Module: ELEC 16 Total Questions: 100 Total Recorded: 97

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Module: ELEC 16 Total questions: 100 Total recorded: 97

1. What is the refresh rate of DRAMs? Ans. 2ms

2. What is the camera used to capture small amounts of substances? Ans. Compton Camera
3. What are the two most common oscillators? Ans. Wien – Bridge and Phase – Shift
4. What is produced when flip flops are connected in a ring type configuration? Ans. Twisted Ring
5. What is a flip – flop with the output same as the input? Ans. D Flip Flop
6. What is a subjective quantity? Ans. Precision
7. What do you call the exactness of a particular motion in the robotic arm? Ans. Accuracy
8. What is SCARA used for? Ans. Assembly
9. Why is SCARA attractive in the industry? Ans. It is relatively cheaper
10. What instrument is used to measure magnetic field? Ans. Magnetometer
11. What is the measure of the output of logic gates? Ans. Fan – Out
12. What do you call a Wien – Bridge oscillator with inductors? Ans. Wien – Inductance Bridge
13. What is the bridge used to measure low resistances? Ans. Kelvin Bridge
14. What is a 4 capacitance bridge? Ans. Schering Bridge
15. What is the present in a UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply)? Ans. Standby Power Supply
16. What is the waveform generated in a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)? Ans. Sawtooth Wave
17. In what signal is the slope proportional to the input signal? Ans. Sine Wave
18. With no mutual inductance, how are inductors in series equivalent? Ans. Resistors in series
19. What is the advantage of a carbon film resistor? Ans. No Inductance
20. What is the advantage of a wirewound resistor? Ans. No capacitance and inductance
21. What law states that the algebraic sum of current entering and leaving a node are equal? Ans.
22. What law states that the current in any circuit is directly proportional to the voltage and
inversely proportional to the resistance? Ans. Ohm’s Law
23. What law states that the forces of two electrons are equal to the product of their charges and
inversely proportional to the square of their distance? Ans. Coulomb’s 2 nd Law
24. What law states that the force is inversely proportional to the square of distance in gravitational
objects? Ans. Inverse Square Law
25. How is the content of an EPROM erased? Ans. Applying UV
26. What is the advantage of an Electromagnet over a permanent magnet? Ans. Electromagnet is
On/Off – Able
27. What is the fastest MOS? Ans. CMOS
28. How can an NMOS be interfaced with a CMOS? Ans. By using a pull – up resistor
29. What is the quantity that increases with an increase in area in liquids? Ans. Surface Tension
30. Biometrics is used for Verification, Identification, Security
31. When can a DRAM still contain memory? Ans. As long as there is power and it is periodically
32. What does a decade counter produce? Ans. 1 output pulse per 10 input pulses
33. What is an op – amp without feedback that does compare two voltages? Ans. Comparator
34. What is the holding voltage of PMOS? Ans. 15V
35. What is the turn off voltage of HMS? Ans. 15V
36. What is the supply voltage of CMOS? Ans. 25V
37. What logic gate goes high when one input becomes low? Ans. NAND Gate
38. What is a 1 input comparator? Ans. XNOR Gate
39. What logic gate produces a high output when one or more inputs is high? Ans. OR Gate
40. What is a one – change code? Ans. Gray Code
41. What is the set of rules used by computers to communicate? Ans. Network Protocols
42. What is the scheme that utilizes a single head computer that controls dependent computers?
Ans. Hierarchical Network
43. What is the motion of a robot that has a particular in a single motion? Ans. Positive Stop
44. What is the use of an MSI encoder? Ans. Check the input
45. What is the typical compensating capacitance of op – amps? Ans. 3-33pF
46. What is a circuit capable of producing pulsating current or voltage? Ans. Oscillator
47. What scheme is utilized in printers to reduce hanging? Ans. Spooling
48. What is the ability of an oscillator to sustain oscillations? Ans. Flywheel Effect
49. What is the LF157A? Ans. Bifet Diff Amp
50. What is the best regulator circuit in the industry? Ans. Series Regulator
51. What is the output of a TTL circuit with all 1s as an input? Ans. Binary 0
52. What is the unity gain frequency of the LM741C? Ans. 1MHz
53. What is the ideal capacitor used for filter circuits? Ans. Electrolytic Capacitors
54. What can a filter circuit easily rectify? Ans. High Frequency Pulsating DC
55. What does a power supply without a filter produce? Ans. Pulsating DC
56. How can you protect a circuit from high voltages? Ans. Installing a Snubber Circuit
57. How can you turn off an SCR without the common usages? Ans. Using a Snubber Circuit
58. What is the minimum current in an SCR to keep it on? Ans. Holding Current
59. What converts DC to AC? Ans. Inverter
60. What is used in cold welding? Ans. Pressure
61. What layer is present in semiconductors? Ans. Epitaxial Layer
62. What is the most commonly used element for pointers? Ans. Aluminum
63. What is the most commonly used element in IC fab? Ans. Aluminum
64. What welding process keeps the current flowing? Ans. Heated Sub Welding
65. What oscilloscope samples the signals and outputs them? Ans. Sampling Oscilloscope
66. What is the first commercial computer? Ans. UNIVAC
67. How many vacuum tubes are there in ENIAC? Ans. 18,000
68. What does a Voss Mccartney noise generator produce? Ans. Square Pulses
69. What is the orientation of magnetic lines with respect to the geomagnetic center? Ans.
70. What is JFET transconductance? Ans. Ratio of Drain Current to Drain Voltage
71. What is the measured variable in data? Ans. Set – point
72. Holes flow from? Ans. Plus to minus
73. When is a diode Reverse Biased? Ans. If both Anode and Cathode have the same potential
74. What is the diagram used to represent equilibrium? Ans. Phase Diagram
75. What method is used to simplify multivariable logic equations? Ans. Quine Mccluskey Method
76. What is a variable and adjustable component used to vary resistance? Ans. Pot
77. What is a low order liquid like substance? Ans. Nemetic
78. What is the pressure at boiling point? Ans. 1 ATM
79. Who is the designer of the IC? Ans. Jack Kilby
80. What is a multilayer communication pathway in computers? Ans. Bus
81. What is not a fundamental characteristic of a computer? Ans. High Cost
82. What is used for error measurement in Thermocouples? Ans. Cold Junction
83. What is the primary loss in DC machines? Ans. Copper Loss
84. What can a low sensitivity DC effectively measure? Ans. Low resistance circuit
85. What is the advantage of ICs over discrete circuits? Ans. Higher Attainable Switching Speed
86. What can be erased by utilizing an electrical signal as opposed to UV? Ans. EEPROM
87. What is a hard disk made usually made of garnett? Ans. Magnetic Bubble
88. What are the common types of actuators in robots? Ans. Hydraulic and Pneumatic
89. What is a relay? Ans. Actuator
90. Lightning occurs because of more than one of the choices (Ans. Static, charges)
91. Where is the output taken in common base? Ans. Collector
92. COBOL, FORTRAN are examples of? Ans. High – Level Language
93. What is another term for voltage amplifier? Ans. Pre – Amplifier
94. What is the unit of magnetic flux? Ans. Maxwell
95. When is an OR Gate OFF? Ans. When all inputs are 0
96. Ans. Spinners
97. Ans. Sliders

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