SOLUTIONS - : Multiple Choice Competition

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DECEMBER, 4th 2016
1. Answer: C
The reaction is CaCl2 (aq) + Na2CO3 (aq)  CaCO3(s) + 2NaCl (aq)
Mol of Na2CO3 = 50 mL x 0.15 M = 7.5 x 10-3 mol
Mol of CaCl2 = Mol of Na2CO3 = 7.5 x 10-3 mol
Volume of CaCl2 = 7.5 x 10-3 mol/0.25 M= 0,03 L = 30 mL
2. Answer: B
Catalyst is a substance that changes the rate of a chemical reaction without itself
being used up. Although the catalyst is not part of the overall reaction its does
participate by changing the mechanism of the reaction. The catalyst provides a path to
the products that has a rate-determining step with a lower activation energy than that
of the uncatalyzed reaction. Therefore, statements (2) and (4) are correct.
3. Answer: A
Electron has its own orbital energy, when it move up to the higher energy, there
should be absorbed energy which is equal to the difference between to orbitals. So the
correct answer is A.
4. Answer: A
Mol of bioethanol = (13.8g : 46 g/mol) = 0.3 mol
Mol of oxygen = (19.2 g : 32 g/mol) = 0.6 mol
Since 0.3 mol bioethanol requires 0.9 mol of oxygen, oxygen becomes the
determining reactant, so the calculation is based on the mol of oxygen.
The volume of CO2 = (0.6 mol x 22.4 L/mol) x 2/3 = 8.96 L.
5. Answer: A
HIn H+ + In-
 H    In  
Ka =    
 HIn 
 In   Ka 1  105 1
  
 HIn  H  1 10 100
 3

There is 100 times as much as HIn as In-, and the colour that we see is due to HIn

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6. Answer: D
K+, Ar and Cl- have the same electronic configuration, but they have the nuclear
charge increases in the order K+ > Ar > Cl-, so the order of the ionization potential is
Cl- < Ar < K+.
7. Answer: B
H2A + 2KOH K2A + 2H2O

mmol KOH = 40.0 x 0.100 = 4 mmol

mmol H2A = 0.5 x mmol NaOH = 2 mmol

Molecular mass of H2A = 0.244 g / 2 mmol = 0.244/2.10-3 g/mol = 122 g/mol.

8. Answer: C
Carbon = 6/1 x 30 gram = 180 gram
9. Answer: C
Unpolluted rain is slightly acidic due to the absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide
to partly form carbonic acid.
CO2 (g) + H2O H2CO3(aq)
Carbonic acid is weak acid and the pH of water in equilibrium with atmospheric
carbon dioxide is approximately 5.6
10. Answer: B
The solute is a strong acid, our first thought is that the solution should be acidic.
HCl + H2O  H3O+ + Cl
as HCl is strong acid, we may consider that the dissociation is complete therefore
[H3O+] from the HCl is equal to [HCl] = 5.010 M.
[H3O+] from the dissociation of water is 1.010 M.

Therefore the total [H3O+] in the solution is

(5.010 8 M + 1.010 7 M) = 1.510 M
pH = log (1.510 

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11. Answer: A
The total volume Vtotal of a sample is
Vtotal  Vgrains  Vvoids
From the void ratio
e  Vvoids  eVgrains
By substiting this equation to the total volume, Vtotal , and solving for Vgrains , we find
Vgrains 
1 e
The total mass msand of the sand grains is the product of the density of silicon dioxide
 SiO2 and the total volume of the sand grains:
msand   SiO2 Vgrains  msand   SiO2
1 e
Since, the total mass msand of the sand grains is also the product of the sand density
 Sand and the total valume of the sample, we find
Vtotal  SiO2
 SandVtotal   SiO   
1 e 1 e
2 Sand

Using the numerical values of e and  SiO2 , we find that  Sand  1.58 10 kg/m3.

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12. Answer: B
A schematic diagram of the observation process is given in figure below.

The angle θ is achieved during elaps time, which can be calculated using a
comparison with a complete rotation on its axis every twenty-four hours. Therefore,
we have,
 t 11.1
  3600  0.0460
360 24 hours 86400s
The radius of Earth can be estimated using trigonometric of the triangle as shown in
the figure. Here, we have
r cos cos(0.046)
cos  r  H  1.7  5.3 106 m
rH 1  cos 1  cos(0.046)

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13. Answer: D
Let d1 and d2 be the distance between the two upper plates and the two lower
plates, respectively. Therefore, from the Figure we see that
d1  d 2  a  b
The capacitance for each capacitor can be written as
0 A  A
C1  , C2  0
d1 d2
Therefore, the total capacitance in series can be expressed as
C1C 2 0 A  A
Ctot    0
C1  C 2 d1  d 2 a  b
Furthermore, the total energy stored in the capacitors is given by
CV02  AV 2
W   0 0
2 2(a  b)
When the center section is removed, the energy stored in the capacitor
 0 AV02
Finally, the change in the energy stored in the capacitors is
 0 AV02  b 
W  W  W '   
2(a  b)  a 

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14 Answer: A
We imagine that the ends of both bolts expand into the gap between them as the
temperature rises. We categorize this as a thermal expansion problem, in which the sum
of the changes in length of the two bolts must equal the length of the initial gap between
the ends. This leads to the fact that
LBr  LSt  5 10 6
LBr   Br Li Br T
LSt   St Li St T

Where  Br and  St are thermal expansion coefficient for brass and steel, respectively,

while Li  Br and Li St are the initial length of brass and steel, respectively.
Using all above equation, we find that

5 10 6
5 10 6   Brt Li  Br T   St Li St T  T 
 Brt Li  Br   St Li St
5 10 6
T   7.4
19 10 6 (0.03)  1110 6 (0.01)
Finally, the temperature at which the bolts touch is 27°C + 7.4°C = 34.4°C.

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15. Answer: D

The weight of the iceberg is

Wiceberg  miceberg g  icebergViceberg g

where iceberg is the density of the iceberg and Viceberg is the whole volume of iceberg.

The magnitude of the upward buoyant force equals the weight of the displaced water:
Wwater  m water g   waterVwater g

where  water is the density of the water and Vwater is the volume of displaced water.

Vwater is equal to the volume of the ice beneath the water (the shaded region in the
Fig). Since the system is an equilibrium, the fraction of ice beneath the water’s
surface can be calculated by
Vwater iceber 917
Wiceberg  Wiceberg  f     0.890
Viceberg  water 1030

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16. Answer: C
On a level (unbanked) road, the force that causes the centripetal acceleration is the
force of static friction between car and road. However, if the road is banked at an
angle θ, as in Figure, the normal force n has a horizontal component, nx,
nx  n sin 
pointing toward the center of the curve. Because the ramp is to be designed so that the
force of static friction is zero, only the component n x causes the centripetal
acceleration. Hence, Newton’s second law for the radial direction gives
Fr  nx  m  n sin 
On the other hand, the car is in equilibrium in the vertical direction. Thus, from

F y  0 we have

n cos  mg
Dividing the previous equation with above equation, we find that

v2 1  (13.4) 
tan     tan     20.10
rg  50  9.8 

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17. Answer: C
Let us imagine what happens as the actor approaches the bottom of the swing. At the
bottom, the cable is vertical and must support his weight as well as provide
centripetal acceleration of his body in the upward direction. At this point, the tension
in the cable is the highest and the sandbag is most likely to lift off the floor.

At the swinging of the actor from the initial point to the lowest point, we categorize
this as an energy problem involving an isolated system that is the actor and the Earth.
Here, we find that
K f  U f  Ki  U i  mactorv 2f  0  0  mactor gyi
where yi is the initial height of the actor above the floor and vf is the speed of the
actor at the instant before he lands. It is noted that K i  0 because he starts from

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rest and that U f  0 because we define the configuration of the actor at the floor as

having a gravitational potential energy of zero. Here, yi is related to R and θ through

the relation (see figure),
yi  R  R cos 
Then, we have
v 2f  2 gR(1  cos )
At the lowest point, the tension in the cable is transferred as a force applied to the
sandbag, we categorize the situation at this instant as a Newton’s second law
problem. We apply Newton’s second law to the actor at the bottom of his path, using
the free-body diagram as shown below.

Here, for the mass of actor, we have,

v 2f v 2f
F y  mactor
 T  mactor g  mactor
T  mactor g  mactor

T  mactor g  mactor 2 g (1  cos  )
And for the mass of sandbag, we have,

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T  mbag g  mactor g  mactor 2 g (1  cos  )  mbag g
 3mactor  mbag   3(65)  130 
  cos 1    cos 1    cos 1 (0.5)  60 0
 2mactor   2(65) 

18. Answer: C
The electron acceleration in y-direction,
F  eE eV
ay    
m m md
The velocity in x-direction is
vx  v0 cos   v0
The horizontal distance is
x  vxt  vot
The velocity in y-direction
v y  v0 sin   a yt   t
The vertical position is
d eV 2
y  t
2 2md
When the electron hit the positive plate, y  0 , we find that
So that the horizontal distance becomes
x  v0 d

19. Answer: C
The force done by the magnetic field across to the wires is
 v  v0 
F  ma  BId  m t   BId
 t  t0 

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Since the wires is initialy at rest, v0  0  t  0 , we find
vt  t
Therefore, vt linearly depends on the time t, which is given in the following Figure,

20. Answer: B
From the figure, it is clearly seen that the angle of incidence is the angle of reflection.

Thus we have,
H h h Lh
tan   x
L x H h
Here, H = 1.68 m, h = 0.43 m, and L = 2.2 m, we find that
Lh 2.2  0.43
x   0.757 m
H  h 1.68  0.43

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21. Answer: A
Female silkworm moths (Bombyx mori) attract
males by emitting chemical signals that spread
through the air. A male hundreds of meters away
can detect these molecules and fly toward their
source. The sensory organs responsible for this
behavior are the comblike antennae visible in the
photograph shown here. Each filament of an
antenna is equipped with thousands of receptor
cells that detect the specific sex attractant.

22. Answer: B
Slope of Bt ORG2 (0,5245) is greater than slope of Bt ORG1 (0,2069)
LC50 of Bt ORG1 during 24 hours = 3.15 x 1010cell/mL is greater than LC50 of Bt
ORG2 during 24 hours = 2.15 x1010cell/mL
23. Answer: D
Centriole: One of a pair of small, cylindrical organelles lying at right angels to each
other near the nucleus in the cytoplasm of animal cells and certain protist and plant
24. Answer: B
Hemoglobin, the oxygen-binding protein of red blood cells
shown below, is another example of a globular protein with
quaternary structure. It consists of four polypeptide
subunits, two of one kind (α) and two of another kind (β).
Both α and β subunits consist primarily of α-helical
secondary structure. Each subunit has a non-polypeptide component, called heme,
with an iron atom that binds oxygen.

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25. Answer: A

26. Answer: B
The plasmodium-carrying mosquito is still survive because there are not bird predator
and monkey Species B is not immune to plasmodium
27. Answer: A
Explanation: Mutualism
The ants get nutrients produced by the acacia

28. Answer: B
Human has dozens of antigens on the surface of his/her blood cells. One group of
antigens, designated as the MN blood group, stimulates the production of antibodies
when injected into rabbit. Allele for MN blood groups, usually designated as M and
N, are codominant. It means that Genotype MM produces only antigen M, while
genotype NN produces only antigen N, and the heterozygous genotype MN produces
both antigens. Given the following data:

Genotype Observed
MM 320
MN 480
NN 200
Total 1000

Because 1000 diploid individuals are in the sample, there are a total of 2000 allele.
By the Hardy-Weinberg principle, the sum of allele frequencies is p + q = 1. What is
the frequency of allele M?
(2  320)
M=  0.56

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29. Answer: A
In plant the young sporophyte produced following fertilization and subsequent
development of the zygote.
30. Answer: D
The Calvin Cycles: Cyclic series of reaction in the chloroplast stroma in photosynthesis;
fixes CO2 and produced carbohydrate

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