Secure File Storage On Cloud Using Hybrid Cryptography

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

11(04), 01-05

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Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/16613



Ashwin Satheesh Kumar1, Anfah K.1, Hariharan T.1, Rosna Parveen1, Sizan Mahmud1 and Dr. Sonal
1. Department of CSE CTIS, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, JAIN (Deemed-to-be-University) Karnataka
562112, India.
2. Associate Professor School of CSE.
Manuscript Info Abstract
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Manuscript History Our project aims to provide secure file storage for users on the cloud
Received: 05 February 2023 (specifically on AWS S3) by utilizing a hybrid cryptography approach.
Final Accepted: 09 March 2023 This involves encrypting files using both AES and RSA algorithms,
Published: April 2023 with the user receiving the encryption key through email. To further
enhance security, the key will be hidden behind an image or within a
PDF document using steganography techniques. Additionally, the files
stored in the S3 bucket will also be encrypted, but instead of encrypting
the contents of the file, we will encrypt the file format itself. The file
format can be decrypted using the GHE decryption key and software,
which will be made available to end-users. Overall, our project aims to
provide a robust and secure solution for cloud-based file storage.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2023,. All rights reserved.

In today's digital age, the majority of people rely on the internet and mobile storage devices to send and receive data.
However, despite knowing that personal information can be compromised, many individuals neglect to encrypt their
data. Information security has always been crucial, but with technology's increasing control over various aspects of
our daily lives, it has become even more critical. Cryptography serves as a crucial security layer by translating
messages into an unreadable format for unauthorized third parties. Our program's ultimate goal is to develop highly
secure AES and RSA cryptography algorithms that are low power, high-throughput, and reliable in real-time. While
cloud-based internet security provides an outsourced solution for secure data storage, security breaches often occur
due to employee error. It is crucial to enhance user security to improve data storage safety. Around the world, there
is an increasing demand for cloud-based solutions, including secure data storage and for full business processes.
Therefore, this study aims to explore the effectiveness of hybrid cryptography in securing cloud-based data storage
and preventing data breaches caused by employee errors [10].

Literature Survey
DATA storage in the cloud(2020)
This paper centers around the integration of Hybrid cryptography with a cloud storage system. The authors provide
insights into a new architecture's implementation, which can provide an improved level of security for outsourcing
information in a cloud computing environment that involves multiple independent cloud providers. The framework
includes dual encryption and data fragmentation techniques that facilitate the secure distribution of information in a

Corresponding Author:- Ashwin Satheesh Kumar 1

Address:- Department of CSE CTIS, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, JAIN
(Deemed-to-be-University) Karnataka 562112, India.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(04), 01-05

multi-cloud environment. The authors have addressed various concerns related to this area, particularly those
concerning integrity, security, confidentiality, and authentication [3]


The objective of the PKA encryption scheme is to complement, or replace, existing Public Key Infrastructures
(PKI). In this scheme, the initialization step is based on the secure exchange of addressable cryptographic tables
between the communicating parties. These tables are generated either with random numbers, or with arrays of
addressable Physical Unclonable Function (PUFs). The subsequent communications between the parties can
therefore occurs over untrusted channels, by exchanging dynamically generated public keys. Private keys are,
generated independently with all communicating parties using their cryptographic tables, and the shared public
keys. The private keys are combined with methods such as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to encrypt and
decrypt the communication between users. The generation of private keys is done without mathematical
computations that are potentially vulnerable to quantum computers using algorithms such as the one developed by
Shor. PKA is fast and requires approximately 800 CPU clock cycles. We implemented, and tested the PKA
dynamic key exchange scheme in legacy systems to secure PC-to-PC communication, and PC to smart card
communication with AES [2]

This paper focuses on how files are securely stored using cryptography. It also discusses the drawbacks of just using
just one cryptographic algorithm and a method of securing user data stored on the cloud by utilizing hybrid
cryptography algorithms. The authors propose a tool that encrypts files using both AES and RSA, and the user
receives the key via email. [5]

To make a secure file storage system in the cloud using hybrid cryptography

Proposed Methodolgy:-
Step 1: Execute the python program
Step 2: Console login for end users.
Step 3: Files will be moved to your secure storage bucket
Step 4: Hybrid encryption process will begin. Any two of the best symmetric and asymmetric encryptions will
be chosen [3,5]
Step 5: The contents of the file won’t be encrypted rather the file format would be encrypted
Step 6: Key is sent directly to your email ID [5]
Step 7: It uses steganography to send the key [5]
Step 8: Decryption software will only be with the end users

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(04), 01-05

System Design
Flow Chart:

Hardware And Software Requirements

1. 32-bit or a 64-bit Computer
2. Windows, macOS or Linux
3. Python 3 and above for the source code
4. Mail Trap for mailing services
5. AWS S3 for cloud storage services

1.Call help by running main code with -h para meter

2.Uploading our file into the AWS s3 bucket

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(04), 01-05

3.Decrypting the encrypted file by loading it from s3

The project described involves implementing a two-stage encryption algorithm that offers high security, scalability,
confidentiality, and ease of accessibility for multimedia content on the cloud. The second stage of the algorithm is
critical as it involves a randomly generated key that provides greater security than conventional encryption systems.
The resulting ciphertext is stored in the cloud, and it is extremely difficult to recover the original content without the
random asymmetric key. The proposed algorithm has wide applications and protects information from side-channel
attackers who attempt to grab data from the cloud. As a result, your content is kept safe in the cloud using this

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2. Bilal habib, Bertrand Cambou, Duanebooher, Christopher Philabaum. Public key exchange scheme that is
addressable (pka)(2017)
3. BijetaSeth,SurjeetDalal,VivekJaglan,Dac-Nhuong Le,SenthilkumarMohan,Gautam Srivastava. Integrating
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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 11(04), 01-05

9. MaitriPV,VermaA(2016)Securefilestorageincloudcomputingusinghybridcryptography algorithm. In:

International conference on wireless communications, signal processing and networking (WiSPNET), Chennai,
pp 1635–1638
10. Chinnasamy P, Deepalakshmi P (2018) Design of secure storage for health-care cloud using hybrid
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