Seminar Paper OF: Cyber Terrorism in India: An Overveiw
Seminar Paper OF: Cyber Terrorism in India: An Overveiw
Seminar Paper OF: Cyber Terrorism in India: An Overveiw
1. INTRODUCTION OF THE SEMINAR –.............................................................................................3
1.1. TITLE OF THE PROJECT................................................................................................3
1.2. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF STUDY............................................................................3
1.3. RESEARCH QUESTIONS.................................................................................................3
1.4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................3
Sources of data.....................................................................................................................3
1.5. OVERVIEW.........................................................................................................................3
1.6. CHAPTER SCHEME...........................................................................................................5
1.7. BIBLIOGRAPHY:................................................................................................................6
2. MEANING AND CONCEPT OF CYBER TERRORISM.......................................................6
2.1. Definition of Cyber Terrorism............................................................................................7
2.2. Examples of cyberterrorism..............................................................................................10
2.3. Cyberwarfare vs. cyberterrorism vs. cybercrime............................................................10
3. CLASSIFICATION OF CYBER CRIME...............................................................................12
3.1. CRIME AGAINST INDIVIDUALS.................................................................................12
3.2. CRIME AGAINST PROPERTY......................................................................................12
3.3. CRIME AGAINST ORGANIZATION............................................................................13
3.4. CRIME AGAINST SOCIETY..........................................................................................13
CYBERCRIMES IN INDIA.............................................................................................................15
4.1. Reason for increasing Cyber Terrorism:.........................................................................16
4.2. Effects of terrorism on Indian Economy:.........................................................................17
5.1. 9/11......................................................................................................................................18
5.2. 26/11....................................................................................................................................18
5.3. Ahmedabad Bomb Blast....................................................................................................19
6.1. Section 66F of IT Act, 2000...............................................................................................20
6.2. Cyber Terrorism with other laws.....................................................................................21
6.3. Cyber Security...................................................................................................................22
List of Cyber Security Organization............................................................................................25
7. CONCLUSION..........................................................................................................................25
The paper contains following objectives:
To understand and analyze the status and types of cybercrime in India;
To find out the major reasons behind the increasing rate of cybercrime in India;
To provide suggestions to check the cybercrimes in India.
Sources of data: With the help of secondary data which are available as free source.
Paper efforts to describe the form and status of cybercrime and analyses the
complexity of cybercrime in modern age.
Good and bad has co-existence since the beginning of the world. Where first one comprises
all things which are essential for wellbeing of all whereas other ones connotes negativity.
Unfortunately technology cannot be mention as an exception of this rule. The internet and its
technologies has opened up many opportunities for all countries to develop their economies.
On one hand our scientist, technocrats are using this advanced stream of science for
betterment of all and to make India self-dependent and secure from attack of our enemies
while on the other hand a very well structured groups (Independent or Nation sponsored) are
also using these technologies as a tool to make INDIA weak and helpless. Cyber criminals
perform various acts like cyber stalking, on-line harassment, on-line defamation, hacking,
and so forth collectively we call it cybercrime. When these activities are managed by
organized group systematically and deliberately we term it as CYBER TERRORISM. Cyber
terrorism is a well-planned and organized use of technologies by cyber experts resides inside
and outside the country for anti-national activities. Although our government is well capable
to fight against such challenges it requires support, awareness and alertness from people.
After 9/11, it has become a trend for the militant outfits to avail cyber assistance in order to
achieve extremist missions. The Kosovo conflict in 2001 which also ‘inspired’ defacement
of numerous NATO websites and denial of services by hackers who supported the anti
NATO activities (Denning, 2010) and the 1997 Internet Black Tiger’s attack on Sri Lankan
embassy which involved 800 emails carrying extremist messages to ‘disrupt the
communications’ (Denning, 2001), were some of the early evidences of ‘cyber terrorism’. In
India, cyber terrorism has emerged as new phenomena. The probe against the 2008 serial
blasts in cities like Ahmedabad, Delhi, Jaipur, and Bangalore found considerable evidences
of cyber terrorism (NDTV Correspondent, 2010); the 2008 attack on Mumbai Taj Hotel,
which is now famously known as 26/11 and the 2010 blast in the holy city of Varanasi also
had trails of cyber terrorism (NDTV Correspondent, 2010).. However, all these incidences
indicate two main aspects of cyber terrorism, namely, gathering of information and spreading
of the terror through cyber communications for disruption of national security and peace.
After the 26/11 attack, the Indian government had brought into effect a set of proposed
amendments to the Information Technology Act 2000, which has specific provisions for
combating cyber terrorism. The provision under section 66F discusses about cyber terrorism
in the broadest sense. This provision actually lays down the punishment to be meted out for
actors of cyber terrorism. The definition of the term cyber terrorism is glaringly missing in
the said legal provision. To strengthen the law on cyber terrorism, the Indian government had
further proposed a set of Rules in 2011, which promises to tighten the loose loops. In this
project, this particular law has addressed cyber terrorism from a holistic aspect; however,
loopholes still exist to withhold the proper execution of the laws for prosecuting the accused.
It is more than evident that the method for directing psychological oppression with the time is
winding up more advanced. The cyberterrorism is genuine danger to quick innovation
improvement. Potential targets are frameworks which control the country's resistances and
foundation. The fear-based oppressor without bounds will win the wars without discharging a
shot-just by crushing foundation that fundamentally depends on data innovation. The quick
development of the Internet clients what's more, Internet dependence significantly expanded
the security dangers, unless there are suitable safety efforts to encourage anticipation. To
comprehend digital fear mongering it is critical to take a gander at its experience, to perceive
how the psychological oppressor associations or people are utilizing the benefit of innovation
and what sort of measures governments are taking to help the battle against digital terrorism.
This project will highlights some of the basics of cyber terrorism. This project will further
discusses about the threats of cyber terrorism and the present status of various cybercrimes in
India. This project will aims at creating awareness on cybercrime and suggests check on
This project tries to give an illustrative and explanatory picture of digital psychological
warfare in India. The paper envisages a comprehension of the nature and viability of digital
assaults and attempting to think about and break down the endeavours made by India to
address this test and feature what more should be possible.
1. In Chapter 1, the researcher will discuss the General Introduction with the research
methodology of the project.
2. In Chapter 2, the researcher will highlight the meaning and concept of cyber
3. In Chapter 3, the researcher will discuss the classification of cyber crime.
4. In Chapter 4, will further discuss about the threats of cyber terrorism and the present
status of various cybercrimes in India.
5. In Chapter 5, the researcher tries to give an illustrative and explanatory picture of
digital psychological warfare with reference to 9/11 and other major terror attacks.
6. In Chapter 6, the researcher will discuss Scientific & Legal Measures to Combat
Cyber Terrorism
7. In Chapter 7, the researcher concluded the project topic by creating awareness on
cybercrime and suggests check on cybercrime.
Kumar Abhay, Information Security Policy & Regulation Issues .
Sharma K.K., Responsive Administration of the criminal justice system in India,
special number on Towards Good Governance: initiatives in India, Prentice- hall of
India, New Delhi
Sharma Vakul, E-governanace & Information Technology Act ,2000(book name is
Information Technology Law and Practice cyber law & e-commerce) Universal law
publishing Co. Pvt. Lt
Crime in India: 2011-Compendium (2012), National Crime Records
Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi, India.
Cyber Law & Information Technology (2011) by Talan Singh,
Introduction to Indian Cyber Law (2008) by Rohus Nagpal, Asian School of Cyber
Laws, Pune, India
Cyber Crime (2003) by R.K. Suri and T.N. Chhabra, Pentagon Press, New Delhi,
Rohas Nagpal (2002): “Defining Cyber Terrorism”. In the ICFAI Journal of Cyber
Law, Vol. 1, No. 1 (November) 75 at p.77
According to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, cyberterrorism is any "premeditated,
politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, computer programs, and
data which results in violence against non-combatant targets by sub-national groups or
clandestine agents."
Unlike a nuisance virus or computer attack that results in a denial of service (DoS), the FBI
defines a cyberterrorist attack as explicitly designed to cause physical harm to individuals.
According to the U.S. Commission of Critical Infrastructure Protection, possible
cyberterrorist targets include the banking industry, military installations, power plants, air
traffic control centers and water systems. However, there is no current consensus between
various governments and the information security community on what qualifies as an act of
While the FBI defines cyberterrorism narrowly, excluding all but the most egregious attacks,
other organizations and experts suggest that many less harmful attacks can also be considered
to be acts of cyberterrorism, as long as the attacks are intended to be disruptive or to further
the attackers' political stance. In some cases, the differentiation between cyberterrorism
attacks and more ordinary cybercrime activity lies in the intention: the primary motivation for
cyberterrorism attacks is to disrupt or harm the victims, even if the attacks do not result in
physical harm or cause extreme financial harm1.
In other cases, the differentiation is tied to the outcome of a cyberattack; many infosec
experts believe an incident should be considered a cyberterrorism attack if it results in
physical harm or loss of life, either directly or indirectly through damage or disruption to
critical infrastructure. However, others believe physical harm is not a prerequisite for
classifying a cyberattack as a terrorist event. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO), for example, has defined cyberterrorism as "a cyberattack using or exploiting
computer or communication networks to cause sufficient destruction or disruption to generate
fear or to intimidate a society into an ideological goal."2
2.1.Definition of Cyber Terrorism
The definition of cyber terrorism cannot be made extensive as the nature of crime is such that
it must be left to be comprehensive in nature. The nature of “cyberspace” is such that new
mode and tools are invented regularly; Hence it is not wise to put the definition in a
straightjacket formula or pigeons hole. In fact, the first effort of the judiciary should be to
understand the definition as liberally to punish the terrorist stringently, so the government can
tackle the evil of cyber terrorism.68 Some efforts have been made to define cyber terrorism
Most notably, Dorothy Denning, a professor of computer science, has put forward an
admirably unambiguous definition before the House Armed Services Committee in May
2000: “Cyber terrorism is the convergence of cyberspace and terrorism. It refers to unlawful
attacks and threats of attacks against computers, networks and the information stored therein
when done to intimidate or coerce a government or its people in furtherance of political or
social objectives. Further, to qualify as cyber terrorism, an attack should result in violence
against persons or property, or at least cause enough harm to generate fear. Attacks that
lead to death or bodily injury, explosions, or severe economic loss would be examples.
Serious attacks against critical infrastructures could be acts of cyber terrorism, depending
on their impact. Attacks that disrupt nonessential services or that are mainly a costly
nuisance would not.”3
The US National Infrastructure Protection Centre, a part of the Department for Homeland
Security: “a criminal act perpetrated through computers resulting in violence, death and/or
destruction, and creating terror for the purpose of coercing a government to change its
policies.” 5
In the Federal Government, the FBI describes cyber terrorism as: “Cyber-terrorism is a
criminal act perpetrated by the use of computers and telecommunications capabilities,
resulting in violence, destruction and/or disruption of services to create fear by causing
NATO, (2008). Cyber defence concept MC0571. Brussels, Belgium.
confusion and uncertainty within a given population, with the goal of influencing a
government or population to conform to a particular political, social, or ideological
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation defines cyber terrorism as “Cyber terrorism is any
premeditated, politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, computer
programs, and data which results in violence against non-combatant targets by sub- national
groups or clandestine agents.”8
The Former chief strategist at Netscape, Kevin Coleman, has given the definition of cyber
terrorism as: “The premeditated use of disruptive activities, or the threat thereof, against
computers and/or networks, with the intention to cause harm or further social, ideological,
religious, political or similar objectives or to intimidate any person in furtherance of such
The term cyber crime and cyber terrorism is different all together we cannot say that every
cyber crime is cyber terrorism. We have to see whether the cyber crime is politically and
ideologically motivated or not, to tag it as cyber terrorism. In Present scenario the aim of the
terrorist organization is to destroy the communication, infrastructure, transportation and
financial network of the country through the use of computers and networks to create fear in
the minds of the people, as every country in the world is heavily depend on the technology.
Recent attacks in India as well as in world have proved that the terrorist are also utilizing the
computers and networking to carryout terrorist attacks.
H. M. Hendershot, ‘Cybercrime 2003 – Terrorists’ Activity in Cyberspace and also at
K. Coleman, ‘Cyber Terrorism’ (2003) Directions Magazine,
also at
2.2.Examples of cyberterrorism
Acts of cyberterrorism can be carried out over private computer servers, against devices and
networks visible through the public internet as well as against secured government networks
or other restricted networks. Hackers who break into computer systems can introduce viruses
to vulnerable networks, deface websites, launch denial-of-service attacks and/or make
terroristic threats electronically10.
While there is often overlap in cyberwarfare, cyberterrorism, and cybercrime, distinctions can
be drawn between them, particularly by looking at the actors, their motives, and the responses
they draw.
In broad terms, cyberwarfare is a military matter of state and non-state actors whose response
is ostensibly governed by Geneva and Hague Conventions. In 2013, the NATO Cooperative
Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) published the Tallinn Manual on the
International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare to provide guidance to policy advisors and
legal experts on the most severe cyber operations—that is, those that violate the prohibition
of the use of force in international relations, entitle states to exercise the right of self-defense,
and/or occur during armed conflict12.
In 2017, the CCDCOE updated the manual with the publication of the Tallinn Manual 2.0 on
the International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations. The Tallinn Manual 2.0 “adds a legal
analysis of the more common cyber incidents that states encounter on a day-to-day basis and
that fall below the thresholds of the use of force or armed conflict,” says CCDCOE13.
Abraham D. Sofaer, Seymour E, .The Transnational Dimension of Cyber Crime Terrorism, Hoover Institution
Press, 2001
The Budapest Convention is the only binding international instrument on cybercrime. It
serves as a guideline for countries developing national legislation against cybercrime and as a
framework for international cooperation between signatories. The Budapest Convention is the
first international treaty on crimes committed via the internet and other computer networks,
dealing particularly with infringements of copyright, computer-related fraud, child
pornography and violations of network security.
feature of this type of offence is that the amendment is so small that it would normally go
i. E-Mail Spoofing: this means a spoofed email is one that appears to originate from one
source but actually has been sent from another source. This can also be termed as E-
Mail forging. The main goal of the attacker in this case is to interrupt the victim's e-
mail service by sending him a large number of emails.
ii. Phishing: Phishing means trying to fool people into parting with their money.
Phishing refers to the receipt of unsolicited emails by customers of financial
institutions, requesting them to enter their username, password or other personal
information to access their account. The criminal then has access to the customer's
online bank account and to the funds contained in that account. The customers click
on the links on the email to enter their information, and so they remain unaware that
the fraud has occurred
iii. Spamming: Spam is the abuse of electronic messaging system to send unsolicited bulk
messages indiscriminately
iv. Cyber defamation: It involves any person with intent to lower down the dignity/image
of the person by hacking his mail account and sending some mails with using vulgar
language to unknown persons mail account.
v. Cyber stalking and harassment: The use of Internet to repeatedly harass another
person group, or organization. This harassment could be sexual in nature, or it could
have other motivations including anger.
vi. Computer sabotage: the use of the internet to halt the normal functioning of a
computer system through the introduction of worms, viruses, or logic bomb is referred
to as computer sabotage.
vii. Intellectual Property Crimes: Any unlawful act by which the Vowner is deprived
completely or partially of his rights is a crime. The most common type of crimes are
software piracy, infringement of copyright, trademark , theft of computer source code,
viii. Cyber Squatting: It involves two persons claiming for the same Domain Name either
by claiming that they had registered the name first. For example two similar names
i.e. and
ix. Cyber Vandalism: Vandalism means damaging property of another. Thus cyber
vandalism means destroying or damaging the data or information stored in computer
when a network service is stopped or disrupted.
x. Hacking Computer System: Hacking in simple terms means an‖ illegal intrusion into a
computer system and/or network. Hacking attacks include Famous social networking
sites such as facebook, Twitter, blogging platform by unauthorized access/control
over the computer. Due to the hacking activity there will be loss of data as well as
computer system. Also research especially indicates that those attacks were not
mainly intended for financial gain too and to diminish the reputation of particular
person or company.
xi. Altering in an unauthorized way. This requires little technical expertise and is
common form of theft by employees altering the data before entry or entering false
data, or by entering unauthorized instructions or using unauthorized processes;
Altering, destroying, suppressing, or stealing output, usually to conceal unauthorized
xii. Hacking: It means unauthorized control/access over computer system and act of
hacking completely destroys the whole data as well as computer programs.
xiii. Password sniffing: password sniffers are programs that monitor and record the name
and password of network users as they login, at site.
xiv. Denial of service attacks: the criminal floods the bandwidth of the victim‘s network.
The attackers typically target site or service hosted on high-profile web servers such
as bank, credit card payment gateways, mobile phone networks and even root name
servers. Denial of service attacks are designed to consume resources so that other
users are unable to use the resources and are therefore ―denied service. In a
Computer network environment, the key resources are CPU, memory, and bandwidth
xv. Virus attack: A computer virus is a malware program that, when executed, replicates
by inserting copies of itself (possibly modified) into other computer programs, data
files, or the boot sector of the hard drive; when this replication succeeds, the affected
areas are then said to be "infected.
xvi. E-mail bombing/mail bomb: refers to sending a large no of emails to the victim to
crash victim‘s E-mail account or server crash.
xvii. Salami attack: these attacks used for committing financial crimes. The key here is to
make the alteration so insignificant that in a single case it would go completely
unnoticed e.g. a bank employee inserts a program into bank‘s servers that deducts a
small amount from the account of every customer.
xviii. Logic bomb: A logic bomb is a piece of code intentionally inserted into a software
system that will set off a malicious function when specified conditions are available.
For example, a programmer may hide a piece of code that starts deleting files should
they ever be terminated from the company.
xix. Trojan horse: Trojan horses are email viruses that can duplicate themselves, steal
information, or harm the computer system16.
Er. Harpreet Singh Dalla, Ms. Geeta HOD, Department of CSE & IT Patiala Institute of Engineering &
Technology for Women, Patiala, India, Cyber Crime – A Threat to Persons, Property, Government and
Societies, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013 ISSN: 2277 128X
Terrorism is spreading all over the world and it is the greatest threat in today's society, Cyber
Terrorism is vast spreading17. We live in a dangerous world where terrorism gone beyond the
Bodily injury It's dangerous and spreading threat to virtual reality.
Cyber Space is culture of Virtual reality, computer, internet or any other device related to
information technology for networking18.
Access with its literal meaning and cognate expressions means gaining entry into, instructing
or communicating with logical, memory function resource of functions.
Terrorism means doing unlawful activities for political reasons or to create a threat in a social
environment. Any act which is done to create a threat in peoples mind19.
Cyber terrorism in simple words means doing unlawful things, though internet for political
purposes, to create hate in the minds of people. Any act which is done through cyberspace to
create a threat in the minds of the people or to breach the sovereignty, unity, or integrity of a
country, or to provoke people or a group of people against the government. Creating panic or
alarm through attacking information system of a country. Cyber terrorism can be defined as
electronic attacks from cyberspace from both the internal and external networks, particularly
from the Internet that emanate from various terrorist sources with different set of motivations
and are directed at a particular target.
Vineet Kandpal and **R. K. Singh, Latest Face of Cybercrime and Its Prevention In India, International
Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences Vol. 2. No. 4. 2013
Angel cruz,chief information security officer state of Texas, cyber security tips, monthly newsletter
Easy way to create threat in people mind: Internet is the easiest medium through
which threat can be created in the minds of people. It is a global platform to spread
treat through social media or any other networking websites it only effect one country
at a time but the whole world.
Easy to execute: as compare to physical attack, virtual attack is easy to done. As the
attacker or any person related to don’t have physically presented at the target of the
attack. It makes easy for the attacker to execute his attack. They can perform activates
across territories20.
Following are the major causes which damaged the Indian economic growth:
has incurred a loss of Rs. 120 crore. The structural damages post 26/11 attacks was
amounting to Rs. 500 crores, which burdened on Insurance Industry.
Jammu and Kashmir was the greatest tourism venue in the world but terrorism has
damaged it badly. Tourist arrivals have gone down from 12,000 to 250 per day and
hotel occupancy is around 3 per cent. Many film crews have cancelled shooting or
shifted the location to Ladakh or nearby states.
“Our nation is at great risk of a cyber attack that could devastate national physhe and
economy more broadly than did the 9/11”.--Carnage Mellon University Scientist Roy Maxion
in a Letter to President G. Bush co-signed by 50 computer scientist22.
On September 11, 2001 a big attack was done in America which shock not only Americans
but the whole world and raised a very big question in front of whole world, are these cyber
space is safe? Can this can help in terror attack? After this attack America took cyber terror
seriously for the first time. After this attack U.S decided to remove all the cyber threat which
they have in their country. They started all the measures to stop the further harm to their
country. They not only used traditional methods to keep terrorist out but played important
attention to every aspect. After this incident they took the cyber security seriously and created
all possible methods to reduce the cyber threat. It was ac wake up call for every country
related to these kinds of threats. After 9/11 many similar attack took place which increased
the requirement of cyber security against this type of terror more.
On 26th November, 2008 India Witness very tragic Incident of 12 coordinate shooting and
booming lasted 4days across the Mumbai. Experts said that it was not simple terror attack but
it was a major cyber attack. The terrorist were in touch with Pakistan whole time callphonx
VOIP, and all the Computer systems of Taj Hotel, Leopal cafe, Shivaji maharaj Terminus,
Obori Trident, Came Hospital, Nariman House were hacked, they had access to all the data of
the hotel and other places. They had whole guest list of Taj Hotel their check in Time, room
number etc. They basically targeted the Foreigner guest from the U.S and England and other
places. As they had access to the whole data of cafe, hospital they had specific list of people
whom they wanted to tar gate. The blast lasted four days and terrorist were connected to
Pakistani hacker all the time. 26/11 was one of the major incidents in our country which
made government to think over the cyber security and cyber threat which could occur in a
nation like India and what steps government could take for it23.
Many News agencies reported that they receiving 14 page long emails from the terror group
called Indian Mujahedeen, Islamic Militant Group (Harkat-Ul-Jihad-al-Islim) calming
responsibility of terror attack. News agencies told that they received these email just before 5
minutes of the blast Email contain the following24;
“Awaited 5minuts for the Revenge of Gujarat” referring to the 2002 Gujarat Godhead
Train Burning incident.
Do whatever you can, within 5mins from now, feel the terror of death!
Email also contains threats to Chief Minister of Maharashtra and his deputy, “we
wonder at your memory. Have you forgotten the evening of 11 July 2006 so quickly
and easily?”
The threat went on to warn India businessman Mukesh Ambani of Reliance
Industries, “building a citadel on a land in Mumbai that belong to Waif board…. least
it turns into horrifying memories for you which you will never forget.
And few Bollywood actors to stop acting.
Section 66F of Information Technology Act, 2000 defines Punishment for cyber terrorism 25.
(A) With intent to threaten the unity, integrity, security or sovereignty of India or to strike
terror in the people or any section of the people by
(i) Denying or cause the denial of access to any person authorized to access computer
resource; or
And by means of such conduct, causes or is likely to cause death or injuries to persons or
damage to or destruction of property or disrupts or knowing that it is likely to cause damage
or disruption of supplies or services essential to the life of the community or adversely affect
the critical information infrastructure specified under Section 70; or
(2) Whoever commits or conspires to commit cyber terrorism shall be punishable with
Terrorist’s activities being done by foreign it would be obligatory to read insertion 66F along
with Section 75 of this Act.
1.) Intention: an intention to strike terror in the person's mind or menace to the unity,
integrity, security or sovereignty of India, through,
a.) Denial of access to any person from using any virtual resource which he is authorized for
2.) Causing or likely to cause (I) death or injury to person or (ii) damage or destruction of
property or (iii) damage or disruption of supplies.
Cyber terrorism to be seen from both state and citizen's point, now the biggest question arises
in peoples mind relating this is can Section 66F of Information Technology Act 2000, could
be misused? Considering the example, the challenge before the court would be distinguished,
whether offense of deformation covered under Section 499 of IPC or it required Section 66F
of IT, Act 2000, Section 499 of IPC is respond in person not state, now the question is
‘whereas Section 66F implies Deformation of State’. The answer to this question depend on
the how law enforcement agencies and the courts would view the facts and circumstances in
the given case and according to the cyber terrorism27.
Section 499 IPC can read along with section 66F IT Act.
Cyber Space is a cross national world that exceeds the geographical borders. When it comes
to crime related to cyberspace, it is very difficult to figure out the jurisdiction of the crime. In
cyber space a person who is committing crime could be of different country and the place
Jamal Raiyn, A survey of Cyber Attack Detection Strategies, International Journal of Security and Its
Applications Vol.8, No.1 (2014).
where a crime has been committed is different and the target of the crime is completely
different place then deciding the jurisdiction of the offense become difficult. Since
jurisdiction is a focal point of debate when it comes to international issues, which state court
have authority to settle the dispute.
6.3.Cyber Security
Cyber security is a procedure and technology to safeguard computer system, networks, data
and any other device from unlawful, admission, weakness, attack unauthorised access
through internet or any other cyber means. Security from any kind of threat which could be
present in the cyber space.
The cyber security is not only required in each state separately but it is an international issue
as we discussed early.
In India National Cyber Security Policy is made under Minister of Communication and
Information Technology and the purpose of this government body is to protect the public and
private infrastructure of cyber-attacks28.
Cyber Security is defined under Section 2(1)(nb) of IT Act, 2000 : Protection of information,
Equipment, devices computer, computer resource, communication devices and information
stored therein from unauthorised access, use, discloser, disruption, modification and
Section 70 Protected system: (1) The appropriate Government may, by notification in the
Official Gazette, declare any computer resource which directly or indirectly affects the
facility of Critical Information Infrastructure, to be a protected system. Explanation. -For the
purposes of this section, "Critical Information Infrastructure" means the computer resource,
the incapacitation or destruction of which, shall have a debilitating impact on national
security, economy, public health or safety.
Atul M. Tonge1, Suraj S. Kasture2, Surbhi R. Chaudhari3 IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-
JCE) CSE, Cyber security: challenges for society,ISSN: 2278-0661, p- ISSN: 2278-8727Volume 12, Issue 2
(May. - Jun. 2013).
(2) The appropriate Government may, by order in writing, authorize the persons who are
authorized to access protected systems notified under sub-section (1).
(3) Any person who secures access or attempts to secure access to a protected system in
contravention of the provisions of this section shall be punished with imprisonment of either
description for a term which may extend to ten years and shall also be liable to fine.
(4) The Central Government shall prescribe the information security practices and procedures
for such protected system.
Under Section 70 (A) of IT Act, 2000 the national nodal agency is set up and their duties and
functions were mentioned in this section this agency took care of the security of the
cyberspace in India and the jurisdictions.
Section 70B. Indian Computer Emergency Response Team to serve as the national agency for
incident response. - (1) The Central Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette,
appoint an agency of the government to be called the Indian Computer Emergency Response
(2) The Central Government shall provide the agency referred to in sub-section (1) with a
Director General and such other officers and employees as may be prescribed.
(3) The salary and allowances and terms and conditions of the Director General and other
officers and employees shall be such as may be prescribed.
(4) The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team shall serve as the national agency for
performing the following functions in the area of Cyber Security,-
(e) issue guidelines, advisories, vulnerability notes and white papers relating to information
security practices, procedures, prevention, response and reporting of cyber incidents
(5) The manner of performing functions and duties of the agency referred to in sub-section
(1) shall be such as may be prescribed.
(6) For carrying out the provisions of sub-section (4), the agency referred to in sub-section (1)
may call for information and give direction to the service providers, intermediaries, data
centers, body corporate and any other person
(7) Any service provider, intermediaries, data centers, body corporate or person who fails to
provide the information called for or comply with the direction under sub-section (6), shall be
punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine which
may extend to one lakh rupees or with both.
(8) No Court shall take cognizance of any offence under this section, except on a complaint
made by an officer authorized in this behalf by the agency referred to in sub-section.
Section 70B empowers Indian Computers Emergency Response Team CERT-IN as a national
focal point for gathering information on threat and facilitating the central government
response to computer based incidents. The role of CERT-IN is to institutionalize cyber
security in India from any cyber threat29. Dr Gulahan Rai is the first director of CERT-IN
It is is evident from Section 70 Subsection (4) that the role of CERT-IN is the area of cyber
security which may include:
By incorporating section 66F, 70, 70A, 70B the lawmakers have filled-in the most crucial
missing link in legal apparatus. Cyber terrorism is reality so do cyber security.
Janhavi J Deshmukh and Surbhi R Chaudhari, Cyber crime in Indian scenario – a literature snapshot,
International Journal of Conceptions on Computing and Information Technology Vol.2, Issue 2, April‘ 2014;
ISSN: 2345 – 9808
• United State Department of Homeland Security: it is a cabinet department of Fedral
Government of U.S. its mission involves many aspects international security and cyber
• National Cyber Security Centre, United Kingdom: government organization which provides
advice and support to public and private sector in relation to computer security.
• National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST: its mission is t promote industrial
competitiveness and science and technology.
• SANS Institute SysAdmin, Audit, Network and Security: it is a private institute specialized
in information security and cyber security training.
• Ashmit Thakur Information Security: this firm offers you different security vulnerability
audits and its secure solutions.
• Data Resolve Technologies Pvt. Ltd: it deals in Data resolve technology adding computers
to their platform to cover social, mobile related issues. Interrogations with dropbox, google
documents and security for Apple and Windows phones.
• Mirox Cyber Security and Technology Pvt. Ltd: it provides IT security solutions and
implementation, secure development SIEM/IDS/IPS implement and training in security
related areas and covers many other fields.
Cyber Terrorism is a biggest threat which is spreading on a global scale which is required to
take care by whole globe as a one unit. It is becoming bigger threat with development of
technology; the more world will depend on digital world more vulnerable it will become.
Every day new technology has been introduced with the introduction of new technology new
threat is been created. As compare to increasing cyber terror the security for that threat has
not been introduced we are lacking behind in making of cyber space a secure place. It is the
biggest question of security even for the biggest countries of the world.
Cyber crime has been developing rapidly in India since the beginning of the technological
era. Every day, in fact, you get to hear various tricks, scams and many other crimes being
carried out on cyberspace. There are several types of cyber crimes in India which are already
listed under the Information Technology Act, 2000, which suggest different types of crimes.
Many cyber crime cells have been set up in India, in major cities, to follow the guidelines of
the Cyber crime Act in India.
With the advancement of technology recent cases of cyber crime in India have also increased.
Today, many crimes like kidnapping, fraud, hacking and data theft are being committed with
the help of internet. Criminals carrying out such activities are often called “hackers”. Many
cases of cyber crime in India are registered under the IT Act.
Digital media is unbridled these days and the internet has made life easier for everyone.
Criminal of cyber attacks by terrorist organizations the number of cyber crimes in India has
also increased. It has made man dependent on technology for every small and big basic need.
Today every need is covered online such as online shopping ordering food online gaming,
paying and etc.
Although it‟s very big challenge before government to fight with hidden war in form of cyber
terrorism because some time these activities may be organized and planned by enemy
country/s rather than an individual or any small group but by using following precautions
we can minimize the possibilities to commit these crime-
Necessary steps must be taken to enable concerning bodies.
Computer security and awareness training
Continuing awareness and education regarding terrorist trends and methodologies
Future readiness to defend against attacks
Establishment of special court, e-court, in which complain can register on-line and on
the date of hearing video conferencing should be used to avoid physical presence.
Sensitive information should not be stored in the computer systems which are
connected to the internet.
Background of outsourcing agencies should be check prior to outsource any
assignment, task to maintain information security inform of authenticity,
confidentiality and authenticity of data.
Special training programme for judicial officers to deal with cases related to
Effective use of intelligence gathered from all sources
Ministries and departments have been advised to update IT systems and carry out
regular audits to ensure an error-free system.
There must be a specific police force to deal with cybercrimes in the country.
Separate laws for each of the classification of cybercrime instead of amending the
Information Technology Act.
Creation of special enforcement agencies to deal exclusively with cyber laws.
Government should impose a ban on websites that exclusively display pornography
and hate speeches
Continued enhancement of resources which are essential to make Network mush
secure and robust
Public/Private interaction to get mixes approach of advanced technology and expert
implementation mechanism
Organizations possessing critical information must implement information security
management practices based on ISO 27001.
Cyber ethics should be including as a subject in various curriculum at school and
college level.
Establishment of e-cops in those city which contains economic importance
Promotion of Research and Development in the field of information security.
A techno-legal panel for provide training to various concerning departments.
Last but not the least creation of awareness among each and every part of
administration and society.
Change is inevitable and therefore the dilemmas that advancement in technology poses
cannot be avoided. the reality is that the criminals have modified their strategies and have
started hoping on the advanced technology, and to subsume them the society, the legal, and
therefore the enforcement authorities, the non-public companies and organizations will get to
modification their mechanism to combat it. additional such consultants should not solely be
knowledgeable however should even be given necessary technical hardware’s and computer
code in order that they will expeditiously fight the cyber criminals. Thus, necessary facilities
should be established in varied components of the country in order that crime within the
virtual world may be controlled'. Another facet that must be highlighted is that a culture of
continuous cyber education and learning must be inculcated amongst the legal and therefore
the enforcement authorities because of information the data} Technology field terribly is
extremely is incredibly} dynamic because the knowledge of nowadays becomes obsolete
during a very short time. last the preamble of the knowledge Technology Act, 2000 provides
that the Act was passed with the target to offer legal recognition for transactions administered
by suggests that of electronic information interchange and different suggests that of e-
commerce, additional the Act has conjointly created amendments to the Indian legal code
1860, Indian proof Act 1872, The Bankers Books of proof Act 1891, and therefore the
banking concern of Bharat Act, 1934 for facilitating legal recognition and regulation of the
business activities. although this objective of the Act isn't to suppress the criminal activity,
however this act has outlined bound offences and penalties to overpower such omissions, that
is known to return inside the characterization of cybercrimes. From this, it may be inferred
that the law cannot afford to be static, it should be modification with the dynamical times and
viz. cyber house. this is often a lot of needed, that a lot of applications of the technology may
be used for the betterment of the humankind, equally it equally true that such application can
even be used for the damage of the humankind as has been incontestable by the Spy-cam
case. The bottom-line is that the law ought to be created versatile in order that it will simply
fits the requirements of the society and therefore the technological development.
The legal systems round the globe are, with each passing year, attempting to implement new
measures to combat cyber act of terrorism. However, with a lot of innovative ways that of
operating within the cyber area, a lot of loopholes are shaped which can get to be crammed in
by the countries by amending the procedures and the laws in effect to tackle cyber act of
terrorism. Moreover, a unified international framework ought to be in situ to combat this
world issue. Further, the public ought to be created conscious of the threats and the ways that
and means that of dissemination and the way to deal just in case of terrorist attacks. All these
measures can go an extended method in establishing a secure cyber area desired by the