Attitudes, Reid, Revised
Attitudes, Reid, Revised
Attitudes, Reid, Revised
Norman Reid
Phone: (0044)-1506-653366
History of Attitudes
The word ‘attitude’ has a very vague range of meanings in normal day to day language. We often use the word to
interpret almost any kind of behaviour which is regarded as unusual or unacceptable. Indeed, attitudes may
underpin many aspects of behaviour and that is why the study of attitudes is so important. However, in the world
of social psychology, it took decades for the concept of attitude to crystallise into any kind of agreed meaning.
Herbert Spencer (1862, quoted by Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980) offered one of the first descriptions of attitudes when
he spoke of, ‘‘arriving at correct judgements on disputed questions much depends on the attitude of mind we
preserve while listening to, or taking part in, the controversy”. Perhaps Spencer was unfortunate in implying that
there are ‘correct’ judgements but his idea of judgement is important.
The problem is that attitudes cannot be seen or observed directly. They exist in the brain. For many decades in
the early 20th century, the dominance of behaviourist thought in the world of psychology meant that it was not
thought acceptable to seek to measure what could only be deduced by inference. The outcome of this was that
attitudes were not regarded as an acceptable area of enquiry.
When Thurstone published his paper entitled, ‘Attitudes can be measured’ (Thurstone, 1929), this offered a new
challenge to the dominance of behaviourism. His approach was ingenious but very time-consuming (Thurstone
and Chave, 1929). Nonetheless, his work opened up the whole area of attitude measurement and he was quickly
followed by the work of Likert (1932). Both Thurstone and Likert used a paper and pencil survey approach. The
Likert approach asked people to look at a series of statements and to express their personal measure of
agreement or disagreement with these statements using, originally, a seven point scale from ‘very strongly
agree’ to ‘very strongly disagree’. This is often modified today to a five point scale, from ‘strongly agree’ to
‘strongly disagree’ and this style of question is probably the most common form of question used today.
Arising from a quite separate area of research, the work of Osgood et al (1957) opened up a new approach which
has proved extremely powerful. Osgood’s team were really exploring what they described as semantic space.
This can be loosely seen as the way we see ideas. Following a series of studies, they started to appreciate that the
meaning of ideas could be crystallised down to three dimensions. They called these evaluation, potency, and
activity and these can be seen as the dimensions of good-bad, powerful-powerless, fast-slow. Their work is
nicely summarised by Heise (1970). Osgood and his team appreciated that the good-bad dimensions related
closely to attitudes and this led to his approach being adopted widely as a tool in attitude measurement. The
relative usefulness of these and other approaches will be discussed and illustrated later.
The whole area of attitude measurement received a considerable impetus after the 2nd World War when
considerable funding was made available in the USA for research. This led to a stream of research papers and
many of the findings from one major research team were brought together in the book ‘Communication and
Persuasion’ (Hovland et al, 1953). This text still offers key insights. However, much of the effort was focussed
on attitudes related to political stances or major social issues. This kind of attitude is very different when
compared to the kind of attitudes which are relevant in science education today.
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The Concept of Attitudes
We need to recognise that the concept of attitude has played an outstanding role throughout the history of social
psychology (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980). It is so central because attitudes influence patterns of behaviour. The
problem is how we describe attitudes. Over 30 years ago, specifically in the field of science education, Johnstone
and Reid (1981) observed that there were simply too many descriptions in the literature, resulting in a lack of
clarity and also a lack of a common approach. The description which dominated was that of Allport (1935) who
talked about ‘a mental and neural state of readiness to respond, organised through experience, exerting a
directive and / or dynamic influence on behaviour’. His definition has stood the test of time and has influenced
many future thinkers and researchers.
Further refinements include those of Krech and Crutchfield (1948), Doob (1947), Katz and Sarnof (1954) and
Osgood et al (1957). Later, in 1958, Rhine referred to an attitude as a ‘concept with an evaluative dimension’.
The phrase ‘evaluative dimension’ was important. It seem to almost go back to Spencer’s 1962 use of the word
‘judgement’ and this ‘evaluative dimension’ proposed by Rhine has assumed greater importance in later work. In
some ways, this is what distinguishes an attitude from other latent constructs. A person may know, may have
feelings or may experience. However, it is possible that these may lead to evaluation and subsequent decisions.
Eagly and Chaiken (1993, pp. 1-2) bring together many ideas when they state, ‘Attitude is a psychological
tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of favour or disfavour.’ This
description is now widely accepted.
There are several related words and this causes confusions. How do we consider opinions, beliefs, values? Are
these the same as attitudes? In an ingenious analysis hidden away in a PhD thesis, Oraif (2007) offers an
interesting analysis.
For our purposes here, the key thing is that Oraif clarified the distinctions between knowledge, belief and
attitude. She saw clearly that there was evaluation of knowledge involved in both beliefs and attitudes and that
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attitudes were formed from small groups of beliefs. She did not discuss opinions but sometimes these might be
seen as beliefs (very specific) or sometimes as attitudes (rather more general).
We can illustrate this with regard to physics. A school student may have studied some physics. This involves
some knowledge of physics and some knowledge of the experiences of studying physics. On its own, neither is a
belief or an attitude. However, in studying physics, the student may come to have negative feelings towards
specific aspects of physics learning. Thus, the student may hold the belief that physics experiments often do not
work, that the physics learned is unrelated to life, and that the teacher sets too much homework. These are beliefs
but may well lead to an attitude towards physics which is negative. There is a negative evaluation of aspects of
physics learning. In turn, such an attitude may lead to the rejection of further studies. Thus, we can see attitudes
as being built up of a small set of beliefs. While these beliefs may sometimes have some kind of internal
consistency, inconsistencies are possible. In education, the important feature is to focus in on the beliefs, not
some supposed attitude, a point we shall expand later.
Thus, in thinking of our school student in physics again, the person may well find aspects of the learning
unattractive (a negative evaluation) while others are highly attractive (a positive evaluation). Our student may
view the laboratory learning positively, hold the teacher in warm regard while, at the same time, evaluate the
physics taught very negatively. This has huge implications for all attitude measurement if it is to be useful. Even
an apparently simple concept like ‘attitude towards physics’ is highly multi-dimensional and cannot be reduced
to a single number or ‘score’. I shall return later to this important point. The key issue is that we need to explore
the detail relating to the way attitudes are held.
Attitudes serve a vital purpose. The attitudes held by an individual help that person to make sense of the world
around, sense of themselves and sense of relationships (Reid, 2003). While consistency helps greatly, life is
complex and there are times when inconsistency is inevitable.
The whole area of attitude stability and attitude consistency has been explored by many researchers. Roediger et
al. (1984) referred to the stability or relative permanence of attitudes. This contribution emphasised the fact that
attitudes tend to have features of some stability and tend to lead to certain relatively consistent patterns of
behaviour. Indeed, attitudes do tend to have some stability although they are open to development, modification
and change.
Cook and Selltiz (1964) noted that attitudes, on their own, do not control behaviour and this principle led to the
development of the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behaviour (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980;
Ajzen, 1989). I shall return to these theories later for they raise important issues relating to attitude measurement.
Attitude consistency has been a major area of research. The early work of Heider (1944) laid the basis for this
and the ideas were picked up in the brilliant work of Festinger in the 1950s. Festinger (1957) showed in some
amazing experiments that the extent of overall inconsistency between attitude and behaviour offer an almost
quantitative way to see when attitudes were likely to change and develop. His work has been replicated and was
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used in the 1970s in an early study on social attitudes arising from the study of chemistry. In this study, his ideas
were applied and found to be well supported (Johnstone and Reid, 1981).
There is fairly general agreement (eg. Bagozzi and Burnkrant, 1979 and McGuire, 1985) that attitudes are stored
in long-term memory and involve three components:
★ What we know
★ How we feel
★ How we behave
(1) A knowledge about the object, the beliefs, ideas components (Cognitive).
It is important that we recognise that an attitude must be directed towards someone or something. We can hold a
positive (or negative) attitude towards chemistry or the chemistry teacher, for example.
and Observable
Personality learning Social environment
cognitive, affective and behavioural elements
Attitudes with an
evaluative dimension
tending to influence
(cognitive, affective and behavioural)
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One key feature of figure 2 is the reminder that attitudes are hidden away in long-term memory and that they can
only be measured indirectly. This is done by looking at behaviour. However, this assumes that behaviour is an
accurate measure of the hidden attitude. In other words, it assumes that attitudes control behaviour and this is
open to question. We shall return to this later.
Overall, it has been established that attitudes tend to be consistent and stable with time. Nonetheless, despite this
stability, they are open to some change and development although deeply held attitudes are highly internalised
and are resistant to modification (Johnstone and Reid, 1981). There is some evidence about the mechanisms by
which attitudes do change and develop, relating the general stability of attitudes with the situations when change
is possible (Reid, 1978, 1980; Johnstone and Reid, 1981). A textbook like ‘The Psychology of
Attitudes’ (Chaiken and Eagly, 1993) offers a thorough overview of the general findings from social psychology.
An Interim Summary
In the field of science education, interest in attitudes was seen as important as the curriculum reform movements
of the 1960s and 1970s were accompanied by falling enrolments in chemistry and physics in England and the
USA. Ormerod and Duckworth’s excellent summary of 1975 brought together much of this early work in a
useful form, reflecting mainly the situation in England while Gardner (1975) also compiled a useful review.
My own country of Scotland did not experience this ‘swing from science’ in the 1960s (Dainton, 1971). This may
reflect the kinds of changes in the chemistry and physics curriculum which occurred then, these being very
different from those in either England or the USA. A much later study in Scotland looked at what attracted
learners into physics and this revealed the key factors very clearly (Reid and Skryabina, 2002). The nature of the
physics curriculum was found to be critical as well as the key importance of fully qualified, committed and
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supportive teachers. Indeed, even today the three sciences and mathematics are the most popular elective
subjects in Scotland at senior school level, judged by the uptakes, a position they have held for over 40 years
(Scottish Qualification Authority, Annual Reports, 1962 to 2013).
Despite the vast numbers of studies and the enormous amount of effort which was expended in trying to
elucidate what was happening attitudinally as school pupils and university students voted not to study the
physical sciences in many countries, clear insights did not emerge. Many have noted this with frustration. Some
studies did offer limited new insights (eg. Yilmaz, Boone, and Andersen, 2004) while others pinpointed
interesting features which might be useful in curriculum planning (eg. Myers, Boyes, Stanisstreet, 2004). Some
looked beyond school education (eg. Rispoli, and Hambler, 1999). However, a look at the detail of the Skryabina
study (Skryabina, 2000) shows that the methodology she adopted holds the key. The usual methods which
science education researchers have taken from the world of social psychology are inappropriate and simply
cannot offer the needed key insights.
A recent review (Reid, 2010) of the main findings related to attitudes towards the sciences summarised the key
issues (table 1)
Interest develops early (by about age 14) Expend our effort and energy with younger pupils.
Boys and girls are equally interested but Ensure that themes and topics contain a balance of themes to interest
areas of interest vary. both genders.
School teachers have a very critical role Expend our effort and energy in supporting and resourcing teachers.
Things outside the school have almost no Science Centres, one off events and network TV may be fun. They have
impact very limited lasting impact.
There is a successful curriculum approach This is based on the concept of applications-led curricula (Reid, 2000).
There are numerous specific studies and some of these are summarised in Reid (2006, pages 15-16). Looking at
teaching and learning, Soyibo and Hudson (2000) report on attitudes in relation to computer-assisted instruction
and Thompson and Soyibo (2002) look at practical work. Sadly, both studies lose potentially interesting detail by
the measurement techniques employed. Berg et al (2003) looked in detail at an expository approach compared to
an open-ended approach in laboratory work. They avoided the methodological pitfalls of scaling and offered
some very useful thoughts.
Brossand, Levenstein and Bonney (2005) report an interesting study of attitudes in relation to a citizen science
project. They found little attitude change but, almost certainly, the methodology used lost key detail. However,
consistent with the findings of Skryabina (Reid and Skryabina, 2002a), they found that school pupils and
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university students claimed not to have been influenced towards the sciences by media events or by events like
science festivals.
There are numerous studies looking at the interface between primary and secondary schools. Integrated science
was starting to take hold as the norm in the early secondary years in the 1970s and, shortly after, primary science
was seen as an important development. Although there are few studies, early work seems to show that integrated
science does not improve attitudes relating to science (Brown and Davis, 1973; Brown, 1974) while considerable
doubt was expressed in a later and somewhat broader review of the literature (Venville et al., 2002). Hadden and
Johnstone (1982, 1983a, 1983b) noted the very marked deterioration of attitudes in the early years of secondary,
a deterioration which was far more marked in science than in other areas of the curriculum. Similarly, primary
teachers’ confidence was found to be very low when asked to teach outside their area of competence (Harlen and
Holroyd, 1997).
Other studies have looked at gender differences (eg. Stark and Gray, 1999). Dawson (2000) looked at upper
primary pupils attitudes while Reid and Skryabina (2002b) looked at gender across the age range from 10 to age
20 in relation to physics. In an interesting recent study, Spall et al. (2003) focussed on biology and physics
undergraduates although they did not emphasise the gender issues so much. Gauld and Hukins (1989) discuss
many studies which tried to relate aspects of scientific attitude and various curriculum developments, mostly in
the USA.
Attitude Targets
One of the important features of attitudes is the realisation that there has to be an attitude ‘target’. In science
education, four areas of targets can be identified:
Attitudes towards:
(b) The learning of the science subject (and perhaps learning more generally);
(c) Topics and themes covered in a particular course (eg themes of social awareness);
By far the greatest area of interest has been that of attitudes towards chemistry and physics. Recent studies
include: Ramsden, 1998; Osborne et al, 1998, 2003; Bennett et al, 2001; Pell and Jarvis, 2001a,b, 2004; Krogh
and Thomson, 2005; Cleaves, 2005). Some studies have looked at specific aspects. For example, Reid and
Skryabina (2002a, 2002b) looked at physics while Shah (2004) focussed specifically on laboratory work in
There are a few studies which have looked at attitudes towards learning but most have focussed on Higher
Education. Selepeng (1999) looked at biology undergraduates, Mackenzie et al., (2003) looked at medical
students while Al-Shibli (2003) looked at how attitudes related to studies in the sciences developed over the final
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three years of school and the four years of a degree with Omani students. All of these studies followed the
insightful work of Perry (1999) and, while largely attitudinal on focus, there were wider dimensions.
Studies related to social awareness are very rare although this area is assuming increasing importance in many
curriculum specifications. The modern trend is to see this in relation to scientific literacy although there are few
clear descriptions of what is meant by this term. Reid (1978, 1980) carried out some early work and showed how
the curriculum could be presented to enable attitudes relating to the way chemistry was related to the world
around could be developed fairly easily. This work was followed up by Al-Shibli (2003) who showed that the
same approach worked in the development of attitudes towards learning with Omani students. A very recent
study (Chu and Reid, 2012) used a similar approach in developing attitudes in relation to the genetics revolution.
Chu worked with younger school students and found that the same approach developed in the 1970s was also
very effective in this area.
In looking at the fourth ‘target’, some major problems are evident. There are major difficulties in describing
what we mean by the ‘scientific attitude’ in a way agreed by the majority although one attempt is described
(Reid, 2006). Another problem lies in grasping whether this is really an attitude or a method of working (like a
cognitive skill). One recent major study looked at scientific thinking (Reid and Serumola, 2006a,b) and this was
followed up by another major study (Al-Ahmadi, 2008) which took the ideas further and gained many useful
insights (Al-Ahmadi and Oraif, 2009; Al-Ahmadi and Reid, 2011, 2012).
Gauld and Hukins (1989) reviewed the area many years ago. They noted the lack of clarity and the lack of
precision in the use of key words. Perhaps, the problem really is that the ‘scientific attitude’ is really a group of
many attitudes. It also involves a high degree of skills character. The person has to be willing (based on attitude)
but also has to be skilled (based on knowledge and experience).
Early work in social psychology reveals the considerable confusion over attitudes and behaviour as well as
attitudes and emotions. While attitudes can possess considerable emotional dimensions, attitudes are not
emotions. While attitudes can be strongly influenced by past behaviour and can lead to future behaviour,
attitudes are not the same as behaviour. The confusions are compounded by the fact that the only way we can
make any measurement of attitudes held by groups of people is to observe aspects of their behaviour.
Because much of the work on attitudes has focussed on attitudes towards the science (often physics or
chemistry), the behavioural aspects have received much attention. The behaviour here is reflected in whether the
students want to continue with studies in chemistry or physics. Various models have tried, on the basis of
empirical evidence, to show the extent to which attitudes influence subsequent behaviour.
Ajzen and Fishbein (1980) developed a generally accepted model (theory of reasoned action). Their studies
showed that behaviour is rather well predicted from what they described as behavioural intentions (are you
intending to do.........?). In turn, the behavioural intentions were predictable by attitudes towards the possible
behaviour and social norms (opinions of others). Later, the model was adapted and was called the Theory of
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Planned Behaviour (Ajzen, 1988). It has to be stressed that Ajzen (1989) was only looking at planned
behaviour, behaviour under the deliberate control of the person. The model developed by Ajzen can be illustrated
in figure 3.
towards the
We can illustrate this specifically by looking at student deciding to study more physics (figure 4).
My attitude
What I think
important to me I plan to study physics next year I do study physics
think about me
studying physics
Is it possible?
Are my past
marks good
Will it fit my
Ajzen found that this model did account for much behaviour and that the first factor (attitudes towards the
behaviour) was often the most important factor. The results from the work of Skryabina (2000) on attitudes to
physics were found to fit this model.
The importance of the model in attitude measurements is considerable. We attempt to measure attitudes (hidden
away in the long-term memory part of the brain) by measuring behaviour. Behaviour is only a good measure of
attitudes if the effects of the subjective norm and the perceived behavioural control are minimised. This leads to
our approaches to measurement. If we are going to attempt to measure attitudes by measuring behaviour (and
completing a survey is behaviour), then we need to be reasonably sure that we have minimised the effect of the
subjective norm and the perceived behaviour control. By emphasising anonymity and encouraging openness and
honesty in responding (please tell us what you think …..), then perhaps we have reduced the effect of the
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subjective norm. By focussing on the perceptions of respondents towards experiences of the past (maybe very
immediate past), then the perceived behaviour control may not be too powerful an influence. Nonetheless, there
is NEVER certainty that measuring behaviour will give us an accurate picture of attitudes held.
Before turning to look at measurement in more detail, it is useful to bring the ideas discussed above together. In
the field of science education, there are four targets for attitude research. The most common area relates to
attitudes to subjects like physics and chemistry while there are some studies which look at social attitudes arising
from the study of chemistry and attitudes towards learning in the context of the sciences. The theory of planned
behaviour offers a useful description of the relationship between attitudes and behaviour. This is important for
measurement of attitudes in that we measure aspects of behaviour and then try to relate that back to attitudes
Approaches to Measurement
It is essential that any attempt to measure student attitudes is valid and accurate. In other words, are we
confident that we are measuring is what we plan to measure? Also, are we confident that we are gaining an
accurate and reproducible picture.
All attitudes must be inferred from observed behaviour. Attitudes remain hidden and are not open to direct
measurement but only to inference. This is not as serious as it sounds. We are happy to award grades and even
degrees on the basis of marking samples of student work (behaviour) and are able to make all kinds of
statements with considerable confidence on learner understanding based on such evidence. How confident are
we that our marks and grades actually reflect what is ‘hidden’ in the brain of our students? We need to use
caution in interpreting our examination results. Equally, we need to use caution when measuring the attitudinal.
In an important early discussion, Cook & Selltiz (1964) categorise the techniques of attitude measurement into
five types. However, in schools and universities, paper and pencil techniques must dominate. Indeed, a little
thought tell us that there are only three possible ways to approach attitude measurement in educational contexts:
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Surveys are socially acceptable and allow us to handle the large numbers in schools and universities. The
response patterns obtained can give extremely accurate pictures of specific student attitudes. However, there is
always an element of doubt whether responses reflect reality or aspiration (the reality-aspiration problem
identified by Danili, 2004).
Experience with self-report techniques (like the technique of Likert, 1932) show that, under most conditions,
respondents are remarkably honest and consistent in their responses (Clarkeburn et al, 2000; Reid, 2003; Reid,
2006). It is very clear that, given large samples and sensible test conditions, survey data can be extremely robust.
The main problem rests with the way data from surveys are handled. Most studies have adopted approaches
which are difficult to defend. This latter point we shall discuss in some detail later.
In looking at paper and pencil techniques, several types of question have been identified:
(a) Those with a format similar to that developed by Osgood;
These approaches have been discussed briefly elsewhere and the relative strengths and weaknesses have been
summarised (Reid, 2003). In the semantic differential format developed by Osgood et al. (1957), the respondent
is invited to place a tick in one of a set of boxes placed between two adjectives, two adjectival phrases or even
two brief sentences. This defines both ends of the scale. In questions following the Likert format, respondents
respond by showing a measure of agreement or disagreement. Thus, only one end of the scale is specific
precisely, the other having to be deduced. Rating questions allow the respondents to select from a list, indicate
preferences, or place items in a list in their own chosen order. Situational set questions are difficult to develop. In
these the respondent is placed in a simulated situation and reactions are invited. Examples are given in the
Interviews can often give fascinating insights and details not open to surveys. They can sometimes reveal
surprising outcomes. However, they are very time-consuming and it is never easy to summarise a set of
interviews down into a clear cut set of conclusions.
Interviews can be highly structured or totally open but a very useful kind of interview can be described as semi-
structured. Here the interviewer has a set of questions for discussion but there is freedom to elaborate or move
from the agenda as appropriate. With highly structured interviews, data analysis can be more straightforward.
For example, we can simply record the proportion of students who like laboratories, used a given textbook
regularly, re-wrote their lecture notes after lectures and so on. However, interviews tend to be less structured and
students can respond in widely different ways using widely different language. Indeed, in open interviews, the
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student may even determine the agenda. There is a considerable amount of research following this latter
paradigm (eg. Marton, 1986).
Watching student behaviour can also offer fascinating insights, as Johnstone and Wham found (1982) in an early
study of student behaviour in undergraduate laboratories, but it is also time-consuming. There is, inevitably, a
measure of uncertainty of the observed behaviour reflects attitudes in that it is not easy to control the subjective
norms or perceived behavioral control.
Two of the problems in all educational measurement relate to validity and reliability. Validity is simply the extent
to which the measurement actually measures what is intended. Thus, for example, if we wish to test student
ability at, say, quadratic equations, then we ask the students to solve quadratic equations of varying complexity
and see how successful they are. With attitudes, it is somewhat more complex. It is much more difficult to be
certain that students are answering questions in a survey in such a way that their responses reflect underlying
Reliability generates considerable controversy. Reliability explores the extent to which the responses are
accurate. Suppose a student responded to a survey one day. Would the responses be similar the following day, or
the following week, for example. The problem is that there is enormous confusion over internal consistency and
what we might call test-retest reliability. Test-retest reliability is what is important: we need to know if the
measurement made one day will be very similar if made under similar conditions on another occasion. Gardner
(1995) discusses this helpfully. Nonetheless, the literature is full of confusion in this area.
We need to stop and think for a moment. Suppose you wanted to measure my height. A measuring tape might be
useful. It is clear you are trying to measure what you intend to measure. However, is the tape reliable? Will it
stretch with repeated use? Is the scale marked on in the right units? There is no point in measuring my height
with a tape which only has a scale marked to the nearest metre. Will my height be approximately the same on
consecutive days? Will it be the same at different times of the day? There are many such simple questions and
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we all know how to make a measurement of height which will reflect quite accurately what my height actually
is: the best way may be to measure my height more than once, using a measuring device of appropriate accuracy.
Let me illustrate the utter confusion over internal consistency. For example, suppose a short survey asks ten
questions about ten different aspects of learning school chemistry. Internal consistency is meaningless. The
examiner does NOT set ten questions to test the same thing. The usual pattern is to set ten questions to test ten
different topics, skills, or themes. The pupil performance in the questions may or may not correlate with each
other. Internal consistency might offer evidence that, if a student knows one area, he might well perform well in
an other but that does not say anything about the reliability of the test.
The literature is full of supposed attitude measures which quote statistics like split-half reliabilities and
Cronbach’s Alpha (Cronbach, 1951). These are measures of internal consistency. There is a complete lack of
clear thought here. Suppose we have a survey with 20 questions. One common way is to correlate the responses
of the odd numbered questions against the responses to the even numbered questions. First of all, correlation
does NOT tell us that two measures are measuring the same thing. I could take 1000 men and measure their
weight and height. The two measures will correlate highly but weight is NOT height! Gauld and Hukins (1989:
131) offer a useful comment when they say, ‘One can have conceptually distinct measures (like weight and
height) which are empirically correlated and conceptually related measures which show almost no correlation.’
This is strong advocacy for caution.
Thinking again of attitude survey questions, taken to its logical absurdity, it is often argued that the higher the
value of the correlation coefficient, the more reliable is the test. Imagine we obtain a coefficient of 1. Why ask
twenty questions? Why not ask ten? Or even just one?
Cornbach’s alpha is a measure that brings together all the inter-item correlations into one number. It is simply a
measure of internal consistency. A simple analysis of the mathematics of this statistic shows how difficult it is to
gain a low value! It says nothing about test-retest reliability. In education, Cronbach’s alpha is not a very helpful
statistic simply because so much is multi-dimensional.
Genuine reliability is really only assessed by using the questions on more than one occasion but this is often not
possible. However, where it has been done, all the evidence suggests that, with good samples, and the carefully
controlled use of surveys, reliability is high. Thus undermines totally the oft-quoted comment that surveys tell us
nothing. The inference from such a statement is that respondents tick boxes fairly randomly. Careful analyses
have shown that this is usually not true at all (see Reid, 2006). However, it must be stressed that surveys tell us
what what respondents think. Surveys cannot measure things like learner characteristics with any degree of
accuracy, as Hindal (2007) has demonstrated. Therefore, attempts to use questionnaires to measure things like
critical thinking, self-efficacy and motivation are doomed to failure. These are all highly multi-dimensional and a
questionnaire will simply show what respondents think and this, while honest, may have little relationship to
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Statistical Aspects
In many of the studies in attitude measurement, there is lack of understanding of the dangers of correlation.
Indeed, in most cases, the wrong statistical method for correlation is used. Pearson correlation can only be used
with integer data, approximately normally distributed. All survey data fail on the first point as the data are
ordinal. Many survey questions fail on the latter, the data forming far from normal distributions. Kendall’s Tau-b
has to be used for correlation purposes but you will rarely find this in most research studies.
Indeed, this is part of a wider problem with most survey data. It is very common to find researchers calculating
means and standard deviations of responses to survey questions. It is mathematical nonsense to carry out such
procedures with ordinal data. It is also very misleading. Here is a fictional example which illustrates this (table
Group 1 13 25 44 57 19 2.7
Group 2 24 23 38 31 42 2.7
In table 2, two groups have completed the same question on a survey. The usual way is to allocate a value of ‘5’
for ‘strongly agree’, ‘4’ for ‘agree’, ‘3’ for ‘neutral’, ‘2’ for ‘agree’ and ‘1’ for ‘strongly disagree’. A moment’s
thought reveals the meaninglessness of this but it is widely done. It is saying that a person who agrees with the
statement has, in attitude terms, twice the value of a person who disagrees. This has no meaning at all! Indeed,
the numbers 1 to 5 are ordinal. We could equally use ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’.
In the table, the mean score for the upper line is found by:
However, the two groups clearly are showing very different response patterns to this question but the totally
invalid method uses suggests that they are the same because they give the same mean.
Most studies make it even worse. They use the ordinal numbers of a set of questions and then add up the so-
called ‘scores’ for each person in all the questions to give a total score. This assumes that we can add ordinal
numbers - a mathematical nonsense. It also assumes that the value of a number in one question is roughly the
same as the value of the same number in another. This cannot be assumed and there is no way of knowing.
Let us stop and think of a typical test in, say, chemistry. Let us imagine we have set a test with ten questions on
ten different themes of the curriculum, each question worth ten marks. Imagine we develop a marking brief and
we follow it as carefully as we can. This gives some indication of the accuracy of our marking, a part of test
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reliability. We then add up the marks each students has obtained in each question to give a total as a percentage.
Is this a reasonable way forward?
Assuming we are reasonably experienced in test setting, then the ten questions may well be of similar difficulty.
Thus, a mark in one question will be worth roughly the same as a mark in another. If the questions vary widely in
difficulty, the problem is easily solved simply by standardising the marks for each question before adding them
up. This is a simple technique to ensure that the marks in all questions carry the same value. This can be done
quickly using a spreadsheet. However, is it valid to add marks in one question which tests organic structures to
the marks in another question testing, say, the reactions of chlorine? It will only be valid if we wish to gain a
measure of the student’s overall performance in the chemistry course we have taught and the skills associated
with organic structures are of approximately equal value to the skills of the reactions of chlorine. This may well
be true but it depends on the curriculum we are teaching.
Now let us go back to an imaginary survey. Suppose we ask ten questions relating to student attitudes towards
chemistry and the students respond on a five-point scale, following the Likert format. First of all, there is no way
of knowing that a ‘score’ on one question is similar to a ‘score’ on another. The numbers used are ordinal and
cannot be studied in this way. Mathematically, ordinal numbers cannot be added or subtracted.
Secondly, even if the first criterion was true, we can only add up the marks if the questions are asking things
which, together, give us a meaningful measure (like the student’s overall performance in the chemistry course we
have taught, as above). The usual way this is checked by researchers is to use correlation. However, we have
shown that correlation cannot be interpreted to say that two measures which correlate highly measure the same
thing. Remember, height and weight correlate highly. They are obviously not the same.
However, there is a more powerful statistical technique which can be used to explore if the questions are
measuring the same thing. This is often called Factor Analysis and one method used widely today is known as
Principal Components Analysis. Factor analysis looks to see if there are underlying factors which might
rationalise the range of intercorrelations which are found when making several measurements.
To illustrate the technique, here is the analysis obtained in one study looking at something completely different.
In a major study with a sample of 809 senior school students in the Emirates (Al-Ahmadi, 2008, page 145; Al-
Ahmadi and Reid, 2011, 2012), the marks for the national examinations in biology, chemistry physics and
mathematics were obtained. The students also completed a test of physics understanding and a test which aimed
to measure scientific thinking. A principal components analysis, using varimax rotation, was carried out on the
data. The Scree plot indicated that there were three components and this accounted for over 90% of the variance.
Possible names for the three components were suggested. Table 3 shows the loadings obtained: loadings can be
thought of as the correlations between the actual measurements and the underlying factors. High loadings are
emboldened for clarity (table 3).
Page 16
Table 3 Factor Loadings (after Al-Ahmadi, 2008, page 145) - About Here
This table needs a little interpretation. The numbers are known as loadings can be seen as the correlations
between each measurement and the underlying components. What it tell us is that the four examinations were
testing the same skill and, after looking at the examination papers, Al-Ahmadi identified this as recall/
recognition. The test of physics understanding was not testing this and she deduced that it might well actually be
testing physics understanding. The test which aimed to measure scientific thinking was not testing recall/
recognition nor was it testing the same as the physics understanding test.
The aim in this analysis was to explore the test which had been designed to measure scientific thinking and
which was based on physics content. It was possible that this test might simply be testing physics knowledge or
physics understanding. The factor analysis eliminated this possibility in that the loadings of the test of scientific
thinking are extremely low on these components.
In another study which involved 40 questions looking at a range of attitudes, a principal components analysis,
using varimax rotation, was carried out on the data (Oraif, 2007). The Scree plot suggested that there was no
simple factor structure underlying the pattern of inter-question correlations (which had been done correctly using
Kendall’s Tau-b). Indeed it took 12 components to account for only 55% of the variance and this % of the
variance is too low to be acceptable.
I have analysed the data from large numbers of surveys from all over the world. I have never found one where
the principal components analysis supported a factor structure. However, most attitude studies do not use any
form of factor analysis. Some authors claim factor analysis support but the loadings which are being accepted are
far too low. You will recall that loadings are simply the correlations of the various questions with the underlying
factors. They must be very high. To see what is acceptable, we need to think further about correlations.
Suppose we have two questions and the responses of our students give a correlation of, say, 0.5 between these
two questions. We can represent one question as measuring along a line. The other question then can be
represented by a line at an angle of 60˚. The correlation value, mathematically, is the cosine of the angle
between the two lines and the cosine of 60˚ is 0.5 (figure 5).
Page 17
Figure 5 The Meaning of Correlation - About Here
Question 2
Question 1
In much work using survey questions, obtaining a correlation between two questions is often used to suggest that
the two questions are measuring the same thing and, therefore, outcomes can be added. First of all, correlation
does not, of itself, guarantee that two measurements are measuring the same thing. Secondly, the two lines in
figure 5 are in very different directions and that suggests that they are not measuring the same thing. Try to
measure my height by holding the measuring tape at 60˚ to the vertical. You would end up making me a giant -
over 3.5 metres tall.
It takes a correlation of over 0.7 to reduce the angle to 45˚ and even a correlation of 0.9 still gives an angle of
approximately 25˚. Yet, in many attitude studies, loadings of 0.4 are taken as acceptable. This reveals a major
weakness in such studies.
Experimental Error
Another problem rests with the nature of the measuring instrument. If a student ticks a box one to the left or one
to the right of the correct estimation of his view, there is an error of ±20% on a five point scale. We say that data
from attitude surveys is ‘soft’. This is in contrast to the types of data we obtain from reading a voltmeter or a
burette. Here, the measuring errors are very small. The data are said to be ‘hard’. It does not matter how much
clever statistics we apply to soft data, the data are still soft. The use of statistics cannot alter that.
This is the most common approach used today. It was developed by taking an approach used in psychology and
applying it in education contexts. The usual way is to use the Likert style of question but it applies equally to the
semantic differential questions developed by Osgood et al. Here is an outline of what is often done.
Suppose we want to assess our students’ attitudes to a laboratory course they have just undertaken. We develop a
set of statements relating to this course. Here is a possible set which was used by a researcher when looking at
student reactions to chemistry laboratory experiences. Originally, they were part of a longer survey and were
used with first year Scottish undergraduate students (Shah, 2004). Later, they were used with various
postgraduate groups in Pakistan (Shah et al, 2007).
Think about your experiences in laboratory work you have experienced in chemistry.
Tick the box which best reflects your opinion.
strongly strongly
agree agree neutral disagree disagree
(a) I believe that the laboratory is a vital part in learning chemistry! ! "! "! "! "! "
(b) I prefer to have written instructions for experiments.! ! "! "! "! "! "
(c) All the chemicals and equipment that I needed were easily located! ! "! "! "! "! "
(d) I was unsure about what was expected of me in writing up my experiment ! "! "! "! "! "
(e) Laboratory work helps my understanding of chemistry topics! ! "! "! "! "! "
(f) Discussions in the laboratory enhance my understanding! ! "! "! "! "! "
(g) I only understood the experiment when I started to write about it afterwards ! "! "! "! "! "
(h) I had few opportunities to plan my experiments! ! "! "! "! "! "
(i) I felt confident in carrying out the experiments in chemistry! ! "! "! "! "! "
(j) I found writing up about experiments pointless! ! "! "! "! "! "
(k) The experimental procedure was clearly explained in the instructions given ! "! "! "! "! "
(l) I was so confused in the laboratory that I ended up following the instructions
without understanding what I was doing ! "! "! "! "! "
(m) I feel that school examinations should take account of laboratory experiments
I have completed ! "! "! "! "! "
Scaling might have scored each item as follows: ‘strongly agree’ = 5, ‘agree’ = 4, ‘neutral’ = 3, ‘disagree’ = 2
and ‘strongly disagree’ = 1. The scores for all the items are then added up (reversing as necessary) to give a total
score. If a researcher was being a bit more careful, he would have run a factor analysis on the responses to check
if there was some common underlying construct which rationalised the pattern of responses. In other words, is
there evidence that there is some common idea (for example, attitude to chemistry laboratories) which could be
used to interpret the responses. Often, questions which loaded onto this construct at 0.6 (say) or better would be
selected and the other questions rejected. Happily, Shah had the wisdom NOT do any of this.
Page 19
(3) Correlations often assume normality which is frequently absent. Indeed, large skewing may be
'desirable' and polarisation may often be observed. Factor analysis relies on correlation.
(4) Correlations do not necessarily imply direct relationship. Correlations certainly cannot be used, on
their own, to suggest that two questions are measuring the same thing. Loadings are simply
correlations with the supposed underlying construct.
(5) Similar total scores may be obtained for very different patterns of attitudes.
(6) There are problems associated with errors and 'softness' of this kind of ordinal data. For an
individual, this may be as large as ±20% in any question
(7) Combining scores hides the rich detail arising from each question. The distribution in EACH
separate question is what matters.
In a monumental study, Blalock et al (2008) have undertaken a comprehensive review of science attitude
instruments lover a period of 70 years to 2005.. Their review, ‘demonstrated that there are few instruments
available with the necessary psychometric data to merit recommendation’ (page 961). They only consider the
psychometric data and do not discuss methodologies. However, on that aspect alone, this reveals enormous
disquiet over what has been undertaken.
Let us look at some of this a little further. Imagine two students who respond to the set of questions above. Here
are the outcomes (table 4).
The response patterns above are fictional. However, the two students achieve the same ‘score’ in the set of
questions but it is very clear that they do not hold the same views relating to laboratories. In the original
research, Shah wisely looked at each question in turn and did not use scaling The pattern of responses from
several hundred students offered very useful information and pinpointed precisely the features of the student
laboratory experience which were perceived as helpful and which needed to be re-thought. This is useful
Page 20
information to direct future planning. A ‘score’ is meaningless. Indeed, a ‘score’ is incapable of revealing those
aspects of the student laboratory experience which are perceived as positive or otherwise.
Over 15 years ago, Petty et al (1997) observed that human attitudes are multi-faceted and argue that no
instrument will fully reveal these complexities. The sad fact is that most studies have ignored this observation.
The traditional method of ‘scoring’ not only contradicts the known principles of mathematics but it is also
neglects the actual nature of what is being measured.
The response to these questions correlate with each other. Correlation merely shows that those who were most
positive on one question tends to be most positive on another. ‘Adding’ up scores produces a fairly meaningless
number simply because the questions are asking different things. This illustrates the problem: attitudes in
education are highly multi-faceted. They cannot be reduced to a single number. However, the response patterns
in EACH of these four questions do offer important insights and that is the way Shah handled the data.
Let us go back to the earlier work of psychologists. They were tending to look at broad constructs, like attitudes
to race or political attitudes. The work of psychologists often depended heavily on pre-testing and carrying out
correlations between the responses on the questions. If correlations were reasonably high, it was assumed that
the questions were measuring similar things. That is quite an assumption and Gardner (1995, 1996) has usefully
discussed some of the issues involved here.
In the earlier work of psychologists, they tended to look at large groups and see if they differed in the mean
scores obtained. Because of the nature of what they were exploring, the method, although fundamentally flawed,
still revealed when groups were very different. In educational research, the nature of the attitudes being explored
is almost always highly multi-faceted or multi-dimensional. It is not possible to reduce this to a single ‘score’. It
is not helpful to reduce this to a single ‘score’, simply because we lose all the important detail which can guide
us in attempting to make the learning experience more fruitful.
Page 21
Validity and Reliability
The ideas of validity and reliability have already been discussed briefly. There is also the question about how
accurate a set of questions is? If responses are on a five or six point scale (which is quite typical), potential error
limits are very large. It is amazing that means and standard deviations are often quoted to two or more decimal
places! It is not right to take a mean of ordinal data and, even it it was, the result must be quoted to the level of
accuracy of the input data. The data simply are ‘soft’ and must be treated with due caution.
There have been all kinds of ingenious attempts to use different statistical techniques on data gathered in attitude
surveys. They all have to face the simple problem that we are looking at ‘soft’ data. No matter how sophisticated
are the techniques we use, statistics cannot remove this feature. Nor can it remove the fact that the data from
surveys is ordinal in nature. This data must be handled with statistics appropriate to such data. Indeed, given the
nature of the data and its ‘softness’, the less statistics used the better. We are in danger in deluding ourselves that
sophisticated techniques can give us numbers with spurious accuracy.
An example illustrates the problem. Suppose we wish to gain some insight into our health and fitness. We book
into a clinic where all kinds of measurements are made: blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, heart rate when
exercising, height, weight, cholesterol level, subcutaneous fat levels, and so on. We come away with a printout of
all these measurements. It would be folly to add up the data on our print out! We cannot add weight to blood
pressure to heart rate and so on. The ‘sum’ would be utterly meaningless (Reid, 2003). Much of this was
discussed long ago by Johnstone (1982) but the publication was not circulated widely. Sadly, his advice has not
been followed by the majority.
• Most attitudes related to science education are multi-faceted and any attempt to reduce measurement
to a final score for each individual will tend to give a meaningless number.
• The data obtained from questionnaire questions are ordinal in nature and attention must be paid to the
nature of these data in determining what statistical techniques should be used. Ordinal numbers
CANNOT be added, subtracted, multiplied or divided.
• The data obtained from questionnaire questions are ‘soft’ in the sense that, for an individual, errors
limits are high. Any ‘score’ obtained for an individual will, therefore, be open to considerable error.
• In general, parametric statistics should only be used with caution in any attitude measurements in that
the conditions for the use of such techniques are often not satisfied.
• Reliability cannot be measured by traditional methods like ‘split half’ and Cronbach’s Alpha: these
measure consistency and this may not even be desirable.
Page 22
• Principal Components Analysis must be used with caution. It may rely on assumptions of approximate
normality. While it is unlikely to lead to wrong conclusions, it may end up reducing the data in such a
way that rich detail is lost. Nonetheless, this approach can give very useful insights.
• Attitude scaling should never be used for logical and statistical reasons. It must be recognised that
such an approach will only show gross trends simply because the rich detail is lost in the adding
process and precision is lost because the method relies on the application of scale methodologies to
ordinal data and the use of inappropriate statistics.
The sad thing is that the literature is replete with examples of the kind of careless analysis being discussed here.
It is only possible to add marks from separate questions if there is some evidence that the marks are on a
comparable scale, measure something meaningful and give a total which carries some clear meaning. In attitude
work, this is rarely possible. Paper after paper has developed some ‘instrument’ or ‘tool’. Occasionally, factor
analysis data are presented. Sometimes, the set of questions is applied to two discrete groups and great
confidence is expressed when they differ in their mean ‘scores’. Thus, those who are physics ‘majors’ are found
to give a higher mean ‘score’ than those who are having to take physics as an outside subject. This is utterly
pointless for two main reasons. Firstly, any teacher could tell us this outcome - it is completely to be expected.
Secondly, the research study fails to offer any insights about ‘why’. What is it about physics which makes to
attractive to learners? This is where the work of Skyrabina (2000) stands out. At the end of her study, she could
pinpoint precisely what features of study in physics (at all levels) were critical in making learners enthusiastic
about physics. This is vital information for it can inform curriculum planners.
Osborne et al (2003) make some interesting observations when looking at falling numbers choosing the physical
sciences in England and Wales. They stressed the sheer number of sub-constructs underlying attitudes to a
science and they are aware of the relative nature of some attitude measurement approaches. Of great interest is
their statement that, ‘Attitude scales ... while they are useful in identifying the problem, they have been of little
help in understanding it…’ [p1059] This is, again, almost certainly because the use of such scaling obscures and
loses rich detail which could offer such help.
Krogh and Thomson (2005) also note that there are many attitude studies but few conclusions. This is consistent
with Schibecci (1984: 46) who stated that, ‘It is disappointing that the set of conclusions which can be drawn
from such a large body of literature is so limited’. Gardner (1995) hints at part of the answer - methodology.
Sadly, Krogh and Thomson (2005) still use flawed methodology.
Jarvis and Pell (2004, 1791ff) use a scaling approach and, amazingly, quote means and standard deviations of
outcomes from a Likert scale to two decimal places, with a relatively small sample. In this report, they find very
little change - almost certainly another example of the adding up process losing interesting detail. However, all
kinds of interesting and useful observations are made, presumably based on specific questions but lost in data on
table 14 (pp. 1804-1805). Similar weaknesses are to be found in Tuan et al (2005) while many of these
weaknesses are happily avoided in Jenkins and Nelson (2005).
Page 23
While Gogolin and Swartz (1992) identify many of the problems, they still proceeded to develop a scale for
looking at attitudes to biology. Their study is a nice example of high intercorrelations between different items
which are, nonetheless, asking very different questions: an example of the weakness of depending on correlation.
They followed the usual procedure of scoring, and gaining total scores but observed how small were the changes
in the means of the total scores. This is almost certainly an example of numbers cancelling each other out, with
concomitant loss of important detail. As a result, their conclusion tells us nothing new: ‘The results of this
study .... suggest that attitudes toward science change with exposure to science but that the direction of change
may be related to the quality of that exposure.’ (p500)
Fraser and Wilkinson (1993, plus references from this) looked at Science Laboratory Classroom Climate and
present a massive piece of work. With huge samples involving six countries, they developed a scale with several
subscales and subjected the data to rigorous analyses. Despite all this rigour, the problems still remain.
Responses are scored on a five point scale. Correlation was used as an indirect tool and loadings from the factor
analysis were accepted at levels as low as 0.3 to 0.4. Loadings as low as that are far, far too small. The problem
is that most of the interesting detail (which can be used in practical terms to inform decision taking) was lost in
inappropriate statistical manipulations.
Let us look at three of their questions, purporting to measure the same variable:
Students in this laboratory class get along well as a group.
Students have little chance to get to know each other in this laboratory class.
Loadings on what they call a ‘social cohesiveness’ dimension are quoted as 0.70, 0.49, and 0.67 respectively.
However, it is obvious that these three questions are measuring very different things. Indeed, a correlation of 0.7
geometrically corresponds to an angle of just over 45˚. This hardly suggests measuring in the same direction. If
the massive amount of data in this study had been analysed by looking at each question on its own, then valuable
insights might well have been obtained. The statistical methods chosen have caused such potential insights to be
submerged and lost.
It is the responses to the questions illustrated above, each taken on their own, which are really interesting. The
first question is indeed getting at social cohesiveness of the class while question 2 really reflects on organisation
within and beyond the class. Question 3 is quite different again. It might throw light on the moral atmosphere in
this particular population or it might offer insights into the way the class was run: collaboratively or
competitively. No doubt other interpretations could be offered for all three. However, it is these insights from
individual questions which are really valuable and will lead to better laboratory experiences, and this is the
laudable aim implicit in this paper. Large amounts of data are being handled in a way that has lost the important
insights which can inform curriculum planners and course designers.
Some 25 years ago, Schebeci (1984) reviewed much work available at that time. He noted the many surveys
which have shown that most studies are psychometrically unsound. He was aware of the criticisms of attitude
scaling but did not pursue these. He is also critical of much work and he noted that (p. 43), ‘Given established
methods, why do researchers continue to report studies in which attitude instruments are used which are either
Page 24
clearly invalid or which few data on reliability or validity are reported?‘ He expressed surprise that, despite the
large number of reported studies, there was great difficulty in establishing what were the key variables affecting
attitudes. It is a pity that he did not suggest that one of the reasons might be that the scaling methodologies were
incapable of producing evidence about the key variables since so much rich detail was lost in the desire to
produce a number.
Before we look at ways forward, it is useful to draw attention to a very recent study, this time relating to
technology. Liou and Kuo (2014) report on the validation of yet another instrument. This involves 39 questions
and they argue that factor analysis (principal components analysis with varimax rotation) gives 7 scales. They
use Cronbach’s alpha to indicate reliability and quote values ranging from 0.83-0.91 for the 7 scales. The work is
carried out meticulously but it still assumes that ordinal numbers can be added, means and standard deviations
can be obtained. Parametric statistics are then applied to these numbers. As a result, all kinds of potentially
interesting and informative findings are simply submerged in spurious ‘scores’.
We can look at the items supposedly measuring one factor (table 5, factor 4).
Six items are claimed to load on to one factor and the loadings are quoted. We need to remember that the
loadings are the correlations between what the items are measuring and what the factor is. First of all, the
loadings tend to be low. The highest is 0.70 and this corresponds to an angle of slightly more than 45˚. This
hardly suggest that the item and the factor are the same. The lowest is 0.44 and this corresponds to about 64˚,
revealing that this item (item 23) is not really measuring what the factor is.
Now we need to look at the questions. The six questions are good questions, addressing important issues.
However, they are measuring different things. This is typical of the multi-faceted nature of attitudes in
education. In passing, in their factor analysis, they find a very high percentage of the variance is attributed to
factor 1 and this is simply a function of the nature of the way factor analysis works. However, all seven factors
together only account for 60% of the variance, leaving 40% unaccounted for. Here is a carefully conducted
study where the use of wrong statistical approaches has caused important findings to be lost in a serious a
meaningless and illegitimately computed numbers.
Page 25
Ways Forward
In the discussion so far, I have emphasised much that is wrong in the ways attitude measurement has been
approached in much education and, specifically, science education. All this seem very negative. However, there
are many excellent studies in the literature, studies which have not used inappropriate methodologies.
The first things is to ask why we want to measure attitudes in the context of science education. Despite papers
which sometimes suggest otherwise, there is no evidence that poor attitudes towards the sciences are causing
students to turn away from studying the sciences. It seems much more likely that poor attitudes towards the
sciences are caused by the way the sciences are often presented at school stages, the work of Skryabina (2000)
showing this perhaps most clearly. This is not usually the fault of teachers but arises from bad curriculum design,
overloaded curricula and inappropriate assessment.
Therefore. the idea of measuring attitudes towards the sciences (or a specific science) to find those whose
attitudes are poor with some intention of directing help at them is doomed to failure from the outset. The answer
is already known. If we change the curriculum in line with the evidence from research, then attitudes may well
improve. Two monographs exist which have summarised the research evidence relating to curriculum
construction (Mbjiorigu and Reid, 2006 a,b). In simple terms, negative attitudes towards the studying of the
sciences (usually chemistry and physics) are caused by inappropriate curricula. If we change the curricula, then it
is likely that attitudes will be more positive. A summary of the findings of the monograph on chemistry is shown
in the appendix.
Perhaps, there are three broad research areas where further work is important. These apply to both school and
university education. Again, it is apparent that details are needed and the approach of attitude scaling simply will
not give us the information we need.
• It will be important to measure the attitudes of students towards a science being studied so that we
can see what specific aspects of their learning experiences are perceived in a positive light and what
are causing problems.
• It will be important to measure the attitudes of students towards learning in the sciences to identify
those specific features of the learning processes which are viewed negatively. This may well follow
the analyses of Perry (1999) although his work can be seen in a much wider learning context.
• It will be important to measure the attitudes of students towards the very large range of social issues
which relate to developments in the sciences. This will identify whether our courses are equipping
the learners to be able to discuss some of the key issues of modern life, using arguments which are
informed and balanced: themes like the genetics revolution and its impact on medicine and life
decisions, nuclear energy, resource depletion, pollution issues, global warming and so on.
While many studies continue to use highly flawed approaches, there are numerous excellent examples of better
ways forward in the literature. For example, long ago, a very insightful set of papers was written by Hadden and
Johnstone (1982a, 1982b, 1983). These looked at attitudes towards sciences as they formed at primary school
stages, the rapid deterioration of attitudes in the early years of secondary (now known to be almost certainly
caused by integrating science) and how attitudes were determinants of decisions to pursue science-based courses
or not.
Page 26
A similar methodology was employed by Reid (1980) and Reid and Skryabina (2002a, 2002b). The first study
looked at social attitudes related to chemistry and pinpointed specific areas where attitude development was
possible through a curriculum intervention. The latter study look at attitudes towards physics from age 10 to age
20. Interestingly, this study revealed considerable similarities with the much earlier Hadden and Johnstone
studies along with some key differences. It was possible to relate these features precisely to the kind of learning
the learners were experiencing.
Encouragingly, the literature has some examples of other ways forward. Perhaps, the answer lies in reversing the
typical procedure. Instead of adding the responses in questions to give a ‘score’ which is then analysed, the
answer lies in analysing each question and then ‘qualitatively adding’ the outcomes obtained. This approach has
been used in the study by Al-Shibli (2003). He used an 18 item questionnaire, with seven populations of different
ages and was considering attitudes to learning in the context of science subjects. His samples were enormous
(>2000). The study was interested in the way attitudes to learning changed over the seven years educational
experience and the questions were derived from previous work and extensive pre-testing. Four areas of attitudes
were explored: the role of the learner, the role of the teacher, the nature of knowledge and the role of assessment
(following ideas from Perry, 1999) The distribution of responses in each of the eighteen questions for each of the
seven age groups was summarised and comparison made between successive year groups using the chi-square
He then looked at each question in turn and he found that there were patterns of statistical differences and
patterns of actual responses across questions in each area which offered a rich insight into what was happening
in this particular educational journey. The precision of this approach enabled him to pinpoint the need to develop
new curriculum experiences to enrich specific experiences of the students. Attitude scaling would have lost all
this detail and would have made the pinpointing of curriculum ‘gaps’ more or less impossible.
There are numerous studies which have looked at laboratory work. For example, Johnstone, et al. (1998) looked
at attitudes related to undergraduate physics laboratories. Interestingly, this study showed quite remarkable
attitude ‘movements’. Each question was analysed in turn and offered very valuable and clear cut insights.
In an important contribution, Bennett et al. (2001:834) noted seven areas of contention in attitude measurement:
(a) Lack of precision over key definitions of terms;
(b) Poor design of instruments and individual response items within instruments;
(c) Failure to address matters of reliability and validity appropriately;
(d) Inappropriate analysis and interpretation of data;
(e) Lack of standardisation of instruments;
(f) Failure to draw on ideas from psychological theory;
(g) Failure to formulate the research with reference to the theory of data collection tools.
Gardner (1995) had identified many of these previously. However, Bennett et al. (2001) describe how they
attempted to minimise the problems. They come up with an ingenious approach. Using a small sample to
generate the reasons, they developed items which looked like:
Page 27
I like it when the lecturer gives us small tasks to do in lectures.
E I DISAGREE with this statement because it increases the noise and wastes time
F I DISAGREE with this statement because in a big class some students do not participate.
Their approach has a large example in that the validity is high simply because the reasons offered were derived
from students themselves. They suggest that the data can be presented simply as sets of frequencies. However,
they tried to get a ‘score’ for each student using a method derived from that used by Thurstone in 1929. Although
this approach reduces some of the problems in handling the data, it still runs the risk of losing rich and insightful
detail. They almost seem to admit this when they note the narrow range of total scores obtained. Nonetheless, the
paper describes ways forward which have considerable potential.
The following is an attempt to bring the evidence together to offer a constructive way forward which may assist
future work. There are important general principles.
Attitude development is very important in that it will influence future behaviour and such behaviour may have
very significant consequences for the individual and for society. We might all agree that, as teachers, we are
aiming to generate a future population who are equipped in one or more of the sciences at some level and, more
importantly, can see the nature and place of the sciences as an integral element in our modern development as a
The needs of research in science education require approaches which can offer accurate, rich and detailed
insights into how attitudes develop with time and relate to the learning experiences in our schools and university
classes. In all of this, we need to recognise that, with current knowledge, absolute measures of attitudes are
impossible. Only comparisons can be made. We also need to recognise that any attempt to measure attitudes for
individual learners is also impossible and, probably, unethical. We can measure patterns of attitudes across
populations of learners and relate specific aspects to specific features of the learning processes.
Most attitudes related to science education can be described as highly multi-faceted or multi-dimensional. Any
attempt to reduce measurement to a final score for each individual will tend to give a meaningless number and
lose important detail.
There are numerous paper and pencil approaches based on the structures developed by Likert (1932), Osgood et
al. (1957) as well as rating questions and situational set questions (Reid, 2003). As all these types of questions
have different strengths and weaknesses, it is recommended that surveys incorporate more than one format. Of
Page 28
course, interviews can offer useful insights and it is suggested that these can be used alongside surveys.
Sometimes, a number of interviews can define the agenda for a major survey. On other occasions, interviews can
explore issues raised by a previous survey.
In considering surveys, I am often asked about sample size. There are no neat answers to this question but here is
a simple ‘rule of thumb’. In surveys, it is best to compare groups using a statistic like chi-square. Most statistical
approaches are highly sensitive when the size of each sample group is about 200. Thus, if we wish to look at the
attitudes of boys and girls to a new course in physics which we have introduced, then surveying 200 boys and
200 girls is ideal. However, in one school, this is probably impossible. Either we need to involve several schools
(and this makes any findings much more generalisable) or we might be able to get round this by carrying out the
survey with two successive year groups in one school. The question is how small the sample can be to obtain
useful insights. With samples below 100, chi-square becomes difficult to apply in that there are category limits
for each category of responses. When samples are nearer 50, the sensitivity of most statistical tests falls away
and drawing conclusions may well be difficult. Overall, aim for 200 for each sample group but anything between
100 and 200 may well give most valuable insights.
This chapter has aimed to set the scene in relation to attitude measurement in science education. The nature,
purpose and importance of attitudes has been outlined. The main purpose is to look critically at the methods for
attitude measurement which have been adopted by many in the field of science education. These have too often
been taken uncritically from approaches in psychology where the agenda is very different.
It has been noted that the huge number of studies already reported has not really given the science education
community a clear set of guidelines. This is simply because the methodologies used have been inappropriate.
Indeed, they are not only inappropriate and incapable of given the answers we need. They are simply wrong. The
methods break so many fundamental rules of mathematics and statistics that it is frightening. The key
recommendations in using surveys are offered in table 6.
Page 29
Table 6 Some Recommendations - About Here
Some Recommendations
The data obtained from survey questions are ordinal in nature and attention must be paid to the nature of these data in
determining what statistical techniques should be used.
The data obtained from survey questions often do not follow any specific pattern of distribution. Statistics which assume an
approximation to a normal distribution must be used with great care.
The data obtained from survey questions are ‘soft’ in the sense that, for an individual, errors limits are high. Any method of
analysis which relies on individual responses to individual question is, therefore, highly suspect
Principal Components Analysis must be interpreted with caution. Nonetheless, it can give most valuable insights, provided
that limits are set appropriately (eg loadings never considered when below about 0.7).
Reliability cannot be measured by traditional methods like ‘split half’ and Cronbach’s Alpha: these measure consistency
which may not even be desirable. Reliability means test-retest reliability.
Reliability cannot be measured by doing things like using large samples, careful pre-testing, checking that test conditions are
socially acceptable, using enough questions with cross checks (eg repeated questions, similar questions).
Attitude scaling should never be used. It must be recognised that such an approach will only show gross trends simply
because the rich detail is lost in the adding process and precision is lost.
Attitude scaling should also never be used because the method relies on the inadmissible application of scale methodologies to
ordinal data and the use of inappropriate statistics.
The pattern of responses in each question should be analysed separately. This can be considered descriptively or comparisons
of response patters for different sub-groups can be compared.
The pattern of responses to compare year groups, genders, or ‘before and after’ measurements can be analysed by the
appropriate use of chi-square (‘goodness of fit’ or ‘contingency’ test, depending on the research question asked).
If inter-item correlation is used, then Kendal’s Tau-b correlation must be employed. It is unlikely that Pearson correlation will
give totally wrong results but significance levels may be misleading.
Validity of surveys can be checked by numerous approaches, including seeking opinions of a group of those who know the
population, using questions derived from the population, comparing conclusions with other evidence.
The endless development of more and more instruments needs to cease. We need to think in terms of surveys asking ranges of
questions which offer useful insights for particular purposes.
We need to avoid surveys where the answers are already well-known to any experienced teacher. We need to move beyond
such questions to look at the reasons WHY students hold specific beliefs and attitudes.
On this basis, attitude scaling is to be rejected. New approaches (some well documented in the literature for
several years) are recommended. The aim in all studies related to attitudes is to be able to give clear guidance to
curriculum planners and to teachers at all levels so that positive attitudes towards the sciences and their study can
be enhanced on the basis of sound empirical evidence. In addition, there is a major need for looking at attitudes
related to the themes and methods of science, two areas of vital importance in generating an educated society.
The aim in all attitude research is to give answers. Answers are need by policy makers, curriculum planners,
teacher trainers as well as by teachers themselves. Sadly, many studies have used flawed methodologies and
have not focussed on the key issues which are of importance in science education today. Look at the majority of
studies: do they tell us anything useful that can bring insights of benefit to learners?
The aim of all science education is to educate in and through the science disciplines. For success, we need
committed and enthusiastic learners who hold positive attitudes towards the science studied as well as informed
attitudes in relation to the themes covered. Attitude research needs to keep these aims in sharp focus and then,
using correct methodologies that accept the multi-dimensional nature of such attitudes, much can be offered to
enhance the learning of future generations
Page 30
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Appendix A
Exemplar Survey Questions
This set of eight measurements looks at different aspects of university physics and the measurements analysed separately. The style
follows the model developed by Osgood et al. (1957).
This question follows the style developed by Likert (1932). It is unusual in that there are few studies relating to biology. Each item was
analysed separately.
(3) Here are two other questions to illustrate other approaches which have been used successfully.
Here are several reasons why laboratory work is part of most chemistry course
Place a tick against the THREE reasons which YOU think are the most important.
Chemistry is a practical subject "
Experiments illustrate theory for me "
New discoveries are made by means of experiments "
Experiments allow me to find out about how materials behave "
Experiments teach me chemistry "
Experimental skills can be gained in the laboratory "
Experiments assist me to planning and organise "
Experimental work allows me to think about chemistry "
Experimental work makes chemistry more enjoyable for me "
Laboratory work allows me to test out ideas "
This question was looking to see how students saw the purposes of laboratory work. The frequencies of ticks in the boxes gave a pattern
which allowed the researcher to determine the order of importance of the various reasons for laboratory work in chemistry. This, in turn,
offered insights into why they held certain attitudes in relation to laboratory work
Page 35
(4) Which factor(s) influenced your choice of planned honours subject(s)?
Tick as many as you wish.
" Enjoyment of subject " Friends
" Good grades at school in subject " Likely career opportunities
" Your teacher at school " Demonstrations, exhibitions, festivals
" Your parents " Any other factors (please list below)
" Information from mass media ......................................................................
This question was seeking to explore which factors had influenced students towards physics and related subjects and gave a clear picture
of three factors which dominated.
Page 36
Appendix B
Curriculum Design
(1) Be designed to meet the needs of the majority of pupils who will never become chemists (or even scientists), seeking to
educate through chemistry as well as in chemistry;
(2) Be strongly ‘applications-led’ in its construction, the applications being related to the lifestyle of the pupils and being used to
define the curriculum: fundamentally, the content is determined not by the logic of chemistry but by the needs of pupils;
(3) Reflect attempts to answer questions like: what are the questions that chemistry asks? How does chemistry obtain its answers?
How does this chemistry relate to life?
(4) Not be too ‘content-laden’, so that there is adequate time to pursue misconceptions, to aim at deep understanding of ideas
rather than content coverage, and to develop the appreciation of chemistry as a major influence on lifestyle and social
progress; avoid using analogies or models (or multiple models) in a way which causes information overload;
(5) Not introduce sub-micro and symbolic ideas too soon or too rapidly; avoid developing topics with high information demand
before the underpinning ideas are adequately established to overload and confusion;
(6) Be set in language which is accessible to the pupils, avoiding the use of unnecessary jargon and offering careful clarification of
words where the normal contextual meaning can cause confusion;
(7) Be couched in terms of aims which seek to develop conceptual understanding rather than recall of information, being aware of
likely alternative conceptions and misconceptions;
(8) Offer experiences of graded problem solving situations starting from the more algorithmic and moving on to the more open-
(9) Involve laboratory work with very clear aims: these should emphasise the role of labwork in making chemistry real as well as
developing (or challenging) ideas rather than a focus on practical hands-on skills; labwork should offer opportunities for
genuine problem solving;
(10) Require assessment which is integrated into the curriculum and reflects curriculum purpose, is formative as well as summative
and aims to give credit for understanding rather than recall, for thinking rather than memorisation.
As an extra, the curriculum should be taught by teachers who are qualified as chemists and are committed to the place of the discipline in
its social context. This is an important factor in the developing of a soundly taught pupil population with positive attitudes towards
This has manpower and resource implications as well as implications for pre-service and in-service support.’ (Mbajiorgu and Reid, 2006)
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