Water Reuse and Desalination in Spain - Challenges and Opportunities

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1 © 2018 The Authors Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination | in press | 2018

Water reuse and desalination in Spain – challenges and

Teresa Navarro


This article offers an evaluation of the reuse of reclaimed water and desalination in Spain and aims to Teresa Navarro
Institute of Water and the Environment,
provide an overview of the state of the art and Spanish legal framework as far as non-conventional University of Murcia,
resources are concerned. The fight against the scarcity of water resources in this country, especially Spain
E-mail: tnavarro@um.es
in the southeast, has made the production of new alternative water resources a clear priority and has
turned the nation into a leader in water reuse and seawater desalination. The assessment presented
can be used to help build a more general framework, like the European one, and shed light on other
comparative legal experiences.
Key words | desalination, non-conventional resources, water governance, water reuse


The technologies used in industrial water production, desa- European Commission on the circular economy (Chapter
lination and water reuse represent a key tool for tackling 4, ‘Closing the loop – An EU action plan for the circular
water scarcity, adaptation to climate change and facilitating economy’, COM (2015) 614 final).
the implementation of a circular economy. Making use of Through Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, the
reclaimed and desalinated water leads to a more sustainable United Nations is also pressing for worldwide adoption of desa-
use of the resource and contributes additional new lination and reuse technologies, as an essential tool for
resources. Desalinated and reuse of reclaimed water reduces achieving its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In
the exploitation of inland water bodies, surface water order to ensure water availability, sustainable resource manage-
resources and groundwater. Thanks to these technologies, ment and sanitation for all (SDG 6), there must be integrated
new flows are introduced into the hydrological cycle, ecosys- management of water resources. Furthermore, the percentage
tems are improved, and pollution is mitigated as less of untreated wastewater should be halved by 2030, and a sub-
wastewater is discharged into the environment. They also stantial global increase is required in the recycling and safe
help to ensure sufficient quantities of high-quality water, reuse of treated wastewater. This calls for greater international
and play a part in meeting the objectives of Directive cooperation in activities and programmes relating to water and
2000/60/EC of 23 October 2000, which establishes a Euro- sanitation, including desalination, wastewater treatment, and
pean community framework for action in the field of water recycling and reuse technologies (SDG 6, Goals 6.3, 6.5 and
policy (WFD), by generating sustainable growth, reducing 6.7, Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development).
waste and protecting the environment. The use of these tech- Countries facing water scarcity have long been aware of
nologies is in line with the approach adopted by the the potential of these technologies for combatting water
shortages. In Spain, which suffers from a chronic structural
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
water deficit, water reuse and desalination have been a pri-
Commons Attribution Licence (CC BY 4.0), which permits copying,
adaptation and redistribution, provided the original work is properly cited
ority for some time now. The government’s White Paper
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). on Water published in 2000 acknowledged that the use of
doi: 10.2166/wrd.2018.043
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2 T. Navarro | Water reuse and desalination in Spain – challenges and opportunities Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination | in press | 2018

non-conventional water resources equated to only 1% of the a promising option in countries facing water scarcity and
available conventional resources; it thus proposed specific, drought, such as Spain (Martin ). In this country, water
ground-breaking legislation to promote the two above-men- reuse helps to solve issues concerning insufficient allocation
tioned technologies, while ensuring the required level of of resources to certain uses, halts the degradation of public
safety in all aspects (legal, public health, technological, water resources and the overexploitation of aquifers, and
etc.). In particular, the reuse regulations are fairly stringent: reduces environmental pollution (Figure 1 and Table 1).
Royal Decree 1620/2007 (RDR) sets out the legal standards Water reuse is an industrial process that enables an
for the reuse of reclaimed water, establishing very rigorous additional use of previously used water before it returns to
criteria in Annex I.A based on maximum permissible the rivers or the sea, and after it has undergone a wastewater
values (MPV), and stipulating numerous water quality ana- recovery and treatment process that ensures the legally
lyses. This legal framework will be discussed in more required quality. The ultimate goal of this process is to
detail below, with a particular focus on its application in secure new resources – reclaimed water – that can be
the Region of Murcia. It is, however, something of a paradox directly offered to other users or exchanged for better quality
that, in Spain, there are quality regulations that govern the water. The use of reclaimed water frees up other sources of
use of reclaimed water for irrigation, but not the use of water, which can then be employed for more strictly con-
water directly sourced from natural watercourses trolled uses such as human supply, thus contributing to a
(Hernández ). more rational use of water (Navarro ).
Spain has a highly variable rainfall regime, averaging It is worth clarifying the difference between treated
over 2000 mm/y in some areas (Galicia, the Cantabrian water and reclaimed water, as they are subject to different
Mountains, the Basque-Navarran Pyrenees, the Central regulations. RDR defines them as follows: Treated water is
Mountain System and the Sierra de Ubrique) but less than wastewater that has been treated at the urban wastewater
200 mm/y in the southeast (Almeria and Murcia), one of treatment plant (WWTP) to ensure its quality meets waste-
the lowest rainfall levels in Europe. This complicated water water discharge authorization requirements (Article 2 b,
balance is becoming particularly acute in some areas of the RDR). Such water can be returned to any bodies of water
country; the Mediterranean coast, which already suffers as it will not alter their ecological status, and is in fact
from water scarcity, is the region worst hit by droughts. Prac- diluted by its discharge into the receiving water bodies.
tically all surface water resources in Spain are already stored Reclaimed water is wastewater that has been submitted to
in reservoirs, and so no new reservoirs are scheduled for con- a more rigorous treatment process in a water reclamation
struction in the near future. Furthermore, in many cases, facility (WRF) and can thus be directly employed for more
groundwater resources are overexploited. restricted uses (irrigation, industrial uses, environmental
In view of the circumstances described above, no signifi- uses, etc.), without being diluted by other water flows
cant future increases are expected in available water from (Article 2 c, RDR). The intended uses for reclaimed water
conventional sources, and so in the most vulnerable areas determine the quality criteria that will be applied in the
a key role will be played by alternative sources such as WRF and that are set as mandatory minimum requirements.
reclaimed water and desalination of brackish water and In Spain, the use of reclaimed water helps ensure that
seawater. there is enough water to meet existing requirements, rather
than enabling an increased demand. The aim is to guarantee
a regular, reliable water supply, as well as to halt the degra-
WATER REUSE IN SPAIN dation of water bodies. Since reclaimed water represents a
net addition to the water in a river basin, it allows better
Reuse as a tool for sustainable water policy use of the available flows in each season. Reclaimed water
can be used for crop irrigation; can be discharged into per-
The use of reclaimed water is a tool in the comprehensive, sus- ennial streams or into dry channels that filter into an
tainable and cost-effective management of water. It represents aquifer; or can be returned to the sea.
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Figure 1 | Map showing the volume of reclaimed water in 2014 (hm3/y). Source: Asociación Española de Abastecimiento y Saneamiento (Spanish Association of Water Supply and
Sanitation) (AEAS).

Table 1 | Volume of reclaimed water per inhabitant in 2014 (hm3/inhab/y). source: AEAS however, there is an established legal framework, RDR,
which sets out the legal standards for the reuse of reclaimed
0 20 30 40 50 60 70
Andalucía 10
Baleares 32
What can reclaimed water be used for?
Canarias 18
Cantabria 3
Spanish law allows the reuse of reclaimed water for certain
C.-Mancha 19
urban, agricultural, industrial, recreational and environ-
C.-León 1
mental uses. In all cases, the public health authorities
Cataluña 2
must first issue a binding report in which they confirm
C.Valenciana 40
that the proposed uses are appropriate, taking into account
Galicia 1
the technical proposal, the self-monitoring programme and
Madrid 2
the risk management programme presented by the applicant
Murcia 60
for the concession or authorization.
País VASCO 4
To that end, the Region of Murcia’s public health auth-
Media 8
ority requires that the technical proposal should detail,
among other things: the wastewater treatment (at least sec-
Legal framework ondary treatment) with a record of the analyses carried
out on water at the outflow of the WWTP; and the recla-
There are no Europe-wide regulations governing specific uses mation treatment, with a diagram of the reclamation
of reclaimed water although there are quite a number of process. The tertiary treatment required depends on the
Directives regulating particular aspects of the protection of intended use; filtration and disinfection is recommended
water resources, which affect reuse and result in varying as a minimum. A record of the analyses carried out on
legal standards (Molina & Melgarejo ). In Spain, water at the outflow of the WRF is also required.
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Furthermore, in order to verify that the reclamation water; for use in cooling towers and evaporative condensers,
treatment complies with the quality requirements stipulated except for the industrial uses specified in Annex I.A.3, Qual-
by the RDR, the Region of Murcia’s public health authority ity 3.2; for use in ornamental fountains and water features in
requires an analytical monitoring programme, or ‘self-moni- public areas or indoor spaces of public buildings; and, lastly,
toring’ to be carried out. The application should indicate the for any other use that the public health or environmental
water sampling points, describe the quality parameters to be authorities consider a risk to human health or harmful to
monitored and the monitoring frequency for each (in the environment, regardless of when that risk or harm is
accordance with those established in Annex I.A and detected (RDR Article 4.4).
Annex I.B of the RDR), and should also identify the labora- The RDR sets out the minimum sampling and testing fre-
tory that will perform the analyses. quencies for reclaimed water (Annex I.B). The samples for
Finally, the management programme to be presented by analysis must be taken at the outflow of the WRF, and at
the applicant should cover aspects related to user safety all points of delivery to users. Tests are generally performed
measures, primarily with respect to green areas or rec- fortnightly, weekly or twice weekly, although in some cases,
reational zones and, where appropriate, preventive daily analyses are carried out to monitor suspended solids
measures against legionellosis; environmental protection and turbidity for certain industrial applications (cooling
measures, specifying the procedures to be undertaken to towers and evaporative condensers) and environmental
avoid contamination of surface drinking water and the per- uses (aquifer recharge by direct injection) (Figure 2).
imeters of sanitary protection areas for water catchments;
the corrective measures needed to avoid contamination of How to get a water use permit
the drinking water distribution network; and occupational
health and training for workers in contact with reused water. The RDR establishes different administrative titles depend-
Annex I.A sets out the quality criteria for reusing water, ing on who is applying to use reclaimed water. If the
depending on its intended use. These criteria are expressed applicant is a third party, that is, someone who is neither a
in MPV and generally include parameters such as: Escheri- primary-use concession holder nor a discharge permit
chia coli, helminth eggs, suspended solids, turbidity holder, he or she must obtain a reuse concession from the
(mandatory parameters for all uses), Legionella, Salmonella, Administration (the corresponding regional water auth-
BOD5, COD, heavy metals, conductivity, SAR (specific ority). To do so, these applicants must follow the
absorption rate), chlorine/chlorides, nitrogen, phosphorus, procedure set out under Spanish water legislation, which sti-
and toxic substances including priority substances (for cer- pulates that a reuse plan must be submitted, as part of a
tain uses and in accordance with related legislation) (Table 2). competitive call for proposals from potentially interested
The use of reclaimed water for human consumption is parties (RDR Article 10).
prohibited, except in situations where a state of emergency On the other hand, if the person applying to use
has been declared, in which case the public health authority reclaimed water is already a primary-use concession holder,
will specify the necessary quality levels for that water. Simi- he or she must obtain a reuse concession, but in this case
larly, reclaimed water is prohibited for uses relating to the does not have to compete with other proposed uses. These
food industry, including the manufacture, treatment, conser- applicants will thus have priority over third-party applicants.
vation or sale of products and substances intended for Nevertheless, although the simplest approach would be to
human consumption; nor is it allowed for cleaning surfaces, amend the existing concession to cover the requested reuse,
objects or materials that may come into contact with food, applicants must complete and submit the form provided in
with the exception of water for processing and cleaning in Annex II, outlining their intentions for the reclaimed water
the food industry provided for in Annex I.A.3, Quality and indicating the use for which it is requested, along with
3.1 c. Reclaimed water is not permitted for use in hospitals a detailed reuse proposal describing all the relevant elements
and other similar facilities; in aquaculture facilities for of the request (RDR Article 8.3). The water authority exam-
bivalve molluscs; for recreational uses such as swimming ines the documentation and if it is in accordance with the
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Table 2 | Uses permitted under spanish law (RDR, annex 1.A)

Use Quality

1. Urban 1.1. RESIDENTIAL

a) Watering private gardens
b) Discharge from sanitary appliances
a) Irrigating urban green areas
b) Washing streets
c) Fire-fighting systems
d) Industrial vehicle washing
2. Agricultural 2.1. Irrigation of crops with a water application system that allows the reclaimed water to come into direct contact
with the edible parts of crops intended for human consumption and to be eaten raw
2.2. a) Irrigation of crops intended for human consumption with a water application system that does not prevent
the reclaimed water from coming into direct contact with the edible parts; however, the crops will undergo
subsequent industrial treatment rather than being eaten raw
b) Irrigation of pastures for feeding milk- or meat-producing livestock
c) Aquaculture
2.3. a) Localized irrigation of tree crops where reclaimed water is prevented from coming into contact with the
fruits intended for human consumption
b) Irrigation of ornamental flowers, nurseries and greenhouses, without direct contact between the reclaimed
water and the produce
c) Irrigation of industrial (non-food) crops, nurseries, silage, cereals and oilseeds
3. Industrial 3.1. a) Water for processing and cleaning, except in the food industry
b) Other industrial uses
c) Water for processing and cleaning, for use in the food industry
3.2. a) Cooling towers and evaporative condensers
4. Recreational 4.1. a) Irrigation of golf courses
4.2. a) Ornamental ponds, bodies of water and flowing water features, which the public is prevented from
5.1. a) Aquifer recharge by localized percolation through the ground
5.2. a) Aquifer recharge by direct injection
5. Environmental 5.3. a) Irrigation of woodland, green areas and other spaces that are not accessible by the public
b) Silviculture
5.4. a) Other environmental uses (maintenance of wetlands, minimum stream flows and similar)

River Basin Water Plan, processes the water rights appli-

cation. This review of the application involves a particular
focus on the potential impact of water reuse on the ecological
flows that may be affected by the resulting reduction in the
water returning to the river.
Lastly, applicants that are already discharge permit holders
(for water they use and treat themselves) need only a sup-
plementary authorization. To encourage investment in water
reclamation, the RDR gives preference over other applicants
(third parties and primary-use concession holders) to those
Figure 2 | Uses of reclaimed water in Spain (2014). Source: AEAS. who are already involved in wastewater treatment (RDR
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Articles 3.3 and 3.4) and also exempts them from having to Water reuse in the region of Murcia
submit a competing proposal. This is because the legislation
aims to promote water reuse; discharge permit holders already A region located in a basin with a chronic water resources
have the necessary infrastructure for wastewater treatment and deficit
will be able to take on the activity at a lower cost. However, it is
clear that prioritizing such users confers an additional benefit The Segura River Basin District (SRBD) is in the southeast
on the main discharge permit holders, town councils and of the Iberian Peninsula and comprises the territory covered
public sanitation companies, which already charge for the by the river basins that flow into the Mediterranean Sea. It
treatment services they provide (Bravo ). covers an area of approximately 18,870 km2, and practically
It should be noted that one of the main problems with the entire Region of Murcia falls within its boundaries. The
assigning reclaimed water is the fact that owners of treatment Segura River Basin is the only one classified as having a
facilities (for example, town councils) do not typically have a ‘chronic water resources deficit’ by the White Paper on
discharge permit; moreover, those who do hold a discharge Water, which clarifies that, ‘taking into account current
permit are not normally the owners of the land where the demands, this assessment indicates that the systems thus
reclaimed water will eventually be used (a requirement stipu- categorized have a structural deficit, regardless of the infra-
lated in Articles 8 and 9). This means that those applying to structure in place and even if the policy on water use and
use reclaimed water generally have to go through the most saving is optimized to the maximum extent theoretically
onerous procedure to gain reuse rights; namely, the pro- possible’ (White Paper on Water in Spain ) (Figure 3).
cedure set out in Article 10 of the RDR. The Region of Murcia, in southeastern Spain, covers an
This issue could be successfully addressed if a future area of 11,313 km2, had a population of 1,469,656 in 2016
amendment to the RDR permitted reuse applications made and belongs to the SRBD.
by municipalities for municipal uses of water sourced from The climatic region in southeastern Spain, where the
treatment plants within their urban centres to be processed Region of Murcia is located, has the highest level of exposure
as a new concession or a modification of an existing one, to the risk of naturally-occurring droughts in the Iberian
without having to take part in a competitive call for propo- Peninsula. There are a number of different reasons for this:
sals (Bravo ). it is on the leeward side relative to the westerly winds, close
In any case, the holder of the water reuse concession or to a subtropical subsidence region and in close proximity to
authorization is responsible for the quality of the reclaimed Africa. In addition, it is set back from the western Mediterra-
water and for monitoring it from the time the treated waste- nean basin, and the fairly mountainous terrain creates a foehn
water enters the WRF to the point of delivery of the effect on the westerly flows and provides shelter from Atlantic
reclaimed water. However, it is the user of the reclaimed storms (Gil ). Furthermore, this part of the peninsula is
water who is responsible for preventing any deterioration vulnerable to desertification as a consequence of its physical
in its quality from the point of delivery to its points of use framework which incorporates climatological, edaphological,
(RDR Articles 5.4 and 5.5). In all cases, in accordance vegetation and anthropic variables. Increasingly common
with Article 11.3 of the RDR, the holder of the concession water scarcity situations lead to direct impacts triggering a
or authorization has to cover the costs of carrying out any chain of desertification effects, which in the long term also
building works, operations and maintenance necessary to affects soil quality (López, ) (Figure 4).
ensure the water reuse meets the quality requirements stipu-
lated by current regulations. However, in accordance with Water reuse in the region of Murcia
Article 61.3 of the Consolidated Text of the Water Act
(TRLA), if the water authority chooses to substitute water The Region of Murcia forms part of the most water-stressed
flows from concessions with others from reuse, it will only river basin in Spain (Navarro and Martínez, ). The imbal-
assume the costs directly resulting from the substitution ance of water resources in this basin and recurrent drought
work, and those costs could be passed on to the recipients. has driven continuous improvement in water management.
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(PGSD in Spanish), which was approved for the entire

region, detailed the works to be carried out, basic design cri-
teria, and the quality targets in each case. A new tax, the
‘sanitation fee’ was created: managed and administered by
ESAMUR, it is intended principally as a way of covering
the costs of operating and maintaining the sanitation and
treatment facilities in the region, as well as the costs of
refurbishing WWTPs or small plants in more remote
towns and villages (Navarro ).

The general sanitation and wastewater treatment plan

The PGSD laid out three objectives. The first aim was to
comply with Directive 91/271/EEC, which required certain
levels of wastewater treatment to be set and stipulated that,
by 2005, all towns with more than 2,000 inhabitants had to
subject wastewater to secondary treatment. Second, in
response to the structural water deficit in the Segura River
Basin, which includes the Region of Murcia, the PGSD
sought to make more water available through the reuse of
reclaimed water. This meant developing further supplemen-
tary treatment, cleaning the wastewater not only to
secondary standards, but also implementing tertiary treat-
ments to guarantee optimum conditions for reusing
reclaimed water according to its intended use. Third, the
Figure 3 | Autonomous communities within the SRBD and geographical area. Source: plan had an important environmental objective: to protect
and restore the regional water environment, particularly
with respect to the Segura River, and its extremely degraded
In particular, given the historical and socio-economic impor- streams, aquifers and wetlands. To that end, new high-per-
tance of agriculture in this region, the reuse of water in formance WWTPs were built in the towns and cities along
agriculture has been a key priority: of the 154,680 hectares the course of the river (Calasparra, Cieza, Abarán, Blanca,
of irrigable land, 100,337 (64.86%) can make use of water Archena, Ceutí, Lorquí, Las Torres de Cotillas, Molina,
from WWTPs (ESAMUR ) (Figures 5 and 6). Murcia, Santomera and Beniel). The water produced by
As a result, the region has made major efforts with some of those plants is directly allocated to irrigation,
respect to the reuse of reclaimed water. Its determined while water from the others represents an important base
push towards the reuse of reclaimed water began with flow to the Segura River, helping to maintain its good eco-
Law 3/2000 of 12 July on Sanitation and Wastewater Treat- logical status.
ment in the Region of Murcia, which introduced a new The PGSD created a comprehensive system of infra-
management system for wastewater treatment and reuse. structure and management measures to plan and
The region took on responsibility for the management, use coordinate all the actions relating to sanitation and waste-
and monitoring of wastewater, and created the Sanitation water treatment in the Region of Murcia. These actions
and Wastewater Treatment Agency for the Region of are reinforced by other essential measures, such as monitor-
Murcia (known by its initials in Spanish as ESAMUR). ing wastewater discharges to the sewer system, source
The General Sanitation and Wastewater Treatment Plan control in the industrial sector, the design of a collection
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Figure 4 | Spatial distribution of average yearly rainfall (mm/y) in the SRBD (1980/81–2011/12). Source: SRBD, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment.

Figure 5 | Recorded volumes of treated wastewater in the Region of Murcia (hm3/y). Source: ESAMUR (2017).
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Figure 6 | Volumes of water from WWTPs used for irrigation in the Region of Murcia in 2016 (m3). Source: ESAMUR (2017).

and conveyance system for wastewater from population facilities, and the reclaimed water was subjected to more rig-
centres, and the construction of rainwater drainage infra- orous treatment before being used to fill the old lagoons.
structure such as stormwater tanks. The Region of Murcia These old treatment plants filled with reclaimed water
currently has 93 WWTPs, most of which provide advanced have become a lure for highly endangered species, with
tertiary treatment, and which serve more than 99% of the waterfowl such as the white-headed duck (Oxyura leucoce-
population. Virtually all of the resulting treated water is phala) and the marbled teal (Marmaronetta angustirostris)
reused, either directly, or more often indirectly. It is treated settling there, as well as other species considered a high con-
to a very high standard, removing around 99% of BOD5, servation priority, such as the ferruginous duck (Aythya
well above the level required by Directive 91/271. This is nyroca) and the western swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio).
especially important bearing in mind that, in 2011, the Such activity has been recorded in the Campotéjar and the
Court of Justice of the European Union sanctioned Spain Moreras lagoons, which are both listed under the Ramsar
for non-compliance with Directive 91/217/EC, as 38 Convention on Wetlands of International Importance
urban centres with more than 15,000 inhabitants failed to especially as Waterfowl Habitat, as well as the Alhama de
fulfil their obligations regarding the collection and treatment Murcia treatment facilities.
of wastewater (Judgment of the Court of 14 April 2011, Case As such, when modern WWTPs discharge their effluent
C343-2010) (Figures 7 and 8). into the former lagoon treatment plants, it makes the agri-
The PGSD has also had notable environmental effects: cultural use of reclaimed water compatible with the
(1) it has combined wastewater reclamation with the conser- conservation of biodiversity. In these old lagoons, a strip
vation of endangered aquatic species; and (2) it has led to of vegetation bordering the water develops (reeds, bulrushes,
the creation of a number of constructed wetlands, which tamarisk), converting these artificial pools into naturalized
have been declared Ramsar sites. The conservation of bio- lagoons. This system fulfils an economic and social function,
logical diversity in constructed wetlands helps create since the old facilities become reservoirs for treated water
ecosystems that attract a multitude of wetland species, that will later be used for agricultural irrigation. At the
restoring populations of the native avifauna. Thus, a same time, they serve a biodiversity-conservation function,
number of WWTPs were built on old lagoon treatment as the pools provide a home to a wide range of wetland
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Figure 7 | Wastewater treatment plants in the Region of Murcia. Source: ESAMUR (2017).

species, particularly those associated with deep freshwater in the early 1990s sparked interest in the options that yield
or slightly brackish lagoons. Moreover, this occurs in the new water resources. This interest has been growing in
particularly arid environment that characterizes the light of the inescapable fact that water scarcity is not a tem-
Region of Murcia, where there is a scarcity of structural porary, passing problem, but rather a global priority issue
water resources. (Embid )
The firm commitment to this system for obtaining non-
conventional water resources was made clear in the water
SEAWATER DESALINATION IN SPAIN policy of the socialist government during the eighth parlia-
mentary term (2004–2008): the A.G.U.A. Programme
In Spain, the desalination of seawater is no longer a mar- (Actions for the Management and Use of Water, known by
ginal hydrological policy option, but rather has become its initials in Spanish). Law 11/2005 amending Law 10/
one of the preferred alternatives. Until fairly recently, this 2001 of the National Water Plan, repealed the transfer
method was used almost exclusively in the Canary Islands, from the Ebro River to the south of the peninsular, instead
which, especially in the eastern islands, face similar water prioritizing a number of urgent actions on the Mediterra-
scarcity issues as the south of the Iberian Peninsula. In nean coast, including the construction, expansion and
fact, the drought that hit a large part of the Iberian Peninsula remodelling of a significant number of desalination plants.
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competitive agricultural production (Embid ). These

concerns have proved to be well founded.
Today, the cost of desalination in Spain remains a
major obstacle to achieving its full potential. Moreover,
this cost has increased in the last few years due to the lib-
eralization of the Spanish energy sector. Although the
development of state-of-the-art membranes can help cut
energy consumption in desalination systems, it seems that
improving the process is not enough, in and of itself.
Other options should also be considered, such as cogenera-
tion and grouping desalination plants together with energy
and/or WWTPs. Such measures can reduce costs by up to
10% (Ibáñez & Valerdi ).
It is difficult to provide current figures on the total cost
of desalination in Spain. The most recent official data avail-
able come from the Secretary of State for the Environment,
provided in the Senate Committee on Environment and Cli-
mate Change on 4 March 2013, which set Spain’s
investment in 51 planned desalination plants at €1.83 bil-
lion. At that time, it was judged that a further €711
million would be needed to complete the desalination
plant programme, which, on top of the investment already
made, would bring the total investment to €2.54 billion.
In the Segura River Basin, reductions in the price of
Figure 8 | Wastewater treatment plants within the SRBD. Source: SRBD, Ministry of desalinated water have been made on an exceptional
Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment.
basis for irrigators in the Region of Murcia, and these
are protected under special agreements. In 2015, in the
Construction work was carried out on 15 desalination midst of the drought declared by Royal Decree 356/
plants: Águilas, Marbella, Mutxamel/Campello, Torrevieja, 2015 of 8 May, €8 million was allocated to subsidize
Moncófar, Oropesa, Sagunto, Bajo Almanzora, Vega Baja, 50 hm3 from the Torrevieja desalination plant. The final
Denia, Adra, Western Costa del Sol and Níjar, including price of this desalinated water for the farmer was 0.30
expansion works at Jávea and Mojón. The official budget €/m3. To date, this precarious situation has not improved
for this work was set at €721 million (Navarro ). and so Royal Decree 335/2016 of 23 September extends
At the time, desalination was considered an extremely the drought declaration in the Segura River Basin. Mean-
promising option, if production costs could be brought while, irrigators are calling for a new agreement to
down. establish social pricing for desalinated water, which
would involve further subsidies for agricultural irrigation
The high cost of desalination: a pending issue water.

It soon became clear that desalination would have to over- Desalinated water, public water, private water
come certain difficulties in order to become a viable
alternative. Physical limitations and high prices suggested In Spain, desalinated water has been considered either
that only a few specific uses of desalinated water would be public water or private water, depending on the legislative
cost-effective: urban water supply or the most economically programme of the government of the day (González-Antón,
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12 T. Navarro | Water reuse and desalination in Spain – challenges and opportunities Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination | in press | 2018

). Desalination was first regulated by Royal Decree involve the private use (excluding third parties) of public
1327/1995 on seawater desalination facilities. At that time, water resources. Other authorizations and concessions are
desalinated water was deemed public water, as it was con- also required under coastal legislation and other laws (for
sidered part of the public water resources; that is, once it example, permits are required to occupy part of the public
had been produced, desalinated water was introduced into shoreline, to discharge brine, to convey water to its destina-
the water cycle along with inland water and renewable tion, carry out construction work, etc.).
groundwater resources. However, during the sixth parlia- Spanish legislation allows both public desalination oper-
mentary term (1996–2000), the conservative government ations (TRLA Article 13.2) and private initiatives (TRLA
of the Popular Party undertook a major reform of the Article 13.5). The desalinated water produced by private par-
water legislation through Law 46/999 of 13 December. ties can be used to supply residential developments, holiday
This reform was enacted within a framework of liberaliza- resorts that lack sufficient resources, and even for irrigation.
tion that sought to foster private provision of desalination, The public administration can develop desalination oper-
and so desalinated water was considered private property ations, building infrastructure through public works that
while it remained in the desalination plant. At that time, can be declared to be in the general interest of the State.
desalination was not restricted and could be carried out by These public works can be run directly by the Ministry, by
anyone who so chose. If the owner of the desalination regional water authorities or by commercial companies set
plant was a private individual, the desalinated water was up for this purpose (e.g. Acuamed). Irrigation communities
also privately owned and, until it became part of the can also be direct beneficiaries of the works and facilities
public water resources, it was not subject to the water legis- in their area; they can be granted the concession for desali-
lation in force. Moreover, since this water was private nated water directly, without having to compete with other
property, it could be sold. potential users for the rights.
That legislative regime remained in force until the
eighth parliamentary term (2004–2008), when the new gov- Desalination in the Segura River Basin
ernment of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party made the
water public once again. Law 11/2005 set out that water The SRBD suffers from a structural deficit. The available
produced by desalination forms part of the public water resources do not enable the achievement of good water
resources and, as such, is permanently subject to public status (one of the basic objectives of the WFD), nor do
water legislation. they meet the demands of its users. As a result, water has
All this draws attention to a number of issues: first of all, to be transferred from other basins, which makes the
the political significance of desalination, since each govern- SRBD unique among Spanish river basin districts.
ment in turn has modified regulations to bring them in line A central tenet of river basin planning in the Segura River
with its political ideology. Second, it highlights the legal Basin has always been that, in order to accomplish
practicalities of deciding whether, under the law, desali- environmental goals relating to groundwater bodies, the over-
nated water is a public good or private property. This will exploitation of groundwater resources must be halted by
depend on whether the current law regulating desalination replacing them with new, external resources. To that end,
is based on a more liberal or more interventionist political the Segura River Basin District Water Plan (SRBDWP)
ideology ( Jiménez ). 2015–2021, approved by Royal Decree 1/2016 of 8 January
(Official State Gazette, 19 January 2016), proposes measures
Legal framework aimed at modernizing irrigation, reusing treated wastewater,
desalination and replacing non-renewable groundwater
The laws governing desalination are set out in Article 13 of resources with new external resources (Table 3, Figure 9).
the Consolidated Text of the Water Act (TRLA in Spanish), According to the above-mentioned SRBDWP 2015–
approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2001 of 20 July. 2021, the maximum desalination capacity forecasted for
Desalination operations require a concession since they the SRBD is 332 hm3/y for the 2015 horizon and
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Table 3 | Non-conventional water resources in the Segura River basin (hm3/y). source: CONCLUSIONS
SRBD. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment

SRBDHP 2009/ SRBDHP 2015/ The current shortage and uneven distribution of water
15 Horizon 21 Horizon Difference
Water resource 2015 2015 (%)
resources is a global problem. Even in areas where rainfall
or freshwater resources are abundant, shortages can occur,
Seawater desalination 139 158 14
which are exacerbated by population growth and the rising
Direct/Indirect treated 144 144 0
urban wastewater
water demand in agriculture, industry and households.
reclamation Moreover, drought and scarcity have been endemic pro-
blems in certain countries in southern Europe, such as
Spain, which has long sought to tackle these extreme hydro-
339 hm3/y for the horizons 2021, 2027 and 2033. The logical situations and has a mature and well-developed legal
expected production from a total of 13 desalination plants framework for doing so.
is 158 hm3/y for the 2015 scenario (96 hm3/y for agricul- The global nature of water scarcity challenges cannot be
3 3
tural use and 62 hm /y for urban use), 193 hm /y for the addressed in isolation from the similarly pressing problem of
2021 scenario (126 hm3/y for agricultural use and 67 hm3/y climate change, as the two are directly connected. Several
for urban use) and 209 hm /y for the 2027 scenario studies have shown that the incidence of droughts in
(126 hm3/y for agricultural use and 98 hm3/y for urban Europe has increased by 20% since 1976, and although
and other uses) (SRBDWP Report 2015–2021). These data the frequency of torrential rainfall will increase, average
are reported in Table 4. annual rainfall is set to decrease throughout Spain, with a

Figure 9 | Seawater desalination plants recorded in the Segura River Basin District (2017) Planning process. Source: SRBD. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment.
T. Navarro
Water reuse and desalination in Spain – challenges and opportunities
Table 4 | Seawater and/or brackish water desalination plants recorded in the Segura River Basin District planning process, and their expected output per use and planning horizon. source: SRBD. Ministry of Agriculture and
Fisheries, Food and Environment

Location (ETRS89 H30) Horizon 2015 Horizon 2021 Horizon 2027 Horizon 2033

Water Desalination Irrigation Urban, industrial & Irrigation Urban, industrial & Irrigation Urban, industrial & Irrigation Urban, industrial &
Plant X Y (hm3) services (hm3) (hm3) services (hm3) (hm3) services (hm3) (hm3) services (hm3)

Alicante I 716,589 4,241,982 –58 urban MCT –63 urban MCT –79 urban MCT –87 urban MCT
townships townships townships townships
Alicante II 716,744 4,242,072

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San Pedro del 696,103 4,190,773 –2 industrial –2 industrial –2 industrial –2 industrial
Pinatar I non non non non
connected connected connected connected
San Pedro del 696,196 4,190,777 –2 golf –2 golf –2 golf –11 golf
Pinatar II
Valdelentisco 657,210 4,161,124 27 37 37 37
Águilas 624,617 4,142,482 34 48 48 48
Escombreras 681,629 4,161,292 7 7 7 7
Torrevieja 701,374 4,204,425 5 11 11 11
El Mojón 695,981 4,190,695 2 2 2 2

Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination

CR Virgen de los 649,764 4,159,822 10 10 10 10
CR Marina de 633,119 4,146,662 2 2 2 2
CR Águilas 624,617 4,142,183 2 2 2 2
Bajo Almanzora 607,533 4,124,376 7 7 7 7
TOTALS 96 62 126 67 126 83 126 100
158 hm3 193 209 hm3 226 hm3

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particular impact on the southern third of the Iberian programmes that will enable them to ‘do more with less’
Peninsula. in their territories, thereby promoting a rational and sustain-
Faced with this scenario of increasing global scarcity able use of their water resources.
and drought, industrial water production techniques such
as desalination and reuse have started to play a more promi-
nent role. This paper has shown the legal framework and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
current status of these techniques in Spain, a country
which has come to be recognized as a key point of reference This study is part of research project 19325/PI/14 funded by
in this respect. This can help in the construction of a more the Fundación Séneca-Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología
general framework, like the European one, and shed light [Seneca Foundation – Agency of Science and Technology]
on other comparative legal experiences. of the Region of Murcia within the framework of PCTIRM
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has made the production of new alternative water resources
a clear priority, turning the country into a leader in
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First received 31 July 2017; accepted in revised form 21 December 2017. Available online 11 January 2018

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