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Pokémon Fire Ash Walkthrough 8

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Pokemon Fire Ash

v. 2.12

This guide has been started some time ago with a previous version of the game.
While I make efforts to update it (occasionally), I do not replay the game from the
beginning with every new version, and so there might be minor, undocumented changes
I am not aware of (for example the free Tauros in Safari Zone). You are encouraged
to use this walkthrough from the start to the end and tell me if something is not

Take out a Potion from your computer.
Go down stairs.
Mom will automatically give you Running Shoes.
From now on, your Mom will heal your party when you talk to her.
Leave the house.

Talk to Gary who blocks the way to Oak's Lab.

Go up stairs and grab a Potion in upper left part of the ledge.
Enter Oak's Lab.

Machine in Oak's Lab will heal your party.

Go to 2nd floor.
Take Pokeball with Pikachu.
Take Pokedex.

Leave Pallet Town to the west.

Wild Pokemon (* before name means that this is your first chance to get that
Pokemon. I will only put them next to the unevolved Pokemon): *Pidgey, *Spearow,
*Rattata, *Poliwag, *Sandshrew, *Mankey. Usual level 2-5. Ho-oh also appears here,
but the chance is low (1%) AND it has level 50. You should wait to grow stronger
before attempting to catch it, but it's technically possible even now.

Talk to the second person you see to get a Super Potion.

There is a Rare Candy hidden in a bush on the right side of the route.

Go north to Viridian City.

Item behind Gym can't be obtained at this time.


Go to the west, then north to get a Pokeball.

Team Rocket is in the Pokemon Center. You must defeat them to unlock the north exit
from the city.
Pokemon Mart sells:
Poke Ball - 200
Potion - 300

The path west (Route 22) is blocked until you get 8 badges, so go north.


Follow the road and enter Viridian Forest.

Wild Pokemon: *Caterpie, *Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Spearow,
rarely Fearow. Usual level 3-5.
4 Trainers.
Antidote: In tall grass in SW part of the forest.
Pokeball: Hidden in the NW corner of the glade when you enter the forest (almost
directly NW from your starting position, in the corner). It should be mentioned
that the way to pick these is a bit counterintuitive. You must step NEXT to the
target tile, turned toward the target tile, and search with action button. Makes
sense when target tile is impassable, but not really when it's just empty space.
Antidote: In tall grass in SE part of the forest.
Potion: In the NW part of the forest.

Exit north.


Continue north.

Immediately go around the trees on your right and back south to Route 2 to grab
TM54 (False Swipe). Go back north to Pewter City.

Go to NW corner. A Pokeball is hidden on 2nd tile from the top.

Gym: 1 trainer and Brock. Defeating Brock will get you Boulder Badge and TM80 (Rock

After beating Brock, go to his house (NW part of the town). Talk to the person in
top left corner to obtain TM37 (Sandstorm).
!!! If you forget to get the TM37 now, you can still get it later -- but once the
Unova part of the game starts, the guy gets a new dialogue and you'll lose your

You now have 1 badge, which means that Pokemarts expand their inventory. Their
inventory now is:
Poke Ball - 200
Great Ball - 600
Potion - 300
Super Potion - 700
Antidote - 100
Parlyz Heal - 200
Awakening - 250
Burn Heal - 250
Ice Heal - 250
Escape Rope - 550
Repel - 350

Beating Brock also unlocks Pewter City as a destination for the teleporters in
Pokemon Centers.

Leave to the east.

Wild Pokemon: Pidgey, Spearow, *Jigglypuff, *NidoranM, *NidoranF, Mankey, rarely
*Ekans. Level 3-8.
This is your first chance to obtain Ekans, however the encounter rate is only 1%.
There will be better chances later if you don't want to spend lot of time searching
for it.
8 Trainers.
Oran Berry: In second patch of tall grass, around the middle of the route.
Repel: Hidden in a boulder on top of a small plateau with stairs leading to it.

Guy close to the end of the route sells Repels.

Enter the cave to Mt Moon.

Wild Pokemon: *Zubat, *Clefairy, Clefable and *Paras appear in both floors.
*Geodude appears only on the upper floor, while Sandshrew only appears on the lower
floor. Usual level is 5-10.

Start by going to the left to fight a trainer and grab a Nugget. Then take the
ladder down; you'll get to an enclosed chamber with a trainer and two items:
Antidote on the left and Revive on the right.

On the upper floor, go north and east from the ladder. The correct route is north
and west, but explore the SE part of the floor for some goodies: there are 2
trainers in this section (one on the left, one on the right) and 2 items: Visible
TM46 (Thief) on the left and hidden Ether; there is a formation of 3 rocks in the
very SE corner of the floor, the Ether is in the middle rock.

Going along the correct route, you will find another trainer and then a room with
ladder. There is a Revive in the SW corner of this room. Take the ladder.

From where you appear on the lower floor, go north. There are three rocks in the
northern part of this room; the one on the right hides Moon Stone.

There's a trainer, and after him you'll come to two sets of stairs. The stairs on
the left lead to a guy who gives you TM08 (Bulk Up). There is an Escape Rope north
of him. The stairs on the right lead you around the floor, past 3 other trainers,
to the ladder up. Before you take it, there is another Ether, hidden in an empty
spot in the middle of the NW rock formation.
Once you take the ladder, go west and exit the cave.


Nothing to do here now. Exit east.


Talk to the purple-haired girl to obtain Eviolite.

Go to the NW house and leave through the back door. There's Rare Candy hidden in
the garden behind the house; it's in the top row, on the left empty tile between
two blue flowers.

The house next to the Pokemon Center has an old man who will trade you Tangela for
your Rattata.

The house north of the Gym has a guy who will give you TM27 (Return).

The Gym has 2 trainers plus Misty. Defeating Misty gets you Cascade Badge and TM55

After beating Misty, Cerulean City will be add to the list of teleport

Go south (you will have to take the long way around because there's a tree in your

Wild Pokemon: Pidgey, *Meowth, *Oddish. Level 10-16.

Route 5 can be entered from left, right or center. Tall grass with wild Pokemon is
only on the middle route. There's also one trainer. At the south end of this part
is the Day Care center to raise and breed your Pokemon. The important thing to note
is that in order to pick up Pokemon you leave there or an egg (the old man outside
will give you an egg, when one is generated) you must have empty spot in your
party. There is a PC in the Day Care.

This is your first chance to obtain Cleffa, Igglybuff or Pichu, by breeding

Clefairy, Jigglypuff, or Pikachu, respectively. Female Clefairy and Jigglypuff can
be caught in Mt Moon or on Route 3, respectively, if you only have male ones, but
you only have one Pikachu at this point and if it's a guy, you won't be able to
obtain Pichu until you get a Ditto.
That being said, you can get your Pichu to be born with Volt Tackle if the Pikachu
is holding a Light Ball, which you will get later, so I'd suggest to wait a bit in
any case.

On the west side of the route, there is a gap in the fence. Go through it, then
south and east along the fence to obtain Revive at the end of the path.

The gatehouse is impassable for now, so go through the trees beyond the gap in the
fence to enter Hidden Village.
Wild Pokemon: Rattata, Paras, Oddish, Weepinbell, Caterpie, *Staryu, *Magikarp.
Usual level 10-15.
Technically, this is your first chance to get a Weepinbell, but you might prefer to
catch a Bellsprout a bit further.

Hidden Village is one long winding path and you'll have to go through tall grass,
so be prepared. There is only one visible item (Big Root) which is around the
middle of the path -- you can't really miss it. However, there are also 4 hidden

1: After first patch of tall grass, you see two red flowers in opposite vertices of
3x5 rectangle. Sitrus Berry is hidden in the center of this rectangle.

2: Second patch of tall grass is out of the way and you don't have to go through
it. You DO have to go through the third patch. North of this patch are two red
flowers. Three tiles west and one tile north from the top flower is Leppa Berry.

3: The fourth patch of tall grass is the largest one and it covers most of the
bottom part of the path. Hug the northern edge of the path. You'll go through two
tall grass tiles, and then there are three empty tiles. Lum Berry is hidden on the
left empty tile.

4: After leaving the fourth patch, you'll enter the final area of Hidden Village.
From the SW red flower, Chesto Berry is two tiles east and three tiles north.

At the end of the village is a guy and Bulbasaur. SAVE YOUR GAME! If you talk to
Bulbasaur, you get a chance to fight it. It's on level 12 and it's the only wild
Bulbasaur in the game, so you must catch it if you want your own.

After getting Bulbasaur, go east into the trees.

Weather forecast: Sometimes rainy

Wild Pokemon: Pidgey, Caterpie, Oddish, *Venonat, Weedle, Metapod, Kakuna, *Abra,
*Bellsprout, Pidgeotto. Usual level 7-14.

8 trainers.

Enter the Pokemon Center and talk to the guy on the right. He'll tell you he
ditched his Charmander. Well, one man's trash...

Leave the Pokemon Center and go east. There's Charmander on the rock. If you talked
to his former trainer, you can take him (unlike Bulbasaur, you don't fight
Charmander, you just take it). Once you have him, return to the Pokemon Center and
talk to the guy on the left to obtain Charcoal.

Note: You should try to train up Charmander and evolve it into Charizard. To obtain
a certain TM later, you will need a Charizard.

Go south.


Route 25 has several parts. We can't enter the southern part right now so we can't
fight wild Pokemon. You'll have to resolve the Squirtle problem first.

Enter the top left house to encounter Team Rocket once again. After defeating them,
talk to Squirtle and take him with you. Unlike Charmander, who can be skipped, you
HAVE to take Squirtle, otherwise you won't be able to progress.

Once you have Squirtle, talk to the cop outside to get Blackglasses. You can now
pass to the southern part of the route.

Wild Pokemon: Pidgey, Meowth, Oddish, Bellsprout. Usual level 10-15.

There are 6 trainers in this part, including a pair of double trainers. Double
trainers can be actually fought twice, by talking to one of them and then the

In the very NW corner of this part, you can find a hidden Ether.

After you pass the part with tall grass, you'll see the Lighthouse. Enter it and
talk to the Pokemon inside. It's actually Bill. Agree to help him and he will
reward you with Old Rod. Talk to Bill again and "Someone's PC" where you store your
Pokemon will be renamed to "Bill's PC".

Also, use Bill's personal PC in the Lighthouse -- this will permanently increase
the number of Boxes for storing Pokemon from 24 to 50. 50 boxes is 1500 Pokemon
which should be... enough.

With the Old Rod, you can now start fishing. Unfortunately, all places where you've
been so far only have Magikarp and Poliwag available with Old Rod. You can still
grab them if you haven't got them yet.

However, Route 25 itself is special. Only Pokemon that appears in the water here is
Krabby, even with Old Rod. The Krabbies range from level 15 to 22.

Catch a Krabby if you want and go south.


Go east where a sailor and his Machop are. In the middle of the plot of land is
TM111 (Dazzling Gleam).

The orange-roofed house in the middle row (west of Pokemart) has a kid who will
trade a Farfetch'd for your Spearow.

Next to this house is the Pokemon Fan Club. Talk to the old man and agree to listen
to his blather about his Fearow to get a Bicycle.

Brock is in front of the gym and you must defeat him again to get him to leave.

Gym contains 3 trainers + Lt. Surge. In order to get to him, you must find two
switches hidden in the trashcans. Both of them are in the top row: the one on the
left end and the third one from the right. Defeating Lt. Surge nets you Thunder
Badge and TM24 (Thunderbolt). It will also allow you to obtain Light Ball form the
lady in Pokemon Fan Club. And, as always, it will allow you to teleport here
through Pokemon Centers.
Another benefit of defeating Lt. Surge is that a small tree in Cerulean City will
be finally cut, making travel between Cerulean City and Route 5 much easier.

The way east from the city is blocked by a sailor. To get past him, you must go on
S.S. Anne cruise. S.S. Anne is at the right of the 3 docks in Vermillion City.

Note: Technically, you could skip Cerulean Gym and go directly to Vermillion City.
However, if you did this, then this is where you'd have to go back -- you must beat
BOTH Misty and Lt. Surge to be allowed on the ship.

Another note:
Once you do, in fact, defeat both and have 3 badges, Pokemart inventory updates
Poke Ball - 200
Great Ball - 600
Potion - 300
Super Potion - 700
Hyper Potion - 1200
Revive - 1500
Antidote - 100
Parlyz Heal - 200
Awakening - 250
Burn Heal - 250
Ice Heal - 250
Escape Rope - 550
Repel - 350
Super Repel - 500

S.S. Anne

This is a big ship with four floors. You start on 1F. 1F has a row of cabins. Your
cabin is the second one from the right and it contains a bed where you can heal
your party and a PC. The rest of ship is basically lots and lots of trainers.

Cabins on 1F, from left to right:

First cabin: Trainer.

Second cabin: Trainer.
Third cabin: Just a guy to talk to.
Fourth cabin: Trainer.
Fifth cabin: Just people.
Sixth cabin: Just a biker.
Seventh cabin: Your cabin.
Eighth cabin: Trainer.

Apart from cabins, there's a fisherman who offers you a super-rare Pokemon
(actually a level 15 Magikarp). If you go left and down, you get to the kitchen.
There are three trash cans on the right side of the room, and each of them hides an
item. From top to bottom: Pecha Berry, Cheri Berry, Chesto Berry.

2F, accessible through the stairs in upper-left corner of 1F, has five more rooms.
All of them, except for the leftmost one, have a trainer to fight (the second room
from the left and the rightmost room have two). The rightmost room also contains
TM44 (Rest).

The stairs at lower left corner lead to the deck. There is another trainer there
(the Gentleman on the left). After you beat him, he offers to trade his Raticate
for your Butterfree, and you can actually talk to him again after that and trade
them back.

The last floor is B1F which is accessed through stairs in the bottom-right corner
of 1F. First of all, grab Hyper Potion that is hidden in the trash can next to the
stairs. Then start checking the rooms.
This floor has five rooms. First four rooms from the right (where you enter the
floor) contain one normal trainer each. However, the fifth, leftmost room contains
Team Rocket! And you get into a fight the moment you enter the door! Surprise!

When you beat Team Rocket, the sinister plan is put into motion. Various sailors
you've seen sanding in the corridors suddenly change into Team Rocket members who
will fight you. You can skip them all and get directly to the final boss of the
ship by stepping on the blue tile in the room you fought Team Rocket in, but
where's the fun in that?

There are:
3 Team Rocket Members on B1F (and you'll have to beat all of them to get back to
the stairs).
4 members on 1F.
5 members on 2F.
2 members on the deck.

In addition, the sailor who blocked the way to the stairs in top-right corner of 2F
is now gone, letting you enter the captain's cabin (which is also where you end up
if you take the blue tile in Team Rocket room). However, once you go to captain's
cabin, you can't leave until you fight the boss, so do everything else you want

There's two Team Rocket members in the captain's cabin, but one of them is just
there to block the stairs. The other one, on the top of the room, is the one you
have fight. Once you defeat him, he disappears. Talk to the captain and you'll end
up back in Vermillion City. The sailor on the eastern side will now let you pass.

Wild Pokemon: Sandshrew, *Drowzee, Spearow, Ekans. Level 15-18.
You could have caught an Ekans before, on Route 3, but Route 11 has much better
chances to find them.

There are 3 trainers here to fight. TM09 (Venoshock) is available in plain sight,
but there's one more item: The boulder next to the house at the northern end
contains an Escape Rope.

On the eastern side of this Route, there's Butterfree mating season. Five people
watch them.

Second one from top lets you release a Butterfree if you have one.
Fourth one will give you a free Great Ball.
Fifth one is a trainer to fight.

When you're done here, enter the house and go through the Underground Path. It's
entirely uneventful, so I'm not even going to give it its own section.

Wild Pokemon: Pidgey, Meowth, Sandshrew, Ekans, *Vulpix, *Growlithe

All tall grass is in a fairly small fenced area in the middle of the Route. This
patch has one visible item, TM20 (Safeguard), along the south edge, and three
hidden items:

1: Rawst Berry -- two tiles west and three tiles north from the TM20.
2: Lum Berry -- one row above Rawst Berry, three tiles west from the eastern fence.
3: Lepa Berry -- in the same column as Rawst Berry, three tiles south from the
northern fence.

There are 13 trainers on this route, including a pair of Double Trainers (who, like
before, can be fought twice).

Route 8 connects Lavender Town (east) and Saffron City (west). you have to go
through a gate house to get to Saffron City, but the guard will let you go through,
unlike the one at Route 5.

Go to Saffron City.


This is the biggest town we have found yet! Let's have a look around!

Interesting places:
House in NW corner: On the upper floor, you'll find a girl who can teach Role Play
to Pokemon.
House in SE corner: Talk to the man here to get TM29 (Psychic).
Silph Co. (the tall building in center of the city): Talk to the receptionist to
get TM90 (Substitute). Also, grab a Master Ball in the middle of the room.

The Gym contains 9 rooms in 3x3 grid. Let's number them from 1 to 9 so the NW room
is 1, north room is 2, west room is 4, etc.

Each room contains a trainer except for room 8 (which is the entrance). Sabrina is
in the central room (room 5). All other rooms contain 4 teleporters, which are
placed roughly in the corners. Teleporters are connected in pairs (stepping on a
teleporter always moves you to the paired teleporter).

Room 1 (NW) - NW -> 3/SW ; NE -> 2/NE ; SW -> 5/E ; SE -> 4/SW
Room 2 (north) - NW -> 6/SW ; NE -> 1/NE ; SW -> 4/NE ; SE -> 7/SW
Room 3 (NE) - NW -> 6/NW; NE -> 9/NW; SW -> 1/NW; SE -> 7/NW
Room 4 (west) - NW -> 6/SE ; NE -> 2/SW ; SW -> 1/SE ; SE -> 7/SE
Room 5 (center, Sabrina) - W -> 8 (one-way); E -> 1/SW
Room 6 (east) - NW -> 3/NW ; NE -> 9/NE ; SW -> 2/NW ; SE -> 4/NW
Room 7 (SW) - NW -> 3/SE ; NE -> 9/SW ; SW -> 2/SE ; SE -> 4/SE
Room 8 (south, entrance) - only contains one teleported, connected to SE teleporter
in Room 9.
Room 9 (SE) - NW -> 3/NE; NE -> 6/NE; SW -> 7/NE; SE -> 8

So room 9 can be reached with a single teleport, rooms 3, 6, and 7 with two, rooms
1, 2, and 4 with three and central room 5 requires 4 teleports.

Unfortunately, when you defeat Sabrina, she won't give you the badge -- instead she
gives you a new quest: beat Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town. Go through Route 8 to
get there.

If you went here before, you'd find that the entrance to Pokemon Tower is blocked
by a person who warns you away. She'll be gone now.

Three houses can be entered. SE house contains Name Rater who can change the
nicknames of your Pokemon.

Enter Pokemon Tower.


First two floors are safe. Only from 3rd floor up you'll start to encounter wild

Wild Pokemon (3F-6F): *Gastly, Haunter, Gengar. Level 25 or 28.

3F: 3 trainers and Escape Rope.

4F: 3 trainers and 4 items, all visible:

Awakening: Near the center of the floor.
Great Ball: In dead end, close to Awakening.
HP Up: In south part of the floor.
Elixir: Near the stairs to 5F.

5F: 3 trainers and 3 items:

Nugget: In south part of the floor.
Cleanse Tag: Near the center.
Heart Scale: Go to the north end of the floor and then to the west. Heart Scale is
hidden on the last tile in the dead end.

There is a mystical diagram in the center of the floor. When you enter its center,
it will heal your party.

6F: 3 trainers and 2 items:

X Accuracy: In the eastern part of the floor.
Rare Candy: In the SW part of the floor.

7F: No random encounters, just the boss, Karina. Once you defeat her, she will give
you TM121 (Shadow Punch).

Now you can go back to Saffron City.


Go to the Gym and defeat Sabrina again. You'll get Marsh Badge and TM04 (Calm
Mind). This will also add both Saffron City and Lavender Town to the Pokemon Center
teleport destinations.

In addition, the gates from Saffron City can now be passed. Route 5 lies to the
north and Route 24 to the south. West is Route 7 -- new destination.

Wild Pokemon: Mankey, Primeape, Vulpix, Meowth, Pidgey, Oddish, Bellsprout,
Growlithe. Level 25-27.

Misty appears at the start of this route and you have to defeat her again.
Otherwise, there's nothing here. Continue west to Celadon City.


Gary blocks the door to Pokemon Center. Talk to him to get him to leave.

In the top row of houses, there is a lone tree between two houses. You can find a
PP Up in there.

In the SE area, a guy will give you TM21 (Frustration). You can also find an Ether
if you follow the fence west.

In the row of 5 houses, go to the second one from the left. Talk to the man in top
right corner to receive the Coin Case.

In the game corner, there is an attendant that will let you buy coins.

Next to the Game Corner, you can exchange your coins for prizes. The attendant on
the left will let you exchange coins for items:

Smoke Ball - 800 coins

Miracle Seed - 1000 coins
Charcoal - 1000 coins
Mystic Water - 1000 coins
Yellow Flute - 1600 coins.

The attendant on the right will let you exchange coins for Pokemon:
Abra - 180 coins
Clefairy - 500 coins
*Dratini - 2800 coins
*Scyther - 5500 coins
*Porygon - 9999 coins

Note that both Dratini and Scyther can be found in Safari Zone which you'll reach
quite soon. If you want to limit your coin grinding, you can just get a Porygon.

Coins can be won in slots or in the Voltorb Flip game. Voltorb Flip is better
(doesn't cost anything to play so you can't lose), but to get better payouts, you
must win multiple games in a row. http://www.voltorbflip.com/ has an application
that solves the game for you, but since there can be multiple solutions, it can
just lead you to make the LEAST risky moves, but not eliminate the risk entirely;
thus, reaching high levels with high payouts is hard even with this -- especially
since your game level can randomly drop when you lose. Also remember that if you
stop playing, you'll have to start over from Lv. 1 next time.

The top and right part of the Game Corner is dedicated to Triple Triad (originally
from Final Fantasy VIII). There are four card players on the right and the guy
behind the desk lets you buy or sell cards. You can only buy cards for Pokemon you
already own.

Person in top left deals with Lottery where you can win prizes if you have a
Pokemon with original Trainer ID corresponding to the lucky number. You can win:

Ultra Ball for matching the last digit.

PP Up for matching the last 2 digits.
Exp. Share for matching the last 3 digits.
Max Revive for matching the last 4 digits.
Master Ball for matching all 5 digits.

In NW corner is a big building with two entrances -- Celadon Department Store. In

the Department Store, there are two ways to travel between floors, through stairs
or the elevator.

2F: Top cashier sells:

Potion - 300
Super Potion - 700
Hyper Potion - 1200
Max Potion - 2500
Full Restore - 3000
Revive - 1500
Antidote - 100
Parlyz Heal - 200
Burn Heal - 250
Ice Heal - 250
Awakening - 250
Full Heal - 600

Bottom cashier sells:

Poke Ball - 200
Great Ball - 600
Ultra Ball - 1200
Escape Rope - 550
Repel - 350
Super Repel - 500
Max Repel - 700
Grass Mail - 50
Flame Mail - 50
Bubble Mail - 50
Space Mail - 50

3F: The girl in the enclosed area will teach your Pokemon Sky Attack.

4F: The cashier here sells:

Poke Doll - 1000
Air Mail - 50
Tunnel Mail - 50
Bloom Mail - 50
Fire Stone - 2100
Thunderstone - 2100
Water Stone - 2100
Leaf Stone - 2100

This is an important one because the evolution stones are quite handy.

5F: Two cashiers here. The top one sells:

HP Up - 9800
Protein - 9800
Iron - 9800
Calcium - 9800
Zinc - 9800
Carbos - 9800

Bottom one sells:

X Attack - 500
X Defend - 550
X Speed - 350
X Special - 350
X Sp.Def - 350
X Accuracy - 950
Guard Spec - 700
Dire Hit - 650

Rooftop: Three vending machines are here, selling:

Fresh Water - 200
Soda Pop - 300
Lemonade - 350

Unlike a normal shop, you can only buy one at a time. There's a chance you'll get
an extra drink for free, though.

Next to the Department Store is the P1 Grand Prix building. Brock is there, as well
as 5 other normal trainers and Anthony, the boss. Beating Anthony will give you a
Black Belt. You can also give him Pokemon to train, similar to Day Care. Actually,
there are several people in the game who will train your Pokemon, but they all
share the same ones. On one hand, it makes it easier to drop them off and pick them
up, but on the other hand, only the guy at Day Care Center can give you eggs and
that's probably the main reason why you use Day Care.

Gym: Grass type, has 7 trainers plus Erika. Defeating Erika gives you Rainbow Badge
and TM53 (Energy Ball). Pokecenter teleport system adds Celadon City as a

With 5 badges, Poke Marts update again:

Poke Ball - 200
Great Ball - 600
Ultra Ball - 1200
Potion - 300
Super Potion - 700
Hyper Potion - 1200
Revive - 1500
Antidote - 100
Parlyz Heal - 200
Awakening - 250
Burn Heal - 250
Ice Heal - 250
Full Heal - 600
Escape Rope - 550
Repel - 350
Super Repel - 500
Max Repel - 700

Go west to Route 16.

Wild Pokemon: *Doduo, Rattata, Spearow, Raticate. Usual level 25-29.

Before tackling Cycling Road, let's visit the power plant in the north.
Wild Pokemon: *Grimer, *Magnemite, Muk, Magneton. Level 27-31
Max Potion: North of the entry.
Thunderstone: In the SE corner.
TM17 (Protect): In the NE corner.

In the NW corner, there's a battle against L35 Muk.

Go back out.


Cycling Road can be entered through gate. However, before you do so, go upstairs in
the gate building. A guy on the right will give you an Amulet Coin.
Note that while you need to have a bike to enter the Cycling Road, you are not
required to ride it.

Full Restore can be found on the Cycling Road, hidden in the NW-most tile. Max
Elixir can be found on the tile just S from the signpost.

Go south to Route 17. NOW you will automatically jump on a bike.

Wild Pokemon: Doduo, Rattata, Raticate, Spearow, Fearow. Usual level 25-29.

This is a long road with 6 trainers. There's a hidden item (Rare Candy) on a tile
directly above the middle of the sandy stretch. PP Up is hidden in the SE corner of
this sandy stretch. Finally, there's Max Revive -- at the southern end of the road,
you'll see a short fence. Max Revive is hidden on the tile south of the middle
section of the fence.

Continue south to Route 18.


Just a small stretch of a road. There's a woman in the upper floor of the gate
building that will trade a Slowbro for her Lickitung.

The next gym is technically right here, on Route 18, but let's check Fuchsia City
to the east first.


The top of this town is a zoo with various Pokemon exhibits.

The house east of the Pokemon Center contains Move Deleter who can remove moves
from your Pokemon. Since this game has no HMs, there is not much point to it.
From the house in SE part of the town, you can go back to the yard. There's Max
Revive hidden there, on the tile adjacent to all three flowers. But what's more
important, there's water to fish! Even with just the Old Rod, you can catch a
Slowpoke here.

Go north to Safari Zone.


At this point, you can only access the central (Kanto) part of the Safari Zone.
Rules are: pay 500$ for right to make 600 steps in the Safari Zone, plus 30 Safari
Balls to catch wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon in Kanto part: *Tauros, *Tangela, *Rhyhorn, Nidorina, Nidorino,

*Exeggcute, Venonat, Parasect, Scyther, *Pinsir, *Chansey. Level 30-35.
If you didn't buy Scyther in Game Corner, this is first chance to catch it
normally. Pinsir and Chansey have only 1% encounter rate. However, since encounters
in Safari Zone are less tedious, it's not that hard to grind for them. Note that
Exeggcute and Scyther are available on Route 19 just south of Fuchsia City, so that
might be a better option for you.

Note: There's a Tauros just out in the open. Talk to it to automatically obtain it.
You will need a Tauros one for one quest later in the game.

You can also fish here -- Old Rod gets you either *Horsea or Dratini, level 30-32.
Dratini is another one of those Pokemon in Game Corner.

Two visible items: HP Up in SW corner and TM11 (Sunny Day) in NE corner. There's
also a hidden Nugget: Go to the NE grass patch. It has 4 grass tiles adjacent to
the lake. Nugget is hidden on the second one from the left.

Once you catch what you want, go to the Gym on Route 18.

The gym has 6 trainers plus Koga. It also has "invisible" walls -- but you can
still spot them: wall tiles have pure white spots in the corners. Koga will give
you Soul Badge plus TM06 (Toxic) for defeating him. This will also add Fuchsia City
to the Pokemon Center teleports.

Now go south from Fuchsia City to Route 19.

Wild Pokemon: Venonat, *Lickitung, Butterfree, Exeggcute, Spearow, Abra, Scyther,
Oddish, Exeggutor. Level 30-32. Exeggutor only has a 1% encounter rate.

There are 10 trainers on this Route.

There are 4 items here, all hidden:

Ultra Ball: NE from the first tall grass patch, in a corner.
Hyper Potion: On the right side of the fourth tall grass patch is empty space
bordered by trees. To find a Hyper Potion, search the third tile from the right in
the top row of this space.
Heart Scale: At the left side of the fourth tall grass patch is a row of 4 empty
tiles between trees and tall grass. Heart Scale is hidden in the second tile from
the right.
Rare Candy: Hidden in the very NW corner of Route, next to the second house.

There are two houses on this Route:

The right house contains another Team Rocket battle. Afterwards, you can talk to
Misty and fight her for Togepi. You won't get it, sadly. Once you beat Misty, the
house can be no longer entered.

The left house contains an old man. If you've beaten Koga and Misty, he will give
you the Vermillion Ticket.

As the ticket name suggests, you should now go to Vermillion City.


Go to the docks. The middle pier will accept your Vermillion Ticket and you'll be
able to go to the Cinnabar Island.

First of all, this is the first place where you can obtain Goldeen. It can be
caught even with Old Rod, at level 15-19.

There are two important buildings on the island: Pokemon Institute and Pokemon

Pokemon Institute has a Fossil Reviver who can revive fossil Pokemon for you.
There's also a Move Tutor that teaches Seismic Toss.
On the left you'll find three traders. They will trade:

Your Raichu for their Electrode (left one)

Your Venonat for their Haunter (middle one)
Your Seel for their Ponyta (right one)

But you need to go to Pokemon Mansion -- only then you'll earn the right to go to
the Cinnabar Gym.

Wild Pokemon: The mansion has 4 floors (1F, 2F, 3F, B1F). All floors contain
*Koffing, Grimer, Rattata, Muk and Weezing. Floor 1F-3F has Raticate while Floor
B1F has it replaced by Ditto. Additionally, each floor has a different Fire-type
Pokemon: 1F has Growlithe, 2F has Vulpix, 3F has *Ponyta and B1F has *Magmar.

Thanks to half-destroyed state of the mansion, you can't just grab things on each
floor in order. You have to take a roundabout route.

There are two trainers on this floor.
4 items:
Moon Stone: Hidden on the left side of the floow, in the small rock among a pile of
Escape Rope: Visible on a table in the top left room.
Carbos: Visible in top right quadrant of the floor.
Protein: In the big room with stairs down, it's hidden in the top left corner.
Can't be obtained right now.

Two trainers as well.
3 items, all visible:
Calcium: In the room south from the stairs down.
Zinc: On a table in top right room.
HP Up: In the broken doorway near to right stairs up. Can't be obtained right now.

There are three stairs up on the floor. The lower stairs (the one next to stairs
form 1F) lead to a separate area of 3F with an item (Iron) and a trainer. To get
further, take the upper stairs.

Once again, two trainers.
4 items:
Iron: Visible on a table in the bottom left room.
Rare Candy: Hidden in a lone rock in top right corner.
Max Potion: Visible in bottom right part of the room.
Max Revive: Hidden on the tile right below Max Potion.

Note that Ponyta can be caught on this floor.

Iron is accessible from the first stairs, other 3 items are in the main area of the
floor. Get to the down stairs on the right and go back to 2F.

Now you're in the right position to grab the HP Up. There's a hole in a wall to the
south. Ignore what the trainer says and fall into it.

You can get Protein now. Go to B1F.

One trainer. In the top left room, there's a guy you have to talk to in order to
"complete" this dungeon. In the room below him is the only item on this floor, TM22
(Solar Beam).

Note that this floor has Ditto and Magmar. Especially Ditto is a Pokemon you should
get because of its universal breeding compatibility. Since this floor is hard to
access, you should catch what you want while you're still here.

Once you're done, go back up and out. There's an exit from the mansion south of the

With Ditto, you can now obtain some pre-evolutions (Pichu, Cleffa and Igglybuff) if
you weren't able to before. You are now also able to breed Magmar to get Magby.

Note that while Chansey also has a pre-evolution, you can't get the necessary item

But what's more important, the ship can now take you to the Cinnabar Gym!


There are 5 trainers in the Gym, plus Blaine.

Once you beat Blaine, he'll send you to hit a switch to calm down the volcano.
Boulders that block your way to a ladder disappear.

Upstairs, you can find two more trainers, as well as the switch. With the switch
pressed, you can fight Blaine again. This time, he'll give you the Volcano Badge,
as well as TM35 (Flamethrower). Cinnabar Island will be now a possible destination
in PokeCenter teleport system.

With 7 badges, Poke Marts update again:

Poke Ball - 200
Great Ball - 600
Ultra Ball - 1200
Potion - 300
Super Potion - 700
Hyper Potion - 1200
Max Potion - 2500
Revive - 1500
Antidote - 100
Parlyz Heal - 200
Awakening - 250
Burn Heal - 250
Ice Heal - 250
Full Heal - 600
Escape Rope - 550
Repel - 350
Super Repel - 500
Max Repel - 700

Teleport to Viridian City.

BONUS: Catching Ho-Oh

Since our journey takes us back to Viridian City now, let's try getting our first
legend, Ho-Oh!

Ho-Oh appears on Route 1 with 1% chance. It's at level 50. It's a normal encounter,
so you can encounter it again even if you catch or defeat it.

To catch it in reasonable time, I'd suggest the following setup:

1. Buy some Max Repels and LOTS of Ultra Balls. Catch rate of Ho-Oh is very low.

Max Repels will be used to avoid encounters. The trick is that they only prevent
encounters with Pokemon of lower level than the one in your first slot. If that
Pokemon has a reasonable level, BUT not greater than 50, Max Repel will avoid all
standard Pokemon on Route 1, so you can only encounter Ho-Oh. You might walk a long
time before that happens, but it's considerably quicker than fighting normal
battles or escaping them.

2. Your leading Pokemon should be a Beedrill. That's because Beedrill has the Swarm
ability which doubles encounter rate -- leads to less wasted Repels.

3. You need some source of paralysis to improve catch rate. Pikachu's Nuzzle is a
good one, since you definitely have a Pikachu and since Nuzzle always paralyses.
While sleep would improve catch rate more than paralysis, paralysis has the
advantage of never wearing off.

4. You need something strong to beat Ho-Oh down -- I'll leave details to you. False
Swipe (TM54) on a high-level Pokemon would be nice since it can't KO.
5. Before trying to find Ho-Oh, SAVE THE GAME. Even when you find Ho-Oh, it might
still take multiple attempts, and even an unsuccessful attempt will cost you lots
of valuable Ultra Balls. If you encounter Ho-Oh and fail to catch it, reload and
try again.

Once you find Ho-Oh, paralyze it, reduce its HP and start chucking Ultra Balls. Ho-
Oh has Sunny Day and three damage-dealing moves: Fire Blast, Sacred Fire, and
Punishment. Paralysis and the natural tendency of Pokemon Essentials to sometimes
skip turn of wild Pokemon will reduce the number of turns it takes, but if you want
to improve your longevity even further, you could use a Pokemon with Flash Fire
ability (like Vulpix, Growlithe or Ponyta). These are completely immune to Fire
Blast and Sacred Fire, leaving Punishment as the only attack that will work.

If you manage to get a Ho-Oh, congratulations! -- you got a powerful uber-legendary

and the rest of the game got easier.


The old man who blocked the entrance to the Viridian Gym will now move away,
letting you access it. The moment you enter it, you'll be thrown into battle with
L50 Mewtwo, so be prepared to catch it! While you can chuck Ultra Balls at it, I
would suggest to just use the Master Ball you got from Silph Co. There will be a
few more Master Balls in future, plus, Mewtwo is the only Legendary in the game
that actually blocks your progress, so you might not have as much time and
resources to prepare for it as you want.

Once the battle is over, you go immediately into a battle with Team Rocket. Defeat
them and the Gym collapses. You'll appear outside.

There's an item close to where you are. It's Earth Badge, plus TM26 (Earthquake).
In addition, you can go through the wreckage of the Gym to get a Lucky Egg, an item
that boosts EXP for Pokemon that holds it.

Now that you have 8 badges, Poke Marts update their inventory for the last time:
Poke Ball - 200
Great Ball - 600
Ultra Ball - 1200
Potion - 300
Super Potion - 700
Hyper Potion - 1200
Max Potion - 2500
Full Restore - 3000
Revive - 1500
Antidote - 100
Parlyz Heal - 200
Awakening - 250
Burn Heal - 250
Ice Heal - 250
Full Heal - 600
Escape Rope - 550
Repel - 350
Super Repel - 500
Max Repel - 700

Go west to Route 22

Wild Pokemon: Persian, *Onix, Sandslash, *Machoke, Jigglypuff, Pidgeotto,
Poliwhirl. Level 35-38.

There's Machoke, but no Machop. In fact, Machop can be caught, but you will still
have to wait a bit. If you want, you can catch a Machoke here and breed it for

There are 5 trainers on this route. Once you're done, enter the building at the end
to get to the Indigo Plateau.


The old guy in the building is a Move Tutor for Metronome.

A guy at the upper table will give you Exp. Share.

Once you get out, you can find several vendors.

Careful: you'll eventually lose access to Indigo Plateau, so you might want to buy

Top left vendor sells:

Fresh Water - 200
Soda Pop - 300
Lemonade - 350
Berry Juice - 100

Top right vendor sells:

Full Incense - 9600
Lax Incense - 9600
Luck Incense - 9600
Odd Incense - 9600
Pure Incense - 9600
Rock Incense - 9600
Rose Incense - 9600
Sea Incense - 9600
Wave Incense - 9600

Bottom left vendor sells:

Cheri Berry - 200
Chesto Berry - 200
Pecha Berry - 200
Rawst Berry - 200
Aspear Berry - 200
Oran Berry - 200
Lum Berry - 600
Sitrus Berry - 800

And the bottom right vendor (Team Rocket) sells:

Cleanse Tag - 200
Destiny Knot - 200
Everstone - 200
Poke Doll - 1000
Heart Scale - 9000

What do these items actually do? Incenses have various effects when held, but they
are also necessary to obtain certain Pokemon. That's because they can cause
production of certain pre-evolutions when breeding. At this point, Luck Incense is
the only one that can work for you: you can use it with Chansey to breed Happiny.
But you'll eventually want all of them. This might be a good time to remind you
that you should already have an Amulet Coin, a hold item that doubles money from
battles. And if you don't, Luck Incense just happens to have the same effect.
So, which Incenses do you actually need? Assuming you don't want their battle
effects and just want to breed, Full, Luck, Rock, and Sea Incense are most
important, as you will have a chance to get these Pokemon in not-too-distant
future. Lax Incense is unnecessary, as there will actually be a free one in the
area where the relevant Pokemon appears foir the first time.
As for Odd, Pure, Rose and Wave Incenses, by the time you actually get the Pokemon
that use them, you'll have an access to a permanent Incense shop, so there's no
need to buy them here.

Heart Scales are used with Move Relearner, but there will be a better source of
Everstone might be worth picking up -- it's effect (stopping evolution) might be
useful at times, but it also has a second effect, forcing parent's Nature onto a
baby. And it's cheap.

Note that if you get a Happiny, you won't be able to evolve it back to a new
Chansey yet -- this requires an Oval Stone which you don't have yet.

There's still a lot of trainers to get money for the remaining items, but if you
need more, there are a few options.

1. Meowth
Meowth can learn an attack called "Pay Day". Whenever you use it, you get money
equal to double Meowth's level at the end of the battle. Note that you must decline
Meowth's evolution a few times to get it.
You can double the amount by using Amulet Coin or Luck Incense, but it's not really
worth it -- even with Lv. 100 Meowth or Persian (which you're probably far from
having), you'd only get 400 per Pay Day.
There's one more advantage of Meowth, though: it can have the ability Pickup and
get you items as you

2. Crime
And by "crime", I mean TM46, Thief.
A few wild Pokemon can have items. Catching a Pokemon will give you the item,
obviously, but that's not financially sound since you'd be down a cost of Pokeball
and, more to the point, the items themselves might be rare. There is an ability,
Frisk, that can tell you whether a Pokemon has an item or not, but unfortunately,
you don't have access to it yet.
What you DO have access to, though, is Butterfree. Butterfree has the ability
Compoundeyes that increases chances you'll find a Pokemon with an item.

Next step is just to use Thief. Fortunately, Butterfree is able to learn it from
the TM. Remember that Butterfree must not have any item, otherwise the theft won't

An advanced setup is to have Butterfree in the front, but fainted (its ability will
still work like that), and a Pokemon with Frisk and Thief in the second spot. That
way you'll get lots of items and you can steal them easily.

So, is there a good place to steal? Most items that can be obtained are not that
expensive, but Mt Moon is a pretty good one. It has two good moneymakers: Parases
and Clefairies/Clefables (both have greater chance to be encountered on the top
Clefairy can have Moon Stone, which, apart from the fact that it's important to
evolution of several Pokemon lines, can be sold for 2000. Paras, on the other hand,
can have either Tiny Mushroom, or Big Mushroom. Tiny Mushroom can be sold for 250,
while Big Mushroom can be sold for 2500! Compoundeyes make them appear with chance
20%, so it's a bit time-intensive but potentially profitable.

Alternatively, you might want to try Hidden Village. There are wild Parases here as
well, but you can also find Staryu -- and Staryu can have Stardust or Star Piece.
Even common Stardust can be sold for 1000 and Star Piece for even more money.
Unfortunately, Staryu are pretty rare.

Basically: if you want to gather some Moon Stones for evolution, hit Mt Moon --
otherwise, Hidden Village might be better.

As a note: there's one more item a Paras might have: Balm Mushroom. That can sold
for incredible 25,000, but it's rare, even with Compoundeyes.

As for farming specific items for their USE, I'd suggest to wait until you get

But we'll have time for this after we go through Pokemon League!

Enter the building on Indigo Plateau.

On your left: a woman who lets you enter the league. At the left wall is Poke Mart,
and at the top right is a Poke Center. After registration, you can go to the Water
stage, second exit from right.

Beat the trainer and go to the Rock stage, second exit from the left.

Beat second trainer and go to the Ice stage, the middle exit.

After you beat the third trainer, you have to leave the building. Gary meets you
outside. Brock is on the Plateau -- talk to him to fight.

After you beat Brock, you can continue with Indigo League -- this time on Grass
stage, the rightmost exit.

Fourth trainer, and you get the right to fight on Indigo Stadium -- left exit.

And that's it! You got to Top 16, and that's the best you can get for now.


Return home and talk to Professor Oak. He'll let you travel to the Orange
Archipelago on a blimp... that is, if a Fearow didn't attack the blimps! The Fearow
hides in the northern part of the Viridian Forest, but beware -- once you beat him,
Indigo Plateau closes for good and you'll lose access to the shops there. So if you
want to use them, now's your chance!

Once you're good, beat the Fearow -- it has only level 40, so you should have no
problem with it.

We can now move further, but before that, go back to Pallet Town. In SE corner of
the town will be a pink-haired girl who will give you Mew. The girl is actually Mew
in disguise. Don't judge.
In addition, go to your house and to your room upstairs. Get the item that appeared
there, TM102 (Crush Claw).

Nothing else to do -- go to Viridian City and use the blimp service to go to

Valencia Island.

...Or not.

On the blimp, you'll be ambushed by Team Rocket. But after you defeat them, you'll
end up crashing on Valencia Island. You got there!

Wild Pokemon: Butterfree, NidoranF, NidoranM, Paras, Raticate, Vileplume,

Weepinbell. Level 33-37.
Cloyster can be caught here, even with Old Rod, but you might want to wait and get
a Shellder later.

NE from your position, there's a visible item (Berry Juice). When you go north,
you'll find a Great Ball on the northern end of the western beach.

Enter Professor Ivy's lab and grab the GS Ball.

Now that you have it, several things happen:

1. You can move between your house in Pallet Town and Professor Ivy's lab using the
warps that are located there. More destinations will be added to the warps as you
unlock new regions.
2. The blimp in Viridian City will now take you to the civilized part of Valencia
3. The middle ship in Vermillion City (the one you used to go to Cinnabar Island)
now connects to Valencia Island as well.
4. A sailor with his Lapras appear on the western beach of Valencia Island. The
sailor can take you to Vermillion City or to two new destinations: Tangelo Island
and Mikan Island.


Few things to do here:

This is the first place that you can catch Tentacool, even with Old Rod. The other
Pokemon available from fishing is Slowpoke:

The house right next to where you start has a lady who gives you a Max Revive.

One of the houses in SW corner (only one can be entered) has Pokemon Move Maniac
who can teach your Pokemon any moves they forgot. Unfortunately, he requires Heart
Scales to do so. Until we get a good source of them, he won't be too useful.

Pokemon Park isn't too useful, just pretty. House in SE corner can't be actually

The important thing here is in the NE corner. Four trainers block your way to a
Lapras. Once you beat them and talk to Lapras, you'll automatically get it.

That's all here, let's go to Mikan Island now.


Fishing: Horsea and Staryu.

Close to where you start is a house. In the tree left of the house is a hidden
Pecha Berry.
At the SE corner of the island is a Revive. Below that is a guy who gives you TM25
A house on the hill in the center of the island has a trainer. After you beat him,
talk to him to get TM42 (Facade).

Go to the Gym (you must have beaten Tracey, the last trainer on Tangelo Island,
otherwise the entrance will be blocked).

The gym has 5 trainers plus Cissy. Beat her for Coral-Eye Badge and TM18 (Rain

Once you've beaten her, the guy in the eastern house will now give you a Water
Stone. You can also get TM42 if you haven't done so yet -- you don't have to fight
the trainer anymore.

Finally, Lapras Launch opens a new route: you can now go to from Tangelo Island or
Mikan Island to Navel Island.


Fishing: Magikarp and *Seel.

You start on a beach. In the NE tile of this beach is a hidden Heart Scale.
A guy on the island will give you TM83 (Work Up).

The right house contains four guys. Three of them are Move Tutors for Fire Punch,
Ice Punch and Thunder Punch.

A guy in Poke Center will give you a Soft Sand.

After that, go to the cave up north. Welcome to Navel Rock.

Navel Rock has four floors: 1F, B1F, 2F, 3F and B1F. 1F and 2F share the same
Pokemon list, as does B1F and 3F. Possible Pokemon are:
*Cubone - 1F and 2F only, common
Abra - B1F and 3F only, common
*Electabuzz - common on 1F and 2F, rare on B1F and 3F
Graveler - common on B1F and 3F, rare on 1F and 2F
Dugtrio - uncommon on all floors
*Diglett - uncommon on all floors
*Machop - uncommon on all floors
Ekans - uncommon on all floors
Golbat - uncommon on all floors
Zubat - rare on all floors
Koffing - very rare on all floors
*Voltorb - very rare on all floors

If you get an Electabuzz, remember that you can breed it to get an Elekid.

So, what about that Voltorb? It has 1% encounter rate, and even if encountered, it
unfortunately knows Self-Destruct, so it can blow itself up. And your next chance
to get one will come quite a bit later. To improve your chances, you should get a
Poliwag or its evolution with the ability Damp which will cause Self-Destruct to
fail. Unfortunately, they have to be pretty high-leveled so Electric-type Voltorb
can't just OHKO them with its OTHER attacks... Supposedly, you could improve your
chances of finding a Voltorb (well, that, or Electabuzz) by using a Pokemon with
Static in the front, but from my testing, this doesn't seem to really work.

Anyway, once you're ready to do this dungeon, go up and left. Fight a trainer and
get down the ladder. You'll appear in a small room with three items: PP Up, Helix
Fossil and Dome Fossil. You can take these to Cinnabar Island in order to revive
them into Omanyte and Kabuto, respectively. After you give him a fossil, just leave
the building and come back.

Going from the entrance to the right, there will be a small space north of you with
seven rocks. The leftmost rock hides a Max Revive. At the end of the path, go down
the ladder.

Go along the path. Fight a trainer, and then there's a second one beyond the
ladder, guarding way to an item (a Star Piece). Go up the ladder.

Next part of 1F has an item (Pearl) and a Trainer. Go up the ladder.

2F is just a straight path with a trainer at the beginning. Go up the ladder.

On 3F, go up and left. The rock in the corner hides a Fire Stone. Then go right and
fight a trainer.

Right from the trainer is another ladder down. Use it when you go out -- it's much
faster, but one-way, path through the Navel Rock.

For now, go out the cave into Navel Gym. There are two people here. First one is a
healer who'll heal your party before the Gym Leader -- Danny.

Beat Danny for Sea Ruby Badge and TM13 (Ice Beam). Plus, Lapras Launch adds the
route Mikan Island <-> Seven Grapefruit Islands, so go there.

Fishing: Goldeen + Staryu.

This place is a bit confusing: as the name says, there are seven islands which are
connected by bridges into a long linear sequence. Let's call the island you start
on Island 3. The island north of you is Island 2, and the island to the east of
THAT is Island 1. Islands 4-7 are those you can get to by going south, in order.

Island 1:
Bunch of guys picking grapefruits. The bottom one on the right side will give you
TM105 (Toxic Spikes).

Island 2:
You can get an item here (Berry Juice).
Island 3:
Nothing interesting, except for the Lapras Launch to go back to Navel Island.

Island 4:
A woman in the house here will tell you about the Snorlax problem. Since you want
to go deal with it, she will let the guard know.
A guy in Pokemon Center will give you a Berry Juice.

Island 5:
This island is completely devastated by Snorlax. There are some green-ish patches
left, and two of them contain hidden Berry Juices: the one at the very NE, and one
roughly in the middle: go east from the bridge and it should be the secong patch
you see.

Island 6:
More devastation. There's one hidden Berry Juice, in a green-ish patch: go east
from the bridge, go down from the first patch and search the second one.

Island 7:
You must talk to the woman in the house on Island 4 in order to get here. There's a
battle with Snorlax here (level 45) -- don't forget to catch it!

Go back to Island 4 and talk to the woman again -- you will get Leftovers. If you
have caught the Snorlax, don't forget that it also had Leftovers, so you should now
have two of them.

If you have bought the Incenses at Indigo Plateau, you can give Full Incense to
Snorlax and breed it to get a Munchlax.

You can now use the Lapras Launch to reach the next island, Trovita.


While it's possible to fish here, no encounters are defined and so you can't catch

Not much to do here. Lorelei from Elite Four is in front of the gym and you have to
fight her to get in. The Gym itself has four trainers plus Rudy. Beating Rudy will
give you the Spike Shell Badge plus TM67 (Retaliate). It will also unlock the next
stage of Lapras Launch, routes Seven Grapefruits Islands <-> Ascorbia Island and
Trovita Island <-> Ascorbia Island.

Fishing: Goldeen and *Shellder.
Wild Pokemon: Paras, Beedrill, *Psyduck, Butterfree, Krabby, Staryu, Parasect).
Level 35-39

Just a bit SE from where you land is a house with a guy who will give you a Burn

Go to the northern part of the island through a long grassy path with five trainers
(the fourth of them is Tracey). Enter the house at the end for another battle
against Team Rocket.

Once you beat them, collect TM89 (U-Turn) from truins and go to Aidan's house (the
one next to a corral full of Squirtles and their evolutions) and talk to him to get
a Yellow Scarf. The Lapras Launch will now add routes Trovita Island <-> Kumquat
Island and Ascorbia Island <-> Kumquat Island.


Nothing much here, just the gym. There are two trainers (double battle) and Luana.
Beat her for Jade Star Badge and TM33 (Reflect). And the route Kumquat Island <->
Pummelo Island is now open.


Fishing: Horsea and Staryu.

Wild Pokemon: Sandslash, Golem, Magneton, Nidorina, Wigglytuff, Kadabra, Arcanine,
Nidorino, Arbok, Exeggutor, Dragonair (rare). Usual level 40-42 (Dragonairs have
Note that this is a premium leveling spot -- not only are the Pokemon high-leveled,
but they are also all evolved forms which give significantly more EXP! With Lucky
Egg, Exp. Share and your legendary Pokemon, you can get a lot here.

Careful when interacting with Lapras Launch here -- you can go to Valencia, but
it's a one-way trip; going back to Pummelo will take several more trips.

The old lady on the left is a Move Tutor who teaches Frenzy Plant, Blast Burn, and
Hydro Cannon.

First you have to fight Misty who blocks the entrance to the Stadium. Inside the
Stadium is Poke Center and a guy on the left who works like Poke Mart. The lady
behind the desk on the bottom registers you for the fight with Drake. Then talk to
the guy blocking the top exit and fight Drake.

Defeating Drake unlocks a new route: Pummel Island <-> Element Islands. Plus a few
more things, but we should get to Element Islands first.

Weather forecast: Stormy

There are three islands, Ice, Lightning and Fire one. You start at the Ice island
and Lapras Launch can transport you to other islands as well as back to Pummelo
Island. Ice island has Articuno on it, Lightning island has Zapdos and Fire island
has Moltres. All three are level 50. Get them.

And we're done with Orange Islands! Next up, Johto!

Go to Valencia Island and teleport home to Pallet Town.


Go to Professor Oak's Lab. Gary blocks the stairs; waste him.

Talk to Professor Oak in his lab and we're officially on the road to Johto. Go to
Indigo Plateau; the western exit from the gate building will be open now.


The way west is blocked by a pair of fighting trainers. Follow the path south.


Go to the Professor Elm's Lab in the NW corner. There's a teleport in his lab which
connects to other two (Pallet Town and Valencia Island). You can now teleport
freely between the three regions.

Go west to route 29.

Wild Pokemon: *Heracross, *Spinarak, Pinsir, Butterfree, *Stantler, NidoranF,
NidoranM. Usual level 5-6.

Since you're in a new region, wild Pokemon levels dropped significantly. Use False
Swipe so your high-level Pokemon won't knock the wild Pokemon out. You should have
a TM for it -- or at the very least, Cubone has it naturally.

The most important thing here is Stantler. Try to get a Stantler with a Frisk
ability -- fortunately, its second ability is Intimidate which shows itself in
battle. If you meet a Stantler and it won't reduce your attack, it has Frisk and
you should get it.

Frisk will reveal an item held by opposing Pokemon (if any) once you encounter it.
Combined with Butterfree's Compoundeyes (which, as I've said before, increase the
chance of meeting Pokemon with items), you will get a powerful team for item
farming (don't forget to teach Thief to your Stantler).
For maximum speed, you can make your Butterfree faint. That way, Compoundeyes will
still work but Stantler will enter the battle first so you don't have to switch it
in (after all, if you start with Butterfree, you can just have THAT use Thief). Or
you can just give Stantler a Smoke Ball and immediately run from anything
uninteresting (of course, then you need someone else with Thief to actually steal
the item). Also, if you're doing this, have some items ready to heal your Stantler
-- using a Poke Center would revive Butterfree and you'd have to make it faint

But before we do that, there's a Chikorita on this Route. Talk to it and it will
run away. Follow it north to the snowy forest. You can catch a *Hoothoot here
(rarely, Haunters and Gengars appear as well). You shouldn't use False Swipe here
-- this location has permanent hailstorm and Hoothoot will be KO'd by the hail.
Instead wait a bit until its HP are dropped and then catch it. Or use Sunny
Day/Rain Dance to change the weather and then use False Swipe.

Talk to Chikorita again and you can grab it for yourself!

Continue west to Cherrygrove City.


Nothing too important here, except fishing -- Woopers can be caught in this town.
There is a new teleporter in Poke Center, but we can't use her services yet.

Before we go further...


a.k.a. Thievery for fun and profit.

With combination of Compoundeyes and Frisk, you have a good chance to grab some new
items. Technically, you could have gotten them before, but Frisk makes it less

What can we get at this point in the game and where can we get it?

1. Berries.
Chilan Berry -- Appears on Rattata and Raticate. Best place to farm them is Route
16 and Route 17.
Leppa Berry -- Appears on Clefairy and Clefable. Best place to farm them is Mt Moon
1F. Leppa Berry is common and you'll find lots of them while trying to get their
rarer items.
Payapa Berry -- Appears on Mankey and Primeape. Best place to farm them is Route 7.
Rawst Berry -- Appears on Vulpix, Growlithe and Arcanine. Best place to farm them
is Route 8. Automatic item.
Shuca Berry -- Appears on Ponyta. Best place to farm them is Pokemon Mansion 3F.

2. Evolution items.
Dragon Scale -- Appears on Horsea, Seadra, Dratini and Dragonair. Best place to
farm them is fishing on Cinnabar Island, Mikan Island or Pummelo Island. Needed to
evolve Seadra.
Electirizer -- Appears on Electabuzz. Best place to farm them is Navel Rock, floors
1F and 2F. Needed to evolve Electabuzz.
Magmarizer -- Appears on Magmar. Best place to farm them is Pokemon Mansion B1F.
Needed to evolve Magmar.
Metal Coat -- Appears on Magnemite and Magneton. Best place to farm them is Gringey
City Power Plant. Needed to evolve Onix and Scyther. Also boosts Steel-type moves.
Moon Stone -- Appears on Clefairy and Clefable. Best place to farm them is Mt Moon
King's Rock -- Appears on Poliwhirl. Best place to farm them is fishing on Valencia
Island. Needed to evolve Poliwhirl (into Politoed) and Slowpoke (into Slowking)

3. Type-boosting items.
We already got a few of them, like Charcoal or Blackglasses. Stealing gets us:
Poison Barb -- Poison booster. Appears on Beedrill and Tentacool. Best place to
farm them is fishing on Tangelo Island.
Soft Sand -- Ground booster. Appears on Diglett and Dugtrio. Best place to farm
them is Navel Rock.
Sharp Beak -- Flying booster. Appears on Fearow and Doduo. Best place to farm them
is Route 17.
Twisted Spoon -- Psychic booster. Appears on Abra and Kadabra. Best place to farm
them is Navel Rock, floors B1F and 3F.
SilverPowder -- Bug booster. Appears on Butterfree. Best place to farm them is
Valencia Island.

4. Miscellaneous hold items.

Lucky Punch -- Appears on Chansey. Unfortunately, Chansey is only in Safari Zone.
Common item.
Quick Powder -- Appears on Ditto. Best place to farm them is Pokemon Mansion 1F.
Common item.
Everstone -- Appears on Geodude, Graveler and Golem. Best place to farm them is
Navel Rock, floors B1F and 3F, or Pummelo Island.
Lagging Tail -- Appears on Slowpoke and Lickitung. Best place to farm them is
fishing in Fuchsia City or on Tangelo Island.
Lucky Egg -- Appears on Chansey. Unfortunately, Chansey is only in Safari Zone.
Metal Powder -- Appears on Ditto. Best place to farm them is Pokemon Mansion 1F.
Quick Claw -- Appears on Sandshrew, Sandslash and Meowth. Best place to farm them
is Route 8.
Smoke Ball -- Appears on Koffing and Weezing. Best place to farm them is Pokemon
Mansion (all floors).
Thick Club -- Appears on Cubone. Best place to farm them is Navel Rock, floors 1F
and 2F.

5. Rare goods to sell.

Pearl -- Appears on Shellder and Cloyster. Best place to farm them is fishing on
Valencia Island, Ascorbia Island or Kumquat Island. Common item.
Stardust -- Appears on Staryu. Best place to farm them is fishing on Element
Islands. Common Item.
Tiny Mushroom -- Appears on Paras and Parasect. Best place to farm them is Ascorbia
Island. Common item.
Big Mushroom -- Appears on Paras and Parasect. Best place to farm them is Ascorbia
Nugget -- Appears on Grimer and Muk. Best place to farm them is Gringey City Power
Plant. Note that these Pokemon can have the Sticky Hold ability which makes Thief
Big Pearl -- Appears on Shellder and Cloyster. Best place to farm them is fishing
on Valencia Island, Ascorbia Island or Kumquat Island.
Star Piece -- Appears on Staryu. Best place to farm them is fishing on Element
Balm Mushroom -- Appears on Paras and Parasect. Best place to farm them is Ascorbia
Island. Rare item.
Comet Shard -- Appears on Clefairy and Clefable. Best place to farm them is Mt Moon
1F. Rare item.

Once you get what you want, continue north from Cherrygrove City to Route 30.

Wild Pokemon: *Ledyba, Hoothoot, Spinarak, Caterpie, Weedle, Metapod, Kakuna,
Pidgey. Level 7-8.

Get Potion in the first grass patch.

Two other items you will get to are Antidote and Poke Ball.

Next to a house is an Apricorn tree which will give you a random Apricorn.

There are 4 trainers on the route.

At the end of the route is a gate. Continue west to Violet City.

Fishing: Magikarp and *Marill.
If you got Sea Incense, you can breed Marill to get Azurill.

There's a Potion north of where you come in. You have to go around the Poke Center
to reach it.
There's another Apricot Tree in the SW part of the city.
There's a hidden Poke Ball in the NW corner of the island in the lake.

The school (house north of Poke Center) has a trainer inside.

The NW house has a guy who wants to trade your Bellsprout for his Onix.

The gym has two trainers and Falkner. However, Falkner won't fight you because he
needs to do something about the Sprout Tower. Go there and you'll fight Team Rocket
There are two old guys at the top. Talk to the left one to fight him and get TM70
(Flash) as a reward. Once you obtain it, you can fight Falkner for Zephyr Badge and
TM40 (Aerial Ace). Johto Poke Center teleports start to work now, connecting
Cherrygrove City and Violet City.

There are two routes leading from Violet City: Route 32 to the south and Route 36
through the gate building to the west. Let's start west.

Wild Pokemon: Pidgey, Hoothoot, NidoranF, NidoranM, Vulpix, Growlithe, Stantler
(rare). Level 6-11.

As you can see, there's nothing new. Moreover, the way west is blocked. However, we
can still visit the Ruins of Alph to the south.


The cave contains nothing but Unowns (Level 11). There are four items -- Leppa
Berry is left from the entrance, the other 3 (Stardust, Great Ball and TM16
(Lunge)) are on the linear path through the ruins.

I suggest to have an empty spot in your party. Catch one extra Unown, put it in the
front spot and give it to the man in the house next to the ruins to obtain a
Psychic Gem.

That's all we can do here for now (though you might want to search the ruins for a
while to register all 28 forms of Unown into your Pokedex -- no need to catch or
even defeat them, you just have to meet them), so return to Violet City and go
south to Route 32.

Wild Pokemon: Hoothoot, *Mareep, *Sentret, Oddish, Diglett, Gloom, Primeape,
Machoke, *Hitmonlee, *Hitmonchan, Vileplume. Level 8-10.
Fishing: Magikarp and Goldeen.

Many new Pokemon here. Note that you can breed Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan with Ditto
to obtain Tyrogue, who you can then evolve into Hitmontop. That requires its ATK
and DEF to be the same, so it might require some finagling.

Talk to the first guy you meet to obtain a Miracle Seed. Fight three trainers, then
there will be a big patch of tall grass on the left. A Super Potion is hidden on
the only non-grass tile inside.
A Great Ball is hidden on the tile just in front of the cave entrance.

Enter the cave (Charicific Valley). You won't be allowed to pass unless you have a
Charizard with you. If you do, the woman will fight you. After you beat her, she'll
join the ranks of Day Care trainers. In the back of the cave, among Charizards, is
TM43 (Flame Charge).

After that, Route 32 splits a bit. Left path (over land) contains a trainer and
ends with a Great Ball. Right part (bridge) starts with a guy who gives you a Heart
Scale and continues with three trainers. Then two more trainers and you're done
with this route.

Continue south to Route 33.

Wild Pokemon: *Pineco, Mareep, Sentret, Oddish, Hoothoot, Diglett. Level 11-16.

Go to the right. Fight a trainer and you'll find a Cyndaquil. Take it with you.

Continue west to the Azalea Town.


West of the house with yellow roof and a chimney is a Full Heal hidden in a rock.

A man in PokeMart will give you a Blu Apricorn.

There's Slowpoke Well in this town, which is exactly what it says on the tin -- a
small cave with nothing but Slowpokes inside. If you want more Lagging Tails for
some reason, this is the best place to farm them.

In the NW corner is Kurt's house. There's another Apricot tree there. Unfortunately
you can't get inside because Brock blocks the door. Fight him and he'll move.

Go inside and talk to Kurt. Give him your GS Ball and you'll get a Lure Ball and a
Fast Ball in return.
You can now give Apricorns to Kurt and he'll make special Pokeballs from them:

Blk Apricorn -> Heavy Ball

Blu Apricorn -> Lure Ball
Grn Apricorn -> Friend Ball
Pnk Apricron -> Love Ball
Red Apricorn -> Level Ball
Wht Apricorn -> Fast Ball
Ylw Apricorn -> Moon Ball

Of course, you will eventually encounter a shop that sells these Poke Balls without
going through any of the "once per day" thing. And they are actually pretty cheap.
So... you know, do whatever you want with them -- they are not THAT important.

Go to the gym. It has 4 trainers plus Bugsy. Beat him for the Hive Badge and TM81
(X-Scissor). Azalea Town will be connected to the Johto teleport system.

Once you do both quests in this town (Gym and GS Ball handoff), you can leave
through the western exit to Ilex Forest.
Wild Pokemon: *Farfetch'd, *Snubbull, Hoothoot, Pidgey, *Houndour, Beedrill,
*Eevee, Onix, Noctowl, Ursaring. Level 13-17.

Note Eevee, especially. You probably have, or can grab, evolution stones to get
Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon. Espeon and Umbreon require happiness. Leafeon and
Glaceon require specific locations. For Sylveon, you just need to learn Charm, then
level up.

Also note that Farfetch'd can have Stick -- try to get one from them for your own

Go and fight the first trainer. At the fork, go right. There's another trainer and
a Revive.
Go to the left and grab a Full Heal hidden on the second empty tile from the left
inside a grass patch. Then grab a visible item (5 Lure Balls!). Continue west to
Pokemon Swap Meet.


You start next to a Apricorn Shop. It sells:

Red Apricorn - 200

Blu Apricorn - 200
Ylw Apricorn - 200
Grn Apricorn - 200
Wht Apricorn - 200
Blk Apricorn - 200

Along the path is:

Poke Center -- nothing too interesting. It's not even a part of the teleport

A guy who will battle you if you have a Tauros as your front Pokemon. When you beat
him, he will give you a Life Orb.
Afterwards, he'll offer to trade your Tauros for his Nidoqueen.

Next is a girl who offers to trade your Corsola for her Lickitung.

Next is another vendor:

Fresh Water - 200
Soda Pop - 300
Lemonade - 350
Berry Juice - 100

Probably moved here from Indigo Plateau...

Near the fountain are two more traders: one trades your Tauros for their Rhyhorn,
and the other trades your Ninetales for their Porygon (chance for those of you who
didn't feel like grinding 9999 coins).

On the right is another vendor with Indigo Plateau goods:

Cheri Berry - 200
Chesto Berry - 200
Pecha Berry - 200
Rawst Berry - 200
Aspear Berry - 200
Oran Berry - 200
Lum Berry - 600
Sitrus Berry - 800

And further right is a guy who trades your Butterfree for his Bellossom.

The NW part has two more traders: your Teddiursa for their Igglybuff and your
Mankey for their Aipom.

Aidan is at the burning house in NW corner (don't worry, it's just a drill). If you
have a Squirtle, Wartortle, or Blastoise with you, he will let you train your
Pokemon, either here or at his home on Ascorbia Island. Like with Anthony, the
Pokemon deposited at one location can be picked up at another.

This is all here (no Incense shop, sadly). Continue NE to next part of Ilex Forest.


Soon you'll encounter Misty again and fight her. Once you defeat her, fight the
Totodile -- unlike Chikorita and Cyndaquil, you don't get it for free, so be ready!

Continue along the path. There's a dead end with a trainer and battle against shiny
Noctowl -- catch it, shiny Pokemon are rare!

Next, grab an item along the path (Big Mushroom) and go through the gate house to
Route 34.

Wild Pokemon: *Girafarig, Sandshrew, Sentret, Paras, Voltorb, Oddish, Exeggcute,
Slowpoke, Gloom, Fearow. Level 15-17.
Fishing: Krabby and Staryu.

Note: Girafarigs may have Persim Berry, you might want to get some for your

There are 7 trainers on this route.

The patch of grass on the right of where you enter has a hidden Super Potion in the
NW corner.
In the big grass patch on the left is a girl who will give you a Water Stone.
Close to the fence, there's an empty tile in the grass. It hides a Rare Candy.
The last grass patch has a visible Nugget.

Continue north to Goldenrod City.


Big city with lots to do.

House on the east side of the city has a Status Judge who will tell you some vague
data about the stats of your Pokemon.

Go to the Bike Shop. The guy inside will give you TM36 (Sludge Bomb).

DJ Mary on the right side of Radio Tower will give you Mystic Water.

The house in the NW part of the city has another Name Rater.

The house next to the Gym is a flower shop, selling:

Growth Mulch - 200
Damp Mulch - 200
Stable Mulch - 200
Gooey Mulch - 200

There is a tunnel connecting north and south part of the city. 4 trainers are
inside. In a side branch is a Revive, and right left to it, a hidden Max Ether.

There is a Game Corner here, like in Celadon City. Its Pokemon are:
Igglybuff - 180 coins
Cleffa - 500 coins
*Larvitar - 2800 coins
*Gligar - 5500 coins
*Wobbuffet - 9999 coins

There will eventually be a gift Wynaut, so you don't have to get a Wobbuffet here.
Larvitar and Gligar are also catchable later; however, Gligar won't be catchable
until 4th generation, so you might want to get one.

Next is the Department Store. It's similar to the one in Saffron City.

2F: A girl here will give you TM98 (Drill Peck).

Top cashier sells:

Hyper Potion - 1200
Max Potion - 2500
Full Restore - 3000
Revive - 1500
Full Heal - 600

Bottom cashier sells:

Poke Ball - 200
Great Ball - 600
Ultra Ball - 1200
Full Heal - 600
Escape Rope - 550
Max Repel - 700

3F: A girl behind the counter is a Move Tutor for Bind.

4F: The cashier here sells:

Poke Doll - 1000
Fire Stone - 2100
Thunderstone - 2100
Water Stone - 2100
Leaf Stone - 2100
Sun Stone - 3000

5F: Two cashiers here. The top one sells:

HP Up - 9800
Protein - 9800
Iron - 9800
Calcium - 9800
Zinc - 9800
Carbos - 9800

Bottom one sells:

X Attack - 500
X Defend - 550
X Speed - 350
X Special - 350
X Sp.Def - 350
X Accuracy - 950
Guard Spec - 700
Dire Hit - 650

And that's all! The only thing to do is to hit the Gym. It contains 4 trainers plus
Whitney. Beat her for Plain Badge and TM45 (Attract). Goldenrod City will be added
to Johto teleport network, but more importantly, the Magnet Train will now let you
travel between Goldenrod City and Saffron City! This cuts travel time between
regions considerably since you no longer have to walk over Pokemon-infested route
between New Bark Town and Cherrygrove City.

Finally, the guy on Route 36 FINALLY found his Pokeball and no longer blocks the
route. But we will go north to Route 35 instead for now.

Wild Pokemon: Pidgey, NidoranF, *Yanma, NidoranM, Abra, Drowzee, Ditto, Hoothoot.
Level 14-20.
Note that Yanma can hold a new item, Wide Lens -- you might want to grab one. But
you have to go past 6 of 8 trainers here to even get to some grass! Seventh trainer
is in the grass patch. Go south, then west, to find a Nugget in an enclosed area.
Then go all the way south where you'll fight the eighth trainer and find a HP Up.

Go east to National Park Entrance.

Wild Pokemon: Pidgey, Caterpie, Weedle, *Sunkern, Metapod, Kakuna. Level 10-14.
Bug-catching Contest: Pineco, Weedle, Beedrill, Caterpie, Paras, Venomoth, Scyther,
Spinarak, Pinsir. Level 15-18.

On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday is the Bug-catching contest where you enter the
Park with a single Pokemon and use Sport Balls to catch various Bug types. Note
that you might try to get a Shed Shell from Venomoths here. If you win, you get a
random evolution stone. This can be:
Fire Stone, Thunderstone, Water Stone, Leaf Stone, or Sun Stone (we can already buy
Moon Stone (we can steal these from Clefairies and Clefables).
Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, Shiny Stone, Oval Stone (we can't get these yet; note that
Oval Stone is necessary to evolve Happiny, if you got one).

Second prize is Everstone, third prize Sitrus Berry, and the consolation prize is
Shed Shell.

A girl in the Pavillion will give you a Quick Claw if you give her a Beedrill. Do
so if you catch an extra Beedrill in the Contest.

Apart from the contest, Sunkern might hold a Coba Berry, a new type.

There are four trainers in the park.

Go east from the Pavillion to Route 36.


There are 2 trainers on the way through (to the spot where the boy looking for his
Pokeball was blocking the way).

The way north is blocked by Sudowoodo -- fight it and catch it. If you bought your
Incenses, you can use a Rock Incense to breed a Bonsly.

After getting Sudowoodo, continue northwest and grab a Hyper Potion. Then northeast
to the last trainer on this Route, who will give you Old Amber when you beat him.
This will allow you to get an Aerodactyl back on Cinnabar Island.

Continue north to Route 37.

Wild Pokemon: Ledyba, Pidgey, NidoranF, NidoranM, Vulpix, Growlithe, Spinarak,
Hoothoot, Pidgeotto, Stantler. Level 18-20.

Go north and beat the two trainers in a double battle; as always, you can fight
them twice by talking to one, then the other.

Further north, you'll run into Gary who's fighting with another trainer. Talk to
him to get him to leave.

Get an Ether hidden in the flower left of the grass patch.

Go north and fight two more trainers. Go east, and jump down the ledge into an area
with two more trainers and three Apricorn trees.

Go through the route north again and enter Ecruteak City.

Fishing: Poliwag.

First things first, there are three hidden items: a Hyper Potion between purple
flowers, one tile NW from the signpost with the city name, an Ultra Ball in the
flowerbox next to a house to the north of that, and a Rare Candy between two purple
flowers by the pond.

Kimono Dance Theater (a house with a sign next to it) contains an automatic battle
against five trainers. When you beat them, you get TM30 (Shadow Ball).

House left to that contains a guy who gives you the Itemfinder.

You can't get into the Gym, so go north to the Burned Tower. The moment you enter,
you'll see a scene and get into another fight with Team Rocket. After you beat
them, Morty returns to the Gym, so you can go challenge it.

Burned Tower also contains some wild Pokemon: Gastly, Haunter, Rattata, Zubat,
Koffing, and Magmar, at levels 17-22.

The Gym contains 4 trainers plus Morty. Beat him to get Fog Badge and TM65 (Shadow
Claw). Ecruteak City is added to Johto teleport system.

The way east is blocked, so go west to Route 38.

Wild Pokemon: *Teddiursa, *Murkrow, *Dunsparce, Spinarak, Sunkern, Sunflora,
Ursaring, Wobbuffet (rare). Level 15-22
Fishing: *Remoraid.

If you are frustrated by Wobbuffet's rarity, don't worry -- there will be a gift
Wynaut later.

Apart from some new Pokemon (including a rare Wobbuffet!), there are 5 trainers and
2 items, both visible, and in the same grass patch: a Lax Incense (top) and a Max
Potion (bottom). Lax Incense could be bought previously at Indigo Plateau, but here
it is for free -- you can use it to breed Wynauts if you got yourself a Wobbuffet.

Continue west to Route 39.

Wild Pokemon: *Aipom, *Smeargle, *Miltank, Ledian, *Natu, Azumarill, Rhydon,
*Kecleon, Exeggutor, *Hoppip (quite rare). Level 17-23.
Fishing: Seaking and Remoraid.

Note that Natu has Teleport and can flee from the battle. If you got a Wobbuffet,
you can use it to prevent this.

There are four trainers on the main north-south path.

The fenced area to the west contains two hidden items. Their location is hard to
describe (you might want to use the Itemfinder here), but I'll try:

To find the first item, line yourself horizontally with the right edge of grass
patch to the south. The line yourself vertically with the top right flower in the
meadow to the right. You are now standing one tile south of the item (X Attack).

The second item is three tiles southwest from the first item. It's a PP Up.

Apart from these two hidden items, there's also a visible item in the grass patch.
It's a Nugget.

In the NW corner of the route is a house. Once you enter, you have to beat five
trainers inside in order to get to the prize (a King's Rock). You are suggested to
bring a heavy Pokemon. The heaviest Pokemon that you can have at this point is a
Snorlax (460.0 kg). Second best choice is Steelix (if you have stolen some Metal
Coats and evolved an Onix) with 400.0 kg, and third best choice is Golem (300.0
kg). It will somewhat help against Heavy Slams you'll face here, but it's far from
Note that you can only enter Sumo Competition once, so save beforehand. On the
other hand, there are other ways to get a King's Rock.

Continue south to Olivine City.

Fishing: Krabby and Marill.

A guy in a house in the NE corner will trade your Krabby for his Voltorb.

A woman at the south edge of the town will give you a Soothe Bell. This item
increases happiness when a Pokemon holds it -- you can use it to more easily
achieve happiness evolutions.

The Gym is inaccessible, so go to the Glitter Lighthouse in the SE corner of the



1F: 2 trainers, nothing else.

2F: 3 trainers and an item (Ether).
3F: 2 trainers.
4F: 2 trainers and an item (Super Potion).
5F: Jasmine is here. She'll send you to Cianwood City.

Once you talk to Jasmine, the ship in the harbor will take you to Cianwood City!

Fishing: Poliwag and Shellder.

Two of the rocks here contain hidden items:

Go north from where you start, then left when you hit the sea. First rock you pass
contains a Max Ether. Then go to the very north of the city. There are four rocks
on a ledge. A revive is hidden in the second rock from the left.

A house with a sign is a Pharmacy. Talk to the clerk to send medicine to Jasmine's
Ampharos. You can also buy stuff here:
EnergyPowder - 500
HealPowder - 450
Energy Root - 800
Revival Herb - 2800
Poke Ball - 200

Herbs are powerful, but they decrease happiness of Pokemon you use them onto, so
bear that in mind.

Well, the ship has conveniently broken down and not even the teleport in the
Pokemon Center works. We'll have to hit the gym.

The Gym has 4 trainers (first two will fight you together, and second two can as
well) plus Chuck. Beating him gives you Storm Badge and TM31 (Brick Break).
Teleport in Poke Center still doesn't work, but the ship works, so take that.
Except that instead of Olivine City, you'll end up on Red Rock Isle.

Fishing: Seel and Krabby.

There is a second ship here, ready to take you around the Whirl Islands. There are
four in total: Red Rock Isle, Yellow Rock Isle, Blue Rock Isle and Ogi Isle. Go to
Yellow Rock Isle first.

Fishing: *Corsola.
Note that Corsola may hold a Hard Stone, item that powers up Rock moves -- you
might want to get

Misty is here. Beat her again. Then go to Blue Rock Isle.

Fishing: Horsea, Goldeen.

This island has two visible items: Zinc in SW corner and Lum Berry in NE corner.

Talk to the woman at the north edge and you'll register for the whirl cup. You have
to beat Misty before she lets you register.

Go back to Red Rock Isle and talk to the guy at the north edge, close to a ship.
He'll transport you to Whirl Cup. Whirl Cup is a series of four trainer battles.
After beating each trainer, talk to them to get to the next fight. At the end
you'll get a Mystic Water.

Once you win, the ship to Olivine City is working again, but before we take it,
let's go to Ogi Isle.

Fishing: Tentacool.

Now that you've beat Whirl Cup, Lugia appears on this isle. Save the game, fight it
and catch it. It's only level 35 while previous legendaries were 50, so it will be
a bit easier.

Go back to Red Rock Isle and take the second boat to Olivine City. There are
several new things. For one, the ship in Olivine City will now connect to Cianwood
City, Red Rock Isle, and Vermillion City (and the ship in Vermillion City that goes
to Cinnabar Island and Valencia Island will now travel to Olivine City as well).

But more importantly, next part of the Safari Zone is unlocked!

Top right exit from the main Safari Zone is now open.

Wild Pokemon: Elekid, Magby, *Smoochum, Houndour, Mareep, *Shuckle, Jumpluff,

Murkrow, Furret, Larvitar, *Misdreavus (rare), Wobbuffet (rare). Level 30-38.
Fishing: Wooper and *Chinchou.

We never found Jynx, so this is the first encounter with that family. Elekid and
Magby are new if you haven't bred Electabuzz and Magmar. Lots of Pokemon to catch,
at any rate.

Once you're done, return to Olivine City. Both Olivine City and Cianwood City are
now accessible through Johto teleport system.


The path to the Gym is now blocked by Brock. Beat him.

The Gym itself has just 2 trainers + Jasmine. Beating Jasmine gets you Mineral
Badge and TM91 (Flash Cannon)

Go to Ecruteak City. Raikou, Entei and Suicune appear in the Burned Tower and can
be fought and caught. Note that they have level 35 and Raikou and Entei have Roar
-- you need a Pokemon with level higher than 35, otherwise they can kick you out of
the battle. When you're done, continue east to Route 42.

Wild Pokemon: Exeggcute, *Kangaskhan, Tyrogue, Natu, Aipom, Mankey, Primeape, Xatu,
Butterfree, Sandshrew, Tauros (rare), Teddiursa (rare). Level 28-31.
Fishing: Skiploom and Wooper.

Note that the only grass patch is almost at the end of the route. Kangaskhan is the
only new Pokemon here, but you might want to grab a Tyrogue if you haven't bred
your own yet.

First of all, grab a Max Potion hidden in a boulder north of you. Then talk to the
gentleman; he will give you a Phanpy egg (it will hatch pretty quickly, too).

There's also a Day Care here, mysteriously connected to all other Pokemon training

Going east, you will see a group of 3 rocks. A Super Potion is hidden in the
leftmost one.

Next is a small grove with 3 Apricorn trees.

At the next lake is a trainer with a Water Stone next to him. Later yet, you'll
find 2 more trainers... and that's all. Continue east and north to Route 43.

Weather forecast: Occasionally rainy
Wild Pokemon: Caterpie, Weedle, Teddiursa, Oddish, Spinarak, Rattata, Aipom. Level
Once you enter this route, you'll encounter Team Rocket for another battle. After
that, there are 5 other Team Rocket trainers (two of them amush you together), plus
one visible item (a Max Ether). Continue north to Lake of Rage.

Weather forecast: Rainy
Fishing: Magikarp.

Start by going north along the west side of the lake. There will be another Team
Rocket trainer, and then a Full Heal. Continue along the shore until your path is
blocked with a boulder. A Max Revive is hidden in it.

When you go along the right path, you will find three more Team Rocket trainers and
a Rare Candy. Once you try to go north, you'll encounter Lance who'll give you a
choice: fight a shiny Gyarados or a Team Rocket trainer. Note that Lance will give
you a Master Ball for beating the trainer, so it's not a trivial choice!

Anyway, afterwards you can continue east to Mahogany Town.

Weather forecast: Occasionally rainy

This is a very small town -- there's nothing to do here but hit the gym.

The gym contains 5 trainers plus Pryce. When you beat him, he will give you Glacier
Badge plus TM07 (Hail). Mahogany Town will be also added to the Johto teleport

Continue east to Route 44.

Wild Pokemon: Oddish, Cleffa, Magcargo, Clefairy, Gloom, Aipom, Parasect,
Vileplume, Bellossom, Spinarak, Ursaring (fairly rare). Level 30-34.
Fishing: Chinchou and *Qwilfish.

If you haven't bred Clefairy yet, here's your chance to get a Cleffa. Magcargo is
here, but you can catch a Slugma later.

The route starts with an Apricorn tree. Soon afterwards, it splits in a northern
and southern path.

Northern path: Item (an Ultra Ball) and two trainers.

Southern path: Item in the grass (an Elixir), four trainers and another item (Max
One last trainer is at the end, close to the cave entrance.

Enter the Ice Cave.

Wild Pokemon: *Delibird, *Swinub, Aipom, Piloswine, *Sneasel, Jynx, Zubat. Level

At the beginning of the cave is Nurse Joy who can heal your party.
This cave contains some ice sliding puzzles. There are three items inside:
Nevermeltice, Iron and TM63 (Embargo).

At the end, exit into Blackthorn City.

Fishing: Magikarp and Poliwag.

The western house has a guy who will trade your Dodrio for his Dragonair.
The SW house has Move Relearner and Move Deleter.

The gym contains 5 trainers (2 of which can be fought together), plus Clair.

Clair, however, leaves early. Follow her out of the gym. There's now a bridge over
water with Liza (Day Care) on the other bank. Enter the Dragon's Den.

Wild Pokemon: Dratini, Larvitar, Sentret, Rattata, Sunflora, Bellsprout, Dragonair,
Seadra, Odddish. Level 32-35.

This would not be so bad if there was some sort of, I don't know, visibility? Step
by step instructions:

Go up and fight a trainer.

Go right, up, and right again. You'll get to four piles of rocks. The southernmost
one has a Revive.
Step one space down and fight a second trainer.
Go around the trainer all the way up and search the dead end to get a Max Ether.
This path is normally blocked by the trainer so you can only get here after you
fight him.
Go back to the crossroads left from the piles of rock.
Go left and up. You'll find the third (and last) trainer, as well as a visible item
(a Max Potion).
Go down, left, and up. At the end of the corridor, go right.
There are three paths branching from the horizontal corridor you're in. The second
one has a visible Calcium at the end. The third one leads to Dragon Holy Land.


Right upon entering, you'll be forced into yet another battle with Team Rocket.
Afterwards, talk to Clair to get a Dragon Fang. Clair will now return back to her
Gym. Go back there and fight her again. You'll get a Rising Badge and a TM02
(Dragon Claw).

Blackthorn City is now added to Johto teleport system. The way east from Blackthorn
City opens. It leads to Route 45, where you started Johto. The route is now fully
open. First go south -- there's an egg above the ledge, containing a Larvitar --
and it's a weird Larvitar to boot because it naturally knows Hidden Power, as well
as Harden which Larvitar normally doesn't learn.
The old man on this road is Move Tutor for Heat Wave.

Go north to Silver Conference.

Wild Pokemon: Sneasel, Machoke, Machop, Voltorb, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Ponyta,
Ursaring, Tangela, Onix, Larvitar (rare), Donphan (rare). Level 35-38.


The top vendor sells:

Red Apricorn - 200
Blu Apricorn - 200
Ylw Apricorn - 200
Grn Apricorn - 200
Pnk Apricorn - 200
Wht Apricorn - 200
Blk Apricorn - 200

The middle vendor sells:

Full Incense - 9600
Lax Incense - 9600
Luck Incense - 9600
Odd Incense - 9600
Pure Incense - 9600
Rock Incense - 9600
Rose Incense - 9600
Sea Incense - 9600
Wave Incense - 9600

Bottom left vendor sells:

Fresh Water - 200
Soda Pop - 300
Lemonade - 350
Berry Juice - 100

And the bottom right vendor (Team Rocket) sells:

Cleanse Tag - 200
Destiny Knot - 200
Everstone - 200
Poke Doll - 1000
Heart Scale - 9000

Brock is in the grass and you can fight him.

Inside the League Building you start by meeting Gary. There is also Aidan who works
as Day Care, a Poke Center, and a guy on the far left who functions as a Poke Mart.
Register in the lower left corner and talk to the person in upper left corner.

In the first round, you must beat 3 trainers. Second round (2nd guy from the left)
is just a single trainer, as is the third round (second guy from the right). Fourth
round (against Gary) is reached by talking to the middle guy. For the final round
(against Harrison), talk to the middle guy again.

And that's it -- we never get to the Finals Stadium, unfortunately.

When you leave Silver Conference, Misty blocks your way and you have to fight her.
And that's it for Johto! We've passed through Gen 2!


This seems like a good time to update the item farming guide now that we have
access to all Johto areas.

1. Consumables.
Berry Juice -- Appears on Shuckle (always). Shuckles only appear in Safari Zone
Johto, but on the other hand, they always have Berry Juice on them. Better to buy
them, probably.
Moomoo Milk -- Appears on Miltank (always). The only place to farm them is Route
Sacred Ash -- Appears on Ho-Oh (always). If you want to farm them (why?), they are
on Route 1.

1. Berries.
Aspear Berry -- Appears on Jynx and Smoochum (always). Best place to farm them is
Ice Cave.
Rawst Berry -- Appears on Vulpix, Growlithe and Arcanine (always). Best place to
farm them is Route 8.
Leppa Berry -- Appears on Clefairy and Clefable. Best place to farm them is Mt Moon
1F. Leppa Berry is common and you'll find lots of them while trying to get their
rarer items.
Oran Berry -- Appears on Sentret and Furret, common item on Furret. Furrets are
only in Safari Zone Johto, and pretty rare to boot, so you should probably farm
Oran Berries (if you want) from Sentret on Route 33
Chilan Berry -- Appears on Rattata and Raticate. Best place to farm them is Route
16 and Route 17.
Coba Berry -- Appears on Sunkern. Best place to farm them is National Park.
Passho Berry -- Appears on Donphan. Donphan only appears at Silver Conference and
it's rare to boot. I don't suggest farming them for Passho Berries.
Payapa Berry -- Appears on Mankey and Primeape. Best place to farm them is Route 7.
Persim Berry -- Appears on Girafarig and Kecleon. Best place to farm them is Route
Shuca Berry -- Appears on Ponyta. Best place to farm them is Pokemon Mansion 3F.
Sitrus Berry -- Appears on Furret. They only appear in Safari Zone Johto, and they
are pretty rare.

2. Evolution items.
DeepSeaScale -- Appears on Chinchou. Best place to farm them is fishing on Route
44. Needed to evolve Clamperl (into Gorebyss).
Dragon Scale -- Appears on Horsea, Seadra, Dratini and Dragonair. Best place to
farm them is fishing on Cinnabar Island, Mikan Island, Pummelo Island or Blue Rock
Isle. Needed to evolve Seadra.
Electirizer -- Appears on Electabuzz and Elekid. Best place to farm them is Navel
Rock, floors 1F and 2F. Needed to evolve Electabuzz.
King's Rock -- Appears on Poliwhirl. Best place to farm them is fishing on Valencia
Island. Needed to evolve Poliwhirl (into Politoed) and Slowpoke (into Slowking)
Magmarizer -- Appears on Magmar and Magby. Best place to farm them is Pokemon
Mansion B1F and Burned Tower (Burned Tower is MUCH more accessible, though). Needed
to evolve Magmar.
Metal Coat -- Appears on Magnemite and Magneton. Best place to farm them is Gringey
City Power Plant. Needed to evolve Onix and Scyther. Also boosts Steel-type moves.
Moon Stone -- Appears on Clefairy and Clefable. Best place to farm them is Mt Moon

3. Type-boosting items.
Hard Stone - Rock booster. Appears on Corsola. Best place to farm them is fishing
on Yellow Rock Isle.
Poison Barb -- Poison booster. Appears on Beedrill, Tentacool and Qwilfish. Best
place to farm them is fishing on Ogi Isle.
Sharp Beak -- Flying booster. Appears on Fearow and Doduo. Best place to farm them
is Route 17.
SilverPowder -- Bug booster. Appears on Butterfree. Best place to farm them is
Valencia Island.
Soft Sand -- Ground booster. Appears on Diglett and Dugtrio. Best place to farm
them is Navel Rock.
TwistedSpoon -- Psychic booster. Appears on Abra and Kadabra. Best place to farm
them is Navel Rock, floors B1F and 3F.

4. Miscellaneous hold items.

Grip Claw -- Appears on Sneasel. Best place to farm them is Silver Conference, but
that is closing down soon. Next best place is Ice Cave.
Lucky Punch -- Appears on Chansey. Unfortunately, Chansey is only in Safari Zone
Kanto, and rare to boot. Common item.
Quick Powder -- Appears on Ditto. Best place to farm them is Pokemon Mansion 1F.
Common item.
Everstone -- Appears on Geodude, Graveler and Golem. Best place to farm them is
Navel Rock, floors B1F and 3F, or Pummelo Island.
Lagging Tail -- Appears on Slowpoke and Lickitung. Best place to farm them is
Slowpoke Well.
Lucky Egg -- Appears on Chansey. Unfortunately, Chansey is only in Safari Zone
Kanto, and rare to boot.
Metal Powder -- Appears on Ditto. Best place to farm them is Pokemon Mansion 1F.
Quick Claw -- Appears on Sandshrew, Sandslash and Meowth. Best place to farm them
is Route 8.
Shed Shell -- Appears on Venomoth. Venomoth appears in National Park during Bug
Catching Contest, but bear in mind you can also get Shed Shell there as a
consolation prize.
Smoke Ball -- Appears on Koffing and Weezing. Best place to farm them is Pokemon
Mansion (all floors).
Stick -- Appears on Farfetch'd. Best place to farm them is Ilex Forest.
Thick Club -- Appears on Cubone. Best place to farm them is Navel Rock, floors 1F
and 2F.
Wide Lens -- Appears on Yanma. Best place to farm them is Route 35.

5. Rare goods to sell.

Pearl -- Appears on Shellder and Cloyster. Best place to farm them is fishing on
Valencia Island, Ascorbia Island, Kumquat Island or in Cianwood City. Common item.
Stardust -- Appears on Staryu. Best place to farm them is fishing on Element
Islands. Common Item.
Tiny Mushroom -- Appears on Paras and Parasect. Best place to farm them is Ascorbia
Island. Common item.
Big Mushroom -- Appears on Paras and Parasect. Best place to farm them is Ascorbia
Nugget -- Appears on Grimer and Muk. Best place to farm them is Gringey City Power
Plant. Note that these Pokemon can have the Sticky Hold ability which makes Thief
Big Pearl -- Appears on Shellder and Cloyster. Best place to farm them is fishing
on Valencia Island, Ascorbia Island, Kumquat Island or in Cianwood City.
Star Piece -- Appears on Staryu. Best place to farm them is fishing on Element
Balm Mushroom -- Appears on Paras and Parasect. Best place to farm them is Ascorbia
Island. Rare item.
Comet Shard -- Appears on Clefairy and Clefable. Best place to farm them is Mt Moon
1F. Rare item.
Warning: If you go further, Silver Conference will become permanently inaccessible.
If you want to do something there, do it now!

Go to Professor Oak's Lab. Talk to his assistent (left of the door) to get a Shiny
Charm (increases the chance to find a shiny Pokemon), then talk to the Professor.
Go to Vermillion City. The leftmost ship in the docks will take you to Littleroot

Fishing: *Wingull

Go to Professor Birch's Lab. You'll be thrown into a battle against May. DEMOLISH

Grab the Poke Ball with Torchic. The teleport in Professor Birch's Lab will now
connect you with similar teleports in Kanto, Orange Islands and Johto for fast
inter-regional travel.

*Note: If you go to Pallet Town and visit your room, you can check your dresser and
change into new Hoenn outfit. Every time you finish a generation from now on, there
will be a new outfit for you to change into. You will also update your costume
automatically when talking to Oak after finishing a generation.

The north exit was previously blocked, but once you talk to Birch, you can go up to
Route 101.

Wild Pokemon: *Poochyena, *Duskull, Marill, Wingull, Azurill, Azumarill. Level 3-5.
Fishing: Wingull and *Relicanth.

Azurill is available here if you haven't bred your own yet.

Short route. An old guy on the right will give you TM41 (Torment).

Continue north to Oldale Town.


Nothing here. Continue west to Route 102.

Wild Pokemon: Poochyena, *Zigzagoon, *Ralts, *Wurmple, *Lotad, *Seedot, *Surskit.
Level 3-5.

Lots of new faces here.

There are two trainers and an item (a Potion).

Continue west to Petalburg City

Fishing: Magikarp and Goldeen.

Nothing here right now. Continue west to Route 104.

Wild Pokemon: Poochyena, *Shroomish, *Taillow, Wingull, Stantler, Aipom, Spinarak,
Bellossom, Marill. Level 4-6.
Fishing: Lotad and Wingull.

In this first part of Route 104 are three trainers and one item (a Stick).

Continue to the trees and enter Petalburg Woods.

Wild Pokemon: Wurmple, Taillow, Shroomish, *Cacnea, *Seviper, Ekans, Koffing,
Sentret (rare), Pinsir (rare). Level 4-8.

This is the first place where you can obtain Leafeon. Simply level up an Eevee

You start near an item (an Antidote). Continue right along the way. When you reach
the second grass patch, search an empty corner (empty tile in a 2x2 square of
otherwise grass) for a Poke Ball. You'll find a trainer there. Continue right and
down. Jump the ledge and grab an item (another Antidote). When you exit the grass
patch, go down and left to find a Treecko. Fight it and catch it. Continue up,
fight a second trainer, jump down the ledge and go left and up to get out of the
woods. You'll end up in a northern part of Route 104.


There is a Revive hidden behind the house, on the last tile next to the water.

The house contains a berry shop, selling:

Cheri Berry - 200
Chesto Berry - 200
Pecha Berry - 200
Rawst Berry - 200
Aspear Berry - 200
Oran Berry - 200
Lum Berry - 600
Sitrus Berry - 800

Next, you'll come to twins for a double battle. You can do this battle twice by
talking to one twin, then the other.

On the path, you'll find 3 more trainers and 2 visible items: Poke Ball and Super

If you go north on the eastern part of the fence, you can grab a Float Stone in a
separated part of Rustboro City.
Continue north to Rustboro City.

A boy in the town is a Move Tutor for Iron Tail.

Enter the school (house next to Pokemon Center) and you'll encounter Team Rocket
again. Beat them.

The house in SE part of the city has a trader who trades your Seedot for his
Makuhita. The other guy in the house will give you a Premier Ball.

The Devon Corporation building has another fossil revival guy on the top floor.

Since you've resolved Team Rocket problem, you can enter the gym. It contains 3
trainers and Roxanne. Beat her for Stone Badge and TM69 (Rock Polish). Teleport
system in Hoenn starts working.

But wait, there's more! Go to the Devon Corporation and talk to the guy in the
upper right part of the lobby to obtain another Exp. Share -- those always come in

Just below the Devon Corporation is Mr. Briney's house. Now that you've beaten the
Gym, he'll offer you to go to Dewford Town.

Fishing: Tentacool and Wingull.

There are two trainers in the NE corner of the town.

An old man in the NW corner will give you a Silk Scarf.
A guy in a house south of the boat will give you a Moon Stone.

The gym has three trainers plus Brawly. When you beat him, he'll tell you to fight
again on Route 106. The only way from the town is the Granite Cave, so go there.

Wild Pokemon: Loudred, *Aron, *Makuhita, *Sableye, Abra, *Mawile, Geodude. Level 9-
Notice the Loudred. Whismur, it's lowest evolutionary stage, CAN be obtained
eventually, but it will take a long time -- you might prefer to just breed a

From the start, go right and down into a dead end with a Rare Candy hidden in a

Then go left. You'll find Steven at the end of the path. He will give you a hint,
as well as TM110 (Steel Wing). This is important -- once you beat Norman, Steven
will leave and you'll lose your chance to get this TM!

Go up a bit to a cliff. Stand on the tile right to a pile of rocks and search the
cliff. You'll find stairs.

Go right from the stairs all the way to the end to find an Everstone. Then go back
left and down at the end to reach the exit to Route 106.

Weather forecast: Heavy rain
Fishing: *Corphish and *Carvanha.

Careful! The moment you'll exit the Granite Cave, you'll get ambushed by Brock.
Beat him.

Go north to a house and talk to the old man in front of it. He'll give you a

Go west into the trees. You'll appear in a separate part of Route 106 where you can
fight Brawly and defeat him for good. He will give you the Knuckle Badge and TM52
(Focus Blast).
(Note that you can't catch anything when fishing on this screen).

Now that you defeated Brawly, the Hoenn teleport system will connect to Dewford
Town. In addition, Mr. Briney's ship will now take you to a new location: Route

Fishing: Wingull and Tentacool.

Once you go up, you'll get into a battle with a trainer. Then go up and left -- in
the NW corner of SW step-like shore is a hidden Heart Scale.

Go up. Under the middle of the closest shelter is a Revive.

Go right and fight a second trainer. NE from the trainer, in a corner of a beach,
is another hidden Heart Scale.

Go a bit up, then left and check the middle of another shelter for a PP Up.

At the top of the beach is a bigger yellow shelter with a trainer. Fight him, then
talk to him for a Fresh Water (he will sell them afterwards). Also check both
pedestals by this shack! The left one contains a Soft Sand, while the right one has
a Big Pearl.

Go right and fight the fourth and last trainer. That's all that can be done here;
continue north to Slateport City.


On the left side is a MARKET. It has to be written in all caps, since it's a really
great MARKET selling lots of strange items.

There's 7 vendors here altogether.

Top left stall, left vendor:

DeepSeaScale - 200
DeepSeaTooth - 200
Dragon Scale - 2100
Dubious Disc - 2100
Electirizer - 2100
King's Rock - 100
Magmarizer - 2100
Metal Coat - 100
Prism Scale - 500

Top left stall, right vendor:

Protector - 2100
Reaper Cloth - 2100
Sachet - 2100
Up-Grade - 2100
Whipped Dream - 2100
Oval Stone - 2100
Razor Claw - 2100
Razor Fang - 2100

Middle left stall, left vendor:

Level Ball - 300
Lure Ball - 300
Moon Ball - 300
Friend Ball - 300
Love Ball - 300
Heavy Ball - 300
Fast Ball - 300
Repeat Ball - 1000
Timer Ball - 1000

Middle left stall, right vendor:

Nest Ball - 1000
Net Ball - 1000
Dive Ball - 1000
Luxury Ball - 1000
Heal Ball - 300
Quick Ball - 1000
Dusk Ball - 1000

Bottom left stall:

Protein - 9800
Iron - 9800
Carbos - 9800
Zinc - 9800
Calcium - 9800
HP Up - 9800

Middle right stall, left vendor:

Full Incense - 9600
Lax Incense - 9600
Luck Incense - 9600
Odd Incense - 9600
Pure Incense - 9600
Rock Incense - 9600
Rose Incense - 9600
Sea Incense - 9600
Wave Incense - 9600

Middle right stall, right vendor:

Power Bracer - 3000
Power Anklet - 3000
Power Weight - 3000
Power Band - 3000
Power Belt - 3000
Power Lens - 3000
Macho Brace - 3000

Bottom right stall:

Cheri Berry - 200
Chesto Berry - 200
Pecha Berry - 200
Rawst Berry - 200
Aspear Berry - 200
Oran Berry - 200
Lum Berry - 600
Sitrus Berry - 800

So, there's finally an Incense shop that won't stop working, but the most
interesting shops are definitely Poke Ball shop and Evolution shop. This is a good
time to mention what do you need them for. Lots of evolutions in main games works
by trading, but here you just need to give the item to a Pokemon and then level it
up. You also must do this at the right time.

During the DAY:

DeepSeaScale: Evolves Clamperl into Gorebyss.
King's Rock: Evolves Poliwhirl into Politoed.
King's Rock: Evolves Slowpoke into Slowking.
Magmarizer: Evolves Magmar into Magmortar.
Metal Coat: Evolves Onix into Steelix.
Prism Scale: Evolves Feebas into Milotic.
Protector: Evolves Rhydon into Rhyperior.
Sachet: Evolves Spritzee into Aromatisse
Whipped Dream: Evolves Swirlix into Slurpuff.
Oval Stone: Evolves Happiny into Chansey.

During the NIGHT:

DeepSeaTooth: Evolves Clamperl into Huntail.
Dragon Scale: Evolves Seadra into Kingdra.
Dubious Disc: Evolves Porygon2 into Porygon-Z.
Electirizer: Evolves Electabuzz into Electivire.
Metal Coat: Evolves Scyther into Scizor.
Reaper Cloth: Evolves Duskclops into Dusknoir.
Up-Grade: Evolves Porygon into Porygon2.
Razor Claw: Evolves Sneasel into Weavile.
Razor Fang: Evolves Gligar into Gliscore.

Either buy them in advance, or return here when you want to evolve one of these

Now for the Poke Balls. The important stat for a Poke Ball is its "catch rate",
which (I simplify) states how much better it is than standard Poke Ball. At this
point, our basic type is Ultra Ball with catch rate of 2.

Level Ball: If your Pokemon is at the higher level than the opponent, Level Ball is
already as good as an Ultra Ball. If you surpass double opponent's level, it has
catch rate 4, and if you surpass quadruple opponent's level, it has catch rate 8.
Actually, if you have some highly levelled Pokemon (and you should have, seeing as
you already worked your way through two games' full of content and seeing as the
wild Pokemon levels reset in each region), Level Ball should actually become your
standard Poke Ball. It will always be at least as good as an Ultra Ball (unless
you're trying to catch something that has higher level than you), but it's actually
four times cheaper! Just remember that you should send a high-leveled Pokemon out
before you use it.

Lure Ball: The exact catch rate of a Lure Ball differs between main games and I'm
not sure how much it is here, but should be either 3 or 5 -- both better than Ultra
Ball. However, there's a catch: it only has this improved rate while fishing.

Moon Ball: Has catch rate 4 if you use it on a Pokemon from family that evolves
with Moon Stone, that is Nidoran (both genders), Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Skitty,
Munna and their relatives. This is pretty niche, seeing that at this point you are
probably only missing Skitty and Munna, and even for them, Level Ball might be as
good or better.

Friend Ball: Has catch rate of 1 (like standard Poke Ball) but comes with an extra
effect: improved happiness for Pokemon who is caught by it. Which saves some time,
at most. Not a priority.

Love Ball: Has catch rate of 8 -- but only if you use it on something the same
species and opposite gender as your Pokemon. Which is not really something you'd do
often. Perhaps you could use it in conjunction with the Cute Charm ability (which
improves a chance of meeting opposite-gender Pokemon) if you want to obtain a rare
gender of some species.

Heavy Ball: Instead of having a flat catch rate, it gives additive bonuses based on
opponent's weight. Could be useful for some heavy Legendaries, as well as Rock and
Steel Pokemon in general.

Fast Ball: Has catch rate of 4 if you want to catch a very fast Pokemon (base Speed
stat 100 or higher). You don't need Fast Balls for normal Pokemon, but some
Legendaries have high Speed and Fast Balls might be a good choice for them. I'll
let you know when you meet them.

Repeat Ball - Has catch rate of 3 (or possibly 3.5) if the Pokemon is already
registered in your Pokedex as caught. If you are just trying to fill the Pokedex,
you won't find much use here.

Timer Ball - This is an interesting one: it improves its catch rate with time. It
starts on 1 and improves roughly by 0.30 per turn. On the 5th turn, it's already
better than Ultra Ball. If you let the battle go for 11 turns, Timer Ball will
reach catch rate of 4 and it will be twice as good as Ultra Ball. Buy a lot of
Timer Balls -- they will be our main ammunition against Legendaries from now on.
Just remember that if you have something with better than double level of the
Legendary, Level Ball will still be better.

Nest Ball: This one works better on low-leveled Pokemon. The problem is that it
won't have any special effects on Pokemon of level 30 or higher, and against
anything weaker, you should have something with high enough level to reach catch
rate 4 with Level Ball (Nest Ball will always have worse catch rate than 4, unless
you actually find a level 1 opponent). Don't bother with Nest Balls -- Level Balls
are superior AND cheaper!

Net Ball: This is basically a variant of Lure Ball. Catch rate is 3 (or maybe 3.5?)
against all Water types, and ALSO against Bug types. It's more versatile than Lure
Ball, but more expensive.

Dive Ball: Has catch rate 3.5 against water-dwelling Pokemon. Considering that this
game doesn't have Surf or Dive, it's basically an expensive Lure Ball.
Luxury Ball: Alternative to Friend Ball; while Friend Ball improves the initial
happiness of the Pokemon, Luxury Ball increases the rate it grows. All in all,
neither seems too good, but Friend Ball gives you the benefits right away AND is
cheaper so avoid Luxury Ball unless you want to give your Pokemon some bling.

Heal Ball: Has catch rate of 1 and heals caught Pokemon. This is basically useless.
The only use would be if you wanted to use the captured Pokemon right away without
sending it to the PC, and let's be honest -- with what you probably have right now,
when would you do THAT?

Quick Ball: Has catch rate of 5 -- but works only on the first turn of a battle.
There's probably no harm in maintaining a supply of these. Throw one whenever you
encounter a new Pokemon, and if it won't work (not even the high catch rate will
help much if the Pokemon is not weakened at all), just switch to other types.

Dusk Ball: Has catch rate of 3.5 (or possibly just 3?) in a cave area, or at night.

So, my recommendations are:

1. Grab some Quick Balls, but don't go overboard.

2. Buy lots of Level Balls and use them as your default Poke Balls from now on.
3. Buy lots of Timer Balls and use them to catch Legendary Pokemon. Buy Fast Balls
for fast Legendary Pokemon and Heavy Balls for heavy Legendaries (those should help
a ton).
4. Get some Lure Balls and Dusk Balls, MAYBE some Net Balls. You can use those when
their conditions are met, but if your Pokemon has more than twice the level of
target, Level Balls will STILL be better.
5. Ignore the rest, or use them as novelty.

Once we're done with the MARKET, go up past the Poke Mart. A house on the left has
another Name Rater. The way north is blocked by a guy who wants us to support his
girlfriend in a Pokemon Contest, so go there (it's the house in the NW corner of
the city). You'll end up in another battle with May. There's also a Move Tutor for
Magic Room in here.

Now go north to Route 110.

Wild Pokemon: Oddish, Zigzagoon, *Plusle, Poochyena, Wingull, *Electrike, *Minun,
*Gulpin. Level 12-14.
Fishing: Tentacool and Magikarp.

This is an extremely long, but linear path. Note that this route is actually an
electric zone since version 2.12: Magneton (and later Nosepass and Charjabug) will
evolve if you level them up here.

First of all, go north until you come to a house. There's a guy in front of it who
will give you a quiz. The correct answers are:
1. Muk
2. Yellow
3. Illumise

When you get all three correct, he'll give you a Good Rod!


OK, now that you have a Good Rod, you can catch lots of new Pokemon even in older
areas, right? Right?

Well, not exactly. Most fishing areas you have encountered until now have Good Rod
catching the same two Pokemon as the Old Rod, with the only difference being that
Old Rod has 7:3 chance of Common vs. Uncommon catch while Good Rod has 8:2 (so if
you want the uncommon type, Old Rod is actually better!). Only a handful of areas
has something new.

Pallet Town: Good Rod allows you to catch Tangela, Goldeen or Poliwag.
Safari Zone Kanto: Good Rod allows you to catch Seadra, Dragonair and Tentacruel.
Safari Zone Johto: Good Rod allows you to catch Quagsire, Lanturn or *Mantine.
Blackthorn City: Good Rod allows you to catch Horsea and Poliwag instead of
Magikarp and Poliwag.
Route 110 (where you are now): Good Rod allows you to catch *Wailmer and Tentacool.

And that's all -- all other areas have nothing new compared to Old Rod. So grab a
Mantine and a Wailmer. Remember that Mantine can be bred with Wave Incense to
obtain Mantyke. In order to evolve Mantyke, you need to have a Remoraid in your
party, so if you already evolved it into Octillery, you'll need to get another one.


So, anyway, continuing along Route 110, you'll encounter many trainers. Close to
second trainer is a visible Revive. Then hug the southern edge of the path. In the
second gap in the grass is a hidden Revive. Two more trainers, then another hidden
item (a Great Ball). It's tricky to find: near the top of the grass patch is a 4x4
square that is nearly complete (missing the lower left corner and 3-square path
from the lower right corner). The Great Ball is hidden on the second tile of this

The final part of the Route has two trainers and a flower patch with two visible
items: a Heal Ball and a Rare Candy.

Continue north into Mauville City.


Right at the entrance, there is a house with green flowers next to it. Search the
rightmost flower for an X Speed. The woman inside the house will give you TM68
(Giga Impact).

There's a Game Corner, with the following Pokemon Prizes:

*Beldum - 180 coins
Ralts - 500 coins
*Bagon - 2800 coins
Mawile - 5500 coins
*Castform - 9999 coins

Note that there will be a guaranteed Castform later so there's no need to buy it

In the Gym, there are two trainers and Wattson. Beat him for the Dynamo Badge and
TM73 (Thunder Wave). This will upgrade Teleport system in Hoenn again.

Go north to Route 111.

Wild Pokemon: *Volbeat, *Illumise, Weepinbell, *Skitty, Pidgeotto, Oddish. Level
Fishing (Old Rod): Goldeen and Magikarp.
Fishing (Good Rod): Surskit and *Barboach.

Start by fighting two trainers (can be fought together). Go up stairs and then left
through the grass patch until you reach a boulder with a hidden Revive.

Go up the next set of stairs. Fight a trainer, go past him and grab a Stardust.

Continue to a house and grab a HP Up next to it. The house itself has five trainers
- beat them all for a Macho Brace.

Then you'll come to a crossroads. North is another part of Route 111 with three
more trainers. There's also a house with a healer. Right from the house is a grass
patch with a single tree. Search the left tile below the tree for a Protein.

There are three possible exits from Route 111. First go right into the trees to
reach the Mirage Kingdom.


Misty is here and you can fight her again. There's also an old man who will give
you a Togepi. That's all you can do here.

The way west leads to Route 112. However, you can't progress there at the moment.
The only remaining exit is the NW corner of Route 111 and leads to Route 113.

Weather forecast: Sometimes sandstorm
Wild Pokemon: *Trapinch, Sandshrew, *Skarmory, *Spinda, Cacnea, Geodude. Level 14-

Go left and fight two trainers. A pile of rocks north of the second trainer
contains a hidden Ether. Go up and jump the ledge to the right. A pile of rocks on
this ledge contains a Nugget. Jump down again and continue left.

Past the second trainer, go left and down this time to find a visible Super Repel.
Third trainer follows. Go around the big rock on the north to fight a fourth

Go left and a guy on the upper level will give you TM32 (Double Team). Jump down
and fight the last trainer. Continue west to Fallabor Town.


The Contest Hall (the middle building in the upper row) has some flowers in front
of it; the left patch hides a Nugget.

The left house in the upper row has a Move Maniac. The SW house has a Move Tutor
for Rollout.
Enter the Contest Hall for another brush with Team Rocket. After you beat them, the
old guy there is a Move Tutor for Pain Split.

Talk to the guy in the middle of the Contest Hall and he'll ask the guard to let
you pass through Fiery Path (note that you must also beat Misty in the Mirage
Kingdom, otherwise he won't let you through).

Wild Pokemon: *Slugma, Grimer, Koffing, *Numel, *Torkoal. Level 16-18.

A simple linear path with nothing of interest, apart from the wild Pokemon. If you
haven't bread Magcargo, this is your chance to get a Slugma.
Exit south to Lavaridge Town.


A guy near the Gym will fight you.

There's a Hoenn branch of the Day Care in this town.

The guy between Poke Center and Poke Mart will give you a Wynaut egg. Well... why

A guy in Poke Center will sell Moomoo Milk.

The house on the right has a trader who will exchange his Feebas for your Magikarp.

The gym has two levels. There are holes on the upper level and ladders on the lower

Go left and fight the first trainer. Drop down the hole, then go up the ladder on
the left.
Go down the hole north of you to find the second trainer.

Jump down and go up the ladder again. This time, go down a hole in the upper left
corner. Go up a ladder here, then up and left to another hole. Go up past the third
trainer to the next ladder and fight the fourth trainer there.

Jump down the other hole in this room. Go up the ladder and fight the fifth

Go down the other hole, then up the ladder. Fight Flannery. You'll get the Heat
Badge and TM50 (Overheat). Then take the right hole to get near the exit.

After beating Flannery, the Hoenn teleport system upgrades again. You will be also
able to take the route 112 as a shortcut back to Route 111.

Go east to Route 112, as there are a few things to do.

Wild Pokemon: Spinda, Teddiursa, Gulpin, Shroomish, *Swablu, *Solrock, *Lunatone.
Level 16-18.
There is a total of four trainers and two visible items: Guard Spec on the left and
Nugget on the right. There's also a Big Mushroom hidden in a boulder behind the
Guard Spec.

Enter the cave.

Wild Pokemon: Torkoal, Magnemite, Skarmory, Magneton, Steelix. Level 17-21.

A very small cave that contains only one item -- a Charcoal.

Return to Mauville Gym, where you can fight Wattson again. Then go to Petalburg


If you have beaten both Wattson and Flannery, the Petalburg Gym is now accessible.
After you beat May who waits in front of it, I mean.

The Gym has five trainers plus Norman. Beat him for Balance Badge and TM15 (Hyper
Beam). He will also hint that the way east from Mauville City is now open. Go there
and enter Route 118.

Wild Pokemon: Nuzleaf, Shroomish, Breloom, Voltorb, Oddish, Weepinbell, *Spoink,
Vileplume. Level 21-24.
Fishing (Old Rod): Remoraid and *Feebas.
Fishing (Good Rod): Poliwrath, Whiscash and Carvanha.

Directly north of you is a Stardust.

There's eight trainers on this route, and two other items: a visible Leaf Stone in
the eastern part and a hidden Iron. To get it, go north at the eastern edge of the
beach, then west. Three boulders are close to the western edge of this platform;
Iron is hidden in the middle one.

Continue north to Route 119.

Wild Pokemon: Dugtrio, Shroomish, *Shuppet, Breloom, Igglybuff, Vileplume, Oddish,
Castform (rare). Level 21-24.
Fishing (Old Rod): Remoraid and Feebas.
Fishing (Good Rod): Poliwrath, Whiscash and Gyarados.

Don't bother to try and catch a Castform -- there is a guaranteed free one on this

This is a long route. First, you'll come to a big grass patch with two trainers and
a visible Elixir. Then you get to a winding bridge (seriously, who builds a winding
bridge???) with three more trainers. Past the bridge, go immediately left to the
trees and check the empty tile north of you (in the corner) for a hidden Full Heal.
Continue north past another trainer.

When you get to the fork, go right (the way north just leads to a bottom of a
cliff). There will be a short bridge with a single trainer. Past the bridge, go
down the stairs and left for another visible Elixir. Two trainers will ambush you
as you continue north.

Past the big set of stairs, go right through the grass to grab the item (a Sun
Stone). At the fork, go left, and then down to another trainer. East from him is a
Master Ball.

Go north to Weather Institute. A guy on the left will let you change the weather.
Inside is a guy who will give you a Damp Rock, and one who will give you a free

Go out, then back right and up. Fight another trainer and grab a Rare Candy in the
NW corner. Go right past the last trainer to Fortree City.


A guy in the Pokemon Center offers you a Chimecho. It's actually Hoppip, but seeing
that the only place with Hoppip had them quite rare, you might want to get it

The treehouse next to Poke Center has a sleeping guy who is the Move Tutor for
Sleep Talk. The treehouse next to Poke Mart has a guy who will give you a Moon

Go right from this treehouse (the way right from the first one is blocked for now).
Talk to the guy on the next platform for TM10 (Hidden Power). Moving along the
path, you'll get to Brock.

Past Brock, you get to Winona. Talk to her and she'll go to her Gym. This will also
open the way right from the treehouse next to Poke Center.

A guy in the treehouse at the end of the new path will trade your Pikachu for his

The gym has a long winding path with four trainers and Winona. Beating Winona gives
you the Feather Badge and TM58 (Sky Drop). Hoenn teleport system gets upgraded as

Continue east to Route 120.

Weather forecast: Slight chance of rain
Wild Pokemon: *Slakoth, *Chimecho, Gardevoir, Zigzagoon, Beedrill, Flaaffy,
Volbeat, Swablu. Level 23-26.
Fishing (Old Rod): Remoraid and Feebas.
Fishing (Good Rod): Poliwhirl and Masquerain.

Note that Chimecho can be bred with Pure Incense to produce Chingling.

A long north-south route. Start by fighting the first two trainers. Then go right,
fight a third trainer, and collect a Rare Candy at the end of the path.

Go south until you reach grassy path to the left. First patch of flowers south of
this path hides a Zinc.

Continue south and then right for a visible Dusk Ball.

Go left across the bridge. Beat one trainer, then you'll encounter a guy who will
give you a Nest Ball. Continue left and fight two double trainers (as always, they
can be fought twice by talking to one and then the other).

Continue south. Beat another trainer and go right along the water edge to get
another Rare Candy.

Go past next three trainers. In the corner of the cliffs, below a flower patch, is
hidden another Nest Ball.

Fight the last two trainers. When you exit the grass patch, go left. In the upper
right corner of a small alcove in the trees is a Full Restore.

Continue east to Route 121.

Wild Pokemon: Slakoth, Chimecho, Gardevoir, Zigzagoon, Beedrill, Flaaffy, Volbeat,
Swablu. Level 23-26.
Fishing (Old Rod): *Clamperl and *Luvdisc.
Fishing (Good Rod): Mantine, Huntail and Wailmer.

Note the Luvdisc. Luvdiscs often have Heart Scale on them, and you can use those to
pay the Move Relearners.

Right at the start, you will find a healer.

Go right, fight the first trainer. NE from you are twin trainers (these can only be
fought once) and there is an Escape Rope hidden in a NE corner next to them.

When you get to stairs, go down and left. Fight another trainer and grab TM85
(Dream Eater) at the end.

Go right and fight another trainer in the grass patch. Go up stairs to a small
platform with another trainer, and a Carbos hidden two tiles right and one tile up
from the default position of that trainer.

The guy up the stairs from here is not actually a trainer.

Continue along the path. You'll encounter another trainer, then the path turns
north. At the fork, go left, fight a trainer, and get a Shiny Stone at the end of
the path.

Return past the previous trainer. The fence to the north is broken at one point. Go
north through the hole until you reach the flower, then search the flower west of
you for a Zinc.

Go south and fight two trainers. Then go down and left to fight the last trainer
and grab a Max Revive at the end of the path.

That's all here, continue to the east to Lilycove City.


A guy south from the entrance will give you TM71 (Stone Edge).

A guy in the Poke Center will give you a Focus Sash.

The Contest Hall has a Move Tutor for Magic Coat.

The rightmost house in the top row has a Stats Judge.

The house north of the beach has a Name Rater.

The beach has a lot of boulders on it; three of them contain items: the very left
most one, the second rightmost one and the one almost directly SW from the second
one. All three items are Heart Scales.

This city has the Hoenn version of the Department Store. The highlights:

2F, Top cashier:

Hyper Potion - 1200
Max Potion - 2500
Full Restore - 3000
Revive - 1500
Full Heal - 600

2F, Bottom cashier:

Poke Ball - 200
Great Ball - 600
Ultra Ball - 1200
Full Heal - 600
Escape Rope - 550
Max Repel - 700

3F: The girl behind the counter is a Move Tutor for Superpower.

4F, Cashier:
Poke Doll - 1000
Fire Stone - 2100
Thunderstone - 2100
Water Stone - 2100
Leaf Stone - 2100
Moon Stone - 4000
Sun Stone - 3000
Shiny Stone - 2500
Dusk Stone - 2500
Dawn Stone - 2500

5F, Top cashier:

HP Up - 9800
Protein - 9800
Iron - 9800
Calcium - 9800
Zinc - 9800
Carbos - 9800

Bottom one sells:

X Attack - 500
X Defend - 550
X Speed - 350
X Special - 350
X Sp.Def - 350
X Accuracy - 950
Guard Spec - 700
Dire Hit - 650

Alright, now that we found a store that sells all the evolution stones (except Ice
Stone which isn't used until Gen 7), let's just have a quick run of which Pokemon
need them so you'd know how many of each you should get.

Fire Stone: Vulpix -> Ninetales, Growlithe -> Arcanine, Eevee -> Flareon, Pansear
-> Simisear
Thunderstone: Pikachu -> Raichu, Eevee -> Jolteon, Eelektrik -> Eelektross, Pikachu
-> Alolan Raichu
Water Stone: Poliwhirl -> Poliwrath, Shellder -> Cloyster, Staryu -> Starmie, Eevee
-> Vaporeon, Lombre -> Ludicolo, Panpour -> Simipour
Leaf Stone: Gloom -> Vileplume, Weepinbell -> Victreebell, Exeggcute -> Exeggutor,
Nuzleaf -> Shiftry, Pansage -> Simisage, Exeggcute -> Alolan Exeggutor
Moon Stone: Nidorina -> Nidoqueen, Nidorino -> Nidoking, Clefairy -> Clefable,
Jigglypuff -> Wigglytuff, Skitty -> Delcatty, Munna -> Musharna
Sun Stone: Gloom -> Bellossom, Sunkern -> Sunflora, Cottonee -> Whimsicott, Petilil
-> Lilligant, Helioptile -> Heliolisk
Shiny Stone: Togetic -> Togekiss, Roselia -> Roserade, Minccino -> Cinccino,
Floette -> Florges
Dusk Stone: Murkrow -> Honchkrow, Misdreavus -> Mismagius, Lampent -> Chandelure,
Doublade -> Aegislash
Dawn Stone: Kirlia -> Gallade (male only), Snorunt -> Froslass (female only)

The house next to the ship has a captain inside. Defeat him to get him to transport
you to Mossdeep City.

Fishing (Old Rod): Tentacool and Wingull.
Fishing (Good Rod): Wailmer and Sharpedo.

Go north on the beach. You'll encounter a Move Tutor for DynamicPunch and find a
Big Pearl at the end of the path.

On the tile left from Steven Stone's mailbox is a hidden Star Piece. Inside the
house, Steven will give you a Beldum.

A guy on the plateau in the SE part of the island will give you a King's Rock.

The left house on the plateau in the NE part of the island contains two vendors.
The left one sells:
Net Ball - 1000
Dive Ball - 1000
Lure Ball - 300

The right one sells:

Cheri Berry - 200
Chesto Berry - 200
Pecha Berry - 200
Rawst Berry - 200
Aspear Berry - 200
Oran Berry - 200
Lum Berry - 600
Sitrus Berry - 800

A guy blocking the door in the Space Center will give you a Sun Stone.

The gym in this City is full of teleporters, similar to Saffron City. This time,
the rooms are not in any particular grid, so I'll just list them by letters:

Room A: Entry room. One trainer. Teleporter to Room B.

Room B: Three trainers. Teleporters to Room A (NE corner), Room C (SW corner) and
Room D (SE corner).

Room C: Two trainers. NE Teleporter leads to Room B. The other two teleporters lead
into each other.

Room D: Two trainers. SW teleporter leads to Room C. NE teleporter leads to Room E.

Room E: Tate and Liza. SW teleporter leads to Room E. SE teleporter is one-way

teleport to Room A.

Beat Tate and Liza in a double battle for the Mind Badge and TM03 (Psyshock).

The next town is Sootopolis and if you ask around, you'll learn aboud a Psychic who
can teleport you there. He's in the SE part of the island. Talk to him and get
teleported to...

Wait, what?

Fishing (Old Rod): Psyduck and Surskit.

Fishing (Good Rod): Surskit and Tentacruel.

In the top is a ferry back to Mossdeep City if you need to go back. To get back,
use the Psychic again (though this time he will correctly identify your

The Contest Hall has another Move Tutor, this time for Skill Swap.

Go to the forest. You'll have to fight another one of the Elite Four, Drake.

Wild Pokemon: NidoranF, NidoranM, Ralts, Kirlia, Heracross, Tauros, Gardevoir,
Poochyena. Level 27-32.

There's 8 trainers throughout this place, one Move Tutor (Bug Bite, south from the
entrance), and 4 items:

An Ultra Ball east from the entrance (go around the trees).
A Full Heal in the NE corner of the forest.
A Poke Ball hidden in the southern part of the forest. It's in the top left tile of
the big southern grass patch.
A Muscle Band at the end of the path east from the exit.
Continue south to another part of Izabe Island.


In the left house, there's an old woman who will give you TM107 (Curse).

The right house has a trader who will trade your Magneton for his Togetic.

Go through the Gate House to Izabe Desert.

Weather forecast: Sandstorm
Wild Pokemon: Trapinch, Claydol, Rhydon, Camerupt, Phanpy, Donphan, Vibrava,
*Baltoy. Level 27-32.

Permanent Sandstorm here, so try to take something that's immune to it. There's 8
guys in the desert, all trainers except one in the middle who gives you a Claw
Fossil (for Anorith). Talk to him again to obtain a Root Fossil (for Lileep).
Remember that the fossils can be revived either on Cinnabar Island or in Rustboro
City. There are also three items: a Hard Stone in the very south, a second Hard
Stone roughly in the middle, and a Muscle Band in the very north.

Enter the Izabe Cave in the eastern part of the desert.

Wild Pokemon: *Snorunt, Zigzagoon, Mawile, *Absol, Girafarig, Azurill. Level 27-32.

Once you enter, you'll get into another battle with Team Rocket. Then go right to
find a healer. The rest of this icy cave has nothing but three trainers and two
items: NeverMeltIce and BrightPowder. Apart from a few ice puzzles, nothing major.

Note: The only puzzle that might present some difficulties is how to pass the
second ice field. Do it like this:

1. Get the BrightPowder -- that is the easy part since most ways through the field
can get you in this area.

2. Go to the left edge of this area, second tile from the bottom.

3. Go left, down, and right to end up at the correct exit.

At the end, get out to a third part of Izabe Island.


Not much to do here. Talk to the sailor in the NE corner to be offered a ride --
you can go to Mossdeep, Izabe, or Sootopolis.

Talking to this sailor unlocks the ferry system around the Izabe Island. The right
ship in Mossdeep City can now take you to Izabe Front (start of the island) or
Izabe Back (here), and the ship at the start of the island can now take you here as
well as back to Mossdeep City. Similarly, the "Izabe" choice on this ride will take
you to the start of the island.

But we're going to press on and go to Sootopolis City!

Fishing (Old Rod): Tentacool and Wailmer.
Fishing (Good Rod): Surskit, Sharpedo and Tentacruel.

Go north and enter the first house after the Poke Mart. The two guys here will give
you an Ether and an Elixir.

Go across the bay, past the Gym. Grab a Protein at the end of the path.

Nothing else can be done here at the moment, so hit the Gym.

This Gym is fairly open. It has six trainers plus Juan. You have to fight him
twice, once in a double battle and once in a single battle -- and the battles are
in a row. When you defeat him, you'll receive the Rain Badge and TM96 (Bubble

Go to the Poke Center. You'll learn that May wants you to come to Pacifidlog Town.

Beating Yuan will unlock a new teleport upgrade. Also, if you go to Fallabor Town,
you will find Jirachi next to the Contest Hall! Catch it!

Note that Jirachi has a base Speed of 100, meaning that Fast Ball has a bonus
against it. However, don't use Heavy Balls -- despite Jirachi being a Steel type,
it's actually very light.

Also note that you might need multiple attempts. You can't just throw Jirachi to 1
HP using False Swipe -- it has Double-Edge and can accidentally KO itself.

Take the ship from Sootopolis City to Pacifidlog Town (note that you must get the
scene in the Poke Center first).

Fishing (Old Rod): Tentacool and Wailmer.
Fishing (Good Rod): Surskit, Sharpedo and Tentacruel.

This town is built on a bunch of wooden platforms in water for whatever reason.

The middle house in the bottom row has a guy who will give you a Heart Scale.

Go to the Contest Hall. There's a Move Tutor again (this one teaches After You),
and May. Fight her. Once you beat her, the ship will take you to a new location:
Ever Grande Conference.

This small island has basically five "lumps" with various features.

SE lump: This is where you start. You can sail back from here.
Central area: Two shops here.

On the left:
Cheri Berry - 200
Chesto Berry - 200
Pecha Berry - 200
Rawst Berry - 200
Aspear Berry - 200
Oran Berry - 200
Lum Berry - 600
Sitrus Berry - 800

On the right (Team Rocket):

Cleanse Tag - 200
Destiny Knot - 200
Everstone - 200
Poke Doll - 1000
Heart Scale - 9000

SW lump: Grass.
Wild Pokemon: Linoone, Crobat, Donphan, Wingull, Oddish, Misdreavus, Hoothoot,
Wynaut, Shelgon, Sudowoodo, Vibrava, Jynx. Level 35-38.

The Pokemon here are mainly EXP fodder. We haven't found Shelgon's line yet, but
there will be catchable Bagons soon.

NE lump: Incense shop.

Full Incense - 9600
Lax Incense - 9600
Luck Incense - 9600
Odd Incense - 9600
Pure Incense - 9600
Rock Incense - 9600
Rose Incense - 9600
Sea Incense - 9600
Wave Incense - 9600

North lump: Drink shop.

Fresh Water - 200
Soda Pop - 300
Lemonade - 350
Berry Juice - 100

NE lump: Pokemon League.

First, fight Brock who's waiting here. Then enter the building.

At this point, this should be familiar. The guy on the left is a Poke Mart, the
girl left from the entrance will register you for the league, there's a Poke Center
in the top right corner, yadda yadda yadda.

You start with the Elimination (leftmost exit). Then continue with three Double
Battles (second exit from the left x3), Top 32 (middle exit), Top 16 (second exit
from the right), and Top 8 (rightmost exit).

Alright, so we've got to Top 8 (where, once again, we're stopping). When you go
out, one of Professor Oak's assistants meets you and asks you to go see the
Professor. The ship in Ever Grande Conference will now take you straight to
Littleroot Town, so you can just teleport to Pallet Town and go visit him. He will
tell you that Battle Frontier opened in Kanto. So, the third generation is not over
yet -- we still have to deal with this before we get to Sinnoh!

But before we start with Battle Frontier, some new Legendary Pokemon can now be
obtained! But even before THAT, you can fight Tracey on the first floor of Oak's

Now go to Route 121 (west of Lilycove City). Go west until you find the fishing
platform (if you were catching Clamperl/Luvdisc here, you know where it is). Latias
and Latios are now on this platform and you can fight them and catch them.

Both Latias and Latios are fast, so Fast Balls are preferable. They are troublesome
because they both know Recover (so it's hard to keep them at low HP) and Psycho
Shift (so they can pass status problems to your Pokemon instead).

Now go to Sootopolis City. New stairs appeared in the city that allow you to access
a platform with a cave.


Three main legendaries of Gen 3 are here: Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza.

All three are pretty heavy so you'll get bonuses from using Heavy Balls - Rayquaza
has the smallest bonus, Kyogre medium one and Groudon has the highest. However,
their base Speed is under 100 for all three so Fast Balls won't work well here.

Note that Kyogre has Aqua Ring for healing and Groudon has Rest.

With 5 new Legendaries in your possession, go to Viridian City.


Surprise! The Gym that got destroyed is now standing again! You can now fight
Agatha from the Elite Four who stands in front of it.

You can also visit the Contest Hall in Saffron City now (it was blocked
previously). Like in the others, there's a Move Tutor -- this one teaches Zen

Go to Cerulean City.


Get a rematch with Misty in the Gym. Then go west to Route 4. You might remember
that there was an item here that you couldn't get before, but now part of the fence
disappeared and you can grab a Life Orb.

Go a bit wast from the fence. There is a path to the north. Take it to get to the
Battle Factory.

Wild Pokemon: Growlithe, Beedrill, Graveler, Golem, Geodude, Arcanine, Onix,
Jigglypuff, Cleffa. Level 35-38.

First you have to pass through a winding path with four trainers. Then you get to
an area with a vendor and TM106 (Bullet Punch).

The vendor sells:

Fresh Water - 200
Soda Pop - 300
Lemonade - 350
Berry Juice - 100
Max Potion - 2500
Full Restore - 3000
Revive - 1500

Liza, the Charizard girl is here again to act as a Day Care point.

Enter the building.

Inside looks like a smaller version of the various Pokemon Leagues -- you have a
Poke Mart and a Poke Center in there, and a guy who lets you in to fight.

Note that despite what people here say, you don't get any rental Pokemon -- you
fight Noland with your normal team.

Go to Saffron City.


First of all, do you remember the Fighting Dojo? It was the previous Gym in Saffron
City (before Sabrina came). Now that you've beaten Noland, it's finally open! It
contains 5 trainers. The last one will give you TM94 (Rock Smash).

Here's a fairly useless trick: Go to Pewter City and east to Route 3. Next to Mt
Moon entrance is a rock that can be broken with Rock Smash. There is an Ultra Ball
hidden in the wall behind it.

Anyway, back in Saffron City, go through the SW exit. You will fight May, then
continue to Battle Arena.


Go all the way around the Arena to get a Black Belt in the NW corner. Then go
inside and fight the four trainers there. Then go through the door to fight Greta.

Beating Great unlocks two new places -- the southern exit from Lavender Town, and
the eastern exit from Fuchsia City. They form a big loop -- let's go for it from
the Lavender side.

There's a Move Tutor for Volt Tackle in the gate building. Go south to Route 12.

Fishing (Old Rod): Magikarp and Wailmer.
Fishing (Good Rod): Gyarados, Goldeen and Tentacruel.

Go south and after first set of stairs, go left. In the upper left and lower left
corners of this area are two hidden items: an Elixir and a Lure Ball.

Go south on the pier/bridge and beat the first trainer. Next guy you see will give
you a Net Ball. Then you meet five more trainers (two are a double battle that can
be fought twice).

Next is a small island with Pokemon Breeding Center. You can't pass because of all
the eggs, so go inside for another battle with Team Rocket. Afterwards, you can
accept several eggs. If you want to take them, remember that the Breeding Center
has a PC. It also has a healer inside.

So, there's a total of 9 eggs you can get (despite the claims that they will give
you one as a gift, you can grab all nine). They are: Cleffa, Eevee, Igglybuff,
Pichu, Magby, Makuhita, Smoochum, Vulpix and Elekid. You probably don't NEED any of
them (maybe except Eevee since you need a LOT of those to complete the Pokedex),
but hey, they are free. You can try to make a Pokemon omelette.

The SW corner of the island (before the pier) has a hidden Iron.

Three more trainers and then you can leave to south to Route 13.

Wild Pokemon: Farfetch'd, Bellossom, Barboach, Dragonair, Surskit, Exeggutor,
Azumarill, Vileplume, Machop, Shroomish. Level 35-38.
Fishing (Old Rod): Goldeen and Marill.
Fishing (Good Rod): Surskit, Barboach and Quagsire.

There's one trainer on the bridge and eight more on the land, in the maze of fences
(two are double battle that can be fought twice). If you need healing, just enter
the Battle Dome building -- there's a healer on the right side.

When you're done here, go to the Battle Dome and talk to the guy on top to fight
Tucker. Beating him opens a new area in the Safari Zone, so let's go there -- by
finishing this loop.

Go south from Route 13 to reach Route 14.

Wild Pokemon: Elekid, Seedot, Scyther, Nuzleaf, Exeggutor, Volbeat, Illumise,
Kangaskhan, Linoone, Dugtrio. Level 35-39.

This is basically an open road with 8 trainers (two are a double battle that can be
fought twice). In the NW corner, next to a cliff, is a hidden Zinc (it's on the
tile you have to go through in order to reach the grass patch). In the SW corner,
there's 5 Pinap Berries hidden in a flower (second flower from the left in the top

In the SE corner of this Route is Celebi! Fight and catch it. Celebi's Speed Stat
is 100, so Fast Balls work on it. Actually, it shouldn't be that hard -- Celebi has
much higher catch rate than most Legendaries.
Continue west to Route 15.

Wild Pokemon: Kangaskhan, Linoone, Elekid, Dugtrio, Seedot, Scyther, Nuzleaf,
Exeggutor, Volbeat, Illumise. Level 35-39.

This Route is divided in upper and lower level -- you have to enter from Route 14
in a right way to get to the upper level.

The upper level has 4 trainers (two of them are a double battle) and a Rock Incense
at the end. The lower level has another 4 trainers.

Continue west through a gate building to Fuchsia City. Let's hit the Safari Zone!


Go north to the lake, then west and north to the exit to Hoenn area of the Safari

Wild Pokemon: Bagon, Gardevoir, Nuzleaf, Vigoroth, Beldum, Swablu, Vibrava,

*Nosepass, *Tropius, Dusclops. Level 30-35.
Fishing (Old Rod): Surskit and Barboach.
Fishing (Good Rod): Lombre, *Spheal and Clamperl.

Four items here:

Calcium next to where you start.
A Rocky Helmet in the SW corner.
A Water Stone in the NW corner.
A hidden Nugget: roughly in the center of the area is a small lake that is just a
horizontal line of water. Go west along its north shore. You'll hit a corner -- the
Nugget is hidden in that corner.

Go to the NE corner, then west. Beat Brock and enter the Battle Pike.

The Battle Pike building has a healer in top left corner. It has five "paths",
reached by talking to the five attendants on the top. The "correct" path is the
second one from the right -- that leads to the boss. But you might want to explore
the four other paths first -- they lead to two trainers and two items: a Sacred Ash
and a Max Revive.

Note that leaving the area of Battle Pike will deposit you back in the entry gate
of Safari Zone. Also, your Safari Game ends immediately when you enter the Battle

Now get to Cinnabar Island. A ship here will now have a new destination: Metallica

Wild Pokemon: Beedrill, Aron, Tropius, Rhyhorn, *Meditite, Smoochum, Girafarig,
Rapidash, Nidoking, Ponyta. Level 38-41.
Fishing (Old Rod): Wingull and Surskit.
Fishing (Good Rod): Surskit and Pelipper.
Left of the Battle Palace are two trees that stand next to each other. Search the
empty tile right of them for TM78 (Bulldoze). Then go to Battle Palace.

Battle Palace itself is very simple. Just a healer, a PC, and a way to fight

Now go to Route 22 (west of Viridian City). You can now use the south exit to Route

Wild Pokemon: Jynx, Butterfree, Ninetales, Snorunt, Loudred, Persian, Spinda,
Mawile, Manectric, Growlithe, Venomoth, Spearow. Level 38-41.
Fishing (Old Rod): Lotad and Azurill.
Fishing (Good Rod): Gyarados, Marill and Lombre.

Basically, this is a long north-south route with Battle Tower at the south end.
There are six trainers along the way, along with a few more goodies:

There's a Soul Dew just a bit SW from the entrance.

The first grass patch contains a visible Max Elixir.

The first house contains a healer.

There is a guy in the grass patch by the second house who will give you TM100 (Horn

While you won't get anything in the second house, the tile just south from the door
hides a Rare Candy.

Battle Tower has a healer and a PC, as usual. There are two girls behind a counter.
Talk to the left one to take the challenge, where you have to go through a hall and
beat five trainers. Then talk to the right girl to take on Anabel.

Beating Anabel opens the last stage of Battle Frontier, but first go back on Route
26. There's an island in the lake and Deoxys appears on the island! Deoxys is fast,
so Fast Balls are the preferable ammunition.

Note that there are four meteors (rocks) on the peninsula where you fight Deoxys.
If you have Deoxys in your party, interacting with these rocks will allow you to
change its form.

Then go to Pewter City and take the new exit west to Battle Pyramid.


Right after you enter the area, you'll be thrown into a battle against Brock.

Wild Pokemon: Miltank, Nuzleaf, Shroomish, Altaria, Seedot, Pidgeot, Salamence,

Hoothoot, Mankey, Vigoroth, Slaking. Level 40-43.
Fishing (Old Rod): Azurill and Remoraid.
Fishing (Good Rod): Mantine, Ninetales and Gyarados.

There's a Wide Lens in the SE corner of the area.

The Battle Pyramid is a bit more complicated than the previous areas. You need to:

1. Fight Brandon who is NOT in the building, but outside (west from the stairs to
the plateau).

2. Go inside (it has the usual amenities, healer, PC, plus even a Day Care). Talk
to the guy at the top and fight Brandon again, "officially".

3. Go out. An Aipom will steal your Frontier Pass.

4. Go to Indigo Plateau. Aipom will be in the building. Beat it.

5. Go back to Battle Pyramid and fight Brandon for the third time.

After you do all this, Brandon will leave you Poke Balls with his Regirock, Regice
and Registeel in Battle Pyramid. Another three Legendaries obtained, and this time
without RNG!

Don't forget to heal -- you will have to fight May before you get back to Pewter
City. Then go to Pallet Town, beat Gary who blocks your way to the lab, talk to Oak
again and he'll open Gen 4 to you!

Go to Vermillion City. The left ship (the one you use to go to Hoenn) will now take
you to Sinnoh.

Wild Pokemon: *Starly, *Chatot, *Budew, *Bidoof, *Buneary, Zigzagoon, Staravia.
Level 2-5.
Fishing (Old Rod): Mantyke and Remoraid.
Fishing (Good Rod): Mantine and Bibarel.

New 4th Gen Pokemon start here! Budew is the 4th-gen pre-evolution of Roselia, a
Pokemon we haven't found yet. Just bear in mind that you will need Rose Incense if
you wish to breed more Budews and not just Roselias.

Start by going south to Sandgem Town.


Go to the lab. You'll meet your new rival, Paul and fight him. The lab contains a
teleporter that connects it to the teleporters in other regions. Grab the Piplup
from the table.

Before going into the world, let's go west, to Route 201.

Wild Pokemon: Starly, Chatot, Budew, Bidoof, Buneary, Zigzagoon, Staravia. Level 2-

Nothing interesting here -- continue west and north to Lake Verity.

Wild Pokemon: Starly, Chatot, Budew, Bidoof, Buneary, Zigzagoon, Staravia. Level 2-
Fishing (Old Rod): Mantyke and Remoraid.
Fishing (Good Rod): Mantine and Bibarel.

Grab TM19 (Telekinesis) in the NE corner. Nothing else to do here for now.

Go south from Route 201 to reach Twinleaf Town.

Fishing (Old Rod): Psyduck and Magikarp.
Fishing (Good Rod): Goldeen and Golduck.

There is the Fist Plate in the SW corner.

Plate Collection: 1/17

It's time to go on. Return to Sandgem Town and talk to Dawn in the NE corner.
Defeat her and you can leave to a new section of Route 202.


There are three trainers. There is also a Turtwig who won't let you into the woods.
Catch it. In the woods is a girl who will give you a Miracle Seed. Four flowers
here also hold items:

Chesto Berry (top right flower in the group of 3 in the SW corner).

Sitrus Berry (the rightmost flower in the L-shaped patch close to SE corner).
Leppa Berry (the lone flower in the NE corner).
Lum Berry (the lone flower in the NW corner, NE from the house).

Go north to Jubilife City.


Right from the start, go west aroud the plateau the city is on to get an X Attack
at the end of the road.

The first house you come to has an old lady who will give you a Quick Claw.

Brock is in the western part of the city. Fight him. He'll give you a Sacred Ash.

The house NE of Brock is a school. There's a trainer there.

In the middle of the city is a park. Search the right tile below the tree there for
a Stardust.

There are two new exits right now: north and east. Go east for now.

Wild Pokemon: Pidgey, Spearow, Seedot, Nuzleaf, Hoothoot, Natu, Taillow, Swablu,
Swellow, Pidgeot, Shiftry, Vileplume. Level 4-7.
Fishing (Old Rod): Psyduck and Magikarp.
Fishing (Good Rod): Golduck and Seaking.

Once you enter, you'll get into a fight with Paul.

Go right and up. Beat the trainer and grab an item to the right (a Poke Ball).

Continue right and fight two other trainers. Then go up and left past another two
trainers to get the item at the end of the path (a Repel). Go back right and enter
the cave.

Wild Pokemon: Zubat, Psyduck, Geodude, Ursaring. Level 4-8.

This is a fairly small cave with just two trainers. There are two hidden items: a
Moon Stone is in lone boulder at the point where a path branches off to the north.
From there, go all the way south. Check a tile left of you (diagonally adjacent to
two different rock piles) for a Big Pearl. Then go right, fight the first trainer,
and grab the Stone Plate at the end.

Plate Collection: 2/17

Go right again, fight the second trainer and exit the cave into Oreburgh City.


This is a big place so let's do this systematically.

Top row of houses:

The left house has a girl who will trade your Machoke for her Kadabra.
The second house has a girl who will give you a Heal Ball if you have a Zubat in
your party.
The house at the end of the row (a few positions south from the row) has a guy who
will give you a Great Ball.

Go left past the gym. The man in the house there will give you a Dusk Ball.

The museum has another guy who will revive fossils for you.

Go south in the area in front of the mines. There are four items hidden in
breakable rocks. I mean, in rocks that look like they could be breakable. They
actually aren't.

1. The SW corner. Contains a Dire Hit.

2. South from a pillar on the western side of the area. Contains a Stardust.
3. A bit NW from the signpost. Contains a Pearl.
4. South of the house. Contains a Yellow Shard.

Enter the Oreburgh Mine to the south.

Wild Pokemon: Zubat, Geodude, Onix. Level 4-10.

Go down the ladder. This area has two trainers and two visible items: a Poke Ball
and an Escape Rope. Talk to Roark to get him to go back to the Gym. You'll also get
a Skull Fossil that can be revived into Cranidos.

Now go to the Gym. It has two trainers and Roark. Beat him for Coal Badge and TM39
(Rock Tomb).

Teleport system in Sinnoh gets upgraded now.

The way north from Oreburgh City (Route 207) is blocked by rocks (though you can
still catch some new Pokemon there), so go back to Jubilife City and go up to Route

Wild Pokemon: *Pachirisu, Paras, *Shinx, Budew, *Kricketot, Bidoof. Level 4-7.
Fishing (Old Rod): Feebas and Magikarp.
Fishing (Good Rod): Bidoof, Seaking and Golduck.

First of all, enter Route 204 as far to the east as possible (by going around the
fence in Jubilife City). This will drop you into an enclosed area with a Parlyz

Then go along the normal path and fight a trainer. Go around the fence to the left
and then all the way back to Jubilife City along this side of fence to grab a HP

Go north and fight another trainer. Further north, you'll find a cave. This part is
impassable if you come here before beating Roark, but it will be open now. Fight
the last trainer next to the cave and enter.

Wild Pokemon: Bidoof, Steelix, Hitmontop, Zubat
Cave: (Bidoof 40%, Steelix 30%, Hitmontop 20%, Zubat 10%) L4-7

Very short cave path leading to northern part of Route 204.


There are four trainers in this part (two of them are a double battle), and two
items: an Awakening directly north from the cave (though you'll have to go long way
around to reach it) and a Sea Incense in a nook on the western side.

Continue north to Floaroma Town.


The Contest Hall has another battle against Dawn. There's also a Move Tutor for
Go through NE exit to Floaroma Meadow and grab an Ultra Ball, a Leaf Stone, a
Miracle Seed, and the Toxic Plate there.

Plate Collection: 3/17

The house in NE corner has a berry shop:

Cheri Berry - 200
Chesto Berry - 200
Pecha Berry - 200
Rawst Berry - 200
Aspear Berry - 200
Oran Berry - 200
Lum Berry - 600
Sitrus Berry - 800

The house in SE corner has a guy who will give you TM84 (Poison Jab).

Once you defeat Dawn, you can go through the eastern exit and reach Route 205.

Wild Pokemon: *Combee, Shinx, Bellsprout, Budew, Swinub, Bellossom, Skiploom,
Sandshrew, Growlithe, Bidoof. Level 8-13.
Fishing (Old Rod): Goldeen and Quagsire.
Fishing (Good Rod): Whiscash and Wooper.

When catching a Combee, make sure you'll get a female! Only female Combees can
evolve. The best way to ensure it is to have a male Pokemon with Cute Charm ability
leading the party. The possible Pokemon with this ability that you can have at the
moment are Clefairy line, Jigglypuff line, Skitty line, and maybe Sylveon or
Lopunny if you've evolved one. All those Pokemon can have another ability and/or be
female, so look through your collection to see what you have.

Right at the start, check a dirt patch to find 10 Oran Berries.

This is a big and fairly open route. You'll encounter 8 trainers as you make your
way north. There are four visible items -- south to north, they are: an X Attack, a
Heal Ball, a Poke Ball, and a Repel.

From the Repel, go north as far as you can, then one tile left and check the tile
above you for an X Defend.

The house in the northern part of the route has a healer.

Since the path to the NE is blocked, go north to the Eterna Forest.

Wild Pokemon: Combee, *Burmy, Caterpie, Ledyba, Shroomish, Sunkern, Kakuna, Gloom,
Vespiquen. Level 8-13.

Note Burmy. You might want more of those because it can evolve in several different
ways: males evolve into Mothim (Bug/Flying), but females evolve into Wormadam whose
type depends on the "cloak" your Burmy has -- fighting in grass will make it evolve
into Bug/Grass, fighting in caves into Bug/Ground and fighting in cities into
Eevee will evolve into Leafeon if you level it up here.

Once you enter the forest, you'll get into another battle with Team Rocket.

Go north, fight a trainer and grab a Net Ball to the west.

From the start, go east, fight a trainer and grab the Insect Plate.

Plate Collection: 4/17

North of you is a group of 7 trees. Line yourself above the center of the top tree
and go north as far as you can. Then turn around -- tile south of you has a hidden

Go through a winding path with another trainer. You'll end up in an area with four
big clumps of trees. There are three trainers here, and the NW-most grass tile
hides a Green Shard.

Fight two trainers in the NE corner to go further. One tile on a meadow in front of
the next grass patch looks a bit different -- there's Honey hidden on that spot.

Fight another trainer, then go to the NW part of this area for a Soothe Bell.
Finally, go east and fight Gardenia. East from her is the exit to another part of
Route 205.


Go north and west along the narrow path to get to the other side of blocked exit in
the previous part. There is TM95 (Snarl) there.

This area has a bridge with three trainers. South from the bridge is a X Sp.Def. In
the north is another dirt patch with 10 Sitrus Berries.

Continue east to Eterna City.


The path to the tower is blocked by three shrubs. Search the middle one for a Berry

There's a PP Up next to the Bike Shop.

The tall house has a Name Rater on Floor 2, as well as a guy who will give you a
Leppa Berry (it doesn't matter how you answer his question). On the top floor is a
trader who will trade your Buizel for his Chatot.

The eastern part of a town contains a shop that sells:

EnergyPowder - 500
Heal Powder - 450
Energy Root - 800
Revival Herb - 2800
Poke Ball - 200

The Gym has just Gardenia -- but she wants you to beat her trainers first, so use
the teleport, fight the three trainers there, and then fight Gardenia. She will
give you the Forest Badge and TM86 (Grass Knot).

Sinnoh teleport system gets updated. Also, the roadblock on Route 205 gets cleared
so you can move along it faster without going through Eterna Forest.

There are two possible ways to continue, east to Route 211 or south to Route 206.
Go to Route 206 -- Route 211 will be quite some time later.

Wild Pokemon: Happiny, Furret, Mismagius, *Hippopotas, Onix, Electrike, Crobat,
Graveler, Golem. Level 14-19.

This is your first chance to get a Happiny if you haven't bred a Chansey yet.

Route 206 has two parts: the cycling overpass and the road below. You start on the
overpass. Go left and grab the PP Up. Fight the six trainers, grab the Sky Plate,
and leave at the south end.

Plate Collection: 5/17

On the lower level, go back north, as there is a few things you can grab. There's a
Full Heal, and you can also get 10 Rawst Berries from the dirt patch.

Then continue south to Route 207.

Wild Pokemon: Hippopotas, Golem, Mismagius, Happiny, Onix, Electrike, Crobat,
Graveler, Furret. Level 14-19.

Note: The Pokemon are the same as on Route 206, but their probabilities differ. In
particular, Shieldon is MUCH easier to get here.

Also note that this route is an electric zone -- Magneton and Nosepass (and later
Charjabug) will evolve if you level them up here.

Also note that you need to beat Gardenia before you get here -- otherwise, the path
will be blocked by rocks.

From the start, go west aroung the trees. You'll find a Great Ball hidden in the NW
corner of this alcove.

Go east and south. Don't go down the stairs yet, though. Go further east. fight a
trainer and search a boulder close to him for a Rare Candy.

Go up stairs and then west for another trainer and a Sun Stone. Then go east for
another trainer.

Go north, down the stairs to your west and jump the ledge down. This area has
another three trainers and the Flame Plate.

Plate Collection: 6/17

Finally go down the stairs in the SW part and grab a Timer Ball at the NW corner of
the area with the grass patch.
There are two exits from this route: you can go south to Oreburgh City, or you can
talk to the guy with Abra by the cave to be teleported to Hearthome City.


Start by going east and grab the Mind Plate.

Plate Collection: 7/17

The lady in the house next to the PokeCenter will give you a Big Mushroom.

The house right from the Poke Mart is another Pokemon Fan Club and it has a Stats
Judge. The house left from the Poke Mart has a girl who will give you TM104 (Air

The Contest Hall has a Move Tutor for Helping Hand.

Since the Gym is inaccessible and all ways out (including Poke Center teleport) are
blocked, let's go to the big building -- the Battle Hall!


Talk to the girl behind the counter to register. Then talk to Paul (if you forgot
how he looks, he's the purple-haired guy on the left side). Talk to the attendant
to go to the first match. The battles here are 2v2, and you always have an ally who
sends out his own Pokemon.

There is a healer and a PC in the Battle Hall, so you don't have to go to Poke
Center after every battle.

Talk to the attendant again for a second battle. Then leave the Battle Hall to see
Paul kicking out his Chimchar. Take the Chimchar (notice that you need to have an
empty spot in your active party).

Talk to Paul inside Battle Hall agian and go fight the third battle. And then the
fourth. You will win a Soothe Bell (and Paul will give you his, so you'll get 2).

At this point, you can leave the city, although the south exit is still blocked.
Western exit will teleport you back to Route 207, so go east to Route 209 instead.

Wild Pokemon: *Zangoose, *Spiritomb, Pidgeot, Raticate, Bagon, Bidoof, Nosepass,
Metang, Rhydon, Magmar. Level 19-22.
Fishing (Old Rod): Magikarp and Goldeen.
Fishing (Good Rod): Bibarel and Gyarados.

Start by going north. In this area, fight a trainer and grab Honey.

Go over the bridge, fight another trainer and go north for a big dirt patch whose
two tiles hide 10 Chesto Berries and 10 Razz Berries.

Go back to the second trainer. Right from there is a double trainer and another
trainer on the pier.

Go south over the bridge and past the trees to get TM75 (Swords Dance). Then go

Dawn on the next bridge will offer trade her Buizel for your Aipom.

After Dawn's bridge, go to the NW corner of the next area. It hides a Super Potion.

Go past another trainer and turn west before going down the stairs into a
depression. Go north in this area to grab a Calcium. Go back to the stairs.

North of the depression is a trainer. Go east to another trainer and a TinyMushroom

hidden in the SE corner of this area.

Then there is one last double trainer and that's all for Route 209! Continue north
to Solaceon Town.

Right at the start go east to dirt patch with three sets of 10 berries: Persim,
Nanab and Figy. Further east is a trader who will trade your Raichu for his

The Contest Hall has a Move Tutor for Heal Bell.

West from the Contest Hall is Sinnoh Day Care.

There's a Big Mushroom hidden in the lonely patch of flowers in the northern part
of the city. A guy nearby will give you Oval Charm -- it increases the chance to
get eggs from Day Care Centers.

Eastern side of the town is a series of ledges. Go down the second ledge from the
right to reach a PP Up. Then you'll reach a house with two traders -- one will
trade your Electabuzz for his Magmortar, and the other will trade your Magmar for
his Electivire.

Then go down the ledge at the eastern edge of the town. Reach the Solaceon Ruins.

Wild Pokemon: Unown. Level 20.

You'll get into another Team Rocket battle once you enter the cave. Then grab the
Dread Plate in the back of the cave.

Plate Collection: 8/17

Go back to the town and continue north to Route 210.

Wild Pokemon: *Drifloon, Luxray, Swinub, Ponyta, Abra, Miltank, Glaceon, Machoke,
Psyduck, Muk, Beedrill. Level 19-25.
Fishing (Old Rod): Wooper and Psyduck.
Fishing (Good Rod): Psyduck, Wooper and Muk.
Right now, not all of Route 210 is accessible. The accessible part has 4 normal
trainers and 2 pairs of double trainers. There are also a few items:

Rare Candy: hidden on the big plaetau, one tile south from the NW corner.
Super Repel and Great Ball: visible in the western part of the Route.
Heat Rock: the lady south of the house will give it to you.

The house has a vendor selling Moomoo Milk for 500.

Continue east to Route 215.

Weather forecast: High probability of rain
Wild Pokemon: Gligar, Beautifly, Gliscor, Hippopotas, Butterfree, *Glameow,
Hippowdon, Spearow, Pidgeot, *Cherubi (rare)

There will be better places to catch Cherubi soon, no need to do it here.

This place is a bit confusing, especially because of the bridges -- to accommodate

the crossings into game engine, you teleport from one end of a bridge to another
and walk normally underneath.

Despite the twists and turns, the path is fairly linear, at least at the beginning.
Cross first bridge, go north for Splash Plate...

Plate Collection: 9/17

...fight two trainers, grab an Ether. Go up to the plateau, fight a trainer, cross
a second bridge and then a third. Go down, fight a trainer and grab a Zinc in dead
end to the east, then go south underneath the bridge for another trainer.

Go east, go up the plateau, cross a bridge for a Max Revive. Go back and walk
underneath that bridge.

Continue north and east, and talk to the guy there for a Macho Brace.

Go east into grass to find a HP Up. South from that grass patch are stairs down
that lead to a Protein.

Go west for another trainer. The western dead end has a Carbos.

Go east, fight the last two trainers, and exit the Route to the east.


Start by going north. Grab TM122 (Dark Pulse) in this area.

The NE corner of the "lower level" of this city has a Full Incense.

The house north from Poke Center has a Groomer.

This town has the Sinnoh version of the Department Store. The highlights:

2F, Top cashier:

Potion - 200
Super Potion - 700
Hyper Potion - 1200
Max Potion - 2500
Full Restore - 3000
Revive - 1500
Antidote - 100
Parlyz Heal - 200
Burn Heal - 250
Ice Heal - 250
Awakening - 250
Full Heal - 600

2F, Bottom cashier:

Poke Ball - 200
Great Ball - 600
Ultra Ball - 1200
Escape Rope - 550
Repel - 350
Super Repel - 500
Max Repel - 700
Grass Mail - 50
Flame Mail - 50
Bubble Mail - 50
Space Mail - 50

3F: The girl behind the counter is a Move Tutor for Signal Beam. Also, the girl in
the southern part of this floor will give you an Electirizer and a Magmarizer.

4F, Cashier:
Poke Doll - 1000
Air Mail - 50
Tunnel Mail - 50
BLoom Mail - 50
Fire Stone - 2100
Thunderstone - 2100
Water Stone - 2100
Leaf Stone - 2100

5F, Top cashier:

HP Up - 9800
Protein - 9800
Iron - 9800
Calcium - 9800
Zinc - 9800
Carbos - 9800

Bottom one sells:

X Attack - 500
X Defend - 550
X Speed - 350
X Special - 350
X Sp.Def - 350
X Accuracy - 950
Guard Spec - 700
Dire Hit - 650

Rooftop has vending machines, selling:

Fresh Water - 200
Soda Pop - 300
Lemonade - 350

Veilstone City has also a Game Corner. Its Pokemon are:

Chingling - 180 coins
*Snover - 500 coins
*Gible - 2800 coins
Spiritomb - 5500 coins
*Rotom - 9999 coins

Rotom is only available as a one-off Pokemon later.

Search the tile south of the Game Corner sign for a Star Piece.

On the plateau with the Gym, enter the one house you can. Talk to the guy inside
(Reggie). After the first talk, he becomes a move tutor for Brave Bird.

Once you talk to him, the guy blocking the Gym entrance disappears and Dawn appears
in his place. Talk to her to get her to leave. you can now go inside.

The Gym has four trainers and Maylene. Beat her for the Cobble Badge and TM47 (Low
Sweep). Sinnoh teleport system gets upgraded again.

Now leave Veilstone City through the southern gate and go to Route 214.

Wild Pokemon: Chansey, Unown, *Stunky, Munchlax, Dustox, Cherubi, Budew, Shinx.
Level 19-25.
Fishing (Old Rod): *Nincada.
Fishing (Good Rod): *Buizel and Floatzel.

Go south and fight the first trainer. Go east and grab 3 Pomeg Berries and 3 Chesto
Berries in the dirt patch.

Go south from the berries and keep to the eastern side of the fence to find a Rare

Continue south, fighting another 4 trainers. Then go to the grass on the west and
go around the fence to find a Big Root.

Continue south to another trainer.

Go west and north. In the NW corner of this area (empty tile in a grass patch)
hides a Heart Scale.

Go back south, then to the west. South of you, in the big grass patch, is a

Go up on the plateau. This area of Route 214 has three more trainers and two
visible items: a
Razor Fang and a Red Shard.

Return all the way to the old man trainer and continue south to Valor Lakefront.

Wild Pokemon: Chansey, Unown, Stunky, Munchlax, Dustox, Cherubi, Budew, Shinx.
Level 19-25.

Continue south through a few more grass patches to reach the path leading into the
woods. Go there and talk to Wallace (otherwise the people in the town will send you
to find him anyway).

Fishing at Lake Valor:

Old Rod: Feebas and Nincada.
Good Rod: Buizel, Floatzel and Milotic.

Go out and continue south into the town.

The first building you see is the Seven Stars Restaurant which has 5 pairs of
double trainers.

South of the restaurant is a guy who will give you a Sun Stone.

The house west from the restaurant has a healer.

In the corner south from the Contest Hall is a Big Mushroom.

Go to the Contest Hall. Wallace is there and he now serves as a Move Tutor for Aqua
Tail. There's a PC (important since there's no formal Poke Center here). There's
also May -- fight her. This will open the southern exit from the town. Grab the
Pixie Plate in the SE corner and exit the town to Route 213.

Plate Collection: 10/17

Wild Pokemon: Yanma, *Croagunk, Wingull, *Shellos, Chatot, Drapion. Level 20-26.
Fishing (Old Rod): Tentacool and Magikarp.
Fishing (Good Rod): Remoraid, Gyarados and Octillery.

Drapion is an evolved form of Skorupi -- you will be able to catch it later.

The first part of the Route has two trainers and a Pearl hidden in the SE corner of
the beach. Talk to Paul who blocks your way and fight him.

Continue west. There's another Pearl hidden in the first boulder you come to.

Continue west along the beach. Fight a trainers. After the trainer, there will be
another guy at the beach (just a normal fishing guy), then there will be a group of
3 boulders -- the SE one contains yet another Pearl. Go even further west and grab
a Heart Scale hidden in the lone boulder by the rock face.

Go to the house. The tile in front of the door hides a Max Revive. Inside is Dr.
Footprint who will tell you about the happiness of your Pokemon.

Note that if he judges a Pokemon as "super friendly", it means that happiness is at

max. Such Pokemon are eligible to get a Footprint Ribbon from him, and if it
evolves by happiness, it will definitely evolve upon leveling up.

If he says that a Pokemon is "quite friendly", it MIGHT be able to evolve (if it

evolves by happiness). It's not guaranteed, but even if it can't evolve yet, it
only has a short way to go.

From the house, continue east. Turn north at first boulder and search the next
boulder you come to for another Heart Scale. Fight the trainer in the area, talk to
the second guy for a Water Stone, then go east towards Valor Lakefront and north
along the rock face to a HP Up in the NE corner.

Go west from there. First and third boulder you come to hide more Pearls. Exit the
beach to the west. There's a Yellow Shard in this area and two dirt patches: the
western one has 3 Iapapa Berries and 3 Rawst Berries, and the eastern one has 3
Aguav Berries and 3 Rawst Berries.

Continue west through a gate into Pastoria City.

Weather forecast: Slight chance of rain

Brock is next to the Poke Center. Fight him.

The guy in the house south from the Poke Center will give you TM48 (Round).

The house south from that has a Move Maniac.

A guy in the SW corner of the city will give you a Mystic Water. The house north of
him has a girl who will give you a Yellow Scarf if you talk to her with a Pikachu
in your leading slot.

The Gym starts blocked, but it will be unblocked after you beat Brock. It has 6
trainers plus Crasher Wake. Beat him for the Fen Badge and TM97 (Aqua Jet).

Teleport system in Sinnoh gets upgraded now and we can explore some more places,
but first of all, go to Fuchsia City -- it's time to go to a new part of Safari
Zone! Leave Safari Zone Kanto through newly opened eastern exit.

Wild Pokemon: *Carnivine, *Skorupi, Croagunk, Luxio, Starly, Budew, Bidoof,
Staravia, Toxicroak, Gible, Drapion. Level 30-38.
Fishing (Old Rod): *Finneon and Mantyke.
Fishing (Good Rod): Bibarel, Gastrodon and Lumineon.

From start, go right until you get past the 2x4 rectangle of small trees, then
north. The tile before next small tree you run into contains a Nugget. There are
also two visible items. From north to south, they are: a Fire Stone, and an Iron.

Return to Pastoria City and leave to the southwest. Welcome to Route 212.

Weather forecast: Slight chance of rain
Wild Pokemon: Ralts, Roselia, Buizel, Kricketune, Shellos, Croagunk, Staravia,
Smeargle. Level 21-26.
Old Rod: (Marill 70%, Psyduck 30%) L21-23
Good Rod: (Octillery 60%, Gyarados 20%, Gastrodon 20%) L21-24
Super Rod: (Marill 40%, Psyduck 40%, Octillery 15%, Gyarados 4%, Gastrodon 14%)

This is a pretty big Route. It connects Pastoria City and Hearthome City -- the
entrance from Hearthome City is now open as well.

Fight the first trainer. After you beat him, he will trade your Jolteon for his

This area has four small pools. The center of the NE pool contains a hidden Dawn

Next part is a complicated pier maze with four trainers.

The western end of this maze has three exits. Go through the top exit to reach a
Rare Candy. The other two exits lead to an area with three trainers and a Max
Ether. To the west is another trainer and a Protein. An old man in the house there
will give you 10 Max Repels.

From the ledge below where the Rare Candy was, continue west. You'll reach a
trainer, then a grass patch with a hidden Heart Scale (2nd grass tile from top, 2nd
from west). After a few more turns, you'll get to another trainer.

Next you'll encounter Gary. Fight him and he'll give you a Razor Fang. Continue
north, around a lake.

Next part is a garden full of bushes. Start by going to the west and search a tile
in a corner formed by bushes outside of garden. There's a Super Potion there. Then
continue north and grab a Rose Incense.

Now let's have a look at the Pokemon Mansion. Enter the courtyard -- there's one
normal trainer and a pair of double trainers. East from the mansion is an Iron.
Enter the mansion.


Go west. There are three rooms here: the room on the left has a healer while the
one on the right has a woman who will give you another Soothe Bell. The door in the
middle of the mansion lead to Trophy Garden.

Wild Pokemon in the Trophy Garden: Pichu, Igglybuff, Cleffa, Azurill, Swinub,
Bonsly, Porygon, *Mime Jr., Eevee. Level 15-18.

Note that if you want to breed your own Mime Jr., you will have to evolve it to Mr.
Mime and then breed it with the help of Odd Incense.

Now go out and leave the courtyard. In the garden, there's a berry patch with 3 Lum
Berries and 3 Custap Berries. Fight four trainers there. Next to the second old man
trainer, there's a lone bush with a hidden Pearl. Go north and fight one last
trainer here.

Continue north and enter Hearthome City. Go to the Gym -- it's now blocked by Dawn
who will fight you and give you the Secret Potion. With this item, go to Route 210
(north of Solaceon City). With the Secret Potion, the Psyducks who block the way
north let you pass.

Wild Pokemon: Ursaring, Luxray, Machoke, Muk, Glaceon, Drapion, Tauros, Shellos,
Gengar, Shiftry. Level 26-30.
Fishing (Old Rod): Wooper and Surskit.
Fishing (Good Rod): Wailmer, Staryu and Poliwrath.

Shellos here appears in its "West Seas" form, unlike Shellos in previous locations.

This part of Route 210 is once again massive. In the initial grass patch, there are
three trainers and three hidden items:

Full Heal: In the NW part of this area is a big block of trees. At the western edge
of this block, there's a one-tile gap between a tree and the rock face. That's
where the Full Heal is hidden.

Ultra Ball: In the SE part of the grass patch is a single lonely tile of normal
ground. The Ultra Ball is hidden there.

Hyper Potion: East and north from this tile is a 2x2 square of empty tiles. The
Hyper Potion is hidden in the NW corner of this square.

Go north from the first grass patch, collecting a Nest Ball and a Smoke Ball along
the way. You'll reach the second grass patch. This area has three trainers and a
Red Shard in the grass.

Continue west and fight a pair of double trainers. The path east leads to a house
you can't enter yet, so go north and west instead. There is a linear path past
three more trainers. When you go across the bridge to the vest, you will
automatically meet Fantina and fight her. Afterwards, go north, up the stairs, and
grab the Meadow Plate.

Plate Collection: 11/17

Continue west to Celestic Town.

Fishing (Old Rod): Magikarp and Goldeen.
Fishing (Good Rod): Seaking, Staryu and Poliwrath.

After such a huge route, we get a tiny town.

First, grab a Draco Plate in the middle of the town, Choice Specs SW from there,
and Eviolite at the west edge of the town.

Plate Collection: 12/17

The SW house has a healer.

The Contest Hall has a Move Tutor for String Shot and a PC.

Enter the cave (Celestic Ruins) for another battle against Team Rocket.

Go back to Route 210. You'll have to fight Paul. Then go east until you get to the
pair of double trainers. Continue east to the house. Defeat the guy in front of it.
This lets you enter and meet the Move Tutor for Draco Meteor.

Go to Hearthome City. There's yet ANOTHER person blocking the Gym -- Barry. Fight

Finally, you can enter the Gym! The Gym has five teleporters inside; the one
leading to Fantina is the second from the left. Other four have regular trainers.

Defeat Fantina for the Relic Badge and TM101 (Confuse Ray).

Now go to Jubilife City. The west exit will be open. Go to Route 218.

Fishing (Old Rod): Finneon and Goldeen.
Fishing (Good Rod): Gyarados, Staryu and Poliwrath.

Fishing (Old Rod): Marill and Psyduck.
Fishing (Good Rod): Seaking, Staryu and Poliwrath.

This is a port city built around a bay -- there's western part and eastern part
connected by a bridge.

Go around the town first. The second house you come to has a Move Deleter. The
library (north of western part) contains an old guy who will give you a Pearl. Old
Chateau (north of eastern part) has a book. Read it to be thrown into a battle with
Rotom. Catch it. (If you don't, you can always buy it for 9999 coins in Veilstone
City Game Corner.)

There's also a Spooky Plate in the room.

Plate Collection: 13/17

Go south from the eastern part to reach a clearing with Cresselia and Darkrai.
Catch them. Darkrai is fast, so Fast Ball is preferred, but Cresselia is not.
Neither of them benefits from Heavy Ball.

The Gym has 6 trainers plus Byron. Beat him to get the Mine Badge and TM74 (Gyro
Ball). You'll also get the Armor Fossil. It can be revived into Shieldon, though
note that you might already have caught one.

Teleport system in Sinnoh gets upgraded and you can now take the ship from Canalave
City or Route 218 to a new location: Iron Island.

Grab the Iron Plate on the right and a Master Ball on the left and fight the guy
who blocks the entrance to the cave. After you beat him, he will give you a Riolu

Plate Collection: 14/17

Now go to Eterna City and exit east to Route 211.

Wild Pokemon: Combee, Shinx, Nosepass, Magnemite, Budew, Swinub, Bellossom,
Skiploom, Skarmory, Growlithe, Bidoof. Level 8-13.
Grab the Earth Plate to the north.

Plate Collection: 15/17

We could technically go here sooner, but there was a rock slide that would prevent
us from continuing. Now, though, it's gone, so we can go north to route 216.

Weather forecast: Snowy
Wild Pokemon: Snover, Snorunt, Froslass, Mantyke, *Bronzor, Stunky, Skorupi,
Shuckle, Zubat, Cloyster. Level 32-37.

After last few long, complicated Routes, it's nice to see one that is short and

Go west past four trainers. You'll reach a house with a healer. Continue west for
another trainer and a Full Restore. Then go east past another trainer, north, and
you're done with this Route! Continue to Route 217.

Weather forecast: Blizzard
Wild Pokemon: Snover, Snorunt, Froslass, Mantyke, Bronzor, Stunky, Skorupi,
Cloyster, Bronzor, Shuckle, Zubat. Level 32-37.

Same Pokemon like on Route 216, with just minor variations in rarity.

This is an especially cold area -- Eevee can evolve into Glaceon when leveled up

Route 217 is fairly open -- there's 9 trainers here, as well as four items: an
Ultra Ball, a Max Revive, and an Iron. The fourth Pokeball icon is not actually an
item, but rather a free Phione. There's a house here with Icicle Plate inside.

Plate Collection: 16/17

Continue north to Lake Acuity. There's nothing to do there now, so continue east to
Snowpoint City.


This is a fairly small city with the Gym in the middle.

The guy close to the Poke Center will give you a Fire Stone.

The girls in the NW house are traders: one will trade her Electivire for your
Magmar, and the other will trade her Magmortar for your Electabuzz. The NE house
has a Move Maniac.

Go north and talk to Paul in front of the temple.

The Gym has ice, four normal trainers and Candice. Beat her for the Icicle Badge
and TM14 (Blizzard). This will also activate the guy east from the Gym who will now
become a Move Tutor for Ice Punch.
Once you've beat Candice and talked to Paul, go back to Lake Acuity. Paul will be
there. Defeat him once again.

At this point, go to Twinleaf Town (Paul actually sends you to Valor Lakefront, but
if you try to go east from there, you'll be told to go to Twinleaf Town). You will
find Barry and Palmer there. Defeat them. Once you defeat Palmer, he will give you
TM23 (Smack Down). Now you can go to Valor Lakefront and fight Bertha from Elite
Four who now guards the path east. Beat her and you'll be finally allowed to go
east to Route 222.

Wild Pokemon: Gible, Zubat, Onix, Diglett, Trapinch, Teddiursa, Raichu, Murkrow,
Magnezone, Metagross. Level 39-42.
Fishing (Old Rod): Krabby and Corphish.
Fishing (Good Rod): Sharpedo, Octillery and Poliwhirl.

Right at the beginning, go north into the grass and then the second path west.
You'll end up back in Valor Lakefront and you can grab a Shiny Stone there.

Fight the trainer next to the grass patch.

Now you have two possible paths: the upper path, or the lower path across the
beach. Let's start with the upper path.

First of all, there's a dirt patch with 3 Wiki Berries, 3 Mago Berries, 3 Aguav
Berries, and 3 Qualot Berries. Then don't take the stairs but walk south of them.
There's a Carbos in the dead end.

Return to the stairs and fight a trainer. Continue east. Enter the grass and walk
east and south to the end of the path for a Big Mushroom.

Return to the stairs and take them. Fight four trainers on this path.

At this point, the upper path and the beach path merge, so go west and check the

There are two houses. The right one has McCann who functions as a Day Care, while
the left one has a guy who will give you three Nest Balls.

There are five trainers on the beach (plus one normal guy). There are also four
hidden items:

1. From the door of the right house, go all the way south to the sea, then two
steps to the north and check the tile east of you for a Heart Scale.
2. From the position below the NE rock, in the middle, go three steps west and
check the tile south of you for a Full Restore.
3. Go in the same middle position below the middle rock, take two steps south and
check the tile south of you for another Full Restore.
4. Go in the middle position below the western rock. Take one step south and check
the tile west of you for another Heart Scale.

Exit the beach and go east to the gate that leads out of this route. You'll have to
defeat Barry again in order to get there.

Fishing (Old Rod): Krabby and Corphish.
Fishing (Good Rod): Octillery, Politoed and Lanturn.

The green Poke Mart clone is a Stone Shop. It has two clerks. The upper one sells:
Fire Stone - 2100
Water Stone - 2100
Thunderstone - 2100
Leaf Stone - 2100
Moon Stone - 4000

The bottom one sells:

Sun Stone - 3000
Shiny Stone - 2500
Dusk Stone - 2500
Dawn Stone - 2500
Ice Stone - 2100

This is the first place where you can get an Ice Stone, but it will still be a long
time before you'll need it.

Apart from this shop, the only thing that you can do here right now is to go to the
SE corner to the Sunnyshore Tower. South from its sign is the Zap Plate. There's
also a Thunderstone, but you'll have to go around to get it -- and by that I mean
that you'll have to go to the NE corner of the city and follow the narrow path
along the eastern edge.

!!! Plate Collection: 17/17 !!!

Talk to Flint (the red-haired guy in front of the tower) and fight him. This will
allow you to enter the Gym. The Gym has six trainers plus Volkner. Unfortunately,
your battle with Volkner gets interrupted by someone messing with the tower. It's
Team Rocket (who else?). Go to the tower and fight them, then collect a Life Orb
there. Go back to Volkner and fight him again. This will grant you the Beacon Badge
and TM93 (Wild Charge).

Alright, so that's all Sinnoh gyms done, the Sinnoh teleport system is complete,
and we can continue to the League -- but before that, there's a whole lot of
smaller things to do.

1. Dawn appears in the eastern part of the town. Fight her.

2. The guy with a Skarmory close to the tower will now offer to fly you to the
three lakes (Lake Verity, Lake Valor and Lake Acuity). You'll always end up on an
island with the cave where you can find a Legendary Pokemon: Lake Verity has
Mesprit, Lake Valor has Azelf and Lake Acuity has Uxie.
3. Go back to Route 222 and go to the beach. There's a sandbar you can get to,
which now has Heatran and Shaymin.
4. Mt. Coronet opens -- go to Hearthome City and talk to the guy with Abra in the
SW corner. You can find Dialga, Giratina and Palkia there. This is also one of the
places where you can evolve Magneton and Nosepass (and later Charjabug). There are
no random battles, so you'd have to level them up using a Rare Candy unless you
want to get EXP by killing one of the legendary dragons. (You don't.) You can also
find Griseous Orb here, which will transform Giratina into its Origin Forme when
5. With Dialga and Palkia in your party, go to Celestic Town and talk to the people
in the Historic Center. One will give you the Lustrous Orb for Palkia, and one will
give you the Adamant Orb for Dialga (you have to put the specific Pokemon in your
front slot).
As for recommended Pokeballs, you should use Fast Balls for Azelf and Shaymin and
Heavy Balls for Heatran, Dialga and Giratina. Palkia is both fast AND heavy, but
Heavy Balls are probably better. Mesprit and Uxie will be probably best dealt with
with Timer Balls.

With everything done and eight new Legendary Pokemon, go to Sunnyshore City and
take the ship to the Lily of the Valley Island.

Wild Pokemon: Lunatone, Solrock, Claydol, Vileplume, Voltorb, Pineco, Onix, Golem,
Mantine, Gloom. Level 35-38.

This island is formed from four smaller connected islands. You start at the SE
island. The NE island has shops, and by now you should know what they are:
Incenses, Berries, Drinks and Team Rocket shop. No real point saying what they sell
since you probably have all those items you need and (except Team Rocket shop) they
are all available elsewhere.

The SW island has wild Pokemon for training. The NW island has another battle
against Brock and the League building.

The League building has the usual amenities -- Poke Center, Poke Mart, and McCann
as a Day Care. Register in the SW corner.

First two battles are on the first exit from the left. The second exit from the
left has the third round, the middle exit has the fourth round, and the second exit
from the right has the fifth round (semi-finals). That's as far as you can get. As
usual, once you leave the island, you're no longer allowed to come back.

Return back home to Pallet Town and talk to Professor Oak to start Gen 5!

But before we go to Unova, there are a few more Legendary Pokemon to get:

1. Go to Lake Verity (through Route 201, west from Sandgem Town) and fight Manaphy
there. Remember that you can breed Manaphy with Ditto for more Phione if you want.
2. Go to Lake Valor and fight Arceus there. Take him in your party and give him
various plates to register his different forms in the Pokedex.
3. Go to Snowpoint City and talk to Brandon by the Temple. He will give you
Regigigas without a fight.

Manaphy should be caught with Fast Balls while Heavy Balls are good for Arceus.

Now go to Viridian City and take the blimp to a new destination -- Nuvema Town!


Right after you arrive, there's a guy in the blimp waiting room who will give you
TM01 (Hone Claws).

A guy in the town will give you another Exp. Share.

West from the lab is Zekrom just chilling and waiting to be caught.

The Lab has a healing machine, a PC, a Day Care guy, and a teleporter that connects
to the labs in other regions (and to your house).
Now that you've met Juniper, two new NPCs appear in Professor Oak's Lab. Talk to
them with Rotom in your party to change its form. The left guy lets you change it
into Normal form (Electric/Ghost), Heat form (Electric/Fire), and Wash form
(Electric/Water). The right guy lets you change it into Frost form (Electric/Ice),
Fan form (Electric/Flying) and Mow form (Electric/Grass).

Go out of town to meet Trip and fight him. Continue north to Route 1.

Wild Pokemon: *Pidove, *Patrat, *Deerling, *Woobat, *Sandile. Level 2-4.

Second person you come to will give you a Potion. After that, you'll see an
Oshawott. Talk to it, then go back to Professor Juniper. Go talk to her and she'll
allow you to take the Oshawott. Then continue north, meet Iris (and fight her) and
continue north to Accumula Town.


Nothing too important here except for a design change -- Unova has Poke Mart
counters folded into Pokemon Centers.

The house in the NW corner has a guy who will give you a Poke Ball.

Go to the warehouse in the SW corner of the town for another battle with Team
Rocket. After the battle, talk to the Tepig and take it with you. Now you can leave
the town to the west and go to Route 2.

Wild Pokemon: Pidove, Patrat, Deerling, Woobat, Sandile. Level 2-4.

No new Pokemon here, the encounters are exactly the same as on Route 1.

Start by going west and grabbing a Poke Ball in the grass. Go east past a trainer,
then into the next grass patch. There's a 2x3 rectangle of clear ground in this
patch, with one extra clear tile attached; that extra tile hides a Rare Candy. Find
the next trainer, then go west into a dead end for a Potion.

Go back and continue east, up the stairs, to grab another Potion on the plateau.
Back to the second trainer and continue north, past one more trainer, to Striaton

Fishing (Old Rod): *Basculin.
Fishing (Good Rod): Swanna and *Alomomola.

Basculin has two distinct forms (with red and blue stripe). Both can be caught
Swanna is an evolved version, you can catch its base form (Ducklett) later.

The house west from where you come in has a guy who will give you a Great Ball.
A biker in SE corner of the city will give you a Dusk Ball.

The SW corner of the town has X Speed.

Go west to the park, then south past the bridge to find a Great Ball.

East from the town is the Dreamyard. You can catch *Munna and Musharna there. The
person on the right will also give you an Eviolite.

The Gym has no normal trainers, just three leaders (and a restaurant, for some
reason). You must fight them in a given order: Chili (on the left) first, then
Cress (on the right), and finally Cilan (in the middle).

Beating Cilan will give you the Trio Badge and three different TMs: TM109 (Water
Pulse), TM38 (Fire Blast), and TM108 (Bullet Seed). The teleport system in Unova
will now start to work.

Leave Striaton City through the NW exit and go to Route 3.

Wild Pokemon: *Dwebble, *Darumaka, *Trubbish, *Minccino, *Yamask, Scolipede,
Darmanitan. Level 8-11.
Fishing (Old Rod): Basculin.
Fishing (Good Rod): Swanna and Alomomola.

First of all, Darmanitan (evolved form of Darumaka) has a special "Zen Mode"
alternate form. However, you can't get that yet: you need a Darmanitan with its
Hidden Ability for Zen Mode, and Darumakas and Darmanitans here will only have its
normal ability. As for Scolipede, that's actually a third-level evolution. Don't
worry, you will be able to get its base form, Venipede, pretty soon.

First thing you'll find here is a preschool up the stairs to the north. Fight the
two trainers here and grab the two items: a visible Quick Ball and an Ultra Ball
that is hidden in the SW corner of this area.

Go back down the stairs and continue west past a pair of double trainers. You'll
get to a crossroads where you can go either west or south (there's also a trainer
and a Super Potion in the grass patch north of the crossroads). Let's go west

Go past a trainer and circle around the trees to the north. You can find a HP Up in
the grass there. Then continue west to the cave. A boulder at the south end of the
area hides a Great Ball.

Talk to the Snivy at the cave's entrance and it will move away. Go inside.

Wild Pokemon: *Roggenrola and Woobat. Level 10-13.
Fishing (Old Rod): Basculin.
Fishing (Good Rod): Swanna and Alomomola.

Go directly west and when you hit the plateau, check the rubble south of you for a
Hard Stone. Then continue west and south, up the stairs to the plateau, and east
past the trainer until you get a Max Revive at the end of the path. Nothing else
here, so go back out.


Go east until you get back to the crossroads and continue south. Go past a trainer
and then through next two trainers to a fenced grass patch. Snivy will be there and
you can fight it and catch it.

Continue south and fight Trip again. Just before the bridge, there is a grass patch
with a Repel and a trainer just to the west.

After the bridge, fight another trainer, and then you find the Unova Day Care. The
lady here will give you a Scraggy egg; you have to take it before she'll start to
perform normal Day Care duties. West from the Day Care is a Full Heal.

Continue west to Nacrene City.


At the west edge of the town, there are two houses with a fance made from bushes.
The easternmost bush in the horizontal line hides a Revive.

The SW house has a guy who will trade his Petilil for your Cottonee.

The Poke Center has a Move Tutor for Electroweb.

Iris is in front of the Gym/Museum. Fight her.

In the Museum, you start between two counters. The guy at the right counter revives
There are many bookshelves (and also three trainers). Check the left side of the
top right bookshelf to press a secret switch and uncover a staircase.

Downstairs, you will find Lenora. Fight her. Afterwards, she'll send you to her
husband (the left counter at the Museum entrance) who will give you the Cover
Fossil (Tirtouga) and the Plume Fossil (Archen). Go back to Lenora and fight her
again. When you beat her, she'll give you the Basic Badge and TM05 (Roar). Unova
Teleport system gets updated.

Leave the city to the west to reach the Pinwheel Forest.

Wild Pokemon: *Sewaddle, *Cottonee, Galvantula, Patrat, *Venipede, Woobat,
*Petilil, Pidove. Level 14-17.
Galvantula is an evolved form of Joltik -- you'll be soon able to get one of your
own. Venipede is the base form of Scolipede you might have met before.

The main path has 4 trainers on it (two single and a pair of double trainers). Then
there's a fenced grass patch with one trainer guarding the path in, two more
trainers inside and a Star Piece in a corner.

Continue among the trees to reach second part of the forest. The encounters are
different there:
Wild Pokemon: Sewaddle, Woobat, Galvantula, Petilil, Venipede, Patrat, Swadloon,
Cottonee, Whirlipede, Gothitelle. Level 14-17.
Fishing (Old Rod): *Tympole.
Fishing (Good Rod): *Ducklett, *Tympole and Alomomola.

Some Pokemon, Petilil in particular, are more common in here. You can also get a
Ducklett, base form of Swanna.
There's one new Pokemon, Gothitelle. It's rare and it's an evolved form -- wait a
bit, you will be able to get its base form, Gothita, soon.
This is another location where Eevee can evolve into Leafeon.

From the start, go west. You'll meet a pair of double trainers. The path north is
blocked for now, so continue west. Fight a trainer, then you'll reach a big grass
patch. There's a trainer in this patch, and three items: a Super Potion is visible
in the NW corner, but the other two items are hidden:

Super Potion: Start in the NE corner and go west along the fence. Search the first
clear tile you come to.
Ether: Start in the SE corner and go west along the fense. Search the second clear
tile you come to.

Next, you come to another grass patch with a trainer. North from there is a Great

Then another big grass patch and another trainer. After that, you'll see a clear
area with another trainer. Go down the stairs to the SE.

This grass patch has, once again, a trainer, but also three items. A visible Net
Ball is at the end of the path, but you can also find two hidden ones:

TinyMushroom: Find a lone clear tile at the southern edge of this patch.
TinyMushroom is hidden two tiles north of it.
Rare Candy: It's hidden in the only lone clear tile at the eastern edge of the

After you get everything, go back up the stairs and continue north. You'll see an
event with Burgh. There's a trainer and Star Piece in the area. Continue east to
end up on the road. There's another trainer and a SilverPowder south from you. The
path to the east is impassable for now, so continue north to the Skyarrow Bridge.


This is just a long, narrow bridge. First guy you come to will give you a Quick

There's many people on the bridge, but only one of them is a trainer: Cilan. Once
you cross the bridge, continue north to Castelia City.


Now that's a lot of Venipedes. You can fight them, but there's no real point since
they don't disappear after you defeat them. For now, only one house and the Poke
Center are accessible -- all other places are blocked by the Venipedes.
The Poke Center has a guy who will give you a Zoom Lens. The house has another
battle with Team Rocket. Once you beat them, the Venipedes will disappear and you
will be able to access the rest of the city.

The sailor in the SE corner will give you an evolution stone based on how you
answer his question:
Pansage - Leaf Stone
Pansear - Fire Stone
Panpour - Water Stone

You can only do this once, but at this point, you can buy as many of these as you
want, so it doesn't really matter what you say.

A little girl on the central street will give you a Destiny Knot.

The guy in the NE corner of the city sells Casteliacones for 100. It's basically a
Full Heal, except much cheaper in exchange for only being available at one place.

So that's for the outside of the city, but what's in the buildings?

Poke Ball Factory (SW corner):

The second floor has two vendors selling Poke Balls:

Left vendor:
Level Ball - 300
Lure Ball - 300
Moon Ball - 300
Friend Ball - 300
Love Ball - 300
Heavy Ball - 300
Fast Ball - 300
Repeat Ball - 1000
Timer Ball - 1000

Right vendor:
Nest Ball - 1000
Net Ball - 1000
Dive Ball - 1000
Luxury Ball - 1000
Heal Ball - 300
Quick Ball - 1000
Dusk Ball - 1000

They have the same inventory as the vendors in Slateport MARKET.

The third floor has five trainers in a row. Once you beat them, talk to the guy by
the stairs on the right and you'll get a Master Ball.

This is probably your first Master Ball (unless you skipped the red Gyarados or had
a ridiculous luck in lottery). Most likely, you'll keep it in your inventory for
the rest of the game because there's nothing you really NEED it for. It just saves
some time and money in catching Legendary Pokemon, but you don't exactly have a
lack of either.

The house north from here, on the right side of the western street, has a Status

Flower Shop (on the left side of the central street) sells:
Growth Mulch - 200
Damp Mulch - 200
Stable Mulch - 200
Gooey Mulch - 200

Same inventory as in Goldenrod City.

A bit north from the Flower Shop is a house with an old man who will give you a
Smoke Ball.

Store (the house on the left side of the eastern street, straight north from the
Poke Center):

Second floor sells:

Full Incense - 9600
Lax Incense - 9600
Luck Incense - 9600
Odd Incense - 9600
Pure Incense - 9600
Rock Incense - 9600
Rose Incense - 9600
Sea Incense - 9600
Wave Incense - 9600

Third floor sells:

HP Up - 9800
Protein - 9800
Iron - 9800
Calcium - 9800
Zinc - 9800
Carbos - 9800

Nice, but nothing new.

Studio Castella (the house on the right side of the eastern street) -- nothing

The NW house on the eastern street -- a man who will give you TM12 (Taunt).

Now for the Gym. There are four trainers plus Burgh. Beat him for the Insect Badge
and TM76 (Struggle Bug). The Unova teleport system gets upgraded again.

Now exit the city to the north, through the park.

Wild Pokemon: Roggenrola, *Elgyem, *Litwick, *Blitzle, *Foongus, Darumaka, Lampent,
Swoobat, Darmanitan. Level 15-18.
Fishing (Old Rod): Tympole and *Frillish.
Fishing (Good Rod): Palpitoad, *Stunfisk and Beartic.

Beartic is the evolved form of Cubchoo. You can catch one soon.

First of all, go west on the beach. The beach area is big and complex so we'll
start by exploring it.

Beat the trainer west from the entrance and two trainers down on the beach.
Continue north into the weird maze of fences. This area has three trainers, two
visible items (an X Accuracy and a Great Ball) and one hidden item. At the western
edge of this area is a 2x4 rectangle of grass. An Ether is hidden in the NW tile.

Now go all the way back to the start of the route and go north. Beat three trainers
along the route, and then you run into that jerk Trip again. DECIMATE HIM.

Now you'll reach a crossroad. The way north is blocked, so you'll have to go west.
This path has three trainers, a visible Hyper Potion, and a hidden Ether. It's
hidden in the middle of the three boulders in this area.

Eventually, you'll get to a new area of Route 4 with new set of Pokemon:

Wild Pokemon: *Emolga, *Cubchoo, *Joltik, *Audino, Scrafty, Mandibuzz, *Larvesta,

Simisear, Scolipede. Level 15-18.

Cubchoo is the base form of Beartic.

Joltik is the base form of Galvantula you have probably met before.
Scrafty is the evolved form of Scraggy, but you should already get one from the egg
the Day Care lady gave you.
Mandibuzz is the evolved form of Vullaby. It will take some time before you can
catch a Vullaby, so if you want to breed a Mandibuzz, that's also an option.
Finally, Simisear is the evolved form of Pansear. You'll be able to catch a Pansear

Enter the house (Club Battle). You need to fight four trainers. Afterwards, grab
the item at the end of the road, which is a set of wings: Health Wing, Muscle Wing,
Resist Wing, Genius Wing, Clever Wing, Swift Wing, and Pretty Wing.

Now go back to the crossroads and north to reach Nimbasa City.


Start by going to the house west from the Poke Center. The boy upstairs will give
you a Sun Stone.

The house north of the Poke Center has two ladies inside. The right one will give
you another Soothe Bell. The left one will judge the EVs of your lead Pokemon and
give it the Effort Ribbon if it's maxed.

The north part of the city has three buildings. The left and middle ones are
stadiums where you can fight some trainers - 6 trainers at the Small Court (left)
and 9 trainers at the Big Stadium (right).

The right building is the Music Hall. Talk to the old man (top right person) and
answer "Yes" to his question to get TM61 (Will-O-Wisp).

Next to the Gym is the Game Corner. Pokemon offered here are:
Elgyem - 180 coins
*Tynamo - 500 coins
*Deino - 2800 coins
*Zorua - 5500 coins
Larvesta - 9999 coins

Note that this is the only way to obtain Zorua apart from trading for it with a
trainer later in the game.

Now let's go to the gym. Pick X Attack along the way, in the eastern part of the
city. The Gym has 4 trainers plus Elesa. Beat her for the Bolt Badge and TM72 (Volt

Unova teleport system gets updated again. Also, the Battle Subway is open to you
now. Once you get there, you'll meet Cilan again. Fight the Subway Bosses, Emmett
and Ingo.

Now go all the way back to Fuchsia City in Kanto. We have the next part of Safari
Zone to tackle! Go through the SW exit to reach the Unova part.

Wild Pokemon: *Pansage, *Pansear, Audino, *Axew, *Durant, Ferrothorn, *Heatmor,
Larvesta, Dwebble, Deino, Gothorita, Deerling. Level 30-35.
Fishing (Old Rod): *Panpour and Alomomola.
Fishing (Good Rod): *Cryogonal, Stunfisk and Cubchoo.

Ferrothorn is the evolved form of Ferroseed. It will still be some time before you
can catch your own.
Gothorita is the evolved form of Gothita. You'll be able to catch it soon.

There are two visible items here (a Dusk Stone and a Protein), and one hidden item:
a Nugget. It's in the 4x4 square patch of grass, 2nd tile from north and 2nd from

Once you're done here, return to Nimbasa City and leave through the west exit to
Route 5.

Wild Pokemon: *Lillipup, Deino, Sawsbuck, *Boufallant, Axew, Pansage, Pansear,
Panpour, *Gothita, Gigalith, Garbodor. Level 19-22.

...Or you could just catch the majority of Safari Zone Pokemon here. Your choice.
And we can finally find the base Gothita.

This Route is divided in two parts: the northern part with grass patches, and the
southern road. The northern part has three trainers and three visible items: from
east to west, they are a Revive, a Zinc and a Great Ball. The southern part has 7
trainers and a vendor who sells berries out of a truck. Probably ilegally
harvested, I'd wager.

When you get to the bridge, talk to the guy there. If you have finished both the
Nimbasa Gym AND the Battle Subway, he'll let you cross. Continue west and talk to
another bridge attendant to get to Driftveil City.

BTW, you can fish from the bridge, though the only Pokemon you can catch there with
either rod is Ducklett.


The first house you come to has three move tutors, teaching Fire Pledge, Water
Pledge and Grass Pledge.

The girl next to the Market will give you a Big Pearl. The Market has three
vendors: the left one sells Moomoo Milk, the middle one sells bitter medicine and
the third one sells Incenses.

West from the Market is a trainer.

Go east to a fenced area at the edge of the town. Talk to the girl here to get a
Rocky Helmet.

Enter the house west from the Poke Center and talk to the old man there to get a
Shell Bell.

The Poke Center has a trader who will trade his Zorua for your Minccino.

Finally, talk to Clay in front of the Gym. He doesn't want to fight -- bummer. Go
to the southern part of the city and talk to the sailor. He wouldn't help you
before but now he'll take you to the Milos Island.

Weather forecast: Stormy.
Wild Pokemon: Patrat, Pidove, Blitzle, Cottonee, Deerling, Darmanitan, Sawsbuck.
Level 20-23.
Fishing (Old Rod): Basculin and Swanna.
Fishing (Good Rod): Swanna, Alomomola and Basculin.

This island is one long, winding road with lots of trainers -- and there are also
the three legendary Forces of Nature for you to capture (all three are fast, so
Fast Balls are preferred). The sequence is 2 trainers - Tornadus - 4 trainers -
Thundurus - 2 trainers - Landorus. Once you fight Landorus, you'll be transported
back to Driftveil City. You can still take the boat back, but the trainers will be
gone now and the weather will calm down -- the only reason to come back is to fight
wild Pokemon or fish.

Back in Driftveil City, fight Chili who now blocks the way to the Gym, and finally
get inside. The gym has also a single winding road with stairs. There are 5
trainers and Clay at the end. Beat Clay for the Quake Badge and TM28 (Dig).

Unova Teleport system gets updated again.

Leave Driftveil City to the west and go to Route 6.

Wild Pokemon: *Shelmet, *Karrablast, Bouffalant, Deerling, Joltik, Tranquill,
Foongus, *Sigilyph, Escavalier, Accelgor. Level 22-25.
Fishing (Old Rod): Panpour and Tympole.
Fishing (Good Rod): Tympole, Panpour and Palpitoad.

Note that in order to evolve Shelmet and Karrablast, you must level them up when
you have both in your party. Both can evolve in the presence of either the base OR
the evolved form of the other, so you can't miss on it.

Start by going west past a bridge. Fight a trainer in the first grass patch. The
western edge of this patch has two clear spots, check the second tile from the
north in the northern spot for a Big Mushroom.

Continue east past another bridge. Fight a trainer and talk to the next guy to
receive a Silk Scarf. Continue west past yet ANOTHER bridge (seriously, did someone
get a contract to build as many bridges as possible with no regards to
practicality?), fight a trainer and enter the house. One guy there will give you a
Leaf Stone if you show him a Deerling.

Go west past another trainer, and then you can grab two items: an Elixir in the
grass to the south and a Hyper Potion -- that one requires to go around the fence
to the north.

Continue west through a big grass patch with a trainer. (Bridge count 4). The next
grass patch (Bridge count 5) has two trainers and there's a house to the east. An
old man there will heal your party.

Go up the stairs and you'll be in front of the Chargestone Cave. If you come here
before beating Clay, the entrance will be blocked, but now it's being guarded by a
Krokorok. Defeat it, then pick up BlackGlasses it drops.

Before going to the cave, there's one more grass patch to the SE. It has a girl who
will give you a Shiny Stone, and a trainer in the dead end.

Now enter the cave.

Wild Pokemon: This cave has three floors. All floors contain Joltik, *Klink, Klang,
Galvantula and Klinklang, but each of them also has one Pokemon that only appears
there. The unique Pokemon on 1F is *Druddigon, on B1F it's Sigilyph and on B2F it's

All three floors of the cave allow the evolution of Magneton and Nosepass (and
later Charjabug).

Start by going north. Turn west when you can to grab a Full Heal.

Continue north. You'll get to a crossroads. Go east to a small area with a trainer
and a Revive.

Go back to the crossroads and continue north. Fight a trainer and continue east. On
the next crossroads, grab a Heal Ball to the north, then return and take the stairs
to the south.

Go east. You'll see a small corner south of you, there is a Max Potion hidden on
the tile.

Continue south and east past the bridge. The next area contains a visible Hyper
Potion and a trainer. Go south and west to reach a dead end with an Iron. Take the
ladder down.

On B1F, start by going west. Go past a trainer and fight two more trainers who
guard the stairs to the north. But don't go there yet -- go west first.

Hug the northern wall and go west until you hit a corner -- a Full Heal is hidden
in that corner. Continue north to grab a visible Thunderstone, then west to a
ladder back to 1F. You'll appear in a small area with a healer, a trainer, and an
item (a Magnet). Be careful to not accidentally jump down to the west!

Go back down the ladder and return to the crossroad. Take the stairs to the north.
Go east and north to get a Timer Ball, then back and north for a trainer.
The northern passageway leads you to two more trainers, and then to two ladders:
one up, one down. The exit is past the up ladder, but let's go down first.

On B2F, go south past a trainer. Eventually, you'll arrive to a crossroad where you
can continue east or south.

The eastern branch ends with a room that contains two visible items: a Lucky Egg
and a Brightpowder. But that's not all -- there's also a Full Heal hidden on the
tile between them.

The southern branch has another trainer and TM57 (Charge Beam). Continue east and
turn north to reach a dead end. The two tiles in this dead end contain a Rare Candy
and a Star Piece.

That's it for B2F, so return to the ladder, then take the other ladder up. Back on
1F go east, then south and search the rock pile there for an Elixir. Go east to
reach a crossroad and take the southern path to fight a trainer. Continue south
until you reach the dead end -- the middle tile in here contains a hidden HP Up.

Return to the crossroad and take the eastern path. Go up the stairs and fight Iris.
Exit to the Mistralton City.


The house north of the Poke Center has a Move Relearner and a Move Deleter. The guy
in the house west from that will give you a Sharp Beak.

Talk to Cilan in front of the Gym and fight him. This makes Skyla go back inside.
Enter the Gym -- it has five normal trainers plus Skyla. Beat her for the Jet Badge
and TM62 (Acrobatics). Teleport system in Unova gets updated again. Leave the town
through the NE exit to Route 7.

Wild Pokemon: Durant, Sewaddle, *Purrloin, Watchog, Litwick, Lampent, Blitzle,
Volcarona, Chandelure. Level 26-29.

Once again, we have a big and complex route, so let's get to it.

Right at the beginning, there are two paths: through the plateau with two trainers,
or through the grass patch with two... items? Oh, wait, only the NE Pokeball icon
is an item (a HP Up). The SW icon is a battle with wild Foongus. Well, its Pokedex
entry DOES mention it looks similar to a Poke Ball...

Next on our Route tour is a house. The man inside will trade your Emolga for his

Continue east and north past three trainers. At the west side of this area are two
items, a Max Ether and a Zinc.

Next is a tower. Enter it.

Wild Pokemon: The tower has five floors (1-4F and roof). Wild Pokemon only appear
on floor 2-4 and the selection wildly differs.
2F: Litwick and Purrloin
3F: *Solosis, Elgyem and Litwick
4F: *Golett, Litwick, Solosis and Elgyem.

Levels are 26-29 for all three floors.

1F: Nothing special, continue to 2F.

2F: Three trainers, nothing else.
3F: Five trainers. There's a Hyper Potion in the NE part of the floor.
4F: Three trainers and four items! All items are visible, they are: a Revive, a PP
Up, a Spell Tag, and a HP Up.
Roof: There's a guy who will reward you with TM66 (Payback).

Back on Route 7, there's an item east from the road leading to the Mistralton
Tower... nah, it's another Foongus. Another path east from the road leads through
the grass to a trainer and another house.

Continue east to a plateau with two trainers. You can continue to the end and then
go down to the west, or you can go down the stairs to south. Do that first. There's
a PP Up, and then you get into a separated part of Route 7 with the Clubsplosion

The wild Pokemon here are very different. People here will mention a tradition of
using Fighting types, and it can be seen in the grass: *Sawk, *Throh, Scraggy,
Gurdurr, Mienshao, *Timburr, *Mienfoo, Conkeldurr. Level 27-31.

The building itself has a PC (don't forget that storing a Pokemon in the PC, even
just for a second, will fully heal it). Talk to the attendant to get taken into a
room where you must beat three trainers to grab the prize at the end. The prize is
a set of Vitamins: HP Up, Protein, Iron, Calcium, Zinc, Carbos and PP Max.

Return to the plateau and leave it through the eastern section. Two more trainers
on this path. If you've done Clubsplosion, you can enter the cave.

Wild Pokemon: *Drilbur, Boldore, Gurdurr, Woobat, Cubchoo, Heatmor, Excadrill,
Gigalith, Conkeldurr, Swoobat, Beartic, Volcarona.

This is a pretty complicated area, so make sure to follow my directions exactly.

Right now you can access three floors (1F-3F), plus an outdoor area. All cave areas
share the same wild Pokemon list.

3F: Go north and east. Exit the cave.

Outdoors: Go north. Fight a trainer and grab the TM77 (Psych Up) in the dead end.
Go back south, past the entrance, and continue east past another trainer until you
see another cave entrance. Take it.

3F: Go south and east past the trainer. Continue east and turn north when you can.
Grab an Elixir and exit the cave.

Outdoors: Fight a trainer and grab a Dusk Stone in the dead end. Go back inside.

3F: Go south, east and north past a trainer. Check the boulder in the NE corner for
a Rare Candy. Exit to the west.
Outdoors: Go north past a trainer and enter the cave.

3F: Go east, fight a trainer, then go east and check the boulder at the northern
wall for a Hyper Potion. Go south, down the stairs, and exit the cave.

2F: Go south and grab a Protein. Go west and exit the cave.

Outdoors: Go west along the path. Grab a Full Heal, then fight a trainer. Enter the
cave after that.

2F: Go west and take the second path north. When you get to a group of boulders,
check the only rock pile among them for a Revive. Continue north and grab a Metal
Coat to the west. Go east and exit the cave.

Outdoors: There is a healer north from you. Go north. You'll get to a trainer and
an Ultra Ball. There will be two cave entrances here, take the eastern one.

2F: Go north and east and fight a trainer. Continue east and grab an Ether. Go back
west, then south and east. Exit the cave to the south.

Outdoors: Grab an Iron on this small platform and go back inside.

2F: Go north and enter the cave.

3F: Go north and grab a PP Up.

Do NOT take the western exit here, there is no point. Instead, go back south to 2F,
then south-west-north-west-south through that area to end up in the area with two
entrances. Now take the western one.

2F: Go north and east and check the second boulder you come to for a Stardust. Go
back west, then north and enter the cave.

1F: Another Team Rocket encounter. Go west past, down the stairs, then continue
west and go up another stairs. A boulder here hides a Full Heal.
Go back east and take the path south. The first boulder (at the eastern wall) has a
Stardust. Go south and west and grab a Revive. Fight a trainer and exit the cave.

Outdoors: Now you are in the central area of the mountain. Go south and east and
grab a Moon Stone. Go east, down the stairs to the south, and then down the stairs
to the west to grab a Max Potion. You can't enter the cave here yet, but note the
Return east and north. Go up the stairs to the east. The area south of you is where
you'd end up if you took the exit I told you not to take. There's a bunch of
boulders blocking your way. Check the SW one for a Stardust.
Go back down the stairs and north into a cave.

1F: Go north and take the path west to grab a Nugget. Return and continue north.
The boulder adjacent to the north wall hides an Ultra Ball.
Go a bit south, then east. Fight a trainer and exit east, to Icirrus City.

Weather forecast: Sometimes rainy

First of all, go right to the big puddle. There's a Max Revive hidden in there. To
find it, line yourself under the door to the house to the north, go two tile into
the puddle and check the tile to your east.
Climb the stairs east from that house and cross the bridge to the east. Grab a PP
Up there.

Go west to the Poke Center and talk to the girl on the left to get a Black Belt.

Enter the cave at the western edge of the town. Kyurem is there -- I presume you
know what to do. Kyurem weighs a lot, so Heavy Balls are preferred.

East from the cave is Pokemon Fan Club. Talk to the old man and answer "Yes" to his
question to get another Exp. Share.

Enter the house NE from there and talk to the girl to get a RageCandyBar. Go west
from there and enter the Gym.

The Gym has 6 normal trainers plus Brycen. Beat him for the Freeze Badge and TM79
(Frost Breath). Unova Teleport system gets updated again. Now go to the Pokemon Fan
Club and talk to the woman next to the old man. She'll give you a Cleanse Tag.

Now leave the city to the north and go to Route 8.

Weather forecast: Sometimes rainy
Wild Pokemon: *Ferroseed, Tynamo, Gothita, Whimsicott, Lillipup, Zebstrika,
Krokorok, Cottonee. Level 30-33.
Fishing (Old Rod): Frillish and *Tynamo.
Fishing (Good Rod): Swanna and *Tynamo.

This is an open Route. There are 5 trainers in total, and 5 items: visible Poison
Barb, Ultra Ball and 2 Full Restores, and a Max Elixir hidden in a boulder NE from
the sailor.

At this point, you can talk to the sailor and go to Virbank City. But before we do
that, let's continue east to Route 9.

Wild Pokemon: Ferroseed, Tynamo, Gothita, Cottonee, Whimsicott, Zebstrika,
Krokorok. Level 30-33.

Another fairly open road divided in safe northern part and grassy southern part.
There's 7 trainers in total, all in the northern part (two guard the entrance to
the southern part). Each part also has one visible and one hidden item.

In the northern part, the visible item is a Full Restore. To get the hidden item,
some searching is needed. Find an L-shaped group of trees in the western part of
the Route. Stand east from the easternmost tree there, walk three tiles south and
check the tile to the east for a Lemonade.

The visible item in the southern part (way west from where you enter this part) is
a HP Up. To find the hidden item (a Max Ether), go to the middle of the three big
grass patches there. Its northern edge has three connected grass tiles and one
single one. Go to the middle of the three and search the tile south of you.

The path to the east is impassable for now, but you can enter the big building
which is a... Shopping Mall? Sure, why not.
We've seen enough of these by now, so just quick notes: 2F has some basic Poke Mart
items (healing/Poke Balls) 3F has a Move Tutor (Last Resort). 4F sells evolution
stones (all except for Ice Stone) and 5F sells Vitamins and X- items. There's also
a guy on 5F who will give you a Thunderstone.

That's all for now. Return to the sailor on Route 8 and sail to Virbank City.

Fishing (Old Rod): Frillish.
Fishing (Good Rod): Jellicent, Swanna and Alomomola.

House next to a Gym has a guy who will trade your Koffing for his Gurdurr.

Go north. Next to the Poke Center is a group of vases. The one in the center has a
Full Heal in it.

And there's also Meloetta. Talk to it and it will come with you.

With Meloetta in tow, you can enter the Gym. The Gym has just two trainers and
Roxie. Beat Roxie for the Toxic Badge and TM34 (Sludge Wave).

When you leave the Gym, you'll meet Cynthia who invites you to Undella Town. Unova
teleport system gets updated. Which is a good thing since we have just gotten our
8th Unova Badge and that means we have unlocked some more stuff!

At this point, you can go and fight the Musketeers - Cobalion, Terrakion and

Cobalion: Go to Driftveil City and leave to the west to Route 6. Go past first
three bridges (sigh...) and then north and east past yet another bridge to a cave.
Cobalion will be there.

Terrakion: Go to Icirrus City and enter Twist Mountain again. Pass through the
first passage and you'll be in the central area again. Go south, and then west, to
the cave that was blocked by rocks. You'll end up in Twist Mountain 4F; this area
has a Glacial Rock so you can evolve Eevee into Glaceon there. It has normal random
encounters and Terrakion is here.

Virizion: Go to Nacrene City and leave to the west to the Pinwheel Forest. Continue
to the second area and go north along the road. Turn east. Grab a Big Root in the
grass patch and continue east and north into the trees. You'll get to a glade where
Virizion is.

Cobalion and Terrakion are heavy so Heavy Balls are preferable. Virizion is not
heavy enough, but it's fast, so use Fast Balls for it.

When you're done, go to Nimbasa City. You can now leave through the NE exit.

Wild Pokemon: Rattata, Foongus, Pidove, Onix, Magnemite, Blitzle, Gothita,
Hydreigon. Level 31-35.

This is a short Route which is, once again, divided into the "road" part (south)
with trainers and a grassy part (north).
The southern part has three trainers and one item (a HP Up). The Biker here is not
a trainer -- he will give you a Charcoal instead.

The northern part has two trainers and two items (a Heal Ball and a Rare Candy).

In the eastern part, where both paths merge, is one final trainer.

After you go through this Route, you'll exit to Undella Town.

Fishing (Old Rod): Staryu and Krabby.
Fishing (Good Rod): Wailord, Beartic and Dragonite.

There are three houses in the northern part of the town. The middle house has
Leftovers while the right house has a guy who will trade his Munchlax for your
Cinccino. It's a chance to get Munchlax/Snorlax if you didn't catch the one on
Orange Islands.

Go to the NW corner of the town. Before entering Cynthia's Villa, stand east to the
sign and go one tile east, two tiles north and check the bush east of you for a Big
Nugget. In SW corner of this area, you can find the Reveal Glass. This is a Key
Item that can be used on Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus when you have them in
your party; it will switch them between their Incarnate Forme and their Therian
Forme. The change is permanent until you use the Reveal Glass on them again.

Now enter the villa -- this will update Unova teleport system. Go north, west and
north into a room where you can fight Dawn. There's also an old man who functions
as a healer.

Once you beat Dawn, you can go to the Junior Cup in the SE corner of the town. You
need to fight four battles there: two normal trainers, Iris and Trip. Talk to Alder
at the end -- he'll give you TM87 (Swagger).

Once you get out, you'll see that Team Rocket has overrun the town. They block all
exits and even the Poke Center teleport. (If you need to use the PC, there's one in
the Junior Cup building). A new path opens east from the Junior Cup building; go
through it to reach Undella Bay.

In the Bay, beat the seven Team Rocket trainers on the lower level. When you get up
the stairs, you'll be thrown into another Jesse/James battle.

After beating them, continue north towards Giovanni and fight him. After the
battle, you'll be transported back into town and the Bay won't be accessible

Meloetta is now blocking the northern exit from the town. Talk to it and take it
with you. Go through the exit.

(At this point, the blocked eastern exit on Route 9 will open as well. However,
both Route 9 and Route 12 lead to the same place, Opelucid City.)

Wild Pokemon: *Rufflet, *Vullaby, Amoonguss, Karrablast, Corphish, Buizel,
Zweilous, Fraxure, Axew. Level 33-36.
This is another fairly open Route that includes 4 normal trainers and one pair of
double trainers. There are three items here, all visible: a Full Heal, a Max Repel,
and a Max Revive.

When you're done here, exit west to Opelucid City.


Go south from Poke Center and down the stairs. There are two bushes to the east.
Check the southern one for a Max Repel.
Enter the house north of the Poke Center and talk to the guy there to get a Cell
Enter the house next to the Gym and talk to the guy there to get a Ring Target.
Enter the house next to the previous one and talk to the guy there to get a Float
Go to the NE corner of the city. Fight Iris. You'll get TM82 (Dragon Tail). Unova
Teleport system gets updated.
Leave through the NE exit to Vetress City.

Wild Pokemon: Stoutland, Swoobat, Eevee, Trubbish, Mareep, Zebstrika, Blitzle,
Cryogonal, Garbodor, Bouffalant. Level 35-39.

There are three shops in the area: Incenses, Drinks and Berries.

You've seen several Leagues by now, so you know how they work. Register, then start
with the far left exit and move to the right after every win. You'll have to fight
in five battles.

After you're done, go out. Cilan appears and fights you. When you win, he will give
you the Super Rod!

So, what's Super Rod for? In the locations you've seen so far, it won't actually
help you all that much; usually, you'll be able to catch the same Pokemon you can
get with Old Rod or Good Rod, except that they will be 10 levels higher.

Generally, if you're trying to catch a particular Pokemon, the Super Rod will
improve your chances ONLY if you want to catch the "rarer" Pokemon with Old Rod.
The most important example is probably Route 121 in Hoenn where Super Rod gives you
a better chance to get a Luvdisc for potential Heart Scale farming.
In all other situations, however, a specific Pokemon is easier to catch with one of
the other Rods.

The only exception from this general rule is Pallet Town, where you can get Horsea
and Staryu with Super Rod, but none of the others.

Go to Nuvema Town and talk to Professor Juniper to start the N arc. Note that
Vetress City will permanently close once you do that so if you want to do any
shopping/leveling there, do it before.

After talking to Professor Juniper, go to Virbank City and take the newly opened
western exit to Route 20.

Wild Pokemon: *Maractus, *Pawniard, Minccino, Sunflora, Shinx, Amoonguss. Level 36-
Fishing (Old Rod): Ducklett.
Fishing (Good Rod): Alomomola, Beartic and Swanna.
Fishing (Super Rod): Seel, Ducklett, Beartic and Swanna.

Right from the start, there's another Team Rocket battle.

Go down the stairs, fight a trainer on the ledge, go down another stairs, fight
another trainer.
Go down the stairs, go south and grab a Full Heal.
Go west and north along the path, fight a trainer.
Go up the stairs. Continue north into the trees. There's Keldeo here -- catch it
(Fast Balls are preferable).
Go back out. Go south into a grass patch; fight a trainer and grab a Sticky Barb
there. Cross one of the bridges west; this area has two trainers and two items (a
Rare Candy and a Heart Scale).

Continue west to Route 19:

Wild Pokemon: Braviary, Swadloon, Maractus, Scolipede, Audino, Galvantula. Level
Fishing (Old Rod): Ducklett.
Fishing (Good Rod): Alomomola, Beartic and Swanna.
Fishing (Super Rod): Ducklett, Alomomola, Beartic and Swanna.

From the start, go west and north. You can fight and catch Genesect here. Genesect
is neither heavy nor fast, so Timer Balls are the way to go.

Then go back and continue west along the Route. There are three trainers and one
item (an Expert Belt) on the way, all quite easy to see.

Exit south to Aspertia City.


The house in the NE corner of the city (a bit SE from where you come in) has a guy
who wants to see Genesect. Bring it to him (it must be in the first slot), and he
will give you Burn Drive, Chill Drive, Douse Drive, and Shock Drive. These items
change the type of Genesect's signature move, Techno Blast, to Fire, Ice, Water and
Electric, respectively. They also modify its sprite a bit.

Otherwise, there's nothing much here -- go to the Gym and fight Cheren. He will
give you TM49 (Echoed Voice).

After the battle, the path west opens. Go to "White Ruins". Beat Colress of Team
Plasma (this will update the Unova Teleport system for the last time), and then you
can fight Reshiram and capture it. Reshiram is heavy, so use Heavy Balls.

Now go to Castelia City and exit north to Route 4. Go into the desert and make your
way to the NE corner of this area. Victini will be there, our last Gen 5 Legendary!
Fast Balls are recommended.
And that's it for Unova! Go talk to Oak and then it's back to Viridian City. Take
the blimp to its new destination, Lumiose City!


While previous generations started us in a small backwater town, Kalos starts with
a bang. Lumiose City is the big city place analogical to Celadon or Goldenrod, and,
of course, it has a lot of places to visit, even though you are limited (for now)
to its southern half.

It's also very round.

Let's start in the SW part. There's a lab of Professor Sycamore. It has the region
teleport so you can quickly go anywhere else.

The house NW from the Lab contains TM92 (Trick Room).

Directly east from this house, across the street, is a store. It has an Incense
shop and a Vitamin shop.

Go to the Gym (it's the tall building in the middle of the city that looks nothing
like Gyms in the other regions). Talk to Clemont in front of the Gym and fight him.
Then go west and pass behind the tall house to a Froakie. Talk to it and it will
join you.
Train the Froakie up -- you will need a Greninja (its highest form) to get an item

Go there and talk to Professor Sycamore to get a Mega Ring. We're now capable of
performing Mega Evolution! If we can get the relevant items, that is.

There will be a Poke Ball on the table that contains the second Kalos starter,
Fennekin. Grab it.

The southern exit from the city was blocked by a fight, but after you obtain Mega
Ring AND talk to Clemont, it will clear. Go south. You end up in a gate building
(how long it is since we've actually seen one of those?). Continue south to Route

Wild Pokemon: *Fletchling, *Bunnelby, *Inkay, *Dedenne, Rhyhorn, Venipede, Pidgey,
Oddish, Volbeat, Illumise. Level 3-5.

In the official games, you need to hold your DS upside down in order to evolve
Inkay. Here, you don't have to worry about it -- just raise it to level 30 and it
will evolve.

The north part of the Route has two trainers; after that, you may explore the
regions to the east and west. Each has one trainer and one Super Potion.

Continue south to the central square. There are 3 trainers nearby and one woman who
gives you a Poison Barb.

Continue south, past final two trainers.

At this point, you can once again go to maze-like sections in the east and west.
West has a Net Ball in the grass while east has a Repel in the open and some Honey
in the grass.

That's all here, continue south to Santalune City.


There is a small plateau with an inaccessible house on the western side. Check the
second tile from the right under the house for a Super Potion.

The house in the NE corner is a school. Talk to the rightmost child to get an X

The house in the SW corner has a guy who will trade his Farfetch'd for your

Meet Selena in front of the gym and fight her. Then enter the Gym. It has three
paths; the right path leads to Viola while the other two lead to normal trainers.
Beat Viola for the Bug Badge and TM113 (Infestation).

Kalos Teleport system now starts working. Go back to Lumiose City. Professor
Sycamore's Lab will now have a Chespin for you to take. Talk to Clemont in front of
the Gym again for another battle. Go south to the Lumiose Gate. This time, you can
take the western path from there to Route 5.

Wild Pokemon: *Pumpkaboo, *Pancham, *Espurr, Riolu, Pangoro, Cubone, *Scatterbug.
Level 9-11.

Note that Pumpkaboo should have four different sizes that differ in stats, but
that's not implemented yet. Espurr's evolved form, Meowstic has great gender
differences, including different abilities and movesets -- alkso not implemented
yet. Pancham has simplified evolution compared to the vanilla Pokemon, just raise
it to level 32.

First of all, you'll be thrown into another Team Rocket battle. Then continue west.
Hug the north edge of the area -- the second tile from the left has a hidden Full
Heal. Fight a trainer and continue up the stairs. There's two Super Potions in this
area, one in the NW corner and the other in the SE corner.

Continue west and north past another trainer and then west past a pair of double
trainers. South and west past two more trainers. Go south and east past ledges and
another trainer for a Sharp Beak. Return past those two trainers, go up the stairs,
pick up another Super Potion and then an X Attack in the SE corner of the area. Go
down the stairs, fight another trainer, and continue west to Camphrier Town.


The guy next to the Poke Center will give you an Ultra Ball.

Poke Center has a Name Rater.

There is some Berry Juice in the SW corner of the town (you have to jump a ledge to
get there).

Go south to a glade with a Full Heal.

Enter the mansion at the northern end of the town and walk through it to Route 6.

Wild Pokemon: Fletchling, Marill, Hoppip, *Whismur, Smeargle, Skitty. Level 10-12.

Yep, after the two locations with Loudred way back, we finally have a spot for
Whismur, if you waited for it...

This Route has a bit unusual layout: it has a central path and two side areas, on
the eastern and western side. But the side areas can't be accessed from the Route

Start by going north along the main path, fighting two trainers along the way.
Eventually, you'll come to Parfum Palace. At this point, you can go east or west
and go back on Route 6 to fight Wild Pokemon and explore the side areas.

The side areas are formed by a sequence of "rooms" separated by one-way ledges.

Western area:
First room -- a trainer and an item (an X Speed).
Second room -- a Full Heal north in the grass.
Third room -- a trainer and an item (an Ultra Ball).
Fourth room -- a trainer, a pair of double trainers, and two items (an Awakening
and an Antidote).

Eastern area:
First room -- a trainer and an item (a TinyMushroom).
Second room -- a trainer and an item (an X Special).
Third room -- a trainer and an item (an Antidote).
Fourth room -- a trainer and an item (a Super Repel).

In the Parfum Palace area, grab an Amulet Coin next to the palace and enter.
The western wing of the palace has a healer. The eastern wing has Allie, "the
Princess". Beat her and you'll get the Poke Flute. This updates the Kalos teleport
system. With the Poke Flute, you can now fight the Snorlax who blocks western exit
from Camphrier Town (note that this Snorlax, like all wild Snorlaxes, has
Leftovers, so you might want to steal that). Afterwards, continue west to Route 7.

Wild Pokemon: *Spritzee, *Swirlix, Kecleon, Malamar, Onix, Furret. Level 13-14.
Fishing (Old Rod): Ducklett.
Fishing (Good Rod): Gulpin and Psyduck.
Fishing (Super Rod): Bibarel, Ducklett and Mantine.

Note that to evolve Spritzee and Swirlix, you need to make them hold Sachet and
Whipped Dream, respectively -- they can be bought in Slateport City MARKET.

Right at the beginning of the Route, there's Kalos branch of Day Care. Continue
west, grab a Heal Ball, and fight a trainer. Further west is Battle Chateau, but
it's closed. Talk to the guard at the entrance to get a SilverPowder. Go south past
the stairs, and then west to get a PP Up. Go back to the stairs, up, and west past
the final trainer and continue west to Route 8.

Wild Pokemon: Spritzee, Swirlix, Kecleon, Meowstic, Malamar. Level 14-15.
Fishing (Old Rod): Shellder and Finneon.
Fishing (Good Rod): *Clauncher, *Skrelp and Corsola.
Fishing (Super Rod): Dragalge, Stunfisk, Starmie, Mantine and Sharpedo.

Go down the stairs to the west and grab a Heart Scale to the south.

Go north and west and jump the ledge to the south. Go south and east. In the rock
corner is a hidden Super Potion.

Jump the ledge south and grab a Water Stone there.

Make your way to SE, jumping more ledges. Then jump to the west. Corner of the
beach has a hidden Heart Scale. Continue west and find a trainer. Next corner of
the beach has another hidden Heart Scale.

Continue north past a trainer and grab a Pearl. Jump the ledge and go up the stairs
to get to the top of ledges again. This time, go west and jump two ledges south.
Grab a HP Up there. Jump another ledge and fight a trainer. Make your way down to
the beach and around to where you were before. This time, instead of jumping the
ledge, continue north.

Once you pass through a narrow corridor between rock and sea, go east, fight a
trainer and grab a Leaf Stone. Go west, fight the final trainer, and continue north
to Cyllage City.

Fishing (Old Rod): Shellder and Finneon.
Fishing (Good Rod): *Clauncher, *Skrelp and Corsola.
Fishing (Super Rod): Dragalge, Stunfisk, Starmie, Mantine and Sharpedo.

(Fishing is identical to Route 8.)

Go up the stairs and to the house on your left. Talk to the two guys here to get
Amaura and Tyrunt.

The guy in the house next to the Poke Center will give you a Destiny Knot. The
house east from Poke Center has a Groomer.

There's a Game Center in the NE corner. It has the following Pokemon:

Inkay - 180 coins
*Furfrou - 500 coins
*Goomy - 2800 coins
*Honedge - 5500 coins
*Carbink - 9999 coins

Note that there will be a gift Goomy later.

The long, winding path in the eastern part of the city has a girl who will give you
a Lava Cookie.

Go to the SE part and enter the cave where the Gym is. It has 4 normal trainer plus
Grant. Beat him for the Cliff Badge and TM118 (Rollout). Kalos Teleport system gets

Exit Cyllage City through the NW exit.

Wild Pokemon: Ralts, Swirlix, Bellossom, Medicham, Kirlia, Audino, Lilligant,
Smeargle, Gulpin. Level 19-21.
Fishing (Old Rod): Ducklett and Psyduck.
Fishing (Good Rod): *Binacle, Marill and Corsola.
Fishing (Super Rod): Swanna, Bibarel, Simipour, Mantine and Sharpedo.

Go north to the first grass patch. Search the empty tile in the SW corner of the
grass patch for a Burn Heal. Talk to Diantha and fight her. You'll get a
Gardevoirite. These "Pokemonite" stones can be used to Mega Evolve, so right now
you can Mega Evolve a Gardevoir if you have one.

Continue north. Before entering the fenced area, go west and search the last tile
in the dead end to find a Revive.

Enter the fenced area (you need to defeat Diantha first, otherwise a pair of
Slowpokes bars your way). In the first area, there's a trainer. At the end of the
area, you'll meet Korrina. Fight her.

The second area has two trainers and an item (a Thunderstone).

The third area has one trainer and two items (an X Accuracy and a Kangaskhanite).
Continue north to Geosenge Town.


Go west and grab a Soft Sand.

Visit the Poke Center and talk to a guy there to get an Everstone.
Enter the house NW from Poke Center and talk to Gurkinn there to get a Blazikenite
and a Heracronite.
Go west and then north, hugging the western wall, until you get to a dead end with
a Timer Ball.
Go east from the town sign and talk to a woman for a Gengarite.
Go between the three big rocks and grab the TM60 (Quash) there.

Continue east to Route 11.

Wild Pokemon: *Hawlucha, Furfrou, Bonsly, Ursaring, Pidgeotto, Machamp, Trevenant,
Sudowoodo, Pachirisu, Machamp. Level 21-25.

Trevenant is an evolution of Phantump -- you'll be able to catch that later.

Right at the beginning, you have to fight Serena. Then continue east and up the
Fight a trainer and go up another stairs.
In this area, ignore the stairs. Instead, go north and west for a trainer and a
Super Potion. Then go down the stairs to the west and grab a Hyper Potion.
Return to the stairs you ignored before and go up. Fight two trainers there and
then one more in front of the cave. Enter.

Wild Pokemon: Bonsly, Trevenant, *Noibat, Ursaring, Sudowoodo, Amoonguss. Level 21-

Go north and grab a Nest Ball.

Continue east past a trainer. At the crossroad, go north to battle another trainer
and grab a Moon Stone.
Return to the crossroad and go south past two trainers. At the next crossroad, go
west and south to find Xerneas. Catch it. Heavy Balls are preferred.
Return to the crossroad and go south to grab a Sablenite.
Return to the crossroad again and go east past two trainers. Then go north past
three more trainers to another crossroad.
Grab an Iron on this crossroad. Go west, fight a trainer, and then go south for a
Black Belt. Be careful not to fall from the ledge!
Return to the crossroad and go east, past the final trainer. Exit the cave to
Shalour City.


There are two houses west of the Poke Center. The left one has a guy who will give
you an Eviolite.

There's the TM103 (Zap Cannon) in the NE corner of the city. The guy in the nearby
house will give you TM56 (Fling).

The guy east from the beach will give you a Sun Stone.

The beach has four hidden Stardusts. Follow these directions exactly:

1. Start at the eastern stairs, northernmost tile.

2. Go six steps west and check the tile in front of you for the first Stardust.
3. Go three steps south and check the tile east of you for the second Stardust.
4. Go three steps west and check the tile in front of you for the third Stardust.
5. Go six steps west and check the tile north of you for the fourth Stardust.

Finally, enter the Gym. This Gym is a tower, so it's built vertically:

1F: Battle against Team Rocket.

2F: A trainer.
3F: Two trainers.
4F: A trainer.
5F: Korrina. Beat her for the Rumble Badge, TM114 (Power Punch) and a Lucarionite.

Once you beat Korrina, you get another Kalos Teleport update. Additionally, the
Croagunk who blocked the house east from the Poke Center moves and lets you enter.
The old lady inside will give you a Venusaurite, a Charizardite Y, and a

Now leave through the east exit (it only opens after you beat Korrina) to Route 12.

Wild Pokemon: Pancham, Luxio, *Skiddo, *Flabebe, Magnemite, Flaaffy, Golbat,
Gogoat, Spritzee, *Vanillite, Salamence, Goomy (rare). Level 23-27.
Fishing (Old Rod): Bidoof and Marill.
Fishing (Good Rod): Marill, Lotad and Lombre.
Fishing (Super Rod): Lapras, Simipour and Lombre.

Go east. You'll find a Goomy who wants to go with you. And it's a good thing too,
because otherwise they have abysmal 1% encounter rate on this Route! You know what
they say: don't look a gift Goomy in the mouth... Because it's sticky and gross. Or
something like that.

Go south from there and fight a trainer. Continue south and west to find an
Altarianite. Go east and grab some Leftovers from the next grass patch. East past a
trainer, then north past two more, up the stairs, and you'll end up on a small
plateau. Go down the stairs to the west for a trainer and a Shiny Stone. Plus,
there's also a Water Stone here, hidden in the NW corner of this mini-beach.

Go back on the plateau and down the stairs to the east. Fight the last trainer and
continue east to Coumarin City.

Fishing (Old Rod): Bidoof and Marill.
Fishing (Good Rod): Marill, Lotad and Lombre.
Fishing (Super Rod): Lapras, Simipour and Lombre.

Fishing is the same as on Route 12.

This city has two parts, northern and southern. We'll start with the northern part.

Go east until you can turn north. Follow the path north and west. Go to the SW
corner there. Then check the tile to your north for an Elixir.

There's a house nearby with a Lucky Egg inside.

Go west and talk to the guy on the cliff. He will give you a Silk Scarf.

Now go back south to the waterfront and then east. Enter the house. The guy on the
left will give you a Lopunnite. Talk to the guy on top to go to the southern part
of the city. Talk to the guy on the right here for a Metronome.

Go out. You're right next to the Poke Center. Talk to the guy there to get a
Mawilite. Go out and a bit west. There is a Max Repel hidden two tiles north from
the town sign.

Go south and talk to the sailor for a Swamperite. Further south are two houses. The
left one is empty, but the right one contains an Incense vendor.

Even further south is a guy who will give you a Black Sludge.

The path to the Gym is blocked by Clemont. Fight him. Then go inside the tree...
Gym... whatever.

There are four trainers plus Ramos. Beat him for the Plant Badge and TM116 (Petal
There's another Kalos Teleport update, but more importantly, new stuff in Lumiose
City! Don't teleport there, though -- we'll take the scenic route, Route 13 to be
precise. Go south from Coumarin City...

Weather Forecast: Sandstorm
Wild Pokemon: *Helioptile, Spoink, Magnezone, Grumpig, Electrike, Stunfisk,
Diggersby, Plusle, Minun. Level 26-28.

This Route has no trainers, but there is a lot of items, both regular and hidden.
Follow this path:

1. Go south, down the stairs, and west to get a Nest Ball.

2. Go south, and then west and north around the rocks. Line yourself west of the
second rock (the one that blocks path to where you got the Nest Ball. Go five steps
west and check the tile in front of you for an X Accuracy.
3. Go south from there and grab the visible Smooth Rock.
4. From the tile where the Smooth Rock was, go five steps east and check the tile
south of you for a Rare Candy.
5. Continue east. You will pass between two rocks. Line yourself east from the
bottom rock and check the tile to your east for a Fire Stone.
6. Go north and east and grab the visible Aggronite.
7. Go south. Pass between the two rocks, then turn east. In the corner of the area
is a hidden Heat Rock.
8. Go south, then west. Turn south after the second rock -- there are three rock in
an almost vertical line. Line yourself on the west side of the middle rock, walk
two steps west and check the tile in front of you for a Star Piece.
9. Continue all the way west until you see and grab a Sun Stone.
10. Continue even further west and grab a Steelixite.
11. Go south, east, and south. You'll reach the exit that leads back to Lumiose
City. But we are not done yet. Continue east, go around the rock in your way, and
grab a Tyranitarite.
12. Continue east to the very SE corner of this route. One tile west and two tile
north from the corner is the last item here, a hidden PP Up.

This route is actually an electric zone -- Magneton and Nosepass (and later
Charjabug) will evolve if you level them up here.

That's it, now exit to Lumiose City!


The northern half of the city is now open for exploration. Important things:

1. The guy at the west side of the gym. He will give you a Wide Lens.
2. The house west from there. Talk to the clerk there to get a Quick Claw.
3. The house west from there, across the street. The guy there will give you a
4. Continue north from there along the street. The first guy you'll meet will give
you a Zoom Lens.
5. Continue NE and east along the street. Eventually you'll meet the third lens
brother who will reward you with a Scope Lens.
6. East from there is Lysandre Caf�. Talk to the lady in the middle to get a
7. Continue along the circular street until you get to the middle of the city
again. There's a Poke Ball shop. On 2F, there are two clerks that sell all the
various Balls from previous shops if you need a refill.

Now let's hit the Gym. This Gym is the type with multiple paths. There are five
elevators. The second one from the left leads to Clemont, the four others lead to
one trainer each.

Beat Clemont for the Voltage Badge and TM115 (Shock Wave).

Go to the lab and talk to Professor Sycamore. He will give you a Garchompite. Also,
there's a guy north of the Gym (Clemont's father) who will you an Ampharosite now
that you've beat Clemont.

The path east is still closed, so leave north to Route 14.

Weather forecast: Occasionally rainy
Wild Pokemon: Floette, Carbink, Pinsir, Wooper, Lotad, Florges, Yanmega, Pangoro,
Beedrill, SEciper, Ariados, Gulpin. Level 30-32.

Once you enter, you'll see Keanan who works as a Day Care. Go to the NW corner of
this area. Two tiles to the east and one tile to the south is a hidden Super

Go north and fight Serena. Then go east through the grass patch. There's an empty
spot there in the shape of T-tetromino. A Revive is hidden in the center of the T.

Go north. Ignore the path west and continue north to grab a Damp Rock. Return and
take the path west. The puddle there has a trainer and a Rare Candy.

Go north, then east. Fight another trainer and continue north, through the big
puddle. There are two trainers, and one them guards the exit from the Route -- but
we're not done yet. Go west and south for the last trainer on this Route and a
Banettite. Return to the exit and go east. You'll find a small path to the south
that has a Cleanse Tag.

Now you can exit to the north to Laverre City.

Fishing (Old Rod): Psyduck and Marill.
Fishing (Good Rod): Marill, Ducklett and Goomy.
Fishing (Super Rod): Basculin, Binacle, Poliwhirl and Goomy.

The first house you come to has a guy who will give you a Medichamite. The guy east
from the Poke Center will give you a Poke Doll.

Go up the stairs, then west and south to grab an Ether.

SE from the Gym is a house with a Move Tutor for Air Cutter.

North of this house are some purple flowers. The NE one hides a Leaf Stone.

A guy named Sawyer blocks the way to the Gym. Fight him, but we'll finish with the
town before doing the Gym itself.
Go to the NE corner of the town where you'll find another Pokemon Fan Club. Talk to
the old man and answer "Yes" to his question to receive a Sacred Ash.

Finally, there are some bushes west of the Poke Ball Factory (the big building in
the north). Search the second bush from the bottom to find an Ultra Ball. Probably
a stash of a dishonest employee...

Enter the building, and what do you know: another Team Rocket battle. After the
battle, you'll end up outside. Talk to the guard who now blocks the building and
you'll get another Master Ball.

Now hit the Gym. This is the kind with teleport maze, similar to Saffron City back
in Kanto. If we mark the rooms like this:


then each room apart from 5 (entrance) and 2 (Valerie) has 4 teleports and a
trainer. The connections are:

1NW <-> 4NW

1NE <-> 6NW
1SW <-> 3SE
1SE <-> 4SW
2 <-> 3SW
3NW <-> 6NE
3NE <-> 4SE
4NE <-> 6SW
5 <-> 6SE

So, from entrance, you can get to room 6, and from there you can reach rooms 1, 3,
and 4. To reach the room 2 where Valerie is, teleport to room 3 through NE teleport
and then through SW teleport there to room 2.

When you beat Valerie, you will get the Fairy Badge and TM117 (Moonblast). Kalos
Teleport system gets updated.

Go to the Pokemon Fan Club and get a Beedrillite from the girl at the top of the

Once you do both Gym and the Poke Ball Factory battle, the path to the east will
open. I mean, after you beat Sawyer again. Then you can exit east to Route 15.

Wild Pokemon: Honedge, Skorupi, Watchog, Liepard, Foongus, Pawniard, *Klefki
Fishing (Old Rod): Poliwag and Seel.
Fishing (Good Rod): Binacle, Lombre and Seel.
Fishing (Super Rod): Floatzel, Seel and Basculin.

Note that Honedge's final form, Aegislash, is not fully implemented yet -- its
transformation doesn't work.

Take the first path south. At its end is a free Noibat egg.

Return to main path and continue east. There will be a trainer. Go east, down the
ledge, and grab a Macho Brace. Then go south and west for another trainer and
continue south into a grass patch. There's a trainer there. In the southern part is
a two-tile "dent" in the patch; a HP Up is hidden in its north tile.

Continue east along the road. In the next area are 3 trainers and a Protein. After
the next bridge there's another item (a Dire Hit) and two trainers plus on the road
leading to exit. Right before the exit, there are twins who are not trainers -- one
will give you a Sharpedonite, the other a Cameruptite. Exit east to Dedemille Town.

Fishing (Old Rod): Frillish.
Fishing (Good Rod): Jellicent, Swanna and Alomomola.
Fishing (Super Rod): Frillish, Jellicent, Swanna and Alomomola.

The northern part of the town has four houses. The NW house has a Move Deleter. The
NE house has a Move Maniac. The SW house has a guy who will give you a Big Nugget.
The SE house has a Moomoo Milk vendor.

There is a Heal Ball hidden east from the Poke Center. From the door of the center,
go three steps east, two steps north and search in front of you.

A fenced area in the eastern part of the town has a Big Root.

The fisherman at the path out of the town will give you a Slowbronite.

Continue through the SE exit to Route 17.

Weather forecast: Snowy
Wild Pokemon: Snover, Mamoswine, Abomasnow, Vivillon, Fearow. Level 36-38.

Make your way east and south, past the three trainers, picking Calcium on your way.
Then enter the cave.

Wild Pokemon (1F+2F): Snover, Mamoswine, Abomasnow, Eevee, Crustle, Fearow,
Vivillon. Level 36-38.
Wild Pokemon (3F): Mamoswine, *Bergmite, Abomasnow, Eevee, Crustle, Fearow,
Vivillon, Snover. Level 36-38.

Eevee can evolve into Glaceon on 3F.

Go north, west and south around a depression and search a boulder for a Dusk Ball.
Go north from the start to reach a healer.

Now it's a bit complicated. Frost Cavern is a pretty open dungeon with multiple
paths that connect the floors. Let's start by cleaning the western part of 1F.

Go west from the healer and up the stairs. Fight a trainer and go north and east to
grab a Hyper Potion. Pop up the stairs to 2F and fight two trainers there, but then
come back here. Go back west and search a boulder in this part to find an Ice Heal.

Return to the healer and go east. In the ice field is a Heart Scale. Then go north,
past a trainer, and up the stairs. Continue north here and walk up the stairs to

On 2F, you'll end up in a small enclosed area. Grab TM112 (Confide) and go to the
end of the path where you can fight and catch Yveltal. Neither Heavy nor Fast Balls
work well on it, so Timer Balls might be your best bet. Go back to 1F afterwards.

On 1F, go east and north past a trainer. Talk to the second guy to get an Icy Rock
and go up the stairs to the main part of 2F.

Now let's clear 2F. Go north and through the ice field. Fight a trainer north of
the field. In the NE corner of the field are two boulders; check the NW one (the
only one that can be checked from outside the ice), it contains a Pearl. For some

Slide through the ice to the SW corner of the field with a Max Repel. Go north and
west, past another trainer, and search the boulder at the western wall to find a
Dire Hit. Go west through ice, fight a trainer and grab a Nevermeltice north from
there. A boulder near to the Nevermeltice contains an Ice Heal.

Go south and west until you reach another ice field. The boulder in the NE part of
the field contains a hidden Super Potion.

That's all here. Go north, east, and north again to reach stairs to 3F.

Here, go north, through ice. Take the second route east and grab an Ether in the
dead end. Go west and north to a big ice field.

There's one trainer in this area. The NW corner of the field has a visible item (a
Scizorite), and there are also two hidden items:

1: SW from the trainer are two boulders next to each other. The eastern one hides a
PP Up.
2: In the NE part of the field is a lone boulder with an Elixir.

In the NE part is also path leading east that has a Zinc in it. Otherwise, continue
north from the field to fight the last two trainers and exit to next part of Route


Quite simple now: just a guy who will give you a Glalitite, one trainer, and a Rare
Candy. Exit east to Anistar City.


Talk to the first two people you come to for TM51 (Ally Switch) and a Max Repel.
Continue east. First house has a person who will give you an Escape Rope. Further
to the east is a Nurse Joy who will give you an Audinite.

Go back west and north along the shore. The house on the eastern side has two
people who will give you a Pinsirite and an Absolite.

There are two paths leading west, each guarded by a guy. Talk to either to them and
get transported to Anistar Sundial.
Grab the four items around this area -- a Houndoominite, a Pidgeotite, a
Salamenceite, and a Metagrossite. There is also a Sun Stone, hidden two tiles south
from Olympia. Talk to Olympia and return to the city. Now you can enter the Gym.

The Gym has five normal trainers plus Olympia. She will give you the Psychic Badge
and TM119 (Stored Power).

Apart from the usual Teleport update, the southern exit from Anistar City is now
open. But that's not all! Safari Zone now has a Kalos area!

Go to Kanto, Fuchsia City, Safari Zone, and exit through the western exit on the
north side of the Kanto area to reach the Kalos area.

Wild Pokemon: *Litleo, Floette, Skiddo, Carbink, Furfrou, Gogoat, Honedge, Goomy,
Dedenne, Pumpkaboo, *Phantump (rare), Bergmite. Level 30-34.
Fishing (Old Rod): Binacle and Clauncher.
Fishing (Good Rod): Binacle, Inkay and Malamar.
Fishing (Super Rod): Clawitzer, Barbaracle, Malamar, Sliggoo and Goodra.

There are two visible items in the grass: a Carbos and a Shiny Stone. In addition,
you can find a hidden Nugget in the grass. It's on the tile just east from the NW

Now return back to Anistar City and take the southern exit to Route 18.

Wild Pokemon: Litleo, Marill, Dodrio, Flareon, Zigzagoon, Pyroar, Jolteon. Level
Fishing (Old Rod): Azurill.
Fishing (Good Rod): Marill, Lanturn and Vaporeon.
Fishing (Super Rod): Panpour, Vaporeon, Beartic and Huntail.

Right after entering, you'll meet Clemont and have another battle. Go south and
jump the ledge. Fight a trainer and grab a Hyper Potion. Go east. The grass patch
has one tile that protrudes north and touches another grass patch; check that tile
for a Poke Ball. Continue north to the path. You can't get past the bridge now, so
continue north instead. There are three Team Flare trainers in this area and after
that, you'll reach Bonnie. Talk to her to start the Team Flare arc. Grab the TM59
(Incinerate) east from her as well.

Now that you talked to Bonnie, the bridge is accessible. Go east and fight two

There's a man in the house. If you talk to him with Greninja in the front of your
party, he will give you a Shuriken. If you give that item to Greninja, it will be
able to change into more powerful "Ash-Greninja" form in battle (similar to Mega

Go south, on the plateau, and grab a PP Up there. Fight a trainer, then go down the
stairs to the west and continue south. This last part of Route 18 has one trainer,
one visible item (a Max Ether) and two hidden items:

1: Ether -- go along the eastern side of the path. It passes through a grass patch.
Search the middle of the five grass tiles on this vertical line.
2: Super Potion -- go to the southern grass patch in this area. Step on the
westernmost grass tile in its top row and search the tile south of you.

Then exit south to Couriway Town.

Fishing (Old Rod): Azurill.
Fishing (Good Rod): Marill, Lanturn and Vaporeon.
Fishing (Super Rod): Frillish, Jellicent, Swanna and Alomomola.

Go to the Poke Center. From the entrance, walk three steps west and one step north,
then check the tile in front of you for an Ether.

The high plateau east from the Poke Center has a Rare Candy and a guy who will give
you a Mystic Water.

Sawyer is on the big wooden dock. Fight him for a teleport update.

Southern part of the town has two houses. The western house has a guy who will give
you a Sceptilite; in the eastern house, you can get a Miracle Seed from another
guy. A girl on the plateau where this house is will give you a Charcoal.

The path south is blocked by Alain. If you have already defeated Sawyer, he will
fight you. Leave south to Route 19 afterwards.

Wild Pokemon: Floette, Phantump, Lairon, Shuckle, Toxicroak, Helioptile, Litleo,
Diglett, Staravia, Sentret. Level 38-40.

Start by going south and west, down the stairs. The empty tile surrounded by three
grass tiles hides a Net Ball. Continue south, then east to the plateau. There's a
trainer and an item (Aerodactylite).

Return back to the main path, fight a trainer and go east, up the stairs. Fight the
next two trainers, but then the path is blocked by Team Flare, so go into the cave
instead. Terminus Cave has no wild Pokemon (unlike most caves), just three Team
Flare members on the linear path. Enter another cave at the end, and what a
surprise -- it's Team Rocket again! Beat them and grab Latiasite and Latiosite in
the cave.

Get out of the cave. The path forward is now blocked by Alain who will fight you.
Afterwards, he will give you a Charizardite X. At this point, you can cross the
bridge and use the healer there, but don't forget to come back to the stairs later.
There's a short, twisty, grassy path south of the path there. First go to the SW
corner -- the corner tile hides a Damp Rock. Then, find a hidden Timer Ball. Stand
in the corner where Damp Rock was, walk three steps north, and then east, through
the grass patch. There will be four clear tiles on this horizontal level before the
next grass patch starts; the Timer Ball is on the third one from the left.

And finally, there's a visible HP Up at the very end of this path.

Go back across the bridge, use the healer, and grab a PP Up in the grass patch
there. Then go left along the path, fight the last trainer and exit west to Route
Wild Pokemon: Floette, Phantump, Lairon, Shuckle, Toxicroak, Helioptile, Litleo,
Diglett, Staravia, Sentret. Level 38-40.
Fishing (Old Rod): Azurill.
Fishing (Good Rod): Marill, Lanturn and Vaporeon.
Fishing (Super Rod): Frillish, Jellicent, Swanna and Alomomola.

Note that wild encounters are the same as on Route 19 and fishing is the same as in
Couriway Town.

This is a fairly small area. The southern part where you start has two trainers and
one item (a Manectite). Then go to the stairs and fight Diantha so you can pass.
The northern area has another two trainers and TM88 (Pluck).

That's all -- exit west to reach Snowbelle City!

Weather forecast: Sometimes snowy

A guy SW from the Poke Center will give you a Revive.

North of the Poke Center is a house with the Move Tutor for Bounce.

North of the Gym is a Full Restore (you have to go along the ledge west of the Gym
to get it).

The house in the NW corner has an Alakazite.

There's TM64 (Explosion) in the NW part of the town.

Beat Sawyer in front of the Gym. The Gym has four normal trainers plus Wulfric.

After you beat Wulfric, he sends you to the Pokemon Village. Go south from
Snowbelle City to Route 20.

As an aside, the teleport update happens now, you don't need to actually get the

Weather forecast: Sometimes snowy
Wild Pokemon: Vivillon, Spewpa, Butterfree, Bergmimte, Snorlax, Budew, Fletchling,
Weedle, Caterpie, Scatterbug, Zigzagoon, Bidoof. Level 40-43.

Note that you can get unlimited Leftovers here thanks to the wild Snorlaxes.

This route is a maze that calls Pac-Man to mind. Let's go on a scenic tour:

1. From the start, go east. Fight a trainer, go south and east, fight another
trainer, go north and grab a Protein in a dead end.

2. Continue east and south. There's Iron in this passage.

3. Continue south, west, south and east. Fight the pair of double trainers and go
south and west for a Zinc.

4. Return to the double trainers and continue west. At the end of the path, turn
north and grab a HP Up.

5. Return south and east. At the fork, go south and west to get TM99 (Bug Buzz).

6. Further west, fight a trainer, then west, north and west. Fight a trainer and go
south for a Carbos.

7. Continue south and east to find Selena. Fight her.

8. Return west, north, and east to get to a major north-south passageway. Go north
and turn west when possible, then north for a Calcium.

9. Continue north, east, north, east, and north to get back to the entrance.

Back in Snowbelle City, go back to the Gym and fight Wulfric again. He'll give you
the Iceberg Badge, TM120 (Icicle Crash) and an Abomasite.

Our goal is Lumiose City now; the Kalos journey ends where it began. We could
teleport there, but there's still one Route we haven't been to, Route 22 west of
Snowbelle City. So let's go there!

Wild Pokemon: Scyther, Ursaring, Altaria, Spinda, Floatzel, Lombre, Swablu,
Dragonair. Level 43-47.

Go west. You'll go to the fork where you can go along the path to the north, or
jump the ledge to the west. We'll take the north path first.

Go along the path north and west, fighting three trainers and grabbing a Full
Restore from a grass patch.

Turn north and walk east along the narrow path to end up in an area where you can
grab Mewtwonite X and Mewtwonite Y.

Go back to the start of the Route and jump the ledge this time. This path is
shorter, but one-way. After jumping the second ledge, you'll fight two trainers,
then you can grab an Elixir.

Jump the third ledge, then go north to fight the final trainer here. Continue west
to Lumiose City. Note that the passage between Lumiose City and Route 22 opens
after you beat Wulfric for the first time.


Clemont is now in front of the Pokemon League building in the NW part of the city.
Fight him and enter.

Standard Pokemon League stuff. Get registered, then fight at the left exit. Then go
to the second exit from the left. Then the middle exit. Then the second exit from
the right. The rightmost exit has final two battles.

Unfortunately, right after the League ends, Team Flare attacks! Go out into the
city which is now overrun by Team Flare goons.

Go east. You'll have to fight a Team Flare member. Note that that's an exception --
most of Team Flare members in the city do not fight, they just block your way. Poke
Center is inaccessible at the moment, but remember that there is one in the League

Like to the east -- blocked. You have to continue south instead.

After you pass the exit west from the city, you'll have to fight another trainer.
Next trainer is in the southern part of the city. After that, you can enter the
Poke Center, though Team Flare blocks access to the PC and to teleport. Of course,
the League building still has an accessible PC, if you need one.

Continue around the city to the north until you get to the eastern exit. You can
turn west towards the Gym there (after battling another trainer). Next trainer is
close to the Gym sign, and soon after that, you'll run into the next one. Now you
can finally enter the Gym.

Enter the second elevator from the left. Fight the Team Flare member there and
enter the door behind him. You'll end up on the roof of Prism Tower, where you'll
have to fight Lysandre. Congratulations, Team Flare is done!

You'll end up in the city with all the characters from Kalos. You'll automatically
talk to Professor Sycamore, and that's the end of the Kalos storyline!

Before we return to Oak, there is a new Legendary Pokemon to get.

Next, teleport to Couriway Town and go south to Route 19. Enter the Terminus Cave
and go to the back (the spot where you've fought Team Rocket). You can now fight
and capture Zygarde there. Heavy Balls are indicated.

Return to Pallet Town and talk to Oak to start the Alola arc!

But before that, go to the Lumiose store (the building west of Poke Center) and go
to the top floor. There will be three guys who will gift you Hoopa, Diancie and
Volcanion. You can also find Diancite here. (It could be found before but you need
a Diancie to utilize it.)


Going to Alola is easy, just take the blimp from Viridian City. However, unlocking
Alola also unlocks a TON of extra fights we can tackle right now. You can find
about most of the fights by reading books on the desk in Oak's Lab.

1. First floor of Oak's Lab -- Tracey rematch.

2. Viridian Gym -- Team Rocket rematch. You will be asked if you want to fight
Jessie, James, or Meowth. Each of the three has different team (with Meowth's
"team" is literally just Meowth himself). However, the important thing about this
battle is that it's repeatable. Once you defeat Team Rocket, you'll be sent outside
the Gym and you can just come back in and fight them again. It's an unlimited
source of money and EXP!

3. Pewter Gym -- Brock rematch.

4. Cerulean Gym -- Misty rematch.

Now for Johto:

5. Goldenrod City -- May rematch. May is west from the Poke Center.

6. Olivine City -- Dawn rematch. Dawn is in the NE corner of the city.

7. Blackthorn City -- Iris rematch. Iris is in the NE part of the city.

Now Hoenn, where there's only one rematch battle:

8. Lilycove City -- Serena rematch. Serena is west from the Contest Hall -- SW from
the Poke Center.

Next three rematch battles are in Sinnoh:

9. Professor Rowan's Lab -- Gary rematch.

10. Twinleaf Town -- Barry rematch. Barry is in front of the NE house.

11. Snowpoint City -- Paul rematch. Paul is in the south part of the city, close to
the sea.

Unova has only one rematch battle:

12. Nuvema Town -- Trip rematch. Trip is in front of the house SE from the Lab.

And now for the last four rematch battles in Kalos:

13. Lumiose Gym -- Clemont rematch.

14. Lysandre Caf� in Lumiose City -- Sawyer rematch.

15. Shalour City -- Cilan rematch. Cilan is on a bench in the northern part of the

16. Frost Cavern -- Alain rematch. Enter from the Dedemille side, Alain will be
close to the healer.

OK, that's all the rematch battles -- what's next? Next, we go to Unova. When we
were there for Trip rematch, we didn't have to leave the starting town, but now
leave it and go to Driftveil City.

* Note: This section is no longer correct, there was a rearranging of the Battle
House. I will eventually correct it, but this is supposed to be a post-game area so
it's not a high priority. However, I will note here that you can fight Ryuki
outside the Battle House.*

There's a big house (Battle House) in the southern part of the city that you
couldn't enter before. Well, now it's open!

So, what's inside? Battles. Lots and lots of battles. 53 battles in total, against
all the Gym Leaders.

There are 18 colored squares on the floor, corresponding to the 18 types, and
around each of them are Gym Leaders that use that type.
Top row:
Rock type -- Brock, hailing from Pewter City in Kanto!
Roxanne, hailing from Rustboro City in Hoenn!
Roark, hailing from Oreburgh City in Sinnoh!
Grant, hailing from Cyllage City in Kalos!
Water type -- Misty, hailing from Cerulean City in Kanto!
Juan, hailing from Sootopolis City in Hoenn!
Crasher Wake, hailing from Pastoria City in Sinnoh!
and below those:
Cress, hailing from Striaton City in Unova!
Marlon... no, I don't remember him.
Electric type -- Lt. Surge, hailing from Vermillion City in Kanto!
Wattson, hailing from Mauville City in Hoenn!
Volkner, hailing from Sunnyshore City in Sinnoh!
and below those:
Elesa, hailing from Nimbasa City in Unova!
Clemont, hailing from Lumiose City in Kalos!
Grass type -- Erika, hailing from Celadon City in Kanto!
Gardenia, hailing from Eterna City in Sinnoh!
Cilan, hailing from Striaton City in Unova!
Ramos, hailing from Coumarin City in Kalos!
Poison type -- Koga, hailing from Fuchsia City in Kanto!
Roxie, hailing from Virbank City in Unova!
Psychic type -- Sabrina, hailing from Saffron City in Kanto!
Tate and Liza (double battle), hailing from Mossdeep City in Hoenn!
Olympia, hailing from Anistar City in Kalos!
Fire type -- Blaine, hailing from Cinnabar Island in Kanto!
Flannery, hailing from Lavaridge Town in Hoenn!
Chili, hailing from Striaton City in Unova!
Ground type -- Giovanni, hailing from Viridian City in Kanto! (Technically, though
you never actually fought him there.)
Clay, hailing from... Driftveil City in Unova? Wow, this guy had an
easy commute, didn't he?
Flying type -- Falkner, hailing from Violet City in Johto!
Winona, hailing from Fortree City in Hoenn!
Skyla, hailing from Mistralton City in Unova!

Bottom row:
Bug type -- Bugsy, hailing from Azalea town in Johto!
Burgh, hailing from Castelia City in Unova!
Viola, hailing from Santalune City in Kalos!
Normal type -- Whitney, hailing from Goldenrod City in Johto!
Norman, hailing from Petalburg City in Hoenn!
Lenora, hailing from Nacrene City in Unova!
Cheren, hailing from Aspertia City in Unova! Technically not an
official Gym Leader yet!
Ghost type -- Morty, hailing from Ecruteak City in Johto!
Fantina, hailing from Hearthome City in Sinnoh!
Fighting type -- Chuck, hailing from Cianwood City in Johto!
Brawly, hailing from Dewford Town in Hoenn!
Maylene, hailing from Veilstone City in Sinnoh!
Korrina, hailing from Shalour City in Kalos!
Steel type -- Jasmine, hailing from Olivine City in Johto!
Byron, hailing from Canalave City in Sinnoh!
Ice type -- Pryce, hailing from Mahogany Town in Johto!
Candice, hailing from Snowpoint City in Sinnoh!
Brycen, hailing from Icirrus City in Unova!
Wulfric, hailing from Snowbelle City in Kalos!
Dragon type -- Clair, hailing from Blackthorn City in Johto!
Drayden, hailing from... no, we actually never met this guy.
Dark type -- no one, as there is no Dark Gym.
Fairy type -- Valerie, hailing from Laverre City in Kalos!

Sadly, the Orange Islands leaders (Cissy, Danny, Rudy and Luana) are nowhere to be

This is a good point to reflect on those leaders. We have beaten 6 regions with 8
gyms apiece, that's 48 badges. And 50 Gym Leaders (because of Striaton City, which
has Chili, Cress and Cilan). The remaining three battles are the two unknowns
(Marlon and Drayden) and Cheren.

There's a healer and a PC right in the house, so you can fight to your heart's

OK, so what now? Well, believe it or not, there is yet ANOTHER set of bonus
battles! To access it, go to Oak's Lab in Pallet Town and check the machine that
has appeared in the SE corner of Oak's upstairs room. Here, you can fight Pokedex
Holders, which are basically heroes of various mainline Pokemon games. You always
end up in some game location with the opponent. The locations look like normal
places you've been to (or places you're going to visit in the future) but they are
actually separate dimensions and you can't exit them in any way except the portal
that will return you home.

The champions are:

Gen 1:
Red, the Fighter, in Pallet Town
Blue, the Trainer, in Viridian Gym
Green, the Evolver, at Indigo Plateau
Yellow, the Healer, in Viridian Forest

Gen 2:
Gold, the Hatcher, in New Bark Town
Silver, the Exchanger, in Viridian City
Crystal, the Capturer, in Ecruteak City

Gen 3:
Ruby, the Charmer, in Slateport City
Sapphire, the Conqueror, in Littleroot Town
Emerald, the Calmer, in Battle Tower

Gen 4:
Diamond, the Empathizer, on Iron Island
Pearl, the Determiner, in Pastoria City
Platinum, the Understander, on Mt. Coronet

Gen 5:
Black, the Dreamer, at Unova Pokemon League
White, the Dreamer, in Nimbasa City
Blake, the Arrester, in Virbank City
Whitley, the Liberator, in Aspertia City

Gen 6:
X, the Loner, in Geosenge Town
Y, the Flyer, in Shalour City

Gen 7:
Sun, the Saver, in Iki Town
Moon, the Mixer, in Aether Paradise

21 battles in total. After you exit the alternate dimension through the portal, you
can come back and fight the champion again.

Oof -- NOW we are done. On to Alola!

Since you probably forgot how to get there because of all this content: go to
Viridian City and take the blimp to Alola.


Wild Pokemon: *Grubbin, *Pikipek, Alolan Exeggutor, Spearow, Corsola, *Sandygast,
Bonsly, Sudowoodo, Bewear. Level 2-5.
Fishing (Old Rod): *Pyukumuku and Slowpoke.
Fishing (Good Rod): *Bruxish, *Wishiwashi and *Dewpider.
Fishing (Super Rod): *Pyukumuku, Slowpoke, *Bruxish, *Wishiwashi and *Dewpider.

There will be eventually a chance to catch an Alolan Exeggcute (looks the same as
normal, but evolves into Alolan Exeggutor), as well as Stufful (evolves into
Grubbin evolves into Charjabug at level 20. To obtain its third stage, Vikavolt,
you need to level it in special magnetic field. Currently, you have access to three
such areas: Route 207 and Mt. Coronet in Sinnoh, and Chargestone Cave in Unova.

Wishiwashi's ability doesn't work yet.

Go out of the blimp station and talk to your mom to get her out of your way.
(Sadly, this technique usually doesn't work in real life.)

There is a row of houses north of you. Sadly, only one of them can be entered, and
even there, there's nothing in interest.

You can now go either south or north. South is grass and beach where you can fish.
A fisherman on the beach will give you a Poke Ball and there's an Awakening in the
grass. But the Lab is blocked by a Litten and you can't get in. So you have to
enter the big building in the north part: the Pokemon School.

And it actually IS A big building.

Start by going straight north. You'll end up in a classroom which is the center of
the whole school. Leave through the NE exit to reach Samson's office. Talk to him
and give him the Egg.

For future reference, the western exit from the classroom takes you to a room with
a healing machine and there's a PC right at the entrance.

Go out and south to the beach. Grab the Poke Ball from fisherman if you haven't
done so yet. Your mom will be by the sea. Talk to her to enroll in the Pokemon

The Lab will now be open. Go in to meet Kukui. His house contains a region
teleport. He'll give you a Rotom Pokedex.
Now, the Alolan part of the game works a bit differently than the others. You will
be a part of a class and instead of moving freely around the region, you'll be
going on... missions, I guess. Or school trips. The characters living on Route 1
(Kukui, Samson and your classmates) have dialogues that frequently change. There
are two main ways to advance the story: going to school and sleeping in your bed
(that also heals your party).

Let's try it: Go to the school, and sit on your seat (the middle one in the top
row). You'll get your first mission: explore the Melemele forest to the east.

Wild Pokemon: Pikipek, Grubbin, *Mimikyu, Trumbeak, *Bounsweet, *Morelull,
Shiinotic, *Oranguru, *Drampa, Alolan Exeggutor, Toucannon, Bewear. Level 2-5.

Go to the right and fight a trainer. This is a pretty open area. Go south, past
another trainer to a side path. Go east and grab a Potion at the end of the path.

Return to the trainer and go north. Fight another trainer who guards a Revive. SE
from there is a Rowlet, free for taking.

Continue east. The rest of the forest is one long winding path. Fight a trainer
along this path and continue. In the NE corner you'll find Kukui. Talk to him to
finish the mission. Grab a Full Heal south from Kukui and return to class.

Return to class. The next part is a battle. You need to battle one of your
classmates. Let's meet them, since you'll see those characters a lot from now on:

Sophocles: SW seat, has bushy orange hair.

Lillie: S seat, has a white hat and long blonde hair.
Mallow: SE seat, has green pigtails.
Lana: NW seat, has blue hair.
Kiawe: NE seat, has brown hair.

For this assignment, you can fight any of them except Lillie (who, as she says, is
not actually a trainer). You can only fight one of them but you probably don't
really need the EXP from all of them at this point, do you?

After battling, go to bed.


When you wake up, Kukui has a new mission for you: Go to Hau'oli City and meet with
Lana. Hau'oli City is west from Route 1; the exit is now open.

Fishing (Old Rod): Poliwag and Slowpoke.
Fishing (Good Rod): Corsola, Sharpedo and Pelipper.
Fishing (Super Rod): Poliwag, Slowpoke, Corsola, Sharpedo and Pelipper.

The first house you come to is where Sophocles lives. Nothing to do here now, but
remember it for future reference.
South from there (down the stairs) is a beach. Find two hidden items:

1) Stand on the right tile of the right set of stairs. Go four steps south and
check the tile to your east for a Fresh Water.

2) In SE corner of the beach is a line of four tiles with sea on both west and
east. Search the second one from the left for a Pearl.

After that, talk to the guy on the beach to get a Potion.

So, go back up stairs and west along the path. Next you'll see the Hau'oli Shopping
Mall, but it's not accessible yet.

Next is a big house. Here is where Lillie lives. There's nothing here right now,
but again -- keep it in mind for future reference.

Further west, the path splits. Go south and you'll see Aina's Kitchen. Once again,
we'll come back here later.

Go south along the path, then east. Next house belongs to Mallow, but she's not in.
Next building is Poke Center -- our first one in Alola, in fact.

East from the Poke Center is a park -- grab a Poke Ball that is in there. Then the
path leads further south onto a pier. Lana's house is here, and she's outside. Talk
to her to go to Hau'oli Outskirts.

Wild Pokemon: *Salandit, Roggenrola, Charjabuk, *Alolan Cubone, Emolga, Rufflet,
Spinarak, Zubat, Pikipek, Bewear. Level 5-8.
Fishing (Old Rod): Psyduck and Slowpoke.
Fishing (Good Rod): Corsola, Sharpedo and Pelipper.
Fishing (Super Rod): Psyduck, Slowpoke, Corsola, Sharpedo and Pelipper.

If you want to catch Salandit, catch a female one -- those are the only ones that
can evolve. Cubones here look the same as normal ones, but they will evolve into
Alolan Marowaks which are Fire/Ghost instead of Ground.

Hau'oli Outskirts is a really big place. It's not too annoying since you can mostly
just avoid the tall grass.

From the start, go NE and enter the gap between the trees. Navigate the path to NE.
Eventually you'll be able to go west through another gap. Fight a trainer. NW from
her is a Super Potion and a bit west from that is a Great Ball.

Return to the trainer and go SW. There will be another trainer. Then go west and
north to a third trainer.

Go north to an area that is walled off by the trees. There's a trainer and the NE
corner of the area has a Full Heal.

Exit the area and go west and north, hugging the trees. When you get to the
northern shore, continue east, then south.

You will see another gap to the south, but first go east and grab a Big Mushroom
from the NE part of the island.

Now enter the gap. There is a trainer, and then a healer. Continue south to the
center of the island. In the NW corner is a Popplio, grab it. Then check the
boulder in the lake to fight a Gyarados.

After you beat the Gyarados, retrace your steps back to Lana. Talk to her -- she
will heal you, but then you'll have to fight her. After you beat her, you can go
back to Hau'oli City. If you need to come back to Hau'oli Outskirts for any reason,
the Lapras in Hau'oli City will now take you there and back.

Another day is done, go to bed.


The next day you will be told to meet Sophocles in the mall. Go to the Shopping
Mall in the Hau'oli City, which is now open. Surprise! Another Team Rocket battle.
After the battle, you can shop with various vendors, who offer some basic PokeMart
wares, as well as evolution stones, vitamins and X-items. Nothing you haven't seen

Talk to Sophocles in the back and you will go to Hau'oli Tunnel. Immediately check
the tile south of you; it contains a hidden Revive. Go north, beat three trainers,
grab another Revive, then a fourth trainer and finally Sophocles himself who took
time from his day job of writing Greek tragedies to heal you and fight you. Talk to
him afterwards to get out of the tunnel; you cannot get back once you leave, but
since can miss at most 2 Revives here, it's not a big deal.

For the next part, go to school. You'll see Lillie take a Pokemon egg. Go to her
home (the big mansion in Hau'oli City). Talk to the guy there (Hobbes) and fight
him. Then go to Kukui's house and sleep.


When you wake up, Kukui tells you that the bridge in the north of Route 1 is now
open. Go west and north from the school to find it.

After passing the bridge, go east and grab the Eviolite. Then go into the trees to
reach Route 3.

Wild Pokemon: *Alolan Diglett, *Alolan Rattata, *Cutiefly, *Mudbray, *Alolan
Meowth, Ribombee, *Passimian, Alolan Raticate. Level 10-14.

There is a Super Potion in the NE corner of the plains where you start.

The western exit is guarded by Sophocles who won't let you pass. Go north and up
the stairs instead. Go east from there, then north for a trainer battle and a Heal

Go west and north along the main path and fight another trainer. The path splits
here. Go east and north. There's a corner below a plateau that hides a Stardust.
Then you'll meet a guy who will give you a Soothe Bell. Continue west for another

Go south and east. Grab a Sharp Beak and go up the stairs to the north to find the
final trainer and grab two items on the plateau: a Red Card and a Nest Ball.

Continue west to Iki Town.


Go down the stairs and into the town proper. To your west are two houses, but there
is nothing interesting there. The guy standing by the east house is a Move Tutor --
he teaches Drain Punch.

Continue north and up the stairs. Talk to the woman for a Stardust.

Enter the house here and talk to Hala. He will send you to Route 2.

Talking to Hala unlocks Alola teleport system. Teleport to Hau'oli City and leave
through the NW exit to Route 2.

Wild Pokemon: Alolan Rattata, *Wimpod, *Alolan Pichu, Butterfree, Charjabug,
Tauros, Miltank, Murkrow, Paras, Stoutland. Level 9-12.
Fishing (Old Rod): *Mareanie and Corsola.
Fishing (Good Rod): Chinchou, *Dhelmise and Bruxish.
Fishing (Super Rod): *Mareanie, Corsola, Chinchou, *Dhelmise and Bruxish.

Alolan Pichu and Pikachu work the same as their Kanto counterparts; only Raichu you
get by evolving Pikachu is different (Electric/Psychic).

Technically, we could have come here before, but apart from getting some Pokemon a
bit earlier, there was not much of a point.

From the start, go north and fight a trainer. After that, Route 2 becomes much more

Go north along the path and turn east into the corridor between two rows of trees.
There's a Super Potion in the grass here. Continue east. There will be a small nook
to the north; search the NW tile of this nook to find a Star Piece. Continue east
and fight another trainer.

You'll come to a cave entrance; this is Verdant Cavern and our next destination (if
you come here without talking to Hala in Iki Town, the path will be blocked). But
let's clear the rest of this Route before going in.

Go north and east around the cliff. Grab a Stardust there. Go north and west and
fight a trainer. West from here is a big grass patch with a Nest Ball and another
trainer inside. Continue west and north. In the very NW corner of the Route is the
last trainer, guarding another Nest Ball.

That's all that is here; go back to the cave and enter.

Wild Pokemon: *Yungoos, Alolan Rattata, Gumshoos, Alolan Raticate. Level 12-16.

Go to the end of the cave and fight the Totem Gumshoos. After beating Gumshoos,
talk to it to get TM123 (Slack Off) for winning. Note that you HAVE to talk to it
in order to unlock the next part of the quest. Go back to Iki Town.

Hala will now be in the northern part of the town. Fight him for TM124 (Arm

Go to Kukui's House and talk to the Rockruff there. It will join you.

Rockruff evolves into Lycanroc and it has three possible forms to evolve into. If
you want to obtain all three, you need to either breed this Rockruff or to buy it
from Alolan Game Corner on Royal Avenue.

Two of the forms evolve by happiness (one during day, one during night), while the
third one is obtained by simply raising Rockruff to level 25.

As an aside, the best Day Care right now is in Sinnoh. That's because it has the
best path: Sinnoh stop of the inter-regional teleport is in a town with Poke
Center, and therefore a regional teleport that can get you right to Solaceon Town
where the Day Care is. Kalos has the same feature, but the Day Care is a bit
farther from a Poke Center.

But you might want to wait a bit -- the next Day Care has even better placement.

Go to bed -- another day done!


The next day, Kukui tells you to go to Lillie's house in Hau'oli Town. Do so. You
can now fight Lillie.

Afterwards, go back to Route 1. East from the school is Kiawe with a Charizard.
Talk to the Charizard and go to Akala Island.

Fishing (Old Rod): Wishiwashi and Alomomola.
Fishing (Good Rod): Pelipper and Gyarados.
Fishing (Super Rod): Pelipper, Gyarados, Wishiwashi and Alomomola.

First of all, there are two flowers to your SW. The one further from you hosts a
hidden Revive.

North of you are two houses. The eastern one has a guy who will give you a Quick

A guy south from the house will give you a Moomoo Milk.

The SW part of the town has a small lake. It's mostly rectangular, but there are
some protruding water tiles on top and bottom. Search the tile east from the
protruding tiles on the south edge for a Fresh Water.

Finally, there's a Move Relearner in the Poke Center.

Go north to Paniola Ranch.

Wild Pokemon: Mudbray, Miltank, Tauros, Herdier, Lillipup, *Alolan Geodude. Level
Fishing (Old Rod): Wishiwashi and Alomomola.
Fishing (Good Rod): Pelipper and Gyarados.
Fishing (Super Rod): Pelipper, Gyarados, Wishiwashi and Alomomola.

Go north and fight the first trainer. Follow the path to the end. There are two
ways to continue: north and south. Go north first.

This is a pasture with some Miltank and Tauros grazing around. There are four items
on the ground; from east to west they are an Oval Stone, an Amulet Coin, a Moomoo
Milk and a Mystic Water.

Return to the path and go south (after fighting a trainer who guards the way).

This part is a fairly big area with lots of grass. First of all, go to the SW grass
patch and stand on the flower at the northern edge of the grass. From this flower,
go two tiles south and check the western tile for a Fresh Water.

Go to the SW corner of this patch and go south along the fence, back to Paniola
Town. Grab the Scope Lens at the end of the path.

After that, return to Paniola Ranch and go east. The next item is a visible Ether.
After that, there is another hidden item: this big grass patch has a rectangular
"dent" in its northern edge; stand in the SE corner of this dent and check the tile
to your east for a Super Repel.

A final hidden item in this area is a Soda Pop. To find it, go to the NE corner
(with a fenced Tauros) and search the second tile from the left in the northern

We're now done with this part, so go north past the next two trainers. The house
here is where Kiawe lives, and it is also the Alolan branch of the Day Care.

This is the end of the way for now, as the path ahead is blocked by a herd of
Miltank. So talk to Kiawe and fight him.

Beating Kiawe has several consequences: Paniola Town will be added to Alola
teleport network and his Charizard can now transport you at will between Route 1
and Paniola Ranch. That makes Alolan Day Care pretty convenient, even more than the
Sinnoh one!

Go to Kukui's house and sleep to start the next quest.


The next day, talk to Kukui to learn that you are supposed to go to Route 3 and
meet Mallow there. Go there and meet her. You can now go west into the trees to
reach Melemele Meadow.

Wild Pokemon: *Oricorio, Butterfree, Pikipek, Ledyba, Bewear, Murkrow. Level 17-20.
Another Team Rocket battle to start this. Afterwards, grab the Yellow Nectar. Note
that wild Pokemon can appear anywhere on this Route.

Oricorio, who is very common here, has multiple forms. For now, you have access to
two: its basic form is Fire/Flying, but if you have it hold the Yellow Nectar, it
will transform into Electric/Flying form. It has two more forms, but you don't have
the necessary items right now.

Go out, talk to Mallow and battle her.

You can go to Kukui's House to unlock the next quest, but before that, go to
Hau'oli City. The Litten who used to block your way to some destinations will be
close to Lillie's house. Talk to it and it will join you.

Now go back to Kukui's House (he will remind you of the Litten as well). Go to bed,
and it's quest time!

* DAY 7 -- GLADION *

The next day, go to Lillie's house in Hau'oli City. Her brother Gladion is there
now, so fight him, as one is prone to do with people they see for the first time.
No? It's just me?
Moving on...

Actually, the Gladion fight is the only thing to do today -- go back to Kukui's
House and sleep. And if you didn't get out of your way to get the Litten, it's
right there near the mansion.


The next day, go to the school. You'll learn that there's a field trip to Akala
Island. That's the island where Paniola Town is, by the way.

The Charizard won't fly you to Paniola Ranch right now, so you have to take a ship.
Go to Hau'oli City and walk all the way to the pier. There are two ships. You want
to take the north one (well, it's the only one you CAN take), and go to Paniola.

Go north towards Paniola Ranch and Kukui will stop you to tell you that you should
take the trial on the island. So continue to Paniola Ranch.

At this point, the herd of Miltank that used to block your way by the Day Care has
moo-ved. They still block your way south, but now you can at least go north to
Route 5.

Wild Pokemon: Wimpod, Cutiefly, *Crabrawler, Alolan Exeggutor, Grubbin, Ribombee,
Butterfree. Level 18-21.

Crabrawler has a location evolution, but you haven't found the correct location
yet. I'll mention it when we'll get there.

This is another big and spacey Route, but it's actually fairly constrained in terms
of your paths. Let's get to it.
From the start, go north fight a trainer to the west. Then go into the grass to the
east. There's a Hyper Potion in this area.

Go back to the main path and follow it to the west. There's another trainer, and
then a healer.

The path splits now. We can go north, south, or west. We'll start by going north.
Fight a trainer, then grab a Revive from the exact center of the next grass patch.
A pair of double trainers is further to the east. But before you jump the ledge
there, go south, and west into a dead end with a Super Potion.

Jump the ledge. The nest area has another Revive in the grass patch. Jump the ledge
to the south and then search the SW corner of this area to find a hidden Star
Piece. Fight another trainer here and jump south to get to the starting area of
Route 5 again.

Go back to the crossroads, and this time, go south. Fight two trainers who guard
the way, then continue south. Go east to grab yet another Revive from the dead end,
and then go west. Go into the trees to reach Brooklet Hill.

Fishing (Old Rod): Magikarp and Feebas.
Fishing (Good Rod): Wishiwashi and Alomomola.
Fishing (Super Rod): Magikarp, Feebas, Wishiwashi and Alomomola.

Lana is here, and you will automatically fight her. Then agree to team up with her.
Together, go north and check the boulder to fight the Totem Wishiwashi.

Exit the area, return to the crossroads on Road 5, and continue west to Route 8.

Wild Pokemon: Alolan Geodude, Alolan Diglett, Lillipup, Garbodor, Herdier, Fearow,
Yungoos. Level 21-24.
Fishing (Old Rod): Wishiwashi and Alomomola.
Fishing (Good Rod): Wimpod, Gyarados and Wishiwashi.
Fishing (Super Rod): Wishiwashi, Alomomola, Wimpod and Gyarados.

This is mostly just a scenic Route around a rock massif. First go west on a small
peninsula. Fight the trainer, then talk to the next guy for a Water Stone.

Return to the main path. Grab a Dive Ball from the grass patch to the north, then
continue west past another Trainer.

Continue west to the third trainer. There are two hidden items here. One, a Max
Repel, is in the NE corner of the area. The other one, an Iron, is on the small 1-
tile outcrop into the sea west of the trainer.

Continue north. There are two trainers on this path, as well as a Thunderstone in a
grass patch.

The final part of this Route leads east. Once again, it has two trainers and an
item in the grass (a Miracle Seed).

Continue east to Route 7.

Wild Pokemon: Alolan Geodude, Alolan Diglett, Lillipup, Garbodor, Herdier, Fearow,
Yungoos. Level 21-24.
Fishing (Old Rod): Wishiwashi and Alomomola.
Fishing (Good Rod): Wimpod, Gyarados and Wishiwashi.
Fishing (Super Rod): Wishiwashi, Alomomola, Wimpod and Gyarados.

All land and fishing encounters are the same as on Route 8.

Start by going east and fighting two trainers. Then the path splits. Go east. Fight
a trainer and grab a Rare Candy in the grass. Then fight the pair of double
trainers. Further east is the Wela Volcano Park. (If the path is blocked, it means
you haven't beaten Totem Wishiwashi yet.)

Wild Pokemon: Alolan Marowak, Alolan Cubone, Magcargo, Magby, Salandit, Ponyta.
Level 22-24.

Go north. The path splits here and each side is guarded by a trainer, Beat both of
them and grab the items in the side paths (a Hyper Potion on the west side, a
Charcoal on the east side). Then continue north and fight Kiawe.

Unfortunately, that is not the trial you need to beat. Huh. Go back down, west
along Route 7 and south into the northern part of Route 5.


Go south, then east. There is a trainer and a Brightpowder in the eastern part of
this area. Be careful to not fall down the ledge -- you'd have to go around Routes
8 and 7 again to return and while it's a safe path, it's long and annoying.

Enter the forest once you get the Brightpowder. (If the path is blocked, then you
haven't beaten Kiawe on Wela Volcano yet.)

Wild Pokemon: *Fomantis, Alolan Diglett, Castform, Lurantis, Parasect. Level 22-24.

This is a "cave" area so wild Pokemon can appear anywhere. There is a Grass Rock
here, so Eevee can evolve into Leafeon when leveled up here.

Once you enter, you will have to fight Mallow. Then continue north and fight Totem
Lurantis. You will get TM127 (Leech Seed) for beating it.

Now that you have beaten Totem Lurantis, two things happen. First of all, Kiawe is
no longer at the Wela Volcano. That means you can get to his Charizard. Charizard
is like an alternate teleport system in Alola; right now it connects three places:
Route 1, Paniola Ranch and Wela Volcano. You need to get to Paniola Ranch -- better
way is to go on foot, as you can stop by the healer on Route 5.

The second thing that happens is that the herd of Miltank at Paniola Ranch moves
again, letting you go south.


The new section is pretty short, consisting just of trainers -- five of them!
Continue south to Ruins of Life.


Two things here:

One, Olivia. She blocks the entrance to a cave. Beat her to receive TM125 (Power
Two, there's Tapu Lele in the eastern part of the map. Catch it.

This concludes the Akala quest. Go to Kukui's House and sleep.

The next day, Kukui sends you to Sophocles's house -- remember? It's the first
house in Hau'oli City when you go from Route 1. Fight him and... that's it? Yeah,
it's another day done, go to Kukui's House, sleep, etc.


So, the next day, Kukui's gone. Go to school. You'll learn that you're going to
Pallet Town to see Kantoian forms. Unfortunately, the convenient inter-regional
teleport doesn't work, so you'll have to take the blimp. Go to Viridian City and
walk home.


Go to Oak's Laboratory where you are welcomed by Team Rocket. Isn't it nice how
those guys try? So, after the inevitable blasting, go through the lab and exit
through the back into the corral.

In the corral, you can talk to Oak, Samson, Kukui and your classmates, but the main
thing to do here is to fight Misty and Brock. (Don't forget that Oak's Lab has a
healing machine and a PC!) Once you beat both of them, you will automatically
return to Kukui's House in Alola. Go to bed.

* DAY 10 -- NEBBY *

The next day, Kukui has no task for you, but Rotom Dex suggests you should go to
Melemele Forest.

In the forest, go south. Close to the first trainer is a Pokemon -- it's tiny, so
you might have problem seeing it. Talk to it and it will start following you.

Now go to Lillie's house in Hau'oli City and fight her. Then go to Kukui's House
and take a nap.

The next day, you're told to go to school. This time, we're going to Aether

Go to Hau'oli City and to the sailor who sails to Paniola City. He now has Aether
Paradise as another destination.

Wild Pokemon: Bounsweet, *Stufful, Ditto, Petilil, *Comfey, *Alolan Exeggcute,
Sandygast, Jigglypuff, Sandile. Level 23-28.
Fishing (Old Rod): Shellos and Qwilfish.
Fishing (Good Rod): Swanna, Goldeen and Wishiwashi.
Fishing (Super Rod): Shellos, Qwilfish, Swanna, Goldeen and Wishiwashi.

Stufful is the first form of Bewear who appeared in a few areas. And Alolan
Exeggcute looks the same as the regular one but can be evolved into Alolan
Exeggutor -- you have seen that one as well. The only completely new Pokemon here
is Comfey.

From where you start, you can go west or east and then south to the grass patches.
Or you can go north and enter the big building...

From the start, you will meet the researcher Faba. Once you're done, you have a PC
on your left. You can't go east, so go north and then east to a small office with a
Rare Candy. It was probably someone's lunch and you just pilfered it. I hope you're

The guy at the north end of the big room is a healer.

Go west and fight a trainer. The path leads you around, past two more trainers,
until you get a Max Revive. Continue east and fight another trainer. The small room
to the north contains a Full Restore.

Continue east. The path goes further east, but go south first. Fight a trainer that
guards entrance to another office with a Nugget.

Go back to the main path and continue east past two more trainers. Grab a Dubious
Disc there (you should already have some from Slateport MARKET). Two researchers at
the counter sell all types of fossils including two new ones: Jaw Fossil and Sail

Continue along the path and Faba will stop you when you go past him. You will
automatically go back to Kukui's House.

Go back to Aether Paradise -- we're not done here yet. Now the east exit from the
starting room is open, so you don't have to go around the whole building. Go east
and grab the Pokeball with Type:Null on the table. Then continue east along the
southern wall to grab a Master Ball!

Now you can go back to Kukui's House and sleep.


The next day, Kukui will tell you that he has a funny lesson plan. Then Cosmog
teleports you away.


Welcome to Ten Carat Hill!

Wild Pokemon: Pinsir, Magmar, Day Lycanroc, Night Lycanroc, Alolan Raticate,
Spinda, Sableye, Pangoro, Machop. Level 24-29.

Wild Pokemon encounters can occur anywhere here.

Go east, fight a trainer, grab an Ether. Go south, fight a second trainer and
foloow the path to the west to a third trainer. Continue west to grab an Elixir,
then return to the trainer and go south and east.

Fight the next trainer, continue east, you'll end up on a meadow. Grab the Protein
at the east side and talk to Gladion to fight him. He will send you back to Route 1
afterwards. From this point on, Charizard will get Ten Carat Hill as a new

Go back to Kukui's House and sleep.


The next day, you are supposed to go to Aether Paradise and visit Faba. Do so.

Aaaand Faba goes all villainy and steals Nebby. Go to the building and you will be
thrown into a battle with Nihilego. Catch it.

Nothing more to do here, go to Kukui's House. No sleeping, though -- Kukui will

tell you that you're going to Poni island. Return back to the sailor in Hau'oli
City: he now has a new destination, Vast Poni Canyon!

Wild Pokemon: *Jangmo-o, Hakamo-o, Mienfoo, Carbink, Kommo-o, Machoke, Golbat,
Night Lycanroc, Day Lycanroc, Machop. Level 24-29.

This is a location with strong magnetic fields, and as such it allows evolution of
Magneton, Nosepass and Charjabug.

Once again, random encounters can occur everywhere here. Start by going east. When
you see a trainer, fight her, then continue north and west. There will be another
trainer and a Max Potion in the dead end. Return to the first trainer. East from
her (you have to go around a rock) is an X Attack.

Go north and west through a narrow gap to the next area. You'll fight a trainer.
Continue west to a dead end with a trainer and a Max Revive.

Return to the previous trainer and continue north. There's another trainer. Beyond
her, the path splits. Go through the western part; fight the trainer and grab a PP
Max nearby. Then go back and enter the eastern branch. It has Protein and a pair of
double trainers. Go east and north around the rock formation and grab TM126
(Liquidation), then west to fight another trainer. The last trainer is west from
you and there's a Revive close to him.

That's all on the outside, enter the cave! Inside, go straight north, talk to
Solgaleo, and agree to go to Ultra Deep Space. Once there, go north and fight
Lusamine (don't worry if you're beaten up from the Canyon, Solgaleo automatically
heals you, although you won't get any message about it). After you win, you will
get back to Altar of the Sunne.

Once you get back, you will automatically go back to Kukui's House. Which is a bit
of a bummer, since you want to go back to the Vast Poni Canyon, all the way to the
cave and talk to Solgaleo in order to obtain it. And then all the way back to
Kukui's House to sleep.


The next day, go to school. Kukui will announce a new trip. Go to the sailor you've
been using and he will now be able to transport you to Mount Lanakila.

Weather forecast: Blizzard

Wild Pokemon: *Alolan Vulpix, Sneasel, *Alolan Sandshrew, Crabominable, Snorunt.

Level 25-30.

This is a place with Glacial Rock, so Eevee can evolve here into Glaceon. In
addition, this is the only place where Crabrawler can evolve into Crabominable.

Start by going west. and south to fight a trainer. Further west is an Iron. North
of you is a 3x5 grass patch. Stand north of its NE corner, go one step west and
check the tile north of you for a Revival Herb.

Go west and south to another trainer.

Go south from the trainer to reach an Ice Stone. Then go east for another trainer
and (eventually) another item -- an Ultra Ball. Go south and fight next two
trainers. Then go west for the final trainer.

Well, not the FINAL final trainer -- north from there, in a dead end, is Lillie.
Fight her. Now you can return north to the sailor and go home.

In Hau'oli City, you will now find a Pokeball with Marshadow next to the Poke

Go to Kukui's House and sleep.

* DAY 15 -- BUZZWOLE *

The next day, go to school. Lusamine announces that you can now battle Ultra Beasts
that wander around Alola. Go east from class, then north. In the bend will be a new
NPC who sells you Beast Balls; these special Poke Balls are great for catching
Ultra Beasts, but don't really work that well on anything else. They cost just 300,
so you can just buy as many as you want. By this time you are most likely at the
money cap which means you are single-handedly supporting the whole Pokemon

Now go to Melemele Meadow (over the bridge to Route 3, and then west into the
trees). Fight Buzzwole which appears there and catch it. Try your new Beast Balls.

Once you do that, go to Kukui's House and sleep.


The next day, take the Charizard to Paniola Ranch. The herd of Miltank is now gone,
so you can go east from the ranch and enter Royal Avenue!


Royal Avenue is basically a small town. There is a new Move Tutor (for Gunk Shot)
in the Poke Center.

Outside, you can collect six items, two hidden and four visible:

1) Rare Candy -- The northern edge of Royal Avenue is formed by trees and bushes. A
Rare Candy is hidden in the third bush from the left.
2) Rare Candy -- Another one is hidden in the third bush from the right.
3) HP Up -- on the ground near the second Rare Candy.
4) Pink Nectar -- near the fountain in the center of Royal Avenue. Pink Nectar can
be equipped on Oricorio to change it into its Psychic/Flying form.
5) Ultra Ball -- in the SE corner.
6) TM132 (Revenge) -- in the middle of puddle in SE part.

Go north from the Ultra Ball and enter the house. The man inside will give you a
Power Belt.

There is Game Corner in the eastern part of the Avenue. The Pokemon offered there
Wimpod - 180 coins
Rockruff - 500 coins
Jangmo-o - 2800 coins
*Turtonator - 5500 coins
*Komala - 9999 coins

Note that Komala is not available anywhere else. Turtonator can be found in Alolan
part of the Safari Zone, but it's very rare there. Anyway, at this point you should
have enough money to simply buy all the necessary coins without playing the games.

Now enter the big building to the north. Talk to the guy in the middle and you get
a choice of pairing with either Kiawe or Sophocles for the next battle. Choose
whoever -- the one you don't choose will be the partner of your opponent. Beat the
Masked Royal and that's another day done. The Alola teleport system is also
updated, adding Royal Avenue. Go to Kukui's House and sleep.

* DAY 17 -- POIPOLE *

The nest day, Kukui will tell you that an Ultra Beast appeared on the island and
Rotom Dex reveals that it's inside the school! So, let's go there. Rotom Dex gives
you a hint once you enter - the Ultra Beast is in the plants on the right side of
the school. There's a small room you can reach by going east from the classroom,
then south -- there was no reason coming here before. Once you enter the room, you
will see Poipole on the right. Fight it and capture it.

Poipole, unlike most Ultra Beasts, is able to evolve. To evolve it, you must teach
it Dragon Pulse, but it actually doesn't learn it by leveling up. Dragon Pulse is
Lv. 1 move, so you need to take Poipole to one of the many Move Relearners and get
it there.

Anyways, that's today's quest done. Go back to Kukui's House and sleep.


The next day, Rotom Dex informs you about another Ultra Beast, sighted at Route 3.
So -- go there. From the entrance, go north, up the big set of stairs to the
plateau, then north and west. Sophocles wants the Ultra Beast for himself and you
have to fight him -- beat him, then fight and catch Celesteela!

Rotom Dex suggests to visit Kiawe on the farm, so go back to Route 1 and take
Charizard to Paniola Ranch. Kiawe is right there, so fight him.

After you beat Kiawe, Rotom Dex sends you to Route 1 where Lana is. She is SW from
Kukui's house, by the sea. Fight her.

Next, Rotom Dex sends you to Aina's Kitchen in Hau'oli City (it's the fancy house
on the western side of the city), where you will fight Mallow. After that, go to
Kukui's House and sleep.


The next day, Kukui tells you that you will be going to Ula'ula Island today. Go to
Hau'oli City and this time, talk to the BOTTOM sailor to sail for Tapu Village!

Fishing (Old Rod): Tentacool and Finneon.
Fishing (Good Rod): Bruxish and Wishiwashi.
Fishing (Super Rod): Tentacool, Finneon, Bruxish and Wishiwashi.

First of all, enter the house NE from you and talk to Nanu. He will fight you. This
will also update the Alolan teleport system, adding Tapu Village Poke Center. Then,
go out and talk to the lady east from the house to obtain a Razor Claw.

There are three paths out of the village, but the NW one is blocked. Go through the
NE path first to Haina Desert.

Weather forecast: Sandstorm

Wild Pokemon: Trapinch, Sandile, Mudsdale, Alolan Dugtrio, Alolan Diglett. Level

Wild Pokemon encounters can happen anywhere in the desert.

This place is not too bad: a few trainers, and a bunch of items -- and they are all
visible too!

From the start, go west and grab a Big Nugget. Then go NE and get a Moon Stone.

Go east, fight a trainer and grab a Max Elixir he guards. Then go west and north
for a Max Potion. Continue west for another trainer, and then go west, north, and
east around the rock formation to your north to grab the last item: a Hyper Potion.
Then go north and east, and then north through the exit.


Go to Tapu Bulu, fight it, and catch it. Then return through the desert to Tapu
Village. Nanu won't fight you again yet -- if you talk to him, he tells you to go
to Thrifty Megamart. So leave the village through the southern exit to Route 14.

Wild Pokemon: Cutiefly, Drampa, Salandit, Gengar, Blissey. Level 27-32.
Fishing (Old Rod): Tentacool and Finneon.
Fishing (Good Rod): Bruxish and Wishiwashi.
Fishing (Super Rod): Tentacool, Finneon, Bruxish and Wishiwashi.

Right at the start, grab a Max Potion. Go south and east along the path, beating
three trainers along the way. Thrifty Megamart is at the end; grab a Max Revive to
the west before you go in.

Inside is... another Team Rocket battle. Yay? After you beat them, Acerola outside
the Megamart will give you TM128 (Night Shade). Then go back to Tapu Village and
fight Nanu again. You will get TM129 (Brutal Swing).

Beating Nanu opens the Alola section of Safari Zone, so let's go there! Alolan
section is the middle road at the north part of Kanto section.

Wild Pokemon: *Alolan Grimer, *Togedemaru, Alolan Graveler, Comfey, Alolan Vulpix,
Steenee, Shiinotic, Passimian, Oranguru, Jangmo-o, Drampa, Turtonator. Level 30-38.
Fishing (Old Rod): Pyukumuku and Wimpod.
Fishing (Good Rod): Bruxish, Mareanie and Dhelmise
Fishing (Super Rod): Pyukumuku, Wimpod, Bruxish, Mareanie and Dhelmise

There are two visible items: PP Max in the eastern part of the section and Ice
Stone in the northern part. In addition, there is a Nugget hidden in a tree in the
western part. There are four trees there, the Nugget is in the middle one (the
solitary one surrounded by three empty tiles and one tile of grass).

Once you catch everything you want, go to Kukui's House and sleep.

Kukui tells you that two Ultra Beasts were seen. Go to Route 2. Xurkitree and
Blacephalon are at the shore in the NE part of the Route. Catch them and return to
Kukui's House. Talk to Kukui and you'll be told that you're going to Hokulani
Observatory now. To get there, go to Hau'oli City. Note that the person who used to
block the eastmost house in the city is now gone. Enter the house and grab a
Pokeball containing Cosmog. Then go to the harbor and take the ship to Mount
Lanakila. Go west and enter the cave that used to be blocked by a Boldore.

*Cosmog has a split evolution, ending in either Solgaleo or Lunala. You should
already have a Solgaleo and Lunala is obtainable later, so it doesn't really matter
how you evolve your Cosmog.

Wild Pokemon: Alolan Sandshrew, Boldore, Alolan Raticate, Tyranitar, Alolan
Sandslash. Level 29-32.

You start at an ice maze that has Revive in it. Go north and west to another ice
maze. This one has NeverMeltIce. In addition, once you collect it, go straight
south and check the rock that stops you for an Ice Heal.

Go south, down the stairs, NW, then up the stairs for another ice maze. This one
contains an Iron in the NW corner.

The next area is fairly open. It has the last ice field (but that one has nothing
interesting). There are a Rare Candy hidden in a rock. Walk south from the northern
ice maze and check the second rock to your east you pass (it's SW from the first

Exit south to Mount Hokulani.

Wild Pokemon: *Minior, Alolan Dugtrio, Ditto, Skarmory. Level 32.

While this is a pretty large area, you can only move along a narrow path. First
you'll see a boulder that hides a Moon Ball. Then fight a trainer. The next boulder
hides a Heavy Ball. There's a hole in the fence that leads to a grass patch and
another trainer.

Go west from the hole for another trainer. The boulder here doesn't hide anything,
so go north, fight another trainer, and grab a Level Ball from the boulder there.
Continue north to the final area.

Grab a Fast Ball from the boulder on your right -- that's the only boulder here
that hides anything. The class is here, so talk to Kukui. You missed the tour.
Bummer. Nothing to do but to go back. Lillie will ambush you once you enter the
Mount Lanakila Cave and fight you.

Go back to Kukui's House and talk to Kukui. He'll send you to Royal Avenue Battle
Dome. Once there, you will team up with the Masked Royal. Beat the two trainers.

Kukui will tell you that there is a new Ultra Beast near the school. Go there (it's
a bit north from the fence on the southern side of the school) and fight (and
catch) Stakataka. That's all for today.


The next day, Kukui is tired. Go to the school to learn that all adults are like
that. You will have to go to Altar of the Sunne. Go to Hau'oli City and sail to
Vast Poni Canyon. Pass through the Canyon to get to the Altar and confront the
Lunala inside. Catch it.

Then talk to Solgaleo to enter Ultra Deep Space. There is Necrozma at the north
end; catch it. Go home and sleep.


Go to Melemele Forest. Turn east in the first grass patch and continue; you will
see Hau. When you come back, there is a strange Pokemon near the SE corner of the
school -- it's Tapu Koko, Electric/Fairy legend. Catch it.

Once you do, however, you suddenly find yourself at the Ultra Ruin and you will be
attacked right away by a trainer with Zeraora. After beating him, go north. There's
a Guzzlord there; catch it as well. It's an Ultra Beast, so Beast Ball is

Once you get the Guzzlord, you will be teleported back to Route 1. Rotom Dex will
tell you to go to school. But before that, go north of the school, over the bridge,
and east for a Pokeball with Zeraora.

In the class, you'll find Misty! Fight her. After beating her, she will inform you
about Brock. He's in the Hau'oli Town Poke Center. Beat him and then go home and


Go to school and sit in your spot to learn that you are going to the Poni Island
today -- and your goal is to do the final Grand Trial. So let's get to it! Go to
Hau'oli City and talk to the bottom sailor (the one who can get you to Tapu
Village). He will have a new destination now: Seafolk Village.

Fishing (Old Rod): Wingull.
Fishing (Good Rod): Relicanth, Wailmer and Dhelmise.
Fishing (Super Rod): Wingull, Relicanth, Wailmer and Dhelmise.

There are a few things to collect: A guy in the house in the SW part of the village
will give you a Nugget and a lady above the path leading to this house will give
you a Smoke Ball. Now there are two cruise ships that you can visit, both on the
east side of the village. The bottom one has nothing but some NPCs, but the top one
is pretty big.

From the entrance, go south and enter the cabins.

Left cabin: A trainer and a Magmarizer.

Middle cabin: Just an NPC.
Right cabin: A trainer and an Electirizer.

The guy to the right of the cabins will sell Heart Scales for 9000 apiece.

Leave the ship and continue to the NW corner of the village, to the PokeCenter. The
little boy there will give you a Lucky Punch.

It's time to leave the village to the north and enter Poni Wilds.

Wild Pokemon: Oricorio, Trumbeak, Spinarak, Granbull, Gumshoos, Pinsir. Level 30-
Fishing (Old Rod): Wingull and Wishiwashi.
Fishing (Good Rod): Relicanth, Golduck and *Meltan.
Fishing (Super Rod): Wingull, Wishiwashi, Relicanth, Golduck and *Meltan.

Meltan will evolve into Melmetal if you level it up while holding Rare Candy. Note
that you will get a free Meltan next day, so you don't actually have to grab one
from here.

This is a big area, so we have to move systematically.

First, go north. (You cannot go to the beach because the guy by the stairs won't
let you go there yet. This also means that you cannot fish here yet.) The northern
section has a trainer and a Rare Candy in the NW corner. There is also a hidden Big
Pearl on the one empty tile inside a grass patch.

Go south and east around the trees. Get the two items here (Purple Nectar for
Oricorio and Dusk Stone). Further to the east is a trainer and east from her,
around some trees, another item -- a Max Potion.

Two more trainers guard the path east, and there is a Repeat Ball in the next part.
Go north and climb the stairs to a small plateau with a Babiri Berry and a Wacan
Berry. Go south and east to Ancient Poni Path.

Wild Pokemon: Oricorio, Trumbeak, Spinarak, Granbull, Gumshoos, Pinsir. Level 30-

Start by going east, then north. There's a visible PP Up, and also a Revival Herb
hidden in the middle dirt patch in the bottom row.

Talk to Hapu (the girl in front of the house) and fight her.

We will be back here soon, but if you want, you can check off a few more things
here: fight the two trainers on the path north and grab a Shiny Stone from the SE
grass patch.
Return to Seafolk Village. Lillie will appear at the NE yellow canopy in the
central part of the village. Fight her. Then go back to Ancient Poni Path and take
the path north, east from Hapu's garden. Fight the two trainers if you haven't
cleared them yet and then you will encounter Gladion. Beat him and you find a
sailor at the edge of the path. He will take you to Vast Poni Canyon.

Go east, north, and west at the second fork. Here, roughly in the center of the
area, you will find Sophocles. Fight him. Afterwards, go to Poni Wilds. You can
take the ship back to Ancient Poni Path and walk, but it might be quicker to take
the ship to Hau'oli City instead, then take the lower ship to Seafolk Village and
walk north to Poni Wilds.

However you get there, you can now go down the stairs to the beach. This means that
you can also finally fish here and catch yourself a Meltan. But the real reason
you're here is to fight Lana who appears next to the northern big rock. Two tiles
right and three tiles north from here is a hidden Rare Candy -- you can use it to
evolve Meltan into Melmetal.

Go to Ancient Poni Path. Mallow now appears in the eastern part of the area. Fight
him, and then you can go past him and north into the forest (you couldn't before
because some guys were blocking the path).

Fishing (Old Rod): Wimpod and Wingull.
Fishing (Good Rod): Relicanth, Sharpedo and Tentacruel.
Fishing (Super Rod): Wimpod, Wingull, Relicanth, Sharpedo and Tentacruel.

First, go south and east and fight Kiawe.

There are three visible items in the area, a Calcium in the SW part, a Max Revive
in southern part, and the Gracidea in the central northern part. There's also a
trainer nearby, as well as Tapu Fini to fight and catch. Afterwards, enter the cave
to the east.

*Gracidea is a special item for Shaymin -- when you use it on Shaymin, it will
transform into its Sky Forme (Grass/Flying). Unlike Landorus and its ilk, you
cannot change Shaymin back manually: it will revert when any of these three
conditions is satisfied:
1. It's night -- Shaymin can only be in Sky Forme during the day. (It CAN survive
the night in Sky Forme if you won't actually check on it, though.)
2. Shaymin is KO'd.
3. Shaymin is Frozen.

Note that Shaymin has different attacks to learn in Sky Forme.


Note that there is no fishing defined here even though there's water.

Go north and fight Hapu. Beating her gives you TM130 (Shore Up). You have finally
finished the last Grand Trial!

Go home and sleep.


Go to school. The classroom will be empty, except for a Meltan. Talk to it and
obtain it. Once you go out, you'll hear a weird noise, so go back inside for
another battle with Team Rocket.

Leave the school again and you'll be sent to Route 3 (go west from school, over the
bridge and into the trees).

Go north along the road, and eventually, you will see Pheromosa on the right side,
just before the big grass patch. Fight it and catch it.

You'll be told to go back to school, but don't actually go inside. A bit to the
east from the school entrance is Kukui arguing with a new guy, Guzma. Guzma doesn't
like Kukui's idea of Pokemon League and decides to fight for tradition. And fight
you shall.

Afterwards, Guzma leaves. Go home and sleep.

* DAY 26 -- MALIE CITY *

Go to school. You'll learn that you are going to Malie City today. Go to Hau'oli
City and take the lower ship in the harbor to the Tapu Village (or just PokeCenter-
teleport there). The way east (previously blocked by rocks) is now open, leading to
Route 12.

Wild Pokemon: Eevee, Pikipek, Passimian, Froslass, Hariyama. Level 30-34.
Fishing (Old Rod): Crabrawler and Tentacool.
Fishing (Good Rod): Octillery and Finneon.
Fishing (Super Rod): Crabrawler, Tentacool, Octillery and Finneon.

Note the possibility of getting Froslass here if you don't want to use Dawn Stone
on female Snorunt.

Alright, this route is layed vertically and we start at the south end. First of
all, go east and south to the beach. This is the only area where you can fish on
this route; it also has two trainers and four hidden items:

1. X Attack -- go to the SW corner of the beach. There are two diagonally adjacent
rocks; the X Attack is hidden in the SW corner of the square they form. You have to
fight one of the trainers to actually get to the spot.
2. Burn Heal -- the eastern part of the beach has four rocks. Burn Heal is hidden
in the NW rock.
3. Big Pearl -- go to the spot three steps east from the rock with Burn Heal (and
two steps west from the next rock), and check the tile to the north.
4. Rare Candy -- hidden in the easternmost rock in the eastern part of the beach.

Now we can start making our way north. First, fight the trainer here. Go east and
grab the visible Hyper Potion in the grass. Go north, through a grass patch, and
fight another trainer. Now go west and jump the ledge. Fight two trainers in a
double battle and grab the visible Moon Stone. That's not all, though: check the
rubble before the next ledge for a PP Up.
Return to where you jumped the first ledge and continue north. Grab the Elixir,
then fight one last trainer and continue west to Route 11.

Wild Pokemon: Eevee, Pikipek, Passimian, Froslass, Hariyama. Level 30-34.

Go west. You'll get to the point where road turns north and immediately to the west
again. Check the tile outside the road, in the inner corner of the first bend, to
find a Stardust (it's roughly in SE direction from the pair of double trainers).

Fight the pair. There's a Big Mushroom NW from them. Then go south and grab a Quick

Continue west. The path splits; the northern route has a trainer while the southern
route has a trainer and an item (a Big Mushroom). The rock in a grass patch between
these two routes hides another Stardust. The final hidden item is a Star Piece.
It's in the westernmost grass patch of the route, in its NW corner. North from
there is one final trainer, and then you can simply exit north to Malie City.


First of all, go to the PokeCenter (it's in the SE part of the city). A woman on
the right side of the PokeCenter will give you a Reaper Cloth.

If you go around the PokeCenter, there is a woman NW from it in the enclosure who
will trade your Pancham for her Happiny.

You can't get to the docks for now, so let's check the rest of the city!

There is a block of six houses. The right house in the middle row has a woman who
gives you a TwistedSpoon, and the left house in the top row has a guy who gives you
a Max Repel. The bald guy in the NE part of the town (above the Gym) gives you a

The road to the north is blocked by a trio of Eevees. Talk to the guy nearby and he
will ask you which one of them you like the best. This is a trick question: if you
pick one of them, he will give you a combination of two evolution stones (Fire
Stone, Thunderstone and/or Water Stone), but if you answer "None", you'll get all
three. Then again, at this point you have easy access to the stones if you need

Nothing else of importance here, hit the gym. The gym has invisible walls, and also
six trainers plus Ryuki (I guess he bought a whole discount kit). Beat him to get
the Kantonian Badge and TM131 (Dragon Rush).

Go to the left house in the bottom row. Now that you've beaten the gym, the guy
inside will give you a Heat Rock, a Damp Rock, an Icy Rock, and a Smooth Rock. Huh.
I guess he must be a retired rocker or something.

Use the PokeCenter teleport to go to Hau'oli City, then go home and sleep.

After you wake up, you'll get sent to Hau'oli City for another Ultra Beast
sighting. This time, it's Kartana who appeared next to the Department Store. Catch
it. Afterwards, visit Lilie's House and go to the room in the eastern wing. There
will be a Pokeball with Magearna.

Go to school and you will learn that the Alola League is on. Talk to the bottom
sailor on the dock and you'll be able to sail to a new location: Manalo Stadium!

Wild Pokemon: Toucannon, Butterfree, Wingull, Ribombee, Alolan Vulpix, Krabby,
Mudsdale, Alolan Graveler, Fomantis. Level 35-38.

There are several shops that you should already know from the previous leagues --
Incenses, Drinks, and Berries. SE shop is empty for now.

Go inside and register. As always, there will be a series of battles -- talk to

attendants from left to right.

There's a huge number of trainers in the first battle; you have to defeat three.
After each battle, some trainers lose and you can no longer fight them.

Beat next two battles and Team Rocket starts selling their stuff in the vacant shop
outside. Win the next battle and Professor Oak will appear at the PokeCenter
counter. He will reward you with Rare Candy if you bring him Meltan.

Fight the final battle against Gladion and you finally win a league for once!



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