Death Ride Kursk - Totenkopf Supplement
Death Ride Kursk - Totenkopf Supplement
Death Ride Kursk - Totenkopf Supplement
This supplement contains specific rules for the Totenkopf game of the Death Ride Kursk game series
1. Introduction
Death Ride Kursk – Totenkopf is the fourth game in the Death Ride Kursk series. This game, and the
entire series, has been refreshed and you will find some wonderful new material. In this supplement
you will find some material that is specific to Totenkopf’s game. Sections in here include Counter and
Marker Specifics to define the number of markers available in the game, Recommended Rules and
Options, and some Historical Commentary.
In these games I have assigned some organizations, usually Battalions or elements of Battalions, which
start a scenario in Reserve. The Reserve is usually based at the German Divisional level. Your job is to
Optional: Players may, at their discretion, place a different Battalion in Reserve and send the original
Reserve Battalion out to fight. This would in effect maintain the Reserve, although likely with a weaker
Battalion. This was done in order to better incorporate replacements in an area that was less likely to
be harassed by the enemy and would give the new soldiers time to acclimate to their new unit. If this is
chosen to be done by the player the replacement battalion must be in the reserve area before the
original reserve battalion can move out to fight.
Example: In the 11 July Scenario the German 5th SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment has the III/5SSPzG (x13)
Battalion in the front line and the II/5SSPzG (x16) Battalion in Reserve. In order to have the stronger
Battalion in the front line the player could effectively move the III/5SSPzG Battalion into the Division
setup area and then move the II/5SSPzG Battalion out to the front line. The advantage is to have 3 extra
platoons that might make a difference available for use. The disadvantage is that it will take a few turns
to make the switch and valuable time will be spent. But you may find that there are plenty of troops at
the front line already and the time needed in getting a slightly stronger Battalion is worth the effort.
There are 6 Red Army CAS markers in the Standard game counter mix
2.2.Reserve Markers
There are 18 German Reserve markers
2.5.Smoke Markers
There are 9 German Smoke markers
2.7.Assault Markers
There are 9 generic Assault Declaration markers
4. Historical Commentary
A little bit of enlightenment as paraphrased from George Nipes.
With a renewed effort the Germans made a push to gain that bridgehead they failed to make the day
before. They undertook a more deliberate planning for the operations and when the attack went in this
day they would succeed in developing a shallow but secure bridgehead. The German commanders
would not take failure as an answer. They wanted this bridgehead and they were going to have it. What
made this bridgehead so important was its strategic location versus the Red Army’s defenses. With the
bridgehead established the Totenkopf Panzer Regiment could focus its attention to cutting the road
near the Psel River bend that the Red Army used for resupply of their artillery in the area.
5. Designer Notes
When I first had the idea to expand to the IInd SS Panzer Korps area I racked my brain trying to figure
out how to get the 3rd SS Divisions into a 3 game set. The model was for the 3 Divisions to be placed
abreast of each other and stay that way for the entire fight. These SS Divisions went through some crazy
movements in the first days. So you are asking yourself why does this set of games start with 9 July and
the earlier games start with 4 July? I had to ask myself that same question. The answer became obvious
after a long hard thought process. Totenkopf started the battle on the Korps right flank on 4 July and
then moved to the left flank during 8 July. You will get to have that fun when the 6th installment of the
games comes out. The Das Reich game will have the scenarios that start from 4 July.
From a scenario perspective there are a few things I would like to touch upon. You are going to find
some smaller, not necessarily small, scenarios. They are there to encourage play for those who don’t
want all the bulk. They were some of the more distinct combats in the area. The “Seeing Ghosts”
scenario is good for a small area and a rampant tank battle for the Germans as they tried to make
contact with 11th Panzer Division on their left. The “Panzers Forward” scenarios deal with the 2
penetration attempts by the Germans. One attempt was toward Prokhorovka and the other north of
the Psel and Point 226.6. The scenario battle area to the east side and Prokhorovka in this game is tight
to say the least. That is why you will only find one scenario, and if the players want to play a campaign
with just this game I suggest they leave the boundary for the main scenarios alone and NOT play into
that space until the Leibstandarte game is released. You will have plenty of fun when Leibstandarte
comes out and then you will have more maneuver terrain than you want. For the “Psel 1”, “Psel 2”, and
“Psel 3” scenarios you will see they are focused on the crossing made by the German infantry regiments.
These should be fun. You will see that there is a number of 11th Panzer or Gross Deutschland units in
here. As I learned more about where units were employed and moved (new reading material), I needed
to get them involved. The 180th Separate Tank Brigade, a Gross Deutschland unit, can be switched with
a Tank Brigade and a Motorized Infantry Battalion from the 2nd Tank Corps. 309th Rifle Division and
31st Tank Corps are 11th Panzer units. 31st Tank Corps can be switched for 2nd Tank Corps. If you
The daily scenarios, 9 July, 10 July, 11 July, 12 July, and 13 July, are meant to be played as 10 turn
scenarios in order to keep play length reasonable for each scenario. Players simply play through each
scenario to make a continuous battle from 9 to 13 July. The Psel scenarios are 2 days long as the
Germans failed to make a crossing of the river until 10 July.
Lastly, I am here to help. If you find yourself with questions please feel free to contact me. I am always
happy to clarify rules or my intent. And those of you who do call me, you already know that I make it a
high priority to answer those questions quickly. If you made the investment in my games then I am so
very grateful for that and you deserve answers in a timely manner.
For those of you who supported this project from the beginning with your pre-order dollars, and have
the original set of games, I wanted to be sure to provide you a well-deserved Thank You. The FREE
upgraded maps are a nice deal and will make your purchase feel that much better. I appreciate your
loyalty and look forward to providing the last 2 games of this 3 game set and then getting cranking on
the last 3 games in the III Panzer Korps area of operations.
6. Credits
Game Design: Chris Fasulo Sr
All scenario Situations and Commentary are taken from and are paraphrased from George Nipe’s book.
Blood, Steel, and Myth; the II SS Panzer Korps and the road to Prokhorovka. July 1943
George M. Nipe; RZM Publishing 2011