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Course in The Ward

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Course in the Ward

Doctor’s Order Rationale Nursing Responsibility

June 23, 2010
 Please admit to medical  For proper  Admitted to medical
ward under the service of management ward
the yellow team/ Dr.
Tugade, Dr. Rugnao
 Secure consent for  For legal purposes  Assured that the
admission patient understood the
explanation done by
the doctor and secured
patient’s signature.
 Soft, low salt, low fat diet  For nutritional  Instructed patient to
purposes. Should be eat porridge or soup
soft to prevent and noodles.
increase oxygen Instructed client that
demand. Low salt, he can still eat foods
low fat to prevent with sodium but
further increase in minimal only.
blood pressure, Encouraged client to
prevent metabolic eat vegetables and
acidosis and fruits instead of fatty
maintain sodium foods.
 Insert IFC  Before inserting,
provided privacy first.
Cleaned the head and
shaft of the penis
 IFC inserted
aseptically and
connected to urine bag
 CBR without BRP  To prevent further  Instructed client to be
increase in cardiac on complete bed rest.
work load Instructed also client
that he need not to go
to the bathroom for
urination because an
IFC was already
 CBC APC  To determine Hgb  Explained to the
count, RBC, WBC patient the procedure.
and Platelet count. Told patient that blood
 WBC to detect sample will be taken.
infection. RBC and Explained to the client
Hgb to assess for that he might feel
oxygen content of slight discomfort
the blood and during needle
Platelet to assess for puncture. Instructed
blood clot. patient that he need not
 BUN  To measure the restrict food and fluids.
nitrogen fraction of Cleaned the
urea and would aid venipuncture site with
in the diagnosis of anti-septic before
Acute aspirating blood
glomerulonephritis sample. Ensured
 Crea  To assess creatinine aseptic technique
levels that would during collection of
diagnose presence blood sample. Sent lab
of Acute request form with the
glomerulopehritis blood sample to the
 Na  laboratory.
 K  Potassium is crucial
to heart function
and plays a key role
in skeletal and
smooth muscle
 U/A  This test evaluates  Explained to the client
physical that the urinalysis
characteristics of reveals urine
urine. Determines characteristics. Inform
specific gravity of the patient that he need
urine and pH; not restrict food and
detects and fluids. Perform hand
measures protein, washing first and wear
glucose and ketone sterile gloves.
bodies Obtained urine
specimen by clamping
first the urinary
catheter and removing
the urine bag then
unclamp the urinary
catheter and place the
urine to the specimen
bottle. Sent lab request
form with the urine
specimen to the
 Hgt  To determine sugar  Explained the
level in the blood procedure and its
importance to the
client. Explained to the
client that he might
feel slight discomfort
during needle
puncture. Check for
the availability of the
strip. Prepare the
Handwashing first.
Cleaned the puncture
site with cotton balls
soaked with alcohol.
 12L ECG  To assess electrical  Explained the
conductivity of the procedure and its
heart importance to the
client. Placed the leads
properly and provided
privacy inn doing such

 CXR-PA  To visualize lungs  Explained procedure

and size of the and its importance to
heart. the client.
 Facilitated request
 2D-ECHO  To determine the  Explained procedure
presence of diseases and its importance to
of heart muscles, the client.
valves and  Facilitated request
pericardium, heart
tremors and
congenital heart
 IVF D5W 100cc x KVO  Adult I.V. solution  Hooked IVF and
to keep vein open regulated at 10gtts/min
for I.V. medication
 Lanoxin 0.5mg IV now  It helps make the  Monitored heart rate.
then 0.25mg IV OD heart beat stronger  Administered
with a more regular effectively and
rhythm efficiently by
observing the 10R’s of
giving medication.
 Furosemide 20mg IV now  Diuretic treatment  Monitored blood
with BP precaution for heart failure and pressure.
drug of choice for  Administered
pulmonary edema effectively and
efficiently by
observing the 10R’s of
giving medication
 Watch out for
 Clopidogrel 75mg/tab OD  Decreases platelet  Administered
to prevent blood effectively and
clot efficiently by
observing the 10R’s of
giving medication
 Watched for any signs
of bleeding
 ASA 80mg/tab OD  It is an anti-  Administered
coagulant drug to effectively and
prevent blood clot efficiently by
observing the 10R’s of
giving medication
 Watched for any signs
of bleeding
 Metoprolol 50mg IV then  To decrease blood  Administered
OD pressure effectively and
efficiently by
observing the 10R’s of
giving medication
 Advise patient to
change position slowly
to minimize orthostatic
 Captopril 25mg tab ¼ tab  To decrease blood  Administered
BID pressure effectively and
efficiently by
observing the 10R’s of
giving medication
 Watched for any signs
of hypotension
 O2 inhalation of  To facilitate  Placed nasal canula
6LPM/NC oxygenation properly. Regulated
oxygen @ 6 LPM.
 High Back Rest  To promote lung  Positioned patient on
expansion high back rest.
 Please admit to medical  The patient is  Ensured safety of
ICU already under client in transferring to
critically ill patients the medical ICU.
and so intensive
care and careful
monitoring is
8:30 am  For hypoglycemia  Checked for blood
Start D5050 50 ml now glucose before
 Administered
effectively and

 Give Lanoxin 0.5mg IV  It helps make the  Administered
now heart beat stronger effectively and
with a more regular efficiently.
rhythm  Monitored heart rate.
11:20 am  Administered
 Lanoxin 6.5mg IV now effectively and
 Increased dose from
0.5mg to 6.5mg
 Monitored heart rate.
 Furosemide 40mg/IV  Diuretic treatment  Administered
now for heart failure and effectively and
drug of choice for efficiently.
pulmonary edema.  Monitored blood
 Increase O2 to 8LPM/ O2  To facilitate  Placed face mask
face mask oxygenation properly and increased
O2 inhalation from
6LPM to 8LMP
1:40pm  Diuretic treatment  Administered
 Give Furosemide for heart failure and effectively and
40mg/IV now drug of choice for efficiently.
pulmonary edema  Monitored blood
Start Intubation  The endotracheal tube  Prepared materials for
 Epinephrine 1amp/IV serves as an open intubation such as
passage through the
 CPR laryngoscope, ET tube,
upper airway. The
 Epinephrine 1amp/IV purpose of ambo bag, oxygen
 CPR endotracheal intubation tank, leukoplast, 10cc
 Epinephrine 1amp/IV is to permit air to pass syringe.
freely to and from the  Ensured proper
 CPR lungs in order to placement of the ET
 Epinephrine 1amp/IV ventilate the lungs.
 CPR is used on people
in cardiac arrest in  Performed ambo
 Epinephrine 1amp/IV
order to oxygenate the bagging properly
 CPR blood and maintain  Performed CPR
a cardiac output to properly.
 Epinephrine 1amp/IV keep vital organs alive
 CPR  Drug of choice for  Checked for ECG
 Epinephrine 1amp/IV cardiac arrest tracing.
 CPR  Post mortem care :
 ECG flat -Removal of all
 Pronounce dead 3:45pm contraptions.
-Before removing ET
tube, aspirate first air.
-Placed cadaver slip.
-Covered the patient

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