The WriteImageFTP function writes the current image to an FTP server on the network. This function is
typically used to automatically save images of failed inspections during runtime. Optionally, on the
In-Sight 3400 sensor, the image file may be a complete screen capture, including overlay graphics on top
of the image.
As shown in Figure 2, the default location of the saved images is:
C:\Program Files\Cognex\In-Sight\In-Sight Explorer 3.3.0\Emulator.
IMPORTANT: To save images to a folder other than the default, that folder must first be
created on the PC. The new folder’s path can then be specified in the WriteImageFTP
property sheet, as shown in Figure 3. The file name must still be appended to the path.
Note that unlike the path shown in Windows Explorer (see Figure 4), you must use
forward slashes ( / ) instead of back slashes ( \ ) for the File Name parameter.
• Verify that the Windows Internet Information Services is not using Port 21 (see figure 6). To check
the port number, open the Control Panel, then open the Administrative Tools and look for the
Internet Information Services icon. Open it and right-click on the FTP Sites folder and verify that
TCP port is not 21. If it is, change it to an unused port, such as 22.
Q: Can I have more than one FTP server running on the same network?
A: Yes. You can have multiple PCs running In-Sight Explorer on the same network. Note that you
cannot have more than one FTP server running on the same PC while using any FTP functions.
Q: Does In-Sight Explorer need to be open when I use the FTP functions?
A: Yes. In-Sight Explorer is actually an FTP server. If In-Sight Explorer is not running, a third party FTP
server must be running.
Q: What port number does In-Sight Explorer use for file transfer?
A: In-Sight Explorer uses port 21 for file transfer (FTP); if another application is using port 21 besides
In-Sight Explorer, the WriteImageFTP function will not execute properly. Please contact your IT
department to disable all firewalls and anti-virus software or make an exception for port 21.