English Handout 2

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I. Practice Exercises on Remedial Grammar Covering:

i. Common Errors in English

ii. Subject-Verb agreement

iii. Use of Articles

iv. Prepositions

v. Tense and aspect



To improve the learners’ ability to understand eight common types of errors found in their spoken and written

1. Subject – Verb Agreement:

The verb and subject must agree with each other. If the subject is singular, then the verb must be singular. If the subject is
plural, then the verb must be plural.

i. If a singular subject is separated by a comma then the following sentence remains singular:

1. The child, together with his grandmother and his parents, is going to the beach. (Right)

2. Frank, accompanied by his student, were at the studio. (Wrong) 3.

Frank, accompanied by his student, was at the studio. (Right)

2. Collective nouns, such as family, majority, audience, and committee are singular when they act as one group.
They are plural when they act as individuals.
1. A majority of the shareholders wants the merger. 2. The
jury were in disagreement.

3. All phrases separated by and are plural; phrases separated by or are singular.
1. Ted, John, and I are going. 2. Mary, Sheela and Peter are
waiting at the reception.

4. Neither/nor and either/or are a exceptional case. If two subjects are joined by or or nor, the verb should agree
with the subject that is near to it.

1. Neither the supervisor nor the staff members were able to calm the distressed client.

2. Neither the staff members nor the supervisor was able to calm the distressed client.

5. Choose the right subject in sentences in which the verb comes before the subject.

1. There is many reasons why I can't help you. (Wrong)

2. There are many reasons why I can't help you. (Right)

2. Modifiers:

1. Use of Adjectives and Adverbs in correction of sentences.

An Adjective describes a noun and gives explanations for questions like how many, which one and what

She is a good tennis player. (What kind of tennis player?)

An Adverb describes a verb or an adjective and explains the questions beginning with when, where, why,
in what manner, and to what extent.

i. She plays cricket well. (She plays cricket how?)

ii. This problem is reasonably simple. (How simple?)

Generally adverbs do end with -ly to the adjective, like, "She sang melifluously."

She is a real good swimmer. (Wrong)

She is a really good swimmer. (Right)

"really" is acting as an adverb to modify the adjective "good"

The new student speaks bad. (Wrong)

The new student speaks badly. (Right)

"Badly" changes how the student speaks.

2. Corrections in the use of Adjectives with Verbs of Sense.

The below given is the list of verbs of perception which are described by Adjectives: look,
smell, taste, seem, taste, hear etc.

After the three week vacation, she looked very well. (Wrong)

After the three week vacation, she looked very good. (Right)

Explanation: "She is well" means "She is healthy" or describes a person's well-being.

The strawberry shortcake tastes deliciously. (Wrong)

The strawberry shortcake tastes delicious. (Right)

3. Pronoun Agreement:

It is similar to subject – verb agreement rule. Pronoun that is used should agree with its subject. The following is
the list of pronouns used in subject and object positions.

Subject Object

1. I Me

2. We Us

3. You You

4. He Him

5. She Her

6. It It
7. They Them

1. Pronoun Subject/Object. Depending on pronoun’s position in a sentence, its form

should also be changed.

1. How could she blame you and he for the accident? wrong

2. How could she blame you and him for the accident? right

2. A pronoun’s agreement of its Subject:

1. Everyone on the project have to come to the meeting. wrong

2. Everyone on the project has to come to the meeting. right

3. The singular forms of "either... or" and "neither...nor" take a singular verb. However, if the noun near to the
verb in the "neither...nor" or "either...or" it takes plural.

1. Neither his bodyguards nor he were there. wrong

2. Neither his bodyguards nor he was there. right

4. All Possessive pronouns should agree in person and number.

1. Some of you will have to bear their own responsibility. wrong

2. Some of you will have to bear your own responsibility. right

Some is singular:

3. If anyone seems suspicious over, take their details. wrong

4. If anyone seems suspicious, take his details. right

5. Use of relative pronoun like which, that or who. They link the words before it:

1. The line at the bank was very slow, which made me late. wrong

2. I was late because of the line at the bank. (or) The line at the bank made me late. Right

6. Use of Indefinite pronouns:

1. One should have their teeth checked every six months. Wrong

2. One should have one's/his or her teeth checked six months. (OR) You should have your teeth checked every
six months. Right

1. One should take your responsibilities seriously. wrong

2. One should take one's/his or her responsibilities seriously. (OR)

You should take your responsibilities seriously. Right

4. Similarities / Comparisons:

Irrelevant comparisons lead to errors in sentences. For instance, a person can not be compared to a quality or an item to a
group. Comparison can be made between two individuals, two qualities and two groups only.

Some common and significant comparisons are made with...

Like, as, compared to, less than, more than, other, that of, those of etc.

Some constructions often state ideas in similar form. Their grammatical structure depends on the subjects being used
between them. They are...



Not only... but also...

1. The vision from this building is not nearly as impressive as from that mountain lodge. Wrong

2. The vision from this building is not nearly as impressive as the one from that mountain lodge. Right

EXERCISES FOR PRACTICE Exercise – I The following passage is not edited. It contains an error in each
sentence. Identify the incorrect word and write the correct form of it.

The city police have decided to taking stern action against drivers which attempt to overtake in the left side in the city
roads. All drivers who violate this rule will be punish. This is a strict order issue by the police department for safety of all


The city police have decided to take stern action against drivers who attempt to overtake on the left side on the city roads.
All drivers who violate this rule will be punished. This is a strict order issued by the police department for safety of all
Exercise – II

Correction of Sentences for Practice

1. John has been working on the pilot project since two years.

2. When he entered the classroom the lecture already was beginning.

3. Rama has returned back her book in the library.

4. If Peter works hard he would get distinction in the exam.

5. They turn up with the flying colours if they practiced well.

6. If he told them about the route they would not have missed their way.

7. She would not have sent the mail if you did not instruct her.

8. If I had painted the picture well it would cost a great deal.

9. If the Manager had received your project on time he would not fire you.

The boy, together with his teachers and friends, are going to the ground.

11. A group of people are rushing into the hall.

12. The team is divided in different perspectives on the issue.

13. Neither the party leader nor the party workers was able to calm the distressed people.

14. Data is being collected by the media.

15. She is a real good singer.

16. All Computer science students should learn computer operating, typing, and how to

programme computers.

17. The Lawyer has been warning his clients for the last Sunday.

18. Everybody on the board have to come to the discussion sessions.

19. How could they threaten you and she for this issue?

20. She prefers studying individually than studying collaboratively.

21. He is adept at cricket, badminton, playing basket ball.

22. Neither his followers nor he were welcomed by the society.

23. Some of you will have to get their own id cards for inspection.

24. If anyone peeps into the room, capture their photographs.

25. It must have been him who has sent this mail.

26. One should respect your motherland.

27. It happen only rarely in life.

28. Children is plucking flowers in the garden.

29. They purchased a new air conditioner next month.

30. They is quarrelling over a trifle.

31. It begin to rain as soon as we stepped out of the house.

32. The mother was pray for her ailing child.

33. Among the two sisters, Habiba is a better dancer

34. The officer has given orders to his soldiers yesterday.

35. The girl sat down besides the lake.

36. The two brothers are quarrelling with one another

37. The three business partners are leading their business amicably with each other.

38. Easily, we opened the box.

39. Please write legible.

40. Everyone greatly admired my performance.

41. He did all his work satisfactory.

42. They used to played cricket during their childhood.

43. Varsha saw a lots of swans at the lake.

44. Is there some tea in the flask?

45. The building does not have much windows, and so it is dark and gloomy inside.

46. They did not gave him any ideas for his presentation.

47. Eight kilometers are not a long distance for a man who is an athlete.

48. The transformer we have just installed silently unlike this noisy generators we had earlier.

49. The climate of Ooty is better than Hyderabad.

50. A pair of gloves are lying on the bed.

Answers for Exercise – II

1. John has been working on the pilot project for two years.

2. When he entered the classroom the lecture had already begun.

3. Rama has returned her book in the library.

4. If Peter works hard he will get distinction in the exam.

5. They would turn up with the flying colours if they practiced well.
6. If he told them about the route they would not miss their way.

7. She would not send the mail if you did not instruct her.

8. If I had painted the picture well it would have cost a great deal.

9. If the Manager had received your project on time he would not have fired you.

The boy, together with his teachers and friends, is going to the ground.

11. A group of people is rushing into the hall.

12. The team are divided in different perspectives on the issue.

13. Neither the party leader nor the party workers were able to calm the distressed people.

14. Data are being collected by the media.

15. She is really a good singer.

16. All Computer science students should learn computer operating, typing, and computer


17. The Lawyer has been warning his clients since the last Sunday.

18. Everybody on the board has to come to the discussion sessions.

19. How could they threaten you and her for this issue?

20. She prefers studying individually to studying collaboratively.

21. He is adept at cricket, badminton and basket ball.

22. Neither his followers nor he was welcomed by the society.

23. Some of you will have to get your own id cards for inspection.

24. If anyone peeps into the room, capture his/her photographs.

25. It must have been he who has sent this mail.

26. One should respect one’s motherland.

27. It happens only rarely in life.

28. Children are plucking flowers in the garden.

29. They will purchase a new air conditioner next month.

30. They are quarrelling over a trifle.

31. It began to rain as soon as we stepped out of the house.

32. The mother was praying for her ailing child.

33. Between the two sisters, Habiba is a better dancer

34. The officer has given orders to his soldiers.

35. The girl sat down beside the lake.

36. The two brothers are quarrelling with one another each other.

37. The three business partners are leading their business amicably with one another.

38. We opened the box easily.

39. Please write legibly.

40. Everyone admired my performance greatly.

41. He did all his work satisfactorily.

42. They used to play cricket during their childhood.

43. Varsha saw lots of swans at the lake.

44. Is there any tea in the flask?

45. The building does not have many windows, and so it is dark and gloomy inside.

46. They did not give him any ideas for his presentation.

47. Eight kilometers is not a long distance for a man who is an athlete.

48. The transformer we have just installed silently unlike those noisy generators we had earlier.

49. The climate of Ooty is better than that of Hyderabad. (OR) The climate of Ooty is better than the

climate of Hyderabad.

50. A pair of gloves is lying on the bed.



To enable the learners to identify some of the possible errors occur in subject verb agreement.

According to grammar, the subject of any sentence has to agree with its verb. The following are some of the common
errors take place in subject verb agreement.

1. If the subject of a sentence has two or more nouns or pronouns, plural verb should be used.

She and her friends are at the fair. (Right)

She and her friends is at the fair. (Wrong)

2. If two or more singular nouns or pronouns are li

nked by or, nor, singular verb should e used.

The book or the pen is in the drawer. (Right)

The book or the pen are in the drawer. (Wrong)

3. If a compound subject has both a singular and a plural noun or pronoun linked by or. nor, the verb should agree with the
subject nearer to the verb.

The boy or his friends run every day. (Right)

His friends or the boy runs every day. (Right)

4. The helping verb Does should be used only for singular subjects like He, She, and it The helping verb Do should be
used for plural subjects like I, You (exception), We, and They.

He doesn't like it. (Right) He don't like it. (Wrong)

They don't like it. (Right) They doesn't like it. (Wrong)

5. The phrase that appears between the subject and the verb should be observed carefully. The verb goes only with the
subject, but not with a noun or pronoun in the sentence.
One of the doors is open (Right)

One of the doors are open (Wrong)

The public who listen to that music are few. (Right)

The public who listen to that music is few. (Wrong)

The team leader, as well as his members, is anxious. (Right)

The team leader, as well as his members, are anxious. (Wrong)

The novel, including all the chapters in the first section, is boring. (Right)

The novel, including all the chapters in the first section, are boring. (Wrong)

The hawker with his food items walks down the street. (Right)

The hawker with his food items walk down the street. (Wrong)

6. Pronouns like each, each one, either, neither, everyone, everybody, anybody, anyone, nobody, somebody, someone, and
no one are singular and take singular verbs.

Each of these machines is noisy. (Right)

Each of these machines are juicy. (Wrong)

Everybody respects Bill Gates. (Right)

Everybody respect Bill Gates. (Wrong)

Either is acceptable. (Right)

Either are acceptable. (Wrong)

7. Some nouns which seem to be plural with S ending are always singular (i.e Economics, Statistics , measles, dollars etc,)
and ake singular verbs.
Measles is a disease. (Right)

Measles are a disease. (Wrong)

Phonetics is a difficult subject. (Right)

Phonetics are a difficult subject. (Wrong)

Ten dollars is a lot of money.

8. Nouns like pants, scissors, tangs, tweezers, trousers, and shears require plural verbs.

These tangs are not good.

Those scissors s are made of steel.

9. Collective nouns can be used with singular (if referred as group or whole) verb and plural verb (If referred individually).

The team accepts its defeat. (Group)

The committee are divided into different opinions on the issue. (Individually)

The family has a long history.

My family has never been able to agree.

10. Phrases like, together with, including, accompanied by, in addition to, or as well do not change the number of the
subject. If the subject is singular, the verb should also be singular.

The leader, accompanied by his wife, is traveling to U.K.

All of the clothes, including yours, are in that box.


1. The flute as well as the pipe organ ____________ to be tuned for the big concert.

i. HAS

ii. HAVE

2. The speaker together with his two wives____________ going to be invited for the party.

i. ARE
ii. IS

3. Neither of my two bags____________ adequate for this trip.

i. ARE
ii. IS
4. There ____________ a list of committee members on the head-table.
i. ARE
ii. IS

5. Everybody in the class ____________ done the homework well in advance.

i. HAS ii.

6. The jury ____________ their seats in the courtroom.


7. Neither the teacher nor the students ____________ to understand this assignment.
i. SEEM ii.

8. ____________ either my father or my brothers made a down-payment on the house? i. HAS

ii. HAVE
9. Hartford is one of those cities that ____________ working hard to reclaim a riverfront.
i. ARE
ii. IS

10. Some of the grain ____________ gone bad.

i. HAS

ii. HAVE

11. John or his brother ____________ going to be responsible for this.

i. ARE
ii. IS

12. A few of the students ____________ doing so well they can skip the next course.
i. ARE
ii. IS
13. Either the Committee on Course Design or the Committee on College Operations ____________
these matters.
i. DECIDE ii.

14. One of my instructors ____________ written a letter of recommendation for me.

i. HAS

ii. HAVE

15. Dr. Ferndon is one of those professors who ___________ distracted most of the time.
i. SEEM ii.

16. ___________ either Luis or his parents written to Angela?

i. HAS

ii. HAVE

17. Neither Luis nor his parents ___________ the least bit interested in keeping in touch with her.
i. ARE
ii. IS

18. Everybody on this team ___________ really hard to please the new coach.
i. TRY ii.

19. Because there ___________ so many students in that class, I can sometimes sleep in the back row.
i. ARE
ii. IS

20. Neither traffic light--neither the one on Asylum Avenue nor the one on Farmington Avenue-- ___________
working after the storm.
i. WAS ii.

21. Mr. Bradley, along with his two sisters, ___________ lived in this town for thirty years.
i. HAS ii. HAVE
22. There ___________ no reasons for this horrible development that I can see.
i. ARE
ii. IS

23. Some of the water ___________ already gone bad.

i. HAS

ii. HAVE

24. One of these students ___________ obviously cheated on the exam.

i. HAS

ii. HAVE

25. Either the UConn Women's Team or the UConn Men's Team ___________ going to be national
champion this year.
i. ARE
ii. IS

26. Carlos and his brother Raoul ___________ traveling across the country next summer.
i. ARE
ii. IS

27. Several of the students ___________ decided to withdraw from the course.
i. HAS

ii. HAVE

1. I 2. ii 3. ii 4. ii 5. i 6. i 7. ii 8. ii 9. ii 10. ii 11. ii 12. i 13. i 14. i 15. i 16. i 17. i 18. ii 19. i 20. i 21. i 22. i 23. i 24. i 25.
ii 26. i 27. ii


To enable the learners to identify some of the common errors pertaining to the use of the articles in sentences.

A, An and The are articles. Articles A and An are considered to be indefinite articles as they do not imply anything in
particular. Definite article The always refer to specific and definite things.

The Use of A and An:

"A" and "an" mean singular or only one in general.

1. There is a boy on the road. (I do not know who the boy is)

2. I want to buy an apple. (one apple which is not specific/any apple in a group)

An historical event is worth recording.

Sometimes adjectives modify nouns. In such cases, the use of A or AN depends on the intial sound of the word. If a word
begins with a vowel sound, article AN will be used. If it begins with a consonant sound, the article a will be used.

• a one-eyed man
• an unexpected situation
• a University

The Use of Definite Article:

Definite article THE implies something definite and specific objects or a persons. It is used both for singular and plural

1. The boy who sang yesterday was my nephew. (Here it is a specific boy.)

2. The rose which she plucked in my garden was beautiful (Here it is not a general rose but a definite one)

The use of Countable and Uncountable Nouns:

1. They used to play on the sand in their childhood. 2. They are
fond of sand in the beach near their house. 3. The oil that Mary
uses to cook food is very less. 4. Mary uses more oil than

The use of A and AN with count nouns:

1. I had a mug of beer. 2. She

wants an iron sheet.
3. They play a wonderful match. 4. I
had a glass of mango juice.

Other Common Uses of the Definite Article:

Use of THE:

1. The should be used before the names of the mountain ranges and chains of Islands. For instance:

1. The Himalayas. 2. The Canary Islands.

2. Before names of the musical instruments:

1. Theflute. 2.Thepiano.

3. Before the names of lakes, oceans and seas...

1. The Ganges. 2.the Pacific 3. The Red sea

4. Before names of the deserts and directions of the globe...

1. the sahara desert 2. the north pole 3. The equator

5. Before geographical areas...

1. The north 2. The Middle East

Do not use THE Before:

• 1. before proper names specific names of the people places and streets. (John, America, Wall street)
• 2. Before names of sports (Basket ball, Chess)
• 3. Before the names of academic subjects (Phonetics, Economics)
• 4. Before names of the languages and nationalities. (English, Chinese)
Exercises on Articles for Practice

Exercise - I

Use either definite article THE. If THE is not required keep X mark.

1) My mother likes ________sweets very much.

2) John eats _______fruits in your garden.

3) Meet you on _______Sunday.

4) I always listen to ______radio in the morning.

5) Peter sings songs when he travels by _______bus.

6) Don't be late for _______school.

7) Listen! David is playing _______flute

8) They often see their cousin over _______Easter.

9) The family has never been to ______Alps before.

10) What about going to Australia in ______February?


1) My mother likes x flowers very much.

2) John eats the fruits in your garden.

3) Meet you on x Sunday.

4) I always listen to the radio in the morning.

5) Peter sings songs when he travels by x bus.

6) Don't be late for x school.

7) Listen! David is playing the flute.

8) We often see our cousins over x Easter.

9) The family has never been to the Alps before.

10) What about going to Australia in x February
Exercise – II

Use either definite article THE. If THE is not required keep X mark.

1) They visited _____St. Paul's Cathedral and _____Tower last week.

2) _____Mount Abu is one of _____highest mountain on earth.

3) ______Loch Ness is _____most famous lake in Scotland.

4) ______most girls are fond of _____ice creams.

5) ______summer of 1996 was hot and dry.

6) ______Queensland Hotel is on the corner of ______29th Street and _____6th Avenue.

7) My sister often stays at _____Uncle Tim's in Detroit.

8) Our friends _____Millers moved to London last August.

9) _____pollution is a problem in _____metropolitans.

10) Our brother goes to _____school by _____bus

Answer - II

1) They visited x St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower last week.

2) x Mount Abu is one of the highest mountain on earth.

3) x Loch Ness is the most famous lake in Scotland.

4) x most girls are fond of x ice creams.

5) The summer of 1996 was hot and dry.

6) The Queensland Hotel is on the corner of x 29th Street and x 6th Avenue.
7) My sister often stays at x Uncle Tim's in Detroit.

8) Our friends the Millers moved to London last August.

9) x pollution is a problem in x metropolitans.

10) Our children go to x school by x bus.

Exercise –III (Use A, AN Or Nothing)

1. There were many flowers in the park. One flower was ___ Rose.

i. a ii. An iii.

2. Cows and ___ Buffaloes were both herbivorous.

i. a ii. An iii.

3. They purchase___ dark black Scorpio car next week.

i. a ii. An iii.
Nothing iv.

4. Hawaii is ___ island in the Pacific Ocean.

i. a ii. An iii.

5. Good Friday comes once ___ year.

i. a ii. An iii.

6. ___ eagle is __ bird.

i. a ii. An iii.

7. The Amazon is ___ river.

i. a
ii. An iii.

8. I entered into a milk booth to buy___ milk.

i. a ii. An iii.
Nothing iv.

9. He has lost ___ a gold ring while he was playing.

i. a ii. An iii.

10. You have to have ___ umbrella if it rains.

i. a ii. An iii.
Answers- III

1. a 2. Nothing 3. a 4.an 5. a 6. an, an 7. a 8. Nothing 9.a 10.an

Exercise –IV (Use A, An, The or No Article)

1. Is she purchasing it for ___ fitness club to join so she becomes lean?
a. a b. an c. the d. no
article is needed

2. Buy cleverly or you could end up choosing ___ wrong club and losing more money than pounds.
a. a b. an c. the d. no
article is needed

3. You may find out too late that ___ fitness clubs aren't for you.
a. a b. an c. the d. no
article is needed

4. __ Ostrich is a native of South Africa.

a. a b. an c. the d. no
article is needed

5. I __ Ostrich in my garden.
a. a b. an c. the d. no
article is needed

6. I saw __ orange for my breakfast.

a. a b. an c. the d. no
article is needed

7. I have recently bought _ flat.

a. a b. an c. the d. no
article is needed

8. You may be in ___ market for a full-service health club; then, make sure it offers lots of activities.
a. a b. an c. the d. no
article is needed
9. __ Ganges is considered to be a holy river for Indians.
a. a b. an c. the d. no
article is needed

10. They should be educated in physical education or certified by ___ organization such as the
American Council on exercise. a.
a b. an c. the d. no article is

11. I have some milk and __ slice of cake for you.

a. a b. an c. the d. no
article is needed

12. There is __ ghost again which we saw yesterday. Can you see it?
a. a b. an c. the d. no
article is needed

13. Try to talk to other members of the club. Find out what they believe are ___ advantages and
disadvantages there. a. a
b. an c. the d. no article
is needed

14. I saw __ one eyed man when I was walking on the road.
a. a b. an c. the d. no
article is needed

15. There is no sight of _ University near by.

a. a b. an c. the d. no
article is needed

16. __ Planets revolve round their suns.

a. a b. an c. the d. no
article is needed

Answers- IV

1. a 2.c 3.d 4c 5.b 6.b 7.a 8.c 9.c 10.b 11.a 12.c 13.c 14.a 15. a 16.d

Objective:To enable the learners to identify some of the common errors pertaining to use of prepositions in

Preposition is one of the parts of speech which means to place something before (pre + position) a noun or pronoun. The
role of preposition in a sentence is to show the relationship between subject and object / noun and noun / noun and
adjective / noun and pronoun etc.

1. The cow is on the field. 2.

She is fond of ice cream. 3. She
told me about it. 4. They were
nice to her.

Although preposition is generally placed before the words it governs, it will also appear in some other positions.

1. Who are you talking to? 2. The boy wants

something to play with. 3. What are you
arguing for?

Prepositions are mainly of three kinds. They are

1. Simple (ex: in, on, at, by, which, into, about, across, along, among, between etc.)

2. Complex or Phrasal Prepositions (ex: inspite of, in addition to, along with because of)

3. Prepositions which look like adjectives / verbs (ex: including, following, barring, unlike)

Prepositions have a wide variety of roles to play in the sentences they are used. For instance, they indicate things like time,
place, direction, movement, comparison, means/instrumentality, concession and source of manner.

The following sentences explain different roles of prepositions in the sentences.

1. Ram confuses to make a choice between mango and apple.(position) 2. The A.P. Express starts
from Hyderabad to Delhi.(movement and direction) 3. The programme was over by 3 ‘o’ Clock.
(time) 4. He could not attend the meeting due to his ill health.(reason) 5. They went to hotel for
Biryani.(purpose) 6. Mary chops meat with a knife. (instrument) 7. They are traveling by car.
(means) 8. Despite of the busy schedule, the chairman turned up to the meeting.(concession) 9.
He fights like a lion.(comparison) 10. John does his job with utmost care. (manner) 11. They
brought vegetables from market. (source)
Prepositions Exercises for Practice - I
Put in the correct preposition.

1) My friend is good ___playing volleyball.

2) She protests ___discrimination.

3) She is afraid ___cats.

4) The family doesn't feel ___going outing this season. .

5) The company is looking forward ___giving bonus to its workers.

6) She dreams ___becoming a doctor.

7) She apologized ___her misbehavior.

8) Does she agree ___what you explained?

9) Parents often insist ___good manners.

10) Peter reminded me ___ my appointment with doctor

11) The child is allergic __insect stings.

12) Peter reminded me __my appointment with doctor.

13) The patrolling van chased the thieves ___the lanes.

14) The secret __success lies __hard work.

15) She said airily that she had not smoked ___ages.

16) Mr.Sethi lives __an apartment building in Hyderabad.

17) The father’s role was brought to life__ the actor.

18) The P.M. congratulated Indian cricket team __their success in 2011 world cup.

19) Such difficult words are always found __dictionaries.

20) We should not put __with this kind of nuisance.

21) I must apologize you __not recognizing you.

22) She has been working there __two years.

23) Parents often insist __good manners.

24) Mr. John has been the C.E.O. of his company ___ 2005.
25) Why do you lean __ the wall.
Answers - I

1) My friend is good at playing volleyball.

2) She protests against discrimination.

3) She is afraid of cats.

4) The family doesn't feel like going outing this season. .

5) The company is looking forward to giving bonus to its workers.

6) She dreams of becoming a doctor.

7) She apologized for her misbehavior.

8) Does she agree with what you explained?

9) The company is waiting ____its new C.E.O..

10) Peter reminded me of my appointment with doctor.

11) The child is allergic to insect stings.

12) Peter reminded me of my appointment with doctor.

13) The patrolling van chased the thieves through the lanes.

14) The secret of success lies in hard work.

15) She said airily that she had not smoked for ages.

16) Mr.Sethi lives in an apartment building in Hyderabad.

17) The father’s role was brought to life by the actor.

18) The P.M. congratulated Indian cricket team on their success in 2011 world cup.

19) Such difficult words are always found in dictionaries.

20) We should not put up with this kind of nuisance.

21) I must apologize you for not recognizing you.

22) She has been working there for two years.

23) Parents often insist on good manners.

24) Mr. John has been the C.E.O. of his company since 2005.

25) Why do you lean against the wall?


To improve students’ ability to use and construct error free sentences in spoken and written English.

The following information gives a bird eye view of all the tenses (i.e. present, past and future) and their use in different
time frames besides some signal words for each tense.

1. Present Tense:

1.1 Simple Present Tense: S

Structure: Sub + Verb 1+ S or ES + Object

Helping Verbs Used: Do& Does (to form questions and negative statements)

(He, She & It-------------- Does & I, We, You and They-----------Do)

Two helping verbs Do and Does are used in this tense. Do is used for plural subjects like I (exceptional), We, You &
They. Does is used for singular subjects like He, She & It. If the subject is singular S or ES is added to the verb
ending. This rule does not applicable to plural subjects.

1. She sings excellently.

2. They play very well.

There are some adverbs which are often used in this tense. They are always, every, never, normally, often, seldom,
sometimes, usually.

Simple present tense is used in the following situations:

i. action in the present taking place ii. facts iii.

actions taking place one after another iv.
action set by a timetable or schedule v.
habitual actions

1. She reads an article. (Affirmative) 2. Does she read an article?

(Interrogative) 3. She does not read an article. (Negative) 4.
Doesn’t she read an article? (Negative Interrogative)
1.2 The Present Continuous / Progressive Tense
Structure: Sub + Verb+ ing form (V4) + Object

Helping Verbs Used: Am, Is & Are (to form questions and negative statements)

(I--------------Am, He, She &It-------------- Is & We, You and They-----------------Are)

Usage in sentences:

1. She is reading an article. 3. I am giving a presentation now.

Is she reading an article? ......................................?

She is not reading an article. ......................................

Isn’t she reading an article? ......................................?

The following categories of verbs are not used in the present continuous/progressive form.
a) Verbs denote likes and dislikes (like, love, hate, adore, hate, dislike, abhor and
detest). b) Verbs of perception (see, hear, smell, taste and feel) c) Verbs
of cognition (know, understand, comprehend) d) Verbs of
possession (have, possess)

1)* I am loving classical music (I love classical music)

2)* I am seeing it now (I see it now)

3)* She is understanding it well (She understands it well)

4)* He is having a problem (He has a problem)

1.3 The Present Perfect Tense:

Structure: Sub + Verb (V3) + Object

Helping Verbs Used: Has & Have (to form questions and negative statements)

(He, She &It-------------- Has & I, We, You and They-------Have)

Usage in sentences:

1. She has written an article. 3. I have given a presentation just now.

Has she written an article? ......................................?

She has not written an article. ......................................

Hasn’t she reading an article? ......................................?

Present perfect tense refers to completed actions. They also imply recently finished actions. There are some adverbs
which are often used in this tense. They are already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now

1.4 The Present Perfect Continuous Tense:

Structure: Sub + Verb ing form (V4) + Object

Helping Verbs Used: Has been & Have been (to form questions and negative statements)

(He, She &It-------------- Has been & I, We, You and They-------Have been)

Usage in sentences:

1. She has been waiting for an hour. 2. I have been speaking since 2pm.

Has she been waiting for an hour ......................................?

She has not been waiting for an hour. ......................................

Hasn’t she been waiting for an hour? ......................................?

Present perfect continuous tense refers to actions which started I the past and are continuing till the present and have
chance to continue in the future. There are some adverbs which are often used in this tense. They are since and for. Since
refers to point of time (exact time) eg: 1997, January 5th, 2 o Clock, Wednesday. For implies period of time like two
weeks, three hours, fifteen minutes and two years.

2. The Past Tense

2.1 The Simple Past Tense:

Structure: Sub + Verb (V2) + Object

Helping Verbs Used: Did (to form questions and negative statements)

(He, She, It, I, We, You and They-------Did + V1)

Usage in sentences:

1. She played yesterday. 2. I drew the picture last week.

Did she play yesterday? ......................................?

She did not play yesterday. ......................................

Didn’t she play yesterday? ......................................?

Simple past tense refers to actions occurred in the past. A past tense should be used with past time reference.
They are like yesterday, 2 minutes ago, in 1950, the other day, last Friday.

2.2 The Past Continuous Tense:

Structure: Sub + Verb ing form (V4) + Object

Helping Verbs Used: Was & Were (to form questions and negative statements)

(He, She, It, I ---- Was We, You and They-------Were)

Usage in sentences:

1. She was typing. 2. They were watching cricket.

Was she typing? ......................................?

She was not typing ......................................

Wasn’t she typing? ......................................?

Past continuous tense refers to actions continuing from one period of time to another in the past. Generally it is used to
refer two actions in a sequence. Some adverbs are used to describe such actions. They are while, when & as long as.

1. When I entered the room the telephone was ringing.

I met with accident while I was walking on the road.

2.3 The Past Perfect Tense:

Structure: Sub + Verb (V3) + Object

Helping Verbs Used: Had (to form questions and negative statements)

(He, She, It, I, We, You and They-------Had)

Usage in sentences:

1. She had finished it. 2. They had settled the issue.

Had she finished it? ......................................?

She had not finished it ......................................

Hadn’t she finished it? ......................................?

Past perfect tense refers to actions took place in the past. Generally it is used to refer two actions in a sequence. The first
happened action in the past should always be in the past perfect and the second happened action in the past should be in
the simple past. Some adverbs are used to describe such actions. They are already, just, never, not yet, once, until that day.
1. When I entered the hall the programme had already begun.
The train had already left when I reached the station.

2.4 The Past Perfect Continuous Tense:

Structure: Sub + Verb ing form (V4) + Object

Helping Verbs Used: Had been (to form questions and negative statements)

(He, She, It, I, We, You and They-------Had been)

Usage in sentences:

1. She had been cleaning it. 2. They had been preparing it.

Had she been cleaning it? ......................................?

She had not been cleaning it ......................................

Hadn’t she been cleaning it? ......................................?

Past perfect continuous tense refers to actions took place in the past. Generally it is used to refer two actions in a
sequence. One action in the past should be continuing till another action began. Some adverbs are used to describe such
actions. They are when and before.

1. They had been playing before the coach called them. 2. I had been reading the article
before my friend invited me for a movie. 3 The Future Tense:

3.1 The Simple Future Tense:

Structure: Sub + Verb (V1) + Object

Helping Verbs Used: Will & Shall (to form questions and negative statements)

(He, She, It, You and They-------Will I, We -------- Shall)

Usage in sentences:
1. She will finish it tomorrow. 2. I shall purchase a T.V. next week.

Will she finish it tomorrow? ......................................?

She will not finish it tomorrow ......................................

Won’t she finish it tomorrow? ......................................?

Simple future tense refers to actions take place in the future. Generally it is used to refer actions scheduled in the near
future. There should be a future reference in this tense. Some adverbs are used to describe such actions are in a year, next,

3.2 The Future Continuous Tense:

Structure: Sub + Verb ing form (V4) + Object

Helping Verbs Used: Will be & Shall be (to form questions and negative statements)

(He, She, It, You and They-------Will be I, We -------- Shall be)

Usage in sentences:

1. She will be going abroad next year. 2. We shall be celebrating a party tomorrow.

Will she be going abroad next year? ......................................?

She will not be going abroad next year ......................................

Won’t she be going abroad next year? ......................................?

Future Continuous tense refers to actions taking place in the future. Generally it is used to refer actions continuing from
one time frame to another in the near future. There should be a future reference in this tense. Some adverbs are used to
describe such actions are by this time next year, by this time tomorrow.

3.3 The Future Perfect Tense:

Structure: Sub + Verb (V3) + Object

Helping Verbs Used: Will have & Shall have (to form questions and negative statements)

(He, She, It, You and They-------Will have I, We -------- Shall have)

Usage in sentences:

1. She will have finished her degree by 2012. 2. We shall have done it tomorrow.

Will she have finished her degree by 2012? ......................?

She will not have finished her degree by 2012 ......................................

Won’t she have finished her degree by 2012? .............................?

Future perfect tense refers to actions that are expected to be finished at some time in the future.

3.4 The Future Perfect Continuous Tense:

Structure: Sub + Verb ing form (V4) + Object

Helping Verbs Used: Will have been & Shall have been (to form questions and negative statements)

(He, She, It, You and They-------Will have been I, We -------- Shall have been)

Usage in sentences:

1. She will have been doing her degree next year.

2. We shall have been traveling by this time tomorrow.

Future perfect continuous tense refers to actions that are expected to be continuing from one time frame to another in the
(Exercises - I)

1. John (construct) ______ three apartments in this part of the town in 1990.

2. By the time the project completed she (know) _______ intricacies of it.

3. All of a sudden, Ram understood that he (lose) ______ his valet.

4. (you see) _______ Mary in the meeting last week?

5. Rani said that she (write) _______ three exams.

6. Peter’s uncle (not want) ______to stay at the flat the entire day.

7. The workers were dog-tired as they (work) ______ continuously a week without a holiday. .

8. The insurance company (extend) _______ her assistance for her new house.

9. The boys told their teacher all what they (do) ________ the night before.

10. The two unemployed youth (get) ________ an opportunity in their desired media yesterday.

11.Martin said that he (never be) ______ so delighted.

12. I wanted to purchase this painting but the shop-keeper (already sell) _______it to another.

13. Mary (see) _________ John at the university last week.

14. How many years (you study) _________ English when you applied for that job?

15. I (can’t paint) ________ when I was a child.

16. When I went to the concert the programme (already begin) _________.

17. After a heated argument with her brother Sharon (forget) _________ to post the letter.

18. I didn't go to the marriage because nobody (tell) __________ me about it.

19. She asked him if he (ever swim) __________ in the ocean.

20. The boy said: '' he (sleep) __________ until his mom came''.

Answers Part – I

1. built 2. had known / knew 3. lost 4. did you 5. had written / wrote

6. did not want 7. worked 8. has extended 9. did 10. found 11. was never

12. had already lent 13. saw 14. did you study 15. could not paint

16. had already begun 17. forgot 18. told 19. had ever swum 20. slept

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