Guideline On Reuse of Existing Piles
Guideline On Reuse of Existing Piles
Guideline On Reuse of Existing Piles
See Distribution List
Dear Sir / Madam
In Singapore, old piles are frequently left in the ground after buildings have been
demolished, to make way for en bloc redevelopment. It is often difficult, costly and even risky
to remove the old piles. Over the years, BCA has received enquiries from the industry
regarding the reuse of existing piles. It is essential that existing piles are reused safely to
continue to sustain the loads of new buildings throughout their entire design life span.
2. Therefore, guidelines have been developed to ensure that existing piles will be reused
safely. BCA has taken the initiative to form an industry working group comprising practitioners
and members from Institution of Engineers Singapore (IES), Association of Consulting
Engineers Singapore (ACES) and Geotechnical Society of Singapore (GeoSS), to jointly
formulate the guidelines to meet the needs of the industry. The workgroup has also consulted
major government agencies that have an interest in reusing the existing piles before finalising
the guidelines as described in Annex A.
3. The guidelines specify conditions to be met for piles to be reused. Additionally,
verification tests to determine the load carrying capacity and integrity of existing piles are
proposed in the guidelines. These guidelines shall be complied with when making submissions
of structural plans, that involve the reuse of existing cast‐in‐place bored piles for building
foundations, to the Commissioner of Building Control for approval. Proposals that involve the
reuse of other pile types shall be reviewed on a case‐by‐case basis.
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Table 1: Pile Verification Test Schedule
Type of Verification Tests Recommended Pile Test
(a) Working load test 2 numbers or 2% of reused piles,
(to verify safe working load of pile) whichever is greater
(b) Full pile coring 2 numbers or 2% of reused piles,
(to validate as‐built pile depth) whichever is greater
(c) Compressive strength of concrete 5 numbers or 10% of reused
(to determine characteristic strength of piles, whichever is greater
(d) Non‐destructive integrity test ‐ by high strain 25% of reused piles
dynamic test
(to assess pile integrity and verify pile depth)
Note: The test quantities in Table 1 are recommended as a minimum. QPs must assess
all factors and propose an adequate number and appropriate types of
verification tests to be conducted.
3.2 Full coring test on existing piles provides a direct verification of the as‐built pile depth.
In circumstances where full pile coring cannot be carried out, QPs can propose
alternative methods of testing, such as geophysical survey techniques, to determine the
as‐built depth of existing piles. Under such circumstances, QPs will need to evaluate the
accuracy and reliability of the adopted method and propose an adequate number of
such verification tests to account for the lesser degree of certainty in test results.
3.3 Pile working load tests should be carried out by static maintained load test procedure.
Rapid load tests can be adopted if its reliability has been established through calibration
with a static maintained load test for the specific site, with due allowance for creep and
loading rate effect.
4. Other recommended verification tests on existing piles to be reused
4.1 In addition to the verification tests shown in Table 1, QPs shall assess the need to carry
out other tests to verify the durability, size of existing piles, and other essential pile
information needed for design. This can include the following types of tests:
(a) Carbonation test on concrete – to assess risk of steel reinforcement corrosion
(b) Petrographic test – to assess durability of concrete
(c) Borehole sonar – to verify the as‐built pile diameter and pile integrity
5. What must be included in the QP’s assessment report?
5.1 QPs shall carry out a detailed assessment of the existing piles they intend to reuse to
support the new building. The report shall contain the following:
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(a) Assessment and computation of the structural capacity of each pile to be reused, in full
compliance to the present codes of practice, including the applicable Eurocode standards.
The magnitude of the working load adopted shall not exceed the working load stated on
the as‐built drawings.
(b) Review of the records of the reused piles, such as records of pile design, pile installation,
load test, as‐built plans and existing conditions of the piles.
(c) Assessment of the durability of the existing piles to be able to endure the duration of the
intended design life span of the piles.
(d) Assessment of the performance of the proposed foundation of the buildings supported
by a mixture of new piles and existing piles, taking into consideration their relative
stiffness and different pile types.
(e) Proposed types and number of verification tests to verify the as‐built information of the
existing piles, including depth, size, material strength, reinforcement size and
reinforcement length.
(f) Precautionary measures implemented to ensure that piles are left intact and not affected
by the demolition process. Demolition work has to be properly planned and supervised
by competent personnel.
6. Review of the verification test results
6.1 QPs shall oversee the execution of the verification tests and carry out a review of the test
results to ensure that the design intent is fulfilled. The review should be completed before
the erection of any superstructure on top of the piles.
6.2 QPs shall also visually inspect all the reused piles when their pile heads are exposed to
verify the size, and to assess the concrete and rebar conditions. The visual inspection of
the pile heads of all reused piles shall be recorded.
6.3 QPs shall present the verification test results to BCA.
6.4 If the verification tests fail to verify the as‐built pile information, or the piles to be reused
are not able to achieve the design pile capacity, QPs shall submit rectification proposals
to BCA as an amendment plan submission for approval.
7. References
(a) Code of Practice for Foundations (2017). By Hong Kong Buildings Department – Section
(b) Geo Publication No. 1/2006: Foundation Design and Construction. By Hong Kong
Geotechnical Engineering Office – Section 5.3
(c) CIRIA Report C653 – Reuse of Foundations (2007)
(d) Guide to Using Existing Piles – for Current and Future Use (2018). By General Association
of Japan Construction Industry Association, Ground Foundation Special Subcommittee,
Promotion of Reuse of Piles WG (in Japanese only).
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