P&PB/S&SO/S&SB(1 )4 DRUA 31 J Damage Points: O 44 89 134 160 178
DRBV 1S, DRBN 32, DRBV 26 J M19S3 100mm/55//3 DRBC 32A c QSUV 2, DUUA 2A M Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 O Sinks
DIBV 10 Vampir (IR sensor) 1 Elevator Remarks:
8 Lynx Mk4 B Improved version of WWII German Type XXI. Fitted with DUUX 2 passive DOG
Remarks: T47
Quieted when cruising on electric drive; max speed 12 knots. 18 Murene 2LCVP ranging sonar (not a search sensor).Add 5°/o to Passive Fire Control solution Displacemenl: 2750 In Class: [4]
torpedoes carried for TI and helicopter. MM40 ROF is 8 msls per turn (both PB&SB(1 )6 MM38 Exocet w/1 msl D chance if target detected by this sonar. Originally 6 built. Additional units Re- Damage Points: 101 In Service: 1956-88
mounts) at same target. Estimated 16 reloads for Crotale. DUBA 26 hull sonar Sensors: quin struck in 1985 (laid up in special reserve); Marsouin, 1982; Narval, 1983; Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
DRBV 50, DRBN 32, DRBI 10, DRBV 22 J Espadon, 1985; Morse, 1986. Dauphin used as trials platform. Crew: 320
estimated. Propulsion: Steam
DUBY 24 M Damage and Speed Breakdown: Total Mounts: 7
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons:
Damage Points: 0 27 S4 82 98 109 Remarks: Damage Points: 0 9 18 27 32 36 F/P&PQ/S&S0(2)3 M19S1 S7mm/60 //1 DRBC 31 c
Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 O Sinks Peacetime role is as a training ship with 4 Lynx and cadets embarked. Can surface Speed: 1S 11 8 4 O Sinks F(6)1 MK54 37Smm Mortar//1 DUBA 1 E
carry a 700-man commando battalion. Can launch 4 small/med helos at once. Submerged Speed: 18 14 9 4 O Sinks PBISB(3)2 SSOmm TT w/3 L3 torp F
FF MM38 ROF is 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. A(1)1 Mk13 w/40 SM1 MR//2 SPG-S1 D/USA
Florea I Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Displacement: 2600 In Class: 0+2+4 ouragan LPD Sensors:
Damage Points: O 69 138 207 248 276 SPS-39 J/USA
Damage Points: 72 In Service: 1991 Displacement: 5800 std In Class: 2
Speed: 20 kts Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 0 Sinks In Service: 1965 DRBV 31, DRBV 22 J
Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Damage Points: 192
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 100+24 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 17 kts DUBY 24 M
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 L'lnllexible SSBN Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 211 Remarks:
F( 1) 1 M 1968 1OOmm/SS//1 Najir EO director c Displacement: 8920 subm In Class: 1
Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 Mk13 ROF 3 msls per turn. Four units built. Bouvet struck in 1982; Kersaint,
P/S(1)2 DCN 20mm/80 c Damage Points: 127 In Service: 1985 PB&P/P&PO/SB&S/S&SQ (1)4 40mm/70 C/Sweden 1983; Dupetit Thouars, 1987; Du Chay/a, 1988.
D Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/2S kts Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
P/S(2)2 MM40 Exocet w/2 msls
D Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 135 DRBN 32 J Damage Points: 0 2S SO 76 91 101
P&PQ/S&SQ(6)2 Sadral w/6 Mistral
B Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 SOS-17 (L 9021) M/USA Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 O Sinks
Aft Pad(1)1 AS.332F Super Puma
Sensors: PB&SB(2)2 S33mm TTw/12 torpor SM39 F, D Remarks: __ _
DRBV 1S, DRBN 32 J (16)1 M4 w/16 msls Ouragon (L 9021) to be scrapped in 1990; Orage (L 9022) in 1993. T47ASW FF
Remarks: Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 2750 In Class: [SJ
French Fregates De SurveiJ/ance. ESM, Exocet and Sadral would be fitted DRUA 33 J Damage Points: 0 48 96 144 173 192 Damage Points: 101 In Service: 1957-88
only in wartime. Follow-on to Commandant Riviere class. Mission is surveil- DSUX 21, DSUV 61 towed array M Surface Speed: 17 13 8 4 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
lance in low-threat areas. Hull and superstructure of steel. NoASW capabil- Remarks: Propulsion: Steam Crew: 269
ity. Constructed to mercantile standards to reduce costs. Controllable-pitch TI can fire F17, L5 torp, and SM39. Fitted with DUUX 5 Fenelon passive SSN Total Mounts: 8
ranging sonar (not a search sensor). Add 10o/o to Passive Fire Control solu-
Ru bis Weapons:
propellers. Retractable stabilizers and helicopter haul-down sys~em. ~II four Displacement: 2670 subm In Class: 4 P/S(1)2 DCN 20mm/80 c
diesels housed in single engineering room. 1OOmm gun has optical director tion chance if target detected by this sonar. Estimated loadout is 8 F17, 2 L5 P&S(1)1 Malafon w/13 msls E
Damage Points: 49 In Service: 1982
only. tarp, 2 SM39 Exocet. Improved Le Redoutable class. Quieter. Speed: 18/2S kts P/S(3)2 SSOmm TT w/3 K2 & L3 torp F
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: Nuclear-Electric Crew: 65 A(6)1 Mk54 37Smm Mortar//1 DUBA 1 E
64 9S 114 127
Damage Points: O 18 36 54 65 72 Damage Points: 0 32
s 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 1 F/A(1)2 M19S3 100mm/55//1 DRBC 32 c
Surface Speed: 20 1S 10 S O Sinks Surface Spead: 20 1S 10
PB&SB(4)1 S33mm TTw/14 see remarks F, D Sensors:
submerged Speed: 2S 19 13
6~ 0 Sinks Sensors: DRBV SO, DRBN 32, DRBV 22 J
Georges Leygues DOG DRUA 33 J DUBY 23/43 M
Displacement: 3810 std In Class: 6+ 1 Le Redoutable SSBN DUUA 2B, DSUV 22, DSUV 62 towed array M Remarks:
In Service: 1979 Displacement: 9000 subm lnCI s:S Remarks: 5 built. Casabianca struck in 1984; D'Estrees and Guepratte, 1985; Maille
Damage Points: 136
Speed: 30 kts Damage Points: 128 In Servi e: 1971 Normal TT loadout 8 F17 Mk2 torp, 2 LS torp, and 4 SM39 Exocet. Fitted with Bnize and Vaquelin, 1988.
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Crew: 216 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/2S kts DUUX 5 Fenelon passive ranging sonar (not a search sensor). Add 1Oo/o to Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Propulsion: CODOG
Total Mounts: 12 Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 13S Passive Fire Control solution chance if target detected by this sonar. Has Damage Points: 0 2S SO 76 91 101
F(1)1 M1968100mm/SS//1 DRBC 32E c Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 natural.circulation nuclear plant, but inefficient hull form negates any advan- Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks
A(8)1 Crotale w/8 msls//1 Mirador IV D PB&SB(2)2 SSOmm TTw/18 see remarks F tage. This will be corrected in refits on the 4 units from 1989-95.
P/S(1 )2 DCN 20mm/80 c (16)1 M20 or M4 w/16 msls Damage and Speed Breakdown: T53 DD
PB/SB(1)2 S33mm TTw/S LS torp F Sensors: Damage Points: 0 13 2S 37 44 49 Dlsplacement: 2750 In Class: [2]
Aft pad(1)2 Lynx Mk4 B DRUA 33 J Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 0 Sinks Damage Points: 101 In Service: 1958-81
PB&SB(1)4 MM38 Exocet w/1 msl D DSUV 23, DSUV 61 M Submerged Speed: 2S 19 13 6 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
Sensors: Remarks: Propulsion: Steam Crew: 276
J First two units initially carried the M1 msls. Converted in 1977 to carry M2/
DRBV S1, DRBV 26, DRBN 32 Suffren DOG Weapons: Total Mounts: 10
DUBY 23/43 or DRBV 23C/43C M M20 msls of later boats. All will carry M4 msl except first unit, Le Redoubt- P/S(2)2 M19S1 S7mm/60//1 DRBC 31 c
Displacement: 5090 std In Class: 2
Remarks: able. Fitted with DUUX 2 passive ranging sonar (not a search sensor). Add P/S(3)2 SSOmm TT w/2 L3 torp F
Damage Points: 178 In Service: 1967
Type F70 (ASW). Max speed with DUBY 43 streamed is 19 knots. Fitted with 5°/o to Passive Fire Control solution chance if target detected by this sonar. A(6)1 Mk54 37Smm Mortar//1 DUBA 1 E
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts
stabilizers. Unit#3 Montcalm and on have (4)2 MM40 Exocet vice (1 )4 MM38. Sonar suit will be upgraded by adding DSUX 21 multifunction system. TT can c
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 3SS F/2A(2)3 M1948 127mm/S4
18 reloads (manual) carried for Crotale. Can carry 4 Exocet msl reloads in carry F17 and LS torp, SM39 Exocet.
Weapons: Total Mounts: 14 P/S(1)2 DCN 20mm/80 c
wartime. Unit#5andon much improved: 100mm Compact vice M1968, DIBV Damage and Speed Breakdown: D Sensors:
PB&SB(1)4 MM38 Exocetw/1 msl
Damage Points: 0 32 64 96 11 S 128
10 Vampir IR sensor, Crotale EDIR, DRBV 1S vice 26, DRBC 33 vice 32,
Surface Speed: 20 1S 10 S 0 Sinks
F( 1)2 M 1953 1OOmm/SS//1 DRBC 32A c DRBV 31, DRBI 10, DRBV 23 J
DSBV 61 towed array sonar. MM38/40 ROF 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at P&S(1)1 Malafon w/13 msls E DUBV 24 M
same target. Submerged Spead: 2S 19 13 6 0 Sinks
P/S(2)2 S33mm TT w/S LS torp F Remarks:
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
P/S(1 )4 DCN 20mm/80 c Two units built. Tartustruck in 1980; Forbinstruck in 1981. Forbinhad one aft
Damage Points: 0 34 68 102 122 136 Narval A(2)1 Masurca w/48 msls//2 DRBR S1 D 127mm mount removed and helo pad added to act as a training ship.
Surface Speed: 30 22 1S 8 O Sinks Displacement: 1910 subm In Class: 1 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 36 In Service: 1957 DRBI 23, DRBV 1S, DRBN 32 J Damage Points: 0 2S SO 76 91 101
CVH Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15/18 kts
Jeanne D'Arc DUBY 23/43 M Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks
Displacement: 10000 std In Class: 1 Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 64
In Service: 1964 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 DD
Damage Points: 276
MM38 ROF 8 msls per tum (all launchers) at same target. Fitted w/triple T53ASW
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 26 kts PB&SB(3)2 SSOmm TTw/14 E14 torp stabilizers (treat as duals). In Class: 1
Displacement: 2750 std
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 809 Damage Points: 101 In Service: 1957
ceiveA(21)2 Mk43 launchers w/21 RIM-116A RAM per mount. Mk43 ROF 2 Use Mk45127mm hit chance for Mk42 guns, using Mk86 (SPG-60). SPG-60
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Remarks:
Eridanclass. Hull constructed of GRP. DUBM 21 and DUBM 41 sonars and msls per tum at same target. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 15 msls per turn. can direct gun or SM1 msl at target. Aluminum superstructure.
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 259
PAP104 mine disposal vehicles are for mine hunting only. Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 10
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: O 26 53 BO 95 106 Damage Points: 0 23 46 6B B2 91
PB&SB(1 )4 MM3B Exocet w/1 msl D
Damage Points: 0 5 9 14 17 19 Surface Speed: 30 22 15 B 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 35 26 1B 9 O Sinks
P/S(1)2 550mm TT w/4 LS torp F
Aft Pad(1)1 Lynx Mk4 B Surface Speed: 15 11 B 4 0 Sinks
P/S(1)2 DCN 20mm/BO c Hamburg DOG Thetls FFL
F(1)1 M196B 100mm/55//1DRBC32 c TypeE52 FF Displacement: 3500 std In Class:4 Displacement: 575 std lnClass:5
lnClass:[B] Damage Points: 126 In Service: 1964 Damage Points: 28 In Service: 1960
Sensors: Displacement: 1250
J In Service: 1960-81 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 35 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 23 kts
DRBV 51, 2 DRBN 32, DRBV 22 Damage Points: 51
M Speed: 27 kts Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2BO Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 64
DUBY 23/43 Damage Modifier: 1.00
Crew: 205 Weapons: Total Mounts: 17 Weapons: Total Mounts: 8
Remarks: Propulsion: Steam
Fitted with Harpoon helo recovery system. MM38 ROF 8 msls per turn (all Total Mounts: 11 PB&SB(2)2 MM3B Exocel w/2 msls D/Frn F(4)1 Bofors 375mm Mortar w/5 salvoes E/Sweden
c F(4)2 Bofors 375mm mortar w/1B salvoes E/Sweden PB/SB(1 )4 533mm TT w/1 Mk46 torp F/USA
mounts) at same target. Due to be struck in 1990. P/S(1 )2 DCN 20mm/BO
F P/S(1 )4 533mm TT w/1 Seeschlange torp F 2 DC Rail w/12 DC E/lntl
Damage and Speed Breakdown: P/S(3)4 550mm TT w/3 K2 & L3 torp//1 DUBA 1
Damage Points: 0 25 50 76 91 101 2F/A(2)3 M1951 57mm/60//1 DRBC 31 c P/S(2)4 Type 106 40mm/70
2 DC Rail w/6 DC
A(2)1Type106 40mm/70 C/ltaly
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B 0 Sinks 2 DC Proj E/lntl Sensors:
E/lntl 2F/A(1)3 M1953100mm/55//3 M45 C/Frn DRBV15 J/Frn
1 DC Rail ,,
Sensors: ELAC 1BV M
Tourville DD Sensors:
LW.04, ZW.01, DA.OB J/Netl\I Kelvin-Hughes 1419
DRBV 31, DRBV 22 J J/lntl
Displacement: 4800 In Class: 3
Damage Points: 169 In Service: 1974
Kelvin-Hughes 1419 J/lntl Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Remarks:
Remarks: Damage Points: 0 7
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2B2 e units built. L'Agenais and Le Picard struck in 1977; Le Normand, Le Pro-
MM3B ROF B msls per turn (both mounts) al same target. SUrface Speed: 23 17
14 21 25 2B
Total Mounts: 16 venca.I, Le Savoyard and Le BaSque, 1980; L' Alsacien and Le Vendeen, 12 6 O Sinks
Weapons: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
F(1)2 M196B 100mm/55//1 DRBC 320 c 19B1. Le Savoyard and Le Vendeen also also P&S(4)1 305mm mortar. Le
Damage Points: 0 31 Type 143
PB&SB(1 )6 MM3B Exocet w/1 msl D Basque and Le Savoyardhave DUBY 1 vioe DUBY 24.
Surface Speed: 35 26
63 94 113 126 PTM
1B 9 0 Sinks Displacement: 295 In Class: 10
P/S(1 )2 533mm TT w/5 LS torp F Damage and Speed Breakdown:
D Damage Points: 0 13 26 3B 46 51 Damage Points: 15 In Service: 1973
A(B)1 Crotale w/B msls//2 Mirador IV
P/S(1)2 DCN 20mm/BO c Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks KO In FF Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
B Displacement: 2425 In Class: 1 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 40
Aft Pad(1)2 Lynx MK4
DD Damage Points: 90 In Service: 1961 Weapons: Total Mounts: 6
P&S(1)1 Malafon w/13 msls E TypeT56ASW Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts F/A(1 )2 Compact 76mm/62//1 WM27
Displacement: 2750 In Class: 1 C/ltaly
J In Service: 1962 Propulsion: CODAG Crew: 210 A(1)2 533mm TTw/1 Seeal torp F
DRBV 51, 2 DRBN 32, DRBV 26 Damage Points: 101
Weapons: Total Mounts: 14 PB&SB(2)2 MM3B Exocet w/2 msls D/Frn
DUBY 23/43 M Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
P/S(1)2 Type 107 40mm/70//2 M45 C/ltaly Sensors:
DIBV 10 Vampir (IA sensor) Propulsion: Steam Crew: 272
F/A(2)2Type 106 40mm/70//2 M45 C/ltaly 3RM20 J/ltaly
Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 6
F(4)2 Bofors 375mm mortarw/1B salvoes E/Frn Remarks:
Type F67. 26 Crotale msls in magazine (manual reload). Fitted with stabiliz- P/S(3)2 550mm TT w/3 K2 & L3 torp F
P/S(1)4 533mm TTw/1 Seeschlange torp F Albatros class. MM3B ROF B msls per turn (both mounts) at same target.
ers. All units will getCrotale EDIR, DUBV61 towed array, Murene torpedoes. A(1)1 Malafon w/13 msls E
2 DC Proj w/6 DC E/lntl After 76mm being replaced by A(21)1 Mk43 launcherw/21 RIM-116A RAM
MM38 ROF 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. Aft Pad(1)1 SA.319BAlouette Ill B
F/A(1)2 M1953 100mm/55//1 M45 C/Frn in 1990s. Habictis fitted as trials ship.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: F(1)2 M1953100mm/55//1 DRBC 32 c Sensors:
152 169 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 42 B4 127 Sensors: ZW.O 1, DA.02
0 Sinks J J/Nethl Damage Points: O 4 B 11 14 15
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B DRBV 50, DRBN 32, DRBV 22
Kelvin-Hughes 14/9 J/lntl Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B 0 Sinks
DUBY 23/43 M
EDO 610 (CWE 610) M/USA
Trident PT Remarks: PAE-1 Type 143A
Displacement: 115 std In Class: 4 La Galssonniere is the last unit of the Surcoufclass. Will be struck in 1990.
In Service: 1976 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 300 In Class: 10
Damage Points: 6 Type 120class. 2 M45s control all 40mm mounts. Three other units struck:
Speed: 35 kts Damage Points: 0 25 50 76 91 101 Damage Points: 15 In Service: 1982
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Kain and Karlsruhe in 1982, Emden in 1983.
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 19 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Total Mounts: 3 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 34
Weapons: Damage Points: 0 22 45 6B B1 90 Weapons: Total Mounts: 5
A(1)212.7mm mg
F(1 )1 Type 107 40mm/70
Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) Surface Speed: 30 22 15 B O Sinks PB&SB(1)4 MM3B Exocet w/1 msl D/Frn
F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 WM27 C/ltaly
Sensors: Lutjens
J FFG DOG Sensors:
DRBN 32 Bremen Displacement: 3370 std In Class: 3 3RM20 J/ltaly
Remarks: Displacement: 2900 std In Class: 7+1 Damage Points: 91 In Service: 1969 ESM
Patra class. Damage Points: 106 In Service: 19B2 Damage Modifier: .75 Speed: 35 kts Remarks:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Propulsion: Steam
5 6 Crew: 340 Gepardclass. Burst speed is 40 kts. To be fitted with A(21)1 Mk43 launcher
Damage Points: 0 2 3 4 Propulsion: CO DOG Crew: 204 Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 w/21 RIM-116A RAM in 1990s. Hydrofoil. MM3B ROF B msls per turn (all
Surface Speed: 35 26 1B 9 O Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 A(1)1 Mk13 w/40 see remarks//2 SPG-51 D/USA mounts) at same target. Wooden hulls on aluminum frame.
F(B)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparroww/B RIM-7M//1 WM25 D/USA PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Tripartite MH PB&SB(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA P&S(B)1 Mk16 w/B ASROC E/USA Damage Points: 0 4 B 11 14 15
Displacement: 500 std In Class: 8+2 F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 STIR C/ltaly 1 DC Proj E/lntl Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B O Sinks
Damage Points: 19 In Service: 1984 PB/SB(2)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/2 Mk46 torp F/USA F/A(1)2 Mk42127mm/54//1 SPG~O C/USA
Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 15 kts Aft Pad(1 )2 Lynx MkBB B Sensors:
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 55 Sensors:
Type 148 PTM
SPS-10, SPS-52, SPS-40, SP0-9A J/USA Displacement: 234 In Class: 20
Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 DA.OB J/Nethl Kelvin-Hughes 1419 J/lntl
c M Damage Points: 12 In Service: 1972
F(1)1 DCN 20mm/BO DSOS-218 DSQS-21B M
J/ltaly Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 35 kts
2 PAP104 3RM20 Remarks: Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 30
Sensors: Remarks: . Mk13 launcher loadout 36 SM1 MR and 4 Harpoon. Mk13 ROF 3 msls per
J Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
DRBN 32 16 manual reloads for Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow. Has Prairie-Masker (qui- lurn. All units will receive F/A(21)2 Mk43 launchers w/21 RIM-116A RAM. F(1 )1 Compact 76mm/62 w/BO rounds//1 Pollux C/ltaly
DUBM21 MH,DUBM41BMH(tobefitted) eted). Fitted with stabilizers, and a Bear Trap helo landing aid. Ships will re-
ceiveA(21)2 Mk43 launchers w/21 RIM-116A RAM per mount. Mk43 ROF 2 Use Mk45127mm hit chance for Mk42 guns, using Mk86 (SPG-60). SPG-60
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Remarks:
Eridanclass. Hull constructed of GRP. DUBM 21 and DUBM 41 sonars and msls per tum at same target. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 15 msls per turn. can direct gun or SM1 msl at target. Aluminum superstructure.
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 259
PAP104 mine disposal vehicles are for mine hunting only. Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 10
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: O 26 53 BO 95 106 Damage Points: 0 23 46 6B B2 91
PB&SB(1 )4 MM3B Exocet w/1 msl D
Damage Points: 0 5 9 14 17 19 Surface Speed: 30 22 15 B 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 35 26 1B 9 O Sinks
P/S(1)2 550mm TT w/4 LS torp F
Aft Pad(1)1 Lynx Mk4 B Surface Speed: 15 11 B 4 0 Sinks
P/S(1)2 DCN 20mm/BO c Hamburg DOG Thetls FFL
F(1)1 M196B 100mm/55//1DRBC32 c TypeE52 FF Displacement: 3500 std In Class:4 Displacement: 575 std lnClass:5
lnClass:[B] Damage Points: 126 In Service: 1964 Damage Points: 28 In Service: 1960
Sensors: Displacement: 1250
J In Service: 1960-81 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 35 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 23 kts
DRBV 51, 2 DRBN 32, DRBV 22 Damage Points: 51
M Speed: 27 kts Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2BO Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 64
DUBY 23/43 Damage Modifier: 1.00
Crew: 205 Weapons: Total Mounts: 17 Weapons: Total Mounts: 8
Remarks: Propulsion: Steam
Fitted with Harpoon helo recovery system. MM38 ROF 8 msls per turn (all Total Mounts: 11 PB&SB(2)2 MM3B Exocel w/2 msls D/Frn F(4)1 Bofors 375mm Mortar w/5 salvoes E/Sweden
c F(4)2 Bofors 375mm mortar w/1B salvoes E/Sweden PB/SB(1 )4 533mm TT w/1 Mk46 torp F/USA
mounts) at same target. Due to be struck in 1990. P/S(1 )2 DCN 20mm/BO
F P/S(1 )4 533mm TT w/1 Seeschlange torp F 2 DC Rail w/12 DC E/lntl
Damage and Speed Breakdown: P/S(3)4 550mm TT w/3 K2 & L3 torp//1 DUBA 1
Damage Points: 0 25 50 76 91 101 2F/A(2)3 M1951 57mm/60//1 DRBC 31 c P/S(2)4 Type 106 40mm/70
2 DC Rail w/6 DC
A(2)1Type106 40mm/70 C/ltaly
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B 0 Sinks 2 DC Proj E/lntl Sensors:
E/lntl 2F/A(1)3 M1953100mm/55//3 M45 C/Frn DRBV15 J/Frn
1 DC Rail ,,
Sensors: ELAC 1BV M
Tourville DD Sensors:
LW.04, ZW.01, DA.OB J/Netl\I Kelvin-Hughes 1419
DRBV 31, DRBV 22 J J/lntl
Displacement: 4800 In Class: 3
Damage Points: 169 In Service: 1974
Kelvin-Hughes 1419 J/lntl Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Remarks:
Remarks: Damage Points: 0 7
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2B2 e units built. L'Agenais and Le Picard struck in 1977; Le Normand, Le Pro-
MM3B ROF B msls per turn (both mounts) al same target. SUrface Speed: 23 17
14 21 25 2B
Total Mounts: 16 venca.I, Le Savoyard and Le BaSque, 1980; L' Alsacien and Le Vendeen, 12 6 O Sinks
Weapons: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
F(1)2 M196B 100mm/55//1 DRBC 320 c 19B1. Le Savoyard and Le Vendeen also also P&S(4)1 305mm mortar. Le
Damage Points: 0 31 Type 143
PB&SB(1 )6 MM3B Exocet w/1 msl D Basque and Le Savoyardhave DUBY 1 vioe DUBY 24.
Surface Speed: 35 26
63 94 113 126 PTM
1B 9 0 Sinks Displacement: 295 In Class: 10
P/S(1 )2 533mm TT w/5 LS torp F Damage and Speed Breakdown:
D Damage Points: 0 13 26 3B 46 51 Damage Points: 15 In Service: 1973
A(B)1 Crotale w/B msls//2 Mirador IV
P/S(1)2 DCN 20mm/BO c Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks KO In FF Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
B Displacement: 2425 In Class: 1 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 40
Aft Pad(1)2 Lynx MK4
DD Damage Points: 90 In Service: 1961 Weapons: Total Mounts: 6
P&S(1)1 Malafon w/13 msls E TypeT56ASW Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts F/A(1 )2 Compact 76mm/62//1 WM27
Displacement: 2750 In Class: 1 C/ltaly
J In Service: 1962 Propulsion: CODAG Crew: 210 A(1)2 533mm TTw/1 Seeal torp F
DRBV 51, 2 DRBN 32, DRBV 26 Damage Points: 101
Weapons: Total Mounts: 14 PB&SB(2)2 MM3B Exocet w/2 msls D/Frn
DUBY 23/43 M Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
P/S(1)2 Type 107 40mm/70//2 M45 C/ltaly Sensors:
DIBV 10 Vampir (IA sensor) Propulsion: Steam Crew: 272
F/A(2)2Type 106 40mm/70//2 M45 C/ltaly 3RM20 J/ltaly
Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 6
F(4)2 Bofors 375mm mortarw/1B salvoes E/Frn Remarks:
Type F67. 26 Crotale msls in magazine (manual reload). Fitted with stabiliz- P/S(3)2 550mm TT w/3 K2 & L3 torp F
P/S(1)4 533mm TTw/1 Seeschlange torp F Albatros class. MM3B ROF B msls per turn (both mounts) at same target.
ers. All units will getCrotale EDIR, DUBV61 towed array, Murene torpedoes. A(1)1 Malafon w/13 msls E
2 DC Proj w/6 DC E/lntl After 76mm being replaced by A(21)1 Mk43 launcherw/21 RIM-116A RAM
MM38 ROF 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. Aft Pad(1)1 SA.319BAlouette Ill B
F/A(1)2 M1953 100mm/55//1 M45 C/Frn in 1990s. Habictis fitted as trials ship.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: F(1)2 M1953100mm/55//1 DRBC 32 c Sensors:
152 169 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 42 B4 127 Sensors: ZW.O 1, DA.02
0 Sinks J J/Nethl Damage Points: O 4 B 11 14 15
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B DRBV 50, DRBN 32, DRBV 22
Kelvin-Hughes 14/9 J/lntl Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B 0 Sinks
DUBY 23/43 M
EDO 610 (CWE 610) M/USA
Trident PT Remarks: PAE-1 Type 143A
Displacement: 115 std In Class: 4 La Galssonniere is the last unit of the Surcoufclass. Will be struck in 1990.
In Service: 1976 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 300 In Class: 10
Damage Points: 6 Type 120class. 2 M45s control all 40mm mounts. Three other units struck:
Speed: 35 kts Damage Points: 0 25 50 76 91 101 Damage Points: 15 In Service: 1982
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Kain and Karlsruhe in 1982, Emden in 1983.
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 19 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Total Mounts: 3 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 34
Weapons: Damage Points: 0 22 45 6B B1 90 Weapons: Total Mounts: 5
A(1)212.7mm mg
F(1 )1 Type 107 40mm/70
Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) Surface Speed: 30 22 15 B O Sinks PB&SB(1)4 MM3B Exocet w/1 msl D/Frn
F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 WM27 C/ltaly
Sensors: Lutjens
J FFG DOG Sensors:
DRBN 32 Bremen Displacement: 3370 std In Class: 3 3RM20 J/ltaly
Remarks: Displacement: 2900 std In Class: 7+1 Damage Points: 91 In Service: 1969 ESM
Patra class. Damage Points: 106 In Service: 19B2 Damage Modifier: .75 Speed: 35 kts Remarks:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Propulsion: Steam
5 6 Crew: 340 Gepardclass. Burst speed is 40 kts. To be fitted with A(21)1 Mk43 launcher
Damage Points: 0 2 3 4 Propulsion: CO DOG Crew: 204 Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 w/21 RIM-116A RAM in 1990s. Hydrofoil. MM3B ROF B msls per turn (all
Surface Speed: 35 26 1B 9 O Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 A(1)1 Mk13 w/40 see remarks//2 SPG-51 D/USA mounts) at same target. Wooden hulls on aluminum frame.
F(B)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparroww/B RIM-7M//1 WM25 D/USA PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Tripartite MH PB&SB(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA P&S(B)1 Mk16 w/B ASROC E/USA Damage Points: 0 4 B 11 14 15
Displacement: 500 std In Class: 8+2 F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 STIR C/ltaly 1 DC Proj E/lntl Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B O Sinks
Damage Points: 19 In Service: 1984 PB/SB(2)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/2 Mk46 torp F/USA F/A(1)2 Mk42127mm/54//1 SPG~O C/USA
Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 15 kts Aft Pad(1 )2 Lynx MkBB B Sensors:
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 55 Sensors:
Type 148 PTM
SPS-10, SPS-52, SPS-40, SP0-9A J/USA Displacement: 234 In Class: 20
Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 DA.OB J/Nethl Kelvin-Hughes 1419 J/lntl
c M Damage Points: 12 In Service: 1972
F(1)1 DCN 20mm/BO DSOS-218 DSQS-21B M
J/ltaly Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 35 kts
2 PAP104 3RM20 Remarks: Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 30
Sensors: Remarks: . Mk13 launcher loadout 36 SM1 MR and 4 Harpoon. Mk13 ROF 3 msls per
J Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
DRBN 32 16 manual reloads for Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow. Has Prairie-Masker (qui- lurn. All units will receive F/A(21)2 Mk43 launchers w/21 RIM-116A RAM. F(1 )1 Compact 76mm/62 w/BO rounds//1 Pollux C/ltaly
DUBM21 MH,DUBM41BMH(tobefitted) eted). Fitted with stabilizers, and a Bear Trap helo landing aid. Ships will re-
A(1)1Type107 40mm/70 cntaly 60. z1 struck in 1979; Z2in 1981;Z3in 1981;Z4in1980_; Z5in 1982. Z4does Animoso DOG Cassio pea OPV
PB&SB(2)2 MM38 Exocet w/2 msls D/Frn not have aft 76mm mount. Mk15 Hedgehog takes 5 min to reload. Dlsplacament: 4500 In Class:0+2 Displacement: 1002 std In Class: 3+ 1+4
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 159 In Service: 1992 Damage Points: 42 In Service: 1989
J/Frn Damage Points: 0 19 38 58 69 77 pamage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts Damage Modiller: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts
Triton G
3RM20 J/ltaly SUrface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks Propulsion: CODOG Crew:400 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 78
Weapons: Total Mounts: 14 Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
Remarks: Zoebel PT Alt pad(1)2AB-212 · B F(1 )1 Compact 76mm/62//1 RTN-20X c
Tiger class. MM38 ROF 8 msls per tum (all mounts) at same target. Displacement: 210 In Class: [10] F(1)1Compact127mm/54//1 RTN-30X c Alt Pad(1 )1 AB-212 B
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 10 In Service: 1951-84 p&PBIS&SBIA(1 )3 Super Rapid 76mm/62 //3 RTN-20X c P/S(1)2 20mm/80 C/lntl
12 Speed: 38 kts PB&SB(2)4 Teseo w/2 Otomat Mk2 D Sensors:
Damage Points: 0 3 6 9 11 Damage Modlfler: 1.00
Surface Speed: 35 26 18 9 0 Sinks Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 30 A(1)1 Mk13 w/40 SM2MR//2 SPG-51 D/USA Nav radar Jn nu
Total Mounts: 4 F(8)1 Albatros w/8 Aspide//1 RTN-20X D Remarks:
F PBISB(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 tarp F/USA Offshore patrol duties. Will be named Cassiopea, Libra, Spica, Vega, Orione.
Type205 SS A(1)2 533mm TI w/1 Seeal tarp
F/A(1)2 Type 107 40mm/70//1 WM20 C/llaly Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Displacement: 450 subm In Class: 6
In Service: 1967 Sensors:
SPS-52 J/USA Damage Points: 0 11 21 32 38 42
Damage Points: 11 DE 1164 Hull & VOS M/USA
Kelvin-Hughes 1419 J/lntl Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 10/17 kts
RAN-3L, SPS-702, RAN-10S, 3RM20 J
Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 20 Remarks:
Total Mounts: 2 Type 142class. Class struck in 1982-84. Remarks: ., Centauro FF
Weapons: Will replace lmpavido. Teseo ROF 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same tar- -Displacement: 1807
PB&SB(4)2 533mm TI w/8 Seeal tarp F Damage and Speed Breakdown: lnClass:[4]
Damage Points: 0 2 5 8 9 10 get; Mk13 ROF is 3 msls per turn. Prairie-Masker fitted (quieted). Damage Points: 69 In Service: 1958-1984
M Surface Speed: 38 28 19 10 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 26 kts
SRS-M1 H, CSU 3-4
J/Frn Damage Points: 0 40 80 119 143 159 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 207
Calypso II
Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 6
Remarks: .
Hull nonmagnetic. MAD detection range halved. Additional units US struck in Italy F/2A(1)3 Mk1 76mm/62//1 RTN-10X c
1968; U4and U8struck in 1974; U5 in 1975; U6and U7 in 1974. Very Small Audace DOG F(3)1 K113 Menon E
sonar contact. -10°/o active sonar detection chance. FF Displacement: 3950 std lnClass:2 PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 tarp F/USA
Alpino Damage Points: 141 In Service: 1972 Sensors:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Dlsplacement: 2000 std In Class: 2
6 8 10 11 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts SPS-6C J/USA
Damage Points: 0 3 Damage Points: 76 In Service: 1958
5 2 0 Sinks Propulsion: Steam Crew: 380 SQS-11 M/USA
Surface Speed: 1O 8 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts
8 4 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 16 SP0-2 J
Submerged Speed: 17 13 Propulsion: CO DOG Crew: 264
Weapons: Total Mounts: 11
F(1)1Compact127mm/54//1 RTN-10X c Remarks:
Type 206 SS F(1)1 K113 Menon E
P/S(1)4 Compact 76mm/62//2 RTN-10X c Four units built. Castore struck in 1980; Canopo, 1981; Cigna, 1982; Cen-
PQ&SQ(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 tarp F/USA tauro, 1984.
Displacement: 500 subm In Class: 18 PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 tarp F/USA
PQ&SQ(4)1 533mm TI w/4 A.184 tarp F Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 12 In Service: 1973 Alt Pad(1)2AB-212 B
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 10/17 kts F(1)2 Mk1°76mm/62//1 RTN-10X c Alt Pad(1 )2 AB-21·2 B Damage Points: o 17 34 52 62 69
A(1)1 Mk13 w/40 SM1MR//2 SPG-51 D/USA Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 0 Sinks
Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 22 P/S(1)2 Mk1 76mm/62//1 RTN-10X c F(8)1 Albatros w/8 Aspide D
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 P&PQ/S&S0(1)2 Mk1 76mm/62//1 RTN-10X c PB&SB(2)4 Teseo w/2 Otomat Mk2 D
PB&SB(4)2 533mm Tiw/8 Seeal tarp F Sensors: Enrico Toti SS
Sensors: Displacement: 591 subm In Class: 4
Sensors: SPS-702, SPN-748, SP0-2 J
RAN-10S, SPQ-2, SPN-746, RAN-3L J Damage Points: 14 In Service: 1968
CSU 3-4 M DE1164 Hull, DE1164 VOS M/USA
SPS-52 J/USA Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 14/15 kts
Calypso Ill J/Frn SPS-12 J/USA
EDO 610 (CWE 610) M/USA Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 26
Remarks: . Remarks: Remarks:
Hull nonmagnetic. MAD detection range halved. Fitted with DUUX 2 pass!ve Fitted with fin stabilizers. Class has 3 RTN-10X total. Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Fitted with stabilizers. Can cany 1 Sea King in place ol 2AB-212. Mk13 ROF PB&SB(2)2 533mm TI w/6 A.184 tarp F
ranging sonar(nota search sensor). Add 5°/o to Passive .Fire ?antral solution Damage and Speed Breakdown: 3 msls per tum. Configuration is post-refit. Ardito already completed; Audace Sensors:
chance if target detected by this sonar. Can carry 24 mines 1n external con- Damage Points: O 19 38 57 68 76
will finish in mid-1990.
tainers. Six units modernized with DBQS-21 D sonar, Seehecht torpedoes; Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 o Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
IP64 M
another six will be upgraded. Designated Type 206A. Very Small sonar contact. 3RM20 J
Damage Points: 0 35 70 106 127 141 Remarks:
-1 Oo/o active sonar detection chance. Andrea Doria CG Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 0 Sinks Very small sonar contact. -1 Oo/o active sonar detection chance.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 6500 In Class: 2
6 9 11 12 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: O 3 Damage Points: 206 In Service: 1964
5 2 0 Sinks Bergamini FF Damage Points: O 4 7 10 13 14
Surface Speed: 1O 8 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts
0 Sinks Dlsplacement: 1410 lnClass:[4] Surface Speed: 14 10 7 4 0 Sinks
Submerged Speed: 17 13 8 4 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 514 Damage Points: 56 In Service: 1962-85 Submerged Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks
Weapons: Total Mounts: 15
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts
ZClass DD F/A(1)4 Mk1 76mm/62//2 RTN-10X c Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 155
Displacement: 2050 In Class: [5] PIS( 1)4 Mk 1 76mm/62//2 RTN-1 OX c Ex-US Tang SS
Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Displacement: 2700 subm In Class: [2]
Damage Points: 77 In Service: 1942-82 PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 tarp F/USA
F(1)1 K113 Menon E Damage Points: 50 In Service: 1952-88
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Alt Pad(2)4 AB-212 B
PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 tarp F/USA Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16/16 kts
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 250 F(2)1 Mk10 w/40 SM1ERl/2 SPG-55 D/USA
Alt pad(1)1 AB-212 B Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 81
Weapons: Total Mounts: 10
P&S(2)3 Mk33 76mm/50//1 SPG-34 C/USA
SPQ 20, 3RM20 J
F(1)2 Mk1 76mm/62//1 RTN-10X c Weapons: Total Mounts: 3
Sensors: PB&SB(3)2 533mm TI w/ A.184 tarp F
PBISB(1)2 533mm Tiw/1 Seeschlange F SPS-52, SPS-39 J/USA SPQ-2 J PQ&SQ(2) 1 533mm TI F
F(24)2 Mk15 Hedgehog w/6 salvoes E/USA SQS-23 (A. Doria), SQS-39 (C. Dullio) M/USA
SOS-30 M/USA Sensors:
1 DC Rail E/lntl Remarks: SPS-12 J/USA BOR-3, BOS-4 M/USA
F/A(4)1 Mk30 127mm/38//1 SPG-53 C/USA Fitted with stabilizers. Caillo Duliorefitted as training cruiser. Aft-facing 76mm Remarks:
P&S(5)1 533mm TI w/1 Seeal tarp and RTN-10X removed. Carries only 2 AB-212. RAN-20S vice SPS-52. Fitted with stabilizers. 4 units built. Luigi Rizzo struck in 1980; Carlo Bergamini, Remarks:
Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown: 1981 ; Carlo Margottini and Virginia Fasan, 1985.
J/USA 154 185 206 Short TI alt, probably no longer used. Fitted with USA BQG-4 PUFFS pas-
SPS-6C, SPS-10 Damage Points: 0 52 103 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
M/USA 16 8 0 Sinks sive ranging sonar (not a search sensor). Add 5% to Passive Fire Control
SQS-29 Surface Speed: 31 23 Damage Points: 0 14 28 42 50 56 solution chance if target detected by this sonar. 8515 Livia Piomarta trans-
Remarks: Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks
Ex-US Fletcher. Hedgehog Mk estimated. 5 units transferred to FRG 1959-
A(1)1Type107 40mm/70 cntaly 60. z1 struck in 1979; Z2in 1981;Z3in 1981;Z4in1980_; Z5in 1982. Z4does Animoso DOG Cassio pea OPV
PB&SB(2)2 MM38 Exocet w/2 msls D/Frn not have aft 76mm mount. Mk15 Hedgehog takes 5 min to reload. Dlsplacament: 4500 In Class:0+2 Displacement: 1002 std In Class: 3+ 1+4
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 159 In Service: 1992 Damage Points: 42 In Service: 1989
J/Frn Damage Points: 0 19 38 58 69 77 pamage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts Damage Modiller: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts
Triton G
3RM20 J/ltaly SUrface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks Propulsion: CODOG Crew:400 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 78
Weapons: Total Mounts: 14 Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
Remarks: Zoebel PT Alt pad(1)2AB-212 · B F(1 )1 Compact 76mm/62//1 RTN-20X c
Tiger class. MM38 ROF 8 msls per tum (all mounts) at same target. Displacement: 210 In Class: [10] F(1)1Compact127mm/54//1 RTN-30X c Alt Pad(1 )1 AB-212 B
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 10 In Service: 1951-84 p&PBIS&SBIA(1 )3 Super Rapid 76mm/62 //3 RTN-20X c P/S(1)2 20mm/80 C/lntl
12 Speed: 38 kts PB&SB(2)4 Teseo w/2 Otomat Mk2 D Sensors:
Damage Points: 0 3 6 9 11 Damage Modlfler: 1.00
Surface Speed: 35 26 18 9 0 Sinks Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 30 A(1)1 Mk13 w/40 SM2MR//2 SPG-51 D/USA Nav radar Jn nu
Total Mounts: 4 F(8)1 Albatros w/8 Aspide//1 RTN-20X D Remarks:
F PBISB(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 tarp F/USA Offshore patrol duties. Will be named Cassiopea, Libra, Spica, Vega, Orione.
Type205 SS A(1)2 533mm TI w/1 Seeal tarp
F/A(1)2 Type 107 40mm/70//1 WM20 C/llaly Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Displacement: 450 subm In Class: 6
In Service: 1967 Sensors:
SPS-52 J/USA Damage Points: 0 11 21 32 38 42
Damage Points: 11 DE 1164 Hull & VOS M/USA
Kelvin-Hughes 1419 J/lntl Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 10/17 kts
RAN-3L, SPS-702, RAN-10S, 3RM20 J
Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 20 Remarks:
Total Mounts: 2 Type 142class. Class struck in 1982-84. Remarks: ., Centauro FF
Weapons: Will replace lmpavido. Teseo ROF 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same tar- -Displacement: 1807
PB&SB(4)2 533mm TI w/8 Seeal tarp F Damage and Speed Breakdown: lnClass:[4]
Damage Points: 0 2 5 8 9 10 get; Mk13 ROF is 3 msls per turn. Prairie-Masker fitted (quieted). Damage Points: 69 In Service: 1958-1984
M Surface Speed: 38 28 19 10 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 26 kts
SRS-M1 H, CSU 3-4
J/Frn Damage Points: 0 40 80 119 143 159 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 207
Calypso II
Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 6
Remarks: .
Hull nonmagnetic. MAD detection range halved. Additional units US struck in Italy F/2A(1)3 Mk1 76mm/62//1 RTN-10X c
1968; U4and U8struck in 1974; U5 in 1975; U6and U7 in 1974. Very Small Audace DOG F(3)1 K113 Menon E
sonar contact. -10°/o active sonar detection chance. FF Displacement: 3950 std lnClass:2 PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 tarp F/USA
Alpino Damage Points: 141 In Service: 1972 Sensors:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Dlsplacement: 2000 std In Class: 2
6 8 10 11 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts SPS-6C J/USA
Damage Points: 0 3 Damage Points: 76 In Service: 1958
5 2 0 Sinks Propulsion: Steam Crew: 380 SQS-11 M/USA
Surface Speed: 1O 8 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts
8 4 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 16 SP0-2 J
Submerged Speed: 17 13 Propulsion: CO DOG Crew: 264
Weapons: Total Mounts: 11
F(1)1Compact127mm/54//1 RTN-10X c Remarks:
Type 206 SS F(1)1 K113 Menon E
P/S(1)4 Compact 76mm/62//2 RTN-10X c Four units built. Castore struck in 1980; Canopo, 1981; Cigna, 1982; Cen-
PQ&SQ(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 tarp F/USA tauro, 1984.
Displacement: 500 subm In Class: 18 PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 tarp F/USA
PQ&SQ(4)1 533mm TI w/4 A.184 tarp F Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 12 In Service: 1973 Alt Pad(1)2AB-212 B
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 10/17 kts F(1)2 Mk1°76mm/62//1 RTN-10X c Alt Pad(1 )2 AB-21·2 B Damage Points: o 17 34 52 62 69
A(1)1 Mk13 w/40 SM1MR//2 SPG-51 D/USA Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 0 Sinks
Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 22 P/S(1)2 Mk1 76mm/62//1 RTN-10X c F(8)1 Albatros w/8 Aspide D
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 P&PQ/S&S0(1)2 Mk1 76mm/62//1 RTN-10X c PB&SB(2)4 Teseo w/2 Otomat Mk2 D
PB&SB(4)2 533mm Tiw/8 Seeal tarp F Sensors: Enrico Toti SS
Sensors: Displacement: 591 subm In Class: 4
Sensors: SPS-702, SPN-748, SP0-2 J
RAN-10S, SPQ-2, SPN-746, RAN-3L J Damage Points: 14 In Service: 1968
CSU 3-4 M DE1164 Hull, DE1164 VOS M/USA
SPS-52 J/USA Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 14/15 kts
Calypso Ill J/Frn SPS-12 J/USA
EDO 610 (CWE 610) M/USA Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 26
Remarks: . Remarks: Remarks:
Hull nonmagnetic. MAD detection range halved. Fitted with DUUX 2 pass!ve Fitted with fin stabilizers. Class has 3 RTN-10X total. Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Fitted with stabilizers. Can cany 1 Sea King in place ol 2AB-212. Mk13 ROF PB&SB(2)2 533mm TI w/6 A.184 tarp F
ranging sonar(nota search sensor). Add 5°/o to Passive .Fire ?antral solution Damage and Speed Breakdown: 3 msls per tum. Configuration is post-refit. Ardito already completed; Audace Sensors:
chance if target detected by this sonar. Can carry 24 mines 1n external con- Damage Points: O 19 38 57 68 76
will finish in mid-1990.
tainers. Six units modernized with DBQS-21 D sonar, Seehecht torpedoes; Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 o Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
IP64 M
another six will be upgraded. Designated Type 206A. Very Small sonar contact. 3RM20 J
Damage Points: 0 35 70 106 127 141 Remarks:
-1 Oo/o active sonar detection chance. Andrea Doria CG Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 0 Sinks Very small sonar contact. -1 Oo/o active sonar detection chance.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 6500 In Class: 2
6 9 11 12 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: O 3 Damage Points: 206 In Service: 1964
5 2 0 Sinks Bergamini FF Damage Points: O 4 7 10 13 14
Surface Speed: 1O 8 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts
0 Sinks Dlsplacement: 1410 lnClass:[4] Surface Speed: 14 10 7 4 0 Sinks
Submerged Speed: 17 13 8 4 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 514 Damage Points: 56 In Service: 1962-85 Submerged Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks
Weapons: Total Mounts: 15
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts
ZClass DD F/A(1)4 Mk1 76mm/62//2 RTN-10X c Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 155
Displacement: 2050 In Class: [5] PIS( 1)4 Mk 1 76mm/62//2 RTN-1 OX c Ex-US Tang SS
Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Displacement: 2700 subm In Class: [2]
Damage Points: 77 In Service: 1942-82 PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 tarp F/USA
F(1)1 K113 Menon E Damage Points: 50 In Service: 1952-88
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Alt Pad(2)4 AB-212 B
PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 tarp F/USA Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16/16 kts
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 250 F(2)1 Mk10 w/40 SM1ERl/2 SPG-55 D/USA
Alt pad(1)1 AB-212 B Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 81
Weapons: Total Mounts: 10
P&S(2)3 Mk33 76mm/50//1 SPG-34 C/USA
SPQ 20, 3RM20 J
F(1)2 Mk1 76mm/62//1 RTN-10X c Weapons: Total Mounts: 3
Sensors: PB&SB(3)2 533mm TI w/ A.184 tarp F
PBISB(1)2 533mm Tiw/1 Seeschlange F SPS-52, SPS-39 J/USA SPQ-2 J PQ&SQ(2) 1 533mm TI F
F(24)2 Mk15 Hedgehog w/6 salvoes E/USA SQS-23 (A. Doria), SQS-39 (C. Dullio) M/USA
SOS-30 M/USA Sensors:
1 DC Rail E/lntl Remarks: SPS-12 J/USA BOR-3, BOS-4 M/USA
F/A(4)1 Mk30 127mm/38//1 SPG-53 C/USA Fitted with stabilizers. Caillo Duliorefitted as training cruiser. Aft-facing 76mm Remarks:
P&S(5)1 533mm TI w/1 Seeal tarp and RTN-10X removed. Carries only 2 AB-212. RAN-20S vice SPS-52. Fitted with stabilizers. 4 units built. Luigi Rizzo struck in 1980; Carlo Bergamini, Remarks:
Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown: 1981 ; Carlo Margottini and Virginia Fasan, 1985.
J/USA 154 185 206 Short TI alt, probably no longer used. Fitted with USA BQG-4 PUFFS pas-
SPS-6C, SPS-10 Damage Points: 0 52 103 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
M/USA 16 8 0 Sinks sive ranging sonar (not a search sensor). Add 5% to Passive Fire Control
SQS-29 Surface Speed: 31 23 Damage Points: 0 14 28 42 50 56 solution chance if target detected by this sonar. 8515 Livia Piomarta trans-
Remarks: Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks
Ex-US Fletcher. Hedgehog Mk estimated. 5 units transferred to FRG 1959-
1990·91 Data Annex
SOS-11 M/USA Remarks: Sensors:
ferredto Italy 10July 1973; struck in 1986. S516 RomeoRomei, 20Feb 1974;
SPS-6C J/USA Fitted with stabilizers. Single RTN-20X directs bothAspide and 76mm at single 3RM7 J
struck in 1988.
Remarks: target. Albatros ROF 2 msls per turn. Normally does not have Oto mat loaded. Remarks:
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Two units buill Jmpetuoso and lndomito both struck in 1983. lndomito does Space and weight reserved for larger Aspide magazine and VOS. Light aluminum construction. Total of 80+70 76mm rounds. Rooster tail en-
Damage Points: O 12 25 38 45 50
not have Menon. Damage and Speed Breakdown: hances RCS. Treat as large target. Teseo ROF 8 msls per tum {both mounts)
Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks
Submerged Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: O 11 22 32 39 43 at same targets. No sleeping accommodation.
Damage Points: O 26 51 76 92 102 surface Speed: 24 18 12 6 O Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown:
CVH Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 O Sinks Damage Points: O 1 2
G. Garibaldi
Displacement: 10043 std In Class: 1 Pietro De Cristofaro FFL Surface Speed: 50 25 Sinks
Damage Points: 277 In Service: 1985 Lupo FFG Displacement: 850 std In Class: 4
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 29 kts Displacement: 2208 std In Class: 4 Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1965 Vittorio Veneta CHG
Crew: 560 Damage Points: 83 In Service: 1977 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts Displacement: 7500 std In Class: 1
Propulsion: COGAG
Total Mounts: 13 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 35 kts Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 129 Damage Points: 226 In Service: 1969
D Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 186 Weapons: Total Mounts: 5 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts
F/A(8)2 Albatros w/24 Aspide//2 RTN-30X
PQ&SQ(2)1 Dardo 40mm/70//1 RTN-20X c Weapons: Total Mounts: 15 F/A(1)2 Mk1 76mm/62//1 RTN-10X c Propulslon: Steam Crew: 550
PB/SB(2)2 Dardo 40mm/70//2 RTN-20X c A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 Aspide//1 Mk91 D A(1)1 K113 Menon E Weapons: Total Mounts: 29
PB&SB(1 )4 Teseo w/1 Otomat Mk2 D F(1)1Compact127mm/54//1 RTN-10X C p8/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA F/A(2)2 Dardo 40mm/70//3 RTN-20X c
PB/SB(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm TT w/3 A.244s torp F P/S(2)2 Dardo 40mm/70//2 RTN-20X C Sensors: PB&P0(2)1 Dardo 40mm/70//3 RTN-20X c
18 SH-3D Sea King B/USA PB/S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA SP0-2 J PB/SB(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm TT w/3 A.244s torp F
Aft Pad(1)1 AB-212 B SQS-36 hull, SQS-36 VOS M/USA aft pad(4)9 AB-212 B
2 Elevators
PB&SB(1 )8 Teseo w/1 Otomat Mk2 D Remarks: 2 Elevator
J Sensors: No VOS on F540; no ASW TT on F541. PB&S8(1 )4 Teseo w/1 Otomat Mk2 D
RAN-10S, SPN-703, RAN-3L, SPS-702
M/USA RAN-10S, SP0-2F, RAN-11UX J Damage and Speed Breakdown: F(2)1 Mk10 w/60 see remarks//2 SPG-55 D/USA
DE 1164 Hull & VDS
SPS-52 J/USA 3RM20, SPN-748 J Damage Points: 0 9 18 28 33 37 F/A(1)4 Mk1 76mm/62//2 RTN-10X c
Remarks: DE 11608 M/USA SUrface Speed: 22 16 11 6 0 Sinks P/S(1)4 Mk1 76mm/62//2 RTN-10X c
Will be based at La Spezia as flagship of Italian Navy. Fitted with dual stabi· Remarks: Sensors:
lizers. Hangar can accommodate 12 Sea King, or 10 Sea Harrier and 1 Sea Fitted with stabilizers. Can carry 2 small/med halos: one on deck, one in hangar. Salvatore Pelosi SS SPS-52 J/USA
King. Spots on deck for launch of 6 large helos at once. Six manual reloads Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow ROF 15 msls per h.Jrn. Teseo ROF 8 msls per tum Dlsplacement: 1641 subm In Class: 2+2 3RM7, SPS-702, RAN-3L J
carried for Otomat Mk2, 50·60 Sea Killer Mk2 for helicopters, large number (all mounts) at same target. Damage Points: 32 In Service: 1987 SQS-23 M/USA
of A.244s. Albatros ROF 2 msls per turn (each launcher) at same target. Teseo Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 11/19 kts Remarks:
Damage Points: 0 21 42 62 75 83 Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 45 Can carry 4 Sea Kings in place of AB-212. Sea Kings will not fit in hangar;
ROF 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target.
Surface Speed: 35 26 18 9 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 must be carried on flight deck. Mk10 loadout 40 SM1ER and 20ASROC.
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 69 138 208 249 277 PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTw/12 see remarks F Fitted with dual stabilizers. Can launch 2 small/med helos at once. Teseo ROF
Surface Speed: 29 22 14 7 0 Sinks Maestrale FFG Sensors: 8 msls per tum (all mounts) at same 1arget.
Displacement: 2500 std lnClass:8 BPS-704 J Damage and Speed Breakdown:
DOG Damage Points: 92 In Service: 1982 IPD 70s, MD 1OOs M Damage Points: O 56 113 170 203 226
lmpavldo Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 O Sinks
In Class: 2 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Remarks:
Displacement: 3201 std
In Service: 1963 Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 213 Improved Sauro class. Can carry A.184 torpedoes and Harpoon. Hull is HY80
Damage Points: 116
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Propulsion: Steam
Speed: 33 kts
Crew: 334
F(8)1 Albatros w/8 Aspide//1 RTN-30X
Total Mounts: 14
steel. Very Small sonar contact. -10o/o active sonar detection chance. Nor-
mal TT loadout 8 A.184 torp, 4 Harpoon.
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 F(1)1Compact127mm/54//1 RTN-10X c Damage and Speed Breakdown:
F(2)1 Mk38127mm/381/1 RTN-10X C/USA P/S(2)2 Dardo 40mm/70//2 RTN-20X c Damage Points: O 8 16 24 29 32 Abukuma FF
P/S(1)4 Compact 76mm/62//2 RTN-10X c PB/S8(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm TT w/3 A.244s torp F Surface Speed: 11 8 6 3 0 Sinks Displacement: 1900 std In Class: 1+3+2
PB/S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA Aft Pad(1)2AB-212 B Submerged Speed: 19 14 10 5 0 Sinks Damage Points: 72 In Service: 1989
A(1 )1 Mk13 w/40 SM1 MR//2 SPG-51 D/USA PB/SB(1)2 533mm TTw/1 A.184 torp F Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts
PB&SB(1)4 Teseo w/1 Otomat Mk2 D Sauro SS Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 132
SPQ-2, SPN-748 J Sensors: Displacement: 1641 subm In Class: 4 Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
M/USA SPQ-2F, RAN-10S, SPS-702 J Damage Points: 32 In Service: 1979 PB&SB(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA
J/USA DE 11648 Hull, DE 1164 VOS M/USA Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 11/19 kts F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 FCS-2-21
SPS-39, SPS-52, SPS-12 Cntaly
Remarks: Remarks: Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 45 ZPB/S8(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA
Helo pad aft, fitted with stabilizers. Mk13 ROF 3 msls per turn. Fitted with stabilizers. 16 reloads for Aspide (manual). Has Prairie-Masker Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 A(R)1 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C/USA
Damage and Speed Breakdown: (quieted). Will receive passive towed array during first refit. Teseo ROF 8 msls PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/12 A.184 torp F P&S(8)1 Mk116ASROC w/8ASROC E/USA
Damage Points: 0 29 58 87 104 116 per tum (all mounts) at same targets. Albatros ROF 2 msls per turn. Sensors: Sensors:
Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: MD100/s, IPD 70s M OPS-28, OPS-14 J
Damage Points: 0 23 46 69 83 92 BPS-704 J OQS-4 M
DD Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Remarks: SQR-19 towed array (possible) M/USA
Displacement: 2775 In Class: [2] Very small sonar contact. -10% active sonar detection chance. Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 102 In Service: 1958-83 Minerva FFL Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: O 18 36 54 65 72
Speed: 34 kts Displacement: 1025 It In Class: 4+4+4? Damage Points: O 8 16 24 29 32 Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Crew: 354 Damage Points: 43 In Service: 1987 Surface Speed: 11 8 6 3 0 Sinks
Propulsion: Steam
Total Mounts: 16 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 24 kts Submerged Speed: 19 14 10 5 0 Sinks Aegis Destroyer DOG
C/USA Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 123 Displacement: 7200 std In Class: O+ 1 +3
A(4)2 MK2 40mm/60//2 SPG-34
C/USA Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Sparvlero PHM Damage Points: 206 In Service: 1993
P/S(2)4 Mk1 40mm/60//2 SPG-34
F(3)1 K113 Menon E A(8)1 Albatros w/8Aspide//1 RTN-20X D Displacement: 65 fl In Class: 7 Damage Modiner: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts
PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA F(1 )1 Compact 76mm/62//1 RTN-20X c Damage Points: 2 In Service: 1974 Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 310
4 DC Proj E/lntl PB/SB(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm TT w/3 A.244s torp F Damage Modlfler: 0.75 Speed: 50 kts Weapons: Total Mounts: 9
E/lntl PB&PQ/SB&S0(2)2 Teseo w/2 Otomat Mk2 D Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 10 PB&PQ/SB&SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA
1 DC Rail
F/A(2)2 Mk38 127mm/38//1 Mk25 C/USA Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 F&A(61)1 Mk41 VLS (aft) w/61 see remarks//3 SPG-62 D/USA
Sensors: RAN-10S, SPN-728 J PB&SB(1 )2 Teseo w/1 Otomat Mk2 D F&A(29)1 Mk41 VLS (fwd) w/29 see remarks//3 SPG-62 D/USA
SPQ-2 J DE 1167LF VOS M/USA F(1)1Compact76mm/62 w/150 rds//1 RTN-10X c F/A(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C/USA
1990·91 Data Annex
SOS-11 M/USA Remarks: Sensors:
ferredto Italy 10July 1973; struck in 1986. S516 RomeoRomei, 20Feb 1974;
SPS-6C J/USA Fitted with stabilizers. Single RTN-20X directs bothAspide and 76mm at single 3RM7 J
struck in 1988.
Remarks: target. Albatros ROF 2 msls per turn. Normally does not have Oto mat loaded. Remarks:
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Two units buill Jmpetuoso and lndomito both struck in 1983. lndomito does Space and weight reserved for larger Aspide magazine and VOS. Light aluminum construction. Total of 80+70 76mm rounds. Rooster tail en-
Damage Points: O 12 25 38 45 50
not have Menon. Damage and Speed Breakdown: hances RCS. Treat as large target. Teseo ROF 8 msls per tum {both mounts)
Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks
Submerged Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: O 11 22 32 39 43 at same targets. No sleeping accommodation.
Damage Points: O 26 51 76 92 102 surface Speed: 24 18 12 6 O Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown:
CVH Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 O Sinks Damage Points: O 1 2
G. Garibaldi
Displacement: 10043 std In Class: 1 Pietro De Cristofaro FFL Surface Speed: 50 25 Sinks
Damage Points: 277 In Service: 1985 Lupo FFG Displacement: 850 std In Class: 4
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 29 kts Displacement: 2208 std In Class: 4 Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1965 Vittorio Veneta CHG
Crew: 560 Damage Points: 83 In Service: 1977 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts Displacement: 7500 std In Class: 1
Propulsion: COGAG
Total Mounts: 13 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 35 kts Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 129 Damage Points: 226 In Service: 1969
D Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 186 Weapons: Total Mounts: 5 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts
F/A(8)2 Albatros w/24 Aspide//2 RTN-30X
PQ&SQ(2)1 Dardo 40mm/70//1 RTN-20X c Weapons: Total Mounts: 15 F/A(1)2 Mk1 76mm/62//1 RTN-10X c Propulslon: Steam Crew: 550
PB/SB(2)2 Dardo 40mm/70//2 RTN-20X c A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 Aspide//1 Mk91 D A(1)1 K113 Menon E Weapons: Total Mounts: 29
PB&SB(1 )4 Teseo w/1 Otomat Mk2 D F(1)1Compact127mm/54//1 RTN-10X C p8/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA F/A(2)2 Dardo 40mm/70//3 RTN-20X c
PB/SB(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm TT w/3 A.244s torp F P/S(2)2 Dardo 40mm/70//2 RTN-20X C Sensors: PB&P0(2)1 Dardo 40mm/70//3 RTN-20X c
18 SH-3D Sea King B/USA PB/S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA SP0-2 J PB/SB(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm TT w/3 A.244s torp F
Aft Pad(1)1 AB-212 B SQS-36 hull, SQS-36 VOS M/USA aft pad(4)9 AB-212 B
2 Elevators
PB&SB(1 )8 Teseo w/1 Otomat Mk2 D Remarks: 2 Elevator
J Sensors: No VOS on F540; no ASW TT on F541. PB&S8(1 )4 Teseo w/1 Otomat Mk2 D
RAN-10S, SPN-703, RAN-3L, SPS-702
M/USA RAN-10S, SP0-2F, RAN-11UX J Damage and Speed Breakdown: F(2)1 Mk10 w/60 see remarks//2 SPG-55 D/USA
DE 1164 Hull & VDS
SPS-52 J/USA 3RM20, SPN-748 J Damage Points: 0 9 18 28 33 37 F/A(1)4 Mk1 76mm/62//2 RTN-10X c
Remarks: DE 11608 M/USA SUrface Speed: 22 16 11 6 0 Sinks P/S(1)4 Mk1 76mm/62//2 RTN-10X c
Will be based at La Spezia as flagship of Italian Navy. Fitted with dual stabi· Remarks: Sensors:
lizers. Hangar can accommodate 12 Sea King, or 10 Sea Harrier and 1 Sea Fitted with stabilizers. Can carry 2 small/med halos: one on deck, one in hangar. Salvatore Pelosi SS SPS-52 J/USA
King. Spots on deck for launch of 6 large helos at once. Six manual reloads Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow ROF 15 msls per h.Jrn. Teseo ROF 8 msls per tum Dlsplacement: 1641 subm In Class: 2+2 3RM7, SPS-702, RAN-3L J
carried for Otomat Mk2, 50·60 Sea Killer Mk2 for helicopters, large number (all mounts) at same target. Damage Points: 32 In Service: 1987 SQS-23 M/USA
of A.244s. Albatros ROF 2 msls per turn (each launcher) at same target. Teseo Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 11/19 kts Remarks:
Damage Points: 0 21 42 62 75 83 Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 45 Can carry 4 Sea Kings in place of AB-212. Sea Kings will not fit in hangar;
ROF 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target.
Surface Speed: 35 26 18 9 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 must be carried on flight deck. Mk10 loadout 40 SM1ER and 20ASROC.
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 69 138 208 249 277 PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTw/12 see remarks F Fitted with dual stabilizers. Can launch 2 small/med helos at once. Teseo ROF
Surface Speed: 29 22 14 7 0 Sinks Maestrale FFG Sensors: 8 msls per tum (all mounts) at same 1arget.
Displacement: 2500 std lnClass:8 BPS-704 J Damage and Speed Breakdown:
DOG Damage Points: 92 In Service: 1982 IPD 70s, MD 1OOs M Damage Points: O 56 113 170 203 226
lmpavldo Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 O Sinks
In Class: 2 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Remarks:
Displacement: 3201 std
In Service: 1963 Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 213 Improved Sauro class. Can carry A.184 torpedoes and Harpoon. Hull is HY80
Damage Points: 116
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Propulsion: Steam
Speed: 33 kts
Crew: 334
F(8)1 Albatros w/8 Aspide//1 RTN-30X
Total Mounts: 14
steel. Very Small sonar contact. -10o/o active sonar detection chance. Nor-
mal TT loadout 8 A.184 torp, 4 Harpoon.
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 F(1)1Compact127mm/54//1 RTN-10X c Damage and Speed Breakdown:
F(2)1 Mk38127mm/381/1 RTN-10X C/USA P/S(2)2 Dardo 40mm/70//2 RTN-20X c Damage Points: O 8 16 24 29 32 Abukuma FF
P/S(1)4 Compact 76mm/62//2 RTN-10X c PB/S8(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm TT w/3 A.244s torp F Surface Speed: 11 8 6 3 0 Sinks Displacement: 1900 std In Class: 1+3+2
PB/S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA Aft Pad(1)2AB-212 B Submerged Speed: 19 14 10 5 0 Sinks Damage Points: 72 In Service: 1989
A(1 )1 Mk13 w/40 SM1 MR//2 SPG-51 D/USA PB/SB(1)2 533mm TTw/1 A.184 torp F Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts
PB&SB(1)4 Teseo w/1 Otomat Mk2 D Sauro SS Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 132
SPQ-2, SPN-748 J Sensors: Displacement: 1641 subm In Class: 4 Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
M/USA SPQ-2F, RAN-10S, SPS-702 J Damage Points: 32 In Service: 1979 PB&SB(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA
J/USA DE 11648 Hull, DE 1164 VOS M/USA Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 11/19 kts F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 FCS-2-21
SPS-39, SPS-52, SPS-12 Cntaly
Remarks: Remarks: Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 45 ZPB/S8(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA
Helo pad aft, fitted with stabilizers. Mk13 ROF 3 msls per turn. Fitted with stabilizers. 16 reloads for Aspide (manual). Has Prairie-Masker Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 A(R)1 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C/USA
Damage and Speed Breakdown: (quieted). Will receive passive towed array during first refit. Teseo ROF 8 msls PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/12 A.184 torp F P&S(8)1 Mk116ASROC w/8ASROC E/USA
Damage Points: 0 29 58 87 104 116 per tum (all mounts) at same targets. Albatros ROF 2 msls per turn. Sensors: Sensors:
Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: MD100/s, IPD 70s M OPS-28, OPS-14 J
Damage Points: 0 23 46 69 83 92 BPS-704 J OQS-4 M
DD Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Remarks: SQR-19 towed array (possible) M/USA
Displacement: 2775 In Class: [2] Very small sonar contact. -10% active sonar detection chance. Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 102 In Service: 1958-83 Minerva FFL Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: O 18 36 54 65 72
Speed: 34 kts Displacement: 1025 It In Class: 4+4+4? Damage Points: O 8 16 24 29 32 Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Crew: 354 Damage Points: 43 In Service: 1987 Surface Speed: 11 8 6 3 0 Sinks
Propulsion: Steam
Total Mounts: 16 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 24 kts Submerged Speed: 19 14 10 5 0 Sinks Aegis Destroyer DOG
C/USA Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 123 Displacement: 7200 std In Class: O+ 1 +3
A(4)2 MK2 40mm/60//2 SPG-34
C/USA Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Sparvlero PHM Damage Points: 206 In Service: 1993
P/S(2)4 Mk1 40mm/60//2 SPG-34
F(3)1 K113 Menon E A(8)1 Albatros w/8Aspide//1 RTN-20X D Displacement: 65 fl In Class: 7 Damage Modiner: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts
PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA F(1 )1 Compact 76mm/62//1 RTN-20X c Damage Points: 2 In Service: 1974 Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 310
4 DC Proj E/lntl PB/SB(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm TT w/3 A.244s torp F Damage Modlfler: 0.75 Speed: 50 kts Weapons: Total Mounts: 9
E/lntl PB&PQ/SB&S0(2)2 Teseo w/2 Otomat Mk2 D Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 10 PB&PQ/SB&SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA
1 DC Rail
F/A(2)2 Mk38 127mm/38//1 Mk25 C/USA Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 F&A(61)1 Mk41 VLS (aft) w/61 see remarks//3 SPG-62 D/USA
Sensors: RAN-10S, SPN-728 J PB&SB(1 )2 Teseo w/1 Otomat Mk2 D F&A(29)1 Mk41 VLS (fwd) w/29 see remarks//3 SPG-62 D/USA
SPQ-2 J DE 1167LF VOS M/USA F(1)1Compact76mm/62 w/150 rds//1 RTN-10X c F/A(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C/USA
F/USA Sensors: pB/SB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA Damage and Speed Breakdown:
PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP
C/ltaly OPS-16, OPS-19, OPS-14 J Aft pad(1)1 HSS-2B Sea King B Damage Points: O 15 29 44 53 59
F(1)1Compact127mm/54//1 FCS 2-21
OOS-3 M sensors: Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks
J SOS-35 IVDS (5 units) M/USA OPS-18, OPS-14 J
OPS-19, OPS-28
SPY-10 J/USA Remarks: oas-4 M Katorl TV
M Mk51 optical director only for 40mm. SQS-35 to be fittted in other units. Remarks: Displacement: 3372 std In Class: 1
M/USA Damage and Speed Breakdown: Hastin s~bilizers. Has Beartraphaul-down system. WillgetSOR-19. Unit#B Damage Points: 121 In Service: 1969
SQR-19 towed array
Remarks: Damage Points: 0 14 29 44 52 58 Yam~yuki (129) and on have s.teel vice aluminum superstructure (3050-ton Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts
Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks std d1splacement:107 dp). Umt #1 Hatsuyuki (122) and #2 Shirayuki (123) Propulsion: Steam Crew: 460
Helo pad aft, no hangar. Mk41 VLS fires SM2MR; VLS will carry VLASROC
do not have Phalanx. 10 RIM-7M manual reloads available for Mk29.NATO Weapons: Total Mounls: 5
when available. Three Mk99 illuminators serve both foiward and aft VLS.
DOH SS launcher. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 15 msls per turn. Critical Hit Armor: Sen..: F(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50//1 Mk34
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Haruna sors, L.
Damage Points: 0 52 103 154 185 206 Displacement: 4700 std In Class: 2 F(4)1 Type 71 375mm ASW RL w/9 salvoes E
In Service: 1973 Oama.ge and Speed Breakdown: PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP
Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks Damage Points: 124 F/USA
Speed: 32 kts Damage Points: 0 20 40 60 72 81 (121-128) Sensors:
Damage Modifier: 0.75
Crew: 340 Damage Points: O 27 54 80 97 107 (129 and on) / OPS-2, OPS- 15
Amatsukaze DOG Propulsion: Steam
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks OQS-3
In Class: 1 Weapons: Total Mounts: 11 M
Displacement: 3050 std C/USA
In Service: 1965 F(1 )2 Mk42 127mm/54//2 FCS-1A Remarks:
Damage Points: 111 improved Yushio
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//1 FCS-2-12 D/USA SS Cadet training ship. Helo pad aft.
P/S(R)1 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C/USA Displacement: 2750 subm In Class: 0+3+ 1 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 290
PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA Damage Points: 44 In Service: 1991 Damage Points: 0 30 61 91 109 121
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8
F(8)1 Mk112 ASROC w/B ASROC E/USA Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12120+ kts Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks
A(1)1 Mk13w/40SM1MR//2SPG-51 D/USA
Aft Pad(1 )3 HSS-28 Sea King B Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 75
F(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50//1 FCS-2-21 C/USA
Weapons: Total Mounls: 2 Minegumo
P&S(8)1 Mk112 ASROC w/8 ASROC E/USA Sensors:
P8&SB(3)2 533mm TTw/18 see remar1<s F,D/USA
F/USA OPS-28 (141, 142), OPS-11(141,142) J Displacemenl: 2100 std In Class: 3
PB/SB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP Sensors:
E/USA OOS-3 (141, 142) M Damage Points: 79 In Service: 1968
F(24)2 Mk15 Hedgehog w/6 salvoes zaa-5
Remarks: M Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts
Sensors: ZPS-6 J
J Fitted with dual fin stabilizers. Helicopter haul-down system. 8 RIM-7M manual Propulsion: Diesels Crew: 215
OPS-17 Remarks:
J/USA reloads for Mk29 NATO SS. Fitted with Prairie-Masker bubbling system Weapons: Total Mounts: 6
SPS-29, SPS-52 TI can fire GRX-2 torp, Harpoon. Standard TT loadout 14 GRX-2 4 Har-
M/USA (quieted). FCS-1 A can direct Mk42 gun or illuminate one target for Sea Sparrow F/A(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50//2 see remarks C/USA
SOS-23 poon. '
msl. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 15 msls per turn. Critical Hit Armor: Sensors, L. A(8)1 Mk16 ASROC w/8 ASROC E/USA
Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
No reloads for ASROC. Original Mk63 GFCS replaced w/FCS-2. Will be Aluminum superstructure. F(4)1 Type 71 375mm ASW RL w/9 salvoes E
modernized with Compact 76mm/62 and Mk15 Phalanx. Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: O 11 22 33 40 44 PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TTw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA
Damage Points: O 31 62 93 111 124 Surface Speed: 12 9 6 3 0 Sinks Sensors:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Submerged Speed: 20 15 10 5
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks 0 Sinks OPS-11,0PS-17 J
Damage Points: O 28 55 83 100 111
Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 0 Sinks OOS-3 M
Hatakaze DOG lshikari FF SQS-35 VOS (118) M/USA
In Class: 2 Displacement: 1200 std In Class: 1 Remarks:
Asagiri DOG Displacement: 4650 std
Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1981
Damage Points: 164 In Service: 1986 Reloads for ASROC launcher. Fire control systems 116: Mk35, SPG-34; 117:
Displacement: 3400 std In Class: 4+4 Damage Modifier: 0.75
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Speed: 25 kts FCS-1, SPG-34; 118: FCS-2-12, FCS-1. Unit #3 Murakumo(118) hasA(1)1
Damage Points: 122 In Service: 1988 Propulsion: CODOG
Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 260 Crew: 90 76mm/62 Compact vice alt Mk33 76mm gun mount.
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Weapons:
Total Mounts: 11 Total Mounts: 6 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 230 Weapons:
D/USA PB&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA Damage Points: 0 20 40 59 71 79
Weapons: Total Mounts: 1O F(1 )1 Mk13 w/40 SM1MR//2 SPG-51
D/USA F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 FCS-2-21 Cntaly Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks
F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 FCS-2-22 Cntaly P8&PQ/S8&S0(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon
C/USA F(4)1 Type 71 375mm ASW RL w/9 salvoes E
PB&PO/SB&SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts
PBIS8(3)2 Type 68 324mm TTw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA Sagaml
A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/18 RIM-7Mi/1 FCS-2-12E D/USA F/A(1)2 Mk42 127mm/54//2 FCS-2-21C C/USA
E/USA F(8)1 Mk16ASROC w/8 ASROC E/USA Displacement: 5000 std In Class: 1
F(B)1 Mk112ASROC w/BASROC OPS-19, OPS-28 J
F/USA PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA Damage Points: 132 In Service: 1979
PB/SB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP OOS-4 M
C/USA Aft Pad(1)1 HSS-28 Sea King B Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts
P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts Remarks:
B Sensors: Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 130
Aft Pad(1)1 HSS-2B Sea King Aluminum superstructure. Will be fitted with Phalanx.
OPS-28, OPS-11 J Weapons: Total Mounts: O
Sensors: J/USA Damage and Speed Breakdown:
OPS-28, OPS-14 (00-151to155), OPS-24 (DD-156 to 158) J SPS-52 None
M Damage Points: O 9 18 28 33 37 Sensors:
Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks OPS-16
Remarks: Remarks: J
Has Prairie-Masker bubbler (quieted}. Will be fitted with fin stabilizers. Mk29 No hangar for helicopter. ASROC launcher has reload magazine. SPG-51 Remarks:
can be used for gunfire control. FCS-2 has aft arc. Isuzu FF Large helo pad aft.
NATO SS ROF 15 msls per turn. Has Beartrap haul-down system. Critical
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 1490 std In Class: 2 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Hit Armor: Sensors, L. Damage Points: 59
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 0 41 82 123 148 164 In Service: 1961 Damage Points: 0 33 66 99 119 132
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts Surface Speed: 22 16 11 6 0 Sinks
Damage Points: O 31 61 92 110 122
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 180
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 O Sinks
DD Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 Shirane
Hatsuyukl FiA(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50//2 Mk34
Chikugo FF Displacement: 2950 std In Class: 12
F(4)2 Type 71 375mm ASW RL w/9 salvoes E
Displacement: 5200 std In Class: 2
In Class: 11 Damage Points: 81 In Service: 1982 Damage Points: 135 In Service: 1980
Displacement: 1470 std PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA
In Service: 1970 Damage Modifier: .75 Speed: 30 kts Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 32 kts
Damage Points: 58 1 DC rail E/lntl
Speed: 25 kts Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 190 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 370
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Sensors:
Crew: 165 Weapons: Total Mounts: 10 Weapons: Total Mounts: 10
Propulsion: Diesel OPS-1, OPS-16 J
Total Mounts: 5 PB&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA F(1)2 Mk42127mm/54//2 FCS-1A C/USA
Weapons: OOS-14, OOA-1 VOS (#213) M
C/USA A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7Mi/1 FCS-2-12 D/USA A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//1 WM25 D/USA
F(2)1 Mk33 76mm/50//1 FCS-18 Remarks:
C/USA F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 FCS-2-21 C/ltaly P/S(R)1 Mk15 Phalanx 20mm/76w/5 bursts C/USA
A(2)1 Mk1 40mm/60
C/USA N~ DC rail on 212, 213. Mogami(212) and Isuzu (211} designated as training F(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC E/USA
P&S(8)1 Mk16 ASROC w/8 ASROC E/USA P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts
E/USA ships.
F/USA F(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC PBIS8(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA
P8/SB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TTw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP
F/USA Sensors: pB/SB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA Damage and Speed Breakdown:
PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP
C/ltaly OPS-16, OPS-19, OPS-14 J Aft pad(1)1 HSS-2B Sea King B Damage Points: O 15 29 44 53 59
F(1)1Compact127mm/54//1 FCS 2-21
OOS-3 M sensors: Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks
J SOS-35 IVDS (5 units) M/USA OPS-18, OPS-14 J
OPS-19, OPS-28
SPY-10 J/USA Remarks: oas-4 M Katorl TV
M Mk51 optical director only for 40mm. SQS-35 to be fittted in other units. Remarks: Displacement: 3372 std In Class: 1
M/USA Damage and Speed Breakdown: Hastin s~bilizers. Has Beartraphaul-down system. WillgetSOR-19. Unit#B Damage Points: 121 In Service: 1969
SQR-19 towed array
Remarks: Damage Points: 0 14 29 44 52 58 Yam~yuki (129) and on have s.teel vice aluminum superstructure (3050-ton Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts
Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks std d1splacement:107 dp). Umt #1 Hatsuyuki (122) and #2 Shirayuki (123) Propulsion: Steam Crew: 460
Helo pad aft, no hangar. Mk41 VLS fires SM2MR; VLS will carry VLASROC
do not have Phalanx. 10 RIM-7M manual reloads available for Mk29.NATO Weapons: Total Mounls: 5
when available. Three Mk99 illuminators serve both foiward and aft VLS.
DOH SS launcher. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 15 msls per turn. Critical Hit Armor: Sen..: F(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50//1 Mk34
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Haruna sors, L.
Damage Points: 0 52 103 154 185 206 Displacement: 4700 std In Class: 2 F(4)1 Type 71 375mm ASW RL w/9 salvoes E
In Service: 1973 Oama.ge and Speed Breakdown: PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP
Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks Damage Points: 124 F/USA
Speed: 32 kts Damage Points: 0 20 40 60 72 81 (121-128) Sensors:
Damage Modifier: 0.75
Crew: 340 Damage Points: O 27 54 80 97 107 (129 and on) / OPS-2, OPS- 15
Amatsukaze DOG Propulsion: Steam
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks OQS-3
In Class: 1 Weapons: Total Mounts: 11 M
Displacement: 3050 std C/USA
In Service: 1965 F(1 )2 Mk42 127mm/54//2 FCS-1A Remarks:
Damage Points: 111 improved Yushio
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//1 FCS-2-12 D/USA SS Cadet training ship. Helo pad aft.
P/S(R)1 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C/USA Displacement: 2750 subm In Class: 0+3+ 1 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 290
PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA Damage Points: 44 In Service: 1991 Damage Points: 0 30 61 91 109 121
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8
F(8)1 Mk112 ASROC w/B ASROC E/USA Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12120+ kts Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks
A(1)1 Mk13w/40SM1MR//2SPG-51 D/USA
Aft Pad(1 )3 HSS-28 Sea King B Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 75
F(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50//1 FCS-2-21 C/USA
Weapons: Total Mounls: 2 Minegumo
P&S(8)1 Mk112 ASROC w/8 ASROC E/USA Sensors:
P8&SB(3)2 533mm TTw/18 see remar1<s F,D/USA
F/USA OPS-28 (141, 142), OPS-11(141,142) J Displacemenl: 2100 std In Class: 3
PB/SB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP Sensors:
E/USA OOS-3 (141, 142) M Damage Points: 79 In Service: 1968
F(24)2 Mk15 Hedgehog w/6 salvoes zaa-5
Remarks: M Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts
Sensors: ZPS-6 J
J Fitted with dual fin stabilizers. Helicopter haul-down system. 8 RIM-7M manual Propulsion: Diesels Crew: 215
OPS-17 Remarks:
J/USA reloads for Mk29 NATO SS. Fitted with Prairie-Masker bubbling system Weapons: Total Mounts: 6
SPS-29, SPS-52 TI can fire GRX-2 torp, Harpoon. Standard TT loadout 14 GRX-2 4 Har-
M/USA (quieted). FCS-1 A can direct Mk42 gun or illuminate one target for Sea Sparrow F/A(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50//2 see remarks C/USA
SOS-23 poon. '
msl. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 15 msls per turn. Critical Hit Armor: Sensors, L. A(8)1 Mk16 ASROC w/8 ASROC E/USA
Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
No reloads for ASROC. Original Mk63 GFCS replaced w/FCS-2. Will be Aluminum superstructure. F(4)1 Type 71 375mm ASW RL w/9 salvoes E
modernized with Compact 76mm/62 and Mk15 Phalanx. Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: O 11 22 33 40 44 PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TTw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA
Damage Points: O 31 62 93 111 124 Surface Speed: 12 9 6 3 0 Sinks Sensors:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Submerged Speed: 20 15 10 5
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks 0 Sinks OPS-11,0PS-17 J
Damage Points: O 28 55 83 100 111
Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 0 Sinks OOS-3 M
Hatakaze DOG lshikari FF SQS-35 VOS (118) M/USA
In Class: 2 Displacement: 1200 std In Class: 1 Remarks:
Asagiri DOG Displacement: 4650 std
Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1981
Damage Points: 164 In Service: 1986 Reloads for ASROC launcher. Fire control systems 116: Mk35, SPG-34; 117:
Displacement: 3400 std In Class: 4+4 Damage Modifier: 0.75
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Speed: 25 kts FCS-1, SPG-34; 118: FCS-2-12, FCS-1. Unit #3 Murakumo(118) hasA(1)1
Damage Points: 122 In Service: 1988 Propulsion: CODOG
Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 260 Crew: 90 76mm/62 Compact vice alt Mk33 76mm gun mount.
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Weapons:
Total Mounts: 11 Total Mounts: 6 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 230 Weapons:
D/USA PB&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA Damage Points: 0 20 40 59 71 79
Weapons: Total Mounts: 1O F(1 )1 Mk13 w/40 SM1MR//2 SPG-51
D/USA F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 FCS-2-21 Cntaly Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks
F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 FCS-2-22 Cntaly P8&PQ/S8&S0(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon
C/USA F(4)1 Type 71 375mm ASW RL w/9 salvoes E
PB&PO/SB&SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts
PBIS8(3)2 Type 68 324mm TTw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA Sagaml
A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/18 RIM-7Mi/1 FCS-2-12E D/USA F/A(1)2 Mk42 127mm/54//2 FCS-2-21C C/USA
E/USA F(8)1 Mk16ASROC w/8 ASROC E/USA Displacement: 5000 std In Class: 1
F(B)1 Mk112ASROC w/BASROC OPS-19, OPS-28 J
F/USA PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA Damage Points: 132 In Service: 1979
PB/SB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP OOS-4 M
C/USA Aft Pad(1)1 HSS-28 Sea King B Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts
P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts Remarks:
B Sensors: Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 130
Aft Pad(1)1 HSS-2B Sea King Aluminum superstructure. Will be fitted with Phalanx.
OPS-28, OPS-11 J Weapons: Total Mounts: O
Sensors: J/USA Damage and Speed Breakdown:
OPS-28, OPS-14 (00-151to155), OPS-24 (DD-156 to 158) J SPS-52 None
M Damage Points: O 9 18 28 33 37 Sensors:
Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks OPS-16
Remarks: Remarks: J
Has Prairie-Masker bubbler (quieted}. Will be fitted with fin stabilizers. Mk29 No hangar for helicopter. ASROC launcher has reload magazine. SPG-51 Remarks:
can be used for gunfire control. FCS-2 has aft arc. Isuzu FF Large helo pad aft.
NATO SS ROF 15 msls per turn. Has Beartrap haul-down system. Critical
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 1490 std In Class: 2 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Hit Armor: Sensors, L. Damage Points: 59
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 0 41 82 123 148 164 In Service: 1961 Damage Points: 0 33 66 99 119 132
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts Surface Speed: 22 16 11 6 0 Sinks
Damage Points: O 31 61 92 110 122
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 180
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 O Sinks
DD Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 Shirane
Hatsuyukl FiA(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50//2 Mk34
Chikugo FF Displacement: 2950 std In Class: 12
F(4)2 Type 71 375mm ASW RL w/9 salvoes E
Displacement: 5200 std In Class: 2
In Class: 11 Damage Points: 81 In Service: 1982 Damage Points: 135 In Service: 1980
Displacement: 1470 std PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA
In Service: 1970 Damage Modifier: .75 Speed: 30 kts Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 32 kts
Damage Points: 58 1 DC rail E/lntl
Speed: 25 kts Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 190 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 370
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Sensors:
Crew: 165 Weapons: Total Mounts: 10 Weapons: Total Mounts: 10
Propulsion: Diesel OPS-1, OPS-16 J
Total Mounts: 5 PB&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA F(1)2 Mk42127mm/54//2 FCS-1A C/USA
Weapons: OOS-14, OOA-1 VOS (#213) M
C/USA A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7Mi/1 FCS-2-12 D/USA A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//1 WM25 D/USA
F(2)1 Mk33 76mm/50//1 FCS-18 Remarks:
C/USA F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 FCS-2-21 C/ltaly P/S(R)1 Mk15 Phalanx 20mm/76w/5 bursts C/USA
A(2)1 Mk1 40mm/60
C/USA N~ DC rail on 212, 213. Mogami(212) and Isuzu (211} designated as training F(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC E/USA
P&S(8)1 Mk16 ASROC w/8 ASROC E/USA P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts
E/USA ships.
F/USA F(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC PBIS8(3)2 Type 68 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA
P8/SB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TTw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP
1990·91 Data Annex
Aft Pad(1 )3 HSS-2B Sea King B Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 13/20 kts Weapons: Total Mounts: 14
Sensors: Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 140 propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 80 PB&SB(2)2 SS-N-2C w/2 Styx D/USSR
OPS-22, OPS-12, OPS-28 J Weapons: Total Mounts: 0 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 F/A(2)2 76mm/60//1 Hawk Screech C/USSR
OQS-101 M None PB&SB(3)2 533mm TI w/18 GRX-2, NT-37C F/USA F(12)1ABU6000 E/USSR
SQS-35 IVDS, SOR-18A towed array M/USA Sensors: Sensors: A(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//1 Pop Group O/USSR
Remarks: OPS-18 J ZPS-6 J P/S(2)2 AK-230 30mm/651/1 Drum lilt C/USSR
Has Prairie-Masker bubbling system (quieted). Will eventually receive Har'" Remarks: SOS-36J Hull M/USA 2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR
poon msls. DOH 143 Shirane has not yet received Phalanx (1989). Refit Large helo pad aft. Z00-4 M PB/SB(1 )4 406mm TI w/1 SET-40 F/USSR
delayed. Fitted with dual fin stabilizers and helo haul-down system. 8 reloads Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks: Sensors:
forASROC launcher in belowdecks magazine. 16 AIM-7M manual reloads Damage Points: o 45 91 136 163 182 Unit #5 Nadashio (577) and later can fire Harpoon. Others will be refitted. Plank Shave, Don 2, Strut Curve J/USSR
for Mk29 NATO SS launcher. Aluminum superstructure. FCS-1A can direct surface Speed: 22 16 11 6 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Bull Horn M/USSR
Mk42 gun or illuminate target for Sea Sparrow msl. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 15 Damage Points: 0 10 21 31 37 41 Remarks:
msls per turn. Critical Hit Armor: Sensors, L. Uzushio SS Surface Speed: 13 10 6 3 0 Sinks USSR Koni Type Ill class. SS-N-2C ROF 4 msls per turn (both mounts) at
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 3600 subm In Class: 5 Submerged Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks same target.
Damage Points: O 34 68 101 122 135 Damage Points: 64 In Service: 1972 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
8 0
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00
Propulsion: Diesel-Electric
Speed: 12120 kts
Crew: 80
Libya Damage Points:
Surface Speed:
Tachikaze DOG Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Displacement: 3850 std In Class:3 PB&SB(3)2 533mm TI w/ Mk48, Mk37 F/USA Assad PTM La Combantante llG PTG
Damage Points: 137 In Service: 1976 Sensors: Displacement: 670 fl In Class: 4 Displacement: 258 std In Class: 9
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts ZPS-4 J Damage Points: 31 In Service: 1979 Damage Points: 13 In Service: 1981
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 277 Z00-4 M Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 39 kts
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 SQS-36J hull M/USA Propulsion: Diesel Crew:88 Propulslon: Diesel Crew: 27
A(1 )1 Mk13 w/40 see remarks//2 SPG-51 D/USA Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 10 Weapons: Total Mounts: 6
F/A(1)2 Mk42127mm/54//1 FCS-1A C/USA Additional units Uzushio (566) struck in 1987; Makishio (567), 1988. PB&SB(1 )4 Otomat w/1 msl D/ltaly F(1)1 Compact 76mm/62 w/80 rds//1 Vega II C/ltaly
F(8)1 Mk112 w/8 ASROC E/USA Damage and Speed Breakdown: F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 RTN-10X C/ltaly A(2) 1 Dardo 40mm/70//1 Vega II C/ltaly
PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA Damage Points: O 16 32 48 58 64 A(2) 1 OE/OTO 35mm/90 C/ltaly PB&SB(1)4 Otomat w/1 msl D/ltaly
P/S(R)2 Mkl 5 Phalanx w/5 bursts C/USA Surface Speed: 12 9 6 3 0 Sinks PBISB(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm TI w/3 A.244s F/ltaly Sensors:
Sensors: SubmergedSpeed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks 2 Minelaying chutes w/8 mines Triton J/Frn
OPS-28 (170), OPS-17 (not 170), OPS-11 J Sensors: Remarks:
SPS-52 J/USA Yamagumo DD RAN-11UX J/ltaly Additional unit Waheedsunk on 24 May 1986. Otomat ROF 8 msls per turn
OQS-3 (not 170), OOS-4 (170) M Displacement: 2100 std In Class: 6 Diodon M/Frn (all mounts) at same target.
Remarks: Damage Points: 79 In Service: 1966 Deoca 1226 J/UK Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Mk13 launcher fires SM1MR and Harpoon. ASROC launcher auto reloads Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts ESM Damage Points: o 3 6 10 12 13
from belowdecks in DD 170 Sawakaze only. Mk13 ROF is 6 msls per minute. Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 210 Remarks: Surface Speed: 39 29 20 10 O Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Previously Wadi class. Names changed in 1983. Fitted with stabilizers. Otomat
Damage Points: O 34 69 103 124 137 F/A(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50//2 FCS-1 C/USA ROF 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. Poorly maintained; missiles Nanuchka II FFL
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks P&S(8)1 Mk16 w/8ASROC E/USA not usually fitted. Displacement: 560 std In Class: 3
F(4)1 Type 71 375mm ASW RL w/9 salvoes E Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 25 In Service: 1981
Takatsukl DD PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA Damage Points: 0 8 16 23 28 31 Damage Modrner: 1.00 Speed: 36 kts
Displacement: 3200 std In Class: 4 Sensors: Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 O Sinks Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 60
Damage Points: 116 In Service: 1967 OPS-11,0PS-17 J Weapons: Total Mounls: 4
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts SOS-23 (113-115), SQS-35 VOS (not in 115) M/USA Oat Assawarl FF PB&SB(2)2 SS-N-2C w/1 Styx D/USSR
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 270 OOS-3 (116-121) M Displacement: 1360 In Class: 1 F(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//1 Pop Group D/USSR
Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 54 In Service: 1973 A(2)1 AK-257 57mm/80//1 Muff Cob C/USSR
F(1)1 Mk42127mm/54//1 Mk35 C/USA Damage Points: O 20 40 59 71 79 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 35 kts Sensors:
F(8)1 Mk112 w/8 ASROC E/USA Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 130 Don 2, Square Tie J/USSR
A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/16 RIM-7Ml/1 FCS-2-128 D/USA Weapons: Total Mounts: 13 ESM
PB&PQ/SB&SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA Yubarl FF PB&SB(1)4 Teseo w/1 Otomat Mk2 D/ltaly Remarks:
A(R)l Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C/USA Displacement: 1470 std In Class: 2 F(4)1 Albatros w/4 Aspide//1 RTN-10X D/ltaly Ean Mara damaged on 25Mar1986. Additional unit Ean Zaquit#419 sunk 4
P&S(6)1 Type 71 375mm ASW RL w/9 salvoes E Damage Points: 58 In Service: 1983 F(1)1 Mk8 114mm/55//1 RTN-10X C/UK Mar 1986. SS-N-2C ROF 4 msls per turn (all mounts) at same targets.
PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm Tiw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts A(2)1 OE/OTO 35mm/90 C/ltaly Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Sensors: Propulsion: CODOG Crew:98 P/S(1)2 20mm/80 C/lntl Damage Points: O 6 13 19 23 25
OPS-11, OPS-17 J Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 PBISB(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm Tiw/3A.244s F/ltaly Surface Speed: 36 27 18 9 o Sinks
OQS-3 M PB&SB(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA P/S(1)2 Bofors 40mm/70 C/Sweden
SQR-18 towed array (164, 165) M/USA F(l )1 Compact 76mm/62//1 FCS-2-21 C/ltaly Sensors: Yugoslav Improved Koncar PTG
SQS-35 VOS (166, 167) M/USA F(4)1 Type 71 375mm ASW RL w/12 salvoes E Dia don M/Frn Dlsplacemant: 385 std In Class: 0+4
Remarks: PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA RAN-10S, RAN-12L, SPQ-2 J/ltaly Damage Points: 12 In Service: ?
Unit#3 Mochizuki(166) and#4 Nagatsuki(167) have F/A(1)2 Mk42127mm, Sensors: Remarks: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 40 kts
no Harpoon, no Mk29 NATO SS, no Phalanx. Nagatsukihas 2 FCS-1. Unit OPS-, OPS-28 J Vosper Mk7 class. Teseo ROF 8 msls per tum at same target;Albatros ROF Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 30
#3 Kikizuki(165) has fin stabilizers. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 15 msls per turn. OQS-4 M 2 msls per turn. Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
No reloads for ASROC. Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown: PB&SB(1)4 SS-N-2C w/1 Styx D/USSR
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Will be fitted withA(R)1 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts. Damage Points: O 14 27 40 49 54 F(l )1 Compact 76mm/62 C/ltaly
Damage Points: 0 29 58 87 104 116 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 35 26 18 9 0 Sinks A(1 )1 Bofors 40mm/70 C/Sweden
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Damage Points: O 14 29 44 52 58 P/S(2)1 30mm c
SUrface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks EIHanl FF Sensors:
Towada AOE Displacement: 1700 std In Class: 2+1 Nav radar J/lntl
Displacement: 8300 std In Class: 1+2 Yushlo SS Damage Points: 65 In Service: 1986 Remarks:
Damage Points: 182 In Service: 1987 Displacement: 2730 subm In Class: 10 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts Yugoslav-built Radf Koncar class. Ordered in 1985. SS-N-2C ROF 4 msls
Damage Points: 41 In Service: 1980 Propulsion: CODAG Crew:? per turn (all mounts) at same target.
1990·91 Data Annex
Aft Pad(1 )3 HSS-2B Sea King B Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 13/20 kts Weapons: Total Mounts: 14
Sensors: Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 140 propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 80 PB&SB(2)2 SS-N-2C w/2 Styx D/USSR
OPS-22, OPS-12, OPS-28 J Weapons: Total Mounts: 0 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 F/A(2)2 76mm/60//1 Hawk Screech C/USSR
OQS-101 M None PB&SB(3)2 533mm TI w/18 GRX-2, NT-37C F/USA F(12)1ABU6000 E/USSR
SQS-35 IVDS, SOR-18A towed array M/USA Sensors: Sensors: A(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//1 Pop Group O/USSR
Remarks: OPS-18 J ZPS-6 J P/S(2)2 AK-230 30mm/651/1 Drum lilt C/USSR
Has Prairie-Masker bubbling system (quieted). Will eventually receive Har'" Remarks: SOS-36J Hull M/USA 2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR
poon msls. DOH 143 Shirane has not yet received Phalanx (1989). Refit Large helo pad aft. Z00-4 M PB/SB(1 )4 406mm TI w/1 SET-40 F/USSR
delayed. Fitted with dual fin stabilizers and helo haul-down system. 8 reloads Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks: Sensors:
forASROC launcher in belowdecks magazine. 16 AIM-7M manual reloads Damage Points: o 45 91 136 163 182 Unit #5 Nadashio (577) and later can fire Harpoon. Others will be refitted. Plank Shave, Don 2, Strut Curve J/USSR
for Mk29 NATO SS launcher. Aluminum superstructure. FCS-1A can direct surface Speed: 22 16 11 6 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Bull Horn M/USSR
Mk42 gun or illuminate target for Sea Sparrow msl. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 15 Damage Points: 0 10 21 31 37 41 Remarks:
msls per turn. Critical Hit Armor: Sensors, L. Uzushio SS Surface Speed: 13 10 6 3 0 Sinks USSR Koni Type Ill class. SS-N-2C ROF 4 msls per turn (both mounts) at
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 3600 subm In Class: 5 Submerged Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks same target.
Damage Points: O 34 68 101 122 135 Damage Points: 64 In Service: 1972 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
8 0
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00
Propulsion: Diesel-Electric
Speed: 12120 kts
Crew: 80
Libya Damage Points:
Surface Speed:
Tachikaze DOG Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Displacement: 3850 std In Class:3 PB&SB(3)2 533mm TI w/ Mk48, Mk37 F/USA Assad PTM La Combantante llG PTG
Damage Points: 137 In Service: 1976 Sensors: Displacement: 670 fl In Class: 4 Displacement: 258 std In Class: 9
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts ZPS-4 J Damage Points: 31 In Service: 1979 Damage Points: 13 In Service: 1981
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 277 Z00-4 M Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 39 kts
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 SQS-36J hull M/USA Propulsion: Diesel Crew:88 Propulslon: Diesel Crew: 27
A(1 )1 Mk13 w/40 see remarks//2 SPG-51 D/USA Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 10 Weapons: Total Mounts: 6
F/A(1)2 Mk42127mm/54//1 FCS-1A C/USA Additional units Uzushio (566) struck in 1987; Makishio (567), 1988. PB&SB(1 )4 Otomat w/1 msl D/ltaly F(1)1 Compact 76mm/62 w/80 rds//1 Vega II C/ltaly
F(8)1 Mk112 w/8 ASROC E/USA Damage and Speed Breakdown: F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 RTN-10X C/ltaly A(2) 1 Dardo 40mm/70//1 Vega II C/ltaly
PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA Damage Points: O 16 32 48 58 64 A(2) 1 OE/OTO 35mm/90 C/ltaly PB&SB(1)4 Otomat w/1 msl D/ltaly
P/S(R)2 Mkl 5 Phalanx w/5 bursts C/USA Surface Speed: 12 9 6 3 0 Sinks PBISB(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm TI w/3 A.244s F/ltaly Sensors:
Sensors: SubmergedSpeed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks 2 Minelaying chutes w/8 mines Triton J/Frn
OPS-28 (170), OPS-17 (not 170), OPS-11 J Sensors: Remarks:
SPS-52 J/USA Yamagumo DD RAN-11UX J/ltaly Additional unit Waheedsunk on 24 May 1986. Otomat ROF 8 msls per turn
OQS-3 (not 170), OOS-4 (170) M Displacement: 2100 std In Class: 6 Diodon M/Frn (all mounts) at same target.
Remarks: Damage Points: 79 In Service: 1966 Deoca 1226 J/UK Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Mk13 launcher fires SM1MR and Harpoon. ASROC launcher auto reloads Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts ESM Damage Points: o 3 6 10 12 13
from belowdecks in DD 170 Sawakaze only. Mk13 ROF is 6 msls per minute. Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 210 Remarks: Surface Speed: 39 29 20 10 O Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Previously Wadi class. Names changed in 1983. Fitted with stabilizers. Otomat
Damage Points: O 34 69 103 124 137 F/A(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50//2 FCS-1 C/USA ROF 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. Poorly maintained; missiles Nanuchka II FFL
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks P&S(8)1 Mk16 w/8ASROC E/USA not usually fitted. Displacement: 560 std In Class: 3
F(4)1 Type 71 375mm ASW RL w/9 salvoes E Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 25 In Service: 1981
Takatsukl DD PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA Damage Points: 0 8 16 23 28 31 Damage Modrner: 1.00 Speed: 36 kts
Displacement: 3200 std In Class: 4 Sensors: Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 O Sinks Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 60
Damage Points: 116 In Service: 1967 OPS-11,0PS-17 J Weapons: Total Mounls: 4
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts SOS-23 (113-115), SQS-35 VOS (not in 115) M/USA Oat Assawarl FF PB&SB(2)2 SS-N-2C w/1 Styx D/USSR
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 270 OOS-3 (116-121) M Displacement: 1360 In Class: 1 F(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//1 Pop Group D/USSR
Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 54 In Service: 1973 A(2)1 AK-257 57mm/80//1 Muff Cob C/USSR
F(1)1 Mk42127mm/54//1 Mk35 C/USA Damage Points: O 20 40 59 71 79 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 35 kts Sensors:
F(8)1 Mk112 w/8 ASROC E/USA Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 130 Don 2, Square Tie J/USSR
A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/16 RIM-7Ml/1 FCS-2-128 D/USA Weapons: Total Mounts: 13 ESM
PB&PQ/SB&SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA Yubarl FF PB&SB(1)4 Teseo w/1 Otomat Mk2 D/ltaly Remarks:
A(R)l Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C/USA Displacement: 1470 std In Class: 2 F(4)1 Albatros w/4 Aspide//1 RTN-10X D/ltaly Ean Mara damaged on 25Mar1986. Additional unit Ean Zaquit#419 sunk 4
P&S(6)1 Type 71 375mm ASW RL w/9 salvoes E Damage Points: 58 In Service: 1983 F(1)1 Mk8 114mm/55//1 RTN-10X C/UK Mar 1986. SS-N-2C ROF 4 msls per turn (all mounts) at same targets.
PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm Tiw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts A(2)1 OE/OTO 35mm/90 C/ltaly Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Sensors: Propulsion: CODOG Crew:98 P/S(1)2 20mm/80 C/lntl Damage Points: O 6 13 19 23 25
OPS-11, OPS-17 J Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 PBISB(3)2 ILAS-3 324mm Tiw/3A.244s F/ltaly Surface Speed: 36 27 18 9 o Sinks
OQS-3 M PB&SB(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA P/S(1)2 Bofors 40mm/70 C/Sweden
SQR-18 towed array (164, 165) M/USA F(l )1 Compact 76mm/62//1 FCS-2-21 C/ltaly Sensors: Yugoslav Improved Koncar PTG
SQS-35 VOS (166, 167) M/USA F(4)1 Type 71 375mm ASW RL w/12 salvoes E Dia don M/Frn Dlsplacemant: 385 std In Class: 0+4
Remarks: PBISB(3)2 Type 68 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA RAN-10S, RAN-12L, SPQ-2 J/ltaly Damage Points: 12 In Service: ?
Unit#3 Mochizuki(166) and#4 Nagatsuki(167) have F/A(1)2 Mk42127mm, Sensors: Remarks: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 40 kts
no Harpoon, no Mk29 NATO SS, no Phalanx. Nagatsukihas 2 FCS-1. Unit OPS-, OPS-28 J Vosper Mk7 class. Teseo ROF 8 msls per tum at same target;Albatros ROF Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 30
#3 Kikizuki(165) has fin stabilizers. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 15 msls per turn. OQS-4 M 2 msls per turn. Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
No reloads for ASROC. Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown: PB&SB(1)4 SS-N-2C w/1 Styx D/USSR
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Will be fitted withA(R)1 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts. Damage Points: O 14 27 40 49 54 F(l )1 Compact 76mm/62 C/ltaly
Damage Points: 0 29 58 87 104 116 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 35 26 18 9 0 Sinks A(1 )1 Bofors 40mm/70 C/Sweden
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Damage Points: O 14 29 44 52 58 P/S(2)1 30mm c
SUrface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks EIHanl FF Sensors:
Towada AOE Displacement: 1700 std In Class: 2+1 Nav radar J/lntl
Displacement: 8300 std In Class: 1+2 Yushlo SS Damage Points: 65 In Service: 1986 Remarks:
Damage Points: 182 In Service: 1987 Displacement: 2730 subm In Class: 10 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts Yugoslav-built Radf Koncar class. Ordered in 1985. SS-N-2C ROF 4 msls
Damage Points: 41 In Service: 1980 Propulsion: CODAG Crew:? per turn (all mounts) at same target.
1990-91 Data Annex
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: A.SW ordnance for helicopters. Zuiderkruis has 20mm/80 vice 40mm/70. Will Zeeleeuw SS
Damage Points: 0 3 6 9 11 12 Damage Points: O 27 S4 82 98 109 receive Goalkeeper. Displacement: 2800 subm In Class: 0+4+2
Surface Speed: 40 30 20 10 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Polnta: S1 In Service: 1988
Damage Points: 0 74 149 223 268 297 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12120 kts
Karel Doorman FF surface Speed: 21 16 10 s o Sinks Propulelon: Diesel-Electric Crew: SO
Netherlands Displacement: 2800 It lnClass:O~ Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Damage Points: 102 In Service: 1992 Tripartite MH P8&SB(2)2 533mm TT w/20 see remarks F, D/USA
SS Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 29 kts Displacement: S10 std In Class: 13+2 Sensors:'
Dolfijn/Potvis Crew: 141 Damage Points: 20 In Service: 1983 ZW.07 'I J
In Class: 2 Propulsion: CODOG
Displacement: 1830 subm Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 1S kts
Weapons: Total Mounts: 10 Octopus M
Damage Points: 35 In Service: 196S
P8&PQ/S8&SQ(2)2 Mk141 w/2 Harpoon D/USA Propulslon: Diesel Crew: 34 Type 2026 towed array M/UK
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 14117 kts
F&A(16)1 Mk48 VLS Sea Sparrow w/16 RIM-7M//1 STIR Dnnu Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Remarks:
Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew:67
F(1)1 Super Rapid 76mm/62//1 STIR cntaly F( 1)1 DCN 20mm/90 C/Frn Can carry Mk48 torp, Harpoon, and NT37E torp. Filled with DUUX s Fenelon
Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
A(R)1 Goalkeeper 30mm w/6 bursts C/lntl 2 PAP104 passive ranging sonar (not a search sensor). Add 10°/o to Passive Fire Conlrol
P8&S8(2)2 S33mm TT w/4 NT37E torp F/USA
P/S(1)2 20mm/80 C/lntl Sensors: solution chance if target detected by this sonar. Netherlands government has not
PQ&S0(2)2 S33mm TT w/4 NT37E torp F/USA
PB/S8(2)2 324mm TTw/2 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA Decca 1229 J/UK purchased any Harpoon msls. Could draw msls from other NATO countries.
Sensors: DU8M 21, DU8M 41 (to be fined) Damage and Speed Breakdown:
J Aft Pad(1)1 SH-14 Lynx B
ZW.06 Remarks:
Sensors: Damage Points: O 13 26 38 46 S1
Sonar? M
DA.OS, LW.08 J A/kmaar class. Hull constructed of GRP. DU8M 21 and DU8M 41 sonars and Surface Speed: 12 9 6 3 o Sinks
Decca 1226 J/UK PAP104 mine disposal vehicles are for mine hunting only. Submerged Speed: 20 1S 1o S o Sinks
Additional units Dolfijn struck in 1985; Zeehound, 1987. Last two units will be
PHS-36 M Damage and Speed Breakdown:
struck in 1991 and 1992. Number of tarps carried estimated. Sonar type
DS8V 61 towed array M/Frn Damage Points: O S 10 1s 18 20 Zuiderkruis AO
unknown; use Dolfijn/P sonar in Annex M. Surface Speed: 1S 11 8 4 o Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks: Displacement: 17357 std In Class: 1
18 26 32 3S M<:lass frigate. Low noise propellers (quieted). FC radars STIR 18; STIR 24. Damage Points: 304 In Service: 1975
Damage Points: O 9
Surface Speed: 14 10 7 4 0 Sinks Stabilization system fitted. Mk43 ROF 1S msls/1um. Tromp DOG Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 21 kts
0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 3665 std In Class: 2 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 266
Submerged Speed: 17 13 8 4
Damage Points: 0 26 S1 77 92 102 Damage Points: 98 In Service: 1975 Weapons: Total Mounts: 8
Surface Speed: 29 22 14 7 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 0.7S Speed: 28 kts P/S(1 )2 20mm/SO C/lntl
Friesland DD Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 30S 1 DC rail w/8 DC Enntl
Displacement: 2497 std In Class: (8)
In Service: 1956 Kortenaer FF Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 Alt Pad( 1)S SH-14 Lynx B
Damage Points: 92 In ClaH: 10 P8&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA Sensors:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 36 kts Displacemen1: 3000 std
Damage Points: 109 In Service: 1978 A(t)1 Mk13 w/40 SM1 MR//2 SPG-51 D/USA 2 Decca 1226 J/UK
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 284 F(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M D/USA Remarks:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed:30kts
Weapons: Total Mounts: 12
Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 176 F(2) 1 Bofors 120mm/50//1 WM25 C/Sweden Ca~ carry ASW am"'!o and other stores to support up to 5ASW helos. 2 fueling
F/A(2)2 8ofors 120mm/S0//1 M4S C/Sweden
Weapons: Totsl Mounts: 9 PB/S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TTw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA stations and one sohd transfer station per side. Can carry ASW ordnance for
P8&P/P/P&POIS8&S/S/S&SQ(1)6 40mm/60//1 M4S cnntl
PB&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA Alt Pad(1)1 SH-14 Lynx B helicopters.
F(4)2 8ofors 37Smm mortar//1 Type 1708 E/Sweden
F(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//1 STIR D/USA Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
2 DC rail E/lntl
F(1 )1 Compact 76mm/62//1 WM2S C/ltsly SPS-01 J Damage Points: O 76 1S2 228 274 304
Sensors: 2 Decca 1226 J/UK Surface Speed: 21 16 10 s 0 Sinks
Aft Pad(1)2 SH-14 Lynx B
LW.02, DA.01, ZW.01 J Type 162 M/UK
PB/S8(2)2 Mk32 324mm TTw/2 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA
Type 162 M/UK ED0610(CWE610) M/USA
A(1 )1 Bofors 40mmno C/Sweden Zwaardvis SS
Sensors: Remarks: Displacement: 2640 subm In Class: 2
D817 Utrecht fitted with P/S (4)2 S33mm TT with ASW torpedoes in 1960; Fitt~d with fin stabilizers. Quieted. Aluminum superstructure. 8 reload msls
LW.08, ZW.06, DA.OS J Damage Points: 48 In Service: 1972
0815 Overijsselin 1961. Torpedo type unknown. Tubes were later removed. earned for Mk141 Harpoon launcher (manual reload). 8 reload msls carried
SOS-SOS M/Can Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 13120 kts
Two 40mm mounts (PB&P, SB&S) removed in mid-1960s. FC radar for re- for NATO SS launcher (manual reload). Mk29 NATO SS ROF 1S msls per
Remarks: Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 67
maining 40mm removed in 1977-78. In early 1970s UK sonars replaced by turn.
Quieted. F807 and F808 initially had 2 76mm guns, second mount replacing Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
EDO 610 (CWE 610). Replaced by Standard frigates. Have side armor as Damage and Speed Breakdown:
40mmno. FS07 had aft 76mm gun replaced by 1(1)40mm/70 in 1982; FSOS PB&S8(3)2 533mm TT w/20 see remarks F/USA
well as deck protection. General Armor Rating: L. Damage Points: O 25 49 74 88 98
had aft 76mm replaced by (R)1 Goalkeeper 30mm in 1984. Fitted with stabi- Sensors:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 O Sinks
lizers. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 1S msls per tum. 13th and 14th units will have Type 1001 J/UK
Damage Points: O 23 46 69 83 92
16-rd VL Sea Sparrow aft in place of 8-cell launcher. Eventual expansion to Eledone M/Frn
Surface Speed: 36 27 18 9 O Sinks
32 msls. Van Speijk FF Type 2026 towed array M/UK
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 2200 std In Class: 2 Remarks:
Jacob van Heemskerck FFG Damage Points: 0 27 S4 82 98 109 Damage Points: 82 In Service: 1967 Modified USA Barbel class. Normal TT load out 1ONT37E, 1O Mk48 torp. Can
Displacement: 3000 std In Class: 2
Surface Speed: 30 22 1S 8 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts control ony one wire-guided torpedo at a time.
Damage Points: 109 In Service: 1986 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 180 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Weapons:
Poolster AO Total Mounts: 8 Damage Points: O 12 24 36 44 48
Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 196
Displacement: 16836 fl In Class: 1 P8&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA Surface Speed: 13 1o 6 3 0 Sinks
Total Mounts: 7
D/USA Damage Points: 297 In Service: 1964 P&POIS&SQ(4)2 Sea Cat w/4 msls//2 M44 D/UK Submerged Speed: 20 1S 10 s 0 Sinks
P8&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 M4S C/ltaly
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 21 kts
A(1)1 Mk13w/40 SM1MR//2 STIR 24 D/USA PB/S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TTw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA
F(8)1 Mk29 NATOSeaSparroww/8 RIM-7M//1STIR18 D/USA Propulsion: Steam
Crew: 200
To1al Mounts: 8 Alt Pad(1)1 SH-14 Lynx B Norway
A(R)1 Goalkeeper 30mm w/6 bursts C/lntl Sensors:
P/S(1 )2 8ofors 40mm/70 C/Sweden
PB/S8(2)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/2 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA DA.OS/2, LW.03
1 DC rail w/8 DC E/lntl J Hauk PTM
Sensors: Decca 1992C (Decca series) J/UK
Alt Pad( 1)5 SH-14 Lynx B Displacement: 120 std In Class: 14
ZW.06, DA.OS, LW.08 J ED0700VDS M/USA
M Sensors: Damage Points: 6 In Service: 1978
PHS36 J/UK EDO 610 (CWE 610), SQR-18 towed array M/USA
Decca 1229, Decca 24S9 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 3S kts
Remarks: M/USA Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Total of 24 RIM-7M carried for NATO SS (manual reload). DA.OS may be EDO 610 (CWE 610) Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 22
Damage Points: O 21 41 62 74 82
replaced w/SMART radar later; also SQR-18 towed array sonar may be added. ESM Weapons: Total Mounts: 10
Remarks: Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 O Sinks
P8&S8(1)6 Penguin Mk2 w/1 msl D
Decca 24S9 dual Fil-band radar replaced DA.01 for trials in 1983. Can carry F( 1) 1 8ofors 40mm/70 C/Sweden
1990-91 Data Annex
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: A.SW ordnance for helicopters. Zuiderkruis has 20mm/80 vice 40mm/70. Will Zeeleeuw SS
Damage Points: 0 3 6 9 11 12 Damage Points: O 27 S4 82 98 109 receive Goalkeeper. Displacement: 2800 subm In Class: 0+4+2
Surface Speed: 40 30 20 10 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Polnta: S1 In Service: 1988
Damage Points: 0 74 149 223 268 297 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12120 kts
Karel Doorman FF surface Speed: 21 16 10 s o Sinks Propulelon: Diesel-Electric Crew: SO
Netherlands Displacement: 2800 It lnClass:O~ Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Damage Points: 102 In Service: 1992 Tripartite MH P8&SB(2)2 533mm TT w/20 see remarks F, D/USA
SS Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 29 kts Displacement: S10 std In Class: 13+2 Sensors:'
Dolfijn/Potvis Crew: 141 Damage Points: 20 In Service: 1983 ZW.07 'I J
In Class: 2 Propulsion: CODOG
Displacement: 1830 subm Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 1S kts
Weapons: Total Mounts: 10 Octopus M
Damage Points: 35 In Service: 196S
P8&PQ/S8&SQ(2)2 Mk141 w/2 Harpoon D/USA Propulslon: Diesel Crew: 34 Type 2026 towed array M/UK
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 14117 kts
F&A(16)1 Mk48 VLS Sea Sparrow w/16 RIM-7M//1 STIR Dnnu Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Remarks:
Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew:67
F(1)1 Super Rapid 76mm/62//1 STIR cntaly F( 1)1 DCN 20mm/90 C/Frn Can carry Mk48 torp, Harpoon, and NT37E torp. Filled with DUUX s Fenelon
Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
A(R)1 Goalkeeper 30mm w/6 bursts C/lntl 2 PAP104 passive ranging sonar (not a search sensor). Add 10°/o to Passive Fire Conlrol
P8&S8(2)2 S33mm TT w/4 NT37E torp F/USA
P/S(1)2 20mm/80 C/lntl Sensors: solution chance if target detected by this sonar. Netherlands government has not
PQ&S0(2)2 S33mm TT w/4 NT37E torp F/USA
PB/S8(2)2 324mm TTw/2 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA Decca 1229 J/UK purchased any Harpoon msls. Could draw msls from other NATO countries.
Sensors: DU8M 21, DU8M 41 (to be fined) Damage and Speed Breakdown:
J Aft Pad(1)1 SH-14 Lynx B
ZW.06 Remarks:
Sensors: Damage Points: O 13 26 38 46 S1
Sonar? M
DA.OS, LW.08 J A/kmaar class. Hull constructed of GRP. DU8M 21 and DU8M 41 sonars and Surface Speed: 12 9 6 3 o Sinks
Decca 1226 J/UK PAP104 mine disposal vehicles are for mine hunting only. Submerged Speed: 20 1S 1o S o Sinks
Additional units Dolfijn struck in 1985; Zeehound, 1987. Last two units will be
PHS-36 M Damage and Speed Breakdown:
struck in 1991 and 1992. Number of tarps carried estimated. Sonar type
DS8V 61 towed array M/Frn Damage Points: O S 10 1s 18 20 Zuiderkruis AO
unknown; use Dolfijn/P sonar in Annex M. Surface Speed: 1S 11 8 4 o Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks: Displacement: 17357 std In Class: 1
18 26 32 3S M<:lass frigate. Low noise propellers (quieted). FC radars STIR 18; STIR 24. Damage Points: 304 In Service: 1975
Damage Points: O 9
Surface Speed: 14 10 7 4 0 Sinks Stabilization system fitted. Mk43 ROF 1S msls/1um. Tromp DOG Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 21 kts
0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 3665 std In Class: 2 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 266
Submerged Speed: 17 13 8 4
Damage Points: 0 26 S1 77 92 102 Damage Points: 98 In Service: 1975 Weapons: Total Mounts: 8
Surface Speed: 29 22 14 7 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 0.7S Speed: 28 kts P/S(1 )2 20mm/SO C/lntl
Friesland DD Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 30S 1 DC rail w/8 DC Enntl
Displacement: 2497 std In Class: (8)
In Service: 1956 Kortenaer FF Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 Alt Pad( 1)S SH-14 Lynx B
Damage Points: 92 In ClaH: 10 P8&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA Sensors:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 36 kts Displacemen1: 3000 std
Damage Points: 109 In Service: 1978 A(t)1 Mk13 w/40 SM1 MR//2 SPG-51 D/USA 2 Decca 1226 J/UK
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 284 F(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M D/USA Remarks:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed:30kts
Weapons: Total Mounts: 12
Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 176 F(2) 1 Bofors 120mm/50//1 WM25 C/Sweden Ca~ carry ASW am"'!o and other stores to support up to 5ASW helos. 2 fueling
F/A(2)2 8ofors 120mm/S0//1 M4S C/Sweden
Weapons: Totsl Mounts: 9 PB/S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TTw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA stations and one sohd transfer station per side. Can carry ASW ordnance for
P8&P/P/P&POIS8&S/S/S&SQ(1)6 40mm/60//1 M4S cnntl
PB&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA Alt Pad(1)1 SH-14 Lynx B helicopters.
F(4)2 8ofors 37Smm mortar//1 Type 1708 E/Sweden
F(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//1 STIR D/USA Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
2 DC rail E/lntl
F(1 )1 Compact 76mm/62//1 WM2S C/ltsly SPS-01 J Damage Points: O 76 1S2 228 274 304
Sensors: 2 Decca 1226 J/UK Surface Speed: 21 16 10 s 0 Sinks
Aft Pad(1)2 SH-14 Lynx B
LW.02, DA.01, ZW.01 J Type 162 M/UK
PB/S8(2)2 Mk32 324mm TTw/2 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA
Type 162 M/UK ED0610(CWE610) M/USA
A(1 )1 Bofors 40mmno C/Sweden Zwaardvis SS
Sensors: Remarks: Displacement: 2640 subm In Class: 2
D817 Utrecht fitted with P/S (4)2 S33mm TT with ASW torpedoes in 1960; Fitt~d with fin stabilizers. Quieted. Aluminum superstructure. 8 reload msls
LW.08, ZW.06, DA.OS J Damage Points: 48 In Service: 1972
0815 Overijsselin 1961. Torpedo type unknown. Tubes were later removed. earned for Mk141 Harpoon launcher (manual reload). 8 reload msls carried
SOS-SOS M/Can Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 13120 kts
Two 40mm mounts (PB&P, SB&S) removed in mid-1960s. FC radar for re- for NATO SS launcher (manual reload). Mk29 NATO SS ROF 1S msls per
Remarks: Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 67
maining 40mm removed in 1977-78. In early 1970s UK sonars replaced by turn.
Quieted. F807 and F808 initially had 2 76mm guns, second mount replacing Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
EDO 610 (CWE 610). Replaced by Standard frigates. Have side armor as Damage and Speed Breakdown:
40mmno. FS07 had aft 76mm gun replaced by 1(1)40mm/70 in 1982; FSOS PB&S8(3)2 533mm TT w/20 see remarks F/USA
well as deck protection. General Armor Rating: L. Damage Points: O 25 49 74 88 98
had aft 76mm replaced by (R)1 Goalkeeper 30mm in 1984. Fitted with stabi- Sensors:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 O Sinks
lizers. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 1S msls per tum. 13th and 14th units will have Type 1001 J/UK
Damage Points: O 23 46 69 83 92
16-rd VL Sea Sparrow aft in place of 8-cell launcher. Eventual expansion to Eledone M/Frn
Surface Speed: 36 27 18 9 O Sinks
32 msls. Van Speijk FF Type 2026 towed array M/UK
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 2200 std In Class: 2 Remarks:
Jacob van Heemskerck FFG Damage Points: 0 27 S4 82 98 109 Damage Points: 82 In Service: 1967 Modified USA Barbel class. Normal TT load out 1ONT37E, 1O Mk48 torp. Can
Displacement: 3000 std In Class: 2
Surface Speed: 30 22 1S 8 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts control ony one wire-guided torpedo at a time.
Damage Points: 109 In Service: 1986 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 180 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Weapons:
Poolster AO Total Mounts: 8 Damage Points: O 12 24 36 44 48
Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 196
Displacement: 16836 fl In Class: 1 P8&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA Surface Speed: 13 1o 6 3 0 Sinks
Total Mounts: 7
D/USA Damage Points: 297 In Service: 1964 P&POIS&SQ(4)2 Sea Cat w/4 msls//2 M44 D/UK Submerged Speed: 20 1S 10 s 0 Sinks
P8&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon F(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 M4S C/ltaly
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 21 kts
A(1)1 Mk13w/40 SM1MR//2 STIR 24 D/USA PB/S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TTw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA
F(8)1 Mk29 NATOSeaSparroww/8 RIM-7M//1STIR18 D/USA Propulsion: Steam
Crew: 200
To1al Mounts: 8 Alt Pad(1)1 SH-14 Lynx B Norway
A(R)1 Goalkeeper 30mm w/6 bursts C/lntl Sensors:
P/S(1 )2 8ofors 40mm/70 C/Sweden
PB/S8(2)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/2 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA DA.OS/2, LW.03
1 DC rail w/8 DC E/lntl J Hauk PTM
Sensors: Decca 1992C (Decca series) J/UK
Alt Pad( 1)5 SH-14 Lynx B Displacement: 120 std In Class: 14
ZW.06, DA.OS, LW.08 J ED0700VDS M/USA
M Sensors: Damage Points: 6 In Service: 1978
PHS36 J/UK EDO 610 (CWE 610), SQR-18 towed array M/USA
Decca 1229, Decca 24S9 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 3S kts
Remarks: M/USA Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Total of 24 RIM-7M carried for NATO SS (manual reload). DA.OS may be EDO 610 (CWE 610) Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 22
Damage Points: O 21 41 62 74 82
replaced w/SMART radar later; also SQR-18 towed array sonar may be added. ESM Weapons: Total Mounts: 10
Remarks: Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 O Sinks
P8&S8(1)6 Penguin Mk2 w/1 msl D
Decca 24S9 dual Fil-band radar replaced DA.01 for trials in 1983. Can carry F( 1) 1 8ofors 40mm/70 C/Sweden
1990-91 Data Annex
weapons: Total Mounts: 12 echo. Older units have 145.mm arcs FIA.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Ship must be pointed directly at target to fire RBUs. Some may be non-
F/A(2)2 Type 76 57mm/70 C/USSR Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 14 29 43 52 57 operational.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: F/A(2)2 2M-8 25mm/60 C/USSR Damtlf}e Points: O 1 2
Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 O Sinks
Damage Points: O 3 7 10 12 13 (5)4 ABU 1200 w/5 salvoes E/USSR Surface Speed: 50 25 Sinks
Surface Speed: 18 13 9 5 0 Sinks 2 BMB-2 DC proj w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR
Vasco Da Gama FF
2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR Jiang dong FFG
Displacement: 2900 std In Class: 0+3 sensors: Displacement: 1568 std In Class: 2
Damage Points: 76 In Service: 1990 Ex-USSR Riga FFG pot Head or Skin Head Ji USSR
lnClass:4 Damage Points: 61 In Service: 1974
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts Displacement: 1186 std SS12 VDS (two units) M/Frn
In Service: 1959 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 2B kts
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 184 Damage Points: 3B ramir 11 Mi USSR
Speed: 2B kts Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 185
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Remarks:
Crew: 170 Weapons: Total Mounts: 14
PB&PO/SB&SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA Propulsion: Steam PRC has purchased SS12 VOS sonars from France (1987) for tests. More
Total Mounts: 12 F/A(2)2 Bu-34 100mm/56//1 Sun Visor B C/USSR
A(B)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/B Aspide//1 STIR D/ltaly Weapons: may be purchased later. ABU 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be pointed di-
2F/1A(1)3 Bu-34100mm/56//1 Sun Visor C/USSR P/S(2)4 37mm/63//1 Rice Lam;>-- c
F(1)1M1953100mm/55//1 STIR C/Frn rectly at target to fire RBUs.
F(R)1 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C/USA P/S(2)2 37mm/63 c Damage and Speed Breakdown:
(5)2 ABU 1200 w/5 salvoes
( 13)2 BMB-2 DC proj w/10 B-1 DC
I PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA 2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR Damage Points: O 5 9 14 17 19
E/USSR 2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR
Aft Pad(1 )1 Lynx HAS.3 B/UK 4 BMB-2 DC Proj w/10 B-1 DC Surface Speed: 30 22 15 B 0 Sinks
D F/A(1)2 RF61//2 Fog Lamp D
Sensors: PB&SB(2)1 HY-2 w/2 msls
M/Can Sensors:
J/USSR Han SSN Rice Screen (1 unit), Type 756 J
DA.OB, MW.OB J/Nethl Neptune, Slim Net, Square Tie
J Displacement: 4500 subm In Class: 3+1 Square lie, Fin Curve J/USSR
Type 1007 J/UK Type 756 Damage Points: 88 In Service: 1974 Pegas
Remarks: Pegas Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22125 kts Remarks:
I Ordered in Oct 19B5. Fitted with stabilizers. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 15 msls per Remarks:
Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 100 Type 053Kclass. PRC-designed SAM system not operationaJ until early 1980s.
turn. Space provided for towed array and VL Sea Sparrow. Helo type esti- Chengdu or Type 01 class. HY-2 ROF 2 msls per turn (both mounts) at the
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 May still have problems. ABU 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be pointed di-
mated. same target. Not all units have aft 100mm mount.
PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/1B 53VA torp F/USSR rectly at tergel to fire RBUs.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
II Damage Points:
Surface Speed: 31
0 19
Damage Points:
Surface Speed:
Sinks Tamir
Periscope radar
Damage Points:
Surface Speed:
Fuquing AO n
People's Republic of China (PRC) Displacement: 14600 std In Class: 3
loadout estimated. Possibly fitted with DUUX 5 Fenelon passive ranging
sonar(nota search sensor).Add 10% to Passive Fire Control solution chance
Jianghu I
Displacement: 1568 std In Class: 18
Damage Points: 270 In Service: 1980 if target detected by this sonar.
Speed: 1B kts Damage Points: 61 In Service: 1975
DOG Damage Modifier: 1.00 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Ex-USSR Gordy Crew: 146 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts
In Class:4 Propulsion: Diesel Damage Points: 0 22 44 66 79 BB Propulsion: Diesel
Displacement: 1657 std Total Mounts: 0 Crew: 195
In Service: 1954 Weapons: Surface Speed: 22 17 11 6 0 Sinks
Damage Points: 52 Weapons: Total Mounts: 1B
Speed: 32 kts None Submerged Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks F/A(1)2 Bu-34 100mm/56//1 Wok Non
Damage Modifier: 0.9 C/USSR
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 205
2 Fin Curve J PB&P/P/P&PO/SB&S/S/S&S0(2)6 37mm/63 c
Weapons: Total Mounts: 14
Hegu PTM PB&SB(2)2 HY-2 w/2 msls D
F/A(1)4 B-13-2C 130mm/50//1 Four Eyes optical C/USSR Displacement: 6B std In Class: 110 (5)2 ABU 1200 w/5 salvoes E/USSR
2 liquid replenishment stations per side and one solid transfer stati~n pe~ side.
F/A/P/S(2)4 37mm/63 c Helo pad aft but no hangar. Provision for (2)4 37mm/63AA. One umt assigned
Damage Points: 4 In Service: 1960 4 BMB-2 DC Proj w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR
2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 37 kts 2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR
D to each fleet operating area. Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 17 Sensors:
PB&SB(2)2 HY-2 w/2 msls
E/USSR Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons:
2 BMB-1 DC Proj w/10 B-1 DC 270 Total Mounts: 3 Type 756, Eye Shield J
Damage Points: 0 67 135 202 243
Sensors: F(2) 1 2M-B 25mm/60 C/USSR Don 2 or Fin Curve (PRC), Square Tie J/USSR
Surface Speed: 1B 14 9 4 0 Sinks
Ball End, Cross Bird, Square Tie, High Sieve J/USSR PB&SB(1)2 HY-2 w/1 msls D Pegas M/USSR
Fin Curve (PRC) or Neptune (USSR) J Sensors: Remarks:
Pegas M/USSR Haiju PC Square Tie J/USSR Equipment problems. Fitted with stabilizers, but never used. Air conditioning
Displacement: 400 In Class: 1+ Remarks: turned on infrequently to reduce load on generators. 1OOmm guns loaded by
Anshan or Type 07 class. Some may have triple vice dual HY-2 launchers. Damage Points: 20 In Service: 1989? PRC-built Komar design. 3 Komar units delivered in 1976; now deleted. One hand. Does not have rigs for alongside RAS. No fire control radars; optical
HY-2 ROF 2 msls per turn (both mounts) at same target Two units (103 and Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts additional unit (Hema class) has F/A(2)2 25mm/BO. HY-2 ROF 2 msls per director only. HY-2 ROF 2 msls per turn (both launchers) at same target. ABU
Propulsion: Diesel Crew:? turn (both launchers) at same target. HY-2 launchers being replaced by (2)2 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be pointed directly at target to fire RBUs.
104) may be in reserve.
Weapons: Total Mounts: 1O C801. C801 ROF 4 msls per turn (both launchers) at same target. Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
47 52 F/A(2)2 Type 76 57mm/70 C/USSR
Damage Points: O 13 26 39 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: O 15 31 46 55 61
B 0 Sinks F/A(2)2 AK-230 30mm/65 C/USSR Damage Points: O 2 4
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 Surface Spsed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks
(5)4 ABU 1200 w/5 salvoes E/USSR Surface Speed: 37 1B Sinks
2 DC rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR
Ex-USSR Kronshtadt PC Jianghu II FF
In Class: 20 Sensors: Huchuan PTH Displacement: 1586 std In Class: 5
Displacement: 303 std J/USSR
In Service: 1955 Pot Head Displacement: 39 std In Class: 120+ Damage Points: 62 In Service: 1975
Damage Points: 13 M/USSR
Speed: 1B kts Tamir 11 Damage Points: 2 In Service: 1966 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts
Damage Modifier: 0.9
Crew: 51 Remarks: . Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 50 kts Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 195
Propulsion: Diesel Improved Hainan class. RBU 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be pointed di-
Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 11 Weapons: Total Mounts: 12
CIUSSR rectly at target to fire RBUs. Displacement and sonar type estimated. Weapons:
F(1 )1 Model 90K B5mm/52 Total Mounts: 4 P&S(2)2 HY-2 w/2 msls//1 Square Tie D
C/USSR Damage and Speed Breakdown: A(2)2 14.5mm mg
A(1)2 Model 70K37mm/63 20 C/USSR F/A(2)2 Bu-34 100mm/56//1 Optical dir. C/USSR
Damage Points: 0 5 10 15 1B
(5)2 ABU 1200 w/5 salvoes E/USSR
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 B 0 Sinks
PB&SB(1)2 533mm TTw/1Type53-56 torp F/USSR PB&P/P&PQ/SB&S/S&S0(2)4 37mm/63 c
2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR Sensors: (5)2 ABU 1200 w/5 salvoes E/USSR
2 BMB-1 DC Proj w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR Skin Head (early units) J/USSR 2 BMB-2 DC proj w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR
Sensors: Hal nan PG Type 756 (later units) J 2 DC rail w/10 B-1 DC E/IUSSR
J Displacement: 375 std In Class:44 Remarks: Sensors:
Ball End (USSR) or Fin Curve (PRC)
M/USSR Damage Points: 19 In Service: 1964 Hydrofoil. Treat as large radar target if travelling at 25 knots or more. The Type 756, Eye Shield J
Tamir 11
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts rooster tail thrown up when the ship is foilborne increases the size of the radar Square lie J/USSR
Six transferred from USSR 1955; rest Chinese-built. RBU 1200 fixed in train. Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 70
GOW 1990·91 Data Annex
weapons: Total Mounts: 12 echo. Older units have 145.mm arcs FIA.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Ship must be pointed directly at target to fire RBUs. Some may be non-
F/A(2)2 Type 76 57mm/70 C/USSR Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 14 29 43 52 57 operational.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: F/A(2)2 2M-8 25mm/60 C/USSR Damtlf}e Points: O 1 2
Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 O Sinks
Damage Points: O 3 7 10 12 13 (5)4 ABU 1200 w/5 salvoes E/USSR Surface Speed: 50 25 Sinks
Surface Speed: 18 13 9 5 0 Sinks 2 BMB-2 DC proj w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR
Vasco Da Gama FF
2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR Jiang dong FFG
Displacement: 2900 std In Class: 0+3 sensors: Displacement: 1568 std In Class: 2
Damage Points: 76 In Service: 1990 Ex-USSR Riga FFG pot Head or Skin Head Ji USSR
lnClass:4 Damage Points: 61 In Service: 1974
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts Displacement: 1186 std SS12 VDS (two units) M/Frn
In Service: 1959 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 2B kts
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 184 Damage Points: 3B ramir 11 Mi USSR
Speed: 2B kts Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 185
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Remarks:
Crew: 170 Weapons: Total Mounts: 14
PB&PO/SB&SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA Propulsion: Steam PRC has purchased SS12 VOS sonars from France (1987) for tests. More
Total Mounts: 12 F/A(2)2 Bu-34 100mm/56//1 Sun Visor B C/USSR
A(B)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/B Aspide//1 STIR D/ltaly Weapons: may be purchased later. ABU 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be pointed di-
2F/1A(1)3 Bu-34100mm/56//1 Sun Visor C/USSR P/S(2)4 37mm/63//1 Rice Lam;>-- c
F(1)1M1953100mm/55//1 STIR C/Frn rectly at target to fire RBUs.
F(R)1 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C/USA P/S(2)2 37mm/63 c Damage and Speed Breakdown:
(5)2 ABU 1200 w/5 salvoes
( 13)2 BMB-2 DC proj w/10 B-1 DC
I PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA 2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR Damage Points: O 5 9 14 17 19
E/USSR 2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR
Aft Pad(1 )1 Lynx HAS.3 B/UK 4 BMB-2 DC Proj w/10 B-1 DC Surface Speed: 30 22 15 B 0 Sinks
D F/A(1)2 RF61//2 Fog Lamp D
Sensors: PB&SB(2)1 HY-2 w/2 msls
M/Can Sensors:
J/USSR Han SSN Rice Screen (1 unit), Type 756 J
DA.OB, MW.OB J/Nethl Neptune, Slim Net, Square Tie
J Displacement: 4500 subm In Class: 3+1 Square lie, Fin Curve J/USSR
Type 1007 J/UK Type 756 Damage Points: 88 In Service: 1974 Pegas
Remarks: Pegas Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22125 kts Remarks:
I Ordered in Oct 19B5. Fitted with stabilizers. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 15 msls per Remarks:
Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 100 Type 053Kclass. PRC-designed SAM system not operationaJ until early 1980s.
turn. Space provided for towed array and VL Sea Sparrow. Helo type esti- Chengdu or Type 01 class. HY-2 ROF 2 msls per turn (both mounts) at the
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 May still have problems. ABU 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be pointed di-
mated. same target. Not all units have aft 100mm mount.
PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/1B 53VA torp F/USSR rectly at tergel to fire RBUs.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
II Damage Points:
Surface Speed: 31
0 19
Damage Points:
Surface Speed:
Sinks Tamir
Periscope radar
Damage Points:
Surface Speed:
Fuquing AO n
People's Republic of China (PRC) Displacement: 14600 std In Class: 3
loadout estimated. Possibly fitted with DUUX 5 Fenelon passive ranging
sonar(nota search sensor).Add 10% to Passive Fire Control solution chance
Jianghu I
Displacement: 1568 std In Class: 18
Damage Points: 270 In Service: 1980 if target detected by this sonar.
Speed: 1B kts Damage Points: 61 In Service: 1975
DOG Damage Modifier: 1.00 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Ex-USSR Gordy Crew: 146 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts
In Class:4 Propulsion: Diesel Damage Points: 0 22 44 66 79 BB Propulsion: Diesel
Displacement: 1657 std Total Mounts: 0 Crew: 195
In Service: 1954 Weapons: Surface Speed: 22 17 11 6 0 Sinks
Damage Points: 52 Weapons: Total Mounts: 1B
Speed: 32 kts None Submerged Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks F/A(1)2 Bu-34 100mm/56//1 Wok Non
Damage Modifier: 0.9 C/USSR
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 205
2 Fin Curve J PB&P/P/P&PO/SB&S/S/S&S0(2)6 37mm/63 c
Weapons: Total Mounts: 14
Hegu PTM PB&SB(2)2 HY-2 w/2 msls D
F/A(1)4 B-13-2C 130mm/50//1 Four Eyes optical C/USSR Displacement: 6B std In Class: 110 (5)2 ABU 1200 w/5 salvoes E/USSR
2 liquid replenishment stations per side and one solid transfer stati~n pe~ side.
F/A/P/S(2)4 37mm/63 c Helo pad aft but no hangar. Provision for (2)4 37mm/63AA. One umt assigned
Damage Points: 4 In Service: 1960 4 BMB-2 DC Proj w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR
2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 37 kts 2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR
D to each fleet operating area. Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 17 Sensors:
PB&SB(2)2 HY-2 w/2 msls
E/USSR Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons:
2 BMB-1 DC Proj w/10 B-1 DC 270 Total Mounts: 3 Type 756, Eye Shield J
Damage Points: 0 67 135 202 243
Sensors: F(2) 1 2M-B 25mm/60 C/USSR Don 2 or Fin Curve (PRC), Square Tie J/USSR
Surface Speed: 1B 14 9 4 0 Sinks
Ball End, Cross Bird, Square Tie, High Sieve J/USSR PB&SB(1)2 HY-2 w/1 msls D Pegas M/USSR
Fin Curve (PRC) or Neptune (USSR) J Sensors: Remarks:
Pegas M/USSR Haiju PC Square Tie J/USSR Equipment problems. Fitted with stabilizers, but never used. Air conditioning
Displacement: 400 In Class: 1+ Remarks: turned on infrequently to reduce load on generators. 1OOmm guns loaded by
Anshan or Type 07 class. Some may have triple vice dual HY-2 launchers. Damage Points: 20 In Service: 1989? PRC-built Komar design. 3 Komar units delivered in 1976; now deleted. One hand. Does not have rigs for alongside RAS. No fire control radars; optical
HY-2 ROF 2 msls per turn (both mounts) at same target Two units (103 and Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts additional unit (Hema class) has F/A(2)2 25mm/BO. HY-2 ROF 2 msls per director only. HY-2 ROF 2 msls per turn (both launchers) at same target. ABU
Propulsion: Diesel Crew:? turn (both launchers) at same target. HY-2 launchers being replaced by (2)2 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be pointed directly at target to fire RBUs.
104) may be in reserve.
Weapons: Total Mounts: 1O C801. C801 ROF 4 msls per turn (both launchers) at same target. Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
47 52 F/A(2)2 Type 76 57mm/70 C/USSR
Damage Points: O 13 26 39 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: O 15 31 46 55 61
B 0 Sinks F/A(2)2 AK-230 30mm/65 C/USSR Damage Points: O 2 4
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 Surface Spsed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks
(5)4 ABU 1200 w/5 salvoes E/USSR Surface Speed: 37 1B Sinks
2 DC rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR
Ex-USSR Kronshtadt PC Jianghu II FF
In Class: 20 Sensors: Huchuan PTH Displacement: 1586 std In Class: 5
Displacement: 303 std J/USSR
In Service: 1955 Pot Head Displacement: 39 std In Class: 120+ Damage Points: 62 In Service: 1975
Damage Points: 13 M/USSR
Speed: 1B kts Tamir 11 Damage Points: 2 In Service: 1966 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts
Damage Modifier: 0.9
Crew: 51 Remarks: . Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 50 kts Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 195
Propulsion: Diesel Improved Hainan class. RBU 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be pointed di-
Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 11 Weapons: Total Mounts: 12
CIUSSR rectly at target to fire RBUs. Displacement and sonar type estimated. Weapons:
F(1 )1 Model 90K B5mm/52 Total Mounts: 4 P&S(2)2 HY-2 w/2 msls//1 Square Tie D
C/USSR Damage and Speed Breakdown: A(2)2 14.5mm mg
A(1)2 Model 70K37mm/63 20 C/USSR F/A(2)2 Bu-34 100mm/56//1 Optical dir. C/USSR
Damage Points: 0 5 10 15 1B
(5)2 ABU 1200 w/5 salvoes E/USSR
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 B 0 Sinks
PB&SB(1)2 533mm TTw/1Type53-56 torp F/USSR PB&P/P&PQ/SB&S/S&S0(2)4 37mm/63 c
2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR Sensors: (5)2 ABU 1200 w/5 salvoes E/USSR
2 BMB-1 DC Proj w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR Skin Head (early units) J/USSR 2 BMB-2 DC proj w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR
Sensors: Hal nan PG Type 756 (later units) J 2 DC rail w/10 B-1 DC E/IUSSR
J Displacement: 375 std In Class:44 Remarks: Sensors:
Ball End (USSR) or Fin Curve (PRC)
M/USSR Damage Points: 19 In Service: 1964 Hydrofoil. Treat as large radar target if travelling at 25 knots or more. The Type 756, Eye Shield J
Tamir 11
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts rooster tail thrown up when the ship is foilborne increases the size of the radar Square lie J/USSR
Six transferred from USSR 1955; rest Chinese-built. RBU 1200 fixed in train. Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 70
Pegas M/USSR Sensors: Hercules or Tamir, Feniks M/USSR PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/12 53VA torp F/USSR
Remarks: Neptune or Fin Curvve (PRC), Ball End J/USSR Remarks: PO&S0(2)1 533mm TT w/2 53VA torp F/USSR
Chinese Project EF3H or Changsha class. 100mm FC is simple stereoscopic Pegas, Tamir 11 M/USSR As many as 50 may be in nonoperational status. Sensors:
rangefinder. 3 units of the series have CODOG propulsion with a speed of 28 Remarks: oamage and Speed Breakdown: Snoop PlalB J/USSR
knots. RBU 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be pointed directly at target to fire PRC version of USSR Riga class. RBU 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be poinlBd oamage Points: O 7 14 20 24 27 Tamir SL, Hercules M/USSR
RBUs. Does not have rigs for alongside RAS. HY-2 ROF2mslspertum(both directly at target to fire RBUs. surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 O Sinks Remarks:
launchers) at same target. Damage and Speed Breakdown: submerged Speed: 113 10 6 3 0 Sinks PRC conversion of Romeo SS to fire SSMs while surfaced. Maximum sea
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: O 14 27 40 49 54 states; takes 10 min after surfacing to prepare for launch. C801ROF8 msls
Damage Points: 0 15 31 46 56 62 SUrface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks USSROsa PTM per turn (all mounts) at same target.
Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks (Diesel) Displacement: 112 std In Class: 124 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks (CODOG) Luda DOG Damage Points: 5 In Service: 1965 Damage Points: O 9 18 27 32 36
Displacement: 3250 In Class: 15 Damage Modlfler: 0.9 Speed: 38 kts Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 O Sinks
Jlanghu IV FF Damage Points: 117 In Service: 1971 propulsion: Diesel Crew: 28 SubmergedSpeed: 13 10 6 3 O Sinks
Displacement: 1700 std In Class: 2 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Weapons: Total Mounts: 6
Damage Points: 66
Damage Modifier: 1.00
In Service: 1986
Speed: 25 kts
Propulsion: Steam
Total Mounts: 20
F/A(2)2 2M-8 25mm/60
PB&SB(1)4 HY-2 w/1 msls
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 200 F/A(2)2130mm/58//1 Post Lamp c Sensors:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 20 F/A/P/S(2)4 Type 76 57mm/70//2 Rice Lamp c Square lie J/USSR Atrevida FFL
PB&SB(1 )8 C801 w/1 msl//1 Square lie D P/S(2)4 2M-8 25mm/60 C/USSR Remarks: Displacement: 997 std In Class: 4
F/A(2)2 Bu-34 100mm/56//1 Sun Visor C/USSR PB&SB(3)2 HY-2 w/3 msls D First 7 units have AK-230 30mm/65//1 Round Ball vice 25mm. 1 additional Damage Points: 42 In Service: 1954
PB&P/P/SB&S/S(2)4 37mm/63 //1 Rice Lamp c F(12)2 FOF-2500 w/5 salvoes E unit is Ho/a class with radome aft, 2 HY-2, no guns. Unsuccessful. HY-2 ROF Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts
F(5)2 RBU 1200 w/5 salvoes E/USSR 4 BMB-2 DC Proj w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR 2 msls per tum (all mounts) at same target. HY-2 being replaced with 6-8 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 132
2 BMB-2 DC proj w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR 2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR C801. C801 ROF 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
2 DC rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR Sensors: Damage end Speed Breakdown: A(1)1 Mk22 76mm/50 C/USA
Sensors: Fin Curve J Damage Points: O 1 2 3 4 5 F/2A(1 )3 Type 107 40mm/70 //1 Optical director Cntaly
Eye Shield, Type 965 J Knife Rest A, Neptune, Square Tie J/USSR Surface Speed: 38 28 19 10 O Sinks Sensors:
Square Tie J/USSR Peg as M/USSR SPS-5 J/USA
Peg as M/USSR Remarks: USSR P-6 PT Decca series J/UK
Remarks: Series I has 7 in class; has Post Lamp director for 130mm. Series II has 4 in Dlsplacement: 56 std In Class: 60 ESM
ABU 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be pointed directly at target to fire RBUs. class; Rice lamp for 130mm. Series 3 has 4 in class; more possibly being Damage Points: 3 In Service: 1960 Remarks:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: built. Some have 37mm/63 vice 57mm/70 in twin mounts. Some units have Damage Modifier: 0.9 Speed: 43 kts ASW ordnance and sonar removed in 1980. 2 Hedgehog, 2 DC proj, 2 DC
Damage Points: O 16 33 49 59 66 2 vice 4 DC projectors. Some units have Bean Sticks vice Knife Rest; elec- Propulslon: Diesel Crew: 15 rail, QBHa sonar. No director for 76mm gun; optical directors for 40mm/70.
Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks tronic suite varies in later units. One unit has new Rice Screen radar. Has rigs Weapons: Total Mounts: 5 Six built.
for alongside RAS. One unit lost in Aug 1978 near Zanjiang due to explosion. F/A(2)2 2M-8 25mm/60 C/USSR Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Jianghu V FF HY-2 ROF 2 msls per turn (both mounts) at same target. Unit 105 Jinan PB&SB(1)2 533mm TT w/1Type53-56 torp F/USSR Damage Points: O 11 21 32 38 42
Displacement: 1700 std In Class: O+ 1 modernized in 1987. After 130mm, 57mm, DC proj, DC rail removed. Helo 1 DC Rail w/12 B-1 DC E/USSR Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks
Damage Points: 66 In Service: 1987 (?) pad and hangar added for Zhi-9 helicoplBr. Has F(2)1 1OOmm/50 vice 130mm. Sensors:
Other units may be converted to this configuration.
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Skin Head J/USSR Bal ea res FF
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 195 Remarks: Displacement: 3015 std In Class: 5
Weapons: Total Mounts: 13 Damage Points: 0 29 58 88 105 117 Beginning to be phased out. Over 80 units built. Wooden hull. Damage Points: 110 In Service: 1973
F(2)1 Compact 100mm/55//1 Wok Non C/Frn Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts
PB&P/P/SB&S/S(2)4 37mm/63//1 Rice lamp c Damage Points: 0 2 3 Propulslon: Steam Crew: 256
PB&SB(2)1 HY-2 w/2 msls D Ming SS Surface Speed: 43 22 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 11
Aft Pad( 1) 1 Zhi-9 B Displacement: 1900 subm In Class:3 P/S(12)2 Meroka 20mm/120//1 PVS-2 c
(5)2 RBU 1200 w/5 salvoes E/USSR Damage Points: 36 In Service: 1975 USSR Whiskey SS PB&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA
2 BMB-2 DC proj w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15117 kts Dlsplacement: 1350 subm In Class: 15 A( 1) 1 Mk22 w/16 SM 1MR//1 SPG-51 D/USA
2 DC rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 60 Damage Points: 27 In Service: 1950 F(1)1 Mk42127mm/54 w/600 rds C/USA
Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Damege Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 17/13 kts F(8)1 Mk16 w/8ASROC E/USA
Eye Shield, Type 965 J PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/12 53VA tarp F/USSR Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 53 PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/2 Mk46 tarp F/USA
Square Tie J/USSR PQ&SQ(2)1 533mm TT w/2 53VA torp F/USSR Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 PO/SQ(1 )2 Mk25 533mm TT w/1 Mk37 torp F/USA
Pegas MiUSSR Sensors: PB&SB(2)2 533mm TT w/12 53VA torp F/USSR Sensors:
Remarks: Snoop Plate J/USSR PO&S0(2)1 533mm TT w/2 53VA tarp F/USSR RAN-12L J/ltely
RBU 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be pointed directly at target to fire RBUs. Tamir M/USSR A(2) 1 2M-8 25mm/60 C/USSR SPS-10, SPS-52, Pathfinder J/USA
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks: Sensors: DE 1160LF, SQS-35 IVDS M/USA
Damage Points: O 16 33 49 59 66 PRC-designed Romeo; unsatisfactory. Snoop Plate J/USSR Remarks:
Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Tamir SL M/USSR SPG-53 can directSM1 MR msls or 127mm gun at target, in addition to SPG-
Damage Points: O 9 18 27 32 36 Remarks: 51. Can carry a total of 41 Mk46 and Mk37 torp (manual reload). 8 manual
Jiang nan DD SUrface Speed: 15 11 8 4 O Sinks 15 in reserve or used for training. reloads for ASROC.
Displacement: 1350 std In Class: 5 Submerged Speed: 17 13 8 4 0 Sinks Damage end Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 54 In Service: 1967 Damage Points: 0 7 14 20 24 27 Damage Points: 0 27 55 82 99 110
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts Romeo SS Surface Speed: 17 13 8 4 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 175 Dlsplacement: 1712 subm In Class: 84 Submerged Speed: 13 1O 6 3 0 Sinks
Weapons: Total Mounts: 15 Damage Points: 27 In Service: 1960 Cadiz ATF
F/2A(1 )3 Bu-34 100mm/56//1 Wok Non C/USSR Damege Modifier: 0.9 Speed: 16/13 kts Wuhan SSG Displacement: 951 std In Class:4
PB&P/P&PQ/SB&S/S&S0(2)4 37mm/63 c Propulslon: Diesel-Electric Crew: 53 Displacement: 2100 subm In Class: 1+? Damage Points: 31 In Service: 1964
(5)2 RBU 1200 w/5 salvoes E/USSR Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Damage Points: 36 In Service: 1982 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15 kts
2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR PB&S8(3)2 533mm TT w/12 53VA tarp Fi USSR Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 16/13 kts Propulslon: Diesel Crew: 49
4 BMB-2 DC Proj w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR PQ&SQ(2)1 533mm TT w/2 53VA tarp Fi USSR Propulslon: Diesel-Electric Crew: 53 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 F/A(2)2 20mm/80 C/lnll
Snoop Plate or Snoop Tray J/USSR PB&SB(1)6 C801 w/1 msl D
Pegas M/USSR Sensors: Hercules or Tamir, Feniks M/USSR PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/12 53VA torp F/USSR
Remarks: Neptune or Fin Curvve (PRC), Ball End J/USSR Remarks: PO&S0(2)1 533mm TT w/2 53VA torp F/USSR
Chinese Project EF3H or Changsha class. 100mm FC is simple stereoscopic Pegas, Tamir 11 M/USSR As many as 50 may be in nonoperational status. Sensors:
rangefinder. 3 units of the series have CODOG propulsion with a speed of 28 Remarks: oamage and Speed Breakdown: Snoop PlalB J/USSR
knots. RBU 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be pointed directly at target to fire PRC version of USSR Riga class. RBU 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be poinlBd oamage Points: O 7 14 20 24 27 Tamir SL, Hercules M/USSR
RBUs. Does not have rigs for alongside RAS. HY-2 ROF2mslspertum(both directly at target to fire RBUs. surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 O Sinks Remarks:
launchers) at same target. Damage and Speed Breakdown: submerged Speed: 113 10 6 3 0 Sinks PRC conversion of Romeo SS to fire SSMs while surfaced. Maximum sea
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: O 14 27 40 49 54 states; takes 10 min after surfacing to prepare for launch. C801ROF8 msls
Damage Points: 0 15 31 46 56 62 SUrface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks USSROsa PTM per turn (all mounts) at same target.
Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks (Diesel) Displacement: 112 std In Class: 124 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks (CODOG) Luda DOG Damage Points: 5 In Service: 1965 Damage Points: O 9 18 27 32 36
Displacement: 3250 In Class: 15 Damage Modlfler: 0.9 Speed: 38 kts Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 O Sinks
Jlanghu IV FF Damage Points: 117 In Service: 1971 propulsion: Diesel Crew: 28 SubmergedSpeed: 13 10 6 3 O Sinks
Displacement: 1700 std In Class: 2 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Weapons: Total Mounts: 6
Damage Points: 66
Damage Modifier: 1.00
In Service: 1986
Speed: 25 kts
Propulsion: Steam
Total Mounts: 20
F/A(2)2 2M-8 25mm/60
PB&SB(1)4 HY-2 w/1 msls
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 200 F/A(2)2130mm/58//1 Post Lamp c Sensors:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 20 F/A/P/S(2)4 Type 76 57mm/70//2 Rice Lamp c Square lie J/USSR Atrevida FFL
PB&SB(1 )8 C801 w/1 msl//1 Square lie D P/S(2)4 2M-8 25mm/60 C/USSR Remarks: Displacement: 997 std In Class: 4
F/A(2)2 Bu-34 100mm/56//1 Sun Visor C/USSR PB&SB(3)2 HY-2 w/3 msls D First 7 units have AK-230 30mm/65//1 Round Ball vice 25mm. 1 additional Damage Points: 42 In Service: 1954
PB&P/P/SB&S/S(2)4 37mm/63 //1 Rice Lamp c F(12)2 FOF-2500 w/5 salvoes E unit is Ho/a class with radome aft, 2 HY-2, no guns. Unsuccessful. HY-2 ROF Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts
F(5)2 RBU 1200 w/5 salvoes E/USSR 4 BMB-2 DC Proj w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR 2 msls per tum (all mounts) at same target. HY-2 being replaced with 6-8 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 132
2 BMB-2 DC proj w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR 2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR C801. C801 ROF 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
2 DC rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR Sensors: Damage end Speed Breakdown: A(1)1 Mk22 76mm/50 C/USA
Sensors: Fin Curve J Damage Points: O 1 2 3 4 5 F/2A(1 )3 Type 107 40mm/70 //1 Optical director Cntaly
Eye Shield, Type 965 J Knife Rest A, Neptune, Square Tie J/USSR Surface Speed: 38 28 19 10 O Sinks Sensors:
Square Tie J/USSR Peg as M/USSR SPS-5 J/USA
Peg as M/USSR Remarks: USSR P-6 PT Decca series J/UK
Remarks: Series I has 7 in class; has Post Lamp director for 130mm. Series II has 4 in Dlsplacement: 56 std In Class: 60 ESM
ABU 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be pointed directly at target to fire RBUs. class; Rice lamp for 130mm. Series 3 has 4 in class; more possibly being Damage Points: 3 In Service: 1960 Remarks:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: built. Some have 37mm/63 vice 57mm/70 in twin mounts. Some units have Damage Modifier: 0.9 Speed: 43 kts ASW ordnance and sonar removed in 1980. 2 Hedgehog, 2 DC proj, 2 DC
Damage Points: O 16 33 49 59 66 2 vice 4 DC projectors. Some units have Bean Sticks vice Knife Rest; elec- Propulslon: Diesel Crew: 15 rail, QBHa sonar. No director for 76mm gun; optical directors for 40mm/70.
Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks tronic suite varies in later units. One unit has new Rice Screen radar. Has rigs Weapons: Total Mounts: 5 Six built.
for alongside RAS. One unit lost in Aug 1978 near Zanjiang due to explosion. F/A(2)2 2M-8 25mm/60 C/USSR Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Jianghu V FF HY-2 ROF 2 msls per turn (both mounts) at same target. Unit 105 Jinan PB&SB(1)2 533mm TT w/1Type53-56 torp F/USSR Damage Points: O 11 21 32 38 42
Displacement: 1700 std In Class: O+ 1 modernized in 1987. After 130mm, 57mm, DC proj, DC rail removed. Helo 1 DC Rail w/12 B-1 DC E/USSR Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks
Damage Points: 66 In Service: 1987 (?) pad and hangar added for Zhi-9 helicoplBr. Has F(2)1 1OOmm/50 vice 130mm. Sensors:
Other units may be converted to this configuration.
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Skin Head J/USSR Bal ea res FF
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 195 Remarks: Displacement: 3015 std In Class: 5
Weapons: Total Mounts: 13 Damage Points: 0 29 58 88 105 117 Beginning to be phased out. Over 80 units built. Wooden hull. Damage Points: 110 In Service: 1973
F(2)1 Compact 100mm/55//1 Wok Non C/Frn Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts
PB&P/P/SB&S/S(2)4 37mm/63//1 Rice lamp c Damage Points: 0 2 3 Propulslon: Steam Crew: 256
PB&SB(2)1 HY-2 w/2 msls D Ming SS Surface Speed: 43 22 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 11
Aft Pad( 1) 1 Zhi-9 B Displacement: 1900 subm In Class:3 P/S(12)2 Meroka 20mm/120//1 PVS-2 c
(5)2 RBU 1200 w/5 salvoes E/USSR Damage Points: 36 In Service: 1975 USSR Whiskey SS PB&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA
2 BMB-2 DC proj w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15117 kts Dlsplacement: 1350 subm In Class: 15 A( 1) 1 Mk22 w/16 SM 1MR//1 SPG-51 D/USA
2 DC rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 60 Damage Points: 27 In Service: 1950 F(1)1 Mk42127mm/54 w/600 rds C/USA
Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Damege Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 17/13 kts F(8)1 Mk16 w/8ASROC E/USA
Eye Shield, Type 965 J PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/12 53VA tarp F/USSR Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 53 PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/2 Mk46 tarp F/USA
Square Tie J/USSR PQ&SQ(2)1 533mm TT w/2 53VA torp F/USSR Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 PO/SQ(1 )2 Mk25 533mm TT w/1 Mk37 torp F/USA
Pegas MiUSSR Sensors: PB&SB(2)2 533mm TT w/12 53VA torp F/USSR Sensors:
Remarks: Snoop Plate J/USSR PO&S0(2)1 533mm TT w/2 53VA tarp F/USSR RAN-12L J/ltely
RBU 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be pointed directly at target to fire RBUs. Tamir M/USSR A(2) 1 2M-8 25mm/60 C/USSR SPS-10, SPS-52, Pathfinder J/USA
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks: Sensors: DE 1160LF, SQS-35 IVDS M/USA
Damage Points: O 16 33 49 59 66 PRC-designed Romeo; unsatisfactory. Snoop Plate J/USSR Remarks:
Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Tamir SL M/USSR SPG-53 can directSM1 MR msls or 127mm gun at target, in addition to SPG-
Damage Points: O 9 18 27 32 36 Remarks: 51. Can carry a total of 41 Mk46 and Mk37 torp (manual reload). 8 manual
Jiang nan DD SUrface Speed: 15 11 8 4 O Sinks 15 in reserve or used for training. reloads for ASROC.
Displacement: 1350 std In Class: 5 Submerged Speed: 17 13 8 4 0 Sinks Damage end Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 54 In Service: 1967 Damage Points: 0 7 14 20 24 27 Damage Points: 0 27 55 82 99 110
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts Romeo SS Surface Speed: 17 13 8 4 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 175 Dlsplacement: 1712 subm In Class: 84 Submerged Speed: 13 1O 6 3 0 Sinks
Weapons: Total Mounts: 15 Damage Points: 27 In Service: 1960 Cadiz ATF
F/2A(1 )3 Bu-34 100mm/56//1 Wok Non C/USSR Damege Modifier: 0.9 Speed: 16/13 kts Wuhan SSG Displacement: 951 std In Class:4
PB&P/P&PQ/SB&S/S&S0(2)4 37mm/63 c Propulslon: Diesel-Electric Crew: 53 Displacement: 2100 subm In Class: 1+? Damage Points: 31 In Service: 1964
(5)2 RBU 1200 w/5 salvoes E/USSR Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Damage Points: 36 In Service: 1982 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15 kts
2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR PB&S8(3)2 533mm TT w/12 53VA tarp Fi USSR Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 16/13 kts Propulslon: Diesel Crew: 49
4 BMB-2 DC Proj w/10 B-1 DC E/USSR PQ&SQ(2)1 533mm TT w/2 53VA tarp Fi USSR Propulslon: Diesel-Electric Crew: 53 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 F/A(2)2 20mm/80 C/lnll
Snoop Plate or Snoop Tray J/USSR PB&SB(1)6 C801 w/1 msl D
1990-91 Data Annex
Sensors: Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown: PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA
Decca 626 (Decca series) J/UK SPS-10, SPS-6C J/USA Damage Points: O 5 11 16 20 22 Aft Pad(1)2 SH-60B LAMPS Ill B/USA
Remarks: SOS-29 or SQS-4 M/USA surface Speed: 12 9 6 3 o Sinks Sensors:
Poseidon has (2)2 Bofors 40mm/70 vice 20mm. Remarks: Submerged Speed: 15 11 8 4 O Sinks SPS-64, SPS-49 J/USA
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Five units 1ransferred to Spain. D 22has additional P&S(1)1127mm/38, (1)6 Nav radar J~ntl
Damage Points: O 8 15 23 27 31 Mk1 40mm/60 vice 76mm, P/S(1 )6 Mk4 20mm/80. Loadout for 533mm TI Mahon RAN-12L
ATF J/ltaly
Surface Speed: 1S 11 8 4 0 Sinks unknown: originally carried Mk14antisurfacevessel torpedoes. 021 Lepanto Displacement: 700 std In Class: 2 DE 1160B, SOR-19 towed array M/USA
s1ruck in Dec 198S; 022 Almirante Ferrandiz, Oct 1986; D23Almirante Val- Damage Points: 24 In Service: 1978 Remarks:
Dedalo CVH dez, 1987; 024 Alcala Galliano and 025 Jorge Juan, 1988. Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 14 kts Mk13 launcher loadout8 Harpoon and 32 SM1 MR. Mk13 ROF is 6 msls per
Displacement: 13000 std In Class: [1 l Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulslon: Diesel Crew: 45 min. First two units are short-hull versions; will have to be backfitted to take
Damage Points: 333 In Service: 1943-89 Damage Points: 0 26 52 78 94 104 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 SH-60B and RAST. Fitted with stabilizers, RAST helo haul-down system.
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 24 kts Surface Speed: 30 22 1S 8 0 Sinks P&POIS&SQ(1)212.7mm mg C/lntl Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1100 Sensors: Damage Points: 0 26 S2 78 94 104
Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Ex-US Gearing DD 2 Decca series J/UK Surface Speed: 29 22 14 7 0 Sinks
20Aircraft B Displacement: 242S std In Class:S Remarks:
SP/4S(2)9 Mk1 40mm/60//4 Mk34 C/USA Damage Points: 67 In Service: 1945 Commercial tugs purchased and commissioned in 1981. Tel de AOR
Sensors: Damage Modifler: 0.7S Speed: 31 kts Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 2750 std In Class: 111
SPS-10, SPS-40, SPS-8, SPS-6C J/USA Propulsion: Steam Craw: 274 Damage Points: O 6 12 18 22 24 Damage Points: 76 In Service: 19S6-88
2 Nav radar J/lntl Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Surface Speed: 14 11 7 4 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 13 kts
Remarks: F/A(2)2 Mk38 127mm/38//1 Mk25 CIUSA Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 98
Armor: 127mm belt, bulkheads, 51mm deck. General armor rating is L. CHP P&S(8)1 Mk16 w/SASROC E/USA Principe de Asturias CVH Weapons: Tolal Mounts: 0
Factors: Engineering, flight deck and hangar are L. Air group has 7 AV-SA, PB/S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA Displacement: 1S1SO fl In Class: None
20 helicopters: SH-30 Sea King, Sea King AEW.2, AB-212ASW. Originally Aft Pad(1)1 Hughes SOOM Cayuse B Damage Points: 368 In Service: 1987 Sensors:
had additional F/A(4)2 40mm/60. Hangar can hold 18 large helicopters, with Sensors: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 26 kts Decca 626 (Decca series) J/UK
6 more on deck. Can land/launch 4 large helos at same time. Decommed on SPS-10, SPS-37 JIUSA Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 793 Remarks:
5 Aug 1989; will become USS Cabot museum in USA. SOS-23 M/USA Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Fitted to refuel at sea, with one station on each side. Struck in 1988.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Nav radar J/lntl P&PB/S&SB/2A(12)4 Meroka 20mm/120 //4 PVS-2 C Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 83 166 2SO 299 333 Remarks: 24 Aircraft B Damage Points: O 19 38 57 68 76
Surface Speed: 24 18 12 6 0 Sinks D 61, D 62 have SPS-40 vice SPS-37. D6S has both mounts forward, no 2 Elevators Surface Speed: 13 10 6 3 0 Sinks
Mk16 ASROC launcher. Sensors:
Descubierta FF Damage and Speed Breakdown: SPS-SS, SPS-52 J/USA
Displacement: 1233 std In Class: 6 Damage Points: 0 17 34 S1 61 67 Remarks: Sweden
Damage Points: 50 In Service: 1978 Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks Fitted with stabilizers. Has Prairie-Masker bubbler noise suppression system
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 26 kts (quieted). Air group can consist of AV-SB, SH-30 Sea King, Sea KingAEW.2, Alvsborg ML
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 116 France Agosta SS AB-212ASW. 12-degree ski jump. Can carry 37 aircraft in emergency but can Dlsplacament: 2660 std In Class: 2
Weapons: Total Mounls: 9 Displacement: 1750 subm In Class:4 only operate 24. Typical wing 12 AV-SB Matador, 9 SH-30 Sea King, 3 Sea Damage Points: 98 In Service: 1971
A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 Albatros D/ltaly Damage Points: 34 In Service: 1983 KingAEW.2.
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts
F( 1)1 Compact 76mm/62 w/600 rds//1 WM2S C/ltaly Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12120 kts Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulslon: Diesel Crew: 97
A(1 )2 Type 107 40mm/70 w/144 ready rds C/ltaly Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 50 Damage Points: 0 92 184 276 332 368 Weapons: Total Mounts: 3
Et'Sweden Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 O Sinks
F(2)1 Bofors 37Smm mortar
PB/SB(2)2 5SOmm n w/20 F17, E18, LS F/Frn
2F/1A(1)3 Bofors 40mm/70//1 WM22 c
PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA Sensors:
P8&PO/SB&S0(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA Sensors: Roger de Lauria DD Skanter009 J
Sensors: DRUA 33 J/Frn Displacement: 3012 std In Class: [2] Raytheon (Nav radar) J/lntl
ZW.06, DA.OS J/Nethl DUUA 2A, DUUA 2B, DSUV 22 M/Frn Damage Points: 109 In Service: 1970-88 ESM
RAN-12L Jlltaly Remarks: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts Remarks:
DE 1160B, DE 1167 VOS (F 33-36) M/USA May carry SM39 Exocet. Fitted with DUUX 2 (S71-72) or DUUX 5 Fenelon Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2SS Can carry 300 mines. Helo pad aft. M02 is used as subtender, M03 as flag-
Remarks: (873-74) passive ranging sonars (not a search sensor). Add 5o/o (DUUX 2) or Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 ship of coastal fleet.
Fitted with stabilizers. Has Prairie-Masker bubbler system to reduce radiated 10% (DUUX S) to Passive Fire Control solution chance if target detected by 2F/A(2)3 Mk38 127mm/38//2 Mk2S, Mk3S C/USA Damage and Speed Breakdown:
noise (quieted). Two additional units F 37 and F 38 sold to Egypt in 1982. 16 this sonar. Very Small sonar contact. -10o/o active sonar detection chance. P8/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA Damage Points: 0 24 49 73 88 98
manual reloads for NATO SS. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 15 msls per turn. In Damage and Speed Breakdown: PB/S8(1)2 Mk2S 533mm TI w/1 Mk37 torp F/USA Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks
peacetime only (2)2 Harpoon are carried. Upper of 2 40mm/70 being replaced Damage Points: 0 8 17 2S 30 34 Aft Pad(1)1 Hughes SOOM Cayuse B
withA(12)1 Meroka 20mm/120//1 PVS-2. First unit Infants Christina started Surface Speed: 12 9 6 3 0 Sinks Sensors:
GOteborg FFL
at the end of 1988. Submerged Speed: 20 1S 10 s 0 Sinks Decca 426 (Decca series) J/UK Displacement: 380 std In Class: 0+4+2
Damage and Speed Breakdown: SPS-10, SPS-40, 505-32 J/USA Damage Points: 19 In Service: 1992
Damage Points: o 13 2S 38 45 so France Daphne SS SOA-10 VOS M/USA Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 0 Sinks Displacement: 1042 subm In Class: 4 Remarks:
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 43
Damage Points: 22 In Service: 1973 Roger de Lauria struck in 1982; Maerques De La Ensada, 1988. Weapons: Total Mounts: 11
Ex-US Fletcher DD Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12/1S kts Damage and Speed Breakdown: PB&SB(2)4 RBS 1S w/2 msls D
Crew: 47 Damage Points: 0 27 SS 82 98 109
Displacement: 2850 std In Class: [SJ Propulsion: Diesel-Electric
Surface Speed: 28 21 7
F(1)1 Bofors Mk2 S7mm/70//1 9LV200 c
Damage Points: 104 In Service: 1955-88 Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 14 0 Sinks A(1)1 Bofors Trinity 40mm/70//1 9LV200 c
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts PB&S8(4)2 SSOmm Tiw/8 LS, F17, E18 F/Frn PB/SB(4)1 400mm TI w/1Tp431 torp F
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 290 PQ&SQ(2)2 SSOmm TI w/4 LS, F17, E18 F/Frn Santa Marla FFG F(9)4 Elma ASW AL E
Weapons: Total Mounts: 17 Sensors: Displacement: 28S1 It In Class: 3+ 1 Sensors:
F/A(1)4 Mk30 127mm/38//2 Mk2S C/USA DRUA 31 J/Frn Damage Points: 104 In Service: 1986 Sea Giraffe 1SOHC J
P/S/A(2)3 Mk33 76mm/S0//2 Mk63 C/USA DUUA 2A, DSUV 22 M/Frn Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 29 kts Terrna PN 612 (Nav radar) J/lntl
P&S(S)1 S33mm TI w/S Mk141orp F Remarks: Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 201 Simrad SS304 Spira M/Norway
F(24)2 Mk11 Hedgehog w/10 salvoes E/USA Fitted with DUUX 2 passive ranginQ sonar (not a search sensor). Add 5% to Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 Salmon VOS M/Frn
4 Mk6 DC proj E/USA Passive Fire Control solution chance if target detected by this sonar. F(1)1 Mk13 w/40 see remarksl/1 STIR D/USA ESM
1 DC rail E/lntl P&S(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 Mk92 C/ltaly Remark&:
P8/S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA A(12)1 Meroka 20mm/120//1 PVS-2 c Separate 9LV200 directors for each gun mount.
1990-91 Data Annex
Sensors: Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown: PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA
Decca 626 (Decca series) J/UK SPS-10, SPS-6C J/USA Damage Points: O 5 11 16 20 22 Aft Pad(1)2 SH-60B LAMPS Ill B/USA
Remarks: SOS-29 or SQS-4 M/USA surface Speed: 12 9 6 3 o Sinks Sensors:
Poseidon has (2)2 Bofors 40mm/70 vice 20mm. Remarks: Submerged Speed: 15 11 8 4 O Sinks SPS-64, SPS-49 J/USA
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Five units 1ransferred to Spain. D 22has additional P&S(1)1127mm/38, (1)6 Nav radar J~ntl
Damage Points: O 8 15 23 27 31 Mk1 40mm/60 vice 76mm, P/S(1 )6 Mk4 20mm/80. Loadout for 533mm TI Mahon RAN-12L
ATF J/ltaly
Surface Speed: 1S 11 8 4 0 Sinks unknown: originally carried Mk14antisurfacevessel torpedoes. 021 Lepanto Displacement: 700 std In Class: 2 DE 1160B, SOR-19 towed array M/USA
s1ruck in Dec 198S; 022 Almirante Ferrandiz, Oct 1986; D23Almirante Val- Damage Points: 24 In Service: 1978 Remarks:
Dedalo CVH dez, 1987; 024 Alcala Galliano and 025 Jorge Juan, 1988. Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 14 kts Mk13 launcher loadout8 Harpoon and 32 SM1 MR. Mk13 ROF is 6 msls per
Displacement: 13000 std In Class: [1 l Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulslon: Diesel Crew: 45 min. First two units are short-hull versions; will have to be backfitted to take
Damage Points: 333 In Service: 1943-89 Damage Points: 0 26 52 78 94 104 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 SH-60B and RAST. Fitted with stabilizers, RAST helo haul-down system.
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 24 kts Surface Speed: 30 22 1S 8 0 Sinks P&POIS&SQ(1)212.7mm mg C/lntl Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1100 Sensors: Damage Points: 0 26 S2 78 94 104
Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Ex-US Gearing DD 2 Decca series J/UK Surface Speed: 29 22 14 7 0 Sinks
20Aircraft B Displacement: 242S std In Class:S Remarks:
SP/4S(2)9 Mk1 40mm/60//4 Mk34 C/USA Damage Points: 67 In Service: 1945 Commercial tugs purchased and commissioned in 1981. Tel de AOR
Sensors: Damage Modifler: 0.7S Speed: 31 kts Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 2750 std In Class: 111
SPS-10, SPS-40, SPS-8, SPS-6C J/USA Propulsion: Steam Craw: 274 Damage Points: O 6 12 18 22 24 Damage Points: 76 In Service: 19S6-88
2 Nav radar J/lntl Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Surface Speed: 14 11 7 4 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 13 kts
Remarks: F/A(2)2 Mk38 127mm/38//1 Mk25 CIUSA Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 98
Armor: 127mm belt, bulkheads, 51mm deck. General armor rating is L. CHP P&S(8)1 Mk16 w/SASROC E/USA Principe de Asturias CVH Weapons: Tolal Mounts: 0
Factors: Engineering, flight deck and hangar are L. Air group has 7 AV-SA, PB/S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA Displacement: 1S1SO fl In Class: None
20 helicopters: SH-30 Sea King, Sea King AEW.2, AB-212ASW. Originally Aft Pad(1)1 Hughes SOOM Cayuse B Damage Points: 368 In Service: 1987 Sensors:
had additional F/A(4)2 40mm/60. Hangar can hold 18 large helicopters, with Sensors: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 26 kts Decca 626 (Decca series) J/UK
6 more on deck. Can land/launch 4 large helos at same time. Decommed on SPS-10, SPS-37 JIUSA Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 793 Remarks:
5 Aug 1989; will become USS Cabot museum in USA. SOS-23 M/USA Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Fitted to refuel at sea, with one station on each side. Struck in 1988.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Nav radar J/lntl P&PB/S&SB/2A(12)4 Meroka 20mm/120 //4 PVS-2 C Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 83 166 2SO 299 333 Remarks: 24 Aircraft B Damage Points: O 19 38 57 68 76
Surface Speed: 24 18 12 6 0 Sinks D 61, D 62 have SPS-40 vice SPS-37. D6S has both mounts forward, no 2 Elevators Surface Speed: 13 10 6 3 0 Sinks
Mk16 ASROC launcher. Sensors:
Descubierta FF Damage and Speed Breakdown: SPS-SS, SPS-52 J/USA
Displacement: 1233 std In Class: 6 Damage Points: 0 17 34 S1 61 67 Remarks: Sweden
Damage Points: 50 In Service: 1978 Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks Fitted with stabilizers. Has Prairie-Masker bubbler noise suppression system
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 26 kts (quieted). Air group can consist of AV-SB, SH-30 Sea King, Sea KingAEW.2, Alvsborg ML
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 116 France Agosta SS AB-212ASW. 12-degree ski jump. Can carry 37 aircraft in emergency but can Dlsplacament: 2660 std In Class: 2
Weapons: Total Mounls: 9 Displacement: 1750 subm In Class:4 only operate 24. Typical wing 12 AV-SB Matador, 9 SH-30 Sea King, 3 Sea Damage Points: 98 In Service: 1971
A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 Albatros D/ltaly Damage Points: 34 In Service: 1983 KingAEW.2.
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts
F( 1)1 Compact 76mm/62 w/600 rds//1 WM2S C/ltaly Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12120 kts Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulslon: Diesel Crew: 97
A(1 )2 Type 107 40mm/70 w/144 ready rds C/ltaly Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 50 Damage Points: 0 92 184 276 332 368 Weapons: Total Mounts: 3
Et'Sweden Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 O Sinks
F(2)1 Bofors 37Smm mortar
PB/SB(2)2 5SOmm n w/20 F17, E18, LS F/Frn
2F/1A(1)3 Bofors 40mm/70//1 WM22 c
PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA Sensors:
P8&PO/SB&S0(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D/USA Sensors: Roger de Lauria DD Skanter009 J
Sensors: DRUA 33 J/Frn Displacement: 3012 std In Class: [2] Raytheon (Nav radar) J/lntl
ZW.06, DA.OS J/Nethl DUUA 2A, DUUA 2B, DSUV 22 M/Frn Damage Points: 109 In Service: 1970-88 ESM
RAN-12L Jlltaly Remarks: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts Remarks:
DE 1160B, DE 1167 VOS (F 33-36) M/USA May carry SM39 Exocet. Fitted with DUUX 2 (S71-72) or DUUX 5 Fenelon Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2SS Can carry 300 mines. Helo pad aft. M02 is used as subtender, M03 as flag-
Remarks: (873-74) passive ranging sonars (not a search sensor). Add 5o/o (DUUX 2) or Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 ship of coastal fleet.
Fitted with stabilizers. Has Prairie-Masker bubbler system to reduce radiated 10% (DUUX S) to Passive Fire Control solution chance if target detected by 2F/A(2)3 Mk38 127mm/38//2 Mk2S, Mk3S C/USA Damage and Speed Breakdown:
noise (quieted). Two additional units F 37 and F 38 sold to Egypt in 1982. 16 this sonar. Very Small sonar contact. -10o/o active sonar detection chance. P8/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA Damage Points: 0 24 49 73 88 98
manual reloads for NATO SS. Mk29 NATO SS ROF 15 msls per turn. In Damage and Speed Breakdown: PB/S8(1)2 Mk2S 533mm TI w/1 Mk37 torp F/USA Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks
peacetime only (2)2 Harpoon are carried. Upper of 2 40mm/70 being replaced Damage Points: 0 8 17 2S 30 34 Aft Pad(1)1 Hughes SOOM Cayuse B
withA(12)1 Meroka 20mm/120//1 PVS-2. First unit Infants Christina started Surface Speed: 12 9 6 3 0 Sinks Sensors:
GOteborg FFL
at the end of 1988. Submerged Speed: 20 1S 10 s 0 Sinks Decca 426 (Decca series) J/UK Displacement: 380 std In Class: 0+4+2
Damage and Speed Breakdown: SPS-10, SPS-40, 505-32 J/USA Damage Points: 19 In Service: 1992
Damage Points: o 13 2S 38 45 so France Daphne SS SOA-10 VOS M/USA Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 0 Sinks Displacement: 1042 subm In Class: 4 Remarks:
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 43
Damage Points: 22 In Service: 1973 Roger de Lauria struck in 1982; Maerques De La Ensada, 1988. Weapons: Total Mounts: 11
Ex-US Fletcher DD Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12/1S kts Damage and Speed Breakdown: PB&SB(2)4 RBS 1S w/2 msls D
Crew: 47 Damage Points: 0 27 SS 82 98 109
Displacement: 2850 std In Class: [SJ Propulsion: Diesel-Electric
Surface Speed: 28 21 7
F(1)1 Bofors Mk2 S7mm/70//1 9LV200 c
Damage Points: 104 In Service: 1955-88 Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 14 0 Sinks A(1)1 Bofors Trinity 40mm/70//1 9LV200 c
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts PB&S8(4)2 SSOmm Tiw/8 LS, F17, E18 F/Frn PB/SB(4)1 400mm TI w/1Tp431 torp F
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 290 PQ&SQ(2)2 SSOmm TI w/4 LS, F17, E18 F/Frn Santa Marla FFG F(9)4 Elma ASW AL E
Weapons: Total Mounts: 17 Sensors: Displacement: 28S1 It In Class: 3+ 1 Sensors:
F/A(1)4 Mk30 127mm/38//2 Mk2S C/USA DRUA 31 J/Frn Damage Points: 104 In Service: 1986 Sea Giraffe 1SOHC J
P/S/A(2)3 Mk33 76mm/S0//2 Mk63 C/USA DUUA 2A, DSUV 22 M/Frn Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 29 kts Terrna PN 612 (Nav radar) J/lntl
P&S(S)1 S33mm TI w/S Mk141orp F Remarks: Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 201 Simrad SS304 Spira M/Norway
F(24)2 Mk11 Hedgehog w/10 salvoes E/USA Fitted with DUUX 2 passive ranginQ sonar (not a search sensor). Add 5% to Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 Salmon VOS M/Frn
4 Mk6 DC proj E/USA Passive Fire Control solution chance if target detected by this sonar. F(1)1 Mk13 w/40 see remarksl/1 STIR D/USA ESM
1 DC rail E/lntl P&S(1)1Compact76mm/62//1 Mk92 C/ltaly Remark&:
P8/S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F/USA A(12)1 Meroka 20mm/120//1 PVS-2 c Separate 9LV200 directors for each gun mount.
GOW 19
·;;9;0·:91:D:a:ta:A:n:n:ex::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::las I
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: propulsion: COGOG Crew: 175 Ark Royal CV
Damage Points: 0 5 10 14 17 19 Damage Points: 0 2 5 7 9 10 weapons: Total Mounts: 11 Displacement: 43840 In Class: (1]
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 40 30 20 10 0 Sinks pB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Stingray F Damage Points: 847 In Service: 1955-78
A(4)1 Sea Catw/20 msls/11Type912 D Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts
Hiigln FPB Stockholm FFL pB&SB(1)4 MM38 Exocetw/1 msl D/Frn Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2940
In Class: 16 Displacement: 290 std In Class: 2 Att Pad(1)1 Lynx HAS.3 B Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
Displacement: 120 std
Damage Points: 6 In Service: 1978 Damage Pointe: 14 In Service: 1985 F(1)1 Mk8114mml55111Type912 c 3 Elevator
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts p/S(1 )2 Mk4 20mm/80 c 12 FG.1 Phantom B
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 36 Propulsion: CODAG Crew: 43 sensors: 14 S.2 Buccaneer B
Weapons: Total Mounts: 13 Weapons: Total Mounts: 14or 16 rype 1006 J 4 GannetAEW B
c PB&SB(-)- RBS 15 D Type 184, Type 992R, Type 162M M 7 Sea King HAS.2
F(1 )1 Bofors Mk1 57mml70111 9LV200 B
PB&SB(1 )6 Penguin Mk2 D/Norway F(1 )1 Bofors Mk2 57mm/70111 9LV200 c Remarks: 1 Wessex B
A(1)1 Bofors 40mm/70111 9LV200 D Aluminum construction. Amazon has 4 20mm vice 2. Two additional units 1 Catapult
2 DC/Mine rails
(9)4 ELMA ASW RL E PB&SB(1)2 533mm Tiw/1 Tp613 torp F Ardent sunk on 22 May 1982, Antelope sunk on 24 May 1982 in Falklands Sensors:
Sensors: (9)4 ElmaASW RL E war. MM38 ROF 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. Type 975, Type 978, Type 983, 2 Type 965 J
MINorway Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks:
Simrad SQ3DISF
J Terma radar (nav radar) Jllnll Damage Points: 0 21 42 63 76 84 Decommed in 1978; scrapped in 1980. Can launch 10 small/med helos at once.
Skanter 009
Sea Giraffe 50HC J Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 O Sinks Armor: 114mm bell, 102mm deck, 38mm hangar sides, 64mm hangar deck,,~HP
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Simrad SS 304 Spira M/Norway Factors: General armor rating is L: flight deck, engineering and hangar are!'L.
Damage Points: 0 2 3 4 5 6 Salmon VDS M/Frn Appleaf AOF(L) Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Surfaos Speed: 22 17 11 6 0 Sinks ESM Displacement: 37747 fl In Class:4 Damage Points: O 212 424 635 762 847
Remarks: Damage Points: 152 In Service: 1979 Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 O Sinks
SS Class carries 6-8 RBS 15, either (2)4 or (2)2 and (1)1. Salmon VDS is dis- Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15 kts
Nacken mountable. Can nsplace 2 533mm n with (2)2 400mm TI with 4 TP431 torp
Displacement: 1125 subm In Class: 3 Propulsion: Diesel Crew:65 Bristol DOG
In Service: 1980 total. Separate 9LV200 for each gun mount. Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Displacement: 6100 In Class: 1
Damage Points: 23
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12120 kts Damage and Speed Breakdown: PIS(1)2 Mk4 20mm/80 c Damage Points: 198 In Service: 1973
Crew: 19 Damage Points: 0 4 7 11 13 14 Sensors: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts
Propulsion: Diesel-Electric
Total Mounts: 2 Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks 2 Decca series J Propulsion: COSAG
Weapons: Crew: 397
PB&SB(6)1 533mm TI w/8 Tp61 torp F Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons: Total Mounts: 11
PB&SB(2)1 406mm TI w/4 Tp42 torp F vastergOtland SS Damage Points: 0 38 76 114 137 152 F(1)1 Mk8114mm/55111 Type903 c
Displacement: 1140 subm In Class: 3+ 1 Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks P/S(2)2 GCM-A02 30mm/75 c
CSU83 MIFRG Damage Points: 24 In Service: 1987 P/S(1 )2 GAM-B01 20mm/85 c
Type 2026 MIUK Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12120 kts Ardennes LCL P/5(1 )2 Mk4 20mm/80 c
Terma radar (periscope radar) Jllnll Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 17 Displacement: 870 std lnClass:2 A(2)1 Sea Dart w/40 msls/12 Type 909 D
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 Damage Points: 38 In Service: 1977 A(3)1 Mk10 Limbo w/17 salvoes/11 Type 170 E
Damage Points: 0 6 12 17 21 23 PB&SB(3)2 533mm TI wl Tp613 torp F Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 10 kts Sensors:
Surface Speed: 12 8 6 4 0 Sinks PB&SB(2)2 400mm n wl Tp42 and 431 torp F Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 35 Type 1022, Type 992R, Type 1006 J
Submerged Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 0 Type 162, Type 184 M
Terma radar (nav radar) Jllntl None Remarks:
Spica I PTM CSU83 Sensors: Type 82 class. Helo pad aft for small helicopters, fitted with stabilizers. /kara
In Class: (6] Damage and Speed Breakdown: Nav radar Jllnll removed during refit in 1985-Feb 1986. Refitted at Portsmouth in 1987-88 for
Displacement: 190 std
Damage Points: 0 6 12 18 21 24 Damage and Speed Breakdown: role as Dartmouth training ship. Will carry 100 midshipmen. Still available for
Damage Points: 10 In Service: 1966-89
Surface Speed: 12 9 6 3 0 Sinks Damage Points: 0 1O 19 28 34 38 duty as flagship.
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 40 kts
Submerged Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 1O 8 5 2 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Propulsion: Gas Turbine Crew: 28
Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 Damage Points: O 50 99 148 178 198
F(1)1 Bofors Mk1 57mm/70111 WM22 c United Kingdom (UK) Argus ATS Surfaos Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks
PB&SB(1)6 533mm Tiw/1 Tp61 torp F Displacement: 18280 std In Class: 1
Sensors: Damage Points: 365 In Service: 1987 Bulwark CVH
Skanter 009 J Abdi el ML Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 19 kts Displacement: 23300 std In Class:(1]
Remarks: Displacement: 1376 std In Class: (1] Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 254 Damage Points: 504 In Service: 1959-78
Six built. Sirius and Castor struck in 1985; Spica, Capella, Vega and Virgo Damage Points: 55 In Service: 1967-88 Weapons: Total Mounts: 12 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts
struck in 1989. Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts Mid Pad(5)6 Sea King HC.4 or HAS.5 B Propulslon: Steam Crew: 1730
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 98 2 Elevators Weapons: Total Mounts: 10
Damage Points: 0 2 5 7 9 10 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 PIS(1 )2 LS-30B 30mm c P&PB/P&P0(2)2 Mk5 40mm/60 c
Surface Speed: 40 30 20 10 0 Sinks FIA(1)2 Mk4 20mm/80 c PIS(1)2 GAM-B01 20mm/85 c S&SB/5&50(2)2 Mk5 40mm/60 c
Sensors: Sensors: 2 Elevators
Spica II PTM Type 1006 J Type 994, Type 1006 J 4 LCVP
In Class: 12 Remarks: ESM Sensors:
Olsplacement: 190 std
In Service: 1975 Can carry 44 mines. Caries and repairs mine sweeping equipment and cables. Remarks: Type 978, Type 982, Type 993 J
Damage Points: 10
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 40 kts Used as exercise minelayer and mine craft support ship. ESM added for RFA maintained. Ex-MV Contender Bezant. Taken over for Falklands War in Remarks:
Propulsion: Gas Turbine Crew: 27 Persian Gulf service. Struck in 1988. Originally fitted with Type 978 radar. 1982. Carries 9 helos including Chinook, 4 Harriers, and a large number of Carries 4 LCVP in davits. Can launch 8 small/med helos at once. Fore and
Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Replaced by Type 1006. Vehicles. Converted Mar 1984-86 to serve as aviation training ship. Can trans- ah flight deck only. Placed in reserve in 1978; struck in 1981.
PB&SB(1)2RBS15w/1 msl D Damage and Speed Breakdown: port 12 Sea Harriers. Can operate Harriers in VTOL only. Armor: 1.9m con- Damage and Speed Breakdown:
F(1)1 Bofors Mk2 57mm/70111 9LV200 c Damage Points: O 14 27 41 49 55 crete added under flight deck. CHP Factor: Flight deck and hangar is M. Damage Points: O 126 252 378 454 504
PB&SB(1)2533mmTiw/1 Tp61 torp F Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks Watertight bulkheads added to improve compartmentation. Replaces Surlaos Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks
E Egandine.
(9)4 Elma ASW RL
FF Damage and Speed Breakdown: Castle OPV
Sensors: Amazon Damage Points: O 91 182 274 328 365
Skanter 009, Sea Giraffe 50HC J Displacement: 3100 std In Class: 6 Displacement: 1250 std lnClasa:2
In Service: 1974 Surfaos Speed: 19 14 10 5 0 Sinks Damage Points: 51 In Service: 1981
Damage Points: 84
Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 32 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts
GOW 19
·;;9;0·:91:D:a:ta:A:n:n:ex::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::las I
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: propulsion: COGOG Crew: 175 Ark Royal CV
Damage Points: 0 5 10 14 17 19 Damage Points: 0 2 5 7 9 10 weapons: Total Mounts: 11 Displacement: 43840 In Class: (1]
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 40 30 20 10 0 Sinks pB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Stingray F Damage Points: 847 In Service: 1955-78
A(4)1 Sea Catw/20 msls/11Type912 D Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts
Hiigln FPB Stockholm FFL pB&SB(1)4 MM38 Exocetw/1 msl D/Frn Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2940
In Class: 16 Displacement: 290 std In Class: 2 Att Pad(1)1 Lynx HAS.3 B Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
Displacement: 120 std
Damage Points: 6 In Service: 1978 Damage Pointe: 14 In Service: 1985 F(1)1 Mk8114mml55111Type912 c 3 Elevator
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts p/S(1 )2 Mk4 20mm/80 c 12 FG.1 Phantom B
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 36 Propulsion: CODAG Crew: 43 sensors: 14 S.2 Buccaneer B
Weapons: Total Mounts: 13 Weapons: Total Mounts: 14or 16 rype 1006 J 4 GannetAEW B
c PB&SB(-)- RBS 15 D Type 184, Type 992R, Type 162M M 7 Sea King HAS.2
F(1 )1 Bofors Mk1 57mml70111 9LV200 B
PB&SB(1 )6 Penguin Mk2 D/Norway F(1 )1 Bofors Mk2 57mm/70111 9LV200 c Remarks: 1 Wessex B
A(1)1 Bofors 40mm/70111 9LV200 D Aluminum construction. Amazon has 4 20mm vice 2. Two additional units 1 Catapult
2 DC/Mine rails
(9)4 ELMA ASW RL E PB&SB(1)2 533mm Tiw/1 Tp613 torp F Ardent sunk on 22 May 1982, Antelope sunk on 24 May 1982 in Falklands Sensors:
Sensors: (9)4 ElmaASW RL E war. MM38 ROF 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. Type 975, Type 978, Type 983, 2 Type 965 J
MINorway Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks:
Simrad SQ3DISF
J Terma radar (nav radar) Jllnll Damage Points: 0 21 42 63 76 84 Decommed in 1978; scrapped in 1980. Can launch 10 small/med helos at once.
Skanter 009
Sea Giraffe 50HC J Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 O Sinks Armor: 114mm bell, 102mm deck, 38mm hangar sides, 64mm hangar deck,,~HP
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Simrad SS 304 Spira M/Norway Factors: General armor rating is L: flight deck, engineering and hangar are!'L.
Damage Points: 0 2 3 4 5 6 Salmon VDS M/Frn Appleaf AOF(L) Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Surfaos Speed: 22 17 11 6 0 Sinks ESM Displacement: 37747 fl In Class:4 Damage Points: O 212 424 635 762 847
Remarks: Damage Points: 152 In Service: 1979 Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 O Sinks
SS Class carries 6-8 RBS 15, either (2)4 or (2)2 and (1)1. Salmon VDS is dis- Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15 kts
Nacken mountable. Can nsplace 2 533mm n with (2)2 400mm TI with 4 TP431 torp
Displacement: 1125 subm In Class: 3 Propulsion: Diesel Crew:65 Bristol DOG
In Service: 1980 total. Separate 9LV200 for each gun mount. Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Displacement: 6100 In Class: 1
Damage Points: 23
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12120 kts Damage and Speed Breakdown: PIS(1)2 Mk4 20mm/80 c Damage Points: 198 In Service: 1973
Crew: 19 Damage Points: 0 4 7 11 13 14 Sensors: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts
Propulsion: Diesel-Electric
Total Mounts: 2 Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks 2 Decca series J Propulsion: COSAG
Weapons: Crew: 397
PB&SB(6)1 533mm TI w/8 Tp61 torp F Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons: Total Mounts: 11
PB&SB(2)1 406mm TI w/4 Tp42 torp F vastergOtland SS Damage Points: 0 38 76 114 137 152 F(1)1 Mk8114mm/55111 Type903 c
Displacement: 1140 subm In Class: 3+ 1 Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks P/S(2)2 GCM-A02 30mm/75 c
CSU83 MIFRG Damage Points: 24 In Service: 1987 P/S(1 )2 GAM-B01 20mm/85 c
Type 2026 MIUK Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12120 kts Ardennes LCL P/5(1 )2 Mk4 20mm/80 c
Terma radar (periscope radar) Jllnll Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 17 Displacement: 870 std lnClass:2 A(2)1 Sea Dart w/40 msls/12 Type 909 D
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 Damage Points: 38 In Service: 1977 A(3)1 Mk10 Limbo w/17 salvoes/11 Type 170 E
Damage Points: 0 6 12 17 21 23 PB&SB(3)2 533mm TI wl Tp613 torp F Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 10 kts Sensors:
Surface Speed: 12 8 6 4 0 Sinks PB&SB(2)2 400mm n wl Tp42 and 431 torp F Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 35 Type 1022, Type 992R, Type 1006 J
Submerged Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 0 Type 162, Type 184 M
Terma radar (nav radar) Jllntl None Remarks:
Spica I PTM CSU83 Sensors: Type 82 class. Helo pad aft for small helicopters, fitted with stabilizers. /kara
In Class: (6] Damage and Speed Breakdown: Nav radar Jllnll removed during refit in 1985-Feb 1986. Refitted at Portsmouth in 1987-88 for
Displacement: 190 std
Damage Points: 0 6 12 18 21 24 Damage and Speed Breakdown: role as Dartmouth training ship. Will carry 100 midshipmen. Still available for
Damage Points: 10 In Service: 1966-89
Surface Speed: 12 9 6 3 0 Sinks Damage Points: 0 1O 19 28 34 38 duty as flagship.
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 40 kts
Submerged Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 1O 8 5 2 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Propulsion: Gas Turbine Crew: 28
Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 Damage Points: O 50 99 148 178 198
F(1)1 Bofors Mk1 57mm/70111 WM22 c United Kingdom (UK) Argus ATS Surfaos Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks
PB&SB(1)6 533mm Tiw/1 Tp61 torp F Displacement: 18280 std In Class: 1
Sensors: Damage Points: 365 In Service: 1987 Bulwark CVH
Skanter 009 J Abdi el ML Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 19 kts Displacement: 23300 std In Class:(1]
Remarks: Displacement: 1376 std In Class: (1] Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 254 Damage Points: 504 In Service: 1959-78
Six built. Sirius and Castor struck in 1985; Spica, Capella, Vega and Virgo Damage Points: 55 In Service: 1967-88 Weapons: Total Mounts: 12 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts
struck in 1989. Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts Mid Pad(5)6 Sea King HC.4 or HAS.5 B Propulslon: Steam Crew: 1730
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 98 2 Elevators Weapons: Total Mounts: 10
Damage Points: 0 2 5 7 9 10 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 PIS(1 )2 LS-30B 30mm c P&PB/P&P0(2)2 Mk5 40mm/60 c
Surface Speed: 40 30 20 10 0 Sinks FIA(1)2 Mk4 20mm/80 c PIS(1)2 GAM-B01 20mm/85 c S&SB/5&50(2)2 Mk5 40mm/60 c
Sensors: Sensors: 2 Elevators
Spica II PTM Type 1006 J Type 994, Type 1006 J 4 LCVP
In Class: 12 Remarks: ESM Sensors:
Olsplacement: 190 std
In Service: 1975 Can carry 44 mines. Caries and repairs mine sweeping equipment and cables. Remarks: Type 978, Type 982, Type 993 J
Damage Points: 10
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 40 kts Used as exercise minelayer and mine craft support ship. ESM added for RFA maintained. Ex-MV Contender Bezant. Taken over for Falklands War in Remarks:
Propulsion: Gas Turbine Crew: 27 Persian Gulf service. Struck in 1988. Originally fitted with Type 978 radar. 1982. Carries 9 helos including Chinook, 4 Harriers, and a large number of Carries 4 LCVP in davits. Can launch 8 small/med helos at once. Fore and
Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Replaced by Type 1006. Vehicles. Converted Mar 1984-86 to serve as aviation training ship. Can trans- ah flight deck only. Placed in reserve in 1978; struck in 1981.
PB&SB(1)2RBS15w/1 msl D Damage and Speed Breakdown: port 12 Sea Harriers. Can operate Harriers in VTOL only. Armor: 1.9m con- Damage and Speed Breakdown:
F(1)1 Bofors Mk2 57mm/70111 9LV200 c Damage Points: O 14 27 41 49 55 crete added under flight deck. CHP Factor: Flight deck and hangar is M. Damage Points: O 126 252 378 454 504
PB&SB(1)2533mmTiw/1 Tp61 torp F Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks Watertight bulkheads added to improve compartmentation. Replaces Surlaos Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks
E Egandine.
(9)4 Elma ASW RL
FF Damage and Speed Breakdown: Castle OPV
Sensors: Amazon Damage Points: O 91 182 274 328 365
Skanter 009, Sea Giraffe 50HC J Displacement: 3100 std In Class: 6 Displacement: 1250 std lnClasa:2
In Service: 1974 Surfaos Speed: 19 14 10 5 0 Sinks Damage Points: 51 In Service: 1981
Damage Points: 84
Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 32 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts
4 LCM(9)
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 50 ~~ ~ 2F/P/S(4)4 Sea Catw/4 msls D
Converted in 1964-66 lo carry Buccaneer and Sea Vixen. In Mar 1971 converted
lo commando carrier. Converted in 1976 to ASW support ship. Refil in 1980 added
Weapons: Total Mounts: 1 Displacement: 45000 std In Class: [11
Sensors: ski jump. Transferred to lraining stalus early in 1984. Paid off in 1985. Sold to
F( 1) 1 Mk3 40mm/60 c Damage Points: 866 In Service: 1951-72
Type 994 J India. Refitted in UK before being handed over in Nov 1986.
Sensors: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts
Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Type 1006, Type 994 J Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2750
Weapons: Total Mounts: 31
can carry Sea King HC.4 on deck; no hangar facilities. Can launch 5 Sea King at Damage Points: o 128 257 386 463 514
Remarks: once. lntrepidplaced in reserve in 1976. Reactivated for Falklands War; returned Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 O Sinks
Helo pad aft can hold large helicopter(Sea King HC.4). Can also cany 7.62mm P&PBIP&PQ/S&SBIS&S0(2)8 Mk8114mm/55//4 Type 275 C
10 reserve. Has only P/S{4)2 Sea Cal and an additional P/8(2)2 BMARC 30mm/
machineguns and mines. 4P/2S/F/A(6)8 Mk6 40mm/60 //8 Type 262 C 75 and P/8(1)2 BMARC 20mm. Fearless started 20-month overhaul in May 1988;
Damage and Speed Breakdown: P/S(2)2 Mk5 40mm/60 C Hunt MSH
will complete in 1990, receiving P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx. Displacement: 625 std In Class: 13
Damage Points: 0 13 26 38 46 51 P/S/1A(1)9 Mk7 40mm/60 C Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 22
10 5 0 Sinks 60 aircraft In Service: 1980
Surface Speed: 20 15 Damage Points: 0 74 148 223 267 297
2 catapults Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 17 kts
Surface Speed: 21 16 10 5 o Sinks Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 45
County Class DOG 2 elevators
Sensors: Total Mounts: 3
In Class: [8]
Displacement: 5440
Type 960, Type 982, Type 983, Type 974 J Fort Grange Class AEFS F(1)1 Mk9 40mm/60 c
Damage Points: 185 In Service: 1962-87 Displacement: 16009 grt
In Class: 2 2 PAP 104
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Damage Points: 287
Armor: Waterline belt 114mm, flight deck 114mm-38mm, hangar side 38mm, In Service: 1978 Sensors:
Propulsion: COSAG Crew: 472
hangar deck 63mm-25mm. Received 5.5° angled deck during 1954-55 refit; Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts Type 1006 J
Weapons: Total Mounls: 13 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 168 Type 193M, Type 2059
F(2)1 Mk6114mm/45//1Type903 c one port Mk6 40mm and 3 port Mk? 40mm guns removed. Refit from mid-
Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Remarks:
c 1959 to 1964. Received armored 8.5' angled deck; Type 984 3D radar and
P/S(1)2 Mk4 20mm/80 Ah Pad(2)4 Sea King HAS.5 B Also Breconclass. Hull constructed of GRP. Quieted. Unilsin Persian Gulf service
D Type 965 radars fitted; forward 114mm sponsons removed.All 40mm removed
A(2)1 Sea Slug Mkll w/30 msls//1 Type 901 PIS( 1)2 GAM-803 20mm cnnu had P/S(1)2 BMARC 20mm, ESM, and Chaff launchers added. Type 193M and
D/Frn at this time and replaced by P&PBIP&PQ/S&SBIS&SQ/S/A(4)6 Seacat. Flight
PB&SB(1)4 MM38 Exocetw/1 msl Sensors: Type 2059 sonars and PAP 104 mine disposal vehicles are used for mine hunling
D deck armor reduced to 38mm from 114mm. Aircraft complement reduced to
P/S(4)2 Sea Cat w/4 msls//2 Type 903 Type 1006 J only. Mk9 40mm being replaced by F(1 )1 GCM-A03 30mml75.
B 35 fixed-wing aircraft and 1Ohalos. In 1954 operated 59, including Saa Hawk,
Aft Pad(1)1 Lynx HAS.2 Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
F Avengers,AEW Skyraiders, Dragonfly helo. Later had Sea Vixen, Scimitars,
PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Stingray Fitted with stabilizers. Can carry 4 Sea Kings. One normally carried. RFA Damage Points: O 6 11 17 20 22
Gannets. Paid off in Portsmouth in 1972; broken up in 1978.
Sensors: operated. Will be fitted with another 2 20mm aft. Surface Speed: 17 13 8 4 O Sinks
Type 965M, Type 277, Type 992R, Type 978 J Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
M Damage Points: O 216 433 650 779 866
Type 162, Type 184 Damage Points: 0 72 144 215 258 287 lnvinclble
Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks CVH
Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 O Sinks Displacement: 16250 std In Class:3
Fitted with stabilizers. 8 built. Standard fit for County class above. Glamorgan
was damaged on 12 Jun 1982 in Falklands War. Norfolk struck in 1982; Kent Endurance Ice Patrol Ship Damage Points: 387 In Service: 1980
Displacement: 3600 fl In Class: 1 Fort Victoria AOR Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts
and Antrim, 1984; Fife, 1987. MM38 ROF 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at the
In Service: 1956 Displacement: 31500 fl In Class: 0+2 Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 1400
same target. Damage Points: 129
Speed: 14 kts Damage Points: 481 In Service: 1990 Weapons: Total Mounts: 8
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00
Crew: 124 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts 3 Sea King AEW.2 B
Damage Points: 0 46 92 139 166 185 Propulsion: Diesel
Total Mounts: 4 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 220 8 Sea Harrier FAS.1 or 2 B
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Weapons:
B Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 9 Sea King HAS.5 B
Aft Pad( 1)2 Lynx HAS.3
Diligence AR P/S(1)2 Mk4 20mm/80 c Ah Pad(2)3 Sea King/EH.101
F&A(32)1 VL Sea Wolf w/32 msls//2 Type 911
B F(2)1 Sea Dart w/36 msls//2 Type 909 D
D 2 Elevator
In Class: 1 Sensors:
Displacement: 10595 fl
In Service: 1984 2 Type 1006 J PIS( 1)4 LS-308 30mm/75 c P/S/S&SO(R)3 Goalkeeper w/6 bursts C/lntl
Damage Points: 216
Speed: 16 kts Remarks:
Sensors: P/S(1)2 GAM-801 20mm/85 c
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Type 996, Type 1007 J Sensors:
Crew: 121 Can carry detachment of marines.
Propulsion: Diesel
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Nav radar Jn nu Type992R, 2Type 1006, Type 1022 J
Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 Remarks: Type 2016
64 97 116 129 M
P/S(1 )4 Mk4 20mm/80 c Damage Points: O 32
4 O Sinks F~cilities for Sea Harriers to land and refuel. No Harrier maintenance or ammo. Remarks:
Surface Speed: 14 11 7
Sensors: Six planned. 4 dual-purpose RAS rigs; can refuel astern. VL Sea Wolf ROF Original fit (lnWncibfe and Illustrious only) 5 Harriers and 9 Sea Kings, no
2 nav radars Jllntl 15 msls per turn. Phalanx or Goalkeeper, noAEW helicopters, Type 992radar. Sea King AEW
Remarks: Engadine AAH Damage and Speed Breakdown: and Phalanx/Goalkeeper added after Falklands; first two units refitted with
Ex-MV Stena-Inspector. Extensive repair facilities. Helo pad aft. Can land/ Displacement: 3640 In Class: [1]
Damage Points: 0 120 240 361 433 481 improved electronics and increased aircraft capacity. Illustrious and Ark Royal
launch helicopters up to Chinook. Strengthened hull for ice operations. Damage Points: 98 In Service: 1967-87
Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks have3 Mk15 Phalanx vice Goalkeeper. Ark Roya/has P/S(1)28MARC 30mm/
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts
75. Following completion of lnvincible's refit in 1989, Illustrious paid off into
Damage Points: 0 54 108 162 194 216 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 77
Sinks Total Mounts: 4 Hermes CVH "suspended operations" until it can be refitted in 1992. Will get three Goal-
Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Weapons: Displacement: 23900 keeper, 4 LWT Sea Wolf launchers, two Type 911 trackers, and 21 aircraft.
B In Class: [1]
Aft Pad(1 )4 Wessex Damage Points: 514 Will finish in 1993.
In Service: 1959-85
Dreadnought SSN Sensors: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts Damage and Speed Breakdown:
In Class: [1] 3 Decca series J
Displacement: 4000 subm Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1350 ·Damage Points: O 97 194 290 348 387
Damage Points: 71 In Service: 1963-83 Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 1O Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks
Speed: 15/28 kts Used as helicopter training ship. RFA operated. Hangar can hold 4 Wessex
Damage Modifier: 1.00 2 Elevator :1
I P/S(1)2 Mk4 20mm/80 c Tarbatness and Lyness transferred to US Navy in 1983. Damage Points: 45 In Service: 1958 Remarks:
I• PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Stingray F Damage and Speed Breakdown: RFA maintained. 3 RAS stations per side. Normally carries 2 Sea King.
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12117 kts
Sensors: Damage Points: 0 48 96 144 173 192 Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 69 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Type 994, Type 1006 J Surface Speed: 17 13 8 4 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Damage Points: o 78 156 234 281 312
Type 184, Type 162, Type 2031 towed array M PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/20 see remarks F, D Surface Speed: 17 13 8 4 0 Sinks
Remarks: Oakleaf AOS PQ&SQ(2)1 533mm TTw/4 Mk23 torp F
Fitted with stabilizers. Cleopatra has no helicopter. MM38 ROF 8 msls per Displacement: 45000 fl In Class: 1 Sensors: Retainer AEFS
turn (all mounts) at same target. Damage Points: 650 In Service: 1986 Type 1006 (Oberon), Type 1003 (Porpoise) J Displacement: 14000 In Class: (2]
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15 kts Type 187, Type 186 M Damage Points: 262 In Service: 1952-83
Damage Points: 0 23 46 68 82 91 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 45 Remarks: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15 kts
Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Normal TT loadout 16 Mk24 Mod 2 Tigerfish, 4 Harpoon. Forward TT can fire Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 107
P/S(1)2 Mk4 20mm/80 c MkB tarp. TT aft are short. Originally carried Mk23; no longer used. 2 Por-
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Leander/3A FF sensors: poise and 13 Oberon built. Porpoise subclass has additional 6 torpedoes fwd.
Damage Points: 0 10 21 32 38 42 Displacement: 2500 std In Class:5 Nav radars J/lntl Can guide only one wire-guided torp at a time. Nine units being updated.
Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 O Sinks Damage Points: 92 In Service: 1980 Remarks: Ocelot, Otter, Onyx, Opossum and Osiris are completed and have Type 2051
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts RFA manned. Ex-MV Oktania; taken over in Oct 1985. Refitted in Feb-Aug and 2007 vice 186 and 187 along with added Type 2086towed array sonar.
Leander/1 FF Propulsion: Steam Crew: 260 1996. Replaces Plumleaf. New fire control system allows the control of two wire-guided tarps at once.
Displacement: 2450 In Class: (6] Weapons: Total Mounts: 10 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Additional units Grampus and Rorqua/struck 1976; NaJWhaland Cachelotin
Damage Points: 91 In Service: 1972-89 PB&SB(1 )4 MM38 Exocel w/1 msl D/Frn 08mage Points: o 162 325 488 585 650 1977; Finwhale, 1978; Porpoise in 1982; Oberon, Sea/ion, Walrus and Or-
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts P/S(1)2 GAM-B01 20mm/85 c surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks pheus 1987; 0/ympu~ 1989.
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 257 PB&SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Stingray F Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 Aft Pad(1)1 Lynx HAS.3 B 01wen AOF(L) Damage Points: O 11 22 34 40 45
P/S(1 )2 Mk9 40mm/60 c F(6)1 Sea Wolf w/6 msls//1 Type 910 D Displacement: 10890 In Class:3 Surface Speed:
Submerged Speed:
A(3)1 Mk10 Limbo w/17 salvces//1 Type 170 E Sensors: Damage Points: 220 In Service: 1965
P/S(4)2 Sea Catw/4 msls//2 Type 903 D Type 967/968, Type 1006 J Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 19 kts
Aft pad(1)1 Lynx HAS.2 B Type 2016, Type 162M M Propulsion: Steam Crew: 66 Reliant AVS
F(1)1 lkara w/13 msls//1 lkara guidance ElAust Remarks: weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Displacement: 31500 In Class: (1]
Sensors: Sea Wolf Leander. Heavily modified Broad Beam Leander. 24 manual re- Aft Pad(1 )2 Sea King HC.4 B Damage Points: 481 In Service: 1983-86
Type 994, Type 1006 J loads for Sea Wolf. Fitted with stabilizers. Hermione and CharybdishaveA(1)1 P/S(1)4 Mk4 20mm/80 c Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts
Type 184, Type 162 M GAM-B01 20mm. MM38 ROF 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. Sensors: Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 195
Remarks: Scylla is test plattorrn for Type 2050 sonar. Kelvin-Hughes 14/12, Kelvin-Hughes 14/16 Jn nu Weapons: Total Mounts: 9
lkara Leander. Fitted with stabilizers. Arethusa has additional Type 2031 towed Damage and Speed Breakdown: Type 1006 J PIS( 1)4 GAM-B01 20mm/85 c
array sonar. Six units in class. Ajax struck in 1985; Leanderand Galatea, late Damage Points: 0 23 46 69 83 92 Remarks: Mid pad(2)5 Sea King HAS.5 B
1986; Aurora and Naiad, 1987; Leander, 1989. Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks RFA maintained. Hull reinforced against ice. Sensors:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: 3 nav radars J/lntl
Damage Points: O 23 46 68 82 91 Leander/3B FF Damage Points: 0 55 110 165 198 220 Remarks:
Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks Displacement: 2500 std In Class: (5] Surface Speed: 19 14 10 5 O Sinks Ex-MV Astronomercontainer ship fitted with Arapaho klt purchased from USN.
Damage Points: 92 In Service: 1967-89 Converted in Apr 1983 to Dec 1983. Fitted with stabilizers. Normally carries
Leander/2B FF Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts Pearleaf AOF(L) 3 Sea Kings. Sold in 1986.
Displacement: 2650 std In Class: 4 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 235 Displacement: 5138 In Class: (1] Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 97 In Service: 1975 Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 Damage Points: 134 In Service: 1960-86 Damage Points: 0 120 240 361 433 481
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts F(2)1 Mk6114mm/45//1Type904 c Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 248 A(1)1 GAM-B01 20mm/85 c Propulslon: Diesel Crew:?
Weapons: Total Mounts: 12 P/S(l )2 Mk4 20mm/80 c Weapons: Total Mounts: 0 Resolution SSBN
1F/2A(4)3 Sea Cat w/4 msls//2 Type 903 D A(4)1 Sea Cat w/4 msls//1 Type 903 D None Displacement: 8500 subm In Class: 4
P/S(1 )2 Mk9 40mm/60 c A(3)1 Mk10 Limbo w/17 salvoes//1 Type 170 E Sensors: Damage Points: 123 In Service: 1967
PB&SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F/USA Aft Pad(1)1 Lynx HAS.2 B Nav radar J/lntl Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/25 kts
Aft Pad(1)1 Lynx HAS.3 B Sensors: Remarks: Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 156
PB&SB(1 )4 MM38 Exocet w/1 msl D/Frn Type 994, Type 965, Type 1006 J RFA maintained. Returned to owners in 1986. Weapons: Total Mounts: 3
Sensors: Type 184, Type 162 M Damage and Speed Breakdown: PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/ Mk24 Mod 2 Tigerfish F, D
Type 1006, Type 996, Type 994 J Remarks: Damage Points: 0 34 67 100 121 134 (16)1 PolarisAT3Kw/16msls
Type 162, Type 184 M Broad Beam Leander class. Fitted with- stabilizers. During Falklands War Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 O Sinks Sensors:
Remarks: AchillesandApollocarriedA(1)1 GAM-B01 20mm, and DiomedecarriedA(1)2 Type 1006 J
Exocet Leander. Fitted with stabilizers. Juno has ( 1)2 20mm/80 vice 40mm, Mk4 20mm/80. Five units converted. Buchantestruck 1982; Achilles, Diomede Plum leaf AOF(L) Type 2001, Type 2007 M
no Type 996, Lynx helicopter, Seacat or Exocet. Used as training ship. MM38 and Apollo, 1988; Ariadne, 1989. Displacement: 6000 In Class: 1 Type 2023 or 2024 lowed array M
ROF 8 msls per turn (all launchers) at same target. On deployment fitted with Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 147 In Service: 1960-86 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
P/S( 1)2 GAM-B01-20mm. Damage Points: 0 23 46 69 83 92 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15 kts Damage Points: 0 31 62 92 111 123
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks Propulslon: Diesel Crew:? Surface Speed: 20 15 1o 5 0 Sinks
Damage Points: O 24 48 73 87 97 Weapons: Total Mounts: O Submerged Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks
Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks Lyness AVS/AFS None
Displacement: 9010 In Class: [3] Sensors: Resource AEFS
Leander/2TA FF Damage Points: 192 In Service: 1967-83 Nav radar J/lntl Displacement: 18029 grt In Class: 2
Displacement: 2450 std In Class: 4 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 17 kts Remarks: Damage Points: 312 In Service: 1967
Damage Points: 91 In Service: Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 154 RFA maintained. Returned to owners in 1986. Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 17 kts
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts Weapons: Total Mounts: 1 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: Steam Crew: 132
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 248 Aft Pad(4)1 Sea King HC.4 B Damage Points: 0 37 74 110 132 147 Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
Weapons: Total Mounts: 11 Sensors: Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks Aft Pad(1 )4 Sea King HC.4 B
I. Aft Pad(1)1 Lynx HAS.3 B Nav radar Jnnu F/P/S(1)3 Mk4 20mm/80 c
PB&SB(1 )4 MM38 Exocet w/1 msl D/Frn Remarks: Porpoise & Oberon SS Sensors:
11 A(4)2 Sea Cat w/4 msls//2 Type 903 D RFA maintained. Can launch 4 small/med helos at once. Stromness, Displacement: 2450 subm In Class: 10 Kelvin-Hughes 21/16P, Kelvin-Hughes 14112 J/lntl
I P/S(1)2 Mk4 20mm/80 c Tarbatness and Lyness transferred to US Navy in 1983. Damage Points: 45 In Service: 1958 Remarks:
I• PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Stingray F Damage and Speed Breakdown: RFA maintained. 3 RAS stations per side. Normally carries 2 Sea King.
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12117 kts
Sensors: Damage Points: 0 48 96 144 173 192 Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 69 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Type 994, Type 1006 J Surface Speed: 17 13 8 4 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Damage Points: o 78 156 234 281 312
Type 184, Type 162, Type 2031 towed array M PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/20 see remarks F, D Surface Speed: 17 13 8 4 0 Sinks
Remarks: Oakleaf AOS PQ&SQ(2)1 533mm TTw/4 Mk23 torp F
Fitted with stabilizers. Cleopatra has no helicopter. MM38 ROF 8 msls per Displacement: 45000 fl In Class: 1 Sensors: Retainer AEFS
turn (all mounts) at same target. Damage Points: 650 In Service: 1986 Type 1006 (Oberon), Type 1003 (Porpoise) J Displacement: 14000 In Class: (2]
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15 kts Type 187, Type 186 M Damage Points: 262 In Service: 1952-83
Damage Points: 0 23 46 68 82 91 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 45 Remarks: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15 kts
Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Normal TT loadout 16 Mk24 Mod 2 Tigerfish, 4 Harpoon. Forward TT can fire Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 107
P/S(1)2 Mk4 20mm/80 c MkB tarp. TT aft are short. Originally carried Mk23; no longer used. 2 Por-
Weapons: Total Mounts: O Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 8
None Damage Points: 0 22 45 67 80 FIFA maintained. Additional unit Tidepoo/ struck in 1982. PIS(1)2 Mk4 20mm/80 c
Sensors: Surface Speed: 17 13 8 4 0 oamage an~ Speed Breakdown: PIS(4)2 Sea Cat wl4 msls/12 Type 262 D
Nav radar J/lnll oamage Points: 0 46 92 139 166 185 A(3)1 Mk10 Limbo wl17 salvoes/11Type170 E
Remarks: Sir caradoc surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 0 Sinks Aft Pad(l)l Wasp HAS.1 B
2 units purchased and converted in 1952-56. Resurgent struck 1980; Re- Displacement: 3500 dwt In Class: [11 FIA(1)2 Mk5114mml45//1Type903 c
tainer, 1983. Damage Points: 126 In Service: 1983-87 Tidereach AOR Sensors:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts Displacement: 9040 ltshp In Class: [3] Type 993, Type 978, Type 965 J
Damage Points: O 66 131 196 236 262 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 57 Damage Points: 193 In Service: 1955-79 Type 162, Type 177 M
Surface Speed: 15 11 ri 4 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 0 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 17 kts Remarks:
None propulsion: Steam Crew: 110 Type 81 class. Seven built. Entire class struck.
Rothesay FF Sensors: weapons: Total Mounts: O Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Displacement: 2380 In Class: [91 2 nav radars J/lntl None
Damage Points: O 22 43 64 77 86
Damage Points: 88 In Service: 1960 Remarks: Sensors: Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 26 kts Originally Norwegian Ro-Ro ship MV Grey Master. On charter to UK from 14 Nav radar J/lnll
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 240 Jan 1983. Temporary fill-in until new Sir Galahad commissioned in 1987 Remarks: Type 14 FF
Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 PIS(1)2 Mk4 20mml80 removed in 1984. · 3 units built; all struck. Tidereach broken up in 1979. Displacement: 1180 std In Class: [121
F(2)1 Mk6114mml45//1Type903 c Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 48 In Service: 1955-71
PIS(1)2 Mk4 20mml80 c Damage Points: 0 32 63 94 113 Damage Points: O 48 96 145 174 193 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts
A(4)1 SeaCatwl16 msls//1Type262 D SUrfaceSpeed: 16 12 8 4 O surface Speed: 17 13 8 4 0 Sinks Propulslon: Steam Crew: 140
A(3)1 Mk10 Limbo wl17 salvoes/11 Type 170 E Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
Alt Pad(l)l Wasp HAS.1 B Sir Galahad Tiger CAH PISIA(t)3 Mk9 40mml60 c
Sensors: Displacement: 5000 It In Class: 1 Displacement: 9550 In Class: [31 F(3)2 Mk10 Limbowl17salvoes/11Type170 E
Type 994, Type 1006, Type 978 J Damage Points: 247 In Service: 1987 Damage Points: 265 In Service: 1961 PB/SB(2)2 533mm TT F
Type 174, Type 162 M Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts Sensors:
Remarks: Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 391 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 885 Type 974, Type 291 J
9 built. Brighton, Falmouth struck in 1981; Londonderry, 1984; Rhyl, Lowes- Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 Type 174, Type 162 M
toft, Plymouth, Berwick, 1985; Rothesay, 1987. Fa/mouth recommissioned in Aft/Mid Pad(1 )1 Sea King HC.4 B F(2)1 Mk6 76mml70//4 Type 903 c Remarks:
1982 for Falklands War; struck again in 1984. Plymouth damaged on 8 Jun PIS( 1)2 Mk9 40mml60 c P/S(4)2 Sea Cat wl4 msls//4 Type 903 D Blackwood class. Original armament of 3 40mm reduced. A( 1)1 Mk9 40mm
removed because it could not be used in heavy weather. 2(2) 533mm IT
1982 during Falklands War; repaired. PISIA(1)3 GAM-803 20mml85 c Alt Pad(1 )4 Sea King HAS.2 B
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors: F(2)1 Mk26 152mm152/14 Type 903 c mounted in Blackwood, Exmouth, Malcolm, Palliserremoved. Exmouthused
Damage Points: O 22 44 66 79 88 Type 1006 J Sensors: as gas turbine trials ship, armament unaffected.
Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 0 Sinks Remarks: Type 993, Type 978, Type 278, Type 965 J Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Replaces Sir Galahad sunk in Falklands War. Ro-Ro vessel; can load and Remarks: Damage Points: O 12 24 36 44 48
Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks
Rover Class AOF(S) discharge at bow and Stem simultaneously. Can operate medllarge he1icop· Carries 40 Sea Cat msls total (manual reload). The 4 Type 903 directors control
Displacement: 4700 It In Class: 5 ters. RFA operated. all weapons at 4 separate targets. Armor: Belt 89mm thinning to 83mm. 51 mm
Damage Points: 124 In Service: 1969 Damage and Speed Breakdown: deck, 76mm-25mm turret armor. General rating is L. CHP Rating: 152mm Type 15 FF
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 19 kts Damage Points: o 62 124 185 222 176 turret, bridge and engineering, L. Three units started conversion. Uon scrapped Displacement: 2240 std In Class: [231
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 45 Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 0 Sinks while still being converted in 1975; Tiger struck in 1978; Blake in 1980. Damage Points: 63 In Service: 1943-78
Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: O. 75 Speed: 20 kts
Alt Pad(l)l Sea King HC.4 B Swift sure SSN Damage Points: 0 66 132 199 239 265 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 195
PIS(l )2 Mk4 20mml80 c Olsplacernent: 4500 subm In Class: 6
Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 8
Sensors: Damage Points: 80 In Service: 1973 FIA(1)2 Mk19 102mml45//1Type262 c
Type 1006 J Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28130 kts Trafalgar SSN PIS(1)2 Mk5 40mml60 c
Remarks: Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 116 Displacement: 5200 subm In Class: 7 PB/SB(1)2 533mm TT F
RFAmaintained. Can also carry Sea King HAS.5 and actasanASW support Weapons: Total Mounts: 1 Damage Points: 91 In Service: 1983 A(3)2 Squid Mk4//1Type170 E
vessel. PB&SB(5)1 533mm TT wl25 see remarks F, D Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 28/32 kts Sensors:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors: Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 130 Type 278, Type 293 J
Damage Points: 0 31 62 93 112 124 Type 2001 or 2020, Type 2024 towed array M Weapons: Total Mounts: 1 Type 174 M
Surface Speed: 19 14 10 5 0 Sinks J PB&SB(5)1 533mm TT wl25 see remarks F, D Remarks:
Type 1006
Sensors: Rapidclass. F 191 Rocket and F 185 Relentless converted in 1949 to new
Type 1006 J design wlaluminum superstructure and A(2)1 Mk16 102mm, F(2)1 40mm.
Sir Bedivere LST Normal TT loadout 17 Mk24 Mod 2 ligerlish and 4 Harpoon IB. Fitted with
1' Type 2026 or 2046 towed array M Other units followed suit. Later units fitted with (3)2 Mk1 O Limbo vice Squid.
Displacement: 3270 It In Class: 4 anechoic coating.
Type 2020, Type 2007 M Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 89 In Service: 1967 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
BO Remarks: Damage Points: 0 16 31 47 56 63
Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 17 kts Damage Points: O 20 40 60 72
SUrface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks Has anechoic coating. Normal TT loadout 17 Mk24 Mod 2 ligerfish torp, 8 Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 408
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Submerged Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks Harpoon IC. Trafalgar(unit #1) has 7-bladed prop. Shrouded pump jet vice
PIS(l )2 Mk9 40mml60 c Propelloron second and subsequent units; lowers passive detection chance Type 22/1 FF
Sensors: AOF(L) by passive sonars by -100/o. Displacement: 3500 std In Class: 4
Tide Class Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Type 1006 JIUSA Damage Points: 126 In Service: 1978
Displacement: 8531 It In Class: 1
Remarks: In Service: 1963
Damage Points: 0 23 46 68 82 91 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts
Damage Points: 185
RFA-maintained. Ro-Ro design; built to merchant ship standards with mini- Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 224
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18 kts
mal compartmentation. Can carry 16 main battle tanks, 34 mixed vehicles, Submerged Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 14
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 110
120 tons POL and 30 tons ammo. Helo pads midships and aft (Sir Lancelot FIA(6)2 Sea Wolf wl6 msls/12 Type 911 D
Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
can perform fair weather helo ops only). Can stow 11 helos on tank deck and Alt Pad(1)1 Sea King HC.4 B Tribal Class FF PIS(2)2 GCM-A03 30mml75 c
9 on vehicle deck. Sir Galahad (6th unit) sunk; Sir Tristram badly damaged PISIA(l )3 Mk4 20mml80 c Displacement: 2300 In Class: [7] PIS(1)2 GAM-801 20mml85 c
on 8 Jun 1982 during Falklands War; used as accommodation hulk in Damage Points: 86 In Service: 1961-86 PB&SB(1)4 MM38 Exocetwl1 msl DIFrn
Falklands. Sir Tristramrepairscompleted on 9Oct1985. Aluminum construc- Jnn11 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts PB&SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT wl3 Stingray F
Kelvin-Hughes 14112, Kelvin-Hughes 14116
tion replaced with steel; 3 radars fitted (unknown type). Aft pad can accom- Propulsion: Steam Crew: 253 Alt Pad(1 )2 Lynx HAS.3 B
modate 1 small/med helicopter.
Weapons: Total Mounts: O Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 8
None Damage Points: 0 22 45 67 80 FIFA maintained. Additional unit Tidepoo/ struck in 1982. PIS(1)2 Mk4 20mm/80 c
Sensors: Surface Speed: 17 13 8 4 0 oamage an~ Speed Breakdown: PIS(4)2 Sea Cat wl4 msls/12 Type 262 D
Nav radar J/lnll oamage Points: 0 46 92 139 166 185 A(3)1 Mk10 Limbo wl17 salvoes/11Type170 E
Remarks: Sir caradoc surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 0 Sinks Aft Pad(l)l Wasp HAS.1 B
2 units purchased and converted in 1952-56. Resurgent struck 1980; Re- Displacement: 3500 dwt In Class: [11 FIA(1)2 Mk5114mml45//1Type903 c
tainer, 1983. Damage Points: 126 In Service: 1983-87 Tidereach AOR Sensors:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts Displacement: 9040 ltshp In Class: [3] Type 993, Type 978, Type 965 J
Damage Points: O 66 131 196 236 262 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 57 Damage Points: 193 In Service: 1955-79 Type 162, Type 177 M
Surface Speed: 15 11 ri 4 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 0 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 17 kts Remarks:
None propulsion: Steam Crew: 110 Type 81 class. Seven built. Entire class struck.
Rothesay FF Sensors: weapons: Total Mounts: O Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Displacement: 2380 In Class: [91 2 nav radars J/lntl None
Damage Points: O 22 43 64 77 86
Damage Points: 88 In Service: 1960 Remarks: Sensors: Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 26 kts Originally Norwegian Ro-Ro ship MV Grey Master. On charter to UK from 14 Nav radar J/lnll
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 240 Jan 1983. Temporary fill-in until new Sir Galahad commissioned in 1987 Remarks: Type 14 FF
Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 PIS(1)2 Mk4 20mml80 removed in 1984. · 3 units built; all struck. Tidereach broken up in 1979. Displacement: 1180 std In Class: [121
F(2)1 Mk6114mml45//1Type903 c Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 48 In Service: 1955-71
PIS(1)2 Mk4 20mml80 c Damage Points: 0 32 63 94 113 Damage Points: O 48 96 145 174 193 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 27 kts
A(4)1 SeaCatwl16 msls//1Type262 D SUrfaceSpeed: 16 12 8 4 O surface Speed: 17 13 8 4 0 Sinks Propulslon: Steam Crew: 140
A(3)1 Mk10 Limbo wl17 salvoes/11 Type 170 E Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
Alt Pad(l)l Wasp HAS.1 B Sir Galahad Tiger CAH PISIA(t)3 Mk9 40mml60 c
Sensors: Displacement: 5000 It In Class: 1 Displacement: 9550 In Class: [31 F(3)2 Mk10 Limbowl17salvoes/11Type170 E
Type 994, Type 1006, Type 978 J Damage Points: 247 In Service: 1987 Damage Points: 265 In Service: 1961 PB/SB(2)2 533mm TT F
Type 174, Type 162 M Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts Sensors:
Remarks: Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 391 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 885 Type 974, Type 291 J
9 built. Brighton, Falmouth struck in 1981; Londonderry, 1984; Rhyl, Lowes- Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 Type 174, Type 162 M
toft, Plymouth, Berwick, 1985; Rothesay, 1987. Fa/mouth recommissioned in Aft/Mid Pad(1 )1 Sea King HC.4 B F(2)1 Mk6 76mml70//4 Type 903 c Remarks:
1982 for Falklands War; struck again in 1984. Plymouth damaged on 8 Jun PIS( 1)2 Mk9 40mml60 c P/S(4)2 Sea Cat wl4 msls//4 Type 903 D Blackwood class. Original armament of 3 40mm reduced. A( 1)1 Mk9 40mm
removed because it could not be used in heavy weather. 2(2) 533mm IT
1982 during Falklands War; repaired. PISIA(1)3 GAM-803 20mml85 c Alt Pad(1 )4 Sea King HAS.2 B
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors: F(2)1 Mk26 152mm152/14 Type 903 c mounted in Blackwood, Exmouth, Malcolm, Palliserremoved. Exmouthused
Damage Points: O 22 44 66 79 88 Type 1006 J Sensors: as gas turbine trials ship, armament unaffected.
Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 0 Sinks Remarks: Type 993, Type 978, Type 278, Type 965 J Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Replaces Sir Galahad sunk in Falklands War. Ro-Ro vessel; can load and Remarks: Damage Points: O 12 24 36 44 48
Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks
Rover Class AOF(S) discharge at bow and Stem simultaneously. Can operate medllarge he1icop· Carries 40 Sea Cat msls total (manual reload). The 4 Type 903 directors control
Displacement: 4700 It In Class: 5 ters. RFA operated. all weapons at 4 separate targets. Armor: Belt 89mm thinning to 83mm. 51 mm
Damage Points: 124 In Service: 1969 Damage and Speed Breakdown: deck, 76mm-25mm turret armor. General rating is L. CHP Rating: 152mm Type 15 FF
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 19 kts Damage Points: o 62 124 185 222 176 turret, bridge and engineering, L. Three units started conversion. Uon scrapped Displacement: 2240 std In Class: [231
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 45 Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 0 Sinks while still being converted in 1975; Tiger struck in 1978; Blake in 1980. Damage Points: 63 In Service: 1943-78
Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: O. 75 Speed: 20 kts
Alt Pad(l)l Sea King HC.4 B Swift sure SSN Damage Points: 0 66 132 199 239 265 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 195
PIS(l )2 Mk4 20mml80 c Olsplacernent: 4500 subm In Class: 6
Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 8
Sensors: Damage Points: 80 In Service: 1973 FIA(1)2 Mk19 102mml45//1Type262 c
Type 1006 J Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28130 kts Trafalgar SSN PIS(1)2 Mk5 40mml60 c
Remarks: Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 116 Displacement: 5200 subm In Class: 7 PB/SB(1)2 533mm TT F
RFAmaintained. Can also carry Sea King HAS.5 and actasanASW support Weapons: Total Mounts: 1 Damage Points: 91 In Service: 1983 A(3)2 Squid Mk4//1Type170 E
vessel. PB&SB(5)1 533mm TT wl25 see remarks F, D Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 28/32 kts Sensors:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors: Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 130 Type 278, Type 293 J
Damage Points: 0 31 62 93 112 124 Type 2001 or 2020, Type 2024 towed array M Weapons: Total Mounts: 1 Type 174 M
Surface Speed: 19 14 10 5 0 Sinks J PB&SB(5)1 533mm TT wl25 see remarks F, D Remarks:
Type 1006
Sensors: Rapidclass. F 191 Rocket and F 185 Relentless converted in 1949 to new
Type 1006 J design wlaluminum superstructure and A(2)1 Mk16 102mm, F(2)1 40mm.
Sir Bedivere LST Normal TT loadout 17 Mk24 Mod 2 ligerlish and 4 Harpoon IB. Fitted with
1' Type 2026 or 2046 towed array M Other units followed suit. Later units fitted with (3)2 Mk1 O Limbo vice Squid.
Displacement: 3270 It In Class: 4 anechoic coating.
Type 2020, Type 2007 M Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 89 In Service: 1967 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
BO Remarks: Damage Points: 0 16 31 47 56 63
Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 17 kts Damage Points: O 20 40 60 72
SUrface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks Has anechoic coating. Normal TT loadout 17 Mk24 Mod 2 ligerfish torp, 8 Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 408
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Submerged Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks Harpoon IC. Trafalgar(unit #1) has 7-bladed prop. Shrouded pump jet vice
PIS(l )2 Mk9 40mml60 c Propelloron second and subsequent units; lowers passive detection chance Type 22/1 FF
Sensors: AOF(L) by passive sonars by -100/o. Displacement: 3500 std In Class: 4
Tide Class Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Type 1006 JIUSA Damage Points: 126 In Service: 1978
Displacement: 8531 It In Class: 1
Remarks: In Service: 1963
Damage Points: 0 23 46 68 82 91 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts
Damage Points: 185
RFA-maintained. Ro-Ro design; built to merchant ship standards with mini- Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 224
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18 kts
mal compartmentation. Can carry 16 main battle tanks, 34 mixed vehicles, Submerged Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 14
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 110
120 tons POL and 30 tons ammo. Helo pads midships and aft (Sir Lancelot FIA(6)2 Sea Wolf wl6 msls/12 Type 911 D
Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
can perform fair weather helo ops only). Can stow 11 helos on tank deck and Alt Pad(1)1 Sea King HC.4 B Tribal Class FF PIS(2)2 GCM-A03 30mml75 c
9 on vehicle deck. Sir Galahad (6th unit) sunk; Sir Tristram badly damaged PISIA(l )3 Mk4 20mml80 c Displacement: 2300 In Class: [7] PIS(1)2 GAM-801 20mml85 c
on 8 Jun 1982 during Falklands War; used as accommodation hulk in Damage Points: 86 In Service: 1961-86 PB&SB(1)4 MM38 Exocetwl1 msl DIFrn
Falklands. Sir Tristramrepairscompleted on 9Oct1985. Aluminum construc- Jnn11 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts PB&SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT wl3 Stingray F
Kelvin-Hughes 14112, Kelvin-Hughes 14116
tion replaced with steel; 3 radars fitted (unknown type). Aft pad can accom- Propulsion: Steam Crew: 253 Alt Pad(1 )2 Lynx HAS.3 B
modate 1 small/med helicopter.
1990·91 Data Annex
Sensors: F&A(32)1 VL Sea Wolf w/32 msls/12 Type 911 D Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Type 2016 M F(1)1 Mk8 114mml55111Type911 C Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 253 Damage Points: 0 22 43 64 77 86
Type 1006, Type 9671968 J PIS(1)2 GCM-A03 30mm/75 C weapons: Tolal Mounts: 11 Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 o Sinks
Remarks: PBIS8(2)2 324mm TI w/2 Stingray torp F F(1)1Mk8114mml55111Type909 c Submerged Speed: 28 21 14 7 O Sinks
Broadswordclass. Normal complement is 1 Lynx. Firsttwounits, Broadsword Sensors: p/$(1 )2 Mk4 20mm/80 c
and Battleaxe, do not have 324mm TT. 24 manual reloads carried for Sea Type 996, Type 1007 J PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Stingray F Vanguard SSBN
Wolf launcher. MM38 ROF 8 msls per tum {all mounts) at same target. Type Type 2050, Type 2031 towed array M Alt Pad(1)1 Lynx HAS.3 B Displacement: 15850 subm In Class: 0+2+2
2016 will be replaced by Type 2050 hull sonar. Remarks: F(2)1 Sea Dart w/40 msV/2 Type 909 D Damage Points: 190 In Service: 1994
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Duka or Norfolk class. Can carry 1 EH.101 (when available) vice Lynx. Oui- P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C/USA Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/25 kts
Damage Points: O 32 63 94 113 126 eted. Can cruise on electric motors up to 15 knots; treat as diesel sub on p/S(1)2 GAM-B01 20mm185 c Propulsion: Nudear Crew: 130
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 O Sinks electric motors. Fitted with stabilizers. VLSea Wolf ROF 15 msls per turn. Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 3
MK141 ROF 8 msls per turn (both mounts) at same target Surfaces sloped Type 1022, Type 9920 J P8&S8(2)2 533mm TI w/20 see remarks F, D
Type 22/2 FF to reduce radar signature. Type 162, Type 162, Type 2016 M (16)1 Tridentw/16 D5
Displacement: 4100 In Class: 6 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks: Sensors:
Damage Points: 146 In Service: 1984 Damage Points: 0 32 63 94 113 126 Manchester class. Fitted with dual stabilizers. Forward Type 909 radar can Type 1007 J
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks control either MkS 114mm gun or Sea Dart msl. Type 992 will be replaced Type 2054, Type 2046 towed array M
Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 273 with Type 996. Remarks:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 14 Type 41 FF Damage and Speed Breakdown: TT can fire Mk24 Tigerfish, Spearfish, Harpoon. Number of weapons esti-
Alt Pad(1)2 Lynx HAS.3 B Displacement: 2300 std fnClaaa:[4] Damage Points: 0 32 64 95 114 127 mated. Has anechoic coating.
P8&S8(1 )4 MM38 Exocet w/1 msl DIFrn Damage Points: 86 In Service: 1955-78 Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown:
FIA(6)2 Sea Wolf w/6 msls/12 Type 911 D Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts Damage Points: O 48 95 143 171 190
PIS(1)2 GCM-A03 30mm/75 c Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 205 Type 61 FF Surface Speed: 20 15 1O 5 o Sinks
PIS(1)2 GAM-801 20mm/85 c Weapons: Total Mount•: 4 Displacement: 2170 In Class: [2] Submerged Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks
PBIS8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Stingray F FIA(2)2 Mk6 114mml45111Type275 c Damage Points: S1 In Service: 1957
Sensors: A(2)1 Mk2 40mm/60 STAAG/11 Type 262 c Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 24 kts Victorious CV
Type 9671968, Type 1006 J F(3)1 Squid Mk4111Type170 E Propulsion: Steam Crew: 237 Displacement: 30530 std In Class: [1]
Type 2016, Type 2031 towed array M Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Damage Points: 625 In Service: 1957-69
Remarks: Type 162 M F(2)1 Mk6 114mml451/1 Type 275 c Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts
Boxer class. Fitted with stabilizers. Quieted. Third unit, Brave, and subse- Type 960, Type 174, Type 974, Type 9920 J A(4)1 Sea Cat w/4 msls/11 GWS20 optical D Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2400
quent units can carry 1 Sea King or EH.101 (when available) vice 2 Lynx. Remarks: Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 11
Normal complement is 1 Lynx. Brave and onward max speed reduced to 28 Leopard class. Fitted with stabilizers. Later fitted with Type 965 to replace Type 993, Type 278, Type 978, Type 965P J P&PBIPIP&POIS&S8/S/S&S0(2)6 Mk33 76mm/501/6 CR8F C
knots. MM38 ROF 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. 24 manual Type 9920. Twin STAAG mount proved unreliable. ReplacedwithA(1 )1 Mk9 Type 174, Type 170 M S(6)1 Mk6 40mml60111 CR8F C
reloads carried for Sea Wolf launcher. 40mm/60. Fifth unit, Panther, sold to India while building. Remarks: 2 Catapults
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Salisbury class. Both Salisbury and Lincoln in reserve. 12 manual reloads for 36Aircraft
Damage Points: 0 36 73 110 131 146 Damage Points: O 21 43 64 77 86 Sea Cat. Lincoln has (A) (3)1 Squid w/Type 170. 2 Elevators
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors:
Damage Points: O 20 40 61 73 81 Type 984 3D, Type 974, Type 2930 J
Type 22/3 FF Type42 DOG Surface Speed: 24 18 12 6 0 Sinks Remarks:
Displacement: 4200 std In Class:4 Displacement: 3150 lnClass:8 Armor: 114mm armor on belt and hangar side, 82mm on flight deck, 63mm
Damage Points: 149 In Service: 19S7 Damage Points: 114 In Service: 1975 Upholder SS on hangar deck. Armor: General factor L; CHP for flight deck, hangar deck,
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Displacement: 2400 subm In Class: 1+3::5 engineering is L. WW11 carrier rebuilt in 1950-57. Hull enlarged; sponson
Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 273 Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 253 Damage Points: 44 In Service: 1989 added. 8.75'-angled deck fitted. During 1962-63 refit Mk6 40mm and 2 Mk33
Weapons: Total Mounts: 12 Weapons: Total Mounts: 11 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12120 kts 76mm removed. Air group in Jan 195Swas 2S fixed-wings ands helos; later
Alt Pad(1)2 Lynx HAS.3 B F( 1) 1 Mk8 114mml55111 Type 909 c Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 44 dropped to 23 and S helos. Carried S Buccaneer, 8 Sea Vixen, 2 Gannet, 5
PO&PBISQ&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon DIUSA PIS(1)2 GAM-801 20mm/85 c Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Wessex. Suffered major fire in 196S during refit; decision made to scrap her.
F(1)1 Mk8114mm/551/1 Type911 c PIS( 1)2 Mk4 20mm/80 c P8&SB(3)2 533mm TI w/18 see remarks F, D Broken up in 1969.
P&S(R)1 Goalkeeper 30mm w/6 bursts Cllntl PIS(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C/USA Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
FIA(6)2 LWT Sea Wolf w/6 msls/12 Type 911 D F(2)1 Sea Dart w/22 msls/12 Type 909 D Type 1007 J Damage Points: O 156 312 469 562 625
P/S(1)2 LS-308 30mm175 c P8&S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Stingray F Type 2040, Type 2026 t. array, Type 2007 M Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks
P8/S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Stingray F Aft Pad(1)1 Lynx HAS.3 B Remarks:
Sensors: Sensors: NorrnalTiloadout 14 Mk24 Mod21igerfish, 4 Harpoon IC. Can carry Speartish Whidby FF
Type 9671968, Type 1006 J Type 9920, Type 1006, Type 1022 J when available. Has anechoic coating. Displacement: 2150 fnClan:[6)
Type 2050, Type 2031 towed array M Type 184, Type 162 M Damage end Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: S1 In Service: 1956
Remarks: Remarks: Damage Points: 0 11 22 33 40 44 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 26 kts
Can carry 1 Sea King or EH.101 (when available) vice 2 Lynx. Normally carries Sheffield class, batches 1 and 2. Forward Type 909 director controls Mk8 or Surface Speed: 12 9 6 3 0 Sinks Propulsion: Steam Crew: 225
1 Lynx. Fitted with stabilizers. Quieted. Forward Type 911 director controls Sea Dart msl. Fitted with stabilizers. Have bubble ejectors for propellon; which Submerged Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks - Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
either Sea Wolf missile or Mk8 114mm gun. 24 manual reloads carried for reduce cavitation noise (quieted). Additional units Sheffte/dsunk on 4 May
Sea Wolf launcher. 1982 (not fitted with Mk32 TI); Coventtysunk on 25 May 1982 in Falklands
F(2)1 Mk6 114mml45111Type275 c
Damage end Speed Breakdown: War. Glasgowdamaged. Type 2016 vice Type 184 sonar in batch 2 ships.
Valiant SSN A(3)1 Mk10 Limbo w/17 salvoes/11Type170 E
Displacement: 4900 subm In Class: 5 Sensors:
Damage Points: 0 37 74 112 134 149 Sonars in both batches being replaced by Type 2050. One unit fitted with Damage Points: 86 In Service: 1966 Type 993, Type 1006 J
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks PIS GCM-A02 30mm with on-mount optical sights instead of Phalanx.
Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 20128 kts Type 177, Type 162 M
Southampton (batch 2) in refit following collision in Persian Gulf. Will return Propulslon: Nuclear Crew: 116 Remarks:
Type 23 FF to service in 1992. Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Type 72class. Blackpool, Scarbouroughand Tenbystruck in 1974; Whidby,
Displacement: 3500 std In Class: 1+4+(2) Damage and Speed Breakdown: PBIS8(3)2 533mm TI w/25 Mk24 Mod 2 ligerfish F, D 1975; Eastbourne, 1976; Torquay, 1985. Torquay used as training ship for
Damage Points: 126 In Service: 1989 Damage Points: 0 28 57 86 103 114 Sensors: several years prior to decomm.
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks
Type 2020, Type 2007, Type 2046 twd. arr. M Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Propulsion: CODLAG Crew: 157 Type 1003 J Damage Po;nts: 0 20 40 61 73 81
Weapons: Total Mounts: 10 Type42/3 DOG Remarks: Su,rtace Speed: 26 20 13 6 0 Sinks
Aft Pad(1 )2 Lynx HAS.3 B Displacement: 3550 std lnClass:4 Normal TI loadout 17 Mk24 Mod 2 ligerfish, 8 Harpoon IB. Conqueror has
PO&PBIS8&S0(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon DIUSA Damage Points: 127 In Service: 1982 Type 2074 sonar vice 2020 for two-year trial.
1990·91 Data Annex
Sensors: F&A(32)1 VL Sea Wolf w/32 msls/12 Type 911 D Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Type 2016 M F(1)1 Mk8 114mml55111Type911 C Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 253 Damage Points: 0 22 43 64 77 86
Type 1006, Type 9671968 J PIS(1)2 GCM-A03 30mm/75 C weapons: Tolal Mounts: 11 Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 o Sinks
Remarks: PBIS8(2)2 324mm TI w/2 Stingray torp F F(1)1Mk8114mml55111Type909 c Submerged Speed: 28 21 14 7 O Sinks
Broadswordclass. Normal complement is 1 Lynx. Firsttwounits, Broadsword Sensors: p/$(1 )2 Mk4 20mm/80 c
and Battleaxe, do not have 324mm TT. 24 manual reloads carried for Sea Type 996, Type 1007 J PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Stingray F Vanguard SSBN
Wolf launcher. MM38 ROF 8 msls per tum {all mounts) at same target. Type Type 2050, Type 2031 towed array M Alt Pad(1)1 Lynx HAS.3 B Displacement: 15850 subm In Class: 0+2+2
2016 will be replaced by Type 2050 hull sonar. Remarks: F(2)1 Sea Dart w/40 msV/2 Type 909 D Damage Points: 190 In Service: 1994
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Duka or Norfolk class. Can carry 1 EH.101 (when available) vice Lynx. Oui- P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C/USA Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/25 kts
Damage Points: O 32 63 94 113 126 eted. Can cruise on electric motors up to 15 knots; treat as diesel sub on p/S(1)2 GAM-B01 20mm185 c Propulsion: Nudear Crew: 130
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 O Sinks electric motors. Fitted with stabilizers. VLSea Wolf ROF 15 msls per turn. Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 3
MK141 ROF 8 msls per turn (both mounts) at same target Surfaces sloped Type 1022, Type 9920 J P8&S8(2)2 533mm TI w/20 see remarks F, D
Type 22/2 FF to reduce radar signature. Type 162, Type 162, Type 2016 M (16)1 Tridentw/16 D5
Displacement: 4100 In Class: 6 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks: Sensors:
Damage Points: 146 In Service: 1984 Damage Points: 0 32 63 94 113 126 Manchester class. Fitted with dual stabilizers. Forward Type 909 radar can Type 1007 J
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks control either MkS 114mm gun or Sea Dart msl. Type 992 will be replaced Type 2054, Type 2046 towed array M
Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 273 with Type 996. Remarks:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 14 Type 41 FF Damage and Speed Breakdown: TT can fire Mk24 Tigerfish, Spearfish, Harpoon. Number of weapons esti-
Alt Pad(1)2 Lynx HAS.3 B Displacement: 2300 std fnClaaa:[4] Damage Points: 0 32 64 95 114 127 mated. Has anechoic coating.
P8&S8(1 )4 MM38 Exocet w/1 msl DIFrn Damage Points: 86 In Service: 1955-78 Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown:
FIA(6)2 Sea Wolf w/6 msls/12 Type 911 D Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25 kts Damage Points: O 48 95 143 171 190
PIS(1)2 GCM-A03 30mm/75 c Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 205 Type 61 FF Surface Speed: 20 15 1O 5 o Sinks
PIS(1)2 GAM-801 20mm/85 c Weapons: Total Mount•: 4 Displacement: 2170 In Class: [2] Submerged Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks
PBIS8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Stingray F FIA(2)2 Mk6 114mml45111Type275 c Damage Points: S1 In Service: 1957
Sensors: A(2)1 Mk2 40mm/60 STAAG/11 Type 262 c Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 24 kts Victorious CV
Type 9671968, Type 1006 J F(3)1 Squid Mk4111Type170 E Propulsion: Steam Crew: 237 Displacement: 30530 std In Class: [1]
Type 2016, Type 2031 towed array M Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Damage Points: 625 In Service: 1957-69
Remarks: Type 162 M F(2)1 Mk6 114mml451/1 Type 275 c Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts
Boxer class. Fitted with stabilizers. Quieted. Third unit, Brave, and subse- Type 960, Type 174, Type 974, Type 9920 J A(4)1 Sea Cat w/4 msls/11 GWS20 optical D Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2400
quent units can carry 1 Sea King or EH.101 (when available) vice 2 Lynx. Remarks: Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 11
Normal complement is 1 Lynx. Brave and onward max speed reduced to 28 Leopard class. Fitted with stabilizers. Later fitted with Type 965 to replace Type 993, Type 278, Type 978, Type 965P J P&PBIPIP&POIS&S8/S/S&S0(2)6 Mk33 76mm/501/6 CR8F C
knots. MM38 ROF 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. 24 manual Type 9920. Twin STAAG mount proved unreliable. ReplacedwithA(1 )1 Mk9 Type 174, Type 170 M S(6)1 Mk6 40mml60111 CR8F C
reloads carried for Sea Wolf launcher. 40mm/60. Fifth unit, Panther, sold to India while building. Remarks: 2 Catapults
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Salisbury class. Both Salisbury and Lincoln in reserve. 12 manual reloads for 36Aircraft
Damage Points: 0 36 73 110 131 146 Damage Points: O 21 43 64 77 86 Sea Cat. Lincoln has (A) (3)1 Squid w/Type 170. 2 Elevators
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors:
Damage Points: O 20 40 61 73 81 Type 984 3D, Type 974, Type 2930 J
Type 22/3 FF Type42 DOG Surface Speed: 24 18 12 6 0 Sinks Remarks:
Displacement: 4200 std In Class:4 Displacement: 3150 lnClass:8 Armor: 114mm armor on belt and hangar side, 82mm on flight deck, 63mm
Damage Points: 149 In Service: 19S7 Damage Points: 114 In Service: 1975 Upholder SS on hangar deck. Armor: General factor L; CHP for flight deck, hangar deck,
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Displacement: 2400 subm In Class: 1+3::5 engineering is L. WW11 carrier rebuilt in 1950-57. Hull enlarged; sponson
Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 273 Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 253 Damage Points: 44 In Service: 1989 added. 8.75'-angled deck fitted. During 1962-63 refit Mk6 40mm and 2 Mk33
Weapons: Total Mounts: 12 Weapons: Total Mounts: 11 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12120 kts 76mm removed. Air group in Jan 195Swas 2S fixed-wings ands helos; later
Alt Pad(1)2 Lynx HAS.3 B F( 1) 1 Mk8 114mml55111 Type 909 c Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 44 dropped to 23 and S helos. Carried S Buccaneer, 8 Sea Vixen, 2 Gannet, 5
PO&PBISQ&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon DIUSA PIS(1)2 GAM-801 20mm/85 c Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Wessex. Suffered major fire in 196S during refit; decision made to scrap her.
F(1)1 Mk8114mm/551/1 Type911 c PIS( 1)2 Mk4 20mm/80 c P8&SB(3)2 533mm TI w/18 see remarks F, D Broken up in 1969.
P&S(R)1 Goalkeeper 30mm w/6 bursts Cllntl PIS(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C/USA Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
FIA(6)2 LWT Sea Wolf w/6 msls/12 Type 911 D F(2)1 Sea Dart w/22 msls/12 Type 909 D Type 1007 J Damage Points: O 156 312 469 562 625
P/S(1)2 LS-308 30mm175 c P8&S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Stingray F Type 2040, Type 2026 t. array, Type 2007 M Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks
P8/S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Stingray F Aft Pad(1)1 Lynx HAS.3 B Remarks:
Sensors: Sensors: NorrnalTiloadout 14 Mk24 Mod21igerfish, 4 Harpoon IC. Can carry Speartish Whidby FF
Type 9671968, Type 1006 J Type 9920, Type 1006, Type 1022 J when available. Has anechoic coating. Displacement: 2150 fnClan:[6)
Type 2050, Type 2031 towed array M Type 184, Type 162 M Damage end Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: S1 In Service: 1956
Remarks: Remarks: Damage Points: 0 11 22 33 40 44 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 26 kts
Can carry 1 Sea King or EH.101 (when available) vice 2 Lynx. Normally carries Sheffield class, batches 1 and 2. Forward Type 909 director controls Mk8 or Surface Speed: 12 9 6 3 0 Sinks Propulsion: Steam Crew: 225
1 Lynx. Fitted with stabilizers. Quieted. Forward Type 911 director controls Sea Dart msl. Fitted with stabilizers. Have bubble ejectors for propellon; which Submerged Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks - Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
either Sea Wolf missile or Mk8 114mm gun. 24 manual reloads carried for reduce cavitation noise (quieted). Additional units Sheffte/dsunk on 4 May
Sea Wolf launcher. 1982 (not fitted with Mk32 TI); Coventtysunk on 25 May 1982 in Falklands
F(2)1 Mk6 114mml45111Type275 c
Damage end Speed Breakdown: War. Glasgowdamaged. Type 2016 vice Type 184 sonar in batch 2 ships.
Valiant SSN A(3)1 Mk10 Limbo w/17 salvoes/11Type170 E
Displacement: 4900 subm In Class: 5 Sensors:
Damage Points: 0 37 74 112 134 149 Sonars in both batches being replaced by Type 2050. One unit fitted with Damage Points: 86 In Service: 1966 Type 993, Type 1006 J
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks PIS GCM-A02 30mm with on-mount optical sights instead of Phalanx.
Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 20128 kts Type 177, Type 162 M
Southampton (batch 2) in refit following collision in Persian Gulf. Will return Propulslon: Nuclear Crew: 116 Remarks:
Type 23 FF to service in 1992. Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Type 72class. Blackpool, Scarbouroughand Tenbystruck in 1974; Whidby,
Displacement: 3500 std In Class: 1+4+(2) Damage and Speed Breakdown: PBIS8(3)2 533mm TI w/25 Mk24 Mod 2 ligerfish F, D 1975; Eastbourne, 1976; Torquay, 1985. Torquay used as training ship for
Damage Points: 126 In Service: 1989 Damage Points: 0 28 57 86 103 114 Sensors: several years prior to decomm.
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks
Type 2020, Type 2007, Type 2046 twd. arr. M Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Propulsion: CODLAG Crew: 157 Type 1003 J Damage Po;nts: 0 20 40 61 73 81
Weapons: Total Mounts: 10 Type42/3 DOG Remarks: Su,rtace Speed: 26 20 13 6 0 Sinks
Aft Pad(1 )2 Lynx HAS.3 B Displacement: 3550 std lnClass:4 Normal TI loadout 17 Mk24 Mod 2 ligerfish, 8 Harpoon IB. Conqueror has
PO&PBIS8&S0(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon DIUSA Damage Points: 127 In Service: 1982 Type 2074 sonar vice 2020 for two-year trial.
USA Damage and Speed Breakdown: p/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Remarks:
Damage Points: 0 60 120 180 216 240 sensors: Mk10 magazine loadout40 SM2ERand 20ASROC. Mk141 ROF 8 msls per
Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks gpS-49, SPS-48E, SPS-67 J turn (both mounts) at same target. Belknap has SQS-53 vice SQS-26, SPQ-
Albany CG LN-66 J/Can 9D radar (additional) and SPG-60vice SPG-53directorfor 127mm guns (use
Displacement: 13700 In Class: [3) Asheville PG 5 00-23 M Mk45hit chances for Mk42127mm guns).Aluminum superstructure. Armor:
Damage Points: 258 In Service: 1962-85 Displacement: 225 In Class: [17] Remarks: Belknap, possibly others, have Kevlar armor overcritical spaces. CHP rating
Damage Modifier: .75 Speed: 32 kts Damage Points: 8 In Service: 1966 Helo pad alt. No ASROC reloads provided. Mk141 ROF 8 msls per tum (both for sensors is L. Belknafis SPG-60 director can control Mk42 or illuminate
Crew:835 Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 40 kts launchers) at same target. Has NTU upgrade. target for SM2ER missile. Belknap is Sixth Fleet flagship; has no helicopter
Propulsion: Steam
Total Mounts: 9 Propulslon: Diesel Crew: 24 oamage and Speed Breakdown: or hangar, but pad has been enlarged toaccommodatehelos up to SH-3 size.
P/S(2)2 Mk11 w/40 SM1MR//4 SPG-51 D Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Damage Points: O 58 115 172 207 230 Fox receiving NTU; will be completed late 1990. Biddle has NTU upgrade.
c A( 1) 1 Mk3 40mm/60 c surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown:
P/S(1 )2 Mk24 127mm/38//2 Mk35
P&S(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC E F(1)1 Mk34 76mm/50//1 SPG-50 c Damage Points: O 39 78 117 140 156
PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp F Sensors: Barbel SS Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 0 Sinks
F/A(2)2 Mk12 w/46 Talos//4 SPG-49 D None Dlsplacement: 2640 subm In Class: 2
Sensors: Remarks: Damage Points: 48 In Service: 1959 Blue Ridge LCC
SPS-10, SPS-43, SPS-48 J Aluminum hull and superstructure. PG 86, 87, 98, 100 fitted with PB&SB(1 )2 Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 15/21 kts Displacement: 16790 It In Class: 2
SQS-23 M StandardARM SS Ms for duty in the Mediterranean. Also carry 412. 7mm mg. propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew:85 Damage Points: 438 In Service: 1970
Remarks: Seventeen units built; three last units stripped of armament and used as weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 23 kts ·
Helo pad aft; utility helo carried on Chicago. Armor: 152mm belt, 1Omm upper research craft. PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTw/12 Mk48 tarp F Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1060
deck, 62mm lower deck. General rating is M. CHP rating for engineering is M. Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 6
Aluminum superstructure. No ASROC reloads. Three units built. Columbus Damage Points: 0 2 4 6 7 8 BPS-12 J P/S(8)2 Mk25 Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//2 Mk115 D
struck in 1975; Albany struck in 1980 (in Atlantic reserve); Chicago struck in Surface Speed: 40 30 20 10 0 Sinks BOS-4, BQR-2 M P/S(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50 c
1985 for use as museum. Converted WWII heavy cruisers. Remarks: F/A(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c
Additional units Sailfish struck in 1978; Salmon, 1977. Bonefish suffered bat- Sensors:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Ashtabula AO
Damage Points: O 65 129 194 232 258 In Class: 2
tery explosion in Atlantic off the Florida coast on 24 Apr 1988. Subsequently SPS-65, SPS-48, SPS-40, SPS-48 J
Displacement: 34000 fl
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks In Service: 1943 decommed. LN-66 J/Can
Damage Points: 512
Speed: 18 kts Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks:
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Damage Points: O 12 24 36 43 48 Dedicated command ships with extensive communications facilities. Pad aft
Anchorage LSD Propulsion: Steam Crew: 372
surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks for halos up to Chinook size; fitted with stabilizers. Mk25 ROF 15 msls per
Displacement: 8600 ltshp In Class: 5 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
c SUbmerged Speed: 21 16 10 5 O Sinks turn (each mount).
Damage Points: 248 In Service: 1969 F(1 )2 Mk26 76mm/50
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts Sensors:
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 358 RM 1650/6X (A0-98), SPS-10 (A0-99) J Barry DD Damage Points: 0 110 219 328 394 438
Dlsplacement: 2850 In Class: [6) Surface Speed: 23 17 12 6 O Sinks
Weapons: Total Mounts: 5 Remarks:
P&PB/P&PQ/S&SQ(2)3 Mk33 76mm/50 c Jumboized Cimarron dass. VERTREP platform forward, no helo pad. Third Damage Points: 78 In Service: 1956-83
P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c unitA0-51 laid up in National Defense Reserve Fleet. Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 32 kts Bolster ARS
Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: Steam Crew: 304 Displacement: 1530 std In Class: 6
SPS-10, SPS-40 J Damage Points: 0 128 256 384 461 512 Weapons: Total Mounts: 5 Damage Points: 45 In Service: 1944
LN-66 J/Can Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 O Sinks PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp F Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15 kts
Remarks: A(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC E Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 103
Well deck can carry 3 LCU or 15 LCM(6) or 9 LCM(8) or 50 LVT. Phalanx only Austin LPD F(1)1Mk42127mm/54//1 SPG-53 c Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
on Atlantic fleet units to date. 76mm guns have local control only. Removable Displacement: 10000 ltshp In Class: 11
A(1)1 Mk42127mm/54//1 SPG-35 c P/S(1)2 Mk67 20mm/80 c
helo deck alt. No hangar. Original 76mm arcs P&PB/P&PQ/S&SB/S&SQ. Sensors: Sensors:
Damage Points: 276 In Service: 1965
Damage and Speed Breakdown: SPS-10, SPS-40 J SPS-1 O or SPS-53 J
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts
Damage Points: O 62 124 186 223 248 SOS-23, SQS-35 IVDS M LN-66 J/Can
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1330
Surface Speed: 22 16 11 6 0 Sinks Remarks: Remarks:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
Aluminum superstructure. Has ASROC reload forward of launcher with 8 22 units built. Four units (ARS-8, 38, 41, 42) transferred to NRF. 2 converted
F(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50 c manual reloads. DD-937 has SPS-29 vice SPS-40. Converted Forrest Sher- to oceanographic ships, 3 transferred to coast guard.
Arleigh Burke DOG Aft Pad(2)1 CH-46 Sea Knight B
man class. Six converted. Class struck in 1982-83. Banyan display in Wash- Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Displacement: 6625 It In Class: 0+3+5 F/A(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c ington Naval Yard; rest in reserve. Damage Points: O 11 22 34 40 45
Damage-Points: 240 In Service: 1991 2LCAC
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 O Sinks
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts Sensors:
Damage Points: 0 20 39 58 70 78
Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 325 SPS-10 or SPS-67, SPS-40 J
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Boston CG
Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 LN-66 (except LPD-5,6) J/can
F&A(29)1 Mk41 VLS w/29 see remarks//2 SPG-62 D, E Remarks: Dfsplacement: 13589 It In Class: [2)
F&A(61 )1 Mk41 VLS w/61 see remarks//1 SPG-62 D, E No directors for guns; local control only. Can launch 2 small/med helos at Belknap CG Damage Points: 342 In Service: 1955-70
PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F once. Can carry 6 CH-46 for brief periods. Displacement: 6570 std In Class: 8 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts
c Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 156 In Service: 1964 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1544
F(1)1 Mk45 127mm/54//1 SPY-1
.i F/A(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx Block I 20mm/76 w/5 bursts c Damage Points: o 69 138 207 248 276 Damage Modifier: 0. 75
Propulsion: Steam
Speed: 33 kts
Crew: 452
A(2)2 MkS w/72 Terrier//2 SPQ-5
Total Mounts: 13
PB&PQ/SB&SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 F(3)2 Mk16 203mm/55//1 Mk13 c
SPS-67, SPS-64, SPY-1 D J Bainbridge CGN F(2)1 Mk10 w/60 see remarks//2 SPG-55 D F/P&PB/P&PQ/S&SB/S&SQ(2)5 Mk38 127mm/38//1 Mk25 c
SQS-53, SQR-19 towed array M Displacement: 8000 It In Class: 1
PB/SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D P/S(2)4 Mk33 76mm/50//2 Mk35 c
Alt Pad(1)1 SH-2F LAMPS I B Sensors:
Remarks: Damage Points: 230 In Service: 1962
P8/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TTw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F SPS-6C, SPS-8, SPS-12, CXRX J
Helo pad aft. Can refuel and rearm LAMPS helos but no hangar. All-steel Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts
construction. Armor: 130 tons of Kevlar armor over vital spaces. CHP rating Propulsion: Nudear Crew: 541
PiS(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Remarks:
for sensors is L. SPY-1 is accurate enough to perform gunfire control. 3 SPG- Weapons: Total Mounts: 11
A(1)1 Mk42127mm/54//1 SPG-53 c Conversions olWWll Ba/timoreclass. Originally carried (2)8 76mm/50. Radar
Sensors: fit in 1966 was CXRX, SPS-37A, SPS-30, 2 SPQ-5. Terrier launchers removed
62 directors can control SM2 msls from either launcher. Mk41 VLS loadoutis F(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC E
SM2MR Block I or II or SM2 Block IV, Tomahawk, VL ASROC. Mk41 VLS SPS-67, SPS-40 (CG-31 to 34) J some time before deactivation.
PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TTw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F
ROF 30 mslspertum (both mounts). Mk141 ROF 8 msls per turn (both mounts) SPS-49 (CG-26 to 30), SPS-48 J Damage and Speed Breakdown:
PB/SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D
at same targets. Quieted. P/S(1 )2 Mk67 20mm/80 c LN-66 J/Can Damage Points: o 86 171 257 308 342
SQS-26 M Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 0 Sinks
F/A(2)2 Mk10 w/40 SM2ER//4 SPG-55 D
USA Damage and Speed Breakdown: p/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Remarks:
Damage Points: 0 60 120 180 216 240 sensors: Mk10 magazine loadout40 SM2ERand 20ASROC. Mk141 ROF 8 msls per
Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks gpS-49, SPS-48E, SPS-67 J turn (both mounts) at same target. Belknap has SQS-53 vice SQS-26, SPQ-
Albany CG LN-66 J/Can 9D radar (additional) and SPG-60vice SPG-53directorfor 127mm guns (use
Displacement: 13700 In Class: [3) Asheville PG 5 00-23 M Mk45hit chances for Mk42127mm guns).Aluminum superstructure. Armor:
Damage Points: 258 In Service: 1962-85 Displacement: 225 In Class: [17] Remarks: Belknap, possibly others, have Kevlar armor overcritical spaces. CHP rating
Damage Modifier: .75 Speed: 32 kts Damage Points: 8 In Service: 1966 Helo pad alt. No ASROC reloads provided. Mk141 ROF 8 msls per tum (both for sensors is L. Belknafis SPG-60 director can control Mk42 or illuminate
Crew:835 Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 40 kts launchers) at same target. Has NTU upgrade. target for SM2ER missile. Belknap is Sixth Fleet flagship; has no helicopter
Propulsion: Steam
Total Mounts: 9 Propulslon: Diesel Crew: 24 oamage and Speed Breakdown: or hangar, but pad has been enlarged toaccommodatehelos up to SH-3 size.
P/S(2)2 Mk11 w/40 SM1MR//4 SPG-51 D Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Damage Points: O 58 115 172 207 230 Fox receiving NTU; will be completed late 1990. Biddle has NTU upgrade.
c A( 1) 1 Mk3 40mm/60 c surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown:
P/S(1 )2 Mk24 127mm/38//2 Mk35
P&S(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC E F(1)1 Mk34 76mm/50//1 SPG-50 c Damage Points: O 39 78 117 140 156
PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp F Sensors: Barbel SS Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 0 Sinks
F/A(2)2 Mk12 w/46 Talos//4 SPG-49 D None Dlsplacement: 2640 subm In Class: 2
Sensors: Remarks: Damage Points: 48 In Service: 1959 Blue Ridge LCC
SPS-10, SPS-43, SPS-48 J Aluminum hull and superstructure. PG 86, 87, 98, 100 fitted with PB&SB(1 )2 Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 15/21 kts Displacement: 16790 It In Class: 2
SQS-23 M StandardARM SS Ms for duty in the Mediterranean. Also carry 412. 7mm mg. propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew:85 Damage Points: 438 In Service: 1970
Remarks: Seventeen units built; three last units stripped of armament and used as weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 23 kts ·
Helo pad aft; utility helo carried on Chicago. Armor: 152mm belt, 1Omm upper research craft. PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTw/12 Mk48 tarp F Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1060
deck, 62mm lower deck. General rating is M. CHP rating for engineering is M. Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 6
Aluminum superstructure. No ASROC reloads. Three units built. Columbus Damage Points: 0 2 4 6 7 8 BPS-12 J P/S(8)2 Mk25 Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//2 Mk115 D
struck in 1975; Albany struck in 1980 (in Atlantic reserve); Chicago struck in Surface Speed: 40 30 20 10 0 Sinks BOS-4, BQR-2 M P/S(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50 c
1985 for use as museum. Converted WWII heavy cruisers. Remarks: F/A(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c
Additional units Sailfish struck in 1978; Salmon, 1977. Bonefish suffered bat- Sensors:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Ashtabula AO
Damage Points: O 65 129 194 232 258 In Class: 2
tery explosion in Atlantic off the Florida coast on 24 Apr 1988. Subsequently SPS-65, SPS-48, SPS-40, SPS-48 J
Displacement: 34000 fl
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks In Service: 1943 decommed. LN-66 J/Can
Damage Points: 512
Speed: 18 kts Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks:
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Damage Points: O 12 24 36 43 48 Dedicated command ships with extensive communications facilities. Pad aft
Anchorage LSD Propulsion: Steam Crew: 372
surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks for halos up to Chinook size; fitted with stabilizers. Mk25 ROF 15 msls per
Displacement: 8600 ltshp In Class: 5 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
c SUbmerged Speed: 21 16 10 5 O Sinks turn (each mount).
Damage Points: 248 In Service: 1969 F(1 )2 Mk26 76mm/50
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts Sensors:
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 358 RM 1650/6X (A0-98), SPS-10 (A0-99) J Barry DD Damage Points: 0 110 219 328 394 438
Dlsplacement: 2850 In Class: [6) Surface Speed: 23 17 12 6 O Sinks
Weapons: Total Mounts: 5 Remarks:
P&PB/P&PQ/S&SQ(2)3 Mk33 76mm/50 c Jumboized Cimarron dass. VERTREP platform forward, no helo pad. Third Damage Points: 78 In Service: 1956-83
P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c unitA0-51 laid up in National Defense Reserve Fleet. Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 32 kts Bolster ARS
Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: Steam Crew: 304 Displacement: 1530 std In Class: 6
SPS-10, SPS-40 J Damage Points: 0 128 256 384 461 512 Weapons: Total Mounts: 5 Damage Points: 45 In Service: 1944
LN-66 J/Can Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 O Sinks PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 torp F Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15 kts
Remarks: A(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC E Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 103
Well deck can carry 3 LCU or 15 LCM(6) or 9 LCM(8) or 50 LVT. Phalanx only Austin LPD F(1)1Mk42127mm/54//1 SPG-53 c Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
on Atlantic fleet units to date. 76mm guns have local control only. Removable Displacement: 10000 ltshp In Class: 11
A(1)1 Mk42127mm/54//1 SPG-35 c P/S(1)2 Mk67 20mm/80 c
helo deck alt. No hangar. Original 76mm arcs P&PB/P&PQ/S&SB/S&SQ. Sensors: Sensors:
Damage Points: 276 In Service: 1965
Damage and Speed Breakdown: SPS-10, SPS-40 J SPS-1 O or SPS-53 J
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts
Damage Points: O 62 124 186 223 248 SOS-23, SQS-35 IVDS M LN-66 J/Can
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1330
Surface Speed: 22 16 11 6 0 Sinks Remarks: Remarks:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
Aluminum superstructure. Has ASROC reload forward of launcher with 8 22 units built. Four units (ARS-8, 38, 41, 42) transferred to NRF. 2 converted
F(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50 c manual reloads. DD-937 has SPS-29 vice SPS-40. Converted Forrest Sher- to oceanographic ships, 3 transferred to coast guard.
Arleigh Burke DOG Aft Pad(2)1 CH-46 Sea Knight B
man class. Six converted. Class struck in 1982-83. Banyan display in Wash- Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Displacement: 6625 It In Class: 0+3+5 F/A(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c ington Naval Yard; rest in reserve. Damage Points: O 11 22 34 40 45
Damage-Points: 240 In Service: 1991 2LCAC
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 O Sinks
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts Sensors:
Damage Points: 0 20 39 58 70 78
Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 325 SPS-10 or SPS-67, SPS-40 J
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Boston CG
Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 LN-66 (except LPD-5,6) J/can
F&A(29)1 Mk41 VLS w/29 see remarks//2 SPG-62 D, E Remarks: Dfsplacement: 13589 It In Class: [2)
F&A(61 )1 Mk41 VLS w/61 see remarks//1 SPG-62 D, E No directors for guns; local control only. Can launch 2 small/med helos at Belknap CG Damage Points: 342 In Service: 1955-70
PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F once. Can carry 6 CH-46 for brief periods. Displacement: 6570 std In Class: 8 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts
c Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 156 In Service: 1964 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1544
F(1)1 Mk45 127mm/54//1 SPY-1
.i F/A(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx Block I 20mm/76 w/5 bursts c Damage Points: o 69 138 207 248 276 Damage Modifier: 0. 75
Propulsion: Steam
Speed: 33 kts
Crew: 452
A(2)2 MkS w/72 Terrier//2 SPQ-5
Total Mounts: 13
PB&PQ/SB&SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 F(3)2 Mk16 203mm/55//1 Mk13 c
SPS-67, SPS-64, SPY-1 D J Bainbridge CGN F(2)1 Mk10 w/60 see remarks//2 SPG-55 D F/P&PB/P&PQ/S&SB/S&SQ(2)5 Mk38 127mm/38//1 Mk25 c
SQS-53, SQR-19 towed array M Displacement: 8000 It In Class: 1
PB/SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D P/S(2)4 Mk33 76mm/50//2 Mk35 c
Alt Pad(1)1 SH-2F LAMPS I B Sensors:
Remarks: Damage Points: 230 In Service: 1962
P8/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TTw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F SPS-6C, SPS-8, SPS-12, CXRX J
Helo pad aft. Can refuel and rearm LAMPS helos but no hangar. All-steel Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts
construction. Armor: 130 tons of Kevlar armor over vital spaces. CHP rating Propulsion: Nudear Crew: 541
PiS(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Remarks:
for sensors is L. SPY-1 is accurate enough to perform gunfire control. 3 SPG- Weapons: Total Mounts: 11
A(1)1 Mk42127mm/54//1 SPG-53 c Conversions olWWll Ba/timoreclass. Originally carried (2)8 76mm/50. Radar
Sensors: fit in 1966 was CXRX, SPS-37A, SPS-30, 2 SPQ-5. Terrier launchers removed
62 directors can control SM2 msls from either launcher. Mk41 VLS loadoutis F(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC E
SM2MR Block I or II or SM2 Block IV, Tomahawk, VL ASROC. Mk41 VLS SPS-67, SPS-40 (CG-31 to 34) J some time before deactivation.
PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TTw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F
ROF 30 mslspertum (both mounts). Mk141 ROF 8 msls per turn (both mounts) SPS-49 (CG-26 to 30), SPS-48 J Damage and Speed Breakdown:
PB/SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D
at same targets. Quieted. P/S(1 )2 Mk67 20mm/80 c LN-66 J/Can Damage Points: o 86 171 257 308 342
SQS-26 M Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 0 Sinks
F/A(2)2 Mk10 w/40 SM2ER//4 SPG-55 D
Bronstein FF Damage and Speed Breakdown:
8 mage and Speed Breakdown:
19 28 34 38
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: O 47 94 141 169 188 oamage Points: 0 10 Damage Points: 0 20 39 58 70 78
Displacement: 2360 In Class: 2
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks .surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 O Sinks Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 O Sinks
Damage Points: 66 In Service: 1963
Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 26 kts
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 216 Charles F. Adams DOG ,c1marron AO Des Moines CA
Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 Displacement: 3370 lnClass:23 Dlsplscement: 8210 ltshp In Class: 5 Displacement: 17255 In Class: [3)
F(8)1 Mk16w/8ASROC E Damage Points: 91 In Service: 1960 ·Damage Points: 180 In Service: 1981 Damage Points: 404 In Service: 1948-75
PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 31 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 k1s
F(2) 1 Mk33 76mm/50//1 SPG-35 c Propulsion: Steam Crew: 361 propulsion: Steam Crew: 198 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1800
Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Weapons: Total Mounts: 19
SPS-40, SPS-10 J F/A(1)2 Mk42 127mm/54//1 SPG-53 c F/A(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c F/A/2P/2S(2)6 Mk38 127mm/38 W/1010 rds//2 Mk25 c
LN-66 J/Can P&S(8)1 Mk16w/8ASROC E sensors: P/S(2)8 Mk27 76mm/50 w/1200 rds//4 Mk35 C
SQS-26, SQR-15 towed array M PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm Tiw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F LN-66 J/Can F/A(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50 w/1200 rds//4 Mk35 c
Remarks: A(2)1 Mk11 w/42 see remarks//2 SPG-51 D sPS-55(A0-177to179) J 2F/A(3)3 Mk16 203mm/55w/450 rds//2 Mk13 C
Helo pad aft. Aluminum superstructure. Magazines hold 12 additional Mk46 Sensors: SPS-10 (A0-186, 180) J Sensors:
torp (manual reload). No ASROC reloads. FF-1037 had SQR-15 removed in SPS-10, SPS-65 (DDG-, 20, 22) J ESM SG-6, SPS-6C, SPS-8A J
1981. SPS-40, SPS-52 J Remarks: Remarks:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: SQS-23 M Helo pad alt. Four RAS stations to port and three to starboard. A0-177 Ci- Salem has additional F(2)1 Mk33 76mm/50. CA-139 has SPS-12 vice SPS-
Damage Points: 0 16 33 50 59 66 LN-66 (DDG-4, 9, 16) J/Can marron not yet fitted with Phalanx. All 5 units will be lengthened, with first one 6C. Armor: 102-152mm belt, 25mm upper deck, 85mm lower deck, 203mm
Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 0 Sinks Remarks: starting in 1990. turret face, 95mm turret sides, 102mm turret roof, 160mm barbettes, 102-
Mk11 (2)1 on DOG 2-14 with 42 msls: 36 SM1MR,6 Harpoon. Mk13 (1)1 on Damage and Speed Breakdown: 160mm conning tower, 96-106mm steering room. General rating is M; CHP
FFG DOG 15-24 with 40 msls: 36 SM1MR; 4 Harpoon. No Harpoon in DDG-3, 8, Damage Points: O 45 90 135 162 180 factors for 203mm turrets, bridge and engineering are M. Utility helo carried
Brooke Surface Speed: 20 15
Displacement: 2643 In Class: [6) 12, 21, 23; carry additional SM1MR msls instead. Mk11 and Mk13 ROF 3 10 5 0 Sinks on pad aft. No hangar. Three units built. Salem struck in 1959; Des Moines,
In Service: 1966-89 msls per turn. Aluminum superstructure. Helo pad aft. NoASROC reloads on 1961; Newport News, 1975. Des Moines and Salem in reserve; funds to be
Damage Points: 73
Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 27 kts original units; many have been back.fitted with manual reload magazine with Coontz DOG allocated so they can be activated in 45 days.
Crew: 272 4 ASROC. DG 19, 20, 22 received AAW upgrade: consists of SQQ-23 vice Displacement: 4700 std In Class: 10 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Propulsion: Steam
Total Mounts: 6 SQS-23, additional LN-66, Mk86 GFCS with SPG-60 vice SPG-53 and Damage Points: 124 In Service: 1958 Damage Points: 0 101 202 303 364 404
E additional SPQ-9 (Use the percent chance to hit of a Mk45 127mm/45). SPG- Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 34 kts Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 O Sinks
F(8)1 Mk16 w/8ASROC
PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F 60 can direct Mk42 127mm gun or illuminate target for SM1 MR msls. DDG- Propulsion: Steam Crew:403
B 5 has SPS-29 vice SPS-40. John King, Lawrence, Claude V. Ricketts, Henry Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 Edenton ATS
Alt Pad( 1) 1 SH-2F LAMPS I
A(1)1 Mk22w/16SM1MR//1 SPG-51 D 8. Wilson, Sellers, Hoel and Richard E. Byrd will be decommed in FY1990. F(1)1 Mk42127mm/54w/560 rds//1 SPG-53 c Displacement: 2650 In Class:3
F(1)1 Mk30 127mm/38//1 SPG-35 c Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 23 46 68 82 91
F(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC E Damage Points: 73 In Service: 1971
Sensors: PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm Tiw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts
J Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks PB/SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 115
SPS-10, SPS-52
LN-66 J/Can A(2)1 Mk10 w/40 SM1 ER//2 SPG-55 D Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
SQS-26 M Charleston LKA Sensors: P/S(1)2 Mk68 20mm/80 c
Remarks: Displacement: 10000 std lnClass:5 SPS-49, SPS-48, SPS-53 J Sensors:
FFG-4 to FFG-6 have automaticASROC reload magazine, estimated 2 min Damage Points: 276 In Service: 1968 S00-23 M SPS-53 J
per msl, 8 reload msls in magazine. Fitted with stabilizers. Aluminum super- Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts LN-66 J/Can Remarks:
structure. Entire class decommed in 1988-89. Propulsion: Steam Crew: 617 Remarks: ATS 1 has A(2)1 Mk24 20mm/80 vice Mk68.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons: Total Mounts: 18 Mahan is trials ship lor New Threat Upgrade (NTU). Has SM2ER Block II. Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 18 36 55 66 73 P&PB/P&PQ/S&SB(2)3 Mk33 76mm/50 c Other units will not receive lull upgrade but will receive SM2ER Block II; DDG- Damage Points: O 18 36 55 66 73
Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 O Sinks F/A(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c 37 Fa"agutand DDG-43 Dahlgren equipped by 1987. Helo pad aft. Maga- Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks
4 LSM(8), 5 LCM(6), 2 LCVP, 2 LCP zines hold 6 Mk46 torpedoes (manual reload). Aluminum construction. Far-
CGN Sensors: raguthas automatic AS AOC reload magazine; estimated 2 min perms!. Mk141 Enterprise CVN
California JICan ROF 8 msls per turn (both mounts) at same target. Farragut, Coontz and
Displacement: 8706 In Class: 2 LN-66 Dlsplecement: 75700 std In Class: 1
SPS-10 J Dewey will be decommed in FY1990. Damage Points: 1378 In Service: 1961
Damage Points: 188 In Service: 1974
Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modllier: 1.00 Speed: 35 kts
Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 30 kts
All bul LKA 116 assigned lo NRF. Helo pad aft. No hangar. LCM carried as deck Damage Points: 0 31 62 93 112 124 Propulsion: Nudear Crew: 5785
Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 550
Weapons: Total Mounts: 11 cargo. Original 76mm fit was P&PB/P&PO/S&SB/S&SQ(2)4 76mm/S0//2 Mk56 Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 o Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 13
F/A(1)2 Mk45127mm/54 w/600 rds//1 SPG-60 c GFCS. Two Mk56 GFCS and one 76mm mounl removed in 1977-78. LKA 113, PQ/SQ(8)3 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparroww/8 RIM-7M//6 Mk91 D
F(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC E 117 still have 4 76mm mounls but no directors. Decatur DOG P&PB/P&PQ/SB&SQ(R)3 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C
PB/SB(2)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/2 Mk46 N EARTI P F Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 2850 lnClass:[4) 90 Aircraft B
D Damage Points: 0 69 138 207 248 276 Damage Points: 78 In Service: 1967-83 4 Elevators
P/S(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon
5 0 Sinks
P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Surface Speed: 20 15 1O Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 31 kts 4 Catapults
F/A(1)2 Mk13 w/40 SM1 MR//4 SPG-51 D Propulslon: Steam Crew: 340 Sensors:
Sensors: Cherokee ATF Weapons: Total Mounts: 5 SPS-65, SPS-67, SPS-49, SPS-48 J
SPS-10, SPS-40, SPS-48, SPQ-9A J Displacement: 1235 lnClass:5 F(1)1 Mk42127mm/54//1 SPG-53 c Mk23TAS J
LN-66 J/Can Damage Points: 38 In Service: 1943 P&S(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC E LN-66 J/Can
SQS-26 M Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F Remarks:
Remarks: Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 71 A(1)1 Mk13 w/40 SM1 MR//1 SPG-51 D Armor: Armored flight deck, improved protection over Forrestalclass. Gen-
Helo pad aft. Mk13 ROF is 6 msls/min. Armor: California has Kevlar armor Weapons: Total Mounts: 0 Sensors: eral rating is L; CHP rating for flight deck, hangar, engineering is L. Aviation
midships over electronics and other components. CHP factor for sensors is None SPS-29, SPS-48, SPS-10 J fuel for 12 days of flight operations. Can launch 10 small/med helos at once.
L. Magazines hold another 8 Mk46 torp (manual reload). ASROC msls auto- Sensors: sas-23 M Mk29 NATO SS ROF 15 msls per turn (each mount). Air group consists of 20
matically reloaded from belowdecks magazine; estimated reload time 2 min SPS-53 J Remarks: F-14s, 20 F/A-18 Hornets, 20A-6 Intruders, 5 E-2Cs, 5 EA-68 Prowlers, 10
per msl.Aluminum superstructure. SPG-60 can direct Mk45 gun or illuminate Remarks: Mk13 ROF is 3 msls per turn. Somers has SPS-40 vice SPS-29. Converted S-3 Vikings, 6 SH-3H Sea Kings.
target for SM1 MR msls. Class being overhauled; will get SPS-49 vice -40, 15 units built. 1O laid up in NDRF, 5 serving with US Naval Reserve Fleet. Forrest Sherman dass. Four ships converted. Parsons and Somers struck Damage end Speed Breakdown:
SPS-67vice-10, PB&SB(4)2 Mk44ABLw/4 Tomahawk permount(CHPfactor NDRF units have F(1)1 Mk22 76mm/50. on 19Nov1982; John Paul Jones, 15Dec1982; Decatur, 30Jun 1983. Par- Damage Points: O 344 689 1034 1240 1378
L), Kevlar armor. Mk141 ROF 8 msls per turn (bots mounts) at same target. sons struck for disposal; rest in reserve. Surface Speed: 35 26 18 9 o Sinks
Will be fined with SM2MR/NTU.
Bronstein FF Damage and Speed Breakdown:
8 mage and Speed Breakdown:
19 28 34 38
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: O 47 94 141 169 188 oamage Points: 0 10 Damage Points: 0 20 39 58 70 78
Displacement: 2360 In Class: 2
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks .surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 O Sinks Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 O Sinks
Damage Points: 66 In Service: 1963
Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 26 kts
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 216 Charles F. Adams DOG ,c1marron AO Des Moines CA
Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 Displacement: 3370 lnClass:23 Dlsplscement: 8210 ltshp In Class: 5 Displacement: 17255 In Class: [3)
F(8)1 Mk16w/8ASROC E Damage Points: 91 In Service: 1960 ·Damage Points: 180 In Service: 1981 Damage Points: 404 In Service: 1948-75
PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 31 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 k1s
F(2) 1 Mk33 76mm/50//1 SPG-35 c Propulsion: Steam Crew: 361 propulsion: Steam Crew: 198 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1800
Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Weapons: Total Mounts: 19
SPS-40, SPS-10 J F/A(1)2 Mk42 127mm/54//1 SPG-53 c F/A(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c F/A/2P/2S(2)6 Mk38 127mm/38 W/1010 rds//2 Mk25 c
LN-66 J/Can P&S(8)1 Mk16w/8ASROC E sensors: P/S(2)8 Mk27 76mm/50 w/1200 rds//4 Mk35 C
SQS-26, SQR-15 towed array M PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm Tiw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F LN-66 J/Can F/A(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50 w/1200 rds//4 Mk35 c
Remarks: A(2)1 Mk11 w/42 see remarks//2 SPG-51 D sPS-55(A0-177to179) J 2F/A(3)3 Mk16 203mm/55w/450 rds//2 Mk13 C
Helo pad aft. Aluminum superstructure. Magazines hold 12 additional Mk46 Sensors: SPS-10 (A0-186, 180) J Sensors:
torp (manual reload). No ASROC reloads. FF-1037 had SQR-15 removed in SPS-10, SPS-65 (DDG-, 20, 22) J ESM SG-6, SPS-6C, SPS-8A J
1981. SPS-40, SPS-52 J Remarks: Remarks:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: SQS-23 M Helo pad alt. Four RAS stations to port and three to starboard. A0-177 Ci- Salem has additional F(2)1 Mk33 76mm/50. CA-139 has SPS-12 vice SPS-
Damage Points: 0 16 33 50 59 66 LN-66 (DDG-4, 9, 16) J/Can marron not yet fitted with Phalanx. All 5 units will be lengthened, with first one 6C. Armor: 102-152mm belt, 25mm upper deck, 85mm lower deck, 203mm
Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 0 Sinks Remarks: starting in 1990. turret face, 95mm turret sides, 102mm turret roof, 160mm barbettes, 102-
Mk11 (2)1 on DOG 2-14 with 42 msls: 36 SM1MR,6 Harpoon. Mk13 (1)1 on Damage and Speed Breakdown: 160mm conning tower, 96-106mm steering room. General rating is M; CHP
FFG DOG 15-24 with 40 msls: 36 SM1MR; 4 Harpoon. No Harpoon in DDG-3, 8, Damage Points: O 45 90 135 162 180 factors for 203mm turrets, bridge and engineering are M. Utility helo carried
Brooke Surface Speed: 20 15
Displacement: 2643 In Class: [6) 12, 21, 23; carry additional SM1MR msls instead. Mk11 and Mk13 ROF 3 10 5 0 Sinks on pad aft. No hangar. Three units built. Salem struck in 1959; Des Moines,
In Service: 1966-89 msls per turn. Aluminum superstructure. Helo pad aft. NoASROC reloads on 1961; Newport News, 1975. Des Moines and Salem in reserve; funds to be
Damage Points: 73
Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 27 kts original units; many have been back.fitted with manual reload magazine with Coontz DOG allocated so they can be activated in 45 days.
Crew: 272 4 ASROC. DG 19, 20, 22 received AAW upgrade: consists of SQQ-23 vice Displacement: 4700 std In Class: 10 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Propulsion: Steam
Total Mounts: 6 SQS-23, additional LN-66, Mk86 GFCS with SPG-60 vice SPG-53 and Damage Points: 124 In Service: 1958 Damage Points: 0 101 202 303 364 404
E additional SPQ-9 (Use the percent chance to hit of a Mk45 127mm/45). SPG- Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 34 kts Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 O Sinks
F(8)1 Mk16 w/8ASROC
PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F 60 can direct Mk42 127mm gun or illuminate target for SM1 MR msls. DDG- Propulsion: Steam Crew:403
B 5 has SPS-29 vice SPS-40. John King, Lawrence, Claude V. Ricketts, Henry Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 Edenton ATS
Alt Pad( 1) 1 SH-2F LAMPS I
A(1)1 Mk22w/16SM1MR//1 SPG-51 D 8. Wilson, Sellers, Hoel and Richard E. Byrd will be decommed in FY1990. F(1)1 Mk42127mm/54w/560 rds//1 SPG-53 c Displacement: 2650 In Class:3
F(1)1 Mk30 127mm/38//1 SPG-35 c Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 23 46 68 82 91
F(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC E Damage Points: 73 In Service: 1971
Sensors: PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm Tiw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts
J Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks PB/SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 115
SPS-10, SPS-52
LN-66 J/Can A(2)1 Mk10 w/40 SM1 ER//2 SPG-55 D Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
SQS-26 M Charleston LKA Sensors: P/S(1)2 Mk68 20mm/80 c
Remarks: Displacement: 10000 std lnClass:5 SPS-49, SPS-48, SPS-53 J Sensors:
FFG-4 to FFG-6 have automaticASROC reload magazine, estimated 2 min Damage Points: 276 In Service: 1968 S00-23 M SPS-53 J
per msl, 8 reload msls in magazine. Fitted with stabilizers. Aluminum super- Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts LN-66 J/Can Remarks:
structure. Entire class decommed in 1988-89. Propulsion: Steam Crew: 617 Remarks: ATS 1 has A(2)1 Mk24 20mm/80 vice Mk68.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons: Total Mounts: 18 Mahan is trials ship lor New Threat Upgrade (NTU). Has SM2ER Block II. Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 18 36 55 66 73 P&PB/P&PQ/S&SB(2)3 Mk33 76mm/50 c Other units will not receive lull upgrade but will receive SM2ER Block II; DDG- Damage Points: O 18 36 55 66 73
Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 O Sinks F/A(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c 37 Fa"agutand DDG-43 Dahlgren equipped by 1987. Helo pad aft. Maga- Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks
4 LSM(8), 5 LCM(6), 2 LCVP, 2 LCP zines hold 6 Mk46 torpedoes (manual reload). Aluminum construction. Far-
CGN Sensors: raguthas automatic AS AOC reload magazine; estimated 2 min perms!. Mk141 Enterprise CVN
California JICan ROF 8 msls per turn (both mounts) at same target. Farragut, Coontz and
Displacement: 8706 In Class: 2 LN-66 Dlsplecement: 75700 std In Class: 1
SPS-10 J Dewey will be decommed in FY1990. Damage Points: 1378 In Service: 1961
Damage Points: 188 In Service: 1974
Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modllier: 1.00 Speed: 35 kts
Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 30 kts
All bul LKA 116 assigned lo NRF. Helo pad aft. No hangar. LCM carried as deck Damage Points: 0 31 62 93 112 124 Propulsion: Nudear Crew: 5785
Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 550
Weapons: Total Mounts: 11 cargo. Original 76mm fit was P&PB/P&PO/S&SB/S&SQ(2)4 76mm/S0//2 Mk56 Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 o Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 13
F/A(1)2 Mk45127mm/54 w/600 rds//1 SPG-60 c GFCS. Two Mk56 GFCS and one 76mm mounl removed in 1977-78. LKA 113, PQ/SQ(8)3 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparroww/8 RIM-7M//6 Mk91 D
F(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC E 117 still have 4 76mm mounls but no directors. Decatur DOG P&PB/P&PQ/SB&SQ(R)3 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C
PB/SB(2)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/2 Mk46 N EARTI P F Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 2850 lnClass:[4) 90 Aircraft B
D Damage Points: 0 69 138 207 248 276 Damage Points: 78 In Service: 1967-83 4 Elevators
P/S(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon
5 0 Sinks
P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Surface Speed: 20 15 1O Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 31 kts 4 Catapults
F/A(1)2 Mk13 w/40 SM1 MR//4 SPG-51 D Propulslon: Steam Crew: 340 Sensors:
Sensors: Cherokee ATF Weapons: Total Mounts: 5 SPS-65, SPS-67, SPS-49, SPS-48 J
SPS-10, SPS-40, SPS-48, SPQ-9A J Displacement: 1235 lnClass:5 F(1)1 Mk42127mm/54//1 SPG-53 c Mk23TAS J
LN-66 J/Can Damage Points: 38 In Service: 1943 P&S(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC E LN-66 J/Can
SQS-26 M Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F Remarks:
Remarks: Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 71 A(1)1 Mk13 w/40 SM1 MR//1 SPG-51 D Armor: Armored flight deck, improved protection over Forrestalclass. Gen-
Helo pad aft. Mk13 ROF is 6 msls/min. Armor: California has Kevlar armor Weapons: Total Mounts: 0 Sensors: eral rating is L; CHP rating for flight deck, hangar, engineering is L. Aviation
midships over electronics and other components. CHP factor for sensors is None SPS-29, SPS-48, SPS-10 J fuel for 12 days of flight operations. Can launch 10 small/med helos at once.
L. Magazines hold another 8 Mk46 torp (manual reload). ASROC msls auto- Sensors: sas-23 M Mk29 NATO SS ROF 15 msls per turn (each mount). Air group consists of 20
matically reloaded from belowdecks magazine; estimated reload time 2 min SPS-53 J Remarks: F-14s, 20 F/A-18 Hornets, 20A-6 Intruders, 5 E-2Cs, 5 EA-68 Prowlers, 10
per msl.Aluminum superstructure. SPG-60 can direct Mk45 gun or illuminate Remarks: Mk13 ROF is 3 msls per turn. Somers has SPS-40 vice SPS-29. Converted S-3 Vikings, 6 SH-3H Sea Kings.
target for SM1 MR msls. Class being overhauled; will get SPS-49 vice -40, 15 units built. 1O laid up in NDRF, 5 serving with US Naval Reserve Fleet. Forrest Sherman dass. Four ships converted. Parsons and Somers struck Damage end Speed Breakdown:
SPS-67vice-10, PB&SB(4)2 Mk44ABLw/4 Tomahawk permount(CHPfactor NDRF units have F(1)1 Mk22 76mm/50. on 19Nov1982; John Paul Jones, 15Dec1982; Decatur, 30Jun 1983. Par- Damage Points: O 344 689 1034 1240 1378
L), Kevlar armor. Mk141 ROF 8 msls per turn (bots mounts) at same target. sons struck for disposal; rest in reserve. Surface Speed: 35 26 18 9 o Sinks
Will be fined with SM2MR/NTU.
Total Mounts: 6 sensors:
Ex-UK Lyness T·AFS Weapons:
SPS-10, SP&-40 J
Improved Spruance DD
F(8)1 Mk16 w/8ASROC E Displacement: 5830 fl In Class: 7
Displacement: 9010 ltshp In Class: 3
In Service: 1966 PBIS8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F LN-66 J/Can Damage Points: 144 In Service: 1987
Damage Points: 256 saS-26, SQS-35 IVDS M
Att Pad(1)1 SH-2F LAMPS I B Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 33 kts
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18 kts
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 116 F/P&S(1)2 Mk42127mm/54/11 SPG-35 c Remarks: Propulsion: Gas turbine Crew: 324
Sensors: Aluminum superstructure. Helo pad aft for small helicopter. No ASROC re-
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Weapons: Tolal Mounts: 12
SPS-10, SPS-40 J loads. (F&A)(61)x1 Mk41 VLS w/61 Tomahawk and VLASROC D, E
Alt Pad(1)2 CH-46 Sea Kinight B Damage and Speed Breakdown:
LN-66 J/Can A(8)1 Mk29 NATO SS w/8RIM-7M111 Mk91 D
Sensors: Damage Points: o 18 36 55 66 73
Jllntl SQS-26 M PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/7 Mk46 NEARTIP F
Kelvin-Hughes 14112, Kelvin-Hughes 14/9 Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks
Remarks: P8&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D
Last 5 units (FF-1047 to 1051) have automatic ASROC reloading system; Alt Pad(1 )2 SH-SOB LAMPS 111 B
Purchased by US in 1983; helo hangars and pad added to all three units.
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
estimated reload time 2 min per msl. 8 ASROC msls in magazine. ASROC Halibut SSN F/A(1)2Mk45127mm/54//1 SPG~O C
Damage Points: O 64 128 192 230 256 launcher carries 2 Harpoon, with additional 2 in reload magazine. Magazines Displacement: 5000 subm In Class: 11] P8&SBIP&PQ(6)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c
hold additional 12 Mk46 torp (manual reloading). Fitted with stabilizers. Damage Points: 88 In Service: Sensors:
Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 0 Sinks
Aluminum superstructure. Garcia, Edward McDonnel, Sample, Albert David Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kls SPS-40, SP0-9A, SPS-55, Mk23 TAS J
lilted with SQR-15, no SH-2F LAMPS halo. Bradley, Edward McDonne/, Propulslon: Nudear Crew: 111 SQS-53, SQR-19 towed array M
Forrest Sherman DD Davidson, Sample, O'Callahan decommed in 1988; Garcia, Brumby, Voge, Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Remarks:
Displacement: 2850 lnClass:l6! P8&S8(2)2 533mm TI wl Mk48 torp
Koelsch and Albert David, 1989. Four units leased to Pakistan and four to F Program to modify Spruance-class destroyers with VLS. Seven unifs con-
Damage Points: 78 In Service: 1956-83 pQ&S0(2)1 533mm TI w/ Mk37 torp
Brazil. SQR-15 removed and helicopter capability restored prior to transfer. F verted so far: DD-963, 991, 996. 964, 967, 971, 968. Will carry VLASROC
Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 32 kts Sensors:
I Damage and Speed Breakdown: w~en a~B:ilable. Cannot car;1 SM2MR. Has RAST he lo recovery system. Fitted
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 226
' Damage Points: 0 18 36 54 65 72 80S-4 M with Pra1_ne-Masker acoustic masking system {quieted). Aluminum superstruc-
Weapons: Total Mounts: 5
Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 O Sinks Remarks: ture. Ships maneuver as 50-139 damage point vessels for turns and accel-
PBIS8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F Research submarine. Originally carried 2 Regulus II nuclear strategic cruise eration. Magazines hold 24 RIM-7M and 18 Mk46 torpedo manual reloads.
F12A(1 )3 Mk42127mml54112 SPG-53, SPG-35 c Gearing FRAM I DD msls. Decommed on 30 Jun 1976. In reserve. Mk141 ROF 8 msls per turn (both launchers) at same target. Mk29 NATO
Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sea Sparrow ROF 15 msls per tum.
Displacement: 2425 In Class: [16]
SPS-37, SPS-10 J Damage Points: 0 22 44 66 79
Damage Points: 67 In Service: 1945-83 88 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
SQS-23 M Surface Speed: 20 15
Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 32 kts 10 5 0 Sinks Damage Points: 0 36 72 1OB 130 144
Remarks: Submerged Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 O Sinks
Propulslon: Steam Crew:307
Forrest Sherman and Mullinuxhave SPS-40 vice SPS-37. DD-942, 946, 957
Weapons: Total Mounts: 5
have SPS-29 vice SPS-37. Hull had F(1)1 Mk71 203mm/55 in place of for-
ward Mk42. Returned to original configuration in 1979.Aluminum superstruc- P&S(B)1 Mk16 w/B ASROC E Harpers Ferry LSD Iowa BB
PBIS8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F Displacement: 11125 It In Class: O+ 1+4 Displacement: 461n In Class: 4
ture. SPG-53 GFC radar faces forward; SPG-35 faces aft. 18 units built.
Originally fitted with Mk42 guns, PIS(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50, P/S(1)4 533mm FIA(2)2 Mk38 127mm/38//1 Mk25 c Damage Points: 298 In Service: 1993 Damage Points: 886 In Service: 1983
Sensors: Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts
TI, 2 Mk13 Hedgehog, DC rails. 8 converted to Banyclass; Edson assigned
SPS-10, SPS-29, SPS-37, SPS-40 J Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 412 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2753
to NRF as training ship; rest decommed in 1983.
SOS-23 M Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Weapons: Total Mounts: 29
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 20 39 58 70 78 LN-66 J/Can FIA(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c 2F/A(3)3 406mm/50 w/360 rounds/12 Mk13 C
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Remarks: PIS(1)2 Mk67 20mm/80 c P/S(2)6 Mk28 127mm/38//4 Mk25 C
Aluminum superstructure. Magazines hold 9 ASROC manual reloads. Con- 2LCAC P&PBIS&SBIP&PQ/S&SQ(R)4 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C
verted Gearing-class destroyers. 16 units converted; all units struck by 1983. Sensors: P8&S8(4)8 Mk44 A8L w/4 Tomahawk D
Forrestal CV Damage and Speed Breakdown: SPS-49, SPS~7 J P8&PQ/S8&S0(4)4 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D
Displacement: 60000 std lnClass:4 LN-66 J/Can
Damage Points: 0 17 34 50 60 67 Alt Pad(1 )4 SH-608 LAMPS Ill B
Damage Points: 1116 In Service: 1955 Remarks:
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B O Sinks Sensors:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts Cargo version of Whidbey Island class. First unit ordered on 17 Jun 1988. Has SPS-10 (88-62), SPS-49 J
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 5630 1000 m3 more capacity than Whidby ls/and class, but can only carry 2 LCAC.
Weapons: Total Mounts: 14 Glenard P. Lipscomb SSN LN-66 J/Can
In Class: 1 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks:
90 Aircraft B Displacement: 6480 subm
In Service: 1974 Damage Points: 0 75 149 224 269 298 Iowa can carry Mastiff RPV for shore bombardment surveillance. Armor:
Damage Points: 103
4 Catapults Surface Speed: 22 16 11 6 O Sinks 307mm belt tapering to 41 mm, turret face 432mm, turret top 184mm, turret
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18/25 kts
4 Elevators b'.3-ck 305mm, barbettes 295mm max, conning tower 440 mm, 184mm con-
Propulsion: Nuclear-Electric Crew: 128
P&POIS&S8(8)3 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow Improved Los Angeles
II w/B RIM-7Ml/6 Mk91 D Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 SSN ning tower top, 3 armored decks; 2nd deck is 152mm. General rating is S.
F, D Displacement: 6927 In Class: 5+12+2 CHP factorfor406mm turret, engineering is S; bridge is H; Tomahawk launcher
I, P&PQIS&SQIP&P8(R)3 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c PBIS8(2)2 533mm TI w/see remarks
Damage Points: 107 In Service: 1988 is L. Helo pad aft can hold 4 small halos. Cannot fire aft 406mm with halos on
Sensors: Sensors:
BQQ-5, T8-16 towed array M Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15/32 kts pad. Mk141 ROF is B msls per tum (all mounts) at same target. Mk44 A8L
SPS-49, SPS-48, SPS-67, Mk23 TAS J
8PS-15 J Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 133 ROF is 15 msls per turn {all mounts) at same target.
LN-66 J/Can
Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Remarks: Damage Points: 0 222 443 664 797 886
Weapons load is Mk48 torp, Harpoon. Has nudear-electric drive. -1 Oo/o from PB&S8(2)2 533mm TI w/26 see remarks F, D
Forres ta/ (CV-59) has 59630-ton displacement (1109 damage pis). Deck
angled 8° to port. Armor: Armored flight deck; improved protection over Mid- passive sonar detection chance. Weapon k>ad estimated. PB&S8(12)1 Mk45 VLS w/12 Tomahawk D Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 o Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors:
way class. General rating is L; CHP rating for flight deck, hangar, engineer-
ing is L. Can launch 1O small/med he las at once. NATO Sea Sparrow ROF 15 Damage Points: 0 26 52 77 93 103 BSY-1, TB-168 towed array M Isaac c. Kidd DOG
Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 .O Sinks BPS-15 J Displacement: 6210 ltshp In Class:4
msls perturn (each mount). Typical air group 20 F-14, 20 F/A-18, 20A-6E, 5 Remarks:
submerged Speed: 25 19 12 6 O Sinks Damage Points: 150 In Service: 1981
E-2C, 5 EA-68, 10 S-3 Viking, 6 SH-3H Sea King.
~irst unit is SSN-751, USS San Juan. Normal TI loadout 20 Mk48 torp and Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 33 kts
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 279 558 837 1004 1116 (CV-59) Glover FF Harpoon. Can carry Sea Lance when available. VLS Tomahawk launchers Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 340
In Class: 1 can fire anti ship or land attack version of missile. Tomahawk ROF 4 msls per Weapons: Total Mounts: 12
Damage Points: O 2n 555 832 998 1109 Displacement: 2643 std
turn. Has anechoic coating. Has pump-jet propulsor vice propellor· reduces F(2)1 Mk26 w/24 SM2MR/11 SPG-55 D
Surface Speed: 33 25 16 a 0 Sinks Damage Points: 73 In Service: 1965
. chance by passive
ection . sonars-10o/o. Can control 4 wire-guided ' tarps A(2)1 Mk26 w/44 see remarks/11 SPG-55 D
Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 27 kts
Crew: 270 at once. Will be fitted with BOG-5 wide aperture array. P8&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D
Garcia FF Propulsion: Steam
gamage and Speed Breakdown: Alt Pad(1)2 SH-2F LAMPS I B
In Class: 110! Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
Displacement: 2624 amage Points: 0 27 54 BO 97 107 PQ&PIS8&S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c
Damage Points: 72 In Service: 1964-89 F(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC E
Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks PBIS8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F
Speed: 27 kts PBIS8(3)2 Mk32 324mm Tiw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F
Damage Modifier: 0.75 Submerged Speed: 32 24 16 8 c
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 270 F(1)1Mk30127mm/38//1 SPG-35 c 0 Sinks F/A(1 )2 Mk45 127mm/54//1 SPG-60
Total Mounts: 6 sensors:
Ex-UK Lyness T·AFS Weapons:
SPS-10, SP&-40 J
Improved Spruance DD
F(8)1 Mk16 w/8ASROC E Displacement: 5830 fl In Class: 7
Displacement: 9010 ltshp In Class: 3
In Service: 1966 PBIS8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F LN-66 J/Can Damage Points: 144 In Service: 1987
Damage Points: 256 saS-26, SQS-35 IVDS M
Att Pad(1)1 SH-2F LAMPS I B Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 33 kts
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18 kts
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 116 F/P&S(1)2 Mk42127mm/54/11 SPG-35 c Remarks: Propulsion: Gas turbine Crew: 324
Sensors: Aluminum superstructure. Helo pad aft for small helicopter. No ASROC re-
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Weapons: Tolal Mounts: 12
SPS-10, SPS-40 J loads. (F&A)(61)x1 Mk41 VLS w/61 Tomahawk and VLASROC D, E
Alt Pad(1)2 CH-46 Sea Kinight B Damage and Speed Breakdown:
LN-66 J/Can A(8)1 Mk29 NATO SS w/8RIM-7M111 Mk91 D
Sensors: Damage Points: o 18 36 55 66 73
Jllntl SQS-26 M PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/7 Mk46 NEARTIP F
Kelvin-Hughes 14112, Kelvin-Hughes 14/9 Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks
Remarks: P8&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D
Last 5 units (FF-1047 to 1051) have automatic ASROC reloading system; Alt Pad(1 )2 SH-SOB LAMPS 111 B
Purchased by US in 1983; helo hangars and pad added to all three units.
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
estimated reload time 2 min per msl. 8 ASROC msls in magazine. ASROC Halibut SSN F/A(1)2Mk45127mm/54//1 SPG~O C
Damage Points: O 64 128 192 230 256 launcher carries 2 Harpoon, with additional 2 in reload magazine. Magazines Displacement: 5000 subm In Class: 11] P8&SBIP&PQ(6)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c
hold additional 12 Mk46 torp (manual reloading). Fitted with stabilizers. Damage Points: 88 In Service: Sensors:
Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 0 Sinks
Aluminum superstructure. Garcia, Edward McDonnel, Sample, Albert David Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kls SPS-40, SP0-9A, SPS-55, Mk23 TAS J
lilted with SQR-15, no SH-2F LAMPS halo. Bradley, Edward McDonne/, Propulslon: Nudear Crew: 111 SQS-53, SQR-19 towed array M
Forrest Sherman DD Davidson, Sample, O'Callahan decommed in 1988; Garcia, Brumby, Voge, Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Remarks:
Displacement: 2850 lnClass:l6! P8&S8(2)2 533mm TI wl Mk48 torp
Koelsch and Albert David, 1989. Four units leased to Pakistan and four to F Program to modify Spruance-class destroyers with VLS. Seven unifs con-
Damage Points: 78 In Service: 1956-83 pQ&S0(2)1 533mm TI w/ Mk37 torp
Brazil. SQR-15 removed and helicopter capability restored prior to transfer. F verted so far: DD-963, 991, 996. 964, 967, 971, 968. Will carry VLASROC
Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 32 kts Sensors:
I Damage and Speed Breakdown: w~en a~B:ilable. Cannot car;1 SM2MR. Has RAST he lo recovery system. Fitted
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 226
' Damage Points: 0 18 36 54 65 72 80S-4 M with Pra1_ne-Masker acoustic masking system {quieted). Aluminum superstruc-
Weapons: Total Mounts: 5
Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 O Sinks Remarks: ture. Ships maneuver as 50-139 damage point vessels for turns and accel-
PBIS8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F Research submarine. Originally carried 2 Regulus II nuclear strategic cruise eration. Magazines hold 24 RIM-7M and 18 Mk46 torpedo manual reloads.
F12A(1 )3 Mk42127mml54112 SPG-53, SPG-35 c Gearing FRAM I DD msls. Decommed on 30 Jun 1976. In reserve. Mk141 ROF 8 msls per turn (both launchers) at same target. Mk29 NATO
Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sea Sparrow ROF 15 msls per tum.
Displacement: 2425 In Class: [16]
SPS-37, SPS-10 J Damage Points: 0 22 44 66 79
Damage Points: 67 In Service: 1945-83 88 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
SQS-23 M Surface Speed: 20 15
Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 32 kts 10 5 0 Sinks Damage Points: 0 36 72 1OB 130 144
Remarks: Submerged Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 O Sinks
Propulslon: Steam Crew:307
Forrest Sherman and Mullinuxhave SPS-40 vice SPS-37. DD-942, 946, 957
Weapons: Total Mounts: 5
have SPS-29 vice SPS-37. Hull had F(1)1 Mk71 203mm/55 in place of for-
ward Mk42. Returned to original configuration in 1979.Aluminum superstruc- P&S(B)1 Mk16 w/B ASROC E Harpers Ferry LSD Iowa BB
PBIS8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 torp F Displacement: 11125 It In Class: O+ 1+4 Displacement: 461n In Class: 4
ture. SPG-53 GFC radar faces forward; SPG-35 faces aft. 18 units built.
Originally fitted with Mk42 guns, PIS(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50, P/S(1)4 533mm FIA(2)2 Mk38 127mm/38//1 Mk25 c Damage Points: 298 In Service: 1993 Damage Points: 886 In Service: 1983
Sensors: Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts
TI, 2 Mk13 Hedgehog, DC rails. 8 converted to Banyclass; Edson assigned
SPS-10, SPS-29, SPS-37, SPS-40 J Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 412 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2753
to NRF as training ship; rest decommed in 1983.
SOS-23 M Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Weapons: Total Mounts: 29
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 20 39 58 70 78 LN-66 J/Can FIA(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c 2F/A(3)3 406mm/50 w/360 rounds/12 Mk13 C
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Remarks: PIS(1)2 Mk67 20mm/80 c P/S(2)6 Mk28 127mm/38//4 Mk25 C
Aluminum superstructure. Magazines hold 9 ASROC manual reloads. Con- 2LCAC P&PBIS&SBIP&PQ/S&SQ(R)4 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C
verted Gearing-class destroyers. 16 units converted; all units struck by 1983. Sensors: P8&S8(4)8 Mk44 A8L w/4 Tomahawk D
Forrestal CV Damage and Speed Breakdown: SPS-49, SPS~7 J P8&PQ/S8&S0(4)4 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D
Displacement: 60000 std lnClass:4 LN-66 J/Can
Damage Points: 0 17 34 50 60 67 Alt Pad(1 )4 SH-608 LAMPS Ill B
Damage Points: 1116 In Service: 1955 Remarks:
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B O Sinks Sensors:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts Cargo version of Whidbey Island class. First unit ordered on 17 Jun 1988. Has SPS-10 (88-62), SPS-49 J
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 5630 1000 m3 more capacity than Whidby ls/and class, but can only carry 2 LCAC.
Weapons: Total Mounts: 14 Glenard P. Lipscomb SSN LN-66 J/Can
In Class: 1 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks:
90 Aircraft B Displacement: 6480 subm
In Service: 1974 Damage Points: 0 75 149 224 269 298 Iowa can carry Mastiff RPV for shore bombardment surveillance. Armor:
Damage Points: 103
4 Catapults Surface Speed: 22 16 11 6 O Sinks 307mm belt tapering to 41 mm, turret face 432mm, turret top 184mm, turret
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18/25 kts
4 Elevators b'.3-ck 305mm, barbettes 295mm max, conning tower 440 mm, 184mm con-
Propulsion: Nuclear-Electric Crew: 128
P&POIS&S8(8)3 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow Improved Los Angeles
II w/B RIM-7Ml/6 Mk91 D Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 SSN ning tower top, 3 armored decks; 2nd deck is 152mm. General rating is S.
F, D Displacement: 6927 In Class: 5+12+2 CHP factorfor406mm turret, engineering is S; bridge is H; Tomahawk launcher
I, P&PQIS&SQIP&P8(R)3 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c PBIS8(2)2 533mm TI w/see remarks
Damage Points: 107 In Service: 1988 is L. Helo pad aft can hold 4 small halos. Cannot fire aft 406mm with halos on
Sensors: Sensors:
BQQ-5, T8-16 towed array M Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15/32 kts pad. Mk141 ROF is B msls per tum (all mounts) at same target. Mk44 A8L
SPS-49, SPS-48, SPS-67, Mk23 TAS J
8PS-15 J Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 133 ROF is 15 msls per turn {all mounts) at same target.
LN-66 J/Can
Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Remarks: Damage Points: 0 222 443 664 797 886
Weapons load is Mk48 torp, Harpoon. Has nudear-electric drive. -1 Oo/o from PB&S8(2)2 533mm TI w/26 see remarks F, D
Forres ta/ (CV-59) has 59630-ton displacement (1109 damage pis). Deck
angled 8° to port. Armor: Armored flight deck; improved protection over Mid- passive sonar detection chance. Weapon k>ad estimated. PB&S8(12)1 Mk45 VLS w/12 Tomahawk D Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 o Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors:
way class. General rating is L; CHP rating for flight deck, hangar, engineer-
ing is L. Can launch 1O small/med he las at once. NATO Sea Sparrow ROF 15 Damage Points: 0 26 52 77 93 103 BSY-1, TB-168 towed array M Isaac c. Kidd DOG
Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 .O Sinks BPS-15 J Displacement: 6210 ltshp In Class:4
msls perturn (each mount). Typical air group 20 F-14, 20 F/A-18, 20A-6E, 5 Remarks:
submerged Speed: 25 19 12 6 O Sinks Damage Points: 150 In Service: 1981
E-2C, 5 EA-68, 10 S-3 Viking, 6 SH-3H Sea King.
~irst unit is SSN-751, USS San Juan. Normal TI loadout 20 Mk48 torp and Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 33 kts
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 279 558 837 1004 1116 (CV-59) Glover FF Harpoon. Can carry Sea Lance when available. VLS Tomahawk launchers Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 340
In Class: 1 can fire anti ship or land attack version of missile. Tomahawk ROF 4 msls per Weapons: Total Mounts: 12
Damage Points: O 2n 555 832 998 1109 Displacement: 2643 std
turn. Has anechoic coating. Has pump-jet propulsor vice propellor· reduces F(2)1 Mk26 w/24 SM2MR/11 SPG-55 D
Surface Speed: 33 25 16 a 0 Sinks Damage Points: 73 In Service: 1965
. chance by passive
ection . sonars-10o/o. Can control 4 wire-guided ' tarps A(2)1 Mk26 w/44 see remarks/11 SPG-55 D
Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 27 kts
Crew: 270 at once. Will be fitted with BOG-5 wide aperture array. P8&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D
Garcia FF Propulsion: Steam
gamage and Speed Breakdown: Alt Pad(1)2 SH-2F LAMPS I B
In Class: 110! Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
Displacement: 2624 amage Points: 0 27 54 BO 97 107 PQ&PIS8&S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c
Damage Points: 72 In Service: 1964-89 F(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC E
Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks PBIS8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F
Speed: 27 kts PBIS8(3)2 Mk32 324mm Tiw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F
Damage Modifier: 0.75 Submerged Speed: 32 24 16 8 c
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 270 F(1)1Mk30127mm/38//1 SPG-35 c 0 Sinks F/A(1 )2 Mk45 127mm/54//1 SPG-60
Sensors: LN-66 (not in AE-27) J/Can Nav radar (see remarks) J/lntl Sensors:
SPS-53, SP0-9A, SPS-48, SPS-55 J Remarks: BOR-7, BOR-15 towed array M BQQ-5, TB-16 towed array M
SQS-53 M AE-32to 35fittedwith P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanxw/5 bursts per mount. No director BOR-21 DIMUS, BQS-4 M BPS-15 J
Remarks: forMk33guns; local control only. Ki/eaua, Butteoperatedby MSC; Mk33 guns Remarks: Remarks:
Iran's gift to the US Navy. Aluminum superstructure. Fitted with aluminum removed. Daniel Webster(SSBN-626) has bow planes for evaluation. Thirty-one built; Normal weapons loadout 20 Mk48 torp and 6 Harpoon. Class being fitted
and Kevlar annor. c·HP rating for sensors is L. Aft msl magazine has 16 Damage and Speed Breakdown: 4 decommed. 12 units have Trident 1. Have portable commercial nav radar with anechoic coating. At least four units fitted to carry Tomahawk to be fired
ASROC, 28 SM1MR. Ships maneuver as 50-139 damage point vessels for Damage Points: O 78 156 235 282 313 for surface operations. from TI. SSN-719 and later have PB&SB(12)1 Tomahawk in VLS tubes.
turns and acceleration. SPG-60 can direct Mk45 gun or illuminate target for Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Tomahawk ROF 4 msls per tum. Memphis (SSN-691) designated as official
SM1MR msls. Mk141 ROF is 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. Damage Points: O 30 60 90 108 120 R&D platform for advanced submarine technology. Modifications will be made
Mk26 ROF is 6 msls per turn (each mount). Quieted. Scott has NTU. Kitty Hawk CV Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks during refueling refit in 1994. Will be fitted with one 762mm TT lor R&D
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 61100 std lnClaM:3 Submerged Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks purposes.
Damage Points: 0 38 75 112 135 150 Damage Points: 1134 In Service: 1961 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 O Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts Leahy CG Damage Points: 0 27 54 80 96 107
Propulslon: Steam Crew: 5400 Olsplacelt)ent: 5670 lnClass:9 Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks
lwoJima LPH Weapons: Total Mounts: 14 Damage Points: 142 In Service: 1962 Submerged Speed: 32 24 16 8 o Sinks
Displacement: 11000 It In Class: 7 P&PQ/S&SQ/S&SB(8)3 Mk29 NATO Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 32 kts
Damage Points: 296 In Service: 1961 Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//6 Mk91 D Propulsion: Steam Crew: 423 Mars AFS
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts P&POIP&PB/S&SO(R)3 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Displacement: 9400 In Class: 7
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2680 85Aircraft B F(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC E Damage Points: 198 In Service: 1963
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 4 Catapults PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm Tiw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts
20 Helicopters B 4 Elevators PB&SB(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D Propulsion: Steam Crew: 486
SB&SO/PB&PQ(8)2 Mk25 Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//2 Mk115 D Sensors: P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
F(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50 C SPS-10 or SPS-67, SPS-49, SPS-48 J F/A(2)2 Mk10 w/40 SM2ER//4 SPG-55 D Aft Pad(1 )2 CH-46 Sea Knight B
2 Elevators Mk23TAS J Sensors: F(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50 c
P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C LN-66 (CV-63) J/Can SPS-49, SPS-48, SPS-10 or SPS-67 J Sensors:
Sensors: Remarks: LN-66 J/Can SPS-10 J
SPS-10, SPS-58 (r\ot in LPH-11), SPS-40 J Kitty Hawk (CV-63) has only 2 Mk291Mk91, P&PQ/S&SO. In SLEP starting May SOS-23 M LN-66 J/Can
LN-66 J/Can 1989. WillgetMk23TAS, SPS-49, FIA-18. ConsteHation(CV-64) has F/A-18.Amer- Remarks: Remarks:
Remarks: ica (CV-66) displacement 60300 tons (1121 damage pts). Can launch 10 small/ No ASROC reloads. Helo pad aft. Aluminum superstructure. Gridley and No director for Mk33 76mm; local control only. Five holds. #1 and #5 for spare
No directors for guns; local control only. Can land/launch 7 small/med helos med helos at once. Armor: General rating is L; CHP rating for flight deck, hangar, Reeves have SPS-43 vice SPS-49. Dale has SQQ-23 vice SOS-23. Mk 141 parts, #3 and #4 for provisions, #2 for aviation spare parts. AFS-4 has addi-
at once. Can carry 19 Sea Knights or 11 Sea Stallions or AV-88 Harriers. eng is L. NATO Sea Sparrow ROF 15 msls per turn (each mount). ROF 8 msls per turn (both launchers) at same target. England has NTU. tional P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts.
Mk25 ROF is 15 msls per turn (each mount). Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 0 284 567 850 1021 1134 (CV-66) Damage Points: 0 36 71 106 128 142 Damage Points: 0 50 99 148 178 198
Damage Points: O 74 148 222 266 296 Damage Points: O 280 561 841 1009 1121 Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
Surface Speed: 22 16 11 6 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 0 Sinks
Long Beach CGN Midway CV
Kennedy CV Knox FF Displacement: 15100 It In Class: 1 Displacement: 51000 std In Class: 1+[2]
Displacement: 61000 In Class: 1 Displacement: 3011 In Class:46 Damage Points: 368 In Service: 1961 Damage Points: 966 In Service: 1945
Damage Points: 1133 In Service: 1968 Damage Points: 82 In Service: 1969 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 27 kts Propulslon: Nuclear Crew:921 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 4450
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 5653 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 287 Weapons: Total Mounts: 13 Weapons: Total Mounts: 9
Weapons: Total Mounts: 14 Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 P/5(1)2 Mk30 127mm/3B//2 Mk35 c P&PQ/S&SQ(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c
P&PQ/S&SQ/P&PB(R)3 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c A(R)1 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c P&S(8)1 Mk16 w/8ASROC E 72Aircraft B
85 Aircraft B F(8)1 Mk16 w/8 see remarks E PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm Tiw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F 2 Catapults
4 Catapults PB/SB(2)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/2 Mk46 NEARTIP F PB&SB(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D 3 Elevators
P&PQ/S&SO/S&SB(8)3 Mk29 NATO Aft Pad(1)1 SH-2F LAMPS I B A(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c P&PB/S&SB(8)2 Mk25 Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//2 Mk115 D
Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//6 Mk91 D F(1)1 Mk42127mm/54//1 SPG-53 c F(2)2 Mk10 w/60 SM2ER//4 SPG-55 D Sensors:
4 Elevators Sensors: PB&SB(4)2 Mk44 ABL w/4 Tomahawk D SPS-64, SPS-67, SPS-48, SPS-49 J
Sensors: SPS-10, SPS-40, Mk23 TAS J Sensors: Remarks:
SPS-49, SPS-48, SPS-10, SPS-65 J SOS-26, SOR-18 towed array M SPS-48, SPS-65, SPS-49, SPS-67 J Midway(CV-41) as above. Cora/Sea(CV-43) has 3catapults, 3 Mk15 Phalanx
Mk23TAS J LN-66 J/Can LN-66 J/Can (P&PQ/P&PB/S&SO), no Mk29, SPS-30 vice SPS-38, SPS-43 vice-37. Ar-
LN-66 J/Can Remarks: SQQ-23 M mor:Armored flight deck, improved protection over Essexclass. General rating
Remarks: Mk16 launcher loadout is 6ASROC and 2 Harpoon; can fire 2 Harpoon per Remarks: is L. CHP rating forflightdeck, hangar, engineering is L. Uses F-18s for fighter
Can launch 1O small/med helos at once. Armor: General rating is L. CHP turn. Auto reloading from magazine (estimated 2 min per msl) of another 6 Helo pad aft. Armor: Radar foundations and waveguides armored. Forward and attack squadrons. Can launch 8 small/med helos at once. Third unit
rating for flight deck, hangar and engineering is L. NATO Sea Sparrow ROF ASROC and 2 Harpoon. Fitted with stabilizers.Aluminum superstructure. Fitted superstructure has 44mm aluminum armor. CHP rating for bridge, sensors, Franklin D. Roose..,,ftstruck in Oct 1977. Mk25 ROF 15 msls perturn (each
15 msls per turn (each mount). with Prairie-Masker acoustic masking system (quieted). Mk44ABLis L. Carries 20 manualASROC reloads. Mk141 ROF 8 msls per mount). Cora/Seadecommed in 1989.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: turn (both launchers) at same target. Mk44 ABL ROF 8 msls per turn (both Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 283 566 850 1020 1133 Damage Points: 0 20 41 62 74 82 launchers) at same target. Damage Points: O 242 483 724 869 966
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 0 Sinks
Damage Points: 0 82 184 276 331 368
Kilauea AE Lafayette SSBN Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks Mlsplllion T·AO
Displacement: 18088 ltshp In Class: 8 Displacement: 8250 subm lnClass:27 Displacement: 9486 It In Class:5
Damage Points: 313 In Service: 1968 Damage Points: 120 In Service: 1963 Los Angeles SSN Damage Points: 266 In Service: 1945
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15/25 kts Displacement: 6927 subm In Class: 30 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 380 Propulsion: Nudear Crew: 147 Damage Points: 107 In Service: 1976 Propulslon: Steam Crew: 130
Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 15132 kts Weapons: Total Mounls: O
Aft Pad( t )2 CH-46 Sea Knight B PB&SB(2)2 533mm Tiw/10 Mk48 torp F Propulsion: Nuciear Crew: 133 None
FiA(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50 c (16)1 Poseidon or Trident 1 SLBM Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Sensors:
Sensors: Sensors: PB&SB(2)2 533mm TI w/26 see remarks F, D Raytheon 1650 (Raytheon series), SPS-10 J
SPS-10, Pathfinder (AE-27) J BPS-11 or BPS-15 J
Sensors: LN-66 (not in AE-27) J/Can Nav radar (see remarks) J/lntl Sensors:
SPS-53, SP0-9A, SPS-48, SPS-55 J Remarks: BOR-7, BOR-15 towed array M BQQ-5, TB-16 towed array M
SQS-53 M AE-32to 35fittedwith P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanxw/5 bursts per mount. No director BOR-21 DIMUS, BQS-4 M BPS-15 J
Remarks: forMk33guns; local control only. Ki/eaua, Butteoperatedby MSC; Mk33 guns Remarks: Remarks:
Iran's gift to the US Navy. Aluminum superstructure. Fitted with aluminum removed. Daniel Webster(SSBN-626) has bow planes for evaluation. Thirty-one built; Normal weapons loadout 20 Mk48 torp and 6 Harpoon. Class being fitted
and Kevlar annor. c·HP rating for sensors is L. Aft msl magazine has 16 Damage and Speed Breakdown: 4 decommed. 12 units have Trident 1. Have portable commercial nav radar with anechoic coating. At least four units fitted to carry Tomahawk to be fired
ASROC, 28 SM1MR. Ships maneuver as 50-139 damage point vessels for Damage Points: O 78 156 235 282 313 for surface operations. from TI. SSN-719 and later have PB&SB(12)1 Tomahawk in VLS tubes.
turns and acceleration. SPG-60 can direct Mk45 gun or illuminate target for Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Tomahawk ROF 4 msls per tum. Memphis (SSN-691) designated as official
SM1MR msls. Mk141 ROF is 8 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. Damage Points: O 30 60 90 108 120 R&D platform for advanced submarine technology. Modifications will be made
Mk26 ROF is 6 msls per turn (each mount). Quieted. Scott has NTU. Kitty Hawk CV Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks during refueling refit in 1994. Will be fitted with one 762mm TT lor R&D
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 61100 std lnClaM:3 Submerged Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks purposes.
Damage Points: 0 38 75 112 135 150 Damage Points: 1134 In Service: 1961 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 O Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts Leahy CG Damage Points: 0 27 54 80 96 107
Propulslon: Steam Crew: 5400 Olsplacelt)ent: 5670 lnClass:9 Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks
lwoJima LPH Weapons: Total Mounts: 14 Damage Points: 142 In Service: 1962 Submerged Speed: 32 24 16 8 o Sinks
Displacement: 11000 It In Class: 7 P&PQ/S&SQ/S&SB(8)3 Mk29 NATO Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 32 kts
Damage Points: 296 In Service: 1961 Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//6 Mk91 D Propulsion: Steam Crew: 423 Mars AFS
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts P&POIP&PB/S&SO(R)3 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Displacement: 9400 In Class: 7
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2680 85Aircraft B F(8)1 Mk16 w/8 ASROC E Damage Points: 198 In Service: 1963
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 4 Catapults PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm Tiw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts
20 Helicopters B 4 Elevators PB&SB(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D Propulsion: Steam Crew: 486
SB&SO/PB&PQ(8)2 Mk25 Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//2 Mk115 D Sensors: P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
F(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50 C SPS-10 or SPS-67, SPS-49, SPS-48 J F/A(2)2 Mk10 w/40 SM2ER//4 SPG-55 D Aft Pad(1 )2 CH-46 Sea Knight B
2 Elevators Mk23TAS J Sensors: F(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50 c
P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C LN-66 (CV-63) J/Can SPS-49, SPS-48, SPS-10 or SPS-67 J Sensors:
Sensors: Remarks: LN-66 J/Can SPS-10 J
SPS-10, SPS-58 (r\ot in LPH-11), SPS-40 J Kitty Hawk (CV-63) has only 2 Mk291Mk91, P&PQ/S&SO. In SLEP starting May SOS-23 M LN-66 J/Can
LN-66 J/Can 1989. WillgetMk23TAS, SPS-49, FIA-18. ConsteHation(CV-64) has F/A-18.Amer- Remarks: Remarks:
Remarks: ica (CV-66) displacement 60300 tons (1121 damage pts). Can launch 10 small/ No ASROC reloads. Helo pad aft. Aluminum superstructure. Gridley and No director for Mk33 76mm; local control only. Five holds. #1 and #5 for spare
No directors for guns; local control only. Can land/launch 7 small/med helos med helos at once. Armor: General rating is L; CHP rating for flight deck, hangar, Reeves have SPS-43 vice SPS-49. Dale has SQQ-23 vice SOS-23. Mk 141 parts, #3 and #4 for provisions, #2 for aviation spare parts. AFS-4 has addi-
at once. Can carry 19 Sea Knights or 11 Sea Stallions or AV-88 Harriers. eng is L. NATO Sea Sparrow ROF 15 msls per turn (each mount). ROF 8 msls per turn (both launchers) at same target. England has NTU. tional P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts.
Mk25 ROF is 15 msls per turn (each mount). Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 0 284 567 850 1021 1134 (CV-66) Damage Points: 0 36 71 106 128 142 Damage Points: 0 50 99 148 178 198
Damage Points: O 74 148 222 266 296 Damage Points: O 280 561 841 1009 1121 Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
Surface Speed: 22 16 11 6 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 0 Sinks
Long Beach CGN Midway CV
Kennedy CV Knox FF Displacement: 15100 It In Class: 1 Displacement: 51000 std In Class: 1+[2]
Displacement: 61000 In Class: 1 Displacement: 3011 In Class:46 Damage Points: 368 In Service: 1961 Damage Points: 966 In Service: 1945
Damage Points: 1133 In Service: 1968 Damage Points: 82 In Service: 1969 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 27 kts Propulslon: Nuclear Crew:921 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 4450
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 5653 Propulsion: Steam Crew: 287 Weapons: Total Mounts: 13 Weapons: Total Mounts: 9
Weapons: Total Mounts: 14 Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 P/5(1)2 Mk30 127mm/3B//2 Mk35 c P&PQ/S&SQ(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c
P&PQ/S&SQ/P&PB(R)3 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c A(R)1 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c P&S(8)1 Mk16 w/8ASROC E 72Aircraft B
85 Aircraft B F(8)1 Mk16 w/8 see remarks E PB/SB(3)2 Mk32 324mm Tiw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F 2 Catapults
4 Catapults PB/SB(2)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/2 Mk46 NEARTIP F PB&SB(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D 3 Elevators
P&PQ/S&SO/S&SB(8)3 Mk29 NATO Aft Pad(1)1 SH-2F LAMPS I B A(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c P&PB/S&SB(8)2 Mk25 Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//2 Mk115 D
Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//6 Mk91 D F(1)1 Mk42127mm/54//1 SPG-53 c F(2)2 Mk10 w/60 SM2ER//4 SPG-55 D Sensors:
4 Elevators Sensors: PB&SB(4)2 Mk44 ABL w/4 Tomahawk D SPS-64, SPS-67, SPS-48, SPS-49 J
Sensors: SPS-10, SPS-40, Mk23 TAS J Sensors: Remarks:
SPS-49, SPS-48, SPS-10, SPS-65 J SOS-26, SOR-18 towed array M SPS-48, SPS-65, SPS-49, SPS-67 J Midway(CV-41) as above. Cora/Sea(CV-43) has 3catapults, 3 Mk15 Phalanx
Mk23TAS J LN-66 J/Can LN-66 J/Can (P&PQ/P&PB/S&SO), no Mk29, SPS-30 vice SPS-38, SPS-43 vice-37. Ar-
LN-66 J/Can Remarks: SQQ-23 M mor:Armored flight deck, improved protection over Essexclass. General rating
Remarks: Mk16 launcher loadout is 6ASROC and 2 Harpoon; can fire 2 Harpoon per Remarks: is L. CHP rating forflightdeck, hangar, engineering is L. Uses F-18s for fighter
Can launch 1O small/med helos at once. Armor: General rating is L. CHP turn. Auto reloading from magazine (estimated 2 min per msl) of another 6 Helo pad aft. Armor: Radar foundations and waveguides armored. Forward and attack squadrons. Can launch 8 small/med helos at once. Third unit
rating for flight deck, hangar and engineering is L. NATO Sea Sparrow ROF ASROC and 2 Harpoon. Fitted with stabilizers.Aluminum superstructure. Fitted superstructure has 44mm aluminum armor. CHP rating for bridge, sensors, Franklin D. Roose..,,ftstruck in Oct 1977. Mk25 ROF 15 msls perturn (each
15 msls per turn (each mount). with Prairie-Masker acoustic masking system (quieted). Mk44ABLis L. Carries 20 manualASROC reloads. Mk141 ROF 8 msls per mount). Cora/Seadecommed in 1989.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: turn (both launchers) at same target. Mk44 ABL ROF 8 msls per turn (both Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 283 566 850 1020 1133 Damage Points: 0 20 41 62 74 82 launchers) at same target. Damage Points: O 242 483 724 869 966
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 0 Sinks
Damage Points: 0 82 184 276 331 368
Kilauea AE Lafayette SSBN Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks Mlsplllion T·AO
Displacement: 18088 ltshp In Class: 8 Displacement: 8250 subm lnClass:27 Displacement: 9486 It In Class:5
Damage Points: 313 In Service: 1968 Damage Points: 120 In Service: 1963 Los Angeles SSN Damage Points: 266 In Service: 1945
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15/25 kts Displacement: 6927 subm In Class: 30 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16 kts
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 380 Propulsion: Nudear Crew: 147 Damage Points: 107 In Service: 1976 Propulslon: Steam Crew: 130
Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 15132 kts Weapons: Total Mounls: O
Aft Pad( t )2 CH-46 Sea Knight B PB&SB(2)2 533mm Tiw/10 Mk48 torp F Propulsion: Nuciear Crew: 133 None
FiA(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50 c (16)1 Poseidon or Trident 1 SLBM Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Sensors:
Sensors: Sensors: PB&SB(2)2 533mm TI w/26 see remarks F, D Raytheon 1650 (Raytheon series), SPS-10 J
SPS-10, Pathfinder (AE-27) J BPS-11 or BPS-15 J
1990-91 Data Annex
Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 SSBN Damage and Speed Breakdown:
c OhlO
Jumboized T3-S2-A3 oilers. Helo pad forward. Operated by MSC. P/S(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50 Displacement: 18750 subm In Class: 10+5+5 Damage Points: O 54 109 163 196 218
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors: Damage Pointe: 214 In Service: 1981 Surface Speed: 22 16 11 6 o Sinks
Damage Points: 0 66 133 200 239 266 SPS-10 J
·111 i
Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks LN-66 J/Can
Damage Modlfler: 1.00
propulslon: Nuclear
Speed: 15125 kts
Crew: 157 Pegasus PHM
Remarks: weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Displacement: 218 lnClass:6
Mitsch er DOG No director for Mk33 76mm, local control only. Helo pad aft. Two units trans. pB&SB(2)2 533mm Tiw/12 Mk48 torp F Damage Points: 8 In Service: 1977
I, Displacement: 3765 In Class: [4) ferredtoNRF 1980and 1981. LST-1179, 1180, 1181, 1184, 1192haveF(R)1 (24)1 Trident C4 or Trident II 05 SLBM Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 48 kts
I.'' Mk15 Phalanx with 5 bursts per mount. Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 24
" Damage Points: 134 In Service: 1954-74 sensors:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts Damage and Speed Breakdown: BPS-15 J Weapons: Total Mounts: 5
Propulslon: Steam Crew: 373 Damage Points: o 37 74 111 133 148 9QQ-6, B00-9 TASPE towed array M PB&SB(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D
Weapons: Total Mounts: 11 Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Remarks: F(1)1 Compact 76mm/62 w/330 rdsi/1 Mk92 c
F/A(1)2 Weapon Alfa w/4 salvoes E Reactor plant uses natural circulation at or below 15 knots (-10o/o passive P/S(1)2 Mk67 20mm/80 c
PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk44 torp F Nimitz CVN sonar detection chance). 800-6 comprises spherical BQS-13 passive, BOR- Sensors:
PB/SB(1 )4 Mk23 533mm TI w/1 Mk32 torp F Displacement: 81600 In Class: 5+3+ 1 7 conformal array, PUFFS spot hydrophone array, BQQ-9 towed array. SPS-63 J
1 DC Rail w/12 Mk9 DC E Damage Points: 1476 In Service: 1975 Damage and Speed Breakdown: LN-66 J/Can
, I
F/A(1 )2 Mk42 127mm/54 wf700 rds//2 Mk67, Mk35 c Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Damage Points: O 54 107 161 193 214 Remarks:
Sensors: Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 5698 Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks 330 76mm rds in gun magazine. 80 ready rds in drum. Can be fitted-with P/
SPS-8, SPS-10, SPS-29 J Weapons: Total Mounts: 16 Submerged Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks S(1)2 20mm/80 in wartime. Mk141 ROF 8 msls per turn (both mounts) at
I• M 90Aircraft B same target. Aluminum superstructure. Treat as large radar target if travelling
' SQS-26
Remarks: 4 Catapults Old Cimarron AO at 24 knots or more. The rooster tail thrown up when the ship is foilborne
Originally mounted F/A(2)2 76mm/50 with 500 rds/mount. These replaced 4 Elevators Displacement: 8337 lnClass:[2) increases the size of the radar echo.
with 76mm/70s. Aft 76mm/70 removed for helo pad. Fwd 76mm/70 removed P&PO/S&SO/P&PB/S&SB(R)4 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Damage Points: 182 In Service: 1944 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
later. Originally fitted with QHBISQG-1 sonar; replaced by SQS-26. DC rails P&PO/S&SQ/S&SB(8)4 Mk29 NATO Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18 kts Damage Points: 0 2 4 6 7 8
later removed. 6 reloads carried for Mk23 TT. Four units built. DL-2 Mitscher Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//8 Mk91 D Propulsion: Steam Crew: 105 Surface Speed: 48 36 24 12 O Sinks
and DL-3McCaindecommedin1969. DL-4 Lee, 1972; DL-5 Wilkinson, 1974. Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: O
Damage and Speed Breakdown: SPS-49, SPS-48, SPS-67, Mk23 TAS J None Permit SSN
Damage Points: 0 34 67 100 121 134 LN-66 J/Can Sensors: Displacement: 4465 subm lnClass:5
Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 O Sinks Remarks: Raytheon 1650, SPS-10 J Damage Points: 79 In Service: 1962
Nimitz(CVN-68) has 3 Phalanx vice4 (no S&SB). Armor:Armoredflightdeck, Remarks: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/30 kts
Narwhal SSN 64mm belt armor, box protection for magazines and engineering spaces. Helo pad forward. Last 2 units of large class; laid up in National Defense Propulslon: Nuclear Crew: 143
Displacement: 5380 subm In Class: 1 General rating is L. CHP rating for flight deck, hangar and engineering is L. Reserve Fleet. Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Damage Points: 92 In Service: 1969 Can launch 10 small/med helos at once. 1954 tons aviation ordnance, air- Damage and Speed Breakdown: PBISB(2)2 533mm TI w/24 see remarks F,D
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25130 kts craft fuel for 16 days of flight operations. NATO Sea Sparrow ROF 15 msls Damage Points: 0 46 91 136 164 182 Sensors:
Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 128 per tum {each mount). Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 0 Sinks BPS-15 J
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Damage and Speed Breakdown: TB-16 towed array, BQ0-5 M
PB&SB(2)2 533mm TI w/20 see remarks F, D Damage Points: O 369 738 1107 1328 1476 Oriskany CV Remarks:
Sensors: Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Displacement: 33000 lnClass:[1) Normal weapons loadout 20 Mk48 torpedoes, 4 Harpoon. Originally Thresher
BPS-14 J Damage Points: 666 In Service: 1950-76 class: changed when Thresher lost at sea. Additional units Dace, Pollack,
BQQ-5, TB-16 towed array M O.H. Perry FFG Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts Permit, Guardfish, Tinosa, Flasher, Greenling, Haddock struck in 1989.
Remarks: Displacement: 2769 It In Class:51 Propulslon: Steam Crew:3290 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Normal TT loadout 16 Mk48 tarp, 4 Harpoon. Very quiet. Has natural-circu- Damage Points: 76 In Service: 1977 Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 Damage Points: O 20 40 59 71 79
lation nuclear plant. -10% from passive sonar detection chance. Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 29 kts 70Aircraft B Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 179 2 Catapults Submerged Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks
Damage Points: O 23 46 69 83 92 Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 3 Elevators
Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks P&S(1)1 Mk75 76mm/62 PBISB(1 )2 Mk24 127mm/38//2 Mk37 c Powhatan ATF
Submerged Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks w/80 rds//1 Mk92 c Sensors: Displacement: 2000 std In Class:?
PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm Tiw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F SPS-30, SPS-37, SPS-10 J Damage Points: 57 In Service: 1979
Neosho T-AO Aft Pad(1 )2 SH-SOB LAMPS Ill B Remarks: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15 kts
Displacement: 9553 ltshp In Class: 6 A(R)1 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Can operate F-8,A-4, A-7. Armor: 76mm belt and hangar deck, 3Bmm flight Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 40
In Service: 1954 F(1)1 Mk13w/40SM1MR//1 STIR D and hangar deck. General rating is L. CHP rating for flight deck, hangar, Weapons: Total Mounts: 0
Damage Points: 267
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts Sensors: engineering is L. Struck in 30 Sep 1976; in reserve. None
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 106 SPS-49, SPS-55 J Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors:
Weapons: Total Mounts: o SQS-56, SQR-19 towed array M Damage Points: 0 166 333 500 599 666 SPS-53, Raytheon TM 1660 J
None Remarks: Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks Remarks:
Sensors: Aluminum superstructure. Fitted with RAST helo recovery system and stabi· Can be fitted with P/S(1)2 Mk67 20mm/80 and 212.7mm mg.
SPS-10, RM1650/12X J lizers. Mk92 can direct Mk75 gun or illuminate second target for SM1 MA msls. Paul Revere APA Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Remarks: Normal Mk13 loadoutis 36 SM1MR and4 Harpoon. Mk13 ROF is6msls per Dlsplacement: 10709 std In Class: [2) Damage Points: O 14 28 43 51 57
Helo pad aft except T-A0-146 & 148. Facilities for service force commander min. Magazines hold 18 Mk46 torpedoes (manual reload) for Mk32 TI and Damage Points: 218 In Service: 1959-79 Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 O Sinks
and staff. Original armament was (1 )4127mm/38 and (2)6 76mm/50. All guns LAMPS helic:.opter. Armor: 19mm armor over magazines, ·16mm steel over Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts
now removed. Operated by MSC. engineering spaces, 19mm Kevlar over electonics. CHP rating for sensors, Propulsion: Steam Crew:? Sacramento AOE
Damage and Speed Breakdown: engineering, bridge, Mk75 gun and Mk13 launcher is L. Fitted with Prairie· Weapons: Total Mounts: 0 Displacement: 19200 ltshp In Class: 4
Damage Points: O 67 134 200 240 267 Masker acoustic masking system (quieted). Early-series ships (FFG-7, 9, 19- None Damege Points: 327 In Service: 1964
Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks 24) are or will be assigned to NRF; will operate SH-2F LAMPS I vice SH~OB; Sensors: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 26 kts
use SQR-18 vice SOR-19, no fin stabilizers or RAST. Starl< (FFG-31) str1.1ck Nav radar J/lnll Propulsion: Steam Crew: 600
by Iraqi Exocets on 17 May 1987; returned to service in Jan 1989. Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 5
Newport LST
Displacement: 4164 ltshp In Class: 20
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Mariner class. Hulls built in 1953-54. Ex-Diamond Mariner and Prairie Mari- P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c
Damage Points: 0 19 38 57 68 ner. Carried 1657 troops. Helo deck aft. Aft Pad(1 )2 CH-46 Sea Knight B
Damage Points: 148 In Service: 1969
Surface Speed: 29 22 14 7 0 F(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparroww/8 RIM-7M//1 Mk91 D
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts
Propulsion: Diesel Crew:608
1990-91 Data Annex
Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 SSBN Damage and Speed Breakdown:
c OhlO
Jumboized T3-S2-A3 oilers. Helo pad forward. Operated by MSC. P/S(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50 Displacement: 18750 subm In Class: 10+5+5 Damage Points: O 54 109 163 196 218
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors: Damage Pointe: 214 In Service: 1981 Surface Speed: 22 16 11 6 o Sinks
Damage Points: 0 66 133 200 239 266 SPS-10 J
·111 i
Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks LN-66 J/Can
Damage Modlfler: 1.00
propulslon: Nuclear
Speed: 15125 kts
Crew: 157 Pegasus PHM
Remarks: weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Displacement: 218 lnClass:6
Mitsch er DOG No director for Mk33 76mm, local control only. Helo pad aft. Two units trans. pB&SB(2)2 533mm Tiw/12 Mk48 torp F Damage Points: 8 In Service: 1977
I, Displacement: 3765 In Class: [4) ferredtoNRF 1980and 1981. LST-1179, 1180, 1181, 1184, 1192haveF(R)1 (24)1 Trident C4 or Trident II 05 SLBM Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 48 kts
I.'' Mk15 Phalanx with 5 bursts per mount. Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 24
" Damage Points: 134 In Service: 1954-74 sensors:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts Damage and Speed Breakdown: BPS-15 J Weapons: Total Mounts: 5
Propulslon: Steam Crew: 373 Damage Points: o 37 74 111 133 148 9QQ-6, B00-9 TASPE towed array M PB&SB(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D
Weapons: Total Mounts: 11 Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Remarks: F(1)1 Compact 76mm/62 w/330 rdsi/1 Mk92 c
F/A(1)2 Weapon Alfa w/4 salvoes E Reactor plant uses natural circulation at or below 15 knots (-10o/o passive P/S(1)2 Mk67 20mm/80 c
PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TI w/3 Mk44 torp F Nimitz CVN sonar detection chance). 800-6 comprises spherical BQS-13 passive, BOR- Sensors:
PB/SB(1 )4 Mk23 533mm TI w/1 Mk32 torp F Displacement: 81600 In Class: 5+3+ 1 7 conformal array, PUFFS spot hydrophone array, BQQ-9 towed array. SPS-63 J
1 DC Rail w/12 Mk9 DC E Damage Points: 1476 In Service: 1975 Damage and Speed Breakdown: LN-66 J/Can
, I
F/A(1 )2 Mk42 127mm/54 wf700 rds//2 Mk67, Mk35 c Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Damage Points: O 54 107 161 193 214 Remarks:
Sensors: Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 5698 Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks 330 76mm rds in gun magazine. 80 ready rds in drum. Can be fitted-with P/
SPS-8, SPS-10, SPS-29 J Weapons: Total Mounts: 16 Submerged Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks S(1)2 20mm/80 in wartime. Mk141 ROF 8 msls per turn (both mounts) at
I• M 90Aircraft B same target. Aluminum superstructure. Treat as large radar target if travelling
' SQS-26
Remarks: 4 Catapults Old Cimarron AO at 24 knots or more. The rooster tail thrown up when the ship is foilborne
Originally mounted F/A(2)2 76mm/50 with 500 rds/mount. These replaced 4 Elevators Displacement: 8337 lnClass:[2) increases the size of the radar echo.
with 76mm/70s. Aft 76mm/70 removed for helo pad. Fwd 76mm/70 removed P&PO/S&SO/P&PB/S&SB(R)4 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Damage Points: 182 In Service: 1944 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
later. Originally fitted with QHBISQG-1 sonar; replaced by SQS-26. DC rails P&PO/S&SQ/S&SB(8)4 Mk29 NATO Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18 kts Damage Points: 0 2 4 6 7 8
later removed. 6 reloads carried for Mk23 TT. Four units built. DL-2 Mitscher Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//8 Mk91 D Propulsion: Steam Crew: 105 Surface Speed: 48 36 24 12 O Sinks
and DL-3McCaindecommedin1969. DL-4 Lee, 1972; DL-5 Wilkinson, 1974. Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: O
Damage and Speed Breakdown: SPS-49, SPS-48, SPS-67, Mk23 TAS J None Permit SSN
Damage Points: 0 34 67 100 121 134 LN-66 J/Can Sensors: Displacement: 4465 subm lnClass:5
Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 O Sinks Remarks: Raytheon 1650, SPS-10 J Damage Points: 79 In Service: 1962
Nimitz(CVN-68) has 3 Phalanx vice4 (no S&SB). Armor:Armoredflightdeck, Remarks: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/30 kts
Narwhal SSN 64mm belt armor, box protection for magazines and engineering spaces. Helo pad forward. Last 2 units of large class; laid up in National Defense Propulslon: Nuclear Crew: 143
Displacement: 5380 subm In Class: 1 General rating is L. CHP rating for flight deck, hangar and engineering is L. Reserve Fleet. Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Damage Points: 92 In Service: 1969 Can launch 10 small/med helos at once. 1954 tons aviation ordnance, air- Damage and Speed Breakdown: PBISB(2)2 533mm TI w/24 see remarks F,D
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 25130 kts craft fuel for 16 days of flight operations. NATO Sea Sparrow ROF 15 msls Damage Points: 0 46 91 136 164 182 Sensors:
Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 128 per tum {each mount). Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 0 Sinks BPS-15 J
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Damage and Speed Breakdown: TB-16 towed array, BQ0-5 M
PB&SB(2)2 533mm TI w/20 see remarks F, D Damage Points: O 369 738 1107 1328 1476 Oriskany CV Remarks:
Sensors: Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Displacement: 33000 lnClass:[1) Normal weapons loadout 20 Mk48 torpedoes, 4 Harpoon. Originally Thresher
BPS-14 J Damage Points: 666 In Service: 1950-76 class: changed when Thresher lost at sea. Additional units Dace, Pollack,
BQQ-5, TB-16 towed array M O.H. Perry FFG Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 31 kts Permit, Guardfish, Tinosa, Flasher, Greenling, Haddock struck in 1989.
Remarks: Displacement: 2769 It In Class:51 Propulslon: Steam Crew:3290 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Normal TT loadout 16 Mk48 tarp, 4 Harpoon. Very quiet. Has natural-circu- Damage Points: 76 In Service: 1977 Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 Damage Points: O 20 40 59 71 79
lation nuclear plant. -10% from passive sonar detection chance. Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 29 kts 70Aircraft B Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 179 2 Catapults Submerged Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks
Damage Points: O 23 46 69 83 92 Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 3 Elevators
Surface Speed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks P&S(1)1 Mk75 76mm/62 PBISB(1 )2 Mk24 127mm/38//2 Mk37 c Powhatan ATF
Submerged Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks w/80 rds//1 Mk92 c Sensors: Displacement: 2000 std In Class:?
PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm Tiw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP F SPS-30, SPS-37, SPS-10 J Damage Points: 57 In Service: 1979
Neosho T-AO Aft Pad(1 )2 SH-SOB LAMPS Ill B Remarks: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15 kts
Displacement: 9553 ltshp In Class: 6 A(R)1 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Can operate F-8,A-4, A-7. Armor: 76mm belt and hangar deck, 3Bmm flight Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 40
In Service: 1954 F(1)1 Mk13w/40SM1MR//1 STIR D and hangar deck. General rating is L. CHP rating for flight deck, hangar, Weapons: Total Mounts: 0
Damage Points: 267
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts Sensors: engineering is L. Struck in 30 Sep 1976; in reserve. None
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 106 SPS-49, SPS-55 J Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors:
Weapons: Total Mounts: o SQS-56, SQR-19 towed array M Damage Points: 0 166 333 500 599 666 SPS-53, Raytheon TM 1660 J
None Remarks: Surface Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 Sinks Remarks:
Sensors: Aluminum superstructure. Fitted with RAST helo recovery system and stabi· Can be fitted with P/S(1)2 Mk67 20mm/80 and 212.7mm mg.
SPS-10, RM1650/12X J lizers. Mk92 can direct Mk75 gun or illuminate second target for SM1 MA msls. Paul Revere APA Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Remarks: Normal Mk13 loadoutis 36 SM1MR and4 Harpoon. Mk13 ROF is6msls per Dlsplacement: 10709 std In Class: [2) Damage Points: O 14 28 43 51 57
Helo pad aft except T-A0-146 & 148. Facilities for service force commander min. Magazines hold 18 Mk46 torpedoes (manual reload) for Mk32 TI and Damage Points: 218 In Service: 1959-79 Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 O Sinks
and staff. Original armament was (1 )4127mm/38 and (2)6 76mm/50. All guns LAMPS helic:.opter. Armor: 19mm armor over magazines, ·16mm steel over Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts
now removed. Operated by MSC. engineering spaces, 19mm Kevlar over electonics. CHP rating for sensors, Propulsion: Steam Crew:? Sacramento AOE
Damage and Speed Breakdown: engineering, bridge, Mk75 gun and Mk13 launcher is L. Fitted with Prairie· Weapons: Total Mounts: 0 Displacement: 19200 ltshp In Class: 4
Damage Points: O 67 134 200 240 267 Masker acoustic masking system (quieted). Early-series ships (FFG-7, 9, 19- None Damege Points: 327 In Service: 1964
Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks 24) are or will be assigned to NRF; will operate SH-2F LAMPS I vice SH~OB; Sensors: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 26 kts
use SQR-18 vice SOR-19, no fin stabilizers or RAST. Starl< (FFG-31) str1.1ck Nav radar J/lnll Propulsion: Steam Crew: 600
by Iraqi Exocets on 17 May 1987; returned to service in Jan 1989. Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 5
Newport LST
Displacement: 4164 ltshp In Class: 20
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Mariner class. Hulls built in 1953-54. Ex-Diamond Mariner and Prairie Mari- P/S(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c
Damage Points: 0 19 38 57 68 ner. Carried 1657 troops. Helo deck aft. Aft Pad(1 )2 CH-46 Sea Knight B
Damage Points: 148 In Service: 1969
Surface Speed: 29 22 14 7 0 F(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparroww/8 RIM-7M//1 Mk91 D
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts
Propulsion: Diesel Crew:608
Sensors: Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 121 ~rmor: CHP rating for sensors and Mk44 ABL is L. Ships maneuver as 50- Damage Points: 207 In Service: 1956
SPS-10, SPS-58, SPS-40, SPS-53 J Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 139 damage point vessels fortums and acceleration. Magazines hold 24 RIM- Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts
Mk23 TAS (AOE-3) J P8&S8(3)2 533mm TT W/20 Mk48 torp F 7M and 18 Mk46 torpedo manual reloads. Mk141 ROF 8 msls perlUrn (both Propulslon: Steam Crew: 346
LN-66 (AOE-1and4) J/Can PO&S0(2)1 533mm TT (short) w/6 Mk37 F launchers) at same target. NATO SS ROF 15 msls per turn. USS David R. Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Remarks: Sensors: RayhasA(21)1 Mk43 launcherw/21 RIM-116A RAM. Mk43 ROF 2 per IUrn F(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50 c
Other units will befitted with Mk23TAS. NATOSeaSparrowROF 15mslsper 8PS-12 J at 5ame target. 31 units built; 7 units now equipped with VLS: DD-963, 991, sensors:
turn. Fitted with ESM. BQS-4, 80R-28 M 996, 964, 967, 971, 968. Listed as Improved Spruance class.
SPS~10 J
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks: pemage and Speed Breekdown: LN-66 J/Can
Damage Points: 0 82 164 245 294 327 Seadragon decommed in 1983; Skate, 1985; Swordfish and Sarge, 1987 oamage Points: O 36 72 108 130 144 Remarks:
Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 0 Sinks Number of weapons estimated. · surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 O Sinks Helo pad aft. 3 holds configured to carry msls. AE-21 and AE-22 maximum
Damage and Speed Breakdown: speed 18 knots.
Safeguard AAS Damage Points: O 12 23 34 41
talwart T-AGOS Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Displacement: 1600 In Class: 4 Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 O isplacement: 2262 fl In Claas: 13+5 Damage Points: O 52 104 155 186 207
Damage Points: 47 In Service: 1985 Submerged Speed: 20 15 1O 5 O p 8 mage Points: 89 In Service: 1984 Surface Speed: 20 15 1O 5 O Sinks
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 14 kts pomage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 9 kts
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 87 Sklpjack propulsion: CODLAG Crew: 30 Tarawa LHA
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Displacement: 3075 lnClass:3 eapons: Total Mounts: O Displacement: 25120 ltshp lnClass:5
P/S(1)2 Mk67 20mm/80 c Damage Points: 56 In Service: 1959 None Damage Points: 535 In Service: 1976
Sensors: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16130 kts ,Sensors: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 24 kts
SPS-55 J Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 114 2 nav radars J/lntl Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2835
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 uao-2 SURTASS Weapons: Total Mounts: 13
Damage Points: 0 12 24 35 42 47 PB/S8(3)2 533mm TT w/24 Mk48 torp F Remarks: PQ/SQ(1)2 Mk45127mm/54//1 SPG-60 c
I' Surface Speed: 14 10 7 4 0 Sinks Sensors: Electric drive can propel ship at 3 kts. Not subject to + 15°/o surface ship P8(1)1 Mk45127mm/54//1 SPG-60 c
I 8PS-12 J detection modifierwhile on electric drive. Passive roll tank stabilization. UQ0- P/S(1)6 Mk67 20mm/80 c
Samuel Gompers AD 8QS-4, 80R-21 DIMUS, BOR-25 towed array M 2 STASS is not a tactical sensor; relays data to SOSUS network. 18 CH-46 Sea Knight B
Displacement: 20500 fl In Class: 6 Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown: 4 CH-53 B
Damage Points: 365 In Service: 1967 Snookdecommed in 1986; Scamp, 1988; Skipjaclc, Sharkwill be dec:ommed Damage Points: 0 22 44 67 80 89 4AH-1S B
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts in 1990-91. Seu/pin lost at sea. Surface Speed: 9 7 5 2 0 Sinks F/A(8)2 Mk25 Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//2 Mk115 D
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1430 Damage and Speed Breakdown: 2 Elevator ·
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Damage Points: O 14 28 42 50 Sturgeon SSN Sensors:
P/S(1)2 Mk67 20mm/80 c Bur/ace Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Displacement: 4780 subm In Class: 35 SPS-10, SPS-40, SPS-52 J
Sensors: Submerged Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Damage Points: 84 In Service: 1967 LN-66 J/Can
SPS-10 J Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20125 kts Remarks:
LN-66 J/Can Sotoyomo Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 121 Can launch 12 CH-46 or 9 CH-53 from flight deck at once. Hangar can hold
Remarks: Displacement: 534 lnClass:(3] Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 30 CH-46or19 CH-53 or25 Sea Harrier. SingleSPG-60 controls all 127mm
Helo pad aft. Also carries 2 Mk19 40mm grenade launchers (see rules for Damage Points: 20 In Service: 1944 PB&S8(2)2 533mm TT w/24 see remarks F, D guns. Saipan has F/A(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx with 5 bursts per mount vice Mk25
repelling boarders). Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 13 kts Sensors: Sea Sparrow. Others will be also fitted. Carries 6 LCM-6 or equivalent, 1 LCAC.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 45 BQ0-2 or 800-5, T8-168 towed array M Mk25 ROF 15 msls per turn (each mount).
Damage Points: O 91 182 274 328 365 Weapons: Total Mounts: O BPS-15 J Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Surface Speed: 20 15 1o 5 O Sinks None Remarks: Damage Points: O 134 268 401 482 535
Sensors: Originally fitted with 800-2 sonar suite. Replaced by 800-5. Normal weap- SurtaceSpeed: 24 18 12 6 O Sinks
Seawolf SSN None ons loadou120 Mk48 torp, 4 Harpoon. Cavalla, Archerfish, Silversides, Tunny,
Displacement: 9150 subm In Class: O+ 1+2 Remarks: Mendell L. Rivers fitted with hangar to support swimmer delivery. Can carry Thomaston LSD
Damage Points: 130 In Service: 1995 In mothballs at Boston under Maritime Administration control. Original arma- Tomahawk. Class is being retrofitted with anechoic coating. Additional units Displacement: 6880 It lnClass:(8]
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/35 kts ment was F(l)l 76mm/50 and P/S(2)1 Mk24 20mm/67. Queenfish, Sea Devi/decommed in 1989. Damage Points: 214 In Service: 1954-89
Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 130 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Damage Points: 0 5 10 15 18 Damage Points: O 21 42 63 76 84 Propulslon: Steam Crew: 343+318
P8&S8(4)2 762mm TT w/50 see remarks F, D, E Surface Speed: 13 10 6 3 O Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 3
Sensors: SubmergedSpeed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks PB/P/S(2)3 Mk33 76mm/50 c
8PS-15 J Spruance Sensors:
BSY-2, TB-12X towed array, TB-16D towed arrray M Displacement: 5830 fl In Class: 24 Supply AOE SPS-10, SPS-6C J
Remarks: Damage Points: 144 In Service: 1975 Displacement: 19700 It In Class: 0+2+(9) LN-66 J/Can
Can carry Mk48 tarp, Harpoon, Tomahawk, Sea Lance (when available). Has Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 33 kls Damage Points: 333 In Service: 1991 Remarks:
anechoic coating. Uses second generation pump-jet propulsor vice propel- Propulsion: COGAG Crew:324 Damage Modifier: O. 75 Speed: 26 kts Can carry 21 LCM6 or 3 LCU or 18 LCM(6) or 9 LCM(8) or 50 LVT in well
ler. Reduces passive sonar detection chance by 1Oo/o. Retains creep speed Weapons: Total Mounts: 12 Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 625 deck, 30 LVT on upper deck. LSD-32; 33, 34 have P/S(R)2 Mkl 5 Phalanx.
sonar modifiers up to 20 knots. Does not cavitate at any depth/speed com- F(8)1 Mk16 w/24ASROC E Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 Portable helicopter platform. Ice-strengthened bows. Originally had 8 76mm
bination. Quiet torpedo launch system prevents increased chance of detec- A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//1 Mk91 D F(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//2 Mk91 D mounts,(1)12 20mm/80. 276mm removed in 1960s; 3 more in 1970s. 2 Mk56
tion due to launch. Can control 4 wire-guided torpsatonce. Normal Tiloadout PB/S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/7 Mk46 NEARTIP F F/A(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C and Mk63 GFCS removed in 1977. Class being decommec:I to reserve for
34 Mk48 tarp, 8 Tomahawk or Harpoon, 8 Sea Lance. Fitted with BQG-5wide- P8&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D PB!S8(1 )2 Mk88 25mm/87 C wartime mobilization in 1989. One unit transferred to Brazil.
aperture array passive ranging sonar (not a search sensor). Add 20o/o to Aft Pad(l )2 SH-2F LAMPS I or SH-608 LAMPS Ill B Ah Pad(1)3 CH-46 Sea Knighl 8 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Passive Fire Control solution chance if detected by this sonar. F/A(1)2 Mk45 127mm/54 w/600 rds//1 SPG-60 c Sensors: Damage Points: 0 53 107 160 192 214
Damage and Speed Breakdown: PB&SB/P&PO(R)2 Mk 15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c SPS-64, SPS-67, Mk23 TAS J Surface Speed: 22 16 11 6 0 Sinks
Damage Points: 0 32 65 98 117 130 Sensors: Remarks:
Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks SPS-40, SP0-9A, SPS-55, Mk23 TAS J Improved Sacramento design. NATO SS ROF 15 msls per turn. Ticonderoga CG
Submerged Speed: 35 26 18 9 0 Sinks SOS-53, SOR-19 towed array (DD-980) M Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 7260 It In Class: 13+14
Remarks: Damage Points: O 83 167 250 300 333 Damage Points: 221 In Service: 1983
Skate SSN DD-997 has SPS-49 vice SPS-40. Fitted with Prairie-Masker acoustic mask· Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 30 kts
Displacement: 2500 In Class: (4) ing system (quieled). All units will be fitted with Mk23 TAS. DD-974 is alreadY Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 395
Damage Points: 46 In Service: 1957-87 fitted with Tomahawk; rest of list will follow. 976, 979, 983, 989, 990 will get Surlbachl AE Weapons: Total Mounts: 12
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15/20 kts P8&S8(4)2 MK44A8L w/4 Tomahawk per mounl. Aluminum superslruclUrB· Displacement: 10000 std In Cla~s: 5 F(2)1 Mk26 w/44 see remarks//2 SPG-62 D
Sensors: Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 121 ~rmor: CHP rating for sensors and Mk44 ABL is L. Ships maneuver as 50- Damage Points: 207 In Service: 1956
SPS-10, SPS-58, SPS-40, SPS-53 J Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 139 damage point vessels fortums and acceleration. Magazines hold 24 RIM- Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts
Mk23 TAS (AOE-3) J P8&S8(3)2 533mm TT W/20 Mk48 torp F 7M and 18 Mk46 torpedo manual reloads. Mk141 ROF 8 msls perlUrn (both Propulslon: Steam Crew: 346
LN-66 (AOE-1and4) J/Can PO&S0(2)1 533mm TT (short) w/6 Mk37 F launchers) at same target. NATO SS ROF 15 msls per turn. USS David R. Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Remarks: Sensors: RayhasA(21)1 Mk43 launcherw/21 RIM-116A RAM. Mk43 ROF 2 per IUrn F(2)2 Mk33 76mm/50 c
Other units will befitted with Mk23TAS. NATOSeaSparrowROF 15mslsper 8PS-12 J at 5ame target. 31 units built; 7 units now equipped with VLS: DD-963, 991, sensors:
turn. Fitted with ESM. BQS-4, 80R-28 M 996, 964, 967, 971, 968. Listed as Improved Spruance class.
SPS~10 J
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks: pemage and Speed Breekdown: LN-66 J/Can
Damage Points: 0 82 164 245 294 327 Seadragon decommed in 1983; Skate, 1985; Swordfish and Sarge, 1987 oamage Points: O 36 72 108 130 144 Remarks:
Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 0 Sinks Number of weapons estimated. · surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 O Sinks Helo pad aft. 3 holds configured to carry msls. AE-21 and AE-22 maximum
Damage and Speed Breakdown: speed 18 knots.
Safeguard AAS Damage Points: O 12 23 34 41
talwart T-AGOS Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Displacement: 1600 In Class: 4 Surface Speed: 15 11 8 4 O isplacement: 2262 fl In Claas: 13+5 Damage Points: O 52 104 155 186 207
Damage Points: 47 In Service: 1985 Submerged Speed: 20 15 1O 5 O p 8 mage Points: 89 In Service: 1984 Surface Speed: 20 15 1O 5 O Sinks
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 14 kts pomage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 9 kts
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 87 Sklpjack propulsion: CODLAG Crew: 30 Tarawa LHA
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Displacement: 3075 lnClass:3 eapons: Total Mounts: O Displacement: 25120 ltshp lnClass:5
P/S(1)2 Mk67 20mm/80 c Damage Points: 56 In Service: 1959 None Damage Points: 535 In Service: 1976
Sensors: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 16130 kts ,Sensors: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 24 kts
SPS-55 J Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 114 2 nav radars J/lntl Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2835
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 uao-2 SURTASS Weapons: Total Mounts: 13
Damage Points: 0 12 24 35 42 47 PB/S8(3)2 533mm TT w/24 Mk48 torp F Remarks: PQ/SQ(1)2 Mk45127mm/54//1 SPG-60 c
I' Surface Speed: 14 10 7 4 0 Sinks Sensors: Electric drive can propel ship at 3 kts. Not subject to + 15°/o surface ship P8(1)1 Mk45127mm/54//1 SPG-60 c
I 8PS-12 J detection modifierwhile on electric drive. Passive roll tank stabilization. UQ0- P/S(1)6 Mk67 20mm/80 c
Samuel Gompers AD 8QS-4, 80R-21 DIMUS, BOR-25 towed array M 2 STASS is not a tactical sensor; relays data to SOSUS network. 18 CH-46 Sea Knight B
Displacement: 20500 fl In Class: 6 Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown: 4 CH-53 B
Damage Points: 365 In Service: 1967 Snookdecommed in 1986; Scamp, 1988; Skipjaclc, Sharkwill be dec:ommed Damage Points: 0 22 44 67 80 89 4AH-1S B
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts in 1990-91. Seu/pin lost at sea. Surface Speed: 9 7 5 2 0 Sinks F/A(8)2 Mk25 Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//2 Mk115 D
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1430 Damage and Speed Breakdown: 2 Elevator ·
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Damage Points: O 14 28 42 50 Sturgeon SSN Sensors:
P/S(1)2 Mk67 20mm/80 c Bur/ace Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Displacement: 4780 subm In Class: 35 SPS-10, SPS-40, SPS-52 J
Sensors: Submerged Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Damage Points: 84 In Service: 1967 LN-66 J/Can
SPS-10 J Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20125 kts Remarks:
LN-66 J/Can Sotoyomo Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 121 Can launch 12 CH-46 or 9 CH-53 from flight deck at once. Hangar can hold
Remarks: Displacement: 534 lnClass:(3] Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 30 CH-46or19 CH-53 or25 Sea Harrier. SingleSPG-60 controls all 127mm
Helo pad aft. Also carries 2 Mk19 40mm grenade launchers (see rules for Damage Points: 20 In Service: 1944 PB&S8(2)2 533mm TT w/24 see remarks F, D guns. Saipan has F/A(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx with 5 bursts per mount vice Mk25
repelling boarders). Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 13 kts Sensors: Sea Sparrow. Others will be also fitted. Carries 6 LCM-6 or equivalent, 1 LCAC.
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 45 BQ0-2 or 800-5, T8-168 towed array M Mk25 ROF 15 msls per turn (each mount).
Damage Points: O 91 182 274 328 365 Weapons: Total Mounts: O BPS-15 J Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Surface Speed: 20 15 1o 5 O Sinks None Remarks: Damage Points: O 134 268 401 482 535
Sensors: Originally fitted with 800-2 sonar suite. Replaced by 800-5. Normal weap- SurtaceSpeed: 24 18 12 6 O Sinks
Seawolf SSN None ons loadou120 Mk48 torp, 4 Harpoon. Cavalla, Archerfish, Silversides, Tunny,
Displacement: 9150 subm In Class: O+ 1+2 Remarks: Mendell L. Rivers fitted with hangar to support swimmer delivery. Can carry Thomaston LSD
Damage Points: 130 In Service: 1995 In mothballs at Boston under Maritime Administration control. Original arma- Tomahawk. Class is being retrofitted with anechoic coating. Additional units Displacement: 6880 It lnClass:(8]
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/35 kts ment was F(l)l 76mm/50 and P/S(2)1 Mk24 20mm/67. Queenfish, Sea Devi/decommed in 1989. Damage Points: 214 In Service: 1954-89
Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 130 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Damage Points: 0 5 10 15 18 Damage Points: O 21 42 63 76 84 Propulslon: Steam Crew: 343+318
P8&S8(4)2 762mm TT w/50 see remarks F, D, E Surface Speed: 13 10 6 3 O Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 3
Sensors: SubmergedSpeed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks PB/P/S(2)3 Mk33 76mm/50 c
8PS-15 J Spruance Sensors:
BSY-2, TB-12X towed array, TB-16D towed arrray M Displacement: 5830 fl In Class: 24 Supply AOE SPS-10, SPS-6C J
Remarks: Damage Points: 144 In Service: 1975 Displacement: 19700 It In Class: 0+2+(9) LN-66 J/Can
Can carry Mk48 tarp, Harpoon, Tomahawk, Sea Lance (when available). Has Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 33 kls Damage Points: 333 In Service: 1991 Remarks:
anechoic coating. Uses second generation pump-jet propulsor vice propel- Propulsion: COGAG Crew:324 Damage Modifier: O. 75 Speed: 26 kts Can carry 21 LCM6 or 3 LCU or 18 LCM(6) or 9 LCM(8) or 50 LVT in well
ler. Reduces passive sonar detection chance by 1Oo/o. Retains creep speed Weapons: Total Mounts: 12 Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 625 deck, 30 LVT on upper deck. LSD-32; 33, 34 have P/S(R)2 Mkl 5 Phalanx.
sonar modifiers up to 20 knots. Does not cavitate at any depth/speed com- F(8)1 Mk16 w/24ASROC E Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 Portable helicopter platform. Ice-strengthened bows. Originally had 8 76mm
bination. Quiet torpedo launch system prevents increased chance of detec- A(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//1 Mk91 D F(8)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/8 RIM-7M//2 Mk91 D mounts,(1)12 20mm/80. 276mm removed in 1960s; 3 more in 1970s. 2 Mk56
tion due to launch. Can control 4 wire-guided torpsatonce. Normal Tiloadout PB/S8(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/7 Mk46 NEARTIP F F/A(R)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts C and Mk63 GFCS removed in 1977. Class being decommec:I to reserve for
34 Mk48 tarp, 8 Tomahawk or Harpoon, 8 Sea Lance. Fitted with BQG-5wide- P8&S8(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D PB!S8(1 )2 Mk88 25mm/87 C wartime mobilization in 1989. One unit transferred to Brazil.
aperture array passive ranging sonar (not a search sensor). Add 20o/o to Aft Pad(l )2 SH-2F LAMPS I or SH-608 LAMPS Ill B Ah Pad(1)3 CH-46 Sea Knighl 8 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Passive Fire Control solution chance if detected by this sonar. F/A(1)2 Mk45 127mm/54 w/600 rds//1 SPG-60 c Sensors: Damage Points: 0 53 107 160 192 214
Damage and Speed Breakdown: PB&SB/P&PO(R)2 Mk 15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c SPS-64, SPS-67, Mk23 TAS J Surface Speed: 22 16 11 6 0 Sinks
Damage Points: 0 32 65 98 117 130 Sensors: Remarks:
Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks SPS-40, SP0-9A, SPS-55, Mk23 TAS J Improved Sacramento design. NATO SS ROF 15 msls per turn. Ticonderoga CG
Submerged Speed: 35 26 18 9 0 Sinks SOS-53, SOR-19 towed array (DD-980) M Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 7260 It In Class: 13+14
Remarks: Damage Points: O 83 167 250 300 333 Damage Points: 221 In Service: 1983
Skate SSN DD-997 has SPS-49 vice SPS-40. Fitted with Prairie-Masker acoustic mask· Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 30 kts
Displacement: 2500 In Class: (4) ing system (quieled). All units will be fitted with Mk23 TAS. DD-974 is alreadY Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 395
Damage Points: 46 In Service: 1957-87 fitted with Tomahawk; rest of list will follow. 976, 979, 983, 989, 990 will get Surlbachl AE Weapons: Total Mounts: 12
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15/20 kts P8&S8(4)2 MK44A8L w/4 Tomahawk per mounl. Aluminum superslruclUrB· Displacement: 10000 std In Cla~s: 5 F(2)1 Mk26 w/44 see remarks//2 SPG-62 D
A(2)1 Mk26 w/44 SM2MAl/2 SPG-62
FIA(1)2 Mk45127mm/54 w/600 rds/11 SPY-1
Displacement: 1200 ltshp In Class:B+5
MEc Whidbey Island
Displacement: 11B54 std In Class: 5+3
LSD Damage Modifier: 1.20
Propulsion: Nuclear
Speed: 20142 kts
Crew: 45
P/S(A)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Damage Points: 49 In Service: 1983 oamage Points: 313 In Service: 1985 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEAATIP F Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 19 kts oamage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTw/12 see remarks F
Aft Pad(1)2 SH-2F LAMPS I B Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 100 propulslon: Diesel Crew:412 Sensors:
PB&SB(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D Total Mounts: 1 weapons: Total Mounts: 12 Shark Teeth, Shark Fin M
Sensors: F(1 )1 Mk75 76mm/62/11 Mk92 c p/S(A)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Snoop Head J
2 SPY-1, SPS-49, SPS-55, SP0-9A J Sensors: p/5(1)2 Mk67 20mm/80 c Remarks:
J J Tit~ium hull reduces MAD range by half. Has Clusterguard anechoic coat·
SPS-64 (CG-49 & on) 2 SPS-64 4LCAC
J/Can 1 LCM(6), 2 LCPL Mkll, 1 LCVP ing. Normal TT loadout is BET-BOA torp, 2 Type 53-6B nuclear, 2 SS-N-15.
LN-66 (CG-47, 49) ESM
M Sensors: Double hull constuction. Can dive to VDeep depth; will notcavitate at VDeep
SQS-53 Remarks:
Provision for van-mounted SQR-19 towed array to be fitted on fantail in sPS~7. SPS-49 J depth.
Has Prairie-Masker acoustic masking system (quieted). Armor: 25mm over LN-66 JICan Damage and Speed Breakdown:
wartime. Space and weight reserved for Mk15 Phalanx and (4)2 Mk141
msl magazines, Kevlar protection over vital spaces. CHP rating for Mk26/ Harpoon launchers. Provision for fin stabilizers. Reportedly very uncomfon. Remarks: Damage Points: 0 20 40 59 71 79
Mk41, Mk45 guns, sensors is L. Aluminum superstructure. Forward Mk26 able in seaway. well can hold 4 LCAC or 21 LCM(6) or 3 LCU or 64 LVTP. Aft pad has spots Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
magazine holds 24 SM2MA and 28 ASAOC. CG-49 and on have SH-60B Damage and Speed Breakdown: for two large helicopters. No hangar. Later units will have MkBB 25mm Bush- Submerged Speed: 42 32 21 10 0 Sinks
LAMPS Ill, RAST halo recovery system vice SH-2F. CG-52 and on have Damage Points: o 12 24 37 44 master vice Mk67 20mm.
F&A(61)2 Mk41 VLS with 61 SM2MA vice Mk26 launchers. CG-54 and on Surface Speed: 19 14 10 5 0 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Alligator LST
will have SQA-19 added. CG-56 and on will carry VLASAOC. Mk45 127mm Damage Points: 0 7B 157 235 2B2 313 Displacement: 3400 std In Class: 14
directed by SPY-1 radar. Magazines hold 1B Mk46 tarps for helo and Mk32 Surface Speed: 22 16 11 6 0 Sinks Damage Points: 11 O In Service: 1964
Virginia Damage ModiHer: 1.00 Speed: 1B kts
TT. Ships maneuver as 50-139 damage point vessels fortums and accelera- Displacement: 8623 It lnClass:4
tion. Mk141 AOF B msls per tum (both launchers) at same target. Mk41 VLS In Service: 1976 Wichita AOR Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 100
Damage Points: 186
ROF 30 msls per turn (both mounts). Mk26 ROF is 6 msls per turn (each Speed: 32 kts Displacement: 13000 ltshp In Class: 7 Weapons: Total Mounts: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.75
mount). Aegis system is autonomous. Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 530 Damage Points: 250 In Service: 1969 PB&SB(2)1AK-25757mm/BO c
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Total Mounts: 12 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts Sensors:
Damage Points: O 55 111 166 199 221 c Propulsion: Steam Crew:450 Spin Trough, Don 2 J
FIA(1)2 Mk45 127mml54 w/600 rds/11 SPG-60
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 B 0 Sinks F Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Remarks:
PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TTw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP
D Aft Pad(1 )2 CH-46 Sea Knight B Types 3 and 4 (8 units) have bombardment rocket launcher foiward. Type 4
PB&SB(4)2 Mk44 ABL w/4 Tomahawk
Truxtun CGN PIS(A)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c P&PBIS&S(A)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c (2 units) has A(2)2 2M-8 25mm/60. Some units have (4)3 SA-N-5.
A(B)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/B AIM-7Mll1 Mk91 D Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Displacement: 8600 In Class: 1 PBPQISB&SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D
In Service: 1967 Sensors: Damage Points: O 28 55 B2 99 110
Damage Points: 248 FIA(2)2 Mk26 w/34 see remarks 112 SPG-51 D
Speed: 30 kts SPS-10, SPS-5B (AOA-3,7), Mk23 TAS J Surface Speed: 1B 14 9 4 0 Sinks
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Sensors:
Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 534 SPS-40, SPS-4B, SP0-9A, SPS-55 J LN~6 J/Can
Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 LN-66 (CGN-39, 41) JICan Remarks: Azov CG
F(1)1 Mk42127mm/54w/600 rounds/11 SPG-53 c SQS-53 M AOA-6 has PIS(1)4 Mk67 20mm/BO. AOA-1 does not have NATO Sea Displacement: 8200 std In Class: 1
PB/50(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D Remarks: Sparrow. Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow AOF 15 msls per turn. Damage Points: 216 In Service: 1973
PBISB(2)2 Mk32 324mm TTw/2 Mk46 NEAATIP F Helo pad aft. Previous elevator and hangar blocked by addition of Mk44ABL. Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
Aft Pad(1)1 SH-2G LAMPS I B Magazines hold 18 Mk46 torpedoes for helo and Mk32 TT. Aluminum super- Damage Points: 0 62 125 188 225 250 Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 525
A(2) 1 Mk t 0 w/60 see remarks/12 SPG-55 D structure. SPG-60 can direct Mk45 guns or illuminate third target for SM2MR Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 O Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 15
PB&P/SB&S(A)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c msls. Forward Mk26 loadout is SM2MA andASAOC; aft launcher is SM2MR F&A(6)1 SA-N-6 wl4B Grumble/11 Top Dome D
F(2)1 SA-N-38 w/22 Goblet/11 Head Light D
SPS-49, SPS-48E, SPS-10, SPS-67 J
only. Mk 141 AOF B msls per turn (both launchers) at same target. Mk44 ABL
AOF B msls per turn (both launchers) at same target. Mk26 ROF is 6msls per
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics PIS(2)2 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko/12 Pop Group D
LN-66 J/Csn tum (each mount). Armor: All units fitted with Kevlar by 1986; CHP rating for (USSR) PIS(2)2 76mm/60112 Owl Screech c
SQS-26 M sensors, Mk44 Tomahawk ABL is L. F(16)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E
Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Aft Pad(1)1 Ka-25 Hormone A B
Mk10 loadout is 40 SM2EA and 20 ASAOC. Mk141 AOF 8 msls pertum Damage Points: O 46 93 140 167 Akula SSN PBISB(4)2 SS-N-14 w/4 Silex/11 Head Light E
(both launchers) at same target. Received NTU upgrade. Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B 0 Displacement: 10000 subm In Class: 4+1 PIS(A)4 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts/12 Bass Tilt c
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 138 In Service: 1984 Sensors:
Damage Points: 0 62 124 186 223 24B Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20135 kts 2 Don Kay, Sheet Curve, Top Sail, Head Net C J
Wasp Bull Nose, Mare Tail M
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 B 0 Sinks Displacement: 2B233 It In Class: 1+3+1 Propulslon: Nuclear Crew: ???
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Remarks:
Damage Points: 587 In Service: 19B9
F Kara class unit converted to serve as test bed for SA-N-6 system. Fitted with
Tu Ii bee SSN Damage Modirier: 1.00 Speed: 23 kts PB&SB(212)2 533mm/650mm TT w/22 see remarks
Sensors: stabilizers. The single Head Light MFC radar can control either a SA-N-3 or
Displacement: 2607 subm In Class: (1) Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2955
Shark Gill, Shark Fin, LF Fin towed array M SS-N-14 msl. SA-N-6 AOF 12 msls per turn.
Damage Points: 48 In Service: 1960-88 Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15120 kts FIS&SQ/P&PQ(A)3 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Snoop Pair J
Damage Points: o 54 108 162 194 216
Propulsion: Nuclear-Electric Crew: 56 FIS&SO(B)2 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/B AIM-7Ml/2 Mk91 D Remarks:
Has anechoic coating. Number of weapons estimated. Normal loadout 12 Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B 0 Sinks
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 42 Helicopters
PB&SB(2)2 533mm TT w/20 Mk4B torp F ET-BOA, 2 Type 53-6B nuclear, 2 SS-N-15, 2 SS-N-16, 4 Type 65. Can also
2 Elevators
Sensors: Sensors:
carry SS-N-21. Type 65 and SS-N-16 lired from 650mm tubes. Very quiet. Baku CVHG
BQQ-2 M SPS-49, SPS-67, 2 Mk23 TAS, SPS-64 J Does not incur+ 15o/o passive sonar modifier for Soviet construction. May have Displacement: 36000 std In Class: 1
BPS-12 J SPS-52 (LHD-1), SPS-49E (LHD-2 and on) J submerged-launch SAM. Treat as SA-N-8 Gremlin launcher on a periscope Damage Points: 644 In Service: 1988
mast. Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
Remarks: Remarks:
Special nuclear-electric drive. -10°/o to all passive sonar detection chances. Can carry 42 CH-46 Sea Knight. Typical load as amphibious ship 30 car!l 0 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1800
Mk48 loadout estimated. Decommed in 1988. helicopters and 6-BAV-88 Harrier !ls.As sea control ship can carry 20AV-l!B. Damage Points: o 34 69 104 124 138 Weapons: Total Mounts: 35
Damage and Speed Breakdown: 4-8 SH-60B. Can launch 9 large halos at once. Armor: NBC citadel, HY100 Surface Speed: 20 15 o
1 5 O Sinks 1211 Yak-3B Forger AIB B
Damage Points: 0 12 24 36 43 4B flight deck. CHP rating for flight deck is L. NATO SS AOF 15 msls per turTl Submerged Speed: 35 26 1B 9 O Sinks 14 Ka-27 Helix A B
Surface Speed: 15 11 B 4 O Sinks (each mount). 3 Ka-25 Hormone B B
Submerged Speed: 20 15 1O 5 O Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Alla SSN F(10)2 ABU ? w/5 salvoes E
Damage Points: . O 147 294 440 52B Displacement: 3700 subm In Class:6 2 Elevator
Damage Points: 79 In Service: 1972 F&A(2)12 SA-N-9 w/B missiles 114 Cross sword D
Surface Speed: 23 17 12 6 0
A(2)1 Mk26 w/44 SM2MAl/2 SPG-62
FIA(1)2 Mk45127mm/54 w/600 rds/11 SPY-1
Displacement: 1200 ltshp In Class:B+5
MEc Whidbey Island
Displacement: 11B54 std In Class: 5+3
LSD Damage Modifier: 1.20
Propulsion: Nuclear
Speed: 20142 kts
Crew: 45
P/S(A)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Damage Points: 49 In Service: 1983 oamage Points: 313 In Service: 1985 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TT w/3 Mk46 NEAATIP F Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 19 kts oamage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTw/12 see remarks F
Aft Pad(1)2 SH-2F LAMPS I B Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 100 propulslon: Diesel Crew:412 Sensors:
PB&SB(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D Total Mounts: 1 weapons: Total Mounts: 12 Shark Teeth, Shark Fin M
Sensors: F(1 )1 Mk75 76mm/62/11 Mk92 c p/S(A)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Snoop Head J
2 SPY-1, SPS-49, SPS-55, SP0-9A J Sensors: p/5(1)2 Mk67 20mm/80 c Remarks:
J J Tit~ium hull reduces MAD range by half. Has Clusterguard anechoic coat·
SPS-64 (CG-49 & on) 2 SPS-64 4LCAC
J/Can 1 LCM(6), 2 LCPL Mkll, 1 LCVP ing. Normal TT loadout is BET-BOA torp, 2 Type 53-6B nuclear, 2 SS-N-15.
LN-66 (CG-47, 49) ESM
M Sensors: Double hull constuction. Can dive to VDeep depth; will notcavitate at VDeep
SQS-53 Remarks:
Provision for van-mounted SQR-19 towed array to be fitted on fantail in sPS~7. SPS-49 J depth.
Has Prairie-Masker acoustic masking system (quieted). Armor: 25mm over LN-66 JICan Damage and Speed Breakdown:
wartime. Space and weight reserved for Mk15 Phalanx and (4)2 Mk141
msl magazines, Kevlar protection over vital spaces. CHP rating for Mk26/ Harpoon launchers. Provision for fin stabilizers. Reportedly very uncomfon. Remarks: Damage Points: 0 20 40 59 71 79
Mk41, Mk45 guns, sensors is L. Aluminum superstructure. Forward Mk26 able in seaway. well can hold 4 LCAC or 21 LCM(6) or 3 LCU or 64 LVTP. Aft pad has spots Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
magazine holds 24 SM2MA and 28 ASAOC. CG-49 and on have SH-60B Damage and Speed Breakdown: for two large helicopters. No hangar. Later units will have MkBB 25mm Bush- Submerged Speed: 42 32 21 10 0 Sinks
LAMPS Ill, RAST halo recovery system vice SH-2F. CG-52 and on have Damage Points: o 12 24 37 44 master vice Mk67 20mm.
F&A(61)2 Mk41 VLS with 61 SM2MA vice Mk26 launchers. CG-54 and on Surface Speed: 19 14 10 5 0 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Alligator LST
will have SQA-19 added. CG-56 and on will carry VLASAOC. Mk45 127mm Damage Points: 0 7B 157 235 2B2 313 Displacement: 3400 std In Class: 14
directed by SPY-1 radar. Magazines hold 1B Mk46 tarps for helo and Mk32 Surface Speed: 22 16 11 6 0 Sinks Damage Points: 11 O In Service: 1964
Virginia Damage ModiHer: 1.00 Speed: 1B kts
TT. Ships maneuver as 50-139 damage point vessels fortums and accelera- Displacement: 8623 It lnClass:4
tion. Mk141 AOF B msls per tum (both launchers) at same target. Mk41 VLS In Service: 1976 Wichita AOR Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 100
Damage Points: 186
ROF 30 msls per turn (both mounts). Mk26 ROF is 6 msls per turn (each Speed: 32 kts Displacement: 13000 ltshp In Class: 7 Weapons: Total Mounts: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.75
mount). Aegis system is autonomous. Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 530 Damage Points: 250 In Service: 1969 PB&SB(2)1AK-25757mm/BO c
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Total Mounts: 12 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts Sensors:
Damage Points: O 55 111 166 199 221 c Propulsion: Steam Crew:450 Spin Trough, Don 2 J
FIA(1)2 Mk45 127mml54 w/600 rds/11 SPG-60
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 B 0 Sinks F Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Remarks:
PBISB(3)2 Mk32 324mm TTw/3 Mk46 NEARTIP
D Aft Pad(1 )2 CH-46 Sea Knight B Types 3 and 4 (8 units) have bombardment rocket launcher foiward. Type 4
PB&SB(4)2 Mk44 ABL w/4 Tomahawk
Truxtun CGN PIS(A)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c P&PBIS&S(A)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c (2 units) has A(2)2 2M-8 25mm/60. Some units have (4)3 SA-N-5.
A(B)1 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/B AIM-7Mll1 Mk91 D Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Displacement: 8600 In Class: 1 PBPQISB&SQ(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D
In Service: 1967 Sensors: Damage Points: O 28 55 B2 99 110
Damage Points: 248 FIA(2)2 Mk26 w/34 see remarks 112 SPG-51 D
Speed: 30 kts SPS-10, SPS-5B (AOA-3,7), Mk23 TAS J Surface Speed: 1B 14 9 4 0 Sinks
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Sensors:
Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 534 SPS-40, SPS-4B, SP0-9A, SPS-55 J LN~6 J/Can
Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 LN-66 (CGN-39, 41) JICan Remarks: Azov CG
F(1)1 Mk42127mm/54w/600 rounds/11 SPG-53 c SQS-53 M AOA-6 has PIS(1)4 Mk67 20mm/BO. AOA-1 does not have NATO Sea Displacement: 8200 std In Class: 1
PB/50(4)2 Mk141 w/4 Harpoon D Remarks: Sparrow. Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow AOF 15 msls per turn. Damage Points: 216 In Service: 1973
PBISB(2)2 Mk32 324mm TTw/2 Mk46 NEAATIP F Helo pad aft. Previous elevator and hangar blocked by addition of Mk44ABL. Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
Aft Pad(1)1 SH-2G LAMPS I B Magazines hold 18 Mk46 torpedoes for helo and Mk32 TT. Aluminum super- Damage Points: 0 62 125 188 225 250 Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 525
A(2) 1 Mk t 0 w/60 see remarks/12 SPG-55 D structure. SPG-60 can direct Mk45 guns or illuminate third target for SM2MR Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 O Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 15
PB&P/SB&S(A)2 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c msls. Forward Mk26 loadout is SM2MA andASAOC; aft launcher is SM2MR F&A(6)1 SA-N-6 wl4B Grumble/11 Top Dome D
F(2)1 SA-N-38 w/22 Goblet/11 Head Light D
SPS-49, SPS-48E, SPS-10, SPS-67 J
only. Mk 141 AOF B msls per turn (both launchers) at same target. Mk44 ABL
AOF B msls per turn (both launchers) at same target. Mk26 ROF is 6msls per
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics PIS(2)2 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko/12 Pop Group D
LN-66 J/Csn tum (each mount). Armor: All units fitted with Kevlar by 1986; CHP rating for (USSR) PIS(2)2 76mm/60112 Owl Screech c
SQS-26 M sensors, Mk44 Tomahawk ABL is L. F(16)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E
Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Aft Pad(1)1 Ka-25 Hormone A B
Mk10 loadout is 40 SM2EA and 20 ASAOC. Mk141 AOF 8 msls pertum Damage Points: O 46 93 140 167 Akula SSN PBISB(4)2 SS-N-14 w/4 Silex/11 Head Light E
(both launchers) at same target. Received NTU upgrade. Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B 0 Displacement: 10000 subm In Class: 4+1 PIS(A)4 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts/12 Bass Tilt c
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 138 In Service: 1984 Sensors:
Damage Points: 0 62 124 186 223 24B Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20135 kts 2 Don Kay, Sheet Curve, Top Sail, Head Net C J
Wasp Bull Nose, Mare Tail M
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 B 0 Sinks Displacement: 2B233 It In Class: 1+3+1 Propulslon: Nuclear Crew: ???
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Remarks:
Damage Points: 587 In Service: 19B9
F Kara class unit converted to serve as test bed for SA-N-6 system. Fitted with
Tu Ii bee SSN Damage Modirier: 1.00 Speed: 23 kts PB&SB(212)2 533mm/650mm TT w/22 see remarks
Sensors: stabilizers. The single Head Light MFC radar can control either a SA-N-3 or
Displacement: 2607 subm In Class: (1) Propulsion: Steam Crew: 2955
Shark Gill, Shark Fin, LF Fin towed array M SS-N-14 msl. SA-N-6 AOF 12 msls per turn.
Damage Points: 48 In Service: 1960-88 Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 15120 kts FIS&SQ/P&PQ(A)3 Mk15 Phalanx w/5 bursts c Snoop Pair J
Damage Points: o 54 108 162 194 216
Propulsion: Nuclear-Electric Crew: 56 FIS&SO(B)2 Mk29 NATO Sea Sparrow w/B AIM-7Ml/2 Mk91 D Remarks:
Has anechoic coating. Number of weapons estimated. Normal loadout 12 Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B 0 Sinks
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 42 Helicopters
PB&SB(2)2 533mm TT w/20 Mk4B torp F ET-BOA, 2 Type 53-6B nuclear, 2 SS-N-15, 2 SS-N-16, 4 Type 65. Can also
2 Elevators
Sensors: Sensors:
carry SS-N-21. Type 65 and SS-N-16 lired from 650mm tubes. Very quiet. Baku CVHG
BQQ-2 M SPS-49, SPS-67, 2 Mk23 TAS, SPS-64 J Does not incur+ 15o/o passive sonar modifier for Soviet construction. May have Displacement: 36000 std In Class: 1
BPS-12 J SPS-52 (LHD-1), SPS-49E (LHD-2 and on) J submerged-launch SAM. Treat as SA-N-8 Gremlin launcher on a periscope Damage Points: 644 In Service: 1988
mast. Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
Remarks: Remarks:
Special nuclear-electric drive. -10°/o to all passive sonar detection chances. Can carry 42 CH-46 Sea Knight. Typical load as amphibious ship 30 car!l 0 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1800
Mk48 loadout estimated. Decommed in 1988. helicopters and 6-BAV-88 Harrier !ls.As sea control ship can carry 20AV-l!B. Damage Points: o 34 69 104 124 138 Weapons: Total Mounts: 35
Damage and Speed Breakdown: 4-8 SH-60B. Can launch 9 large halos at once. Armor: NBC citadel, HY100 Surface Speed: 20 15 o
1 5 O Sinks 1211 Yak-3B Forger AIB B
Damage Points: 0 12 24 36 43 4B flight deck. CHP rating for flight deck is L. NATO SS AOF 15 msls per turTl Submerged Speed: 35 26 1B 9 O Sinks 14 Ka-27 Helix A B
Surface Speed: 15 11 B 4 O Sinks (each mount). 3 Ka-25 Hormone B B
Submerged Speed: 20 15 1O 5 O Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: Alla SSN F(10)2 ABU ? w/5 salvoes E
Damage Points: . O 147 294 440 52B Displacement: 3700 subm In Class:6 2 Elevator
Damage Points: 79 In Service: 1972 F&A(2)12 SA-N-9 w/B missiles 114 Cross sword D
Surface Speed: 23 17 12 6 0
G;J __________ n
. 1990·91 Data Annex
F(1)2Auto 100mm/70//2 Kite Screech C conventional and 4 nuclear msls. One unit lost in June 1983 off Petropavlosk oelta Ill SSBN Sensors:
PB/SB/PQ/SQ(R)8 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts//4 Bass lilt C in Pacific. Salvaged, but not returned to service. Additional unit leased to India. Displacement: 13250 subm In Class: 14 Hercules, Feniks M
PB&SB(2)6 SS-N-12 w/2 Sandbox //1 Trap Door D SS-N-7 ROF 4 per tum at same target. Soviet sub. Passive sonar detection Damage Points: 168 In Service: 1975 Snoop Tray J
Sensors: modifier + 15o/o. Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 18/24 kts Remarks:
Top Sail, Plate Steer J Damage and Speed Breakdown: propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 120 Normal forward TT loadout is 14 Type 53-65 tarp, 4 Type 53-56N nuclear.
3 Palm Frond, Sky Watch J Damage Points: O 20 40 60 72 BO weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Moose Jaw, Mare Tail M Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks pB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/18 See remarks F, E Damage Points: O 23 46 70 84 93
Remarks: Submerged Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks (16)1 SS-N-18 w/16 Stingray lj_Lfrface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
Fourth unit of Kiev class; heavily modified island. Flight deck angled 4.5° to sensors: SubmergedSpeed: 25 19 12 6 0 Sinks
port. Fitted with stabilizers. Can launch 7 large halos at once. Forward eleva- Charlle II SSGN snoop Tray J
tor can lift 2 Forgers or 1 helo. Aft can lift 1 Forger. Each Cross Sword director Displacement: 5400 subm lnClass:6 Shark Teeth, Shark Fin M Echo II SSGN
can control 4 msls at once-2 each at two separate targets. SA-N-9 ROF is Damage Points: 92 In Service: 1973 Remarks: Displacement: 6000 subm In Class: 18
16 msls per turn total for all mounts. SS-N-12 ROF 6 msls per tum (all mounts) Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/24 kts Has anechoic coating. Normal TT loadout is 6 SET-65 torp, 6 SAET-60, 2 Damage Points: 98 In Service: 1960
at same target. Propulslon: Nuclear Crew: 90 Type 53-68 nuclear, 4 SS-N-15. Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/23 kts
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: Nudear Crew: 100
Damage Points: 0 161 322 483 580 644 PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/12 see remarks F, E Damage Points: O 42 84 126 152 168 Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 O Sinks PB&SB(8)1 SS-N-9 w/8 Siren D surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 0 Sinks PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/18 see remarks F
Sensors: submerged Speed: 24 18 12 6 0 Sinks PO&S0(2)1 406mm TT w/4 E40-75A torp F.
Berezina AFS Shark Teeth, Shark Fin M PB&SB(2)4 SS-N-3A w/2 Shaddock//1 Front Door/Front Piece D
Displacement: 36000 fl In Class: 1 Snoop Tray J Delta IV SSBN Sensors:
Damage Points: 483 In Service: 1978 Remarks: Displacement: 13550 subm In Class: 4+ 1 Hercules, Feniks M
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 22 kts SS-N-9 can be launched submerged. Launch depth 20-40m (periscope/ Damage Points: 171 In Service: 1985 Snoop Slab J
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 500 snorkeling depth); max launch speed 8-12 kts. Normal TT loadout is 4 SET- Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 18/24 kts Remarks:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 11 65 torp, 4 SAET-60, 2 Type 53-68, 2 SS-N-15. Normal SS-N-9 loadout is 4 Propulsion: Nudear Crew: 120 Must surface to launch SS-N-3A; takes 25 minutes to prepare for firing.
F(2)2 AK-257 57mm/80//1 Muff Cob c conventional and 4 nuclear msls. SS-N-9 ROF 4 msls per tum at same target. Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Maximum speed at launch 15 kts; maximum sea state, 5. Normal TT loadout
P/S(R)4 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts //2 Bass lilt c Soviet sub. Passive sonar detection modifier+ 15%. (16)1 SS-N-23 w/16 Skiff forward is 10 Type 53-BS, 4 SET-65, 4 Type 53-68. Normal SS-N-3A loadout
F(6)2 RBU 1000 E Damage and Speed Breakdown: PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTw/18 see remarks F, E is 4 conventional and 4 nuclear. At least 10 units have been converted to
Att Pad(1 )2 Ka-25 Hormone C B Damage Points: 0 23 46 69 83 92 Sensors: Echo II mod configuration. One additional unit has been taken out of service
A(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko/11 Pop Group D Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Shark Gill, Shark Fin, LF Fin towed array M for other uses, possibly command or swimmer delivery. Oie unit may be named
Sensors: Submerged Speed: 24 18 12 6 0 Sinks Snoop Tray J Dekabrit. SS-N-3A ROF 2 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target.
Don 2, 2 Don Kay, Strut Curve J Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Bull Horn M Delta I SSBN Fifth unit launched early in 1987. Normal TI loadout is 12 ET-80A torp, 2iype 53- Damage Points: O 24 49 74 88 98
Remarks: Displacement: 11750.subm In Class: 18 68 nuclear, 4 SS-N-15. Sail modified to allow under-Ice operations. Very quiel. Not Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
Can refuel three ships at once or RAS two. Damage Points: 156 In Service: 1972 subject to + 15% passive sonar modifier for Soviet construction. Submerged Speed: 23 17 12 6 0 Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 18125 kts Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 121 242 362 435 483 Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 1:20 Damage Points: Echo II mod
O 43 85 128 154 171 SSGN
Surface Speed: 22 16 11 6 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 0 Sinks Displacement: 6000 subm In Class: 10
PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/18 see remarks F,E Submerged Speed: 24 18 12 6 0 Sinks Damage Points: 98 In Service: 1970?
Boris Chilikin AFS (12)1 SS-N-8 w/12 Sawlly Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/23 kts
Displacement: 8700 ltshp In Class: 6 Sensors: Dzerzhinsky Propulsion: Nudear
CG Crew: 100
Damage Points: 169 In Service: 1971 Snoop Tray Displacement: 12900 In Class:{1] Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 17 kts Shark Teeth, Shark Fin M Damage Points: 298 PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTw/18 see remarks I;
In Service: 1961
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 75 Remarks: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 35 kts PQ&SQ(2)1 406mm TT w/4 E40-75A lorp F
Weapons: Total Mounts: O Has anechoic coating. Normal TT loadout is 6 SET-65 torp, 6 SAET-60, 2 Propulslon: Steam PO&S0(2)4 SS-N-12 w/2 Sandbox D
Crew: 1000
None Type 53-68 nuclear, 4 SS-N-15. Weapons: Total Mounts: 18 Sensors:
Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
2 Don Kay J Damage Points: O 39 78 117 140 155
2F/1A(3)3 B-38 152mm/57//1 Top Bow c Shark Teeth, Shark Fin M
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Horse Jaw, Horse Tail, Bull Horn M P&S(5)1 533mm TT w/5 SET-65 torp F
Refined Zulu class. Total tarp load 22 weapons. May have 406mm tubes aft, Damage Points: O 9 18 28 33 37 Remarks: F/A(2)2SA-N-1 w/22 Goa//2 Peel Group D
but not clear if smaller-diameter weapons were in service when boat waS Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 0 Sinks NeW CIWS is single mount with 2 30mm rotary cannon and eight short-range Sensors:
designed. 62 built; approx. 4 lost. Two units lost in accidents (or scrapped sAM tubes; has its own radar. Top Dome MFCS can direct at least 2 and Big Net, 2 Don Kay or Don 2, Head Net C J
possibly 6 msls at once at different targets. Four is median value. Each Cross Hercules M
following them), one in collision w/ltalian liner Angelino Lauro on 10 Jan 1970. Ivan Rogov LPO sword director is estimated to control 4 msls at once--2 each at two separate Remarks:
Lost approx. Sm off bow. Additional 10 units in reserve. Nonnal forward 533mm Displacement: 11000 std In Class:2+1
TT loadout is 10 Type 53-65 tarp, 4 SET-65, 4 Type 53-56N. Damage Points: 266 In Service: 1978
iargets. SA-N-9 ROF is 8 msls per turn total for all mounts. SA-N-6 ROF 12 Helo pad aft. 2 units have 2 Head Net Ovice Head Net and Big Net. Additional
Damage and Speed Breakdown: rnsls per tum. SS-N- ROF 4 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. unit Provomyydescribed separately. Additional unit Otvazhnywas lost in Black
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 23 kts
Damage Points: 0 11 22 33 40 44 oamage and Speed Breakdown: Sea on 31 Aug 1974 after explosion and fire. Additional unit Ognevoyin re-
Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 400
Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 O Sinks oamage Points: 0 109 217 326 391 434 serve in 1989.
Weapons: Total Mounts: 14
surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Submerged Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks F(2)1 76mm/60//1 Owl Screech c Damage Points: 0 30 60 91 109 121
P/S(R)4 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts //2 Bass lilt c Surface Speed: 35 26 18 9 O Sinks
Grisha I FFL F(40)1 Rocket Launcher w/40 BM-21 rockets Kan In DOG
In Class: 15 Mid, Aft Pads(2)4 Ka-29 Helix B B Displacement: 3700 In Class: 2
Displacement: 950
Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1968 3 Lebed landing craft Damage Points: 119 In Service: 1968 Kiev CVHG
Speed: 33 kts F(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//1 Pop Group D Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts Displacement: 36000 std In Class: 3
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Crew:60 Sensors: Propulsion: Steam Crew: 350 Damage Points: 644 In Service: 1976
Propulsion: CODOG
Total Mounts: 8 Head Net C, 2 Don Kay J Weapons: Total Mounts: 12 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts ~
A(2)1AK-25757mm/80//1 Muff Cob c Remarks: ~ F(4)2 57mrni70//1 Hawk Screech c Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1800
F Can carry a naval infantry battalion including 30APCs, 10 tanks, and trucks. F/P/S(12)3 RBU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Weapons: Total Mounts: 25
P/S(2)2 533mm TT w/2 SET-65 tarp
I I! F(12)2 RBU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Helo pads fore and aft of central hangar. BM-21 rockets for use against ground P/S(5)2 533mm TT w/5 SET-65 torp F 1211 Yak-38 Forger A/B B
I' P/S(2)4 AK-230 30mm/651/2 Drum lilt c 14 Ka-27 Helix A B
2 DC Rail w/6 B-1 DC E targets only. Alexander Nikolayevhas A(4)1 SA-N-5 Grail, Palm Frond vice
D 2 Don Kay. A(2)1 SA-N-1 w/22 Goa//1 Peel Group D 3 Ka-25 Hormone B B
F(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//1 Pop Group
Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors: F/A(2)2 76mm/60//2 OWi Screech c
Strut Curve, Don 2 J Damage Points: 0 66 133 200 239 266 Head Net C, 2 Don Kay J PB/SB/PQ/SQ(R)8AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts //4 Bass lilt c
M Surface Speed: 23 17 12 6 0 Sinks Hercules M PB&SB(2)4 SS-N-12 w/6 Sandbox //1 Trap Door D
Bull Nose, Elk Tail
Remarks: F/A(2)2 SA-N-3B w/36 Goblet //2 Head Light D
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Helo pad aft. Eight ships converted from Krupnyclass in 1969-72. Four units F/A(2)2 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//2 Pop Group D
Damage Points: 0 9 18 28 33 37 Juliett SSG struck in 1987-88; two others in reserve. F(2)1 SUW-N-1 w/24 FRAS-1 E
Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 O Sinks Displacement: 3750 subm In Class: 16
Damage and Speed Breakdown: F(12)2 RBU 6000w/5 salvoes E
Damage Points: 67 In Service: 1961
Damage Points: 0 30 60 89 107 119 P/S(5)2 533mm TT w/5 SET-65 F
Grlsha II FFL Damage Modlfter: 1.00 Speed: 16112 kls
Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 0 Sinks 2 elevators
Displacement: 950 In Class: 11 Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 79
Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1968 Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
CG Top Sail, Top Steer, Don Kay, 2 Don 2 J
Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/14 see remarks F
Displacement: 8200 lnClass:6 Moose Jaw, Mare Tail M
Propulsion: CODAG Crew: 60 PQ&SQ(2)1 406mm TT w/4 E40-75A torp F
Damage Points: 216 In Service: 1973 Remarks:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 PB&SB(1 )4 SS-N-3A w/1 Shaddock //1 Front Door/FronlPiece D
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Flight deck angled 4.5° to port. Fitted with stabilizers. Can launch 7 large halos
F/A(2)2 AK-257 57mm/80//1 Muff Cob c Sensors:
Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 525 at once. Forward elevator can lift 2 Forgers or 1 helo. Aft can lift 1 Forger.
F(12)2 RBU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Hercules, Feniks M
Weapons: Total Mounts: 19 Novorossiyskhas F&A(1 )12 SA-N-9 with 8 msls per mount and 2 Cross Sword
P/S(2)2 533mm TT w/2 SET-65 torp F Snoop Slab J
F/A(2)2 SA-N-3B w/22 Goblet //2 Head Light D MFCS vice SA-N-4. Each Cross Sword director can control 4 msls at once,
2 DC Rail w/6 B-1 DC E Remarks:
2 each at two separate targets. SA-N-9 ROF is 8 msls per tum total for all
Some units have 4 406mm TI aft vice 2. Must surface to launch SS-N-3A; P/S(2)2 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//2 Pop Group D
Strut Curve, Don 2 J takes 25 min to prepare for launch. Maximum speed at launch 15 kts, maxi- P/S(2)2 76mm/60//2 OWi Screech c mounts. Also has 3 Palm Frond vice Don series radars. SS-N-12 ROF 4 msls
Bull Nose, Elk Tail M mum sea state, 5. Normal 533mm TT loadout forward is 6 Type 53-65 torp, P/S(R)4 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts //2 Bass lilt c per tum (all mounts) at same target. Fourth Unit Baku is listed separately.
P/$(5)2 533mm TT w/5 SET-65 torp F Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Remarks: 4 SET-65, 4 Type 53-56N. Normal SS-N-3A loadout 3 conventional, 1 nu-
P/S(6)2 RBU 1000 w/5 salvoes E Damage Points: O 161 322 483 580 644
KGB manned. clear. 2 units may have been refitted with SS-N-12 as Echo II mod class. SS-
F(16)2 RBU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown: N-3A ROF 2 msls per turn (all mounts) al same target.
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Ah Pad( 1) 1 Ka-25 Hormone A B
Damage Points: 0 9 18 28 33 37
Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 O Sinks Damage Points: 0 17 34 50 60 67 PB&SB(4)2 SS-N-14 w/4 Silex //1 Head Light E Kilo SS
Sinks Sensors: Displacement: 2900 subm In Class: 14+
Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 0
3 0 Sinks Sheet Curve, Top Sail, Don 2 J Damage Points: 53 In Service: 1982
Grisha 111/V FFL Submerged Speed: 12 9 6
Head Net C, 2 Don Kay J Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12120 kts
Displacement: 950 In Class: 32/12+3 Bull Nose, Mare Tail
BCGN M Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 60
Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1975 Kalin In Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts Displacement: 22000 std In Class: 1+1
i T~ials ship Azovdescribed separately. Fitted with stabilizers. Forward Head PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTw/12 torpedoes F
I, Propulsion: CODAG Crew: 70 Damage Points: 434 In Service: 1988
Light MFCS can control either SS-N-14 or SA-N-3 msl. Petropavlosk does Sensors:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
n~thave RBU 1000. Nikolayevhas 2Palm Frondvice2 Don Kay. Kerchfitted Snoop Tray J
A(2)1 AK-257 57mm/80//1 Bass lilt c Propulsion: CONAS Crew: 840
With new air search radar in place of Top Sail. Type or pertormance unknown. Shark Gill (Passive only), Shark Fin M
A(R)1AK-63030mm w/15 bursts//1 Bass lilt c Weapons: Total Mounts: 38
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks:
F(12)2 RBU 6000 w/5 salvoes E F&A(12)1 SA-N-6 w/96 Grumble //2 op Dome D Damage Points: O 54 108 162 194 216 Has anechoic coating. May be fitted with fin-mounted SAM. Treat as SA-N-
P/S(2)2 533mm TT w/2 SET-65 torp F PB&SB(20)1 SS-N-w/20 Shipwreck D Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks 8 Gremlin on a periscope mast. Normal TI loadout 1O ET-BOA, 2 Type 53-68
2 DC Rail w/6 B-1 DC E PB&P/P/P&PQ/SB&S/S/S&SQ 6 New CIWS (see remarks) C,D
F(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko/11 Pop Group D F(10)1 RBU? E
Kash in DOG Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Sensors: P/S(6)2 RBU 1000 w/5 salvoes
Displacement: 3750 In Cless: 11 Damage Points: 0 13 26 40 48 53
Strut Curve, Don 2 J P/S(2)2 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//2 Pop Group D
Damage Points: 121 Surface Speed: 12 9 6 3 0 Sinks
Bull Nose, Elk Tail M A(2)1Auto130mm/70//1 Kite Screech c Damage Modifier: 1.00
In Service: 1963
Submerged Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
P/S(4)2 533mm TT w/4 SET-65 F Speed: 35 kts
Remarks: Propulsion: COGOG
Aft Pad( 1)3 Ka-27 Helix A, 2 Ka-25 Hormone B B Crew: 280
Single Bass Tilt directs 57mm and AK-630 30mm at same target. Grisha V Weapons:
has A(1)1 Auto 76mm/60 vice 57mm, Strut Pair vice Strut Curve, starboard F&A(1)16 SA-N-9 VLS/8 msls //2 Cross Swords D Total Mounts: 9 Kirov BCGN
1 Elevator
~IA(2)2 76mm/60//2 Owl Screech c Displacement: 22000 std In Class:2
RBU 6000 removed.
p(12)2 RBU 6000w/5 salvoes E Damage Points: 434 In Service: 1980
J IS(6)2 RBU 1000 w/5 salvoes E Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts
Top Plate, 3 Palm Frond, Top Pair
1990-91 Data Annex
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Horse Jaw, Horse Tail, Bull Horn M P&S(5)1 533mm TT w/5 SET-65 torp F
Refined Zulu class. Total tarp load 22 weapons. May have 406mm tubes aft, Damage Points: O 9 18 28 33 37 Remarks: F/A(2)2SA-N-1 w/22 Goa//2 Peel Group D
but not clear if smaller-diameter weapons were in service when boat waS Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 0 Sinks NeW CIWS is single mount with 2 30mm rotary cannon and eight short-range Sensors:
designed. 62 built; approx. 4 lost. Two units lost in accidents (or scrapped sAM tubes; has its own radar. Top Dome MFCS can direct at least 2 and Big Net, 2 Don Kay or Don 2, Head Net C J
possibly 6 msls at once at different targets. Four is median value. Each Cross Hercules M
following them), one in collision w/ltalian liner Angelino Lauro on 10 Jan 1970. Ivan Rogov LPO sword director is estimated to control 4 msls at once--2 each at two separate Remarks:
Lost approx. Sm off bow. Additional 10 units in reserve. Nonnal forward 533mm Displacement: 11000 std In Class:2+1
TT loadout is 10 Type 53-65 tarp, 4 SET-65, 4 Type 53-56N. Damage Points: 266 In Service: 1978
iargets. SA-N-9 ROF is 8 msls per turn total for all mounts. SA-N-6 ROF 12 Helo pad aft. 2 units have 2 Head Net Ovice Head Net and Big Net. Additional
Damage and Speed Breakdown: rnsls per tum. SS-N- ROF 4 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. unit Provomyydescribed separately. Additional unit Otvazhnywas lost in Black
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 23 kts
Damage Points: 0 11 22 33 40 44 oamage and Speed Breakdown: Sea on 31 Aug 1974 after explosion and fire. Additional unit Ognevoyin re-
Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 400
Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 O Sinks oamage Points: 0 109 217 326 391 434 serve in 1989.
Weapons: Total Mounts: 14
surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Submerged Speed: 15 11 8 4 0 Sinks F(2)1 76mm/60//1 Owl Screech c Damage Points: 0 30 60 91 109 121
P/S(R)4 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts //2 Bass lilt c Surface Speed: 35 26 18 9 O Sinks
Grisha I FFL F(40)1 Rocket Launcher w/40 BM-21 rockets Kan In DOG
In Class: 15 Mid, Aft Pads(2)4 Ka-29 Helix B B Displacement: 3700 In Class: 2
Displacement: 950
Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1968 3 Lebed landing craft Damage Points: 119 In Service: 1968 Kiev CVHG
Speed: 33 kts F(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//1 Pop Group D Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts Displacement: 36000 std In Class: 3
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Crew:60 Sensors: Propulsion: Steam Crew: 350 Damage Points: 644 In Service: 1976
Propulsion: CODOG
Total Mounts: 8 Head Net C, 2 Don Kay J Weapons: Total Mounts: 12 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts ~
A(2)1AK-25757mm/80//1 Muff Cob c Remarks: ~ F(4)2 57mrni70//1 Hawk Screech c Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1800
F Can carry a naval infantry battalion including 30APCs, 10 tanks, and trucks. F/P/S(12)3 RBU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Weapons: Total Mounts: 25
P/S(2)2 533mm TT w/2 SET-65 tarp
I I! F(12)2 RBU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Helo pads fore and aft of central hangar. BM-21 rockets for use against ground P/S(5)2 533mm TT w/5 SET-65 torp F 1211 Yak-38 Forger A/B B
I' P/S(2)4 AK-230 30mm/651/2 Drum lilt c 14 Ka-27 Helix A B
2 DC Rail w/6 B-1 DC E targets only. Alexander Nikolayevhas A(4)1 SA-N-5 Grail, Palm Frond vice
D 2 Don Kay. A(2)1 SA-N-1 w/22 Goa//1 Peel Group D 3 Ka-25 Hormone B B
F(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//1 Pop Group
Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors: F/A(2)2 76mm/60//2 OWi Screech c
Strut Curve, Don 2 J Damage Points: 0 66 133 200 239 266 Head Net C, 2 Don Kay J PB/SB/PQ/SQ(R)8AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts //4 Bass lilt c
M Surface Speed: 23 17 12 6 0 Sinks Hercules M PB&SB(2)4 SS-N-12 w/6 Sandbox //1 Trap Door D
Bull Nose, Elk Tail
Remarks: F/A(2)2 SA-N-3B w/36 Goblet //2 Head Light D
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Helo pad aft. Eight ships converted from Krupnyclass in 1969-72. Four units F/A(2)2 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//2 Pop Group D
Damage Points: 0 9 18 28 33 37 Juliett SSG struck in 1987-88; two others in reserve. F(2)1 SUW-N-1 w/24 FRAS-1 E
Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 O Sinks Displacement: 3750 subm In Class: 16
Damage and Speed Breakdown: F(12)2 RBU 6000w/5 salvoes E
Damage Points: 67 In Service: 1961
Damage Points: 0 30 60 89 107 119 P/S(5)2 533mm TT w/5 SET-65 F
Grlsha II FFL Damage Modlfter: 1.00 Speed: 16112 kls
Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 0 Sinks 2 elevators
Displacement: 950 In Class: 11 Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 79
Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1968 Weapons: Total Mounts: 7
CG Top Sail, Top Steer, Don Kay, 2 Don 2 J
Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/14 see remarks F
Displacement: 8200 lnClass:6 Moose Jaw, Mare Tail M
Propulsion: CODAG Crew: 60 PQ&SQ(2)1 406mm TT w/4 E40-75A torp F
Damage Points: 216 In Service: 1973 Remarks:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 PB&SB(1 )4 SS-N-3A w/1 Shaddock //1 Front Door/FronlPiece D
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Flight deck angled 4.5° to port. Fitted with stabilizers. Can launch 7 large halos
F/A(2)2 AK-257 57mm/80//1 Muff Cob c Sensors:
Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 525 at once. Forward elevator can lift 2 Forgers or 1 helo. Aft can lift 1 Forger.
F(12)2 RBU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Hercules, Feniks M
Weapons: Total Mounts: 19 Novorossiyskhas F&A(1 )12 SA-N-9 with 8 msls per mount and 2 Cross Sword
P/S(2)2 533mm TT w/2 SET-65 torp F Snoop Slab J
F/A(2)2 SA-N-3B w/22 Goblet //2 Head Light D MFCS vice SA-N-4. Each Cross Sword director can control 4 msls at once,
2 DC Rail w/6 B-1 DC E Remarks:
2 each at two separate targets. SA-N-9 ROF is 8 msls per tum total for all
Some units have 4 406mm TI aft vice 2. Must surface to launch SS-N-3A; P/S(2)2 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//2 Pop Group D
Strut Curve, Don 2 J takes 25 min to prepare for launch. Maximum speed at launch 15 kts, maxi- P/S(2)2 76mm/60//2 OWi Screech c mounts. Also has 3 Palm Frond vice Don series radars. SS-N-12 ROF 4 msls
Bull Nose, Elk Tail M mum sea state, 5. Normal 533mm TT loadout forward is 6 Type 53-65 torp, P/S(R)4 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts //2 Bass lilt c per tum (all mounts) at same target. Fourth Unit Baku is listed separately.
P/$(5)2 533mm TT w/5 SET-65 torp F Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Remarks: 4 SET-65, 4 Type 53-56N. Normal SS-N-3A loadout 3 conventional, 1 nu-
P/S(6)2 RBU 1000 w/5 salvoes E Damage Points: O 161 322 483 580 644
KGB manned. clear. 2 units may have been refitted with SS-N-12 as Echo II mod class. SS-
F(16)2 RBU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown: N-3A ROF 2 msls per turn (all mounts) al same target.
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Ah Pad( 1) 1 Ka-25 Hormone A B
Damage Points: 0 9 18 28 33 37
Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 O Sinks Damage Points: 0 17 34 50 60 67 PB&SB(4)2 SS-N-14 w/4 Silex //1 Head Light E Kilo SS
Sinks Sensors: Displacement: 2900 subm In Class: 14+
Surface Speed: 16 12 8 4 0
3 0 Sinks Sheet Curve, Top Sail, Don 2 J Damage Points: 53 In Service: 1982
Grisha 111/V FFL Submerged Speed: 12 9 6
Head Net C, 2 Don Kay J Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 12120 kts
Displacement: 950 In Class: 32/12+3 Bull Nose, Mare Tail
BCGN M Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 60
Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1975 Kalin In Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts Displacement: 22000 std In Class: 1+1
i T~ials ship Azovdescribed separately. Fitted with stabilizers. Forward Head PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTw/12 torpedoes F
I, Propulsion: CODAG Crew: 70 Damage Points: 434 In Service: 1988
Light MFCS can control either SS-N-14 or SA-N-3 msl. Petropavlosk does Sensors:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
n~thave RBU 1000. Nikolayevhas 2Palm Frondvice2 Don Kay. Kerchfitted Snoop Tray J
A(2)1 AK-257 57mm/80//1 Bass lilt c Propulsion: CONAS Crew: 840
With new air search radar in place of Top Sail. Type or pertormance unknown. Shark Gill (Passive only), Shark Fin M
A(R)1AK-63030mm w/15 bursts//1 Bass lilt c Weapons: Total Mounts: 38
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Remarks:
F(12)2 RBU 6000 w/5 salvoes E F&A(12)1 SA-N-6 w/96 Grumble //2 op Dome D Damage Points: O 54 108 162 194 216 Has anechoic coating. May be fitted with fin-mounted SAM. Treat as SA-N-
P/S(2)2 533mm TT w/2 SET-65 torp F PB&SB(20)1 SS-N-w/20 Shipwreck D Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks 8 Gremlin on a periscope mast. Normal TI loadout 1O ET-BOA, 2 Type 53-68
2 DC Rail w/6 B-1 DC E PB&P/P/P&PQ/SB&S/S/S&SQ 6 New CIWS (see remarks) C,D
F(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko/11 Pop Group D F(10)1 RBU? E
Kash in DOG Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Sensors: P/S(6)2 RBU 1000 w/5 salvoes
Displacement: 3750 In Cless: 11 Damage Points: 0 13 26 40 48 53
Strut Curve, Don 2 J P/S(2)2 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//2 Pop Group D
Damage Points: 121 Surface Speed: 12 9 6 3 0 Sinks
Bull Nose, Elk Tail M A(2)1Auto130mm/70//1 Kite Screech c Damage Modifier: 1.00
In Service: 1963
Submerged Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
P/S(4)2 533mm TT w/4 SET-65 F Speed: 35 kts
Remarks: Propulsion: COGOG
Aft Pad( 1)3 Ka-27 Helix A, 2 Ka-25 Hormone B B Crew: 280
Single Bass Tilt directs 57mm and AK-630 30mm at same target. Grisha V Weapons:
has A(1)1 Auto 76mm/60 vice 57mm, Strut Pair vice Strut Curve, starboard F&A(1)16 SA-N-9 VLS/8 msls //2 Cross Swords D Total Mounts: 9 Kirov BCGN
1 Elevator
~IA(2)2 76mm/60//2 Owl Screech c Displacement: 22000 std In Class:2
RBU 6000 removed.
p(12)2 RBU 6000w/5 salvoes E Damage Points: 434 In Service: 1980
J IS(6)2 RBU 1000 w/5 salvoes E Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts
Top Plate, 3 Palm Frond, Top Pair
GOW 1990·91 Data Annex
Propulsion: CONAS Crew: BOO Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Marshal Nedelin AGM
Weapons: Total Mounts: 26 Damage Points: 0 22 43 64 77 86 Damage Points: O 27 54 80 96 107 Displacement: 24000 fl In Class: 2
F&A(12)1 SA-N-6 w/96 Grumble //2 Top Dome D Surface Speed: 36 27 1B 9 o Sinks Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 o Sinks Damage Points: 464 In Service: 1984
P/S(2)2 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//2 Pop Group D Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts
PB&SB(20)1 SS-N-19 w/20 Shipwreck D Kresta I CG Krivak II FFG Propulsion: Gas Turbine Crew: 200
F(12)1ABU6000w/5 salvoes E Displacement: 6000 lnClaaa:4 Displacement: 3300 In Class: 11 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
P/S(6)2 ABU 1000 w/5 salvoes E Damage Points: 176 In Service: 1967 Damage Points: 107 In Service: 1976 Alt Pad(1 )2 Ka-32 Helix C B
F(2)1 SS-N-14 w/14 Silex//2 Eye Bowl E Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 35 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Sensors:
P&PB/S&SB/P&PQ/S&SO(R)B AK-630 30mm Propulsion: Steam Crew: 375 Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 200 Strut Pair, 3 Palm Frond J
w/15 bursts//4 Bass Tilt c Weapons: Total Mounts: 13 Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 End Tray, Quad Leaf, 3 Quad Wedge, Quad Rods
A(1)2 Auto 100mm/70 w/600 rds //1 Kite Screech c FIA(2)2 SA-N-1 w/22 Goa/12 Peel Group D F/A(2)2 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//2 Pop Group D Remarks:
P/S(4)2 533mm TTw/4 SET-65 tarp F P/S(2)2 AK-257 57mm/80//2 Mutt Cob c f(12)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Special-purpose naval auxiliary. Normally serves as space tracking ship. Has
Aft Pad(1 )5 Ka-25 Hormone A&B B F( 12)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E P/S(4)2 533mm TT w/4 SET-65 torp F electronics necessary to permit correlation of data from space, air, sea, and land-
1 Elevator P/S(6)2 ABU 1000 w/5 salvoes E A(1)2Auto 100mm/70//1 Kite Screech c based sources for integrated batlle management End Tray, Quad Leaf, Quad
Sensors: P/S(5)2 533mm TT w/5 SET-65 torp F f(4)1 SS-N-14 w/4 Silex//2 Eye Bowl E Wedge, Quad Rods are space tracking antennas; no detection capabilily. Provi-
Horse Jaw, Horse Jaw, Bull Hom M Aft Pad( 1) 1 Ka-25 Hormone B B Sensors: sion for F/P&PO/S&SO(R)6 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts//3 Bass Tilt.
Top Steer, 3 Palm Frond, Top Pair J PB&SB(2)2 SS-N-3B w/2 Shaddock //1 Scoop Pair D Head Net C, Don Kay or Palm Frond, Don 2 J Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Remarks: Sensors: Bull Nose, Mare Tail M Damage Points: O 116 232 34B 41B 464
Top Dome MFCS can direct at least 2 and possibly 6 msls at once at different Big Net, Head Net C, 2 Don Kay, 2 Plinth Net J Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
targets. Four is median value. FrunzehasA(2)1Auto130mm/70 vice 100mm Hercules M Damage Points: 0 27 54 BO 96 107
guns, additional Slim Nol radar, F&A( 1) 16 SA-N-9 VLS with B msls per mount Remarks: Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 O Sinks Malka PHM
and 2 Cross Swords MFCS vice SS-N-14, no ABU 1000. Each Cross Sword Vitse-Admiral Drozdhas additional P/S(R)4AK-63030mm with 15 bursts per Displacement: 200 std In Class: 16
director is estimated to control 4 msls at once, 2 each at two separate targets.
SA-N-9 ROF is B msls per tum total for all mounts. SA-N-6 ROF 12 msls per
mount and 2 Bass Tilt GFCS; Admiral Zozulya has 2 Palm Frond vice Don Krivak Ill FF Damage Points: 9 In Service: 1979
series. SS-N-3 ROF 2 msls per tum (both mounts) at the same target. Displacement: 3100 std In Class: 4+2 Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 40 kts
tum. SS-N- 19 ROF 6 msls per tum (all mounts) at same target. Third unit Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 101 In Service: 19B4 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 30
Kalinin listed as separate class. Damage Points: O 44 8B 132 158 176 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
Damage and Speed Breakdown: 18 9 0 Sinks
Damage Points: O 10B 217 326 391 434
Surface Speed: 35 26 Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 200 F(1 )1 Auto 76mm/60//1 Bass Tilt c
Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 0 Sinks
Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 A(R)1AK-63030mm w/15 bursts/11 Bass Tilt c
Kresta II CG F(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//1 Pop Group D PB&SB(1)2 SS-N-2C w/1 Styx D
Displacement: 6000 In Claaa: 10 F(1)1Auto100mm/70//1 Kite Screech c Sensors:
Koni FFL Damage Points: 176 In Service: 1970 PIS(R)2 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts 111 Bass Tilt c Plank Shave, Cheese Cake J
Displacement: 1440 std In Class: 1 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts F(12)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Remarks:
Damage Points: 51 In Service: 197B Propulsion: Steam Crew:400 PIS(4)2 533mm TTw/4 SET-65 torp F Hydrofoil. Single Bass Tilt direcls both weapons at a single target. SS-N-2C
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Weapons: Total Mounts: 17 Aft Pad( 1) 1 Ka-27 Helix A B ROF 4 msls per turn (both mounts) at same target. Treat as large radar target
Propulsion: CODAG Crew: 110 FIA(2)2 SA-N-3A w/22 Goble11/2 Head Ligh1 D Sensors: it travelling at 20 kts or more. The rooster tail thrown up when the ship is
Weapons: Total Mounts: 10 P/S(2)2 AK-257 57mm/B0/12 Mutt Cob c Head Net C, Don Kay or Palm Frond J foilborne increases the size of the radar echo.
FIA(2)2 76mm/60111 Hawk Screech c P/S(R)4 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts //2 Bass Tilt c Bull Nose, Mare Tail M Damage and Speed Breakdown:
A(2) 1 SA-N-4 w/20 Geckol/1 Pop Group D P/S(5)2 533mm TT w/5 SET-65 torp F Remarks: Damage Points: O 2 4 7 8 9
PIS(2)2 AK-230 30mm/65//1 Drum Tilt c P/S(6)2 ABU 1000 w/5 salvoes E Used by KGB. Would probably be assigned naval duties in wartime. Surface Speed: 40 30 20 10 0 Sinks
F(12)2 ABU 6000 E F( 12)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Damage and Speed Breakdown:
2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E Aft Pad(1 )1 Ka-25 Hormone A B Damage Points: 0 25 50 76
91 101 Mike SSN
PB&SB(4)2 SS-N-14 w/4 Silex /11 Head Light E Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B 0 Sinks Displacement: 7000 subm In Clau: [1]
Don 2, Strut Curve J Sensors: Damage Points: 130 In Service: 1984-B9
Bull Nose M Top Sail, Head Net C, 2 Don Kay J
Kynda CG Damage Modifier: 1.20 Speed: 20135 kts
Bull Nose M Displacement: 4400 lnClaaa:4 Propulslon: Nuclear Crew: 69
Export use only. One unit in Soviet service for training named Timofey Remarks: Damage Points: 140 In Service: 1962 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
U/'yantsev. Fitted with fin stabilizers. Fitted with stabilizers. The forward Head Light of 2 carried can direct either Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 35 kts PB&SB(112)2 533mm/650mm TTw/1B see remarks F, E
Damage and Speed Breakdown: SS-N-14orSA-N-3 msl. First4 units do not have Bass lilt, treatAK-63030mms Propulslon: Steam Crew:390 Sensors:
Damage Points: 0 13 26 3B 46 51 as being in local control. Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Snoop Head J
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: F(2)1 SA-N-1 w/22 Goa//1 Peel Group D Shark Gill, Shark Fin M
Damage Points: O 44 BB 132 15B 176 F(12)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Remarks:
Katlin DD Surface Spead: 34 26 17 8 O Sinks P/S(3)2 533mm TT w/3 SET-65 torp F Named Komsomolets. Titanium hull halves MAD range. Has anechoic coat-
Displacement: 2600 lnClass:[6] A(2)2 76mm/60//1 Owl Screech c ing. Typical loadout8 ET-80A, 2 Type 53-GB nuclear, 2 SS-N-15, 2 SS-N-16,
Damage Points: 86 In Service: 1955 Krivak I FFG FIA(4)2 SS-N-36 w/4 Shaddock //2 Scoop Pair D 4 Type 65. Can also carry SS-N-21. Type 65 and SS-N-16 fired lrom 650mm
Damage Modifier: 1.00
'I Propulsion: Steam
Speed: 36 kts
Crew: 2B5
Displacement: 3300 In Class:21 Sensors: tubes. Very quiet. Does not incur +15°/o passive sonar modifier for Soviet
Damage Points: 107 In Service: 1970 2 Head Net A, 2 Plinth Net (Grozny only) J coristruction. Can operate at VDeep depth; will not cavitate at maximum speed
Weapons: Total Mounts: 22 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts 2 Don 2 J at Vdeep. Surface speed estimated. Lost on 7 Apr 1989 southwest of Bear Is-
FIA(2)2 56-5M 130mm/58//t Sun Visor c Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 200 Hercules M land after an electrical fire in the engineering compartment spread to adja-
FIA(4)4 45mm/B51/2 Hawk Screech c Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Remarks: cent sections. 42 of the crewmembers were lost.
PIS(2)4 2M-B 25mm/60 c A(2)2 76mm/60//1 Owl Screech c Helo pad aft. Eight SS-N-3 manual reload msls (4 forward, 4 aft) carried. Damage and Speed Breakdown:
6 BMB-2 DC Proj w/10 B-1 DC E FIA(2)2 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//2 Pop Group D Reloads require 20 min per msl (estimated) with no weapons firinQ on that Damage Points: 0 32 65 98 117 130
2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E F(16)2 ABU 2500 E end of the ship. Normal SS-N-3 loadout is 12 conventional, 4 nuclear. Admiral Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
P/S(16)2 ABU 2500 E P/S(4)2 533mm TT w/4 SET-65 torp F Fokinhas Head Net A and Head NetC vice2 Head NetA. Varyaghas 3 Don Submerged Speed: 35 26 1B 9 0 Sinks
P&S(5)2 533mm TT w/5 SET-65 torp F F(4)1 SS-N-14 w/4 Silex//2 Eye Bowl E 2. Groznyand Vaiyag refitted in 1981with2 Head Net C vice Head NetA;
Sensors: Sensors:
Slim Net, Neptune or Don 2 J Head Net C, Don Kay or Palm Frond J
lhey have P/S(R)4 AK-630 30mm with 15 bursts per mount and 2 Bass Tilt Mirkal FFL
GFC radars. SS-N-3 ROF 2 msls per turn (both mounts) at same targets. Displacement: 950 In Class:9
Hercules M Don 2 or Spin Trough J Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1964
Remarks: Bull Nose, Mare Tail M Damage Points: 0 35 70 105 126 140 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts
Svetlyhas helo pad aft.All units in reserve; probably slated for disposal. Some Surface Speed: 35 26 1B 9 0 Sinks Propulsion: CODAG Crew: 96
units do not have 25mm.
GOW 1990·91 Data Annex
Propulsion: CONAS Crew: BOO Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Marshal Nedelin AGM
Weapons: Total Mounts: 26 Damage Points: 0 22 43 64 77 86 Damage Points: O 27 54 80 96 107 Displacement: 24000 fl In Class: 2
F&A(12)1 SA-N-6 w/96 Grumble //2 Top Dome D Surface Speed: 36 27 1B 9 o Sinks Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 o Sinks Damage Points: 464 In Service: 1984
P/S(2)2 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//2 Pop Group D Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20 kts
PB&SB(20)1 SS-N-19 w/20 Shipwreck D Kresta I CG Krivak II FFG Propulsion: Gas Turbine Crew: 200
F(12)1ABU6000w/5 salvoes E Displacement: 6000 lnClaaa:4 Displacement: 3300 In Class: 11 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
P/S(6)2 ABU 1000 w/5 salvoes E Damage Points: 176 In Service: 1967 Damage Points: 107 In Service: 1976 Alt Pad(1 )2 Ka-32 Helix C B
F(2)1 SS-N-14 w/14 Silex//2 Eye Bowl E Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 35 kts Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Sensors:
P&PB/S&SB/P&PQ/S&SO(R)B AK-630 30mm Propulsion: Steam Crew: 375 Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 200 Strut Pair, 3 Palm Frond J
w/15 bursts//4 Bass Tilt c Weapons: Total Mounts: 13 Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 End Tray, Quad Leaf, 3 Quad Wedge, Quad Rods
A(1)2 Auto 100mm/70 w/600 rds //1 Kite Screech c FIA(2)2 SA-N-1 w/22 Goa/12 Peel Group D F/A(2)2 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//2 Pop Group D Remarks:
P/S(4)2 533mm TTw/4 SET-65 tarp F P/S(2)2 AK-257 57mm/80//2 Mutt Cob c f(12)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Special-purpose naval auxiliary. Normally serves as space tracking ship. Has
Aft Pad(1 )5 Ka-25 Hormone A&B B F( 12)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E P/S(4)2 533mm TT w/4 SET-65 torp F electronics necessary to permit correlation of data from space, air, sea, and land-
1 Elevator P/S(6)2 ABU 1000 w/5 salvoes E A(1)2Auto 100mm/70//1 Kite Screech c based sources for integrated batlle management End Tray, Quad Leaf, Quad
Sensors: P/S(5)2 533mm TT w/5 SET-65 torp F f(4)1 SS-N-14 w/4 Silex//2 Eye Bowl E Wedge, Quad Rods are space tracking antennas; no detection capabilily. Provi-
Horse Jaw, Horse Jaw, Bull Hom M Aft Pad( 1) 1 Ka-25 Hormone B B Sensors: sion for F/P&PO/S&SO(R)6 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts//3 Bass Tilt.
Top Steer, 3 Palm Frond, Top Pair J PB&SB(2)2 SS-N-3B w/2 Shaddock //1 Scoop Pair D Head Net C, Don Kay or Palm Frond, Don 2 J Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Remarks: Sensors: Bull Nose, Mare Tail M Damage Points: O 116 232 34B 41B 464
Top Dome MFCS can direct at least 2 and possibly 6 msls at once at different Big Net, Head Net C, 2 Don Kay, 2 Plinth Net J Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
targets. Four is median value. FrunzehasA(2)1Auto130mm/70 vice 100mm Hercules M Damage Points: 0 27 54 BO 96 107
guns, additional Slim Nol radar, F&A( 1) 16 SA-N-9 VLS with B msls per mount Remarks: Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 O Sinks Malka PHM
and 2 Cross Swords MFCS vice SS-N-14, no ABU 1000. Each Cross Sword Vitse-Admiral Drozdhas additional P/S(R)4AK-63030mm with 15 bursts per Displacement: 200 std In Class: 16
director is estimated to control 4 msls at once, 2 each at two separate targets.
SA-N-9 ROF is B msls per tum total for all mounts. SA-N-6 ROF 12 msls per
mount and 2 Bass Tilt GFCS; Admiral Zozulya has 2 Palm Frond vice Don Krivak Ill FF Damage Points: 9 In Service: 1979
series. SS-N-3 ROF 2 msls per tum (both mounts) at the same target. Displacement: 3100 std In Class: 4+2 Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 40 kts
tum. SS-N- 19 ROF 6 msls per tum (all mounts) at same target. Third unit Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 101 In Service: 19B4 Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 30
Kalinin listed as separate class. Damage Points: O 44 8B 132 158 176 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
Damage and Speed Breakdown: 18 9 0 Sinks
Damage Points: O 10B 217 326 391 434
Surface Speed: 35 26 Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 200 F(1 )1 Auto 76mm/60//1 Bass Tilt c
Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 0 Sinks
Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 A(R)1AK-63030mm w/15 bursts/11 Bass Tilt c
Kresta II CG F(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//1 Pop Group D PB&SB(1)2 SS-N-2C w/1 Styx D
Displacement: 6000 In Claaa: 10 F(1)1Auto100mm/70//1 Kite Screech c Sensors:
Koni FFL Damage Points: 176 In Service: 1970 PIS(R)2 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts 111 Bass Tilt c Plank Shave, Cheese Cake J
Displacement: 1440 std In Class: 1 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts F(12)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Remarks:
Damage Points: 51 In Service: 197B Propulsion: Steam Crew:400 PIS(4)2 533mm TTw/4 SET-65 torp F Hydrofoil. Single Bass Tilt direcls both weapons at a single target. SS-N-2C
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Weapons: Total Mounts: 17 Aft Pad( 1) 1 Ka-27 Helix A B ROF 4 msls per turn (both mounts) at same target. Treat as large radar target
Propulsion: CODAG Crew: 110 FIA(2)2 SA-N-3A w/22 Goble11/2 Head Ligh1 D Sensors: it travelling at 20 kts or more. The rooster tail thrown up when the ship is
Weapons: Total Mounts: 10 P/S(2)2 AK-257 57mm/B0/12 Mutt Cob c Head Net C, Don Kay or Palm Frond J foilborne increases the size of the radar echo.
FIA(2)2 76mm/60111 Hawk Screech c P/S(R)4 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts //2 Bass Tilt c Bull Nose, Mare Tail M Damage and Speed Breakdown:
A(2) 1 SA-N-4 w/20 Geckol/1 Pop Group D P/S(5)2 533mm TT w/5 SET-65 torp F Remarks: Damage Points: O 2 4 7 8 9
PIS(2)2 AK-230 30mm/65//1 Drum Tilt c P/S(6)2 ABU 1000 w/5 salvoes E Used by KGB. Would probably be assigned naval duties in wartime. Surface Speed: 40 30 20 10 0 Sinks
F(12)2 ABU 6000 E F( 12)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Damage and Speed Breakdown:
2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E Aft Pad(1 )1 Ka-25 Hormone A B Damage Points: 0 25 50 76
91 101 Mike SSN
PB&SB(4)2 SS-N-14 w/4 Silex /11 Head Light E Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B 0 Sinks Displacement: 7000 subm In Clau: [1]
Don 2, Strut Curve J Sensors: Damage Points: 130 In Service: 1984-B9
Bull Nose M Top Sail, Head Net C, 2 Don Kay J
Kynda CG Damage Modifier: 1.20 Speed: 20135 kts
Bull Nose M Displacement: 4400 lnClaaa:4 Propulslon: Nuclear Crew: 69
Export use only. One unit in Soviet service for training named Timofey Remarks: Damage Points: 140 In Service: 1962 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
U/'yantsev. Fitted with fin stabilizers. Fitted with stabilizers. The forward Head Light of 2 carried can direct either Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 35 kts PB&SB(112)2 533mm/650mm TTw/1B see remarks F, E
Damage and Speed Breakdown: SS-N-14orSA-N-3 msl. First4 units do not have Bass lilt, treatAK-63030mms Propulslon: Steam Crew:390 Sensors:
Damage Points: 0 13 26 3B 46 51 as being in local control. Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Snoop Head J
Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown: F(2)1 SA-N-1 w/22 Goa//1 Peel Group D Shark Gill, Shark Fin M
Damage Points: O 44 BB 132 15B 176 F(12)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Remarks:
Katlin DD Surface Spead: 34 26 17 8 O Sinks P/S(3)2 533mm TT w/3 SET-65 torp F Named Komsomolets. Titanium hull halves MAD range. Has anechoic coat-
Displacement: 2600 lnClass:[6] A(2)2 76mm/60//1 Owl Screech c ing. Typical loadout8 ET-80A, 2 Type 53-GB nuclear, 2 SS-N-15, 2 SS-N-16,
Damage Points: 86 In Service: 1955 Krivak I FFG FIA(4)2 SS-N-36 w/4 Shaddock //2 Scoop Pair D 4 Type 65. Can also carry SS-N-21. Type 65 and SS-N-16 fired lrom 650mm
Damage Modifier: 1.00
'I Propulsion: Steam
Speed: 36 kts
Crew: 2B5
Displacement: 3300 In Class:21 Sensors: tubes. Very quiet. Does not incur +15°/o passive sonar modifier for Soviet
Damage Points: 107 In Service: 1970 2 Head Net A, 2 Plinth Net (Grozny only) J coristruction. Can operate at VDeep depth; will not cavitate at maximum speed
Weapons: Total Mounts: 22 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts 2 Don 2 J at Vdeep. Surface speed estimated. Lost on 7 Apr 1989 southwest of Bear Is-
FIA(2)2 56-5M 130mm/58//t Sun Visor c Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 200 Hercules M land after an electrical fire in the engineering compartment spread to adja-
FIA(4)4 45mm/B51/2 Hawk Screech c Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Remarks: cent sections. 42 of the crewmembers were lost.
PIS(2)4 2M-B 25mm/60 c A(2)2 76mm/60//1 Owl Screech c Helo pad aft. Eight SS-N-3 manual reload msls (4 forward, 4 aft) carried. Damage and Speed Breakdown:
6 BMB-2 DC Proj w/10 B-1 DC E FIA(2)2 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//2 Pop Group D Reloads require 20 min per msl (estimated) with no weapons firinQ on that Damage Points: 0 32 65 98 117 130
2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E F(16)2 ABU 2500 E end of the ship. Normal SS-N-3 loadout is 12 conventional, 4 nuclear. Admiral Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
P/S(16)2 ABU 2500 E P/S(4)2 533mm TT w/4 SET-65 torp F Fokinhas Head Net A and Head NetC vice2 Head NetA. Varyaghas 3 Don Submerged Speed: 35 26 1B 9 0 Sinks
P&S(5)2 533mm TT w/5 SET-65 torp F F(4)1 SS-N-14 w/4 Silex//2 Eye Bowl E 2. Groznyand Vaiyag refitted in 1981with2 Head Net C vice Head NetA;
Sensors: Sensors:
Slim Net, Neptune or Don 2 J Head Net C, Don Kay or Palm Frond J
lhey have P/S(R)4 AK-630 30mm with 15 bursts per mount and 2 Bass Tilt Mirkal FFL
GFC radars. SS-N-3 ROF 2 msls per turn (both mounts) at same targets. Displacement: 950 In Class:9
Hercules M Don 2 or Spin Trough J Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1964
Remarks: Bull Nose, Mare Tail M Damage Points: 0 35 70 105 126 140 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts
Svetlyhas helo pad aft.All units in reserve; probably slated for disposal. Some Surface Speed: 35 26 1B 9 0 Sinks Propulsion: CODAG Crew: 96
units do not have 25mm.
. 990·91 Data Annex
Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 Damage and Speed Breakdown: rvtoskva CHG Sensors:
FIA(16)4 RBU 6000 w/S salvoes E Damage Points: O 23 46 69 83 92 ·Displacement: 14500 std In Class: 2 Spar Stump, Don, Peel Pair J
P&S(S)1 406mm TT w/S E40-7SA tarp F Surface Speed: 34 26 17 B 0 Sinks Damage Points: 322 In Service: 1967 Remarks:
1 DCRailw/108-1 DC E Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Single Bass lilt directs 76mm and AK-630 30mm at same target. SS-N-9
FIP&S(2)1 76mm/601/1 Hawk Screech c Mod Kotlln Do propulslon: Steam Crew: 850 ROF 4 msls per turn (both mounts) at same target. Fish Bowl radars transmit
Sensors: Displacement: 2BSO In Cla98: [11] weapons: Total Mounts: 9 midc:ourse guidance corrections to inflight Siren msls.
Don 2, Slim Net J Damage Points: 94 In Service: 1960 F(2)1 SUW-N-1 w/15 FRAS-1 E Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Hercules or Pegas M Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts p/5(2)2 AK-257 57mm/B0/12 Muff Cob cE __ /
Damage Points: 0 B 16 24 29 32
Remarks: Propulsion: Steam Crew: 285 F(12)2 RBU 6000 w/S salvoes Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B O Sinks
Some units have Foal Tail/Lamb Tail dipping sonar. At least three units are in Weapons: Total Mounts: 14 Aft Pad(4)14 Ka-25 Hormone A B
reserve. FIA(2)2 S6-SM 130mm/SB 111 Post Lamp or Top Bow C 2 Elevator Natya I MS
Damage and Speed Breakdown: FIA(4)3 4Smm/BS/12 Hawk Screech C F(2)2 SA-N-3A w/22 Goblet/12 Head Light D Displacement: 650 std lnClass:34
Damage Points: 0 9 18 28 33 37 PIS(2)4 2M-8 2Smm/60 C Aft Pad(4)4 Ka-25 Hormone B B Damage Points: 21 In Service: 1970
Surface Speed: 34 26 17 B 0 Sinks P&S(S)1 S33mm TTw/S SET-6S tarp F sensors: Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 17 kts
F(16)2 RBU 2SOO w/S salvoes E Top Sail, Head Net C, 3 Don 2 J Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 60
Mirka II FFL PIS(12)2 RBU 600 w/S salvoes E Moose Jaw, Mare Tail M Weapons: Total Mounts: 8
Displacement: 950 lnClass:9 Sensors: Remarks: FIA(2)2 AK-230 30mm/65//1 Drum lilt c
Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1964 Slim Ne1, Neptune or Don 2 J Fitted with stabilizers. Can launch 4 small/med helos at once. PIS(2)2 2M-8 2Smm/60 c
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts Tamir or Pegas M Damage and Speed Breakdown: PIS(4)2 SA-N-S/B w/4 Grail/Gremlin D
Propulsion: CODAG Crew:96 Remarks: Damage Points: O BO 161 242 290 322 (S)2 RBU 1200 w/S salvoes E
Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Some units have (2)2 2M-8 2Smm/60. Muskovskiy Komsomo/ets has F(16)2 Surface Speed: 30 22 15 B 0 Sinks Sensors:
FIP&S(2)2 76mml601/1 Hawk Screech c RBU 6000 vice RBU 600 and RBU 2500; add Steer Hide VOS. Svetly has Don2 J
F(12)2 RBU 6000 w/S salvoes E helo pad alt. Entire class probably in reserve. Muravey PGH Tamir 5N, HF minehunting sonar M
P&S(S)2 406mm TT w/S E40-7SA tarp F Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 180 std In Class: 14+1 Remarks:
Sensors: Damage Points: 0 24 47 70 85 94 Damage Points: 8 In Service: 1983 Aluminum alloy hull. ABU 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be pointed directly at
Don 2, Slim Net or Strut Curve J Surface Speed: 34 26 17 B 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 40 kts targetto fire RBUs. .
Hercules or Pegas, Foal Tail/Lamb Tail M Propulsion: Gas Turbine Crew:? Damage and Speed Breakdown:
FFL Weapons: Total Mounts: 5 Damage Points: 0 5 10 16 19 21
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Mod Petya I
Ii Damage Points: 0 9 18 28 33 37 Displacement: 950 In Class: 11 f(1)1Auto76mm160//1 Bass lilt c Surface Speed: 17 13 B 4 0 Sinks
Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 0 Sinks Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1973 A(1 )1 AK-630 30mm111 Bass lilt c
I Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts PBISB(1)2 406mm TT w/1 E45-7SA tarp F November SSN
DOG Crew: 100 1 DC rail w/10 B-1 DC E Displacement: 5300 subm In Class: 12
Mod Kashin Propulsion: CODAG
In Class: 5 Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Sensors: Damage Points: 91 In Service: 1959
Displacement: 3950
In Service: 1973 P&S(S)1 406mm TI w/S E40-7SA tarp F Hercules, Rat Tail M Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20130 kts
Damage Points: 127
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 3S kts F(16)2 RBU 2SOO WIS salvoes E Peel Cone J Propulslon: Nudear Crew: 86
1 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 320
Weapons: Total Mounts: 15 FIA(2)2 76mm/60/11 Hawk Screech c Used by KGB Border Guard. Single Bass Tilt controls both 76mm and 30mm PB&SB(3)2 S33mm TT w/22 see remarks F
Sensors: guns. PQ&SQ(2)2 406mm TT w/4 E40-7SA tarp F
FIA(2)2SA-N-1 w/22 Goa/12 Peel Group D
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
FIA(2)2 76mm/60//2 Owl Screech c Don 2, Slim Net J
Damage Points: O 2 4 6 7 B
PIS(R)4 AK-630 30mm w/1S bursts 112 Bass lilt c Hercules, Mare Tail M
Surface Speed: 40 30 20 1O O Sinks
Hercules, Feniks
Snoop Tray
P&S(S)1 S33mm TTw/S SET-6S tarp F Remarks: J
F(12)2 RBU 6000 w/S salvoes E Internal DC rails. One unit carries ASW research gear vice VOS and TI. One Remarks:
PO&SQ( 1)4 SS-N-2C w/1 Styx D unit is prototype for the class with exposed Mare Tail VOS, originally called Nanuchka I FFL Normal TT loadout forward is 14 Type 53-6S tarp, 4 SET-6S, 4 Type S3-6B
Sensors: Pelya Ill. Displacement: 780 In Class: 17 nuclear. One unit sank off Cape Finsterre in the Atlantic in Apr 1970; another
J Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 32 In Service: 1969 was probably scrapped in late 1970s_
Head Net C, Big Net, 2 Don Kay
M Damage Points: O 9 18 28 33 37 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Bull Horn, Steer Hide
Remarks: Surface Speed: 30 22 1S B 0 Sinks Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 60 Damage Points: o 23 46 68 82 91
Helo pad aft. SS-N-2C ROF 4 msls per tum (both mounts) at the same target. Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 Surface Speed: 20 1S 10 s 0 Sinks
DD F(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//1 Pop Group D Submerged Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Mod Skory
Damage Points: o 32 64 9S 114 127 Displacement: 2600 lnClass:[4] A(2)1 AK-257 S7mm/B0/11 Muff Cob c
Surface Speed: 3S 26 18 9 0 Sinks Damage Points: 86 In Service: 1960 PB&SB(3)2 SS-N-9 w/3Siren111 Band Stand & 2 Fish Bowl D Okean AGI
Speed: 33 kts Sensors: Displacement: 700 fl In Class: 1S
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Spar Stump, Don, Peel Pair J Damage Points: 22 In Service: 1962
Mod Kildln DD Propulsion: Steam Crew: 280
Remarks: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 11 kts
Displacement: 2800 In Class: 3 Weapons: Total Mounts: 12
Damage Points: 92 In Service: 1958 FIA(2)2 B-13-2C 130mm/S0/11 Top Bow c SS-N-9 ROF 4 msls per turn (both mounts at same target). Fish Bowl radars
transmit midcourse guidance corrections to inflight Siren missiles.
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 60
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts F/2Pl2S(1)S S7mmnOll2 Hawk Screech c Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Crew: 300 F(16)2 RBU 2SOO w/S salvoes E P&PQ/S&SQ(4)2 SA-N-5/B w/4 Grail/Gremlin D
Propulsion: Steam ·Damage Points: 0 8
Total Mounts: 14 P&S(S)1 S33mm TTw/S SET-65 tarp F 16 24 29 32 Sensors:
Weapons: Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks 1-2 Don 2 J
A(2)2 76mm/60//1 Owl Screech c 2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E
2F/P/S(4)4 S7mml701/2 Hawk Screech c Sensors:
F(16)2 RBU 2SOO w/S salvoes E Don 2, Slim Net J Nanuchka 111 FFL Remarks:
F Tamir or Pegas M Displacement: 780 In Class: 14+ 1 Converted trawlers. Some may hve been removed from service. Some do
PIS(2)2 S33mm TT w/2 SET-6S tarp
D Remarks: Darnage Points: 32 In Service: 1978 not have SA-N-5 or 8 missile launchers. Barografhas P/S(1 )2 14.5mm mg.
PQ&SQ( 1)4 SS-N-2C w/1 Styx
Some units have additional Knife Rest radar. Six units originally converted; Darnage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Carry 8 manual reloads for SA-N-5 or -8 launcher. Reloads take 1 min per
J all probably in reserve. Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 60 missile.
Don 2, Head Net C
Hercules or Pegas M Damage and Speed Breakdown: ~eapons: Total Mounts: 5 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 22 43 64 77 86 (2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko/11 Pop Group D Damage Points: 0 5 11 16 20 22
Bedovyyhas Strut Pair vice Head NetC, 4Smm/BS vice S7mm. SS-N-2C ROF Surface Speed: 33 2S 16 B O Sinks A(1)1Auto76mm/60111 Bass lilt c SUrface Speed: 11 B 6 3 0 Sinks
2 msls per turn (both mounts) at same target. ~(R)1AK-63030mm w/1S burs1S//1 Bass lilt c
B&SB(3)2 SS-N-9 w/3Siren111 Band Stand & 2 Fish Bowl D
. 990·91 Data Annex
Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 Damage and Speed Breakdown: rvtoskva CHG Sensors:
FIA(16)4 RBU 6000 w/S salvoes E Damage Points: O 23 46 69 83 92 ·Displacement: 14500 std In Class: 2 Spar Stump, Don, Peel Pair J
P&S(S)1 406mm TT w/S E40-7SA tarp F Surface Speed: 34 26 17 B 0 Sinks Damage Points: 322 In Service: 1967 Remarks:
1 DCRailw/108-1 DC E Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Single Bass lilt directs 76mm and AK-630 30mm at same target. SS-N-9
FIP&S(2)1 76mm/601/1 Hawk Screech c Mod Kotlln Do propulslon: Steam Crew: 850 ROF 4 msls per turn (both mounts) at same target. Fish Bowl radars transmit
Sensors: Displacement: 2BSO In Cla98: [11] weapons: Total Mounts: 9 midc:ourse guidance corrections to inflight Siren msls.
Don 2, Slim Net J Damage Points: 94 In Service: 1960 F(2)1 SUW-N-1 w/15 FRAS-1 E Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Hercules or Pegas M Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts p/5(2)2 AK-257 57mm/B0/12 Muff Cob cE __ /
Damage Points: 0 B 16 24 29 32
Remarks: Propulsion: Steam Crew: 285 F(12)2 RBU 6000 w/S salvoes Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B O Sinks
Some units have Foal Tail/Lamb Tail dipping sonar. At least three units are in Weapons: Total Mounts: 14 Aft Pad(4)14 Ka-25 Hormone A B
reserve. FIA(2)2 S6-SM 130mm/SB 111 Post Lamp or Top Bow C 2 Elevator Natya I MS
Damage and Speed Breakdown: FIA(4)3 4Smm/BS/12 Hawk Screech C F(2)2 SA-N-3A w/22 Goblet/12 Head Light D Displacement: 650 std lnClass:34
Damage Points: 0 9 18 28 33 37 PIS(2)4 2M-8 2Smm/60 C Aft Pad(4)4 Ka-25 Hormone B B Damage Points: 21 In Service: 1970
Surface Speed: 34 26 17 B 0 Sinks P&S(S)1 S33mm TTw/S SET-6S tarp F sensors: Damage Modifier: 0.75 Speed: 17 kts
F(16)2 RBU 2SOO w/S salvoes E Top Sail, Head Net C, 3 Don 2 J Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 60
Mirka II FFL PIS(12)2 RBU 600 w/S salvoes E Moose Jaw, Mare Tail M Weapons: Total Mounts: 8
Displacement: 950 lnClass:9 Sensors: Remarks: FIA(2)2 AK-230 30mm/65//1 Drum lilt c
Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1964 Slim Ne1, Neptune or Don 2 J Fitted with stabilizers. Can launch 4 small/med helos at once. PIS(2)2 2M-8 2Smm/60 c
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts Tamir or Pegas M Damage and Speed Breakdown: PIS(4)2 SA-N-S/B w/4 Grail/Gremlin D
Propulsion: CODAG Crew:96 Remarks: Damage Points: O BO 161 242 290 322 (S)2 RBU 1200 w/S salvoes E
Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Some units have (2)2 2M-8 2Smm/60. Muskovskiy Komsomo/ets has F(16)2 Surface Speed: 30 22 15 B 0 Sinks Sensors:
FIP&S(2)2 76mml601/1 Hawk Screech c RBU 6000 vice RBU 600 and RBU 2500; add Steer Hide VOS. Svetly has Don2 J
F(12)2 RBU 6000 w/S salvoes E helo pad alt. Entire class probably in reserve. Muravey PGH Tamir 5N, HF minehunting sonar M
P&S(S)2 406mm TT w/S E40-7SA tarp F Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 180 std In Class: 14+1 Remarks:
Sensors: Damage Points: 0 24 47 70 85 94 Damage Points: 8 In Service: 1983 Aluminum alloy hull. ABU 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be pointed directly at
Don 2, Slim Net or Strut Curve J Surface Speed: 34 26 17 B 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 40 kts targetto fire RBUs. .
Hercules or Pegas, Foal Tail/Lamb Tail M Propulsion: Gas Turbine Crew:? Damage and Speed Breakdown:
FFL Weapons: Total Mounts: 5 Damage Points: 0 5 10 16 19 21
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Mod Petya I
Ii Damage Points: 0 9 18 28 33 37 Displacement: 950 In Class: 11 f(1)1Auto76mm160//1 Bass lilt c Surface Speed: 17 13 B 4 0 Sinks
Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 0 Sinks Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1973 A(1 )1 AK-630 30mm111 Bass lilt c
I Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts PBISB(1)2 406mm TT w/1 E45-7SA tarp F November SSN
DOG Crew: 100 1 DC rail w/10 B-1 DC E Displacement: 5300 subm In Class: 12
Mod Kashin Propulsion: CODAG
In Class: 5 Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Sensors: Damage Points: 91 In Service: 1959
Displacement: 3950
In Service: 1973 P&S(S)1 406mm TI w/S E40-7SA tarp F Hercules, Rat Tail M Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20130 kts
Damage Points: 127
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 3S kts F(16)2 RBU 2SOO WIS salvoes E Peel Cone J Propulslon: Nudear Crew: 86
1 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 320
Weapons: Total Mounts: 15 FIA(2)2 76mm/60/11 Hawk Screech c Used by KGB Border Guard. Single Bass Tilt controls both 76mm and 30mm PB&SB(3)2 S33mm TT w/22 see remarks F
Sensors: guns. PQ&SQ(2)2 406mm TT w/4 E40-7SA tarp F
FIA(2)2SA-N-1 w/22 Goa/12 Peel Group D
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
FIA(2)2 76mm/60//2 Owl Screech c Don 2, Slim Net J
Damage Points: O 2 4 6 7 B
PIS(R)4 AK-630 30mm w/1S bursts 112 Bass lilt c Hercules, Mare Tail M
Surface Speed: 40 30 20 1O O Sinks
Hercules, Feniks
Snoop Tray
P&S(S)1 S33mm TTw/S SET-6S tarp F Remarks: J
F(12)2 RBU 6000 w/S salvoes E Internal DC rails. One unit carries ASW research gear vice VOS and TI. One Remarks:
PO&SQ( 1)4 SS-N-2C w/1 Styx D unit is prototype for the class with exposed Mare Tail VOS, originally called Nanuchka I FFL Normal TT loadout forward is 14 Type 53-6S tarp, 4 SET-6S, 4 Type S3-6B
Sensors: Pelya Ill. Displacement: 780 In Class: 17 nuclear. One unit sank off Cape Finsterre in the Atlantic in Apr 1970; another
J Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 32 In Service: 1969 was probably scrapped in late 1970s_
Head Net C, Big Net, 2 Don Kay
M Damage Points: O 9 18 28 33 37 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Bull Horn, Steer Hide
Remarks: Surface Speed: 30 22 1S B 0 Sinks Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 60 Damage Points: o 23 46 68 82 91
Helo pad aft. SS-N-2C ROF 4 msls per tum (both mounts) at the same target. Weapons: Total Mounts: 4 Surface Speed: 20 1S 10 s 0 Sinks
DD F(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//1 Pop Group D Submerged Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Mod Skory
Damage Points: o 32 64 9S 114 127 Displacement: 2600 lnClass:[4] A(2)1 AK-257 S7mm/B0/11 Muff Cob c
Surface Speed: 3S 26 18 9 0 Sinks Damage Points: 86 In Service: 1960 PB&SB(3)2 SS-N-9 w/3Siren111 Band Stand & 2 Fish Bowl D Okean AGI
Speed: 33 kts Sensors: Displacement: 700 fl In Class: 1S
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Spar Stump, Don, Peel Pair J Damage Points: 22 In Service: 1962
Mod Kildln DD Propulsion: Steam Crew: 280
Remarks: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 11 kts
Displacement: 2800 In Class: 3 Weapons: Total Mounts: 12
Damage Points: 92 In Service: 1958 FIA(2)2 B-13-2C 130mm/S0/11 Top Bow c SS-N-9 ROF 4 msls per turn (both mounts at same target). Fish Bowl radars
transmit midcourse guidance corrections to inflight Siren missiles.
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 60
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts F/2Pl2S(1)S S7mmnOll2 Hawk Screech c Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Crew: 300 F(16)2 RBU 2SOO w/S salvoes E P&PQ/S&SQ(4)2 SA-N-5/B w/4 Grail/Gremlin D
Propulsion: Steam ·Damage Points: 0 8
Total Mounts: 14 P&S(S)1 S33mm TTw/S SET-65 tarp F 16 24 29 32 Sensors:
Weapons: Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks 1-2 Don 2 J
A(2)2 76mm/60//1 Owl Screech c 2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E
2F/P/S(4)4 S7mml701/2 Hawk Screech c Sensors:
F(16)2 RBU 2SOO w/S salvoes E Don 2, Slim Net J Nanuchka 111 FFL Remarks:
F Tamir or Pegas M Displacement: 780 In Class: 14+ 1 Converted trawlers. Some may hve been removed from service. Some do
PIS(2)2 S33mm TT w/2 SET-6S tarp
D Remarks: Darnage Points: 32 In Service: 1978 not have SA-N-5 or 8 missile launchers. Barografhas P/S(1 )2 14.5mm mg.
PQ&SQ( 1)4 SS-N-2C w/1 Styx
Some units have additional Knife Rest radar. Six units originally converted; Darnage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Carry 8 manual reloads for SA-N-5 or -8 launcher. Reloads take 1 min per
J all probably in reserve. Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 60 missile.
Don 2, Head Net C
Hercules or Pegas M Damage and Speed Breakdown: ~eapons: Total Mounts: 5 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Points: 0 22 43 64 77 86 (2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko/11 Pop Group D Damage Points: 0 5 11 16 20 22
Bedovyyhas Strut Pair vice Head NetC, 4Smm/BS vice S7mm. SS-N-2C ROF Surface Speed: 33 2S 16 B O Sinks A(1)1Auto76mm/60111 Bass lilt c SUrface Speed: 11 B 6 3 0 Sinks
2 msls per turn (both mounts) at same target. ~(R)1AK-63030mm w/1S burs1S//1 Bass lilt c
B&SB(3)2 SS-N-9 w/3Siren111 Band Stand & 2 Fish Bowl D
1990·91 Data Annex
Osal PTM 3 meters may reduceASW tarp effectiveness. If hit by DE warhead the chance Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors:
Displacement: 175 In Class:50 of a pressure hull penetration is reduced from 50°/o to 10%. Normal TTloac:lout Damage Points: O 9 18 28 33 37 Don 2, Top Steer, 2 Don Kay, Head Net C J
Damage Points: 8 In Service: 1959 12 ET-BOA torp, 2 Type 53-68 nuclear, 6 Type 65, 2 SS-N-15, 2 SS-N-16. Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 O Sinks Bull Horn M
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 36 kts Nonnal SS-N- loadout 18 conventional and 6 nuclear warheads. SS-N-19 No ESM
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 30 ROF 4 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. Petya II FFL Remarks:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 950 std In Class: 21 Modified Kashin; served as trials ship forSA-N-7 system. Has empty position
F/A(2)2 AK-230 30mm/65//1 Drum Tilt c Damage Points: O 57 115 171 206 229 Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1964 forward for another SA-N-7 launcher. SA-N-7 launcher can fire 3 msls per
PB&SB(1 )4 SS-N-2B w/1 Styx //1 Square Tie D Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts turn. Front Dome arcs are P&PQ/S&SO/P&PB/S&SB.
Sensors: Submerged Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks Propulsion: CODAG Crew: 100 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Square Tie J Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 Damage Points: 0 30 60 91 109 121
Remarks: Papa SSGN P&S(5)2 406mm IT w/5 E40-75A tarp F Surface Speed: 38 28 19 10 0 Sinks
Some unitshaveA(4)1 SA-N-5 Grail.SS-N-2B ROF 2 msls per1um (all mounts) Displacement: 8000 subm In Class: 1 F(16)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E
at same target. Damage Points: 142 In Service: 1977 2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E Riga FFL
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 26138 kts F/A(2)2 76mm/60//1 Hawk Screech c Displacement: 1000 In Class: 25
Damage Points: 0 2 4 6 7 8 Propulsion: Nudear Crew: 90 Sensors: Damage Points: 38 In Service: 1952
Surface Speed: 36 27 18 9 0 Sinks Weapons: Tolal Mounts: 2 Strut Curve, Don 2 J Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts
PB&SB(10)1 SS-N-9 w/10 Siren D Hercules, Rat Tail M Propulsion: Steam Crew: 230
Osa II PTM PB&SB(6)1 533mm ITw/12 see remarks F, E Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 16
Displacement: 215 In Class: 30 Sensors: Internal DC rails. Additional unit Mod Petya II has after 76mm removed for 2F/A(1)3 Bu-34 100mm/56//1 Sun Visor c
Damage Points: 1O In Service: 1966 Snocp Tray J Mare Tail VOS. P/S(2)2 V-74M 37mm/63//1 Wasp Head c
Damage ModlDer: 1.00 Speed: 36 kts Shark Fin, Shark Teeth M Damage and Speed Breakdown: P/S(2)2 2M-8 25mm/60 c
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 30 Remarks: Damage Points: O 9 18 28 33 37 F(16)2 ABU 2500 w/5 salvoes E
Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Has Clusterguard anechoic coating. Normal TI loadout is 8 SET-65 torp, 2 Type Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks P&S(3)1 533mm ITw/3 SET-65 tarp F
PB&SB(1 )4 SS-N-2B w/1 Styx //1 Square Tie D 53-56N, 2 SS-N-15. Normal SS-N-9 loadout is 6 conventional and 4 nuclear. SS- 2 DC Rail w/10 8-1 DC E
F/A(2)2 AK-230 30mm/65//1 Drum Tilt c N-9 ROF 4 msls per lurn at same target. Titanium huU halves MAD range.
Polnochny LST 4 BMB-2 DC Proj w/10 8-1 DC E
Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors:
Displacement: 750 std lnClass:43
Square Tie J Damage Points: 0 36 71 107 128 142
Damage Points: 31 In Service: 1972 Slim Net, Neptune J
Remarks: Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 0 Sinks Hercules, Rat Tail M
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18 kts
Some units may have SS-N-2C vice SS-N-2B; may have A( 4) 1 SA-N-5 Grail. Submerged Speed: 38 28 19 10 0 Sinks Remarks:
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 42
SS-N-2B ROF 2 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Some units do not have 25mm and Rat Tail dipping sonar. Some units do not
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Pauk PC F/A(4)2 SA-N-5/8 w/4 Grail/Gremlin D have DC Proj. TI is bank of 2 or 3. About 15 more in reserve; seven more
Damage Points: O 2 5 8 9 10 Displacement: 480 std In Class:30+3 F/A(2)2 30mm/65//1 Drum Tilt c struck.
Surface Speed: 36 27 18 9 0 Sinks Damage Points: 22 In Service: 1980 F(18)2 Rocket Launchers Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts Sensors: Damage Points: 0 10 19 28 34 38
Oscar I SSGN Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 40 Spin Trough J Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks
Displacement: 14500 subm In Class: 2 Weapons: Total Mounts: 11 Remarks:
Damage Points: 215 In Service: 1980 F(1 )1 Auto 76mm/60//1 Bass Tilt c Rockets launchers are for shore bombardment only. Romeo SS
Damage Modlfter: 1.20 Speed: 20/30 kts A(R)1AK-63030mm w/15 bursts//1 Bass Tilt c Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 1330 subm In Class: [20]
Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 130 PB/SB(1)4 406mm IT w/1 E40-75A torp F Damage Points: O 8 15 23 28 31 Damage Points: 27 In Service: 1960
Weapons: Total Mounts: 14 A(4)1 SA-N-5/8 w/4 Grail/Gremlin D Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 17/14 kts
PB&SB(2/2)2 533mm/650mm IT w/24 see remarks F, E 2 DC Rail w/6 B-1 DC E Propulslon: Diesel-Electric Crew: 55
(5)2 ABU 1200 w/5 salvoes E
PB&SB(2)12 SS-N-19 w/2 Shipwreck D
Poll PC Weapons: Total Mounts: 3
Sensors: Displacement: 400 fl lnClass:55 PB&SB(3)2 533mm IT w/10 see remarks F
Shark Teeth, Shark Fin M Plank Shave or Peel Cone, Spin Trough J Damage Points: 18 PQ&SQ(2)1 533mm IT w/4 SET-65 torp F
In Service: 1961
Snoop Tray J Bull Horn, Rat Tail M Sensors:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 36 kts
Remarks: Remarks: Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 80 Hercules, Feniks M
Has Clusterguard anechoic coating. Standoff hull with a gap of approximately Same hull as Tarantul class. Replacement for Poli. 12 manual reloads car- Weapons: Snocp Plate J
Total Mounts: 4
3 meters may reduceASW torp effectiveness. If hit by DE warhead, the chance ried for SA-N-5/8. ABU 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be pointed directly at Remarks:
F( 12)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E
of a pressure hull penetration is reduced from 50o/o to 10%. Normal Tiloadout target to fire RBUs. Single Bass Tilt directs both 76mm and AK-630 30mm at Nonnal 533mm loadout forward is 8 SET-65 torp, 2 Type 53-56N. 20 units
P&S(4)1 406mm IT w/4 E40-75A torp F
same target.
12 ET-BOA torp, 2 Type 53-68 nuclear, 6 Type 65, 2 SS-N-15, 2 SS-N-16.
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
F(2)1 AK-257 57mm/80//1 Muff Cob c built.
Normal SS-N- loadout 18 conventional and 6 nuclear warheads. Unit #2 has Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
an LF Fin sonar. SS-N-19 ROF 4 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. Damage Points: O 6 11 16 20 22 Damage Points: O 7 14 20 24 27
Strut Curve, Spin Trough, Don 2 J
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 17 13 8 4 0 Sinks
Hercules, Rat Tail M
Damage Points: O 54 108 161 194 215 Remarks: Submerged Speed: 14 1O 7 4 0 Sinks
Surface Speed: 20 15 1O 5 O Sinks Petya I FFL Class being struck as Pauk enters service.
Submerged Speed: 30 23 15 8 O Sinks Displacement: 950 std lnClass:7 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Ropucha LST
Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1962 Damage Points: O 5 9 14 16 18 Displacement: 2600 std In Class:24
Oscar II SSGN Damage Modiner: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Surface Speed: 36 27 18 9 O Sinks Damage Points: 86 In Service: 1975
Displacemenl: 16000 subm In Class: 3+1 Propulsion: CODAG Crew: 100 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 17 kts
Damage Points: 229 In Service: 198? Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Provornyy Propulslon: Diesel
F/A(16)4 ABU 2500 w/5 salvoes E
DOG Crew: 315
Damage Modifier: 1.20 Speed: 20/28 kts Displacement: 3750 std In Class: 1 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 130 P&S(5)1 406mm IT w/5 E40-75A tarp F Damage Points: 121 In Service: 1981 F/A(2)2 AK-257 57mm/80//1 Muff Cob c
Weapons: Total Mounts: 13 2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E Sensors:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 38 kts
PB&SB(2/2)2 533mm/650mm IT w/24 see remarks F, E F/A(2)2 76mm/60//1 Hawk Screech c Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 280 Strut Curve, Don 2 J
PB&SB(2)12 SS-N-19 w/2 Shipwreck D Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Remarks:
Sensors: Slim Net, Neptune or Don 2 J Positions forward for 2 bombardment rocket launchers. At least 2 units have
A( 1) 1 SA-N-7 w/20 Gadfly/IS Front Dome D
Snoop Tray J Hercules, Rat Tail M FiA(2)2 76mm/60//2 Owl Saeech c A(4)4 SA-N-5 Grail.
Shark Teeth, Shark Fin, LF Fin towed array M Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
PiS(5)1 533mm IT w/5 SET-65 tarp F
Remarks: Internal DC rails. Some units have Mare Tail VOS. 1 or 2 units have atter Damage Points: 0 22 43 64 77 86
F(12)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E
Has Clusterguard anechoic coating. Standoff hull with a gap of approximately 76mm removed. Surface Speed: 17 13 8 4 0 Sinks
1990·91 Data Annex
Osal PTM 3 meters may reduceASW tarp effectiveness. If hit by DE warhead the chance Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors:
Displacement: 175 In Class:50 of a pressure hull penetration is reduced from 50°/o to 10%. Normal TTloac:lout Damage Points: O 9 18 28 33 37 Don 2, Top Steer, 2 Don Kay, Head Net C J
Damage Points: 8 In Service: 1959 12 ET-BOA torp, 2 Type 53-68 nuclear, 6 Type 65, 2 SS-N-15, 2 SS-N-16. Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 O Sinks Bull Horn M
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 36 kts Nonnal SS-N- loadout 18 conventional and 6 nuclear warheads. SS-N-19 No ESM
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 30 ROF 4 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. Petya II FFL Remarks:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 950 std In Class: 21 Modified Kashin; served as trials ship forSA-N-7 system. Has empty position
F/A(2)2 AK-230 30mm/65//1 Drum Tilt c Damage Points: O 57 115 171 206 229 Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1964 forward for another SA-N-7 launcher. SA-N-7 launcher can fire 3 msls per
PB&SB(1 )4 SS-N-2B w/1 Styx //1 Square Tie D Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Damage Modlfler: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts turn. Front Dome arcs are P&PQ/S&SO/P&PB/S&SB.
Sensors: Submerged Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks Propulsion: CODAG Crew: 100 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Square Tie J Weapons: Total Mounts: 8 Damage Points: 0 30 60 91 109 121
Remarks: Papa SSGN P&S(5)2 406mm IT w/5 E40-75A tarp F Surface Speed: 38 28 19 10 0 Sinks
Some unitshaveA(4)1 SA-N-5 Grail.SS-N-2B ROF 2 msls per1um (all mounts) Displacement: 8000 subm In Class: 1 F(16)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E
at same target. Damage Points: 142 In Service: 1977 2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E Riga FFL
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 26138 kts F/A(2)2 76mm/60//1 Hawk Screech c Displacement: 1000 In Class: 25
Damage Points: 0 2 4 6 7 8 Propulsion: Nudear Crew: 90 Sensors: Damage Points: 38 In Service: 1952
Surface Speed: 36 27 18 9 0 Sinks Weapons: Tolal Mounts: 2 Strut Curve, Don 2 J Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 28 kts
PB&SB(10)1 SS-N-9 w/10 Siren D Hercules, Rat Tail M Propulsion: Steam Crew: 230
Osa II PTM PB&SB(6)1 533mm ITw/12 see remarks F, E Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 16
Displacement: 215 In Class: 30 Sensors: Internal DC rails. Additional unit Mod Petya II has after 76mm removed for 2F/A(1)3 Bu-34 100mm/56//1 Sun Visor c
Damage Points: 1O In Service: 1966 Snocp Tray J Mare Tail VOS. P/S(2)2 V-74M 37mm/63//1 Wasp Head c
Damage ModlDer: 1.00 Speed: 36 kts Shark Fin, Shark Teeth M Damage and Speed Breakdown: P/S(2)2 2M-8 25mm/60 c
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 30 Remarks: Damage Points: O 9 18 28 33 37 F(16)2 ABU 2500 w/5 salvoes E
Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Has Clusterguard anechoic coating. Normal TI loadout is 8 SET-65 torp, 2 Type Surface Speed: 30 22 15 8 0 Sinks P&S(3)1 533mm ITw/3 SET-65 tarp F
PB&SB(1 )4 SS-N-2B w/1 Styx //1 Square Tie D 53-56N, 2 SS-N-15. Normal SS-N-9 loadout is 6 conventional and 4 nuclear. SS- 2 DC Rail w/10 8-1 DC E
F/A(2)2 AK-230 30mm/65//1 Drum Tilt c N-9 ROF 4 msls per lurn at same target. Titanium huU halves MAD range.
Polnochny LST 4 BMB-2 DC Proj w/10 8-1 DC E
Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors:
Displacement: 750 std lnClass:43
Square Tie J Damage Points: 0 36 71 107 128 142
Damage Points: 31 In Service: 1972 Slim Net, Neptune J
Remarks: Surface Speed: 26 20 13 6 0 Sinks Hercules, Rat Tail M
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18 kts
Some units may have SS-N-2C vice SS-N-2B; may have A( 4) 1 SA-N-5 Grail. Submerged Speed: 38 28 19 10 0 Sinks Remarks:
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 42
SS-N-2B ROF 2 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Some units do not have 25mm and Rat Tail dipping sonar. Some units do not
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Pauk PC F/A(4)2 SA-N-5/8 w/4 Grail/Gremlin D have DC Proj. TI is bank of 2 or 3. About 15 more in reserve; seven more
Damage Points: O 2 5 8 9 10 Displacement: 480 std In Class:30+3 F/A(2)2 30mm/65//1 Drum Tilt c struck.
Surface Speed: 36 27 18 9 0 Sinks Damage Points: 22 In Service: 1980 F(18)2 Rocket Launchers Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts Sensors: Damage Points: 0 10 19 28 34 38
Oscar I SSGN Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 40 Spin Trough J Surface Speed: 28 21 14 7 0 Sinks
Displacement: 14500 subm In Class: 2 Weapons: Total Mounts: 11 Remarks:
Damage Points: 215 In Service: 1980 F(1 )1 Auto 76mm/60//1 Bass Tilt c Rockets launchers are for shore bombardment only. Romeo SS
Damage Modlfter: 1.20 Speed: 20/30 kts A(R)1AK-63030mm w/15 bursts//1 Bass Tilt c Damage and Speed Breakdown: Displacement: 1330 subm In Class: [20]
Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 130 PB/SB(1)4 406mm IT w/1 E40-75A torp F Damage Points: O 8 15 23 28 31 Damage Points: 27 In Service: 1960
Weapons: Total Mounts: 14 A(4)1 SA-N-5/8 w/4 Grail/Gremlin D Surface Speed: 18 14 9 4 0 Sinks Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 17/14 kts
PB&SB(2/2)2 533mm/650mm IT w/24 see remarks F, E 2 DC Rail w/6 B-1 DC E Propulslon: Diesel-Electric Crew: 55
(5)2 ABU 1200 w/5 salvoes E
PB&SB(2)12 SS-N-19 w/2 Shipwreck D
Poll PC Weapons: Total Mounts: 3
Sensors: Displacement: 400 fl lnClass:55 PB&SB(3)2 533mm IT w/10 see remarks F
Shark Teeth, Shark Fin M Plank Shave or Peel Cone, Spin Trough J Damage Points: 18 PQ&SQ(2)1 533mm IT w/4 SET-65 torp F
In Service: 1961
Snoop Tray J Bull Horn, Rat Tail M Sensors:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 36 kts
Remarks: Remarks: Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 80 Hercules, Feniks M
Has Clusterguard anechoic coating. Standoff hull with a gap of approximately Same hull as Tarantul class. Replacement for Poli. 12 manual reloads car- Weapons: Snocp Plate J
Total Mounts: 4
3 meters may reduceASW torp effectiveness. If hit by DE warhead, the chance ried for SA-N-5/8. ABU 1200 fixed in train. Ship must be pointed directly at Remarks:
F( 12)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E
of a pressure hull penetration is reduced from 50o/o to 10%. Normal Tiloadout target to fire RBUs. Single Bass Tilt directs both 76mm and AK-630 30mm at Nonnal 533mm loadout forward is 8 SET-65 torp, 2 Type 53-56N. 20 units
P&S(4)1 406mm IT w/4 E40-75A torp F
same target.
12 ET-BOA torp, 2 Type 53-68 nuclear, 6 Type 65, 2 SS-N-15, 2 SS-N-16.
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
F(2)1 AK-257 57mm/80//1 Muff Cob c built.
Normal SS-N- loadout 18 conventional and 6 nuclear warheads. Unit #2 has Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
an LF Fin sonar. SS-N-19 ROF 4 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. Damage Points: O 6 11 16 20 22 Damage Points: O 7 14 20 24 27
Strut Curve, Spin Trough, Don 2 J
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 0 Sinks Surface Speed: 17 13 8 4 0 Sinks
Hercules, Rat Tail M
Damage Points: O 54 108 161 194 215 Remarks: Submerged Speed: 14 1O 7 4 0 Sinks
Surface Speed: 20 15 1O 5 O Sinks Petya I FFL Class being struck as Pauk enters service.
Submerged Speed: 30 23 15 8 O Sinks Displacement: 950 std lnClass:7 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Ropucha LST
Damage Points: 37 In Service: 1962 Damage Points: O 5 9 14 16 18 Displacement: 2600 std In Class:24
Oscar II SSGN Damage Modiner: 1.00 Speed: 30 kts Surface Speed: 36 27 18 9 O Sinks Damage Points: 86 In Service: 1975
Displacemenl: 16000 subm In Class: 3+1 Propulsion: CODAG Crew: 100 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 17 kts
Damage Points: 229 In Service: 198? Weapons: Total Mounts: 9 Provornyy Propulslon: Diesel
F/A(16)4 ABU 2500 w/5 salvoes E
DOG Crew: 315
Damage Modifier: 1.20 Speed: 20/28 kts Displacement: 3750 std In Class: 1 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 130 P&S(5)1 406mm IT w/5 E40-75A tarp F Damage Points: 121 In Service: 1981 F/A(2)2 AK-257 57mm/80//1 Muff Cob c
Weapons: Total Mounts: 13 2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E Sensors:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 38 kts
PB&SB(2/2)2 533mm/650mm IT w/24 see remarks F, E F/A(2)2 76mm/60//1 Hawk Screech c Propulsion: COGAG Crew: 280 Strut Curve, Don 2 J
PB&SB(2)12 SS-N-19 w/2 Shipwreck D Sensors: Weapons: Total Mounts: 6 Remarks:
Sensors: Slim Net, Neptune or Don 2 J Positions forward for 2 bombardment rocket launchers. At least 2 units have
A( 1) 1 SA-N-7 w/20 Gadfly/IS Front Dome D
Snoop Tray J Hercules, Rat Tail M FiA(2)2 76mm/60//2 Owl Saeech c A(4)4 SA-N-5 Grail.
Shark Teeth, Shark Fin, LF Fin towed array M Remarks: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
PiS(5)1 533mm IT w/5 SET-65 tarp F
Remarks: Internal DC rails. Some units have Mare Tail VOS. 1 or 2 units have atter Damage Points: 0 22 43 64 77 86
F(12)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E
Has Clusterguard anechoic coating. Standoff hull with a gap of approximately 76mm removed. Surface Speed: 17 13 8 4 0 Sinks
__________ [;;]
SAM Katlin DOG Shark Gill, Shark Fin, LF Fin towed array M
ps&SB(4)2 SS-N-22 w/4 Sunburn //1 Band Stand D Propulslon: Diesel-Electric Crew: 62
Displacement: 2700 std In Class: 8 Remarks:
f/A(1)2 SA-N-7 w/22 Gadfly //6 Front Dome D Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
Damage Points: 89 In Service: 1963 Titanium hull halves MAD range. Has anechoic coating. Type 65 and SS-N.
sensors: PB&SB(3)2 533mm TI w/20 see remarks F
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 36 kts 16 fired from 650mm tubes. Normal loadout 10 ET-BOA, 2 Type 53-68 nu.
. op Steer, 3 Palm Frond J PQ&SQ(2)2 533mm TI/4 see remarks F
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 300 clear, 2 SS-N-15, 4 SS-N-16, 4 Type 65. Can also carry SS-N-21. Very quiet
sull Horn, Steer Hide VOS M Sensors:
Total Mounts: 6 Does not incur+ 15o/o passive sonar modifier for Soviet construction.
Weapons: Remarks: Snoop Tray J
F(2)1 130mm/581/1 Sun Visor c Damage and Speed Breakdown:
osmotritelnyyhas combined Top SteerfTop Plate. SS-N-22 ROF 4 msls per Shark Teeth (Passive only), Shark Fin M
F(12)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Damage Points: 0 34 68 102 122
turn (both mounts) at same target. SA-N-7 ROF 3 msls per turn (each mount). Remarks:
F(4)1 45mm/85//1 Hawk Screech c Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0
Aluminum superstructure. Has anechoic coating. NormalTTloadoutforward 16 ET-BOAtorp, 2Type53-
P&S(5)1 533mm Tiw/5 SET-65 torp F Submerged Speed: 32 24 16 8 0
oomage and Speed Breakdown: 68 nuclear, 2 SS-N-15. Loadout alt is 4 ET-80A. Very quiet-not subject to
A(2) 1 SA-N-1 w/22 Goa//1 Peel Group D oamage Points: 0 34 68 102 122 136 Soviet submarine passive sonar detection modifier.
Sensors: Skory surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Head Net C, Don Kay or Don 2 J Displacement: 2600 In Class: [75] Damage Points: O 18 35 52 63 70
Hercules M Damage Poln1s: 86 In Service: 1949 Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts sverdlov CL
Remarks: Displacement: 12900 std In Class: a Submerged Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks
Forward 130mm mount has Egg Cup rangefinding radar for local control. Propulsion: Steam Crew: 287
Total Mounts: 10
oomage Points: 298 In Service: 1950
Modifier for local control is 5%. Bravw has F/P/S(4)3 45mm/85. Skrytnyy, Weapons:
A(2)1 HAM 39-3 85mm/52//1 Post Lamp c Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Tarantul I/II FFL
Soznate/'nyy, Vozbuzhdenyy, Nesokrushimyyhave P/5(2)4 AK-230 30mm/ propulsion: Steam Crew: 1000 Displacement: 480 In Class: 2120
65//2 Drum lilt. Skromnyy has ABU 2500 vice 6000. P&S(5)2 533mm TI w/5 SET-65 torp F
weapons: Total Mounts: 26 Damage Points: 22 In Service: 1979
2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
44 2 BMB-2 DC Proj w/10 B-1 DC E
f/A(3)4 B-38 152mm/57 //1 Top Bow or Half Bow c Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 35 kts
Damage Points: O 22 67 80 89 p/$(2)6 1OOmm/70//2 Sun Visor c Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 50
Surface Speed: 36 27 18 9 0 Sinks F/A(2)2 B-13-2C 130mm/50//1 Top Bow c p/$(2)16 V-74M 37mm/63 c Weapons: Total Mounts: 6
F(2)1 57mm/70 c Sensors: A(R)2 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts//1 Bass lilt c
Sarancha PHM Sensors:
Low or High Sieve, Big Net or Knife Rest J PB&SB(2)2 SS-N-2C w/2 Styx//1 Square Toe D
Displacement: 280 std In Class: 1 Don 2, Cross Bird or High Sieve
Neptune or Don 2 J A(4)1 SA-N-5/8 w/4 Grail/Gremlin D
Tamir or Pegas M
Damage Points: 13 In Service: 1977
Remarks: F(1)1Auto76mm/60//1 Bass lilt c
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 50 kts rmor: 100-125mm belt tapering to 40-SOmm forward and aft. 125mm on Sensors:
Propulsion: COOOG Crew: 35 Serdity has (additional) Knife Rest radar. GFC radar is Top Bow or Post Lamp
152mm turrets, 150mm conning tower. General rating is M. CHP rating for Spin Trough, Plank Shave, Square lie J
Total Mounts: 4 or Half Bow. Some units have P/5(1)737mm/63 or (2)4 37mm/63. Units with
Weapons: 152mm turret, bridge, engineering is M. A and X 152mm turrets have Egg Remarks:
F(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//1 Pop Group D (2)4 37mm also have (2)2 or (2)3 2M-8 25mm/60. 75 built; 13 in reserve; rest
Cup rangefinding radars for use in local control. Modifier for local control is Single Bass Tilt directs 76mm and AK-630 30mm at same target. Tarantul II
A(R)1AK-63030mm w/15 bursts//1 Bass lilt c scrapped. %. Egg Cup removed from 3 ships: Admiral Ushakov, Alexander Suvurov, has Band Stand vice Plank Shave. SS-N-2C ROF 4 msls per tum (both mounts)
PB&SB(2)2 SS-N-9 w/3 Siren //1 Band Stand & 1 Fish Bowl D Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Oktyabrskava Revolutsiva; add P/S(2) SAK-230 30mm/65//4 Drum lilt; only at same target.
Damage Points: 0 22 43 64 77
Sensors: (2) 14 37mm. P/S(5) 2 533mm TI removed from all ships in late 1960s. 14 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
J Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 0 Sinks
Band Stand units built. 2 converted to command cruisers (Sverdlov CC); Dzerzhinsky Damage Points: 0 6 11 16 20 22
Remarks: converted to SAM ship. Five units in reserve; one refitting; rest fully opera- Surface Speed: 35 26 18 9 0 Sinks
Hydrofoil. SS-N-9 ROF 4 msls per turn (both mounts) at same target. Treat Slava CG lional.
In Class: 3+ 1
as large radar target if travelling at 25 kts or more. The rooster tall thrown up Displacement: 12500 std
In Service: 1982
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Tarantul Ill FFL
when the ship is foilbome increases the size of the radar echo. Damage Points: 292 Damage Points: O 74 149 224 268 298 Displacement: 480 std In Class: 10+3
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Damage Points: 22 In Service: 1987
Damage Points: 0 3 6 10 12 13 Propulsion: COGAG Crew:600
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 36 kts
Surface Speed: 50 38 25 12 0 Sinks Weapons:
F&A(8)1 SA-N-6 w/64 Grumble //1 Top Dome
Total Mounts: 23
Sverdlov CC cc Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 50
pisplacement: 12900 std In Class: 2 Weapons: Total Mounts: 6
PTH P/5(2)2 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//2 Pop Group D
Shershen Damage Points: 298 In Service: 1972 PB&SB(2)2 SS-N-22 w/2 Sunburn D
Displacement: 150 In Class: [80] F(2)1 Auto 130mm/70//1 Kite Screech c Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts F(1 )1 Auto 76mm/55//1 Bass Tiit c
Damage Points: 7 In Service: 1962 F/P/S(R)6 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts //3 Bass lil1 c Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1000 A(R)2AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts//1 Bass lilt c
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 45 kts Alt Pad( 1) 1 Ka-27 Helix B B Weapons: Total Mounts: 33 A(4)1 SA-N-5/8 w/4 Grail/Gremlin D
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 15 P/S(2)2 533mm TI w/2 SET-65 torp F F(3)2 B-38 152mm/57//1 Top Bow c Sensors:
F(16)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8
P/5(2)6 1OOmm/70//2 Sun Visor c Band Stand, Spin Trough J
c PB&SB(2)8 SS-N-12 w/2 Sandbox //1 Front Door c
F/A(2)2 AK-230 30mm/65//1 Drum lilt
2 DC Rail w/6 B-1 DC
PBISB(1)4 533mm Tiw/1 SET-65 torp
Top Pair, 3 Palm Frond, Top Steer J
P/5(2)16 V-74M 37mm/63
P&S(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//1 Pop Group
P/5(2)8 AK-230 30mm/65//2 Drum lilt
Single Bass Tilt directs 76mm and AK-630 30mm at same target. SS-N-22
ROF 4 msls per turn (both mounts) at same target.
Sensors: Bull Nose, Mare Tail M Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Pot Drum J Remarks: , Low Sieve, Top Trough, Neptune J Damage Points: o 5 11 16 19 22
Remarks: SS-N-12 ROF 4 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. SA-N-6 ROF 12 Remarks: Surface Speed: 36 27 18 9 0 Sinks
Hydrofoil. All units scrapped or transferred to allied navies. Treat as large msts per tum. Converted Sverdlov units. Admiral Senyavin has 1 Ka-25 Hormone C, helo
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
radar target if travelling at 22 kts or more. The rooster tail thrown up when the
Pad and hangar alt. Zhdanov has additional (A) (1) 3 152mm/57, but only 2 Tbllisl CVHG
ship is foilbome increases the size of the radar echo. Damage Points: 0 73 146 219 4 30mm. Armor: 100-125mm belt tapering to 40-50mm forward and aft. Displacement: 65000 In Class: 1+1
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 0 125mm on 152mm turrets, 150mm conning tower. General rating is M. CHP Damage Points: 1079 In Service: 1992+
Damage Points: O 2 4 5 6 7 rating for 152mm turret, bridge, engineering is M. A and X 152mm turrets Damage Modlfter: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
Surface Speed: 45 34 22 11 0 Sinks Sovremennyy have Egg Cup rangefinding radars for use in local control. Modifier for local Propulsion: Steam Crew:?
Displacement: 6300 std In Class: 10+6 control is --5°/0 . Total Mounts: 16
SSN Damage Points: 136 In Service: 1981 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Sierra 50Aircralt B
Displacement: 7550 subm In Class: 2+1 Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 34 kts Damage Points: O 74 149 224 268 298 PB/SB/PO/SQ 8 New CIWS C,D
Propulsion: Steam Crew:350 Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks 2 Elevators
Damage Points: 136 In Service: 1984
Weapons: Total Mounts: 15 F&A(6)4 SA-N-9 w/8 msls //4 Cross Sword D
Damage Modifier: 1.20 Speed: 20/32 kts
Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 100 P/S(R)4 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts //2 Bass lilt c Tango SS PB&SB SS-N-19 (number unknown) D
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 P/S(6)2 ABU 1000 w/5 salvoes E Dtaplacemenl: 3900 subm In Class: 22 F(10)2 ABU? E
PB&SB(2/2)2 533mm/650mm TI w/22 see remarks F Alt Pad(1)1 Ka-27 Helix A B Damage Points: 70 In Service: 1972 Sensors:
Sensors: F/A(2)2 Auto 130mm/70//1 Kite Screech c Darnage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/16 kts Sky Watch, Plate Steer, 3 Palm Frond J
Snoop Pair J P/S(2)2 533mm Tiw/2 SET-65 torp F Strut Curve J
__________ [;;]
SAM Katlin DOG Shark Gill, Shark Fin, LF Fin towed array M
ps&SB(4)2 SS-N-22 w/4 Sunburn //1 Band Stand D Propulslon: Diesel-Electric Crew: 62
Displacement: 2700 std In Class: 8 Remarks:
f/A(1)2 SA-N-7 w/22 Gadfly //6 Front Dome D Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
Damage Points: 89 In Service: 1963 Titanium hull halves MAD range. Has anechoic coating. Type 65 and SS-N.
sensors: PB&SB(3)2 533mm TI w/20 see remarks F
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 36 kts 16 fired from 650mm tubes. Normal loadout 10 ET-BOA, 2 Type 53-68 nu.
. op Steer, 3 Palm Frond J PQ&SQ(2)2 533mm TI/4 see remarks F
Propulsion: Steam Crew: 300 clear, 2 SS-N-15, 4 SS-N-16, 4 Type 65. Can also carry SS-N-21. Very quiet
sull Horn, Steer Hide VOS M Sensors:
Total Mounts: 6 Does not incur+ 15o/o passive sonar modifier for Soviet construction.
Weapons: Remarks: Snoop Tray J
F(2)1 130mm/581/1 Sun Visor c Damage and Speed Breakdown:
osmotritelnyyhas combined Top SteerfTop Plate. SS-N-22 ROF 4 msls per Shark Teeth (Passive only), Shark Fin M
F(12)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Damage Points: 0 34 68 102 122
turn (both mounts) at same target. SA-N-7 ROF 3 msls per turn (each mount). Remarks:
F(4)1 45mm/85//1 Hawk Screech c Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0
Aluminum superstructure. Has anechoic coating. NormalTTloadoutforward 16 ET-BOAtorp, 2Type53-
P&S(5)1 533mm Tiw/5 SET-65 torp F Submerged Speed: 32 24 16 8 0
oomage and Speed Breakdown: 68 nuclear, 2 SS-N-15. Loadout alt is 4 ET-80A. Very quiet-not subject to
A(2) 1 SA-N-1 w/22 Goa//1 Peel Group D oamage Points: 0 34 68 102 122 136 Soviet submarine passive sonar detection modifier.
Sensors: Skory surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 0 Sinks Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Head Net C, Don Kay or Don 2 J Displacement: 2600 In Class: [75] Damage Points: O 18 35 52 63 70
Hercules M Damage Poln1s: 86 In Service: 1949 Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts sverdlov CL
Remarks: Displacement: 12900 std In Class: a Submerged Speed: 16 12 8 4 0 Sinks
Forward 130mm mount has Egg Cup rangefinding radar for local control. Propulsion: Steam Crew: 287
Total Mounts: 10
oomage Points: 298 In Service: 1950
Modifier for local control is 5%. Bravw has F/P/S(4)3 45mm/85. Skrytnyy, Weapons:
A(2)1 HAM 39-3 85mm/52//1 Post Lamp c Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts Tarantul I/II FFL
Soznate/'nyy, Vozbuzhdenyy, Nesokrushimyyhave P/5(2)4 AK-230 30mm/ propulsion: Steam Crew: 1000 Displacement: 480 In Class: 2120
65//2 Drum lilt. Skromnyy has ABU 2500 vice 6000. P&S(5)2 533mm TI w/5 SET-65 torp F
weapons: Total Mounts: 26 Damage Points: 22 In Service: 1979
2 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
44 2 BMB-2 DC Proj w/10 B-1 DC E
f/A(3)4 B-38 152mm/57 //1 Top Bow or Half Bow c Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 35 kts
Damage Points: O 22 67 80 89 p/$(2)6 1OOmm/70//2 Sun Visor c Propulsion: CODOG Crew: 50
Surface Speed: 36 27 18 9 0 Sinks F/A(2)2 B-13-2C 130mm/50//1 Top Bow c p/$(2)16 V-74M 37mm/63 c Weapons: Total Mounts: 6
F(2)1 57mm/70 c Sensors: A(R)2 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts//1 Bass lilt c
Sarancha PHM Sensors:
Low or High Sieve, Big Net or Knife Rest J PB&SB(2)2 SS-N-2C w/2 Styx//1 Square Toe D
Displacement: 280 std In Class: 1 Don 2, Cross Bird or High Sieve
Neptune or Don 2 J A(4)1 SA-N-5/8 w/4 Grail/Gremlin D
Tamir or Pegas M
Damage Points: 13 In Service: 1977
Remarks: F(1)1Auto76mm/60//1 Bass lilt c
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 50 kts rmor: 100-125mm belt tapering to 40-SOmm forward and aft. 125mm on Sensors:
Propulsion: COOOG Crew: 35 Serdity has (additional) Knife Rest radar. GFC radar is Top Bow or Post Lamp
152mm turrets, 150mm conning tower. General rating is M. CHP rating for Spin Trough, Plank Shave, Square lie J
Total Mounts: 4 or Half Bow. Some units have P/5(1)737mm/63 or (2)4 37mm/63. Units with
Weapons: 152mm turret, bridge, engineering is M. A and X 152mm turrets have Egg Remarks:
F(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//1 Pop Group D (2)4 37mm also have (2)2 or (2)3 2M-8 25mm/60. 75 built; 13 in reserve; rest
Cup rangefinding radars for use in local control. Modifier for local control is Single Bass Tilt directs 76mm and AK-630 30mm at same target. Tarantul II
A(R)1AK-63030mm w/15 bursts//1 Bass lilt c scrapped. %. Egg Cup removed from 3 ships: Admiral Ushakov, Alexander Suvurov, has Band Stand vice Plank Shave. SS-N-2C ROF 4 msls per tum (both mounts)
PB&SB(2)2 SS-N-9 w/3 Siren //1 Band Stand & 1 Fish Bowl D Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Oktyabrskava Revolutsiva; add P/S(2) SAK-230 30mm/65//4 Drum lilt; only at same target.
Damage Points: 0 22 43 64 77
Sensors: (2) 14 37mm. P/S(5) 2 533mm TI removed from all ships in late 1960s. 14 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
J Surface Speed: 33 25 16 8 0 Sinks
Band Stand units built. 2 converted to command cruisers (Sverdlov CC); Dzerzhinsky Damage Points: 0 6 11 16 20 22
Remarks: converted to SAM ship. Five units in reserve; one refitting; rest fully opera- Surface Speed: 35 26 18 9 0 Sinks
Hydrofoil. SS-N-9 ROF 4 msls per turn (both mounts) at same target. Treat Slava CG lional.
In Class: 3+ 1
as large radar target if travelling at 25 kts or more. The rooster tall thrown up Displacement: 12500 std
In Service: 1982
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Tarantul Ill FFL
when the ship is foilbome increases the size of the radar echo. Damage Points: 292 Damage Points: O 74 149 224 268 298 Displacement: 480 std In Class: 10+3
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 34 kts Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks Damage Points: 22 In Service: 1987
Damage Points: 0 3 6 10 12 13 Propulsion: COGAG Crew:600
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 36 kts
Surface Speed: 50 38 25 12 0 Sinks Weapons:
F&A(8)1 SA-N-6 w/64 Grumble //1 Top Dome
Total Mounts: 23
Sverdlov CC cc Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 50
pisplacement: 12900 std In Class: 2 Weapons: Total Mounts: 6
PTH P/5(2)2 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//2 Pop Group D
Shershen Damage Points: 298 In Service: 1972 PB&SB(2)2 SS-N-22 w/2 Sunburn D
Displacement: 150 In Class: [80] F(2)1 Auto 130mm/70//1 Kite Screech c Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts F(1 )1 Auto 76mm/55//1 Bass Tiit c
Damage Points: 7 In Service: 1962 F/P/S(R)6 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts //3 Bass lil1 c Propulsion: Steam Crew: 1000 A(R)2AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts//1 Bass lilt c
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 45 kts Alt Pad( 1) 1 Ka-27 Helix B B Weapons: Total Mounts: 33 A(4)1 SA-N-5/8 w/4 Grail/Gremlin D
Propulsion: Diesel Crew: 15 P/S(2)2 533mm TI w/2 SET-65 torp F F(3)2 B-38 152mm/57//1 Top Bow c Sensors:
F(16)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E
Weapons: Total Mounts: 8
P/5(2)6 1OOmm/70//2 Sun Visor c Band Stand, Spin Trough J
c PB&SB(2)8 SS-N-12 w/2 Sandbox //1 Front Door c
F/A(2)2 AK-230 30mm/65//1 Drum lilt
2 DC Rail w/6 B-1 DC
PBISB(1)4 533mm Tiw/1 SET-65 torp
Top Pair, 3 Palm Frond, Top Steer J
P/5(2)16 V-74M 37mm/63
P&S(2)1 SA-N-4 w/20 Gecko//1 Pop Group
P/5(2)8 AK-230 30mm/65//2 Drum lilt
Single Bass Tilt directs 76mm and AK-630 30mm at same target. SS-N-22
ROF 4 msls per turn (both mounts) at same target.
Sensors: Bull Nose, Mare Tail M Sensors: Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Pot Drum J Remarks: , Low Sieve, Top Trough, Neptune J Damage Points: o 5 11 16 19 22
Remarks: SS-N-12 ROF 4 msls per turn (all mounts) at same target. SA-N-6 ROF 12 Remarks: Surface Speed: 36 27 18 9 0 Sinks
Hydrofoil. All units scrapped or transferred to allied navies. Treat as large msts per tum. Converted Sverdlov units. Admiral Senyavin has 1 Ka-25 Hormone C, helo
Damage and Speed Breakdown:
radar target if travelling at 22 kts or more. The rooster tail thrown up when the
Pad and hangar alt. Zhdanov has additional (A) (1) 3 152mm/57, but only 2 Tbllisl CVHG
ship is foilbome increases the size of the radar echo. Damage Points: 0 73 146 219 4 30mm. Armor: 100-125mm belt tapering to 40-50mm forward and aft. Displacement: 65000 In Class: 1+1
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Surface Speed: 34 26 17 8 0 125mm on 152mm turrets, 150mm conning tower. General rating is M. CHP Damage Points: 1079 In Service: 1992+
Damage Points: O 2 4 5 6 7 rating for 152mm turret, bridge, engineering is M. A and X 152mm turrets Damage Modlfter: 1.00 Speed: 32 kts
Surface Speed: 45 34 22 11 0 Sinks Sovremennyy have Egg Cup rangefinding radars for use in local control. Modifier for local Propulsion: Steam Crew:?
Displacement: 6300 std In Class: 10+6 control is --5°/0 . Total Mounts: 16
SSN Damage Points: 136 In Service: 1981 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Sierra 50Aircralt B
Displacement: 7550 subm In Class: 2+1 Damage Modifier: 0. 75 Speed: 34 kts Damage Points: O 74 149 224 268 298 PB/SB/PO/SQ 8 New CIWS C,D
Propulsion: Steam Crew:350 Surface Speed: 32 24 16 8 0 Sinks 2 Elevators
Damage Points: 136 In Service: 1984
Weapons: Total Mounts: 15 F&A(6)4 SA-N-9 w/8 msls //4 Cross Sword D
Damage Modifier: 1.20 Speed: 20/32 kts
Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 100 P/S(R)4 AK-630 30mm w/15 bursts //2 Bass lilt c Tango SS PB&SB SS-N-19 (number unknown) D
Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 P/S(6)2 ABU 1000 w/5 salvoes E Dtaplacemenl: 3900 subm In Class: 22 F(10)2 ABU? E
PB&SB(2/2)2 533mm/650mm TI w/22 see remarks F Alt Pad(1)1 Ka-27 Helix A B Damage Points: 70 In Service: 1972 Sensors:
Sensors: F/A(2)2 Auto 130mm/70//1 Kite Screech c Darnage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/16 kts Sky Watch, Plate Steer, 3 Palm Frond J
Snoop Pair J P/S(2)2 533mm Tiw/2 SET-65 torp F Strut Curve J
Horse Jaw M Horse Jaw, Horse Tail M weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Has anechoic coating. Estimated TT loadout 14 ET-BOA torp, 2 Type 53-6B,
Remarks: Remarks: pB&SB(3)2 533mm TTw/10 see remarks F 2 SS-N-15. Soviet sub; subject to + 15°/o passive sonar detection modifier.
Has angled deck and ski jump. First unit Tbilisi is fitting out; sea trials in 1990. Fitted with stabilizers. Each Cross Sword director can control 4 msls at once pO&S0(2) 1 533mm TT w/2 SET-40 torp F Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Second unit Riga launched 1989. Aircraft could indude Yak-41 (Forger fol- 2 each at two separate targets. SA-N-9 ROF is 8 msls per tum total for aii sensors: Damage Points: O 35 70 106 127 141
low-on), Su-27 Flanker, MiG-29 Fulcrum, Ka-27 Helix, or new aircrah. Would mounts. Tamir5L M SUrface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
not achieve full capability with its air group until the early 1990s. Some parts Damage and Speed Breakdown: snoop Plate J Submerged Speed: 26 20 13 6 O Sinks
of weapons and sensor fit estimated. Each Cross Sword director can control Damage Points: O 46 92 139 166 185 Remarks:
4 msls at once, 2 each at two separate targets. SA-N-9 AOF is 16 msls per Surface Speed: 33 25 16 B 0 Sinks 240 built; approximately 60 units in reserve. Normal 533mm TT loadout is 10 VankeeSSGN SSGN
turn total for all mounts. Type 53-65 torp, 2 Type 53-56N nuclear. Displacement: 13650 subm In Class: 1
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Victor I SSN Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 172 In Service: 1983
Damage Points: O 270 540 B09 971 1079 Dlsplacement: 5100 subm In ClaH: 16 Damage Points: o 7 14 20 24 27 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18122 kts
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B O Sinks Damage Points: B9 In Service: 196B surface Speed: 17 13 B 4 0 Sinks Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 120
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/32 kts Submerged Speed: 13 10 6 3 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 3
Turya PTH Propulsion: Nuclear Crew:90 PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTwl1B see remarks F, E
Displacement: 205 std In Class: 31 Weapons: Total Mounte: 2 Yankee I SSBN -(24)1 SS-N-24 w/24 msls
Damage Points: 9 In Service: 1974 PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/1B see remarks F, E Displacement: 9600 subm In Class: 15 Sensors:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 42 kts Sensors: oomage Points: 134 In Service: 1967 Snoop Tray J
Propulsion: Diesel Crew:30 Shark Teeth, Shark Fin M Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20127 kts Shark Teeth, Shark Fin M
Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 Snoop Tray J propulslon: Nuclear Crew: 120 Remarks:
F(2)1 2M-B 25mm/60 c Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Converted SSBN serving as testbed for SS-N-24 nuclear land attack cruise
PB&SB(1)4 533mm TTw/1 SET-65 torp F Has anechoic coating. Normal TT loadout B Type 53-65, 6 SET-65 lorp, 2 PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTwl1B see remarks F, E missile. Has anechoic coating. Estimated TT loadout 14 ET-80A torp, 2 Type
A(2)1 AK-257 57mm/BOll1 Muff Cob c Type 53-SB, 2 SS-N-15. One unit named 50 Let SSR. (t6)1 SS-N-8 w/16 msls 53-68, 2 SS-N-15. Soviet sub; subject to +15o/o passive sonar detection
1 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors: modifier.
l'i'!d Sensors: Damage Points: O 22 44 67 BO 89 Snoop Tray J Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Rat Tail M Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Shark Teeth, Shark Fin M Damage Points: O 43 B6 129 155 172
1.1.1'1·' i Pot Drum J Submerged Speed: 32 24 16 B 0 Sinks Remarks: Surface Speed: 1B 14 9 4 0 Sinks
Remarks: 34 units built: one converted to Yankee JI; rest being converted to SSN or SUbmerged Speed: 22 16 11 6 0 Sinks
ij',i Hydrofoil. Treat as large radar target if traveling at 21 kts or more. The rooster Victor II SSN SSGN configurations. Additional unit lost 6 Oct 1986 off Bermuda after explo-
tail thrown up when the ship is foilborne increases the size of the radar echo. Displacement: 5700 subm In Class: 7 sion and fire in the missile compartment. Has anechoic coating. Estimated VankeeSSN SSN
111,, Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 95 In Service: 1972 ITloadout 14 ET-80Atorp, 2 Type 53-SB, 2 SS-N-15. Soviet sub; subjecllo Displacement: 10000 subm In Class: 2+(14?)
Damage Points: 0 2 4 7 8 9 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/31 kts +1So/o passive sonar detection modifier. Damage Points: 13B In Service: 19B4
IJJi, Surface Speed: 42 32 21 10 O Sinks Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 80 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
;:'Ii I Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Damage Points: 0 34 67 100 121 134
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Propulsion: Nudear
Speed: 20127 kts
Crew: 80
Typhoon SSBN PB&SB(112)2 533mm/650mm TTwl1B see remarks F, E Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
I! 1
Displacement: 29000 subm In Class: 5+2 Sensors: Submerged Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT wl1B see remarks F, E
Damage Points: 360 In Service: 19B3 Shark Teeth, Shark Fin M Sensors:
l'''i, I
Damage Modifier: 1.20 Speed: 20/24 kts Snoop Tray J Yankee II SSBN Snoop Tray J
Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 150 Remarks: Displacement: 10000 subm lnClass:1 Shark Gill, Shark Fin, LF Fin towed array M
,I Weapons:
PB&SB(112)2 533mm/650mm TTw/24 see remarks
Total Mounts: 3
F, E
Has anechoic coating. Normal TT loadout 6 SET-65 torp, 4 Type 53-85, 2
Type 53-6B, 4 Type 65, 2 SS-N-15, 2 SS-N-16.
Damage Points: 138 In Service: 1978 Remarks:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20127 kts Converted Yankee SSBNs. Has anechoic coating. Estimated TT loadout 14
(20)1 SS-N-20 w/20 Sturgeon Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 120 ET-80A torp, 2 Type 53-68, 2 SS-N-15. Soviet sub; subject to+ 15°/o passive
Sensors: Damage Points: O 24 4B 71 B6 ;Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 sonar detection modifier.
Shark Gill, Shark Fin M Surface Speed: 20 15 1O 5 O PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTw/1B see remarks F, E Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Snoop Pair J Submerged Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 (12)1 SS-N-17 w/12 Snipe Damage Points: O 34 69 104 124 13B
Remarks: Sensors: SUrface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
Normal TTloadout is 14 ET-BOA, 4 Type 53-6B nuclear, 4 SS-N-16, 2 SS-N- Victor Ill SSN Snoop Tray J Submerged Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks
15. TT can also fire SS-N-21, Type 65. Has anechoic coating. The percent Displacement: 6500 subm In Class: 23+1+ Shark Teeth, Shark Fin M
chance of a DE warhead penetrating the pressure hull is reduced from 500/o Damage Points: 103 In Service: 1979 Remarks: Zulu IV SS
to 10°/o. Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/30 kts Has anechoic coating. Estimated TT loadout 14 ET-BOA tarp, 2 Type 53-6B, Dlsplacement: 2350 subm In Class: {4]
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 100 2 SS-N-15. Soviet sub, subject to +15% passive sonar detection modifier. Damage Points: 44 In Service: 1952
Damage Points: 0 90 1BO 270 324 360 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18116 kts
Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks PB&SB(112)2 533mm/650mm TTwl1B see remarks F, E Damage Points: O 34 69 104 124 138 Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 75
Submerged Speed: 24 16 12 6 0 Sinks Sensors: Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
Shark Teeth, Shark Fin, LF Fin towed array M Submerged Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTwl1B SET-65 torp F
Udaloy DOG Snoop Tray J PO&SQ(2)2 533mm TT w/4 SET-85 torp F
Displacement: 6500 std In Class: 11+1 Remarks: Yankee Notch SSGN Sensors:
Damage Points: 185 In Service: 19B 1 Has Clusterguard anechoic coating. Normal TT loadout B ET-BOA torp, 2TYP8 Displacement: 10300 subm In Class: 3+(13?) Tamir M
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts 53-6B, 4 Type 65, 2 SS-N-15, 2 SS-N-16. Quiet. Does not incur +15% pas- Damage Points: 141 In Service: 1985 Snoop Plate J
Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 300 sive sonar modifier for Soviet construction. Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/26 kts Remarks:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 18 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 120 4 units in reserve; 20 others scrapped.
F(1 )2 Auto 100mml70/11 Kite Screech c Damage Points: 0 26 52 77 93 Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
A( 12)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT wl1B see remarks F, E Damage Points: 0 11 22 33 40 44
PIS(4)2 533mm TT w/4 SET-65 torp F Submerged Speed: 30 23 15 B O (?)? SS-N-21 wl? Sampson Surface Speed: 1B 14 9 4 O Sinks
Att Pad(1 )2 Ka-27 Helix A B Sensors: Submerged Speed: 16 12 B 4 o Sinks
F&A(2)4 SA-N-9 w/16msls112 Cross Sword D Whiskey Snoop Tray J
PIS(R)4 AK-630 30mm w/15bursts112Bass1ilt c Displacement: 1350 subm lnClass:45 Shark Gill Shark Fin M
PB&SB(4)2 SS-N-14 w/4 Silex/12 Eye Bowl E Damage Points: 27 In Service: 1950 Rernarks;
Sensors: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 17113 kts MNodified Yankee hull, can carry 20-40 SS-N-21 sin missile compartment. SS-
3 Palm Frond, 2 Strut Pair (Units #1 and 2) J Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 54 ·21 can be fired from 533mm TT. May be fired from midships discharge tubes.
Top Mesh and Top Plate (Unit #3 and on) J
Horse Jaw M Horse Jaw, Horse Tail M weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Has anechoic coating. Estimated TT loadout 14 ET-BOA torp, 2 Type 53-6B,
Remarks: Remarks: pB&SB(3)2 533mm TTw/10 see remarks F 2 SS-N-15. Soviet sub; subject to + 15°/o passive sonar detection modifier.
Has angled deck and ski jump. First unit Tbilisi is fitting out; sea trials in 1990. Fitted with stabilizers. Each Cross Sword director can control 4 msls at once pO&S0(2) 1 533mm TT w/2 SET-40 torp F Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Second unit Riga launched 1989. Aircraft could indude Yak-41 (Forger fol- 2 each at two separate targets. SA-N-9 ROF is 8 msls per tum total for aii sensors: Damage Points: O 35 70 106 127 141
low-on), Su-27 Flanker, MiG-29 Fulcrum, Ka-27 Helix, or new aircrah. Would mounts. Tamir5L M SUrface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
not achieve full capability with its air group until the early 1990s. Some parts Damage and Speed Breakdown: snoop Plate J Submerged Speed: 26 20 13 6 O Sinks
of weapons and sensor fit estimated. Each Cross Sword director can control Damage Points: O 46 92 139 166 185 Remarks:
4 msls at once, 2 each at two separate targets. SA-N-9 AOF is 16 msls per Surface Speed: 33 25 16 B 0 Sinks 240 built; approximately 60 units in reserve. Normal 533mm TT loadout is 10 VankeeSSGN SSGN
turn total for all mounts. Type 53-65 torp, 2 Type 53-56N nuclear. Displacement: 13650 subm In Class: 1
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Victor I SSN Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 172 In Service: 1983
Damage Points: O 270 540 B09 971 1079 Dlsplacement: 5100 subm In ClaH: 16 Damage Points: o 7 14 20 24 27 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18122 kts
Surface Speed: 32 24 16 B O Sinks Damage Points: B9 In Service: 196B surface Speed: 17 13 B 4 0 Sinks Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 120
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/32 kts Submerged Speed: 13 10 6 3 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 3
Turya PTH Propulsion: Nuclear Crew:90 PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTwl1B see remarks F, E
Displacement: 205 std In Class: 31 Weapons: Total Mounte: 2 Yankee I SSBN -(24)1 SS-N-24 w/24 msls
Damage Points: 9 In Service: 1974 PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT w/1B see remarks F, E Displacement: 9600 subm In Class: 15 Sensors:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 42 kts Sensors: oomage Points: 134 In Service: 1967 Snoop Tray J
Propulsion: Diesel Crew:30 Shark Teeth, Shark Fin M Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20127 kts Shark Teeth, Shark Fin M
Weapons: Total Mounts: 7 Snoop Tray J propulslon: Nuclear Crew: 120 Remarks:
F(2)1 2M-B 25mm/60 c Remarks: Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Converted SSBN serving as testbed for SS-N-24 nuclear land attack cruise
PB&SB(1)4 533mm TTw/1 SET-65 torp F Has anechoic coating. Normal TT loadout B Type 53-65, 6 SET-65 lorp, 2 PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTwl1B see remarks F, E missile. Has anechoic coating. Estimated TT loadout 14 ET-80A torp, 2 Type
A(2)1 AK-257 57mm/BOll1 Muff Cob c Type 53-SB, 2 SS-N-15. One unit named 50 Let SSR. (t6)1 SS-N-8 w/16 msls 53-68, 2 SS-N-15. Soviet sub; subject to +15o/o passive sonar detection
1 DC Rail w/10 B-1 DC E Damage and Speed Breakdown: Sensors: modifier.
l'i'!d Sensors: Damage Points: O 22 44 67 BO 89 Snoop Tray J Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Rat Tail M Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Shark Teeth, Shark Fin M Damage Points: O 43 B6 129 155 172
1.1.1'1·' i Pot Drum J Submerged Speed: 32 24 16 B 0 Sinks Remarks: Surface Speed: 1B 14 9 4 0 Sinks
Remarks: 34 units built: one converted to Yankee JI; rest being converted to SSN or SUbmerged Speed: 22 16 11 6 0 Sinks
ij',i Hydrofoil. Treat as large radar target if traveling at 21 kts or more. The rooster Victor II SSN SSGN configurations. Additional unit lost 6 Oct 1986 off Bermuda after explo-
tail thrown up when the ship is foilborne increases the size of the radar echo. Displacement: 5700 subm In Class: 7 sion and fire in the missile compartment. Has anechoic coating. Estimated VankeeSSN SSN
111,, Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Points: 95 In Service: 1972 ITloadout 14 ET-80Atorp, 2 Type 53-SB, 2 SS-N-15. Soviet sub; subjecllo Displacement: 10000 subm In Class: 2+(14?)
Damage Points: 0 2 4 7 8 9 Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/31 kts +1So/o passive sonar detection modifier. Damage Points: 13B In Service: 19B4
IJJi, Surface Speed: 42 32 21 10 O Sinks Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 80 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
;:'Ii I Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Damage Points: 0 34 67 100 121 134
Damage Modifier: 1.00
Propulsion: Nudear
Speed: 20127 kts
Crew: 80
Typhoon SSBN PB&SB(112)2 533mm/650mm TTwl1B see remarks F, E Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 2
I! 1
Displacement: 29000 subm In Class: 5+2 Sensors: Submerged Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT wl1B see remarks F, E
Damage Points: 360 In Service: 19B3 Shark Teeth, Shark Fin M Sensors:
l'''i, I
Damage Modifier: 1.20 Speed: 20/24 kts Snoop Tray J Yankee II SSBN Snoop Tray J
Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 150 Remarks: Displacement: 10000 subm lnClass:1 Shark Gill, Shark Fin, LF Fin towed array M
,I Weapons:
PB&SB(112)2 533mm/650mm TTw/24 see remarks
Total Mounts: 3
F, E
Has anechoic coating. Normal TT loadout 6 SET-65 torp, 4 Type 53-85, 2
Type 53-6B, 4 Type 65, 2 SS-N-15, 2 SS-N-16.
Damage Points: 138 In Service: 1978 Remarks:
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20127 kts Converted Yankee SSBNs. Has anechoic coating. Estimated TT loadout 14
(20)1 SS-N-20 w/20 Sturgeon Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 120 ET-80A torp, 2 Type 53-68, 2 SS-N-15. Soviet sub; subject to+ 15°/o passive
Sensors: Damage Points: O 24 4B 71 B6 ;Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 sonar detection modifier.
Shark Gill, Shark Fin M Surface Speed: 20 15 1O 5 O PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTw/1B see remarks F, E Damage and Speed Breakdown:
Snoop Pair J Submerged Speed: 31 23 16 8 0 (12)1 SS-N-17 w/12 Snipe Damage Points: O 34 69 104 124 13B
Remarks: Sensors: SUrface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks
Normal TTloadout is 14 ET-BOA, 4 Type 53-6B nuclear, 4 SS-N-16, 2 SS-N- Victor Ill SSN Snoop Tray J Submerged Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks
15. TT can also fire SS-N-21, Type 65. Has anechoic coating. The percent Displacement: 6500 subm In Class: 23+1+ Shark Teeth, Shark Fin M
chance of a DE warhead penetrating the pressure hull is reduced from 500/o Damage Points: 103 In Service: 1979 Remarks: Zulu IV SS
to 10°/o. Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/30 kts Has anechoic coating. Estimated TT loadout 14 ET-BOA tarp, 2 Type 53-6B, Dlsplacement: 2350 subm In Class: {4]
Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 100 2 SS-N-15. Soviet sub, subject to +15% passive sonar detection modifier. Damage Points: 44 In Service: 1952
Damage Points: 0 90 1BO 270 324 360 Weapons: Total Mounts: 2 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 18116 kts
Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks PB&SB(112)2 533mm/650mm TTwl1B see remarks F, E Damage Points: O 34 69 104 124 138 Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 75
Submerged Speed: 24 16 12 6 0 Sinks Sensors: Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 Sinks Weapons: Total Mounts: 4
Shark Teeth, Shark Fin, LF Fin towed array M Submerged Speed: 27 20 14 7 0 Sinks PB&SB(3)2 533mm TTwl1B SET-65 torp F
Udaloy DOG Snoop Tray J PO&SQ(2)2 533mm TT w/4 SET-85 torp F
Displacement: 6500 std In Class: 11+1 Remarks: Yankee Notch SSGN Sensors:
Damage Points: 185 In Service: 19B 1 Has Clusterguard anechoic coating. Normal TT loadout B ET-BOA torp, 2TYP8 Displacement: 10300 subm In Class: 3+(13?) Tamir M
Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 33 kts 53-6B, 4 Type 65, 2 SS-N-15, 2 SS-N-16. Quiet. Does not incur +15% pas- Damage Points: 141 In Service: 1985 Snoop Plate J
Propulsion: COGOG Crew: 300 sive sonar modifier for Soviet construction. Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 20/26 kts Remarks:
Weapons: Total Mounts: 18 Damage and Speed Breakdown: Propulsion: Nuclear Crew: 120 4 units in reserve; 20 others scrapped.
F(1 )2 Auto 100mml70/11 Kite Screech c Damage Points: 0 26 52 77 93 Weapons: Total Mounts: 3 Damage and Speed Breakdown:
A( 12)2 ABU 6000 w/5 salvoes E Surface Speed: 20 15 10 5 0 PB&SB(3)2 533mm TT wl1B see remarks F, E Damage Points: 0 11 22 33 40 44
PIS(4)2 533mm TT w/4 SET-65 torp F Submerged Speed: 30 23 15 B O (?)? SS-N-21 wl? Sampson Surface Speed: 1B 14 9 4 O Sinks
Att Pad(1 )2 Ka-27 Helix A B Sensors: Submerged Speed: 16 12 B 4 o Sinks
F&A(2)4 SA-N-9 w/16msls112 Cross Sword D Whiskey Snoop Tray J
PIS(R)4 AK-630 30mm w/15bursts112Bass1ilt c Displacement: 1350 subm lnClass:45 Shark Gill Shark Fin M
PB&SB(4)2 SS-N-14 w/4 Silex/12 Eye Bowl E Damage Points: 27 In Service: 1950 Rernarks;
Sensors: Damage Modifier: 1.00 Speed: 17113 kts MNodified Yankee hull, can carry 20-40 SS-N-21 sin missile compartment. SS-
3 Palm Frond, 2 Strut Pair (Units #1 and 2) J Propulsion: Diesel-Electric Crew: 54 ·21 can be fired from 533mm TT. May be fired from midships discharge tubes.
Top Mesh and Top Plate (Unit #3 and on) J
ata Annex 1990-91
MB.326GB Attack
Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: .5 (.5) High: 389 (1.6) 389 (1.6) Cannon ATA: 0 DelATA: 2 (1)
Argentina Sensors: celling: 8655 meters Sensors:
Weather radar with SS capability. endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: N None. Ballistic bombsight.
Performance: cruise Range: 1912 nm Internal Fuel: ? Performance:
A-40 Skyhawk Attack Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) ordnance Loadouts: Payload: O kg Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Cannon ATA: 2 Del ATA: 2.5 (1.0) ----Throttle Setting----- None. ----Thronle Setting-----
Sensors: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
None. Ballistic bombsight. Attack
VLow: 545 (2.3) 545 (2.3) 1A.58A Pucara VLow: 468 (2.0) 468 (2.0)
Performance: Med: 4 78 (2.0) 545 (2.3) Del ATA: .5 (.5) Med: 430 (1.8) 455 (1.9)
cannon ATA: 2
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) High: 478 (2.0) 545 (2.3) High: 430 (1.8) 440 (1.8)
- - - - Throttle Setting----- Ceiling: 11855 meters None. Ballistic bombsighl Ceiling: 11900 meters
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Endurance: lnllight Refuel?: N
VLow: 600 (2.5) 600 (2.5) Cruise Range: 6493 nm Internal Fuel: 73619 kg Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cruise Range: 1000 nm lnternel Fuel: 1111 kg
Med: 410 (1.7) 558 (2.3) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 40324 kg Thronle Setting----- Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
High: 410 (1.7) 516 (2.2) None. Full Mil. Reheat Drop Tank 265 kg 119 nm
Altitude Cruise
Ceiling: 11250 meters 290 (1.2) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1814 kg
VLow: 232 (1.0)
'!I Endurance: lnllight Refuel?: Y 270(1.1)
Cruise Range: 970 nm Internal Fuel: 2469 kg
C-130H Hercules Med: 232(1.0) Cannon: None.
Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: .5 (.5) High: 250 (1.0) 250 (1.0) • 2 Mk82 500 lb bombs and 8 Zuni 5" rockets (900 nm).
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add Ceiling: 10000 meters , • 2 SA 10 cannon pods and 4 Mk 82 500 lb bombs (900 nm).
300 USG drop tank 926 kg 182 nm Sensors:
Weather radar. Endurance: lnllight Refuel?: N • 6 Mk82 500 lb bombs (900 nm).
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2723 kg Cruise Range: 1325 nm Internal Fuel: 1020 kg • 2 drop tanks and 4 Mk82 500 lb bombs (1114 nm).
Cannon: 2 Mk12 20mm. Performance:
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
• 3 300 USG drop tank, 2 Mk84 2000 lb bombs or Martin Pescador (1364
----Throttle Setting----- 330 I drop tank 264 kg 171 nm MB.339A Attack
nm). t 200 I drop tank 958 kg 622 nm
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: 2 (1)
• 1 300 USG drop tank, 4 Mk82 500 lb bombs or LAU-69 (1200 nm). Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1620 kg
• 3 Mk84 2000 lb bombs (873 nm). VLow: 300 (1.2) 330 (1.4) Sensors:
Med: 300 (1.2) 330 (1.4) Cannon: 2 20mm and 412.7mm mg. None. No RWR. Basic bombsight.
Remarks: 112125 kg bombs or 3 LAU-69 rocket pods or 4 400 kg bombs (1192 nm).
Based on A-48. High: 330 (1.4) 330 (1.4) Performance:
Celling: 10060 meters 1 2 330 I drop tanks and 6 125 kg bombs (1500 nm). Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase)
Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: Y I 1 1200 I drop tank and 2 400 kg bombs or 6 125 kg bombs (1752 nm). - - - - Throttle Setting-----
Agusta A.109 Attack Cruise Range: 2046 nm Internal Fuel: 20520 kg Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Cannon ATA: 2 Del ATA: 2.0 (1.5) Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add KC-130H Hercules Tanker VLow: 485 (2.0) 485 (2.0)
Sensors: Fixed external tank 4197 kg 209nm Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: .5 (.5) Med: 430 (1.8) 441 (1.8)
None. Payload: 19356 kg High: 430 (1.8) 441 (1.8)
Ordnance Loadouts:
Performance: None. 2 fixed external tanks carried. Ceiling: 14630 meters
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: N
----Throttle Setting----- Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cruise Range: 950 nm Internal Fuel: 1100 kg
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Canberra B.62 Attack
Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 1 (.5) Throttle Setting----- Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add
VLow: 125 (0.5) 167 (0.7) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Drop tank 260 kg 112 nm
Med: 125(0.5) 167(0.7) Sensors:
None. Ballistic bombsighl. VLow: 300 (1.2) 330 (1.4) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1815 kg
Celllng: 4450 meters Med: 300(1.2) 330 (1.4) None.
Endurance: lnllight Refuel?: N Performance:
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) High: 330 (1.4) 330(1.4)
Cruise Range: 446 nm Internal Fuel: 300 kg
Thronle Setting - - - - - Ceiling: 10060 meters Nesher Attack
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Endurance: lnftight Refuel?: N/1
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon ATA: 3 Del ATA: 3 (1.5)
Internal aux ferry tank 135 kg 201 nm Cruise Range: 5883 nm Internal Fuel: 40024 kg
VLow: 450 (1.9) 450(1.9) Sensors:
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 344 kg Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
Med: 350 (1.5) 460 (1.9) RWR. Basic bombsight.
Cannon: 2 7.62mm miniguns. Drop Tank 4197kg 308nm
High: 350 (1.5) 470 (2.0) Performance:
• 2 AL-6-70 rocket pods (446 nm). Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:?
Ceiling: 14630 meters Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
.Remarks: None.
Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: N - - - - Throttle Setting-----
Helicopter. Remarks:
Cruise Range: 3153 nm Internal Fuel: 8267 kg Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Tanker version of C-130H; uses internal fuel, 2 drop tanks, fuel tank in cargo VLow: 600 (2.5) 600 (2.5) 725 (3.0)
Bell 212 Transpon Drop Tank 886 kg 169 nm compartment with 11110 kg fuel. All fuel can be used by aircraft. Med: 516 (2.2) 675 (2.8) 962 (4.0)
Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: 1.5 (1.5) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2724 (int) kg High: 516(2.2) 750(3.1) 1260 (5.2)
Sensors: • 8 454 kg bombs (2837 nm). Learjet 35A Reece Celllng: 17000 meters
None. • 2 drop tanks, 6 454 kg bombs or 8 227 kg bombs (3141 nm). Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: 1.5 (1.5) Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: N
Performance: Sensors: Cruise Range: 1040 nm Internal Fuel: 2720 kg
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Sperry Primus 300SL weather radar. Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
Throttle Setting - - - - - Electra Transport
Performance: 625 L drop tank 499 kg 95nm
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: .5 (.5)
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) 1300 L drop tank 1038 kg 198 nm
VLow: 100 (0.4) 110 (0.5) Sensors:
Throttle Setting - - - - - 1700 L drop tank 1358 kg 260nm
Med: 100 (0.4) 110 (0.5) Al least one aircraft configured for Sigint role (ESM).
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4500 kg
Ceiling: 3960 meters VLow: 470 (2.0) 470 (2.0) Cannon: 2 30mm DEFA 552A.
Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: N M_ed: 418(1.7) 470 (2.0) • 2 AIM-9 and 2 454 kg bombs (936 nm).
Cruise Range: 227 nm Internal Fuel: 663 kg High: 418(1.7) 470 (2.0) • 6 400 kg bombs (936 nm).
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:? Ceiling: 13715 meters • 2 AIM-9 and 2 1300 I drop tanks (1292 nm).
ata Annex 1990-91
MB.326GB Attack
Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: .5 (.5) High: 389 (1.6) 389 (1.6) Cannon ATA: 0 DelATA: 2 (1)
Argentina Sensors: celling: 8655 meters Sensors:
Weather radar with SS capability. endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: N None. Ballistic bombsight.
Performance: cruise Range: 1912 nm Internal Fuel: ? Performance:
A-40 Skyhawk Attack Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) ordnance Loadouts: Payload: O kg Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Cannon ATA: 2 Del ATA: 2.5 (1.0) ----Throttle Setting----- None. ----Thronle Setting-----
Sensors: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
None. Ballistic bombsight. Attack
VLow: 545 (2.3) 545 (2.3) 1A.58A Pucara VLow: 468 (2.0) 468 (2.0)
Performance: Med: 4 78 (2.0) 545 (2.3) Del ATA: .5 (.5) Med: 430 (1.8) 455 (1.9)
cannon ATA: 2
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) High: 478 (2.0) 545 (2.3) High: 430 (1.8) 440 (1.8)
- - - - Throttle Setting----- Ceiling: 11855 meters None. Ballistic bombsighl Ceiling: 11900 meters
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Endurance: lnllight Refuel?: N
VLow: 600 (2.5) 600 (2.5) Cruise Range: 6493 nm Internal Fuel: 73619 kg Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cruise Range: 1000 nm lnternel Fuel: 1111 kg
Med: 410 (1.7) 558 (2.3) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 40324 kg Thronle Setting----- Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
High: 410 (1.7) 516 (2.2) None. Full Mil. Reheat Drop Tank 265 kg 119 nm
Altitude Cruise
Ceiling: 11250 meters 290 (1.2) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1814 kg
VLow: 232 (1.0)
'!I Endurance: lnllight Refuel?: Y 270(1.1)
Cruise Range: 970 nm Internal Fuel: 2469 kg
C-130H Hercules Med: 232(1.0) Cannon: None.
Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: .5 (.5) High: 250 (1.0) 250 (1.0) • 2 Mk82 500 lb bombs and 8 Zuni 5" rockets (900 nm).
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add Ceiling: 10000 meters , • 2 SA 10 cannon pods and 4 Mk 82 500 lb bombs (900 nm).
300 USG drop tank 926 kg 182 nm Sensors:
Weather radar. Endurance: lnllight Refuel?: N • 6 Mk82 500 lb bombs (900 nm).
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2723 kg Cruise Range: 1325 nm Internal Fuel: 1020 kg • 2 drop tanks and 4 Mk82 500 lb bombs (1114 nm).
Cannon: 2 Mk12 20mm. Performance:
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
• 3 300 USG drop tank, 2 Mk84 2000 lb bombs or Martin Pescador (1364
----Throttle Setting----- 330 I drop tank 264 kg 171 nm MB.339A Attack
nm). t 200 I drop tank 958 kg 622 nm
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: 2 (1)
• 1 300 USG drop tank, 4 Mk82 500 lb bombs or LAU-69 (1200 nm). Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1620 kg
• 3 Mk84 2000 lb bombs (873 nm). VLow: 300 (1.2) 330 (1.4) Sensors:
Med: 300 (1.2) 330 (1.4) Cannon: 2 20mm and 412.7mm mg. None. No RWR. Basic bombsight.
Remarks: 112125 kg bombs or 3 LAU-69 rocket pods or 4 400 kg bombs (1192 nm).
Based on A-48. High: 330 (1.4) 330 (1.4) Performance:
Celling: 10060 meters 1 2 330 I drop tanks and 6 125 kg bombs (1500 nm). Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase)
Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: Y I 1 1200 I drop tank and 2 400 kg bombs or 6 125 kg bombs (1752 nm). - - - - Throttle Setting-----
Agusta A.109 Attack Cruise Range: 2046 nm Internal Fuel: 20520 kg Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Cannon ATA: 2 Del ATA: 2.0 (1.5) Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add KC-130H Hercules Tanker VLow: 485 (2.0) 485 (2.0)
Sensors: Fixed external tank 4197 kg 209nm Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: .5 (.5) Med: 430 (1.8) 441 (1.8)
None. Payload: 19356 kg High: 430 (1.8) 441 (1.8)
Ordnance Loadouts:
Performance: None. 2 fixed external tanks carried. Ceiling: 14630 meters
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: N
----Throttle Setting----- Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cruise Range: 950 nm Internal Fuel: 1100 kg
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Canberra B.62 Attack
Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 1 (.5) Throttle Setting----- Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add
VLow: 125 (0.5) 167 (0.7) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Drop tank 260 kg 112 nm
Med: 125(0.5) 167(0.7) Sensors:
None. Ballistic bombsighl. VLow: 300 (1.2) 330 (1.4) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1815 kg
Celllng: 4450 meters Med: 300(1.2) 330 (1.4) None.
Endurance: lnllight Refuel?: N Performance:
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) High: 330 (1.4) 330(1.4)
Cruise Range: 446 nm Internal Fuel: 300 kg
Thronle Setting - - - - - Ceiling: 10060 meters Nesher Attack
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Endurance: lnftight Refuel?: N/1
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon ATA: 3 Del ATA: 3 (1.5)
Internal aux ferry tank 135 kg 201 nm Cruise Range: 5883 nm Internal Fuel: 40024 kg
VLow: 450 (1.9) 450(1.9) Sensors:
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 344 kg Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
Med: 350 (1.5) 460 (1.9) RWR. Basic bombsight.
Cannon: 2 7.62mm miniguns. Drop Tank 4197kg 308nm
High: 350 (1.5) 470 (2.0) Performance:
• 2 AL-6-70 rocket pods (446 nm). Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:?
Ceiling: 14630 meters Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
.Remarks: None.
Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: N - - - - Throttle Setting-----
Helicopter. Remarks:
Cruise Range: 3153 nm Internal Fuel: 8267 kg Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Tanker version of C-130H; uses internal fuel, 2 drop tanks, fuel tank in cargo VLow: 600 (2.5) 600 (2.5) 725 (3.0)
Bell 212 Transpon Drop Tank 886 kg 169 nm compartment with 11110 kg fuel. All fuel can be used by aircraft. Med: 516 (2.2) 675 (2.8) 962 (4.0)
Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: 1.5 (1.5) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2724 (int) kg High: 516(2.2) 750(3.1) 1260 (5.2)
Sensors: • 8 454 kg bombs (2837 nm). Learjet 35A Reece Celllng: 17000 meters
None. • 2 drop tanks, 6 454 kg bombs or 8 227 kg bombs (3141 nm). Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: 1.5 (1.5) Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: N
Performance: Sensors: Cruise Range: 1040 nm Internal Fuel: 2720 kg
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Sperry Primus 300SL weather radar. Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
Throttle Setting - - - - - Electra Transport
Performance: 625 L drop tank 499 kg 95nm
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: .5 (.5)
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) 1300 L drop tank 1038 kg 198 nm
VLow: 100 (0.4) 110 (0.5) Sensors:
Throttle Setting - - - - - 1700 L drop tank 1358 kg 260nm
Med: 100 (0.4) 110 (0.5) Al least one aircraft configured for Sigint role (ESM).
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4500 kg
Ceiling: 3960 meters VLow: 470 (2.0) 470 (2.0) Cannon: 2 30mm DEFA 552A.
Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: N M_ed: 418(1.7) 470 (2.0) • 2 AIM-9 and 2 454 kg bombs (936 nm).
Cruise Range: 227 nm Internal Fuel: 663 kg High: 418(1.7) 470 (2.0) • 6 400 kg bombs (936 nm).
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:? Ceiling: 13715 meters • 2 AIM-9 and 2 1300 I drop tanks (1292 nm).
~ Gow
P-2H Neptune ASW Performance: Intercept CP-140 Aurora ASW
Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: .5 (.5) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Del ATA: 4.5 (2) Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: .5 (.5)
Sensors: ----Throttle Setting - - - - - sensors: Sensors:
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
APS-20 radar, MAD, ESM, 66 sonobuoys. Basic bombsight. APG-65, FLIR, Laser Spot Tracker, RWR. Advanced bombsight. APS-t16 radar, FLIR, MAD, ESM, 156 sonobuoys. Basic bombsight.
Performance: Vlow: t50 (0.6) 175 (0.7) performance: Performance:
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Med: t50 (0.6) 175 (0.7) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
----Throttle Setting - - - - - Ceiling: 6705 meters ----Throttle Setting----- Throttle Setting-----
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: N Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Cruise Range: 580 nm Internal Fuel: 1063 kg
Vlow: 180 (0.8) 300 (1.2) VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 795 (3.3) Vlow: 328 (t .4) 366 (t.5)
Med: 180 (0.8) 300 (1.2) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:? Med: 490 (2.0) 685 (2.9) 9t4 (3.8) Med: 328 (t .4) 385 (t.6)
High: 300 (1.2) 300 (1.2) None. High: 490 (2.0) 720 (3.0) 1032 (4.3) High: 375 (1.6) 403 (1.7)
Ceiling: 6700 meters Celling: 15510 meters Celling: 8600 meters
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N T·34C Mentor Trainer Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: Y Endurance: fnfllght Refuel?: N
Cruise Range: 1914 nm Internal Fuel: 6789 kg Cannon ATA: o Del ATA: 1.0 (1.0) cruise Range: 1197 nm Internal Fuel: 4929 kg Cruise Range: 4405 nm Internal Fuel: 28404 kg
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Sensors: Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9070 kg
lnlernal bay ferry tank 2160 kg 609 nm None. Basic bombsight. 330 USG drop tank 1018 kg 124 nm • 8 Mk46 tarp (4405 nm).
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3630 kg Performance: Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 771 Okg • 2 B57 nuclear DB and 4 Mk46 tarp (4405 nm).
• 8 454 kg bombs and 16 Zuni 5" HVAR (914 nm). Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon: 20mm Vulcan. Remarks:
• 2 Mk46 tarp and 16 Zuni 5" HVAR (1914 nm). ----Throttle Setting----- • 4 Maverick, 1 drop tank, 2 AIM-9L (1189 nm). USA P-3C aircraft with the sensor suite of the USA S-3 Viking.
e 12147 kg DC and 16 Zuni 5" HVAR (t9t4 nm). Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat e 8 Bl755, 1 drop tank, 2 AIM-9L (1189 nm). Performance:
Vlow: t80 (0.8) 2t0 (0.9) • 4 BL755 or Mk82 bomb, 3 drop tank, 2 AIM-9L (t4t2 nm). Statistics supplemented by P-3C data.
S·2E Tracker ASW Med: t80 (0.8) 2t0 (0.9) e 4 AIM-7M, 2 AIM-9L, 1 drop tank (t 189 nm).
,, High: 2t0 (0.9) 210 (0.9) e 2 AIM-7M, 4 AIM-9L, 3 drop tanks (1412 nm).
Cannon ATA: o Del ATA: .5 (.5)
Sensors: Ceiling: 9145+ meters France
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N CH-124 Sea King
APS-38 radar in retractable radome, retractabJe MAD, ESM, 32 sonobuoys.
Cruise Range: 708 nm Internal Fuel: 401 kg
Basic bombsight. Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: t .5 (1.5) Alize
Performance: Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 544 kg ASW
Sensors: Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: .5 (.5)
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) • 2 SUU-11 BIA 7.62mm gun pods or 2 Mk82 500 lb bombs (637 nm).
AOS-tO dipping sonar, ESM. Sensors:
Throttle Setting----- • 2 LAU-69 rocket pods (637 nm). Performance:
Remarks: lguane radar (retractable), 12 sonobuoys. Basic bombsight.
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Argentina uses T-34C-1. Fifteen purchased. Performance:
Vlow: t 30 (0.5) 197 (0.8) - - - - Throttle Setting----- Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Med: t30(0.5) 197 (0.8) Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
UH-1H Transport ----Throttle Setting-----
High: t97 (0.8) 197 (0.8) t20 (0.5) 130 (0.5) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Ceiling: 6400 meters Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 1.5 (1.5) t10 (0.5) 130 (0.5) Vlow: t78(0.7) 250(1.0)
Endurance: lnlllghl Refuel?: N Sensors: Ceiling: 9900 meters Med: t78(0.7) 257(1.1)
Cruise Range: 800 nm Internal Fuel: t98t kg None. Endurance: lnflighl Refuel?: N Celling: 6300 meters
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2t82 kg Performance: Cruise Range: 483 nm Internal Fuel: 2008 kg
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Endurance: lnlllghl Refuel?: N
• 2 Mk46 torp or 4 175 kg DC internally. Ordnance loadouts: Payload: 1764 kg
----Throttle Settin!J - - - - - Cruise Range: 1350 nm Internal Fuel: 1677 kg
•And 6 Mk8 t bombs or 6 Zuni 5" HVAR or 4 Mk46 tarp (720 nm). • 4 Mk46 torpor 4 Mk11 DC (483 nm).
Altitude Cruise Full Ml7. Reheat Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 975 kg
Remarks: e 1 l4 torp, 2 175 kg DC, 2 AS. t2 (350 nm).
SA.330L Puma Transport Vlow: t10 (0.5) 1t0 (0.5) Helicopter.
Med: ttO (0.5) 110 (0.5) • 1 L4 torp, 2 EU2 250 kg bombs, 6 Zuni 5" HVAR (t350 nm).
Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 1.0 (t.O) Autohover. Canadian designation for SH-3A. e 5 t75 kg DC, 6 Zuni 5" HVAR (1350 nm).
Sensors: High: ttO (0.5) ttO (0.5) Performance: Remarks:
None. Celling: 3840 meters Specs taken from SH-3A.
lnflighl Refuel?: N Treat aircraft with extended radar as fully loaded. Takes oneA/C movement
Performance: Endurance:
Cruise Range: 280 nm Internal Fuel: 65 t kg phase to extend or retract radar.
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
CP-121 Tracker ASW
Throttle Setting----- Ordnance Loadouts:
Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: .5 (.5) AS.332F Super Puma Transport
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Remarks: Sensors:
Helicopter. Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 1.5 (1.5)
Vlow: 139 (0.6) t42 (0.6) Retractable APS-38 radar, retractable MAD boom, ESM, doppler radar, t6
Cruise and max speeds are the same. Sensors:
Med: t 39 (0.6) t42 (0.6) sonobuoys. Basic bombsight. ORB 32 radar.
Ceiling: 4800 meters Performance: Performance:
Cruise Range: 300 nm
lnllighl Refuel?: N
Internal Fuel: t 232 kg
Canada Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
----Throttle Setting-----
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase)
Throttle Setting-----
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Drop tank 279 kg 68nm Argus Mk2 ASW Vlow: t30 (0.5) 246 (1.0) Vlow: 130 (0.5) t50 (0.6)
Ferry tank t5t7kg 369nm Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: .5 (.5) Med: 130 (0.5) 2t0 (0.9) Med: t 30 (0.5) 150 (0.6)
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2500 kg Sensors: High: 210 (0.9) 2t0 (0.9) Celling: 3500 meters
None. ASV-2t radar, ESM, MAD, 32 sonobuoys. Basic bombsighl. Celling: 6950 meters Endurance: lnllight Refuel?:
Remarks: Performance: Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: N Cruise Range: 470 nm Internal Fuel: 2274 kg
Helicopter. Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Cruise Range: 780 nm Internal Fuel: 14t6kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:?
- - - - Throttle Setting----- Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. • 2 Mk46 or Murene tarp and HS-12 dipping sonar (470 nm).
Skyvan Transport Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Internal bay aux tank 3024 kg 1666 nm • 2 AM.39 Exocet or 6 AS. t5TT (470 nm).
Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: .5 (.5) Vlow: 25t (1.0) 274 (1.1) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 908 kg Remarks:
!1 • 4 175 kg DC or 2 Mk46 tarp internally.
Sensors: Med: 25t (1.0) 262 (1. t) Two auxiliary external tanks are standard on AS.332F; included in internal
None. High: 25t (1.0) 251 (1.0) •And 6 Zuni 5" HVAR or 4 Mk46 tarp or 4 Mk81 250 lb bombs (702 nm). fuel figure.
!! Ceiling: 7620 meters Remarks:
Original designation CS2F-1 (S-2A), -2, -3. Evaluation used specs for USA
ir Endurance:
Cruise Range: 5t30 nm
lnlllghl Refuel?: N
Internal Fuel: 3630 kg S-2A.
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: ?
• 4 Mk46 tarp or 2 Mk57 Nuclear DB (5t30 nm).
~ Gow
P-2H Neptune ASW Performance: Intercept CP-140 Aurora ASW
Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: .5 (.5) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Del ATA: 4.5 (2) Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: .5 (.5)
Sensors: ----Throttle Setting - - - - - sensors: Sensors:
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
APS-20 radar, MAD, ESM, 66 sonobuoys. Basic bombsight. APG-65, FLIR, Laser Spot Tracker, RWR. Advanced bombsight. APS-t16 radar, FLIR, MAD, ESM, 156 sonobuoys. Basic bombsight.
Performance: Vlow: t50 (0.6) 175 (0.7) performance: Performance:
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Med: t50 (0.6) 175 (0.7) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
----Throttle Setting - - - - - Ceiling: 6705 meters ----Throttle Setting----- Throttle Setting-----
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: N Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Cruise Range: 580 nm Internal Fuel: 1063 kg
Vlow: 180 (0.8) 300 (1.2) VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 795 (3.3) Vlow: 328 (t .4) 366 (t.5)
Med: 180 (0.8) 300 (1.2) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:? Med: 490 (2.0) 685 (2.9) 9t4 (3.8) Med: 328 (t .4) 385 (t.6)
High: 300 (1.2) 300 (1.2) None. High: 490 (2.0) 720 (3.0) 1032 (4.3) High: 375 (1.6) 403 (1.7)
Ceiling: 6700 meters Celling: 15510 meters Celling: 8600 meters
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N T·34C Mentor Trainer Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: Y Endurance: fnfllght Refuel?: N
Cruise Range: 1914 nm Internal Fuel: 6789 kg Cannon ATA: o Del ATA: 1.0 (1.0) cruise Range: 1197 nm Internal Fuel: 4929 kg Cruise Range: 4405 nm Internal Fuel: 28404 kg
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Sensors: Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9070 kg
lnlernal bay ferry tank 2160 kg 609 nm None. Basic bombsight. 330 USG drop tank 1018 kg 124 nm • 8 Mk46 tarp (4405 nm).
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3630 kg Performance: Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 771 Okg • 2 B57 nuclear DB and 4 Mk46 tarp (4405 nm).
• 8 454 kg bombs and 16 Zuni 5" HVAR (914 nm). Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon: 20mm Vulcan. Remarks:
• 2 Mk46 tarp and 16 Zuni 5" HVAR (1914 nm). ----Throttle Setting----- • 4 Maverick, 1 drop tank, 2 AIM-9L (1189 nm). USA P-3C aircraft with the sensor suite of the USA S-3 Viking.
e 12147 kg DC and 16 Zuni 5" HVAR (t9t4 nm). Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat e 8 Bl755, 1 drop tank, 2 AIM-9L (1189 nm). Performance:
Vlow: t80 (0.8) 2t0 (0.9) • 4 BL755 or Mk82 bomb, 3 drop tank, 2 AIM-9L (t4t2 nm). Statistics supplemented by P-3C data.
S·2E Tracker ASW Med: t80 (0.8) 2t0 (0.9) e 4 AIM-7M, 2 AIM-9L, 1 drop tank (t 189 nm).
,, High: 2t0 (0.9) 210 (0.9) e 2 AIM-7M, 4 AIM-9L, 3 drop tanks (1412 nm).
Cannon ATA: o Del ATA: .5 (.5)
Sensors: Ceiling: 9145+ meters France
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N CH-124 Sea King
APS-38 radar in retractable radome, retractabJe MAD, ESM, 32 sonobuoys.
Cruise Range: 708 nm Internal Fuel: 401 kg
Basic bombsight. Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: t .5 (1.5) Alize
Performance: Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 544 kg ASW
Sensors: Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: .5 (.5)
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) • 2 SUU-11 BIA 7.62mm gun pods or 2 Mk82 500 lb bombs (637 nm).
AOS-tO dipping sonar, ESM. Sensors:
Throttle Setting----- • 2 LAU-69 rocket pods (637 nm). Performance:
Remarks: lguane radar (retractable), 12 sonobuoys. Basic bombsight.
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Argentina uses T-34C-1. Fifteen purchased. Performance:
Vlow: t 30 (0.5) 197 (0.8) - - - - Throttle Setting----- Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Med: t30(0.5) 197 (0.8) Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
UH-1H Transport ----Throttle Setting-----
High: t97 (0.8) 197 (0.8) t20 (0.5) 130 (0.5) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Ceiling: 6400 meters Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 1.5 (1.5) t10 (0.5) 130 (0.5) Vlow: t78(0.7) 250(1.0)
Endurance: lnlllghl Refuel?: N Sensors: Ceiling: 9900 meters Med: t78(0.7) 257(1.1)
Cruise Range: 800 nm Internal Fuel: t98t kg None. Endurance: lnflighl Refuel?: N Celling: 6300 meters
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2t82 kg Performance: Cruise Range: 483 nm Internal Fuel: 2008 kg
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Endurance: lnlllghl Refuel?: N
• 2 Mk46 torp or 4 175 kg DC internally. Ordnance loadouts: Payload: 1764 kg
----Throttle Settin!J - - - - - Cruise Range: 1350 nm Internal Fuel: 1677 kg
•And 6 Mk8 t bombs or 6 Zuni 5" HVAR or 4 Mk46 tarp (720 nm). • 4 Mk46 torpor 4 Mk11 DC (483 nm).
Altitude Cruise Full Ml7. Reheat Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 975 kg
Remarks: e 1 l4 torp, 2 175 kg DC, 2 AS. t2 (350 nm).
SA.330L Puma Transport Vlow: t10 (0.5) 1t0 (0.5) Helicopter.
Med: ttO (0.5) 110 (0.5) • 1 L4 torp, 2 EU2 250 kg bombs, 6 Zuni 5" HVAR (t350 nm).
Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 1.0 (t.O) Autohover. Canadian designation for SH-3A. e 5 t75 kg DC, 6 Zuni 5" HVAR (1350 nm).
Sensors: High: ttO (0.5) ttO (0.5) Performance: Remarks:
None. Celling: 3840 meters Specs taken from SH-3A.
lnflighl Refuel?: N Treat aircraft with extended radar as fully loaded. Takes oneA/C movement
Performance: Endurance:
Cruise Range: 280 nm Internal Fuel: 65 t kg phase to extend or retract radar.
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
CP-121 Tracker ASW
Throttle Setting----- Ordnance Loadouts:
Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: .5 (.5) AS.332F Super Puma Transport
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Remarks: Sensors:
Helicopter. Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 1.5 (1.5)
Vlow: 139 (0.6) t42 (0.6) Retractable APS-38 radar, retractable MAD boom, ESM, doppler radar, t6
Cruise and max speeds are the same. Sensors:
Med: t 39 (0.6) t42 (0.6) sonobuoys. Basic bombsight. ORB 32 radar.
Ceiling: 4800 meters Performance: Performance:
Cruise Range: 300 nm
lnllighl Refuel?: N
Internal Fuel: t 232 kg
Canada Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
----Throttle Setting-----
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase)
Throttle Setting-----
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Drop tank 279 kg 68nm Argus Mk2 ASW Vlow: t30 (0.5) 246 (1.0) Vlow: 130 (0.5) t50 (0.6)
Ferry tank t5t7kg 369nm Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: .5 (.5) Med: 130 (0.5) 2t0 (0.9) Med: t 30 (0.5) 150 (0.6)
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2500 kg Sensors: High: 210 (0.9) 2t0 (0.9) Celling: 3500 meters
None. ASV-2t radar, ESM, MAD, 32 sonobuoys. Basic bombsighl. Celling: 6950 meters Endurance: lnllight Refuel?:
Remarks: Performance: Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: N Cruise Range: 470 nm Internal Fuel: 2274 kg
Helicopter. Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Cruise Range: 780 nm Internal Fuel: 14t6kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:?
- - - - Throttle Setting----- Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. • 2 Mk46 or Murene tarp and HS-12 dipping sonar (470 nm).
Skyvan Transport Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Internal bay aux tank 3024 kg 1666 nm • 2 AM.39 Exocet or 6 AS. t5TT (470 nm).
Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: .5 (.5) Vlow: 25t (1.0) 274 (1.1) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 908 kg Remarks:
!1 • 4 175 kg DC or 2 Mk46 tarp internally.
Sensors: Med: 25t (1.0) 262 (1. t) Two auxiliary external tanks are standard on AS.332F; included in internal
None. High: 25t (1.0) 251 (1.0) •And 6 Zuni 5" HVAR or 4 Mk46 tarp or 4 Mk81 250 lb bombs (702 nm). fuel figure.
!! Ceiling: 7620 meters Remarks:
Original designation CS2F-1 (S-2A), -2, -3. Evaluation used specs for USA
ir Endurance:
Cruise Range: 5t30 nm
lnlllghl Refuel?: N
Internal Fuel: 3630 kg S-2A.
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: ?
• 4 Mk46 tarp or 2 Mk57 Nuclear DB (5t30 nm).
ceiling: 18000 meters Performance:
Atlantic ASW Performance: Endurance: lnfllghl Refuel?: Y Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Def ATA: .5 (.5) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) cruise Range: 840 nm Internal Fuel: 3036 kg ----Throttle Setting-----
Cannon ATA: 0
----Throttle Setting----- orop Tank Desc. Fus/Wt. Range Add. Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
DRAA-28 radar in retractable radome, MAD, ESM, 100+ sonobuoys. Basic Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat 1700 L drop tank 1358 kg 188 nm VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 791 (3.3)
VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 792 (3.3) t 300 L drop tank 1038 kg 144 nm Med: 479 (2.0) 700 (2.9) 1026 (4.3)
Med: 486 (2.0) 675 (2.8) 912 (3.8) Ordnance Loadout9: Payload: 6000 kg High: 479 (2.0) 750 (3.1)
Performance: 1262 (5.3)
High: 486 (2.0) 700 (2.9) 1033 (4.3) cannon: 2 DEFA 554 301)1m. Ceiling: 20000 meters
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
----Throttle Setting - - - - - Celling: 18000 meters • 2 AM.39 Exocet, 1 1300 L drop tank (885 nm). Endurance: lnfllghl Refuel?: Y
Reheat Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y e 1300 L drop tank, 2 ARMAT, 2 R.550 Magic (885 nm). Cruise Range: 1160 nm Internal Fuel: 3435 kg
Altitude Cruise Full Mil.
Cruise Range: 1300 nm Internal Fuel: 4234 kg e 1 1300 L drop tank, 2 R.5300, 2 R.550 Magic (885 nm). Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt.
VLow: 290 (1.2) 320 (1.3) Range Add.
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2269 kg
Med: 290 (1.2) 335 (1.4) 0 4 Belouga, 2 1700 L drop tank, 2 R.550 Magic (1094 nm). 1160 L drop tank 927 kg 157nm
High: 350 (1.5) 350 (1.5) Cannon: 4 Mk12 20mm. o 18 EU2 250 kg bombs (756 nm). 2300 L drop tank 1837 kg 310nm
Ceiling: 10000 meters • 2 R.530 or R.550 Magic (1300 nm). Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6300 kg
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N
All weather. Aircraltwill be reworked starting in 1993. Will add RWR, Cyrano
Attack Cannon: 2 30mm DEFA 553.
Cruise Range: 3200 nm Internal Fuel: 18470 kg DefATA: 3 (1.5) • 2 2300 L drop tank, 1 AM.39 Exocet, 2 R.550 Magic (1602 nm).
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3000 kg IV radar viceAPQ-104, Super 530F vice R.530. e 1 ATLIS II pod, 2 AS.30L, 2 R.550 Magic (1044 nm).
• 12 175 kg DC or 4 L4 torp or 8 Mk46 torp internally. Aida II and Laser RF or Agave radar (depends on customer). Ballistic bomb- • 1 1160 L drop tenk, 2 Armat or R.530F, 2 R.550 Magic (1185 nm)c
•And 4 AS.12 or AS.37 or 6 Zuni 5" HVAR extemally (2880 nm). Jaguar A sight. • 6 Belouga, 2 R.550 Magic (1044 nm).
Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 3.5 (2) Performance: • 1 1160 L drop tank, 6 EU2 250 kg bomb, 2 R.550 Magic (1185 nm).
Atlantique 2 ASW Sensors: Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Def ATA: .5 (.5) RWR. Ballistic bombsight. ----Throttle Setting----- Mirage lllE Intercept
Cannon ATA: 0
Sensors: Performance: Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 3 (1.5)
lguane radar in retractable radome, FUR turret, MAD, ESM, 100+ sonobuoys. Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) 600 (2.5) 600 (2.5) 725 (3.0) Sensors:
----Throttle Setting----- 516 (2.2) 670 (2.8) 962 (4.0) Cyrano II radar, RWR. Basic bombsight.
Basic bombsight.
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat High: 516 (2.2) 740 (3.1) 1200 (5.0) Performance:
VLow: 600 (2.5) 600 (2.5) 725 (3.0) Celling: 17000 meters Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
----Throttle Setting----- Med: 373 (1.6) 650 (2. 7) 822 (3.4) Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N ----Throttle Setting-----
Reheat High: 373 (1.6) 700 (2.9) 918 (3.8) Cruise Range: 1040 nm Internal Fuel: 2720 kg A/fftude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Altitude Cruise Full Mil.
VLow: 290 (1.2) 320 (1.3) Celling: 14000 meters Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. VLow: 625 (2.6) 625 (2.6) 750 (3.1)
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: Y 1200 L drop tenk 959 kg 183 nm Med: 516 (2.2) 688 (2.9) 1005 (4.2)
Med: 290 (1.2) 335 (1.4)
Cruise Range: 1000 nm Internal Fuel: 3355 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4500 kg High: 516 (2.2) 750 (3.1) 1260 (5.2)
High: 350 (1.5) 350 (1.5)
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Cannon: 2 30mm DEFA 553. Ceiling: 17000 meters
Ceiling: 9100 meters
1200 L drop tank 959kg 143 nm o 1 AS.30 or AS.37 and 2 EU3 450 kg bombs (936 nm). Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N
Cruise Range: 3200 nm Internal Fuel: 18470 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4500 kg o 1 AS.30 or AS.37 and 2 1200 L drop tanks (1265 nm). Cruise Range: 900 nm Internal Fuel: 2350 kg
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:3000kg int, 3500 kg ext Cannon: 2 DEFA 553 30mm. • 2 Matra 155 rocket pods, 2 EU3 450 kg bombs, 2 R.550 Magic (936 nm). Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
• 1 AS.37 Martel, 2 959 kg dt, 1 Phimat, 1 Barracuda (1157 nm). o 21200 L drop tanks, 2 R.550 Magic (1265 nm). 625 L drop tank 499 kg 96nm
• 2 AM.39 or 4 L4 torpor 8 Mk46 torpor 7 Murene torp internally.
• 12 175 kg DC or 2 Nuclear DB internally. • Atlis II pod, 2 AS.30L, 1 Phimat, 1 Barracuda (900 nm). o 8 EU3 450 kg bombs (936 nm). 1300 L drop tank 1038 kg 199nm
• 2 AM.39 or 4 ARMAT or AS.12 or r.550 Magic extemally (2880 nm). • 1 AN52, 2 959 kg dt, 1 Phimat, 1 Barracuda (900 nm). 1700 L drop tank 1358 kg 260 nm
• 3 EU3 450kg bomb, 2 959 kg di, 1 Phimat, 1 Barracuda (1157 nm). Mirage 50 Attack Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg
• 5 EU3 450kg bomb, 1 Phimat, 1 Barracuda (900 nm). Cannon: 2 30mm DEFA 552.
Etendard IV P/IV M Atk/Recce Cannon ATA: 3.5 Def ATA: 3 (1.5)
Del ATA: 3 (1.5) Sensors: • 1 R.530 and 2 R.550 Magic (810 nm).
Cannon ATA: 2
LynxMk4 ASW Agave or Cyrano IVM radar (depends on customer), AWA. Ballistic bomb- • 1 AS.37 Martel, 21700 L drop tanks and 2 R.550 Magic (1278 nm).
Aida 7 radar. IV P has 5 cameras. Ballistic bombslght. Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 1.5 (1.5) sight. • 4 EU3 450 kg bombs (810 nm).
Sensors: Performance: • 1 AN52 nuclear bomb and 2 1700 L drop tanks (1278 nm).
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) DUAV-4 sonar (optional), ORB31WA radar. Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
----Throttle Setting----- Performance: Throttle Setting - - - - - P·2H Neptune ASW
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Attitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: 0.5 (0.5)
----Throttle Setting - - - - - VLow: 625 (2.6) 625 (2.6) 750 (3.1) Sensors:
VLow: 600 (2.5) 600 (2.5)
Med: 443 (1.8) 595 (2.5) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Med: 516 (2.2) 688 (2.9) 1006 (4.2) APS-20 radar, MAD, ESM, 66 sonobuoys. Basic bombsight.
High: 443 (1.8) 590 (2.5) VLow: 125 (0.5) 180 (0.8) High: 516 (2.2) 750 (3.1) 1262 (5.3) Performance:
Ceiling: 15500 meters Med: 125 (0.5) 180 (0.8) Ceiling: 18000 meters Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y Ceiling: 3658 meters Endurance: lnnight Refuel?: N Throttle Setting - - - - -
Internal Fuel: 2142 kg Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Cruise Range: 1150 nm Internal Fuel: 2720 kg Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Cruise Range: 660 nm
Fuel Wt. Range Add. Cruise Range: 320 nm Internal Fuel: 733 kg Qrop Tank Dose. Fuel Wt. Range Add. VLow: 180 (0.8) 260(1.1)
Drop Tank Desc.
479 kg 74nm Ordnanca Loedouts: Payload: 1360 kg 1700 L Drop tank 1358 kg 287nm Med: 180 (0.8) 260(1.1)
Drop Tank
Payload: 1360 kg • 2 Mk46 torpor 2 Mk11 DC or 4 AS.12 (288 nm). Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg High: 300 (1.2) 300 (1.2)
Ordnance Loadouts:
Cannon: (IV) 1 30mm DEFA 552. Remarks: Cannon: 2 30mm DEFA 552A. Celling: 6700 meters
e 2 AS.30 or EU3 450 kg bombs, 2 AIM-9L (660 nm). Helicopter. • 1 AS.30 or AS.37 and 2 EU3 450 kg bombs (936 nm). Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N
• 4 Matra 150 rocket pods (660 nm). • 1 AS.30 or AS.37 and 2 1200 L drop tanks (1265 nm). Cruise Range: 1914 nm Internal Fuel: 6789 kg
• 2 479 kg drop tanks 2 Matra 150 or 2 AIM-9 (808 nm). Mirage 2000 Intercept • 2 Matra 155 rocket pods, 2 EU3 450 kg bombs, 2 R.550 Magic (936 nm). Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add
• 2 EU3 450 kg bomb, 2 EU2 225 kg bomb (660 nm). Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 4.5 (2) • 21200 L drop tanks, 2 R.550 Magic (1265 nm). Internal bay tank 2160 kg 609nm
Remarks: Sensors: • 8 EU3 450 kg bombs (936 nm). Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: ?
One 30mm cannon normally removed to make room for TACAN gear. IV M ADI radar (interceptor). RWR. Advanced bombsight. • 2 L4 or Mk46 torp and 16 Zuni 5" HVAR (1914 nm).
is attack, IV P is both recce and tanker. IV P is unarmed. Performance: Mirage F.1 c Intercept • 1 Mk101 nuclear DB and 16 Zuni 5" HVAR (1914 nm).
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 4 (2)
F-BE (FN) Crusader Intercept Throttle Setting----- Sensors: Rafale M Intercept
Def ATA: 3.5 (3.5) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cyrano IVM radar (-200 has IVMR), RWR. Ballistic bombsight. Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 5 (2.5)
Cannon ATA: 3
VLow: 660 (2.8) 660 (2.8) 800 (3.3) Sensors;
Med: 516 (2.2) 705 (2.9) 1031 (4.3) ROX LD/SD radar, FLIR, LRMTS, RWR. Advanced bombsight.
APQ-104 radar. Basic bombsight.
High: 516 (2.2) 750 (3.1) 1262 (5.3)
ceiling: 18000 meters Performance:
Atlantic ASW Performance: Endurance: lnfllghl Refuel?: Y Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Def ATA: .5 (.5) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) cruise Range: 840 nm Internal Fuel: 3036 kg ----Throttle Setting-----
Cannon ATA: 0
----Throttle Setting----- orop Tank Desc. Fus/Wt. Range Add. Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
DRAA-28 radar in retractable radome, MAD, ESM, 100+ sonobuoys. Basic Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat 1700 L drop tank 1358 kg 188 nm VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 791 (3.3)
VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 792 (3.3) t 300 L drop tank 1038 kg 144 nm Med: 479 (2.0) 700 (2.9) 1026 (4.3)
Med: 486 (2.0) 675 (2.8) 912 (3.8) Ordnance Loadout9: Payload: 6000 kg High: 479 (2.0) 750 (3.1)
Performance: 1262 (5.3)
High: 486 (2.0) 700 (2.9) 1033 (4.3) cannon: 2 DEFA 554 301)1m. Ceiling: 20000 meters
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
----Throttle Setting - - - - - Celling: 18000 meters • 2 AM.39 Exocet, 1 1300 L drop tank (885 nm). Endurance: lnfllghl Refuel?: Y
Reheat Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y e 1300 L drop tank, 2 ARMAT, 2 R.550 Magic (885 nm). Cruise Range: 1160 nm Internal Fuel: 3435 kg
Altitude Cruise Full Mil.
Cruise Range: 1300 nm Internal Fuel: 4234 kg e 1 1300 L drop tank, 2 R.5300, 2 R.550 Magic (885 nm). Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt.
VLow: 290 (1.2) 320 (1.3) Range Add.
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2269 kg
Med: 290 (1.2) 335 (1.4) 0 4 Belouga, 2 1700 L drop tank, 2 R.550 Magic (1094 nm). 1160 L drop tank 927 kg 157nm
High: 350 (1.5) 350 (1.5) Cannon: 4 Mk12 20mm. o 18 EU2 250 kg bombs (756 nm). 2300 L drop tank 1837 kg 310nm
Ceiling: 10000 meters • 2 R.530 or R.550 Magic (1300 nm). Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6300 kg
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N
All weather. Aircraltwill be reworked starting in 1993. Will add RWR, Cyrano
Attack Cannon: 2 30mm DEFA 553.
Cruise Range: 3200 nm Internal Fuel: 18470 kg DefATA: 3 (1.5) • 2 2300 L drop tank, 1 AM.39 Exocet, 2 R.550 Magic (1602 nm).
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3000 kg IV radar viceAPQ-104, Super 530F vice R.530. e 1 ATLIS II pod, 2 AS.30L, 2 R.550 Magic (1044 nm).
• 12 175 kg DC or 4 L4 torp or 8 Mk46 torp internally. Aida II and Laser RF or Agave radar (depends on customer). Ballistic bomb- • 1 1160 L drop tenk, 2 Armat or R.530F, 2 R.550 Magic (1185 nm)c
•And 4 AS.12 or AS.37 or 6 Zuni 5" HVAR extemally (2880 nm). Jaguar A sight. • 6 Belouga, 2 R.550 Magic (1044 nm).
Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 3.5 (2) Performance: • 1 1160 L drop tank, 6 EU2 250 kg bomb, 2 R.550 Magic (1185 nm).
Atlantique 2 ASW Sensors: Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Def ATA: .5 (.5) RWR. Ballistic bombsight. ----Throttle Setting----- Mirage lllE Intercept
Cannon ATA: 0
Sensors: Performance: Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 3 (1.5)
lguane radar in retractable radome, FUR turret, MAD, ESM, 100+ sonobuoys. Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) 600 (2.5) 600 (2.5) 725 (3.0) Sensors:
----Throttle Setting----- 516 (2.2) 670 (2.8) 962 (4.0) Cyrano II radar, RWR. Basic bombsight.
Basic bombsight.
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat High: 516 (2.2) 740 (3.1) 1200 (5.0) Performance:
VLow: 600 (2.5) 600 (2.5) 725 (3.0) Celling: 17000 meters Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
----Throttle Setting----- Med: 373 (1.6) 650 (2. 7) 822 (3.4) Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N ----Throttle Setting-----
Reheat High: 373 (1.6) 700 (2.9) 918 (3.8) Cruise Range: 1040 nm Internal Fuel: 2720 kg A/fftude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Altitude Cruise Full Mil.
VLow: 290 (1.2) 320 (1.3) Celling: 14000 meters Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. VLow: 625 (2.6) 625 (2.6) 750 (3.1)
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: Y 1200 L drop tenk 959 kg 183 nm Med: 516 (2.2) 688 (2.9) 1005 (4.2)
Med: 290 (1.2) 335 (1.4)
Cruise Range: 1000 nm Internal Fuel: 3355 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4500 kg High: 516 (2.2) 750 (3.1) 1260 (5.2)
High: 350 (1.5) 350 (1.5)
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Cannon: 2 30mm DEFA 553. Ceiling: 17000 meters
Ceiling: 9100 meters
1200 L drop tank 959kg 143 nm o 1 AS.30 or AS.37 and 2 EU3 450 kg bombs (936 nm). Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N
Cruise Range: 3200 nm Internal Fuel: 18470 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4500 kg o 1 AS.30 or AS.37 and 2 1200 L drop tanks (1265 nm). Cruise Range: 900 nm Internal Fuel: 2350 kg
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:3000kg int, 3500 kg ext Cannon: 2 DEFA 553 30mm. • 2 Matra 155 rocket pods, 2 EU3 450 kg bombs, 2 R.550 Magic (936 nm). Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
• 1 AS.37 Martel, 2 959 kg dt, 1 Phimat, 1 Barracuda (1157 nm). o 21200 L drop tanks, 2 R.550 Magic (1265 nm). 625 L drop tank 499 kg 96nm
• 2 AM.39 or 4 L4 torpor 8 Mk46 torpor 7 Murene torp internally.
• 12 175 kg DC or 2 Nuclear DB internally. • Atlis II pod, 2 AS.30L, 1 Phimat, 1 Barracuda (900 nm). o 8 EU3 450 kg bombs (936 nm). 1300 L drop tank 1038 kg 199nm
• 2 AM.39 or 4 ARMAT or AS.12 or r.550 Magic extemally (2880 nm). • 1 AN52, 2 959 kg dt, 1 Phimat, 1 Barracuda (900 nm). 1700 L drop tank 1358 kg 260 nm
• 3 EU3 450kg bomb, 2 959 kg di, 1 Phimat, 1 Barracuda (1157 nm). Mirage 50 Attack Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg
• 5 EU3 450kg bomb, 1 Phimat, 1 Barracuda (900 nm). Cannon: 2 30mm DEFA 552.
Etendard IV P/IV M Atk/Recce Cannon ATA: 3.5 Def ATA: 3 (1.5)
Del ATA: 3 (1.5) Sensors: • 1 R.530 and 2 R.550 Magic (810 nm).
Cannon ATA: 2
LynxMk4 ASW Agave or Cyrano IVM radar (depends on customer), AWA. Ballistic bomb- • 1 AS.37 Martel, 21700 L drop tanks and 2 R.550 Magic (1278 nm).
Aida 7 radar. IV P has 5 cameras. Ballistic bombslght. Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 1.5 (1.5) sight. • 4 EU3 450 kg bombs (810 nm).
Sensors: Performance: • 1 AN52 nuclear bomb and 2 1700 L drop tanks (1278 nm).
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) DUAV-4 sonar (optional), ORB31WA radar. Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
----Throttle Setting----- Performance: Throttle Setting - - - - - P·2H Neptune ASW
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Attitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: 0.5 (0.5)
----Throttle Setting - - - - - VLow: 625 (2.6) 625 (2.6) 750 (3.1) Sensors:
VLow: 600 (2.5) 600 (2.5)
Med: 443 (1.8) 595 (2.5) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Med: 516 (2.2) 688 (2.9) 1006 (4.2) APS-20 radar, MAD, ESM, 66 sonobuoys. Basic bombsight.
High: 443 (1.8) 590 (2.5) VLow: 125 (0.5) 180 (0.8) High: 516 (2.2) 750 (3.1) 1262 (5.3) Performance:
Ceiling: 15500 meters Med: 125 (0.5) 180 (0.8) Ceiling: 18000 meters Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y Ceiling: 3658 meters Endurance: lnnight Refuel?: N Throttle Setting - - - - -
Internal Fuel: 2142 kg Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Cruise Range: 1150 nm Internal Fuel: 2720 kg Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Cruise Range: 660 nm
Fuel Wt. Range Add. Cruise Range: 320 nm Internal Fuel: 733 kg Qrop Tank Dose. Fuel Wt. Range Add. VLow: 180 (0.8) 260(1.1)
Drop Tank Desc.
479 kg 74nm Ordnanca Loedouts: Payload: 1360 kg 1700 L Drop tank 1358 kg 287nm Med: 180 (0.8) 260(1.1)
Drop Tank
Payload: 1360 kg • 2 Mk46 torpor 2 Mk11 DC or 4 AS.12 (288 nm). Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg High: 300 (1.2) 300 (1.2)
Ordnance Loadouts:
Cannon: (IV) 1 30mm DEFA 552. Remarks: Cannon: 2 30mm DEFA 552A. Celling: 6700 meters
e 2 AS.30 or EU3 450 kg bombs, 2 AIM-9L (660 nm). Helicopter. • 1 AS.30 or AS.37 and 2 EU3 450 kg bombs (936 nm). Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N
• 4 Matra 150 rocket pods (660 nm). • 1 AS.30 or AS.37 and 2 1200 L drop tanks (1265 nm). Cruise Range: 1914 nm Internal Fuel: 6789 kg
• 2 479 kg drop tanks 2 Matra 150 or 2 AIM-9 (808 nm). Mirage 2000 Intercept • 2 Matra 155 rocket pods, 2 EU3 450 kg bombs, 2 R.550 Magic (936 nm). Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add
• 2 EU3 450 kg bomb, 2 EU2 225 kg bomb (660 nm). Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 4.5 (2) • 21200 L drop tanks, 2 R.550 Magic (1265 nm). Internal bay tank 2160 kg 609nm
Remarks: Sensors: • 8 EU3 450 kg bombs (936 nm). Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: ?
One 30mm cannon normally removed to make room for TACAN gear. IV M ADI radar (interceptor). RWR. Advanced bombsight. • 2 L4 or Mk46 torp and 16 Zuni 5" HVAR (1914 nm).
is attack, IV P is both recce and tanker. IV P is unarmed. Performance: Mirage F.1 c Intercept • 1 Mk101 nuclear DB and 16 Zuni 5" HVAR (1914 nm).
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 4 (2)
F-BE (FN) Crusader Intercept Throttle Setting----- Sensors: Rafale M Intercept
Def ATA: 3.5 (3.5) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cyrano IVM radar (-200 has IVMR), RWR. Ballistic bombsight. Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 5 (2.5)
Cannon ATA: 3
VLow: 660 (2.8) 660 (2.8) 800 (3.3) Sensors;
Med: 516 (2.2) 705 (2.9) 1031 (4.3) ROX LD/SD radar, FLIR, LRMTS, RWR. Advanced bombsight.
APQ-104 radar. Basic bombsight.
High: 516 (2.2) 750 (3.1) 1262 (5.3)
GOW Data Annex 1990-91
n l
Performance: Performance: F·4F Phantom II Intercept Performance:
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon ATA: 4 Del ATA: 3 (1) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
----Throttle Setting----- ----Throttle Setting----- Sensors: ----Throttle Setting-----
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat AP0-100, ALR-46 RWR. Basic bombsighl. Radar will be replaced by APF-65 Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Vlow: 650 (2.7) 650 (2.7) 792 (3.3) Vlow: 140 (0.6) 165 (0.7) in 1990s. Vlow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 792 (3.3)
Med: 480 (2.0) 690 (2.9) 969 (4.0) Med: 140 (0.6) 165 (0.7) Performance: Med: 400 (1. 7) 700 (2.9) 1027 (4.3)
High: 480 (2.0) 730 (3.0) 1147 (4.8) Celling: 4575 meters Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) High: 400 (1. 7) 750 (3.1) 1262 (5.3)
Ceiling:? Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N ----Throttle Setting----- Celling: 15240 meters
Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: Y Cruise Range: 485 nm Internal Fuel: 910 kg Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: lnftlght Refuel?: Y
Cruise Range: 1000 nm Internal Fuel: 4250 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:? Vlow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 790 (3.3) Cruise Range: 1900 nm Internal Fuel: 8000 kg
Drop Tank Oesc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. • 4 AS.15TT or 2 AM.39 Exocet (436 nm). Med: 500 (2.1) 695 (2.9) 1026 (4.3) Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
2000 L Drop Tank 1598 kg 188nm Remarks: High: 500(2.1) 740(3.1) 1205 (5.0) 1500 L drop tank 1198kg 142 nm
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3500 kg Helicopter. VHigh: 500 (2.1) 740 (3.1) 1205 (5.0) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9000 kg
Cannon: 1 30mm DEFA 554. Ceiling: 16768 meters Cannon: 2 27mm Mauser.
• 6 Mica and 2 R.550 Magic 2 (900 nm). Super Etendard Attack Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N •4 Kormoran, 2AIM-9L Sidewinder, BOZ 100, Phimat chaff pod (1710 nm).
• 4 Mica and 2 R.550 Magic 2and 2 BGL400 and 2 2000 Ldroptanks (1238 Cannon ATA: 3 Del ATA: 3.5 (1.5) Cruise Range: 1330 nm Internal Fuel: 5295 kg • 2 Korrnoran, 2 1500 L drop tank, 2 AIM-9L Sidewinder, BOZ 100, Phimat
nm). Sensors: Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. chaff pod (1965 nm).
Remarks: Agave radar, RWR. Ballistic bombsighl. 600 USG drop tank 1852 kg 233nm •Buddy reluel slore, 2 1500 L drop tank, BOZ 100, Phimat chalf pod (~1965
Multiple launch vs. 8 targets atonce. IOC mld-1990s. Internal ECCM suite Performance: 370 USG drop tank 1118 kg 140 nm nm).
equivalent to -10°/o radar jamming pod. Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 7258 kg
----Throttle Setting----- Cannon: 1 20mm Vulcan. Tornado ECR Attack
SA.319B Alouette Ill ASW A/fftude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat e 15 LAU-69 rocket pods (1197 nm). Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: 2.5 (1.5)
Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 1.5 (1.5) Vlow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) • 3 Mk841000 lb bombs or 7 Mk831000 lb bcmbs (1197 nm). Sensors:
Sensors: Med: 460 (1.9) 612 (2.5) • 4 AIM-9L Sidewinder and 1 600 USG drop tank (1406 nm). ESM, FLIR, Tornado nose radar. Advanced bombsight.
None. MAD can be carried as store. High: 460 (1.9) 574 (2.4) • 18 Mk82 500 lb bombs and 2 370 USG drop tanks (1449 nm). Performance:
Performance: Celllng: 13700 meters Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: Y Lynx MkSS ASW ----Throttle Setting-----
----Throttle Setting----- Cruise Range: 1080 nm lnlernal Fuel: 2612 kg Cannon ATA: 0 DelATA: 1.5 (1.5) Altitude Cruis• Full Mil. Reheat
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Sensors: Vlow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 792 (3.3)
Vlow: 106 (0.4) 119 (0.5) 600 L drop tank 479 kg 99 nm AOS-18 dipping sonar. Med: 400 (1.7) 700 (2.9) 1027 (4.3)
Med: 106 (0.4) 119 (0.5) 625 L drop tank 499 kg 103 nm Performance: High: 400 (1.7) 750 (3.1) 1262 (5.3)
Ceiling: 3048 meters 1100 L drop tank 879 kg 182 nm Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Ceiling: 15240 meters
Endurance: lnllighl Refuel?: N Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2100 w/full int fuel kg ----Throttle Setting----- Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: Y
Cruise Range: 325 nm Internal Fuel: 457 kg •1AM.39Exocet,1600Ldroptank, 11100Ldroptank(1231 nm). Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cruise Range: 1900 nm Internal Fuel: 8000 kg
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:? • 1 600 L drop tank, 2 AS.30, 2 R.550 (1061 nm). Vlow: 125 (0.5) 180 (0.8) Drop Tank D•sc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
• 2 Mk46 torpor 1 Mk46 and MAD or 2 AS.12 (292 nm). • 4 Matra 155, 1 600 L drop tank (1061 nm). Med: 125 (0.5) 180 (0.8) 1500Ldroptank 1198kg 142nm
Remarks: e 1AN52,21100 Ldroptank (1299nm). Ceiling: 3663 meters Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9000 kg
Helicopter. • 2 1100 L drop tank, buddy refuel store (1299 nm). Endurance: lnllight Refuel?: N e 8 HARM, 1 BOZ 100, 1 Phimat(1710 nm).
Remarks: Cruise Range: 320 nm Internal Fuel: 733 kg e 2 HARM, 21500 L drop tank, 2 AIM-9L Sidewinders, 1 BOZ 100, 1 Phimat
ASW Midlife update started in 1989. Will receive Anemone radar to replace Agave, Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1360 kg (1965 nm).
SA.321 G Super Frelon
new computer, ability to_ launch laser-guided weapons. • 2 Mk46 torpor 2 Mk11 DC (288 nm). e 4 HARM, 2 1500 L drop tank, 1 BOZ 100, 1 Phimat (1965 nm).
Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 1.5 (1.5)
Remarks: Remarks:
IOC t989, 35 in service by 1991.
ORB-31 D radar, HS-12 dipping sonar, MAD. Libyan Models fitted with ORB-
32 Heracles 2 radar. PRC models have ORB-32, HS-12 dipping sonar,
Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) Performance statistics supplemented by data ror UK Lynx HAS.3.
Endurance: lnflighl Refuel?: Y Remarks: performance: e 7 ALARM, 21500 Ldrop tanks, Sky Shadow ECM pod, BOZ 100 chaff pod
Cruise Range: 600 nm Internal Fuel: 2287 kg Advanced Sea King. Used by India as Sea King Mk42B; can fire Sea Eagle. Speed In Knol9 (Nm/Phase) (2009 nm).
Drop Tank Desc_ Fuel Wt. Range Add. Uprated transmission, all-composite rotor blades, improved sonobuoy proe. ----Throttle Setting----- •8 Mk8310001b bombsorBL755, 2AIM-9L, 21500 Ldroptanks, Sky Shadow
100 Imp G drop tank 363 kg 48nm essor. IOC summer 1989. Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat ECM pod, BOZ 100 chaff (2009 nm).
190 Imp G drop tank 690 kg 91 nm VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 792 (3.3)
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3628 kg Sea King HC.4 Transport Med: 400 (1.7) 675 (2.8) 1016 (4.2) Trlstar K.1 Tanker
Cannon: 2 Aden 25mm. Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: 1.5 (1.5) High: 400(1.7) 745(3.1) 1239 (5.2) Connon ATA: O Def ATA: .5 (.5)
e 2 Sea Eagle or AS.37 Martel, 2 AIM-9L or ALARM (540 nm). Sensors: VHigh: 400(1.7) 745(3.1) 1239 (5.2) Sensors:
• 5 BL755 or 454 kg bombs or Matra 155 rocket pods (540 nm). None. VHigh: 21355 meters None.
• 2 190 Imp G drop tank, 3 BL755 or 454 kg bombs (704 nm). Performance: Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y Performance:
e 2 190 Imp G drop tank, 2 AMRAAM, 2 AIM-9L (704 nm). Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) cruise Range: 1943 nm Internal Fuel: 8000 kg Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
• 4 ALARM or AMRAAM and 2 AIM-9L (540 nm). ----Throttle Setting----- Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. ----Throttle Setting-----
Remarks: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat 1500 L drop tank 1198kg 145nm Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
V/STOL. VLow: 112 (0.5) 124 (0.5) 2250 L drop tank 1797 kg 218 nm VLow: 545 (2.3) 545 (2.3)
Capable of engaging two targets at once with AMRAAM. Can substitute ad- Med: 112 (0.5) 124 (0.5) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8500 kg Med: 480 (2.0) 545 (2.3)
ditional 2 AMRAAM for 25mm cannon in atl configurations. Celling: 3050 meters Cannon: 1 27mm Mauser cannon_ High: 480 (2.0) 545 (2.3)
Endurance: lnfllghl Refuel?: N • 4 Sky Flash, 4 AIM-9, 2 2250 L drop tank (2127 nm). Ceiling: 12800 meters
Sea King AEW.2 ASW Cruise Range: 664 nm Internal Fuel: 2904 kg • 4 2250 L drop tank, 1 refuel store (2505 nm). Endurance: lnflighl Refuel?: Y/3
Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: 1.5 (1.5) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:? Remarks: Cruise Range: 8682 nm Internal Fuel: 136080 kg
Sensors: Cannon: Cabin-mounted 7.62mm GPMG. Can engage 4 targets simultaneously w/Sky Flash. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 37784 kg
Searchwater radar, ESM. Remarks: None.
Performance: Helicopter. Tornado F.3 Intercept Remarks~
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon ATA: 2 Def ATA: 3.5 (2) Converted L-1011 airliners. Nine purchased. Two hoses under fuselage; two
Throttle Setting - - - - - Sentry AEW.1 AEW Sensors: Mk32 refueling pods under wings. Can also carry passengers or cargo.
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: .5 (.5) Foxhunter radar, ESM. Advanced bombsighl.
VLow: 90 (0.4) 110 (0.5) Sensors: Performance: Victor K.2 Tanker
Med: 90 (0.4) 110 (0.5) APY-1 radar, Yellow gate ESM pods under wingtips. Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: .5 (.5)
Ceiling: 3050 meters Performance: ----Throttle Setting - - - - - Sensors:
Endurance: lnflighl Refuel?: N Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat H2S radar, RWR.
Cruise Range: 700 nm Internal Fuel: 2904 kg ----Throttle Setting----- VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 792 (3.3) Performance:
Ordnance Loadouts: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Med: 400 (1.7) 700 (2.9) 1027 (4.3) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
None. VLow: 460(1.9) 460(1.9) High: 400(1.7) 750(3.1) 1262 (5.3) ----Throttle Setting-----
Remarks: Med: 422(1.8) 460(1.9) VHigh: 400 (1.7) 750 (3.1) 1262 (5.3) Alfftude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Helicopter. High: 422 (1.8) 460 (1.9) VHlgh: 21335 meters VLow: 530 (2.2) 530 (2.2)
Ceiling: 12200 meters Endurance: lnfllghl Refuel?: Y Med: 500 (2.1) 530 (2.2)
Sea King HAS.2/5 ASW Endurance: lnflighl Refuel?: Y Cruise Range: 1943 nm Internal Fuel: 8000 kg High: 500 (2.1) 530 (2.2)
Cannon ATA: O DefATA: 1.5 (1.5) Cruise Range: 4374 nm Internal Fuel: 73620 kg Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Celling: 16000 meters
Sensors: Ordnance Loadouts: 1500Ldroptank 1198kg 145nm Endurance: lnfllghl Refuel?: Y/3
Type 195 dipping sonar, AW.391 radar, ESM. None. 2250 L drop tank 1797 kg 218 nm Cruise Range: 3997 nm Internal Fuel: 55886 kg
Performance: Remarks: Ordnanoa Loadouls: Payload: 8500 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 0 kg
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) USA designation E-3D. Carries both probe and receptacle for inflighl refuel- e 4 Sky Flash, 4 AIM-9, 2 2250 L drop tank (2127 nm). None.
----Throttle Setting - - - - - ing. 7 planned; first arrived in late 1989. Will be based at RAF Waddington. • 4 2250 L drop tank, 1 refuel store (2505 nm). Remarks:
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat e 8 AMRAAM, 2 2250 L drop tank (2127 nm). Conversions of Victor 8.2 bombers. No two exactly alike. C/L station, one
VLow: 112 (0.5) 184 (0.8) Shackelton AEW.2 AEW Remarks: refuel pod on each wing. Can refuel one heavy aircraft or two fighters. Exter-
Med: 112 (0.5) 184 (0.8) Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: .5 (.5) Has autosweep avionics. Can engage 4 targets simultaneously w/Sky Flash. nal fuel in two permanently filled underwing slipper tanks (@ 6170 kg) and
Ceiling: 3087 meters Sensors: Will carry AMRAAM when available. refueling pods (@ 526 kg).
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N APS-20F radar, ESM.
Cruise Range: 662 nm Internal Fuel: 2904 kg Performance: Tornado GR.1 Attack Vulcan B.2A Attack
Ordnance Loedouts: Payload: 381 kg Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 3 (1.5) Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: 1 (.5)
• 4 Mk46 or Sting Ray torpor Mk11 DC (595 nm). - - - - Throttle Setting----- Sensors: Sensors:
Remarks: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Terrain-following radar, RWR, LRMTS. Advanced bombsight. H2S radar, RWR, terrain-following radar, Green Satin nav radar. Ballistic
Helicopter. VLow: 220 (0.9) 240 (1.0) Performance: bombsighl.
Med: 220 (0.9) 240 (1.0) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Performance:
Sea King HAS.6 ASW Ceiling: 6100 meters ----Throttle Setting----- Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Cannon ATA: O DefATA: 1.5(1.5) Endurance: lnflighl Refuel?: N Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat ----Throttle Setting-----
Sensors: Cruise Range: 2650 nm Internal Fuel:? VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 791 (3.3) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
MEL Super Searcher radar, mini-sonobuoys, MAD, ESM, Type 2096 dipping Ordnance Loadouts: Med: 400 (1.7) 700 (2.9) 1026 (4.3) VLow: 580 (2.4) 580 (2.4)
sonar. None. High: 400(1.7) 750(3.1) 1262 (5.3) Med: 543 (2.3) 570 (2.4)
Performance: Ceiling: 15240 meters High: 543 (2.3) 560 (2.3)
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Tornado F.2 Intercept Endurance: lnfllghl Refuel?: Y Ceiling: 19810 meters
- - - - Throttle Setting----- Cannon ATA: 2 Def ATA: 3 (1.5) Cruise Range: 1943 nm Internal Fuel: 8000 kg Endurance: lnflighl Refuel?: Y
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Sensors: Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Cruise Range: 4000 nm Internal Fuel: 54432 kg
VLow: 112 (0.5) 131 (0.5) Foxhunter radar, ESM. Advanced bombsight. 1500 L drop tank 1198 kg 145 nm Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9600 kg
Med: 112(0.5) 131 (0.5) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9000 kg • 21 Mk831000 lb bombs (3800 nm).
Ceiling: 3087 meters Cannon: 2 27mm Mauser cannon.
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: • 4 GBU-15, 2 ALARM, 2 AIM-9L (1748 nm).
• 8 Mk83 1000 lb bombs or BL755, Sky Shadow ECM pod, BOZ 100 chaff
Wasp HAS.1 ASW
Cruise Range: 662 nm Internal Fuel: 2904 kg
Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: 2.0 (2.0)
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:? Pod (1748 nm).
• 4 Mk46 or Sting Ray lorp or Mk11 DC or 2 Sea Eagle (595 nm). • 1 Green Parrot nuclear bomb, 2AIM-9L, 21500 Ldrop tanks, Sky Shadow
ECM pod, BOZ 100 chaff pod. (2009 nm).
Endurance: lnflighl Refuel?: Y Remarks: performance: e 7 ALARM, 21500 Ldrop tanks, Sky Shadow ECM pod, BOZ 100 chaff pod
Cruise Range: 600 nm Internal Fuel: 2287 kg Advanced Sea King. Used by India as Sea King Mk42B; can fire Sea Eagle. Speed In Knol9 (Nm/Phase) (2009 nm).
Drop Tank Desc_ Fuel Wt. Range Add. Uprated transmission, all-composite rotor blades, improved sonobuoy proe. ----Throttle Setting----- •8 Mk8310001b bombsorBL755, 2AIM-9L, 21500 Ldroptanks, Sky Shadow
100 Imp G drop tank 363 kg 48nm essor. IOC summer 1989. Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat ECM pod, BOZ 100 chaff (2009 nm).
190 Imp G drop tank 690 kg 91 nm VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 792 (3.3)
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3628 kg Sea King HC.4 Transport Med: 400 (1.7) 675 (2.8) 1016 (4.2) Trlstar K.1 Tanker
Cannon: 2 Aden 25mm. Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: 1.5 (1.5) High: 400(1.7) 745(3.1) 1239 (5.2) Connon ATA: O Def ATA: .5 (.5)
e 2 Sea Eagle or AS.37 Martel, 2 AIM-9L or ALARM (540 nm). Sensors: VHigh: 400(1.7) 745(3.1) 1239 (5.2) Sensors:
• 5 BL755 or 454 kg bombs or Matra 155 rocket pods (540 nm). None. VHigh: 21355 meters None.
• 2 190 Imp G drop tank, 3 BL755 or 454 kg bombs (704 nm). Performance: Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y Performance:
e 2 190 Imp G drop tank, 2 AMRAAM, 2 AIM-9L (704 nm). Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) cruise Range: 1943 nm Internal Fuel: 8000 kg Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
• 4 ALARM or AMRAAM and 2 AIM-9L (540 nm). ----Throttle Setting----- Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. ----Throttle Setting-----
Remarks: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat 1500 L drop tank 1198kg 145nm Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
V/STOL. VLow: 112 (0.5) 124 (0.5) 2250 L drop tank 1797 kg 218 nm VLow: 545 (2.3) 545 (2.3)
Capable of engaging two targets at once with AMRAAM. Can substitute ad- Med: 112 (0.5) 124 (0.5) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8500 kg Med: 480 (2.0) 545 (2.3)
ditional 2 AMRAAM for 25mm cannon in atl configurations. Celling: 3050 meters Cannon: 1 27mm Mauser cannon_ High: 480 (2.0) 545 (2.3)
Endurance: lnfllghl Refuel?: N • 4 Sky Flash, 4 AIM-9, 2 2250 L drop tank (2127 nm). Ceiling: 12800 meters
Sea King AEW.2 ASW Cruise Range: 664 nm Internal Fuel: 2904 kg • 4 2250 L drop tank, 1 refuel store (2505 nm). Endurance: lnflighl Refuel?: Y/3
Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: 1.5 (1.5) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:? Remarks: Cruise Range: 8682 nm Internal Fuel: 136080 kg
Sensors: Cannon: Cabin-mounted 7.62mm GPMG. Can engage 4 targets simultaneously w/Sky Flash. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 37784 kg
Searchwater radar, ESM. Remarks: None.
Performance: Helicopter. Tornado F.3 Intercept Remarks~
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon ATA: 2 Def ATA: 3.5 (2) Converted L-1011 airliners. Nine purchased. Two hoses under fuselage; two
Throttle Setting - - - - - Sentry AEW.1 AEW Sensors: Mk32 refueling pods under wings. Can also carry passengers or cargo.
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: .5 (.5) Foxhunter radar, ESM. Advanced bombsighl.
VLow: 90 (0.4) 110 (0.5) Sensors: Performance: Victor K.2 Tanker
Med: 90 (0.4) 110 (0.5) APY-1 radar, Yellow gate ESM pods under wingtips. Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: .5 (.5)
Ceiling: 3050 meters Performance: ----Throttle Setting - - - - - Sensors:
Endurance: lnflighl Refuel?: N Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat H2S radar, RWR.
Cruise Range: 700 nm Internal Fuel: 2904 kg ----Throttle Setting----- VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 792 (3.3) Performance:
Ordnance Loadouts: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Med: 400 (1.7) 700 (2.9) 1027 (4.3) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
None. VLow: 460(1.9) 460(1.9) High: 400(1.7) 750(3.1) 1262 (5.3) ----Throttle Setting-----
Remarks: Med: 422(1.8) 460(1.9) VHigh: 400 (1.7) 750 (3.1) 1262 (5.3) Alfftude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Helicopter. High: 422 (1.8) 460 (1.9) VHlgh: 21335 meters VLow: 530 (2.2) 530 (2.2)
Ceiling: 12200 meters Endurance: lnfllghl Refuel?: Y Med: 500 (2.1) 530 (2.2)
Sea King HAS.2/5 ASW Endurance: lnflighl Refuel?: Y Cruise Range: 1943 nm Internal Fuel: 8000 kg High: 500 (2.1) 530 (2.2)
Cannon ATA: O DefATA: 1.5 (1.5) Cruise Range: 4374 nm Internal Fuel: 73620 kg Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Celling: 16000 meters
Sensors: Ordnance Loadouts: 1500Ldroptank 1198kg 145nm Endurance: lnfllghl Refuel?: Y/3
Type 195 dipping sonar, AW.391 radar, ESM. None. 2250 L drop tank 1797 kg 218 nm Cruise Range: 3997 nm Internal Fuel: 55886 kg
Performance: Remarks: Ordnanoa Loadouls: Payload: 8500 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 0 kg
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) USA designation E-3D. Carries both probe and receptacle for inflighl refuel- e 4 Sky Flash, 4 AIM-9, 2 2250 L drop tank (2127 nm). None.
----Throttle Setting - - - - - ing. 7 planned; first arrived in late 1989. Will be based at RAF Waddington. • 4 2250 L drop tank, 1 refuel store (2505 nm). Remarks:
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat e 8 AMRAAM, 2 2250 L drop tank (2127 nm). Conversions of Victor 8.2 bombers. No two exactly alike. C/L station, one
VLow: 112 (0.5) 184 (0.8) Shackelton AEW.2 AEW Remarks: refuel pod on each wing. Can refuel one heavy aircraft or two fighters. Exter-
Med: 112 (0.5) 184 (0.8) Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: .5 (.5) Has autosweep avionics. Can engage 4 targets simultaneously w/Sky Flash. nal fuel in two permanently filled underwing slipper tanks (@ 6170 kg) and
Ceiling: 3087 meters Sensors: Will carry AMRAAM when available. refueling pods (@ 526 kg).
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N APS-20F radar, ESM.
Cruise Range: 662 nm Internal Fuel: 2904 kg Performance: Tornado GR.1 Attack Vulcan B.2A Attack
Ordnance Loedouts: Payload: 381 kg Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 3 (1.5) Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: 1 (.5)
• 4 Mk46 or Sting Ray torpor Mk11 DC (595 nm). - - - - Throttle Setting----- Sensors: Sensors:
Remarks: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Terrain-following radar, RWR, LRMTS. Advanced bombsight. H2S radar, RWR, terrain-following radar, Green Satin nav radar. Ballistic
Helicopter. VLow: 220 (0.9) 240 (1.0) Performance: bombsighl.
Med: 220 (0.9) 240 (1.0) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Performance:
Sea King HAS.6 ASW Ceiling: 6100 meters ----Throttle Setting----- Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Cannon ATA: O DefATA: 1.5(1.5) Endurance: lnflighl Refuel?: N Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat ----Throttle Setting-----
Sensors: Cruise Range: 2650 nm Internal Fuel:? VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 791 (3.3) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
MEL Super Searcher radar, mini-sonobuoys, MAD, ESM, Type 2096 dipping Ordnance Loadouts: Med: 400 (1.7) 700 (2.9) 1026 (4.3) VLow: 580 (2.4) 580 (2.4)
sonar. None. High: 400(1.7) 750(3.1) 1262 (5.3) Med: 543 (2.3) 570 (2.4)
Performance: Ceiling: 15240 meters High: 543 (2.3) 560 (2.3)
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Tornado F.2 Intercept Endurance: lnfllghl Refuel?: Y Ceiling: 19810 meters
- - - - Throttle Setting----- Cannon ATA: 2 Def ATA: 3 (1.5) Cruise Range: 1943 nm Internal Fuel: 8000 kg Endurance: lnflighl Refuel?: Y
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Sensors: Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Cruise Range: 4000 nm Internal Fuel: 54432 kg
VLow: 112 (0.5) 131 (0.5) Foxhunter radar, ESM. Advanced bombsight. 1500 L drop tank 1198 kg 145 nm Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9600 kg
Med: 112(0.5) 131 (0.5) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 9000 kg • 21 Mk831000 lb bombs (3800 nm).
Ceiling: 3087 meters Cannon: 2 27mm Mauser cannon.
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: • 4 GBU-15, 2 ALARM, 2 AIM-9L (1748 nm).
• 8 Mk83 1000 lb bombs or BL755, Sky Shadow ECM pod, BOZ 100 chaff
Wasp HAS.1 ASW
Cruise Range: 662 nm Internal Fuel: 2904 kg
Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: 2.0 (2.0)
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:? Pod (1748 nm).
• 4 Mk46 or Sting Ray lorp or Mk11 DC or 2 Sea Eagle (595 nm). • 1 Green Parrot nuclear bomb, 2AIM-9L, 21500 Ldrop tanks, Sky Shadow
ECM pod, BOZ 100 chaff pod. (2009 nm).
Data Annex 1990·91
Performance: Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2270 kg Sensors: B·52G Stratofortress Attack
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon: 2 30mm Mk4 Aden. LST, RWR, APG-53 radar. Advanced bombsight. Cannon ATA: 1.5 Del ATA: .5 (.5)
----Throttle Setting----- • 2 GBU-10 and 2190 Imp G drop tanks (704 nm). Performance: Sensors:
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat • 4 Maira 155 and 2 190 Imp G drop tanks (704 nm). Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) AS0-151 EO viewing system w/LLTV and FLIR, LA0-46 RWR, AL0-153 tail-
VLow: 96 (0.4) 104 (0.4) • 5 Mk83 1000 lb bombs or BL755 (no 30mm cannon) (540 nm). ----Throttle Setting----- warning radar. Advanced bombsight.
Med: 96 (0.4) 104 (0.4) • 3 Mk83 1000 lb bombs or BL 755 and 2 190 Imp G drop tanks (704 nm). Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Performance:
Ceiling: 3658 meters • 2 AS.37 Martel and 2 190 Imp G drop tanks (704 nm). VLow: 580 (2.4) 580 (2.4) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: N Remarks: Med: 396 (1.6) 570 (2.4) ----Throttle Setting-----
Cruise Range: 235 nm Internal Fuel: 562 kg V/STOL. High: 396 (1.6) 560 (2.3) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 244 kg Ceiling: 12800 meters VLow: 365 (1.5) 365 (1.5)
e2Mk46torpor2AS.12(211 nm). Harrier II (AV·SB/GR.5) Attack Endurance: lnftlght Refuel?: Y Med: 400 (1.7) 440 (1.8)
Remarks: Cannon ATA: 4 DelATA: 4 (1.5) Cruise Range: 1786 nm Internal Fuel: 2011 kg High: 442 (1.8) 516 (2.2)
Helicopter. Sensors: Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. RangeAdd Ceiling: 16765 meters
LRMTS, RWR. Advanced bombsight. 300 USG drop tank 925kg 411 nm Endurance: lnftlght Refuel?: Y
ASW Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4175 kg Cruise Range: 8800 nm Internal Fuel: 139102 kg
Wessex HAS.3 Performance:
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon: 2 Mk12 20mm. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 22680 kg
Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 1.0 (1.0)
----Throttle Setting----- • 4 HARM or AGM-12B Bullpup B, 1 drop tank (1058 nm). Cannon: 4 12. ?mm mg in tail stinger.
Al~tude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat • 4 LAU-69 and 2 drop tanks (1256 nm). • 8 Harpoon or GBU-15V or AGM-136 Tacit Rainbow (7920 nm).
Type 195 dipping sonar, APN-97 dopplerradar, AW.391 search radar. HAS.1
VLow: 580 (2.4) 580 (2.4) • 8 Mk82 bombs and 2 drop tanks (1256 nm). • 51 M117 750 lb bombs (7920 nm).
has Type 194.
Med: 460 (1.9) 550 (2.3) • 1 B57 nuclear bomb, 2 drop tanks, 2 AIM-9L (1256 nm). Remarks:
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) High: 460 (1.9) 520 (2.2) e 2 AIM-9L, 3 300 USG drop tank (1454 nm). Carries powerful defensive ECM suiteequivalentto-15°/oradarjamming pod.
----Throttle Setting----- Ceiling: 15240 meters
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: Y A·6E lntruder/KA-60 Attack CH-460 Sea Knight Transport
VLow: 105 (0.4) 114 (0.5) Cruise Range: 965 nm Internal Fuel: 3402 kg Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 2 (1) Cannon ATA: o Del ATA: .5 (.5)
Med: 105 (0.4) 114 (0.5) Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Sensors: Sensors:
Ceiling: 4274 meters 300 USG Drop Tank 907 kg 129 nm AP0-156 radar, RWR. TRAM has FUR, LRMTS. Advanced bombsight. None.
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4175 kg (sto) Performance: Performance:
Cruise Range: 262 nm Internal Fuel: 965 kg Cannon:225mmAden@ 100rds (UK)/1 25mm GAU-12/Uw/300rds(USA). Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase)
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:? e 1 AL0-165, 2 drop tanks, 4 GBU-10, 2 AIM-9L ( 1101 nm). ----Throttle Setting - - - - - ----Throttle Setting-----
• 2 Mk46 or 4 AS.12 or 2 Mk11 DC (236 nm). e 1ALQ.165,10 BL755, 2 AIM-9L (869 nm). Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Remarks: e 1 ALQ.165, 2 drop tanks, 6 Mk82 bomb, 2 AIM-9L (1101 nm). VLow: 570 (2.4) 570 (2.4) VLow: 135 (0.6) 146 (0.6)
Helicopter. • 4 AIM-9L, 2 drop tanks (1101 nm). Med: 415 (1.7) 535 (2.2) Med: 135 (0.6) 146 (0.6)
HAS.1 had APN-97A doppler radar and autostabilizer, dipping sonar. Last • 4 AGM-65 Maverick (869 nm). High: 415(1.7) 500(2.1) Ceillng: 4266 meters
HAS.3 withdrawn in 1984. Remarks: Celling: 13800 metars Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N
V/STOL. Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: Y Cruise Range: 230 nm Internal Fuel: 1173 kg
GR. 7 version underdevelopment in UK. Night-capable version of Harrier GA.5 Cruise Range: 1600 nm Internal Fuel: 7324 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3237 kg
WessexHU.5 Transport Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: 1.5 (1.5) with FUR. None.
300 USG drop Tank 907 kg 99 nm Remarks:
Sensors: Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8165 kg Helicopter.
United States of America (USA) • 4 Harpoon or HARM or Walleye II, 1 drop tank (1530 nm).
• 3 857 nuclear bombs, 2 drop tank (1620 nm). AEW
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) E-2C Hawkeye
• 22 Mk20 Rockeye, 1 drop tank (1530 nm).
----Throttle Setting----- A·10A Thunderbolt II Attack • 8 Mk82 500 lb bomb, 1 drop tank (1530 nm).
Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: .5 (.5)
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon ATA: 5.0 Del ATA: 3.0 (1.0) Sensors:
• 5 Mk84 bomb (1440 nm).
VLow: 105 (0.4) 114 (0.5) Sensors: APS-125 radar, ESM. Later versions haveAPS-138 radar,APS-145 radar.
Med: 105 (0.4) 114 (0.5) Laser designator, FUR, RWR. Performance:
Ceiling: 3660 meters
A-7E Corsair II Attack Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: N Cannon ATA: 4 Del ATA: 2.5 (1) ----Throttle Setting-----
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Cruise Range: 286 nm Internal Fuel: 965 kg Sensors: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
----Throttle Setting-----
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1815 kg AP0-126 radar, RWR, FUR being added. Ballistic bombsight. VLow: 262(1.1) 320(1.3)
Alfftude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
None. Performance: Med: 262(1.1) 320(1.3)
VLow: 300 (1.2) 381 (1.6)
Remarks: Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) High: 320 (1.3) 320 (1.3)
Med: 300 (1.2) 381 (1.6)
Helicopter. ----Throttle Setting - - - - - Celling: 9390 meters
High: 336 (1.4) 381 (1.6)
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N
VLow: 602 (2.5) 602 (2.5) Cruise Range: 1580 nm Internal Fuel: 5624 kg
Harrier (GR.3/AV-SA) Attack Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: Y
Med: 492 (2.0) 546 (2.3)
Del ATA: 3.5 (1.5) Cruise Range: 1350 nm Internal Fuel: 4853 kg Ordnance Loadouts:
Cannon ATA: 3 High: 492 (2.0) 490 (2.0)
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. None.
Sensors: Celling: 13000 meters
LRMTS (GR.3), RWR. Advanced bombsight. 600 USG drop tank 1862 kg 259 nm Remarks:
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y Group I update has APS-139 radar, Allison T5S-A-427TP. First aircraft sched-
Performance: Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 7250 kg
Cruise Range: 2065 nm Internal Fuel:4555 kg uled for delivery to fleet in mid-1989. Older aircraft will be converted to group
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon: GAU-8 30mm w/1174 rds.
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. I standard with APS-139 radar. Group II has APS-145 with better overland
----Throttle Setting----- e 1 600 USG drop tank, 6 Maverick, 1 AIM-9L, 1 AL0-119 pod (1448 nm).
Drop tank 926 kg 210 nm capability; IOC 1990.
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat e 1 600 USG drop tank, 2 GBU-16, 2 GBU-10, 1AIM-9L,1 ALQ.119 pod
Drop tank 756 kg 171 nm
VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) (1448 nm).
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6800 kg AEW
Med: 490 (2.0) 589 (2.5) e 1 600 USG drop tank, 4 Mk83 bombs, 1AIM-9L,1 AL0-119 (1448 nm). E-3 Sentry
Cannon: 1 20mm Vulcan w/1032 rds.
High: 490 (2.0) 528 (2.2) e 3 600 USG drop tank, 6 Mk20 Rockeye, 1AIM-9L,1 ALQ.119 pod (1914 Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: .5 (.5)
• 2 AIM-9L, 4 HARM or Walleye (1859 nm).
Ceiling: 15240 meters nm). Sensors:
• 2 AIM-9L and 18 Mk20 Rockeye, 2 drop tanks (2237 nm).
Endurance: lnftlght Refuel?: Y APY-1 radar.
• 2 AIM-9L and 12 Mk81 250 lb bombs 2 drop tanks (2237 nm).
Cruise Range: 600 nm Internal Fuel: 2287 kg A·4M Skyhawk Attack • 1 B57 nuclear bomb, 3 drop tanks (2426 nm).
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Cannon ATA: 2 Dal ATA: 3.5 (1.5) • 2 AIM-9L, 36 Mk81 250 lb bombs (1859 nm).
100 Imp G drop Tank 363 kg 48nm
190 Imp G drop Tank 690 kg 91nm
Data Annex 1990·91
Performance: Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2270 kg Sensors: B·52G Stratofortress Attack
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon: 2 30mm Mk4 Aden. LST, RWR, APG-53 radar. Advanced bombsight. Cannon ATA: 1.5 Del ATA: .5 (.5)
----Throttle Setting----- • 2 GBU-10 and 2190 Imp G drop tanks (704 nm). Performance: Sensors:
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat • 4 Maira 155 and 2 190 Imp G drop tanks (704 nm). Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) AS0-151 EO viewing system w/LLTV and FLIR, LA0-46 RWR, AL0-153 tail-
VLow: 96 (0.4) 104 (0.4) • 5 Mk83 1000 lb bombs or BL755 (no 30mm cannon) (540 nm). ----Throttle Setting----- warning radar. Advanced bombsight.
Med: 96 (0.4) 104 (0.4) • 3 Mk83 1000 lb bombs or BL 755 and 2 190 Imp G drop tanks (704 nm). Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Performance:
Ceiling: 3658 meters • 2 AS.37 Martel and 2 190 Imp G drop tanks (704 nm). VLow: 580 (2.4) 580 (2.4) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: N Remarks: Med: 396 (1.6) 570 (2.4) ----Throttle Setting-----
Cruise Range: 235 nm Internal Fuel: 562 kg V/STOL. High: 396 (1.6) 560 (2.3) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 244 kg Ceiling: 12800 meters VLow: 365 (1.5) 365 (1.5)
e2Mk46torpor2AS.12(211 nm). Harrier II (AV·SB/GR.5) Attack Endurance: lnftlght Refuel?: Y Med: 400 (1.7) 440 (1.8)
Remarks: Cannon ATA: 4 DelATA: 4 (1.5) Cruise Range: 1786 nm Internal Fuel: 2011 kg High: 442 (1.8) 516 (2.2)
Helicopter. Sensors: Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. RangeAdd Ceiling: 16765 meters
LRMTS, RWR. Advanced bombsight. 300 USG drop tank 925kg 411 nm Endurance: lnftlght Refuel?: Y
ASW Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4175 kg Cruise Range: 8800 nm Internal Fuel: 139102 kg
Wessex HAS.3 Performance:
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon: 2 Mk12 20mm. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 22680 kg
Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 1.0 (1.0)
----Throttle Setting----- • 4 HARM or AGM-12B Bullpup B, 1 drop tank (1058 nm). Cannon: 4 12. ?mm mg in tail stinger.
Al~tude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat • 4 LAU-69 and 2 drop tanks (1256 nm). • 8 Harpoon or GBU-15V or AGM-136 Tacit Rainbow (7920 nm).
Type 195 dipping sonar, APN-97 dopplerradar, AW.391 search radar. HAS.1
VLow: 580 (2.4) 580 (2.4) • 8 Mk82 bombs and 2 drop tanks (1256 nm). • 51 M117 750 lb bombs (7920 nm).
has Type 194.
Med: 460 (1.9) 550 (2.3) • 1 B57 nuclear bomb, 2 drop tanks, 2 AIM-9L (1256 nm). Remarks:
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) High: 460 (1.9) 520 (2.2) e 2 AIM-9L, 3 300 USG drop tank (1454 nm). Carries powerful defensive ECM suiteequivalentto-15°/oradarjamming pod.
----Throttle Setting----- Ceiling: 15240 meters
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: Y A·6E lntruder/KA-60 Attack CH-460 Sea Knight Transport
VLow: 105 (0.4) 114 (0.5) Cruise Range: 965 nm Internal Fuel: 3402 kg Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 2 (1) Cannon ATA: o Del ATA: .5 (.5)
Med: 105 (0.4) 114 (0.5) Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Sensors: Sensors:
Ceiling: 4274 meters 300 USG Drop Tank 907 kg 129 nm AP0-156 radar, RWR. TRAM has FUR, LRMTS. Advanced bombsight. None.
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4175 kg (sto) Performance: Performance:
Cruise Range: 262 nm Internal Fuel: 965 kg Cannon:225mmAden@ 100rds (UK)/1 25mm GAU-12/Uw/300rds(USA). Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase)
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:? e 1 AL0-165, 2 drop tanks, 4 GBU-10, 2 AIM-9L ( 1101 nm). ----Throttle Setting - - - - - ----Throttle Setting-----
• 2 Mk46 or 4 AS.12 or 2 Mk11 DC (236 nm). e 1ALQ.165,10 BL755, 2 AIM-9L (869 nm). Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Remarks: e 1 ALQ.165, 2 drop tanks, 6 Mk82 bomb, 2 AIM-9L (1101 nm). VLow: 570 (2.4) 570 (2.4) VLow: 135 (0.6) 146 (0.6)
Helicopter. • 4 AIM-9L, 2 drop tanks (1101 nm). Med: 415 (1.7) 535 (2.2) Med: 135 (0.6) 146 (0.6)
HAS.1 had APN-97A doppler radar and autostabilizer, dipping sonar. Last • 4 AGM-65 Maverick (869 nm). High: 415(1.7) 500(2.1) Ceillng: 4266 meters
HAS.3 withdrawn in 1984. Remarks: Celling: 13800 metars Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N
V/STOL. Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: Y Cruise Range: 230 nm Internal Fuel: 1173 kg
GR. 7 version underdevelopment in UK. Night-capable version of Harrier GA.5 Cruise Range: 1600 nm Internal Fuel: 7324 kg Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3237 kg
WessexHU.5 Transport Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: 1.5 (1.5) with FUR. None.
300 USG drop Tank 907 kg 99 nm Remarks:
Sensors: Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8165 kg Helicopter.
United States of America (USA) • 4 Harpoon or HARM or Walleye II, 1 drop tank (1530 nm).
• 3 857 nuclear bombs, 2 drop tank (1620 nm). AEW
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) E-2C Hawkeye
• 22 Mk20 Rockeye, 1 drop tank (1530 nm).
----Throttle Setting----- A·10A Thunderbolt II Attack • 8 Mk82 500 lb bomb, 1 drop tank (1530 nm).
Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: .5 (.5)
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon ATA: 5.0 Del ATA: 3.0 (1.0) Sensors:
• 5 Mk84 bomb (1440 nm).
VLow: 105 (0.4) 114 (0.5) Sensors: APS-125 radar, ESM. Later versions haveAPS-138 radar,APS-145 radar.
Med: 105 (0.4) 114 (0.5) Laser designator, FUR, RWR. Performance:
Ceiling: 3660 meters
A-7E Corsair II Attack Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: N Cannon ATA: 4 Del ATA: 2.5 (1) ----Throttle Setting-----
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Cruise Range: 286 nm Internal Fuel: 965 kg Sensors: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
----Throttle Setting-----
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1815 kg AP0-126 radar, RWR, FUR being added. Ballistic bombsight. VLow: 262(1.1) 320(1.3)
Alfftude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
None. Performance: Med: 262(1.1) 320(1.3)
VLow: 300 (1.2) 381 (1.6)
Remarks: Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) High: 320 (1.3) 320 (1.3)
Med: 300 (1.2) 381 (1.6)
Helicopter. ----Throttle Setting - - - - - Celling: 9390 meters
High: 336 (1.4) 381 (1.6)
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N
VLow: 602 (2.5) 602 (2.5) Cruise Range: 1580 nm Internal Fuel: 5624 kg
Harrier (GR.3/AV-SA) Attack Endurance: lnlllght Refuel?: Y
Med: 492 (2.0) 546 (2.3)
Del ATA: 3.5 (1.5) Cruise Range: 1350 nm Internal Fuel: 4853 kg Ordnance Loadouts:
Cannon ATA: 3 High: 492 (2.0) 490 (2.0)
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. None.
Sensors: Celling: 13000 meters
LRMTS (GR.3), RWR. Advanced bombsight. 600 USG drop tank 1862 kg 259 nm Remarks:
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y Group I update has APS-139 radar, Allison T5S-A-427TP. First aircraft sched-
Performance: Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 7250 kg
Cruise Range: 2065 nm Internal Fuel:4555 kg uled for delivery to fleet in mid-1989. Older aircraft will be converted to group
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon: GAU-8 30mm w/1174 rds.
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. I standard with APS-139 radar. Group II has APS-145 with better overland
----Throttle Setting----- e 1 600 USG drop tank, 6 Maverick, 1 AIM-9L, 1 AL0-119 pod (1448 nm).
Drop tank 926 kg 210 nm capability; IOC 1990.
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat e 1 600 USG drop tank, 2 GBU-16, 2 GBU-10, 1AIM-9L,1 ALQ.119 pod
Drop tank 756 kg 171 nm
VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) (1448 nm).
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6800 kg AEW
Med: 490 (2.0) 589 (2.5) e 1 600 USG drop tank, 4 Mk83 bombs, 1AIM-9L,1 AL0-119 (1448 nm). E-3 Sentry
Cannon: 1 20mm Vulcan w/1032 rds.
High: 490 (2.0) 528 (2.2) e 3 600 USG drop tank, 6 Mk20 Rockeye, 1AIM-9L,1 ALQ.119 pod (1914 Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: .5 (.5)
• 2 AIM-9L, 4 HARM or Walleye (1859 nm).
Ceiling: 15240 meters nm). Sensors:
• 2 AIM-9L and 18 Mk20 Rockeye, 2 drop tanks (2237 nm).
Endurance: lnftlght Refuel?: Y APY-1 radar.
• 2 AIM-9L and 12 Mk81 250 lb bombs 2 drop tanks (2237 nm).
Cruise Range: 600 nm Internal Fuel: 2287 kg A·4M Skyhawk Attack • 1 B57 nuclear bomb, 3 drop tanks (2426 nm).
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Cannon ATA: 2 Dal ATA: 3.5 (1.5) • 2 AIM-9L, 36 Mk81 250 lb bombs (1859 nm).
100 Imp G drop Tank 363 kg 48nm
190 Imp G drop Tank 690 kg 91nm
Data Annex 1990·91
Performance: Ordnance Loadouts: Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Performance:
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) None. 280 USG drop tank 862 kg 91nm Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase)
----Throttle Setting----- Remarks: Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6577 kg ----Throttle Setting-----
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Equipped with the equivalent of a-15o/o defensive jamming pod. Cannon: 1 20mm Vulcan. Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
VLow: 460 (1.9) 460 (1.9) e 6 AIM-54C Phoenix, 2 AIM-9L, 2 280 USG drop tanks (1350 nm). VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 791 (3.3)
Mod: 422(1.8) 460(1.9) ES·3A Reece e 4 AIM-54C Phoenix, 2AIM-7M Sparrow, 2AIM-9L, 2 280 USG drop tanks Med: 533 (2.2) 693 (2.9) 974 (4.1)
High: 422 (1.8) 460 (1.9) Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: 1 (1) (1564 nm). High: 533 (2.2) 735 (3.1) 1158 (4.8)
Ceiling: 12200 meters Sensors: e 1 280 USG drop tank, 1 refuel store (1482 nm). Celling: 15240 meters
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y ESM, APS-137 radar, FLIR. Remarks: Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: Y
Cruise Range: 4374 nm Internal Fuel: 73620 kg Performance: Cannot land w/6 Phoenix, normally carries 4 on CAP. Cruise Range: 1100 nm Internal Fuel: 3162 kg
Ordnance Loadouts: Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add
None. ----Throttle Setting----- F-140 Tomcat Intercept Drop tank 1118 kg 194 nm
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon ATA: 4 Def ATA: 4.5 (2.5) 300 USG drop tank 907 kg 158 nm
EA-38 Skywarrior Reece VLow: 450 (1.9) 450 (1.9) Sensors: Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 5443 kg
Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: .5 (.5) Mod: 355 (1.5) 420 (1.8) APG-71 radar, TCS, IRST (later), RWR. Basic bombsight. e 4 GBU-15, 4 AIM-9L, 1 ALQ-131 (990 nm).
Sensors: High: 355 (1.5) 390 (1.6) Performance: • 4 Mk20 Rockeyo, 21118 kg drop tank, 4 AIM-9L, 1 AL0-131 (1339 nm).
ESM, ASB-7 radar. Celling: 12285 meters Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) e 8 Mk82 500 lb bombs, 21118 kg drop tanks, 2 AIM-9L, 1 ALQ-131 (1339
Performance: Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y ----Throttle Setting----- nm). -
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cruise Range: 2765 nm Internal Fuel: 5964 kg Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat e 6 AIM-9L, 1 300 USG drop tank (1132 nm).
----Throttle Setting----- Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 792 (3.3) • 4 AIM-9L, 1 300 USG drop tank, 2 1118 kg drop tanks (1481 nm).
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat 300 USG drop tank 907kg 210nm Med: 405 (1.7) 708 (3.0) 1060 (4.4)
VLow: 556 (2.3) 556 (2.3) Ordnance Loadouts: High: 405 (1.7) 765 (3.2) 1342 (5.6) F·4E Phantom II Attack
Med: 400 (1. 7) 530 (2.2) None. Celling: 20000 meters Cannon ATA: 4 Def ATA: 3 (1)
High: 400 (1.7) 510 (2.1) Remarks: Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y Sensors:
Ceillng: 12500 meters Converted S-3 Viking. ELINT role. 16 aircralt. IOC mid-1990s. Will lorm 2 Cruise Range: 1790 nm Internal Fuel: 7350 kg APQ-120 radar, TISEO. Some have AVQ-23 Pave Spike with FUR and
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: Y new squadrons, V0-5 at Agana and -6 at Rota, with 8 aircraft each. Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. LRMTS. Ballistic bombsight.
Cruise Range: 2370 nm Internal Fuel: 13616 kg 280 USG drop tank 862 kg 105 nm Performance:
Ordnance Loadouts: F-111F Attack Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6577 kg Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
None. Cannon ATA: 4 Def ATA: 3 (1) Cannon: 1 20mm Vulcan. ----Throttle Setting-----
Sensors: e 6 AIM-54C Phoenix, 2 AIM-9L, 2 280 USG drop tanks (1350 nm). Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
EA-68 Prowler EW Jammer AVQ-26 Pave Tack FLIR and laser designator, APQ-144 radar, APQ-110 ter- e 4 AIM-54C Phoenix, 2 AIM-7M Sparrow, 2 AIM-9L, 2 280 USG drop tanks VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 790 (3.3)
Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: 3 (3) rain-following radar. Will be fitted w/APG-67. Advanced bombsight. (1564 nm). Mod: 500 (2.1) 698 (2.9) 1026 (4.3)
Sensors: Performance: • 1 280 USG drop tank, 1 refuel store (1482 nm). High: 500(2.1) 745(3.1) 1244 (5.2)
APS-130 nav radar, ESM. Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Remarks: Celling: 18000 meters
Performance: Throttle Setting----- Cannot land w/6 Phoenix; normally carries 4 on CAP. Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cruise Range: 1400 nm Internal Fuel: 5575 kg
Throttle Setting----- VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2.7) 790 (3.3) F-15C Eagle Intercept Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Mod: 502 (2.1) 715 (3.0) 1112 (4.6) Cannon ATA: 4 Def ATA: 4 (2) 600 USG drop tank 1852 kg 233nm
VLow: 570 (2.4) 570 (2.4) High: 502 (2. 1) 780 (3.2) 1434 (6.0) Sensors: Drop Tank 1118 kg 140 nm
Med: 420 (1 .8) 535 (2.2) Celling: 18300 meters APG-63, RWR. Radar being uprated toAPG-70 in MSIP. Advanced boml>- Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 7260 kg
High: 420 (1 .8) 500(2.1) Endurance: lnfllghl Refuel?: Y sight. Cannon: 1 20mm Vulcan.
Ceiling: 11580 meters Cruise Range: 2574 nm Internal Fuel: 15186 kg Performance: e 3 AIM-7F, 1 AL0-131, 21118 kg drop tanks, 2 GBU-10 (1260 nm).
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) e4AIM-7F, 4AIM-9L, 21118 kg drop tanks, 1600 USGdroptank(1722 nm).
Cruise Range: 1018 nm Internal Fuel: 6995 kg 600 USG drop Tank 1816 kg 154 nm ----Throttle Setting----- e 3 AIM-7F, 1 AL0-131, 24 Mk82 500 lb bombs (1260 nm).
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 13608 kg Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat • 3 AIM-7F, 1 AL0-131, 21118 kg drop tanks, 9 LAU-69 rocket pods (1260
Drop Tank 907 kg 66nm Cannon: 1 20mm Vulcan. VLow: 660 (2.8) 660 (2.8) 810 (3.4) nm).
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: O kg e 4 GBU-15, 2 AIM-9L, 1 ALQ-131 (2317 nm). Med: 493 (2.1) 713 (3.0) 1074 (4.5) •3AIM-7F, 1ALQ-131,21118kgdroptanks, 1 B57nuclearbomb(1260 nm).
• 5 ALQ-99 jamming pods (916 nm). • 24 Mk82 500 lb bombs, 1 AL0-131 (2317 nm). High: 493 (2.1) 765 (3.2) 1338 (5.6)
• 3 ALQ-99 pods and 2 HARM (916 nm). • 12 Mk82 500 lb bombs, 2 600 USG drop tanks, 1 AL0-131 (2594 nm). Ceiling: 19800 meters F-4N/S Phantom II
• 1 B61 nuclear bomb, 2 AIM-9L, 4 600 USG drop tank, 1 ALQ-131 (2871
Remarks: Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: 3 (1)
Opposing radar ranges decreased by 1/2; hit chances by radar-guided nm). Cruise Range: 1881 nm Internal Fuel: 10515 kg Sensors:
weapons reduced by -10o/o (5°/o with 3 pods) within 25 nm. Carries equiva- Remarks: Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. AWG-1 OA radar, RWR. Ballistic bombsight.
lent of -15°/o radar jamming pod internally. Pave Tack retracts into weapons bay when not in use. Treat aircraft as fully 600 USG drop tank 1815 kg 162 nm Performance:
loaded while Pave Tack is extended. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 7258 kg Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
EF-111A Raven EWJammer Cannon: 1 20mm Vulcan. ----Throttle Setting-----
Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: 3 (1) F-14A Tomcat Intercept • 4 AIM-7M, 4 AIM-9L, 1 600 USG drop tank (1839 nm). Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Sensors: Cannon ATA: 4 Def ATA: 4 (2) • 4 AIM-7M, 3 600 USG drop tanks (2130 nm). VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 790 (3.3)
APQ-160 nav radar, APQ-110 terrain-following radar, ALR-62 RWR, ESM. Sensors: • 8 AIM-120 AMRAAM, 1 600 USG drop tank (1839 nm). Med: 516 (2.2) 700 (2.9) 1026 (4.3)
Performance: AWG-9 radar, TCS, IRST. Basic bombsight. Remarks: High: 516 (2.2) 750 (3.1) 1262 (5.3)
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Performance: Range values include FAST pack, which adds @ 2206 kg fuel=4412 kg. VHigh: 516 (2.2) 750 (3.1) 1262 (5.3)
----Throttle Setting----- Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Removal of FAST packs increases Doi ATA to 4.5 (2.5). Can carry AMRAAM Ceiling: 21000 meters
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat - - - - Throttle Setting - - - - - When available. Can engage 2 different targets simultaneously with AAM. Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: Y
VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 792 (3.3) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cruise Range: 1500 nm Internal Fuel: 5575 kg
Med: 430 (1.8) 700 (2.9) 1027 (4.3) VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 792 (3.3) F-16C Falcon Attack Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
High: 430 (1.8) 750 (3.1) 1262 (5.3) Med: 405(1.7) 708(3.0) 1067 (4.4) Cannon ATA: 4 Def ATA: 5 (2.5) 600 USG drop tank 1852 kg 249nm
Ceiling: 13715 meters High: 405 (1. 7) 765 (3.2) 1342 (5.6) Sensors: Drop tank 1118 kg 150 nm
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: Y Ceiling: 18150 meters APG-68, RWR. Advanced bombsight. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 7260 kg
Cruise Range: 1614 nm Internal Fuel: 14739 kg Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: Y e 6 AIM-7M (1425 nm).
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Cruise Range: 1556 nm Internal Fuel: 7350 kg e 4 AIM-7M and 2 AIM-9L (1425 nm).
600 USG drop tank 1852 kg 101 nm e 11 Mk831000 lb bombs (1350 nm).
Data Annex 1990·91
Performance: Ordnance Loadouts: Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Performance:
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) None. 280 USG drop tank 862 kg 91nm Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase)
----Throttle Setting----- Remarks: Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6577 kg ----Throttle Setting-----
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Equipped with the equivalent of a-15o/o defensive jamming pod. Cannon: 1 20mm Vulcan. Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
VLow: 460 (1.9) 460 (1.9) e 6 AIM-54C Phoenix, 2 AIM-9L, 2 280 USG drop tanks (1350 nm). VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 791 (3.3)
Mod: 422(1.8) 460(1.9) ES·3A Reece e 4 AIM-54C Phoenix, 2AIM-7M Sparrow, 2AIM-9L, 2 280 USG drop tanks Med: 533 (2.2) 693 (2.9) 974 (4.1)
High: 422 (1.8) 460 (1.9) Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: 1 (1) (1564 nm). High: 533 (2.2) 735 (3.1) 1158 (4.8)
Ceiling: 12200 meters Sensors: e 1 280 USG drop tank, 1 refuel store (1482 nm). Celling: 15240 meters
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y ESM, APS-137 radar, FLIR. Remarks: Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: Y
Cruise Range: 4374 nm Internal Fuel: 73620 kg Performance: Cannot land w/6 Phoenix, normally carries 4 on CAP. Cruise Range: 1100 nm Internal Fuel: 3162 kg
Ordnance Loadouts: Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add
None. ----Throttle Setting----- F-140 Tomcat Intercept Drop tank 1118 kg 194 nm
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon ATA: 4 Def ATA: 4.5 (2.5) 300 USG drop tank 907 kg 158 nm
EA-38 Skywarrior Reece VLow: 450 (1.9) 450 (1.9) Sensors: Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 5443 kg
Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: .5 (.5) Mod: 355 (1.5) 420 (1.8) APG-71 radar, TCS, IRST (later), RWR. Basic bombsight. e 4 GBU-15, 4 AIM-9L, 1 ALQ-131 (990 nm).
Sensors: High: 355 (1.5) 390 (1.6) Performance: • 4 Mk20 Rockeyo, 21118 kg drop tank, 4 AIM-9L, 1 AL0-131 (1339 nm).
ESM, ASB-7 radar. Celling: 12285 meters Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) e 8 Mk82 500 lb bombs, 21118 kg drop tanks, 2 AIM-9L, 1 ALQ-131 (1339
Performance: Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y ----Throttle Setting----- nm). -
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cruise Range: 2765 nm Internal Fuel: 5964 kg Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat e 6 AIM-9L, 1 300 USG drop tank (1132 nm).
----Throttle Setting----- Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 792 (3.3) • 4 AIM-9L, 1 300 USG drop tank, 2 1118 kg drop tanks (1481 nm).
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat 300 USG drop tank 907kg 210nm Med: 405 (1.7) 708 (3.0) 1060 (4.4)
VLow: 556 (2.3) 556 (2.3) Ordnance Loadouts: High: 405 (1.7) 765 (3.2) 1342 (5.6) F·4E Phantom II Attack
Med: 400 (1. 7) 530 (2.2) None. Celling: 20000 meters Cannon ATA: 4 Def ATA: 3 (1)
High: 400 (1.7) 510 (2.1) Remarks: Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y Sensors:
Ceillng: 12500 meters Converted S-3 Viking. ELINT role. 16 aircralt. IOC mid-1990s. Will lorm 2 Cruise Range: 1790 nm Internal Fuel: 7350 kg APQ-120 radar, TISEO. Some have AVQ-23 Pave Spike with FUR and
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: Y new squadrons, V0-5 at Agana and -6 at Rota, with 8 aircraft each. Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. LRMTS. Ballistic bombsight.
Cruise Range: 2370 nm Internal Fuel: 13616 kg 280 USG drop tank 862 kg 105 nm Performance:
Ordnance Loadouts: F-111F Attack Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6577 kg Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
None. Cannon ATA: 4 Def ATA: 3 (1) Cannon: 1 20mm Vulcan. ----Throttle Setting-----
Sensors: e 6 AIM-54C Phoenix, 2 AIM-9L, 2 280 USG drop tanks (1350 nm). Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
EA-68 Prowler EW Jammer AVQ-26 Pave Tack FLIR and laser designator, APQ-144 radar, APQ-110 ter- e 4 AIM-54C Phoenix, 2 AIM-7M Sparrow, 2 AIM-9L, 2 280 USG drop tanks VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 790 (3.3)
Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: 3 (3) rain-following radar. Will be fitted w/APG-67. Advanced bombsight. (1564 nm). Mod: 500 (2.1) 698 (2.9) 1026 (4.3)
Sensors: Performance: • 1 280 USG drop tank, 1 refuel store (1482 nm). High: 500(2.1) 745(3.1) 1244 (5.2)
APS-130 nav radar, ESM. Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Remarks: Celling: 18000 meters
Performance: Throttle Setting----- Cannot land w/6 Phoenix; normally carries 4 on CAP. Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cruise Range: 1400 nm Internal Fuel: 5575 kg
Throttle Setting----- VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2.7) 790 (3.3) F-15C Eagle Intercept Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Mod: 502 (2.1) 715 (3.0) 1112 (4.6) Cannon ATA: 4 Def ATA: 4 (2) 600 USG drop tank 1852 kg 233nm
VLow: 570 (2.4) 570 (2.4) High: 502 (2. 1) 780 (3.2) 1434 (6.0) Sensors: Drop Tank 1118 kg 140 nm
Med: 420 (1 .8) 535 (2.2) Celling: 18300 meters APG-63, RWR. Radar being uprated toAPG-70 in MSIP. Advanced boml>- Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 7260 kg
High: 420 (1 .8) 500(2.1) Endurance: lnfllghl Refuel?: Y sight. Cannon: 1 20mm Vulcan.
Ceiling: 11580 meters Cruise Range: 2574 nm Internal Fuel: 15186 kg Performance: e 3 AIM-7F, 1 AL0-131, 21118 kg drop tanks, 2 GBU-10 (1260 nm).
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) e4AIM-7F, 4AIM-9L, 21118 kg drop tanks, 1600 USGdroptank(1722 nm).
Cruise Range: 1018 nm Internal Fuel: 6995 kg 600 USG drop Tank 1816 kg 154 nm ----Throttle Setting----- e 3 AIM-7F, 1 AL0-131, 24 Mk82 500 lb bombs (1260 nm).
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 13608 kg Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat • 3 AIM-7F, 1 AL0-131, 21118 kg drop tanks, 9 LAU-69 rocket pods (1260
Drop Tank 907 kg 66nm Cannon: 1 20mm Vulcan. VLow: 660 (2.8) 660 (2.8) 810 (3.4) nm).
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: O kg e 4 GBU-15, 2 AIM-9L, 1 ALQ-131 (2317 nm). Med: 493 (2.1) 713 (3.0) 1074 (4.5) •3AIM-7F, 1ALQ-131,21118kgdroptanks, 1 B57nuclearbomb(1260 nm).
• 5 ALQ-99 jamming pods (916 nm). • 24 Mk82 500 lb bombs, 1 AL0-131 (2317 nm). High: 493 (2.1) 765 (3.2) 1338 (5.6)
• 3 ALQ-99 pods and 2 HARM (916 nm). • 12 Mk82 500 lb bombs, 2 600 USG drop tanks, 1 AL0-131 (2594 nm). Ceiling: 19800 meters F-4N/S Phantom II
• 1 B61 nuclear bomb, 2 AIM-9L, 4 600 USG drop tank, 1 ALQ-131 (2871
Remarks: Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: 3 (1)
Opposing radar ranges decreased by 1/2; hit chances by radar-guided nm). Cruise Range: 1881 nm Internal Fuel: 10515 kg Sensors:
weapons reduced by -10o/o (5°/o with 3 pods) within 25 nm. Carries equiva- Remarks: Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. AWG-1 OA radar, RWR. Ballistic bombsight.
lent of -15°/o radar jamming pod internally. Pave Tack retracts into weapons bay when not in use. Treat aircraft as fully 600 USG drop tank 1815 kg 162 nm Performance:
loaded while Pave Tack is extended. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 7258 kg Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
EF-111A Raven EWJammer Cannon: 1 20mm Vulcan. ----Throttle Setting-----
Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: 3 (1) F-14A Tomcat Intercept • 4 AIM-7M, 4 AIM-9L, 1 600 USG drop tank (1839 nm). Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Sensors: Cannon ATA: 4 Def ATA: 4 (2) • 4 AIM-7M, 3 600 USG drop tanks (2130 nm). VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 790 (3.3)
APQ-160 nav radar, APQ-110 terrain-following radar, ALR-62 RWR, ESM. Sensors: • 8 AIM-120 AMRAAM, 1 600 USG drop tank (1839 nm). Med: 516 (2.2) 700 (2.9) 1026 (4.3)
Performance: AWG-9 radar, TCS, IRST. Basic bombsight. Remarks: High: 516 (2.2) 750 (3.1) 1262 (5.3)
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Performance: Range values include FAST pack, which adds @ 2206 kg fuel=4412 kg. VHigh: 516 (2.2) 750 (3.1) 1262 (5.3)
----Throttle Setting----- Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Removal of FAST packs increases Doi ATA to 4.5 (2.5). Can carry AMRAAM Ceiling: 21000 meters
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat - - - - Throttle Setting - - - - - When available. Can engage 2 different targets simultaneously with AAM. Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: Y
VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 792 (3.3) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cruise Range: 1500 nm Internal Fuel: 5575 kg
Med: 430 (1.8) 700 (2.9) 1027 (4.3) VLow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 792 (3.3) F-16C Falcon Attack Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
High: 430 (1.8) 750 (3.1) 1262 (5.3) Med: 405(1.7) 708(3.0) 1067 (4.4) Cannon ATA: 4 Def ATA: 5 (2.5) 600 USG drop tank 1852 kg 249nm
Ceiling: 13715 meters High: 405 (1. 7) 765 (3.2) 1342 (5.6) Sensors: Drop tank 1118 kg 150 nm
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: Y Ceiling: 18150 meters APG-68, RWR. Advanced bombsight. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 7260 kg
Cruise Range: 1614 nm Internal Fuel: 14739 kg Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: Y e 6 AIM-7M (1425 nm).
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Cruise Range: 1556 nm Internal Fuel: 7350 kg e 4 AIM-7M and 2 AIM-9L (1425 nm).
600 USG drop tank 1852 kg 101 nm e 11 Mk831000 lb bombs (1350 nm).
Data Annex 1990·91
Performance: Cruise Range: 6274 nm Internal Fuel: 65340 kg Mi-14 Haze ASW Performance:
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 48000 kg Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: 1.5 (1.5) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
----Throttle Setting----- None. Sensors: ----Throttle Setting-----
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Remarks: MAD, dipping sonar, 20 sonobuoys. Radar type unknown; use USSR Mush- Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
VLow: 172 (0.7) 300 (1.2) Aerial refueling variant of 11-76 Candid, using probe and drogue. room radar until further infomation is available. VLow: 620 (2.6) 620 (2.6)
Med: 172 (0.7) 329 (1.4) Performance: Med: 420 (1.B) 610 (2.5)
High: 350 (1.5) 350 (1.5) Ka-25 Hormone ASW, Reece Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) High: 420 (1.B) 552 (2.3)
Ceiling: 11300 meters Cannon ATA: 0 DefATA: 1.5(1.5) ----Throttle Setting----- Ceillng: 16600 meters
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N Sensors: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N
Cruise Range: 4054 nm Internal Fuel: 10547 kg A: Dipping sonar, 3 sonobuoys, MAD, Mushroom radar, EO sensor estimated VLow: 113 (0.5) 124 (0.5) Cruise Range: 523 nm Internal Fuel: 1115kg
Ordnance Load outs: Payload: 5000 kg to be FLIR. B: Big Bulge radar, ESM, data link. Med: 113 (0.5) 124 (0.5) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:?
• 4 E45-75A torp, 2 B-1 DC (3649 nm). Performance: Ceiling: 5000 meters Cannon: 3 NR-23 23mm.
e B B-1 DC (3649 nm). Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Endurance: lnDlght Refuel?: N • 4 UV-8-57 rocket pods or AA-2 Atoll (471 nm).
• 2 nuclear DB (3649 nm). ----Throttle Setting----- Cruise Range: 432 nm Internal Fuel: ? • 2 FAB-250 bombs (471 nm).
Remarks: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2000 kg
Amphibian. VLow: 105 (0.4) 115 (0.5) • 4 E4S-75A torpor 4 B-1 DC (389 nm). MiG-19S Farmer C Intercept
Med: 105 (0.4) 115 (0.5) e 2 Nuclear DB (389 nm). Cannon ATA: 4 Def ATA: 3 (1.5)
11-38 May ASW Celling: 3500 meters Remarks: Sensors:
Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: .5 (.5) Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Helicopter. lzmrud ranging radar, RWR. Basic bombsight.
Sensors: Cruise Range: 216 nm Internal Fuel: ? A is ASW; 8 is MCM variant (unarmed). Performance:
Wet Eye radar, MAD, ESM, 50 sonobuoys. Basic bombsight. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 600 kg Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Performance: • 2 E45-75A torpor B-1 DC (194 nm). Ml-24 Hind E Attack ----Throttle Setting-----
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phese) e 1 Nuclear DB (194 nm). Cannon ATA: 2 Def ATA: 2 (1.5) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Throttle Setting - - - - - Remarks: Sensors: VLow: 495(2.1) 495(2.1) 596 (2.5)
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Helicopter. FLIR, RWR, laser designator. Ballistic bombsight. Med: 513(2.1) 523(2.2) 690 (2.9)
VLow: 216 (0.9) 315 (1.3) Hormone cannot hover or dip at night. A is ASW; B is OTH targeting; C is Performance: High: 513(2.1) 550(2.3) 784 (3.3)
Med: 216 (0.9) 348 (1.5) utility/SAR. Band Care unarmed. Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Ceillng: 17500 meters
High: 380 (1.6) 380 (1.6) ----Throttle Setting - - - - - Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N
Ceiling: 9500 meters Ka-27 Helix ASW Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cruise Range: 750 nm Internal Fuel: 1733 kg
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: 1.5 (1.5) VLow: 160 (0.7) 170 (0.7) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:?
Cruise Range: 3900 nm Internal Fuel: 24000 kg Sensors: Med: 160(0.7) 170(0.7) Cannon: 3 NR-30 30mm with 75 rds for fuselage gun and 55 for wing root
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3600 kg A: Radar, MAD, dipping sonar, 12 sonobuoys, RWR. Ceiling: 4500 meters guns.
• 6 E45-75A torp (3900 nm). Performance: Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N • 4 AA-2 Atoll or UV-B-57 rocket pods (675 nm).
• 1 Nuclear DB. 3 E4S-75A torp (3900 nm). Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cruise Range: 405 nm Internal Fuel:? • 2 FAB-500 bombs (675 nm).
• 12 B-1 nuclear DB (3900 nm). ----Throttle Setting - - - - - Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1500 kg
Remarks: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon: GSh-23L 23mm. MiG-21 bis Fishbed N Intercept
Weapon quantities estimated. VLow: 124 (0.5) 135 (0.6) e 12 AT-6 Spiral (365 nm). Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 4 (2)
Med: 124 (0.5) 135 (0.6) • 4 UV-16-57, 4 AT-6 Spiral (365 nm). Sensors:
ll-76TD Mainstay AEW Celling: 5000 meters • 2 FAB-250 bombs (365 nm). Jay Bird radar, RWR. Ballistic bombsight.
Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: .5 (.5) Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Remarks: Performance:
Sensors: Cruise Range: 432 nm Internal Fuel: ? Helicopter. Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Radar, RWR. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 800 kg Can carry 8 troops, 4 stretcher cases, or reloads for its own weapons. ----Throttle Setting-----
Performance: • 2 E4S-7A torpor B-1 DC (389 nm) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) • 1 nuclear DB (389 nm) Ml-28 Havoc Attack VLow: 580 (2.4) 580 (2.4) 702 (2.9)
----Throttle Setting----- Remarks: Cannon ATA: 2 Def ATA: 2.5 (1.0) Med: 560 (2.3) 660 (2.B) 953 (4.0)
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Helicopter. Sensors: High: 560 (2.3) 740 (3.1) 1204 (5.0)
VLow: 460(1.9) 460(1.9) AisASW; C is utility/SAR. Radar type on Helix A is unknown. Use Mushroom Celling: 18500 meters
!. Med: 405(1.7) 460(1.9) radar until further data is available. C is unarmed.
EO turret with laser rangefinder, FLI R, LLLTV, RWR.
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N
i High: 405(1.7) 460(1.9) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cruise Range: 600 nm Internal Fuel: 2364 kg
:1j' Ceiling: 15000 meters Ka-29TB Helix B Transport ----Throttle Setting----- Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N Cannon ATA: O DefATA: 0 Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Drop Tank 631 kg SO nm
Cruise Range: 3020 nm Internal Fuel: 55340 kg Sensors: VLow: 143 (0.6) 164 (0.7) Drop Tank 391 kg 50nm
Ordnance Loadouts: RWR, directional ESM, dorsal EW pod. Med: 143 (0.6) 164 (0. 7) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2000 kg
None. Performance: Cannon: 1 GSH-23 23mm.
Celling: 6000 meters
Remarks: Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N • 4 UV-16-57 rocket pods or AA-B Aphid, 1 631 kg drop tank (612 nm).
Radar type unknown; use Flat Jack with+ 10°/o to Pd. ~--- Throttle Setting----- Cruise Range: 253 nm • 2 FAB-250, 1 631 kg drop tank, 2 391 kg drop tanks (702 nm).
Internal Fuel: ?
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3640 kg • 2 FAB-500 and 2 FAB-250 bombs, 1 631 kg drop tank (612 nm).
11-78 Midas Tanker VLow: 124 (0.5) 135 (0.6) Cannon: 2A42 30mm.
Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: .5 (.5) Med: 124 (0.5) 135 (0.6) • 16 AT-6 Spiral (227 nm). MiG-21 PFS Fishbed D Intercept
Sensors: Ceiling: 5000 meters • 2 UB-20 rocket pod or AA-B Aphid, B AT-6 Spiral (227 nm). Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: 3 (1.5)
RWR (estimated). Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Remarks: Sensors:
Performance: Cruise Range: 432 nm Internal Fuel: 432 kg Helicopter. Spin Scan (R1L) radar, RWR. Ballistic bombsight.
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: BOO kg Performance:
----Throttle Setting----- • 4 UB-20 rocket pods (389 nm). MiG-17F Fresco C Intercept Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat • 4 AT-6 Spiral (389 nm). CannonATA: 2 Def ATA: 2 (1) Throttle Setting-----
VLow: 460 (1.9) 460 (1.9) Remarks: . Sensors: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Med: 405 (1.7) 460 (1.9) Formerly Ka-27 Helix 8. Amphibious assault helicopter. Primary function 15 lzmrud ranging radar. Basic bombsight. VLow: 450 (1.9) 450 (1.9) 540 (2.2)
High: 405 (1.7) 460 (1.9) delivery of precision-guided weapons, weapons designation, and troop trans- Med: 520 (2.2) 590 (2.5) 844 (3.5)
Ceiling: 15000 meters port. High: 520 (2.2) 730 (3.0) 1147 (4.B)
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Celling: 14000 meters
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Performance: Cruise Range: 6274 nm Internal Fuel: 65340 kg Mi-14 Haze ASW Performance:
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 48000 kg Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: 1.5 (1.5) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
----Throttle Setting----- None. Sensors: ----Throttle Setting-----
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Remarks: MAD, dipping sonar, 20 sonobuoys. Radar type unknown; use USSR Mush- Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
VLow: 172 (0.7) 300 (1.2) Aerial refueling variant of 11-76 Candid, using probe and drogue. room radar until further infomation is available. VLow: 620 (2.6) 620 (2.6)
Med: 172 (0.7) 329 (1.4) Performance: Med: 420 (1.B) 610 (2.5)
High: 350 (1.5) 350 (1.5) Ka-25 Hormone ASW, Reece Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) High: 420 (1.B) 552 (2.3)
Ceiling: 11300 meters Cannon ATA: 0 DefATA: 1.5(1.5) ----Throttle Setting----- Ceillng: 16600 meters
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N Sensors: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N
Cruise Range: 4054 nm Internal Fuel: 10547 kg A: Dipping sonar, 3 sonobuoys, MAD, Mushroom radar, EO sensor estimated VLow: 113 (0.5) 124 (0.5) Cruise Range: 523 nm Internal Fuel: 1115kg
Ordnance Load outs: Payload: 5000 kg to be FLIR. B: Big Bulge radar, ESM, data link. Med: 113 (0.5) 124 (0.5) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:?
• 4 E45-75A torp, 2 B-1 DC (3649 nm). Performance: Ceiling: 5000 meters Cannon: 3 NR-23 23mm.
e B B-1 DC (3649 nm). Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Endurance: lnDlght Refuel?: N • 4 UV-8-57 rocket pods or AA-2 Atoll (471 nm).
• 2 nuclear DB (3649 nm). ----Throttle Setting----- Cruise Range: 432 nm Internal Fuel: ? • 2 FAB-250 bombs (471 nm).
Remarks: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2000 kg
Amphibian. VLow: 105 (0.4) 115 (0.5) • 4 E4S-75A torpor 4 B-1 DC (389 nm). MiG-19S Farmer C Intercept
Med: 105 (0.4) 115 (0.5) e 2 Nuclear DB (389 nm). Cannon ATA: 4 Def ATA: 3 (1.5)
11-38 May ASW Celling: 3500 meters Remarks: Sensors:
Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: .5 (.5) Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Helicopter. lzmrud ranging radar, RWR. Basic bombsight.
Sensors: Cruise Range: 216 nm Internal Fuel: ? A is ASW; 8 is MCM variant (unarmed). Performance:
Wet Eye radar, MAD, ESM, 50 sonobuoys. Basic bombsight. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 600 kg Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Performance: • 2 E45-75A torpor B-1 DC (194 nm). Ml-24 Hind E Attack ----Throttle Setting-----
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phese) e 1 Nuclear DB (194 nm). Cannon ATA: 2 Def ATA: 2 (1.5) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Throttle Setting - - - - - Remarks: Sensors: VLow: 495(2.1) 495(2.1) 596 (2.5)
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Helicopter. FLIR, RWR, laser designator. Ballistic bombsight. Med: 513(2.1) 523(2.2) 690 (2.9)
VLow: 216 (0.9) 315 (1.3) Hormone cannot hover or dip at night. A is ASW; B is OTH targeting; C is Performance: High: 513(2.1) 550(2.3) 784 (3.3)
Med: 216 (0.9) 348 (1.5) utility/SAR. Band Care unarmed. Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Ceillng: 17500 meters
High: 380 (1.6) 380 (1.6) ----Throttle Setting - - - - - Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N
Ceiling: 9500 meters Ka-27 Helix ASW Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cruise Range: 750 nm Internal Fuel: 1733 kg
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: 1.5 (1.5) VLow: 160 (0.7) 170 (0.7) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:?
Cruise Range: 3900 nm Internal Fuel: 24000 kg Sensors: Med: 160(0.7) 170(0.7) Cannon: 3 NR-30 30mm with 75 rds for fuselage gun and 55 for wing root
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3600 kg A: Radar, MAD, dipping sonar, 12 sonobuoys, RWR. Ceiling: 4500 meters guns.
• 6 E45-75A torp (3900 nm). Performance: Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N • 4 AA-2 Atoll or UV-B-57 rocket pods (675 nm).
• 1 Nuclear DB. 3 E4S-75A torp (3900 nm). Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cruise Range: 405 nm Internal Fuel:? • 2 FAB-500 bombs (675 nm).
• 12 B-1 nuclear DB (3900 nm). ----Throttle Setting - - - - - Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1500 kg
Remarks: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon: GSh-23L 23mm. MiG-21 bis Fishbed N Intercept
Weapon quantities estimated. VLow: 124 (0.5) 135 (0.6) e 12 AT-6 Spiral (365 nm). Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 4 (2)
Med: 124 (0.5) 135 (0.6) • 4 UV-16-57, 4 AT-6 Spiral (365 nm). Sensors:
ll-76TD Mainstay AEW Celling: 5000 meters • 2 FAB-250 bombs (365 nm). Jay Bird radar, RWR. Ballistic bombsight.
Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: .5 (.5) Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Remarks: Performance:
Sensors: Cruise Range: 432 nm Internal Fuel: ? Helicopter. Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Radar, RWR. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 800 kg Can carry 8 troops, 4 stretcher cases, or reloads for its own weapons. ----Throttle Setting-----
Performance: • 2 E4S-7A torpor B-1 DC (389 nm) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) • 1 nuclear DB (389 nm) Ml-28 Havoc Attack VLow: 580 (2.4) 580 (2.4) 702 (2.9)
----Throttle Setting----- Remarks: Cannon ATA: 2 Def ATA: 2.5 (1.0) Med: 560 (2.3) 660 (2.B) 953 (4.0)
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Helicopter. Sensors: High: 560 (2.3) 740 (3.1) 1204 (5.0)
VLow: 460(1.9) 460(1.9) AisASW; C is utility/SAR. Radar type on Helix A is unknown. Use Mushroom Celling: 18500 meters
!. Med: 405(1.7) 460(1.9) radar until further data is available. C is unarmed.
EO turret with laser rangefinder, FLI R, LLLTV, RWR.
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N
i High: 405(1.7) 460(1.9) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cruise Range: 600 nm Internal Fuel: 2364 kg
:1j' Ceiling: 15000 meters Ka-29TB Helix B Transport ----Throttle Setting----- Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N Cannon ATA: O DefATA: 0 Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Drop Tank 631 kg SO nm
Cruise Range: 3020 nm Internal Fuel: 55340 kg Sensors: VLow: 143 (0.6) 164 (0.7) Drop Tank 391 kg 50nm
Ordnance Loadouts: RWR, directional ESM, dorsal EW pod. Med: 143 (0.6) 164 (0. 7) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2000 kg
None. Performance: Cannon: 1 GSH-23 23mm.
Celling: 6000 meters
Remarks: Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N • 4 UV-16-57 rocket pods or AA-B Aphid, 1 631 kg drop tank (612 nm).
Radar type unknown; use Flat Jack with+ 10°/o to Pd. ~--- Throttle Setting----- Cruise Range: 253 nm • 2 FAB-250, 1 631 kg drop tank, 2 391 kg drop tanks (702 nm).
Internal Fuel: ?
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3640 kg • 2 FAB-500 and 2 FAB-250 bombs, 1 631 kg drop tank (612 nm).
11-78 Midas Tanker VLow: 124 (0.5) 135 (0.6) Cannon: 2A42 30mm.
Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: .5 (.5) Med: 124 (0.5) 135 (0.6) • 16 AT-6 Spiral (227 nm). MiG-21 PFS Fishbed D Intercept
Sensors: Ceiling: 5000 meters • 2 UB-20 rocket pod or AA-B Aphid, B AT-6 Spiral (227 nm). Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: 3 (1.5)
RWR (estimated). Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Remarks: Sensors:
Performance: Cruise Range: 432 nm Internal Fuel: 432 kg Helicopter. Spin Scan (R1L) radar, RWR. Ballistic bombsight.
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: BOO kg Performance:
----Throttle Setting----- • 4 UB-20 rocket pods (389 nm). MiG-17F Fresco C Intercept Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat • 4 AT-6 Spiral (389 nm). CannonATA: 2 Def ATA: 2 (1) Throttle Setting-----
VLow: 460 (1.9) 460 (1.9) Remarks: . Sensors: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Med: 405 (1.7) 460 (1.9) Formerly Ka-27 Helix 8. Amphibious assault helicopter. Primary function 15 lzmrud ranging radar. Basic bombsight. VLow: 450 (1.9) 450 (1.9) 540 (2.2)
High: 405 (1.7) 460 (1.9) delivery of precision-guided weapons, weapons designation, and troop trans- Med: 520 (2.2) 590 (2.5) 844 (3.5)
Ceiling: 15000 meters port. High: 520 (2.2) 730 (3.0) 1147 (4.B)
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Celling: 14000 meters
Data Annex 1990·91
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N MiG-25 Foxbat F performance: Su-22 Fitter F
Attack Attack
Cruise Range: 594 nm Internal Fuel: 2277 kg Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 2.5 (2.5) Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon ATA: 3 Del ATA: 2.5 (1.5)
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Sensors: ----Throttle Setting----- Sensors:
Drop tank 391 kg 51 nm ESM (estimated). Ballistic bombsight. Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Terrain-following radar, RWR. Ballistic bombsight.
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1500 kg Performance: Vlow: 580 (2.4) 580 (2.4) 700 (2.9) Performance:
• 4 AA-2 Atoll (564 nm). Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Med: 460 (1.9) 665 (2.8) 980(4.1) Speed in Knoll (Nm/Phase)
e 2 FAB-500 and FAB-250 bombs (534 nm). ----Throttle Setting----- High: 460(1.9) 750(3.1) 1260 (5.2) ----Throttle Setting-----
• 4 UV-16-57 rocket pods (534 nm). Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Ceiling: 18400 meters Al6tude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Vlow: 460 (1.9) 460 (1.9) 561 (2.3) Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Vlow: 570 (2.4) 570 (2.4) 699 (2.9)
MiG·23MF Flogger B/G/K Intercept Med: 560 (2.3) 625 (2.6) 1084 (4.5) Cruise Range: 905 nm Internal Fuel: 4000 kg Med: 460 (1.9) 658 (2.7) 972 (4.1)
Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 3 (1) High: 560 (2.3) 790 (3.3) 1606 (6.7) Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. High: 460(1.9) 745(3.1) 1245 (5.2)
Sensors: VHigh: 560 (2.3) 790 (3.3) 1606 (6.7) Drop Tank 800 kg 90 nm Ceiling: 18000 meters
High Lark radar, RWR, IRST. Basic bombsighl. VHigh: 24000 meters Ferry Tank 1500 kg 255 nm Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N
Performance: Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg Cruise Range: 945 nm Internal Fuel: 3950 kg
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cruise Range: 1560 nm Internal Fuel: 14200 kg cannon: 1 30mm single barrel (use specs for GSh-23L 23mm). Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
----Throttle Setting----- Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:? e 2 AS-12 or AS-14, 2AA-11, 1 ECM pod (806 nm). 800 L drop tank 639 kg 76nm
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat e4AS-11 Kilter(1404nm). e 2AS-12 orAS-14 orTN-1000, 2 800 kg drop tanks, 1AA-11,1 ECM pod Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3500 kg
Vlow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 791 (3.3) Remarks: (968 nm). Cannon: 2 NR-30 30mm.
1070 (4.5) Offensive EW variant. Assumed to be modified A or, E models. e4AA-10,2AA-11 (806nm).
Med: 436 (1.8) 708 (3.0) • 2 AS-7 or AS-9 or AS-10, 2 AA.fl (987 nm).
High: 436 (1.8) 765 (3.2) 1348 (5.6) e4FAB-1000, 1ECMpod,1 AA-11 (806nm). • 6 FAB-500 bombs and 2 800 L drop 1anks (987 nm).
Ceiling: 18600 meters • 2 AA-10, 2 AA-11, 2 800 kg drop tanks (968 nm).
MiG·25R Foxbat B/D Reece
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: 2.5 (2.5) Su-22 Fitter J Attack
Cruise Range: 970 nm Internal Fuel: 4600 kg Sensors:
MiG-31 Foxhound Intercept Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 2.5 (1.5)
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. B has Jay Bird radar, 5 cameras and SLAR. D has Jay Bird, larger SLAR, no Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 3 (2) Sensors:
800 L drop tank 639 kg 67nm cameras, and ELINT sensors. Sensors: RWR. Ballistic bombsight.
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2000 kg LO/SD TWS radar, possible IRST, RWR. Performance:
Cannon: 1 GSh-23L 23mm. Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Performance: Speed in Knois (Nm/Phase)
• 2 AS-7 Kerry or UV-16-57or FAB-500, 2AA-7, 1800 L drop tank(933 nm). ----Throttle Setting - - - - - Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) ----Throttle Setting-----
• 2 AA-7, 4 AA.fl, 1 800 L drop tank (Flogger BIG) (933 nm). Altitude Cruise Full M17. Reheat ----Throttle Setting----- Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
• 4 AA-10, 4AA-11, 1 800 L drop tank (Flogger K) (933 nm). Vlow: 475 (2.0) 475 (2.0) 572 (2.4) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Vlow: 580 (2.4) 580 (2.4) 702 (2.9)
1204 (5.0) Vlow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 792 (3.3) Med: 500 (2.1) 660 (2.8)
Med: 560 (2.3) 638 (2. 7) 951 (4.0)
Mig-25 Foxbat A Intercept High: 560 (2.3) 800 (3.3) 1836 (7.7) Med: 560 (2.3) 710 (3.0) 1084 (4.5) High: . 500 (2.1) 740 (3.1) 1200 (5.0)
VHigh: 560 (2.3) 800 (3.3) 1836 (7.7) High: 560 (2.3) 770 (3.2) 1377 (5.7) Celling: 18000 meters
Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: 2.5 (2.5)
VHigh: 560 (2.3) 770 (3.2) 1377 (5.7) Endurance:
Sensors: VHigh: 27000 meters lnflight Refuel?: N
Ceiling: 24400 meters Cruise Range: 1035 nm
Foxfire radar, RWR. Endurance: lnllight Refuel?: N Internal Fuel: 5111 kg
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N Drop Tank Desc.
Performance: Cruise Range: 1560 nm Internal Fuel: 14200 kg Fuel Wt. Range Add.
Cruise Range: 1620 nm Internal Fuel: 14200 kg 800 L drop tank
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Ordnance Loadouts: 639 kg 65nm
----Throttle Setting----- Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg
2000 L drop tank 1600 kg 91 nm Cannon: 2 NR-30mm.
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:? • 2 FAB-500, 2 AA-2, 2 800 L drop tank (1048 nm).
Vlow: 460 (1 .9) 460 (1.9) 561 (2.3) MiG-27 Flogger D/J Attack e6 AA-9 Amos, 4 AA-11 Archer(1458 nm). • 4 FAB-500, 2 800 L drop tank (1048 nm).
Med: 561 (2.3) 625 (2.6) 1084 (4.5) Cannon ATA: 4 Del ATA: 3 (1) • 4 AA-9 Amos, 2 2000 L drop tanks, 4 AA-11 Archer(1622 nm).
High: 561 (2.3) 790 (3.3) 1606 (6.7) Sensors: • B AA-9 Amos (1458 nm).
VHigh: 561 (2.3) 790 (3.3) 1606 (6.7) LRMTS, RWR. Advanced bombsight. Remarks: Su-24 Fencer Attack
VHlgh: 24400 meters Performance: Cannon ATA: 4 Del ATA: 2.5 (1.5)
Can engage 4 different targets simultaneouly with M-9.
Endurance: fnOfght Refuel?: N Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Sensors:
Cruise Range: 1560 nm Internal Fuel: 14200 kg ----Throttle Setting----- Fencer radar, terrain-following radar, LRMTS, AWA. Advanced bombsight.
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:? Su-17 Fitter C Attack Performance:
Almude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon ATA: 3
• 4 AA-6 Acrid (1482 nm). Vlow: 600 (2.5) 600 (2.5) 725 (3.0)
Del ATA: 2.5 (1.5) Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase)
• 2 AA-7 Apex and 2 AA-8 Aphid (1482 nm). Sensors: ----Throttle Setting-----
Med: 530 (2.2) 655 (2.7) 850 (3.5)
Remarks: High Fix (SRO-SM) radar, RWR in bolh models. Fitter D also has LRMTS, Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
High: 530 (2.2) 710 (3.0) 925 (3.9)
Being converted to Foxbat Es. possible terrain-following radar. Ballistic bombsight. Vlow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7)
Ceiling: 15240 meters 791 (3.3)
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Med: 561 (2.3) 698 (2.9) 1021 (4.3)
MiG·25M Foxbat E Intercept Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) High: 516 (2.2) 745(3.1) 1251 (5.2)
Cruise Range: 950 nm Internal Fuel: 4600 kg
Range Add. ----Throttle Setting----- Ceiling: 16500 meters
Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: 2.5 (2.5) Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt.
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: fnflight Refuel?: Y
Sensors: 800 L drop tank 639 kg 66nm
VLow: 570 (2.4) 570 (2.4) 690 (2.9) Cruise Range: 1930 nm Internal Fuel: 10385 kg
High Lark radar (or varianl), RWR, undernose sensor pod, possibly IRST. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3500 kg
Med: 460 (1.9) 655 (2.7) 945 (3.9) Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
Performance: Cannon: GSh-6-N-30 30mm rotary.
High: 460 (1.9) 740 (3.1) 1200 (5.0) 3000 L drop tank 2396 kg 223nm
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) e 2 AS-12 or AS-14, 2 AA.fl Aphid, 1 800 ldrop tank, 1 ECM pod (914 nm).
Ceiling: 18000 meters Ordnance Loadouts:
----Throttle Setting----- e 2 UV-32-57 rocket pod, 2 AA-8 Aphid, 1 800 L drop tank, 1 ECM pod (914 Payload: 8000 kg
Endurance: fnHight Refuel?: N Cannon: GSh-6-N-30 30mm rotary.
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat nm). Cruise Range: 590 nm Internal Fuel: 3700 kg • 4 AS-719/10/11/12/14, 2 3000 L drop tank, 2 AA.fl (1616 nm).
Vlow: 460 (1.9) 460 (1.9) 561 (2.3) e 4 FAB-500, 1 800 L drop tank, 1 ECM pod (914 nm).
Q!op Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. • 2 AS-719/10/11/12/14, 4 3000 L drop tank, 2 AA-8 (1919 nm).
Med: 560 (2.3) 625 (2.6) 1204 (5.0)
BOO L drop tank 639 kg 51nm • 10 FAB-500, 2 3000 L drop tank (1616 nm).
High: 560 (2.3) 790 (3.3) 1606 (6.7) MiG-29 Fulcrum Intercept 1200 L ferry tank 958 kg 76nm
VHigh: 560 (2.3) 790 (3.3) 1606 (6.7) Cannon ATA: 4 Del ATA: 5 (2.5) e 22 FAB-500 (1314 nm).
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3500 kg • 1TN-1000,4 3000 L drop tank, 1 AA-11 (1919 nm).
VHigh: 24000 meters Sensors: Cannon: 2 NR-30 30mm.
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Slot Back radar, IRST, RWR. Ballistic bombsight.
, , • 2 AS-10, 2 AA-8, 2 800 L drop tanks (623 nm).
Cruise Range: 1560 nm Internal Fuel: 14200 kg
I • 4 UV-32-57 or FAB-500 bombs, 2 800 L drop tanks (623 nm).
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:?
• 2 UV-32-57 or FAB-500 bombs, 4 800 L drop tanks (715 nm).
• 4 AA-6 Acrid or AA-7 Apex pr AA-8 Aphid or AA-11 Archer (1404 nm).
• 1 TN-1000 nuclear bomb, 4 800 L drop tanks, 1 AA.fl (715 nm).
Data Annex 1990·91
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N MiG-25 Foxbat F performance: Su-22 Fitter F
Attack Attack
Cruise Range: 594 nm Internal Fuel: 2277 kg Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 2.5 (2.5) Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon ATA: 3 Del ATA: 2.5 (1.5)
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Sensors: ----Throttle Setting----- Sensors:
Drop tank 391 kg 51 nm ESM (estimated). Ballistic bombsight. Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Terrain-following radar, RWR. Ballistic bombsight.
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1500 kg Performance: Vlow: 580 (2.4) 580 (2.4) 700 (2.9) Performance:
• 4 AA-2 Atoll (564 nm). Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Med: 460 (1.9) 665 (2.8) 980(4.1) Speed in Knoll (Nm/Phase)
e 2 FAB-500 and FAB-250 bombs (534 nm). ----Throttle Setting----- High: 460(1.9) 750(3.1) 1260 (5.2) ----Throttle Setting-----
• 4 UV-16-57 rocket pods (534 nm). Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Ceiling: 18400 meters Al6tude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Vlow: 460 (1.9) 460 (1.9) 561 (2.3) Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Vlow: 570 (2.4) 570 (2.4) 699 (2.9)
MiG·23MF Flogger B/G/K Intercept Med: 560 (2.3) 625 (2.6) 1084 (4.5) Cruise Range: 905 nm Internal Fuel: 4000 kg Med: 460 (1.9) 658 (2.7) 972 (4.1)
Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 3 (1) High: 560 (2.3) 790 (3.3) 1606 (6.7) Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. High: 460(1.9) 745(3.1) 1245 (5.2)
Sensors: VHigh: 560 (2.3) 790 (3.3) 1606 (6.7) Drop Tank 800 kg 90 nm Ceiling: 18000 meters
High Lark radar, RWR, IRST. Basic bombsighl. VHigh: 24000 meters Ferry Tank 1500 kg 255 nm Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N
Performance: Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg Cruise Range: 945 nm Internal Fuel: 3950 kg
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cruise Range: 1560 nm Internal Fuel: 14200 kg cannon: 1 30mm single barrel (use specs for GSh-23L 23mm). Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
----Throttle Setting----- Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:? e 2 AS-12 or AS-14, 2AA-11, 1 ECM pod (806 nm). 800 L drop tank 639 kg 76nm
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat e4AS-11 Kilter(1404nm). e 2AS-12 orAS-14 orTN-1000, 2 800 kg drop tanks, 1AA-11,1 ECM pod Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3500 kg
Vlow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 791 (3.3) Remarks: (968 nm). Cannon: 2 NR-30 30mm.
1070 (4.5) Offensive EW variant. Assumed to be modified A or, E models. e4AA-10,2AA-11 (806nm).
Med: 436 (1.8) 708 (3.0) • 2 AS-7 or AS-9 or AS-10, 2 AA.fl (987 nm).
High: 436 (1.8) 765 (3.2) 1348 (5.6) e4FAB-1000, 1ECMpod,1 AA-11 (806nm). • 6 FAB-500 bombs and 2 800 L drop 1anks (987 nm).
Ceiling: 18600 meters • 2 AA-10, 2 AA-11, 2 800 kg drop tanks (968 nm).
MiG·25R Foxbat B/D Reece
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: 2.5 (2.5) Su-22 Fitter J Attack
Cruise Range: 970 nm Internal Fuel: 4600 kg Sensors:
MiG-31 Foxhound Intercept Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 2.5 (1.5)
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. B has Jay Bird radar, 5 cameras and SLAR. D has Jay Bird, larger SLAR, no Cannon ATA: 0 Del ATA: 3 (2) Sensors:
800 L drop tank 639 kg 67nm cameras, and ELINT sensors. Sensors: RWR. Ballistic bombsight.
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 2000 kg LO/SD TWS radar, possible IRST, RWR. Performance:
Cannon: 1 GSh-23L 23mm. Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Performance: Speed in Knois (Nm/Phase)
• 2 AS-7 Kerry or UV-16-57or FAB-500, 2AA-7, 1800 L drop tank(933 nm). ----Throttle Setting - - - - - Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) ----Throttle Setting-----
• 2 AA-7, 4 AA.fl, 1 800 L drop tank (Flogger BIG) (933 nm). Altitude Cruise Full M17. Reheat ----Throttle Setting----- Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
• 4 AA-10, 4AA-11, 1 800 L drop tank (Flogger K) (933 nm). Vlow: 475 (2.0) 475 (2.0) 572 (2.4) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Vlow: 580 (2.4) 580 (2.4) 702 (2.9)
1204 (5.0) Vlow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7) 792 (3.3) Med: 500 (2.1) 660 (2.8)
Med: 560 (2.3) 638 (2. 7) 951 (4.0)
Mig-25 Foxbat A Intercept High: 560 (2.3) 800 (3.3) 1836 (7.7) Med: 560 (2.3) 710 (3.0) 1084 (4.5) High: . 500 (2.1) 740 (3.1) 1200 (5.0)
VHigh: 560 (2.3) 800 (3.3) 1836 (7.7) High: 560 (2.3) 770 (3.2) 1377 (5.7) Celling: 18000 meters
Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: 2.5 (2.5)
VHigh: 560 (2.3) 770 (3.2) 1377 (5.7) Endurance:
Sensors: VHigh: 27000 meters lnflight Refuel?: N
Ceiling: 24400 meters Cruise Range: 1035 nm
Foxfire radar, RWR. Endurance: lnllight Refuel?: N Internal Fuel: 5111 kg
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N Drop Tank Desc.
Performance: Cruise Range: 1560 nm Internal Fuel: 14200 kg Fuel Wt. Range Add.
Cruise Range: 1620 nm Internal Fuel: 14200 kg 800 L drop tank
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Ordnance Loadouts: 639 kg 65nm
----Throttle Setting----- Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4000 kg
2000 L drop tank 1600 kg 91 nm Cannon: 2 NR-30mm.
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:? • 2 FAB-500, 2 AA-2, 2 800 L drop tank (1048 nm).
Vlow: 460 (1 .9) 460 (1.9) 561 (2.3) MiG-27 Flogger D/J Attack e6 AA-9 Amos, 4 AA-11 Archer(1458 nm). • 4 FAB-500, 2 800 L drop tank (1048 nm).
Med: 561 (2.3) 625 (2.6) 1084 (4.5) Cannon ATA: 4 Del ATA: 3 (1) • 4 AA-9 Amos, 2 2000 L drop tanks, 4 AA-11 Archer(1622 nm).
High: 561 (2.3) 790 (3.3) 1606 (6.7) Sensors: • B AA-9 Amos (1458 nm).
VHigh: 561 (2.3) 790 (3.3) 1606 (6.7) LRMTS, RWR. Advanced bombsight. Remarks: Su-24 Fencer Attack
VHlgh: 24400 meters Performance: Cannon ATA: 4 Del ATA: 2.5 (1.5)
Can engage 4 different targets simultaneouly with M-9.
Endurance: fnOfght Refuel?: N Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Sensors:
Cruise Range: 1560 nm Internal Fuel: 14200 kg ----Throttle Setting----- Fencer radar, terrain-following radar, LRMTS, AWA. Advanced bombsight.
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:? Su-17 Fitter C Attack Performance:
Almude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cannon ATA: 3
• 4 AA-6 Acrid (1482 nm). Vlow: 600 (2.5) 600 (2.5) 725 (3.0)
Del ATA: 2.5 (1.5) Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase)
• 2 AA-7 Apex and 2 AA-8 Aphid (1482 nm). Sensors: ----Throttle Setting-----
Med: 530 (2.2) 655 (2.7) 850 (3.5)
Remarks: High Fix (SRO-SM) radar, RWR in bolh models. Fitter D also has LRMTS, Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
High: 530 (2.2) 710 (3.0) 925 (3.9)
Being converted to Foxbat Es. possible terrain-following radar. Ballistic bombsight. Vlow: 650 (2. 7) 650 (2. 7)
Ceiling: 15240 meters 791 (3.3)
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Med: 561 (2.3) 698 (2.9) 1021 (4.3)
MiG·25M Foxbat E Intercept Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) High: 516 (2.2) 745(3.1) 1251 (5.2)
Cruise Range: 950 nm Internal Fuel: 4600 kg
Range Add. ----Throttle Setting----- Ceiling: 16500 meters
Cannon ATA: 0 Def ATA: 2.5 (2.5) Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt.
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: fnflight Refuel?: Y
Sensors: 800 L drop tank 639 kg 66nm
VLow: 570 (2.4) 570 (2.4) 690 (2.9) Cruise Range: 1930 nm Internal Fuel: 10385 kg
High Lark radar (or varianl), RWR, undernose sensor pod, possibly IRST. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3500 kg
Med: 460 (1.9) 655 (2.7) 945 (3.9) Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
Performance: Cannon: GSh-6-N-30 30mm rotary.
High: 460 (1.9) 740 (3.1) 1200 (5.0) 3000 L drop tank 2396 kg 223nm
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) e 2 AS-12 or AS-14, 2 AA.fl Aphid, 1 800 ldrop tank, 1 ECM pod (914 nm).
Ceiling: 18000 meters Ordnance Loadouts:
----Throttle Setting----- e 2 UV-32-57 rocket pod, 2 AA-8 Aphid, 1 800 L drop tank, 1 ECM pod (914 Payload: 8000 kg
Endurance: fnHight Refuel?: N Cannon: GSh-6-N-30 30mm rotary.
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat nm). Cruise Range: 590 nm Internal Fuel: 3700 kg • 4 AS-719/10/11/12/14, 2 3000 L drop tank, 2 AA.fl (1616 nm).
Vlow: 460 (1.9) 460 (1.9) 561 (2.3) e 4 FAB-500, 1 800 L drop tank, 1 ECM pod (914 nm).
Q!op Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. • 2 AS-719/10/11/12/14, 4 3000 L drop tank, 2 AA-8 (1919 nm).
Med: 560 (2.3) 625 (2.6) 1204 (5.0)
BOO L drop tank 639 kg 51nm • 10 FAB-500, 2 3000 L drop tank (1616 nm).
High: 560 (2.3) 790 (3.3) 1606 (6.7) MiG-29 Fulcrum Intercept 1200 L ferry tank 958 kg 76nm
VHigh: 560 (2.3) 790 (3.3) 1606 (6.7) Cannon ATA: 4 Del ATA: 5 (2.5) e 22 FAB-500 (1314 nm).
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 3500 kg • 1TN-1000,4 3000 L drop tank, 1 AA-11 (1919 nm).
VHigh: 24000 meters Sensors: Cannon: 2 NR-30 30mm.
Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: N Slot Back radar, IRST, RWR. Ballistic bombsight.
, , • 2 AS-10, 2 AA-8, 2 800 L drop tanks (623 nm).
Cruise Range: 1560 nm Internal Fuel: 14200 kg
I • 4 UV-32-57 or FAB-500 bombs, 2 800 L drop tanks (623 nm).
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:?
• 2 UV-32-57 or FAB-500 bombs, 4 800 L drop tanks (715 nm).
• 4 AA-6 Acrid or AA-7 Apex pr AA-8 Aphid or AA-11 Archer (1404 nm).
• 1 TN-1000 nuclear bomb, 4 800 L drop tanks, 1 AA.fl (715 nm).
[:;;J=:=:=::==::==:=::=:=:=:=:==:=G~DW ----------~ Data Annex 1990-91
Endurance: lnftlght Refuel?: N Radar/comjamA/C; can carry 9072 kg of Chatt=161 km barrier, escort or stand-
Internal Fuel: 2350 kg
Tu-95 BearG Attack
Later production marks may have different engines, poss R-29Bs@ 11500 Cruise Range: 645 nm off jammer. J: Specialized jammer A/C. K: ELINT A/C. Possible underwing Cannon ATA: 2
Range Add. Def ATA: .5 (.5)
kg. Fencer A is inital production variant w/squared-off aft fuselage. Su-248 Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. tanks (2 sources) but no photos of A/Cw/tanks or mention of tank size. Sensors:
has rounded fuselage. Su-24C has changes in EW equipment. Su-240 can 600 L drop tank 479 kg 66nm
Down Beat radar, RWR.
be inflight refueled and has longer nose. Su-24E is recon variant for navy; Ferry tank 719 kg 99nm Tu-22 Blinder
Payload: 1000 kg
Attack Performance:
can also carry antiship weapons. Possible Fencer F version; perhaps EW Ordnance Loadouts: Cannon ATA: 2 Def ATA: 1 (.5) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
variant? All weather. Cannon: 2 NR-30 30mm. Sensors: ----Throttle Setting-----
• 2 FAB-500, 2 600 L drop tanks (699 nm). A: Short Horn radar. B: Down Beat radar. C: ESM, cameras. Ballistic bomb- Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Attack • 4 UV-16-57 rocket pods, 2 600 L drop tanks (699 nm).
Su-25K Frogfoot sight. VLow: 410 (1.7) 440 (1.8)
• 2 FAB-250 and 2 AA-2, 2 600 L drop tanks (699 nm). Performance:
Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 3 (1.5) Med: 410 (1.7) 470 (2.0)
e 2 FAB-750 and 2 FAB-500 (580 nm). Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Sensors: High: 500 (2. 1) 500 (2.1)
RWR, laser designator, LRMTS. ----Throttle Setting----- Celling: 12500 meters
Performance: Tu-126 Moss AEW Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: .5 (.5) VLow: 400 (1.7) 400 (1.7) 480 (2.0) Cruise Range: 8000 nm Internal Fuel: 60000 kg
- - - - Throttle Setting----- Sensors: Med: 482 (2.0) 475 (2.0) 670 (2.8) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:?
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Flat Jack radar, ESM. High: 482 (2.0) 550 (2.3) 860 (3.6) Cannon: 3x2 NR-23mm cannon in tail, dorsal, ventral turrets.
VLow: 350 (1.5) 460 (1.9) Performance: Ceiling: 18300 meters • 2 AS-4 (7200 nm).
Med: 350 (1.5) 460 (1.9) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y
High: 350 (1.5) 460 (1.9) ----Throttle Setting----- Cruise Range: 3350 nm Internal Fuel: 36300 kg
Yak-28 Brewer E EWJammer
Celling: 7000 meters Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8000 kg Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: 2 (2)
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N VLow: 351 (1.5) 460 (1.9) Cannon: 1 NR-23mm defensive cannon in tail. Sensors:
Cruise Range: 750 nm Internal Fuel: 3500 kg Med: 351 (1.5) 460 (1.9) e 1 AS-4 (3183 nm). Mushroom radar, ESM. Basic bombsight.
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. High: 460 (1.9) 460 (1.9)
479kg 51nm Celling: 10000 meters Tu-22M Backfire
600 L drop tank
lnfllght Refuel?: Y
Attack Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4400 kg Endurance: Cannon ATA: 2 DefATA: 2 (1)
Cruise Range: 6775 nm Internal Fuel: 65000 kg ----Throttle Setting - - - - -
Cannon: 1 GSh-6-N-30 30mm rotary. Sensors: Altitude Cruise Full Mil.
Ordnance Loadouts: Reheat
• 4 AS-7/9/11/12 and 2 AA-8 Aphid (675 nm). Down Beat radar, RWR. Advanced bombsight. VLow: 496 (2.1) 550 (2.3) 637 (2.7)
• 10 FAB-250 or UV-32-57 or 8 FAB-500 (675 nm). None. Performance: Med: 496 (2.1) 550 (2.3) 637 (2. 7)
e 2 600 L drop tanks, 6 500 kg LGB, 2 AA-8 Aphid (767 nm). Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) High: 496 (2.1) 550 (2.3) 637 (2.7)
e 2 600 L drop tanks, 6 FAB-250 or UV-32-57, 2 AA-8 Aphid (767 nm). Tu-142 Bear F ASW ----Throttle Setting----- Ceiling: 16750 meters
• 2600 Ldroptanks, 1AS-7/9/11/12,4 FAB-250and 2AA-8Aphid(767 nm). Cannon ATA: 2 Def ATA: .5 (.5) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N
Remarks: Sensors: VLow: 495 (2.1) 495 (2.1) 594 (2.5) Cruise Range: 755 nm Internal Fuel: 8500 kg
USSR name Grach (Rook). Wet Eye radar, MAD, 100 sonobuoys, ESM. Med: 459 (1.9) 610 (2.5) 847 (3.5) Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
Performance: High: 459 (1.9) 725 (3.0) 1100 (4.6) 1ooo L Slipper tank 799 kg 53nm
Su-27 Flanker B Intercept Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Celling: 17000 meters Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: ?
Cannon ATA: 4 Def ATA: 4.5 (2) ----Throttle Setting----- Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y • 2 chaff rocket pods or AS-9, 2 1000 L slipper tanks (775 nm).
Sensors: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cruise Range: 5940 nm Internal Fuel: 57000 kg Remarks:
Flash Dance radar, IRST and TV sensors, RWR. Ballistic bombsight. VLow: 321 (1.3) 450 (1.9) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 12000 kg Escort jammer aircraft. Reduces enemy radar range by 25o/o and percent to
Performance: Med: 321 (1.3) 475 (2.0) Cannon: 2 NR-23mm (B) or GSh-23 (C) in tail. hit chance of radar-guided weapons by 5°/o within 5 nm. Chaff warheads
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) High: 500 (2.1) 500 (2.1) • 2 AS-4 or 3 AS-6 (5346 nm). provide 2 nm of chaff in 1 tum, 1 nm in front of launching aircraft.
----Throttle Setting----- Celling: 12500 meters • 12 FAB-1000 or 16FAB-750or18 FAB-250 bombs (5346 nm).
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y • 6 FAB-1000 bombs, 2 AS-9 (5346 nm).
Cruise Range: 8900 nm Internal Fuel: 59501 kg
Yak-38 Forger Attack
VLow: 600 (2.5) 600 (2.5) 725 (3.0) • 1 AS-4 or AS-6 (lightly loaded) (5643 nm).
Payload:? Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: 3 (1.5)
Med: 530 (2.2) 680 (2.8) 1022 (4.3) Ordnance Loadouts: Remarks:
High: 530 (2.2) 760 (3.2) 1320 (5.5) cannon: 2 NR-23 23mm in tail. Extensive ECM suite; carries equivalent of -15% radar jammer pod inter- Ranging radar, laser rangefinder, nose IA sensor (possibly IRST).Advanced
Ceiling: 15240 meters • 8 E45-75A tarp or B-1 DC (8900 nm). nally. Carries internal or external load, but not both. Lightly loaded with one bombsight.
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N • 2 Nuclear DB, 4 E45-75A tarp (8900 nm). AS-4/6.
Cruise Range: 1000 nm Internal Fuel: 6350 kg
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Tu-16 Badger Attack Tu-95 Bear o Reece ----Throttle Setting - - - - -
Drop Tank 1600 kg 126nm Cannon ATA: 2 Def ATA: 1 (.5) Cannon ATA: 2 Def ATA: .5 (.5) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6000 kg Sensors: . Sensors: VLow: 562 (2.3) 562 (2.3)
Cannon: 23mm rotary. C: Puff Ball radar. G: Short Hom radar. E/F: ESM, cameras. K: ESM. Ballisac Big Bulge A radar, Mushroom radar, A346Z Data Link, ESM. Med: 520 (2.2) 554 (2.3)
e 6 AA-10, 4 AA-11 (1440 nm). bombsight. Performance: High: 520 (2.2) 545 (2.3)
• 2 drop tanks, 4 AA-10, 4 AA-11 (1667 nm). Performance: Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Ceiling: 12200 meters
• 2 drop tanks, 8 FAB-500 (1667 nm). Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) ----Throttle Setting - - - - - Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N
Remarks: ----Throttle Setting----- Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cruise Range: 400 nm Internal Fuel: 2268 kg
All weather. Used on Tbilisi carrier. Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat VLow: 410 (1.7) 440 (1.8) Drop Tank Deso. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
VLow: 590 (2.5) 590 (2.5) Med: 410 (1.7) 460 (1.9) 600 L drop tank 479 kg 42 nm
Su-7BMK Fitter A Attack Med: 460 (1.9) 550 (2.3) High: 480 (2.0) 480 (2.0) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1362 kg
Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 2.5 (1) High: 460 (1.9) 510 (2.1) Ceiling: 12500 meters • 4 AS-10 or UV-32-57 or FAB-500 or AA-8 (360 nm).
Sensors: Ceiling: 12300 meters Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y • 2 AS-10 or UV-32-57 or FAB-500 or AA-8, 2 600 L drop tanks (436 nm).
High Fix (SAD-SM) radar. Basic bombsight. Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y/1 (A only) Cruise Range: 8000 nm Internal Fuel: 60052 kg Remarks:
Performance: Cruise Range: 3100 nm Internal Fuel: 36300 kg Ordnance Loadouts: V/STOL.
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8000 kg Cannon: 3x2 NR-23mm defensive cannon in tail, dorsaJ, ventral turrets.
- - - - Throttle Setting - - - - - Remarks:
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat A: Basic bomber, also used as a tanker. B: 2AS-1, rebuiltto Gs, used by D~
VLow: 600 (2.5) 600 (2.5) 725 (3.0) C: 1 AS-2, nose 23mm removed, no bomb capability. D: Maritime recon an
Med: 459 (1.9) 650 (2.7) 822 (3.4) ELINT. E: Rebuilt A for optical recon; bomb bay used for extra fuel and cam•~
High: 459 (1.9) 700 (2.9) 918 (3.8) pallets. F: Similar to E but has ESM pods under wings (ELINT). G: 2 AS-5 ~
Celling: 15000 meters AS-6; can carry bombs. Gmod: 2 AS-6, large radome under fuselage. •
[:;;J=:=:=::==::==:=::=:=:=:=:==:=G~DW ----------~ Data Annex 1990-91
Endurance: lnftlght Refuel?: N Radar/comjamA/C; can carry 9072 kg of Chatt=161 km barrier, escort or stand-
Internal Fuel: 2350 kg
Tu-95 BearG Attack
Later production marks may have different engines, poss R-29Bs@ 11500 Cruise Range: 645 nm off jammer. J: Specialized jammer A/C. K: ELINT A/C. Possible underwing Cannon ATA: 2
Range Add. Def ATA: .5 (.5)
kg. Fencer A is inital production variant w/squared-off aft fuselage. Su-248 Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. tanks (2 sources) but no photos of A/Cw/tanks or mention of tank size. Sensors:
has rounded fuselage. Su-24C has changes in EW equipment. Su-240 can 600 L drop tank 479 kg 66nm
Down Beat radar, RWR.
be inflight refueled and has longer nose. Su-24E is recon variant for navy; Ferry tank 719 kg 99nm Tu-22 Blinder
Payload: 1000 kg
Attack Performance:
can also carry antiship weapons. Possible Fencer F version; perhaps EW Ordnance Loadouts: Cannon ATA: 2 Def ATA: 1 (.5) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
variant? All weather. Cannon: 2 NR-30 30mm. Sensors: ----Throttle Setting-----
• 2 FAB-500, 2 600 L drop tanks (699 nm). A: Short Horn radar. B: Down Beat radar. C: ESM, cameras. Ballistic bomb- Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Attack • 4 UV-16-57 rocket pods, 2 600 L drop tanks (699 nm).
Su-25K Frogfoot sight. VLow: 410 (1.7) 440 (1.8)
• 2 FAB-250 and 2 AA-2, 2 600 L drop tanks (699 nm). Performance:
Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 3 (1.5) Med: 410 (1.7) 470 (2.0)
e 2 FAB-750 and 2 FAB-500 (580 nm). Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Sensors: High: 500 (2. 1) 500 (2.1)
RWR, laser designator, LRMTS. ----Throttle Setting----- Celling: 12500 meters
Performance: Tu-126 Moss AEW Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Cannon ATA: O Del ATA: .5 (.5) VLow: 400 (1.7) 400 (1.7) 480 (2.0) Cruise Range: 8000 nm Internal Fuel: 60000 kg
- - - - Throttle Setting----- Sensors: Med: 482 (2.0) 475 (2.0) 670 (2.8) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload:?
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Flat Jack radar, ESM. High: 482 (2.0) 550 (2.3) 860 (3.6) Cannon: 3x2 NR-23mm cannon in tail, dorsal, ventral turrets.
VLow: 350 (1.5) 460 (1.9) Performance: Ceiling: 18300 meters • 2 AS-4 (7200 nm).
Med: 350 (1.5) 460 (1.9) Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y
High: 350 (1.5) 460 (1.9) ----Throttle Setting----- Cruise Range: 3350 nm Internal Fuel: 36300 kg
Yak-28 Brewer E EWJammer
Celling: 7000 meters Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8000 kg Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: 2 (2)
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N VLow: 351 (1.5) 460 (1.9) Cannon: 1 NR-23mm defensive cannon in tail. Sensors:
Cruise Range: 750 nm Internal Fuel: 3500 kg Med: 351 (1.5) 460 (1.9) e 1 AS-4 (3183 nm). Mushroom radar, ESM. Basic bombsight.
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. High: 460 (1.9) 460 (1.9)
479kg 51nm Celling: 10000 meters Tu-22M Backfire
600 L drop tank
lnfllght Refuel?: Y
Attack Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 4400 kg Endurance: Cannon ATA: 2 DefATA: 2 (1)
Cruise Range: 6775 nm Internal Fuel: 65000 kg ----Throttle Setting - - - - -
Cannon: 1 GSh-6-N-30 30mm rotary. Sensors: Altitude Cruise Full Mil.
Ordnance Loadouts: Reheat
• 4 AS-7/9/11/12 and 2 AA-8 Aphid (675 nm). Down Beat radar, RWR. Advanced bombsight. VLow: 496 (2.1) 550 (2.3) 637 (2.7)
• 10 FAB-250 or UV-32-57 or 8 FAB-500 (675 nm). None. Performance: Med: 496 (2.1) 550 (2.3) 637 (2. 7)
e 2 600 L drop tanks, 6 500 kg LGB, 2 AA-8 Aphid (767 nm). Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) High: 496 (2.1) 550 (2.3) 637 (2.7)
e 2 600 L drop tanks, 6 FAB-250 or UV-32-57, 2 AA-8 Aphid (767 nm). Tu-142 Bear F ASW ----Throttle Setting----- Ceiling: 16750 meters
• 2600 Ldroptanks, 1AS-7/9/11/12,4 FAB-250and 2AA-8Aphid(767 nm). Cannon ATA: 2 Def ATA: .5 (.5) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N
Remarks: Sensors: VLow: 495 (2.1) 495 (2.1) 594 (2.5) Cruise Range: 755 nm Internal Fuel: 8500 kg
USSR name Grach (Rook). Wet Eye radar, MAD, 100 sonobuoys, ESM. Med: 459 (1.9) 610 (2.5) 847 (3.5) Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
Performance: High: 459 (1.9) 725 (3.0) 1100 (4.6) 1ooo L Slipper tank 799 kg 53nm
Su-27 Flanker B Intercept Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Celling: 17000 meters Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: ?
Cannon ATA: 4 Def ATA: 4.5 (2) ----Throttle Setting----- Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y • 2 chaff rocket pods or AS-9, 2 1000 L slipper tanks (775 nm).
Sensors: Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cruise Range: 5940 nm Internal Fuel: 57000 kg Remarks:
Flash Dance radar, IRST and TV sensors, RWR. Ballistic bombsight. VLow: 321 (1.3) 450 (1.9) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 12000 kg Escort jammer aircraft. Reduces enemy radar range by 25o/o and percent to
Performance: Med: 321 (1.3) 475 (2.0) Cannon: 2 NR-23mm (B) or GSh-23 (C) in tail. hit chance of radar-guided weapons by 5°/o within 5 nm. Chaff warheads
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) High: 500 (2.1) 500 (2.1) • 2 AS-4 or 3 AS-6 (5346 nm). provide 2 nm of chaff in 1 tum, 1 nm in front of launching aircraft.
----Throttle Setting----- Celling: 12500 meters • 12 FAB-1000 or 16FAB-750or18 FAB-250 bombs (5346 nm).
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y • 6 FAB-1000 bombs, 2 AS-9 (5346 nm).
Cruise Range: 8900 nm Internal Fuel: 59501 kg
Yak-38 Forger Attack
VLow: 600 (2.5) 600 (2.5) 725 (3.0) • 1 AS-4 or AS-6 (lightly loaded) (5643 nm).
Payload:? Cannon ATA: O Def ATA: 3 (1.5)
Med: 530 (2.2) 680 (2.8) 1022 (4.3) Ordnance Loadouts: Remarks:
High: 530 (2.2) 760 (3.2) 1320 (5.5) cannon: 2 NR-23 23mm in tail. Extensive ECM suite; carries equivalent of -15% radar jammer pod inter- Ranging radar, laser rangefinder, nose IA sensor (possibly IRST).Advanced
Ceiling: 15240 meters • 8 E45-75A tarp or B-1 DC (8900 nm). nally. Carries internal or external load, but not both. Lightly loaded with one bombsight.
Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N • 2 Nuclear DB, 4 E45-75A tarp (8900 nm). AS-4/6.
Cruise Range: 1000 nm Internal Fuel: 6350 kg
Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase)
Drop Tank Desc. Fuel Wt. Range Add. Tu-16 Badger Attack Tu-95 Bear o Reece ----Throttle Setting - - - - -
Drop Tank 1600 kg 126nm Cannon ATA: 2 Def ATA: 1 (.5) Cannon ATA: 2 Def ATA: .5 (.5) Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat
Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 6000 kg Sensors: . Sensors: VLow: 562 (2.3) 562 (2.3)
Cannon: 23mm rotary. C: Puff Ball radar. G: Short Hom radar. E/F: ESM, cameras. K: ESM. Ballisac Big Bulge A radar, Mushroom radar, A346Z Data Link, ESM. Med: 520 (2.2) 554 (2.3)
e 6 AA-10, 4 AA-11 (1440 nm). bombsight. Performance: High: 520 (2.2) 545 (2.3)
• 2 drop tanks, 4 AA-10, 4 AA-11 (1667 nm). Performance: Speed In Knots (Nm/Phase) Ceiling: 12200 meters
• 2 drop tanks, 8 FAB-500 (1667 nm). Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) ----Throttle Setting - - - - - Endurance: lnflight Refuel?: N
Remarks: ----Throttle Setting----- Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat Cruise Range: 400 nm Internal Fuel: 2268 kg
All weather. Used on Tbilisi carrier. Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat VLow: 410 (1.7) 440 (1.8) Drop Tank Deso. Fuel Wt. Range Add.
VLow: 590 (2.5) 590 (2.5) Med: 410 (1.7) 460 (1.9) 600 L drop tank 479 kg 42 nm
Su-7BMK Fitter A Attack Med: 460 (1.9) 550 (2.3) High: 480 (2.0) 480 (2.0) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 1362 kg
Cannon ATA: 3 Def ATA: 2.5 (1) High: 460 (1.9) 510 (2.1) Ceiling: 12500 meters • 4 AS-10 or UV-32-57 or FAB-500 or AA-8 (360 nm).
Sensors: Ceiling: 12300 meters Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y • 2 AS-10 or UV-32-57 or FAB-500 or AA-8, 2 600 L drop tanks (436 nm).
High Fix (SAD-SM) radar. Basic bombsight. Endurance: lnfllght Refuel?: Y/1 (A only) Cruise Range: 8000 nm Internal Fuel: 60052 kg Remarks:
Performance: Cruise Range: 3100 nm Internal Fuel: 36300 kg Ordnance Loadouts: V/STOL.
Speed in Knots (Nm/Phase) Ordnance Loadouts: Payload: 8000 kg Cannon: 3x2 NR-23mm defensive cannon in tail, dorsaJ, ventral turrets.
- - - - Throttle Setting - - - - - Remarks:
Altitude Cruise Full Mil. Reheat A: Basic bomber, also used as a tanker. B: 2AS-1, rebuiltto Gs, used by D~
VLow: 600 (2.5) 600 (2.5) 725 (3.0) C: 1 AS-2, nose 23mm removed, no bomb capability. D: Maritime recon an
Med: 459 (1.9) 650 (2.7) 822 (3.4) ELINT. E: Rebuilt A for optical recon; bomb bay used for extra fuel and cam•~
High: 459 (1.9) 700 (2.9) 918 (3.8) pallets. F: Similar to E but has ESM pods under wings (ELINT). G: 2 AS-5 ~
Celling: 15000 meters AS-6; can carry bombs. Gmod: 2 AS-6, large radome under fuselage. •
l1ool Gow Data Annex 1990-91
Jlnnex C-5urla<e Gun Systems Jlnnex C-5urfa<e Gun Systems
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Mount Name Barrels Surl Surf Ph/Mt Air Air Dmg Ptsl Max Local Mount Name Barrels Surf Surf Ph/Mt Air Air Dmg Pts/ Max Local
Country Bore/Caliber /Mount Range 50o/o- 51°/o+ Range Pk Mount Alt Cntrl? Remarks Country Bore/Caliber /Mount Range 50%- 51%+ Range Pk Mount Alt Cntrl? Remarks
6.8 .40 .25 4.3 .20 4 High y USA Mk10/MK24 20mm/BO 1 1 .20 .05 1 .10 1 Low y
Argent. 105mm 1
1.1 .30 .10 1.1 .15 2 Low y USA Mk67/Mk68 20mm/80 1 1 .20 .05 1 .10 1 Low y
France DCN 20mm/80 1
.25 1.5 .25 4 Low y USA MkBB 25mmi87 1 1.5 .30 .15 0.05 .50 1 Low y
France CAS 62 30mm/70 1 1.5 .40
.40 .25 2.7 .30 2 Med y USA Emerlec Mk74 30mm 2 1.7 .30 .15 1.7 .10 9 Low y
France M1951 57mm/60 1 2.7
.35 4.3 .40 14 High y USA Mk1 40mm/60 2 1.6 .40 .20 1.6 .15 3 High y E,C.
France M1953 1OOmm/55 1 6.5 .50
4.3 .30 14 High y USA Mk240mm/60 4 1.6 .40 .20 1.6 .15 7 High y E,C.
France M1968 100mm/55 1 6.5 .50 .35
.20 24 High y USA Mk340mm/60 1 1.6 .40 .20 1.6 .15 2 High y E,C.
France Compact 1OOmm/55 1 6.5 .60 .45 4.3
.30 8 High y USA Mk22 76mm/50 1 4 .25 .20 2.7 .10 1 High y
France M1948 127mm/54 1 9.7 .40 .30 4.9
.40 .20 1.1 .20 4 Low y USA Mk75 76mm/62 1 4.3 .50 .40 2.7 .50 9 High N
FRG Rh202 20mm/80 1 1.1
Low y USA Mk26 76mm/50 1 4 .15 .10 2.7 .05 1 High y
Ind 12.7mm mg 1 0.5 .30 .10 0.5 .10 1
Low y USA Mk34 76mm/50 1 4 .25 .10 2.7 .10 2 High y
Intl 20mm/BO 1 0.8 .30 .10 0.8 .15 2
39 Low N A, B. USA Mk27/Mk33 76mm/50 2 4 .40 .20 2.7 .15 7 High y
Intl Goalkeeper 30mm R 0.8 .70 .55 0.8 .90
1 Low y USA Mk24/Mk30 127mm/38 1 7 .40 .30 4.3 .10 6 High y
Intl 40mm/60 1 1.6 .30 .10 1.6 .20
2.2 .40 .20 2.2 .20 2 Low y USA Mk28/Mk32/
Intl 40mm/70 1
.40 5 Low N Mk38 127mm/38 2 7 .40 .30 4.3 .20 12 High y
Italy Breda Single 30mm/82 1 1.8 .50 .40 1.8
12 Low N USA Mk27 127mm/25 1 5.5 .40 .20 1.2 .15 5 High y
Italy Breda Twin 30mm/82 2 1.8 .55 .45 1.8 .50
.30 6 Low y USA Mk39 127mm/54 1 9.7 .45 .35 4.9 .30 7 High y
Italy OE/OTO 35mm/90 2 3.2 .30 .20 2.7
N 8. USA Mk42 127mm/54 1 9.7 .45 .35 4.9 .30 10 High y
Italy Dardo 40mm/70 2 2.2 .60 .45 2.2 .75 12 Low
y USA Mk45 127mm/54 1 9.7 .60 .45 4.9 .40 13 High y
Italy Type 106 40mml70 2 2.2 .40 .20 2.2 .50 8 Low
y USA Mk16 152mm/47 3 10.3 .40 .30 11 y
Italy Type 107 40mm/70 1 2.2 .40 .20 2.2 .35 4 Low
Low y USA Mk16 203mm/55 3 15.5 .30 .10 34 y
Italy Type 564 40mm/70 1 2.2 .40 .20 2.2 .35 4
8 Low y USA Mk71 203mm/55 1 15.5 .50 .20 24 N
Italy Type 64 40mm/70 2 2.2 .40 .20 2.2 .50
y USA 406mm/50 3 20 .30 .30 245 y
Italy OTO MK1 76mm/62 1 4.3 .40 .30 2.7 .40 10 High
USSR 2M-7 14.5mm/93 mg 2 0.5 .30 .10 0.5 .10 1 Low y
Italy Compact 76mm/62 1 4.3 .50 .40 2.7 .50 9 High N
USSR 23mm/B7 2 0.9 .30 .10 0.8 .15 6 Med y
Italy Super Rapid 76mm/62 1 4.3 .55 .45 2.7 .60 14 High N
y USSR ZU-23 23mm/81 2 1.5 .20 .10 1.5 .10 1 Low y
Italy Compact 127mm/54 1 8.1 .60 .45 3.1 .30 29 High
y USSR 2M-8 25mm/60 2 1.2 .30 .15 1.2 .15 1 Low y c.
Norway 105mm/56 Coastal Gun 1 4.8 .40 .30 3
y USSR AK-230 30mm/65 2 1.6 .30 .15 1.6 .30 5 Low N
Norway 127mm/45 Coastal Gun 1 4.7 .35 .25 4
y USSR AK-257 57mm/80 2 3.2 .50 .40 3.2 .30 11 High N
PRC Type 82 14.5mm/93 2 0.5 .30 .10 0.5 .10 1 Low c. y
y c. USSR AK-630 30mm/65 R 1.6 .60 .45 1.6 .60 10 Low 8.
PRC Type 61 25mm/60 2 1.2 .30 .15 1.2 .15 1 Low
USSR New 30mm CIWS 2xR 1.6 .75 .60 1.6 .75 25 Low y B.
PRC Type 69 30mm/65 2 1.6 .30 .15 1.6 .30 5 Low N
y USSR Model 70K 37mm/63 1 2.2 .30 .10 2.2 .20 1 Med y
PRC 37mm/63 2 2.2 .25 .05 2.2 .05 2 Med c. y
y USSR V-74M 37mm/63 2 2.2 .40 .15 2.2 .20 3 Med
PRC Type 76 57mm/70 2 2.7 .40 .25 2.7 .20 8 High
y USSR 45mm/85 4 2.2 .40 .25 2.2 .30 9 High y
PRC Autoloader 100mm/56 2 5.4 .50 .35 4.3 .30 8 High
y USSR Single 57mm/70 1 2.7 .20 .10 2.7 .10 3 High y
PRC 130mm/58 2 8.6 .30 .20 7 .10 10 High
y USSR Twin 57mm/70 2 2.7 .25 .15 2.7 .15 7 High y
Spain Meroka 20mm/120 12 1 .50 .40 1 .70 18 Low 8.
y USSR Quad 57mm/70 4 2.7 .30 .20 2.7 .20 17 High y
Sweden Solars 40mml70 1 2.2 .40 .20 1.3 .15 4 Low
y USSR 76mm/60 2 3.8 .40 .30 2.7 .30 7 High y
Sweden Bofors Trinity 40mm/70 1 2.2 .65 .55 1.3 .40 8 Low 8.
y USSR Auto 76mm/60 1 3.8 .50 .40 2.7 .40 12 High y
Sweden Bolo rs Mk 1 57mmi70 1 4.5 .50 .40 4.5 .30 20 Med
y USSR Model SOK 85mm/52 1 4.3 .35 .20 3.2 .20 2 High y
Sweden Bolors Mk2 57mm/70 1 4.5 .55 .45 4.5 .40 25 Med
USSR HAM39-3 85mm/52 2 4.3 .40 .25 3.2 .30 3 High y
Sweden Bofors 76mm/50 1 4.3 .50 .40 3 N
y USSR Bu-34 1OOmm/56 1 5.4 .40 .25 4.3 .20 3 High y
Sweden Bofors 120mm/50 2 7 .45 .35 3 .40 32 High
y USSR 100mm/70 2 6.5 .35 .20 4.3 .20 6 High y
Sweden Solars Ersta 120mm/62 1 9 .60 .40 7 .45 23 High y
y USSR Auto 100mm/70 1 6.5 .50 .40 4.3 .40 21 High
Sweden Balers 152mm/50 2 10 .45 .35 8 .10 16 High
y USSR 56-SM 130mm/58 2 8.6 .40 .30 7 .20 13 High y
UK GAM-801/02/03 20mm/85 1 1.1 .30 .10 1.1 .15 1 Low y
y USSR Auto 130mm/70 2 9.5 .50 .40 5 .40 59 High
UK GCM-AOl/02/03 30mm/75 2 3 .50 .40 3 .30 11 Low y
y USSR B-13-2C 130mm/50 2 7.6 .30 .20 6 .20 5 High
UK LS-30830mm 1 1.6 .50 .40 1.6 .20 5 Low
y USSR 8-38 152mm/57 3 9.7 .35 .25 7.5 .05 10 High y
UK Mk2 40mm/60 STAAG 2 1.6 .20 .10 1.6 .10 1 High
UK Mk3/Mk7/Mk9 40mm/60 1 1.6 .25 .10 1.6 .10 1 High y
UK Mk4 20mm/BO 1 0.8 .30 .10 0.8 .15 2 Low y
UK Mk540mm/60 2 1.6 .30 .15 1.6 .20 2 High y
UK Mk640mm/60 6 1.6 .35 .20 1.6 .25 8 High y 1. Nation: Nation manuf~cturing th~weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon; includes bore (barrel inside diameter in millimeters) and caliber
UK Mk6 76mm/70 2 4.3 .35 .30 2.7 .30 15 Med y (barrel length expressed 1n barrel diameters). 3. Effective Surface Range: Distance in nautical miles within which a surface target can be engaged and hit.
UK Mk 19 102mm/45 2 4.9 .40 .25 2 .20 7 High y 4. Surface Percent_Hlt Probablllty at Half Range or Less: Percent hit chance used if range to surface target is half or less of column three. s. Surface
UK Mk5 114mm/45 1 5.9 .40 .25 2.7 .20 5 High y
Percent Hif Probability at Greater than Half Range: Percent hit chance used if range to surface target is more than half of column three. 6. Effective Air
UK Mk6 114mm/45 2 5.9 .50 .35 2.7 .30 10 High y
Ran?e: Horizontal distance in nautical miles within which an air target can be engaged and hit. 7. Air Percent Kill Probability: Probability of a mount killing
UK MkB 114mm/55 1 7 .50 .35 3.2 .40 10 High N an air target. 8. Damage Points: Number of damage points each hit by a mount inflicts on a surface target. 9. Maximum Target Altitude: Altitude (or less)
UK Mk26 152mm/52 2 10 .40 .30 4.3 .10 31 High y
at which an air target can be engaged and hit. 10. Local Control: Whether the mount can be fired in local control if the director is destroyed. 11. Remarks:
USA Mk15 Phalanx 20mm/76 R 0.3 .20 .10 0.8 .80 6 Low N A,B.
Additional inform3tion about this weapon.
USA Mk15 Phalanx
Block I 20mm/76 R 0.3 .20 .10 0.8 .80 7 Low N A, B, D. Notes: A. Autonomous (rule 4.4.5). B. Capable vs. seaskimmers. C. No director. D. No 1/4 modifier for diving targets. E. Manually loaded.
l1ool Gow Data Annex 1990-91
Jlnnex C-5urla<e Gun Systems Jlnnex C-5urfa<e Gun Systems
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Mount Name Barrels Surl Surf Ph/Mt Air Air Dmg Ptsl Max Local Mount Name Barrels Surf Surf Ph/Mt Air Air Dmg Pts/ Max Local
Country Bore/Caliber /Mount Range 50o/o- 51°/o+ Range Pk Mount Alt Cntrl? Remarks Country Bore/Caliber /Mount Range 50%- 51%+ Range Pk Mount Alt Cntrl? Remarks
6.8 .40 .25 4.3 .20 4 High y USA Mk10/MK24 20mm/BO 1 1 .20 .05 1 .10 1 Low y
Argent. 105mm 1
1.1 .30 .10 1.1 .15 2 Low y USA Mk67/Mk68 20mm/80 1 1 .20 .05 1 .10 1 Low y
France DCN 20mm/80 1
.25 1.5 .25 4 Low y USA MkBB 25mmi87 1 1.5 .30 .15 0.05 .50 1 Low y
France CAS 62 30mm/70 1 1.5 .40
.40 .25 2.7 .30 2 Med y USA Emerlec Mk74 30mm 2 1.7 .30 .15 1.7 .10 9 Low y
France M1951 57mm/60 1 2.7
.35 4.3 .40 14 High y USA Mk1 40mm/60 2 1.6 .40 .20 1.6 .15 3 High y E,C.
France M1953 1OOmm/55 1 6.5 .50
4.3 .30 14 High y USA Mk240mm/60 4 1.6 .40 .20 1.6 .15 7 High y E,C.
France M1968 100mm/55 1 6.5 .50 .35
.20 24 High y USA Mk340mm/60 1 1.6 .40 .20 1.6 .15 2 High y E,C.
France Compact 1OOmm/55 1 6.5 .60 .45 4.3
.30 8 High y USA Mk22 76mm/50 1 4 .25 .20 2.7 .10 1 High y
France M1948 127mm/54 1 9.7 .40 .30 4.9
.40 .20 1.1 .20 4 Low y USA Mk75 76mm/62 1 4.3 .50 .40 2.7 .50 9 High N
FRG Rh202 20mm/80 1 1.1
Low y USA Mk26 76mm/50 1 4 .15 .10 2.7 .05 1 High y
Ind 12.7mm mg 1 0.5 .30 .10 0.5 .10 1
Low y USA Mk34 76mm/50 1 4 .25 .10 2.7 .10 2 High y
Intl 20mm/BO 1 0.8 .30 .10 0.8 .15 2
39 Low N A, B. USA Mk27/Mk33 76mm/50 2 4 .40 .20 2.7 .15 7 High y
Intl Goalkeeper 30mm R 0.8 .70 .55 0.8 .90
1 Low y USA Mk24/Mk30 127mm/38 1 7 .40 .30 4.3 .10 6 High y
Intl 40mm/60 1 1.6 .30 .10 1.6 .20
2.2 .40 .20 2.2 .20 2 Low y USA Mk28/Mk32/
Intl 40mm/70 1
.40 5 Low N Mk38 127mm/38 2 7 .40 .30 4.3 .20 12 High y
Italy Breda Single 30mm/82 1 1.8 .50 .40 1.8
12 Low N USA Mk27 127mm/25 1 5.5 .40 .20 1.2 .15 5 High y
Italy Breda Twin 30mm/82 2 1.8 .55 .45 1.8 .50
.30 6 Low y USA Mk39 127mm/54 1 9.7 .45 .35 4.9 .30 7 High y
Italy OE/OTO 35mm/90 2 3.2 .30 .20 2.7
N 8. USA Mk42 127mm/54 1 9.7 .45 .35 4.9 .30 10 High y
Italy Dardo 40mm/70 2 2.2 .60 .45 2.2 .75 12 Low
y USA Mk45 127mm/54 1 9.7 .60 .45 4.9 .40 13 High y
Italy Type 106 40mml70 2 2.2 .40 .20 2.2 .50 8 Low
y USA Mk16 152mm/47 3 10.3 .40 .30 11 y
Italy Type 107 40mm/70 1 2.2 .40 .20 2.2 .35 4 Low
Low y USA Mk16 203mm/55 3 15.5 .30 .10 34 y
Italy Type 564 40mm/70 1 2.2 .40 .20 2.2 .35 4
8 Low y USA Mk71 203mm/55 1 15.5 .50 .20 24 N
Italy Type 64 40mm/70 2 2.2 .40 .20 2.2 .50
y USA 406mm/50 3 20 .30 .30 245 y
Italy OTO MK1 76mm/62 1 4.3 .40 .30 2.7 .40 10 High
USSR 2M-7 14.5mm/93 mg 2 0.5 .30 .10 0.5 .10 1 Low y
Italy Compact 76mm/62 1 4.3 .50 .40 2.7 .50 9 High N
USSR 23mm/B7 2 0.9 .30 .10 0.8 .15 6 Med y
Italy Super Rapid 76mm/62 1 4.3 .55 .45 2.7 .60 14 High N
y USSR ZU-23 23mm/81 2 1.5 .20 .10 1.5 .10 1 Low y
Italy Compact 127mm/54 1 8.1 .60 .45 3.1 .30 29 High
y USSR 2M-8 25mm/60 2 1.2 .30 .15 1.2 .15 1 Low y c.
Norway 105mm/56 Coastal Gun 1 4.8 .40 .30 3
y USSR AK-230 30mm/65 2 1.6 .30 .15 1.6 .30 5 Low N
Norway 127mm/45 Coastal Gun 1 4.7 .35 .25 4
y USSR AK-257 57mm/80 2 3.2 .50 .40 3.2 .30 11 High N
PRC Type 82 14.5mm/93 2 0.5 .30 .10 0.5 .10 1 Low c. y
y c. USSR AK-630 30mm/65 R 1.6 .60 .45 1.6 .60 10 Low 8.
PRC Type 61 25mm/60 2 1.2 .30 .15 1.2 .15 1 Low
USSR New 30mm CIWS 2xR 1.6 .75 .60 1.6 .75 25 Low y B.
PRC Type 69 30mm/65 2 1.6 .30 .15 1.6 .30 5 Low N
y USSR Model 70K 37mm/63 1 2.2 .30 .10 2.2 .20 1 Med y
PRC 37mm/63 2 2.2 .25 .05 2.2 .05 2 Med c. y
y USSR V-74M 37mm/63 2 2.2 .40 .15 2.2 .20 3 Med
PRC Type 76 57mm/70 2 2.7 .40 .25 2.7 .20 8 High
y USSR 45mm/85 4 2.2 .40 .25 2.2 .30 9 High y
PRC Autoloader 100mm/56 2 5.4 .50 .35 4.3 .30 8 High
y USSR Single 57mm/70 1 2.7 .20 .10 2.7 .10 3 High y
PRC 130mm/58 2 8.6 .30 .20 7 .10 10 High
y USSR Twin 57mm/70 2 2.7 .25 .15 2.7 .15 7 High y
Spain Meroka 20mm/120 12 1 .50 .40 1 .70 18 Low 8.
y USSR Quad 57mm/70 4 2.7 .30 .20 2.7 .20 17 High y
Sweden Solars 40mml70 1 2.2 .40 .20 1.3 .15 4 Low
y USSR 76mm/60 2 3.8 .40 .30 2.7 .30 7 High y
Sweden Bofors Trinity 40mm/70 1 2.2 .65 .55 1.3 .40 8 Low 8.
y USSR Auto 76mm/60 1 3.8 .50 .40 2.7 .40 12 High y
Sweden Bolo rs Mk 1 57mmi70 1 4.5 .50 .40 4.5 .30 20 Med
y USSR Model SOK 85mm/52 1 4.3 .35 .20 3.2 .20 2 High y
Sweden Bolors Mk2 57mm/70 1 4.5 .55 .45 4.5 .40 25 Med
USSR HAM39-3 85mm/52 2 4.3 .40 .25 3.2 .30 3 High y
Sweden Bofors 76mm/50 1 4.3 .50 .40 3 N
y USSR Bu-34 1OOmm/56 1 5.4 .40 .25 4.3 .20 3 High y
Sweden Bofors 120mm/50 2 7 .45 .35 3 .40 32 High
y USSR 100mm/70 2 6.5 .35 .20 4.3 .20 6 High y
Sweden Solars Ersta 120mm/62 1 9 .60 .40 7 .45 23 High y
y USSR Auto 100mm/70 1 6.5 .50 .40 4.3 .40 21 High
Sweden Balers 152mm/50 2 10 .45 .35 8 .10 16 High
y USSR 56-SM 130mm/58 2 8.6 .40 .30 7 .20 13 High y
UK GAM-801/02/03 20mm/85 1 1.1 .30 .10 1.1 .15 1 Low y
y USSR Auto 130mm/70 2 9.5 .50 .40 5 .40 59 High
UK GCM-AOl/02/03 30mm/75 2 3 .50 .40 3 .30 11 Low y
y USSR B-13-2C 130mm/50 2 7.6 .30 .20 6 .20 5 High
UK LS-30830mm 1 1.6 .50 .40 1.6 .20 5 Low
y USSR 8-38 152mm/57 3 9.7 .35 .25 7.5 .05 10 High y
UK Mk2 40mm/60 STAAG 2 1.6 .20 .10 1.6 .10 1 High
UK Mk3/Mk7/Mk9 40mm/60 1 1.6 .25 .10 1.6 .10 1 High y
UK Mk4 20mm/BO 1 0.8 .30 .10 0.8 .15 2 Low y
UK Mk540mm/60 2 1.6 .30 .15 1.6 .20 2 High y
UK Mk640mm/60 6 1.6 .35 .20 1.6 .25 8 High y 1. Nation: Nation manuf~cturing th~weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon; includes bore (barrel inside diameter in millimeters) and caliber
UK Mk6 76mm/70 2 4.3 .35 .30 2.7 .30 15 Med y (barrel length expressed 1n barrel diameters). 3. Effective Surface Range: Distance in nautical miles within which a surface target can be engaged and hit.
UK Mk 19 102mm/45 2 4.9 .40 .25 2 .20 7 High y 4. Surface Percent_Hlt Probablllty at Half Range or Less: Percent hit chance used if range to surface target is half or less of column three. s. Surface
UK Mk5 114mm/45 1 5.9 .40 .25 2.7 .20 5 High y
Percent Hif Probability at Greater than Half Range: Percent hit chance used if range to surface target is more than half of column three. 6. Effective Air
UK Mk6 114mm/45 2 5.9 .50 .35 2.7 .30 10 High y
Ran?e: Horizontal distance in nautical miles within which an air target can be engaged and hit. 7. Air Percent Kill Probability: Probability of a mount killing
UK MkB 114mm/55 1 7 .50 .35 3.2 .40 10 High N an air target. 8. Damage Points: Number of damage points each hit by a mount inflicts on a surface target. 9. Maximum Target Altitude: Altitude (or less)
UK Mk26 152mm/52 2 10 .40 .30 4.3 .10 31 High y
at which an air target can be engaged and hit. 10. Local Control: Whether the mount can be fired in local control if the director is destroyed. 11. Remarks:
USA Mk15 Phalanx 20mm/76 R 0.3 .20 .10 0.8 .80 6 Low N A,B.
Additional inform3tion about this weapon.
USA Mk15 Phalanx
Block I 20mm/76 R 0.3 .20 .10 0.8 .80 7 Low N A, B, D. Notes: A. Autonomous (rule 4.4.5). B. Capable vs. seaskimmers. C. No director. D. No 1/4 modifier for diving targets. E. Manually loaded.
2 3
Jlnnex 0-Surfa<e Missile Systems
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
la I
Surf Surf Air Air Min Max Min Dmg DisV 0.1 SAM HF
Country Name Guidance Range Ph Range Pk Range Alt (m) Alt(m) Pis tum m2? Req? Remarks
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation tor the weapon. 3. Guidance: Type of guidance system or systems used by the weapon. 4. Surface Range: If the
weapon can attack a surface target, this is the maximum range within which a surface target can be engaged and hit. 5. Surface Percent Hit Probability: Chance of the weapon hitting a surface
target. 6. Air Range: If the weapon can attack an air target, this is the maximum range within which an air target can be engaged and hit. 5. Air Percent Hit Probability: Chance of the weapon
hitting and killing an air target. 8. Minimum Range: Distance in nautical miles within which a target cannot be engaged. 9. Maximum Altitude: Maximum altitude for the missile. 10. Minimum
Altitude: Minimum altitude lor the missile. 11. Damage Points: Number of damage points each hit by a missile inflicts on a surface target. 12. Distance Per Turn: Distance in nautical miles the
weapon travels in each 30-second tactical turn. 13. VSmall Target: Whether the weapon represents a Very Small (.1 m2 ) target to enemy defensive systems. 14. SAM HF Radar Required:
Whether or not the missile needs a HF radar operating on the launching ship in order to engage an air target 15. Remarks: Additional information asbout this weapon.
Notes lo Remarks: A: Two missiles may be controlled by the director at the same time at the same target. B: Terminal seaskimmer. C: Can make up to three course changes. K: Four missiles
at once at different targets. N: Nuclear option. 0: Obsolete. P: Popup. Q: Climbs to Low altitude on turn of launch. R: Ten missiles at once at different targets. S: Ship must tum directly toward
target for launch. T: Laser altimeter, TIRH seeker, no ESM warning of attack. U: Selectable popup. V: Warhead is E45-75A Mod torpedo. W: Alternate TIRH. X: Autonomous. Y. Used by new
hybrid CIWS.
18 I
2 3
Jlnnex 0-Surfa<e Missile Systems
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
la I
Surf Surf Air Air Min Max Min Dmg DisV 0.1 SAM HF
Country Name Guidance Range Ph Range Pk Range Alt (m) Alt(m) Pis tum m2? Req? Remarks
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation tor the weapon. 3. Guidance: Type of guidance system or systems used by the weapon. 4. Surface Range: If the
weapon can attack a surface target, this is the maximum range within which a surface target can be engaged and hit. 5. Surface Percent Hit Probability: Chance of the weapon hitting a surface
target. 6. Air Range: If the weapon can attack an air target, this is the maximum range within which an air target can be engaged and hit. 5. Air Percent Hit Probability: Chance of the weapon
hitting and killing an air target. 8. Minimum Range: Distance in nautical miles within which a target cannot be engaged. 9. Maximum Altitude: Maximum altitude for the missile. 10. Minimum
Altitude: Minimum altitude lor the missile. 11. Damage Points: Number of damage points each hit by a missile inflicts on a surface target. 12. Distance Per Turn: Distance in nautical miles the
weapon travels in each 30-second tactical turn. 13. VSmall Target: Whether the weapon represents a Very Small (.1 m2 ) target to enemy defensive systems. 14. SAM HF Radar Required:
Whether or not the missile needs a HF radar operating on the launching ship in order to engage an air target 15. Remarks: Additional information asbout this weapon.
Notes lo Remarks: A: Two missiles may be controlled by the director at the same time at the same target. B: Terminal seaskimmer. C: Can make up to three course changes. K: Four missiles
at once at different targets. N: Nuclear option. 0: Obsolete. P: Popup. Q: Climbs to Low altitude on turn of launch. R: Ten missiles at once at different targets. S: Ship must tum directly toward
target for launch. T: Laser altimeter, TIRH seeker, no ESM warning of attack. U: Selectable popup. V: Warhead is E45-75A Mod torpedo. W: Alternate TIRH. X: Autonomous. Y. Used by new
hybrid CIWS.
18 I
2 3 4
Annex E-ASW Systems
5 6 7 8 9
I~ I
Range Min Damage DisU
Counby Name (nm) Ang Ph Pts Turn Type Remarks
Australia lkara 9.7 1.0 - Mk46 torp 4.1 Standoff Manually reloaded.
France 305mm mortar 1.6 0.2 .40 23 - DC launcher Autoloading. 4 barrelsx305mm.
France Malafon 7.0 1.1 - L4 torp 3.8 Standoff Manually reloaded; takes 3 turns.
France Mk54 375mm mortar 0.9 0.1 .40 25 - DC launcher 6 barrelsx375mm.
France 175kgDC - - .20 24 - Depth charge Air-dropped DC.
France Mortier 1.5 0.2 .30 57 - DC launcher 4 barrelsx305mm.
Intl Depth Charge - - .03 38 - Depth charge Rolled off stern or air-dropped.
Italy Menon K113 0.5 0.1 .20 23 - DC launcher 3 barrels)(305mm, autoloading.
Japan Type 71 375mm mortar 0.9 0.1 .40 27 - DC launcher 6 barrels; manually loaded.
Norway Terna Ill 1.6 0.2 .40 25 - ASWmortar 6 barrelsx200mm; trainable.
PRC FQF-2500 3.2 0.1 .20 16 - ASWmortar 12x250mm tubes.
SWeden Bofors 2-tube mortar 2.0 0.2 .20 27 - DC launcher 2 barrelsx375mm, autoloading.
Sweden Bofors 375mm mortar 2.0 0.5 .30 27 - DC launcher 4x375mm tubes; 3 min reload.
SWeden ElmaASWRL 0.1 0.1 .30 3 - ASW mortar 9 tubes.
UK Mk10 Limbo 0.5 0.1 .25 16 - DC launcher 3 barrelsx305mm. Autoloading ..
UK Mk11 Depth Charge - - .20 20 - Depth charge Air dropped.
UK SquidMk4 0.2 0.1 .15 23 - DC launcher Fixed in train; must fire straight ahead.
USA ASROC 5.0 0.5 - Mk46 torpor nuke DB 6.9 Standoff
USA Hedgehog Mk10/11 0.2 0.1 .15 13 - ASWmortar Fixed in train; 3 min manual reload. 24 rockets.
USA Hedgehog Mk15 0.2 0.1 .10 13 - ASWmortar 5 min manual reload. 24 rockets.
USA Mk54 DC - - .03 28 - Depth charge Aircraft depth bomb; weight 157 kg.
USA Mk9 Depth Charge - - .03 23 - Depth charge From surface ships.
USA Mousetrap Mk20 0.1 0.1 .10 25 - ASWmortar 8 rockets; manually loaded.
USA Mousetrap Mk24 0.1 0.1 .15 25 - ASWmortar 16 rockets; manually loaded.
USA Sea Lance (Torp) 30.0 10.0 - Mk50 torp 5.5 Standott Fired from sub 533mm TT.
USA Sea Lance (Nuke) 60.0 10.0 - Nuke DB - Standott
USA SUBROC 30.0 5.0 - W55 nuke DB 6.0 Standoff
USA VLASROC 20.0 2.5 - Mk50 torp 5.4 Standoff Vertical launch.
USA Weapon Alfa 0.4 0.1 .15 57 - DC launcher
USSR B-1 Depth Charge - - .03 34 - Depth charge Air-dropped or from surface ship.
USSR FRAS-1 37.0 1.0 - Nuke DB - Standoff
USSR Nuke Depth Bomb - - - Nuke DB - Depth charge
USSR ABU 600 0.3 0.1 .30 28 - ASW mortar 6 barrelsx300mm. Ex-MBU 4500
USSR ABU 1000 0.5 0.1 .30 28 - ASWmortar 6 barrelsx300 mm. Auto loader.
USSR ABU 1200 0.7 0.1 .20 17 - ASWmortar 5 barrelsx250mm. Fixed in train.
USSR ABU 2500 1.3 0.1 .25 11 - ASWmortar 16 barre1Sx250mm. Manual reload.
USSR ABU 6000 3.2 0.1 .25 16 - ASWmortar Autoloading. 12 barrelsx250mm.
USSR ABU? 4.0 0.1 .20 18 - ASW Mortar 10 tubes. Follow-on to ABU 6000.
USSR SS-N-14 Silex 30.0 4.0 - E45-75A Mod torp 5.2 Standoff Limited SSM capability (see Annex D).
USSR SS-N-15 Starfish 20.0 5.0 - Nuke DB 8.3 Standoff Ballistic trajectory. Uses 533mm TT.
USSR SS-N-16 Stallion 50.0 10.0 - E45-75A Mod torp 8.3 Standoff Uses 650mm TT. Ballistic trajectory.
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Effective Range: The maximum distance within which a submarine can be engaged and hit 4.
Minimum Range: The minimum distance outside which a submarine ·can be engaged and hit. 5. Percent Hit Probability: The perC:ent chance the weapon will hit the target. 6. Damage Points:
The number of damage points the weapon will inflict on a submerged target. 7. Distance Per Turn: The distance in nautical miles that the torpedo will travel in one 30-second tactical turn. 8. Type:
Specitic type at A.SW weapon. 12. Remarks: Additional information about the weapon. 11 ~
Annex F-Torpedoes .,!!I.
2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 ::s
Eff. Speed DisU % Warh. Damage Launch CD
Counby Name Range (kts) turn hit Wt (kg) vs. sub vs. ship Plattorrns
(mm) Remarks ...co
11 ~
France E15 6.5 25 .21 .50 300 75 150 Sub 550 Passive.
France E18 9.9 35 .29 .55 250 63 125 Surf, sub 533 Passive.
France F17 Mod1 11 35 .29 .60 250 63 125 Sub 550 Wire-guided.
France F17 Mod2 11 40 .33 .70 250 63 125 Sub, surf 533 Wire-guided.
France F17P Mod2 16 35 .29 .70 250 63 125 Sub 550 Wire-guided.
France L3 2.8 25 .21 .50 200 50 - Sub, surf 550 Active.
France L4 3.9 30 .25 .60 150 38 - Surf, air, Malafon 533 New version is shallow-water capable.
France LS 3.7 35 .29 .60 150 38 75 Sub, surf 533 Act/Pass.
France Murene 6 38153 .31/.42 .85 50 25 - Surf, air, Malafon 324 Shallow-water capable.
France Z13 5.5 30 .25 .30 300 - 90 Sub 550 Pattern.
France Z16 5.5 30 .25 .30 300 - 90 Sub 550 Pattern.
FAG Seeal 11 33 .28 .70 260 - 130 Sub, surf 533 Dual-wire.
22 23 .19
FAG Seeschlange 3.3 33 .28 .70 100 25 - Sub 533 Dual-wire.
6.6 23 .19
FAG SST-3 t2 35 .29 .70 260 - 130 Sub, surf 533 Dual-wire.
28 23 .19
FAG SST-4 6 35 .29 .70 260 - 130 Sub, surl 533 Dual-wire.
11 28 .23
20 23 .19
FAG SUT 6.5 34 .33 .70 260 65 130 Sub, surf 533 Dual-wire, shallow-water capable.
15.3 23 .20 - - - - - -
FAG Seehecht 11 35 .38 .75 260 65 130 Sub 533 Dual-wire.
FAG Seeal3 12 50 .42 .BO 260 65 t30 Sub, surf 533 Dual-wire.
22 25 .21
FAG DM2A4 11 35 .21 .75 260 65 130 Sub 533 Dual-wire
Italy A.184 5.5 36 .30 .70 250 63 125 Sub. surf 533 Wire-guided, dual-speed.
13.7 24 .20 - - - - - -
Italy A.244 3.3 30 .25 .50 34 17 - Surf, air 324 AcVPass.
Italy A.244s 3.3 30 .25 .55 34 17 - Surf, air 324 Act/Pass.
Italy A.290 5 45 .38 .65 45 23 - Surf, air, Milas 324 Shallow-water capable.
Japan Type 72 11 50 .42 .65 250 - 125 Sub, surf 533 Pass.
Japan Type 73 3 30 .55 .60 45 23 - Ship, air 324
Japan Type 80 8 34 .28 .70 150 75 - Sub 482 Wire-guided.
18 22 .18 - - - - - -
Japan GRX-2 16.4 70 .58 .80 300 75 150 Sub 533 Wire-guided.
25 40 .33
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Effective Range: Maximum distance the torpedo will travel in a straight line. If two effective
ranges are shown, the firing vessel may select between them, but the corresponding speed must be used. 4. Speed: The torpedo's speed in knots. 5. Distance Per Turn: The distance in nautical
miles that the torpedo will travel in one 30-second tactical tum. 6. Percent Hit Probability: The percent chance the torpedo will hit the target 7. Warhead: The torpedo's warhead weight in
I~ I
kilograms. 8. Damage Points Against A Submarine: If the torpedo can attack a submarine, this value is the nu.mber of damage points it will inflict on a submerged target. 9. Damage Points
Against A Surface Target: If the torpedo can attack a surface vessel, this value is the number of damage points it will inflict on a surface target. 10. Launch Platforms: Type of units the torpedo
can be launched from. 11. Diameter: The diameter of the torpedo in millimeters. 12. Remarks: Additional information about the weapon.
2 3 4
Annex E-ASW Systems
5 6 7 8 9
I~ I
Range Min Damage DisU
Counby Name (nm) Ang Ph Pts Turn Type Remarks
Australia lkara 9.7 1.0 - Mk46 torp 4.1 Standoff Manually reloaded.
France 305mm mortar 1.6 0.2 .40 23 - DC launcher Autoloading. 4 barrelsx305mm.
France Malafon 7.0 1.1 - L4 torp 3.8 Standoff Manually reloaded; takes 3 turns.
France Mk54 375mm mortar 0.9 0.1 .40 25 - DC launcher 6 barrelsx375mm.
France 175kgDC - - .20 24 - Depth charge Air-dropped DC.
France Mortier 1.5 0.2 .30 57 - DC launcher 4 barrelsx305mm.
Intl Depth Charge - - .03 38 - Depth charge Rolled off stern or air-dropped.
Italy Menon K113 0.5 0.1 .20 23 - DC launcher 3 barrels)(305mm, autoloading.
Japan Type 71 375mm mortar 0.9 0.1 .40 27 - DC launcher 6 barrels; manually loaded.
Norway Terna Ill 1.6 0.2 .40 25 - ASWmortar 6 barrelsx200mm; trainable.
PRC FQF-2500 3.2 0.1 .20 16 - ASWmortar 12x250mm tubes.
SWeden Bofors 2-tube mortar 2.0 0.2 .20 27 - DC launcher 2 barrelsx375mm, autoloading.
Sweden Bofors 375mm mortar 2.0 0.5 .30 27 - DC launcher 4x375mm tubes; 3 min reload.
SWeden ElmaASWRL 0.1 0.1 .30 3 - ASW mortar 9 tubes.
UK Mk10 Limbo 0.5 0.1 .25 16 - DC launcher 3 barrelsx305mm. Autoloading ..
UK Mk11 Depth Charge - - .20 20 - Depth charge Air dropped.
UK SquidMk4 0.2 0.1 .15 23 - DC launcher Fixed in train; must fire straight ahead.
USA ASROC 5.0 0.5 - Mk46 torpor nuke DB 6.9 Standoff
USA Hedgehog Mk10/11 0.2 0.1 .15 13 - ASWmortar Fixed in train; 3 min manual reload. 24 rockets.
USA Hedgehog Mk15 0.2 0.1 .10 13 - ASWmortar 5 min manual reload. 24 rockets.
USA Mk54 DC - - .03 28 - Depth charge Aircraft depth bomb; weight 157 kg.
USA Mk9 Depth Charge - - .03 23 - Depth charge From surface ships.
USA Mousetrap Mk20 0.1 0.1 .10 25 - ASWmortar 8 rockets; manually loaded.
USA Mousetrap Mk24 0.1 0.1 .15 25 - ASWmortar 16 rockets; manually loaded.
USA Sea Lance (Torp) 30.0 10.0 - Mk50 torp 5.5 Standott Fired from sub 533mm TT.
USA Sea Lance (Nuke) 60.0 10.0 - Nuke DB - Standott
USA SUBROC 30.0 5.0 - W55 nuke DB 6.0 Standoff
USA VLASROC 20.0 2.5 - Mk50 torp 5.4 Standoff Vertical launch.
USA Weapon Alfa 0.4 0.1 .15 57 - DC launcher
USSR B-1 Depth Charge - - .03 34 - Depth charge Air-dropped or from surface ship.
USSR FRAS-1 37.0 1.0 - Nuke DB - Standoff
USSR Nuke Depth Bomb - - - Nuke DB - Depth charge
USSR ABU 600 0.3 0.1 .30 28 - ASW mortar 6 barrelsx300mm. Ex-MBU 4500
USSR ABU 1000 0.5 0.1 .30 28 - ASWmortar 6 barrelsx300 mm. Auto loader.
USSR ABU 1200 0.7 0.1 .20 17 - ASWmortar 5 barrelsx250mm. Fixed in train.
USSR ABU 2500 1.3 0.1 .25 11 - ASWmortar 16 barre1Sx250mm. Manual reload.
USSR ABU 6000 3.2 0.1 .25 16 - ASWmortar Autoloading. 12 barrelsx250mm.
USSR ABU? 4.0 0.1 .20 18 - ASW Mortar 10 tubes. Follow-on to ABU 6000.
USSR SS-N-14 Silex 30.0 4.0 - E45-75A Mod torp 5.2 Standoff Limited SSM capability (see Annex D).
USSR SS-N-15 Starfish 20.0 5.0 - Nuke DB 8.3 Standoff Ballistic trajectory. Uses 533mm TT.
USSR SS-N-16 Stallion 50.0 10.0 - E45-75A Mod torp 8.3 Standoff Uses 650mm TT. Ballistic trajectory.
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Effective Range: The maximum distance within which a submarine can be engaged and hit 4.
Minimum Range: The minimum distance outside which a submarine ·can be engaged and hit. 5. Percent Hit Probability: The perC:ent chance the weapon will hit the target. 6. Damage Points:
The number of damage points the weapon will inflict on a submerged target. 7. Distance Per Turn: The distance in nautical miles that the torpedo will travel in one 30-second tactical turn. 8. Type:
Specitic type at A.SW weapon. 12. Remarks: Additional information about the weapon. 11 ~
Annex F-Torpedoes .,!!I.
2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 ::s
Eff. Speed DisU % Warh. Damage Launch CD
Counby Name Range (kts) turn hit Wt (kg) vs. sub vs. ship Plattorrns
(mm) Remarks ...co
11 ~
France E15 6.5 25 .21 .50 300 75 150 Sub 550 Passive.
France E18 9.9 35 .29 .55 250 63 125 Surf, sub 533 Passive.
France F17 Mod1 11 35 .29 .60 250 63 125 Sub 550 Wire-guided.
France F17 Mod2 11 40 .33 .70 250 63 125 Sub, surf 533 Wire-guided.
France F17P Mod2 16 35 .29 .70 250 63 125 Sub 550 Wire-guided.
France L3 2.8 25 .21 .50 200 50 - Sub, surf 550 Active.
France L4 3.9 30 .25 .60 150 38 - Surf, air, Malafon 533 New version is shallow-water capable.
France LS 3.7 35 .29 .60 150 38 75 Sub, surf 533 Act/Pass.
France Murene 6 38153 .31/.42 .85 50 25 - Surf, air, Malafon 324 Shallow-water capable.
France Z13 5.5 30 .25 .30 300 - 90 Sub 550 Pattern.
France Z16 5.5 30 .25 .30 300 - 90 Sub 550 Pattern.
FAG Seeal 11 33 .28 .70 260 - 130 Sub, surf 533 Dual-wire.
22 23 .19
FAG Seeschlange 3.3 33 .28 .70 100 25 - Sub 533 Dual-wire.
6.6 23 .19
FAG SST-3 t2 35 .29 .70 260 - 130 Sub, surf 533 Dual-wire.
28 23 .19
FAG SST-4 6 35 .29 .70 260 - 130 Sub, surl 533 Dual-wire.
11 28 .23
20 23 .19
FAG SUT 6.5 34 .33 .70 260 65 130 Sub, surf 533 Dual-wire, shallow-water capable.
15.3 23 .20 - - - - - -
FAG Seehecht 11 35 .38 .75 260 65 130 Sub 533 Dual-wire.
FAG Seeal3 12 50 .42 .BO 260 65 t30 Sub, surf 533 Dual-wire.
22 25 .21
FAG DM2A4 11 35 .21 .75 260 65 130 Sub 533 Dual-wire
Italy A.184 5.5 36 .30 .70 250 63 125 Sub. surf 533 Wire-guided, dual-speed.
13.7 24 .20 - - - - - -
Italy A.244 3.3 30 .25 .50 34 17 - Surf, air 324 AcVPass.
Italy A.244s 3.3 30 .25 .55 34 17 - Surf, air 324 Act/Pass.
Italy A.290 5 45 .38 .65 45 23 - Surf, air, Milas 324 Shallow-water capable.
Japan Type 72 11 50 .42 .65 250 - 125 Sub, surf 533 Pass.
Japan Type 73 3 30 .55 .60 45 23 - Ship, air 324
Japan Type 80 8 34 .28 .70 150 75 - Sub 482 Wire-guided.
18 22 .18 - - - - - -
Japan GRX-2 16.4 70 .58 .80 300 75 150 Sub 533 Wire-guided.
25 40 .33
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Effective Range: Maximum distance the torpedo will travel in a straight line. If two effective
ranges are shown, the firing vessel may select between them, but the corresponding speed must be used. 4. Speed: The torpedo's speed in knots. 5. Distance Per Turn: The distance in nautical
miles that the torpedo will travel in one 30-second tactical tum. 6. Percent Hit Probability: The percent chance the torpedo will hit the target 7. Warhead: The torpedo's warhead weight in
I~ I
kilograms. 8. Damage Points Against A Submarine: If the torpedo can attack a submarine, this value is the nu.mber of damage points it will inflict on a submerged target. 9. Damage Points
Against A Surface Target: If the torpedo can attack a surface vessel, this value is the number of damage points it will inflict on a surface target. 10. Launch Platforms: Type of units the torpedo
can be launched from. 11. Diameter: The diameter of the torpedo in millimeters. 12. Remarks: Additional information about the weapon.
lnnex F-Torpedoes
11 12
I~ I
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Eff. Speed Dis ti % Warh. Damage Launch Diam
Country Name Range (kts) tum hit Wt (kg) vs. sub vs. ship Platforms (mm) Remarks
Sweden Type 42 5.4/10.8 40/25 .33/.20 .60 50 25 25 Surf, sub, air 400 Wire-guided.
Sweden Type 422 5.4/10.8 40/25 .33/.20 .65 50 25 25 Surf, sub, air 400 Wire-guided.
Sweden Type 431 8/16 40/25 .33/.20 .80 50 25 25 Surf, sub 400 Dual-wire, shallow-water capable.
SWeden Type 61 10 45 .38 .70 250 125 Surf, sub 533 Wire-guided.
SWeden Type 613 16.4/10.0 25145 .37/.20 .BO 250 125 Surf, sub 533 Dual wire-guided, dual-speed.
Sweden Type 617 16.5 60 .50 .80 240 120 Surf, sub 533 Dual wire-guided.
UK Mk20 6 20 .17 .50 90 23 Sub 533 Passive.
UK Mk23 6 20 .17 .60 90 23 Sub 533 Wire-guided.
UK Mk24 Tigerfish ModO 16 24 .20 .30 340 170 Sub 533 Wire-guided, dual-speed.
7 35 .29
UK Mk24 Tigerfish Mod1 16 24 .20 .60 340 85 170 Sub 533 Wire-guided, dual-speed.
7 35 .29
UK Mk24 Tigerfish Mod2 18 24 .20 .75 340 85 170 Sub 533 Wire-guided, dual-speed.
11 35 .29.
UK MkS 2.5 45 .38 .30 340 102 Sub 533 Nonhoming.
3.5 40 .33
UK Spearfish 20/10 28165 .20/.54 .80 300 75 150 Sub 533 Dual-wire, dual-speed, DE warhead.
UK Stingray 6 45 .38 .70 45 23 Air, surf, standoff 324 Shallow-water capable, DE warhead.
USA Mk14 2.5 46 .38 .30 292 146 Sub 533 Nonhoming.
4.3 32 .27
USA Mk16 5.5 46 .30 338 101 Sub 533 Nonhoming.
USA Mk27 2.5 12 .10 .50 43 22 22 Sub 482
USA Mk32 4.3 12 .10 .50 49 25 Air.surf 483
USA Mk37 4 24 .20 .60 150 75 Sub 482 Wire-guided.
9 16 .13
USA Mk43 2.1 21 .18 .40 34 17 Air, surf, standoff 324
USA Mk44 3 30 .25 .45 34 17 Air, surf, standoff 324
USA Mk45ASTOR 5.4 25 .21 10kt Sub 482 Wire-guided.
USA Mk45F Freedom 7.5 40 .33 .65 295 148 Sub 483 Wake-F.
USA Mk46 6 45 .38 .55 45 23 Air, surf, standoff 324
USA Mk46 NEARTIP 6 45125 .37/.20 .60 45 23 Air, surf, standoff 324 Dual-speed.
USA Mk48 20 40 .33 .70 300 75 150 Sub 533 Dual-wire, dual-speed.
13 55 .46
USA Mk48ADCAP 25 40 .33 .80 300 75 150 Sub 533 Dual-wire, dual-speed.
15 60 .50
USA Mk50 Barracuda 6 55 .46 .70 45 23 Air, surf, standoff 324 Shallow-water capable, DE warhead.
USA NT-37C 8 34 .28 .60 150 75 75 Surf, sub 482 Wire-guided.
18 22 .18
USA NT-37D 8 34 .28 .65 150 75 75 Surf, sub 483 Wire-guided.
18 22 .18
USA NT-37E 10 33 .28 .70 150 75 75 Sub 482 Wire-guided, dual-speed.
22 22 .18
USSR 53VA 5 30 .25 .60 225 56 113 Surf. sub 533
7.5 24 .20 .60 225 56 113
USSR E40-75A 7 30 .25 .50 100 50 Sub 400
USSR E45-70A 5.4 30 .25 .45 90 45 Standoff 450
lnnex F-Torpedoes
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Country Name
Wt (kg)
vs. sub vs. ship
(mm) Remarks ...co
USSR E45-75A 4.5 33 .28 .50 90 45 Air, standoff 450 ~
USSR E45-75A Mod 4 38 .32 .55 90 45 Standoff 450
USSR ET-80(66) 5.5 35 .29 20kt Sub 533 Nonhoming.
21.8 20 .17
USSR ET-BOA 6.4 45 .38 .65 272 68 136 Sub 533 Wir<>-guided .
8 35 .29
USSR SAET-60 8.1 35 .29 .55 400 200 Sub 533
USSR SET-40 5.4 28 .23 .50 100 50 Sub, standoff, air 400
USSR SET-65 5.4 35 .29 .55 272 68 Sub 533
11 24 .20
USSR Type 53-51 2.2 52 .43 .40 400 - 120 Sub 533 Nonhoming .
4.3 39 .33
USSR Type 53-56 5 51 .43 .40 400 - 120 Sub 533 Nonhoming .
10 39 .33
USSR Type 53-56 Nuclear 11.3 32 .27 15kt Sub 533 Nonhoming.
5.9 50 .42
USSR Type 53-65 7.6 55 .46 .60 400 120 Sub 533 Nonhoming .
13 40 .33
USSR Type 53-68 7.6 45 .38 20kt Sub 533 Nonhoming.
USSR Type 65 27 50 .40 .65 900 450 Sub 650 1/Wake-FfTASH .
54 30 .25
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Effective Range: Maximum distance the torpedo will travel in a straight line. If two effective
ranges are shown, the firing vessel may select between them, but the corresponding speed must be used. 4. Speed: The torpedo's speed in knots. s. Distance Per Turn: The distance in nautical
miles that the torpedo will travel in one 30-second tactical turn. 6, Percent Hit Probability: The percent chance the torpedo will hit the targel 7. Warhead: The torpedo's warhead weight in
I~ I
kilograms. 8. Damage Points Against A Submarine: If the torpedo can attack a submarine, this value is the number of damage points it will inflict on a submerged target. 9. Damage Points
Against A Surface Target: If the torpedo can attack a surface vessel, this value is the number of damage points it will inflict on a surface target. 10. Launch Platforms: Type of units the torpedo
can be launched from. 11. Diameter: The diameter of the torpedo in millimeters. 12. Remarks: Additional information about the weapon.
lnnex F-Torpedoes
11 12
I~ I
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Eff. Speed Dis ti % Warh. Damage Launch Diam
Country Name Range (kts) tum hit Wt (kg) vs. sub vs. ship Platforms (mm) Remarks
Sweden Type 42 5.4/10.8 40/25 .33/.20 .60 50 25 25 Surf, sub, air 400 Wire-guided.
Sweden Type 422 5.4/10.8 40/25 .33/.20 .65 50 25 25 Surf, sub, air 400 Wire-guided.
Sweden Type 431 8/16 40/25 .33/.20 .80 50 25 25 Surf, sub 400 Dual-wire, shallow-water capable.
SWeden Type 61 10 45 .38 .70 250 125 Surf, sub 533 Wire-guided.
SWeden Type 613 16.4/10.0 25145 .37/.20 .BO 250 125 Surf, sub 533 Dual wire-guided, dual-speed.
Sweden Type 617 16.5 60 .50 .80 240 120 Surf, sub 533 Dual wire-guided.
UK Mk20 6 20 .17 .50 90 23 Sub 533 Passive.
UK Mk23 6 20 .17 .60 90 23 Sub 533 Wire-guided.
UK Mk24 Tigerfish ModO 16 24 .20 .30 340 170 Sub 533 Wire-guided, dual-speed.
7 35 .29
UK Mk24 Tigerfish Mod1 16 24 .20 .60 340 85 170 Sub 533 Wire-guided, dual-speed.
7 35 .29
UK Mk24 Tigerfish Mod2 18 24 .20 .75 340 85 170 Sub 533 Wire-guided, dual-speed.
11 35 .29.
UK MkS 2.5 45 .38 .30 340 102 Sub 533 Nonhoming.
3.5 40 .33
UK Spearfish 20/10 28165 .20/.54 .80 300 75 150 Sub 533 Dual-wire, dual-speed, DE warhead.
UK Stingray 6 45 .38 .70 45 23 Air, surf, standoff 324 Shallow-water capable, DE warhead.
USA Mk14 2.5 46 .38 .30 292 146 Sub 533 Nonhoming.
4.3 32 .27
USA Mk16 5.5 46 .30 338 101 Sub 533 Nonhoming.
USA Mk27 2.5 12 .10 .50 43 22 22 Sub 482
USA Mk32 4.3 12 .10 .50 49 25 Air.surf 483
USA Mk37 4 24 .20 .60 150 75 Sub 482 Wire-guided.
9 16 .13
USA Mk43 2.1 21 .18 .40 34 17 Air, surf, standoff 324
USA Mk44 3 30 .25 .45 34 17 Air, surf, standoff 324
USA Mk45ASTOR 5.4 25 .21 10kt Sub 482 Wire-guided.
USA Mk45F Freedom 7.5 40 .33 .65 295 148 Sub 483 Wake-F.
USA Mk46 6 45 .38 .55 45 23 Air, surf, standoff 324
USA Mk46 NEARTIP 6 45125 .37/.20 .60 45 23 Air, surf, standoff 324 Dual-speed.
USA Mk48 20 40 .33 .70 300 75 150 Sub 533 Dual-wire, dual-speed.
13 55 .46
USA Mk48ADCAP 25 40 .33 .80 300 75 150 Sub 533 Dual-wire, dual-speed.
15 60 .50
USA Mk50 Barracuda 6 55 .46 .70 45 23 Air, surf, standoff 324 Shallow-water capable, DE warhead.
USA NT-37C 8 34 .28 .60 150 75 75 Surf, sub 482 Wire-guided.
18 22 .18
USA NT-37D 8 34 .28 .65 150 75 75 Surf, sub 483 Wire-guided.
18 22 .18
USA NT-37E 10 33 .28 .70 150 75 75 Sub 482 Wire-guided, dual-speed.
22 22 .18
USSR 53VA 5 30 .25 .60 225 56 113 Surf. sub 533
7.5 24 .20 .60 225 56 113
USSR E40-75A 7 30 .25 .50 100 50 Sub 400
USSR E45-70A 5.4 30 .25 .45 90 45 Standoff 450
lnnex F-Torpedoes
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Country Name
Wt (kg)
vs. sub vs. ship
(mm) Remarks ...co
USSR E45-75A 4.5 33 .28 .50 90 45 Air, standoff 450 ~
USSR E45-75A Mod 4 38 .32 .55 90 45 Standoff 450
USSR ET-80(66) 5.5 35 .29 20kt Sub 533 Nonhoming.
21.8 20 .17
USSR ET-BOA 6.4 45 .38 .65 272 68 136 Sub 533 Wir<>-guided .
8 35 .29
USSR SAET-60 8.1 35 .29 .55 400 200 Sub 533
USSR SET-40 5.4 28 .23 .50 100 50 Sub, standoff, air 400
USSR SET-65 5.4 35 .29 .55 272 68 Sub 533
11 24 .20
USSR Type 53-51 2.2 52 .43 .40 400 - 120 Sub 533 Nonhoming .
4.3 39 .33
USSR Type 53-56 5 51 .43 .40 400 - 120 Sub 533 Nonhoming .
10 39 .33
USSR Type 53-56 Nuclear 11.3 32 .27 15kt Sub 533 Nonhoming.
5.9 50 .42
USSR Type 53-65 7.6 55 .46 .60 400 120 Sub 533 Nonhoming .
13 40 .33
USSR Type 53-68 7.6 45 .38 20kt Sub 533 Nonhoming.
USSR Type 65 27 50 .40 .65 900 450 Sub 650 1/Wake-FfTASH .
54 30 .25
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Effective Range: Maximum distance the torpedo will travel in a straight line. If two effective
ranges are shown, the firing vessel may select between them, but the corresponding speed must be used. 4. Speed: The torpedo's speed in knots. s. Distance Per Turn: The distance in nautical
miles that the torpedo will travel in one 30-second tactical turn. 6, Percent Hit Probability: The percent chance the torpedo will hit the targel 7. Warhead: The torpedo's warhead weight in
I~ I
kilograms. 8. Damage Points Against A Submarine: If the torpedo can attack a submarine, this value is the number of damage points it will inflict on a submerged target. 9. Damage Points
Against A Surface Target: If the torpedo can attack a surface vessel, this value is the number of damage points it will inflict on a surface target. 10. Launch Platforms: Type of units the torpedo
can be launched from. 11. Diameter: The diameter of the torpedo in millimeters. 12. Remarks: Additional information about the weapon.
Gow Data Annex 1990-91
l1oal !1091
Jlnnex G1-Unquided Jlir Ordnan<e Jlnnex G1-Un9uided Jlir Ordnan<e
2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7
Range Hang Dam Range Hang Dam
Country Name (nm) Ph Wt (kg) Pts Remarks Countiy Name (nm) Ph Wt(kg) Pts Remarks
France AN52 600 15kt Nuclear free-fall bomb. USA LAU-69B 2.0 .65 6 19x2.75 FFAR.
France BAT 120 .15 34 5 Retarded anti-armor bomb. USA Zuni 5 HVAR 4.3 .20 49 5
France Belouga .30 290 36 Cluster weapon. USA Mk101 Nuc DB 5-10kt Nuclear depth bomb.
France Giboulee .30 490 17 Cluster weapon. USA Mk105 Nuc DB 5-10kt Nuclear depth bomb .
France BL4 bomb .15 1000 110 GP bomb. USA Mk20 Rockeye .30 222 25 Cluster bomb.
France BL5bomb .15 50 4 GP bomb. USA Mk81 250 lb bomb .15 137 9 Weight for Snakeye retarded version.
France BL6 bomb .15 118 11 GP bomb. USA Mk82 500 lb bomb .15 259 17 Weight for Snakeye retarded version.
France BL7bomb .15 115 12 GP bomb. USA Mk83 1000 lb bomb .15 447 40 No Snakeye version.
France BL8 bomb .15 120 4 Frag bomb (airburst). USA Mk84 2000 lb bomb .15 894 86 No Snakeye version.
France BL9 bomb .15 120 4 Frag bomb (airburst). USA Mk117 750 lb bomb .15 374 37 GP bomb.
France BL18 bomb . 15 125 4 Frag bomb (airburst). USA Mk118 3000 lb bomb .15 1384 179 GP bomb .
France BL4 bomb . 15 1000 110 GP bomb. USA SUU-65/B .15 454 38 Cluster bomb .
France EU2bomb . 15 250 20 GP bomb. USSR FAB-100M62 .15 100 9 General-purpose LO HE bomb .
France EU3 bomb .15 452 41 GP bomb. USSR FAB-250M62 .15 250 23 General-purpose LO HE bomb .
France T200 bomb . 15 345 35 GP bomb. USSR FAB-500M62 .15 499 43 GP bomb .
France BM400 5.4 .15 390 60 Cluster weapon, rocket-boosted. USSR FAB-750 .15 750 65 General-purpose LO HE bomb.
France 531 kg retarded bomb .15 531 48 USSR FAB-1000M43 .15 998 92 Older series wide body bomb.
France Matra 155 2.1 .60 185 4 18x68mm SNEB rockets. FAG, UK use also. USSR FAB-1500M54 .15 1393 133 GP bomb.
France Type 68-12 rocket pod 2.1 .45 98 2 12>c68mm rockets. USSR FAB-3000M46 .15 2983 293 GP bomb.
France Type 68-22 rocket pod 2.1 .67 180 4 22x68mm rockets. USSR FAE .10 250 40 Fuel air explosive.
France Type 68-36 rocket pod 2.1 .85 390 7 36x68mm rockets. USSR TN-1000 1000 350kt Nuclear free-fall bomb.
France Type 100-4 rocket pod 2.1 .15 240 2 4x100mm rockets. USSR FF Nuke2 700 200kt New model nuclear free-fall bomb.
France Type 100-6 rocket pod 2.1 .25 370 4 6x100mm rockets. USSR PKT-250 .15 250 5 Cluster bomb.
France Type F1 rocket pod 2.1 .85 270 7 36x68mm rockets. USSR RBK-180 .30 180 2 Cluster bomb .
France SAMP 25bomb .15 247 20 GP bomb. USSR RBK-250 .30 250 3 Cluster bomb.
Italy AL-18-50 rocket pod 1.0 .60 99 3 18x50mm rockets. USSR RBK-500 .30 500 7 Cluster bomb.
Italy AL-25-50 rocket pod 1.0 .70 155 5 25x50mm rockets. USSR S-13 .20 5 130 mm rocket.
Italy AL-6-68 rocket pod 2.0 .25 2 6x68mm rockets. USSR M-100 .20 16 5 137 mm rocket.
Italy AL-18-68 rocket pod 2.0 .60 3 18x68mm rockets. USSR S-16 .20 5 160 mm rocket.
Italy AL-6-70 rocket pod 2.0 .25 121 1 6x70mm rockets. USSR TRS 190 .20 46 6 190mm rocket.
Italy AL-18-70 rocket pod 2.0 .60 242 3 18x70mm rockets. USSR S-21/S-21M .30 7 210 mm rocket.
Italy AL-6-80 rocket pod 2.0 .25 114 1 6x80mm rockets. USSR AAS 212 .20 116 7 212mm rocket.
Italy SAL-6-80 rocket pod 2.0 .25 163 1 6x80mm rockets. Supersonic rated. USSR S-24 .20 8 240mm rocket M 1976.
Italy SAL-12-80 rocket pod 2.0 .45 297 2 12x80mm rockets. Supersonic rated. USSR S-28 .20 9 280 mm rocket.
PRC 8x57mm rocket pod 1.0 .33 2 USSR S-32/S-32M .20 10 325 mm rocket.
PRC 18x57mm rocket pod 1.0 .60 5 Carried on F-7M, prob others. USSR UB-20 rocket pod 1.0 .60 16 20x80mm S-S or S-SK rockets.
PRC 7x90mm rocket pod 2.0 .30 4 Carried on F-7M, prob others. USSR UV-8-57 1.0 .33 2 8•57mm S-5K or S-5MK rockets.
PRC Type 1 250 kg GP bomb 220 21 Same as USSR FAB-250 M46. USSR UV-16-57 1.0 .55 4 16x57mm S-5K or S-5MK rockets.
PRC Type 2 100 kg GP bomb 103 6 Same as USSR FAB-100 M43. High drag. USSR UV-19-57 1.0 .60 5 19x57mm S-5K or S-5MK rockets.
PRC 50 kg bomb .15 50 4 USSR UV-32-57 1.0 .80 9 32x57mm S-5K or S-5MK rockets.
PRC 500kg bomb .15 500 45
UK BL755 .30 273 60 Cluster weapon.
UK Green Parrot 20kt Nuclear free-fall bomb.
UK Mk1/2 bomb .15 245 18
UK 454 kg bomb .15 453 40 Various marks. Can be fitted with retarder.
USA 828 nuclear bomb 1053 350 kt Nuclear free-fall bomb.
USA 843 nuclear bomb 953 1 mt Nuclear free-fall bomb.
USA 857 nuclear bomb 237 5-20 kt Nuclear free-fall bomb or depth bomb.
USA 861 nuclear bomb 232 550 kt Nuclear free-fall bomb.
USA CBU-24 .30 150 Cluster bomb.
USA CBU-72/B FAE .05 227 38 Fuel air explosive.
USA CBU-87/B .30 431 65 Cluster bomb.
USA CBU-95 FAE .10 227 54 Fuel air explosive.
USA LAU-68B 2.0 .50 98 2 7'2.75 FFAR.
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Range: Distance in nautical miles within which a surface 1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Range: Distance in nautical miles within which a surface
target can be engaged and hit. 4. Percent Hit Probability: Percent chance of hitting a target. 5. Hang Weight: Weight of the weapon in kilograms. &. Damage target can be engaged and hit. 4. Percent Hit Probability: Percent chance of hitting a target. 5. Heng Weight: Weight of the weapon in kilograms. 6. Damage
Points: Number of damage points each hit by a weapon inflicts on a surface target. 9. Remarks: Additional information about this weapon. Points: Number of damage points each hit by a weapon inflicts on a surface target. 9. Remarks: Additional information about this weapon.
Notes: For statistics on nuclear weapons effects, see Annex I. Notes: For statistics on nuclear weapons effects, see Annex I.
Gow Data Annex 1990-91
l1oal !1091
Jlnnex G1-Unquided Jlir Ordnan<e Jlnnex G1-Un9uided Jlir Ordnan<e
2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7
Range Hang Dam Range Hang Dam
Country Name (nm) Ph Wt (kg) Pts Remarks Countiy Name (nm) Ph Wt(kg) Pts Remarks
France AN52 600 15kt Nuclear free-fall bomb. USA LAU-69B 2.0 .65 6 19x2.75 FFAR.
France BAT 120 .15 34 5 Retarded anti-armor bomb. USA Zuni 5 HVAR 4.3 .20 49 5
France Belouga .30 290 36 Cluster weapon. USA Mk101 Nuc DB 5-10kt Nuclear depth bomb.
France Giboulee .30 490 17 Cluster weapon. USA Mk105 Nuc DB 5-10kt Nuclear depth bomb .
France BL4 bomb .15 1000 110 GP bomb. USA Mk20 Rockeye .30 222 25 Cluster bomb.
France BL5bomb .15 50 4 GP bomb. USA Mk81 250 lb bomb .15 137 9 Weight for Snakeye retarded version.
France BL6 bomb .15 118 11 GP bomb. USA Mk82 500 lb bomb .15 259 17 Weight for Snakeye retarded version.
France BL7bomb .15 115 12 GP bomb. USA Mk83 1000 lb bomb .15 447 40 No Snakeye version.
France BL8 bomb .15 120 4 Frag bomb (airburst). USA Mk84 2000 lb bomb .15 894 86 No Snakeye version.
France BL9 bomb .15 120 4 Frag bomb (airburst). USA Mk117 750 lb bomb .15 374 37 GP bomb.
France BL18 bomb . 15 125 4 Frag bomb (airburst). USA Mk118 3000 lb bomb .15 1384 179 GP bomb .
France BL4 bomb . 15 1000 110 GP bomb. USA SUU-65/B .15 454 38 Cluster bomb .
France EU2bomb . 15 250 20 GP bomb. USSR FAB-100M62 .15 100 9 General-purpose LO HE bomb .
France EU3 bomb .15 452 41 GP bomb. USSR FAB-250M62 .15 250 23 General-purpose LO HE bomb .
France T200 bomb . 15 345 35 GP bomb. USSR FAB-500M62 .15 499 43 GP bomb .
France BM400 5.4 .15 390 60 Cluster weapon, rocket-boosted. USSR FAB-750 .15 750 65 General-purpose LO HE bomb.
France 531 kg retarded bomb .15 531 48 USSR FAB-1000M43 .15 998 92 Older series wide body bomb.
France Matra 155 2.1 .60 185 4 18x68mm SNEB rockets. FAG, UK use also. USSR FAB-1500M54 .15 1393 133 GP bomb.
France Type 68-12 rocket pod 2.1 .45 98 2 12>c68mm rockets. USSR FAB-3000M46 .15 2983 293 GP bomb.
France Type 68-22 rocket pod 2.1 .67 180 4 22x68mm rockets. USSR FAE .10 250 40 Fuel air explosive.
France Type 68-36 rocket pod 2.1 .85 390 7 36x68mm rockets. USSR TN-1000 1000 350kt Nuclear free-fall bomb.
France Type 100-4 rocket pod 2.1 .15 240 2 4x100mm rockets. USSR FF Nuke2 700 200kt New model nuclear free-fall bomb.
France Type 100-6 rocket pod 2.1 .25 370 4 6x100mm rockets. USSR PKT-250 .15 250 5 Cluster bomb.
France Type F1 rocket pod 2.1 .85 270 7 36x68mm rockets. USSR RBK-180 .30 180 2 Cluster bomb .
France SAMP 25bomb .15 247 20 GP bomb. USSR RBK-250 .30 250 3 Cluster bomb.
Italy AL-18-50 rocket pod 1.0 .60 99 3 18x50mm rockets. USSR RBK-500 .30 500 7 Cluster bomb.
Italy AL-25-50 rocket pod 1.0 .70 155 5 25x50mm rockets. USSR S-13 .20 5 130 mm rocket.
Italy AL-6-68 rocket pod 2.0 .25 2 6x68mm rockets. USSR M-100 .20 16 5 137 mm rocket.
Italy AL-18-68 rocket pod 2.0 .60 3 18x68mm rockets. USSR S-16 .20 5 160 mm rocket.
Italy AL-6-70 rocket pod 2.0 .25 121 1 6x70mm rockets. USSR TRS 190 .20 46 6 190mm rocket.
Italy AL-18-70 rocket pod 2.0 .60 242 3 18x70mm rockets. USSR S-21/S-21M .30 7 210 mm rocket.
Italy AL-6-80 rocket pod 2.0 .25 114 1 6x80mm rockets. USSR AAS 212 .20 116 7 212mm rocket.
Italy SAL-6-80 rocket pod 2.0 .25 163 1 6x80mm rockets. Supersonic rated. USSR S-24 .20 8 240mm rocket M 1976.
Italy SAL-12-80 rocket pod 2.0 .45 297 2 12x80mm rockets. Supersonic rated. USSR S-28 .20 9 280 mm rocket.
PRC 8x57mm rocket pod 1.0 .33 2 USSR S-32/S-32M .20 10 325 mm rocket.
PRC 18x57mm rocket pod 1.0 .60 5 Carried on F-7M, prob others. USSR UB-20 rocket pod 1.0 .60 16 20x80mm S-S or S-SK rockets.
PRC 7x90mm rocket pod 2.0 .30 4 Carried on F-7M, prob others. USSR UV-8-57 1.0 .33 2 8•57mm S-5K or S-5MK rockets.
PRC Type 1 250 kg GP bomb 220 21 Same as USSR FAB-250 M46. USSR UV-16-57 1.0 .55 4 16x57mm S-5K or S-5MK rockets.
PRC Type 2 100 kg GP bomb 103 6 Same as USSR FAB-100 M43. High drag. USSR UV-19-57 1.0 .60 5 19x57mm S-5K or S-5MK rockets.
PRC 50 kg bomb .15 50 4 USSR UV-32-57 1.0 .80 9 32x57mm S-5K or S-5MK rockets.
PRC 500kg bomb .15 500 45
UK BL755 .30 273 60 Cluster weapon.
UK Green Parrot 20kt Nuclear free-fall bomb.
UK Mk1/2 bomb .15 245 18
UK 454 kg bomb .15 453 40 Various marks. Can be fitted with retarder.
USA 828 nuclear bomb 1053 350 kt Nuclear free-fall bomb.
USA 843 nuclear bomb 953 1 mt Nuclear free-fall bomb.
USA 857 nuclear bomb 237 5-20 kt Nuclear free-fall bomb or depth bomb.
USA 861 nuclear bomb 232 550 kt Nuclear free-fall bomb.
USA CBU-24 .30 150 Cluster bomb.
USA CBU-72/B FAE .05 227 38 Fuel air explosive.
USA CBU-87/B .30 431 65 Cluster bomb.
USA CBU-95 FAE .10 227 54 Fuel air explosive.
USA LAU-68B 2.0 .50 98 2 7'2.75 FFAR.
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Range: Distance in nautical miles within which a surface 1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Range: Distance in nautical miles within which a surface
target can be engaged and hit. 4. Percent Hit Probability: Percent chance of hitting a target. 5. Hang Weight: Weight of the weapon in kilograms. &. Damage target can be engaged and hit. 4. Percent Hit Probability: Percent chance of hitting a target. 5. Heng Weight: Weight of the weapon in kilograms. 6. Damage
Points: Number of damage points each hit by a weapon inflicts on a surface target. 9. Remarks: Additional information about this weapon. Points: Number of damage points each hit by a weapon inflicts on a surface target. 9. Remarks: Additional information about this weapon.
Notes: For statistics on nuclear weapons effects, see Annex I. Notes: For statistics on nuclear weapons effects, see Annex I.
l11ol Gow Data Annex 1990-91
Jlnnex G2-Jlir<rafl Ele<lroni<s Pods Jlnnex (ii- Jlir<raft Cannon
2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7
Range Ph Hang Hang Dam
Country Name Type (nm) effect Wt(kg) Remarks Country Name Ph Wt (kg) Pts ROF Remarks
France Alligator Ott ECM pod 5 --0.10 500 France 30mm DEFA 552 0.60 2 1250
France Alkan 5020 Chatt/flare --0. 10 Conformal dispenser fitted to underside of wing. France 30mm DEFA 552A 0.60 2 1300
France ATLIS 2 Laser desig. 160 France 30mm DEFA 553 0.60 2 1300
France Barax DECM pod --0.05 82 France 30mm DEFA 554 0.60 3 1800
France Barracuda DECM Pod --0. 10 France 30mm gun pod 0.60 2 1300
France Baslisk Off ECM pod 5 --0. 10 544 France GIAT 791B30mm 0.60 2 1500
France Cairn an Off ECM pod 10 --0. 10 550 France GIAT M.621 20mm gun pod 0.60 170 1 1000
France CT 51J Off ECMpod 5 --0.05 FRG Mauser27mm 0.60 2 1000
France DB 3141 Off ECMpod 5 --0. 10 175 Italy AEREA mg pod 0.50 84 1 750 2 7.62mm mg.
France Phimat Chaff --0. 10 54 PRC Type2 30mm 0.60 2 1200
France Remora DECMpod --0. 15 175 PRC Type 23-1 23mm 0.50 1 850
France Ru bis FLIR pod Sweden SA 1O 30mm gun pod 0.60 340 2 1200
France Syrel ELINT Pod ESM UK Aden 25mm 0.60 3 1650
Italy ELT-457/819/60 Off ECM pod 10 --0. 10 145 UK Aden Mk4 30mm 0.60 2 1200
Italy ELT-555 DECM pod --0.10 140 USA GAU-12/U 25mm rotary 0.70 588 5 3600
Italy SUALQ-234 DECM pod --0.10 270 USA GAU-8 30mm rotary 0.65 6 2100
Sweden BOP 300 Chaff/flare --0.10 USA GPU-2/A 20mm gun pod 0.50 270 2 750
Sweden BOZ 100 Chaff/flare --0.10 USA GPU-5/A 30mm pod 0.65 726 5 2400
Sweden BOZ107 Flare --0.10 USA Mk230 25mm 0.75 1 625
Sewden Erijammer A 100 Off ECM pod 3 --0.05 USA Mk4 20mm gun pod 0.50 630 2 700
UK Sky Shadow DECM pod --0.15 USA SUU-11 BIA gun pod 0.40 147 2 300 7.62mm minigun.
UK Blue Eric DECM pod --0.10 USA SUU-16/A gun pod 0.70 780 4 6000 20mm Vulcan.
USA AAQ-8 DECM pod --0.10 USA SUU-23/A gun pod 0.70 785 4 6000 20mm Vulcan.
USA AAS-35 FLIR 154 USA Vulcan 20mm rotary 0.70 4 4000
USA ALE-18 Chaff --0.05 USSR 23mm rotary 0.70 4 5000
USA ALE-30/32/37A Chaff --0.05 USSR 2A42 30mm 0.40 1 250
USA ALE-38141 Chaff --0.05 USSR 2NR-3030mm 0.60 2 1000
USA ALE-43 Chaff --0. 10 284 Carries enough chaff for 3 minutes of operation. USSR GSh-8-N-30 30mm rotary 0.70 5 4000
USA ALE-44 Chaff/flare --0. 10 22 USSR UPK-23 23mm 0.70 250 2 3000
USA ALQ-101 DECMpod --0.05 USSR GSh-23L 23mm 0.70 3 3000
USA ALQ-119 DECMpod --0. 10 259 USSR NR-23 23mm 0.50 2 850
USA ALQ-123 IRCM pod --0.10 USSR NR-3737mm 0.40 2 400
USA ALQ-131 DECM pod --0. 15 272 USSR NS-23 23mm 0.40 2 550
USA ALQ-165 DECM pod --0.15 172 Podded version of ASPJ.
USA ALQ-176 Off ECM pod --0.10 121
USA ALQ-184 DECM pod --0.15 260
USA Pave Knife Laser desig.
USA Pave Spike Laser desig. 193
USA Pave Tack Laser desig. 580 Has FUR sensor and lilser designator.
USA Samson Decoy 200 Unpowered decoy. Range of 20 nm when lofted by low
altitude aircraft. Range of 70 nm when dropped from
high altitude. Can execute up to three preprogrammed
turns. Apparent fighter-sized contact.
USA TALD Decoy 2 --0.10 204 Follow-on to Samson. Un powered decoy. Range of 20
nm when lofted by low altitude aircraft. Range of 70
nm when dropped from high altitude. Can execute
up to three preprogrammed turns. Has Luneberg lens to
increase RCS (apparent fighter-sized radar rontact).
Has chaff dispenser, active jammers.
USSR DECM pod DECM pod --0.15 Estimated. Pod known to exist.
USSR IRCM Pod IRCM Pod --0.10 Estimated. Existence of pod assumed.
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Percent Hit Probability: Percent chance of hitting a surface
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the pod. 2. Name: Standard designation for the pod. 3. Type: Function of the pod. 4. Range: Distance in nautical miles within target. 4. Hang Weight: Weight of a cannon pod in kilograms. 5. Damage Points: Number of damage points each hit by a weapon inflicts on a surface target.
6. Remarks: Additional information about this weapon.
which an offensive ECM pod is effective. 5. Percent Hit Probability Effect: Reduction in the percent chance of hitting a target sC:reened by this system, by
radar or infrared-guided weapons or both. 6. Hang Weight: Weight of the pod in kilograms. 7. Remarks: Additional information about this system. Notes: For air-to-air ratings of cannon, see individual aircraft listings in Annex B.
l11ol Gow Data Annex 1990-91
Jlnnex G2-Jlir<rafl Ele<lroni<s Pods Jlnnex (ii- Jlir<raft Cannon
2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7
Range Ph Hang Hang Dam
Country Name Type (nm) effect Wt(kg) Remarks Country Name Ph Wt (kg) Pts ROF Remarks
France Alligator Ott ECM pod 5 --0.10 500 France 30mm DEFA 552 0.60 2 1250
France Alkan 5020 Chatt/flare --0. 10 Conformal dispenser fitted to underside of wing. France 30mm DEFA 552A 0.60 2 1300
France ATLIS 2 Laser desig. 160 France 30mm DEFA 553 0.60 2 1300
France Barax DECM pod --0.05 82 France 30mm DEFA 554 0.60 3 1800
France Barracuda DECM Pod --0. 10 France 30mm gun pod 0.60 2 1300
France Baslisk Off ECM pod 5 --0. 10 544 France GIAT 791B30mm 0.60 2 1500
France Cairn an Off ECM pod 10 --0. 10 550 France GIAT M.621 20mm gun pod 0.60 170 1 1000
France CT 51J Off ECMpod 5 --0.05 FRG Mauser27mm 0.60 2 1000
France DB 3141 Off ECMpod 5 --0. 10 175 Italy AEREA mg pod 0.50 84 1 750 2 7.62mm mg.
France Phimat Chaff --0. 10 54 PRC Type2 30mm 0.60 2 1200
France Remora DECMpod --0. 15 175 PRC Type 23-1 23mm 0.50 1 850
France Ru bis FLIR pod Sweden SA 1O 30mm gun pod 0.60 340 2 1200
France Syrel ELINT Pod ESM UK Aden 25mm 0.60 3 1650
Italy ELT-457/819/60 Off ECM pod 10 --0. 10 145 UK Aden Mk4 30mm 0.60 2 1200
Italy ELT-555 DECM pod --0.10 140 USA GAU-12/U 25mm rotary 0.70 588 5 3600
Italy SUALQ-234 DECM pod --0.10 270 USA GAU-8 30mm rotary 0.65 6 2100
Sweden BOP 300 Chaff/flare --0.10 USA GPU-2/A 20mm gun pod 0.50 270 2 750
Sweden BOZ 100 Chaff/flare --0.10 USA GPU-5/A 30mm pod 0.65 726 5 2400
Sweden BOZ107 Flare --0.10 USA Mk230 25mm 0.75 1 625
Sewden Erijammer A 100 Off ECM pod 3 --0.05 USA Mk4 20mm gun pod 0.50 630 2 700
UK Sky Shadow DECM pod --0.15 USA SUU-11 BIA gun pod 0.40 147 2 300 7.62mm minigun.
UK Blue Eric DECM pod --0.10 USA SUU-16/A gun pod 0.70 780 4 6000 20mm Vulcan.
USA AAQ-8 DECM pod --0.10 USA SUU-23/A gun pod 0.70 785 4 6000 20mm Vulcan.
USA AAS-35 FLIR 154 USA Vulcan 20mm rotary 0.70 4 4000
USA ALE-18 Chaff --0.05 USSR 23mm rotary 0.70 4 5000
USA ALE-30/32/37A Chaff --0.05 USSR 2A42 30mm 0.40 1 250
USA ALE-38141 Chaff --0.05 USSR 2NR-3030mm 0.60 2 1000
USA ALE-43 Chaff --0. 10 284 Carries enough chaff for 3 minutes of operation. USSR GSh-8-N-30 30mm rotary 0.70 5 4000
USA ALE-44 Chaff/flare --0. 10 22 USSR UPK-23 23mm 0.70 250 2 3000
USA ALQ-101 DECMpod --0.05 USSR GSh-23L 23mm 0.70 3 3000
USA ALQ-119 DECMpod --0. 10 259 USSR NR-23 23mm 0.50 2 850
USA ALQ-123 IRCM pod --0.10 USSR NR-3737mm 0.40 2 400
USA ALQ-131 DECM pod --0. 15 272 USSR NS-23 23mm 0.40 2 550
USA ALQ-165 DECM pod --0.15 172 Podded version of ASPJ.
USA ALQ-176 Off ECM pod --0.10 121
USA ALQ-184 DECM pod --0.15 260
USA Pave Knife Laser desig.
USA Pave Spike Laser desig. 193
USA Pave Tack Laser desig. 580 Has FUR sensor and lilser designator.
USA Samson Decoy 200 Unpowered decoy. Range of 20 nm when lofted by low
altitude aircraft. Range of 70 nm when dropped from
high altitude. Can execute up to three preprogrammed
turns. Apparent fighter-sized contact.
USA TALD Decoy 2 --0.10 204 Follow-on to Samson. Un powered decoy. Range of 20
nm when lofted by low altitude aircraft. Range of 70
nm when dropped from high altitude. Can execute
up to three preprogrammed turns. Has Luneberg lens to
increase RCS (apparent fighter-sized radar rontact).
Has chaff dispenser, active jammers.
USSR DECM pod DECM pod --0.15 Estimated. Pod known to exist.
USSR IRCM Pod IRCM Pod --0.10 Estimated. Existence of pod assumed.
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Percent Hit Probability: Percent chance of hitting a surface
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the pod. 2. Name: Standard designation for the pod. 3. Type: Function of the pod. 4. Range: Distance in nautical miles within target. 4. Hang Weight: Weight of a cannon pod in kilograms. 5. Damage Points: Number of damage points each hit by a weapon inflicts on a surface target.
6. Remarks: Additional information about this weapon.
which an offensive ECM pod is effective. 5. Percent Hit Probability Effect: Reduction in the percent chance of hitting a target sC:reened by this system, by
radar or infrared-guided weapons or both. 6. Hang Weight: Weight of the pod in kilograms. 7. Remarks: Additional information about this system. Notes: For air-to-air ratings of cannon, see individual aircraft listings in Annex B.
2 3
Annex (i"-(iuided Jlir Ordnan<e
4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13
Speed DisU Flight vsm.
Min Range Hang Dam
(kts) Turn Path Guidance Target? Remarks
Country Name Range (nm) Ph Wt (kg) Pts
, Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Minimum Range: Distance in nautical mites. ~ithin which a surface target ca.nn~t b~ en~aged. 4. Maximum
Rang8: Distance in nautical miles within which a surface target can be engaged ~d hit. 5. Percent Hit Probablllty: Chance of lhe weapon hitting a_ su~c:e target. 6. Hang We1~t .. Weight _of eac~ wea~
in kilograms. 7. Damage Points: Number of damage points each hit by a mount inflicts o_n a surface target. 8. Speed: Speed in knots o! the weapon in fllg~t. 9. Distance Per Turn. Distance in nautical miles
the weapon traveJs in Mch 3o..second tactical tum. 10. Flight Path: Description of the weapon's 1rajectory after it is launched. 1~ .' Guidance: ~pe of gu1d~nce system or systems used by the weapon. 12.
VSrnall Target?: Whether the weapon represents a Very Small (.1 m2) target to enemy defensive systems. 13. Remarks: Add1t1onal information about this weapon.
Notes to Remarks: A. Executes steep dive on target in las\ tum of flight. B. Launch at VLow altitude permitted. C. Can h'.9-ve up to thr~ waypoin.~. D. Not tuna bl~ in fli~ht. E. Stores target emitter
\oca\ion. f. "Termina\ popup. G. Aitburst warhead. H. Requires data link pod. 1. Tunable in flight. J. Alternate TARM guidance. K. Loner capability. L. Med or High aJt1tude launch. I J ~
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing lhe weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Minimum Range: Distance in nautical miles within which a surface target cannot be engaged. 4. Maximum
Range: Dislance in nautical miles within which a surface target can be engaged and hit. 5. Percent Hit Probability: Chance of the weapon hitting a surface target. 6. Hang Weight: We/ghl of each weapon
in kilograms. 7. Damage Points: Number of damage points each hit by a mount inflicts on a surface target. 8. Speed: Speed in knols of the weapon in flight. 9. Distance Per Turn: Distance in nautical miles
the weapon travels in each 30-second tactical turn. 10. Flight Path: Description of the weapon's trajectory after ii is launched. 11. Guidance: "Type of guidance syslem or systems used by the weapon. 12.
VSrnall Target?: Whether the weapon represents a Very Small (.1 mZ) target lo enemy defensive systems. 13. Remarks: Addidonal information about this weapon.
Notes to Remarks: A. Executes steep dive on target in last turn of flight. B. Launch at Vlow altitude permitted. C. Can have up to three waypoints. D. Not tunable in flight. E. Stores target emitter
location. F. Terminal popup. G. Airburst warhead. H. Requires data link pod. I. Tui:1able in flight. J. Alternate TARM guidance. K. Loiter capability. L. Med or High altitude launch.
2 3
Annex (i"-(iuided Jlir Ordnan<e
4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13
Speed DisU Flight vsm.
Min Range Hang Dam
(kts) Turn Path Guidance Target? Remarks
Country Name Range (nm) Ph Wt (kg) Pts
, Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Minimum Range: Distance in nautical mites. ~ithin which a surface target ca.nn~t b~ en~aged. 4. Maximum
Rang8: Distance in nautical miles within which a surface target can be engaged ~d hit. 5. Percent Hit Probablllty: Chance of lhe weapon hitting a_ su~c:e target. 6. Hang We1~t .. Weight _of eac~ wea~
in kilograms. 7. Damage Points: Number of damage points each hit by a mount inflicts o_n a surface target. 8. Speed: Speed in knots o! the weapon in fllg~t. 9. Distance Per Turn. Distance in nautical miles
the weapon traveJs in Mch 3o..second tactical tum. 10. Flight Path: Description of the weapon's 1rajectory after it is launched. 1~ .' Guidance: ~pe of gu1d~nce system or systems used by the weapon. 12.
VSrnall Target?: Whether the weapon represents a Very Small (.1 m2) target to enemy defensive systems. 13. Remarks: Add1t1onal information about this weapon.
Notes to Remarks: A. Executes steep dive on target in las\ tum of flight. B. Launch at VLow altitude permitted. C. Can h'.9-ve up to thr~ waypoin.~. D. Not tuna bl~ in fli~ht. E. Stores target emitter
\oca\ion. f. "Termina\ popup. G. Aitburst warhead. H. Requires data link pod. 1. Tunable in flight. J. Alternate TARM guidance. K. Loner capability. L. Med or High aJt1tude launch. I J ~
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing lhe weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Minimum Range: Distance in nautical miles within which a surface target cannot be engaged. 4. Maximum
Range: Dislance in nautical miles within which a surface target can be engaged and hit. 5. Percent Hit Probability: Chance of the weapon hitting a surface target. 6. Hang Weight: We/ghl of each weapon
in kilograms. 7. Damage Points: Number of damage points each hit by a mount inflicts on a surface target. 8. Speed: Speed in knols of the weapon in flight. 9. Distance Per Turn: Distance in nautical miles
the weapon travels in each 30-second tactical turn. 10. Flight Path: Description of the weapon's trajectory after ii is launched. 11. Guidance: "Type of guidance syslem or systems used by the weapon. 12.
VSrnall Target?: Whether the weapon represents a Very Small (.1 mZ) target lo enemy defensive systems. 13. Remarks: Addidonal information about this weapon.
Notes to Remarks: A. Executes steep dive on target in last turn of flight. B. Launch at Vlow altitude permitted. C. Can have up to three waypoints. D. Not tunable in flight. E. Stores target emitter
location. F. Terminal popup. G. Airburst warhead. H. Requires data link pod. I. Tui:1able in flight. J. Alternate TARM guidance. K. Loiter capability. L. Med or High altitude launch.
l114I GOW Data Annex 1990-91
Jlnnex H-Jlir-lo-Jlir Missiles Jlnnex I-Nuclear Weapons
2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 3 4 5 G 7
Range Speed DisU Max Hang All Dog- Snap ATA Kill Radius
Country Name (nm) (kts) Phase Guidance Alt Wt (kg) Aspect fight U/D Rating Remarks Name or Warhead Su rt. lnflt. Dmg. Burst
Country Designation Yield (kt) Ship Airer. Radius Type
27 2295 9.G l/M/TARH or TIRH 24.4 110 y y y G
France Mica
Mistral 3 1492 G.2 IRH 15 20 y y N G Static Overpressure (PSI) 7 4
France 2
France R.530 10 1721 7.2 SARH or IRH 20 195 y N N 4 A.
y 5
France A.550 Magic 5 1147. 4.8 IRH 15 90 N
y y
N 5.5
France AN52 15 0.8 1.1 1.7 s
France Magic2 8 1721 7.2 IRH 15 90
y y B=9000 m.
France ASMP 150 1.G 2.3 3.G s
France Super530D 25 2008 8.4 SARH 24 265 N 4.5 UK Green Parrot 20 0.8 1.2 1.9 s
SARH 20 245 y N y 4.5 B=9000 m. USA
France Super530F 15 2295 9.G
ASROC 20 1.5 3.1 u
Ind AIM-132 ASRAAM 8.1 1721 7.2 t/IRH 15 80 y N G USA B28 350 A
27 2295 9.G SARH 20 220 y N y 4 USA B43 1000
Italy Aspide A
Japan AAM-1 3.8 1434 G.O IRH 15 70 N y N 4 USA B57 Free-Fall 15 1.0/.8 -/1.1 2.8/1.7 U/S
PL-2 3 1147 4.8 IRH 15 70 N y N 3 USA B61 550
IRH 15 90 N y N 3.5 USA
PRC PL-7 7.8 1147 4.8
Mk45ASTOR 15 1.0 2.8 u
UK Red Top G.5 1721 7.2 IRH 15 1GO y N 5 USA Terrier BTN 1 0.3 0.4 0.7 A
23.4 193 y N y 4.5 USA
UK Sky Flash 27 2295 9.G SARH
y y y
SUBROC 200 3.5 8.0 u
USA AIM-120 AMRAAM 40 2295 9.G UM/TARH 25 152 G USA Talos 5 0.5 0.7 1.3 A
USA AIM-54A Phoenix 110 2869 12.0 SARH/TARH 25.1 447 y y y 4.5 USSR 152mm shell 5 0.5 0.7 1.3 A
y y y 5
USA AIM-54C Phoenix 110 22G8 9.5 l/MITARH 25.1 4GO
USSR AS-2 350 2.1 2.8 4.9 s
USA AIM-7E Sparrow 12 2295 9.G SARH 20 205 N N 4 USSR AS-3 800 2.7 4.2 G.5 s
USA AIM-7F Sparrow 24 2008 8.4 SARH 20 230 y N N 4.5 USSR AS-4 350 2.1 2.8 4.9 s
y y 4.5
USA AIM-7M Sparrow 24 2008 8.4 l/TSARH 20 230 N
USSR AS-5 350 2.1 2.8 4.9 s
USA AIM-98 Sidewinder G 1147 4.8 IRH 15 75 N N 3 USSR AS-G 350 2.1 2.8 4.9 s
IRH 15 84 N y N 5
USA Al M-9D Sidewinder G 1434 G.O
USSR FRAS-1 200 3.5 8.0 u
y N G
USA AIM-9L Sidewinder 10 1434 G.O IRH 15 85
y y G
USSR TN-1000 350 2.1 2.8 4.9 s
USA AIM-9M Sidewinder 10 1434 G.O IRH 15 85 N USSR Free-Fall #2 250 1.9 2.7 4.4 s
USSR AA-2 Atoll 3.5 1434 G.O IRH 15 70 N y N 3 USSR SA-N-3 3 0.4 O.G 1.1 A
USSR AA-2-2 Adv. Atoll 3.5 1434 G.O SARH 15 110 y y N 3.5 USSR SA-N-G 5 0.5 0.7 1.3 A
y N N 4 C.
USSR AA-GA Acrid 27 2582 10.8 SARH 20 750
y 4 c.
USSR SS-N-2B/C 100 1.4 2.0 3.2 s
USSR AA-GB Acrid 13 2582 10.8 IRH 20 G50 N N USSR SS-N-3 350 2.1 2.8 4.9 s
y y y 5
USSR AA-7A Apex 19 2008 8.4 SARH 20 320
y y 5
USSR SS-N-7 200 1.8 2.5 4.2 s
USSR AA-7B Apex 8 2008 8.4 IRH 20 320 N USSR SS-N-9 100 1.4 2.0 3.2 s
USSR AA-8Aphid 3.5 1721 7.2 IRH 15 55 N N N 4.5 USSR SS-N-12 350 2.1 2.8 4.9 s
y N y 5.5
USSR AA-9Amos 41 2008 8.4 SARH/TARH 25 580
y y y
USSR SS-N-15 200 3.5 8.0 u
USSR AA.1 OAlamo A 4.3 2008 8.4 SARH 20 155
y y
5.5 USSR SS-N-19 350 2.1 2.8 4.9 s
USSR AA-1 OAlamo B 4.3 2008 8.4 IRH 20 155 N 5.5 USSR SS-N-22 200 1.8 2.5 4.2 s
y y y 5.5
USSR AA-10 Alamo C 1G 2008 8.4 SARH 20 200
y y y
USSR Nuke DB 200 3.5 8.0 u
USSR AA-10 Alamo D 1G 2008 8.4 tRH 20 200 5.5 USSR Typa 53-5GN 15 1.0 2.8 u
y y N 5
USSR AA-11 Archer 4.3 1500 G.3 IRH 15 125 USSR ET-SO(GG) 20 1.1 3.1 u
USSR Type 53-G8 20 1.1 3.1 u
(1) All ship damage calculations assume 7 psi static overpressure to sink or gravely damage a surface ship or a surtaced submarine and a 2 psi overpressure
is required to damage its weapons and sensors. Aircraft on the ground or on deck are included.
(2) Aircraft and missiles in flight require a 4 psi overpressure to kill them or force a mission abon, or 2 psi to damage them or force a mission abon.
(3) Airbursts are assumed to detonate at the targers altitude. Nuclear SAMs may be used against surface targets. They will delonate at low altitude over
the target vessel, if they hit.
(4) Aircraft in flight will be affected by an underwater burst. Use the kill radii of underwater bursts against aircraft in flight.
(5) See section 6. 7 for the effects of nuclear weapons.
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Range: Distance within which an air target can be engaged
and hit. 4. Speed: Missile's speed in knots. 5. Dislan_ce_ Per Phas~: Distance in nautica! miles th~t the ~issile travels in one 15-second ph?s~. 6. Guidance~
Type of guidance system or systems used by the m1ss1le. 7. Maximum Altitude: Maximum altitude (1n thousands of meters) that the m1ss1le may ~seen
to. 8. Hang Weight: Weight of a cannon pod in kilograms. 9. All Aspect: The missile may attack air targets from any angle. 10. Dogfight: The missile can
be used at full effectiveness in a dogfight. 11. Snap Up/Down: The missile may engage targets above or below the firing aircraft without restriction. 12. Air- 1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Warhead Yield: Yield of the weapon in kilotons. 4. Surface
to-Air Rating: Performance value used in attacks on air targets. 13. Remarks: Additional infonnation about this weapon. Ship Kill Radius: Distance from the center of the explosion within which all surface vessels are destroyed. 5. lnflight Aircraft Kill Radius: Distance from
the center of the explosion within which all inflight aircraft are destroyed. 6. Damage Radius: Distance from the center of the explosion within which all
Noles to Remarks: A. Both seeker versions all aspect. B. Maximum altitude separation. C. Minimum launch altitude Medium. Must be fired in level flight. Surface vessels are damaged. 7. Burst Type: The type of explosion produced: air, surface, or underwater.
l114I GOW Data Annex 1990-91
Jlnnex H-Jlir-lo-Jlir Missiles Jlnnex I-Nuclear Weapons
2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 3 4 5 G 7
Range Speed DisU Max Hang All Dog- Snap ATA Kill Radius
Country Name (nm) (kts) Phase Guidance Alt Wt (kg) Aspect fight U/D Rating Remarks Name or Warhead Su rt. lnflt. Dmg. Burst
Country Designation Yield (kt) Ship Airer. Radius Type
27 2295 9.G l/M/TARH or TIRH 24.4 110 y y y G
France Mica
Mistral 3 1492 G.2 IRH 15 20 y y N G Static Overpressure (PSI) 7 4
France 2
France R.530 10 1721 7.2 SARH or IRH 20 195 y N N 4 A.
y 5
France A.550 Magic 5 1147. 4.8 IRH 15 90 N
y y
N 5.5
France AN52 15 0.8 1.1 1.7 s
France Magic2 8 1721 7.2 IRH 15 90
y y B=9000 m.
France ASMP 150 1.G 2.3 3.G s
France Super530D 25 2008 8.4 SARH 24 265 N 4.5 UK Green Parrot 20 0.8 1.2 1.9 s
SARH 20 245 y N y 4.5 B=9000 m. USA
France Super530F 15 2295 9.G
ASROC 20 1.5 3.1 u
Ind AIM-132 ASRAAM 8.1 1721 7.2 t/IRH 15 80 y N G USA B28 350 A
27 2295 9.G SARH 20 220 y N y 4 USA B43 1000
Italy Aspide A
Japan AAM-1 3.8 1434 G.O IRH 15 70 N y N 4 USA B57 Free-Fall 15 1.0/.8 -/1.1 2.8/1.7 U/S
PL-2 3 1147 4.8 IRH 15 70 N y N 3 USA B61 550
IRH 15 90 N y N 3.5 USA
PRC PL-7 7.8 1147 4.8
Mk45ASTOR 15 1.0 2.8 u
UK Red Top G.5 1721 7.2 IRH 15 1GO y N 5 USA Terrier BTN 1 0.3 0.4 0.7 A
23.4 193 y N y 4.5 USA
UK Sky Flash 27 2295 9.G SARH
y y y
SUBROC 200 3.5 8.0 u
USA AIM-120 AMRAAM 40 2295 9.G UM/TARH 25 152 G USA Talos 5 0.5 0.7 1.3 A
USA AIM-54A Phoenix 110 2869 12.0 SARH/TARH 25.1 447 y y y 4.5 USSR 152mm shell 5 0.5 0.7 1.3 A
y y y 5
USA AIM-54C Phoenix 110 22G8 9.5 l/MITARH 25.1 4GO
USSR AS-2 350 2.1 2.8 4.9 s
USA AIM-7E Sparrow 12 2295 9.G SARH 20 205 N N 4 USSR AS-3 800 2.7 4.2 G.5 s
USA AIM-7F Sparrow 24 2008 8.4 SARH 20 230 y N N 4.5 USSR AS-4 350 2.1 2.8 4.9 s
y y 4.5
USA AIM-7M Sparrow 24 2008 8.4 l/TSARH 20 230 N
USSR AS-5 350 2.1 2.8 4.9 s
USA AIM-98 Sidewinder G 1147 4.8 IRH 15 75 N N 3 USSR AS-G 350 2.1 2.8 4.9 s
IRH 15 84 N y N 5
USA Al M-9D Sidewinder G 1434 G.O
USSR FRAS-1 200 3.5 8.0 u
y N G
USA AIM-9L Sidewinder 10 1434 G.O IRH 15 85
y y G
USSR TN-1000 350 2.1 2.8 4.9 s
USA AIM-9M Sidewinder 10 1434 G.O IRH 15 85 N USSR Free-Fall #2 250 1.9 2.7 4.4 s
USSR AA-2 Atoll 3.5 1434 G.O IRH 15 70 N y N 3 USSR SA-N-3 3 0.4 O.G 1.1 A
USSR AA-2-2 Adv. Atoll 3.5 1434 G.O SARH 15 110 y y N 3.5 USSR SA-N-G 5 0.5 0.7 1.3 A
y N N 4 C.
USSR AA-GA Acrid 27 2582 10.8 SARH 20 750
y 4 c.
USSR SS-N-2B/C 100 1.4 2.0 3.2 s
USSR AA-GB Acrid 13 2582 10.8 IRH 20 G50 N N USSR SS-N-3 350 2.1 2.8 4.9 s
y y y 5
USSR AA-7A Apex 19 2008 8.4 SARH 20 320
y y 5
USSR SS-N-7 200 1.8 2.5 4.2 s
USSR AA-7B Apex 8 2008 8.4 IRH 20 320 N USSR SS-N-9 100 1.4 2.0 3.2 s
USSR AA-8Aphid 3.5 1721 7.2 IRH 15 55 N N N 4.5 USSR SS-N-12 350 2.1 2.8 4.9 s
y N y 5.5
USSR AA-9Amos 41 2008 8.4 SARH/TARH 25 580
y y y
USSR SS-N-15 200 3.5 8.0 u
USSR AA.1 OAlamo A 4.3 2008 8.4 SARH 20 155
y y
5.5 USSR SS-N-19 350 2.1 2.8 4.9 s
USSR AA-1 OAlamo B 4.3 2008 8.4 IRH 20 155 N 5.5 USSR SS-N-22 200 1.8 2.5 4.2 s
y y y 5.5
USSR AA-10 Alamo C 1G 2008 8.4 SARH 20 200
y y y
USSR Nuke DB 200 3.5 8.0 u
USSR AA-10 Alamo D 1G 2008 8.4 tRH 20 200 5.5 USSR Typa 53-5GN 15 1.0 2.8 u
y y N 5
USSR AA-11 Archer 4.3 1500 G.3 IRH 15 125 USSR ET-SO(GG) 20 1.1 3.1 u
USSR Type 53-G8 20 1.1 3.1 u
(1) All ship damage calculations assume 7 psi static overpressure to sink or gravely damage a surface ship or a surtaced submarine and a 2 psi overpressure
is required to damage its weapons and sensors. Aircraft on the ground or on deck are included.
(2) Aircraft and missiles in flight require a 4 psi overpressure to kill them or force a mission abon, or 2 psi to damage them or force a mission abon.
(3) Airbursts are assumed to detonate at the targers altitude. Nuclear SAMs may be used against surface targets. They will delonate at low altitude over
the target vessel, if they hit.
(4) Aircraft in flight will be affected by an underwater burst. Use the kill radii of underwater bursts against aircraft in flight.
(5) See section 6. 7 for the effects of nuclear weapons.
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Range: Distance within which an air target can be engaged
and hit. 4. Speed: Missile's speed in knots. 5. Dislan_ce_ Per Phas~: Distance in nautica! miles th~t the ~issile travels in one 15-second ph?s~. 6. Guidance~
Type of guidance system or systems used by the m1ss1le. 7. Maximum Altitude: Maximum altitude (1n thousands of meters) that the m1ss1le may ~seen
to. 8. Hang Weight: Weight of a cannon pod in kilograms. 9. All Aspect: The missile may attack air targets from any angle. 10. Dogfight: The missile can
be used at full effectiveness in a dogfight. 11. Snap Up/Down: The missile may engage targets above or below the firing aircraft without restriction. 12. Air- 1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the weapon. 2. Name: Standard designation for the weapon. 3. Warhead Yield: Yield of the weapon in kilotons. 4. Surface
to-Air Rating: Performance value used in attacks on air targets. 13. Remarks: Additional infonnation about this weapon. Ship Kill Radius: Distance from the center of the explosion within which all surface vessels are destroyed. 5. lnflight Aircraft Kill Radius: Distance from
the center of the explosion within which all inflight aircraft are destroyed. 6. Damage Radius: Distance from the center of the explosion within which all
Noles to Remarks: A. Both seeker versions all aspect. B. Maximum altitude separation. C. Minimum launch altitude Medium. Must be fired in level flight. Surface vessels are damaged. 7. Burst Type: The type of explosion produced: air, surface, or underwater.
l11sl aow Data Annex 1990·91
Annex )-Ship-Mounted Search Radars Annex )-Ship-Mounted Sear<h Radars
2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7
Range (nm) vs. Range (nm) vs. Range (nm) vs. Range (nm) vs.
Country Name Large Small VSmall Pd Function Country Name Large Small VSmall Pd Function Country Name Large Small VSmall Pd Function Country Name Large Small VSmall Pd Function
Canada CMR-4 50 33 16 .80 AS Italy RAN-7S 54 36 17 .70 AS Neth I ZW.01, ZW.03 48 32 15 .70 SS UK Type 1003 7 5 2 .70 SS
Canada LN-66 48 32 15 .70 SS Italy RAN-10S (SPS-774) 86 57 27 .80 AS,SS Neth I ZW.04 20 13 6 .70 SS UK Type 1006 64 43 20 .80 SS
Canada LN-66/SP 32 21 10 .70 SS Italy RAN-11UX 43115 28110 1815 .80 AS/SS Neth I ZW.06 14 9 4 .80 SS UK Type 1007 80 53 25 .80 SS
Canada Sperry Mk2 40 27 13 .75 SS Italy RAN-12UX 43115 28110 1815 .80 AS/SS Neth I ZW.07 16 11 5 .80 SS UK Type 1022 215 143 68 .80 AS
Canada SPS-501 80 53 25 .70 AS Italy RAN-13X 20 13 6 .BO SS Neth I ZW.08 32 21 10 .80 SS USA BPS-4 15 10 5 .70 SS
Canada SPS-502 25 17 8 .75 SS Italy RAN-14X 27 18 9 .BO SS Neth! ZW.09 20 13 6 .BO SS USA BPS-5 24 16 B .70 SS
Canada SPS-503 1BB 125 59 .BO AS Italy RAN-20S 120 80 3B .BO AS Neth! ZW.10 15 10 5 .BO SS USA BPS-9 20 13 6 .70 SS
Denmark CWS-3 54 36 17 .70 AS Italy RAT-31S 225 150 71 .BO HF Neth I ZW.11 15 10 5 .80 SS USA BPS-11 BO 53 25 .BO SS
Denmark NWS-3 30 20 9 .70 SS Italy SPN-703 40 27 13 .80 SS PRC Bean Sticks USA 8PS-12/14 30 20 9 .BO SS
France Arabel 57 3B 18 .BO HF, FC Italy SPN-728 30 20 9 .70 SS /Pea Sticks 120 BO 3B .70 AS USA 8PS-15/16 30 20 9 .BO SS
France Astral 150 100 47 .80 HF Italy SPN-74B 40 27 13 .70 SS PRC Eye Shield 100 67 32 .70 AS USA Mk23 TAS 90 60 2B .BO AS/SS
France Calypso II 16 11 5 .80 SS Italy SPN-749(V) 40 27 13 .BO SS PRC Fin Curve 4B 32 15 .70 SS USA MLA-1, -18 150 100 47 .60 AS,SS
France Calypso Ill 18 12 6 .BO SS Italy SPQ-2/-2D/-2F 40 27 13 .BO AS.SS PRC Rice Screen 100 67 32 .70 HF USA Pathfinder 30 20 9 .70 SS
France Calypso IV 18 12 6 .BO SS Italy SP0-701 40 27 13 .BO SS PRC Type 354 50 33 16 .70 SS USA Raytheon series 30 20 9 .BO SS
France Calypso V 11 7 3 .BO SS Italy SPS-702 40 27 13 .BO SS PRC Type 756 30 20 9 .70 SS USA SG-6 30 20 9 .60 AS
France DRBI 10 150 100 47 .80 HF Japan Furuno 904 30 20 9 .80 SS Sweden 9GR600 60 40 19 .BO SS USA SP0-9A 20 13 6 .BO SS
France DR81 23 200 133 63 .80 HF Japan OPS-1 145 97 46 .70 AS Sweden Sea Giraffe 27 1B 9 .BO AS,SS USA SPS-5 20 13 6 .70 SS
France DR8J 11 100 67 32 .BO HF Japan OPS-2 140 93 44 .70 AS Sweden Sea Giraffe 50 27 1B 9 .BO AS,SS USA SPS-6A 10B 72 34 .70 AS
France DR8N 30 12 B 4 .70 SS Japan OPS-9 48 32 15 .75 SS Sweden Sea Giraffe 100 30 20 I 9
.80 AS,SS USA SPS-68 145 97 46 .70 AS
France DRBN 31 15 10 5 .70 SS Japan OPS-11 180 120 57 .BO AS Sweden Sea Giraffe 150 42 2B 13 .80 AS,SS USA SPS-6C 140 93 44 .70 AS
France DR8N 32 60 40 19 .BO SS Japan OPS-12 200 133 63 .BO HF Sweden Sea Giraffe 150HC 75 50 24 .80 AS.SS USA SPS-8, SPS-8A 90 60 2B .60 HF
France DR8V 13 150 100 47 .80 HF,SS Japan OPS-13 30 20 9 .70 SS Sweden Skanter 009 30 20 9 .BO SS USA SPS-10 23 15 7 .75 SS
France DR8V15 90 60 2B .70 AS,SS Japan OPS-14 220 147 70 .BO AS UK AWS-1 60 40 19 .70 AS USA SPS-12 140 93 44 .75 AS
France DR8V 20 70 47 22 .70 AS Japan OPS-15 140 93 44 .70 AS UK AWS-2 90 60 2B .BO AS USA SPS-21 12 8 4 .70 SS
France DRBV 22 70 47 22 .75 AS Japan OPS-16 40 27 13 .70 SS UK AWS-3 140 93 44 .80 AS USA SPS-23 40 27 13 .60 AS
France DRBV 23 160 107 51 .80 AS Japan OPS-17 40 27 13 .70 SS UK AWS-5 431107 28171 14134 .80 AS/SS USA SPS-28 100 67 32 .70 AS
France DR8V 26 150 100 47 .80 AS Japan OPS-18 30 20 9 .70 SS UK Decca 1226 48 32 15 .70 SS USA SPS-29 250 167 79 .75 AS
France DR8V 26C 160 107 51 .BO AS Japan OPS-19 30 20 9 .70 SS UK Decca 1229 48 32 15 .80 SS USA SPS-30 225 150 71 .50 HF
France DRBV 27 160 107 51 .80 AS Japan OPS-22 30 20 9 .70 SS UK Decca 2459 60 40 19 .80 AS/SS USA SPS-32 400 267 126 .70 AS
France DRBV 31 15 10 5 .75 SS Japan OPS-24 240 160 76 .80 AS UK Decca Series 48 32 15 .70 SS USA SPS-33 400 267 126 .70 HF
France DRBV 50 16 11 5 .70 SS Japan OPS-28 90 60 28 .70 SS UK Type 267 30 20 9 .60 SS USA SPS-34 300 200 95 .70 HF
France DRBV 51 24 16 B .75 SS Japan OPS-29 30 20 9 .70 SS UK Type 268 9 6 3 .60 SS USA SPS-35 32 21 10 .70 SS
France DRUA 31 16 11 5 .BO SS Japan OPS-35 30 20 9 .70 SS UK Type 277 55 37 17 .60 HF USA SPS-36 16 11 5 .75 SS
France DRUA 33 18 12 6 .80 SS Japan OPS-36 30 20 9 .80 SS UK Type 278 55 37 17 .70 HF USA SPS-37 200 133 63 .75 AS
France Jupiter 148 99 47 .80 AS Japan OPS-37 30 20 9 .80 SS UK Type 291 23 15 7 .60 AS USA SPS-37A 261 174 83 .75 AS
France Ramses 60 40 19 .70 AS Japan ZPS-2 10 7 3 .70 . SS UK Type 293, Type 2930 30 20 9 .70 SS USA SPS-39 267 178 84 .70 HF
France Satume I 90 60 28 .60 AS Japan ZPS-3 20 13 6 .70 SS UK Type 294 15 10 5 .70 SS USA SPS-40 1BO 120 57 .80 AS
France Saturne II 90 60 2B .60 AS Japan ZPS-4 30 20 9 .70 SS UK Type 765 90 60 28 .70 AS USA SPS-43 300 200 95 .80 AS
France Sea Tiger II 90 60 28 .80 AS,SS Japan ZPS-6 30 20 9 .80 SS UK Type960 170 113 54 .70 AS USA SPS-46 32 21 10 .80 SS
France Triton 27 18 9 .50 SS Neth I DA.01 75 50 24 .80 AS UK Type 965/Type965M 200 133 63 .70 AS USA SPS-48, SPS-4BE 220 147 70 .80 HF
France Triton C 24 16 8 .50 AS,SS Neth I DA.02 60 40 19 .70 AS UK Type 967/968 150 100 47 .80 AS/SS USA SPS-49 445 297 141 .80 AS
France Triton G 24 16 B .50 AS,SS Neth I DA.04 75 50 24 .70 AS UK Type 974 24 16 B .70 SS USA SPS-51 40 27 13 .70 SS
France Triton II 33 22 10 .50 AS,SS Neth! DA.05, .05/2 112 75 35 .70 AS UK Type 975 32 21 10 .70 SS USA SPS-52 360 240 114 .70 HF
France Triton S 25 17 8 .50 AS.SS Neth! DA.08 165 110 52 .BO AS,SS UK Type 9781979 48 32 15 .75 SS USA SPS-53 32 21 10 .75 SS
France Triton X 16 11 5 .50 SS Neth I LW.01 90 60 28 .70 AS UK Type982 60 40 19 .70 AS USA SPS-55 40 27 13 .80 SS
FAG SGR.110 30 20 9 .70 SS Neth I LW.02 100 67 32 .70 AS UK Type 983 40 27 13 .50 HF USA SPS-58 117 78 37 .80 SS
Intl Kelvin-Hughes series 30 20 9 .80 SS Neth I LW.03 100 67 32 .70 AS UK Type 984 150 100 47 .70 HF USA SPS-59 48 32 15 .70 SS
Intl Nav radar 30 20 9 .70 SS Neth! LW.04 180 120 57 .80 AS UK Type 992 series 90 60 28 .70 AS,SS USA SPS-60 32 21 10 .75 SS
Intl Periscope radar 15 10 5 .70 SS Neth! LW.08 215 143 68 .80 AS UK Type993 45 30 14 .80 AS,SS USA SPS-63 40 27 13 .80 SS
Italy 3RM series 40 27 13 .70 SS Neth! MW.08 150 100 47 .80 HF UK Type 994 (AWS-4) 70 47 22 .80 AS USA SPS-64 32 21 10 .80 SS
Italy 8PS-704 20 13 6 .BO SS Neth I SMART 250 167 79 .BO HF UK Type 996 (AWS-9) 60 40 19 .BO HF USA SPS-65 117 78 37 .80 AS.SS
Italy RAN-2C 150 100 47 .70 AS Neth I SPS-01 200 133 63 .80 AS,SS UK Type 1001 6 4 2 .60 SS USA SPS-66 32 21 10 .80 SS
Italy RAN-3L (SPS-76B) 150 100 47 .80 AS Neth I Vl.01 150 100 47 .70 HF UK Type 1002 7 5 2 .70 SS USA SPS-67 35 23 11 .67 SS
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the radar. 2. Name: Standard designation for the radar. 3. Range To Detect l.srge Target: Distance within which a Large 1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the radar. 2. Name: Standard designation for the radar. 3. Range To Detect Large Target: Distance within which a Large
radar target can be detected. 4. Range To Detect Small Target: Distance within which a Small radar target can be detected. Range To Detect Vsmsll radar targ~t can be_ d~tec~d. 4. Range To Detect Small Target: Distance within which a Small radar target can be detected. Range To Detect Vsmall
Target; Distance within which a Very Small radar target can be detected. 6. Function: Type of search the radar performs. Target: Distance w1th1n which a Very Small radar target can be detected. 6. Funclion: Type of search the radar performs.
Abbreviations: AS: Air Search HF: Height Finding SS: Surlace Search FC: Fire Control Abbreviations: AS: Air Search HF: Height Finding SS: Surface Search FC: Fire Control
l11sl aow Data Annex 1990·91
Annex )-Ship-Mounted Search Radars Annex )-Ship-Mounted Sear<h Radars
2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7
Range (nm) vs. Range (nm) vs. Range (nm) vs. Range (nm) vs.
Country Name Large Small VSmall Pd Function Country Name Large Small VSmall Pd Function Country Name Large Small VSmall Pd Function Country Name Large Small VSmall Pd Function
Canada CMR-4 50 33 16 .80 AS Italy RAN-7S 54 36 17 .70 AS Neth I ZW.01, ZW.03 48 32 15 .70 SS UK Type 1003 7 5 2 .70 SS
Canada LN-66 48 32 15 .70 SS Italy RAN-10S (SPS-774) 86 57 27 .80 AS,SS Neth I ZW.04 20 13 6 .70 SS UK Type 1006 64 43 20 .80 SS
Canada LN-66/SP 32 21 10 .70 SS Italy RAN-11UX 43115 28110 1815 .80 AS/SS Neth I ZW.06 14 9 4 .80 SS UK Type 1007 80 53 25 .80 SS
Canada Sperry Mk2 40 27 13 .75 SS Italy RAN-12UX 43115 28110 1815 .80 AS/SS Neth I ZW.07 16 11 5 .80 SS UK Type 1022 215 143 68 .80 AS
Canada SPS-501 80 53 25 .70 AS Italy RAN-13X 20 13 6 .BO SS Neth I ZW.08 32 21 10 .80 SS USA BPS-4 15 10 5 .70 SS
Canada SPS-502 25 17 8 .75 SS Italy RAN-14X 27 18 9 .BO SS Neth! ZW.09 20 13 6 .BO SS USA BPS-5 24 16 B .70 SS
Canada SPS-503 1BB 125 59 .BO AS Italy RAN-20S 120 80 3B .BO AS Neth! ZW.10 15 10 5 .BO SS USA BPS-9 20 13 6 .70 SS
Denmark CWS-3 54 36 17 .70 AS Italy RAT-31S 225 150 71 .BO HF Neth I ZW.11 15 10 5 .80 SS USA BPS-11 BO 53 25 .BO SS
Denmark NWS-3 30 20 9 .70 SS Italy SPN-703 40 27 13 .80 SS PRC Bean Sticks USA 8PS-12/14 30 20 9 .BO SS
France Arabel 57 3B 18 .BO HF, FC Italy SPN-728 30 20 9 .70 SS /Pea Sticks 120 BO 3B .70 AS USA 8PS-15/16 30 20 9 .BO SS
France Astral 150 100 47 .80 HF Italy SPN-74B 40 27 13 .70 SS PRC Eye Shield 100 67 32 .70 AS USA Mk23 TAS 90 60 2B .BO AS/SS
France Calypso II 16 11 5 .80 SS Italy SPN-749(V) 40 27 13 .BO SS PRC Fin Curve 4B 32 15 .70 SS USA MLA-1, -18 150 100 47 .60 AS,SS
France Calypso Ill 18 12 6 .BO SS Italy SPQ-2/-2D/-2F 40 27 13 .BO AS.SS PRC Rice Screen 100 67 32 .70 HF USA Pathfinder 30 20 9 .70 SS
France Calypso IV 18 12 6 .BO SS Italy SP0-701 40 27 13 .BO SS PRC Type 354 50 33 16 .70 SS USA Raytheon series 30 20 9 .BO SS
France Calypso V 11 7 3 .BO SS Italy SPS-702 40 27 13 .BO SS PRC Type 756 30 20 9 .70 SS USA SG-6 30 20 9 .60 AS
France DRBI 10 150 100 47 .80 HF Japan Furuno 904 30 20 9 .80 SS Sweden 9GR600 60 40 19 .BO SS USA SP0-9A 20 13 6 .BO SS
France DR81 23 200 133 63 .80 HF Japan OPS-1 145 97 46 .70 AS Sweden Sea Giraffe 27 1B 9 .BO AS,SS USA SPS-5 20 13 6 .70 SS
France DR8J 11 100 67 32 .BO HF Japan OPS-2 140 93 44 .70 AS Sweden Sea Giraffe 50 27 1B 9 .BO AS,SS USA SPS-6A 10B 72 34 .70 AS
France DR8N 30 12 B 4 .70 SS Japan OPS-9 48 32 15 .75 SS Sweden Sea Giraffe 100 30 20 I 9
.80 AS,SS USA SPS-68 145 97 46 .70 AS
France DRBN 31 15 10 5 .70 SS Japan OPS-11 180 120 57 .BO AS Sweden Sea Giraffe 150 42 2B 13 .80 AS,SS USA SPS-6C 140 93 44 .70 AS
France DR8N 32 60 40 19 .BO SS Japan OPS-12 200 133 63 .BO HF Sweden Sea Giraffe 150HC 75 50 24 .80 AS.SS USA SPS-8, SPS-8A 90 60 2B .60 HF
France DR8V 13 150 100 47 .80 HF,SS Japan OPS-13 30 20 9 .70 SS Sweden Skanter 009 30 20 9 .BO SS USA SPS-10 23 15 7 .75 SS
France DR8V15 90 60 2B .70 AS,SS Japan OPS-14 220 147 70 .BO AS UK AWS-1 60 40 19 .70 AS USA SPS-12 140 93 44 .75 AS
France DR8V 20 70 47 22 .70 AS Japan OPS-15 140 93 44 .70 AS UK AWS-2 90 60 2B .BO AS USA SPS-21 12 8 4 .70 SS
France DRBV 22 70 47 22 .75 AS Japan OPS-16 40 27 13 .70 SS UK AWS-3 140 93 44 .80 AS USA SPS-23 40 27 13 .60 AS
France DRBV 23 160 107 51 .80 AS Japan OPS-17 40 27 13 .70 SS UK AWS-5 431107 28171 14134 .80 AS/SS USA SPS-28 100 67 32 .70 AS
France DR8V 26 150 100 47 .80 AS Japan OPS-18 30 20 9 .70 SS UK Decca 1226 48 32 15 .70 SS USA SPS-29 250 167 79 .75 AS
France DR8V 26C 160 107 51 .BO AS Japan OPS-19 30 20 9 .70 SS UK Decca 1229 48 32 15 .80 SS USA SPS-30 225 150 71 .50 HF
France DRBV 27 160 107 51 .80 AS Japan OPS-22 30 20 9 .70 SS UK Decca 2459 60 40 19 .80 AS/SS USA SPS-32 400 267 126 .70 AS
France DRBV 31 15 10 5 .75 SS Japan OPS-24 240 160 76 .80 AS UK Decca Series 48 32 15 .70 SS USA SPS-33 400 267 126 .70 HF
France DRBV 50 16 11 5 .70 SS Japan OPS-28 90 60 28 .70 SS UK Type 267 30 20 9 .60 SS USA SPS-34 300 200 95 .70 HF
France DRBV 51 24 16 B .75 SS Japan OPS-29 30 20 9 .70 SS UK Type 268 9 6 3 .60 SS USA SPS-35 32 21 10 .70 SS
France DRUA 31 16 11 5 .BO SS Japan OPS-35 30 20 9 .70 SS UK Type 277 55 37 17 .60 HF USA SPS-36 16 11 5 .75 SS
France DRUA 33 18 12 6 .80 SS Japan OPS-36 30 20 9 .80 SS UK Type 278 55 37 17 .70 HF USA SPS-37 200 133 63 .75 AS
France Jupiter 148 99 47 .80 AS Japan OPS-37 30 20 9 .80 SS UK Type 291 23 15 7 .60 AS USA SPS-37A 261 174 83 .75 AS
France Ramses 60 40 19 .70 AS Japan ZPS-2 10 7 3 .70 . SS UK Type 293, Type 2930 30 20 9 .70 SS USA SPS-39 267 178 84 .70 HF
France Satume I 90 60 28 .60 AS Japan ZPS-3 20 13 6 .70 SS UK Type 294 15 10 5 .70 SS USA SPS-40 1BO 120 57 .80 AS
France Saturne II 90 60 2B .60 AS Japan ZPS-4 30 20 9 .70 SS UK Type 765 90 60 28 .70 AS USA SPS-43 300 200 95 .80 AS
France Sea Tiger II 90 60 28 .80 AS,SS Japan ZPS-6 30 20 9 .80 SS UK Type960 170 113 54 .70 AS USA SPS-46 32 21 10 .80 SS
France Triton 27 18 9 .50 SS Neth I DA.01 75 50 24 .80 AS UK Type 965/Type965M 200 133 63 .70 AS USA SPS-48, SPS-4BE 220 147 70 .80 HF
France Triton C 24 16 8 .50 AS,SS Neth I DA.02 60 40 19 .70 AS UK Type 967/968 150 100 47 .80 AS/SS USA SPS-49 445 297 141 .80 AS
France Triton G 24 16 B .50 AS,SS Neth I DA.04 75 50 24 .70 AS UK Type 974 24 16 B .70 SS USA SPS-51 40 27 13 .70 SS
France Triton II 33 22 10 .50 AS,SS Neth! DA.05, .05/2 112 75 35 .70 AS UK Type 975 32 21 10 .70 SS USA SPS-52 360 240 114 .70 HF
France Triton S 25 17 8 .50 AS.SS Neth! DA.08 165 110 52 .BO AS,SS UK Type 9781979 48 32 15 .75 SS USA SPS-53 32 21 10 .75 SS
France Triton X 16 11 5 .50 SS Neth I LW.01 90 60 28 .70 AS UK Type982 60 40 19 .70 AS USA SPS-55 40 27 13 .80 SS
FAG SGR.110 30 20 9 .70 SS Neth I LW.02 100 67 32 .70 AS UK Type 983 40 27 13 .50 HF USA SPS-58 117 78 37 .80 SS
Intl Kelvin-Hughes series 30 20 9 .80 SS Neth I LW.03 100 67 32 .70 AS UK Type 984 150 100 47 .70 HF USA SPS-59 48 32 15 .70 SS
Intl Nav radar 30 20 9 .70 SS Neth! LW.04 180 120 57 .80 AS UK Type 992 series 90 60 28 .70 AS,SS USA SPS-60 32 21 10 .75 SS
Intl Periscope radar 15 10 5 .70 SS Neth! LW.08 215 143 68 .80 AS UK Type993 45 30 14 .80 AS,SS USA SPS-63 40 27 13 .80 SS
Italy 3RM series 40 27 13 .70 SS Neth! MW.08 150 100 47 .80 HF UK Type 994 (AWS-4) 70 47 22 .80 AS USA SPS-64 32 21 10 .80 SS
Italy 8PS-704 20 13 6 .BO SS Neth I SMART 250 167 79 .BO HF UK Type 996 (AWS-9) 60 40 19 .BO HF USA SPS-65 117 78 37 .80 AS.SS
Italy RAN-2C 150 100 47 .70 AS Neth I SPS-01 200 133 63 .80 AS,SS UK Type 1001 6 4 2 .60 SS USA SPS-66 32 21 10 .80 SS
Italy RAN-3L (SPS-76B) 150 100 47 .80 AS Neth I Vl.01 150 100 47 .70 HF UK Type 1002 7 5 2 .70 SS USA SPS-67 35 23 11 .67 SS
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the radar. 2. Name: Standard designation for the radar. 3. Range To Detect l.srge Target: Distance within which a Large 1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the radar. 2. Name: Standard designation for the radar. 3. Range To Detect Large Target: Distance within which a Large
radar target can be detected. 4. Range To Detect Small Target: Distance within which a Small radar target can be detected. Range To Detect Vsmsll radar targ~t can be_ d~tec~d. 4. Range To Detect Small Target: Distance within which a Small radar target can be detected. Range To Detect Vsmall
Target; Distance within which a Very Small radar target can be detected. 6. Function: Type of search the radar performs. Target: Distance w1th1n which a Very Small radar target can be detected. 6. Funclion: Type of search the radar performs.
Abbreviations: AS: Air Search HF: Height Finding SS: Surlace Search FC: Fire Control Abbreviations: AS: Air Search HF: Height Finding SS: Surface Search FC: Fire Control
:Da:ta:A:n:n:ex::::19:9:0·:91=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 119 1
Annex )-Ship-Mounted Sear<h Radars Annex K-Weapon Dire<lors
2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7
Name Weapons Controlled Mode Name
Range (nm) vs. Range (nm) vs. Weapons Controlled Mode
Country Name Large Small VS mall Pd Function Country Name Large Small VSmall Pd Function
Gunfire Control Radars Type 904 Mk6 114mm/43 A,S
USA SPY-1,-10 175 117 55 .so HF,SS,FC USSR Plate Steer 220 147 70 .so HF 9LV200 Bofors Mk 1 & Mk2 57mmno Type 909 MkS 114mm/55 A,S
USSR Ball End 20 13 6 .60 SS USSR Plinth Net 120 so 3S .so SS Compact 76mm/62, Bofors 40mm/70 Type 911 Mk8114mm/55
Bofors Trinity 40mm/70 A,S
USSR Ball Gun 20 13 6 .60 SS USSR Pot Orum 20 13 6 .so SS A,S Type 912 MkS 114mm/55 A,S
Bass Tilt Auto 76mm/60, AK-630 30mm, 57mm/80 A,S Vega II
USSR Band Stand 90 60 28 .70 AS USSR Pot Head 20 13 6 .so SS Compact 76mm/62, Dardo 40mm/70 A,S
CRBF Mk33 76mm/50, Mk6 40mm/60 A,S Wasp Head
USSR Big Net 100 67 32 .so AS USSR Sea Gull 200 133 63 .70 AS 37mm/63 A,S
DRBC ;31 M1951 57mm/60, M1953 100mm/55 A,S WM20
USSR Cheese Cake 30 20 9 .75 SS USSR Sheet Curve 20 13 6 .75 SS Bofors 76mm/50, Bofors 40mm/70
DRBC 32 M1953100mm/55, M196S 100mm/55 A,S
USSR Cross Bird 30 20 9 .60 AS USSR Skin Head 15 10 5 .70 SS Type 107 40mm/70 A,S
DRBC 33 CompactlOOmm/55, M196S 100mm/55 A,S WM22
USSR Cross Slot 75 50 24 .70 AS USSR Sky Watch 300 200 95 .so HF Mk33 76mm/50, Bofors Mk 1 57mm/70
DRBR 31 M1951 57mm/60 A,S
USSR Don, Don 2 15 10 5 .70 SS USSR Slim Net 15 10 5 .70 SS Bofors 40mm/70, Mk3 40mm/60 A,S
DRBR32 M1968 100mm/55 A,S WM25
USSR Don Kay ts 10 5 .70 SS USSR Snoop Pair 15 10 5 .so SS Compact 127mm/54, Bolors 120mm/50
Drum Tilt AK-230 30mm/65
USSR Donets/Donets 2 15 10 5 .70 SS USSR Snoop Plate 10 7 3 .so SS FCS-1 '
Mk33 76mm/50, Mk42 127mm/54
A,S WM27
M196S lOOmm/55, Compact 76mm/62 A,S
USSR Flat Spin 150 100 47 .SO AS USSR Snoop Slab 12 s 4 .so SS Compact 76mm/62 A,S
FCS-2 Compact 76mm/62, Compact 127mm/54 WM2S
USSR Hair Net 20 13 6 .70 SS USSR Snoop Tray 12 s 4 .so SS Compact 76mm/62, Dardo 40mm/70 A,S
Mk42 127mm/54, Mk33 76mm/50 A,S Wok Non 100mm/56
USSR Head NetAIB 70 47 22 .75 AS USSR Snoop Head 12 s 4 .so SS Hawk Screech 45mm/85, 57mm/70, 76mm/60 A,S
USSR Head Net C 70 47 22 .75 HF USSR Spar Stump 15 10 5 .so SS Kite Screech Auto 100mm/60, Auto 130mm/70 A,S Missile Control Radars
USSR High Lune 90 60 2S .70 HF USSR Spin Trough 20 13 6 .80 SS LIROD Dardo 40mm/70 A,S Arabel ASTER15 A,S
USSR High Lune 90 60 2S .70 HF USSR Spoon Rest 150 100 47 .so AS M45 Bofors 120mm/50, 40mm/60
USSR High Sieve 20 13 6 .so SS USSR Square Tie 70 47 22 .70 SS Compact 76mm/62, M1953 100mmi55,
Band Stand
Cross Sword
SS-N-9, SS-N-22 s
SA-N-9 A,S
USSR Kivach 20 13 6 .so SS USSR Strut Curve 150 100 47 .75 AS Type 106 & Type 107 40mm/70 A,S DRBR 51 Mas urea.
M46 40mm/60 A
USSR Knife Rest A 90 60 2S .so AS USSR Strut Pair 150 100 47 .so AS A,S Fan Song SA-N-2
Mk13 A,S
USSR Knife Rest B 150 100 47 .so AS USSR Top Knot so 53 25 .SO AS
406mm/50, Mk16 203mm/55 s FCS-2 RIM-7H, RIM-7M A,S
USSR Low Sieve 20 13 6 .so SS USSR Top Pair 300 200 95 .SO HF Mk2S &Mk30 & Mk38 127mm/38 A,S Fog Lamp RF61
Mk2S Mk16152mm/47, Mk27127mm/25 A
USSR Neptune 30 20 9 .75 SS USSR Top Plate 200 133 63 .so HF A,S Front Dome SA-N-7 A,S
Mk34 Mk33 76mm/50, Mkl 40mm/60 A,S Front Door
USSR Palm Frond 40 27 13 .so SS USSR Top Sail 300 200 95 .so HF
Mk35 Mk42 127mm/54 /Front Piece
USSR Peel Cone 40 27 13 .so AS.SS USSR Top Steer 200 133 63 .so HF
Mk24 & Mk30 & Mk38 127mm/38,
SS-N-3A, SS-N-12 s
USSR Peel Pair so 53 25 .so SS USSR Top Trough 300 200 95 .80 AS Head Light SA-N-3AIB A,S
Mk 27 & Mk33 & Mk34 76mm/50 A,S Head Light SS-N-14
USSR Plank Shave 200 133 63 .so AS Mk37 S,U
Mk24 127mm/38 A,S M44 Sea Cai
Mk51 40mm/70 A,S
A,S Mirador IV Crotaie, Crotale EDIR A
Mk60 Mk6 76mm/70 A,S Mk91 RIM-7H, RIM-7M A,S
Mk63 Mk33 76mm/50 A,S Mk115 RIM-7H, RIM-7M A,S
Mk67 Mk42 127mm/54 A,S Peet Group SA-N-1 A,S
Mk92 Compact 76mm/62, Mk75 76mm/62 A,S Pop Group SA-N-4
Muff Cob AK-257 57mm/SO A,S
A,S RTN-10X Albatros, RIM-7H, RIM-7M, Sea Cat A,S
OwI Screech 76mm/60 A,S RTN-20X Albatros
pollux M1968 100mm/55, Compact 76mm/62
post Lamp A,S RTN-30X Albatros A,S
56-5M 130mm/5S A,S Scoop Pair
pVS-2 Meroka 20mm/120 A,S SPG-49
SS-N-3B s
Talos A,S
Rice Lamp Type 76 57mm/70, 37mm/63 A,S SPG-51 SM1MR A,S
RTN-10X Compact 127mm/54, Compact 76mm/62 SPG-55 SM2ER, SM1ER, SM2MR, SM1MR A,S
Mkl 76mm/62, Mk38 127mm/38 SPG-62 SM2MR
MkS 114mm/55 A,S
A,S SPQ-5 Terrier A,S
RTN-20X Super Rapid & Compact 76mm/62 Square Tie
Dardo 40mm/70 A,S STIR
SS-N-2B, SS-N-2C, CS01, HY-2 s
s Albatros, SM1MR, RIM-7H, RIM-7M A,S
PG-34 Mkl & Mk2 40mm/60 Top Dome SA-N-6 A,S
Mk33 & Mk34 76mm/50 A,S Trap Door SS-N-12
sPG-35 Mk42 127mm/54, Mk30 127mm/3S Type 262 Sea Cat
Mk33 76mm/50 A,S
A,S Type 901 Sea Slug Mkll
s PG-4S Mk33 76mm/50, Mk6 76mm/70 A,S Type 903 Seacat
s PG-53 Compact 127mm/54 A,S Type 909 Sea Dart
s PG-53 Mk42 127mm/54, Mk30 127mm/38 A,S Type 910 Sea Wolf
s PG-60 Mk42 127mm/54, Mk45 127mm/54 A,S Type 911 LWT Sea Wolf, Sea Wolf, VL Sea Wolf
s PG-515 Mk33 76mm/50, Mk6 76mmno A,S Type 912 Sea Cat
s PY-1 Mk45 127mm/54 A,S WM22 RIM-7H, RIM-7M
sTIA M1953 100mm/55, Compact 76mm/62 WM25 RIM-7H, RIM-7M
Bolors Mk2 57mmno A,S
Su n Visor 130mm/58, Bu-34 1OOmm/56 ASWSystems
100mm/60, 100mm/50, 57mm/70 A,S Attack sonar Terna Ill
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the radar. 2. Name: Standard designation for the radar. 3. Range To Detect Large Target: Distance within which a Large To pBow 152mm/57, Bu-34130mm/58, 130mm/50
A,S DUBA3 Bofors 375mm mortar, 305mm mortar u
radar target can be detected. 4. Range To Detect Small Target: Distance within which a Small radar target can be detected. R_ange To Detect Vsmsll Ty pe 262 Mk6 40mm/60, Mk2 40mm/60 STAAG A,S Eye Bowl SS-N-14 U,S
Ty pe 275 Mk 6 114mm/45
Target: Distance within which a Very Small radar target can be detected. 6. Function: Type of search the radar perfonns. A,S lkara guidance lkara u
Ty pe903 Mk26 152mm/52, MkS 114mm/55 SOS-502 Mk10 limbo u
Mk5 & Mk6 114mm/45, Mk6 76mm/70 A,S Type 170
Abbreviations: AS: Air Search HF: Height Finding SS: Surface Search FC: Fire Control Mk10 Limbo, Squid u
:Da:ta:A:n:n:ex::::19:9:0·:91=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 119 1
Annex )-Ship-Mounted Sear<h Radars Annex K-Weapon Dire<lors
2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7
Name Weapons Controlled Mode Name
Range (nm) vs. Range (nm) vs. Weapons Controlled Mode
Country Name Large Small VS mall Pd Function Country Name Large Small VSmall Pd Function
Gunfire Control Radars Type 904 Mk6 114mm/43 A,S
USA SPY-1,-10 175 117 55 .so HF,SS,FC USSR Plate Steer 220 147 70 .so HF 9LV200 Bofors Mk 1 & Mk2 57mmno Type 909 MkS 114mm/55 A,S
USSR Ball End 20 13 6 .60 SS USSR Plinth Net 120 so 3S .so SS Compact 76mm/62, Bofors 40mm/70 Type 911 Mk8114mm/55
Bofors Trinity 40mm/70 A,S
USSR Ball Gun 20 13 6 .60 SS USSR Pot Orum 20 13 6 .so SS A,S Type 912 MkS 114mm/55 A,S
Bass Tilt Auto 76mm/60, AK-630 30mm, 57mm/80 A,S Vega II
USSR Band Stand 90 60 28 .70 AS USSR Pot Head 20 13 6 .so SS Compact 76mm/62, Dardo 40mm/70 A,S
CRBF Mk33 76mm/50, Mk6 40mm/60 A,S Wasp Head
USSR Big Net 100 67 32 .so AS USSR Sea Gull 200 133 63 .70 AS 37mm/63 A,S
DRBC ;31 M1951 57mm/60, M1953 100mm/55 A,S WM20
USSR Cheese Cake 30 20 9 .75 SS USSR Sheet Curve 20 13 6 .75 SS Bofors 76mm/50, Bofors 40mm/70
DRBC 32 M1953100mm/55, M196S 100mm/55 A,S
USSR Cross Bird 30 20 9 .60 AS USSR Skin Head 15 10 5 .70 SS Type 107 40mm/70 A,S
DRBC 33 CompactlOOmm/55, M196S 100mm/55 A,S WM22
USSR Cross Slot 75 50 24 .70 AS USSR Sky Watch 300 200 95 .so HF Mk33 76mm/50, Bofors Mk 1 57mm/70
DRBR 31 M1951 57mm/60 A,S
USSR Don, Don 2 15 10 5 .70 SS USSR Slim Net 15 10 5 .70 SS Bofors 40mm/70, Mk3 40mm/60 A,S
DRBR32 M1968 100mm/55 A,S WM25
USSR Don Kay ts 10 5 .70 SS USSR Snoop Pair 15 10 5 .so SS Compact 127mm/54, Bolors 120mm/50
Drum Tilt AK-230 30mm/65
USSR Donets/Donets 2 15 10 5 .70 SS USSR Snoop Plate 10 7 3 .so SS FCS-1 '
Mk33 76mm/50, Mk42 127mm/54
A,S WM27
M196S lOOmm/55, Compact 76mm/62 A,S
USSR Flat Spin 150 100 47 .SO AS USSR Snoop Slab 12 s 4 .so SS Compact 76mm/62 A,S
FCS-2 Compact 76mm/62, Compact 127mm/54 WM2S
USSR Hair Net 20 13 6 .70 SS USSR Snoop Tray 12 s 4 .so SS Compact 76mm/62, Dardo 40mm/70 A,S
Mk42 127mm/54, Mk33 76mm/50 A,S Wok Non 100mm/56
USSR Head NetAIB 70 47 22 .75 AS USSR Snoop Head 12 s 4 .so SS Hawk Screech 45mm/85, 57mm/70, 76mm/60 A,S
USSR Head Net C 70 47 22 .75 HF USSR Spar Stump 15 10 5 .so SS Kite Screech Auto 100mm/60, Auto 130mm/70 A,S Missile Control Radars
USSR High Lune 90 60 2S .70 HF USSR Spin Trough 20 13 6 .80 SS LIROD Dardo 40mm/70 A,S Arabel ASTER15 A,S
USSR High Lune 90 60 2S .70 HF USSR Spoon Rest 150 100 47 .so AS M45 Bofors 120mm/50, 40mm/60
USSR High Sieve 20 13 6 .so SS USSR Square Tie 70 47 22 .70 SS Compact 76mm/62, M1953 100mmi55,
Band Stand
Cross Sword
SS-N-9, SS-N-22 s
SA-N-9 A,S
USSR Kivach 20 13 6 .so SS USSR Strut Curve 150 100 47 .75 AS Type 106 & Type 107 40mm/70 A,S DRBR 51 Mas urea.
M46 40mm/60 A
USSR Knife Rest A 90 60 2S .so AS USSR Strut Pair 150 100 47 .so AS A,S Fan Song SA-N-2
Mk13 A,S
USSR Knife Rest B 150 100 47 .so AS USSR Top Knot so 53 25 .SO AS
406mm/50, Mk16 203mm/55 s FCS-2 RIM-7H, RIM-7M A,S
USSR Low Sieve 20 13 6 .so SS USSR Top Pair 300 200 95 .SO HF Mk2S &Mk30 & Mk38 127mm/38 A,S Fog Lamp RF61
Mk2S Mk16152mm/47, Mk27127mm/25 A
USSR Neptune 30 20 9 .75 SS USSR Top Plate 200 133 63 .so HF A,S Front Dome SA-N-7 A,S
Mk34 Mk33 76mm/50, Mkl 40mm/60 A,S Front Door
USSR Palm Frond 40 27 13 .so SS USSR Top Sail 300 200 95 .so HF
Mk35 Mk42 127mm/54 /Front Piece
USSR Peel Cone 40 27 13 .so AS.SS USSR Top Steer 200 133 63 .so HF
Mk24 & Mk30 & Mk38 127mm/38,
SS-N-3A, SS-N-12 s
USSR Peel Pair so 53 25 .so SS USSR Top Trough 300 200 95 .80 AS Head Light SA-N-3AIB A,S
Mk 27 & Mk33 & Mk34 76mm/50 A,S Head Light SS-N-14
USSR Plank Shave 200 133 63 .so AS Mk37 S,U
Mk24 127mm/38 A,S M44 Sea Cai
Mk51 40mm/70 A,S
A,S Mirador IV Crotaie, Crotale EDIR A
Mk60 Mk6 76mm/70 A,S Mk91 RIM-7H, RIM-7M A,S
Mk63 Mk33 76mm/50 A,S Mk115 RIM-7H, RIM-7M A,S
Mk67 Mk42 127mm/54 A,S Peet Group SA-N-1 A,S
Mk92 Compact 76mm/62, Mk75 76mm/62 A,S Pop Group SA-N-4
Muff Cob AK-257 57mm/SO A,S
A,S RTN-10X Albatros, RIM-7H, RIM-7M, Sea Cat A,S
OwI Screech 76mm/60 A,S RTN-20X Albatros
pollux M1968 100mm/55, Compact 76mm/62
post Lamp A,S RTN-30X Albatros A,S
56-5M 130mm/5S A,S Scoop Pair
pVS-2 Meroka 20mm/120 A,S SPG-49
SS-N-3B s
Talos A,S
Rice Lamp Type 76 57mm/70, 37mm/63 A,S SPG-51 SM1MR A,S
RTN-10X Compact 127mm/54, Compact 76mm/62 SPG-55 SM2ER, SM1ER, SM2MR, SM1MR A,S
Mkl 76mm/62, Mk38 127mm/38 SPG-62 SM2MR
MkS 114mm/55 A,S
A,S SPQ-5 Terrier A,S
RTN-20X Super Rapid & Compact 76mm/62 Square Tie
Dardo 40mm/70 A,S STIR
SS-N-2B, SS-N-2C, CS01, HY-2 s
s Albatros, SM1MR, RIM-7H, RIM-7M A,S
PG-34 Mkl & Mk2 40mm/60 Top Dome SA-N-6 A,S
Mk33 & Mk34 76mm/50 A,S Trap Door SS-N-12
sPG-35 Mk42 127mm/54, Mk30 127mm/3S Type 262 Sea Cat
Mk33 76mm/50 A,S
A,S Type 901 Sea Slug Mkll
s PG-4S Mk33 76mm/50, Mk6 76mm/70 A,S Type 903 Seacat
s PG-53 Compact 127mm/54 A,S Type 909 Sea Dart
s PG-53 Mk42 127mm/54, Mk30 127mm/38 A,S Type 910 Sea Wolf
s PG-60 Mk42 127mm/54, Mk45 127mm/54 A,S Type 911 LWT Sea Wolf, Sea Wolf, VL Sea Wolf
s PG-515 Mk33 76mm/50, Mk6 76mmno A,S Type 912 Sea Cat
s PY-1 Mk45 127mm/54 A,S WM22 RIM-7H, RIM-7M
sTIA M1953 100mm/55, Compact 76mm/62 WM25 RIM-7H, RIM-7M
Bolors Mk2 57mmno A,S
Su n Visor 130mm/58, Bu-34 1OOmm/56 ASWSystems
100mm/60, 100mm/50, 57mm/70 A,S Attack sonar Terna Ill
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the radar. 2. Name: Standard designation for the radar. 3. Range To Detect Large Target: Distance within which a Large To pBow 152mm/57, Bu-34130mm/58, 130mm/50
A,S DUBA3 Bofors 375mm mortar, 305mm mortar u
radar target can be detected. 4. Range To Detect Small Target: Distance within which a Small radar target can be detected. R_ange To Detect Vsmsll Ty pe 262 Mk6 40mm/60, Mk2 40mm/60 STAAG A,S Eye Bowl SS-N-14 U,S
Ty pe 275 Mk 6 114mm/45
Target: Distance within which a Very Small radar target can be detected. 6. Function: Type of search the radar perfonns. A,S lkara guidance lkara u
Ty pe903 Mk26 152mm/52, MkS 114mm/55 SOS-502 Mk10 limbo u
Mk5 & Mk6 114mm/45, Mk6 76mm/70 A,S Type 170
Abbreviations: AS: Air Search HF: Height Finding SS: Surface Search FC: Fire Control Mk10 Limbo, Squid u
\1201 GOW Data Annex 1990·91
\121 I
lnnex L-lirhorne 5ear<h Radars lnnex M-Sear<h Sonars
2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Range (nm) vs. Range (nm) vs. 10
CZ Active Passive Active Pass.
Country Name Large Small VS mall Pd Function Country Name Large Small VSmall Pd Function Country Name Type Cap Range Range Pd Pd Plattorm Remarks
Canada APS-503 49 33 15 .70 SS USA APG-71 180 120 57 .80 LO/SD
Canada ASV-21 30 20 9 .60 SS USA AP0-100 40 27 13 .70 Al Austr. SS0-801 Barra ,s 4 .70 Air
Canada LN-66/-66H P 48 32 15 .70 SS USA AP0-104 RO Canada BOG-501 MICROPUFFS Loe 6 .50 Sub Localization sonar.
France Agave 22 15 7 .60 Al USA AP0-110 TF Canada SOR-501 CANTASS T 3 25 .65 Suri
France Agrion 15 100 67 32 .70 SS USA AP0-120 40 27 13 .70 Al Canada SOS-501 H 0.5 .70 Suri
France Aida I RO USA AP0-126 5 3 2 .70 SS Canada SOS-502 FC Suri
France Aida II RO USA AP0-144 60 40 19 .70 SS Canada SOS-503 H 3 1.5 .55 .30 Suri
France Anemone 45 30 14 .70 LO/SD USA AP0-156 90 60 28 .80 SS Canada SOS-504 T 4 2 .60 .40 Suri
France Cyrano llbis 16 11 5 .60 Al USA AP0-160 10 7 3 .60 SS Canada SOS-505 HorT 5 3 .65 .40 Suri
France Cyrano IV/IVM 27 18 9 .70 Al USA APS-20 120 80 38 .60 SS Canada SOS-507 Helen T 3 1 .60 .40 Suri
France DRAA 2A/2B 200 133 63 .70 SS USA APS-38 30 20 9 .60 SS Canada SOS-509 H 6 4 .65 .40 Suri
France lguane 200 133 63 .80 SS USA APS-80 450 300 142 .60 SS Canada SOS-510 H&T 3 5 25 .65 .65 Suri
France ORB31 43 29 14 .60 SS USA APS-81 40 27 13 .60 SS Canada SS0-517/518 s 2 .40 Air LOFAR sonobuoys.
France ORB32 48 32 15 .70 SS USA APS-115 180 120 57 .70 SS Canada SS0-519/521 s 2 .40 Suri LOFAR sonobuoys.
France ROI 78 52 25 .80 Al USA APS-116 180 120 57 .70 SS Canada SS0-522 s 1 .50 Air Provides range only.
France ROX 50 33 16 .80 Al, TF, SS USA APS-124 160 107 51 .70 SS Canada SS0-523 CANCASS s 2 .50 Air Provides range only.
Ind Tornado radar 40 27 13 .80 SS, TF USA APS-125 250/130 167/87 79/41 .70 AS,SS Canada SS0-525 s 0 4 .70 Air
Italy APS-705 60 40 19 .70 SS USA APS-130 50 33 16 .70 SS Canada SS0-527B s 2 .50 Air
Italy APS-707 60 40 19 .70 SS USA APS-137 120 80 38 .80 SS (ISAR)
Canada SS0-529 DICANCASS s 2 .60 Air
Italy F15A-41B 22 15 7 .60 Al USA APS-138 300/130 200/87 95141 .80 AS.SS
Canada SS0-530 DI FAR s 2 .60 Air
Italy R21G/M1 Setter 22 15 7 .60 LO/SD USA APS-139 300/160 200/107 95151 .80 AS,SS Canada SS0-531 s Air
Japan France DUAV 4 Alcatel D 1.5 0.5
J/AWG-12 60 40 19 .70 LO/SD USA APS-145 350 233 111 .80 AS,SS .65 .30 Helo
UK France Diodon H 3
Airpass 1 30 20 9 .60 Al USA APY-1 360 240 114 .80 AS.SS 1 .65 .50 Suri
UK ARI 5955 50 33 16 .60 ASB-7 20 13 6 .70 SS
France Sorel T 3 1
SS USA .65 .50 Suri
UK AW.391 40 27 .60 AWG-9 170 54 LS/SD France DSBV 61 FLUTE T 2 18
13 SS USA 113 .70 .60 Suri
UK AWG-11/12 60 40 19 .70 Al USA AWG-10 60 40 19 .70 LS/SD
France DSTA3 s .50 Air Provides range only.
UK Blue Fox 35 23 11 .70 LO/SD USSR Big Bulge A, B 230 153 73 .60 SS
France DSTV4M s 1.5 .40 Air
UK Blue Kestrel 60 40 19 .70 SS USSR Down Beat 175 117 55 .70 SS
France DSTV7 s 2 .50 Air Miniature (F size).
UK Blue Parrot 20 13 6 .60 SS USSR Fencer radar 60 40 19 .70 SS
France TSM 8030 s 2 .60 Air
UK Blue Vixen 40 27 13 .80 LO/SD USSR Flash Dance 130 87 41 .70 LO/SD
France TSM8050 s 2 .50 Air
France DMUX20 H&T 1 6 10
UK Foxhunter 120 80 38 .80 LO/SD USSR Flat Jack 250 167 79 .60 AS,SS .75 .65 Sub
France DSUV2 H 1 7
UK H2S 20 13 6 .60 SS USSR Fox Fire 54 36 17 .60 Al .50 Sub
France DSUV 22 H 1 10
UK Sea Spray 40 27 13 .70 SS USSR Foxhound radar 165 110 52 .70 LO/SD .60 Sub
France DSUV 23 H 1 7
UK Sea Spray Mk2 40 27 13 .80 SS USSR High Fix .60 RO .50 Sub
France DSUV61 T 2 12
UK Searchwater 173 115 55 .80 SS (ISAR) USSR High Lark 67 45 21 .60 LO/SD .55 Sub
France DSUV62 T 2 18
UK Super Searcher 110 73 35 .80 SS USSR lzmrud RO .60 Sub
France DSUX 21 H 1 10
USA APG-53 20 13 6 .40 SS USSR Jay Bird 29 19 9 .60 Al .60 Sub
France DUBA 25 Tarpon H 4
USA APG-63 110 73 35 .70 LO/SD USSR Look Two 15 10 5 .40 SS 2 .70 .50 Suri
France DUBA 26 H 5 3
USA APG-65 100 67 32 .70 LO/SD USSR Mushroom 175 117 55 .70 SS .75 .60 Suri
France DUBV 23/43 HfT 6 5
USA APG-66 57 38 18 .70 LO/SD USSR Puff Ball 175 117 55 .60 SS .65 .50 Suri 23 is hull unit, 43 is towed unit.
France DUBV 23C/43C HfT 6 5
USA APG-67 46 31 15 .70 LO/SD USSR Scan Fix RO .75 .60 Suri
France DUBV 24 H 4 3
USA APG-68 60 40 19 .80 LO/SD USSR Short Hom 115 77 36 .60 SS .65 .60 Suri
France DUUA 1 H 2
USA APG-69 47 31 15 .70 LO/SD USSR Slot Back 130 87 41 .70 LO/SD .60 Sub
France DUUA 2A H 4
USA APG-70 120 80 38 .80 LO/SD USSR Wet Eye 90 60 28 .70 SS 3 .65 .45 Sub
France DUUA 2B H 4 3 .65 .50 Sub
France DUUA 20 H 4 3 .65 .55 Sub
France DUUX 2A/B/C Loe 4 .50 Sub Localization sonar.
France DUUX 5 Fenelon Loe 7 .60 Sub Localization sonar.
France Eledone H 5 9 .70 .60 Sub
France Flash D 5 2 .75 .50 Air
France HS 12 D 2.5 .65 Helo
France Pirhana H 3 .65 Suri
France Remora H 3 .65 .50 Ship
~·Nation: Nation manufacturing the sonar. 2. Name: Standard designation for the sonar. 3. Type: Mounting and deployment type. 4. Convergence Zone
1. Na lion: Nation manufacturing the radar. 2. Name: Standard designation for the radar. 3. Range To Detect Large Targel: Distance within which a LarQ 9 ap~billt~: ~e nur:nber of con_ver~ence zones that t~e sonar can search under normal conditions. 5 . Active Direct Path Range: Limit of detection in
radar target can be detected. 4. Range To Detect Small Target: Distance within which a Small radar target can be detected. 5. Range To Detect.Vsmsll nautical miles _in active mode with d1~:ct path propagation. 6. Passive Direct Path Range: Limit of detection in nautical miles in passive mode with direct
Target: Distance within which a Very Small radar target can be detected. 6. Function: Type of search the radar performs. Path p~opagat1on. 7. ~ctlve P~obab1l11y of Detection: Ch~_nce ~f detecting a vessel using active mode. 8. Passive Probability of Detection: Chance of
detecting a vessel using passive mode. 9. Remarks: Add1t1onal information about this sonar.
Abbreviations: Al: Air Intercept SS: Surface Search RO: Range-only radar (not a search sensor) LO/SD: Look-Down/Shoot-Down Air Intercept Radar
ISAR: Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (imaging capability). A.bbrevlations: H: Hull T: Towed D: Dipping S: Sonobuoy Loe: Localization sonar (not a search sensor)
\1201 GOW Data Annex 1990·91
\121 I
lnnex L-lirhorne 5ear<h Radars lnnex M-Sear<h Sonars
2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Range (nm) vs. Range (nm) vs. 10
CZ Active Passive Active Pass.
Country Name Large Small VS mall Pd Function Country Name Large Small VSmall Pd Function Country Name Type Cap Range Range Pd Pd Plattorm Remarks
Canada APS-503 49 33 15 .70 SS USA APG-71 180 120 57 .80 LO/SD
Canada ASV-21 30 20 9 .60 SS USA AP0-100 40 27 13 .70 Al Austr. SS0-801 Barra ,s 4 .70 Air
Canada LN-66/-66H P 48 32 15 .70 SS USA AP0-104 RO Canada BOG-501 MICROPUFFS Loe 6 .50 Sub Localization sonar.
France Agave 22 15 7 .60 Al USA AP0-110 TF Canada SOR-501 CANTASS T 3 25 .65 Suri
France Agrion 15 100 67 32 .70 SS USA AP0-120 40 27 13 .70 Al Canada SOS-501 H 0.5 .70 Suri
France Aida I RO USA AP0-126 5 3 2 .70 SS Canada SOS-502 FC Suri
France Aida II RO USA AP0-144 60 40 19 .70 SS Canada SOS-503 H 3 1.5 .55 .30 Suri
France Anemone 45 30 14 .70 LO/SD USA AP0-156 90 60 28 .80 SS Canada SOS-504 T 4 2 .60 .40 Suri
France Cyrano llbis 16 11 5 .60 Al USA AP0-160 10 7 3 .60 SS Canada SOS-505 HorT 5 3 .65 .40 Suri
France Cyrano IV/IVM 27 18 9 .70 Al USA APS-20 120 80 38 .60 SS Canada SOS-507 Helen T 3 1 .60 .40 Suri
France DRAA 2A/2B 200 133 63 .70 SS USA APS-38 30 20 9 .60 SS Canada SOS-509 H 6 4 .65 .40 Suri
France lguane 200 133 63 .80 SS USA APS-80 450 300 142 .60 SS Canada SOS-510 H&T 3 5 25 .65 .65 Suri
France ORB31 43 29 14 .60 SS USA APS-81 40 27 13 .60 SS Canada SS0-517/518 s 2 .40 Air LOFAR sonobuoys.
France ORB32 48 32 15 .70 SS USA APS-115 180 120 57 .70 SS Canada SS0-519/521 s 2 .40 Suri LOFAR sonobuoys.
France ROI 78 52 25 .80 Al USA APS-116 180 120 57 .70 SS Canada SS0-522 s 1 .50 Air Provides range only.
France ROX 50 33 16 .80 Al, TF, SS USA APS-124 160 107 51 .70 SS Canada SS0-523 CANCASS s 2 .50 Air Provides range only.
Ind Tornado radar 40 27 13 .80 SS, TF USA APS-125 250/130 167/87 79/41 .70 AS,SS Canada SS0-525 s 0 4 .70 Air
Italy APS-705 60 40 19 .70 SS USA APS-130 50 33 16 .70 SS Canada SS0-527B s 2 .50 Air
Italy APS-707 60 40 19 .70 SS USA APS-137 120 80 38 .80 SS (ISAR)
Canada SS0-529 DICANCASS s 2 .60 Air
Italy F15A-41B 22 15 7 .60 Al USA APS-138 300/130 200/87 95141 .80 AS.SS
Canada SS0-530 DI FAR s 2 .60 Air
Italy R21G/M1 Setter 22 15 7 .60 LO/SD USA APS-139 300/160 200/107 95151 .80 AS,SS Canada SS0-531 s Air
Japan France DUAV 4 Alcatel D 1.5 0.5
J/AWG-12 60 40 19 .70 LO/SD USA APS-145 350 233 111 .80 AS,SS .65 .30 Helo
UK France Diodon H 3
Airpass 1 30 20 9 .60 Al USA APY-1 360 240 114 .80 AS.SS 1 .65 .50 Suri
UK ARI 5955 50 33 16 .60 ASB-7 20 13 6 .70 SS
France Sorel T 3 1
SS USA .65 .50 Suri
UK AW.391 40 27 .60 AWG-9 170 54 LS/SD France DSBV 61 FLUTE T 2 18
13 SS USA 113 .70 .60 Suri
UK AWG-11/12 60 40 19 .70 Al USA AWG-10 60 40 19 .70 LS/SD
France DSTA3 s .50 Air Provides range only.
UK Blue Fox 35 23 11 .70 LO/SD USSR Big Bulge A, B 230 153 73 .60 SS
France DSTV4M s 1.5 .40 Air
UK Blue Kestrel 60 40 19 .70 SS USSR Down Beat 175 117 55 .70 SS
France DSTV7 s 2 .50 Air Miniature (F size).
UK Blue Parrot 20 13 6 .60 SS USSR Fencer radar 60 40 19 .70 SS
France TSM 8030 s 2 .60 Air
UK Blue Vixen 40 27 13 .80 LO/SD USSR Flash Dance 130 87 41 .70 LO/SD
France TSM8050 s 2 .50 Air
France DMUX20 H&T 1 6 10
UK Foxhunter 120 80 38 .80 LO/SD USSR Flat Jack 250 167 79 .60 AS,SS .75 .65 Sub
France DSUV2 H 1 7
UK H2S 20 13 6 .60 SS USSR Fox Fire 54 36 17 .60 Al .50 Sub
France DSUV 22 H 1 10
UK Sea Spray 40 27 13 .70 SS USSR Foxhound radar 165 110 52 .70 LO/SD .60 Sub
France DSUV 23 H 1 7
UK Sea Spray Mk2 40 27 13 .80 SS USSR High Fix .60 RO .50 Sub
France DSUV61 T 2 12
UK Searchwater 173 115 55 .80 SS (ISAR) USSR High Lark 67 45 21 .60 LO/SD .55 Sub
France DSUV62 T 2 18
UK Super Searcher 110 73 35 .80 SS USSR lzmrud RO .60 Sub
France DSUX 21 H 1 10
USA APG-53 20 13 6 .40 SS USSR Jay Bird 29 19 9 .60 Al .60 Sub
France DUBA 25 Tarpon H 4
USA APG-63 110 73 35 .70 LO/SD USSR Look Two 15 10 5 .40 SS 2 .70 .50 Suri
France DUBA 26 H 5 3
USA APG-65 100 67 32 .70 LO/SD USSR Mushroom 175 117 55 .70 SS .75 .60 Suri
France DUBV 23/43 HfT 6 5
USA APG-66 57 38 18 .70 LO/SD USSR Puff Ball 175 117 55 .60 SS .65 .50 Suri 23 is hull unit, 43 is towed unit.
France DUBV 23C/43C HfT 6 5
USA APG-67 46 31 15 .70 LO/SD USSR Scan Fix RO .75 .60 Suri
France DUBV 24 H 4 3
USA APG-68 60 40 19 .80 LO/SD USSR Short Hom 115 77 36 .60 SS .65 .60 Suri
France DUUA 1 H 2
USA APG-69 47 31 15 .70 LO/SD USSR Slot Back 130 87 41 .70 LO/SD .60 Sub
France DUUA 2A H 4
USA APG-70 120 80 38 .80 LO/SD USSR Wet Eye 90 60 28 .70 SS 3 .65 .45 Sub
France DUUA 2B H 4 3 .65 .50 Sub
France DUUA 20 H 4 3 .65 .55 Sub
France DUUX 2A/B/C Loe 4 .50 Sub Localization sonar.
France DUUX 5 Fenelon Loe 7 .60 Sub Localization sonar.
France Eledone H 5 9 .70 .60 Sub
France Flash D 5 2 .75 .50 Air
France HS 12 D 2.5 .65 Helo
France Pirhana H 3 .65 Suri
France Remora H 3 .65 .50 Ship
~·Nation: Nation manufacturing the sonar. 2. Name: Standard designation for the sonar. 3. Type: Mounting and deployment type. 4. Convergence Zone
1. Na lion: Nation manufacturing the radar. 2. Name: Standard designation for the radar. 3. Range To Detect Large Targel: Distance within which a LarQ 9 ap~billt~: ~e nur:nber of con_ver~ence zones that t~e sonar can search under normal conditions. 5 . Active Direct Path Range: Limit of detection in
radar target can be detected. 4. Range To Detect Small Target: Distance within which a Small radar target can be detected. 5. Range To Detect.Vsmsll nautical miles _in active mode with d1~:ct path propagation. 6. Passive Direct Path Range: Limit of detection in nautical miles in passive mode with direct
Target: Distance within which a Very Small radar target can be detected. 6. Function: Type of search the radar performs. Path p~opagat1on. 7. ~ctlve P~obab1l11y of Detection: Ch~_nce ~f detecting a vessel using active mode. 8. Passive Probability of Detection: Chance of
detecting a vessel using passive mode. 9. Remarks: Add1t1onal information about this sonar.
Abbreviations: Al: Air Intercept SS: Surface Search RO: Range-only radar (not a search sensor) LO/SD: Look-Down/Shoot-Down Air Intercept Radar
ISAR: Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (imaging capability). A.bbrevlations: H: Hull T: Towed D: Dipping S: Sonobuoy Loe: Localization sonar (not a search sensor)
l122I GOW Data Annex 1990-91
Annex M-Searc:h Sonars Annex M-Searc:h Sonars
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CZ Active Passive Active Pass. CZ Active Passive Active Pass.
Country Name Type Cap Range Range Pd Pd Platform Remarks Country Name Type Cap Range Range Pd Pd Platlorm Remarks
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the sonar. 2. Name: Standard designation for the sonar. 3. Type: Mounting and deployment type. 4. Convergence ~o~e 1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the sonar. 2. Name: Standard designation for the sonar. 3. Type: Mounting and deployment type. 4. Convergence Zone
Capability: The number of convergence zones that the sonar can search under normal conditions. 5 . Active Direct Path Range: Limit of de~ch~n in Capability: The number of convergence zones that the sonar can search under normal conditions. 5 . Active Direct Palh Range: Limit of detection in
nautical miles in active mode with direct path propagation. 6. Passive D~rect Path Ran~e: Li~it of detection in nautical miles in passive mode _w1_th direc; nautical miles in active mode with direct path propagation. 6. Passive Direct Path Range: Limit of detection in nautical miles in passive mode with direct
path propagation. 7. Active Probability of Detection: Chance of detecting a vessel usmg active mode. 8. Passive Probability of Detectlon:,~hance 0 path propagation. 7. Active Probability of Detection: Chance of detecting a vessel using active mode. 8. Passive Probability of Detection: Chance of
detecting a vessel using passive mode. 9. Remarks: Additional information about this sonar. detecting a vessel using passive mode. 9. Remarks: Additional information about this sonar.
Abbreviations: H: Hull T: Towed D: Dipping S: Sonobuoy Loe: Localization sonar (not a search sensor) Abbreviations: H: Hull T: Towed O: Dipping S: Sonobuoy Loe: Localization sonar (not a search sensor)
l122I GOW Data Annex 1990-91
Annex M-Searc:h Sonars Annex M-Searc:h Sonars
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CZ Active Passive Active Pass. CZ Active Passive Active Pass.
Country Name Type Cap Range Range Pd Pd Platform Remarks Country Name Type Cap Range Range Pd Pd Platlorm Remarks
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the sonar. 2. Name: Standard designation for the sonar. 3. Type: Mounting and deployment type. 4. Convergence ~o~e 1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the sonar. 2. Name: Standard designation for the sonar. 3. Type: Mounting and deployment type. 4. Convergence Zone
Capability: The number of convergence zones that the sonar can search under normal conditions. 5 . Active Direct Path Range: Limit of de~ch~n in Capability: The number of convergence zones that the sonar can search under normal conditions. 5 . Active Direct Palh Range: Limit of detection in
nautical miles in active mode with direct path propagation. 6. Passive D~rect Path Ran~e: Li~it of detection in nautical miles in passive mode _w1_th direc; nautical miles in active mode with direct path propagation. 6. Passive Direct Path Range: Limit of detection in nautical miles in passive mode with direct
path propagation. 7. Active Probability of Detection: Chance of detecting a vessel usmg active mode. 8. Passive Probability of Detectlon:,~hance 0 path propagation. 7. Active Probability of Detection: Chance of detecting a vessel using active mode. 8. Passive Probability of Detection: Chance of
detecting a vessel using passive mode. 9. Remarks: Additional information about this sonar. detecting a vessel using passive mode. 9. Remarks: Additional information about this sonar.
Abbreviations: H: Hull T: Towed D: Dipping S: Sonobuoy Loe: Localization sonar (not a search sensor) Abbreviations: H: Hull T: Towed O: Dipping S: Sonobuoy Loe: Localization sonar (not a search sensor)
l124I Data Annex 1990-91
Jlnnex M-Sear<h Sonars Jlnnex M-Sear<h Sonars
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CZ Active Passive Active Pass. CZ Active Passive Active Pass.
Country Name Type Cap Range Range Pd Pd Plattorm Remarks Country Name Type Cap Range Range Pd Pd Plattonn Remarks
USA AQS-13F D 3.5 1.5 .70 .50 Air USA SS0-53 DIFAR s 2 .60 Air
2 .70 .50 Air
USA AOS-18 D 4
4 .75 .60 Air CZ capable in active mode only.
USA SS0-62 DICASS s 2 .60 .40 Air
6 .50 Sub Localization sonar.
USA SS0-75 ERAPS s 1 6 .65 Air
12 .70 Sub Localization sonar.
USA SS0-77 VLAD s 0 4 .70 Air Not subject to layer effects.
USA SS0-79SVLA s 0 4 .60 Air Not subject to layer eHects.
USA 80N-17 H USA TB-16 T 2 18 .60 Sub
USA 800-1 H Sub USA TB-16B T 2 18 .65 Sub
USA 800-2 H 6 9 .60 .50 Sub USA TB-16D T 2 20 .70 Sub
USA 800-5 H 1 7 10 .70 .60 Sub Includes TB-16/80 towed array. USA TB-23 T 3 30 .65 Sub
USA B00-5D H 1 8 12 .70 .65 Sub USA TB-12X T 3 35 .70 Sub
USA B00-6 H 1 12 .65 Sub USA SURTASS T 5 75 .75 Suri
USA B00-9 T 3 30 .70 Sub USSR RGB-56 s 1 .25 Air
USA BOR-2/2B H 1 5 .50 Sub USSR RG~4 s 1 .25 Air
USA BOR-3 H 3 .50 Sub USSR RGBSeries s .30 Air
USA 80R-7 H 1 8 .50 Sub
USSR BM Series (Active) s 1.5 .50 Air Provides range only.
USA 80R-15 T 2 12 .55 USSR BM-1 s 1 .35 Air
USA 80R-21 DIMUS H 1 8 .60 Sub USSR BM Series (Passive) s 1 .40 Air Improved BM-1.
USA 80R-25 STASS T 2 15 .55 Sub USSR Type 75 s 2 .45 Air
USA 80S-4 H 4 .50
.70 .70
USSR Type Series (Passive) s 2 .50 Air
USA BSY-1 H 1 8 12
USSR Type Series (Active) s 2 1 .55 .30 Air
USA BSY-2 H 2 9 15 .75 .75 USSR Bull Horn H 4 2 .60 .40 Suri
USA DE 1160/1160B H 5 3 .70 .50 Suri USSR Bull Nose H 5 3 .60 .40 Suri
USA DE 1160LF H 7 4 .70 .50 Suri CZ capable in active mode only. USSR Elk Tail D 2.5 1 .60 .25 Suri
USA DE 1163 T 5 3 .70 .50 Suri USSR Feniks (Pike Jaw) H 2 .55 Sub
USA DE 1164 H&T 5 3 .70 .50 Suri USSR Foal TaiVLamb Tail D 2 1 .60 .35 Suri
USA DE 1167 H orT 4 2 .70 .50 Suri USSR Hercules (Wolf Paw) H 2 2 .55 .35 Sub, surf
USA DE 1167LF H orT 6 4 .70 .50 Suri USSR Horse Jaw H 1 8 4 .65 .55 Suri
USA OCU-2 H 1.5 1 .50 .20 Suri USSR Horse Tail T 1 8 4 .65 .55 Suri
USA OHB H 1.5 .50 Suri USSR LF Fin T 2 15 .55 Sub
USA S00-23 PAIR H 5 4 .55 .50 Suri USSR Mare Tail T 4 2 .60 .40 Suri
USA SOR-15 T 2 15 .55 Suri USSR Moose Jaw H 6 3 .60 .50 Suri
USA SQR-18, -18A T 2 18 .60 Suri USSR Pegas (Buck Toe) H 3 2.5 .55 .30 Suri
USA SOR-19 T 3 25 .65 Suri USSR Perch Gill H 1 .45 Sub
USA SQS-4 H 2.5 1 .45 .25 Suri USSR Rat Tail D 3 1 .60 .25 Suri
USA SQS-10/10A H 1.5 .50 Surf USSR Helix Dipping Sonar D 3 1 .65 .30 Helo
USA SQS-11/11A H 1 .50 Ship USSR Shark Fin H 4 2 .60 .30 Sub
USA SOS-17 H 3 1.5 .50 .30 Ship USSR Shark Teeth H 6 7 .65 .50 Sub
USA SOS-23 H 5 2 .55 .40 Surf USSR Shark Gill H 7 9 .70 .55 Sub
USA SOS-26 H 7 5 .65 .50 Surf USSR Steer Hide T 5 3 .65 .45 Surf
USA SOS-29/30/31 /32 H orT 4 2 .45 .25 Surf USSR Tamir 11/11 M (Stag Ear) H 1 1 .50 .25 Surf
USA SOS-35 IVDS T 5 3 .60 .30 Suri USSR Tamir5L H 1 1 .25 .25 Sub
USA SOS-36, -36J H orT 5 3 .60 .30 Surf, sub USSR Tamir 5N (Stag Hoon H 1 1 .50 .20 Surf
USA SOS-38 H 6 3 .60 .30 Surf USSR Trout Cheek H 4 .45 Sub
USA SQS-39/40/41/42 H 5 3 .50 .30 Surf
USA SQS-43/44/45/46 H 5 3 .55 .35 Surf
USA SQS-49/50/51/52 H 5 3 .55 .35 Surf
USA SQS-53 H 8 6 .70 .60 Surf
USA SOS-56 H 5 3 .70 .50 Surf
USA SQQ-89 H 2 9 7 .75 .70 Surf
USA SS0-41 LOFAR s 2 .50 Air
USA SS0-47 s 1 .50 Air Provides range only.
USA SS0-50 CASS s 2 .50 Air Provides range only.
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the sonar. 2. Name: Standard designation for the sonar. 3. Type: Mounting and deployment type. 4. Convergence Zo~e
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the sonar. 2. Name: Standard designation for the sonar. 3. Type: Mounting and deployment type. 4. Convergence Zone
Capability: The number of convergence zones that the sonar can search under nonnal conditions. 5 • Active Direct Path Range: Limit of detecti~n in
Capability: The number of convergence zones that the sonar can search under normal conditions. 5 • Active Direct Path Range: Limit of detection in
nautical miles in active mode with direct path propagation. 6. Passive Direct Path Range: Limit of detection in nautical miles in passive ~ode,.with direct
nautical miles in active mode with direct path propagation. 60 Passive Direct Path Range: Limit of detection in nautical miles in passive mode with direct
path propagation. 7. Active Probability of Deteclion: Chance of detecting a vessel using active mode. B. Passive Probability of Detect1on:'Qhance of
path propagation. 7. Active Probability of Deteclion: Chance of detecting a vessel using active mode. 8. Passive Probability of Detection: Chance of
detecting a vessel using passive mode. 9. Remarks: Additional information about this sonar. ·
detecting a vessel using passive mode. 9. Remarks: Additional information about this sonar.
Abbrevialions: H: Hull T: Towed D: Dipping S: Sonobuoy Loe: Localization sonar (not a search sensor)
Abbreviations: H: Hull T: Towed D: Dipping S: Sonobuoy Loe: Localization sonar (not a search sensor)
l124I Data Annex 1990-91
Jlnnex M-Sear<h Sonars Jlnnex M-Sear<h Sonars
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CZ Active Passive Active Pass. CZ Active Passive Active Pass.
Country Name Type Cap Range Range Pd Pd Plattorm Remarks Country Name Type Cap Range Range Pd Pd Plattonn Remarks
USA AQS-13F D 3.5 1.5 .70 .50 Air USA SS0-53 DIFAR s 2 .60 Air
2 .70 .50 Air
USA AOS-18 D 4
4 .75 .60 Air CZ capable in active mode only.
USA SS0-62 DICASS s 2 .60 .40 Air
6 .50 Sub Localization sonar.
USA SS0-75 ERAPS s 1 6 .65 Air
12 .70 Sub Localization sonar.
USA SS0-77 VLAD s 0 4 .70 Air Not subject to layer effects.
USA SS0-79SVLA s 0 4 .60 Air Not subject to layer eHects.
USA 80N-17 H USA TB-16 T 2 18 .60 Sub
USA 800-1 H Sub USA TB-16B T 2 18 .65 Sub
USA 800-2 H 6 9 .60 .50 Sub USA TB-16D T 2 20 .70 Sub
USA 800-5 H 1 7 10 .70 .60 Sub Includes TB-16/80 towed array. USA TB-23 T 3 30 .65 Sub
USA B00-5D H 1 8 12 .70 .65 Sub USA TB-12X T 3 35 .70 Sub
USA B00-6 H 1 12 .65 Sub USA SURTASS T 5 75 .75 Suri
USA B00-9 T 3 30 .70 Sub USSR RGB-56 s 1 .25 Air
USA BOR-2/2B H 1 5 .50 Sub USSR RG~4 s 1 .25 Air
USA BOR-3 H 3 .50 Sub USSR RGBSeries s .30 Air
USA 80R-7 H 1 8 .50 Sub
USSR BM Series (Active) s 1.5 .50 Air Provides range only.
USA 80R-15 T 2 12 .55 USSR BM-1 s 1 .35 Air
USA 80R-21 DIMUS H 1 8 .60 Sub USSR BM Series (Passive) s 1 .40 Air Improved BM-1.
USA 80R-25 STASS T 2 15 .55 Sub USSR Type 75 s 2 .45 Air
USA 80S-4 H 4 .50
.70 .70
USSR Type Series (Passive) s 2 .50 Air
USA BSY-1 H 1 8 12
USSR Type Series (Active) s 2 1 .55 .30 Air
USA BSY-2 H 2 9 15 .75 .75 USSR Bull Horn H 4 2 .60 .40 Suri
USA DE 1160/1160B H 5 3 .70 .50 Suri USSR Bull Nose H 5 3 .60 .40 Suri
USA DE 1160LF H 7 4 .70 .50 Suri CZ capable in active mode only. USSR Elk Tail D 2.5 1 .60 .25 Suri
USA DE 1163 T 5 3 .70 .50 Suri USSR Feniks (Pike Jaw) H 2 .55 Sub
USA DE 1164 H&T 5 3 .70 .50 Suri USSR Foal TaiVLamb Tail D 2 1 .60 .35 Suri
USA DE 1167 H orT 4 2 .70 .50 Suri USSR Hercules (Wolf Paw) H 2 2 .55 .35 Sub, surf
USA DE 1167LF H orT 6 4 .70 .50 Suri USSR Horse Jaw H 1 8 4 .65 .55 Suri
USA OCU-2 H 1.5 1 .50 .20 Suri USSR Horse Tail T 1 8 4 .65 .55 Suri
USA OHB H 1.5 .50 Suri USSR LF Fin T 2 15 .55 Sub
USA S00-23 PAIR H 5 4 .55 .50 Suri USSR Mare Tail T 4 2 .60 .40 Suri
USA SOR-15 T 2 15 .55 Suri USSR Moose Jaw H 6 3 .60 .50 Suri
USA SQR-18, -18A T 2 18 .60 Suri USSR Pegas (Buck Toe) H 3 2.5 .55 .30 Suri
USA SOR-19 T 3 25 .65 Suri USSR Perch Gill H 1 .45 Sub
USA SQS-4 H 2.5 1 .45 .25 Suri USSR Rat Tail D 3 1 .60 .25 Suri
USA SQS-10/10A H 1.5 .50 Surf USSR Helix Dipping Sonar D 3 1 .65 .30 Helo
USA SQS-11/11A H 1 .50 Ship USSR Shark Fin H 4 2 .60 .30 Sub
USA SOS-17 H 3 1.5 .50 .30 Ship USSR Shark Teeth H 6 7 .65 .50 Sub
USA SOS-23 H 5 2 .55 .40 Surf USSR Shark Gill H 7 9 .70 .55 Sub
USA SOS-26 H 7 5 .65 .50 Surf USSR Steer Hide T 5 3 .65 .45 Surf
USA SOS-29/30/31 /32 H orT 4 2 .45 .25 Surf USSR Tamir 11/11 M (Stag Ear) H 1 1 .50 .25 Surf
USA SOS-35 IVDS T 5 3 .60 .30 Suri USSR Tamir5L H 1 1 .25 .25 Sub
USA SOS-36, -36J H orT 5 3 .60 .30 Surf, sub USSR Tamir 5N (Stag Hoon H 1 1 .50 .20 Surf
USA SOS-38 H 6 3 .60 .30 Surf USSR Trout Cheek H 4 .45 Sub
USA SQS-39/40/41/42 H 5 3 .50 .30 Surf
USA SQS-43/44/45/46 H 5 3 .55 .35 Surf
USA SQS-49/50/51/52 H 5 3 .55 .35 Surf
USA SQS-53 H 8 6 .70 .60 Surf
USA SOS-56 H 5 3 .70 .50 Surf
USA SQQ-89 H 2 9 7 .75 .70 Surf
USA SS0-41 LOFAR s 2 .50 Air
USA SS0-47 s 1 .50 Air Provides range only.
USA SS0-50 CASS s 2 .50 Air Provides range only.
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the sonar. 2. Name: Standard designation for the sonar. 3. Type: Mounting and deployment type. 4. Convergence Zo~e
1. Nation: Nation manufacturing the sonar. 2. Name: Standard designation for the sonar. 3. Type: Mounting and deployment type. 4. Convergence Zone
Capability: The number of convergence zones that the sonar can search under nonnal conditions. 5 • Active Direct Path Range: Limit of detecti~n in
Capability: The number of convergence zones that the sonar can search under normal conditions. 5 • Active Direct Path Range: Limit of detection in
nautical miles in active mode with direct path propagation. 6. Passive Direct Path Range: Limit of detection in nautical miles in passive ~ode,.with direct
nautical miles in active mode with direct path propagation. 60 Passive Direct Path Range: Limit of detection in nautical miles in passive mode with direct
path propagation. 7. Active Probability of Deteclion: Chance of detecting a vessel using active mode. B. Passive Probability of Detect1on:'Qhance of
path propagation. 7. Active Probability of Deteclion: Chance of detecting a vessel using active mode. 8. Passive Probability of Detection: Chance of
detecting a vessel using passive mode. 9. Remarks: Additional information about this sonar. ·
detecting a vessel using passive mode. 9. Remarks: Additional information about this sonar.
Abbrevialions: H: Hull T: Towed D: Dipping S: Sonobuoy Loe: Localization sonar (not a search sensor)
Abbreviations: H: Hull T: Towed D: Dipping S: Sonobuoy Loe: Localization sonar (not a search sensor)
then add 1D6 times 10. Soviet Military Helicopters
Visibility. Visibil~y describes the distance at which objects can John Everett-Heath
be seen. With 100% visibility, objects can be seen at normal distances, The Soviet Navy Today
Jlnnex N-Environmenl sometimes at the visual horizon. Lower visibilities reduce the detec-
tion distance by some percentage. For example, ff an aircraft can be
spotted at 50 nautical miles, then in 50% visibility, it can only be seen
Jlnnex 0-Sonr<es Capt. John E. Moore, R. N.
Understanding Soviet Naval Developments
U.S. Navy pub. NAVSO P-3560 (Rev. 1/81)
at 25 nm. U.S. Aircraft Carriers: An Illustrated Design History
The environment in which a naval encounter is fought may be BOOKS Norman Friedman
specified in a Harpoon scenario, or~ may be generated randomly. VISIBILITY Aircraft of the Soviet Union U.S. Destroyers: An Illustrated Design History
Elements which may be generated include: time of day, sea state, DIDO Summer Winter Spring Fall Bill Gunston Norman Friedman
wind direction, visibility, and sonar variation. Roll (Rain) (Snow) (Rain) (Fog) Air Warfare in the Missile Age U.S. Battleships: An Illustrated Design History
Time of Day. Time is recorded using the 24-hour military clock: 01-40 100 100 100 100 Lon 0. Nordeen, Jr. Norman Friedman
midnight is 0000 or 2400 hours; noon is 1200 hours; 7:30 p.m. is 41-60 80 80 60 60 Arsenal of Democracy II: American Weapons Available for Export U.S. Cruisers : An Illustrated Design History
1930 hours. After 59 minutes, time moves lathe next hour; 1959 hours 61-80 40 60 20 20 Tom Gervasi Norman Friedman
is followed by 2000 hours. 81-95 20 40 10 10 Battleship Design and Development, 1905-1945' U.S. Naval Weapons'
Generate a random time of day using 106 die throws. Determine 96-00 5 10 5 5 Norman Friedman Norman Friedman
the quarter of the day and note the number in parentheses. Throw Procedure:Thraw D100 and add 5 times the sea state. Cross index Combat Fleets of the World' US Nuclear Weapons: The Secret History
1D6 for the hour and add it to the number previously noted: This is the result with the season to get the percentage of full visibility in the ed. Jean Labayale Couhat Chuck Hansen
the hour of the day. Throw for the 10-minute intermediate turn and game area. Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships, 1947-1982, Part/: The U.S.S.R. Aircraft, Fighters & Bombers
add ~to this hour. • With 40% or less visibility, only all-weather aircraft can fly. Western Powers Louis J. Arold, Jr.
ed. Robert Gardiner Warships of the Royal Navy
RANDOM TIME GENERATION Night visibil~y is 33% of daylight values (including any visibility The Complete Guide to Combat Planes, Vol / & II Capt. John E. Moore, R. N.
D6 Quarter Hour Tum modifiers). Visibil~y during twilight (30 minutes before and after sun- William Green Warships of the Soviet Navy
1 1st(O) 1 0 (00) rise and sunset) is 66% of daylight values. The Effects of Nuclear Weapons Capt. John E. Moore, R.N.
2 2nd(5) 2 1 (10) Sonar Variations. Sonar conditions can be varied in two ways: ed. Samuel Gladstone & Phillip J. Dolan Weyer's Warships of the World
3 3rd (11) 3 2 (20) the direct path range, and the exact distance to the convergence The Encyclopedia of World Airpower, 2nd edition' Gerhard Albrecht
4 4th (17) 4 3 (30) zones. ed. Bill Gunston World Naval Weapons Systems•
5 Reroll 5 4 (40) Direct path sonar ranges are affected by various water conditions. Fighter Combat: Tactics and Maneuvering• Norman Friedman
6 Reroll 6 5 (50) Determine the sonar multiplier for a scenario using the formula Robert Shaw
7+1D6x10% (producing a range from 80% to 130%). This factor is Guide ta the Soviet Navy, 3rd edition PERIODICALS
For example, a random starting time for a scenario is required. applied to all direct path ranges during a scenario. It will not change Norman Polmar Aerospace Daily
Roll 1D6 forthe quarter: A2 is rolled, which means the second quar- during the game and is know to both sides as it affects all sonars How ta Make War Air Enthusiast
ter of the day, between 0600 and 1100 hours. Note the number (5) in equally. Convergence-zone ranges are unaffected by this factor. James F. Dunnigan Air Force
parentheses. Roll 1D6 for the hour: A 1 is rolled and added to the 5 Convergence zones are generated by rolling for the exact CZ range The International Countermeasures Handbook Air International'
previously noted. The hour is 0600. The die is rolled a third time for and width, which are constant for the entire scenario. CZ values are ed. Harry F. Eustace Armies & Weapons
the intermediate turn, and another 5 is rolled. The starting turn is 0650. the same for all ships and are known to both sides at the start of the Jane's All the War/d's Aircraft Armed Forces
Sea State. Sea state is a standard method of describing wave scenario. ed. John W. R. Taylor Armed Forces Journal
heights. This table provides a method for determining the wave height, •CZ range=27+D6 nm (i.e., 28 to 33 nm to the inner edge). Jane's All the World's Ships Aviation Week & Space Technology•
which can affect combat. •CZ widlh=2+D6/2 nm (i.e., 2.5 to 5.0 nm wide). ed. John W. R. Taylor Defence
The annuli are concentric, with the second ring twice as far as the Jane's Pocket Book of Major Combat Aircraft Defense Electronics
SEA STATES first, and so on. Each CZ ring has the same width. ed. John W. R. Taylor Defense News
DIDO Height of Wind Beaufort Sea Jane's Pocket Book of Major Warships Defense Weekly
Rall Seas (ft/ (kts/ Scale State Descrie_tion ed. Capt. John E. Moore, R.N. Defence Today
01-05 Dead calm 0 0&1 0 Glassy Janes Weapons Systems Flight International
06-10 0 5 2 1 Rippled ed. Ronald T. Pretty For Your Eyes Only
11-20 2 10 3 2 Wavelets MiG Master: The Story of the F-8 Crusader Illustrated Encyclopedia of Aircraft
21-40 4 15 4 3 Slight Barrett Tillman lnteravia
41-60 6 20 5 4 Moderate Modern Air Combat' International Defense Review
61-85 9.5 25 6 5 Rough Bill Gunston and Mike Spick Jane's Defence Weekly'
86-90 13.5 30 7 6 Very rough Modern Naval Combat' Jane's Soviet Intelligence Review
91-92 18 40 8 6 Very rough David Miller and Chris Miller Marine-Rundschau
93-94 23 45 9 6 Very rough Modern Warship Design & Development• Maritime Defense
95-96 29 50 10 7 High seas Norman Friedman National Defense
97-98 37 60 11 8 Very high seas Naval Ordnance & Gunnery Naval Forces
99-00 45 65+ 12 9 Phenomenal NAVPERS 10783-B Naval Institute Proceedings•
•Missile boats cannot fire in sea state 5 or more. U.S. Navy pub. Naval News & Undersea Technology
• No combat is possible in Beaufort force 9 or more. Naval Radar• Newsweek
•Hydrofoils cannot remain foilborne in sea state 6 or more. Norman Friedman Time
The Ships and Aircraft al the U.S. Fleet' U. S News & World Report
Wind Direction. Wind direction is given as a number in degrees Norman Polmar Warplane'
ranging from 000 to 359, and is usually stated in relation to true north. Soviet Military Aircraft Warship World
This is the direction the wind is blowing from; thus, a wind from 000 Bill Sweetman
degrees means that the wind is blowing directly north to south. Wind Soviet Military Power
direction is generated by using this formula: Roll 1D6-1 times 60, U.S. Department of Defense pub. 'Recommended
then add 1D6 times 10. Soviet Military Helicopters
Visibility. Visibil~y describes the distance at which objects can John Everett-Heath
be seen. With 100% visibility, objects can be seen at normal distances, The Soviet Navy Today
Jlnnex N-Environmenl sometimes at the visual horizon. Lower visibilities reduce the detec-
tion distance by some percentage. For example, ff an aircraft can be
spotted at 50 nautical miles, then in 50% visibility, it can only be seen
Jlnnex 0-Sonr<es Capt. John E. Moore, R. N.
Understanding Soviet Naval Developments
U.S. Navy pub. NAVSO P-3560 (Rev. 1/81)
at 25 nm. U.S. Aircraft Carriers: An Illustrated Design History
The environment in which a naval encounter is fought may be BOOKS Norman Friedman
specified in a Harpoon scenario, or~ may be generated randomly. VISIBILITY Aircraft of the Soviet Union U.S. Destroyers: An Illustrated Design History
Elements which may be generated include: time of day, sea state, DIDO Summer Winter Spring Fall Bill Gunston Norman Friedman
wind direction, visibility, and sonar variation. Roll (Rain) (Snow) (Rain) (Fog) Air Warfare in the Missile Age U.S. Battleships: An Illustrated Design History
Time of Day. Time is recorded using the 24-hour military clock: 01-40 100 100 100 100 Lon 0. Nordeen, Jr. Norman Friedman
midnight is 0000 or 2400 hours; noon is 1200 hours; 7:30 p.m. is 41-60 80 80 60 60 Arsenal of Democracy II: American Weapons Available for Export U.S. Cruisers : An Illustrated Design History
1930 hours. After 59 minutes, time moves lathe next hour; 1959 hours 61-80 40 60 20 20 Tom Gervasi Norman Friedman
is followed by 2000 hours. 81-95 20 40 10 10 Battleship Design and Development, 1905-1945' U.S. Naval Weapons'
Generate a random time of day using 106 die throws. Determine 96-00 5 10 5 5 Norman Friedman Norman Friedman
the quarter of the day and note the number in parentheses. Throw Procedure:Thraw D100 and add 5 times the sea state. Cross index Combat Fleets of the World' US Nuclear Weapons: The Secret History
1D6 for the hour and add it to the number previously noted: This is the result with the season to get the percentage of full visibility in the ed. Jean Labayale Couhat Chuck Hansen
the hour of the day. Throw for the 10-minute intermediate turn and game area. Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships, 1947-1982, Part/: The U.S.S.R. Aircraft, Fighters & Bombers
add ~to this hour. • With 40% or less visibility, only all-weather aircraft can fly. Western Powers Louis J. Arold, Jr.
ed. Robert Gardiner Warships of the Royal Navy
RANDOM TIME GENERATION Night visibil~y is 33% of daylight values (including any visibility The Complete Guide to Combat Planes, Vol / & II Capt. John E. Moore, R. N.
D6 Quarter Hour Tum modifiers). Visibil~y during twilight (30 minutes before and after sun- William Green Warships of the Soviet Navy
1 1st(O) 1 0 (00) rise and sunset) is 66% of daylight values. The Effects of Nuclear Weapons Capt. John E. Moore, R.N.
2 2nd(5) 2 1 (10) Sonar Variations. Sonar conditions can be varied in two ways: ed. Samuel Gladstone & Phillip J. Dolan Weyer's Warships of the World
3 3rd (11) 3 2 (20) the direct path range, and the exact distance to the convergence The Encyclopedia of World Airpower, 2nd edition' Gerhard Albrecht
4 4th (17) 4 3 (30) zones. ed. Bill Gunston World Naval Weapons Systems•
5 Reroll 5 4 (40) Direct path sonar ranges are affected by various water conditions. Fighter Combat: Tactics and Maneuvering• Norman Friedman
6 Reroll 6 5 (50) Determine the sonar multiplier for a scenario using the formula Robert Shaw
7+1D6x10% (producing a range from 80% to 130%). This factor is Guide ta the Soviet Navy, 3rd edition PERIODICALS
For example, a random starting time for a scenario is required. applied to all direct path ranges during a scenario. It will not change Norman Polmar Aerospace Daily
Roll 1D6 forthe quarter: A2 is rolled, which means the second quar- during the game and is know to both sides as it affects all sonars How ta Make War Air Enthusiast
ter of the day, between 0600 and 1100 hours. Note the number (5) in equally. Convergence-zone ranges are unaffected by this factor. James F. Dunnigan Air Force
parentheses. Roll 1D6 for the hour: A 1 is rolled and added to the 5 Convergence zones are generated by rolling for the exact CZ range The International Countermeasures Handbook Air International'
previously noted. The hour is 0600. The die is rolled a third time for and width, which are constant for the entire scenario. CZ values are ed. Harry F. Eustace Armies & Weapons
the intermediate turn, and another 5 is rolled. The starting turn is 0650. the same for all ships and are known to both sides at the start of the Jane's All the War/d's Aircraft Armed Forces
Sea State. Sea state is a standard method of describing wave scenario. ed. John W. R. Taylor Armed Forces Journal
heights. This table provides a method for determining the wave height, •CZ range=27+D6 nm (i.e., 28 to 33 nm to the inner edge). Jane's All the World's Ships Aviation Week & Space Technology•
which can affect combat. •CZ widlh=2+D6/2 nm (i.e., 2.5 to 5.0 nm wide). ed. John W. R. Taylor Defence
The annuli are concentric, with the second ring twice as far as the Jane's Pocket Book of Major Combat Aircraft Defense Electronics
SEA STATES first, and so on. Each CZ ring has the same width. ed. John W. R. Taylor Defense News
DIDO Height of Wind Beaufort Sea Jane's Pocket Book of Major Warships Defense Weekly
Rall Seas (ft/ (kts/ Scale State Descrie_tion ed. Capt. John E. Moore, R.N. Defence Today
01-05 Dead calm 0 0&1 0 Glassy Janes Weapons Systems Flight International
06-10 0 5 2 1 Rippled ed. Ronald T. Pretty For Your Eyes Only
11-20 2 10 3 2 Wavelets MiG Master: The Story of the F-8 Crusader Illustrated Encyclopedia of Aircraft
21-40 4 15 4 3 Slight Barrett Tillman lnteravia
41-60 6 20 5 4 Moderate Modern Air Combat' International Defense Review
61-85 9.5 25 6 5 Rough Bill Gunston and Mike Spick Jane's Defence Weekly'
86-90 13.5 30 7 6 Very rough Modern Naval Combat' Jane's Soviet Intelligence Review
91-92 18 40 8 6 Very rough David Miller and Chris Miller Marine-Rundschau
93-94 23 45 9 6 Very rough Modern Warship Design & Development• Maritime Defense
95-96 29 50 10 7 High seas Norman Friedman National Defense
97-98 37 60 11 8 Very high seas Naval Ordnance & Gunnery Naval Forces
99-00 45 65+ 12 9 Phenomenal NAVPERS 10783-B Naval Institute Proceedings•
•Missile boats cannot fire in sea state 5 or more. U.S. Navy pub. Naval News & Undersea Technology
• No combat is possible in Beaufort force 9 or more. Naval Radar• Newsweek
•Hydrofoils cannot remain foilborne in sea state 6 or more. Norman Friedman Time
The Ships and Aircraft al the U.S. Fleet' U. S News & World Report
Wind Direction. Wind direction is given as a number in degrees Norman Polmar Warplane'
ranging from 000 to 359, and is usually stated in relation to true north. Soviet Military Aircraft Warship World
This is the direction the wind is blowing from; thus, a wind from 000 Bill Sweetman
degrees means that the wind is blowing directly north to south. Wind Soviet Military Power
direction is generated by using this formula: Roll 1D6-1 times 60, U.S. Department of Defense pub. 'Recommended
LOFAR Low frequency analysis and recording (sonobuoy type)
Line of sight
Laser ranger and marked target seeker lnnex Q-Conversion lnnex R-US Carrier
MAD Magnetic anomaly detector
lnnex P-lbbrevialions Mk
Mark (version, type, model)
Millimeter or millimeters
Fa<lors and S<ales lir Groups
msl Missile
·G Suffix to a ship class indicating major missile armament (e.g. MT Weapons mount SCALES STANDARD CARRIER AIR GROUP
DOG, SSG, CG) nm Nautical mile (2000 yards) One tactical turn equals 30 seconds. 2 fighter squadrons each with 12 F-14s.
·N Suffix to a ship class designation indicating nuclear propulsion PHM Patrol hydrofoil missile ship One intermediate turn equals 10 minutes or 20 tactical turns. 2 light attack squadrons each with 10 f/A-18s.
(e.g. SSN, CGN) PRH Passive radar homing Recommended tactical distance scale is 1 nm=2 inches (which 1 medium attack squadron wnh 1o A-6E!TRAMs and 4 KA-6Ds.
AIC Aircraft RO Range-only (variety of aircraft radar) will mean that speed in ktsl60=distance travelled in inches). 1 antisubmarine squadron with 1O S-3s.
RWR Radar warning receiver (specialized ESM) Speed in knots/120 equals nautical miles covered in one turn. 1 helicopter ASW squadron with 6 SH-3Hs.
AAM Air-to-air missile
AEW Airborne early warning SA-N· USSR surface-to-air missile designator (NATO) Mach 1=659.5 kts at Very Low and Low altitude. 1 electronic warfare detachment with 5 EA-6Bs.
SALH Semiactive laser homing 648.7 kts at Medium altnude. 1 airborne early warning detachment wnh 5 E-2Cs.
ASCM Antiship cruise missile
ASH Antiship SAM Surface-to-air missile 573.7 kts at High and Very High altnude. 1 EA-3A Skywarrior ELINT aircraft.
ASM Air-to-surface missile SARH Semiactive radar homing 1 nm equals 1.852 km; 2000 yards; 1.14 land miles; one minute
ASROC Antisubmarine rocket (U.S.A.) SS Submarine (diesel-powered) of latitude (one degree of latitude equals 60 nm). Note: USS Midway and Coral Sea substitute F/A-18s for the
ASW Antisubmarine warfare SS-N· USSR surface-to-surface missile designator (NATO) F-14s.
ATA Air-to-air SU·W·N· USSR surface-to-underwater missile launcher (NATO) DAMAGE POINT COMPUTATIONS USS Kennedy and Ranger substnute a second squadron of 1o
BB Battleship TASH Terminal active sonar homing Damage point capacity of ships depends on their standard dis- A-6EfTRAMs for the two light attack squadrons.
BC Battlecruiser TF Task force placement (submerged displacement for subs). ff the displacement The 6 SH-3Hs will eventually be replaced by SH-60Fs.
Beam-rider (missile guidance) TT Torpedo tube is: The EA-3A will eventually be replaced by an ES-3.
BPDMS Basic point defense missile system {U.S.A.) TVM Track-via-missile (guidance) 0 to 500 tons: (T/20) The KA-6Ds are being removed.
CA Heavy cruiser USG US gallons 501 to 5000 tons: (T/30)+g The A-6Es can all carry a "buddy" refueling store.
Through-deck cruiser VOS Variable depth sonar 5001 to 12,000 tons: (T/50)+76
Can Cannon (aircraft) VTOL Vertical takeoff and landing 12,000 tons and above: (T/60)+ 116
CAP Combat air patrol
CASS Command-activated sonobuoy This damage point total is modified by the following:
CEC Combat engagement center Multiply a fleel auxiliary's points by .75.
CHP Critical hit protection Multiply submarine, SES/hovercraft, and merchant ship's points
by .5.
CL Light cruiser
Multiply a supertanker's points by .25.
CLC Command cruiser
Multiply any Soviet-designed vessel's points (except subs) by .9.
COD AG Combined diesel and gas propulsion
Combined diesel-electric and gas turbine propulsion Multiply a ship wnh aluminum, GRP, or wood construction point's
by .75.
CO DOG Combined diesel or gas propulsion
CON AS Combined nuclear and steam propulsion
Combined steam and gas turbine propulsion Some ship classes, because of special construction techniques
(titanium hulls, for example), have a damage modifier listed along
CV Aircraft carrier
with other data. This factor is already taken into account inthe damage
CVH Helicopter carrier
point value.
06 Six-sided die
Ten-sided die
The damage point levels are computed at 25, 50, 75, 90, and 1oo
percent total damage.
0100 Percentile dice
Damage Points Inflicted: The warhead weight is divided by the
DD Destroyer
number indicated for different types of attacks to determine the
DJ CASS Directional command·activated sonobuoy
damage points a successful attack inflicts.
DIFAR Direction finding and recording
EM CON Emission control (radar and sonar silence)
Electro-optic (guidance type)
Tvpe of Attack Formula
Above-waler attacks Warhead wt/5.0
ESM Electronic support measures
Underwater attacks vs. surface ships Warhead wt/2.0
FAE Fuel air explosive
Underwater attacks vs. submarines
FF Frigate
•Torpedoes 406mm or less, mortars Warhead wt/2.0
FFL Corvette
•Torpedoes 407mm or more, DCs Warhead wt/4.0
FLIR Forward-looking infrared (thermal TV camera)
GFCS Gunfire control system
Surface Gun Systems: Surface gun systems damage inflicted
GRP Glass-reinforced plastic (fiberglass)
equals the weighl of the shell in kilograms/15 time (0-50% range
l/TARH Inertial with terminal active radar homing
accuracy) times rate of fire per turn; the damage inflicted is never
I/TSARH Inertial with terminal semiaclive radar homing
less than the weight of the shell in kilograms/5. The result is the
llR Imaging infrared (variety of EO guidance)
damage done by each barrel of the gun mount (exception: treat rotary
IRH Infrared homing
guns as one barrel per mount).
kt Knot (one nautical mile per hour)
kg Kilogram or kilograms
L Liter
L&L Launch and leave (missile type)
Leh Launch or laUncher
LOFAR Low frequency analysis and recording (sonobuoy type)
Line of sight
Laser ranger and marked target seeker lnnex Q-Conversion lnnex R-US Carrier
MAD Magnetic anomaly detector
lnnex P-lbbrevialions Mk
Mark (version, type, model)
Millimeter or millimeters
Fa<lors and S<ales lir Groups
msl Missile
·G Suffix to a ship class indicating major missile armament (e.g. MT Weapons mount SCALES STANDARD CARRIER AIR GROUP
DOG, SSG, CG) nm Nautical mile (2000 yards) One tactical turn equals 30 seconds. 2 fighter squadrons each with 12 F-14s.
·N Suffix to a ship class designation indicating nuclear propulsion PHM Patrol hydrofoil missile ship One intermediate turn equals 10 minutes or 20 tactical turns. 2 light attack squadrons each with 10 f/A-18s.
(e.g. SSN, CGN) PRH Passive radar homing Recommended tactical distance scale is 1 nm=2 inches (which 1 medium attack squadron wnh 1o A-6E!TRAMs and 4 KA-6Ds.
AIC Aircraft RO Range-only (variety of aircraft radar) will mean that speed in ktsl60=distance travelled in inches). 1 antisubmarine squadron with 1O S-3s.
RWR Radar warning receiver (specialized ESM) Speed in knots/120 equals nautical miles covered in one turn. 1 helicopter ASW squadron with 6 SH-3Hs.
AAM Air-to-air missile
AEW Airborne early warning SA-N· USSR surface-to-air missile designator (NATO) Mach 1=659.5 kts at Very Low and Low altitude. 1 electronic warfare detachment with 5 EA-6Bs.
SALH Semiactive laser homing 648.7 kts at Medium altnude. 1 airborne early warning detachment wnh 5 E-2Cs.
ASCM Antiship cruise missile
ASH Antiship SAM Surface-to-air missile 573.7 kts at High and Very High altnude. 1 EA-3A Skywarrior ELINT aircraft.
ASM Air-to-surface missile SARH Semiactive radar homing 1 nm equals 1.852 km; 2000 yards; 1.14 land miles; one minute
ASROC Antisubmarine rocket (U.S.A.) SS Submarine (diesel-powered) of latitude (one degree of latitude equals 60 nm). Note: USS Midway and Coral Sea substitute F/A-18s for the
ASW Antisubmarine warfare SS-N· USSR surface-to-surface missile designator (NATO) F-14s.
ATA Air-to-air SU·W·N· USSR surface-to-underwater missile launcher (NATO) DAMAGE POINT COMPUTATIONS USS Kennedy and Ranger substnute a second squadron of 1o
BB Battleship TASH Terminal active sonar homing Damage point capacity of ships depends on their standard dis- A-6EfTRAMs for the two light attack squadrons.
BC Battlecruiser TF Task force placement (submerged displacement for subs). ff the displacement The 6 SH-3Hs will eventually be replaced by SH-60Fs.
Beam-rider (missile guidance) TT Torpedo tube is: The EA-3A will eventually be replaced by an ES-3.
BPDMS Basic point defense missile system {U.S.A.) TVM Track-via-missile (guidance) 0 to 500 tons: (T/20) The KA-6Ds are being removed.
CA Heavy cruiser USG US gallons 501 to 5000 tons: (T/30)+g The A-6Es can all carry a "buddy" refueling store.
Through-deck cruiser VOS Variable depth sonar 5001 to 12,000 tons: (T/50)+76
Can Cannon (aircraft) VTOL Vertical takeoff and landing 12,000 tons and above: (T/60)+ 116
CAP Combat air patrol
CASS Command-activated sonobuoy This damage point total is modified by the following:
CEC Combat engagement center Multiply a fleel auxiliary's points by .75.
CHP Critical hit protection Multiply submarine, SES/hovercraft, and merchant ship's points
by .5.
CL Light cruiser
Multiply a supertanker's points by .25.
CLC Command cruiser
Multiply any Soviet-designed vessel's points (except subs) by .9.
COD AG Combined diesel and gas propulsion
Combined diesel-electric and gas turbine propulsion Multiply a ship wnh aluminum, GRP, or wood construction point's
by .75.
CO DOG Combined diesel or gas propulsion
CON AS Combined nuclear and steam propulsion
Combined steam and gas turbine propulsion Some ship classes, because of special construction techniques
(titanium hulls, for example), have a damage modifier listed along
CV Aircraft carrier
with other data. This factor is already taken into account inthe damage
CVH Helicopter carrier
point value.
06 Six-sided die
Ten-sided die
The damage point levels are computed at 25, 50, 75, 90, and 1oo
percent total damage.
0100 Percentile dice
Damage Points Inflicted: The warhead weight is divided by the
DD Destroyer
number indicated for different types of attacks to determine the
DJ CASS Directional command·activated sonobuoy
damage points a successful attack inflicts.
DIFAR Direction finding and recording
EM CON Emission control (radar and sonar silence)
Electro-optic (guidance type)
Tvpe of Attack Formula
Above-waler attacks Warhead wt/5.0
ESM Electronic support measures
Underwater attacks vs. surface ships Warhead wt/2.0
FAE Fuel air explosive
Underwater attacks vs. submarines
FF Frigate
•Torpedoes 406mm or less, mortars Warhead wt/2.0
FFL Corvette
•Torpedoes 407mm or more, DCs Warhead wt/4.0
FLIR Forward-looking infrared (thermal TV camera)
GFCS Gunfire control system
Surface Gun Systems: Surface gun systems damage inflicted
GRP Glass-reinforced plastic (fiberglass)
equals the weighl of the shell in kilograms/15 time (0-50% range
l/TARH Inertial with terminal active radar homing
accuracy) times rate of fire per turn; the damage inflicted is never
I/TSARH Inertial with terminal semiaclive radar homing
less than the weight of the shell in kilograms/5. The result is the
llR Imaging infrared (variety of EO guidance)
damage done by each barrel of the gun mount (exception: treat rotary
IRH Infrared homing
guns as one barrel per mount).
kt Knot (one nautical mile per hour)
kg Kilogram or kilograms
L Liter
L&L Launch and leave (missile type)
Leh Launch or laUncher Mission Planning. A mission profile must be developed for total mission range Is 1240 nm (step 3). The player decides he wants to If a plane makes it back to base but a mathematical error is detected
each combination of aircraft type, ordnance loadout and target. A typical carry four Mk84 bombs and an ECM pod (step 5). The aircraft is fully later and the plane should have crashed due to fuel exhaustion, assume
mission profile might describe a MiG-23 Flogger G armed with two AA- loaded, so its range must be reduced by 10% (to 1440 nm) and its that the plane had a tailwind and made it back on fumes. One should be
7 and four AA-8 missiles, and one drop tank, taking off, flying to a patrol maximum speeds at all altitudes by 15% (step 6). The margin over mission wary of players with permanent tailwinds.
Rules Supplement area a certain distance from base, patrolling there for a specified period,
then returning. Because of preflight planning, the player knows that he
range is reduced to 200 nm. A good reserve is 10% of 1240 nm or 125
nm, so the load is confirmed, and the aircraft is readied for launch. Aircraft In-Flight Refueling. An aerial tanker can transfer
any ponion of its fuel to another aircraft. To conduct refueling, the tanker
can have the MiG patrol for one hour at 100 nm or three hours at 50 nm. Example 2: An F-18 Hornet will escon a strike to a target 500 nm files at cruise speed. Each plane that is to be refueled matches location,
Harpoon Form 5 is a worksheet for computing a mission. away. The mission range is 1000 nm. To allow for 10 minutes of combat, altitude, speed and heading with the tanker. It refuels-fighter/attack air-
4.3.6 Aircraft Endurance. The distance an aircraft can fly varies A typical strike mission profile is hi-lo-hi. This means that the plane the plane needs 270 nm. On afterburner, this same range is worth 21 nm craft taking 1 D6 minutes, bombers and other large aircraft taking 1 D6+6
widely depending on its warload, speed, the altitude at which it flies, and cruises out at high altitude to maximize fuel efficiency, then descends to or 2 tactical turns. The increased mission range is 1270 nm or more than minutes-then breaks off so that another plane can be refueled.
its throttle setting. Aircraft spend most of their time at cruise speed, the penetrate the defenses near the target, then climbs back to altitude to the aircraft's basic range on internal fuel of 1200 nm. It will need drop Annex B shows whether an aircraft may be refueled in flight. It also
engines set at 75°/o of the maximum available power. This speed allows cruise home. Be sure to take into aooount the effects of altitude (section tanks (step 4). Annex B states that the plane can carry three drop tanks, shows whether an aircraft can refuel other aircraft. If the ~v" or gN" is
them to cover the maximum distance for fuel burned. Adding ordnance 4.3.4) when computing fuel consumption. each worth 124 nm of range. This increases the cruise range to 1572. followed by a slash and a number, that is the number of small aircraft it
or flying at higher speeds will reduce the range, sometimes dramatically. 1. Measure the distance from the aircraft's base to the target in nautical Carrying drop tanks, the plane Is fully loaded even though it is carrying can refuel at the same time. The entry for the Victor K.2 is gY/3." This
The greatest effect on aircraft endurance comes from its throttle set- miles. This is the mission radius. Since the airaaft must fly to the target air-to-air missiles. The cruise range must be reduced by 10°/o to 1415 means that the Victor can be refueled (Y) and that it can refuel three
ting. All aircraft operate St three or four basic speeds. An aircraft is said and return, multiply by two to get the 'mission" range. nm, still 145 nm over the mission range (step 7). A good reserve would small aircraft (3) simultaneously
to be loitering, cruising, at full military power, or on afterburner, corre- 2. If the plane might be in combat, using maximum power or after- be 157nm,close enough to the 145nmfigure. The F-18is readyto launch A tanker that can refuel one aircraft can refuel one of either size. If it
sponding to throttle settings made by the pilot. The exact speed in knots burner, extra fuel must be allowed for. A margin of 400 nm for a fighter on its mission. can refuel two small it may refuel one large instead. If it can refuel three
will vary with altitude, load carried, and, of course, aircraft type. These at cruise is only 160 nm at full power, equalling 14 minutes of combat at Example 3: A P-3C Orion is to patrol a station 300 nm from its base. small it can refuel one large instead.A buddy refuel store may refuel only
figures are listed in Annex B for each aircraft. See also section 4.3.2. 650 knots. If the afterburner Is used, this is only 12.8 nm, or at Mach 2.0 The mission range is 300 times two or 600 nm. Ten minutes of full power one aircraft at a time.
Players controlling aircraft in Harpoon must declare their aircraft to half a minutel for the P-3C will use up 92 nm of cruise range. The basic range of the P-
be flying at one of the four throttle settings: loiter, cruise, full military power, Also, if the aircraft is a jet and will be making its attack run at low altitude 3C is 4405 nm. This cannot be increased by adding external fuel tanks,
or afterburner (if available). This setting determines how quickly the aircraft (often done to help evade detection), remember th at It consumes fuel as and the P-3C is not capable of in-flight refueling. The difference between
will burn up its fuel. It also determines how fast the aircraft can fly. if it is at full military power. Thus, the amount of time might be determined the basic range and the mission range is 3713 nm and is the amount of One Large One Large
The aircraft may fly slower than the maximum speed for that throttle by how long the attack run is. endurance that can be used to loiter on station. The difference is divided
setting, but will gain no benefit in range or endurance. For example, an Decide how many minutes at full military power or on afterburner you by the loiter modifier of 0.75, giving 4950. This is then divided by the
aircraft that can cruise at 600 knots can also cruise at 590 knots. There want to allow: The formula is: cruise speed of 308 knots, giving a result of 16 hours on station.
is no significant change in the fuel consumption rate. Fuel Consumption in Flight Once in the air, the air-
Aircraft speeds are affected by a/Utude. The denser air at low altitude (Minutes at FMP/60)xFMP speedxFMP endurance modifier= craft use up one mile of range for each mile they fly at cruise speed. It a
slows down jet aircraft, forcing them to burn fuel quickly. The air above Cruise range needed Sea Harrier cruises for 10 minutes at 450 knots, it uses up 450/6 or 90
36,000 feet allows them to fly at maximum speed, but is too thin for turbo- nm of range. If it flies at its maximum speed, 650 knots at low altitude, it
prop aircraft or helicopters, which operate most efficiently in the dense (Minutes at afterburner/60)xAfterburner speedx uses up much more fuel. Take the time spent at full military power, 1O
air at sea level. Afterburner endurance modifier=Afterburner range needed minutes, and multiply the amount bu med at cruise speed (90) times the
Finally, the payloadcarried by a plane will affect its speed and endur- full military power modnier for a NATO jet aircraft (2.5) to determine the
ance. Bombs, missiles, and other objects hung under a plane cause drag, This procedure is included in Harpoon Form 5. The "combat margin" amount of range equivalent burned to cover the 650 nm (90x2.5=225).
which slows it down. An aircraft can be clean, carrying no payload, lightly Is then added to the mission range. This Is the total amount of endurance With a total basic range of 600 nm, this is a major reduction in its endur-
loaded (same definition as section 6.1 ), or fully loaded. The payload's the plane needs to make it to the target and return. ance.
weight also affects the aircraft's range and speed, and this effect is 3. Compare the mission range with the basic range given in Annex B. In general, take the distance flown at that power setting, and compute Two Small Three Small
combined into the load reduction. Additionally, fully loaded aircraft can- The basic range represents the amount of fuel carried in the plane's own the cruise mile equivalents burned for that period using that power set-
not fly at supersonic speeds. internal tanks. If the aircraft has a basic range in excess of the mission ting. It should become quickly apparent that jet aircraft cannot stay at Aircraft Ranges. The maximum range of an aircraft flying range, then the flight can be launched with a full ordnance load. afterburner for too long and must be careful even when using full military
at cruise speed is given in Annex B. This is based on internal fuel capac- 4. If the basic range is less than the mission range, then add drop power. To determine the amount of fuel the tanker can off-load:
ity only. Two things can be done to Increase its basic range. tanks. Single drop tanks are usually carried on the centerline; pairs are 1. Measure the range back to the tankers base, and subtract this
• Drop Tanks. Annex B lists the number of drop tanks a plane can carried with one under each wing. Annex B lists various ordnance loads, ENDURANCE MODIFIERS amount from the remaining range in the tankers endurance. If the tanker
carry with each load. It also shows the addltional cruise range that each including the drop tanks, and the increase in cruising range for each drop Aircraft Loiter Cruise FMP Afterburner is 700 nm from its base and has a remaining endurance of 1700 nm, it
tank gives. A drop tank also occupies a pylon, precluding it from being tank carried. NATO Jet 0.75 1.0 2.5 12.5 can off-load 1000 nm offuel.
used to carry ordnance. If the increased range is sufficient, then subtract the weight of the USSR Jet 0.75 1.0 3.2 17.0 2. Divide the tanker's internal fuel by its cruise range to find out how
• In-Flight Refueling. Many aircraft may be refueled In flight by tanker drop tanks from the ordnance payload and decide on the ordnance to be Turboprop 0.75 1.0 1.5 many kilograms of fuel the tanker uses to fly one nm. Multiply the off-load
aircraft. A tanker may be a dedicated refuel er or may be a similar aircraft carried (step 5). Helicopter 1.00 1.0 1.0 range by the number of kilograms to determine total kilograms available
equipped with "buddy refuel" stores containing a hose reel. The tanker If the range with the drop tanks is still insufficient to complete the to off-load.
and the receiving aircraft must have compatible equipment. The US Navy mission, you must then either cancel the mission or use in-flight refuel· Mission Planning for Aircraft Formations. A group of 3. Divide the weight of the fuel by the kg/nm rate of the receiving aircraft.
and US Marines use one method, andthe US Air Force adifferent method. ing. In-flight refueling may be used in conjunction with drop tanks. aircraft uses the launch time of the first aircraft to determine the endur- This is the amount of range the aircraft gains in the process. The maxi-
See section for rules covering in-flight refueling. If an aircraft runs 5. Decide on the ordnance to be carried on the remaining pylons. Make ance. The first aircraft will have to loiter until the rest of the formation has mum amount of range after refueling cannot exceed the receiving aircraft's
out of fuel without reaching a base or tanker, it crashes. sure thatthe aira aft can carry the weight by checking it againstthe payload joined up and will have consumed the most fuel. original maximum range. Ordnance Effects on Endurance and Speed. Bombs, figure in and the allowable loads in Annex B. Example: The lead A-6E of a group of 20 is launched from a carrier
missiles, and external fuel tanks all create drag, which slows down the 6. Determine if the aircraft is lightly or fully loaded, and reduce the and climbs to waitfor the rest of the planes to be launched. A carrier with Tanker rangeffanker kg/nmxReceiving aircraft kg/nm=
aircraft and causes extra fuel to be burned. If the aircraft carries only air- range (including the range gained from drop tanks) and all of the plane's four catapults can launch one plane each tactical turn (see section 4.3.5 Receiving aircraft's range gained
to-air missiles and gun pods, singly or in clusters, it is considered lightly speeds by the stated percentage (excluding minimum speed). in the Harpoon rules), so it will take 20 tactical turns or 1O minutes to
loaded. This affects not only its range and speed, but also its air-to-air 7. Double-check that the range reduction because of the ordnance launch them all. It loiters at high altitude for 1 O minutes, using up 7.5 It takes five minutes to refuel, plus one minute for each 2000 kg of
maneuverability (see section 6.1 of Harpoon). If the aircraft is carrying has not prevented the aircraft from reaching the target. . minutes of cruise endurance. Divide the plane's cruise speed (415 knots) fuel.
any drop tanks, ASW ordnance, or air-to-ground weapons (except gun 8. It is also good planning to carry a 100/o reserve over what the mis- by 60 (6.9 nm per minute) to get the miles used per minute and multiply HIFR (Helicopter In-Flight Refueling). This operation can
pods), the plane is fully loaded. A plane carrying air-to-air missiles, gun sion needs to allow for unknown circumstances. For instance, the target times 7.5 to see how much cruising range is lost. This is 51 nm. be carried out between any NATO ship and helicopter. The helicopter
pods, and drop tanks is fully loaded, but can become lightly loaded by may have moved farther away; evasive action might have to be taken; General Considerations. The referee (if present) should approaches the ship and hovers off the fantail. The ship steams with the
jettisoning its drop tanks. If they have any fuel in them, that range is lost. or the target may be changed after the flight has taken off. This means help the players conducting flight planning and should verify the mathe- wind 30 degrees off the pon bow. The combined ship/wind speed must
that on a 1000 nm mission, the plane must have fuel for 1100 nm. matics. The players are ultimately responsible for their aircraft running equal 30 knots. The helicopter lowers a line, and the deck crew attaches
ORDNANCE EFFECTS Example 1: An A·6E Intruder is being assigned to strike a target 500 out of fuel. a fuel hose. The hose is winched up to the helicopter and plugged into
Ordnance Range Speed nm away (step 1). Total distance there and back is 1000 nm. The play_er Aviators tend to be a cautious group and will not continue to fly the the fuel system. After 106+5 minutes, the helicopter is refueled. It lowers
Load Reduction Reduction decides to allow for 1 o minutes of combat (step 2). The A-6E's full m1l1- mission when the gbingo"fuel limit is reached. The bingo fuel limit is the the fuel hose to the deck, then continues its mission. The ship does not
No ordnance 00/0 00/0 tary power (FMP) speed at sea level is 570 knots, and the FMP_mod1fie; amount of fuel required to get home, plus reserves. If the plane is en- have to have a helo pad or other aviation facilities to accomplish this
Lightly loaded 5°!o 10°/o for a NATO jet is 2.5. Using the calculation on the form, 1 O minutes o gaged in air-to-air combat, it will attempt to disengage once the bingo evolution, just a refueling system. This methodology will also allow a large
Fully loaded 10°/0 15°/o (no supersonic flight) combat at sea level requires about 240 nm of cruise endurance, so the point is reached. helicopter to be refueled from a small ship"s deck. Mission Planning. A mission profile must be developed for total mission range Is 1240 nm (step 3). The player decides he wants to If a plane makes it back to base but a mathematical error is detected
each combination of aircraft type, ordnance loadout and target. A typical carry four Mk84 bombs and an ECM pod (step 5). The aircraft is fully later and the plane should have crashed due to fuel exhaustion, assume
mission profile might describe a MiG-23 Flogger G armed with two AA- loaded, so its range must be reduced by 10% (to 1440 nm) and its that the plane had a tailwind and made it back on fumes. One should be
7 and four AA-8 missiles, and one drop tank, taking off, flying to a patrol maximum speeds at all altitudes by 15% (step 6). The margin over mission wary of players with permanent tailwinds.
Rules Supplement area a certain distance from base, patrolling there for a specified period,
then returning. Because of preflight planning, the player knows that he
range is reduced to 200 nm. A good reserve is 10% of 1240 nm or 125
nm, so the load is confirmed, and the aircraft is readied for launch. Aircraft In-Flight Refueling. An aerial tanker can transfer
any ponion of its fuel to another aircraft. To conduct refueling, the tanker
can have the MiG patrol for one hour at 100 nm or three hours at 50 nm. Example 2: An F-18 Hornet will escon a strike to a target 500 nm files at cruise speed. Each plane that is to be refueled matches location,
Harpoon Form 5 is a worksheet for computing a mission. away. The mission range is 1000 nm. To allow for 10 minutes of combat, altitude, speed and heading with the tanker. It refuels-fighter/attack air-
4.3.6 Aircraft Endurance. The distance an aircraft can fly varies A typical strike mission profile is hi-lo-hi. This means that the plane the plane needs 270 nm. On afterburner, this same range is worth 21 nm craft taking 1 D6 minutes, bombers and other large aircraft taking 1 D6+6
widely depending on its warload, speed, the altitude at which it flies, and cruises out at high altitude to maximize fuel efficiency, then descends to or 2 tactical turns. The increased mission range is 1270 nm or more than minutes-then breaks off so that another plane can be refueled.
its throttle setting. Aircraft spend most of their time at cruise speed, the penetrate the defenses near the target, then climbs back to altitude to the aircraft's basic range on internal fuel of 1200 nm. It will need drop Annex B shows whether an aircraft may be refueled in flight. It also
engines set at 75°/o of the maximum available power. This speed allows cruise home. Be sure to take into aooount the effects of altitude (section tanks (step 4). Annex B states that the plane can carry three drop tanks, shows whether an aircraft can refuel other aircraft. If the ~v" or gN" is
them to cover the maximum distance for fuel burned. Adding ordnance 4.3.4) when computing fuel consumption. each worth 124 nm of range. This increases the cruise range to 1572. followed by a slash and a number, that is the number of small aircraft it
or flying at higher speeds will reduce the range, sometimes dramatically. 1. Measure the distance from the aircraft's base to the target in nautical Carrying drop tanks, the plane Is fully loaded even though it is carrying can refuel at the same time. The entry for the Victor K.2 is gY/3." This
The greatest effect on aircraft endurance comes from its throttle set- miles. This is the mission radius. Since the airaaft must fly to the target air-to-air missiles. The cruise range must be reduced by 10°/o to 1415 means that the Victor can be refueled (Y) and that it can refuel three
ting. All aircraft operate St three or four basic speeds. An aircraft is said and return, multiply by two to get the 'mission" range. nm, still 145 nm over the mission range (step 7). A good reserve would small aircraft (3) simultaneously
to be loitering, cruising, at full military power, or on afterburner, corre- 2. If the plane might be in combat, using maximum power or after- be 157nm,close enough to the 145nmfigure. The F-18is readyto launch A tanker that can refuel one aircraft can refuel one of either size. If it
sponding to throttle settings made by the pilot. The exact speed in knots burner, extra fuel must be allowed for. A margin of 400 nm for a fighter on its mission. can refuel two small it may refuel one large instead. If it can refuel three
will vary with altitude, load carried, and, of course, aircraft type. These at cruise is only 160 nm at full power, equalling 14 minutes of combat at Example 3: A P-3C Orion is to patrol a station 300 nm from its base. small it can refuel one large instead.A buddy refuel store may refuel only
figures are listed in Annex B for each aircraft. See also section 4.3.2. 650 knots. If the afterburner Is used, this is only 12.8 nm, or at Mach 2.0 The mission range is 300 times two or 600 nm. Ten minutes of full power one aircraft at a time.
Players controlling aircraft in Harpoon must declare their aircraft to half a minutel for the P-3C will use up 92 nm of cruise range. The basic range of the P-
be flying at one of the four throttle settings: loiter, cruise, full military power, Also, if the aircraft is a jet and will be making its attack run at low altitude 3C is 4405 nm. This cannot be increased by adding external fuel tanks,
or afterburner (if available). This setting determines how quickly the aircraft (often done to help evade detection), remember th at It consumes fuel as and the P-3C is not capable of in-flight refueling. The difference between
will burn up its fuel. It also determines how fast the aircraft can fly. if it is at full military power. Thus, the amount of time might be determined the basic range and the mission range is 3713 nm and is the amount of One Large One Large
The aircraft may fly slower than the maximum speed for that throttle by how long the attack run is. endurance that can be used to loiter on station. The difference is divided
setting, but will gain no benefit in range or endurance. For example, an Decide how many minutes at full military power or on afterburner you by the loiter modifier of 0.75, giving 4950. This is then divided by the
aircraft that can cruise at 600 knots can also cruise at 590 knots. There want to allow: The formula is: cruise speed of 308 knots, giving a result of 16 hours on station.
is no significant change in the fuel consumption rate. Fuel Consumption in Flight Once in the air, the air-
Aircraft speeds are affected by a/Utude. The denser air at low altitude (Minutes at FMP/60)xFMP speedxFMP endurance modifier= craft use up one mile of range for each mile they fly at cruise speed. It a
slows down jet aircraft, forcing them to burn fuel quickly. The air above Cruise range needed Sea Harrier cruises for 10 minutes at 450 knots, it uses up 450/6 or 90
36,000 feet allows them to fly at maximum speed, but is too thin for turbo- nm of range. If it flies at its maximum speed, 650 knots at low altitude, it
prop aircraft or helicopters, which operate most efficiently in the dense (Minutes at afterburner/60)xAfterburner speedx uses up much more fuel. Take the time spent at full military power, 1O
air at sea level. Afterburner endurance modifier=Afterburner range needed minutes, and multiply the amount bu med at cruise speed (90) times the
Finally, the payloadcarried by a plane will affect its speed and endur- full military power modnier for a NATO jet aircraft (2.5) to determine the
ance. Bombs, missiles, and other objects hung under a plane cause drag, This procedure is included in Harpoon Form 5. The "combat margin" amount of range equivalent burned to cover the 650 nm (90x2.5=225).
which slows it down. An aircraft can be clean, carrying no payload, lightly Is then added to the mission range. This Is the total amount of endurance With a total basic range of 600 nm, this is a major reduction in its endur-
loaded (same definition as section 6.1 ), or fully loaded. The payload's the plane needs to make it to the target and return. ance.
weight also affects the aircraft's range and speed, and this effect is 3. Compare the mission range with the basic range given in Annex B. In general, take the distance flown at that power setting, and compute Two Small Three Small
combined into the load reduction. Additionally, fully loaded aircraft can- The basic range represents the amount of fuel carried in the plane's own the cruise mile equivalents burned for that period using that power set-
not fly at supersonic speeds. internal tanks. If the aircraft has a basic range in excess of the mission ting. It should become quickly apparent that jet aircraft cannot stay at Aircraft Ranges. The maximum range of an aircraft flying range, then the flight can be launched with a full ordnance load. afterburner for too long and must be careful even when using full military
at cruise speed is given in Annex B. This is based on internal fuel capac- 4. If the basic range is less than the mission range, then add drop power. To determine the amount of fuel the tanker can off-load:
ity only. Two things can be done to Increase its basic range. tanks. Single drop tanks are usually carried on the centerline; pairs are 1. Measure the range back to the tankers base, and subtract this
• Drop Tanks. Annex B lists the number of drop tanks a plane can carried with one under each wing. Annex B lists various ordnance loads, ENDURANCE MODIFIERS amount from the remaining range in the tankers endurance. If the tanker
carry with each load. It also shows the addltional cruise range that each including the drop tanks, and the increase in cruising range for each drop Aircraft Loiter Cruise FMP Afterburner is 700 nm from its base and has a remaining endurance of 1700 nm, it
tank gives. A drop tank also occupies a pylon, precluding it from being tank carried. NATO Jet 0.75 1.0 2.5 12.5 can off-load 1000 nm offuel.
used to carry ordnance. If the increased range is sufficient, then subtract the weight of the USSR Jet 0.75 1.0 3.2 17.0 2. Divide the tanker's internal fuel by its cruise range to find out how
• In-Flight Refueling. Many aircraft may be refueled In flight by tanker drop tanks from the ordnance payload and decide on the ordnance to be Turboprop 0.75 1.0 1.5 many kilograms of fuel the tanker uses to fly one nm. Multiply the off-load
aircraft. A tanker may be a dedicated refuel er or may be a similar aircraft carried (step 5). Helicopter 1.00 1.0 1.0 range by the number of kilograms to determine total kilograms available
equipped with "buddy refuel" stores containing a hose reel. The tanker If the range with the drop tanks is still insufficient to complete the to off-load.
and the receiving aircraft must have compatible equipment. The US Navy mission, you must then either cancel the mission or use in-flight refuel· Mission Planning for Aircraft Formations. A group of 3. Divide the weight of the fuel by the kg/nm rate of the receiving aircraft.
and US Marines use one method, andthe US Air Force adifferent method. ing. In-flight refueling may be used in conjunction with drop tanks. aircraft uses the launch time of the first aircraft to determine the endur- This is the amount of range the aircraft gains in the process. The maxi-
See section for rules covering in-flight refueling. If an aircraft runs 5. Decide on the ordnance to be carried on the remaining pylons. Make ance. The first aircraft will have to loiter until the rest of the formation has mum amount of range after refueling cannot exceed the receiving aircraft's
out of fuel without reaching a base or tanker, it crashes. sure thatthe aira aft can carry the weight by checking it againstthe payload joined up and will have consumed the most fuel. original maximum range. Ordnance Effects on Endurance and Speed. Bombs, figure in and the allowable loads in Annex B. Example: The lead A-6E of a group of 20 is launched from a carrier
missiles, and external fuel tanks all create drag, which slows down the 6. Determine if the aircraft is lightly or fully loaded, and reduce the and climbs to waitfor the rest of the planes to be launched. A carrier with Tanker rangeffanker kg/nmxReceiving aircraft kg/nm=
aircraft and causes extra fuel to be burned. If the aircraft carries only air- range (including the range gained from drop tanks) and all of the plane's four catapults can launch one plane each tactical turn (see section 4.3.5 Receiving aircraft's range gained
to-air missiles and gun pods, singly or in clusters, it is considered lightly speeds by the stated percentage (excluding minimum speed). in the Harpoon rules), so it will take 20 tactical turns or 1O minutes to
loaded. This affects not only its range and speed, but also its air-to-air 7. Double-check that the range reduction because of the ordnance launch them all. It loiters at high altitude for 1 O minutes, using up 7.5 It takes five minutes to refuel, plus one minute for each 2000 kg of
maneuverability (see section 6.1 of Harpoon). If the aircraft is carrying has not prevented the aircraft from reaching the target. . minutes of cruise endurance. Divide the plane's cruise speed (415 knots) fuel.
any drop tanks, ASW ordnance, or air-to-ground weapons (except gun 8. It is also good planning to carry a 100/o reserve over what the mis- by 60 (6.9 nm per minute) to get the miles used per minute and multiply HIFR (Helicopter In-Flight Refueling). This operation can
pods), the plane is fully loaded. A plane carrying air-to-air missiles, gun sion needs to allow for unknown circumstances. For instance, the target times 7.5 to see how much cruising range is lost. This is 51 nm. be carried out between any NATO ship and helicopter. The helicopter
pods, and drop tanks is fully loaded, but can become lightly loaded by may have moved farther away; evasive action might have to be taken; General Considerations. The referee (if present) should approaches the ship and hovers off the fantail. The ship steams with the
jettisoning its drop tanks. If they have any fuel in them, that range is lost. or the target may be changed after the flight has taken off. This means help the players conducting flight planning and should verify the mathe- wind 30 degrees off the pon bow. The combined ship/wind speed must
that on a 1000 nm mission, the plane must have fuel for 1100 nm. matics. The players are ultimately responsible for their aircraft running equal 30 knots. The helicopter lowers a line, and the deck crew attaches
ORDNANCE EFFECTS Example 1: An A·6E Intruder is being assigned to strike a target 500 out of fuel. a fuel hose. The hose is winched up to the helicopter and plugged into
Ordnance Range Speed nm away (step 1). Total distance there and back is 1000 nm. The play_er Aviators tend to be a cautious group and will not continue to fly the the fuel system. After 106+5 minutes, the helicopter is refueled. It lowers
Load Reduction Reduction decides to allow for 1 o minutes of combat (step 2). The A-6E's full m1l1- mission when the gbingo"fuel limit is reached. The bingo fuel limit is the the fuel hose to the deck, then continues its mission. The ship does not
No ordnance 00/0 00/0 tary power (FMP) speed at sea level is 570 knots, and the FMP_mod1fie; amount of fuel required to get home, plus reserves. If the plane is en- have to have a helo pad or other aviation facilities to accomplish this
Lightly loaded 5°!o 10°/o for a NATO jet is 2.5. Using the calculation on the form, 1 O minutes o gaged in air-to-air combat, it will attempt to disengage once the bingo evolution, just a refueling system. This methodology will also allow a large
Fully loaded 10°/0 15°/o (no supersonic flight) combat at sea level requires about 240 nm of cruise endurance, so the point is reached. helicopter to be refueled from a small ship"s deck.
1. Aircraft Name!Oes1gnat1on 1 Aircraft NameJDes1gnanon
High High
7 Loadout Weight (kg)
7 Loadout Weight (kg)
Fully Loaded I Lightly Loaded VHigh VHigh
ENDURANCE MODIFIERS Alfcraft Loiter Cruise FMP Afterb
Aircraft Loiter Cruise FMP Afterb NATO jet 075 100 25 125
NAT01et 075 100 25 125 USSR Jet 0.75 1.00 3 2 170
USSR1et 075 100 32 170
Turboprop O 75 1 00 15
Helicopter 1 00 1 00 1O
Distance to Target nm
Combat Margin nm
M1ss1on Range nm
Final Aircraft Range nm
Loiter "Time
Use Annex B or Harpoon
SINCE 1973
P.O. Box 1646
Bloomington, IL 61702-1646