The English Language Anxiety

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The English Language Anxiety

Faced By the Grade 11

An Undergraduate Research Study Presented to the Faculty Member

of Irene Rayos Ombac National High School
Bolaoen, Bugallon, Pangasinan

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research I


JUNE 2023


Background of the Study

According to MacIntyre (1998) (cited in Zheng, 2008, adopted

in Berowra, 2018), the perception of language as an emotive

response and fear when one acquires to learn a language or uses a

target language. Learning the English language has become a dire

need for every student. It is for them to develop competency in

the language and to keep up not only with their local setting but

also with the international level of communication (Forbes,


English language anxiety is a relevant issue in both local

and global contexts. In many countries, English is considered a

crucial language for academic and professional success. In

addition, English language proficiency is often required for

higher education and job opportunities. Therefore, students who

experience English language anxiety may face significant

challenges in achieving their academic and career goals.

English-speaking anxiety is a worldwide issue. Simply put,

most people around the world do not acknowledge the English

language as a language for communication. English speaking skills

are essential to communicate or to express a speaker’s idea

orally to make it clear and effective to other people. It will

also help the students to at least lessen their anxiety in

speaking the English Language if they will master those. The

existence of anxiety may affect students’ performance in the

English classroom and cause difficulties to show their best. In

dealing with the anxiety problem, there should be appropriate

methods to settle it. However, before applying the methods,

teachers should understand the reasons or factors that cause

anxiety to decide the most appropriate way for students. If the

teachers can reduce students’ anxiety, it will help them in

maintaining self-confidence in learning to speak the English

Language. It was related to how teachers create a classroom

atmosphere which suitable for the teaching and learning process,

controlling attitudes towards students, reaction to students’

errors, and how to motivate them appropriately that was also

conceptualized in the book of Herwanto (2013) entitled ‘Factors

that Cause Language Anxiety in the English Classroom Speaking

Performance in SMP Negeri 4 Pakem Yogyakarta. We are conducting

this research to help our fellow students in IRONHS that have

anxiety about speaking the English language, we want them to

overcome their fear of speaking the English language and to help

them reduce their anxiety and to maintain their self-confidence

in learning to speak the English language.

Nowadays, the usage of the English language in communicating

is very much vital. It is used in almost all fields, especially

in schools because it is used as a medium of instruction in

almost all subjects. The English language is essential in

communication for speakers to concisely express their ideas to

make them understandable and effective. The English language

helps grade 11 students expand their knowledge. Not everyone in

grade 11 is good at English. Many in grade 11 are afraid to speak

and answer in English because they are afraid of making mistakes

and are ashamed to answer what is on their mind because they

think that their grammar might be wrong, and they might make

other people laugh.

The researchers found out that the main feelings of students

every time they are talking or speaking using the English

language are embarrassment, afraid, and nervousness. Also, the

factors why the majority of Filipino students opt (to make a

choice) not to use English as their conversational medium are

having a lack of confidence, shyness, anxiety, and not having

enough opportunity to speak during their English class.

What can be done to avoid English language anxiety is to

practice reading English books, practicing speaking English

alone, Stay focused. Think about why you're learning a language

and how it will help you reach your goals and stay positive.

Everything is worth the wait, but it takes time. It has ups and
downs; the process is not as smooth as you expected it to be.

Practice sentences in your head and even note down some keywords

on a piece of paper, so you have them in front of you if you

forget. And stay positive.

FLA has the most detrimental effects. It can make a

person feel discouraged about language learning, lose faith in

his or her ability to succeed, try to escape from participating

in any foreign language activities, and give up efforts to learn

the target language entirely. These thoughts would trigger a

student’s anxiety, and fear to learn and speak a target language.

For example, he or she can convince himself or herself not gifted

at language learning, or that he or she hasn’t achieved the

progress or level he or she should have. Another thing that

causes FLA is being exposed to too many negative experiences in a

foreign language context. For instance, being laughed at when

mispronouncing a word or being reprimanded for making the same

language error multiple times and such situations can lower your

self-confidence when speaking a foreign language and hinder your

progress. The method aimed to reduce language anxiety by

emphasizing pair or group activities and learning through

communication in the target language. Conversely, the demand for

communication in the classroom enhanced students’ anxiety. Would

be to investigate the extent and nature of English language

anxiety experienced by grade 11 students, as well as the factors

that contribute to this anxiety. This may involve examining the

students' perceptions of their language proficiency, their

attitudes toward learning English, their previous experiences

with English language education, and any external pressures or

expectations that may be contributing to their anxiety. The aim

would be to identify potential strategies and interventions that

could help alleviate this anxiety and support students in their

language-learning journey.

Statement of the Problem

Researchable Questions.

1. How does English Language Anxiety affect Grade 11students?

2. How can grade 11 students overcome their English Language


3. What are some resources or tools that can help students in

grade 11 manage their English language anxiety?

Significance of the Study

General Significance:

This research will determine the significance of English

language anxiety experienced by the grade 11 students at IRONHS

will help in comprehending the negative impacts it has on their

academic performance, mental health, and overall growth as

individuals.The result of the study will give benefits to the


1. The students themselves: The study can benefit the students

by raising awareness about the phenomenon of English

language anxiety and helping them understand the causes and

effects of the anxiety. The study can also provide students

with strategies and resources to help them overcome their

anxiety and improve their English language skills.

2. Teachers and educators: The findings of the study can help

teachers and educators understand the challenges that

students face in learning English and develop effective

teaching strategies to address these challenges. Educators

can also use the study’s recommendations to create a more

supportive and inclusive learning environment for students.

3. School administrators: The study can provide school

administrators with insights into the effectiveness of

current English language programs and policies and

help them identify areas for improvement. Administrators can

use the study’s findings to make informed decisions about

curriculum, resources, and support services for students.

4. Future Researchers: Future researchers will have the

opportunity to build on the existing literature and

contribute to a better understanding of this phenomenon.

They can explore various factors that contribute to English

language anxiety and how it affects the academic performance

and overall well-being of grade 11 students.

Scope and Delimitation

This research study will be conducted at Irene Rayos Ombac

National High School, Bugallon, Pangasinan. It specifically

concentrated on the level of English language anxiety faced by

Grade 11 Senior High School students in the English language as

well as the demographic profile of the respondents. It also

focuses on finding significant differences between the sex and

strand of the respondents to the level of their English language


Definition of terms

 Concisely-In a short and clear way that expresses what needs

to be said without unnecessary words.

 Detrimental Effect-Obviously harmful: damaging. the

detrimental effects of pollution. detrimentally.

 Reprimand-To reprove sharply or censure formally usually

from a position of authority.

 Simultaneous-Existing or occurring at the same time: exactly

 Prerequisite-Something that is necessary to an end or to the

carrying out of a function.


Local Studies

Since English is the most widely used language, it is

important to learn, understand and speak English fluently. Good

English is essential, especially when applying for a job. The

main causes of anxiety in high school students are fear of

negative evaluation and test anxiety. Of the respondents, 84% had

moderate levels of anxiety and 49% had excellent academic

performance. The results of the study showed that cooperative

learning can help reduce and eliminate students' foreign language

anxiety. Communication anxiety can be reduced by allowing

students to share their thoughts in smaller groups that do not

intimidate them. Albyra Bianca Ronquillo Sy Tamco (May 2021). An

Assessment of English Language Anxiety among Senior High School

Students and its Effect on Their Academic Achievement at La

Consolacion University, Philippines.

This study was conceptual and revealed the underlying

beliefs of teachers and their professional opinions and insights

into MTB-MLE. The purpose of this study was to establish an

empirical foundation to prove mother tongue language-based

learning can hinder English language proficiency students who

study English and parent subjects at the same time. In addition,

the study also looked at English language performance and

difficulties of students that are within the field of expertise

of the researcher. The research conclusively established that

simultaneous mother tongue language and second language learners

have enhanced linguistic and educational development. Wilbert

Guiseppe L. De Guzman and Presley V. De Vera (2018). An English

Language Performance and Difficulties of Pupils in the Mother

Tongue – based (MTB) Medium of Instruction at Pangasinan State

University, Philippines.

English is a very vast and difficult language for most

people. Students suffer every time they don't understand an

English word they hear or read. This study focused on the impact

of English on the academic performance of Grade 12 students in

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) at Bestlink College in the

Philippines. The study found that the use of English affected

academic performance, especially for students who were shy about

speaking and students who did not take their studies seriously.

The researchers suggested that teachers give students time to

read books or make a list of unknown words and write a definition

for each word and let them study and learn those words. Christian

Sayson, Emerson Opancia, and, Jonell Macasojot(March

2020).Effects of Using English Language on Academic Performance

of Grade 12 HUMSS Strand Students at Bestlink College of the


Assumption: Since English is the most widely used

language, it is important to learn, understand and speak English

fluently. Good English is essential, especially when applying for

a job. The purpose of this study was to establish an empirical

foundation to prove mother or not language-based learning can

hinder English language proficiency in students who study English

and parent subjects at the same time. The study found that the

use of English affected academic performance, especially for

students who were shy about speaking and students who did not

take their studies seriously.

Foreign Studies

The growing global interest and even exponential growth in

English as an international language. Language is making it more

and more necessary to be able to learn it, with good

communication skills and inescapable, But the emotions often

encountered by language learners are also reported. In the

journey to achieve its goals, such as fear, tension, nervousness,

and anxiety. Language competence and the ability to communicate.

This leads to some extreme cases, learners’ complete inability,

occasioned by fear, even to attempt to speak English at all (what

is oftentimes termed a “mental block” against learning a

language). Hakim, B. M. (2019). A Study of Language Anxiety among

English Language Learners in Saudi Arabia.

This is especially true in foreign language learning

contexts where learners typically have little access and exposure

to the target language. In these contexts, they learn the target

language mainly for a specific purpose, as a prerequisite to

going to school and finding a better job in the future. When they

are forced to use the language, they often become overwhelmed,

nervous, and even panicked with little practice. This is

generally the case in China, where EFL students make little use

of English in their daily lives, despite an increasing emphasis

on the language. Therefore, this study in the EFL context of

Chinese universities sought to investigate the relationship

between foreign language anxiety and motivation in terms of their

interactive effects on English language performance. Meihua Liu

and Wenhong Huang (February 14, 2011). An Exploration of Foreign

Language Anxiety and English Learning Motivation in Beijing,


People who speak good English are considered more

intelligent and educated. English is now considered a status

symbol in India. Besides that, English is also necessary to get

good jobs, especially in today's business world. For students in

professional courses, English is a passport to high-paying jobs

in companies. Students who are unable to communicate in English,

especially speaking, find it difficult to pass the interview

process. Many studies have shown that even students with

qualified degrees cannot get good jobs because of poor English

communication skills. Almost all schools in India teach English

from the beginning and even after graduation and graduation,

students have to take various communication skills courses that

focus on students learning business English. Shravan Kumar (June

2020). English Language Anxiety and its Impact on the

Communicative Performance of the Learners w.r.t the Students of

B-Schools in Delhi NCR, India.

Assumption: The growing global interest and even exponential

growth in English as an international language. Language is

making it more and more necessary to be able to learn it, with

good communication skills and inescapable, But the emotions often

encountered by language learners are also reported. This is

especially true in foreign language learning contexts where

learners typically have little access and exposure to the target

language. In these contexts, they learn the target language

mainly for a specific purpose, as a prerequisite to going to

school and finding a better job in the future. When they are

forced to use the language, they often become overwhelmed,

nervous, and even panicked with little practice. English is now

considered a status symbol in India. Besides that, English is

also necessary to get good jobs, especially in today's business

world. For students in professional courses, English is a

passport to high-paying jobs in companies. Students who are

unable to communicate in English, especially speaking, find it

difficult to pass the interview process.



This chapter presents the method and procedures used in

collecting and gathering the data needed for the present study.

The discussion focused on the following: research design,

population and sample, data gathering instrument, and data

gathering procedures.

Research Design

In this study, the descriptive survey method was employed

in finding out necessary information regarding to the English

Language Anxiety faced by the grade 11 students at Irene Rayos

Ombac National High School. In achieving the aims of this study,

actual visiting and questionnaire were used as tools in gathering

data. The researchers prepared a structured questions for the

grade 11 students at Irene Rayos Ombac National High School about

English Language Anxiety.

Population and Sample

The respondents of the research were the grade 11 students

of Irene Rayos Ombac National High School with a population of

10-15 respondents. Population was manageable because the

researcher used the qualitative common sample of 10-15


Data Gathering Instrument

In this study, the researcher will be using a questionnaire

and surveys. The questionnaire is a set of orderly arranged

questions carefully prepared to answer by a group of students

designed to collect facts and information, Face-to-face

interviews have advantages over self-administered questionnaires

because detailed questions can be asked. The other steps to

achieve the level of agreement from the respondents are

collecting the responses and information given by the


Data Gathering Procedure

Permission was taken from the subject teacher to conduct this

study. The researchers conducted in person and administered a

questionnaire to facilitate data collection to ensure

confidentiality of respondents' responses. Responses interpreted

and analyzed after retrieval of the completed survey.

Questions for Interview

1. As a grade 11 student, how does the English language help


2. How important is the English language to you as a student?

3. In your opinion, what are the reasons why grade 11 students

experience English language anxiety?

4. What advice would you give to students experiencing English

language anxiety?

Albyra Bianca Ronquillo Sy Tamco (May 2021). An Assessment of

English Language Anxiety among Senior High School Students

and its Effect on Their Academic Achievement at La Consolacion

University, Philippines.



Wilbert Guiseppe L. De Guzman and Presley V. De Vera (2018). An

English Language Performance and Difficulties of Pupils in the

Mother Tongue – based (MTB) Medium of Instruction at Pangasinan

State University, Philippines.
Christian Sayson, Emerson Opancia and Jonell Macasojot(March

2020).Effects of Using English Language on Academic Performance

of Grade 12 HUMSS Strand Students at Bestlink College of the



Hakim, B. M. (2019). A Study of Language Anxiety among English

Language Learners in Saudi Arabia.

Meihua Liu and Wenhong Huang (February 14,2011). An Exploration

of Foreign Language Anxiety and English Learning Motivation in


Shravan Kumar (June 2020). English Language Anxiety and its

impact on the Communicative Performance of the Learners w.r.t the

Students of B-Schools in Delhi NCR, India.

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