3 Dy Vs NLRC
3 Dy Vs NLRC
3 Dy Vs NLRC
On June 4, 1983, a special stockholders' meeting was ‘Original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide
called to elect bank's BOD. Immediately after the cases involving:
election, proceeded to elect the bank's executive Xxxx
officers. Xxxx
Pursuant bank's by-laws, providing for the election by “(c) Controversies in the election or appointments of
the entire membership of the Board of the executive directors, trustees, officers or managers of such
officers of the bank, (i.e., the president, vice-president, corporations, partnerships or associations.”’
secretary, cashier and bank manager) in that board
meeting, petitioners were elected president, vice- explicitly declared to be within the original jurisdiction of
president and corporate secretary. Vailoces was not re- the SEC, and recommends that the questioned
elected as bank manager. Because of this development, resolution of the NLRC as well as the decision of the
the Board passed Resolution relieving him as bank Labor Arbiter be set aside as null and void.
The judgment of the Labor Arbiter and the
Vailoces filed a complaint for illegal dismissal and resolution of the NLRC are void for lack of jurisdiction. It
damages with the Ministry of Labor and Employment is of no moment that Vailoces, in his amended
against Lorenzo Dy and Zosimo Dy, Sr., William Ibero, complaint, seeks other relief which would seemingly fall
Ricardo Garcia and the Rural Bank of Ayungon, and under the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter, because
additional causes of action for underpayment of salary underpayment of salary and non-payment of living
and non-payment of living allowance. allowance show that they are actually part of the
perquisites of his elective position, hence, intimately
Vailoces asserted that Lorenzo Dy, after obtaining linked with his relations with the corporation. The
control of the majority stock of the bank called an illegal question of remuneration involving a person who is not a
stockholders' meeting and elected a Board of Directors mere employee but a stockholder and officer of a
controlled by him; that after its illegal constitution, said corporation is not a simple labor problem but a matter
Board convened and passed a resolution dismissing him that comes within the area of corporate affairs and
as manager, without giving him the opportunity to be management, and is in fact a corporate controversy in
heard first; that his dismissal was motivated by Lorenzo contemplation of the Corporate Code.
Dy's desire to take over the management and control of
the bank, not to mention the fact that he (Dy) harbored ill Wherefore, the questioned decision of the Labor
feelings against Vailoces. Arbiter and the Resolution of the NLRC dismissing
petitioners’ appeal are hereby set aside for being
In their answer, Lorenzo Dy, et al. denied the charge of rendered without jurisdiction.
illegal dismissal: pointed out that Vailoces' position was
an elective one, and he was not re-elected as bank
manager because of the Board's loss of confidence in
him; and that the Board's action was taken to protect the
interest of the bank and was "designed as an internal
control measure to secure the check and balance of
authority within the organization."