LSC 86 Manual - SIEM-JITPL.5404A-EL-3-0608
LSC 86 Manual - SIEM-JITPL.5404A-EL-3-0608
LSC 86 Manual - SIEM-JITPL.5404A-EL-3-0608
Installation and Maintenance Instructions
2150KVA - 3125KVA
Double bearing
Sl.No. Description Page Sl.No. Description Page No.
1.10 Operation 5
1.11 Maintenance 5
1.12 Bearings 5
1.12.1 Type of Bearing 5
1.12.2 Regreasable Bearing 6
1.0 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE outlet on the machine and any nearby
INSTRUCTIONS wall must not be less than the dimension
stated below, otherwise ventilation will
1.1 Checking for damage incurred during be obstructed.
transit Minimum distance ( guide value ) : 1 x diameter
of machine
Precise, careful alignment of the machine When connecting the cable, make sure that
ensures that it runs with minimum vibration, no mechanical forces acts on the
this extends the service life of the machine machine’s connecting terminals, i.e.
and in particular of the bearings. Only outgoing cables are properly supported.
flexible coupling of low radial rigidity should
be used. If current surges or vibrations are to be
expected, secure the cables with cable clips
Even slight errors of alignment can or racks. If the plant is set up on flexible
rapidly result in damaged bearings. mountings, ensure adequate slack in the
It is vital that all the feet are fully in contact
with surface . Uneven / under surfaces 1.8 Things to Remember
cause stresses in the bearings and must be
compensated for by attaching sheet metal • Load should be balanced in all the three
shims. Once the machine is aligned phases, current unbalance should not
correctly, secure it properly. be more than 20%, with current not
exceeding the rated current in any of the
1.7 Electrical connections • Do not operate the machine at less than
The machine must be connected up 0.8 power-factor without deration.
• Isolate AVR during Meggar and High
according to the marking on the bus bar of Voltage tests.
the terminal box diagram. Installation is • Do not start the alternator on load.
permitted by a qualified electrician only.
When measuring the insulation resistance, Increased vibration may be observed due to
all connections (main connection, improper alignment, poorly fitted foundation
measuring connection and protection or or frame, or weak mountings. This must be
suppression circuit) must be disconnected corrected for trouble-free operation.
from the winding.
1.11 Maintenance
Measurement must be carried out using
500 V DC. Brushless machines are maintenance-
free apart from their regreasable
Due to the capacitive charge in the winding, bearings and the dust filters, if fitted.
the measurement unit indicates the correct
insulation resistance value only after Before starting work on the machine, make
several seconds have elapsed. Earth the sure that it is switched off and take action to
winding immediately after the measuring prevent it from being switched on again. All
has been switched off. work must be performed by qualified staff
If the insulation values too low, first check
the terminal insulation for dirt and moisture. If there is moisture or dust in the terminal
Clean or dry them as the case may be, and box, it must be removed above all from the
repeat the measurement. Damp windings surface of the insulating parts. The reason
can lead to current leakage, flash-over or for the accumulation of moisture or dust
break down. must then be established and rectified.
If the insulation resistance on new, All windings must be cleaned with dry
cleaned or repaired windings is less compressed air at least once a month to
than that stated below, drying out is prevent accumulation of dust. It is important
needed (see item 1.13 drying out the to check the free flow of cooling air through
machine) the alternator from time to time. Any
blockage should be immediately removed.
4.0 MΩ at a winding temperature of 25°C Diodes should be checked for their
1.5 MΩ at a winding temperature of 80°C healthiness and the excitation current of the
alternator should be regularly monitored, if
1.9.2 Operating speed possible.
fitted with deep- groove ball bearings and Initial greasing quantity and regreasing
roller bearing. The Driving end side has a quantity at each lubrication point in grams
floating bearing, the Non driving end side a (guide values only.)
floating bearing and fixed bearing. Size (LSC) 86
The deep-groove ball bearings are axially Initial greasing 350
pre-loaded in relation to each other by Regreasing 70
* Amount of grease required when renewing bearing
spring element; this ensures smoother
Type of anti- friction bearing grease
running and reduces the negative effects of
external sources of vibration on the
On delivery, the bearings are lubricated with
high grade, lithium-soap grease of grade 3
consistency such as
1.12.2 Regreasable Bearing
Shell Alvania G3
The alternators of Frame size LSC86are
Castrol AP3
fitted with relubricted devices normally bear
a plate on which the following information is
The grease channels between the
• Regreasing intervals in hours of
lubricating nipple and bearing are filled with
above bearing grease before leaving the
• Type or specification of anti-friction
bearing grease
Before regreasing clean the nipple so
that dirt cannot enter the bearing
Always regrease the bearings with same
selected brand of grease
Using a medium sized manual grease gun
(approx. capacity 500 g).approx. 1 g of
grease can be fed in per stroke at the 1.13 Drying out the Machine
tapered lubrication nipple (AM 8 * 1 DIN If the insulation value is between winding
71427) and the core or between winding is less
than the stated in item 1.9.1, the machine
Where possible, apply grease when the needs drying.
machine is running, unless this represents a
hazard for operating personnel. 1.13.1 Drying out with internal ventilation
Regreasing Interval In many cases it can be dried suitably using
its own ventilation system, but it should not
Bearing must be regreased in accordance be live while this is being carried out.On the
with the regreasing interval stated on the Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) , the
alternator plate, but at least once in every connection V, W, X1 and Z1 must be
six months. opened.If no improvement in the installation
Relubricating quantity resistance is registered after a running
DE and NDE side bearing must be period of approx., two hours , the alternator
regreased with the amount of grease must be dried out by shorting.
After about three regreasing operations, 1.13.2 Drying out by short-circuiting
remove expelled grease.
After about five regreasing operations, keep a)Short the main terminals U, V and W via a
applying more grease until fresh grease is current transformer and current meter
visible at outlets. Then run the machine if (for approx. 1.2 X nominal current) while
possible at half speed for one hour and then the machine is at standstill.
at the nominal speed.Check the b)Disconnect terminals E + and E - as well
temperature of the bearings and compare as U and V on the Voltage regulator.
with those temperatures obtained before c)Use12/24 V battery and rheostat to feed
regreasing. in exciter current at terminals E+ and E -
Important 0.5 A. If circuit breaker is tripped, the
Connect the positive pole to E + and alternator must be de-excited and stopped
the negative pole to E - . immediately.
The AVR should be assembled in such a
d)Run the alternator at its nominal speed way that there is a free flow of cooling air
and adjust the short circuit current at the around it, and the ambient temperature
rheostat to approx. 1.2 X nominal current must not exceed 65°C.
(see name plate). Continue to dry the
machine until its insulation resistance has 1.14.3 Self Excitation
risen to a sufficient level. We recommend
measuring at approx. 2-hour intervals. LSC alternators are provided with 6 Nos.
permanent magnets in the exciter stator for
TYPE OF AVR frame 86 in order to provide sufficient
Types kVA Rating Suitable for residual magnetism and in order to have
R-449 2150-3125 Solo & parellel smooth self excitation. However, problems
with excitation may be caused by
1.14 Automatic Voltage Regulator contaminated de-excitation contacts or a
(AVR R-449) field connection with the wrong polarity.
On alternators that have not been operated
The AVR R-449 or Automatic Voltage
for a long time, it may be necessary to
Regulator is a state- of-the-art advanced
introduce an external excitation voltage.
electronic voltage regulator which ensures
high voltage regulation of ±1%. It has an
excellent dynamic response and the
recovery time is 300 to 500 ms on To do this, briefly connect up a 4.5V or 6 V
application of full load. The AVR is potted battery (at nominal speed) with positive to
so that it can operate even in humid and E+ and negative to E-.
corrosive atmosphere. It provides factory
set under-speed- protection for the
alternator by U/f function. The AVR is
mounted on anti-vibration dampers for long
life. 2.0 Spares parts list
For details of AVR 449 Please refer manual Applicable
3219 GB-4.33/b-07.01 Item Code Description kVA
In case of Grid Parelling use of Module R726 Ratings
if necessary.For details please refer manual Above
2440-4.33/c-2.01 4448788 AVR- R-449
4626113 Varistor
Caution : 2000
Use 932 Taparia make screw driver for Above
4551759 Diode Module 2000
AVR pot adjustments!
Bearing (Regreasable) Above
16036 2000
1.14.2 External mounting of AVR Bearing (Regreasable) Above
1036 2000
The following protective measures must be Permanent Magnet for
4471362 All
taken if the AVR is installed externally in the
switching panel:
The sensing line U, V is to be laid using
short circuit proof cable (1.5 mm2) from the
alternator to the switching panel. we
recommends the installation of a three
phase Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) with
a thermal tripping current of approximately
3.0 Trouble shooting chart
If AVR is faulty. Disconnect AVR and connect 12 V DC supply between E+ and E- terminals
(at 2 point terminal block on NDE shield) of exciters stator (with +ve to E+ and -ve to E-), when
machine is running at 1500 rpm on no load. If output voltage is between 400 V to 460 V, it
indicates that AVR is faulty. Replace the AVR.
4.0 GENERAL 1500 rpm on no load. If the alternator
4.1 Rectifier Diodes Check terminal voltage is 400 to 460 volts and
AREP winding terminal voltage across X1-
The diodes on the rectifier assembly can be X2 & Z1 –Z2 is 70 to 100 volts; the
checked with a multimeter. The flexible alternator is healthy.
leads connected to each diode should be
disconnected at the terminal end, and the
forward and reverse resistance checked.
On an electronic digital multimeter a healthy 4.5 Recommended Metering Instruments
diode will give a low resistance in one for checks
direction, and a high resistance in the other, • Multimeter 0-500 Vac, 0-100 Vdc, 0-400
but a faulty diode will show high resistance ohms.
in both the direction. Replace the faulty • Digital low resistance micro / milli ohm
diode. meter.
• Clip-on Ammeter 0-500 amps.
4.2 Windings Checks • Frequency meter.
Winding Resistance should be with in ± • Meggar 500 Vdc
10% of given values at 20°C