8Th Oistat Theatre Architecture Competition 2011
8Th Oistat Theatre Architecture Competition 2011
8Th Oistat Theatre Architecture Competition 2011
3.3 The answers to the questions will be 4.1. The first prize will be €5,000, the second
posted on the Website from 1 November prize will be €2,500 and the third prize
2010. will be €1,000. There will be three
additional prizes of €500 each. In
3.4 Entries must be despatched by mail on addition to these prizes, there will be
or before 11 March 2011. Late entries honourable mentions. The jury reserves
will not be considered. the right to modify the distribution of
• Entries will be disqualified if the prize money, within the same total
postmark is dated after 11 March amount and number of prizes.
• Entries must be received at the 4.2 The results of the competition will be
address given under item 3.6, no announced on the OISTAT website from
later than 25 March 2011. 16 April 2011. Prizes will be presented at
Competitors are responsible for ensuring the Prague Quadrennial in June 2011 at
their entry is delivered on time. a ceremony to be held in St Anna's
church, and paid electronically to those
3.5 The entry fee for the competition is €50 unable to attend, after the prize-giving.
per entry. Competitors will pay via pay
pal on the OISTAT website, no later than 5. Publication
11 March 2011, using their random six
figure code no. to identify their payment. 5.1 The competition entries will become the
Entries submitted without an entry fee property of OISTAT and may be
will not be considered. published and exhibited in any country at
the discretion of OISTAT.
3.6 All entries and payments will be handled
by a third party and the jury will not know 5.2 OISTAT will respect and acknowledge
the identity of the entries. the copyright of the participants.
7.4. The report of the jury will be published 16-26 June 2011
on the OISTAT website and distributed Exhibition of prize-winning and selected
by the OISTAT Centres. entries at the Prague Quadrennial.
7.5 The jury will select at least 25 entries for 17 June 2011
an exhibition at the Prague Quadrennial Official announcement and prize-giving
in June 2011. at the Architecture Section of The
Prague Quadrennial to be held at
7.6. A brochure illustrating at least 25 entries Prague Crossroads.
will be published and will be available at
the Prague Quadrennial 2011, after
which distribution will be by way of the
OISTAT Centres or via the internet.