Emergency Response Plan Final Notes

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What is a workplace emergency?

It is an unforeseen situation that threatens employees,
customers, or the public; disrupts or shut down company's
operations; or causes physical or environmental damage.
This can pose actual or potential hazard to life,
environment, facility, production, and company's
Emergencies may be natural or manmade.

Emergencies businesses can experience include:

 Natural Disasters
o Avalanche
o Drought
o Dust/Sand Storms
o Earthquakes
o Flood
o Hurricane Tsunami
o Landslide/Mudslide
o Lightning
o Snow/Ice Hail
o Tornado
o Volcanic Eruption
o Windstorm
 Technological
o Aircraft Crash
o Structural Collapse
o Business Interruption
o Dam/Levee Failure
o Explosions/Fire
o Extreme Air Pollution
o Financial Collapse
o Fuel Resource Shortage
o Hazardous Material Release
o Power/Utility Failure
o Radiological Nuclear Accidents
o Transportation Accidents

 Human
o Arson
o Civil Unrest
o Enemy Attack
o General Strike
o Hostage Situation
o Mass Hysteria
o Terrorism
o War
o Workplace Violence
o Strikes

What is an emergency response plan?

 It is an action plan to organize employees and actions
during workplace emergencies.
 ERP shall be developed and implemented prior to
commencement of emergency response operations.
 The plan shall be in writing and available for inspection
and copying by employees, their representatives and
OSHA inspectors.

Phases of emergency response process

 Preparedness Phase
o Consists of activities carry out in advance before an
emergency strike to improve response to
o E.g. hazard or risk analysis, training, drills and
exercises, emergency plans and procedures,
emergency communications, joint cooperation
consensus, warning systems procedures and
response planning

 Response Phase
o Consists of the immediate response to emergency
by the ERT
o It is aim at containing the disaster so as to minimize
loss of life and destruction to property.
o Includes measures such as notification,
implementation of emergency plans, activation of
emergency operation centers, mobilization of
resources, issuance of warnings and directions,
provisions of medical and social services assistance,
announcement of emergencies or disasters by the
 Recovery Phase
o It refers to those measures undertaken following a
disaster that will return all systems to normal levels
of service. Includes measures such as:
 physical restoration and reconstruction;
 cleaning up contaminated areas;
 eliminating and/or reducing any known hazards
 restoring businesses.

 Mitigation Phase
o It is the continuous ongoing endeavour to avert or
reduce the impact that a hazardous materials
incident will have on people, property, and the
environment. Examples of mitigation activities
would include the following:
 Hazard Identification
 Risk Analysis
 Evaluation
 Research
 Education

Elements of Emergency Response Plan

1) Pre-emergency planning and coordination
with outside authorities
2) Personnel roles, lines of authority, training,
and communication
3) Emergency recognition and prevention
4) Safe distances and places of refuge
5) Site security and control
6) Evacuation routes and procedures
7) Decontamination
8) Emergency medical treatment & first aid
9) Emergency alerting & response procedures
10) Critique of response and follow-up
11) PPE & emergency equipment

Role of individuals in ERP

 The senior emergency response official responding to
an emergency is responsible for:
o Implementing appropriate emergency response
o Selecting the appropriate PPE
o Limiting the numbers of responders on site
 The safety officer is responsible for:
o Identifying & evaluating hazards
o Providing direction with respect to operations
o Alter, suspend, or terminate activities if an unsafe
condition exists
 Back-up personnel must stand by with equipment to
provide assistance or rescue (when personnel enter
an IDLH-immediately dangerous to life or health
 If skilled support personnel are necessary to operate
specialized equipment:
o They are not required the regular training required
for normal employees, however
o They must be giving safety briefings on the site
including PPE required and chemical hazards at the
 Specialist Employees are employees who will provide
technical advice within their expertise
o They must receive training or demonstrate
competence in their specialty annually

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