Letter To State Agencies Requesting Budget Cuts
Letter To State Agencies Requesting Budget Cuts
Letter To State Agencies Requesting Budget Cuts
Please accept our sincere thanks for the incredible work provided by your agencies and institutions and
the dedication you have shown to help the state through this troubling time. Each agency has taken on
the challenge and worked tirelessly to ensure that essential services are provided to Texans in need.
Know that we are committed to prioritizing the public health of our state.
As you have no doubt seen, there is significant economic uncertainty not only in this state but across the
country and around the world. We are confident that Texas will get back to work and continue leading
the nation in job growth, economic innovation, and business creation. however, it will take months
until we know the true extent of the economic ramifications of COVID-19, and how combating this
virus will impact state finances. To prepare for this economic shock, we must take action today to
ensure that the state can continue providing the essential government services that Texans expect.
To achieve that goal, every state agency and institution of higher education must engage in prudent
fiscal management efforts. Savings achieved in the current biennium are not only necessary to offset
current year revenue losses, the savings will provide for the smoothest path toward recovery as you
provide necessary services to Texans. Some cost saving strategies that agencies should pursue that will
not affect the state’s response to COVID-1 9 include foregoing any capital expenditures that can be
deferred, any avoidable travel expenditures, any administrative expenses that are not mission critical.
and keeping unfilled any open positions that are not essential to the COVID-l9 response. These savings
should be lapsed to the Treasury.
Additionally, we request each state agency and institution of higher education submit a plan identifying
savings that will reduce your general and general revenue related appropriations by five percent for the
2020-202 1 biennium. Please submit this plan to the Legislative Budget Board and the Office of the
Governor by June 15, 2020.
Given the importance of the state’s response to COVID-19 and the continuity of critical government
functions, the following are excluded from the five percent reduction:
• Appropriations to the Texas Division of Emergency Management. the Texas Department of State
Health Services, the Texas Workforce Commission, the Texas Military Department, and the
Texas Department of Public Safety;
May 20, 2020
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In the coming weeks, the Legislative Budget Board and the Office of the Governor will issue
instructions for the Legislative Appropriations Request that each state agency and institution of higher
education will submit for the 2022-2023 biennium. While the exact final instructions are still being
determined, every state agency and institution should prepare to submit reduced budget requests as well
as strategies to achieve further savings. Furthermore, when the state revenue picture becomes clearer in
the coming months, it may become necessary to make additional budget adjustments.
Though state leaders will make difficult decisions in the future, please know that we will not impede
your agency’s response to the coronavirus threat or take actions that will harm the public health of this
state. As Texans recover from this pandemic, it is incumbent that state government continues to
maintain mission critical services without placing a greater burden on taxpayers. Your assistance in
achieving these goals is imperative.
Our offices stand ready to assist you with any questions you have or any clarifications that may be
necessary. Thanks again for your service to the state and her people. We will get through this time by
helping our fellow neighbors and relying on them in turn.
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Greg Abbott Dan Patrick Demis Bonnen
Governor Lieutenant Governor Speaker of the House