Course in The Ward
Course in The Ward
Course in The Ward
Give Lanoxin 0.5mg IV It helps make the Administered
now heart beat stronger effectively and
with a more regular efficiently.
rhythm Monitored heart rate.
11:20 am Administered
Lanoxin 6.5mg IV now effectively and
Increased dose from
0.5mg to 6.5mg
Monitored heart rate.
Furosemide 40mg/IV Diuretic treatment Administered
now for heart failure and effectively and
drug of choice for efficiently.
pulmonary edema. Monitored blood
Increase O2 to 8LPM/ O2 To facilitate Placed face mask
face mask oxygenation properly and increased
O2 inhalation from
6LPM to 8LMP
1:40pm Diuretic treatment Administered
Give Furosemide for heart failure and effectively and
40mg/IV now drug of choice for efficiently.
pulmonary edema Monitored blood
Start Intubation The endotracheal tube Prepared materials for
Epinephrine 1amp/IV serves as an open intubation such as
passage through the
CPR laryngoscope, ET tube,
upper airway. The
Epinephrine 1amp/IV purpose of ambo bag, oxygen
CPR endotracheal intubation tank, leukoplast, 10cc
Epinephrine 1amp/IV is to permit air to pass syringe.
freely to and from the Ensured proper
CPR lungs in order to placement of the ET
Epinephrine 1amp/IV ventilate the lungs.
CPR is used on people
in cardiac arrest in Performed ambo
Epinephrine 1amp/IV
order to oxygenate the bagging properly
CPR blood and maintain Performed CPR
a cardiac output to properly.
Epinephrine 1amp/IV keep vital organs alive
CPR Drug of choice for Checked for ECG
Epinephrine 1amp/IV cardiac arrest tracing.
CPR Post mortem care :
ECG flat -Removal of all
Pronounce dead 3:45pm contraptions.
-Before removing ET
tube, aspirate first air.
-Placed cadaver slip.
-Covered the patient