Psychology of Personality Course Outline: Chapter # 1
Psychology of Personality Course Outline: Chapter # 1
Psychology of Personality Course Outline: Chapter # 1
Samreen Shahzaib
Course: Personality Theories 1
Course Outline
1. Introduction to Personality
2. Meaning of personality
3. Meaning of theory
4. Functions of theory
6. Assessment of personality
The word personality comes from the Latin root persona, meaning "mask." According to
this root, personality is the impression we make on others; the mask we present to the world.
Personality is defined as "a unique set of traits and characteristics, relatively stable over time.
“The definition further suggests that personality does not change from day to day. Over the short-
term, our personalities are relatively set or stable. However, definition does not suggest that
personality is somehow rigid, unchangeable, and cast in concrete. Definition recognizes that, over
a longer term,
personality may change.
The systematic study of personality as a recognizable and separate discipline within psychology
may be said to have begun in the 1930s with the publication in the United States of two
textbooks, Psychology of Personality (1937) by Ross Stagner and Personality: A Psychological
Interpretation (1937) by Gordon W. Allport, followed by Henry A. Murray’s Explorations in
Personality (1938)
Nature of Personality
It is relatively stable but dynamic in nature.
Helps in adjusting the individual with the environment
It is consistent.
It is unique
Characteristics of Personality
• Theory comes from the Greek word theoria connoting “wakefulness of mind.” It is a type of
“pure viewing” of truth. Theory explains reality; it makes people aware of their world and its
• A theory is an unproved speculation about reality. Established facts are often lacking in scientific
work, and a theory offers guidelines that will serve us in the absence of more precise
• A theory consists of a set of terms and principles constructed or applied by the theorist, which are
referred to as constructs. Like the author or inventor, the theorist is a creator (of constructs); and
like creators in other disciplines, the theorist borrows from and builds upon the work of his or her
• A theory is commonly thought to be something that exists in opposition to a fact. That is, it is
viewed as a hypothesis about what is true, a speculation about reality; it is something that is not
known to be true. In general, a theory is thought to be capable of being confirmed or dis-
confirmed when sufficient data have been collected and analyzed. In our view, however, theories
themselves are neither true nor false. It is only their implications, or their derivations, that can be
proven or dis- proven.
• Comprehensiveness.
• Heuristic value.
• Testability.
A second evaluative standard is heuristic value —does the theory provide a guide to
important new discoveries about personality that were not known before? Theories that steer
scientists to making these discoveries are generally superior to theories that fail to provide this
guidance. Plate tectonic theory in geology, for example, guided researchers to discover regions
of volcanic activity that were unknown prior to the theory. Similarly, a good personality theory
will guide personality researchers to make discoveries that were previously unknown.
The extent to which an assessment device measures what it is intended to measure. Types of
validity include predictive, content, and construct.
Methods of assessment.
The personality theorists discussed in this book devised unique methods for assessing
personality, ways that were appropriate for their theories. By applying these methods, they
derived the data on which they based their formulations. Their techniques vary in objectivity,
reliability, and validity, and they range from dream interpretation and childhood recollections to
paper-and-pencil and computer-administered tests. In psychology today, the major approaches to
personality assessment are:
Armed with the results of psychological tests such as the MMPI, which are usually
administered before or during a series of interview sessions, the psychologist can focus on
problems indicated by the test results and explore those areas in detail. Interpretation of
interview material is subjective and can be affected by the interviewer’s theoretical orientation
and personality. Nevertheless, clinical interviews remain a widely used technique for personality
assessment and a useful tool when supplemented by more objective procedures.
4. Behavioral Assessment
In the behavioral assessment approach, an observer evaluates a person’s behavior in a
given situation. The better the observers know the person being assessed, the more accurate
their evaluations are likely to be. Psychologists Arnold Buss and Robert Plomin developed a
questionnaire to assess the degree of various temperaments present in twins of the same sex
(Buss & Plomin, 1984). The mothers of the twins were asked, on the basis of their observations
of their children, to check those items on the questionnaire that best described specific and
easily discernible instances of their children’s behavior. Sample items from the questionnaire
are listed in Table i.3. As we noted in the section on clinical interviews, counselors routinely
observe their clients’ behavior—considering, for example, facial expressions, nervous gestures,
and general appearance—and use that information in formulating their diagnoses. Such
observations are less systematic than formal behavioral assessment procedures, but the results
can provide valuable insights.