Guide Book For Remote Supervision
Guide Book For Remote Supervision
Guide Book For Remote Supervision
Remote Supervision
(Structural Works)
Version 1.0
Oct 2021
History of Amendments
S/N Brief description of changes Revision
1 Version 1.0 – first issue Oct 2021
This Guide is a summary of practices that may be adopted for the performance of remote
supervision of structural works and does not purport to be exhaustive or applicable to all
situations. This Guide does not constitute professional advice.
The Building and Construction Authority disclaims any liability (including any liability arising
from negligence) arising in respect of any matter and the consequences of any act done or
not done by any person in reliance on anything in or omitted from this Guide.
This Guide may be amended from time to time. Please refer to the website of the Building
and Construction Authority: for the latest version of this Guide.
No part of this document may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without BCA’s prior
Table of Contents
ANNEX A ........................................................................................................................ 12
ANNEX B ........................................................................................................................ 13
ANNEX C ........................................................................................................................ 20
No part of this document may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without BCA’s prior
1.1 This Guide guides supervising qualified persons (as defined in the Building
Control Regulations 2003) (“Supervising QP”) and site supervisors (as defined
in the Building Control Act) (“SS”) when using technology such as video
conferencing tools to perform real-time supervision of the carrying out of
structural works from a remote location, whether such remote location is at the
site or outside the site (“remote supervision”). Such structural works include
geotechnical building works.
1.3 The provisions in this Guide are not exhaustive as to the steps that Supervising
QPs and SSs are required to take when using remote supervision, in order to
discharge their respective duties under the BC Act, BC Regulations and SSP
Guide. Supervising QPs and SSs should consider carefully all steps that they
need to take in order to discharge such duties, prior to adopting remote
supervision. For examples:
1.3.1 Supervising QPs and SSs must take all reasonable steps and exercise
due diligence in supervising the structural works pursuant to the BC Act,
BC Regulations and SSP Guide.
1.3.2 The minimum number of SSs required under the BC Regulations must
continue to be present at site even if remote supervision is adopted. For
example, if a minimum of 3 SSs are required to be appointed to supervise
structural works under the BC Regulations, all 3 SSs must be present at
site. When at site, the SSs may supervise building works carried out at
one part of the site using remote supervision while being at another part
of the site. None of the 3 SSs may supervise the structural works from
a location outside the site.
1.3.4 The SS must have the relevant approved plans and inspection checklists
on hand before conducting remote supervision, and must ensure that all
structural elements are checked against the relevant inspection
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1.3.5 For structural elements that have been entirely supervised through
remote supervision for overseas fabrication yards, Supervising QP
should conduct further onsite tests in Singapore, to verify that the
structural components meet the design specifications.
1.4 Remote supervision should only be adopted for large building works (as defined
in the BC Act) carried out at construction sites and/or fabrication yards. Remote
supervision must not be adopted for small-scale building works (as defined in
the BC Act).
2.2 The Supervising QP should conduct the necessary trials in order to understand
and be familiar with the remote supervision process, before adopting remote
supervision for the project.
2.3 The Supervising QP should understand and be familiar with the contents of this
Guide, before adopting remote supervision for the project.
2.4 The Supervising QP should ensure that the following actions can be performed
via the use of appropriate equipment (see paragraph 4.3 below), before
adopting remote supervision for the project:
2.4.1 Real-time video conferencing between the SS at the remote location and
the person holding the equipment at the part of the site where the
structural works to be supervised are being carried out (“operator”),
such that the live video feed and live audio feed can be transmitted
instantaneously or almost instantaneously; and
2.4.2 Two-way video conferencing between the SS and the operator can be
transmitted smoothly without disruptions, such that the audio feed can
be transmitted back and forth between the SS and the operator and the
video feed can be transmitted from the operator to the SS.
No part of this document may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without BCA’s prior
A. Documents to be submitted
3.1 A Supervising QP who intends to adopt remote supervision should submit the
following documents to the Commissioner of Building Control (“CBC”):
3.1.1 The completed and signed notification form set out at Annex A; and
3.1.2 The completed and signed Remote Supervision Plan (“RS Plan”) set out
at Annex B.
3.2 Where a permit to carry out structural works has not been issued for the
structural works, the notification form and RS Plan should be submitted together
with the application for a permit to carry out structural works.
3.3 Where a permit to carry out structural works has been issued for the project,
the notification form and RS Plan should be submitted via email to BCA’s
processing officer for the project and via correspondence through Corenet, at
least 2 weeks before the commencement of remote supervision.
3.4.2 The Supervising QP should not adopt remote supervision for more than
50% of the total structural works in a project.
A. Equipment preparation
4.3 The operator may use a hands-free camera (such as wearable camera which
is mounted on helmet, body etc) to enable him to take measurements of
structural works (such as rebar size or rebar spacing) when instructed by the
SS to do so. The hands-free camera must comply with the requirements set out
in paragraph 2.4 above.
4.4 It is recommended for the operator using a handheld camera to also use
equipment to stabilise the handheld camera.
4.5 There should be a strong and reliable internet connection to enable high-quality
video and audio streaming with minimal disruptions.
4.6 The SS should use a laptop or monitor screen to conduct the remote
supervision in order to better observe the details of the structural works being
carried out.
4.8 There should be enough space in the relevant equipment or cloud for the SS to
store the records of remote supervision.
B. Site preparation
4.10 Labels and/or signs should be provided to enable the SS to identify the location
where the structural works to be supervised are being carried out and the type
of structural works being supervised. Some examples include providing grid
lines, numbering storeys, and labelling the type of structural works being
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4.11 The location where the structural works to be supervised are being carried out
should be well-lit.
4.12 Good housekeeping should be practised at the location where structural works
is being performed, especially if the operator is using a handheld device for
streaming, as the operator may be less aware of his surroundings while he
navigates the site. At all times, safety of all workers including the operator must
be maintained.
C. Operator preparation
4.13 The operator should be conversant in the same language as the SS.
4.14 The operator should be equipped with the relevant tools required for assisting
the SS in supervising the structural works. Some examples include a torch light,
measuring tape and digital Vernier calliper.
5.3 Failure by the Supervising QP to carry out the above may constitute a failure
by the Supervising QP to take all reasonable steps and exercise due diligence
in supervising the structural works under the BC Act.
6.1 All involved parties (especially the SS) should turn on their video cameras
continuously throughout each remote supervision session.
6.2.4 The SS should establish the location where the structural works to be
supervised are being carried out. Any labels and/or signs which assist in
establishing such location should be captured on the SS’s video feed.
6.4 The SS must ensure that the remote supervision session is being conducted in
real-time, that he is able to observe the structural works being carried out
clearly, and that he is able to communicate his instructions to the operator
6.5 Where the SS encounters any of the issues set out in paragraph 7.1 below, the
SS must take the appropriate remedial action set out in paragraph 7.2 below.
6.6 The SS should comply with the specifications and methodology set out in the
RS Plan.
6.7 The SS should where necessary, intervene in the carrying out of structural
works and give instructions to the builder’s personnel in the same manner as
though the SS was physically present to supervise the carrying out of the
structural works.
6.8 Where critical structural works that require continuous supervision pursuant to
the SSP Guide are involved (such as concreting, pre-stressing, and tightening
of high friction-grip bolts), the SS must only conduct continuous supervision for
one type of critical structural work carried out at one location at any one time.
For example, when the SS is conducting remote supervision for concreting
works at one location, the SS must not concurrently conduct supervision
(whether physically or remotely) of other structural works at another location.
6.9 A failure to do any of the steps described in paragraphs 6.3 to 6.8 above may
constitute a failure to take all reasonable steps and exercise due diligence in
supervising the structural works under the BC Act.
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6.10.2 The SS should stop recording the session.
6.11.1 The SS should ensure that the relevant inspection forms and/or the
supervision checklists have been completed.
6.11.2 The SS should prepare, keep and maintain the records in accordance
with Section 8 below.
7.1 Problems may occur during the conduct of remote supervision which may result
in any one of the following issues:
7.1.4 The SS is unable to observe the structural works being carried out or the
measuring tools used to verify the dimensions of structural items clearly.
7.2 Where the SS encounters any of the issues set out in paragraph 7.1 above, the
SS must immediately stop the carrying out of the structural works unless it is
structurally unsafe to do so, following which the SS must either:
7.3 The SS should provide regular feedback to the Supervising QP throughout the
project on the use of remote supervision.
No part of this document may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without BCA’s prior
8.1 After each remote supervision session, the SS should prepare the Remote
Supervision Report (“RS Report”) using the template set out at Annex C.
8.2 Hard copies of the completed and signed RS Report should be kept and
maintained at site at which the structural works are carried out.
8.3 The SS should ensure that the number of photos and duration of video
recordings for each remote supervision session be taken, kept and maintained
in accordance with the RS Plan.
No part of this document may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without BCA’s prior
This is to notify the Commissioner of Building Control (CBC) that remote supervision
will be adopted for the Project for some of the building works as described in the
remote supervision plan. Enclosed is the remote supervision plan prepared by me for
Yours faithfully
Qualified Person (Supervision) for Structural Works
No part of this document may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without BCA’s prior
Project Description:
Prepared by:
Name of Qualified Person
& PE Registration No.
No part of this document may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without BCA’s prior
S/N Description Page
1 Project Background
2 Implementation Plan for Remote Supervision
(Permitted Extent of Building Works for Remote
3 Types Of Building Works, Supervision and Recording
Requirements for Remote Supervision
4 Devices for Remote Supervision
5 Infrastructure Requirements
6 Method Statement for Execution of Remote Supervision
7 Supervision Checklist
Brief description of project
- site location
- structural and foundation system
- challenges to carry out remote supervision, if any.
A) Construction Site
Example 1
Example 2
B) Fabrication Yard
Example 3
Location of building works – Precast yard, for structural works of Tower “A” (10-
Type of building works – precast beam
Example 4
Location of building works – PPVC precast yard, for structural works of Tower
“A” (10-storey)
Type of building works – PPVC module
(4th to 7th storey)
Subsequent 75% to 100% up to a max. of 50% of PPVC modules
(8th to roof)
(measurement of PPVC modules: by volume of concrete for PPVC modules)
1. The permitted extent (%) of building works can be measured by the volume
of concrete (e.g RC beams), length of structural members (e.g RC beams or
structural steel beams) or surface area on plan (e.g slab).
2. First 30% of building works (first phase) should be considered as learning
stage, the supervision of structural works is encouraged to be carried out in
both methods, physical presence at site and remotely. This serves as a
learning curve for the site supervisors to familiarise with the use of digital
tools for carrying out remote supervision.
Continuous Supervision is the full-time observation of works by SS who is
continuously present in the area where the structural works are being carried out
(e.g. concreting, pre-stressing of PT works). For remote supervision, the SS must
be able to observe the structural works clearly, intervene and instruct the contractor
at site instantaneously.
Minimum duration of
number of
video recordings to
List of Structural/ photos to
be saved for each
Geotechnical works Periodic/ be taken
S/N remote supervision
(e.g. Concreting works, Continuous for each
session (e.g xx% of
reinforcement) remote
total duration of
1 Reinforcement Periodic 30% 3
2 Concreting of Continuous 50% 5
beam/slab (1 photo
for every
(3min of video 15 mins
recording for every interval)
15mins interval)
3 Pull out test (post Continuous 100% 5
installed anchor,
4 Pre-stressing works Continuous 100% 5
Examples of the items to be specified in this section (not exhaustive):
• To specify the internet connection, requirement, specifications which will be
used to ensure effective remote supervision
• To state the method or infrastructures used for storage of photos/videos –
cloud base/server space
• To provide the details of remote supervision platform/software
• To specify the requirement or specification of video during live streaming and
recording - resolution
Before Remote Supervision (Preparation Works)
• To provide checklist on the works to be done before the carrying out of the
remote supervision such as labelling of site
Remote Supervision Report
(This form shall be prepared by Site Supervisor who conducted the remote supervision)
The operator must turn on his video
camera throughout each remote
supervision session. All other
involved parties (especially the site
supervisor) should turn on their video
cameras throughout each remote
supervision session.
Photos of structural works (to Example
capture/screenshot from site
supervisor’s device)
Storage of video
Attachment of Inspection
Checklist (yes/no)
Builder’s Signature
I confirm that I have conducted remote supervision for the structural works recorded
in this report in accordance with the remote supervision plan prepared in respect of
the Project. I am satisfied with the process of remote supervision and confirm that the
structural works were carried out in accordance with the plans approved by the
Commissioner of Building Control under Section 5 of the Building Control Act, the
Building Control Act and the Building Control Regulations 2003.
Yours faithfully
Site Supervisor
Designation (RE/RTO):