Panzer Regiments PDF
Panzer Regiments PDF
Panzer Regiments PDF
Text © W. J. K. Davis
9lcgimcntS. By
W. J. K. Davies
Photographic Credits
Distributed in the U. S. A. by
When, in the late 1920s and early 1930s, the Germans incorporate an armoured element to act as the spearhead.
started secretly to rebuild their armed forces, various Indeed originally the Panzer Divisions were to be almost
influences were instrumental in shaping them. In particular entirely tank (panzerkamfwagen) divisions with only weak
three things - the cavalry tradition; the desire to create an motorised artillery and infantry support. The Light
impressive 'showpiece' army; the new theories of Divisions were to have a great deal of light armour, their
armoured warfare being purveyed by the British expert established 'cavalry' regiments hopefully being mounted
Liddel Hart and others - combined to lead the General Staff on a new family of half-tracked carriers while an armoured
to develop the concept of a lightning war of movement, the unit of light tanks would provide speedy firepower.
Blitzkrieg. This in turn emphasised a need for mobile, Once Hitler came to power, this programme was
hard-hitting spearhead forces both to make an initial implemented and development of the new weapons
breakthrough and then to exploit it. brought into the open. Unfortunately reality proved rather
In the German army these forces were originally less grandiose than ideals, development and production of
envisaged as of three types: armoured vehicles in particular being slower than
1. The Panzer, (or armoured), Divisions which would expected. As a result the intended five Panzer Divisions had
make the breakthrough. to be formed with 'ersatz' (substitute) equipment. Even
2. The Leichte, (or light), Divisions which were to be the dummy wooden tanks mounted on car chassis were
heirs of the reformed cavalry divisions exploiting the pressed into service for training purposes and the tank
opportunities created by the Panzers. units were equipped largely with the interim
3. Motorised infantry divisions which would consolidate Panzerkampfwagen I and II (Pzkpfw I and II). The former was
the gains. little more than a fast, lightly armoured machine gun carrier
All would be highly mobile and the first two would and the latter mounted only a light cannon but they looked
ressive, provided excellent training and, in the early
.::-.c.ges of the war, proved surprisingly effective against
repared enemies.
Th e planned four light divisions, in consequence, were
. en more hampered. They were to have had an armoured
.:.e<talion composed of a special Pzkpfw II reconnaissance
-riant but very few of these were produced and the
- ' - cient but complex half-tracked carriers were stillborn.
eed up to 1939 these Divisions still retained mounted
':;giments as their main fighting component.
In that year, however, they were all hurriedly converted
-:- "ully fledged Panzer Divisions using whatever equipment
__:.lId be scraped up and a further Panzer Division, the 10th,
3 S also improvised for the Polish campaign of September
?39. Fortunately the equipment position had been slightly
zsed by the annexation of Czechoslovakia in March of
year, the German army suddenly acquiring thereby a
=- Iection of several hundred efficient modern tanks
= } ether with additional production facilities. In addition
-~'jduction of the standard Pzkpfw 11/ and IV was slowly
- _-I ding up. On the other hand, the panzerisation of the
~ t divisions meant that the follow-'up forces were no
::'1ger there and early campaigns illustrated the danger of
- owing pure tank forces to break through on their own.
- .3. a reSUlt, the Panzer Divisions themselves were
--sorganised with fewer tanks and more infantry while some
tori zed infantry formations were upgraded to what
~r e known as Panzer Grenadier, (or armoured infantry),
~ -, isions. These were strong, fully mobile formations with
.;- od support units and an armoured Abteilung (a battalion
so.z ed unit) rather than a full armoured regiment. Since
-e dern battle tanks were always in short supply the
teJJung was usually equipped either with assault guns or
-th outdated tanks modified for the close support role.
- s was not too great a handicap since the Abteilungen
I3S intended mainly to provide the support which
9.Jecialised infantry tanks gave in other armies. As the war
-:-"o gressed, too, additional armoured Abteilungen were Pzkpfw Ausf. A's of the early wehrmacht fording a stream. The tank
- ed - med outside divisions and used as army or corps crews are not wearing Nazi insignia on their uniforms which came
.= me ops. They were most commonly heavy tank units and in later with an order dated 30th October 1935.
::...m were sometimes incorporated into Panzer brigades
• ich included battalion-sized infantry and artillery Grund and 1st might well be mainly coincidental!
- pport units. The original ten Panzer Divisions were To avoid continual repetition and explanation, standard
~ panded to a total of 27 Wehrmacht and 7 SS formations German army terms and organisation symbols have been
:!€ fore the war ended although their effectiveness varied used throughout this book. The main differences in
;;. eatly. nomenclature are:
The panzer units to be described in this book were (1) The German tank or Panzer Regiment is a formation
=w ays the heart of the striking force and, so far as which equates roughly to the contemporary British
Xlssible, those in the SS and certain crack army divisions brigade, being composed of two or more Abteilungen.
.ere kept up to strength with standard vehicles. Panzer An Abteilung is a unit roughly equivalent to a British or
. rmations acting in a defensive role, or those on minor American battalion, possessing its own administrative
- onts, however, frequently had to make do with sub- headquarters and having two or more sub-units of
3!: andard equipment, assault guns instead of tanks or even company size. In German parlance such a unit,
::aptured enemy vehicles. Equipment issued to a division equivalent to a British tank squadron, was normally
·;thdrawn for refitting depended on what was available at known as a Kompanie since cavalry terms were not
e time_ It is impossible to cover all eventualities and the common in the Wehrmacht, and its components were
_etails that follow represent what was intended. It should called Zuge (s. Zug). This is best translated as platoon.
:::>8 noted that even the planners recognised three The headquarters was referred to as the Stabs (staff)
'::ategories: the Grund G/iederung or basic establishment and its administrative support unit was the
-"'hich was the notional plan of what an ideal division Stabskompanie. Attached might also be such items as a
' ould contain; the Zoll Gliederung or planned support unit (Versorgungs ..), an engineer platoon
=stablishment which was what they thought they could a
(Pionier-zug) signals unit (Nachrichtimzug) and one or
-'ovide for a particular divison when raised or refitted; and more supply columns (Kolonne). Units could be either
e 1st Gliederung which showed what a division actually armoured (gegpanzerte, or gp); motorised (mot.) or
-ad at a particular point in time. Resemblance between partly motorised (T.mot).
.. ..
@ 00)-0
• • 0 ••
6 ~S 6 ~ 6
4 3
2 ,
II\ S S S \
!! 7 6
\ S S S \
~ ~ ~-
Regiment 2 (Motorised) Regiment I (Armoured)
D"l to
Artillery Regiment
Ersatz Signals Engineer
Abteilung Abteilung Abteilung
Divisional Services
Regiment 2 (Motorised) Regiment I (Motorised)
Artillery Regiment
Divisional Services
1. Unit Type
\ \ ( ) o ( ) o o o @
a. b. C. d. e. f.
2. Unit Designation
a. armoured (tracked).
gL f2
3. Weapon Type
b. self-propelled (unarmoured ,
c. half-tracked .
d. wheeled , motorised.
e. partly motorised .
f. motorcycle.
g. Unit of company strength
t L I~~
or over.
i 010
h. Regimental HQ.
j . Abteilung HQ.
k. assault gun.
n. 1. FLAK weapon.
4.Mm6~re t D
m. multi-barrelled FLAK.
,\ n. machine gun.
I p. maintenance and repair unit.
q. engineer unit.
r. signals unit.
VersS. St t s. support unit.
t. HQ unit.
LEFT: A Sdkfz 250 of the 24th Panzer Division leading Pzkpfw /If's
and Sdkfz 251 's in Russia. The tactical marking on the 250 is for a
motorised artillery unit.
Tactical Signs
Particular to Panzer Units
Most of the signs and symbols used on armoured vehicles
of the tank regiments were common to all arms of the
German army. AFVs, however, had certain symbols peculiar
to themselves which are described here for completeness.
They were the means by which commanders in the field
were able to identify individual vehicles within their
command and consisted of a series of letters and ciphers
painted on turret or superstructure. There were two basic
groups, one for HQ vehicles and the other for tanks of the
fighting companies.
1. HQ vehicles: Regimental HQ armoured vehicles bore a
large R followed by a two-digit cipher indicating the
occupant's job. Thus R01 was the regimental commander,
R02 his adjutant and R03, normally, the signals officer.
Tanks in the HQ company bore serials R04 onwards. Within
each Abteilung a similar method was used but the ciphers
were prefixed by large Roman numerals I, II or III as
appropriate. It may be worth noting that this system only
became fully operational after the 1940 French campaign;
up to then some units simply painted on abbreviations (eg.
Adj. for Adjutant) but this may have been because the need
for clear tactical control had not been realised fully.
A regimental commander (left) confers with one of his subordinates.
Note the HF aerial mounted on the commanders Sdkfz 251 half-track
for long range communications to the companies within the
2. Company vehicles: Each tank or assault gun was
- ocated a three-digit cipher. The first figure indicated the
co mpany within the regiment (or in the case of an
ependent Abteilung, the company within the Abteilung).
~. e second digit showed the platoon within that company
- d the third figure showed the individual vehicle within
t platoon. Thus within a regiment there was no
l lplication and any tank could be quickly identified. A
' sti nement of the system allocated special groups to
::ommand vehicles, X01 indicating the company
mmander and X02 his CSM, while platoon leaders took
• 11, X21, etc. With the three-abte,Yung organisation it was some of which are shown in the illustrations. The plain
- s quite possible to have numbers in the 9XX range and white was often done hurriedly -in the field and the variants
. ese could also be seen in two-abteilung formations if a with black or red outlined in white were more common. Red
Iger or assault-gun company was attacked. in particular showed up well against the later mottle
Painting: Initially the signs were painted on detachable camouflage and was often used where concealment was
Tl8tal lozenges fitting in brackets on hull sides and rear. not an important factor. Signs were overpainted with new
e intention was to make it easy to change symbols ones as required.
;;}9tween vehicles as required but the small plates were not Crosses: The national cross in various forms was
easily visible and sometimes became dislodged. From late normally displayed on hull sides and rear. Plain white was
. 940 onwards, therefore, signs were painted directly onto used in Poland and the 1940 French campaign - but
:- rret and superstructure. There were many variations thereafter black centred crosses were more usual.
ABOVE: A scene at a regimental headquarters in North Africa; a
dispatch rider mounted on a BMW R12 combination is in front of the
command vehicle, which appears to be converted single-decked bus.
b \ ~\O~\i\
22. 22. 22-
\ ~s~bt\ 1 ~ ~H[\i! .ijHh
5+17 6tl1 5+10
le \lJecs\ ole 0
o 0
Panzer Regiment 1944 _~ _
~ \St.\\O\
tl~t.~ 6\~t.~
\N\rr\Jl[ \Jl[ \
17 t7 17 17
\~\1l\1l\1l ~
17 17 17 17
lo*,rsJ k~sd
Panzer Abteilungen in Panzer Grenadier Division, 1944
1 \\St \ \0 \ [v;~]
o t- 0
~ ill \ ~ ][~
1 \ \Vers.\1
ole 0
~ ill
\ ~ ill \
Army Heavy Tank Abteilungen
~ ill
6 \St \\0\
\N\3lI\ \N\:srr\
11 9 11 9
Tiger Abteilungen in Panzer Brigade
b \St \
\ ~ S:szrS S
17 17
3Zl \
NB Support uillffi in
Bngade services
A battalion commander in conversation with two infantry example is fitted with an HF frame aerial in addition to the rear
motorcyclists, mounted on BMW R12 solo machines. The small mounted whip. Note the MG34 in a ball mount for self defence.
command tank was built on the chassis of a Pzkpfw I Ausf. B. This
Exact strength
not known
3 N/K
DRs 7
MT 2+4
15 + 5
( MGs 14
ORs 7
MT 2+2
19 + 8
MGs 2
MT 2+2
5 3 4 e
3 11 Ot7 4t2
DRs 7
MT 3+2
19* + 8
MGs 2
3 5 11 3 *Including 5 SPW
Tiger Abteilungen HQ
(3) 3-5
,m'2c)m . \
19 + 8
DRs 7
MT 4+2
19 + 8
MGs ?
3 \...3 .J 3
MT 4t-2 3 12+7 4+1
A Pzkpfw VI 'Tiger ' in the process of being camouflaged by its crew and only 1350 examples of the Ausf E shown here were produced.
on the edge of a wood. The Tiger was a heavy vehicle used by army Production was switched to the improved 'King' Tigers.
tank companies and SS tank divisions . Its weight was its drawback
2. The Tank Companies. The varying organisation was applied only to a very few elite divisions on refitting. It
patterns can be read from the charts but these do not tell would appear that Abteilungen using assault guns retained
the whole story. Each company had its own headquarters the normal organisational structure, the assault guns
platoon consisting of two fighting tanks with a support simply substituting directly for battle tanks.
group of two light lorries or half-tracks and two motor
It may be worth noting that in the 1943-4 period some
cycle combinations or Kettenkraftradern (SdKfz 2). Total
divisions were strengthened by a heavy tank company of
strength of HQ platoon, in 1944 at least, was 19 men and an
Tigers which was organised separately from the main
officer. Then there were three (or in one 1944 organisation,
Abteilungen and was regarded as the regimental 9th
four) fighting platoons of five battle tanks each. As
Company. Company organisation was normal and it came
originally envisaged in the 1940-1 scheme, these each
directly under Regimental HQ.
comprised two platoons of Pzkpfw 11/ or equivalent to act
as battle tanks and one platoon of short-gunned Pzkpfw IV The armoured Abteilung of a Panzer Grenadier Division
for infantry close-support work. In 1943-4, however, the differed in some details since it had no regimental support.
Panzer Grenadier Regiments were allocated their own Thus it had a support company of regimental pattern in
mobile close support weapons and so the organisation addition to its HQ company and in general the
was changed to two, four-company Abteilungen each of a establishment was slightly lower. In particular HQ company
particular tank type. Initially the arrangement retained 17 had only three tanks or assault guns instead of five, while
tanks per company and although some 1944 organisation the tank companies, or more usually, assault gun
charts give a suggested company strength of 22 tanks this companies had platoons of four instead of five AFVs.
Pzkpfw V Ausf. A Panther' (Sdkfz 171)
Cdr. Adj. Sigs.
HQ Company Tanks
OO && &&
1 Company PLATOONS
~ &&&&&
- -
&&&& HQStaff
2 Company PLATOONS
~ &
HQ Staff
.3 Company PLATOONS
& ..-.
& diIJI,
HQ Staff
Panzerkampfwagen I and its Variants
Pzkpfw I (MG) (Sdkfz 101) Ausf. A & 8 ABOVE LEFT: Pzkpfw I Ausf. A (Sdkfz 101)
Kleine Panzerbefehlswagen (Sdkfz 265)
The Pzkpfw I was the first tank to be taken into service with ABOVE RIGHT: Pzkpfw I Ausf. B (Sdkfz 101)
the Wehrmacht. Its design was started as early as 1932
under the misleading description 'Landwirtschaftlicher BELOW: Panzerbefehlswagen I (Sdkfz 265)
Schlepper' - agricultural tractor - and in 1933 various firms
were invited to submit prototypes.
The first accepted was a design by Krupp, using a Krupp, and Balkan campaigns but they were effectively out of
rear-mounted air-cooled flat-four petrol engine of 57hp service by the end of 1941 .
with drive to front sprocket wheels and with a bogie-beam The only other variant used by the Panzer Regiments was
suspension using four road wheels a side. It had a two the Kleine Panzerbefehlswagen (Sdkfz 265) of which some
man crew, the driver sitting on the left, and mounted two 200 were built on both A and B type chassis. This had an
MG13, 7.92mm machine guns in a small revolving turret
E offset right of the centre line. Fighting weight was 5.4
armoured fighting compartment replacing the turret,
carried a crew of three with an armament of one forward
tonne and 15mm thick armour was fitted all round. This firing MG 13, and had comprehensive radio equipment for
A vehicle was classed as Ausfiihrung A and 150 were
tl its period (Fu 2 and Fu 6). 96 were used during the French
produced from 1934-on. campaign by regimental and Abteilung HQ units but they
The more common variant, however, was the Ausfiihrung were not very popular and were withdrawn soon after.
8 built by various firms between 1935 and 1938 to a total of Surplus chassis were used for various SP equipments by
n 1500. The major difference was that it had a 6-cylinder
F other units within the Panzer Divisions.
100hp Maybach water-cooled engine, necessitating a
longer rear body and suspension unit with five road wheels
each side. All-up weight was increased to 6 tannes.
. ... _-_.
./ "
Both these variants were in service together on trials
during the Spanish Civil War. They were really intended
only to make a show and to provide training and
experience for the Panzer troops; indeed some had open
bodywork without armament and were used specifically
for driver training purposes. Unfortunately, delays in
standard tank production meant that they had to be
retained in service during the first two years of the war,
substituting in the regiments for Pzkpfw /Is while the latter
substituted for Pzkpfw /lis! No less than 1445 were on
charge at the start of the Polish campaign and 543 were
still allocated to divisions during the French campaign of
1940. Obsolete by then and surviving mainly because of
the surprise and lack of effective armoured opposition,
they were withdrawn or relegated to quiet areas as fast as
possible. Some did serve in the early stages of the African
Panzerkampfwagen II and its Variants
LEFT: Pzkpfw /I Ausf. B (Sdkfz 121)
with infantry. Note the commander's
cupola, spare roadwheels and track
-~ imental Commander's
pfw II Ausf. B
:: . 21)
:; the
_:.: 'ated
r ..'.:nism
j- arge,
!=- ;j 2cm
~ ad a
- .5mm
;:- had
Panzerkampfwagen 35(t) and 38(t)
Pzkpfw 35(t) (3.7cm)
Pzkpfw 38(t) (3.7cm)
The two other early types taken into regular service with
the German army in 1939 were those acquired as a result of
the annexation of Czechoslovakia in March of that year.
The Czech armament industry, based mainly on the firms of
Skoda and Ceskomoravska-Kolben-Danek, was then one
of the most advanced in Europe and producing two
excellent vehicles:
LT35 (Lehky Tank or Light Tank 35). This was a
10.5 tonne vehicle developed by Skoda and introduced in
1935. Around 200 examples had been produced by 1939
and most were impressed into Wehrmacht service, being
allocated initially to the newly formed 6th Panzer Division in
lieu of Pzkpfw Ills: it had 106 on strength at the beginning
of the French campaign according to German orders of
battle. Others were allocated to various allies - the
Roumanians, Hungarians and Italians all had a few later
and at the end of 1941 167 were still on charge though then
considered obsolete. Most remaining examples were
thereafter converted to munitions carriers or heavy tractors
and some may have served Panzer support companies in
this role.
ThePzkpfw35(t). as it was known in German service, was
a simple rugged machine with rivetted armour 25mm thick
at the front and 16mm at the sides. It was powered by a
120hp 4-cylinder, rear-mounted petrol engine, had a four
man crew and an armament of one 3.7cm gun (Skoda A3)
and one 7.92mm machine gun mounted coaxially, in a
revolving turret. A second 7.92mm machine gun was fitted
in the hull front on a gimbal mount. The tank was not very
popular with 6th Panzer Division owing to its high
silhouette but served competently until replaced by
Pzkpfw Ills.
LTIS (TNHP-S). This vehicle was the only foreign tank
.- :) 9 given the accolade of adoption as a standard type by
: 2 German ordnance department and retained in
uction. It was a 9.725 tonne machine designed by CKD
ague and brought into use by the Czech army in 1938
::e the designation. For its period it was an excellent
"":;- .-ng tank, fast but robust and mounting the 3.7cm gun
:r : :wo machine guns then common. The armour was still
:: Oed but was ballistically well shaped. A rear-mounted
. - 0 6-cylinder petrol engine, later uprated to 150hp,
=!= . .: rather cramped room for a four-man crew; the
- =- 'sticated suspension with four large wheels a side
ted in pairs on beams gave them a reasonable ride.
o <110 • a
?anzerkampfwagen III and its Variants
From 1940 to 1942-3 the Pzkpfw 1/1 was regarded as the tank was already outclassed by then since the design did
main equipment of the so-called 'light companies' and not allow of larger calibre tank guns being fitted but lack of
went through a series of modifications to improve its anything better kept it in production through 1942. The
effectiveness. As early as 1938, the fitting of a 5cm gun had Ausf. L, from the end of 1941, had increased armour, up to
been considered and the turret ring was made large 70mm in places, and the Ausf. M had further minor
enough to accommodate such a weapon. Early campaigns modifications, continuing in small scale production into 1943.
showed the 3.7cm gun to be inadequate and the 5cmKwK
L/42 was installed in all tanks built after about mid 1940 as
Ausf. F. This, besides the new gun, had an engine uprated
to 300hp, a better cupola and a stores bin behind the turret.
Only 96 were built before minor modifications produced
the Ausf. G - which included some tropicalised variants
and the Ausf. H which had modified tracks and a simpler
transmission; all-up weight was increased to 21.6 tannes.
Some 1924 were built with the 5cm KwK L/42 but in
retrospect the choice was a misjudgement. It was unable
to counter the Russian T34 effectively and from late 1941 a
change was made to the more powerful 5cm KwK L/60,
the tank then being known as the Ausf. J (Sdkfz 141/1).
After the end of 1941 all Pzkpfw 1/1 brought in for major
rebuilding were modified to this standard. It is worth
noting, however, that over 300 vehicles with the 3.7cm gun
were still in service in July 1941 and 131 in April 1942,
presumably on the quieter fronts. The Pzkpfw 11/ as a battle
The final version was, ironically, an adaptation of the 4. Bergepanzerwagen III. Between 1939 and 1943 an
asic tank to the close-support role. At the end of 1942 the unknown number of damaged battle tanks were rebuilt as
usf. N (Sdkfz 142/2) was put into production as an recovery vehicles. They were stripped of their turrets,
, antry support tank for the Panzer Abteilungen of Panzer fitted with recovery gear and issued to tank maintenance
.3fenadier Divisions mounting the original 7.5cm KwK L/24 and support companies.
£' n of the early Pzkpfw IV complete in its turret. 660 were 5. Schlepper III. (carrier III). This was a stripped type III
dered but production was terminated in August 1943 in chassis converted for munitions carrying and used by
"ovour of assault guns on the same chassis. some tank supply companies on the Russian front.
Pzkpfw III Ausf. N
: =-POSITE PAGE TOP: Pzkpfw /1/ Ausf. G's
"':"' the Afrika Korps.
Panzerkampfwagen IV and its Variants
LEFT: Pzkpfw IV Ausf D of the 6th Panzer
In 1942 appeared the 'definitive' battle tank, Ausf. G Panzer Divisions right to the last. All Panzer Regiments from
(Sdkfz 161/1) with 80mm frontal armour, a muzzle-brake 1944 on were established for a Pzkpfw IV Abteilung and
for the higher velocity gun and, from August 1942, the very great efforts were made to ensure that this at least was
effective 7.5cm KwK L/ 48. Previous vehicles were kept up to strength so far as possible. Even up to 1945 the
retrofitted to this standard where possible and a total of Pzkpfw IV was the equal of most allied tanks in the west
964 Pzkpfw IV was produced during the year. Early in 1943 and could give a reasonable account of itself against the
there followed Ausf. H (Sdkfz 161/2) which had better rear T 34. Most importantly it was a reliable and rugged vehicle,
armour and 5mm armour skirting plates, both on turret and a characteristic which went far to make up for other
on hull sides while in 1944 there followed Ausf. J with defects.
minor improvements; to save steel this mark was fitted A variant also used by the Panzer Regiments was the
with wire-mesh skirting since this was sufficient to Panzerbefehlswagen IV, produced for Abteilung HQ use
detonate hollow-charge missiles. mainly on Ausf. H chassis. This retained the normal
In all a total of 8003 Pzkpfw IV battle tanks of all marks armament but was fitted with comprehensive wireless
are recorded as being delivered before the war's end and equipment; the loader doubled as spare radio operator.
the Pzkpfw G, Hand J were the mainstay of the Wehrmacht
Pzkpfw IV Ausf. G
fro ~ .LZ ceca ~r- ~ .~ 1i 'Ii'. 4l , .~ : . }~ r ,- \ ~ I j
: :rom
_ and Panzerkampfwagen V 'Panther'
,_w as LEFT: Pzkpfw V Ausf. D 'Panther'. Note the
- - the early drum cupola, and two-piece hull side
: .vest sponsons .
_ . the
ES the
_ use
"'"eI ess
BELOW: Pzkpfw V Ausf G in sand and grey
-:=::or. camouflage. This model has the one -piece
hull sides .
BELOW: Pzkpfw VI 'Tiger ' in Russia. Although battle tracks are fitted
the foremost roadwheel is not mounted on this tank .
Sturmgeschutz III and IV
di The Stug 11/ was supplemented in 1943-4 by an
m equivalent machine on the PZkpfw IV chassis, the longer
cc hull giving a slightly different profile. Otherwise the
Al vehicles were very similar and the Stug. IV was used by
S( several Panzer Regiments as a substitute for main battle
in tanks in 1944. Production was relatively small, being
It dropped in favour of the specialist Jiigdpanzer IV early in
VI 1944.
( 32
ate on Captured Vehicles
- c; already mentioned, the German army adopted as
Pzkpfw 39-H 735(f) used by the Germans on 'quiet fronts'. Formally a
;;: dard equipment the Czech tanks LT35 and LT38 but Hotchkiss H39 of the French army.
- s was not common practice; they happened to be
- -ailable at the time when indigenous tank production
Id not cope with demand. During the course of the war,
ever, various other ex-enemy tanks were taken into
~ an service and these notes describe those which
- e into fairly regular use. It should be noted that units of
armies often 'impressed' captured vehicles in the field if
- .ray were short of equipment temporarily but these were
-= ely taken on charge and were normally abandoned if
- ey broke down. Besides such vehicles, two major
rces of equipment became available to the Germans
~ ri ng the war.
. After the French campaign of 1940, all surviving
~ icles except those ceded to the Vichy government were
urally available. Most were either stored or converted to
- -propelled chassis for various uses but four types were
...sed in some quantity:
Char Moyen Renault R2. This was a medium infantry
- k mounting a 4.7cm gun and one or two machine guns,
-th armour of 40mm maximum thickness. Powered by a
150hp engine, it was already obsolescent by 1940 but was
certainly used by some Abteilungen for local defence in
Renault 81 and 81 bis. This tank, the major French
battle tank in 1940, was produced from 1935 onwards. It
was a cumbersome-looking vehicle reminiscent of World
War I designs, mounting a short 7.5cm gun in the hull front
with a 4.7cm gun and two machine guns in a revolving
turret. It was powered by a 6-cylinder 250hp petrol engine
and had a maximum armour thickness of between 40 and
60mm depending on model. Later versions had an uprated
engine of 300hp. Since a large quantity was captured, the
type was used by the Wehrmacht for training Abteilungen
and some may have been taken out of store for use on
quiet fronts in 1944-5.
Somua S35. This was a good tank by 1940 standards,
using heavy cast armour with a maximum thickness of Germans examining abandoned French WWI Renault light tanks.
55mm and mounting the turret of the B1 bis. It was The wehrmacht used these as Pzkpfw 18-R 73CXf).
powered by a 190hp V8 engine and, unusually, had rear
drive. It was certainly issued as standard equipment to
German Panzer units, probably including 21 st Panzer and were issued to formations in the Balkans. The M13/ 40 was
116 Panzer Division at one period. the standard Italian medium tank, rather similar in
2. After the Italian surrender in 1943, considerable appearance to the Pzkpfw 35(t) and mounting a 4.7cm gun
quantities of Italian army equipment were taken over by the and an 8mm MG in a revolving turret. It had 30mm hull
Germans. Mostly soft-skin vehicles were used but it armour and 40mm turret armouring but was not a
appears that some Carro Armato M13/40 medium tanks particularly effective fighting vehicle.
ajor Weapons of the Panzer Regiments
lied to this innate good design were sighting
-echanisms in most cases considerably superior to those
_' allied weapons, and in particular to those of
. : emporary Russian tanks. This gave the German crews
~ s ight, and badly needed, edge over the Russian guns
- 'ch were otherwise the equal of German equipment for
t of the war.
e major types of tank gun used by the Germans are
.vn in Table 1. It will be seen that both calibre and
~th increased steadily, the limitations on each being the
" and strength of the tank turrets currently available.
--=y were all designed as anti-armour weapons with the
- caption of the 7.5cm KwK L/24. This was basically an
~ try close-support weapon and was most useful when
~~ g high explosive at 'soft' targets .
• It is difficult to find accurate records of the penetrating
_oVer of tank guns. The table gives a general idea of the
-:..... .'t'er of the more common weapons firing on single
. ness armour plate and penetrating at 900 (vertical to
--s line of flight) and inclined 300 from the vertical ('600 '). It
been compiled from Allied and German sources and it
uld be noted that most German sources give the rather
- -1 ranges shown. These equate quite closely to 500, 1500
2500 yards and may be conversions.
Anti-Aircraft Guns
Integral in the Panzer Regiments and Abteilungen were also
two major types of anti-aircraft gun (Flugzeug-Abwehr
Kanone, or FLAK) developed in parallel to their tank
equivalents; there is, after all, considerable affinity
between the two types since both require long range,
accuracy and penetrating power. The light AA equipment
was the 2cm FLAK 30, introduced in 1935 and
supplemented in 1940 by the 2cm FLAK 38. They were
good, reliable weapons with a high effective rate of fire
(220 rpm) and even more lethal when mounted in a
quadruple mount as the 2cm Flakvierling 38. Originally the
single barrel version was mounted on its own two-wheeled
trailer, towed either by a wheeled vehicle such as the
Krupp L243 or by a light half-track, but later variants were
often mounted on the 1-tonne series of half-tracked
carriers (Sdkfz 10). The Flakvierling in regimental service
Machi ne Guns
LEFT: MG13. This machine gun armed the
early panzers. It is shown with its 75 round
--- ".
saddle and 20 round box magazines.
, .
_• •.1>
... ,
Tank Crew's Personal Arms
Support (Versorgungs) and Maintenance Companies
LEFT: Light repair shop of a regimental
maintenance company, shows medium cars
under repair. The Adler light truck nearest
the camera has the 'G', synonymous with
vehicles in General Guderians
for lifting and towing but with the advent of the Pzkpfw V
and VI they were not sufficient. Special Bergepanzer
(recovery) versions of the Pzkpfw /II, V and VI were then
substituted where appropriate. Since the platoon had to be
able to function off roads its equipment was, at least
theoretically, composed almost entirely of half-tracked or
four-wheel drive vehicles.
{a) HQ, a command unit about 20 strong with the usual two BELOW: An Opel Blitz being freed from the mud by the combined
light cars or Kettenkrader and two lorries - one almost efforts of army tank men and SS personnel. The Opel Blitz medium
certainly a signals vehicle - plus one or two dispatch truck saw extensive service on all fronts and was perhaps, the most
riders. popular and easily recognised vehicle in German army service.
(b) A small medical section commanded by an officer These support companies were fully motorised but were
doctor and comprising two or three vehicles normally equipped with wheeled vehicles rather than half
sometimes including an armoured ambulance based on tracks. The exceptions were usually in the maintenance
the Sdkfz 251 . sections which would have an allocation of 1 or 5-tonne
(c) Strong maintenance, fuel and munition supply sections half-track vehicles equipped for engineering work and,
totalling perhaps 220 men with a big allocation of under difficult conditions, forward supply sections which
stores-carrying vehicles. 77 vehicles was the nominal might have Maultiers or even the proper Schwerer
establishment for a 1944-type Division. Wehrmacht Schlepper (SWS or heavy army tractor a half
(d) An administrative section to take care of the tracked lorry of 5 tonne capacity).
Panzer Uniforms
Tanks crews' black uniform. \lVhen the Panzer arm was
first formed it was decided to give armoured vehicle crews
a distinctive uniform that was simultaneously practical and
that recalled the old elite light cavalry from which they
were supposed to derive. The result was a two-piece black
suit, worn over a mouse-grey shirt and black tie. The suit
jacket was short, double-breasted and had an open collar
with fairly wide lapels; the left one could be folded over for
warmth if required, two small buttons being provided on
the right side of the chest to secure the lapel edge.
Shoulder straps were provided as normal, though they
were at times sewn down all round to avoid catching on
projections, and the jacket had a fly front with concealed
buttons. The accompanying trousers were long and full
cut, fastening above laced, black ankle boots. Original
head-gear was the so-called Panzer beret, effectively a
combination-type headgear in which a rather baggy beret
cover concealed a stiff felted 'crash' liner to give some
protection when riding in the vehicle. This was replaced
from 1940-on by a black version of the normal feldmUtze or
forage cap which was in service until the war's end. It was
supplemented, but never entirely replaced, by a black
version of the einheitsmUtze, the peaked forage cap which
was introduced in 1943. Troops were also issued with the
standard grey steel helmets.
-- These notes apply only to the special uniforms worn by
Panzer unit personnel either manning or maintaining
armoured vehicles. Supporting troops wore the normal
Army uniform and equipment.
Tank crews reed-green uniform. A two-piece green
uniform identical in cut to the black one but made of denim
was also issued to Panzer units. It was intended for
summer wear but was in practice worn at any time and on
occasions was even used as an over-jacket. There is no
doubt that, being tough and easily washable, it was
preferred to the black uniform in dirty conditions even
though the latter was intended to hide stains. Some
versions had a large patch pocket on the left breast.
Insignia. Waffenfarbe (arm of service colour) for Panzer
troops was rose pink and this was worn on all uniforms as
piping on the shoulder straps. Initially the collars and collar
patches of the black uniform were also piped but the
practice was discontinued for new stock in 1942. Rank
insignia were confined to the shoulder straps, collar
patches being a distinctive silver death's head (Totenkopf)
design on a black or green background as appropriate. The
'normal' blue-green blacking was not, in principle, used on
Panzer uniforms. The national emblem was worn in the
appropriate place. So far as is known, support troops wore
normal uniform with the appropriate waffenfarber piping. In
this context it may be worth noting that all ranks in 24
Panzer Divison wore golden-yellow piping, not pink, as a
token of their cavalry origin.
On these two pages are a variety of tank crew uniforms
ranging from the black suit and reed-green denims to the
reversible winter suit. The pre-war uniform of the
Oberleutnant below is interesting, being devoid of Nazi
insignia. Compare this with the colour plate on page 17.
REGT. HQ. 4 3 7 9 - 2 3 2 2
REGT. HQ. COY. 5 54 56 37 16· 9 76 8 - 15 5 HQ Tanks or Crew included here
SP 3.7cm AA Pin. 1 27 49 19 8 16 42 - 3 7 2 (lower establishment)
MAINT/SUPPLY Coy. 6 39 185 209 17 4 4 - - 68 6
(Pzkpfw IV)
DIVISION 114115116117118119120121122123124125126
TANKREGT·136 1** 1 21391181271211 51204120112419126
Colour Plates Page 17
7.92 mm machine gun belts being loaded into a Pzkpfw III. These
100 round belts for the co-axial and bow MG34's were loaded
into canvas bags when stowed inside the vehicle.
50 52
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