The pose of an individual robot is defined by the coordinates [x, y, θ]T , where x
and y are the robot coordinates in a rectangular frame, and θ is the orientation
angle with θ = 0 lying on the x − axis. The robot posture changes via the
agent’s on-board control loop, which defines the agent’s linear acceleration v̇
and angular velocity θ̇ . The dynamic model of the robot used in this problem
is given in a state space form as:
x1 f1 v(t) cos θ(t)
x2 f2 v(t) sin θ(t)
X(t) = x3 , F (X(t)) = f3 =
x4 f4 0
ẋ1 v(t) cos θ(t) 0
ẋ2 v(t) sin θ(t) 0
Ẋ(t) =
ẋ3 =
+ (2)
0 ξv (t)
ẋ4 0 ξθ (t)
The knowledge of the control inputs v̇ and θ̇ would greatly decrease the error
in the pose estimation. In many cases, the control inputs are unknown to an
external observer. For this reason, the control variables v̇ and θ̇ are modeled with
the zero-mean white noises ξv (t) and ξθ , respectively. Measurements provided by
the camera are absolute position measurements xm and ym assumed to include
the zero-mean Gaussian-distributed noise wx ∼ N (0, Wx ) and wy ∼ N (0, Wy ).
This measurement model is defined as:
xm (t) 1 0 0 0 wx
Z(t) = = X(t) + (3)
ym (t) 0 1 0 0 wy
Estimate the velocity v(k) and angle θ(k) of the robot from the movie “Fi-” using EKF and second order filter (SOF) based on the discrete time
model of (1)-(3). The angle θ should be estimated in the range (−π, π]. The
data for your estimations are coordinates of the robot center xm (k) and ym (k)
are converted in cm and provided in “XYData cm.csv” for every 10th frame
of the movie . The movie has been recorded with the rate of 30 frames per sec-
ond. Each coordinate was found as a center of the equilateral triangle formed
by the three red lights. Compare results of the EKF and SOF.
Obviously, the triangle can help you estimate the angle θ(k) without any
filter; let us call that estimation α(k). The angle α(k) is provided in “Headin-
gAngle rad.csv” and can be considered as a true value of the angle θ(k).
Compare the value of α with θ̂, which is the angle estimation resulting from
your filters. You will likely need to go through the process of filter designs and
comparison couple of times until you find that filters produce reasonable results.
Make a several-page report in which you will explain your derivations and
choices for the initial state, all covariance matrices, and plot representative di-
agrams including tha data extracted from the movie.
Remark: The data are derived from the movie based on the following informa-
tion: (1) the image resolution is 320x240; (2) the robot size is about 70mm in
diameter; (3) the distance from the front light to the both back lights is 61mm;
and (4) the distance between the two back lights is 46mm. While you do not
need to extract the data from the movie, you still need these information to
figure out what is the measurement noise in measuring the robot position. You
will likely need to try various values for the process noisy intensity.