Conclusions and Recommendations

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This chapter presents the conclusions drawn and the recommendation made as the

extension of the study. On this part of the study, it explains the conclusion and recommendation

of the researchers about the Analysis of the Language Proficiency Level in Filipino of the Grade

12 Senior High School Students of Dagatan National High School S.Y 2018-2019.


After analyzing the results of the gathered data, the researchers drawn the following

conclusions based on the statement of the problem:

Part I. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

1. The researchers identified that female are fonder of language proficiency level

than male considering that the researcher used stratified ramdom sampling

technique to determine the significant difference among the language proficiency

level of the respondents.

2. The finding shows that half of the respondents are 18-19 years old then the other

half has been divided into 16-17 years old and 20 above.

3. The percentage of language/s use at home where in 84 or 94% of the respondents

are used Filipino or Tagalog.

4. Most of the respondents general weighted average in Filipino related subjects of

34-38% or 76-80%.
5. The researcher distinguished that the larger quantity of respondents are taken

from General Academic Strand class 1, since the researcher use purposive

sampling technique and General Academic Strand class 1 has plenty of

respondents .

Part II. Language Proficiency Level of the respondents in Filipino

1. From the total responses gathered by the researcher , the language proficiency

level of the respondents in terms of sex wherein limitedly proficient. Based on it,

most of the respondents are not sufficient enough to say that the respondents are


2. The result of the respondents on the survey given by the researcher in terms of

age, the language proficiency level which is limitedly proficient.

3. The language proficiency level of the respondents in language/s use at home that

the Filipino and English provides a result that needed in the study. It is enough to

say that the respondents are proficient.

4. Language proficiency level in General weighted average in Filipino related

subjects indicates that the most of the proficient respondents are from 86-90% and

91 and above General Weighted average in Filipino related subject.

5. Language proficiency level in strand . It is clearly that the respondents from GAS-

1 confident to participate actively in discussion in Filipino Related Subject. The

overall language proficiency level is 26.87 which is limitedly proficient out of 89

respondents, which showed that majority of the respondents.

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