Alternate Mekton Zeta Weapon Creation

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Alternate Weapons Design for Mekton Zeta and FUZION


Generic Base

Damage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Damage 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Cost 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Specials Cost Notes

Armor Crushing: x6.0 Ablates armor faster. -1 SP per (1+DC) Kills. -(2 x
Kills) versus ablative.
Armor-Piercing: -- Reduces Armor SP
Standard x1.5 All standard armor counted at 1/2 SP
Advanced x4.0 All standard armor counted at 1/4 SP
Disruptor Reduces Energy Shield SP
Standard x1.5 All energy shields counted at 1/2 SP
Advanced x4.0 All energy shields counted at 1/4 SP
Penetrator -- Reduces Armor Damage Coefficient
Standard x2.0 Reduces Armor DC by 1/2
Advanced x5.0 Reduces Armor DC by 1/4
Ionization (Only) x2.0 Roll 1d10 + Servo (or just Torso/Main Body for
simplicity) rating +/- 3
per Scale difference vs 10 + "Kills" of Ion Cannon. If
failed, all of
the target's controls are "locked up" for d6 Turns.
Ionization (Added) x3.0 As above and take damage.
Shock (Only): x2.0 Does DC in Stun Damage. PD/ED does not reduce or Make a
CON roll vs
10 + "Kills" or be knocked out.
Shock (Added): x3.0 Does standard damage and DC in Stun Damage (PD/ED does
not reduce Shock
damage) or take damage AND make a CON roll vs 10+Kills
or be knocked

Ranged Weapons (Beam/Missile/Projectile)

Burst Value (Beam/Projectile only)

BV RoF Cost
1.5 3 x1.25
2 5 x1.5
2.5 8 x1.75
3 10 x2.0
3.5 15 x2.25
4 20 x2.5
4.5 30 x2.75
5 40 x3.0
5.5 60 x3.25
6 80 x3.5
6.5 120 x3.75
7 160 x4.0
7.5 240 x4.25
8 320 x4.5
Infinite (Beam Only) Inf x10

Range Mod: 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 175% 200%
500% 1000% 3000% 5000%
Cost: x0.5 x0.62 x0.75 x0.88 x1.0 x1.12 x1.25 x1.38 x1.5
x3.0 x5.5 x15.5 x25.5
Range cost = ((desired range/default range) x .5) + .5

Smart - Seeking: 1 Turn 2 Turns 3 Turns 4 Turns Smart - Skill 6+

9+ 12+ 15+ 18+ 20+
Cost: x2.5 x3.0 x3.5 x4.0 Cost x1
x1.3 x1.6 x1.9 x2.2 x2.5

Blast Radius (Beam/Missile only) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 20
Cost x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x7.5 x8 x8.5 x9
x10 x20

Specials Cost Notes

Anti-Personnel x0.5 Only targets personnel. Reduces attacking smaller
targets by 2 scales (ie: A x1 gun attacks
a 1/10 or 1/5 target at no penalty).
Variable Anti-Personnel x1.4 May target mecha and personnel.
Anti-Missile (Phalanx) x0.5 Only targets missiles in flight.
Variable Anti-Missile x1.4 May target mecha and missiles in flight.
Anti-Missile (Phalanx)/ x1.4 Only targets missiles in flight and personnel.
All-Purpose x1.8 May target mecha, missiles in flight, and
Long Range x1.33 -2 WA, but No Range Penalties apply to Maximum

Beam Weapons
Kills = Damage
Tons = Kills/2
Cost Multiple = x1.5

Base Range: Square root (Damage in Kills) x 4 hexes (Round off)

Accuracy -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3 Wide-Angle Hex 60

180 300 360
Cost x0.6 x0.8 x0.9 x1.0 x1.5 x2.0 Cost x2.0 x3.0
x5.0 x7.0 x9.0

Specials Cost Notes

Clip-Fed x0.9 Powered by a clip that may be changed out when
Spare Clip 1cp/ea Each Clip requires 1 space.
Fragile x1.0 Reduces Kills of weapon to 1.
Mega-Beam x10.0 Attacks all parts of same scale target.
Hydro x0.1 A water cannon.
Holographic Projector x0.1 BV (not RoF; no 0.5 BVs) is portfolio. 10+Kills is
Difficulty to see through. Buy a Blast
Radius for big holograms.
Projectile Weapons
Kills = Damage
Tons = Kills/2
Cost Multiple = x1

Base Range: Square root (Damage in Kills) x 3 hexes (Round off)

Accuracy -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 Multi-Feed 1 2 3
Cost x0.6 x0.8 x1.0 x1.5 x2.0 Cost x1.0 x1.2 x1.4

Projectile Ammunition:
Kills = Weapon Cost (Not Including Multi-Feed, Phalanx, Anti-Personnel, or All-
Purpose) x 0.01 x # shots
Space= Weapon Cost (Not Including Multi-Feed, Phalanx, Anti-Personnel, or All-
Purpose) x 0.01 x # shots (Do not include ammo cost multipliers)
Tons = Kills/2

Note: Add all of the Multipliers together, instead of simply multiplying each time.

Type Cost Notes

Paintball x0.5 Practice Rounds +3 Awareness/Notice (Perception) on
victim per hit
Foam x0.5 Fire-Retardant Foam
H.E. x1.0 Standard Ammo
Tracer x3.0 +1 WA
Kinetic x3.0 Normal damage, double knockback
Tangler x3.0 Grappling attack w/escape difficulty of 3 x Kills
Armor-Piercing -- Reduces Armor SP
Standard x4.0 All standard armor counted at 1/2 SP
Advanced x10.0 All standard armor counted at 1/4 SP
Disruptor -- Reduces Energy Shield SP
Standard x4.0 All energy shields counted at 1/2 SP
Advanced x10.0 All energy shields counted at 1/4 SP
Penetrator -- Reduces Armor Damage Coefficient
Standard x6.0 Reduces Armor DC by 1/2
Advanced x15.0 Reduces Armor DC by 1/4
Incendiary x4.0 Napalm/Flamethrower
Ionization Only x4.0 Roll 1d10 + Servo (or just Torso/Main Body for
simplicity) rating +/- 3 per Scale difference vs
10 + "Kills" of Ion Cannon. If failed, all of the
target's controls are "locked up" for d6
Ionization Added x6.0 As above and take damage.
Shock Only x4.0 Shock roll vs 1d10+BOD - Kills. Results in KO.
Shock Added x6.0 Same as above, but target takes kill damage as well
Scattershot x5.0 Hits all locations at once
Armor Crushing x12.0 Ablates standard armor faster. -1 SP per (1+DC) Kills.
-2 x Kills versus ablative.
HESH x20.0 If armor stops all damage, 10% (Rounded down) gets
through anyway!!
Blast I x6.0 1-hex blast radius
Blast II x8.0 2-hex blast radius
Blast III x10.0 3-hex blast radius
Blast IV x12.0 4-hex blast radius
Blast V x14.0 5-hex blast radius
Blast VI x15.0 6-hex blast radius
Blast VII x16 7-hex blast radius
Blast VIII x17 8-hex blast radius
Blast IX x18 9-hex blast radius
Blast X x20 10-hex blast radius
Blast XX x40 20-hex blast radius
Nuclear x1000.0 Atomic Ammo
Foam x0.33 Does no damage, but has a 10% chance per Kill (-5% per
Kill per Turn), to put out a fire in the
target hex.
Flare x0.5 Used for illumination (Offsets darkness penalties at
Kill value. Maximum of +2) or to blind
target (Reduce visual Perception rolls by Kill value.
Penalty drops by 2 per hex from ground
zero. Requires one Action or Polarization equipment to
protect self. Mecha with ASP and/or
Spotting Radar are immune to Flares.)
Smoke x0.5 Provides LOS cover versus all mecha without ASP or
Magnetic Resonance Lenses. Requires a
Challenged (0) Perception roll (-Kill value of missile
as penalty) to see into the cloud. Seeing
through the cloud requires a Competent (8) Perception
roll (-Kill value of missile as penalty).
Smoke ammo must have a Blast Radius and create clouds
that last (Kills/2, round down, Minimum of
1 Turn) Turns.
Scatter x0.5 Creates Non-LOS obscuring clouds that reduce all beam
weapons that pass through by the Kill
rating. Scatter ammo must have a Blast Radius and
create clouds that last (Kills/2, round down,
Minimum of 1 Turn) Turns.
Smoke/Scatter x1.0 Combines Smoke and Scatter effects.

Missile Weapons
Kills = (Damage x # Missiles)/15
Tons = Kills/2
Cost Multiple = x0.1

Base Range: Square root (Damage in Kills) x 3.5 hexes (Round off)

Accuracy -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3
Cost x0.6 x0.8 x1.0 x1.3 x1.6 x2.0

Max Launch: All 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/8 1/10 1/20
Cost: x1.0 x0.75 x0.67 x0.63 x0.6 x0.58 x0.56 x0.55 x0.53

Specials Cost Notes

Aerospace Missile x0.75 Can only target arial or space-borne targets.
Surface Missile x0.75 Can only target ground-based targets.
Water Torpedo x0.5 Can only be fired through water at targets also
in the water.
Tunneling x1.3 Missile travels through the ground as well as
Fuse x1.1 May be timed to explode or remote detonated.
Foam x0.33 Does no damage, but has a 10% chance per Kill (-
5% per Kill per Turn), to put out a fire in
the target hex.
Flare x0.5 Used for illumination (Offsets darkness penalties
at Kill value. Maximum of +2) or to
blind target (Reduce visual Perception rolls by
Kill value. Penalty drops by 2 per hex
from ground zero. Requires one Action or
Polarization equipment to protect self. Mecha
with ASP and/or Spotting Radar are immune to
Smoke x0.5 Provides LOS cover versus all mecha without ASP
or Magnetic Resonance Lenses. Requires a
Challenged (0) Perception roll (-Kill value of
missile as penalty) to see into the cloud.
Seeing through the cloud requires a Competent
(8) Perception roll (-Kill value of missile
as penalty). Smoke missiles must have a Blast
Radius and create clouds that last
(Kills/2, round down, Minimum of 1 Turn) Turns.

Scatter x0.5 Creates Non-LOS obscuring clouds that reduce all

beam weapons that pass through by the Kill
rating. Scatter missiles must have a Blast
Radius and create clouds that last (Kills/2,
round down, Minimum of 1 Turn) Turns.
Smoke/Scatter x1.0 Combines Smoke and Scatter effects.
HESH x10.0 If armor stops all damage, 10% (Rounded down)
gets through anyway!!
Homing Anti-Radiation x2.0 Adds targets sensor rating to WA if active.
(Smart Only)
Home-On Jam x2.0 Missile targets the source of Missile ECM and add
rating to WA if successfully jammed.
(Smart Only)
Nuclear x1000.0 It's a nuke. Do not apply x1000 multiplier to
spaces, only cost.
Countermissile x1.0 Only targets missiles in flight.
Variable Countermissile x1.8 May target mecha and missiles in flight.
Rocket x0.75 -2 WA, Immune to Missile ECM. Cannot be Smart,
Counter Missile, or Tunneling

Energy Melee Weapons

Kills = Damage/4
Tons = Kills/2
Cost Multiple = x1

Note: Treat all armor at -4SP (x1 Scale). If AP, Reduce SP by 1/2, 1/4, or -4 SP
(x1 Scale) (Which ever is better for the attacker).

Accuracy -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3 Attack Factor 1 2

3 4 5
Cost x0.6 x0.8 x0.9 x1.0 x1.5 x2.0 Cost x1.5 x2.0
x2.5 x3.0 x3.5

Turns in Use 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 Inf

Cost x0.3 x0.4 x0.5 x0.6 x0.7 x0.8 x0.9 x1.0

Specials Cost Notes

Rechargeable x1.1 Recharges for 1 turn of use per turn of storage.
Thrown x1.2 Can be thrown.
Returning x1.5 Can be thrown, and it will come back.
Quick x2.0 Attack twice per action.
Hyper x7.5 Does damage to the same location one time for each
point the Attack Roll is made.
Beam Shield -- DA and WA is -3. Damage is the shield's SP. If used
to attack, the shield does half SP as
damage. Beam shields do not ablate. See Shields for
differences in size.
Small x0.75
Medium x1.5
Large x3.0
Variable Beam Shield -- As above, but gain full WA (DA is still WA-3) and do
full damage as a weapon. See Shields for
differences in size.
Small x1.0
Medium x2.0
Large x4.0

Melee Weapons
Kills = Damage
Tons = Kills/2
Cost Multiple = x0.5
Space = Cost

Accuracy -2 -1 +0 +1 +2
Cost x0.6 x0.8 x1.0 x1.5 x2.0

Specials Cost Notes

Handy x1.5 May be used as a manipulator.
Quick x2.0 Attack twice per action.
Clumsy x0.5 For leg mounted weapons only. Reduces Land Move by 5 per 3
Kills of damage.
Entangling x1.25 Allows grappling attacks. May gain 1 hex of range per Kill
sacrificed. May either grapple or cause
damage per attack.
HESH x10.0 If armor stops all damage, 10% (Rounded down) gets through
Thrown x1.2 Can be thrown.
Returning x1.5 Can be thrown, and it will come back.

Alternate Maximum Range Calculation

Scale Range in Meters

x1/10 (Hex Range Squared) x 2.5
x1/5 (Hex Range Squared) x 5
x1/2 (Hex Range Squared) x 12.5
x1 (Hex Range Squared) x 25
x2 (Hex Range Squared) x 50
x5 (Hex Range Squared) x 125
x10 (Hex Range Squared) x 250
x20 (Hex Range Squared) x 500
x50 (Hex Range Squared) x 1250
x100 (Hex Range Squared) x 2500
Alternate Blast Radius Rules

Damage Falloff Cost (Beam & Missile/Ammo) Notes

1 Kill per meter x1/x1
1 Kill per 2 meters x3/x6
1 Kill per 3 meters x5/x10
1 Kill per 4 meters x8/x16
1 Kill per 5 meters x11/x22
1 Kill per 6 meters x15/x30
1 Kill per 7 meters x19/x38
1 Kill per 8 meters x23/x46
1 Kill per 9 meters x27/x54
1 Kill per 10 meters x32/x64
1 Kill per 15 meters x58/x116
1 Kill per 20 meters x89/x178
1 Kill per 25 meters x125/x250 1 Hex Blast, -2K per Hex
1 Kill per 30 meters x160/x320
1 Kill per 35 meters x210/x420
1 Kill per 40 meters x250/x500
1 Kill per 45 meters x300/x600

1 Kill per 50 meters x350/x700 -1K per Hex

1 Kill per 100 meters x1000/x2000 -1K per 2 Hexes
1 Kill per 150 meters x1800/x3600 -1K per 3 Hexes
1 Kill per 200 meters x2800/x5600 -1K per 4 Hexes
1 Kill per 250 meters x4000/x8000 -1K per 5 Hexes
1 Kill per 300 meters x5200/x10,400 -1K per 6 Hexes
1 Kill per 350 meters x6500/x13,000 -1K per 7 Hexes
1 Kill per 400 meters x8000/x16,000 -1K per 8 Hexes
1 Kill per 450 meters x9500/x19,000 -1K per 9 Hexes
1 Kill per 500 meters x11,000/x22,000 -1K per 10 Hexes
1 Kill per 1000 meters x32,000/x64,000 -1K per 20 Hexes

The formula: Falloff Rate (in meters)^1.5 (Multiplied by 2 for ammo).

-Damage is applied to ALL LOCATIONS of anything caught in the blast. Explosions

hurt. A lot.
-For attacks that have a Falloff Rate of 10m or less, if the (Falloff Rate x2) is
more than the
mecha's height or length apply Full Damage to all locations. Otherwise, apply
Full damage either high
or low (or front or rear) and apply Damage -1K to the other locations.
-Falloff Rate does not scale.

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