EDUC 8 - IEP Project

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Republic of the Philippines

Bohol Island State University

Main Campus
Tagbilaran City, Bohol

VISION: A premier S & T university for the formation of a world class and
virtue-laden human resource for sustainable development of Bohol and the

MISSION: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts

and sciences, as well as in the professional and technological fields,
undertake research and development and extension services for the
sustainable development of Bohol and the country.

EDUC 8: Foundation of Special and
Inclusive Education


Submitted to:
Dr. Marice E. Climaco
Submitted by:
Francheska T.
Student Name: Jimmy

Age: 12 years old Year Level: Grade 6


Classroom Teacher The teachers are the one who will identify
what is the students strength and
weakness. Check and monitor regularly
the gifted learners progress to make
adjustments with their learning strategies
to support continued growth and
development of the student.

Parent/Guardian The parents/ guardian should provide

emotional support and encouragement
towards the students. The parents should
work with the teachers to share about
their child's needs ensuring that will foster
and promote academic and personal


Learning Success Learning Challenges

❖ Jimmy performed well ❖ While Jimmy enjoys interacting

academically, even in a general with some students, many of his
education class. He shows and classmates still find it difficult to
proved that his blindness does not relate to his situation. This means
hinder his learning capabilities that there's a need for increased
when appropriate support and awareness and understanding
resources are provided. among his classmates.
❖ Despite losing his vision at a very ❖ To guarantee that Jimmy will feel
young age, Jimmy has learned to accepted and supported by his
prepare himself and move safely in classmates will be critical. It will
various environments that has a require targeted efforts to educate
high level of adaptability and and involve his classmates about
independence. his situation and needs.

❖ Jimmy is a friendly one despite ❖ As Jimmy will go to junior high

facing challenges in social school, he may face increased
interactions. He enjoys interacting academic pressure and
with his classmates that shows a challenges. It will be important to
positive social outlook and ensure that he continues to receive
willingness to engage with others. the necessary support to succeed.

❖ Jimmy's ability to thrive in a fully ❖ Going to a new school

inclusive classroom setting shows environment, such as junior high,
that inclusive education can be may present new challenges in
successful when it is well- terms of navigation and social
implemented, with necessary dynamics. O
accommodations and support.

School/ Classroom Program for Current School Year

Learning Learning Task Learning Teaching and

Area including Key Opportunities Learning for
Competency Differentiation/

Mathematics Learning Task: Develop Social Technology

The students are Skills Integration
tasked to solve a word Provide Utilize online tools
problem involving opportunities for and resources like
adding and Jimmy to interact interactive
subtracting fractions. with peers in a simulations, videos,
structured and and games to
Competency: supportive enhance learning
The learners will learn environment. Role- and provide
how to add and play social situations additional practice
subtracts simple and practice opportunities.
fractions and mixed communication
numbers without or skills. Visual
with regrouping. Representations
Collaborative Use visual aids like
Learning Task: Learning fraction bars, number
The students are Encourage peer lines, and diagrams
tasked to solve tutoring and group to help students
routine and non- work to foster a understand the
routine real world sense of community concepts of fractions
situations and apply and support. and operations.
tools and strategies in
solving the problem. Access of Real-World
Technology Connections
Competency: Ensure Jimmy has Use of real-world
The learners are able access to examples and
to solve routine and appropriate assistive scenarios to make
non-routine problems technology, such as the learning relevant
involving addition screen readers, and engaging. For
and/or subtraction of braille displays, and example, ask
fractions using audio books, to students to solve
appropriate problem support his learning. problems related to
solving strategies and baking, cooking, or
tools. measuring.

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