Wiryanta 2018 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 953 012060

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Experimental and numerical investigation of thermal radiator

performances as a source of heat energy in design of dryer simulation
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The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 953 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012060 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012060

Experimental and numerical investigation of thermal radiator

performances as a source of heat energy in design of dryer

I K E H Wiryanta1,* and I M A Adiaksa2

Mechanical Engineering Department – Politeknik Negeri Bali, Kampus Bukit
Jimbaran Street, Kuta Selatan, Badung, Bali 80361

*corresponding email : ervanhw@pnb.ac.id

Abstract. The purposes of this research was to investigate the temperature performance of
tube and fins car radiator experimentally and numerically. The experiment research was carried
out on a simulation design consists of a reservoir water tank, a heater, pump to circulate hot
water to the radiator and a cooling fan. The hot water mass flow rate is 0.486 kg/s, and the
cooling air velocity of the fan is 1 m/s. The heat transfer rate and the effectiveness of radiator
were investigated. The results showed that the exhaust heat transfer rate from the radiator
tended to increase over time, with an average heat transfer rate of 3974.3 Watt. The maximum
heat transfer rate was 4680 Watt obtained at 6 minutes. The effectiveness of the radiator (ɛ)
over time tends to increase with an average of ɛ = 0.3 and the maximum effectiveness value
was obtained at 12 minutes i.e. 0.35. The numerical research conducted using CFD method.
The geometry and meshing created using ANSYS Workbench and the post processing using
Fluent. The simulation result showed the similarity with the experimental research. The
temperatures of air-side radiator are about 45°C. .

1. Introduction
Radiator is a compact heat exchanger used to transfer thermal energy from one medium to another for
the purpose of cooling and heating. As a heat exchanger device, the radiator will work by transferring
the temperature differences from two different fluids. Radiators are generally widely used in the
automotive world (motor and car) for a purpose to maintain the temperature of the vehicle engine to
stay at optimum working temperature (80°C - 90°C). The heat from the air produced by the air side
radiator is a potential source of heat to be reused, either as an air heater, a dryer and so on. The
application of a radiator to a heater or dryer can certainly help peoples in daily activities to increase
their productivity.
Some research on radiator performance has been done, this is important in a design of dryer
application later, in order to know the performance, the effectiveness of the radiator as a source of heat
energy. The analysis of the the car radiator performances using of nanofluids (ethylene glycol/copper)
as the working fluid radiator showed that the total heat transfer coefficient on the air side of the
radiator will be increased with the addition of nanofluid by 0-5%. [1]. An experimental research of
automotive radiator performances using nanofluids (Ethylene Glycol/Waterbased TiO2) by varying the
concentration of nanofluids was also done, which is the result showed that with low concentrations the
heat transfer rate up to 37% in comparison with base fluid. [2]. On the research of car radiator with

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The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 953 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012060 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012060

Multi-walled carbon nanotubes, pressure drop and heat transfer rate of radiator can be seen where with
the increasing of nano particles concentration the heat transfer rate will decrease. [3]. Others
experimental research of radiator performances using different nanofluids also done by varying the
concentration, suspension of the nano particles. [4]. The experimental investigation of panel radiator
has been done under the actual operating conditions with different heating water mass flow rate, water
inlet temperatures and connection positions, where it is known that the heat output is almost linearly
increasing with increasing inlet temperatures for all connection positions. [5]. The modelling of CFD
thermal analysis of car radiator using several nanofluid as a working fluid, such as Aluminium Oxide,
Silicon Oxide, Ethylene Glycol and Oxide Copper with a volume fraction of 0.3 has been done, where
it is known that the heat flux will be higher using nanofluid particles of copper compared to
aluminium. [6]. CFD modelling was also done on the radiator with and without the addition of
louvered fins and also varying the position of louvers [7],[8] which the results showed that with the
addition of louvered fins on the car radiator, the heat transfer rate of radiator will be increasing by
53.88% ,and thermal efficiency of the panel radiator with louvers placed its back side is more than the
one with louvers placed its front side. Thermal radiator performances also investigated by CFD
modelling for a single plane aluminium radiator and also to knows the effect of blowing direction and
offset of radiator fan [9],[10]. Others CFD modelling also done to investigate the cooling performance
of radiator used in oil-filled power transformer applications. [11], [12], [13]
Based on the description above, it is interesting to investigate the thermal performances of a car
radiator tube and fins type using the actual operating conditions. Water liquid (H2O) were used as a
working fluid. The thermal performances that investigated was the radiator effectiveness, heat transfer
rate and also the air-side temperature of the radiator in order to get accurate information about the
waste heat generated by the car radiator tube and fins type. This will be used as an analysis to
designing dryer/oven later.

2. Methodology
The experimental investigation to analyze the thermal performances of radiator was carried out by
creating a simple car cooling system simulation for dryer, consist of a car radiator as the heat
exchanger, a water pump to circulate the working fluid from reservoir tank to radiator, water heater,
thermostat and cooling fan. The schematic of the experimental design system are shown in ‘figure 1’

Figure 1. Experimental setup

The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 953 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012060 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012060

The specification of the radiator used in this experiment as shown in table 1 below.

Table 1. Radiator Specifications

No Data Nilai
1. Radiator’s type Compact heat exchanger- circular tube
continuous fin
2. Radiator’s volume P x L x T= 500mm x 30 mm x 550 mm
3. Tube diameter 10 mm
4. Tube length 330 mm
5. Number of row 2
6. Number of tube per row 22
7. Pit length 11 mm

2.1. Compact Heat Exchanger Analysis.

To investigate the thermal performances of compact heat exchanger, the governing equation below has
been use [14], [15] there were:

 Air side heat transfer rate (qcold) :

qcold = hcold.Acold ( Tcin – Tcout ) (1)

hcold = St. G. Cp (2)

 Effectiveness radiator (ε) :

qc Ch (Thi-Tho) Cc (Tco-Tci)
ɛ = = (3)
qmax Tmin (Thi- Tci) Cmin (Thi-Tci)

where :
qmax = Cmin . (Th,i – Tc,i) (4)
to determine the Cmin, select the minimum value between Chot (water-side) and Ccold (air- side),
where :

Ccold = mc . Cpc and Ch =mh . Cph (5)

2.2. CFD Modeling

The CFD modeling has been developed to investigate the temperature distribution of radiator. The
geometry and mesh was created using ANSYS WORKBENCH 14 and the solver using FLUENT. The
solution strategies of CFD modeling as shown in table 2 below.

Table 2. CFD Modeling Solution Strategies

Category Selected Model

Geometry Min. volume : 1.021028-11 m3
Max. volume : 1.031239-8 m3
Total volume : 9.176924-5 m3
Cell number 210247
Solver Steady state, Laminar
Energy Equation On

The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 953 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012060 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012060

Inlet Velocity magnitude, thermal

Outlet Pressure -outlet
Wall convection Heat transfer coefficient

3. Result and Discussion

3.1. Experimental Analysis
The experimental investigation was observed from the test section. Water (H2O) liquid as the working
fluid has been heated by the heater in the reservoir tank and it’s circulated to the radiator by a pump
with mass flow rate 0.486 kg/s. The cooling processes on the radiator are done using a forced
convection from a fan with a flow rate of 1 m/s. The temperatures of water inlet radiator, outlet
radiator, air temperatures before and after radiator were measured using a thermocouple. The thermal
analysis to investigate the effectiveness and heat transfer rate of the radiator has been done using the
governing equation from section 2 above. The results of the temperatures and thermal performances of
the radiator are shown in table 3 below.

Table 3. Radiator Performances

NO T1 (K) T2 (K) T3 (K) T4 (K) qc (Watt) ɛ
1 0 353 331 302 308.5 2072.2 0.1 3
2 2 352.4 330.4 302 312.4 3227.0 0.20
3 4 352.3 330.3 302 313 3407.8 0.22
4 6 351.7 330 302 316.6 4475.3 0.29
5 8 350.3 329.5 302 316.6 4475.3 0.30
6 10 349.6 328.8 302 317.3 4680.0 0.32
7 12 348.6 328.5 302 316.4 4 416.5 0.31
8 14 347.5 328.3 302 316.4 4416.5 0.31
9 16 346.4 327.9 302 315.9 4257.9 0.31
10 18 344.7 326.3 302 316.4 4020.6 0.33
11 20 343.8 326.3 302 316.4 4020.6 0.34
12 22 343.1 325 302 316.4 4020.6 0.35
13 24 342.7 324.9 302 316.2 4352.5 0.35
14 26 342.6 324.6 302 315.9 4269.1 0.34
15 28 342.5 324.4 302 315.7 4208.0 0.34
16 30 342.3 324.3 302 315.5 4151.4 0.33
These analyses were shown in ‘figure 2, ‘figure 3’ and ‘figure 4’. The results show that the output
radiator temperatures on the air side (T4) at the beginning were increasing, because at the beginning
the heat dissipation rate of the radiator was not too effective. The temperature will start to stabilize
after 5 minutes radiator work at about 316 K. The radiator output temperatures on the water side (T2)
at the beginning initially high, this is because the radiator has just began starts to work to dissipate the
heat into the environment. The temperatures (T2) tend to stabilize in the range of 325 K after 18
minutes work. This indicates that the heat dissipation process from the radiator running quite well,
where the heat from the water will be discharged into the environment by the radiator so that the water
temperature will tend to be stable. This was shown in ‘figure2’ below.

The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 953 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012060 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012060

Figure 2. Radiator temperatures over time

The heat transfer rate on the air-side radiator (qcold) and the radiator effectiveness (ɛ) over time was
also investigated and shown in ‘figure 3’. The heat transfer rate at the beginning process will be
increasing, and then it will tend to be stable in the range of 3947.3 watts, with a maximum value of
qc 4680 watts, at 10 minute work. It is officially shown the similarities with the outlet air-side
temperature of the radiator.
The analysis of radiator effectiveness over time shown in ‘figure 4’, which known that the radiator
effectiveness (ɛ) tends to increase at the start, then after 17 minutes work, it will tend to stable. This
indicates that the radiator performances on the simulation system work quite well. The radiator was
capable to generate significant heat (hot air) for use as a heat source for dryer system. The maximum
radiator effectiveness was 0.35 with average effectiveness 0.3.

Figure 3. Air-side radiator heat transfer rate Figure 4. Radiator Effectiveness over time
over time

3.2. Numerical Investigation

From the numerical simulation using ANSYS WORKBENCH 14 and solver FLUENT were
investigated with the initial condition similar to the experimental condition. It can be shown the
geometry, meshing and the thermal analysis of the radiator. The working fluid uses in simulation was
water-liquid, with velocity magnitude 1.76 m/s, inlet temperature was 350 K. The outlet boundary was
pressure-outlet with backflow total temperature 317 K. The heat transfer coefficient of the convection
wall according to experimental condition was 44.15 W/m2.K.
The contours of static temperature of radiator as shown in ‘figure 5’. It can be knows that the
temperatures distribution of radiator alongside tubes were decreasing from the inlet temperature to the
outlet. It indicates the heat transfer processes from the radiator to the environment were quite done

The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 953 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012060 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012060

Figure 5. Contours of static temperature

4. Conclusion
From the investigation of thermal performances radiator, shows that the dryer simulation uses radiator
as a heat source can works properly. The radiator effectiveness and air-side heat transfer rate show
similarities with the temperatures of radiator at the air-side (T4). The rate of heat transfer on the air
side (qc) increasing over time with average qc of 3947.3 watts and maximum value of 4680 watts. The
effectiveness of the radiator on average simulation systems is between 0.3 to a maximum value of 0.35
2. The exhaust heat generated by the radiator in the dryer simulation tends to increase initially over
time and will tend to be stable after the 5th minute which is about 316 K with a maximum temperature
of 317 K.
From the results of experimental and numerical analysis of radiator performances in this study, it
can be suggested several things to improving the performances. The first is an improvement on the
system designs, optimizing the speed of the cooling fan and also optimizing the flow rate of the hot
water from the reservoir to the radiator so that the radiator work rejecting heat can be more optimal.

5. Acknowledgments
The authors would like to acknowledge The Director and Head of P3M Politeknik Negeri Bali for
funding this research. Authors also like to thank full to the research team and all the staff of
Mechanical Engineering Department of Politeknik Negeri Bali for the support.

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The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 953 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012060 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/953/1/012060

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