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Module: ELEC 10 Total Questions: 100 Total Recorded: 99: Answer

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Module: ELEC 10 Total questions: 100 Total recorded: 99

Question Answer
1. In a voltage divider BIAS npn transistor, if a transistor maybe driven into saturation.
the lower voltage divider resistor the one
connected to ground opens
2. The minimum anode current that keeps a a holding current.
thyristor turned on is called
3. The miller input capacitance of an the voltage gain.
amplifier is independent in part on
4. Instrumentation amplifier is used in high noise environment.
5. Voltage typical of a dry cell is 1.5V.
6. An amplifier that operates in a linear Class A.
region at all times is
7. Square wave out of an emitter follower clipping on both peaks
8. A zero level detector is one application of comparator
9. A sin wave always has the same general appearance.
10. Each of the ff statements regarding a it has high starting torque.
shaded pole motor is true except
11. If a band pass capacitor is open, the ac remain the same.
input voltage will
12. The appearance of RF current oscillations Gunn Effect.
in a DC bias flop of n type Gallium
Arsenide in a 3.3kV electric field.

13. What is an example of elemental Germanium

14. In a phototransistor, the base current is directly proportion to light.
15. If the emitter bypass capacitor opens, the decrease.
ac output voltage will
16. The gate-source diode of a JFET should be reversed bias.
17. A relay is connected to a circuit so that normally open.
the device gets a signal only when a relay
coil carries current. A relay is probably
18. A Darlington transistor has very high current gain.
19. Common types of thyristors include DIACs and TRIACs.
20. In which of the ff places would a lantern Two-way portable radio.
battery be found?
21. Speed of universal motor is dependent on frequency of supply.
22. Admittance is a measure of the east in
which a circuit ???
23. The derivative of sine wave is a representation of rate of change.
24. The minimum input current that can turn Trigger current.
on a thyristor is called a
25. A latch always uses positive feedback.
26. Lowest frequency passed by a low pass 0 hz
27. Reducing all dc sources to zero is one of ac equivalent circuit.
the steps in getting the
28. Class A amplifier are almost always tuned rf amplifier.
29. Base voltage 2 supply emitter bias is near 0V.
30. A 4 layer diode turns ON when anode to forward turn on over voltage
cathode voltage exceeds
31. Varactor diode exhibits variable capacitance that depends on the reverse
32. The critical resistance of dc generator is windshield.
the resistance of
33. When an op-amp is operated in single- both inputs are connected together.
ended mode,
34. NiCad memory doesn’t???????
35. A device commonly used for remote a relay.
switching of wire communication signal is
36. Diode whose negative resistance depends Gunn diode
on a specific form of quantum mechanical
bond structure of a material.
37. Crystal set. requires no battery
38. At cut-off, the gate-channel is completely close by the depletion region.
39. Tsep the collector voltage will. equal to collector supply voltage
40. A clipper circuit wherein the diode is series clipper.
connected in series with the load is
41. The starting torque of a capacitor start angle between two winding currents by the
induction motor is directly related to the relation of sin alpha.
42. The geomagnetic field is what makes the compass work.
43. The commercial efficiency of a shunt equal to constant loss
generator is maximum when its variable
loss is.
44. When the PN junction of a semiconductor a PIN diode
diode is inserted with an intrinsic
material the diode becomes.
45. When the emitter resistance increases the collector voltage will increase
with ??.
46. What refers to the type of special diode Tunnel diode.
which is capable of both amplification
and oscillation?
47. Compensating winding is employed in an reduce effects of armature reaction.
ac series motor in order to
48. Maximally flat frequency response is butterworth
known as.
49. The series field of a short shunt DC load current
generator is excited by.
50. A small signal amplifier uses only a small portion of its loadline.
51. Usually, large motor is more efficient than a small one.
52. The efficiency of a tiny motor use in a 1%.
wrist watch is approx.
53. An advantage of electromagnet over an electromagnet can be switch on and off.
permanent magnet is that
54. An air variable capacitor might have a pf-100pf.
range of
55. The main difference between a lantern a lantern battery has more energy capacity.
battery in a transistor battery is
56. The current sensitivity of a needle is ohm/volt.
expressed in
57. Push-pull is almost always use with class b.
58. Three phase ac has 3 wave all of the same magnitude
59. Lap winding is suitable for ___current High, low
____ voltage dc generators.
60. `At a freq of 400Hz, the most likely form toroidal.
of an inductor will be
61. Ideally, the equiv circuit of a FET contains current source between drain and source terminal.
62. A zero to one mA meter has the 1kOhm/volt.
sensitivity of
63. Which of the ff correctly states Ohm’s Ohms=volt/ampere
64. A sine wave contains energy at just 1 frequency.
65. Which of the ff motors is an interesting Hysteresis motor.
example of beneficiary utilizing a
phenomenon that is often considered
66. The main advantage of CMOS is its low power consumption.
67. The conductor is used xerograph in Selenium.
68. In a DC generator, the generated EMF is pole flux.
directly proportional to
69. `What diode is especially process so that Backward diode.
its high current flow takes place when the
junction is reverse biased. It is a variation
of tunnel diode.
70. The magnetic flux around a straight stronger near the wire.
current carrying wire is
71. Inductors in series assuming there is no like resistors in series.
mutual inductance combine
72. If in case of a certain DC armature, the simplex wave winding.
number of commutator segments is
found either 1 less or more than a
number of slots, the armature must be
having a
73. What type of read diode uses a heavily IMPATT diode.
dope n-type material as its depletion
74. The cathode of a zener diode in a voltage more positive than the anode.
regulator is normally
75. The sum of the voltages going around a equal value but opposite polarity from the supply.
dc circuit but ?? including the power
supply has
76. The maximum efficiency of a class b push 70.5%.
pull amplifier is
77. A substance with a high retentivity is best Permanent magnet.
suited for making a
78. The constant current area of a FET lies pinch-off and breakdown
79. In a differentiator, the feedback element a resistor.
80. The resistance of a semiconductor is Bulk Resistance.
known as
81. Which of the ff type of capacitor is electrolytic capacitor.
82. A cascode amplifier has an advantage of low input capacitance
83. A positive ion is formed when. valence electron breaks away from the atom
84. An AC electromagnet will attract pure unmagnetized iron
85. For an electroluminescent ??, which Gallium Phosphide
semiconductor is best?
86. Where would you most likely find a lead- Portable videocamera or recorder.
acid battery?
87. The ac load line is the same as dc load line equal to DC collector resistance.
when the ac collector resistance is
88. To reduce the distortion in a common reduce the ac base control.
emitter amplifier,
89. For operation as amplifier, the base of an reduce the ac base control.
NPN transistor must be
90. The main difference between electronics an electronic device.
and electrical instruments is that the
electronic instruments contain
91. Negative feedback increases the input impedance and the bandwidth.
92. A BJT class B push-pull amplifier with no Complimentary symmetry transistor.
transformer coupling uses
93. A current going into a point in any circuit flowing out of that point.
is always equal to the current
94. The frequency at which the amplifier gain unity gain frequency.
is 1 is called the
95. In DSEB, the base current must be very small.
96. The geomagnetic lines of flux are horizontal at the geomagnetic equator.
97. At a freq of 95Mhz, the best form of air-core.
inductor will be
98. The positive lead of an ohmmeter is Forward biased.
connected to the anode of the diode and
the negative lead is connected to the
cathode, the diode is
99. A triangular wave has equal rise and decay rates.

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