Master's Programme in Farm Machinery and Power Engineering
Master's Programme in Farm Machinery and Power Engineering
Master's Programme in Farm Machinery and Power Engineering
Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth
Rahuri-413 722, Dist. Ahmednagar (MS)
Course Layout
* Compulsory
#Minimum of three weeks
Course Contents
A) Major Subjects
FMPE 501 Design of Farm Power and Machinery Systems 4(3+1)
Modern trends, principles, procedures, fundamentals and economic considerations for design
and development of farm power and machinery systems. Design considerations, procedure and
their applications in agricultural tractors & typical machines. Reliability criteria in design and
its application.
Analytical design considerations of linkages/ components in farm machinery and its
Design of selected farm equipments: – tillage, seeding, planting, interculture, plant protection,
harvesting and threshing. Design of rotary, vibrating and oscillating machines.
Design and selection of matching power unit.
Safety devices for tractors & farm implements.
Statement and formulation of design problems.
Design of farm power systems.
Design of mechanisms & prototypes in farm machinery.
Suggested Books
Arther W Judge 1967. High Speed Diesel Engines. Chapman & Hall.
Barger EL, Liljedahl JB & McKibben EC 1967. Tractors and their PowerUnits. Wiley eastern.
Bernacki C, Haman J & Kanafajski CZ.1972. Agricultural Machines Oxford & IBH.
Bindra OS & Singh Harcharan 1971. Pesticides Application Equipments.
Oxford & IBH.
Bosoi ES, Verniaev OV & Sultan-Shakh EG. 1990. Theory, Construction and Calculations of
Agricultural Machinery. Vol. I. Oxonian Press.
Klenin NI, Popov IF & Sakoon VA. 1987. Agricultural Machines. Theory of Operations,
Computing and Controlling Parameters and the Condition of Operation. Amrind Publ.
Lal R & Dutta PC. 1979. Agricultural Engineering (through solved examples). Saroj
Maleev VL. 1945. Internal Combustion Engines. McGraw Hill.
Mathur ML & Sharma RP. 1988. A Course in Internal Combustion Engines. Dhanpat Rai &
Ralph Alcock.1986. Tractor Implements System. AVI Publ.
Raymond N, Yong Ezzat A & Nicolas Skiadas 1984. Vehicle Traction Mechanics. Elsevier.
Sharma PC & Aggarwal DK. 1989. A Text Book of Machine Design.
Katson Publishing House.
Theory and Construction. Vol. I. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Technical Information
Service, Springfield, Virginia.
Thornhill EW & Matthews GA. 1995. Pesticide Application Equipment forUse in Agriculture.
Vol. II. Mechanically Powered Equipment. FAO Rome.
William. R Gill & Glen E Vanden Berg. 1968. Soil Dynamics in Tillage and Traction.
US Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Yatsuk EP.1981. Rotary Soil Working Machines Construction, Calculation and Design.
American Publ. Co.
Dynamic properties of soil and their measurement, stress-strain relationships, theory of soil
Mechanics of tillage tools and geometry of soil tool system, design parameters and
performance of tillage tools.
Dimensional analysis of different variables related to soil-tyre system; soil vehicle models;
mechanics of steering of farm tractor; special problems of wet land traction and floatation.
Introduction of traction devices, tyres-types, function & size, their selection; mechanics of
traction devices. Deflection between traction devices and soil, slippage and sinkage of wheels,
evaluation and prediction of traction performance, design of traction and transport devices. Soil
compaction by agricultural vehicles and machines.
Relationship of soil parameters to the forces acting on tillage tools,
Wheel slippage and tyre selection,
Design and performance of traction devices and soil working tools.
Suggested Books
Daniel Hill. 1962. Fundamentals of Soil Physics. Academic Press.
Gill & Vandenberg.1968. Soil Dynamics in Tillage and Traction. Supdt. Of Documents, U.S.
Govt. Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Sineokov GN. 1965. Design of Soil Tillage Machines. INSDOC, New Delhi.
Terzaghi K & Peck Ralph B.1967. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practices. John Wiley &
Types of tests; test procedure, national and international codes.
Test equipment; usage and limitations. Power losses in dynamometers and hydraulic test
Prototype feasibility testing and field evaluation. Laboratory and field testing of selected farm
equipment. Non-destructive testing techniques.
Tractor performance testing, evaluation and interpretation of results.
Review and interpretation of test reports. Case studies.
Laboratory and field testing of selected farm equipment.
Interpretation and reporting of test results.
Material testing and its chemical composition.
Accelerated testing of fast wearing components.
Non-destructive testing techniques.
Suggested Books
Anonymous. 1983. RNAM Test Code & Procedures for Farm Machinery. Technical Series 12.
Barger EL, Liljedahl JB & McKibben EC. 1967. Tractors and their PowerUnits. Wiley Eastern.
Indian Standard Codes for Agril. Implements. Published by ISI, New Delhi.
Inns FM. 1986. Selection, Testing and Evaluation of Agricultural Machines and Equipment.
FAO Service Bull. No. 115.
Lal R & Dutta PC. 1979. Agricultural Engineering (through solve examples). Saroj Parkashan,
Metha ML, Verma SR, Mishra SK & Sharma VK. 1995. Testing and Evaluation of
Agricultural Machinery. National Agricultural Technology Information Centre, Ludhiana.
Nebraska Tractor Test Code for Testing Tractor, Nebraska, USA.
Smith DW, Sims BG & O’Neill D H. 2001. Testing and Evaluation of Agricultural Machinery
and Equipment - Principle and Practice.
FAO Agricultural Services Bull. 110.
FMPE 504 System Simulation and Computer Aided Problem Solving in
Engineering 2(1+1)
Concept, advantages and limitation of dimensional analysis, dimensions and units, fundamental
and derived units, systems of units, conversion of units of measurement, conversion of
dimensional constants, conversion of equations in different units, complete set of
dimensionless products and their formulation methods- the Rayleigh’s method, Buckingham’s
Pi theorem and other methods.
Mathematical modeling and engineering problem solving.
Computers and softwares – software development process – Algorithm design, – program
composition- quality control- documentation and maintenance – software strategy.
Approximation- round off errors- truncation errors. Nature of simulation systems models and
simulation- discreet event simulation- time advance mechanisms- components of discreet event
simulation model. Simulation of singular server que- programme organization and logic-
development of algorithm.
Solving differential equation on computers- modeling engineering systems with ordinary
differential equations- solution techniques using computers.
Suggested Books
Averill M. Law & W David Kelton.2000. Simulation Modeling and Analysis. McGraw Hill.
Balagurusamy E. 2000. Numerical Methods. Tata McGraw Hill.
Buckingham E. 1914. On Physical Similar System. Physical Reviews 4: 345.
Langhar H. 1951. Dimensional Analysis and Theory of Models. John Wiley & Sons.
Murphy J. 1950. Similitude in Engineering. The Roland Press Co. Robert J Schilling
Sandra L Harries. 2002. Applied Numerical Methodsfor Engineers Using MATLAB and C.
Thomson Asia.
Simpson OJ. 2000. Basic Statistics. Oxford & IBH.
Singh RP. 2000. Computer Application in Food Technology. Academic Press.
Steven Chopra & Raywond Canale. 1989. Introduction to Computing for Engineers. McGraw
Veerarajan T & Ramachnadran T. 2004. Numerical Methods with Programmes in C and C++.
Tata McGraw Hill.
Wilks SS. 1962. Mathematical Statistics. John Wiley & Sons.
FMPE 507 Farm Machinery Dynamics, Noise & Vibrations 4(3+1)
Principles of soil working tools: shares, discs, shovels, sweeps and blades, rota-tillers and
Metering of seeds and granular fertilizers with various mechanism, effect of various parameters
on distribution of seed and fertilizer in seed cum fertilizer drills and planters, flow of seeds and
fertilizers through tubes and boots. Kinematics of transplanters.
Theory of atomization, specific energy for atomization, electrostatic spraying and dusting,
spray distribution patterns. Kinematics of reapers/harvesting machines. Theory of mechanical
separation of grains from ear heads/pods. Parameters affecting performance of threshers,
aerodynamic properties of straw and grain mixture, theory of root crop harvesters, power
requirement of various components of field machines.
Noise and vibration theory- Definition, units and parameters of measurement and their
importance. Types of vibrations- free and forced, in damped and without damped analysis of
one , two and multiple degree of freedom systems and their solution using Newton’s motion,
energy method, longitudinal, transverse and torsional vibrations, Raleigh’s methods, Lagrange
Introduction of transient vibration in systems, vibration of continuous media. Balancing of
single rotating weight and number of weights in same plane and different planes. Complete
balancing of reciprocating parts of engine
Study of vibration measurement and analysis equipment,
Study of different vibration measurement and evaluation,
Measurement and analysis of vibration on different components of thresher, combine, reaper,
power tiller and tractor.
Determination of modulus of elasticity, rigidity, and MI by free vibration test.
Evaluation of logarithmic decrement and damping factor.
Whirling of shaft. Heat motion in two pendulum system.
Detailed analysis of multi- degree of freedom system.
Suggested Books
Ballaney PL. 1974. Theory of Machines. Khanna Publ.
Bosoi ESO, Verniaev V, Smirnov & Sultan-Shakh EG. 1990. Theory,Construction and
Calculations of Agricultural Machinery. Vol. I. Oxonian Press Pvt. Ltd. No.56.
Getzlaff GE. 1993. Comparative Studies on Standard Plough Body. Engineering Principles of
Agricultural Machines. ASAE Text Book No. 6.
Grover GK. 1996. Mechanical Vibrations. New Chand & Bros., Roorkee.
Harris CM & Crede CE. 1976. Shock and Vibration Hand Book. McGraw Hill.
Holowenko AR. 1967. Dynamics of Machinery. McGraw Hill.
Kelly SG. 2000. Fundamental of Mechanical Vibration. 2nd Ed. McGraw Hill.
Kepner RA, Bainer R & Berger EL. 1978. Principles of Farm Machinery. AVI Publ. Co.
Klenin NI, Popov IF & Sakoon VA. 1987. Agricultural Machines. Theory of Operations,
Computing and Controlling Parameters and the Condition of Operation. Amrind Publ. Co.
Marples.1969. Dynamics of Machines. McGraw Hill.
Meirovitch L. 1986. Elements of Vibration Analysis. 2nd Ed. McGraw Hill.
Nartov PS. 1985. Disc Soil Working Implements. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam.
Srivastav AC. 2001. Elements of Farm Machinery. Oxford & IBH.
Steidal.1986. Introduction to Mechanical Vibrations. Wiley International & ELBS Ed.
William T Thomson. 1993. Theory of Vibration with Application. Prentice Hall.
Technical specifications of tractors available in India, modern trends in tractor design and
development, special design features of tractors in relation to Indian agriculture.
Parameters affecting design of tractor engine and their selection. Design of fuel efficient
engine components and tractor systems like transmission, steering, front suspension, hydraulic
system & hitching, chassis, driver’s seat, work-place area and controls. Tire selection
Mechanics of tractor. Computer aided design and its application in agricultural tractors.
Extensive practices on the packages mentioned in the theory.
Suggested Books
Arther W Judge 1967. High Speed Diesel Engines. Chapman & Hall.
Barger EL, Liljedahl JB & McKibben EC. 1967. Tractors and their PowerUnits. Wiley Eastern.
Macmillan RH. The Mechanics of Tractor - Implement Performance,Theory and Worked
Example. University of Melbourne.
Maleev VL. 1945. Internal Combustion Engines. McGraw Hill.
Ralph Alcock 1986. Tractor Implements System. AVI Publ. Co.
Nature, methods, impact and scope of operational research; linear programming and integer
programming models and applications. Network terminology, shortest route and minimal
spanning tree problems, maximal flow problem, project planning and control with PERT and
System approach in farm machinery management and application of programming techniques
to the problems of farm power and machinery selection.
Maintenance and scheduling of operations. Replacement of old machines, repair and
maintenance of agricultural machinery, inventory control of spare parts, work study,
productivity, method study. First order Markov chains and their applications in sales
forecasting and in problems of inventory control and modeling of workshop processes and
quality control.
Time and motion study. Man-machine task system in farm operations, planning of work system
in agriculture. Computer application in selection of power units and to optimize mechanization
Suggested Books
Concept and design criteria for optimum mutual adjustment of man and his work: Importance
of ergonomics and its application in agriculture, liberation and transfer of energy in human
body, concept of indirect calorimeter, work physiology in various agricultural tasks.
Physiological stress indices and their methods of measurement: Mechanical efficiency of work,
fatigue and shift work.
Anthropometry and Biomechanics: Anthropometric data and measurement techniques, joint
movement and method of measurement, analysis and application of anthropometric data,
measurement of physical and mental capacities.
Human limitations in relation to stresses and demands of working environments. Mechanical
environment; noise and vibration and their physiological effects, thermal environment; heat
stress, thermal comfort, effect on performance and behavior, field of vision, color
discrimination, general guidelines for designing visual display, safety standards at work place
during various farm operations and natural hazards on the farm. Farm safety legislation.
Man-machine system concept. Human factors in adjustment of man and his work. Design
aspects of foot and hand controls on tractors and farm equipment. Design of operator’s seat for
tractors and agricultural equipment.
Laboratory experiments on measurement of physical and mental capacities and limitations of
human-being in relation to the stress and environment,
Anthropometric measurements, study of human response to dust, noise and vibrations, case
studies on ergonomics.
Suggested Books
Bridger RS. 1995. Introduction to Ergonomics. McGraw Hill.
Charles D Reese. 2001. Accident / Incident Prevention Techniques. Taylor & Francis.
Gavriel Salvendy. 1997. Hand Book of Human Factors and Ergonomics. John Wiley & Sons.
Kromer KHE. 2001. Ergonomics. Prentice Hall.
Mathews J & Knight AA.1971. Ergonomics in Agricultural Design. National Institute of Agric.
Engineering, Wrest Park Silsoe, Bedford.
Mathews J Sanders, Cormicks MS & MCEj. 1976. Human Factors in Engineering and Design.
4th Ed. McGraw Hill.
William D McArdle. 1991. Exercise Physiology.1991. Lea & Febiger.
Zander J. 1972. Principles of Ergonomics. Elsevier.
Zander J.1972. Ergonomics in Machine Design. Elsevier.
In-plant training in the relevant farm power and machinery industry during manufacturing,
assembly and testing of the machines and equipment. To study the actual working of the
equipment and various unit operations. The evaluation will be based on the written report of
the student and the comments of the factory managers. The duration of training shall be three
weeks. The student shall be required to do training in the institute other than the institute in
which he/she is enrolled.
B) Minor Subjects
FMPE 505 Applied Instrumentation in Farm Machinery and Stress Analysis
Strain and stress, strain relationship, strain gauges. Mechanical, optical, electrical acoustical
and pneumatic etc. and their use. Various methods of determining srain/stresses
experimentally. Measuring devices for displacement (linear and rotational), velocity, force,
torque and shaft power. Strain gauges: types and their application in two and three dimensional
force measurement. Design and analysis of strain gauges.
Introduction to functional elements of instruments. Active and passive transducers, Analog and
digital modes, Null and deflection methods. Performance characteristics of instruments
including static and dynamic characteristics.
Devices for measurement of temperature, relative humidity, pressure, sound, vibration, flow
etc. Recording devices and their type. Measuring instruments for calorific value of solid,
liquid, and gaseous fuels.Measurement of gas composition using GLC.
Basic signal conditioning devices - data acquisition system – micro computers for
measurement and data acquisition. Data storage and their application.
Calibration of instruments, Experiment on LVDT, strain gauge transducer,
inductive and capacitive pick ups,
Speed measurement using optical devices, vibration measurement exercises , making of
thermocouples and their testing-
Basic electronic circuits and application of linear ICs.
Suggested Books
Ambrosius EE. 1966. Mechanical Measurement and Instruments. The Ronald Press.
BeckwithTG. 1996. Mechanical Measurements. Addison-Wesley.
Doeblin EO. 1966. Measurement System - Application and Design. McGraw Hill.
Ernest O Doebelin.1995. Measurement Systems - Application and Design. McGraw Hill.
Holman P 1996. Experimental Methods for Engineers. McGraw Hill.
Nachtigal CL. 1990. Instrumentation and Control. Fundamentals and Application. John Wiley
& Sons.
Oliver FJ. 1971. Practical; Instrumentation Transducers. Hayden Book Co.
Perry CC & Lissner HR.1962. The Strain Gauge Primer. McGraw Hill.
FMPE 521 Computer Aided System Design 2(0+2)
Introduction to computer aided design, Geometric modeling and interactive graphics,
Computer aided analysis and synthesis of common mechanical components. Application of
numerical methods and optimal techniques to machine design problems. Computer aided
selection of standard mechanical components. Introduction to FEM.
Preparation of engineering drawings of machine / implement components, design of plough
share / furrow openers / plough discs, and other components of farm machinery, preparation of
bill of material and costing.
Suggested Books
Rammmurty, T. 2001. Computer Aided Mechanical Design and Analysis. Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi.
Mukhopadhyay, M. 2000. Matrix, Finite Element, Computer and Structural analysis, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt Ltd.
Krishnamooorty, G. 2001. Finite Element Analysis. Theory and Programming. Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi.
Knudra, C.V. 2000. Numerical Control and Computer Aided Manufacturing. Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi.
Zeid, K. 2000. CAD/CAM Theory and Pratice. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Solar energy solar radiation. radiation exchange process. solar collection. thermosyphon
effect; solar applications; direct and indirect heating, cooling, refrigeration. drying,
dehydration. Sterilization; Pasteurization; cooking; power generation, biological conversion of
solar energy; greenhouse agriculture, performance evaluation, economics of solar energy
systems, solar energy materials & energy storage. Energy from biomass and wastes;
Production, distribution, sources, plant, human animal and municipal waste, properties,
composition, treatments, recycling, anaerobic digestion; crop residues and animal waste
digestion, biogas; producer gas engines. Liquid fuels; Ethanol, methanol, anaerobic and aerobic
fermentation, Wind energy; velocity and power duration curves, wind mill parameters, power,
torque characteristics; design and performance of rotors, wind mill structure design; solar pv
Calorific value estimation of biogas and producer gas, Design and benefit analysis of
community biogas plant, Measurement of heat balance over a flat plate collector, Solar
powered refrigeration system. Natural convection and forced convection solar dryers.
Conduction, convection, radiation efficiency measurement- simulated anaerobic studies. Solid
state fermentation. Study of ethanol and methanol plants, solar pv characteristics.
Suggested Books
Culp, A.W. (1991) Principles of Energy Conversion, McGraw Hill pub. Co Inc.
Odum. H.T. and Odum, E.C. (1976) Energy Basis For Man and Nature. Mc Graw, Hill
Garg, H.P. and Praksh J. (1976) Solar Energy- Fundamentals and Applications. Tata Mc Graw,
Hill pub.Co.Inc.
Sukhatmes,S.P. ( 1997 ) Solar Energy- Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage Tata Mc
Graw Hill. pub. Cp. Ltd.New Delhi.
Duffie, J.A. and Beckman W.A. (1991) Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes. John Willey,
New York.
Twidell, J.W. & Weir, A.D. (1986) Renewable Energy Sources, E & FN Spon Ltd. London.
Rai G.D. (2001) Non Conventional Energy Sources, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
Energy resources on the farm: conventional and non-conventional forms of energy and their
use. Heat equivalents and energy coefficients for different agricultural inputs and products.
Pattern of energy consumption and their constraints in production of agriculture. Direct and
indirect energy.
Energy audit of production agriculture, and rural living and scope of conservation.
Identification of energy efficient machinery systems, energy losses and their management.
Energy analysis techniques and methods: energy balance, output and input ratio, resource
utilization, conservation of energy sources.
Energy conservation planning and practices. Energy forecasting, Energy economics, Energy
pricing and incentives for energy conservation, factors effecting energy economics. Energy
Suggested Books
Kennedy WJ Jr. & Wayne C Turner.1984. Energy Management. Prentice Hall.
Pimental D. 1980. Handbook of Energy Utilization in Agriculture. CRC
Fluck RC & Baird CD.1984. Agricultural Energetics. AVI Publ.
Rai GD. 1998. Non-conventional Sources of Energy. Khanna Publ.
Twindal JW & Anthony D Wier 1986. Renwable Energy Sources. E & F.N. Spon Ltd.
Verma SR, Mittal JP & Surendra Singh 1994. Energy Management and
Conservation in Agricultural Production and Food Processing. USG Publ. & Distr., Ludhiana.
RES 508 Design And Analysis of Renewable Energy Conversion Systems
Energy cycle of the earth; water flow and storage; ocean currents and tides. Energy heat flow
and energy storage; photosynthesis and biomass; renewable energy sources.
Thermodynamics of energy conversion; conversion of solar energy, wind energy, water flows,
heat, biomass, etc.; other conversion processes.
Development and use of biogas, alcohols and plant oils, plant oil esters in I.C.engines. Study of
various parameters for measuring the performance of the output.
Design of bio-fuel production units: design of gasifiers, gas flow rates, biogas plants.
Establishment of esterification plant, fuel blending.
Suggested Books
Boyle Godfrey. 1996. Renewable Energy: Power for Sustainable Future. Oxford Univ. Press.
Culp AW. 1991. Principles of Energy Conservation. Tata McGraw Hill.
Duffle JA & Beckman WA. 1991. Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes. John Wiley.
Garg HP & Prakash J.1997. Solar Energy - Fundamental and Application. Tata McGraw Hill.
Grewal NS, Ahluwalia S, Singh S & Singh G. 1997. Hand Book of Biogas Technology. Solar
Energy Fundamentals and Applications. TMH New Delhi.
Mittal KM. 1985. Biomass Systems: Principles & Applications. New Age International.
Odum HT & Odum EC. 1976. Energy Basis for Man and Nature. Tata McGraw Hill.
Rao SS & Parulekar BB.1999. Non-conventional, Renewable and Conventional. Khanna Publ.
Sukhatme SP.1997. Solar Energy - Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage. 2nd Ed. Tata
McGraw Hill.
Introduction to alternate fuels, synthetic fuels, production composition and properties.
combustion characteristics, bio, fuels ( alcohol, methanol, ethanol, biogas, producer gas and
hydrogen ), Composition and Properties of alternate fuels, comparison with conventional
fuels, potential, possibilities and problems, Production of biogas, producer gas, ethanol,
methanol, alcohol and hydrogen.
Utilization : Thermal and mechanical applications, utilization in SI and CI engines to run on
alternate fuels, utilization for miscellaneous applications, Environmental aspects of alternate
fuel : Environmental impact and safety factors. Efficiency of different alternate fuels,
Economic and commercial considerations.
Study of alternate fuels, performance of I.C. engines on alternate fuels, measurement of flue
gas parameters, thermal applications of alternate fuels.
Suggested Books
Ratnakar, G.L. Utilization of Biogas in IC Engine
San Pietro, A (ED) (1980), Biochemical and Photosynthetic. Aspects of energy Production,
Academic Press. London.
Bungay H.R.(1981), Energy, theBiomass Options, John Willey & Sons, New York.
Twidell, J.W. & Weir, A.D. (1986), Renewable Energy Sources, E & FN Spon Ltd.
Determination of physical properties like, length, breadth, thickness, surface area, bulk density,
porosity, true density, coefficient of friction, angle of repose and colour for various food
grains, fruits, vegetables, spices and processed foods, aerodynamic properties like terminal
velocity, lift and drag force for food grains, thermal properties like thermal conductivity,
thermal diffusivity and specific heat, firmness and hardness of grain, fruits and stalk, electrical
properties like dielectric constant,dielectric loss factor, loss tangent and A.C. conductivity of
various food materials.
Suggested Books
Hallstrom B, Meffert HF, Th Spesis WEL & Vos G. 1983. Physical Properties of Food.
Mohesenin NN. 1980. Physical Properties of Plant and Animal Materials. Gordon & Breach
Science Publ.
Mohesenin NN. 1980. Thermal Properties of Foods and Agricultural Materials. Gordon &
Breach Science Publ.
Peleg M & Bagelay EB. 1983. Physical Properties of Foods. AVI Publ. Co.
Rao MA & Rizvi SSH. (Eds.). 1986. Engineering Properties of Foods. Marcel Dekker.
Ronal Jowitt, Felix Escher, Bengt Hallsrram, Hans F, Th. Meffert, Walter EC Spices & Gilbert
Vox. 1983. Physical Properties of Foods. Applied Science Publ.
Singhal OP & Samuel DVK. 2003. Engineering Properties of Biological Materials. Saroj
Graphic display devices, Interactive devices, Line and circle plotting techniques by using
Bresenham’s algorithm, Windowing and clipping, Sutherland Cophen algorithm, Cyrus and
Beck method.
Curve drawing using Hermite Polynomial, Bezier curve, B Splines, Picture Transformation,
translation, rotation, Scaling and Mirroring
3D Graphics, 3D transformation rotation about an arbitrary axis. Curved surface generation,
Hidden surface removal.
Orthogonal Projection and multiple views, Isometric projection, Perspective projection, 3D
Generation of solids, Sweep method, Interpolation, Graphic Standards, CGS Modeling,
applications of Computer Graphics.
Practical problems on above topics.
Suggested Books
Hearn Donald.1996. Computer Graphics. PHI.
Schaum. Series. 2004. Computer Graphics. TMH.
C) Supporting Subjects
The research problem -literature review -types of research, experimental & quasi-experimental
research-causal comparative & correlation research Survey research- sampling techniques.
Optimization software – GAMES – applications, electronic spread sheet – solver. Image
analysis software – applications. General computational software for research – MATLAB –
applications – statistical applications, Report writing – interpretation and reporting. Scientific
writing techniques. Presentation -techniques.
Suggested Books
Hamdy A Taha. 2001. Operations Research. Prentice Hall of India.
Holman JP 1996. Experimental Methods for Engineers. McGraw Hill.
Rudra Pratap. 2003. Getting Started with MATLAB. A Quick Introduction for Scientists and
Engineers. Oxford Univ. Press.
Santhosh Gupta. 1979. Research Methodology and Statistical Techniques. Khanna Publ.
Stephen J Chapman. 2003. MATLAB Programming for Engineers. Eastern Press.
Steven C Chapra & Raymond P Canale. 2000. Numerical Methods for Engineers with
Programming and Software Applications. Tata McGraw.
William J Palm. 2001. Introduction to Matlab 6 for Engineers. McGraw Hill.
Study of different types of sprayers, dusters, granular applications fogging machines, nozzles,
calibration of sprayers , selection of pesticide application equipment for field and orchard
crops, weedicide application, droplet size
Suggested Books:
G. A. Mathew.1985. Pesticide application methods, English language book society Longman,
Harlow, England.
P.T. Haskell.1985. Pesticide application: principles and practice, Clarendon Press Oxford.
O.P. Bindra H. singh. 1980. Pesticide application Equipment, Oxford & IBH publishing Co.,
New Delhi.
R.A. Kepner, R. Bainer, E. L. Barger. 2000. Principles of farm machinery. CBS Publishers and
distributors, New Delhi.
H. Bernacki, J. haman, Cz. Kanafojske. 1972. Agricultural machines, theory and construction
VOl-I, USDA Publications, Warsaw, Poland.
Construction of material and their characteristics: The structure of material, properties of
material, equilibrium diagram. Time temperature transformation curves. Heat treatment ferrous
material alloys, Non ferrous metal alloys, non – metallic material plastic. Elastomers ceramics
and composites, material selection surface treatment and finishing.
Measurement and quality assurance: Measurement and inspection. Non destructive inspection
and testing. Process capability and quality control, tolerance limits and clearance. Auragraph
casting process: Fundamentals of casting, patterns and sand molds, continuous casting,
permanent mold casting Die casting, electro forming, the shaw process and powder metallurgy.
Forming processes: The fundamentals of metal forming, mechanism of hot and cold working.
Hot rolling of metals, forging processes extrusion, cold rolling, cold forging, cold drawing,
forming of plastic ceramic and composites, dies, shearing and blanking and dies: bending and
Material removal processes: machining process , cutting tools for matching , turning and
boring and related processes, drilling and related hole making processes, milling, broaching–
sawing-filling, abrasive machining processes, work holding devices, matching centers, thread,
manufacture, gear manufacturing and non traditional machining processes
Joining processes: gas flame processes: welding, cutting and straightening, arc processes,
welding and cutting, resistance welding, brazing and soldering, adhesive, bonding and
mechanical fasteners. Manufacturing concerns in welding and joining.
Numerical control: command system, codes, programme, cutter position X and Y incremental
movements, linear countering Z movement and commands.
Processes and Techniques related to Manufacturing: manufacturing systems and automation.
Production systems and integrated manufacturing production system.
Study of physical and mechanical properties of material tensile test. Hardness, impact. Material
fatigue and endurance limit, study of metallographic structures of metals, determination of
carbon and sulphur content, carbonizing and hardening of plain and medium carbon steel by
heating and annealing.
Study and use of measuring and inspection tools, study of limits, tolarence and geometric
dimensioning , study and use of optical comparator. Vision system measurement. Co-ordinate
measuring machine, surface roufnace measurement. Non destructive inspection and testing and
statistical process control.
Study of pattern and sand moulding techniques, preparation of small moulds and carry out sand
casting , study of different casting processes.
Design and development of simple tooling for shearing bending and deep drawing and use
them in workshop, study of different hot and cold working processes practice on different
machines like lathe, Drill press, milling machine sloting machine, shaper planers and grinders.
Study of non traditional machining processes. Study the tools geometry and their angles for
different chip machining processes. Study and practice on gas, are, resistance , Mic and Tig
welding, soldering, brazing and braze welding processes. Study and design of different types of
joints for welding. Welding of different materials ferrous, cast iron, non-ferrous and stainless
steel. Developing a programme for CNC machines (turning and milling) and practice on
operation and turning and milling centers. Study of surface finishing methods. Cleaning,
coaling and paint application. Carry out the practice on powder coating and painting by
different method.
Suggested Books:
Polukhin, P,: Gringerg B., Kantenik, S,: Zhadan V. and Vasilyen, D. Metal process
engineering, MIR publishers, Moscow.fundamentals of tool design. American Society of Tools
and manufacture Engineers.
Gupta, R.B. Production Technology
Jain R.K. 1994. Production Technology: A Text book for Engineering students. Khanna
Publishers, New Delhi.
Myron: Begeman, L. and Amsted, B.H. manufacturing processes.
Chapman, (part-III) Workshop Technology
Measures of central tendency and dispersion Theory of probability: classical, empirical,
axiomatic probability, random variable and mathematical expectation
Discrete and Continuous probability distribution: Binomial, Poisson, Normal and their
application. Concept of sampling distribution:Chi-square, t & F distribution. Test of
significance based on Normal, Chi-square, t & F distribution. Large sample theory (Z-test).
Correlation and regression: Simple and multiple linear regression model, Stepwise
regression, Estimation of parameters, Correlation, Partial and multiple correlation. Rank
correlation, Path analysis, Test of significance of correlation coefficients and regression
coefficients, coefficient of multiple determination. Polynomial regression model and their
fitting, Estimation of parameters.
Non-parametric tests: sign, Mann-Whitney U test, Run test, Median test.
Calculation of mean, median, mode, variance and standard deviation etc. Fitting of Binomial,
Poisson and Normal distributions, Large sample test, t, F and Chi-square test, Correlation,
Partial and multiple correlation, Rank correlation and linear, multiple and non-linear
regression, Path analysis, Non- parametric tests.
Suggested Books
Snedecor G.W. & W.G. Cochran, 1967. Statistical Methods Sixth Edition, Oxford & IBH
Publishing Company, Bombay, W.
Anderson TW, 1984. An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis. 2nd Ed.
John Wiley.
Ostle B , 1967. Statistics in Research Oxford & IBH Publishing Company, Bombay,
Robert G. D. Steel and James H. Torrie, 1971. Principles and Procedures of Statistics.
Biometrical Approach, McGraw Hill International Book Company, New York
Gupta S. C, V.K. Kapoor, 1991. Fundamental of mathematical statistics, Sultan
Numerical methods for systems of linear equations, eigen values, interpolation, differentiation.
Least squares. Numerical solution of differential equations and non linear equations in several
Practice on matrix manipulation, Exercises on solution of the systems of linear and non linear
equations, solution of differential equations
Suggested Books
Scarborough, G., 2000. Numerical Mathematical analysis. Oxford & IBH Pub.Co. Pvt.Ltd.
Chapra, C., 2000. Numerical Methods for Engineers. Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
Atkinson, K., 1993. Elementary Numerical Analysis. 2nd Ed John Wiley.
Epperson, J.F., 2002. An introduction to Numerical Methods and Analysis. John Wiley.
D) Seminar
E) Master’s Research
Introduction to library and its services; Role of libraries in education, research and technology
transfer; Classification systems and organization of library; Sources of information- Primary
Sources, Secondary Sources and Tertiary Sources; Intricacies of abstracting and indexing
services (Science Citation Index, Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, CABI Abstracts,
etc.); Tracing information from reference sources; Literature survey; Citation
techniques/Preparation of bibliography; Use of CD-ROM Databases, Online Public Access
Catalogue and other computerized library services; Use of Internet including search engines
and its resources; eresources access methods.
Technical Writing - Various forms of scientific writings- theses, technical papers, reviews,
manuals, etc; Various parts of thesis and research communications (title page, authorship
contents page, preface, introduction, review of literature, material and methods, experimental
results and discussion); Writing of abstracts, summaries, précis, citations etc.; commonly used
abbreviations in the theses and research communications; illustrations, photographs and
drawings with suitable captions; pagination, numbering of tables and illustrations; Writing of
numbers and dates in scientific write-ups; Editing and proof-reading; Writing of a review
Communication Skills - Grammar (Tenses, parts of speech, clauses, punctuation marks); Error
analysis (Common errors); Concord; Collocation; Phonetic symbols and transcription;
Accentual pattern: Weak forms in connected speech: Participation in group discussion: Facing
an interview; presentation of scientific papers.
Suggested Books
Chicago Manual of Style. 14th Ed. 1996. Prentice Hall of India.
Collins’ Cobuild English Dictionary. 1995. Harper Collins.
Gordon HM & Walter JA. 1970. Technical Writing. 3rd Ed. Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Hornby AS. 2000. Comp. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. 6th Ed.
Oxford University Press.
James HS. 1994. Handbook for Technical Writing. NTC Business Books.
Joseph G. 2000. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 5th Ed. Affiliated East-West
Mohan K. 2005. Speaking English Effectively. MacMillan India.
Richard WS. 1969. Technical Writing. Barnes & Noble.
Robert C. (Ed.). 2005. Spoken English: Flourish Your Language. Abhishek.
Sethi J & Dhamija PV. 2004. Course in Phonetics and Spoken English. 2nd Ed. Prentice Hall of
Wren PC & Martin H. 2006. High School English Grammar and Composition. S. Chand & Co.
Historical perspectives and need for the introduction of Intellectual Property Right regime;
TRIPs and various provisions in TRIPS Agreement; Intellectual Property and Intellectual
Property Rights (IPR), benefits of securing IPRs; Indian Legislations for the protection of
various types of Intellectual Properties; Fundamentals of patents, copyrights, geographical
indications, designs and layout, trade secrets and traditional knowledge, trademarks, rotection
of plant varieties and farmers’ rights and biodiversity protection; Protectable subject matters,
protection in biotechnology, protection of other biological materials, ownership and period of
protection; National Biodiversity protection initiatives; Convention on Biological Diversity;
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture; Licensing of
technologies, Material transfer agreements, Research collaboration Agreement, License
Suggested Books
Erbisch FH & Maredia K.1998. Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology.
Ganguli P. 2001. Intellectual Property Rights: Unleashing Knowledge Economy. McGraw-
Intellectual Property Rights: Key to New Wealth Generation. 2001. NRDC & Aesthetic
Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. 2004. State of Indian Farmer. Vol. V.
Technology Generation and IPR Issues. Academic Foundation.
Rothschild M & Scott N. (Ed.). 2003. Intellectual Property Rights in Animal Breeding and
Genetics. CABI.
Saha R. (Ed.). 2006. Intellectual Property Rights in NAM and Other Developing Countries: A
Compendium on Law and Policies. Daya Publ. House.
The Indian Acts - Patents Act, 1970 and amendments; Design Act, 2000; Trademarks Act,
1999; The Copyright Act, 1957 and amendments; Layout Design Act, 2000; PPV and FR Act
2001, and Rules 2003; National Biological Diversity Act, 2003.
Suggested Books
Furr AK. 2000. CRC Hand Book of Laboratory Safety. CRC Press.
Gabb MH & Latchem WE. 1968. A Handbook of Laboratory Solutions. Chemical Publ. Co.
History of agriculture in brief; Global agricultural research system: need, scope, opportunities;
Role in promoting food security, reducing poverty and protecting the environment; National
Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) and Regional Agricultural Research Institutions;
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR): International
Agricultural Research Centres (IARC), partnership with NARS, role as a partner in the global
agricultural research system, strengthening capacities at national and regional levels;
International fellowships for scientific mobility.
Research ethics: research integrity, research safety in laboratories, welfare of animals used in
research, computer ethics, standards and problems in research ethics.
Concept and connotations of rural development, rural development policies and strategies.
Rural development programmes: Community Development Programme, Intensive agricultural
District Programme, Special group –Area Specific Programme, Integrated Rural Development
Programme (IRDP) Panchayati Raj Institutions, Co-operatives, Voluntary Agencies/Non-
Governmental Organisations. Critical evaluation of rural development policies and
programmes. Constraints in implementation of rural policies and programmes.
Suggested Books
Bhalla GS & Singh G. 2001. Indian Agriculture - Four Decades of Development. Sage
Punia MS. Manual on International Research and Research Ethics. CCS, Haryana
Agricultural University, Hisar.
Rao BSV. 2007. Rural Development Strategies and Role of Institutions -Issues,
Innovations and Initiatives. Mittal Publ.
Singh K.. 1998. Rural Development - Principles, Policies and Management. Sage Publ.
Natural Disasters- Meaning and nature of natural disasters, their types and effects. Floods,
Drought, Cyclone, Earthquakes, Landslides, Avalanches, Volcanic eruptions, Heat and cold
Waves, Climatic Change: Global warming, Sea Level rise, Ozone Depletion
Man Made Disasters- Nuclear disasters, chemical disasters, biological disasters, building fire,
coal fire, forest fire. Oil fire, air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, Industrial wastewater
pollution, road accidents, rail accidents, air accidents, sea accidents.
Disaster Management- Efforts to mitigate natural disasters at national and global levels.
International Strategy for Disaster reduction. Concept of disaster management, national
disaster management framework; financial arrangements; role of NGOs, Community-based
organizations, and media. Central, State, District and local Administration; Armed forces in
Disaster response; Disaster response: Police and other organizations.
Suggested Books
Gupta HK. 2003. Disaster Management. Indian National Science Academy. Orient
Hodgkinson PE & Stewart M. 1991. Coping with Catastrophe: A Handbook of Disaster
Management. Routledge.
Sharma VK. 2001. Disaster Management. National Centre for Disaster Management, India
Human, animal, mechanical energy sources, fuel: solid, liquid, gaseous, crop production
energy, plantation, rained, irrigated, tractor owned, bullock frames, crop rotation and energy
needs, agro industries/ processing and energy needs, animal raising, domestic purpose, emerge
requirements, energy use patterns, different categories of farmers, resource use pattern, input/
output ratio, energy inflow in village ecosystem, self sufficiency in energy, system planning for
energy conservation, Questionnaire and contact procedures for survey, field survey, Yardstick
for energy resource analysis and conservation efficiency, reliability and availability ,
Economics, study on energy needs for household, energy budgeting for crop reduction, energy
in – flow, out flow in a atypical village, Energy audit in agro- processing industries like rice
mill. oil mill, poultry, dairy etc. Integrated energy system, scope, planning and design of
energy, modeling, project preparation strategies, socioeconomic and environmental aspect of
energy management. Rural and urban energy planning waste heat recovery. Co-generation with
alternate energy system.
Preparation of energy census schedule visit to sample farm and date collocation on energetic.
Estimation of energy equivalents for inflow outflow analysis. Intergraded energy planning
exercise for farm. visit to oil mill for energy use pattern date collection visit to sugar mill,
village Gur Industry for energy pattern date collection in Agro industries, Energy analysis for
household sector, Energy planning for village Eco- System. Estimation and energy planning
for mixed and integrated farming system, Case study of energy conservation in a typical agro
Suggested Books
Turner, W.C. ( 1997). Energy, management Handbook. Fairmont Press.
Brookfield, V.T. ( 1996), Energy Environment and the Economy: Asian Perspectives
Edward Elgar Publishing
Grubb, M and Walkar. J.( 1992). Emerging Energy Technologies : Impact and Policy
Implication. Dartmouth Pub.
Fowlerm J, H, ( 1975) , Energy and the Environment. McGraw, Hill
Capehart, B.L., Turner W.V. Kennedy, W.J.(1997), Guide to Energy Management
Fairmont Press.
Sornson. H.A. (1983) Energy conservation System. John Willey.
Goldemberg, J. Johnsson, T.B. Reddy, A.K.N. and Williams. R. H. ( 1987) .Energy for a
sustainable world. World resource Institute, USE.
Mittal, K.M. (1997). Non,convetional energy Systems. Principles, Programmers and
Prospects, Sheller Publishing.
Verma S. R. Mittal V.P. & S., Energy Management and conservation in Agricultural
Producation & Food Processing, USG Publishers, Ludhiana.
Kenny W.F., Energy Conservation in Process Industries, Academic Press, Inc. New York.
Renzo. D. J. Cogeneration Technologies and Economics of Process Industries, Noyes Data
Corporation, Park ridges. New Jersey. Storage. 2nd Ed. Tata McGraw Hill.
Energy resources on the farm: conventional and non-conventional forms of energy and their
use. Heat equivalents and energy coefficients for different agricultural inputs and products.
Pattern of energy consumption and their constraints in production of agriculture. Direct and
indirect energy.
Energy audit of production agriculture, and rural living and scope of conservation.
Identification of energy efficient machinery systems, energy losses and their management.
Energy analysis techniques and methods: energy balance, output and input ratio, resource
utilization, conservation of energy sources.
Energy conservation planning and practices. Energy forecasting, Energy economics, Energy
pricing and incentives for energy conservation, factors effecting energy economics. Energy
Suggested Books
Kennedy WJ Jr. & Wayne C Turner.1984. Energy Management. Prentice Hall.
Pimental D. 1980. Handbook of Energy Utilization in Agriculture. CRC
Fluck RC & Baird CD.1984. Agricultural Energetics. AVI Publ.
Rai GD. 1998. Non-conventional Sources of Energy. Khanna Publ.
Twindal JW & Anthony D Wier 1986. Renwable Energy Sources. E & F.N. Spon Ltd.
Verma SR, Mittal JP & Surendra Singh 1994. Energy Management andConservation in
Agricultural Production and Food Processing. USG Publ. & Distr., Ludhiana.
C) Supporting Subjects
Dimensions and units.
Dimensional and similarity analysis. Theory of models.
True, distorted and dissimilar models.
Application to different systems with special reference to Structural and
fluid flow systems, Analogues.
Equations for the period of simple pendulum. Uniform rectangular cantilever beam.
Spring mass level system. Investigation of extrapolation.
Deflection of a cantilever beam. Prediction of the deflection of a beam
using a model. Analogue model experiments
Suggested Books
Green Murphy.1950. Similitude in Engineering. Ronald Press.
Huntley HE. 1974. Dimensional Analysis. Dover Publ.
Introduction, stages in mathematical modeling, importance of mathematical modeling.
Classification of mathematical models: Continuous and discrete models, linear models and its
applications, quadratic models and its applications, exponential models and its applications,
empirical models and its applications.
Introduction to MAT LAB, Desktop tools
MAT LAB basics: variables and arrays, Initialization variables, Matrix manipulation, linear
algebra, roots of polynomials, data analysis and statistics. Solution of the mathematical
problems using MAT LAB & MAT LAB tools. Graph plotting: 2-D, 3-D, Contour.
Simulation of mathematical models using MAT LAB programming.
Hands on for UNIT III, IV and V.
Suggested Books
Dym, Clive L. Principles of Mathematical modeling.
Chapman, Stephen J. MAT LAB programming for Engineers.
Generation of by-products, agricultural and agro industrial byproducts/wastes, properties, on
site handling, storage and processing.
Collection of wastes, utilization pattern as fuel, agricultural waste fired furnaces: Mechanism,
construction and efficiency, suitability of wastes as fuel, fuel briquettes, briquetting process,
equipment, factors affecting briquetting.
Utilization of wastes for paper production, production of particle board, utilization, by-
products from rice mill, rice husk, rice bran, utilisation.
Thermo-chemical conversions, densification, combustion and gasification, extraction,
biological conversions, anaerobic digestion, biochemical digestion process, digestion systems,
energy from anaerobic digestion, cellulose degradation, fermentation process.
Exercises on stepped grate and fixed grate rice husk furnaces, waste fired furnace, briquette
Production of alcohol from waste materials, production and testing of paperboards and
particleboards from agricultural wastes.
Suggested Books
ASAE Standards. 1984. Manure Production and Characteristics.
Bor S Luh (Ed.). 1980. Rice: Production and Utilization. AVI Publ.
Chahal DS.1991. Food, Feed and Fuel from Biomass. Oxford & IBH.
Chakraverty A. 1989. Biotechnology and other Alternative Technologiesfor Utilisation of
Biomass/ Agricultural Wastes. Oxford & IBH.
David C Wilson. 1981. Waste Management - Planning, Evaluation,Technologies. Oxford.
Donald L Klass & Emert H George 1981. Fuels from Biomass and Wastes.Ann. Arbor.
Science Publ.
Srivastava PK, Maheswari RC & Ohja TP. 1995. Biomass Briquetting andUtilization. Jain
USDA 1992. Agricultural Waste Management Field Handbook. USDA.
Wilfred A Cote.1983. Biomass Utilization. Plenum Press.
MATH 602 Optimization Techniques 2(1+1)
Single-variable optimization algorithms: Optimal problem formulation, Optimization
Optimality criteria, Bracketing methods, Region-elimination methods, Point-estimation
method, Gradient based methods, Root finding using optimization techniques.
Multi-variable optimization algorithms: Unidirectional search, Direct search methods, Gradient
based methods.
Constrained optimization algorithms: Kuhn-Tucker conditions, Transformation methods,
Sensitivity analysis, Direct search for constrained minimization, Linearized search techniques,
Feasible direction method, Generalized reduced gradient method, Gradient projection method
Specialized algorithms: Integer programming, Geometric programming.
Nontraditional optimization algorithms: Genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, Global
Suggessted Books
Deb K., Optimization for engineering design, Algorithms and examples, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi 1996
Use of Software packages for: Summarization and tabulation of data; Descriptive statistics;
Graphical representation of data, Exploratory data analysis.
Fitting and testing the goodness of fit of discrete and continuous probability distributions;
Testing of hypothesis based on large sample test statistics; Testing of hypothesis using chi-
square, t and F statistics.
Concept of analysis of variance and covariance of data for single factor, multi-factor, one-way
and multi-classified experiments, contrast analysis,multiple comparisons.
Analysis of mixed models; Estimation of variance components; Testing the significance of
contrasts; Correlation and regression including multiple regression.
Discriminant function; Factor analysis; Principal component analysis; Analysis of time series
data, Fitting of non-linear models; Time series data; Spatial analysis; Neural networks.
Use of software packages for summarization and tabulation of data, obtaining descriptive
statistics, graphical representation of data., Fitting and testing the goodness of fit of probability
distributions; Testing the hypothesis for one sample t-test, two sample t-test, paired t-test, test
for large samples - Chi-squares test, F test, One way analysis of variance , contrast and its
testing, fixed effect models, random effect models, estimation of variance components;
Generalized linear models - analysis of unbalanced data set s, testing and significance of
contrasts, Estimation of variance components in unbalanced data sets - maximum likelihood,
ANOVA, REML, and partial correlation, dissimilarity measures, similarity measures; Linear
regression, Multiple regression, Regression plots, Variable selection, Fitting of growth models
- curve estimation models, Factor analysis. Principal component analysis - obtaining principal
component, spectral composition; Analysis of time series data - fitting of ARIMA models,
working out moving averages. Spatial analysis; Neural networks.
Suggested Books
Atkinson AC. 1985. Plots Transformations and Regression. Oxford University Press.
Chambers JM, Cleveland WS, Kleiner B & Tukey PA. 1983. Graphical Methods for Data
Analysis. Wadsworth, Belmount, California.
Chatfield C & Collins AJ. 1980. Introduction to Multivariate Analysis. Chapman & Hall.
Chatfield C. 1983. Statistics for Technology. 3rd Ed. Chapman & Hall.
Chatfield C. 1995. Problem Solving: A Statistician's Guide. Chapman & Hall.
Cleveland WS. 1985. The Elements of Graphing Data. Wadsworth, Belmont, California.
Ehrenberg ASC. 1982. A Primer in Data Reduction. John Wiley.
Erickson BH & Nosanchuk TA. 1992. Understanding Data. 2nd Ed. Open University Press,
Milton Keynes.
Snell EJ & Simpson HR. 1991. Applied Statistics: A Handbook of GENSTAT Analyses.
Chapman & Hall.
Sprent P. 1993. Applied Non-parametric Statistical Methods. 2nd Ed. Chapman & Hall.
Tufte ER. 1983. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Graphics Press, Cheshire,
Velleman PF & Hoaglin DC. 1981. Application, Basics and Computing of Exploratory
Data Analysis. Duxbury Press.
An introduction to project management: An overview of project management. The differences
between Product, Project and Program management, Industrial, R&D and social security
Successful Initialization and Project Planning: Defining the project scope. Establishing the
project scope and defining project deliverables. Defining and Sequencing of Project
Deliverables. Project scheduling techniques, Market research and forecasting. GMP and
Resource Planning: Determining resource requirements and acquiring those resources, Source
of finance, Debt-equity ratio, Debt service coverage ratio, ROI, RONW, Process of soliciting
and selecting vendors for material and services for the project. Cost Management. Establishing
the project budget and analyzing budget variances, techno-economic feasibility analysis.
Execution of the Project Plan and Evaluating Project Progress: Execution of the project plan
and activities required to create the project team, monitor progress against the plan, and keep
the project on track. Capacity utilization, Break even point.
Risk Identification and Analysis: Identify risky events, measure the element of risk, and
develop responses to high-risk events. Establishing the Project Management Team Identifying
project team members, and structuring a successful project team. Keeping the Project on Track
The quality process, Project’s quality standards and how performance to those standards will
be measured. Managing Project Change Handling formal and informal change, how to identify
and evaluate change, and incorporate change into the project plan.
Preparation of a model detailed project report for a small scale food processing unit and its
power point presentation, Case studies of various food products, projections planning for sales
target achievements, Risk analysis for financial and technical feasibilities of the projects,
Project appraisal methods as applied to selected projects.
Suggested Books
Pavlyak MM.2000. Systems Survival Guide. Ruby Moon Press.
Thomsett TC.1990. The Little Book of Project Management. American Management
Introduction to library and its services; Role of libraries in education, research and technology
transfer; Classification systems and organization of library; Sources of information- Primary
Sources, Secondary Sources and Tertiary Sources; Intricacies of abstracting and indexing
services (Science Citation Index, Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, CABI Abstracts,
etc.); Tracing information from reference sources; Literature survey; Citation
techniques/Preparation of bibliography; Use of CD-ROM Databases, Online Public Access
Catalogue and other computerized library services; Use of Internet including search engines
and its resources; e-resources access methods.
Technical Writing - Various forms of scientific writings- theses, technical papers, reviews,
manuals, etc; Various parts of thesis and research communications (title page, authorship
contents page, preface, introduction, review of literature, material and methods, experimental
results and discussion); Writing of abstracts, summaries, précis, citations etc.; commonly used
abbreviations in the theses and research communications; illustrations, photographs and
drawings with suitable captions; pagination, numbering of tables and illustrations; Writing of
numbers and dates in scientific write-ups; Editing and proof-reading; Writing of a review
Communication Skills - Grammar (Tenses, parts of speech, clauses, punctuation marks); Error
analysis (Common errors); Concord; Collocation; Phonetic symbols and transcription;
Accentual pattern: Weak forms in connected speech: Participation in group discussion: Facing
an interview; presentation of scientific papers.
Suggested Books
Chicago Manual of Style. 14th Ed. 1996. Prentice Hall of India.
Collins’ Cobuild English Dictionary. 1995. Harper Collins.
Gordon HM & Walter JA. 1970. Technical Writing. 3rd Ed. Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Hornby AS. 2000. Comp. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. 6th
Ed. Oxford University Press.
James HS. 1994. Handbook for Technical Writing. NTC Business Books.
Joseph G. 2000. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 5th Ed. Affiliated East-
West Press.
Mohan K. 2005. Speaking English Effectively. MacMillan India.
Richard WS. 1969. Technical Writing. Barnes & Noble.
Robert C. (Ed.). 2005. Spoken English: Flourish Your Language. Abhishek.
Sethi J & Dhamija PV. 2004. Course in Phonetics and Spoken English. 2nd Ed. Prentice
Hall of India.
Wren PC & Martin H. 2006. High School English Grammar and Composition. S. Chand &
Historical perspectives and need for the introduction of Intellectual Property Right regime;
TRIPs and various provisions in TRIPS Agreement; Intellectual Property and Intellectual
Property Rights (IPR), benefits of securing IPRs; Indian Legislations for the protection of
various types of Intellectual Properties; Fundamentals of patents, copyrights, geographical
indications, designs and layout, trade secrets and traditional knowledge, trademarks, rotection
of plant varieties and farmers’ rights and biodiversity protection; Protectable subject matters,
protection in biotechnology, protection of other biological materials, ownership and period of
protection; National Biodiversity protection initiatives; Convention on Biological Diversity;
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture; Licensing of
technologies, Material transfer agreements, Research collaboration Agreement, License
Suggested Books
Erbisch FH & Maredia K.1998. Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology.
Ganguli P. 2001. Intellectual Property Rights: Unleashing Knowledge Economy. McGraw-
Intellectual Property Rights: Key to New Wealth Generation. 2001. NRDC & Aesthetic
Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. 2004. State of Indian Farmer. Vol. V.
Technology Generation and IPR Issues. Academic Foundation.
Rothschild M & Scott N. (Ed.). 2003. Intellectual Property Rights in Animal Breeding and
Genetics. CABI.
Saha R. (Ed.). 2006. Intellectual Property Rights in NAM and Other Developing Countries:
A Compendium on Law and Policies. Daya Publ. House.
The Indian Acts - Patents Act, 1970 and amendments; Design Act, 2000; Trademarks Act,
1999; The Copyright Act, 1957 and amendments; Layout Design Act, 2000; PPV and FR
Act 2001, and Rules 2003; National Biological Diversity Act, 2003.
Safety measures while in Lab; Handling of chemical substances; Use of burettes, pipettes,
measuring cylinders, flasks, separatory funnel, condensers, micropipettes and vaccupets;
washing, drying and sterilization of glassware; Drying of solvents/chemicals. Weighing and
preparation of solutions of different strengths and their dilution; Handling techniques of
solutions; Preparation of different agro-chemical doses in field and pot applications; reparation
of solutions of acids; Neutralisation of acid and bases; Preparation of buffers of different
strengths and pH values. Use and handling of microscope, laminar flow, vacuum pumps,
viscometer,thermometer, magnetic stirrer, micro-ovens, incubators, sandbath, waterbath,
oilbath; Electric wiring and earthing. Preparation of media and methods of sterilization; Seed
viability testing, testing of pollen viability; Tissue culture of crop plants; Description of
flowering plants in botanical terms in relation to taxonomy
Suggested Books
Furr AK. 2000. CRC Hand Book of Laboratory Safety. CRC Press.
Gabb MH & Latchem WE. 1968. A Handbook of Laboratory Solutions.
Chemical Publ. Co.
History of agriculture in brief; Global agricultural research system: need, scope, opportunities;
Role in promoting food security, reducing poverty and protecting the environment; National
Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) and Regional Agricultural Research Institutions;
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR): International
Agricultural Research Centres (IARC), partnership with NARS, role as a partner in the global
agricultural research system, strengthening capacities at national and regional levels;
International fellowships for scientific mobility.
Research ethics: research integrity, research safety in laboratories, welfare of animals used in
research, computer ethics, standards and problems in research ethics.
Concept and connotations of rural development, rural development policies and strategies.
Rural development programmes: Community Development Programme, Intensive agricultural
District Programme, Special group –Area Specific Programme, Integrated Rural Development
Programme (IRDP) Panchayati Raj Institutions, Co-operatives, Voluntary Agencies/Non-
Governmental Organisations. Critical evaluation of rural development policies and
programmes. Constraints in implementation of rural policies and programmes.
Suggested Books
Bhalla GS & Singh G. 2001. Indian Agriculture - Four Decades of Development. Sage
Punia MS. Manual on International Research and Research Ethics. CCS, Haryana
Agricultural University, Hisar.
Rao BSV. 2007. Rural Development Strategies and Role of Institutions -Issues,
Innovations and Initiatives. Mittal Publ.
Singh K.. 1998. Rural Development - Principles, Policies and Management. Sage Publ.
Natural Disasters- Meaning and nature of natural disasters, their types and effects. Floods,
Drought, Cyclone, Earthquakes, Landslides, Avalanches, Volcanic eruptions, Heat and cold
Waves, Climatic Change: Global warming, Sea Level rise, Ozone Depletion
Man Made Disasters- Nuclear disasters, chemical disasters, biological disasters, building fire,
coal fire, forest fire. Oil fire, air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, Industrial wastewater
pollution, road accidents, rail accidents, air accidents, sea accidents.
Disaster Management- Efforts to mitigate natural disasters at national and global levels.
International Strategy for Disaster reduction. Concept of disaster management, national
disaster management framework; financial arrangements; role of NGOs, Community-based
organizations, and media. Central, State, District and local Administration; Armed forces in
Disaster response; Disaster response: Police and other organizations.
Suggested Books
Gupta HK. 2003. Disaster Management. Indian National Science Academy. Orient
Hodgkinson PE & Stewart M. 1991. Coping with Catastrophe: A Handbook of Disaster
Management. Routledge.
Sharma VK. 2001. Disaster Management. National Centre for Disaster Management, India
List of Journals
• Journal of Agricultural Engineering, ISAE, New Delhi
• Journal of Arid Land Research Management
• Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research
• Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineers (TASAE)
• Journal of Computer and Electronics in Agriculture
• Journal of Terramechanics
• Indian Journal of Agriculture Sciences
• Agricultural Engineering Today
• Journal of Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (AMA)
• Agricultural Engineering Journal( AIT Bangkok)
• Seed research Journal, New Delhi