Malhotra Data Analysis 2
Malhotra Data Analysis 2
Malhotra Data Analysis 2
Analysis of Variance and Covariance
Overview In Chapter 15, we examined tests of differences between two means or two medians. In this
(\nalysis of variance is a straightforward war_~ chapter, we discuss procedures for examining differences between more than two means or
medians. These procedures are called analysis of variance and analysis of covariance.
Although these procedures have traditionally been used for analyzing experimental data,
look at 9ifferences among more th?n tw~ they are also used for analyzing survey or observational data.
We describe the analysis of variance and covariance procedures and discuss their rel a.
tionship to other techniques. Then we describe one-way analysis of variance, the simplest of
_groups of responses measured on interval these procedures, followed by n-way analysis of variance and analysis of covariance. Special
attention is given to issues in interpretation of results as they relate to interactions, relative
importance of factors, and multiple comparisons. Some specialized topics, such as repeated
or ratio scales. ~~~~~~~~~~~
measures analysis of variance, nonmetric analysis of variance, and multivariate analysis of
variance, are briefly discussed.
Finally, we discuss the use of software in analysis of variance and covariance. Help for
Terry Grapentine, Grapentine Company, Inc. running the SPSS and SAS Learning Edition programs used in this chapter is provided in four
ways: (1) detailed step-by-step instructions are given later in the chapter, (2) you can down-·
load (from the Web site for this book) computerized demonstration movies illustrating these,
step-by-step instructions, (3) you can download screen captures with notes illustrating these
step-by-step instructions, and (4) you can refer to the Study Guide and Technology Manual,
Objectives [ After reading this chapter, the student should be able to:] a supplement that accompanies this book.
1. Discuss the scope of the analysis of variance (AN OVA) technique and its
relationship to the ttest and regression. Real Research Analysis of Tourism Destinations
2. Describe one-way analysis of variance, including decomposition of the total
variation, measurement of effects, significance testing, and interpretation A marketing research survey conducted hy .EgeBank in Istanbul, Turkey, frn.:uscd on the importance of U.S.
of results. tour operators' and travel agents' perceptions of sclc-cte<l Mediterranean tourist dcstina!10J18 (Egypt, Greece,
3. Describe n-way analysis of variance and the testing of the significance of the Italy, an<l Turkey). This study was conducted with the help of the Department of Tourism and Convention
Administration at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas (
overall effect, the interaction effect, and the main effect of each factor.
Operators/travel agents were mailed surveys based on the locations of tours, broken down as
4. Describe analysis of covar'1ance and show how it accounts for the ·influence follows: Egypt (53), Greece (130), Italy (150), and Turkey (65). The survey consisted of 4ucstions 011
of uncontrolled independent variables affective and perceptual/cognitive evaluations of the four destinations. The four affechve 4.ucstions
5. Explain key factors pertaining to the interpretation of results with emphasis were asked on a 7-point semantic differential scale, whereas the 14 rcrceptual/cognitive evaluations
on interactions, relative ·importance of factors, and multiple comparisons. were measured on a 5-point Liken scale ( I ;:::: offers very little, 2 = offers somewhat little, 3 ;:::: offors
neither little nor much, 4 = offers somewhat mud1, and 5 offers very much). The difference~ iri !he
6. Discuss specialized ANOVA techniques applicable to marketing such as evaluations of t!1c four locations were examined using one~way analysis of variance (A NOVA), as
repeated measures ANOVA, nonmetric analysis of variance, and multivariate in the following table.
analysis of variance (MAN OVA). The ANOVA table shows that "unpleasant-pleasant" and "distressing-relaxing" affective factors
have significant differences among the four deslinations. For instance, Cireecc and Italy were pcrccivcU
w~ being significantly more relaxing than Egypt. As for the perceptual factors, eight of the I 4 factors
were significant. Turkey was perceived as a significantly hetkr value for the money than Greece
and Italy. Turkey's main strength appears lO be "good value," and the country's 1ourism agencies should
Image Variations of Destinations Promoted to Tour Operators and Travel Agencies Real Research Electronic Shopping Risks
Turkey Egypt Greece Italy
= 34) Analysis of variance was<l to test differences in preferences for electronic shopping for produc!s w 1ih
Image Items (n = 36) (n = 29) (n = 37) (n Significance
different economic and social risks. ln a 2 x 2 design, economic risk and social risk were varied at two
Affective (Scale 1-7) levels each (high, low). Preference for electronic shopping served as the dependent variable. The result:,;
6.50 indicated a significant interaction of social risk with econom1c risk. Electronic shopping was not per-
Unpleasant-pleasanl 6.14 5.62 643 0.047"
ceived favorably for high-social-risk products, rcgar<llc.'>s of the level of economic product risk, but it was
Sleepy-arousing 6.24 5.61 6.14 6.56 0.053
preferred for !ow-economic-risk products over high-economic-risk products when the level of social risk
Di.'itressing-rclaxing 5.60 4.86 6.05 6.09 0.003" was low.
Gloomy-exciting 6.20 5.83 6.32 6.71 O.U61 Despite the results of this study, the number of online shoppers continues to grow. As of 2008, more
than 875 million consumers had slwpped online, representing more th~m 80 percent of the world's onlrne
Perceptual (Scale I-SJ
population. The increase in shoppers can be attributed to hargain~secking consumers, convenience of using
Ooo<l value for money 4.62 432 389 3.27 0.000" the Internet, and, surprisingly, an added sense of safety associated with purchasing on!ine. Improved Web
Beautiful scenery sites, streamlined order taking and delivery, an<l assurance:,; of more secure payment systems have increased
and natural attractions 4.50 4.04 4.53 4.70 0.011" !he flow of new shoppers to the Internet while decreasing the traditional nsk associated with on line transac-
Good cli1nate 4.29 4.00 441 4.35 0.133 tion purclrnscs. 2 •
Interesting cultural attractions 4.76 4.79 4.67 4.79 0.781
Suitable acco1nmodation.<; 4.17 4.28 435 4.62 0.125 The tourist destination example presenteJ a situation with four categories. The t test was nut
analysis of variante
Appealing local food (cuisine) 4.44 3.57 4.19 4.85 0.000" appropriate for examining the overall difference in category means, so analysis of variance was
3.91 3.18 4.27 H,5 used instead. The electronic shopping stuJy involved a compari.'-.on of means when there
Great beaches and water sports 0.001" A '>tatist1cal technique for
4.(19 examining the d1fference5 were two factors (independent variables), each uf which was varied at two levels. In this
(Juahty of infrdstructure 3.49 2.97 368 ().0()()"
of Covariance, and one 1ndepen<lent One.;, More Independent ' F statistic. The null hypothesis that the category means are equal in the population is
Regression , Variable Variables tested by an F statistic based on the ratio of mean square related to X and mean square
relaied to c1rnr.
;, , <:;ategorical:
Mean square. The mean square is the sum of squares divided by the appropriate degrees of
SSb,twe,,.· Also denoted as SSx, this is the variation in Y related to the variation in the
,,! '
Faqtori~l , '
,and Interval
Afi,ilyil~ot , Analysis of
i t
mean.-; of the categories of X. This represents V[lriation between the categories of X, or the
portion of the sum of squares in Y related to X
Variance Covariance , ,"','Swithin' Also referred to aaS SSerror' this is the variatiun in Y due to the variation within
each of the categories of X. This variation is not accounted for by X.
r----~l S5> The total variation in Y is S,\.
Marketing researchers are often interested in examining the differences in the mean values of
the dependent variable for several categories of a single independent variable or factor. For FIGURE 16.2
example: Identify the .dependent and independent variables,
Conducting One-Way
• Do the various segments c.Jiffer in terms of their volume of product consu1nption?
• Do the brand evaluations of groups exposed to different commercials vary?
·Decompose the total variation.
• Do retailers, wholesalers, and agents differ in their attitudes toward the firm's distribution
o How do consumers' intentions to huy the brand vary with different price kvel.s?
Measure the effects.
a What is the effect of consumers' familianty with the store (measured as high, medium, and
low) on preference for the store? l
Test the significance.
The answers to these and similar questions can be determined by conducting one-way analysis
of variance. Before describing the procedure, we define the important statistics associated with
one-way analysis of variance.3
' Interpret the results.
~,:111 .. ,, Yvalucs may be obtained by examining the variation between the means. (This process is the reverse
Decomposition of the Total Variation: One-Way ANOVA of determining the variation in the means, given the population variances.) lfthe population mean is
Independent Variable
----1 the same in all the groups, then the variation in the sample means and the sizes or the sample groups
can be used to estimate the variance of Y The reasonableness of this estimate of the Y variance
depends on whether the null l1ypolhesis is true. If the null hypothesis is true and tl1e population
means are equal, the variance esti1nate based on between-group variation is correct. On tht-
X1 X2 x, x,. other hand, if the groups have different means in the population, the variance estimate based on
Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, between-group variation will be too large. Thus, by comparing the Y variance estimates based on
Within- Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, between-group and within-group variation, we can test the null hypothesis. Deeompositinn or the
Category Variation Tola I total vaiiation in this manner also enables us to measure the effects of X on Y.
= sswithi11
= ssY Measure the Effects
Y11 Y11 Yn Yn YN The effects of X on Y arc measured by SS> Because SS, is related to the vmiation in the means or the
Category Mean Y, Y2 Y1 f, Y categories of X, the relative magnitude of S.''J'x increases as the differences among the means of Yin
the categories of X increase. Tl1e relative magnitude of SS, also increases as the variations in Y within
Hctwccn-Catcgory Variation
the categories of X decrease. The strength of the ctlects of X on Y are mcasu red as rollows:
= ,",' S belwcn1
2_~ ss, (SSy - SS,.,,m)
"IJ - SSy SSy
where the subscripts between and within refer to the categories or
X. SS 0 e,wt'-en is the variation in
Y related to the variation in the means of the categories of X. It represents variation between the The value of "1) varies between O and I. It assumes a value or O when all the category
categories of X. In other words, S,)' 1H'twem is the portion ot the sum of squares in Y related to means arc eLJUal, indicating that X has no effect on Y. The value of 11 2 will be I when lhcre 1:-.
the independent variahle or factor X. Por this reason, S.Sbnween is also denoted as SS.1: S5,'witliin no variability within each category of X but there is some variability between categories. Tilus,
is the variation in Y related to the variation withiu each category of X. ,)'c'·i'wirfun is not accounted "1) is a measure of the variati'o11 in Y that is explained by the independent variable X. Not only
fur hy X. Therefore it is referrcJ to as S.)'error· The total variatitlll in Y may be decomposed as: can we measure the effects of X on Y, but we can also test for their significance.
- -- "·----"
As mentioned in Chapter 15, the F distribution is a probability distribution of the ratios of sample analysis of variance is performed on a much larger sample such as that in the Dell running case
variances. It is characterized by degrees of freedom for the numerator and degrees of freedom for and other cases with real data that are presented in this hook. These data were generated by an
the denorninator. 5 experiment in which a major department store chain wanted to examine the effect of the level of
in-store promotion and a storewide coupon on sales. In-store promotion was varied at three
Interpret the Results levels: high ( l), medium (2), and low (3). Couponing was manipulated at lwo levels. Either a $20
If the null hypothesis of equal category means is not rejected, then the independent variable does storewide coupon was distributed to potential shoppers (denoted by l) or it was not (denoted by
not have a significant effect on the dependent variable. On the other hand, if the null hypothesis 2 in Table l 6.2). In-store promotion and couponing were crossed, resulting in a 3 x 2 design wilh
is rejected, then the effect of the independent variable is significant. In other words, the mean six cells. Thirty stores were randomly selected, and five stores were randomly assigned to each
value of the dependent variable will be different for different categories of the independent treatment condition, as shown in Table 16.2. The experiment was run for two months. Sales in
variable. A comparison of the category mean values will indicate the nature of the effect of the each store were measured, normalized to account for extraneous factors (store size, traffic, etc.),
independent variab1e. Other salient issues in the interpretation of results, such as examination of and converted to a 1-to-10 scale. In addition, a qualitative assessment was made of the relative
differences among specific means, are discussed later. affluence of the clientele of each store, again using a I-to-IO scale. In these scales, higher
numbers denote higher sales or more affluent clientele.
Illustrative Data
Illustrative Applications of One-Way Analysis of Variance
We illustrate the concepts discussed in this chapter using the Jata presented in Table 16.2.
For illustrative purposes, we consider only a small number of observations. ln actual practice, We illustrate one-way ANOVA first with an example .showing calculations done by hand and
then using computer analysis. Suppose that only (lne fal'.lor, namely in-store promotion, wa~
manipulated, that is, let us ignore couponing for the purpose of this illustration. The department
11n1:1.-.. , ... store is attempting to determine the effect of in-store promotion (X) on sale.s (l'). For the purpose
Coupon Level, In-Store Promotion, Sales, and Clientele Rating
of illustrating hand calculations, the data of Table 16.2 are transl,,rrned in 1,tblc 16.3 to show the
Store Coupon In-Store Clientele store ( Y1) for each level of pro1J1otion.
Number Level Promotion Sales Rating The null hypothe.~is is that the category means arc equal:
Ho: /Lr = J-L2 ~ J-L1
SPSS Data File To test the null hypothesis. the various sums of squares arc computed as follows:
JO 8
SAS Data File
8 4
ss,, = (Ill - 6067) 2 + (9 - 6.067) 2 + (JO - 6.067)2 + (8 - 6067)2
+ (8 - 6.067) 2 + (9 - 6.067) 2 + (7 - 6.067)2-+ (7 - 6.067)2
+ (8 - 6.067) 2 + (8 - 6.067) 2 + (7 - 6.067) 2 + (9 - 6.067) 2
+ (9 - 6.067)2
+ (6 - 6.067)2
+ (6 - 6.067)2
2 2 From Table S in the Statistical Appendix, we see that for 2 and 27 degrees of freedom, the
+ (4 - 6.067)2 + (5 - 6.067)2 + (5 - 6 067) 2 + (6 - 6.067) + (4 - 6 067) critical value of F is 3.35 for a = 0.05. Because the calculated value of F is greater than
2 2
+ (5 - 6.067) 2 + (7 - 6.067)2 + (6 - 6.0(,7) 2 + (4 - 6.067) + (5 - 6 067) the critical value, we reject the null hypothesis. We conclude thal the population means for the three
+ (2 - 6.067)2 + (3 - 6.067) 2 + (2 - 6.067) 2 + (I - 6.067)2 + (2 -· 6 067)
levels of in-store prnmotion are indeed different. The relative magnitudes of the means for the
2 three categories indicate that a high level of in-store promotion leads to significantly higher sales.
(3.933) 2 + (2.933) 2 + (3 933) 2 + (1.933) 2 + (2.933)
We now illustrate the analysis-of-variance procedure using a computer program.
+ (l.933) 2 + (2.933) 2 + (0.933)2 + (0.933)2 + (-0.067) 2 The resulls of conducting the same analysis by computer arc presented in Table 16.4. The value
+ (1.933)2 + (1.933) 2 + (0.933)2 + (2933) 2 + (-0.067) 2
of SSx denoted by between groups is I 06.067 with 2 df; that of SS,.,.,,,, denoted by within groups
+ (-2.067) 2 + (-1.067) 2 + (-1.067) 2 + (-0067)2 + (-2.067) 2
is 79.80 with 27 df. Therefore, MS, = 106.067/2 = 53.il33, and MS,.,,,,,= 79.80/27 = 2.956.
+ c--1.067) 2 + (0.933) 2 + c-0067)2 + c-2067) 2 + c-1.061J 2 The v;tlue of F = 53.033/2.95(, = 17.944 with 2 and 27 degrees of freedom, result',ng in a proh-
+ (-4.067) 2 + (-:1.067)2 + (-4 067) 2 + (-5.067) 2 + (-4.067)2
ahility of 0.000. Because the associated probability is less than the significance level of 0.05,
185 867 the null hypothesis of equal population means is rc.1ected. Alternatively, it can be seen from
Table 5 in the Statistical Appendix that the critical value of F for 2 and 27 degrees of freedom
ss, 10\8.3 - 6.0(,7) 2 + 10(6.2 - 6067) 2 + 10(37 - 6.067) 2 is 3.35. Because the calculated value of F (17.944) is larger than the critical value, the null
10(2.233) 2 ·f JO(O 133) 2 + 10(-2.367)2 hypothesis is rejected. As can he seen from Table 16.4, the sample means, with values of 8.3,
106.067 6.2, and 3.7, are quite different. Stores with a high level of in-store promotion have the highest
2 average sales (8.3) and stores with a low level of in-store promotion have the lowest average
(JO - 8.3) 2 + (9 - 8.3) 2 + (JO - 8.3) 2 + (8 - 8.3) 2 + (9 - 83)
ssenor + (8 8 :l)2 + (9 - 8.3)2 + (7 - 8 3)2 + (7 - 8.3) 2 + (6 - 8.])2
sales (3.7). Stores with a me(J'1um \eve! of in-store promotion have an intermediate level of
2 average sales (6.2). These findings sccn1 plausible. Instead of 30 stores, if this were a large and
+ (8 - 6.2)2 + (8 - 6.2) 2 + (7 - 6.2) 2 + (9 - 6.2) 2 + (6 - 6.2)
2 representative sample, the implications would be that rnauagement seeking to increase s;.iles
+ (4 - 6.2) 2 + (5 - 6.2) 2 + (5 - 6 2) 2 + (6 - 6.2) 2 + (4 - 6.2)
should emphasize in-store proniotion.
+ (5 - 3 7) 2 I (7 3.7)2 I (6 - 3.7) 2 + (4 - 3.7)2 + (5 - 3.7)2
The pnxedure for conducting one-way analysis of variance and the illustrative application
+ (2 - 3 7) 2 + (3 - 3.7) 2 + (2 - 3.7) 2 + (I - 3 7) 2 + (2 - l.7)
help us understand the assumptions involved.
( 1.7) 2 + (0.7) 2 + ( 1.7) 2 + (-0.3)2 + (0 7)
+ (--0.3) 2 + (0.7) 2 + (-l.3) 2 + (-13)2 + (-2.3) 2
+ (l.8) 2 + (1.8)2 + (0.8)2 + (2.8) 2 + (-0.2)2 ·-~-,
+ ( 2.2)2 + (-1.2) 2 I- (-l.2) 2 t- (--1) 2) 2 f (-2.2) 2 Experts, Novices, and Nonusers of Home Computers: Are Their Psychographics j
+ ( 1.3)2 + (:UJ 2 + (2.3)2 + (0.3) 2 + (l.l)2 ~~~fl I
+ ( J.7)2 + (-0 7) 2 + (-1.7)2 + (-27)2 + (-1 7) 2 Visit and conduct an Internet search using a sean.:h ~ngine and your library's online data- 1
79.80 base to obtain information on computer usage in U.S. households. l
AR the marketing director for Hewlett-Packard, how would you segment the home computer market?
It can be verified that As a marketing research analy~t working for HP, how would you determine whether the three home
computer usage segments (experts, novices, and nonusers) differ in terms of each of IO psyd1ogr.1phic
y x errot characteristics, each mea1rnred on a7-point .scale?
as fol]ows:
(Error) 79.800 27 2.956
TOTAL 185 867 2<J b409
In other words, 57.1 percent of the variation in sales (Y) is accounted for by in-store promotion
(X), indicating a modest effect. The null hypothesis may now be tested. Cell Means
Level of
SAS Output File In-store Promotion Count Mean
SS,l(c - I) MS,
r = . .~ - - - · = ~·~
High (I) 10 8.300
,)'Serror/(N - c) MSerror
Medium (2) 10 6.200
F = 106 067/(3 - I) Low(J) JO 3.700
79.81)()/(30 - 3) TOfAL 30 6.067
= 17.944
• Do educational levels (less than high school, high school graduate, some college, and college
Assumptions in Analysis of Variance graduate) and age (less than 35, 35--55, more than 55) affect consumption of a brand'?
The salient assumptions in analysis of variance can be summarized as follows. • What is the effect of consumers' familiarity with a department store (high, medium,
and low) and store image (positive, neutral, aml negativc) on preference for the slore?
I. Ordinarily, the categories of the independent variable are assumed to be lixed. Inferences
are made only to the specific categories considered. This is referred to as thefixed-ejjects
model. Other models are also available. In the random-effects model, the categories or In determining such effects, n-way analysis of variance can be used. A major advantage of this
treatments are considered to be random samples from a universe of treatments. Inferences technique is that it enables the researcher to examine interactions between the factors.
are made to other categ,orics not examined in the analysis. A mixed-ejjects model results interaction Interactions occur wl1en the effects of one factor on the dependent variable depend on the level
6 When assessing the
if some treatments are considered fixed and others random. (category) of the other factors. The procedure for conducting n-way analysis of variance is
2. The error term is normally distributed, with a zero mean and a constant variance. The error relationship between similar to that for one-way analysis of variance. The statistics associated with n-way analysis of
is not related to any of the categories uf X. Modest departures from these assumptions do two variables, an variance are also defined similarly. Consider the simple case of two factors, X 1 and X2 , having
1nteract1on occurs if the
not seriously affect the validity of the analysis. Furthermore, the data can be transformed categories cl and c2. The total variation in this case is partitioned as follows:
effect of X1 depends on
to satisfy the assumption of normality or equal variances. the level of X2, and
3. The error terms are uncorrelated. [f the error terms are correlated (i.e., the observations arc vice versa SS,0101 = SS due to X 1 + SS Jue to X2 + SS due to interaction of X 1 and X 2 + SSwirhin
not independent), the F ratio can be seriously distorted.
In many data analysis situations, these assumptions are reasonably met. Analysis of variance or
is therefore a common procedure, as illustrated by the following example.
SSy = SSx 1 + S5~ 2 + SSx 1x2 + S.S'erro,
A larger effect of X 1 will be reflected in a greater mean difference in the levels of Xt and a
larger SS,,. The same is true for the effect of X 2 . The larger the interaction between X1 and X 2 , the
Real Research Viewing Ethical Perceptions from Different Lenses larger SSx,, 2 will be. On the other hand, if X 1 and X2 arc independent, the value of SS,,, 2 will be
close to zcrn. 9
A survey was conducted to examine differences in perceptions ofethica\ issues. The data were obtained from multiple,/ The strength of the joint eltect of two factors, called the overall effect, or multiple is 1i2,
31, 21 faculty, 97 undergraduate hu~mcss st1Hknts, and 48 MBA students. /\s pmt of the survey, The strength of the joint measured as follows:
respondents were required tl) rate five ethical on a ~calc of I = strongly agree and ) ~ slrong!y effect of two (or more)
Ji,..,agrce with ) representing a neutral rcspon::.t~. The mean:-; for each group are shown. 011e-w<1y aruilysis of factors, or the overall
(SS,, t- SSx, + S.,~ , )
variance was conducted to examine the signillcancc of differences between groups for each survey ltcm, and effect. muliiplc 1/ -·------ .. -·-
1 2
--------- significance of The significance of the overall effect may be tested by an F test, as follows:
Graduate Undergraduate F p the overall effect
Students Value Value A test that some differences
No. Survey Item Managers Faculty Students
---------- (SS,, + S.1·,_ + ssx,., )/df,,
exist between some of the F = , '
3.7 3.8 3.8 4.0 0.94 0.42 treatment groups. ,)'Se,rmldt~I
Students caught cheating shouli.l
receive an F.
4.1 3.4 3.8 3.5 2.2 0.09 ~~~~·-~kl/dl~!
Plagiarism should be reported
1.7 2.7 2.8 IX.3 ().00 SSerru 1 fdf,/
Stude.nt grades shou\J be raised 1.6
lo gel employer p<1y for course. M.'-,'.x[,X2,.t1X2
34 35 3.2 11.0 0.00 ---~-··--
Use of school printers for personal 4.5
p1 inhng shnuld he stopped.
1.7 1.8 2.4 2.8 114 0.00
Course Wtlrk should be simplified
to accorn111odate weaker stu<lcnts.
dfn =':cs of freedom for the numerator
(c 1 -- 1) + (c 2 - I)+ (c 1 - l)(c 2 - I)
The fouhngs in<licMing significant differences on th1ec ol the five ethics item!-. point to 1h<.: need for mrne ('{2 -1
comm.unication among the four groups so as to helter align perceptions of cthlcal issues in management dfd = degrees of freedom for the de11011unator
education. 7 • = N- C{'2
MS = mean square
significance of the If the 0vernll effect is significant, the next step is to examine the significance of the interaction
N-Way Analysis of Variance interaction effect
8 effect. Under the null hypothesis of no interaction, the appropriate F test is:
ln marketing research, one is often concerned with the effect of more than one factor simultaneously. the s1gnif1cance
A test of
For example: of the 1nteract1on between ss,"1.1.~)<lt~
two or more independent F = ~~<.,~;mr/df;t
• How do the consumers' intentions to buy a brand vary wlth different levels of price variables.
and different levels of Uistributinn? M,:!J:2
• How do advertising levels (high, medium, and low) interact with price levels (high,
medium, and low) to influence a hrand's sales?
df,, ~ (c 1 - l)(c 2 - I) Two-Way Analysis of Variance
Jfd = N~ C1C2 Sum of Mean Sig.
Source of Variation Squares df Square F ofF w2
If the interaction effect is found to be significant, then the effect of X 1 depends on the level
of X , and vice versa. Because the effect of one factor is not uniform, b,1t varies with the level of Main Effects
the other factor, it is not generally meaningful to test the significance of the main effects. In-stnr~ proniotion 106.067 2 53 ()}3 54.862 0.000 0.557
SPSS Output File
However, it is meaningful to test the significance of each main effect of each factor if the interac- Coupon 53.:m I 53.:133 55. 172 0.000 0.280
signifirance of
the main effect
A test of the s1gnif1canre
tion effect is not significant. 10
The significance of the main effect of each factor may be tested as follows for X1:
F = ·-·-----
SAS Output File
Two-way interaction
Residual (Error)
23.200 24
F ( I 633/0.967)
Real Research Country Affiliation Affects TV Reception
with 2 an<l 24 degrees of freedom, whlch is not significant at the 0.05 level. A study exJmincd the impact of country affiliatton on the cre<libilJty of product-Jttnbute cL1ims for TV~
Because the interaction effect is not significant, the significance of the main effects can be The dependent variahles were the following product-attribute claims: guod sound, reliability, crisr-clear
evaluated. The test statistic for the significance of the main effect of promotion is picture, and stylish design. The independent variables that wt1e manipulated consisted of price, country
affiliation, and store distribution. A 2 x 2 x 2 between-subject~ design was used Two levels of pnce,
F = (53.033/0 967) $949.95 (low) and$ l,249.()5 (high), two levels of country affiliation, Korea and the l Tnitcd .States, and two
54.862 levels of store dic;trihution, Best Buy and without Best Buy, were .<,pec1fied.
Data were collected from two suburban malls in a large U.S. dty. Thirty respondents were randomly ACTIVE RESEARCH
assigned to each of the eight treatment cells for a total of 240 subjects. Table I presents the results for
manipulations that ha<l significant effects on each of the dependent variables. The Effect of Price and Quality on Preferences for Jeans
Visit and search the lntemet using a search engine as well as your library's online database
to find information on consumer preferences for jeans.
Table 1 Analyses for Significant Manipulations Levi's would like to conduct marketing research to increase its share of the jeans market Past studies
Univariate F df p suggest that the two most important factors determining lhe preferences fnr jeans are price (high,
Effect Dependent Variable
medium, and low) and qualily (high, medium, and low). What design would you adopt and what analysis
Good sound 7.57 l,232 0.006 would you conduct to detennine the effects of these factors on preference for jeans?
Country x price
Reliability 6.57 1,232 0.011 As Levi's marketing chief, what infonnation would you need to formulate strategies aimed at increasing
Country x price
Crisp-clear picture 6.17 1,232 0.014 market share?
Country x distribution
Reliability 6.57 1,232 0.01 I
Country x distribution
Stylish design 10.31 1,232 0.002
Country x distribution
Analysis of Covariance
When examining the differences in the mean values of the dependent variable related lo the effect
The directions of counrry-by-distribution interaction effects for the three depenc.lcnt variables are
of lhe controlled independent variables, it is often necessary to take into account the influence of
shown in Table 2. Whereas the credibility ratings for tlw crisp-clear picture, reliability, and stylish
unc<mtrolled independent variables. For example:
design claims arc improved by distributing the Korean-made TV set through Best Buy, rather than some
uthcr distributor, the same is not true or a U.S.-made set. Similarly, the directions of country-by-price * In determining how consumers' intentions to buy a brand vary wilh different levels of
interaction effects for the two dependent variables are shown in Table 3. At $1,249.95, the credibility price, attitude toward the brand may have to be taken into consideration.
ratings for the "good sound" and "reliabili!y" claims are higher for the U.S.-made TV set than for its
• In determining how different groups exposed to different commercials evaluate a brand,
Korean counterpart, hllt there is littk difference related to country affiliation wl1cn the prodm:t is priced
it may he ncccss,1ry to control for prior knowledge.
at $949.95.
• ln determining how different price levels will affect a household's cereal consumption,
it may be essential to take houschoJd size into account.
Overview Chapter 16 examined the relationship among the !test, analysis of variance and covariance, and
Correlation is a simple but powerful way to look regression. This chapter describes regression analysis, which is widely used for explaining varia-
tion in market share, sales, brand preference, and other marketing results in terms of marketing
management variables such as advertising, price, distribution, and product quality However,
at the linear relationship between two before discussing regression, we describe the concepts of product moment correlation and
partial correlation coefficient, which lay the conceptual Foundation for regression analysis.
In introducing regression analysis, we discuss the simple bivariate case first. We
describe estimation, standardization of the regression coefficients, testing and examination
metric variables. Multiple regression of the strength and significance of association between variables, prediction accuracy, and
the assumptions underlying the regression model. Next, we discuss the multiple regression
model, emphasizing the interpretation of parameters, strength of association, significance
extends this concept, enabling the tests, and examination of residuals.
Then we cover topics of special interest in regression analysis, such as stepwise regres-
sion, multicollinec:irity, relative importance of predictor variables, and cross-validation. We
researcher to examine the relationship describe regression with dummy variables and the use of this procedure to conduct analysis
of variance and covariance.
Finally, we discuss the use of software in correlation and regression analysis. Help for
between one variable and several others. running the SPSS and SAS Learning Edition programs used in this chapter is provided in four
ways: (1) detailed step·by·step instructions are given later in the chapter, (2) you can down-
load (from the Web site for this book) computerized demonstration movies illustrating these
Jim McGee, Mission Research Specialist, Global Mapping International
step-by-step instructions, (3) you can download screen captures with notes illustrating these
step-by-step instructions, and (4) you can refer to the Study Guide and Technology Manual,
a supplement that accompanies this book.
Objectives [ After reading this chapter, the student should be able to:]
In these equations, X and Ydenote the sample means, and sx and sy the standard deviations.
covariance COV,y, the covariance between X and Y, measures the extent lo which X and Y are related. The
A sy<;ternatic relationship covariance may be either positive or negative. Division hy ,\'xSy achieves standardization, so that r
between two variables in varies between -1.0 and J .0. Thus, correlation is a special case of covariance, and is obtained
whtch a change 1n one
when the dala are standardized. Note that the correlation coefficient is an absolute number and is
implies a corresponding
not expressed in any unit of measurement. The correlation coefficient he.tween two variables will
change 1n the otl1e1
be the same regardless of their underlying units of measurement.
As an example 1 suppose a rese<m.:her wants to explain attitudes toward a responllent's city of
residence in terms of duration of residence in the city. The attitude is measured on an 11-point scale
(I = do not like the city, l l = very muc:h like the city), mid the duration of residenc:e is measured in
terms of the number of years the respondent has lived in the city. In addition, importance attached to
Multiple regression was used to analyL.e the data. The ove.rall multipk regression mo<ld was significant
at the 0.05 level. Univariate t tests indicated that the following variables ir1 the model were significant at
the weather is also measured on an I I -point scale ( I = not important, I l = very important). In a
the 0.0.'i level or hctter: price unentation, sex, age, occupation, ethnicity, and education. None of the three
pretest of 12 respondents, the data shown in ll1ble 17. l arc obtained. For illustrative purposes, we
communication vanables (mass media, word of mouth, and publicity) was significantly rdated tn consumer consider only a small number of observations so that we can show the calculations by hand. In actuaJ
preference, the dependent varwhle. practice, correlation and regression analyses are perfonned on a much larger sample such as that in
The results suggest that electronic shopping is preferred by white females who arc older, bette1 educated, the Dell running case and other cases with real data that are presented in this book.
working in supervisory or higher level nccupations, and price-oriented shoppers. Information of this type is The C01Tclatio11 coefficienl may he calculated as follows:
valuabk in targeting marketing efforts to electronic shoppers. 2 •
+ 12 + 12 + 4 + 12 + 6 + 8 + 2 +- 18 + 9 -+- - -17- - -+
These examples illustrate some of the uses of regression analysis in determining which independent X= - - - - - ~ - - - - · - - -----------~--
variable~ explain a significant variation in the dependent variable of interest, the structure and form
of the relationship, the strength of the relationship, and predicted values of the dependent variable. = 9.333
Fundamental to regression analysis is an understanding of the product moment correlation. - (6 + 9 + 8 + 3 + 10 + 4 + 5 +- 2 + l I + 9 + 1() i 2)
y = ------- · - - - - - - - ~ - ~ - - - - - - · ~ - - - · - - -
Product Moment Correlation = 6.583
hctween two metric variables, as in the following situations: .f!l:I~=-
Explaining Attitude Toward the City of Residence
• How strongly arc sale~ related to advertising expenditures?
• 1s there an association between market share and size of lhe sales force? Respondent Attitude Toward Duration of Importance Attached
• Are consumers' perceptions of quality related to their perceptions of prices? No. the City Residence to Weather
6 10
product moment In situations like these, the product moment correlation, r, is the most widely useJ statistic,
summarizing the strength of association between two metric (interval or ratio scaleJ) variahles, 12 II
correlation (r) SPSS Output File
A stdtistk summarizing the say X and Y. ft is an index t1se<l to Jetenninc whether a linear, or straight-line, relationship exists 12
strength of assooat1on between X and Y. It indicates the degree to which the variation in one variable, X, is related to the 4 3 4
between two rnetnc
variation jn another variable, Y. Because it was originally proposed by Karl Pearson, it is also
known as the Pearson correlation coefficient. lt is also refened to as simple correlation, bivariate
correlation, or merely the correlation coefficient. From a sample of n ohservations, X and Y, the
product moment correlation, r, can be cakulateJ as:
SAS Output File
11 18 H
2'.(X; - X)(Y, Y) 10 9 9 111
r= T " II 10 17
Partial con-elations have an order associated with them. The order indicates how many variables
v, v2 V3 V4 Vs are being acljusted or controlled. The simple correlation coefficient, r, has a zero-order, as it does
v, not control for any additional variables when measuring the association between two variables.
Vz 0.5 The coefficient r,y., is a first-order partial correlation coefficient, as it controls for the effect of one
v, 0.3 0.4 additional variable, Z. A second-order partial cmrelation coefficient controls for the effects of two
variables, a third-order for the effects of three variables, and so on. The higher-order pa,tial correla-
v. 0.1 0.3 0.6
tions are calculated similarly. The (n + !)th-order partial coetficient may be calculated hy replacing
V5 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.7
the simple correlation coeffkients on the right side of the preceding equation with the n th"order
pa1tial coefficients.
Partial correlations can be helpful for detecting spu,ious relationships (see Chapter 15). The
Although a matrix of simple correlations provides insights into pairwise associations,
relationship between X and Y is spurious if it is solely due lo the fact that Xis associated with Z,
sometimes researchers want to examine the association between two variables after controlling
which is indeed the true predictor of Y. In this case, the correlation between X and Y disappears
for one or more other variables. In the latter case, partial correlation should be estimated.
when the effect of Z is controlled. Consider a case in which consumption of a cereal hrand (CJ JS
positively associated with income([), with rci = 0.28. Because this brand was popularly priced,
income was not expected to be a significant factor. Therefore, the rese.archer .suspected that this
Partial Correlation
relationship was spurious. The sample results also indicated that income is positively associated
Whereas the product mmnent or sitnple correlalion 1s a measure of association describing the linear
with househoh.l size (H), rhi = 0.48, and that household size is assnciated with cereal consumption,
p,;Hti(d correldlion association between two variables, a partial correlation coefficient mea.sures the association
r,·h = 0.56. These figures seem to indicate that the real predictor of cereal consumption is not
<:oefficient between lwo variahles after controlling for or adjusting for the effects of one or more additional
income but household size. To test this assertion, the first-order partial correlation hetwccn cereal
A lllf'dSlHP, of the variables. This statistic is used to answer the following questions: consumption and income is calculated, controlling for the effect of household size. The reader can
association between two
• How strongly are sales related to advertising expenditures when the effect of price is verify that this partial correlation, 'n.h' is 0.02, and the initial correlation hetween cereal consump-
v,:mables after controlling
or ddJUSt1ng for the effects controllc<l? tion and income varnshes when the household size is controlled. Therefore, the corrclatiun hetwecn
of orie or rnore add1t1onal • Is there an association between market share and size of the sales force after adjusting for income and cereal consumption is spurious. The special case when a partial correlation is larger
varic1bles the effect of sales promotion? than its respective zero-order con-elation involves a suppressor effect (see Chapter 15). 5
• Are consumers' perceptions of quality related to their perceptions of prices when the effect part correlation Another correlation coefficient of interest is the part correlation coefficient. This coefficient
of brand image is controlled? coefficient represents the correlation between Y and X when the linear effects of the other i ndependcnt
A rnea:iure of the variables have heen removed from X but not from Y The part correlation coefficient, ry(x. z)' is calcu-
As in these situations, suppose one wanted to calculate the association between X and Y correlation between Y and lated as follows:
after cont rolling for a third variable, Z. Conceptually, one would first remove the effect of X when the linear effects of
the other independE nt r xy ~ r xz r y,:.
Z from X. To do this, one would predict the values of X based on a knowledge of Z by using the 1
product moment correlation between X and Z, rxz· The pn:dicted value of Xis then subtracted vanables have been ry(tz) = \/J---~~1
removed from X but not
from the actual value of X to construct an adJustcd value of X. [n a similar manner, the values
from Y The part correlation between attitude toward the city and the duration of residence, when the lin-
of Y are adjusted to remove the effects of Z The product moment correlation between the
adjusted values of X and the adjusted values of Y is the partial correlation coefficient between ear effeds of the importance attached to weather have been removed from the duration resi- or
X and Y. after controlling for the effect of Z, and is denoted by rxy.t Statistically, because the dence, can be calculated as:
simple correlation between two variables completely describes the linear relationship between
0.9361 - (0.5495)(0.7334)
them, the partjal coJTelation coefficient can be calculated hy a knowledge of the simple corre-
latiom, alone, without using inJividual observations.
ry(x,.s,) - Vl-=- (O.'i495)'
rxy - (rx,)(ry,) 0.63806
r.x.vz = --·---- --------
VI- r;,Vl - r;,
To continue our example, suppose the researcher wanted to calculate the association between Real Research Selling Ads to Home Shoppers
attitude toward the city, Y, and duration of residence, Xi' after controlling for a third variable,
importance attached to weather, X 2 . These data are presented in Table 17. I. Tlie simple correla- Advertisements play a very im[XJ1tant rnlc in fonning attitudes/preferences for brands. Often adve1tisern use
tions bet ween the variables are: celebrity spokespersons as a credible source to influence consumers' attitude,<, and purchase intentions.
Another type of source credihi!ity is corporate credibility, which can also influence consumer reactions to
ry,, = D.93~1 ryx, = 0.7334 rx,x, = 0.5495 advertisements and shape brand attitudes. [n general, it has heen found that for low-involvement products,
attitude toward the adve11isemcnt mediates brand cognition (beliefs about the brand) and attitude toward the
The required partial correlation is calculated as follows: brand. What would happen to the effect of this mediating variable when produds are purchased through a
0.9361 - (0.5495)(0.7334) home shopping network? Home Shopping Budape~t in Hungary conducted research to assess tile impact or
advertisements toward purchase. A surw.y was conducted where scvernl measures we1e taken, such a'> attitude
ryx,.x, - VI - (0.5495) 2 Vl - (0.7334)2 toward the product, attitude toward lhc hrand, attitude toward the ad characlcristics., brand cognitions, and St)
= 0.9386 on. It was hyrothcsized that in a home shopping network, advertisements largely <lctenuined attitude toward
the brand. In order to find the degree of association of uttitudc. toward the ad with both altitude towarci
As can be seen, controlling for the effect of importance attached to weather has little effect on the the brand and brand cognition, a partial correlation coefficient could he computed. Tbe p,utlal corrclatioll
associalion between attitude toward the city and duration of residence. Thus, regardless of the would be calculated between attitude toward the brand and brand cognition .iftcr controlling for the
importance they attach to weather, those who have stayed in a city longer have more favorable effects of attitude toward the ad on the two variables. If attitude toward the ad is ~ignificantly high, then the
attitudes toward the city a11d vice versa.
partial correlation coefficient should be significantly less than the product moment con'Clation between hrand
cognition and attitude toward the brand. Research was conducted that supported this hypothesis. Then, Saatchi identified as the dependent and the other as the independent variable. The examples given earlier
& Saatchi ( designed the ads aired on Home Shopping Budapest to generate positive in the context of simple correlation can be translated into the regression context.
attitude toward the advertising, and this turned out to be a major competitive weapon for the network. •
• Can variation in sales be explained in terms of variation in advettising expenditures? What
The partial correlation coefficient is generally viewed as more important than the part correlation is the structure and form of this relationship, and can it be rnodele<l mathemalically by an
coefficient because it can be used to determine spurious and suppressor effects. The product equation describing a straight line?
moment correlation, partial correlation, and the part correlation coefficients all assume that the • Can the variation in market share be accounted for by the size of the sales force?
data are interval or ratio scaled. If the data do not meet these requirements, the researcher should • Are consumers' perceptions of quality determined by their pcrce.plions of price?
consider the use of nonmetric correlation.
Before discussing the procedure for conducting bivariate regression, we define some important
Nonmetric Correlation
At times, the researcher may have to compute the correlation coefficient between two variables
Statistics Associated with Bivariate Regression Analysis
that are nonmetric. It may be recalled that nonmetric variables do not have interval or ratio scale
properties and do not assume a normal distribution. If the nonmetric variables are ordinal and The following statistics and statistical terms are associated with bivariate regression analysis.
nonmetl'ic. correlation numeric, Spearman's rho, P.,·, and Kendall's tau, T, are two measures of nonmetric correlation
A correlation measure for that can be used to examine the correlation between them. Both these measures use rankings Bivariate regression model. The basic regression equation is Y, = /3n + {3 1 X, + e,, where
two nonmetric variables rather than the absolute values of the variables and the basic concepts underlying them are quite Y = dependent or criterion variable, X = independent or predictor variable, {3 0 = intercept
that relies on rankings to similar. Both vary from-I .0 to I .0 (see Chapter 15). of the line, [3 1 = slope of the line, and e; is the error term associated with the ith observation.
compute the correlation In the absence of ties, Spearman's Ps yields a closer approximation to the Pear.son product Coefficient of determination. The strength uf association is measured hy the coefficient
moment correlation coefficient, p, than Kendall's T. In these cases, the absolute magnitude of T of determination, r2. It varies between O and I and signifies the proportion of the total
tends to be smaller than Pearson's p. On the other hand, when the data contain a large number of variation in Y that is accountec.l for by the variation in X.
tied ranks, Kendall's T seems more appropriate. As a rnle of thumb, Kendall's Tis to be preferred
Estima!ed or predicted value. The estimated or prcdicled value of Y, is 9, = a + hx,
when a large nurnher of cases fall into a relatively small number of categories (thereby leading to a
where Y; is the predicted value of Y,, and a and bare estimators of /Jo and {3 1, respectively.
large number of ties). Conversely, the use of Spearman's p, is preferable when we have a relatively
larger number of categories (thereby having fewer ties). 7 Regression coefficient. The estimated parameler bis usually referred to as the nonstan-
The product moment as well as the pm1ial and part correlation coefficients provide a conceptual dardized regression coefficient.
foundation for bivariate as well as multiple regression analysis. Scattergram. A scatter diagram, or scattergram, is a plot of the values of !wo variables for
all thi: cases or observations.
Standard error of estimate. This statistic, SE/c'. is the standard deviation of the actual Y
Regression Analysis values from the predicted 9 values.
regression analysis Regression analysis is a powerful and flexible procedure for analyzing associative relationships
Standard error. The standard deviation of h, SEb, -is called the standard error.
A procedure for between a metric dependent variable and one or more independent variables. It can he used in the
analyzing dS'.>Ociat1ve Standardized regression coefficient. Also termed the beta coejji<'icnt or beta weight, this
following ways:
rcldt1onsh1ps between a is the slope obtained by the regression of Yon X when the data are standardized.
metric dependent vcir1cJble 1. Determine whether the independent variables explain a signiticant variation in the dependent Sum of squared errors. The distances of all the points from the regression line are squared and
and one or more v:uiable: wl1ether a relationship exists added together to arrive at the sum of .squared errors, which is a measure of total en-or, ~f}
1ndepend('nt variables 2. Determine how much of the variation in the dependent variable can be ex plaineU by the
t statistic. A t statistic with n - 2 degrees of freedom can be used to test the null hypothe~is
independent variables: strength of the relationship
that no linear relalionship exists between X and Y, or
3. Determine the structure or form of the relationship: the mathematical equation relating
the independent and dependent variables
4. Predict the values of the dependent variable
5. Control for other independent variables when evaluating tht'. contributions of a specific
Ho: /3 1 = 0, where t = -t-.
variable or set of variables
Although the independent variables may explain the variation in the dependent variable, this
Conducting Bivariate Regression Analysis
does not necessarily imply causation. The use of the terms dependent or criterion variahle.s, and
independent or predictor variables, in regression analysis arises from the mathematical relationship The steps involved in conducting biv2riate regression analysis are described in Figure 17 .2.
between the variables. These terms do not imply that the criterion variable is dependent on the Suppose the researcher wants to explain attitudes toward the city of residence m tenns of the
independent variables in a causal sense. Regression analysis is concerned. with the nature and duration of residence (see Tabk 17.1). In deriving such relationships, it is often useful to first
degree of association between variables and does not imply or assume any causality. examine a scatter diagram.
bivariate regression
A procedure for deriving a Plot the Scatter Diagram
rnathematKal relationship, Bivariate Regression A scatter diagram, or scattergram, is a plot of the values of two variahle1-i for all the cases or
1n the form of an equation,
Bivariate regression is a procedure for deriving a mathematical relationship, in the form uf an observations. It is customary to plot the dependent variable on the vertical axis and the indepen-
between a single metric
e4uatiun, between a single metric dependent or criterion vmiable and a singJe metric independent dent variable on the horizontal axis. A scatter diagram is useful for determining the form of the
dependent va1·1able and a
smgle metric indepenrlerit or predictor variable. The analysis is similar fo many ways to c.letermining the simple correlation relationship between the variables. A plot can alert the researcher tu patterns in the data, or to
variable between two variables. However, because an equation has to be derived, one variable must be possihlc problems. Any unusual combinations of the two variables can he easily identified.
,-,----------------------------------------- ----·-- ·--·"-
Discriminant and Logit Analysis
Often you have measured different groups of This chapter discusses the techniques of discriminant analysis and logit analysis, We begin
by examining the relationship of discriminant and logit analysis to analysis of variance
(Chapter 16) and regression analysis (Chapter 17), We present a model and describe the
metric variables. general procedure for conducting discriminant analysis, with emphasis on formulation,
estimation, determination of significance, interpretation, and validation of the results. The
procedure is illustrated with an example of two-group discriminant analysis, followed by an
Discriminant analysis is a useful way to example of multiple (three-group) discriminant analysis. The stepwise discriminant analysis
procedure is also covered. When the dependent variable is binary, the logit model can also
be used instead of two-group discriminant analysis. We explain the log it model and discuss
its relative merits versus discriminant and regression analysis.
answer the questions ... _are the groups Finally, we discuss the use of software in discriminant and logit analysis. Help for running
the SPSS and SAS Learning ,Edition programs used in this chapter is provided in four ways:
(1) detailed step-by-step instructions are given later in the chapter, (2) you can download
different? On what variables are they (from the Web site for this book) computerized demonstration movies illustrating these
step-by-step instructions, (3) you can download screen captures with notes illustrating these
step-by-step instructions, and (4) you can refer to the Study Guide and Technology Manual,
most different? . Can I predict which a supplement that accompanies this book.
variables? A study of 294 consumers wa.s undertaken to determine the correlates of rebate proneness, or the
chan-icteristics of cotu,urners who respond favorably to rehalc prorn()lJOns. The predictor variables were
four factors related to houscholJ shopping altitudes and behaviors, and selected demographic characteristics
Jomie Baker Prewitt, Senior Vice President/Director.
Multiple discrimimmt
Decision Sciences, Burke, Inc. analysis can help uJentify
the factors that diffen;nliatc
frequent users, light users,
and nonu/'.ers of rebate:,,
Objectives [ After reading this chapter, the student should be able to: J
1. Describe the concept of discriminant analysis, its objectives, and its applications
in marketing research.
2. Outline the procedures for conducting discriminant analysis, including the
.• ,,. .., .......,, c;ct'1 .
formulation of the problem, estimation of the discriminant function coefficients,
determination of significance, interpretation, and validation.
3. Discuss multiple discriminant analysis and the distinction between two-group
and multiple discriminant analysis.
4. Explain stepwise discriminant analysis and describe the Mahalanobis
5. Describe the binary logit model and its advantages over discriminant
and regression analysis.
600 601
(sex, age, and income). The depenctent variable was the respondent's degree of rebate proneness, of Relationship of Discriminant and Log it Analysis to ANOVA
which Lhrec levels were identified. Respondents who reported no rebate-triggered purchases during the
pasl 12 months were classified as nonusers; those who reported one or two such purchases as light users; and Regression
and those with more than two purchases, frequent users of rebates. Multiple discriminant analysis was The relationship among discriminant analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and regression
used to analyze the data. analysis is shown in Table IS.I. We explain this relationship with an example in which the
Two primary findings emerged. First, consumers' perception of the effort/value relationship was the
researcher is attempting to explain the amount of life insurance purchased in terms of age and
most effective variable in discriminating among fre4uent, light, and nonusers of rebate offers. Clearly,
income. All three procedures involve a single criterion or dependent variable and multiple
rebate-sensitive consumers ..issociate less effort with fulfilling the requirements of the rebate purchase, and
they are willing to accept a 1datively smnller refund than other customers. Second, consumers who are predictor or independent variables. However, the nature of these variables differs. In analysis or
aware of the regular prices of products, so that they recognize bargains, are more likely than others to variance and regression analysis, the dependent variable is metric or interval scaled (amount of
respond to rehate offers life insurance purchased in dollars), whereas in discriminant analysis it is categorical (amount
These findings were utilized by Dell ( when it offered up to $150 rebates on its of life insurance purchased classified as high, medium, or low). The independent variables are
notebook computers during April 2009. The company felt that this would encourage the rebate-sensitive categorical in the case of analysis of variance (age and income arc each classified as high,
customers lo choose Dell notebooks. 1 • medium, or low) but metric in the case of regression and discriminant analysis (age in years and
income in dollars, i.e., both measured on a ratio scale).
The rebate proneness example examined three groups (nonusers, light users, and frequent users Two-group discriminant analysis, in which the dependent variable has only two categories,
of rehates). Significant intergrour differences were found using multiple rredictor variables. is closely related to multiple regression analysis. In this case, multiple regression, in which the
An examination of differences across groups lies at the heart of the basic concept of discrimi- dependent variable is coded as a Oor I dummy variable, results in partial tegressiou coefficients
nant analysis. that are proportional to discriminant function coefficients (see the following section on the dis-
criminant analysis model). The nature of dependent and independent variables in the binary logit
model is similar to that in two-group discriminant analysis.
Basic Concept of Discriminant Analysis
Discri1ninant analysis is a technique for analyzing data when the criterion or dependent
dis.crimini::lnt analysis
variable is categmical and the predictor or imlcpendent variables are metric, i.e., measured on at
Discriminant Analysis Model
A technique for analyzmg
least interval scales. 2 For example, the depcnJent variable may be the choice of a brand of discriminant analysis The discriminant analysis model involves linear comhinations of the following form:
rnarket1no research data
personal <.:omputcr (brand A, B, or C) and the independent variabJes may be ratings of attrihutes model
wheri the criterion or
Uepemlent variable 1s or PCs on a 7-point Liker! .scale. The objectives of discriminant analysis are as follows:
The statistical model on D = b0 + b 1X 1 + /J 2X2 + h1X1 + · · · + hv(,
which d1scnrninant and!ys1s
catt'qoricdl ,md the
1s based where
wecii(tor or 1ndt:ipendent I. Development of discriminant functions, or linear comhinations of the predictor or
vciric1bles are interval independent variables, which will best discriminate between the catcgorie.s of the criterion D = discriminant score
1n ndture
or d~pendent variable (groups) h's = discriminant coefficient or weight
di~triminant functions 2. Examination of whether significant differences exist among the groups, in terms of the
X's = predictor or in<lcpcnde.nt variable
The li11Pcir r ornb1nat1on predictor vuriable.s
of independent vanables 3. Determination of which predictor variahlcs contribute to most of the intergroup The coefficients, or weights (h), are estimated S() that the groups differ as much as possible
develnped by d1scrnninant differences on the values of the discriminant function. This occurs when the ratio of hetween-grnup sum of
ancJlys1s that will best 4. Classification of cases to one of the groups hase<l on the values of the predictor variables squares to within-group .sum of squares for the discriminant scores is at a maximum. Any other
d1scr 1rn1nalP between 5. Evaluation of the accuracy or
classification linear cornhination of the predictors will result in a smaller ratio.
the c<1tE-'gorics of the We give a brief geometrical cxpo:-.ition of two-group discriminant analysis. Suppose we had
dependent vari<1blL' Discriminant analysis techniques arc described by the number of categories possessed by two groups, GI and G2, and each member of these groups was measured on two variables X I mH.l X 2.
the criterion variable. When the criterion variahle has two categories, the technique is known as A scatter diagram of the two groups is shown in Figure 18.1, where X 1 and X2 arc the two axes.
tW(Jw9roup two-group discrirninant analysis. \\'hen three or more categories are involved, the technique is Members of CH arc denoted b), I and rnc.rnbcn-; of G2 by 2. The resultant dlipscs encompas.'-i
di:;crirninant analysis referred to as multiple discriminant analysis. The main distinction is that, in the two-group some specified percentage of the points (members), say 93 percent in each group. A straight line
Ll1~rnrn1na11t analysis case, it is possihle to derive only one discriminant function. In multiple discriminant analysis, is drawn through the two points where the ellipses intersect amt then projected to a new axis, J>. The
techniq11e where the more than one function rnay be computed.'
criterion variable ha'.> Examples of discriminant analysis abound in marketing research. This tccbnilluc can be
two (c1tegor1es used to answer questions such as: Similarities and Differences Among ANOVA, Regression,
multiple dis.crimin.:mt and Discriminant/Logit Analysis
• In terms of demographic characteristics, how do customers who exhibit store loyalty differ
from those who do not? Discriminant/
[)1scnrnmant an,1ly">1'>
• Do heavy, medium, and light users of soft drinks differ in terms of thell" cunsumption AN OVA Regression Log it Analysis
tt:"drnique where the
rnter,011 variable involves of frozen foods'' Similarities
three or more Cdtegories • What psychographic characteristics help differentiate between price-sensitive and Number of dependent variable~ One One One
non-price-sensitive huyers of groccrjes? Number of independent variahles Multiple Multiple Multiple
• Do the various market segments differ in their media consumption habits?
• In terms of lifestyles, what are the differences between heavy patrons of regional
department store chains and patrons of national chains? Nature of the dependent variables Metric Metric Categorical/B 1nary
What are the distinguishing characteristics of consumers who respond to direct mail Nature of the independent variables Categorical Metric Metric
FIGURE 18.1 Pooled within-group correlation matrix. The pooled within-group correlation matrix is
Xz ' computed by averaging the separate covariance matrices for all the groups.
A Geometric
GI '' Standardized discriminant function coefficients. The stanclarJized discriminant function
of Two-Group coefficients are the discriminant function coefficients and arc used as the multipliers when
Discriminant the variables have been standardized to a mean of Oand a variance of I.
Analysis Structure correlations. Also referred to as discriminant loadings, the structure correlations
represent the simple correlations between the predictors and the discriminant function.
Total correlation matrix. If the cases are treated as if they were from a 1inglc sample and
the conelations computed, a total correlation matrix is obtained.
Wilks' A. Sometimes also called the U statistic, Wilks' A for each predictor is the ratio of the
within-group sum of squares to the total sum of squares. lts value varies belween Oand 1.
' Large values of A (near I) indicate that group means do not seem to be differenl. Small
values of A (near 0) indicate that the group means seem to be different.
XJ The assumptions in discriminant analysis are that each of the groups is a sample from a
multivariate normal population and all of the populations have the same covariance tnntrix..
G2' The role of these assumptions and the st.rtistics just described can be better understood by
examining the proceJur~ for conducting discriminant analy.,.;is.
sample and the other is used for validation. The role of the halves is then interchanged and the IM:mlf:
analysis is repeated. This is called double cross-validation and is similar to the procedure
Information on Resort Visits: Holdout Sample
discussed in regression analysis (Chapter 17).
Often the distribution of the number of cases in the analysis and validation samples follows Annual Attitude Importance
the distribution in the total sample. For instance, if the total sample contained 50 percent loyal Resort Family Toward Attached to Household Age of Head Amount Spent on
No. Visit Income ($000) Travel Family Vacation Size of Household Family Vacation
and 50 percent non loyal consumers, then the analysis and validation samples would each contain
50 percent loyal and 50 percent nonloyal consumers. On the other hand, if the sample contained 50.8 4 7 3 45 M(2J
25 percent loyal and 75 percent nonloyal consumers, the analysis and validation samples would 63.6 7 4 7 55 H(J)
be selected to reflect the same distribution (25 percent versus 75 percent). 54.0 6 7 4 58 M(2)
Finally, it has been suggested that the validation of the disc1iminant function should be conducted 4 45.0 5 4 3 60 M (2)
repeatedly. Each tirnc, the sample should be split into different analysis and validation pmts. The
5 68.0 6 6 6 46 H(l)
discriminant function should be estimated and the validation analysis carried out. Thus, the validation
4 6 62.l 5 6 3 56 fl OJ
SPSS Data File assessment is based on a number of trials. More rigorous methods have also been suggested.
7 35.0 4 3 4 54 J.(I)
To better illustrate two-group discriminant analysis, let us look at an example. Suppose we
49.6 5 3 5 39 L(I)
want to determine the salient characteristics of families that have visited a vacation resort
during the last two years. Data were obtained from a pretest sample of 42 households. Of these, 39.4 6 5 3 44 H (3)
JO households shown in Table 18.2 were included in the analysis sample and the remaining 12 10 37 .0 2 6 5 51 L(I)
SAS Data File ti 54.5 7 3 3 37 M(2)
[2 38.2 2 2 3 49 L(l)
Information on Resort Visits: Analysis Sample
Annual Attitude Importance
Resort Family Toward Attached to Household Age of Head Amount Spent I shown in Tahle 18.3 were rart of the validation sample. For illustrntive purposes, we consider
No. Visit
--- -------
Income ($000) Travel Family Vacation Size nf Uru 1cohrdrl
u , , ,uuA"u,u An Family Vacation
u t only a small numher of observations. In actual practice, discriminant analysis is performed on a
much larger sample such as that i;1 the Dell running case an<l other cases with real dala that arc
50.2 43 M(2)
presented in thls book. The househo!Js that visited a resort during the last two years are coded
70.3 4 61 11 (3)
as I; those that did not, as 2 (VISIT). Both the analysis and validation samples were balanced in
62.9 6 52 H (3) terms of VISIT. As can be seen, the analysis sample cont1Jins 15 households in each category,
48.5 5 36 L(I) SPSS Data File whereas the validation sample has six in each category. Data were also ohlaincd on annual
52 7
H (3)
M (2)
§.sas. SAS Data File
family income (INCOME), attitude toward travel (TRAVEL, measured on a lJ-point scale),
importance attached to family vacation (VACATION, n1easurcd on a 9-point :-;cale), household
size (HSIZE), and age of the head of the household (AGE).
Factor analysis allows us to look at grn1_:l_,p_s_ __ Overview In analysis of variance (Chapter 16), regression (Chapter 17), and discriminant analysis
(Chapter 18), one of the variables is clearly identified as the dependent variable. We now turn
to a procedure, factor analysis, in which variables are not classified as independent or depen-
of variables that tend to be correlated dent. Instead, the whole set of interdependent relationships among variables is examined.
--- This chapter discusses the basic concept of factor analysis and gives an exposition of the;
factor model. We describe the steps in factor analysis and illustrate them in the context of
to each other and identifL1Jnderlying principal components analysis. Next, we present an application of common factor analysis.
Finally, we discuss the use of software in factor analysis. Help for running the SPSS and
SAS Learning Edition programs used in this chapter is provided in four ways: (1) detailed
dimensions that ex£lain these step-by-step instructions are given later in the chapter, (2) you can download (from the Web
site for this book) computerized demonstration movies illustrating these step-by-step
instructions, (3) you can dowr.load screen captures with notes illustrating these step-by-step
correlations. instructions, and (4) you can refer to the Study Guide and Technology Manual, a supplement
that accompanies this book.
To begin, we provide some examples to illustrate the usefulness of factor analysis.
William n Neal, Senior Partner, SDR Consulting
Real Research Factor Analysis Earns Interest at Banks
Objectives [ After reading this chapter, the student should be able to:] H1)W do L:onsurners evaluate h,mks? Respondents in a survey were asked to rate the importunrc of 15 hank
attributes. A 5-point scale ranging from not important to very important was employed. These data were
1. Describe the concept of factor analysis and explain how it is different from analyzed via principal components analysis.
analysis of variance, multiple regression, and discriminant analysis. A four-factor solution resulted, with the factors heing labeled a.~ traditional ~ervices, (.;Ol1Vcnience,
vi~1hility, and competence. TradiLJonal services mclu<led interest mies on loans, reputation in the conununity,
2. Discuss the procedure for conducting factor analysis, including problem
low rates for checkrng, friendly and personal izeJ &crvice, easy-to-read monthly statements, and obtain.ability
formulation, construction of the correlation matrix, selection of an appropriate
of loans. Convenience was comprised of convenient branch location, convenient ATM locations, speed of
method, determination of the number of factors, rotation, and interpretation
service, and convenient hanking hours. The visibility factor mcluded recommendations frorn friends and
of factors.
3. Understand the distinction between principal component factor analysis Factor analysi'> helped
and common factor analysis methods. JPMorgan Chase & Co.
lo 1Jenl1fy the drn1cnsions
4. Explain the selection of surrogate variables and their application, with
consumers use to evaluate
emphasis on their use in subsequent analysis. banks and to Jevelop appro-
5. Describe the procedure for determining the fit of a factor analysis model priate nrnrketmg stiategies
c.·nablmg it to become one
using the observed and the reproduced correlations.
of the largest lJ .S. banks
relatives, attractiveness of the physical structure, community involvement, and obtainability of loans. (Figure 19.1 ), we can select home is best place and football as independent variables, and
Competence consisted of employee competence and availability of auxiliary banking services. It was drop the other five variables to avoid problems due to multicollinearity (see Chapter 17).
concluded that consumers eva!uate<l banks using the four basic factors of traditional services, convenience,
visibility, and competence, and hanks must excel on these factors to project a good image. By emrhasizing All these uses are exploratory in nature and, therefore, factor analysis is also called exploratory
these factors, JPMorgan Chase & Co. became one of the largest U.S. hanks and hought the hanking opera- factor analysis (EFA). The technique has numerous applirntions in marketing research. For
tions of bankrupt rival Washington Mutual in September 2008. • example:
e It can be used in market segmentation for identifying the underlying variables on which to
Basic Concept group the customers. New car buyers might he grouped based 011 the relative emphasis
Factor analysis is a general name denoting a class of procedures primarily used for data reduc- they place on economy, convenience, performance, comfort, and luxury. This 1night result
faOor' :.rnalr,is tion and summarization. In marketing research, there may be a large numher of variables, most in five segments: economy seekers, convenience seekers, performance seekers, comfort
A class of procedures of which are correlated and which must be reduced to a manageable level. Relationships among seekers, and luxury seekers.
prinia1ily used for rlata sets of many interrelated variables are examined and represented in terms of a few underlying • In product research, factor analysis can be employed to determine the brand attributes that
reduction and factors. For example, store image may he measured by asking respondents to evaluatl! stores on int1uence consumer choice. 'foothpaste brands might be evaluated in terms of protection
summarization. a series of items on a semantic differential scale. These item evaluations may then be analyzed to against cavities, whiteness of teeth, taste, fresh breath, and price.
determine the factors underlying store image. • In advertising studies, factor analysis can he useJ to understand the media <..:onsumption
[n analysis of variance, multiple regressiun, and discriminant analysis, one variahle is habits of the target market. The users of frozen foods may be heavy viewers of cable TV,
considered as the dependL:nt or criterion variable, and the others as indepen<lent or predictor vari- see a lot or
movies, and listen to country music.
ables. However, no such distinction is made in factor analysis. Rather, factor analysis is an • In pricing studies, it can be used to identify the characteristics of price-sensitive consumers.
2 For example, these consumers might he methodical, economy minded, and home centered.
interdependence technique in that an entire set of interdependent relationships is examined.
in t1::nJepr~r1<lt!n<.<s? Factor analysis is used in the following circumstances:
Mult1vJn,1te statistiral
1. To identify underlying dimensions, or factors. that explain the correlations among a Factor Analysis Model
set of variahles. For ex.ample, a set of lifestyle statements may be used to measure the
techniques 1n wh1d1 MathematicalJy, factor analy~is is smncwhat similar tn multiple regression ,malysis. in that each
the whole set of
psychographic profiles of consumers. These statements may then he factor analyzed
variable is expressed as a linear combination of llnclerlying factor!-;. The amount of variance a
1ntPrdepende11t to identify the underlying psychographic factors, as illustrated in the department store
variable shares with all other vmiablcs included in the analysis is referred to as communality. The
rl'lat1on'::.hiµ":> 1s example. This is atso illustrated in Figure 19.1 derived based on empirical analysis,
covariation among the variahles is described in terms of a small numher of common factors plus
exrlr111ned where the seven psychographic variables can be represented hy two factors. In this
a uniq11e faclor for each variable. These factors are not overtly observed. If the variables are stan-
figure, factor I can he interpreted as homebody versus socialite, and factor 2 can be
fattor·~ dardized, the factor model may he represented as:
interpreted as sports versus movies/plays.
An underly1nq d1n1ens1on
tllcll explain:, the
2. Tll identify a new, smalh.:r set of uncorrelated variables to replai.:<.·. the original set of cone lated X, = A;,F1 + A,2F2 + A,1F, + + A,mF'm + Vi l/1
variables in subsequent multjvariate analysis (regre~sion or discriminant analysis). For example,
<Orrl'ldtions amnnq a set where
of variable<..
the psychographic factors identified may be used as int..!epcndent variables in explaining the
diff~n.:nccs between loyal and non loyal consumers. Thus, instead of the seven correlated X1 ith standardized variable
psychographic variables (1fFigure 19.1, we caii use the two uncorrelated factors, A11 = multiple regression coefficient of variable ion common factor j
i.e., homchody versus socialite, and sports versus movies/plays, in suhscqucnt analysis.
F common factor
3. To identify a smaller set of salient variables from a larger set for use in suhsequent multi-
V1 regression coeflicicnt of variahk ion uniqut' factor i
variate analysis. For example, a few of the original lifestyle statements that correlate highly
with the identified factors may be used as independent variables to explain the differences U 1 = the unique fac!or for variable i
between lhe loyal and nonloyal users. Spccilically, based on theory and empirical results m number of common fat:tors
The unique factors are uncorrelated with each other and wilh the common factors. 3 The
FIGURE 19,1 Factor 2
common factors themselves can be expressed as linear combinations of the observed vanahles.
Factors Underlying
Selected Baseball
F; = W,1X1 + W,2X2 + W,1X3 + + w,,x,
Psychographics where
and Lifestyles
F1 = estimate of ith factor
Evcnmg at home w, weight or factor score coefficient
number of variahles
It i.s possible to select weights or factor score coefficients so that the first factor ex.plains the
largest portion of the total variance. Then a second set of weights can be selected, so that the second
Go to a party Horne is best place
factor accounts for most of the residual variance, suhjecl to being uncunelated with the first factor.
This same principle could be applied to selecting additional weights fnr the additional factors. Thus,
the factors can he c:,;timated so that their factor scores, unlike the values of the original variahles, are
not correlated. Furthermore, the first factor an:oun1s for the highest variance in the data, the second
Plays factor the second highest, and so on. A simplified graphical illustration of factor analysis in the case
Movies of two variables is presented in Figure 19.2. Severn! statistics arc associated with factor analysis.
L..--------+ x, +
Rotate the factors.
Statistics Associated with Factor Analysis Interpret the factors.
Overview Like factor analysis (Chapter 19), cluster analysis exarrnnes an entire set of interdependent
relationships. Cluster analysis makes no distinction between dependent and independent
Cluster analysis helps us identify groups or variables. Rather, interdependent relationships between the whole set of variables are ex,m,-
ined. The primary objective of duster analysis is to classify objects into relatively homogeneous
groups based on the set of variables considered. Objects in a group are relatively similar in
segments that are more like each other terms of these variables and different from objects in other groups. When used in this manner,
cluster analysis is the obverse of factor analysis, in that it reduces the number of objects, not the
number of variables, by grouping them into a much smaller number of clusters.
than they are like members of other This chapter describes the basic concept of cluster analysis. The steps involved in
conducting cluster analysis are discussed and illustrated in the context of hierarchical cluster-
ing by using a popular computer program. Then an application of nonhierarchical clustering
groups or segme_11ts. is presented, followed by the TwoStep procedure and a discussion of clustering of variables.
Finally, we discuss the use of software in cluster analysis. Help for running the SPSS and SAS
Learning Edition programs used in this chapter is provided in four ways: (1) detailed step-by-step
Torn Myers, Senior Vice President, instructions are given later in the chapter, (2) you can download (from the Web site for this book)
Client Services Manager, Burke, Inc computerized demonstration movies illustrating these step-by-step instructions, (3) you can
download screen captures with notes illustrating these step-by-step instructions, and (4) you can
refer to the Study Guide and Technology Manual, a supplement that accompanies this book.
To begin, we provide some examples to illustrate the usefulness of cluster analysis.
Objectives [ After reading this chapter, the student should be able to: ]
1. Describe the basic concept and scope of cluster analysis and its importance Real Research Ice Cream Shops for "Hot" Regions
in marketing research.
H.iagen-Dan Shoppe Co. (www.liangen-da,, with more than 850 retail ice cream shups in over
2. Discuss the statistics associated with cluster analysis. 50 countries 111 2009, was interested in expanding its ~ustomer ba~c. The ohJcdive was to identify potcn·
3. Explain the procedure for conducting cluster analysis, including formulating tial consumer segments that could generate additional sales. Geodemography, a method of clustering
the problem, selecting a distance measure, selecting a clustering procedure,
deciding on the number of clusters, and interpreting and profiling clusters. Hiwgcn-Daz~ increased its
penetration hy idcnt1fy1ng
4. Describe the purpose and methods for evaluating the quality of clustering gcode1rnigraphic cl11stc1s
results and assessing reliability and validity. uffcring potential for
increased ice cre,1m sales.
5. Discuss the applications of nonhierarchical clustering and clustering of
consumers based on geographic, demographic, and lifestyle characteristics, was employed for this Both cluster analysis and discriminant analysis are concerned wilh classification. However,
purpose. Primary research was conducted to develop demographic and psychographic profiles of Hiiagen- discriminant analysis requires prior knowledge of the cluster or group membership for each
Dazs Shoppe users, including frequency of purchase, time of the day they came in, day of the week, and object or case included to develop the classification rule. In contrasl, in cluster analysis !here is
other product use variables. The addresses and zip codes of the respondents were also obtaine<l. The no a priori information about the group or cluster membership for any of the objects. Groups Dr
respondents were then assigned to 40 geodemographic clusters based on the clustering procedure clusters arc suggested by !he data, not defined a priori. 4
developed by Nielsen Claritas ( For each geodemographk cluster, the profile of Cluster analysis has been used in marketing for a variety of purposes, inclmling the following:'
Htiagen-Dazs customers was 1.:'.0mpared to the cluster profile to determine the degree of penetration. Using
this information, Htiagen-Dazs was also able to identify several potential customer groups from which to • Segmenting the market: For example, consumers may be cl11steretl on the basis of benefits
attrnct traffic. Jn addition to expanding Haagen-Dazs' c,astomer base, product advertising was established sought from !he purchase of a product. Each cluster would cousisl of consumers who are
to target new customers accordingly. New products were introduced. As of 2009, the Hiiagen-Dazs brand
relatively homogeneous in terms of the benefits !hey seek. 6 This approach is called benefit
was owned by General Mills. However, in the United States and Canada, Haagen-Dazs products were
produced by Nestle under a preexisting license. 1 •
The Hiiagen-Da1,s example illustrates the use of clustering to arrive at homogeneous segments
for the purpose of formulating specific marketing strategies. Real Research The Vacationing Demanders, Educationalists, and Escapists
In a study examining decision-making patterns nmong intern;Jtional vacationers, 260 resimndcnts provided
Basic Concept mforrna!ion on ~ix psychographic orientations: psychological, edw.:ational, social, relaxational, physiological,
Cluster analysis is a class of techniques used to classify objects or cases into relatively homoge- and aesthetic. Cluster analysis w<1s used to group respondents into psychographic segments. The results
neous groups called clusters. Objects in each cluster tend to be similar to each other and dissim- suggested that there. were three meaningful segments b;Jse<l upon these lifestyles. The J!rst se.gmcnt (:',3 percent)
ilar to ohjects in the other clusters. Cluster analysis is also called classijh:atum unalysis, or consisted 1Jf individual'> who were high on nearly all lifestyle scales. This group w,is called the "dcmanders."
numerical taxonomy. 2 We will he concerned with clustering procedures that assign each object to The second group (20 percent) was high on the educational scale and was named the ''educationalists." The
last group (26 percent) wc1s high on relaxation and !ow on sncial scales and was named the "e!icapists."
one and only one cluster. 3 Figure 20. l shows an ideal clustering situation, in which the clusters
Specific marketing strategies were fonnulak<l to attract vacationers in each segment. ln order to recover from
are distinctly separated on two variables: quality consciousness (variable I) and price sensitivity
the nfterma!h of the economic downturn in 2008-2009, Thailand made a special clfort ID reach lhe "escapists"
(variable 2). Note that each consumer falls into one cluster and there are no overlapping areas. segment in 20 IO, because the country would appeal the most to these vacationers, given it~ many rclaxatio11
Figure 20.2, on the other hand, presents a clustering situation that is more likely to be encoun- oppnr1unities rich in natural beauty. 7 •
tered in praclice. In Figure 20.2, the boundaries for some of the cluslers are not clear-cut, and the
classification of some consumers is not obvious, hecause many ol them could be grouped into
one cluster or another. • Understa,ulin~ buyer behaviors: Cluster analysis can be. used to iJcntify homogeneous
groups of Then the buying behavior of each group may be cx~nnined separately,
as in the cJepai1ment store project, where re~pondents were clustered on the basis of
FIGURE 20.1 self-reported importance attached to each factor of the choice criteria utilizcJ in sekcting
An Ideal Clustering
Situation 0 0 a department store. Cluster analysis has also he.en use<l to identify the kinds of strategies
automobile purchasers use to obtain external information.
0'. A
• Identifying new product opportunities: By clustering brands and products, competitive sets
within the market can be determined. Brands in the same duster compete rnorc fiercely with
each other than with brands in other clusters. A firm i.:an examine its cun~nt (1fferings com-
w pared to those of its competitors to identify potential new product opportunities.
• Selecting test markets: Ry grouping cities into homogeneous clusters, it is po,<,siblc to
Variable 2 select comparabk cities to test various marketing strategies.
• Reducing data: Cluster analysis can be used as a general data reduction tool to develop
FIGURE 20.2 clusters ur subgroup~ of <lala that are more manageable than individual observations.
A Practical
. Suhscquent multivariate analysis is conducted on the clusters rather than on the individual
observations. For example, to describe differences in consumers' product usage behavior,
..•.... ........... .
Clustering the consumers may first be clustered into groups. The differences among the groups may
-~·· tl1Lm be examined using multiple discriminant analysis .
Agglomeration schedule, An agglomeration schedule gives information on the objects or To illustrate, we consider a clustering of consumers based on attitudes toward shopping.
cases being combined at each stage of a hierarchical clustering process, Based on past research, six attitudinal variables were identified. Consumers were asked lo
express their degree of agreement with the following statements on a 7-point scale (I = disagree,
Cluster centroid, The cluster centroid is the mean values of the variables for all the cases
7 = agree):
or objects in a particular cluster.
Cluster centers, The cluster centers are the initial starting points in non hierarchical V1: Shopping is fun.
clustering, Clusters are built around these centers or seeds,
V2: Shopping is bad for your budget.
Cluster membership, Cluster membership indicates the cluster to which each object or
V1: I combine shopping v.ith eating out,
case belongs.
Dendrogram, A dendrogram, or tree graph, is a graphical device for displaying clustering V4 : I try to get the best buys when shopping.
results. Vertical lines represent clusters that are joined together. The position of the line on V,: I don't care about shopping,
the scale indicates the distances at which clusters were joined. The dendrogram is read V6 : You can save a lot of money by comparing prices.
from left to right. Figure 20.8 is a dendrogram.
Distances between cluster centers, These distances indicate how separated the individual Data obtained from a pretest sample of 20 respondents arc shown in Table 20.1. A small
pairs of clusters are. Clusters that are widely separated are distinct, and therefore de,sirable. sample size has been used to i1lustrate the clustering proces,l.i. In actual practice, cluster analy ...,is
is performed on a much larger sample such as that in the Dell running case and other cases with
Icicle plot, An icicle plot is a graphical display of clustering results, so called hecaLtsc it
real data that are presented in this hook.
resembles a row of icicles hanging from the eaves of a house. The columns correspond to
the objects being clustered, and the rows correspond to the number of clusters. An icicle
plot is read from bottom to top. Figure 20.7 is an icicle plot. Select a Distance or Similarity Measure
Similarity/distance coefficient matrix, A similarity/distance coefficient matnx is a Because the objective of clustering is to group similar ohjects together, some measure is needed
lower-triangle matrix containing pairwise distances between ohjects or cases. to assess how similar or different the objects are. The rnost common approach is to measure sim-
ilarity in terms of distance between pairs of objects. Objects with smaller dislances between
them are more similar to each Llther than arc those at larger Jista111..:es. There are several ways tn
Conducting Cluster Analysis compute the distance between two objects.9
The steps involved in conducting cluster analysis are listed in Figure 20.3, Tile first step is to euclidean distance The most commonly used measure of similarity is the euclidean Liistance or its square. The
formulate the clustering problem by defining the variables on which the clustt:ring will be 1 he '>quare root of the sum euclidean distance is the square root of the sum of the squared differences in values for each
based. Then an appropriate distance mca:mre must be selected. The distance measure deter- of the squared d1tferences variah!c. Other distance measures are also available. The city-biork or Manhauan distance
mines how similar or dissimilar the ohjects being clustered are. Several clustering pruccdun.:s 1n values for each variable between two objects is the sum of the absolute differences in values for each variable. The
have been developed and the researcher should select one that is appruprlate for the prohlem at
hand. Deciding on the number of clusters requires judgment on the part of the researcher. The
deriveJ clusters should be interpreted in terms of the variables used to cluster them and profiled !llm:1111:9'-I•Jt
in terms of additional salient variables. Finally, the researcher must asses,<., the validity of the Attitudinal Data for Clustering
clustering process. Case No. '1 V2 V3 v. v, v6
4 7
Formulate the Problem 4
Perhaps the most import.ant part of formulating the clustering problem is selecting the variahles
SPSS Data File 2 0 4
on which the clustering is based. Inclusion of even one or two irrelevant variables may distort an
4 4 6 4
otherwise useful clustering solution. Basically, the set of variables selected should describe the
similarity between objects in te-rms that are rckvant to the marketing research prohlcm. The 3 2
variables should he selected based on past research, theory, or a consideration of the hypotheses 4 6
being tested. ln exploratory research, the researcher should exen.:ise. judgment and intuition. 6
SAS Data File
3 7
2 4
Fortiii,lai/th& probie~: ·" , ''
Conducting Cluster
.· · ... ·r . . ·.. ,
Select 'a distance measUJ:e,'
. . ···········:i·.·······,.····
Decide on the number of clusters;.
. i
17 4 4
18 7 2 4
Interpret .and profile clusters,
19 6 3 2
"., .. ' ., ! ·.· . . ,, "' 20 3
Assess the val\dity .o(.duiter!ng:
Multidimensional Scaling and Conjoint Analysis
Often, relationships are easier to see if you can 6. Di'.:>cuss the bds1c concepts of OJrJJ01t1t <-111cily~;i'.;, con11c1~;t it w11l I MD~), ;ir11J
discuss its Vcnious uppli(<Jtior1.c,.
7. UcscribE~ the procf'.!dure for conduc1insJ conjoi11L irnJud1nq furmul<1L
or create a chart that ing the probk-nn, construc1in~ the stim1d1, dccidin~J of i11pt1I d,itrJ,
selectin~J a conJuint atic-dy:;i~! prou~durc, irilL~rp1el111~-J t!1l~ 1c,ldl'., rJIH1 d'.l'.~c~,:,
the goal of multidimensional scaling. Overview This chapter on data analysis p1e~,en!s lwo relcJted tec:h111q11es ror
tions and preferences: rnultidirnens1rn ldl ~;cc.1l!nq (MIJS) arid c or\)01t1t WL'
illustrate !he steps involved ir1 conducting MDS '-rnd discus'._, 1he ;i1no11q MD'.;, id(
Conjoint analysis, on the other hand, helps tor analysis, and an<.1lys1'.;. Thr.:n we dE;'.;cribr; con101nt ut1~ily\1:, <.111d p1c:._;c:11t d
by-stt~p procedure for it. We also provide hr 1ef cov('1 dCJr-' of liyhrid crn1Jt ,111t
Finally, we discuss Lhe use of in MDS and c.oriJoint <.mdly~,12, Hc,lp l[)t I tm111nq the• '.-;IJSS
-···· us profile which attributes contribute and SAS programs used ifl this chcrptc,r is prc,vidc-d in lnur wc1ys: (1 I ddcrrlt!d r,lt,p by c;lep
instructions are given later in the chapter, (2) you cm download (frorn lfH:-; Wc;b '.;il<] for l~w. book)
computerized dQrnonslratton movies 1llu'.1tr(.1t1r1g these step-l>y-step 1nst1ud1or1~,. C{) you c·,1n
__ most heavily to a person's choice among download screen cuptures with nott~s illusl1<1lin~:i thf~Sl·~ step by ~)lep in~;lrt1Ll1cm\ drid (4) yo11
can refer to the Study Ciwde and /(x:hriology Manuc1/, ,1 suppll:1rH~nl th,it accumpcm1c~ tlii'.;
a variety of offerings made up of different
Real Research Colas Collide
-~---- ·-· --------····-·--
combinations of these attributes.
------ In a survey, respondents were aske<l to rank-order all the possible pairs of JO brands of soft drinks in tcrn1s
of their similarity. These data were analyzed via multidjmension:..i.l st;:tling and resulted in the folJowing
Kuna! Gupta, Vice President/Senior Consultant, Decision Sciences, Burke, Inc. spatial representation of soft drinks.
Dr. Pepper
Objectives [ After reading this chapter, the student should be able to:]
().4 ... Slice
1. Discuss the basic concept and scope of multidimensional scaling (MDS} in
marketing research and describe its various applications.
L. •
2. Describe the steps involved in multidimensional scaling of perception data, • Coke Classic 7-Up
including formulating the problem, obtaining input data, selecting an MDS . ().() • •
procedure, deciding on the number of dimensions, labeling the dimensions Pepsi
Diet Slice
and interpreting the configuration, and assessing reliability and validity. --0.2
... Diet Pepsi
3. Explain the multidimensional scaling of preference data and distinguish
... • •
between internal and external analysis of preferences.
4. Explain correspondence analysis and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
• •Diet Coke Diet 7-Up
-0.6 ~
5. Understand the relationship among MDS, discriminant analysis, and factor ...
analysis. -0.8 I I
The first example illustrates the derivation am! use of perceptual maps, which lie at the heart ,,r
MDS. The second example involves trade-offs respondents make when evaluating alternative,,
The conjoint analysis procedure is based on tmde-offs.
1. The number and nature of din1en.sion.s consumers use to perceive different hrands in the
2. The positioning of current brands on these dimensions
From other inlormat1on obtained in the questionnaire, the hnriznnlal was labeled .is "CnLt Flavor."
3. The positioning of consumer....,• ideal brand on these dimensi<ms
Tab was pcrceiwd tn he the tll()St cola tlavorcd and 7-Up the least cola flavurccl. The vertical axis wa~
labeled as "Dietness," with Tab being pcrcclvcd to be the most dietetic and Dr. Pepper the most nun<lictctic lnfonnation provided- by MOS has been used for a variety of marketing applications, including:
Note that Pepsi aml Coke Classic were pcrcewed to be very .c,irnilar, as ind1catcd by the1r close11css in the
perceptual map. Clnse similarity was also perceived between 7-lJp and Slice, Diet 7-Up and Diet Slier. and • lma}{e measurement. Compan> the customers' and noncustmners' perceptions of the firm
Tab, Diet Coke, and Diet Pepsi. Note tbat Dr. Pepper i<; perceived to be relatively dissimilar lo the other with the firm's perceplions of itself and thus identify perceptual gaps.
brands. Such MDS maps are very useful Ill understanding the competitive structure of the soft drink market. • Market segmentation. Posjfo.rn brands and consumers in the same space and thus identify
'Il1e ( \ica-Coia Company ha:-. utiliLed techniques such ,is MDS to understand how consumers perceive their groups of consumers with relatively homogeneous perceptions.
prodLKts as well as those of competitors and, as a result, reaped rich rewards by rnJintaining an iron grip on • New product development. To look for gaps in the spatial map, which indicate potcntiul
thc lJ .S. carbonated soft drink market that was cstima!ed tu be about $70 billion in 2009. 1 • oppo11unities for positioning new products. Also, to evaluate new product concepts and
existing brands on a test basis to determine how consumers perceive the new concepts.
The proportion of preferences for each new product is one indkator of its success.
Real Research What Do Customers Look For in a Computer Printer? • Assessing advertisin1-: effectiveness. Spatial maps can be used to dete:nnine whether
advertising has been successful in achieving the desired hrand positioning.
Printronix. (, a manuf~1cturer of computer printers in Irvine, California, recently • Pricing analysis. Spatial maps developed with a.nt.l without pricing inf"ormation can be
spnn.<-(>red a natiDnwidc conjDint analysis project using interaclive software provided hy Trade-Off compared tu determine the i1npact of pricing.
Research Services. The ohicctive of this direct-mail project was to identify the huying habits of present and • Channel decisions. Judgments on compatibility uf brands with different retail outlets could
future customers a:,; well as those of purchasers of competitive product.'-.. lead to spatial maps w.;eful for making channel decisions.
"We a1c in a markl'.t-driven, competitive pnntct industry where the customer has many choi<.:es and • Attitude scale construction. MDS tcc:hniques can he used to dcvelnp thi; <1ppropriate
options," says Jack Andersen, vice p1esident ol domesttc marketing fur Pnntronix. "It is critical fot the dimensionality and configuration of the attitude space.
growth of this company that Wlc know why custorners huy or reject some printers over others."
Printronix mailed 1,600 Jiskcttc surveys to a pre4ualificd list of dcci~ion makers. The survey~ were
divided according to the pnce range of the printers with only slight diffcrc11ccs in the survey questions in Statistics and Terms Associated with MDS
both groups. Prequatifying also determined whether or not deciswn makers were planning on purchasing The important statistics and terms associated with MOS inclt1de the following:
new equipment and when, and the willingness of the decis1011 rnakers tu participate in the survey.
RL"'.sidts received by Printronix. management will help the company better undcrstanJ the computer Similarity judgments. Similarity judgments are ratings on all possible pairs of brands or
printer maiketplace. The company will be ahlc to identify ils customer base, what the "hot" buttons are, an<l other stimuli in terms of their similarity w,ing a Likert-type scale.
what type of products customers want now and in the future. Purthcrrnore, tht.: tc~ulls tabulatl"'.d will be able
Preference rankings. Preference rankings arc rank orderings of the brands or other
to provide insight into current and future product need~.
stimuli from the nl(JS! preferred to the least preferred. They are normally obtained
Particular marketing strategies can also be dcvclopc<l, for example, on how to engineer the product,
from the respondents.
how to advertise the product, and how he:-;t to sell it. "It's critic.:1! to focus your product markeling message
tn the needs of the buyLT," says Andersen. "lf we have designed certain elements into our products and then Stress. Thjs js a lack-of-fit measure; higher values of strc~s indicate poorer tits.
fail to promote them, we lose market share. That's the botlom lrnc, so il's important to know as much as R~square. R-square is a squared cotTelation index that indicates the proportion o~v~riance
possible about the buyer."
of the optimally scaled data that can be accounted for by the MDS procedure. Thts 15 a
Upon completion of the project and in characterizing the marketplace, Printronix will be able to cross-
goodness-of-tit measure.
reference various respondents (e.g, MIS managers only; companies under $10 mi\J1on; IBM-PC users only)
to help identify and define vertical market potentials. Additionally, ''what-if' analysts can be generated from Spatial map. Perceived relationships among hrands or other stimuli are represe~ted as
the results. For example, ii" the speed of a printer were increased, with everything else remaining constant as geom~tric rclati<rnships among points in a multidimensional space called aspattal map.
"·· <'""~tet~+r,,):~~~&;,
FIGURF 21.1 Formulate the problem. FIGURE 21.2 MDS Input Dala
Conducting Input Data for
Multidimensional 1
Obtain input data.
Scaling r ----~- l
1 PerGeptions Preferences
Label the dimensions ·.
Judgments) Ratings)
and interpret the configuration. own criteria. Respondents are often required to rate all possible pairs or brands ur stimuli in terms of
·. . 1' simi !arity on a Llkcrt scale. These data are referred to as similarity judgments. For example, si1nilmity
judgments on al1 the possible pairs of toothpaste bnrnds may be obtained in the following rnanner·
Assess reliability and validity.
Very Very
Coordinates. Coordinates indicate the positioning of a brand or a stimulus in a spatial map. Dissimilar Similar
Unfolding. The representation of both brands and respondents as points in the same space Crest vs. Colgate 2
is referred to as unfolding. Aqua-Fresh vs Crest 2
Crest vs. Aim 2 h
a sporty car to one Ihat is conservative looking is not helpful, unless sportiness and conservative-
Statistics and Terms Associated with Conjoint Analysis ness are defined in terms of attributes over which a manager has control. The attributes can be
The important statistics and terms associated with conjoint analysis include: identified through discussions with management and industry experts, analysis of secondary
data, qualitative research, and pilot surveys. A typical conjoint analysis study involves six or
Part-worth functions. The part-worth functions or utility.fimctions describe the utility
seven attributes.
consumers attach to the levels of each attribute.
Once the salient attributes have been identified, their appropriate levels should he
Relative importance weights. The relative importance weights are estimated and indicate selected. The number of attribute levels determines the number of parameters that will he
which attributes are important in influencing consumer choice. estimated and also influences the number of stimuli that will be evaluated by the respondents.
Attribute levels. The attribute levels denote the values assumed by the attributes. To minimize the respondent evaluation task, and yet estimate the parameters with reasonable
Full profiles. Full profiles or complete profiles of brands are constructed in terms or all the accuracy, it is desirable to re,trict the number of attribute levels. The utility or part-worlh
attributes by using the attribute levels specified by the design. function for the levels of an attribute n1ay be nonlinear. For example, a consumer ,nay prefer
a medium-sized car to either a small or large one. Likewise, the ulility for pnce may be non-
Pairwise tables. In pairwise tables, the respondents evaluate two attributes at a time until
linear. The loss of utility in going from a low to a medium price may be mud1 Slllaller than
all the required pairs of attributes have been evaluated.
the loss in utility in going from a medium to a high price. In these cases, at least three levels
Cyclical designs. Cyclical designs are designs employed to reduce the number of paireJ should be used. Some attributes, though, may naturally occur in binary form (two levels): a
comparisons. car does or does not have a sunroof.
Fractional factorial designs. Fractional factorial designs arc designs employed to reduce The attribute levels selected will affect the consumer evaluations. If the price of an automo-
the number of stimulus profiles to be evaluated in the full profile approach. bile brand is varied at $10,000, $12,000, and $14,000, price will be relatively unimp011ant. On
Orthogonal arrays. Orthogonal arrays are a special class or fractional designs that enable the other hand, if the price is varied at$ I 0,000, $20,000, and $30,000, it will be an important fac-
tor. Hence, the researcher should take into account the attrihute levels prevalent in the market-
the efficient estimation of all main effects.
place and the objectives of the study. Using attribute levels thal are beyond the range reflected in
Internal validity. This involves correlations of the predicted evaluations for the holdout or
the marketplace will decrease lhe believability of the evaluation task, but it will increa.,e the
va!i<lation stimuli wilh those obtained from the respondents.
accuracy with which the parametern are estimated. The general guideline is to select attrihute
levels so that the ranges are s()mewhat greater than that prevalent in the marketplace but not so
Conducting Conjoint Analysis large as to adversely impact the believability of the evaluation task.
We illustrate the conjoint methodology by considering the prohlem of how students evaluate
Figure 21.8 lists the steps in conjoint analysis. Formulating the problem involves identifying the
sneakers. Qualitative research identified three attributes as salient: the sole, the upper, and the
salient atlributcs and their levels. These attrihutes and levels are used for constructing the stimuli
price. 18 Each was defined in tcnns or three levels, as shown in Table 21.2. These attributes and
to be used in a conjoint evaluation task. The respondents rate or rank the stimuli using a suitable
their levels were used for constructing the conjoint analysi~ stimuli. Note that to kcL'P the illus-
scale and the data obtained arc analyzed. The results arc interpreted and their reliabil'ity and
tration simple, we are using only a limited number of attributes, that is, only three. It has hccn
validity assessed.
argued that pictorial stimuli should he used when consumers' marketplace choices are strongly
guided by the product·~ styling, such that the choices are heavily based on an im;pL'.ction of actual
Formulate the Problem products or pictures of products. 19
In formulating the conjoint analysis problem, the researcher must identify the attributes and
attribute levels to he used in constructing the stimuli. Attrihutc levels denote the values assumed
by the attributes. From a theoretical standpoint, the attributes .selected should be salient in influ- Construct the Stimuli
encing consumer preference and choice. For example, in the choice of an automobile brand, Two broad approaches are available for constructing conjoint analysis stimuli: the pairwise approach
price, gas mileage, interim space, and so forth should be included. From u managerial perspec- and the full-profile procedure. In the pairwise approach, al.'-io called twoJuctor £'valuations, the
tive, the attributes and their levels should be actionable. To tell a manager that consumers prefer respondents evaluate two attributes at a ti111c until all the possible pair:-. of attributes have been evalu-
ated. This approach is illustrated in the context of the sneaker example in Pigure 21.9. For each pair,
respondents evaluate all the combinations of levels of hoth the attributes, which are presented in a
matrix. in the full~profile approach, also called multiple~factor evaluations, full or complete pro ti Jes
Conjoint Analysis ll1l'f:) ........
Sneaker Attributes and Levels
Attribute Level No. Description
Sole 3 Ruhbcr
2 Polyurethane
Upper 3 Leather
Price 3 $30.00
2 $60.00
~m:,.,..,... ...,
Sneaker Profiles and Their Ratings
Pairwise Approach to Collecting Conjoint Data
Sole Attribute Levers•
Plastic Rubber Polyurethane Plastic Preference
Rub her Polyurethane
I I Profile No. Sole Upper
2 2 7
~ Canvas
-~ $60.00 1 3 3 5
p., 2
;:, 2 1 6
2 2
Nylon $90.00 3 I 6
$30.00 $60.(XJ $90.00
dThe nttnbute levels correspond to those 1n !"able 21.2.
t validation purposes. Input Jata were obtained for both the estimation and validation stimuli.
;:, However, before the data could be obtained, it was necessary to decide on the form of tl1e input data.