Competency Based Telephonic Interviews

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Competency Based Telephonic Interviews

Telephonic Inteviews are basically a pre-screening method before the face-to-face

interviews. And, it is important to note here that during such inteviews, competency-
based questioins are often the preferred choice for employers as they focus on a
person’s past behaviour. This is believed to be the best predictors for how an individual
will cope with future situations at the workplace.

Here are some key competencies that employers might be looking to identify throughout
the interview process.

 Individual competencies - knowledge, independence, and personal integrity. 

 Managerial competencies - leadership qualities, time management, and
 Analytical competencies - decision-making abilities and problem-solving.
 Interpersonal competencies - social competence, such as building rapport.
 Motivational competencies - initiative, drive, and ambition.

A great response to a competency-based interview question should be clear and well-

structured, highlighting your abilities and the value that you can bring to the role. To
ensure you deliver a comprehensive response to these questions, it is recommended to
utilise the STAR technique. 

Structuring your responses to competency-based interview questions

When asked to describe an example of a time you demonstrated a particular skill or had
to deal with a certain situation, be sure to describe the following:

 The Situation – what happened, what position you were in at the time, and what
were the impacts or potential implications?
 The Task - what needed to be done as a result?
 The Action – what did you do to ensure these tasks were fulfilled? How did you
approach each task and complete each action?
 The Result – what was the overall outcome?

Example: Tell me about a time when you identified a new approach to a problem.

Situation - “When I first took the role of Supply Chain Manager at my current company,
there was a real lack of faith in my team and the function, this was mainly down to the
wider business being let down in the past when stock was needed most.” 
Task - “My challenge was to win back this faith and promote my function internally as
the ‘go-to people’ for anything inventory related.” 
Action - “I took the time to meet with every internal stakeholder and asked them what
we could do to make their life easier. I took accountability and asked them how they
would measure our success. I then scheduled monthly meetings to report on progress
and address any issues.” 
Result - “The outcome was full engagement from the business as well as fewer issues
through better communication. In addition, our team performance improved through a
combination of better KPIs and the motivation of feeling valued. This all equated to Rs.
30, 000, 00 in extra sales while minimising our working capital.”    

Examples of Competency-based Questions

Individual competencies
Questions surrounding your individual competencies refer to your personal attributes;
your decisiveness, tenacity, knowledge, independence, risk-taking and personal

Typical questions:
 Tell me about a time when your work or an idea was challenged.
 Describe a situation where you were unable to meet a deadline or complete a
task on time.
 How do you, or would you, approach projects you are responsible for? 
Managerial competencies
For management positions in particular, it is essential that you demonstrate strong
influencing abilities. Questions designed to assess your managerial competencies will
be used to measure your ability to take charge.
Typical questions: 
 Tell me about a time you led a group to achieve an objective.
 How do you motivate your team to achieve their goals?

Analytical competencies
These competency interview questions will be used to determine your ability to analyse,
process, and implement solutions. This reflects your analytical competencies and your
decision-making abilities. 

Typical questions: 
 Tell me about a time when you identified a new approach to a problem.
 Describe a time you found it difficult to make a decision at work. How did you
arrive at a solution?
 How do you approach problems at work?

Interpersonal competencies
Communication is an important aspect of most roles. When asked to demonstrate your
interpersonal competencies, be sure to highlight your skills in terms of how you work
with others in the workplace.

Typical questions:
 Describe a situation where you got people to work together.
 Tell me about a situation that required you to use a different approach to
 Tell me about a time you had to deal with conflict with a client.

Motivational competencies
Competency-based questions regarding your motivational competencies are designed
to help employers understand the things that you are motivated by and what drives you,
whether that is in your day-to-day life or at work. 

Typical questions: 
 How do you define success in your role? 
 When did you work the hardest and feel the greatest sense of achievement?
 Tell me about a time you had a difficult target to achieve. 

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