Parent Handbook

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Parent Handbook

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Parent Handbook 1 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
Table of Contents
Message from the Head of School
Governance of the School
Administration and Staff
Parents and Students
Core Beliefs and Practices
Statement Of Faith
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
Schoolwide Learning Results
Philosophy Of Education
Accreditation and Academic Standards
Non-Discrimination Statement
Common Language Policy

Enrollment Philosophy
Categories of Students
Part-Time Students
Eligibility for Admission
Health Requirements
Late Entrance
Required Records (Official, Home School, Non-Traditional)
Transfer Credit
English Language Learners
Special Needs Students

Financial Information
Tuition and Fees
Capital Fees
Tuition Assistance
Boarding Fees
Billing and Discounts
Payment Options and Due Dates
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Parent Handbook 2 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
Monthly Cut Off
Delinquent Payments

Student Safety and Welfare

Child Protection Guidelines
Drugs and Alcohol
Suspension and Expulsion
Fire and Security Alarms

General Information
Aquatics Facility
Rules Of Conduct
Use Of Equipment
Boarding Program
Community Bulletin
Complaints, Grievances, and Whistle-blowing
Family Home Weekend
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
Schedule of the School Day
School Closure
School Visitors
Technology Use

Student Conduct
Behavior Covenant
Code of Conduct
Moral Purity
Dress Code
School Vans / Transportation

Divisional Policies
High School Division (HSD)
Middle School Division (MSD)
Elementary School Division (ESD)
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Parent Handbook 3 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
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Parent Handbook 4 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration

Message from the Head of School

Dear Parents,
Faith Academy was founded as a partnership between the school and the
families. We exist so that you can continue to follow the call God has placed on
your hearts and lives to serve Him, sharing the gospel, whether that be in
missions or in business. 
This manual is a guidebook of sorts, setting out the ground rules for our
partnership. I challenge you to read this handbook and understand how we
support one another. We count on the fact that you support the ideas and
concepts set out here. On top of this, we place the mantle of love which covers
over the multitude of offenses that are sure to follow from both sides. It is only
through the power of Christ that we can truly love one another and serve side
by side; otherwise our differences would divide us.
Thank you for joining with us this year. I believe God has great things in store
for the 2018-2019 school year!
Looking to Him,
Tom Hardeman
Head of School

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Parent Handbook 5 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
In March of 1956 a group of missionary parents met to consider the possibility of beginning a
school for their children. After considerable prayer and work, classes were first held in July of
1957 with 49 students in attendance. In subsequent years kindergarten and grades nine through
twelve have been added to the original eight.

Governance of the School

The school is governed by a board of trustees. The board is composed of fifteen members and
three non-voting members, with each member representing a different mission organization. A
new board is formed each year using the approved procedures. Board members serve not to
lobby for the interests of their individual missions, but instead serve the wider mission
community through having the school’s best interests in mind. For further details as well as a
list of current board members, please refer to the board of trustees page on the school website.

Administration and Staff

Administrators are responsible to carry out the policies set by the board of trustees. The school’s
staff members fulfill various teaching and support roles as they carry out the school’s mission of
“forming Christlike lifelong learners.” The school is divided into several divisions: Support
Operations Staff (SOS), Elementary School (ESD) with grades PK-5, Middle School (MSD) with
grades 6-8, and High School (HSD) with grades 9-12. Please refer to the school website for a
current list of administrators and staff members.

Parents and Students

Faith Academy believes that parents have the scriptural authority over the responsibility for
their children, but they have delegated a measure of this authority and responsibility to Faith
Academy (in loco parentis). This is further described in the discipline policy.

As stated in the mission statement, Faith Academy exists primarily to educate the children of
missionaries, regardless of race or citizenship, with the overall goal of helping evangelize Asia.
Although the school exists primarily to serve the needs of the missionary community, other
students may be accepted according to the admission policies set by the board of trustees and in
line with the schools non-discrimination statement.

Core Beliefs and Practices

Statement Of Faith
1. We believe that the Bible is inspired and inerrant, that all 66 books of the Old and New
Testament are God’s complete written revelation to mankind, the only infallible
authority in all matters of faith and practice.
2. We believe in one triune God, eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit, the same in substance and equal in power and glory.
3. We believe in the complete humanity and deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin
birth, sinless life, miracles, vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood on the
cross, bodily resurrection, ascension to the right hand of the Father, and future personal
return in power and glory.
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Parent Handbook 6 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
4. We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells and empowers all believers and enables them to
live a godly life.
5. We believe that through Adam’s sin all have inherited a sinful nature and therefore all
choose to sin. All are thus sinners and deserving of death.
6. We believe that salvation of lost and sinful man is only by the grace of God through
personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone, accomplished through regeneration by the
Holy Spirit.
7. We believe that our sins block our fellowship with God. As we confess those sins, God
forgives us and our fellowship is restored.
8. We believe in the resurrection of the body, the judgment of the world by our Lord Jesus
Christ, the eternal blessedness of the saved, and the eternal punishment of the lost.
9. We believe that saving faith in Jesus Christ unites all Christians as members of the body
of Christ. Such a position brings both privileges and responsibilities before God and
toward one another in the Christian life.

Vision Statement
To see God’s Kingdom and the Great Commission advanced through transformative, Christ-
centered education.

Mission Statement
Forming Christ-like, life-long learners through a dynamic, relevant education, especially for the
children of missionaries

● “International” means that Faith Academy is a school that hosts a student body and
faculty from many different countries and nationalities. As a result, both the curriculum,
as well as the extra-curricular activities, attempts to reflect the diversity and
international flavor of the school. Both students and faculty are encouraged to respect
and honor the cultural diversity of the school, as well as to become more informed about
the different nationalities represented, through a variety of formal and informal activities
from elementary through high school. While the main curriculum is American by our
registration under the Filipino Department of Education, the school also attempts to
meet the needs of those students who are not going to the U.S. after graduation, for
example, through Advanced Placement courses, the Korean Studies program, and the
IGCSE program.
● “Christian” refers to the fact that Faith Academy subscribes to the evangelical statement
of faith in our Articles of Incorporation, and the school requires its teachers to espouse a
biblical philosophy of education. The purpose of education is to enable students to
understand who they are and the purpose for which God has created them. A Christian
education enables students to secure knowledge and skills to facilitate their fulfilling
God’s purpose for them in life.
● “Especially for the children of missionaries” refers to the fact that Faith Academy was
founded as a cooperative of the evangelical missions working in Asia, and today it serves
more than 100 missions.
● “Christ-like, life-long learners” is a principle that is developed in the Schoolwide
Learning Results (SLRs) which state what Faith Academy students should know and be
able to do by the time they graduate.
● “A dynamic, relevant education” means that Faith Academy educates children to live and
thrive as Christians in today’s complex world. Education involves all students being
given the opportunity to appropriate skills and knowledge relevant to them, both now
and for their future. Students learn a core curriculum while being challenged to use
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Parent Handbook 7 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
higher level thinking skills to make their learning relevant to meeting the challenges of
life in the 21st century.

Schoolwide Learning Results

● Creative and Critical THINKERS
○ who search for and integrate God’s truth in all aspects of life and learning
○ who solve complex problems
○ who analyze, interpret, evaluate and synthesize information
● Self-directed LEARNERS
○ who value lifelong learning, including the pursuit of biblical truth
○ who set goals, plan, reflect and adjust appropriately
○ who work with focus, persistence and a growth mindset
○ who work and learn cooperatively with others
○ who show respect for commonalities and differences in areas such as cultures and
points of view

○ who interact with information and ideas through listening, speaking, reading,
writing, using technology and symbolic representation (pictorial, graphic,
musical, etc.)
○ who learn and convey Biblical concepts and truths
● Faithful STEWARDS:
○ who understand the need for discipline and balance in all areas of life
○ who contribute their time and talents to serve their families, communities, and all
○ who take care of the resources God has entrusted to them

Philosophy Of Education
Faith Academy is a private school that offers a quality education, integrated with a Christian
worldview. English is the common language of our school community, and it must be spoken on
campus as a matter of courtesy, empathy and respect. It must be emphasized, however, that
Faith Academy values the cultures of our student body and staff; promotes respect for countries
of origin; and recognizes the contributions each can make in our diverse community. This value
is one of the distinctives of the school. The concepts in the school’s Statement of Faith serve as
the foundation and theological dimension for our educational philosophy. Please refer to the
Board Policy Manual for a further explanation of the school’s core beliefs and policies.

Accreditation and Academic Standards

In April of 2005 Faith Academy was officially recognized by the Philippine Department of
Education as an American International School in conjunction with our charter as an alien
school. This means that the school may accept students who fit our requirements regardless of
nationality or passport, and that our diploma is recognized for application to Philippine
universities and colleges. Faith Academy is also accredited through the Western Association of
Schools and Colleges (WASC). WASC is one of six regional associations that accredit public and
private schools, colleges, and universities in the United States. The school is also accredited with
the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). ASCI is a respected organization
based in the United States that serves the mission of Christian education around the world.

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Parent Handbook 8 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
The process of accreditation is a result of intensive work that synthesizes the issues and
concerns from the school constituency with current thinking and research-based knowledge
about teaching and learning. The purpose of accreditation is to identify how a school can
continue to improve its effectiveness. The most objective and reliable indication of school
effectiveness is how well students are learning. Faith Academy students have consistently scored
average and above on standardized achievement tests, and they meet with little or no difficulty
in transferring to schools in their home countries.

Non-Discrimination Statement
Faith Academy provides staff, employees and students of any race, color, national and ethnic
origin all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to
members of the school community. Faith Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its employment practices, educational
guidelines, admissions policies, tuition assistance programs and athletic and other school-
administered activities.

Common Language Policy

As stated in the philosophy of education, English is the common language of our school
community, and it must be spoken on campus as a matter of courtesy, empathy and respect. It
must be emphasized, however, that Faith Academy values the cultures of our student body and
staff; promotes respect for countries of origin; and recognizes the contributions each can make
in our diverse community. For further details, please refer to the full text of the school’s
common language policy.

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Parent Handbook 9 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
Enrollment Philosophy
Adhering to the original intent of the founders of Faith Academy, and in view of the school’s
Mission Statement, Faith Academy exists primarily to educate the children of missionaries,
regardless of race or citizenship, with the overall goal of helping evangelize Asia. Therefore,
Faith Academy will accept the children of evangelical missionaries who subscribe to the school’s
Statement of Faith. Refer to the philosophy section for students in the Board Policy Manual.

Categories of Students
Although the school exists primarily to serve the needs of the missionary community, other
students may be accepted according to the admission policies set by the BOT. Refer to the
sections on admissions and categories of students in the Board Policy Manual.

Part-Time Students
Students may be considered for admission on a part-time basis if one or more of the following
• They have special health or educational needs.
• They are second semester seniors.
• They are home schooling students who are transitioning into the school. Students in this
category may attend for up to one year as part-time students.
• They will not matriculate on campus.
Fees for part-time students will be prorated against semester tuition rates according to the
amount of time the student is attending. An additional 20% of the prorated amount will be
added to account for the use of school programs and facilities as well as for actual time in the
classroom. The Capital Fee for part-time students will be assessed per the normal fee schedule.

Eligibility for Admission

A student entering kindergarten must meet the following requirements:
• They must begin classes no later than October 1.
• They should have reached their fifth birthday on or before September 1 of the year
enrollment is anticipated. In unusual circumstances, exceptions may be made in the best
interest of the child by the ESD Principal in consultation with the head of school.
• They must be evaluated and accepted by the teaching and counseling staff through:
○ Required attendance at the pre-kindergarten sessions if they are living in Metro
Manila at that time.
○ Or, evaluation during their first three weeks of kindergarten if they have not been
able to attend the pre-kindergarten sessions.
• Parents must complete all forms and requirements of the application process as
published by the Registrar each year.
• The head of school will give final approval for enrollment.
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Parent Handbook 10 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
Before entering grades 1-5, a child who did not attend Faith Academy the previous school year
will be screened according to these guidelines:
• A student entering Grade One must have reached his/her sixth birthday on or before
September 1 of the year enrollment is anticipated. In unusual circumstances, the ESD
Principal, in consultation with the head of school, may make exceptions in the best
interest of a child.
• Students will be evaluated and tested for grade placement by the ESD teaching and
counseling staff prior to the beginning of classes, or in exceptional circumstances, in the
first three weeks of attendance.
• Parents must complete all forms and requirements of the application process as
published by the Registrar each year.
• The head of school will give final approval for enrollment.
• All students are expected to subscribe to the school’s Code of Conduct.
Before entering grades 6-12, a child who did not attend Faith Academy the previous school year
will be screened according to these guidelines:
• Parents must complete all forms and requirements of the application process as
published by the Registrar each year.
• Academic records will be evaluated by the divisional principal and counseling staff for
grade placement and number of credits granted. If past academic records are not
available or are difficult to assess, testing and evaluation will be done prior to the first
day of classes by the counseling and teaching staff for correct course placement. If
complete records have not been received, or if special arrangements need to be made,
provisional placement may be granted by the principal. Refer also to the section on
transfer credit.
• To qualify for enrollment in the HSD, a student must be no older than 21 years of age by
May 31st in the year they will graduate. The HSD Principal may make exceptions to this
policy if a student’s circumstances merit it.
• The head of school will give final approval for enrollment.
• Approval does not guarantee acceptance into the boarding program.
• All students are expected to subscribe to the school’s Code of Conduct. Both the student
and one of his/her parents must sign the document each year.

All inquiries regarding enrollment should be directed to the registrar. The Head of School makes
the final decision on all applications.

Each year, every current student must complete the re-enrollment process. If a student does not
re-enroll, they will not be registered for the next school year. If a student will be gone for part of
the year they still need to complete the online forms. For further details, please refer to the re-
enrollment registration process on the school website.

Health Requirements
Health related information is required from all students each year before registration will be
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Parent Handbook 11 of 27 June 2018

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when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
considered complete:
• A physical exam, unless exempted according to the school’s policy on health screening.
• Permission for TB testing or results of a chest x-ray (within the last 24 months).
• An up-to-date health inventory, including records of all immunizations. Students must
have MMR, Polio and Tetanus immunizations.

Late Entrance
It is expected that students will be present for the opening day of school. In cases when a student
must enter after the start of classes, the following guidelines will be used:
• The registrar will consult with the divisional principal and guidance counselor to
determine whether the student has a strong chance of successfully transitioning into the
school despite the late entrance date.
• To determine placement, the divisional principal and guidance counselor will review the
student’s school records and possibly contact previous schools. The student may also be
tested. It is possible that a late arriving student may be required to repeat work.
• HSD students may not enter after the 15th class day of a semester. Exceptions to this
policy must be backed by a strong rationale (e.g., family hardship or the student has been
enrolled in another school), and the prospective student’s case must be approved by the
HSD Principal and the head of school.

Required Records (Official, Home School, Non-Traditional)

The school requires official records for admission and placement. If official documents are not
available (e.g., for work done in a parent-designed home school program), parents must submit
a complete record of work their child has completed according to the following guidelines:
• Parents will provide a list of curricula used. This must include titles, publishers,
publication dates and the grade for which the curriculum was used.
• Parents must also provide a record of all summative assessments and the results for each
subject area or course.
• Students must have results of a standardized achievement test taken within the past 12
months (e.g. Stanford, Terra Nova). If a student has not been tested, parents may contact
the school for testing to be done by Faith Academy. A fee will be charged for this service.
• If students have taken online and/or distance learning courses, parents must ask the
institution to forward official achievement records or transcripts to Faith Academy.
These must indicate the grade level at which the student was studying.

Transfer Credit
Faith Academy reserves the right to disallow transfer of coursework that does not meet the
school’s philosophy, principles or standards. Transfer students must meet Faith Academy’s
graduation requirements in order to receive a diploma. For more specific information on
transferring credits into the HSD program, refer to the High School Division Academics and
Course Description Handbook.

English Language Learners

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Parent Handbook 12 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
The curriculum at Faith Academy is designed for students who are proficient in the English
language. The school will consider English Language Learners (ELL) for enrollment, but all
students will be expected to have a degree of English proficiency enabling them to function
successfully within this curricular environment. When a potential student comes from a home or
school environment in which English has not been the primary language, the Registrar will refer
the student to the ELL Coordinator for screening. Admission will be determined on an
individual basis after an applicant has completed oral and written evaluations. Please refer to
the full ELL policy in the Administrative Regulations.

Special Needs Students

As special educational needs of students become known during the application process, the
Registrar will contact the Educational Services Coordinator (ESC). Parents will be expected to
have all pertinent records (e.g., testing, IEP, medical information) forwarded from previous
schools. The ESC will consult with appropriate staff members, which will include the divisional
principal, the divisional support services teacher(s), and the divisional counselor. They will
review past records and the results of diagnostic and achievement testing. They should also
conduct an interview with the student and parents. The divisional principal and the ESC will
make the final recommendation to the head of school regarding admittance. During the school
year, a student may be considered for special needs support if they are unable to succeed in a
core subject, even with modification. This determination may involve diagnostic testing at the
school’s discretion. Special education programs and services available for students may be
limited due to staffing and scheduling constraints. Please refer to the complete special needs
policy in the Administrative Regulations.

All Faith Academy students who are not residing in one of the boarding homes are expected to
live full time with their parent(s). Exceptions are made when:
● There are special circumstances approved by the respective division principal.
● Both parents or guardians are traveling.
When exceptions are granted, Faith Academy requires that parents appoint guardian(s) to care
for their children. All appointed guardians (short or long term) must be 18 or over, and hold a
valid Philippine visa or passport. When guardians are appointed, parents must send information
to the school that indicates the dates of their absence, and the name and contact details of the
guardian(s) who have written permission to act on behalf of the parent. Parents may appoint
one or more guardians to ensure adequate care when they are away. When designating
guardian(s) parents must ensure that those they appoint can:
● Take care of transportation needs (e.g., to and from school or to a medical facility). This
person must hold a valid Philippine driving licence.
● Make medical decisions if parents cannot be contacted.
● Pay for emergency medical costs.
● Provide full-time supervision and care (emotional and physical).
● Adequately supervise and facilitate the student’s school activities and responsibilities.
The school, in consultation with the parent(s), will regularly assess the impact of this living
arrangement on the well-being of the student. If parents show consistent failure, refusal or
inability to abide by the conditions of this policy, the school may consider the termination of a
student’s enrollment.

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Parent Handbook 13 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
When withdrawing a child from school, the Registrar should be given written notice not less
than one week in advance. The notice should include the child’s name, grade, date of withdrawal
and forwarding address. Withdrawal from school during the 2nd or 4th quarter of the school year
is not advisable. If parents request that a child be withdrawn early (for summer furloughs, visits
to home country, etc.) it is understood that report cards may not be issued and credit for the
semester may be affected.

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Parent Handbook 14 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
Financial Information
Tuition and Fees
As part of the application process there are fees for registration, seat reservation, English
language testing, and educational testing. Upon enrollment there are fees for tuition, program
development and facilities maintenance (see capital fees below). Tuition and capital fees are
structured according to how a family is categorized. Please refer to the school web site for the
most recent tuition and fees schedule.

Capital Fees
A need exists for regular capital investment in teaching materials, programs and equipment as
well as for building and renovation of facilities. The capital fee assists in meeting these needs.
Boarding students are charged an additional capital fee to maintain the boarding homes.

Tuition Assistance
Faith Academy recognizes that some families classified in the highest tuition category may need
for financial assistance. To this end, the school is able to provide a limited amount of needs-
based assistance. Financial assistance will be considered for those students meeting all the
requirements for entry into Faith Academy. Additionally, a financial needs analysis form must
be completed and reviewed by the Financial Assistance Committee. For further details, please
refer to the financial assistance program page on the school website.

Boarding Fees
Please refer to the boarding fees section of the school website for the most recent fee schedule.

Billing and Discounts

An annual billing for all fees will be made at the beginning of the school year. A minimum of
25% of the bill is due at the beginning of each quarter. If ALL fees (except transportation) are
prepaid on an annual or semi-annual basis, discounts will be granted. At the end of each month,
any incidental charges will be added to accounts. A monthly statement will be sent out on or
before the 15th of the month, and payment is due before the last day of the month.

Category III Families with multiple children attending and not receiving tuition assistance are
eligible for a discount on the capital fee. The first Child pays 100%; the Second pays 75%; the
third pays 50%; the fourth pays 25%; and the fifth pays 0%.


agencies have made arrangements with Faith Academy to pay their missionaries’ accounts, but
responsibility for the account still remains with the missionary family.

Billing will be in U.S. dollars, but payment may be made in either Philippine pesos or U.S.
dollars. The school accepts checks, cash, money order and wire transfers along with MasterCard
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Parent Handbook 15 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
and Visa. All checks and money orders should be made payable to Faith Academy, Inc. School
charges may be paid at the school’s business office or online (Mastercard, Visa or PayPal). When
a payment is sent through the mail, a courier or a student, a copy of the statement or at least a
parent’s full name should be attached. The school does not assume responsibility for payments
sent with children.

Payment Options and Due Dates

Please refer to the tuition and fees schedule page on the school website for the options and due
dates regarding academic tuition, boarding, transportation, and the capital fee.

Monthly Cut Off

The official cut off for each month is the 30th at 12 noon, providing the 30th is not a weekend.
Should the 30th fall on a weekend, the Friday preceding that weekend will be the cut off date.
Debits or credits received before this date and time will appear on the current month’s
statement. Those received after the cut off will appear on the next month’s statement.

Delinquent Payments
Fees must be paid on the due date for the agreed upon payment option. Miscellaneous charges
must be paid immediately (within the month following the billing date). Accounts are
considered past due if not paid within 30 days of the due date, and delinquent if not paid within
60 days from the due date. Because the school has a very limited cash reserve, it is necessary to
levy a 2% penalty per month on all accounts that are past due. The charge will continue to be
assessed until the account is brought up-to-date. Parents with a delinquent account are expected
to negotiate a suitable payment arrangement with the Business Administrator in order for their
children to continue attending school. If an arrangement cannot be met, all school records (e.g.,
report cards, transcripts, diplomas) will be withheld until the account is brought into current
status. Should an account continue remain delinquent and the parents are not communicating
with the administration, the student will be withdrawn from the school. In order for a student to
enroll in the first semester of a school year, all fees and charges for the previous year must be
paid prior to the opening day of classes.

As the annual fee assessment is assumed to provide four quarters of schooling, all students will
be billed the full amount of their fees, even though they may be short-term students. Students
attending school any part of a quarter will be billed for the entire term for all fees (tuition,
boarding, transportation, capital). Prorated refunds will be credited to the accounts of short-
term students based upon the number of full quarters not in attendance.

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Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
Student Safety and Welfare
Faith Academy is committed to providing a work, learning, and growth environment in which all
staff members, students and employees are treated fairly and with respect, and are free from
harassment and intimidation. Refer to these guidelines on harassment in the administrative

Faith Academy has adopted an anti-bullying policy in compliance with the requirements of the
Child Protection Policy issued by the Department of Education and the Implementing Rules and
Regulations of the Philippines’ Anti-Bullying Act of 2013, which was published in December

Child Protection Guidelines

Faith Academy’s standards for child protection are based on the Child Safety and Protection
Network (CPSN) Best Practice Standards for Child Safety. The school is an associate member of
CPSN. The Child Safety Flow Chart and and the Indicators of Child Safety Concern reporting
form are on the school website. All adults affiliated with Faith Academy are responsible not only
to adhere personally to the standards of this policy, but also to protect potential and actual
victims from abuse. Refer to the section in the Board Policy Manual for the full policy statement.

All Faith Academy students who are not residing in one of the boarding homes are expected to
live full time with their parent(s). Exceptions are made when:
● There are special circumstances approved by the respective division principal.
● Both parents or guardians are traveling.
When exceptions are granted, Faith Academy requires that parents appoint guardian(s) to care
for their children through the guardianship designation form. Guardians (short or long term)
must be 18 or over, and hold a valid Philippine visa or passport. Parents must ensure that
guardians are able to do the following:
● Take care of transportation needs (e.g., to and from school or to a medical facility). This
person must hold a valid Philippine driving licence.
● Make medical decisions if parents cannot be contacted.
● Pay for emergency medical costs.
● Provide full-time supervision and care (emotional and physical).
● Adequately supervise and facilitate the student’s school activities and responsibilities.
The school, in consultation with the parent(s), will regularly assess the impact of this living
arrangement on the well-being of the student. If parents show consistent failure, refusal or
inability to abide by the conditions of this policy, the school may consider the termination of a
student’s enrollment.

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Parent Handbook 17 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
Discipline will be guided by the school’s classroom management policy as well as the guidelines
laid out in each divisional handbook.

The BOT has determined the extent of school jurisdiction over student behavior to be:
● On school property.
● At Faith Academy events on or off campus.
● While on school transportation (e.g., to and from school and school events).
● At all times for boarding students--unless under the supervision of their parents or
appointed guardians.

BOT policy states that school jurisdiction is extended to cover the circumstances described
below, regardless of where or when the violations take place.
● Under the influence of alcoholic beverages
○ Specific indicators include: slurred speech; disheveled appearance; glazed eyes;
lack of coordination or significantly reduced reaction time; unruly disorderly
behavior and language; smell of alcohol; a breathalyzer test with a value of .020
or greater.
○ The school may respond when a student has demonstrated any of the above signs
in such a way that other people are aware.
○ An objective investigation will be done to verify details of the violation. It will be
verified that the observed indicators were not the result of doctor-prescribed
medication or a medical condition.
● Serious theft
○ While all theft is serious, a pattern of theft particularly indicates a student’s
problem and threatens the safe environment for our school.
○ Any student who has demonstrated petty thievery by clear evidence two or more
times will be disciplined in the same manner as an in-school offense.
● Substance abuse
○ Substance abuse is the use of any chemical or controlled substance (including
tobacco) apart from normal foods and beverages for non-medicinal purposes.
This includes any non-prescription or over-the-counter medication or any other
substance, legal or illegal, in a way that noticeably impairs or alters mood,
behaviors, motor skills or mental functions--except use of a substance strictly in
accordance with the direction of a licensed physician.
○ If the school believes a student has abused a substance, an objective investigation
will be done to verify details of the violation.
● Abuse of another person (refer to the sections on harassment and child protection).
● Sexual Immorality
○ By biblical standards, sexual immorality is any sexual intercourse outside of a
monogamous, heterosexual legal marriage relationship.
○ If an administrator is made aware of one of these violations, details of the
violation must be investigated and documented. If a violation has occurred, the
student will be subject to the school’s child protection and disciplinary policies.

Drugs and Alcohol

Disciplinary matters involving drugs or alcohol have specific consequences mandated by the
administration. On the first alcohol offense, a student will be automatically suspended for not
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Parent Handbook 18 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
less than three class days. On the first drug offense or second alcohol offense, the student will be
automatically suspended for not less than five class days subject to possible expulsion from
school. On the second drug offense or third alcohol offense, the student will be automatically
expelled from school.

Suspension and Expulsion

Students may become candidates for suspension or expulsion for other behaviors if they show
willful disobedience to school regulations and/or open defiance of school authority. Should such
behavior occur, these procedures will be followed:
● In all cases there will be a conference, at the earliest possible time, with a parent or
● A principal may suspend a student up to five days. The head of school will be notified at
the time of suspension.
● The head of school may, upon recommendation of a principal, suspend a pupil for more
than five days.
● The head of school may expel a student upon recommendation of a principal.
● No student may be expelled from school and/or boarding homes without the direction of
the head of school, except:
○ Upon the third suspension in one school year, a student is expelled for at least the
rest of the year.
○ Upon the second drug offense or third alcohol offense a student is automatically

The head of school may at any time require parents to withdraw their child from school, and/or
students may be refused admittance for the next school year. Reasons for mandatory withdrawal
include the following:
● A pattern of poor academic progress, even after intervention.
● Significant behavioral issues such as:
○ Chronic and disruptive relationships with peers or adults.
○ Identified abnormal behavioral patterns.
○ Endangerment of self or others.
● Serious and/or chronic disciplinary issues.

Fire and Security Alarms

The school practices emergency drills for fire, earthquake and dangerous intruders (lockdown).
When parents and visitors are on campus, they are expected to participate fully. If you are
uncertain how to proceed, please ask any available staff person for instructions. Please note that
vehicles will not be allowed on or off campus during an alarm. Please comply with the
instructions of our guards and administrators at all times.

Fire alarms have a siren and verbal commands. In the event of a fire alarm, follow the
evacuation route on the map by your closest exit. Turn off anything electrical except computers,
and close the doors and windows. Do not return to buildings until the alarm is silenced and the
all clear is announced.

Intruder alarms have a rising and falling wail which is not accompanied by a verbal
announcement. In the event of this alarm, proceed to the nearest room, lock the door, draw
curtains, and hide from view. Absolute silence is necessary. If you are locked outside a room,
knock on the door and state who you are. If you cannot enter a room, hide as best you can. Stay
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Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
in lockdown until the alarm is silenced and the all clear is announced.

Earthquake drills have a verbal announcement. When the drill begins, take cover under the most
substantial fixture available (e.g., a desk or table) and hold on firmly. After a period of silence, a
gong will sound. At this point follow the evacuation route on the map by your closest exit.

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Parent Handbook 20 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
General Information
Aquatics Facility
The school has been blessed with an excellent aquatics facility. The policies for users are listed
here, but please also refer to the Aquatics Center Guidelines for further details.

Rules Of Conduct
● Appropriate pool wear shall be worn as indicated on a sign at the pool and also in the
student handbooks (see picture below).
● Swimmers must shower before entering the pool.
● Running, pushing, and horseplay are not permitted.
● Diving is allowed only in designated areas.
● No glass containers are permitted within the pool area.
● Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, drugs or similar substances are not allowed
anywhere on campus.
● Profanity, improper behavior and intoxication are not allowed.
● Changing clothes is allowed only in locker rooms.
● Swimming when the facility is closed is not allowed.
● Eating or drinking within the pool deck area is not allowed, with the exception of water
in plastic containers.
● Children under the age of eight must be under direct adult supervision at all times.
(Direct supervision means that the adult is wearing a swimsuit and in the water or ready
to jump in the water to aid the child.)
● Spitting, urinating, spouting water or blowing one’s nose in the water are not allowed.
● Chewing gum is not allowed within the facility.
● Pets are not allowed in the facility.
● Swimmers must comply with stated rules as well as lifeguard instruction. Failure to
comply will result in removal from the pool and/or suspension of swimming privileges.
● Use of the facility is at each person’s own risk.

Use Of Equipment
● Only one person is allowed at a time on a ladder.
● Sitting or hanging on the lifelines, floats or lane lines is not permitted.
● Climbing on towers or stands is not allowed.
● Emergency equipment is to be used only by authorized personnel.
● Diving board:
○ Only one person may be on a diving board at a time.
○ Divers must wait for previous divers to move to the side before jumping in.
○ Only one bounce is permitted.
○ Divers must dive off the end of the board.
○ Hanging on the board is not allowed.
● Artificial floatation devices such as inflatable air mattresses, rubber balls or water wings
are acceptable but should be designed for water use and used at the lifeguard’s
● Use of swimming fins are only allowed during lap swim or instructional time.

Boarding Program
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Parent Handbook 21 of 27 June 2018

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when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
The parents of students admitted to the boarding department must be missionaries serving
overseas and outside of the Metro Manila area. Under normal circumstances, children whose
parents are on furlough are not accepted in the boarding homes. A limited number of Category
II and III students from Christian families may be accepted in boarding homes with
administrative approval. Please refer to the Boarding Home Handbook for additional details and
guidelines for this program.

Calendars for the current and following school years may be found on the school website.

Community Bulletin
The Community Bulletin is a schoolwide communication sent electronically every Wednesday.
This keeps parents, staff, and students informed of all school activities. Announcements may be
submitted up to noon on Tuesdays by sending an email to

Complaints, Grievances, and Whistle-blowing

The school’s policies for complaints, grievances and whistle-blowing enable serious concerns to
be handled effectively. The school cares about concerns of all community members and it
believes that listening and responding appropriately is beneficial for everyone.

Family Home Weekend

During Family Home Weekends there will be no school-scheduled activities or homework given,
in order to allow families and boarding homes to spend time together.

The library provides a collection of materials to assist with information, research and leisure
reading needs. Hours and policies are summarized in the handbook for each division. Patrons
may access the library’s online services by visiting this page on the school website.

In order to check out new books or reserve items, all overdue/fines must be paid. Fines are
assessed per school day, and payment may be made at the main circulation desk. Should you
lose a library resource, report it at the circulation desk so the fine may be stopped. You will be
charged the fine that has accumulated as well as a record keeping fee. If the resource is not
found after a reasonable amount of time, it will be declared lost, and you will be charged for its

Please note that the library is primarily for classes and students’ academic needs. Parents may
not reserve library spaces or computers, but they are welcome to use a dedicated parent work
room during library hours.

Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)

The Faith Academy Parent Advisory Committee, or PAC, is comprised of parents of students
from the Faith Academy community. The overall goal of the PAC is to ensure that Parent’s ideas
and concerns are valued and given opportunity for expression in the life and ministry of Faith
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Parent Handbook 22 of 27 June 2018

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when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
Academy. The PAC also has two major objectives.

Objective 1: Facilitate communication between parents and the administration

● Strategy 1.1: Provide a venue and activities where the voices of parents will be heard by
the Faith administration. Possible means to accomplish this: establish a Parent Lounge;
create a physical and an electronic Drop Box for parent comments; conduct parent
surveys; host discussion sessions/panels.
● Strategy 1.2: Serve as a sounding board for the administration for new ideas and
initiatives that are being considered. Means to accomplish this: Hold regularly scheduled
PAC meetings with an administrator.
● Strategy 1.3: Implement ways to disseminate information from the administration to
parents, in clearly understood terms, including Korean when needed. Possible means to
accomplish this: insert announcement/explanations in FA Manila School Bulletins,
Edline, school website, or postings in the Parent Lounge; host discussion

Objective 2 – Build community among Faith families

● Strategy 2.1. Involve parents in planning, conducting and attending “community
building” activities. Means to accomplish this goal: advise in school wide events
● Strategy 2.2. Assist new families to “find their way through the Faith Academy system”
and help them feel they are important to the community. Means to accomplish: host
annual “new parent” orientation towards beginning of the school year; host follow-up
“new parent” meeting with a Q & A discussion toward the end of the first semester.

Schedule of the School Day

○ 7:10-2:25 on M,W,TH,F
○ 7:1o-1:30 on T
○ Classes
■ 7:10-2:25 on M,W,TH,F
■ 7:10-1:30 on T
○ Activities
■ 2:30-4:20 on M,W,TH,F
■ None on T
● All divisions dismiss early on Tuesdays for staff meetings. Students may not stay on
campus after school without special permission of the division principal.

School Closure
Faith Academy is located outside of Metro Manila; therefore, school closures announced for the
the capital region do not necessarily apply. In the case of a typhoon the school will close when a
Signal 2 (or higher) warning has been announced. In the case of severe weather or other events,
Faith Academy may still have school when the Cainta LGU has cancelled classes. Faith Academy
will take the safety of its students into consideration in making its own determination. School
closures will be announced via a text message, followed by a Facebook post, an email, and a
tweet. School closures due to a known weather event such as a typhoon or rainstorm will be
made by 11:00 p.m. or in the morning by 5:00 a.m. If no alert has been sent, it should be
assumed that school is in session. For more details, please see the School Closure Procedures.
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Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
School Visitors
All visitors (students or adults) should report to the receptionist in the central office in Boesel
Hall when they arrive on campus. Arrangements for classroom visits are to be made in advance
with the principal. Visiting students must have the approval of the principal and the teachers
concerned before attending classes with an enrolled student.

Technology Use
The policy regarding use of the school’s technology resources is included, but not limited
to, staff, faculty, students, parents, visitors, and guests. Use of the school technology is a
privilege and not a right. All are required to sign and abide by the technology acceptable
use policy. Failure to do so will result in the loss of technology privileges.

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Parent Handbook 24 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
Student Conduct
Behavior Covenant
Students in grades 6-12 and their parents or guardians are required to sign the student school’s
Code of Conduct and statement on Moral Purity. This is a required part of the application
procedure. By signing, parents give permission for the school to hold their child responsible for
upholding these values while under school jurisdiction. Parents will be responsible for their
child upholding these values when not under school jurisdiction.

Code of Conduct
Realizing that I live my life before God, I will strive to honor Him throughout the school year by:
1. having a right attitude toward and respect for those in authority. I will obey school rules. I
will abide by the school dress code while at school and school-sponsored activities.
2. respecting others’ theological beliefs. I will respect differences of doctrine and practice
within the Faith Academy community.
3. working to maintain good relationships with others. I will choose to speak to encourage
instead of gossiping or telling half-truths about others. I will work at being positive instead
of criticizing or complaining. When a disagreement happens, I will try to resolve the
difficulty peacefully. When there are differences of opinion, I will try to listen and
understand what the other person is saying.
4. using wholesome speech and language. I will treat staff members, employees, and other
students fairly and with respect, free from harassment and intimidation. I will not swear or
tell suggestive jokes.
5. respecting the opposite sex. I will live by the Biblical guidelines for moral purity and will
honor members of the opposite sex in all my interactions.
6. looking after my health. I will not use alcoholic drinks, tobacco, drugs, or other illegal
substances, for this could cause harm to myself and others. Drugs prescribed by a
physician would be an exception.
7. looking after my mind. I will choose entertainment that is wholesome. I will stay away
from unwholesome and potentially harmful use of the Internet, movies and television,
music, computerized games, and reading materials.
8. looking after my behavior. I will not steal property belonging to others. I will not cheat in
my school work or plagiarize materials written by others. I will not participate in dancing
that is sexually suggestive in movement or attire. I will not go to nightclubs, bars or other
similar places. I will not practice occult activity.

Moral Purity
Faith Academy accepts the Bible as the final authority for matters relating to moral purity.
Therefore, all staff members, students and employees are expected to follow biblical standards
for behavior. This includes sexual faithfulness within marriage and sexual purity for those not
married. The ideal for sexuality is one man with one woman within the marriage bond, as set
forth in Scripture. This also establishes the standards for sexual orientation. The Scriptures
clearly state that adultery, premarital sex and homosexual behavior are sin (Genesis 2:24;
Deuteronomy 5:18; Leviticus 18: 22; 20: 13; I Corinthians 6: 9-11; I Thessalonians 4: 3-7;
Romans 1: 24-27).

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Parent Handbook 25 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
For safety and to promote security, the campus is closed at 9:00 pm from Sunday to Thursday.
On Friday and Saturday it is closed at 11:00 pm. Students need to return to their homes at this
time unless they are in a supervised activity. When an activity extends past curfew, students
must go home when the activity ends. If a student is a guest in a boarding home, they may stay
past curfew but are expected to leave campus at the time set by the boarding home parent.

Dress Code
All students are expected to wear a school uniform when attending classes and when
representing the school at off campus events. Uniforms may be purchased at the campus store.

The following principles are the basis of the school’s expectations about student dress:
● Respect: A student’s dress should reflect an attitude that shows respect for one’s self and
respect for one’s work in the classroom.
● Modesty: Modesty shows self-respect for one’s body.
● Masculinity and Femininity: God has created us male and female. It is expected that a
student will dress appropriately for his or her gender.
● Neatness and Cleanliness: Cleanliness is important for health and good looks. Students
are expected to keep themselves neat and well groomed.
● Cultural Appropriateness: The school expects that students’ dress will be appropriate in
keeping with the Filipino community in which we live.

Please refer to the handbooks for each division for the specific guidelines that apply to those
grade levels.

School Vans / Transportation

The school has committed to assisting parents in transporting their children to school, and
parents may choose to subscribe to this optional service. The policy for riding on school
transportation is as follows:

● Students need to be at their stop five minutes before the scheduled arrival of the van.
● Students should behave courteously at all times.
● Students must remain in their seats once the van starts moving. Note that seats on a van
may be assigned at the discretion of the transportation office.
● Water and dry snacks are permitted.
● Personal devices should be for personal use only. Media should not be audible to other
● Students must not throw anything from a van.
● Students should make sure that no part of their body sticks out of a window.
● Doors must never be opened when a van is moving.
● Misbehavior should be reported to the appropriate principal.

Those who do not regularly ride a school van, and those wishing to ride a van other than the one
for their assigned route, should obtain a transportation pass at least a day before the trip.
Requests must be in writing from parents or guardians and submitted to the transportation
coordinator. The transportation coordinator will advise the business office of charges.

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Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration
Divisional Policies
Elementary School Division (ESD)
Click here to access the Elementary School Division Parent Handbook.

Middle School Division (MSD)

Click here to access the Middle School Division Student Handbook.

High School Division (HSD)

Click here to access the High School Division Student Handbook.

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Parent Handbook 27 of 27 June 2018

Faith Academy reserves the right to make changes or revisions in this document when demanded by law, rule, regulation, or
when circumstances warrant at the discretion of the Faith Academy administration

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