Automatic Number Plate Recognition
Automatic Number Plate Recognition
Automatic Number Plate Recognition
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue VI June 2020- Available at
Abstract: Segmentation and recognition plays a key role in the Number Plate Recognition (NPR) structure. It is a picture
dispensation knowledge which uses number plates to recognize the object. Substantial literature exists and extensive research has
been done till now regarding number plate recognition systems to resolve recognition problems and how it can be used in real
time. The objective is to develop an efficient system using number plates. The proposed system first detects a vehicle and then
captures its image which is followed by extraction of number plate location followed by recognition. The output plate number
obtained is then matched with the data records saved in the database to acquire information of driver's name, vehicle registration
place. The system is implemented and simulated in MATLAB as huge codes can be directly replaced by single preloaded methods.
Paper also discusses certain areas and the future research which can be done in the field of NPR for efficient application of the
technique in the real world.
With the increase in today’s population, vehicles on the road are also rapidly increasing therefore authenticity of driver and vehicle
is a major concern nowadays. It will take a lot of manpower and an enormous amount of time for manual entries of each vehicle and
also after that,100 percent accuracy is not guaranteed. To resolve this issue, we develop a software system aka Automatic Number
plate Recognition (ANPR) which Automatically recognizes the number plate and stores it in the database. This system helps in
controlling the traffic and its major application is security. It helps in access control of unwanted vehicles in restricted areas and
zones and for monitoring vehicles on the road.
Identification of Number plate is not an easy task due to the nature of light. This system investigates an input image area which
contains licence plate. An input image can contain plate number anywhere so it is difficult to check every region of the input image.
In ANPR system uses technique called spectral analysis which is used to acquire the image, extract the number plate region from the
input image followed by character segmentation for matching each extracted letter with the letters stored in the system database.
The main advantage of this technique is that it can catch the image of moving vehicle and then send it for segmentation and
recognition[1]. Now if the output number plate matches with the registered number plate in the database then it is allowed to go
forward otherwise it is restricted. This system can be implemented in parking slots, societies, colleges, toll etc.
The task to detect Number plate from input images of the car in an open environment is not easy because of the colour of number
plate characters and the background of the same. Gradients from actual images are first adopted to determine candidate number
plate regions[2]. At present, we have algorithms that are dependent on Canny edge detector, morphological operation, and
The algorithm for license plate location comprises of several stages such as Edge Detection, Morphological operation similar to
dilation and erosion. Smoothing, character segmentation and plate characters recognition are discussed in [3][4][5][6].
The essential move in acknowledgment of vehicle number plate is to notice the plate size. In common, number plates are in
rectangular shape, thus it is essential to notice the limits of the rectangular plate. Mathematical morphology is used to notice the
region of attention and Sobel operator are used to calculate the threshold value, that detect high light regions with high edge
magnitude and high edge variance.
Now, we get the lines of the elevated contrasted images through a binary gradient mask. But we don’t get quite a precise outline of
the purpose of interest. Compared to the unique section, difference in joining lines can be viewed that environs the item in the
gradient mask. But if we expand the Sobel image using linear structuring elements then linear gaps can get vanish. We symbolize
the Structuring element as matrices, which are a characteristic of a sure structure and helps to measure the figure of an image which
is used to bear other picture dispensation operations. Via the upright structuring constituent followed by the straight structuring
constituent we extend the binary gradient mask.
In MATLAB there is a function imfill (BW, “holes”) that support to fills holes in the binarized image. The dilated gradient mask
shows the sketch of the cell quite correctly, but we can still see some holes in the inside of the cell. Outlet is recognized as the place
of setting pixels that have not separated by fulfilling the backdrop from the limits of the figure. In Figure 5.2 we can see what it will
occur after removing fewer than 100 associated pixels. So, to fill these holes imfill function in MATLAB is used.
D. Character Segmentation
Character segmentation in number region detection is the most imperative module, because it is the core for all auxiliary steps that
are rely on it. If there is a collapse in segmentation, a character could get indecently divided into half pieces, or two characters. So to
decide this trouble there comes a practice called boundary box technique. The bounding box procedure is used to determine
properties of the image section. Once a bounding box formed for every character and for each number accessible on number plate,
each character & number is separate out for recognition of number plate. The result of operation is shown.
In this scheme, application software is designed to find the facts of the owner or car by detecting vehicles number plate. First, we
remove the position of a plate using morphological process then we divide the plate characters separately by segmentation. Finally,
we contest template with the use of correlation for gratitude of plate characters. Some promising difficulties are: 1. Broken number
plate. 2. Blurry image. 3. Observed region not within the perfect requirement. 4. Less clarity of the visuals. 5. Deprived preservation
of the vehicle section. comparison amongst same symbols, like, O and D; 5 and S; 8 and B, E; O and 0, etc.
[1] R.Radha1 and C.P.Sumathi2, “A Novel approach to extract text from license plate of vehicle”, Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ)
Vol.3, No.4, August 2012.
[2] Shen Zheng Wang & His-Jian Lee “Detection and Recognition of License Plate Characters with Different Appearances”,IEEE Intelligent Transportation
Systems, Proceedings 2003 , vol.2 , Page(s): 979 – 984.
[3] Humayun Karim Sulehria, Ye Zhang, Danish Irfan, Atif Karim Sulehria, “ Vehicle Number Plate Recognition Using Mathematical Morphology and Neural
Networks”, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMPUTERS, Volume 7,ISSN: 1109-2750, Issue 6, June 2008.
[4] Dr. P.K.Suri, Dr. Ekta Walia, Er. Amit Verma,” Vehicle Number Plate Detection using Sobel Edge Detection Technique”, International Journal of Computer
Science and Technology, ISSN : 2229 – 4333, IJCST Vol. 1, Issue 2, December 2010.
[5] Kumar Parasuraman and P.Vasantha Kumar, “ An Efficient Method for Indian Vehicle License Plate Extraction and Character Segmentation”, IEEE
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research,2010.
[6] Lekhana G.C, R.Srikantaswamy ,“Real time license plate recognition system”, International Journal of Advanced Technology & Engineering Research
(IJATER), National Conference on Emerging Trends in Technology (NCETTech) ISSN, Volume 2, Issue 4, ISSN No: 2250-3536, July 2012.