Resources Policy: Tas Kın Deniz Yıldız

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Resources Policy 67 (2020) 101681

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The impacts of EIA procedure on the mining sector in the permit process of
mining operating activities & Turkey analysis
Taşkın Deniz Yıldız
Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University, Department of Mining Engineering, Adana, Turkey


Keywords: Mining operations are activities that require large investments with high risks at all stages and have a long
Business process of return on the investment. In addition to the production and investment criteria, environmental criteria
EIA also have an impact on making the decision on whether to carry out these activities or not. Accordingly, the
decision to whether to carry out the mining projects or not is made based on the Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA). All the legislation and application issues that are determined in Turkey regarding the EIA also
Mining have resulted in the number of times EIA procedure is required from the mining sector to be quite a lot compared
to the other sectors. The frequency of EIA being requested from the mining sector does not only create a bu­
reaucracy that is only applied to the mining sector, but also creates investment losses in this sector. The result
clearly shows that tens of mining enterprises lose a significant amount of their investments because of the EIA. In
other words, this has happened due to EIA process times being lengthened out and process completion time being
unpredictable because of reasons that emerge from the assessment during the process of EIA in Turkey. These
circumstances also cause the investors who want to invest in the mining sector to back down on the investments
they were planning to make.
The answers that are given to the survey questionnaire which was asked to the mining enterprises in order to
see how long it takes to be granted the EIA and the other permits that are taken under rules to be completed
within three months during the EIA process in the mining sector in Turkey, show that the other permits (like the
“Land ownership Permit” and “Business License and Work Permit”) are usually given to the mining enterprises
within 3–34 months time during the EIA process in Turkey. In order to shorten this license assessment process;
the procedures that request the opinions of other institutions during the EIA procedure after the application was
made and even after the EIA license is granted, need to be abolished. Furthermore, through a Commission that
could be established within the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (MENR) that constitutes of the rep­
resentatives of EIA and other units the opinions of which are requested will make the EIA and other permits to be
granted, managed and the decisions during the permit process to be made faster.

1. Introduction mining regions being active for tens of years (Bastida, 2014). The eco­
nomic benefits in mining decrease in the later stages of the mine’s life
Environmental issues; are associated with ecologically sustainable and all mines are eventually closed in a time that is shorter than
development issues which include resource utilization, protection of the approximately 20–40 years (Boerchers et al., 2018). Generally, the
ecosystems, and the biodiversity and the physical and social health of mining industry in the world has a historical reputation that is largely
the people (Brown et al., 1991). Mineral and metal resources have negative which causes almost all of its activities to be perceived
critical importance for modern life. However, it is imperative to develop apprehensively by most of its stakeholders. However, especially in the
these in a way that they will make a positive contribution to sustain­ past 30 years, with environmental regulations being put into force all
ability (Gibson and Robinson, 2014). There are a few matters in the over the world, as a result of the strictly applied audits, and with the
production and utilization of the resources. For example, some of it is the developing technology, mining has started to be performed in a more
fact that the mining industry being a long term thing for both aspects, environmentally conscious way.
the time that is needed to open a mine and start production there and Mining operations are activities that do not have a location

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Received 25 December 2019; Received in revised form 6 March 2020; Accepted 31 March 2020
Available online 18 April 2020
0301-4207/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.D. Yıldız Resources Policy 67 (2020) 101681

alternative and require high costs. In order to make a decision on mining mining takes a share of 1.2% in the total global GDP. In the same year,
activity, investment factors like reserves, grade, sale price, costs are Turkey took a share of 0.82% (MAPEG, 2019; TurkStat, 2019). Today,
taken into consideration. However, today, the decrease in forestlands despite having rich mineral reserves1, the share that mining in Turkey
and greenery areas as a result of rapid and unplanned urbanization takes in GDP is at the level of %1. Today, the shares in GDP in developed
which started with the development of industrialization, avert the countries are: %4.5 in USA, %4 in Germany, 7.5% in Canada, 8.7% in
mining activities to be executed on site. Therefore, in addition to pa­ Australia, 14% in Russia, 13% in China, and 15% in India. Following the
rameters related to production and investment, environmental param­ researches conducted at the level of investors operating in the mining
eters have also become influential in making the decision to execute sector in Turkey, it is detected that license/permits being concluded too
mining activities and sometimes the environmental parameters are late and the uncertainties in permits are in the first place for the cause of
applied more frequently and dominantly compared to the other pa­ this decrease. This situation does not only prevent new entrepreneurs
rameters. In common with the other sectors, the abovementioned rea­ from entering the sector, but also leads the current mining activities to
sons have also revealed the necessity to predetermine the environmental decrease (TMA, 2019).
issues and the obligation to take the precautions that are required to In the literature, many researches and studies have been conducted
move on to the investment phase in mining activities. Therefore, mining explaining the environmental impact of mining activities, or the EIA
activities associated with environmental law. process. However, there are almost no studies in the literature regarding
EIA; is a process where the potential environmental impacts of a the effects of EIA process on mining sector. The environmental permit
suggested development are evaluated at an early phase of making the process has three important properties (that can be analyzed academi­
decision for encouraging healthy environmental management (Glasson cally): (a) the predictability and currency of the decision making process
et al., 2005). Therefore, today, in order to abide the legal requirements, of the regulators form the perspective of the investors; (b) the required
minimizing the environmental impacts is a standard procedure in min­ pollution abatement precautions and the compatibility sufficiency in
ing operation (Falck, 2016). A government has to determine the value it terms of the time that is given to abide by them; and (c) the frequency of
gives protecting the environment and how tolerable and acceptable these permit conditions (So €derholm et al., 2015). In this study, it is
environmental damage is (Smith and Naito, 1998). In line with this, aimed to determine the impacts of the environmental permit process in
when the mining rights management agencies are evaluating the ap­ Turkey for the mining investments and to suggest solutions for pre­
plications for mining rights, they should review the mining plans and the venting this process to create investment losses.
environmental impact statements. At the same time, an inspection that
aims to provide the protection of the ecological environment while 1.1. The scope and the methodology
encouraging the mining springs to be exploited in a rational and effec­
tive way (Ziran, 1999). Environmental management is the key in sus­ A survey was conducted on the mining enterprises through “Survey
tainability in mining and industry. Although environmental suitability Monkey” application in May, June, and July of 2018 with the intent to
looks costly at first, it actually ensures a competitive advantage for a determine the regulation issues process of obtaining an EIA permit
mining company. Various regulations have been made as a tool for which is a legal obligation for the mining sector in Turkey and to analyze
overcoming the impacts of mining on the environment and thus, an the findings and generate solutions. The questions of the survey were
environment that provides an opportunity for sustainable development answered by the relative departments of the mining enterprises. The
(Zvarivadza, 2018). answers were collectively uploaded to the survey application without
Nonetheless; if the environmental regulations are too strict and are knowing which companies filled the questionnaire and which answers
not practical or applicable, this could hamper development or could were given. The companies that answered the survey are not known
cause negative impacts to continue. In both cases, sustainable develop­ however; all the answers of each mining company can be seen on the
ment cannot be encouraged. Successful environmental management system of the survey program.
requires the suitable policies, regulations, management, application and Some of the mining enterprises preferred not to answer some of the
organization coordination of everyone involved (Intarapravich and questions. In the Study the “The investment loss which occurs due to
Clark, 1994). In many countries, the projects are postponed or are sus­ EIA” question was answered by 29 mining enterprises; therefore, all
pended because of the environmental authorities’ resistance towards the evaluations have not been reduced to these 29 enterprises. Otherwise,
developments in mining (De Sa, 2019). As for Turkey, the EIA process is the number of answers taken from the mining enterprises would
lengthened out due to the evaluations of various institutions, and the decrease; thus, the evaluations that would be made based on different
mining enterprises are losing their investments (Yıldız, 2018b). Un­ mining groups would get weaker. This is especially taken into consid­
doubtedly that, environmental performance is crucial for the competi­ eration, and the answers of different number of mining enterprises are
tion between the mining companies because the mining companies are analyzed for different survey questions.
mainly competing over the costs (Bomsel et al., 1996). In this study, the degree to which the EIA process, which is important
The past mining experiences in the world emphasized the intercon­ for mining operation activities in our country, affects mining in­
nection between the commercial and economic benefits and the legal vestments in terms of time is analyzed. At the same time, the effects of
changes regarding the environmental impact. In determining where to the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and other institutions
place the right balance, the thing that must be considered is creating the that this ministry asked for opinion were examined in the EIA process.
balance which must try to provide sustainable management of the nat­ Thus, solutions were proposed by examining the effects of the problems
ural resources with the tendency to create the minimum negative results experienced in the legislation on the mining sector and investments.
on the environment (Elvan, 2013). Sustainable development is needed
for the creation of this balance. Particularly in the late 1990s, under the � First of all, brief information is presented regarding the permit pro­
increasing pressure from the civil society, the mining sector started a cess for mining operation activities in Turkey.
process of change to embrace sustainable development (Boscio, 2016).
Therefore, the mining industry plays a role in the responsible develop­
ment of the natural resources of Earth, given the significant and direct
social, environmental and economic impacts that its operations can 1
Today, 77 of the 99 mines that are traded in the world are confirmed to
make (Ghorbani and Kuan, 2017). The value of metal and mine pro­ exist in Turkey. Currently, there are about 60 different mines and minerals
duction at the mining stage is described as the percentage of GDP. This produced. Approximately, 0.4% of global metal&mineral reserves, 2.5% of in­
number gives an idea about the scale of value of production based on the dustrial raw material reserves, 1.0% of coal reserves and 0.8% of geothermal
size of economy (Ericsson and Lo €f, 2019). According to the data of 2016, potential are in Turkey (TMA, 2019).

T.D. Yıldız Resources Policy 67 (2020) 101681

� Subsequently, the subject of “impacts of EIA permit process on the regulation processes; whether the regulation is based on science or not;
mining sector” is discussed. In the introduction part of this title, the regulation conflicts; the uncertainty about the management, interpre­
worldwide research that the Fraser Industry made is mentioned, and tation or application of the current regulations).
the decline of Turkey in the worldwide list is highlighted, and the According to the assessment and the analysis that was conducted by
reasons for this decline were endeavored to be presented. Within this the Fraser Institute; in 2018, Turkey was in 59th place among 83
scope, first of all, “the impacts of EIA regulation on the mining countries in respect to the investment attractiveness index (Stedman and
sector” is presented. After that, “the number of times the EIA pro­ Green, 2019). Turkey has dropped to this place in the list from being in
cedure is requested from the mining sector” is shown in comparison the 14th place in 2012 because of the mining and mining law policies
to the other sectors. In the last part of this subject “the mining in­ that were followed for the past 4 – 5 years (Topaloglu, 2018). Turkey’s
vestments that are lost as a result of the evaluations during the EIA place in the World Ranking in terms of some index is given Table 1.
process” are examined based on different mining groups propor­ The “Investment Attractiveness Index” is a composite index that
tioning the total amount of the investment. combines the results that are obtained from both the “Policy Perception
Index” and the “The Best Mining Potential Applications Index.” The
The main factor that effect the mining enterprises in the EIA process mining enterprises who participated in the survey consistently indicate
is the EIA permit and the process times of giving these permits. There­ that while 40% of their investment decisions are determined by the
fore, in section 4; the mining enterprises were asked the time it took policy factors, 60% of it is based on the assessment of the mineral po­
them to obtain their EIA permits and other permits. Afterwards, the tential that is made by an administration/management of the jurisdic­
permit process time proposals of the mining enterprises are given in tion. In order to clearly understand which global investment fields, to
order for these process times not to affect the mining investments in a attract their investments, both the mining potential and the policy
negative way. perception have to be taken into consideration (Stedman and Green,
Lastly, “the factors that affect the EIA assessment time” are pre­ 2018). In line with this, if we look at the “Policy Perception Index”,
sented. The primary factor of all these factors is “the procedure of asking while Turkey is in the 44th place in 2013, in 2018, it went down to the
the opinion of other institutions during the EIA process. “The proposal of 64th place. In “Uncertainty Concerning Environmental Regulations”
an authorized body during the EIA process” is presented in order for the category, in 2013, Turkey’s rank 33rd, declined in 2018 to 80th. In
mining investments not to be affected negatively and the subject was addition, Turkey has gone down on 76th place among the countries of
discussed in depth. the world in terms of the mining law system in 2018. As for 2013, Turkey
was in 43rd place (Table 1). The decrease in the placement also in terms
2. The permit process of the mining operating activities of the these categories has caused foreign mining investments to leave
To conduct mining operation activities in Turkey, as a rule, first an Before showing the impacts of the EIA procedure on the mining
operating license and then an operation permit must be obtained. After sector, it is beneficial to show the approximate distribution of the mining
obtaining the operating license, a second area, called the production li­ enterprises which are subjected to EIA in Turkey. 88 mining enterprises
cense area (operation permit area), is determined and is where the ac­ have answered the survey question that asks; “Is your mining company
tivities in the mining operating project are conducted. This area is subjected to the EIA? If it is subjected to the EIA, which one of the procedures
always smaller than the operating license area (Gunay, 2016). is it subjected to, the Annex–1 or Annex–22 procedure?” These answers are
The mining operation permit indicates that all permits have been shown below on the basis of mineral groups3 (Fig. 3).
obtained for the mines within the operating license area and that there As can be seen, the operating licenses of 36% of the mining enter­
are no obstacles to the production of the mine. That is, obtaining the prises who answered the survey question are not subjected to EIA.
operation permit required for a mining operation can be realized by first However, with a 64% ratio, the majority of them are subjected to the
reducing the operating license areas to proven reserves, namely, by EIA. Also, it is notable that 58% of the ones that are subjected to EIA are
narrowing these areas. In the same manner, mining operations can be subjected to the Annex–1 procedure. The impact of both of the EIA
conducted in the area permitted by the forestry administration, in the procedures on the mining sector is analyzed below.
field permitted by the EIA, except for short/medium range watershed
protection zones, and in the full production license area (Yıldız et al.,
2016) (Fig. 1). 3.1. Impacts of the regulations
In Fig. 1, the EIA permit area is not the same as the operation permit
area. Thus, no operation permit is issued for that area because no proven With the condition that the environment is protected, and no damage
reserve is found in a part of the EIA permit area after the operating li­ is caused to the environment, the legal regulations can support the
cense and EIA permit applications. To obtain an operation permit li­ resolution of conflicts that limit the accessibility for extracting the
cense, the operating license holder is obliged to obtain all the following mineral springs (Nie�c et al., 2014). In this context, in Turkey, the
permissions within 3 years (Fig. 2). environmental regulations related to the mining sector are seen below
As it is shown in the figure, the owner of the operating license is only (Table 2).
given an operation permit after obtaining all these permits -including The association of the activities that will be carried out with the
the EIA-. The EIA permits are also one of the permits, like the other environment is regulated with the Regulation on Mining. In this regu­
permits, that are required in order to move on to the mining operation lation, the subject of the environment is emphasized by referring to the
activities in other words for obtaining a mining operation permit. “EIA Regulation,” and many activities are associated with the mentioned

3. Impacts of the EIA process on the mining sector 2

If considered in terms of when to open-pit mining, according to the EIA
Regulation for mines in Turkey; two separate EIA procedures are implemented
The role of the stability in the legal regulations is emphasized more
as “mines other than coal” and “coal mines.” If an EIA application has been
clearly in the Fraser Institute’s annual worldwide assessment which
made for an area over 25 ha in “mines other than coal”, Annex-1 list; If an
evaluates the investment attractiveness of the various mining countries application is made under an area of 25 ha, it is necessary to prepare an EIA
in the world. In these surveys, the mining investors who want to make report under the list of Annex-2 In the coal mines, the area in question is
investments in different countries are asked to evaluate the uncertainty implemented as 150 ha.
regarding the environmental regulations (for example, subjects like the 3
See the mineral groups stipulated by the Turkish mining legislation (Yıldız,
stability of the regulations; the consistency and timeliness of the 2019).

T.D. Yıldız Resources Policy 67 (2020) 101681

Fig. 1. Mining operating/production license area (representative) (Yıldız et al., 2016).

Fig. 2. Operating license process (representation) (TUMMER, 2017).

Table 1
Turkey’s place in the World Ranking in terms of some index (Fraser Institute, 2019).
Index Years 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

“Investment Attractiveness Index” Turkey/ 28th/ 73rd/ 52nd/ 63rd/ 69th/91 59th/
World 112 122 109 104 83
“Policy Perception Index” 44th/ 55th/ 45th/ 78th/ 72nd/ 64th/
112 122 109 104 91 83
“Legal System” 43rd/ 54th/ 61st/109 78th/ 69th/91 76th/
112 122 106 83
“Uncertainty Concerning Environmental Regulations” 33rd/ 56th/ 43rd/ 64th/ 79th/91 80th/
112 122 109 104 83
“Uncertainty Concerning the Administration, Interpretation and Enforcement of 50th/ 52nd/ 35th/ 73rd/ 76th/91 46th/
Existing Regulations” 112 122 109 104 83
“Regulatory Duplication and Inconsistencies” 68th/ 60th/ 71st/109 78th/ 74th/91 56th/
112 122 104 83

regulation (Degerli and Guner, 2015). According to this, while the � Difficulty to obtain information from the institutes,
mining activities are being conducted, it is mandatory to prepare the EIA � Different applications that are faced in the districts,
reports as a legal obligation (Gunay, 2016). As per the regulation in � Problems that are faced in the opinions of the institutions,
effect, the operation permit, forest permit, pasture permit, and envi­ � The EIA decision-making time being lengthened out,
ronmental permits and incentive for mining investments are not granted � Being face to face with more than 50 regulations and notices during
without an EIA permit. the “environmental permits” phase, which involves the other per­
In Turkey, the issues that are faced in relation to the EIA regulations mits, including the EIA permit (Ko €murder, 2016).
still continue. These issues can be summarized as follows:
Thus, the issues of the time for the permit that is required to be ob­
� The frequency of the changes that are made on the EIA Regulations tained within the frame of the EIA Regulation being lengthened out, the
and the insufficiency of the regulations, existence of unnecessary bureaucracy and the applications are not being

T.D. Yıldız Resources Policy 67 (2020) 101681

Fig. 3. The EIA procedure to which the mining enterprises are subjected.

experiencing any serious problems - compared to the years before

Table 2
Turkey. In the EU, there can be a limitation to be put on the use of land in
The environmental legislation concerning the mining sector in Turkey.
industrial areas other than the mining sector. However, it is not intended
Legislation Effective date Last modification to impose such a restriction on the mining sector, as it is obligatory to
extract the mines at the site. (TMA, 2011). For example In Sweden, a
Environment Law 11/08/1983 10/12/2018 desire to stimulate exploitation has had a strong influence on minerals
EIA Regulation 25/11/2014 08/07/2019
legislation (Johnson, 2001). The Swedish Mining Law is examined, the
National Parks Law and Regulations 11/08/ 15/07/2005 – 18/
1983–12/12/ 03/2014 following assessment is made: If a mine is given the opinion of ‘“EIA is
1986 Approve” (EIA (þ)) environmental regulations can no longer prevent the
Regulation on Water Pollution Control 31/12/2004 30/11/2012 production of the mine. This idea is generally valid in the EU. If a
Regulation on the Recovery of Lands 23/01/2010 – company fulfills the requirements, the prevention of the project on the
Degraded as a Result of Mining
land where the mine is located is out of question (TMA, 2011).
Regulation on Soil Pollution Control and 08/06/2010 11/07/2013 On the other hand, in Europe, where has completed industrialization
Point-Source Contaminated Areas and continued its mining activities for many years, and whose resources
Mining Law/Mining Regulation 15/06/1985 – 28/02/2019 - are scarce, the mineral resources have decreased, and the environmental
projects have been implemented more precisely in the developed
Regulation on the Purchase, Operation, 08/12/2007 –
and Control of Sand, Gravel, and countries. There are “protected areas” in the EU. But, actually, these
Similar Substances areas are “managed areas.” In other words, instead of restraining, they
The Regulation on the Assessment and 04/10/2010 18/11/2015 still continue to maintain the concept in which mining can be done
Management of Environmental Noise anywhere (TMA, 2011).
Industrial Air Pollution Control 03/07/2009 20/12/2014
As stated in the Euromines Environmental Group meetings, the
Regulation on Mining Waste 15/07/2015 16/07/2016 mines being operated in a significant part of the EU member states do
Regulation on Control of Solid Wastes 14/03/1991 05/04/2005 not have many problems with the current regulation. However, this
Regulation on Control of Hazardous 14/03/2005 05/11/2013 situation should not be interpreted as the mines in operation fulfill all
the regulatory obligations. On the other hand, a great majority of ap­
Regulation on Principles and Procedures 27/10/2010 02/02/2019
in Determining Tariffs of Sewer Water plications made for the new enterprises within the EU are for the raw
Infrastructure and Household Waste materials of construction industry such as sand-aggregate. Therefore,
Disposal Facilities scarcely any ‘’new business license application’’ is made regarding new
Regulation on Control of Waste Oils 30/07/2008 05/11/2013 mineral deposits sought out in EU member states, especially for metallic
Regulation on the Protection of Wetlands 04/04/2014 23/10/2019
ores. As the possible cause, the existence of current and new restrictions
Regulation on Wildlife Protection and 08/11/2004 –
Wildlife Development Areas to be made in the environmental legislation of the EU (excluding the
Environmental Plans and Plan Notes 11/11/2008 17/02/2009 mining laws of a state) are shown to be important factors in this regard.
The excessive loss of time and the administrative difficulties in obtaining
permission during the EIA process are shown as the major ones of these
in coordination with each other, in other words different applications problems and restrictions (Zanbak, 2019).4
are made in the 81 different districts of Turkey are indicated in the ac­
tion plan of the Coordination Committee For The Improvement Of The
Investment Environment ( 3.2. The number of times that the EIA procedure is requested in the mining
As a matter of fact, there are legal regulations that will protect in­ sector
vestors against such risks even in the EU countries which have the most
environmentally conscious legislations and practices, because there are All the regulation and application issues that are mentioned above
similar problems in many EU countries. Incorrect assessments emerged also bring along the result of the number of times the EIA procedure is
as a result of certain gaps in legal regulations or gaps in rigid practices requested from the mining sector is considerably too much compared to
have been an obstacle to most branches of industry across Europe.
However, even in the European countries where environmental con­
sciences are at the maximum level compared to the other countries of 4
Of course, it is known that all of the Environmental Group of Euromines
world; for example gold mines were able to start production without disagree in these opinions stated by the author.

T.D. Yıldız Resources Policy 67 (2020) 101681

the other sectors. First of all, it would be good to analyze the number of significant differences between developing and developed countries
the “EIA Decisions” that are given to all the sectors from 1993 when the (So€derholm et al., 2015). Although this situation shows differences
first “EIA Regulation” was issued in Turkey to the end of 2017 (Fig. 4). based on small, medium, or large-scale mining, the most important thing
Even though, within the EIA decisions that are given to all the sec­ is the investment losses that emerge as a result of uncertainties in the
tors, the “EIA is Required” (EIAR) decision is in the rate of 1.5%, and environmental permit process.
“the sum of the “EIA (þ)” and the “EIA is Not Approved” (EIA (-) de­ According to a research that was conducted outside Turkey, the
cisions)” are in the rate of 7.7% in total, the rate that the EIA decisions majority of the companies indicated that the environmental approval
that are given to the mining sector is considerably high within all sectors process should be considered as an important determinant of the in­
(Fig. 5). vestment strategy. The first reaction to these numbers is that the ma­
This shows the numbers of the “EIAR”, and “EIA Not Required” jority of the mining enterprises that participated in the research that was
(EIANR) that are given in each sector (Table 3). conducted believe that the environmental approval process creates a
As can be seen, the total number of EIAR requested from the mining negative effect. For example, a study was conducted to analyze the ef­
sector is approximately 25% of the amount of EIAR required from all fects of environmental constraints on mining performance in Australia.
sectors between 1998 and 2012; and the total number of EIANR given to It turned out that most of the mining enterprises involved in this
the mining sector constitutes about 51% of the total. The mining sector research thought that the costs associated with environmental processes
in the form of the sum of EIAR and EIANR; The total number of reports and important factors that limit mineral production (Annandale and
requested from the sector is about 50% in all sectors (Fig. 6). Taplin, 2003; Trewin et al., 1992).
However, for the industrial sector, the sum of EIAR þ EIANR is In addition to the increasing social and environmental hardships for
11.7% of all sectors. In the “tourism sector,” this rate is 7%. In these mining, another focus point for concern is that these costs may sub­
sectors, fewer EIA reports are required to be prepared than the mining stantially vary in different regions of the world and may have an un­
sector and to a lesser extent, be subject to this procedure. However, it is balanced effect on the miners in some countries (Humphreys, 2001).
noteworthy that these sectors do not have suitable activities compared This situation creates a higher degree of impact on the mining enter­
to the mining sector in terms of the environment. The mining sector is prises in Turkey. Thus, the frequency of requesting EIA from the mining
forced to EIA permit in order to obtain the mine operating right and start sector in Turkey is not only a bureaucracy that is applied to the mining
mining operations. Accordingly, the question of whether the mining sector, but also creates investment losses in this sector. This situation is
industry is faced with a situation that it does not deserve in this fact clearly seen in a survey question that was asked to the mining enter­
comes to mind. Particularly, this situation arises more clearly when the prises: 29 enterprises answered the “Are there any investments that you lost
ratio of sectors to GDP is compared (Fig. 7). Because of the EIA process due to the “EIA (-) decision” until today? If there
Within the ratios of all sectors to GDP, it stands out that the share of are any, what is the amount of these investments in Turkish Liras (TL)5?”
mining in the years of 2012 and 2018 is lower compared to the other question. According to this, the distribution of the mining investments
sectors with its relatively 1.1% and 1% values. Despite its low rate, that these companies which answered the survey question lost are
however, it corresponding to half of the total of all sectors in terms of the shown below based on the mineral groups (Fig. 8).
number of EIA reports required from mining sector (EIAR þ EIANR) is First of all, among these investments, the investments of the mining
noteworthy. enterprises who have investment losses between 0 to 500 thousand TL
due to the “EIA not Approved” decision are proportioned6 to their own
investment amounts and the following results are obtained (Table 4).
3.3. Mining investments that are lost as a result of the evaluations during
As can be seen, the five mining enterprises that are analyzed as an
the EIA process
example in Turkey; went through investment losses over 500 thousand
TL which is between 2.5% to 100% of their mining investment amounts
When the literature on the relationship between the environmental
due to the “EIA (-) decision”. This shows that the mining investors lose a
regulations and the competitive power in the mining sector is taken into
significant amount of their investments before they can start the mining
consideration, the efforts that the countries make in order to attract
operation activities because of reasons that emerge from the evaluations
investments in the mining activities cause this competition to increase.
during the EIA process. This picture dissuades the entrepreneurs who
Therefore, the key question is that to what extent the environmental
want to invest in the mining sector from the investments they intend to
regulations (for example, including the requirements of the permits)
effect the expected costs and the revenues of the mining investments.
And, this also shows the desire to make investments into the new mining
4. The impact of the EIA permit times on the mining sector
initiatives all over the world (Tole and Koop, 2011; R�emy, 2003; Wil­
kerson, 2010). Mostly, the focus actually shows that it is on the
One of the factors that are taken into consideration for stability in the
legal regulations is the average time that is required to obtain a permit
decision. According to Wyatt and McCurdy, the delays in the permit
process is a global issue. For example, demands like public consultation,
opposing court cases, and interference of various stakeholder groups and
NGOs will be affected. For instance, the delays in the permit processes in
some regions of the USA created a significant risk for the mining en­
terprises and 7–10 years delays are common for the new mine springs to
start operation (Wyatt and McCurdy, 2014; So €derholm et al., 2015). It is
important to state that, undoubtfully in Turkey, the EIA permit times can
get lengthened out because of the abovementioned reasons. However,
the extension of time happens due to reasons that mostly emerge from

1 USD ¼ 4.84 TL (16th July 2018) (Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey).
In this ratio “0–500 thousand TL” range value is 250,000 TL; and similarly,
the investment amounts of the mining enterprises were included in the charts as
Fig. 4. EIA Decisions from 1993 to the end of 2017 ( the average of the response range.

T.D. Yıldız Resources Policy 67 (2020) 101681

Fig. 5. Sectoral distribution of EIA decisions in the 1993–2017 period ((

Table 3
The number of EIAR and EIANR that are given to all sectors between 1998 – 2012 (

Industry Energy Mining Waste-chemical Agriculture-food Transportation- coastal Tourism-constructing Total


1998 70 312 14 25 157 1903 36 188 23 292 26 98 54 171 380 2989

1999 15 32 13 4 9 336 5 26 4 87 7 13 7 26 60 524
2000 12 42 23 4 32 516 7 38 6 101 6 18 22 45 108 764
2001 21 58 24 9 23 513 24 77 5 112 4 21 18 69 119 859
2002 24 66 16 20 24 600 23 136 5 146 5 21 18 79 115 1068
2003 4 215 14 28 18 877 23 196 6 223 13 37 1 139 79 1715
2004 3 248 18 68 17 1155 23 230 8 238 12 49 5 134 86 2122
2005 10 204 17 117 16 1305 26 338 8 237 14 57 12 200 103 2458
2006 14 210 16 180 21 1806 40 526 4 400 17 72 10 247 122 3441
2007 35 426 43 233 40 2068 34 436 14 573 28 75 18 403 212 4214
2008 24 454 59 248 46 1734 33 347 14 562 24 74 17 238 217 3657
2009 18 413 58 648 49 1717 35 200 25 345 17 29 2 197 204 3549
2010 42 655 82 285 57 1754 24 241 21 662 24 45 0 290 250 3932
2011 29 770 77 300 74 2136 30 305 57 737 26 87 4 257 297 4592
2012*a 11 193 32 89 35 623 11 121 15 185 1 12 1 79 106 1302
TOTAL 332 4298 506 2258 618 19043 374 3405 215 4900 224 708 189 2574 2458 37186
The data in the Table above are (*) data until June 2012.

Fig. 6. The sum of EIAR and EIANR gave to all sectors in 1998–2012.

T.D. Yıldız Resources Policy 67 (2020) 101681

Fig. 7. Ratio of sectors to GDP by the end of 2012 and 2018.

The names of the sectors in both figures do not exactly match due to the fact that the data in Fig. 6 are obtained from the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization,
while the data in Fig. 7 are obtained from TurkStat,. However, –in order to compare the EIA Decision numbers of the sectors with their ratios to GDP- all of these data
have been taken into consideration due to the approximate overlapping of the sector names/scopes with each other.

Fig. 8. The investments that the mining companies lost because of the “EIA (-) decision”.

the authorized permit authorities. However, in general, the permit process in the mining operation
Especially in small and medium scale mining operation projects, it projects are not completed in a short time for each mining company in
would be beneficial to evaluate and complete the technical aspects of the Turkey like it is shown in the example above. Therefore, the mining
EIA process in a short period of time. Nonetheless, the EIA process times investors cannot foresee the permit times, and they lose their
of the mining enterprises that are large scale or small/medium scale, investments.
which have the potential to have a negative impact on the environment Thus, in order to see how long it takes for the EIA process and the
can be longer compared to the others. However, this process time being other permits that are required to be completed as a requirement under
predictable by the mining company is important in order to prevent the rule to be granted, a survey question was asked to the mining en­
mining investment losses. terprises: the question of “In your opinion, is the rule that states that within
In a Group IV mining company project in Turkey which is used as an at the latest three months the EIA processes are completed by the Ministry Of
example, after the EIA process resulted in a positive decision, and after Environment And Urbanization and the processes related to the other permits
the forest permit, business and operating license and all required permits are completed within the EIA process time by the relevant ministries and other
are obtained, it was planned to go into production after the preparatory public institutions and organizations, functioning? (In your opinion, what are
works. The planned timetable of this company regarding the activity, the issues in the application?)” was answered by 72 mining enterprises
which is the subject of the project is given below (Fig. 9). (Fig. 10).

T.D. Yıldız Resources Policy 67 (2020) 101681

Table 4 there were no problems in the application. However, 66.7% of them

The mining investments that are lost due to the EIA. answered: “No. Because all the permits that are mentioned are given after "
Mineral groups Investments lost Investment The share of lost ….." moths, we were aggrieved” and indicated the existence of a serious
of mining due to the “EIA (-) amounts (TL) investments in problem in the application. Rather than becoming aggrieved, the
enterprises decision” (TL) investment amount due mentioned permit process time to exceed three months actually caused
to “EIA (-) decision” (%)
the investment processes to get longer and difficulties in complying with
2 (a) Group 250,000 7,500,000 3.33 the project plan as a result of the operation activity delays that occur.
2 (a) Group 250,000 15,000,000 1.67 The various answers that are given to the space that is indicated with
2 (a) Group 250,000 3,000,000 8.33
2 (a) Group 250,000 250,000 100.00
“ …..” to the question that is mentioned above indicate that these pro­
2 (a) Group 250,000 3,000,000 8.33 cess times are much longer than three months (Fig. 11). Thus, because
2 (a) Group 250,000 250,000 100.00 the opinion of so many institutions are asked, and there are no sanctions
2 (a) Group 250,000 3,000,000 8.33 for the institutions and the persons who cannot give the permits within
2 (a) Group 250,000 7,500,000 3.33
three months, these process times are lengthened out more than it is
2 (b) Group 250,000 35,000,000 0.71
2 (b) Group 250,000 750,000 33.33 necessary depending on the institution and the person.
2 (b) Group 250,000 15,000,000 1.67 These answers that were given to the survey question show that in
2 (b) Group 250,000 35,000,000 0.71 Turkey the other permits (like the “landownership permit”, “business
2 (b) Group 250,000 7,500,000 3.33 license and work permit”) within the EIA process are granted to the
4 (a) Group 250,000 750,000,000 0.03
4 (b) Group 250,000 75,000,000 0.33
mining enterprises within times that differ between 3 months to 34
4 (b) Group 250,000 3,000,000 8.33 months. This indicates that the rule of “other permits are completed
4 (b) Group 250,000 15,000,000 1.67 within 3 months at the least within the EIA process” is not working in
4 (b) Group 250,000 750,000,000 0.03 Turkey, even the EIA processes (excluding the time for getting EIA
4 (b) Group 250,000 750,000,000 0.03
projects prepared by the authorized firms) take more than three months.
4 (b) Group 250,000 750,000,000 0.03
4 (c) Group 250,000 75,000,000 0.33 As it is seen, a decision cannot be made by taking these three months
period of time into consideration. Therefore, in this case, the mentioned
However, the investment losses that are over 500 thousand TL can be considered
Law article has to be made functional.
as a higher loss in mining investment. The investment losses of each mining
Especially in order to determine the role of the Ministry of Envi­
company that answered the survey questions in this category are seen below
ronment and Urbanization in the permitting process, it is also beneficial
(Table 5).
to see how long the EIA process is given. In order to determine this, the
mining enterprises were asked the question, “If your mining project is
Table 5 subject to EIA, how many days after the EIA application is “required/not
The investment losses over 500 thousand TL that are lost due to the EIA. required” and how many months later “EIA (þ) decision” was sent to you?”
Mineral groups Investments lost Investment The share of lost
The distribution of answers is shown below (Table 6).
of mining due to “EIA (-) amounts (TL) investment in As it can be seen, the mining enterprises were given EIAR/EIANR
enterprises decision” (TL) investment amount due decisions for all mineral groups in an average of 3.4 months, and “EIA
to the “EIA (-) decision” (þ) decisions” were given in an average of 14.3 months. Particularly, it
is remarkable that in the 4 (c) group, a mineral group that is more
2 (a) Group 750,000 3,000,000 2.5 valuable compared to other mineral groups, both EIA decisions were
2 (b) Group 3,000,000 7,500,000 40.0 given in a longer period. Likewise, 4 (b) group was also given “EIA (þ)
2 (b) Group 750,000 15,000,000 5.0
2 (b) Group 750,000 750,000 100.0
decisions” in a longer time on average. This situation may be an indi­
4 (a) Group 7,500,000 175,000,000 4.3 cation that the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization is more sen­
sitive to the operating activities of these mineral groups that have a
higher potential for environmental pollution. However, it should be
As can be seen, 33.3% of the mining enterprises which answered this noted that each delayed permitting process increases costs in mining
question gave the answer: “Yes. Because the permits that are mentioned enterprises.
were granted within three months, we were not aggrieved” and states that

Fig. 9. Timetable for the operation activities (Koza, 2013).

T.D. Yıldız Resources Policy 67 (2020) 101681

Fig. 10. Whether the other permits are completed within 3 months or not during the EIA process.

T.D. Yıldız Resources Policy 67 (2020) 101681

Fig. 11. The grant times of the EIA and the other permits during the EIA process.

Table 6
Periods in which EIA Decisions are given according to the mineral groups.
Mineral “EIAR/EIANR Decision” “EIA (þ) Decision”
Number of the mining enterprises that Average of the period in which Number of the mining enterprises that Average of the period in which “EIA
answered the survey question “EIAR/EIANR is given (month) answered the survey question (þ) Decision” is given (month)

2 (a) Group 6 3.0 10 13.6

2 (b) Group 12 3.7 11 12.1
4 (a) Group 3 3.7 5 12.2
4 (b) Group 4 2.5 3 17.0
4 (c) Group 2 4.0 5 16.6
For all mineral 27 3.4 34 14.3

In order for the mining enterprises not to be aggrieved and by taking 5. Factors that affect the EIA assessment time
the problems and the financial damages that occur due to the long EIA
assessment times in the authorized administrative institutions in Turkey, 5.1. Asking the opinion of other institutions in the EIA process
another survey question was asked to the mining enterprises regarding
the ideal time to complete the EIA process. The question is: “In the EIA In Turkey, for the EIA Annex-2 procedure, a “Project Introduction
Annex–2 procedure, making the “EIANR decision” is completed within a time File” is prepared, and an application is submitted to the “Provincial
period between 3 to 8 months in Turkey. And in the Annex–1 procedure it is Directorate The Environment and Urbanization.” After this directorate
completed within a time period between 8 months to 1.5 years. These long checks the activity field, it asks an opinion from the relevant institutions.
time periods cause significant damage to the mining investors who plan to These institutions are institutions like the General Directorate of Mining
make an investment. In your opinion, how long should the time period be for and Petroleum Affairs (MAPEG), Provincial Directorate of Agriculture,
making the “EIANR decision” and the “EIA (þ) decision” respectively in General Directorate of SHW (State Hydraulic Works), Regional Direc­
order to not cause any harm to mining and mining investments? (This should torate of Forestry, Special Provincial Directorate of Administration.
be answered by taking the response times of the Ministry Of Environment And Opinions of other institutions may be requested by taking the activity
Urbanization and the other institutions they ask opinions from)”. The dis­ status into consideration. These institutions are institutions like the City
tribution of the answers given to this question by the mining companies Centre Gendarmerie Command, Directorate of Land Registry, General
are given below (Fig. 12). Directorate of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Provincial Directorate of
As it is shown in the figure, the mining enterprises mostly want the Health, Metropolitan Municipality, Town Mayorship, General Direc­
“EIANR decision” to be made within a one-month period and the “EIA torate For Highways. After obtaining the opinion of the institutions, the
(þ) decision” within a three-month period and EIA process to be “EIANR decision” is given based on Article 17 of the EIA Regulation
completed within these times. (Yesilyurt, 2013). The flow chart of the EIA Regulation Annex-2, which
contains a shorter and easier procedure than the Annex-1 procedure, is
given below (Fig. 13).
The annex-1 procedure is applied for the projects given in the list of
Annex-1 of the EIA Regulation and which are decided as EIAR as a result
of the evaluation made while in the Annex-2 list (Fig. 14).

T.D. Yıldız Resources Policy 67 (2020) 101681

Fig. 12. Time proposals of the mining enterprises for the EIA decision making.

Fig. 13. EIA regulation Annex-2 flow chart.

The figure was drawn by adapting the data of (Guner, 2017).

The opinions and suggestions of the public are taken according to the prepared within the scope of the format that is given by the General
Annex-1. The prepared EIA report is evaluated by the Review-Evaluation Directorate of the EIA, The General Directorate of EIA invites all the
Commission, which is established by all relevant public institutions and institutions, organizations and the experts to the EIA meeting regarding
organizations. For a mining project subject to the Annex-1 procedure, the project. The experts who participate in the EIA meeting on behalf of
the “EIA (þ) decision” can be made if an investment is made. However, the relevant ministries and the institutions do not give a “positive
in case the decision of at “EIA (-) decision” is given, this investment of opinion” when there is a deficiency or error in the project in terms of
the mine is no longer possible in the area applied. their legal regulations. After the required precautions are taken, and the
In the current application; for the discussion of a project that was changes are made on the project in line with the suggestions of the

T.D. Yıldız Resources Policy 67 (2020) 101681

Fig. 14. EIA regulation Annex-1 flow chart.

The figure was drawn by adapting the data of (Guner, 2017).

experts, if the precautions taken are determined to be sufficient in terms Investors reapplying to the relevant ministries and institutions who
of environmental and human health, an “approved” opinion is given to participated in the EIA meeting and reobtaining approvals and permits
the project that was submitted for the EIA (Ko €se, 2011). for the same matters again after the experts of the institutions and the
While making regulations on the law and regulations, the persons organizations give their positive opinions create a repetition. This pic­
who are specialized in the field of application should be included in the ture causes the investments to be delayed for months and sometimes
work, and the potential conflicts that might emerge should be deter­ even years. Because, before giving a permit that concerns their own
mined in advance. However, in the transactions that are carried out legislation, each ministry questions whether the approval of the other
within the scope of the EIA Regulation and on the basis of the provinces, ministries was obtained, and the investors are forced to go from door to
applications that are unique to each province emerge. This seriously door. For a solutions o this situation, it is stated that a legal regulation
brings the mining sector face to face with different applications in the that will enable the positive opinion of the expert who participated in
case that the opinion of the institutions is requested. For example, while the EIA meeting on behalf of the relevant ministry to be substituted for
some of the Provincial Directorates ask the opinion of up to three in­ the permit that is required to be granted for the ministry (Ko €se, 2011).
stitutions, the Provincial Directorates are able to request the opinion of Although it is not directly within this scope, lately a positive change
up to eight institutions. Therefore, each provincial directorate executing was made in the EIA Regulation: the paragraph that indicates: “The
a different application creates problems. Thus, for example, the Pro­ opinion of the institution/organization that does not submit an opinion
vincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization Specialist asks the within thirty calendar days is considered positive” is added to the
opinion of the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forest related to paragraph that states “In the case it is considered necessary during the
the project but does not ask to give an opinion from the General process of review and evaluation the opinion of the authorized in­
Directorate of SHW. Despite this application, the Provincial Directorate stitutions/organizations can be requested” which is in the 1st paragraph
of Agriculture and Forestry can request the opinion of the General of Article 17 of the “Regulation on Making Amendments on the EIA
Directorate of SHW and Special Provincial Administration within the Regulation” which was issued in the Official Gazette dated 26th May
scope of the opinion they will present. In this case, with the increasing 2017 and numbered 30077.
correspondence between the institutions, the EIA process time is Addition of this statement is favorable in terms of accelerating the
considerably lengthened out. transactions. However, unfortunately, it is not possible to say that this is
Whereas, the application instructions or the notifications that are applied in all provinces. Therefore, the validity of this article in appli­
created within the scope of the EIA Regulation should be clear, and cation can be discussed (Demirkan, 2017). Thus, lately, the applications
comprehensible and the required information should be given to the are still not replied on time. In all provinces of Turkey, the minimum
Provincial Directorates meticulously. In addition, in order to solve the number of requesting “opinions” from other institutions during the EIA
problem in this situation, public institutions and organizations should process is approximately 11, and this number can reach numbers up to
give their opinions within the framework of their own legislation. 20 to 25. In the phase of the opinions of institutions, the institutions
Moreover, in order to ensure consistency in implementation, it would be generally present their opinions a short time before the Review and
appropriate to clarify who will be sectoral in commissions with Imple­ Assessment Committee meeting. This makes the permit assessment
mentation Instructions (Ko €murder, 2016). process longer. The institutions need to work more functionally and
In addition to this situation in the EIA process, in Turkey, the investor make their reviews and assessments and leave investors room for ma­
is put into the position of reobtaining permits from each institution the neuver time. It is beneficial to ask for opinions of the required in­
mentioned experts are inhered in even after obtaining the “EIA (þ) stitutions through a system where especially the limited areas and the
opinion”. Thus, a project that is approved by the experts who participate areas with special permits are registered regularly that are open to the
in the EIA meeting; goes to the relevant ministries and institutions again units of all ministries. In addition to lightning the load of the public
and approval is obtained from each of them one more time (K€ ose, 2011). institutions, with a system where the current areas are shown, the pro­
As a matter of fact, for a project that has received an “EIA (þ) cessing time will be shortened.
opinion”, in the subsequent recurring permit, nine out of ten permits For example, the opinion of the municipalities should not be
have to be taken, and even if one has not been obtained, a mining in­ requested in the EIA process. Because, when the opinion of this kind of
vestment cannot be made. Thus, all expenditures made both in the institutions which do not have a technical staff or the required knowl­
search phase and in obtaining permission for the enterprise are wasted. edge about mining are requested, they give a logical or illogical negative

T.D. Yıldız Resources Policy 67 (2020) 101681

opinion to almost all of the mining projects not based on a scientific relevant institutions that should go to the mining sites for assessment in
knowledge but by thinking with a political logic and thinking the po­ order for all the required permits to be obtained. This committee should
tential of losing votes. Instead of this, for the issues that may occur re­ review the whole site, and each staff should prepare a report according
ports from the universities or accredited institutions can be requested to their own legislation in terms of the areas that show differences in the
and measurements can be made when necessary, and the decision on the license area; therefore the rules for the mining activities that will be
technical and scientific suitability of the project must be made by carried out in this area should be set (Yıldız, 2018a).
making measurements when necessary. At this point, in the EIA process Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), as evident from its name, is
if “requesting the opinion” of other institutions is done through coor­ the study of the elimination or minimization of investment by examining
dination with MAPEG can shorten the permit processes. its environmental impact. For this reason, there is a perception that the
coordinator ministry should be the Ministry of Environment and Ur­
5.2. Authorized authority proposal in EIA permit process banization in the EIA process for investments to be made regarding
mining. At this point, in the current system has experience in the field of
Due to the lack of coordination of ministries and institutions, au­ the mining operation from MENR; even help by graduates of engineering
thority confusion arises. This situation triggers the factors that increase faculties such as mining, geology, to the Ministry of Environment and
the cost of the license holders (such as labor force and time loss) and Urbanization will not be able to improve the situation in the permit
manifests itself as a corrosive force to investment initiatives that will process. In addition, in the process of obtaining a mining operating li­
create employment. In the direction of ending this confusion of au­ cense, the other institutions of which the Ministry of Environment and
thority, it is considered that it will be in the interest of the country to Urbanization request the opinions are lengthening the transactions
grant all permissions related to mining by a single authority. Accord­ amongst themselves eliminates the predictability in the permit process.
ingly, it is necessary to reduce bureaucratic procedures, reduce the In another question that was asked to the mining operations In order
permit periods to reasonable limits, and to minimize the problems that to generate solutions and to be able to make proposal in this negative
occur in the permit processes given by various institutions. For this situation: the idea of “The EIA in mining investments should be given by a
purpose, it is recommended that all permits to be taken, excluding higher authority under the MENR that consists of engineers from the Ministry
operating license and operating permit (such as business license, work of Environment and Urbanization” was mentioned by the majority of the
permit, and agriculture, forest, pasture, and site permits), are included mining enterprises (Fig. 15).
in the scope of the EIA (TGNA, 2010). In the name of reducing the risks of the companies that invest/will
The current situation is that the EIA is not a permit but a ministerial invest on mining, this situation can bring a positive outcome in terms of
opinion. EIA is implemented by making research, analysis and modeling the development of environmentally conscious mining in Turkey by
to minimize the environmental impacts of the investment before the presenting an EIA assessment process under the MENR. Therefore, this
investment and by making commitments by the investor. Thus, the EIA unit that will be established can present their opinion in the phase of
is a phase in which these studies are evaluated within the specified scope operating license application by being assigned with the committee that
by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. will be assigned by the MENR during the mining operating license
Moreover, based on the EIA Decision, the “Environmental Permit and application and can provide the required operation permit to be pre­
License” phase is applied by the Ministry of Environment and Urbani­ pared in a very short time. Thus, it will almost be like giving the
zation after the investment is made and before the operation starts. The applicant the operation permits simultaneously with the operating li­
“Environmental Permit and License” is granted by periodically moni­ cense in a very short time.
toring whether the undertakings that are given are being applied, and Actually, rather than which administrative body will give the permit
this control mechanism is applied throughout the time that the business the main issue here is that predictable criteria to be established and
is operational. Although these phases look like they do not have a before anything else the arbitrariness to be eliminated in the application
common ground with the operating license, all these processes and as­ process. However, in any case, it is mandatory to establish a “Mining
sessments can be done under the MENR. Permit Committee”. Establishing such a committee under the MENR
Therefore, without taking the initiative under the Ministry of Envi­ which is objective, competent, effective will enable the representatives
ronment and Urbanization, inconstancies occur between the General of the EIA and the other units the opinions of which are requested to be
Directorate of EIA and the Provincial Directorates of the relevant Min­ able to make faster decision in the permit processes. Therefore the in­
istries regarding the EIA decision. One of the situations that the mining vestment risks of the mining investors will be decreased.7 This function
enterprises that answered the “Survey Monkey” survey were com­ can be provided by a provincial mining organization being established
plaining about is that the environmental engineers in some of the pro­ by the MENR and by increasing the technical staff of this organization.
vincial directorates make the issues personal and get into the effort of Otherwise, it does not seem possible for the permit process to be
managing them. shortened.
Indeed, the decisions that the representatives of the relevant in­ Especially, carrying out the permit process from one center and with
stitutions make is one of the obstacles within the scope of the EIA a common representative committee, the inter-ministerial opinion and
application and assessments. These representatives should not express authorization will be eliminated. Therefore, an inter-ministerial coor­
the contexts of their institutions as their personal opinions. Although dination would be established, and the bureaucracy will be reduced;
there is no compulsory decision regarding this situation, the uncertainty thus, the mining permit process will be accelerated. Because this will
of the situation is a threat of the system (Coskun and Turker, 2011). It
should not be forgotten that in general, the power of the legal and
institutional structure will make the system stronger as a whole.
Also, huge investments cannot be made as a result of the fact that It is useful to look at the legislation and practices in Sweden. The Depart­
even only one member of the Commission, which is composed of the ment of Mines and Petroleum has several roles in relation to the environment.
Environmental officers are appointed to set and ensure compliance with envi­
representatives of state institutions and organizations, expresses a
ronmental conditions, according to the Mining Act, on granted tenements for
negative opinion on an issue that is not important to be considered
exploration and mining. Sweden Mining Act also provides for an environmental
during the EIA process. In order to solve this issue, the negative opinion inspection regime where the environmental officers within the Department may
should be allowed to be scientifically and technically re-evaluated at a enter and inspect operations for the protection of the environment. The
higher authority (TMA, 2019). Department of Mines and Petroleum works to improve the transparency, cer­
According to Necati Yıldız; after the operating license is obtained tainty, and timeliness of its approval processes connected to mining tenure
(including the EIA), a committee consists of the representatives of the applications and mining environmental approvals (Johnson, 2010).

T.D. Yıldız Resources Policy 67 (2020) 101681

Fig. 15. The idea of which institution should give the EIA.

minimize the investment losses, it will bring along efficient mining. The fact that only EIA Decisions (EIAR/EIANR decisions for all mining
groups on average in 3.4 months and “EIA (þ) decisions” on average are
6. Conclusion and suggestions 14.3 months) shows that it is not possible for this rule to be practiced in
periods exceeding 3 months. However, the mining enterprises want the
In Turkey, all of the legislative and application issues that are forseen “EIANR decision” in one month, and the “EIA (þ) decision” within the
regarding the EIA; emerged as a result of lengthening out the permit “first three-month” period and the EIA process to be completed.
processes due to institutional assessments in the EIA process and the The fact that only the period in which EIA decisions are given overly
completion time of the process being unpredictable. The frequency of exceeds the 3-month period makes reviewing the permit evaluation
requesting EIA from the mining sector is not only a bureaucracy that is policies essential for the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization,
only applied to the mining sector but also causes investment losses in which is the key authority in terms of shortening this permit process.
this sector. As a result, it is seen that tens of mining enterprises in Turkey Accordingly, in order to shorten the permit assessment process; the
lose their investments between 2.5% to 100% of their mining investment procedures that request the opinions of other institutions after the
amounts due to the EIA assessment processes of the administrative in­ application was made during the EIA procedure and even after the EIA
stitutions. This picture dissuades the entrepreneurs who want to invest license is granted needs to be abolished. Furthermore, through a Com­
in the mining sector from the investments they intend to make. The fact mission that could be established within the MENR which constitutes of
that Turkey falls to 4th place from the last in its worldwide rank, the representatives of EIA and other units that opinions of which are
especially in the “Uncertainty Concerning Environmental Regulations” requested will make the EIA and other permits to be given, managed and
category in the study by the Fraser Institute indicates that mining the decisions during the permit process to be accelerated.
legislation makers and policymaker administrations should revise the First and foremost, when making amendments and regulations on the
status quo urgently. environmental legislation the opinion and the suggestions of the MENR
The answers that are given to the survey question which was asked to on mining matters and the conditions in Turkey should be taken into
the mining enterprises in order to see how long it takes the EIA and the consideration, and these should be reflected in the legislation that will
other permits that are taken under rules to be completed within three be established or revised. Reflecting the policies especially on the mat­
months during the EIA process to be given in the mining sector in Turkey ters of environment and planning and energy and mining to the legis­
show that the other permits (like the landownership permit and business lation that is established by the other Ministries and establishing a unit
license and work permit) in the EIA process are usually given to the regarding coordination between the ministries, shall contribute to
mining enterprises 3–34 months time during the EIA process in Turkey. accelerating the permit process for the mining sector in the medium and

T.D. Yıldız Resources Policy 67 (2020) 101681

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