01-NetPerformer Overview

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NetPerformer Overview

NetPerformer® System Reference

Published Date: March 2011

Document # 1594

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Memotec Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Comtech EF Data Corp., and its parent company Comtech
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AccessView, CXTool, CX-U Series, CX-UA Series, AbisXpress, NetPerformer, AccessGate, ACTView, SDM-
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Copyright © 2011 Memotec Inc.

Memotec Inc.
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Tel.: (514) 738-4781
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Chapter 1: Product Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

1. 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

1. 2 Hardware Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4

1.2.1 Chassis Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1.2.2 SDM-9220/9230 vs. SDM-9210GW/9220GW/9230GW. . . . . . . 1-6
1.2.3 SDM-8400 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
1.2.4 SDM-9220 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
1.2.5 SDM-9230 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
1.2.6 SDM-9210GW, SDM-9220GW and SDM-9230GW Description 1-10
1.2.7 SDM-9500 Chassis Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
1.2.8 SDM-9585 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12

1. 3 Firmware and Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13

1.3.1 Software Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13

1. 4 Scalability and Flexibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15

Chapter 2: NetPerformer Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

2. 1 About the NetPerformer Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2

2. 2 Convergence of Multiple Traffic Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2

2. 3 Multi-service Feature Set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4

2. 4 Traffic Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6

2. 5 PowerCell Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7

Chapter 3: NetPerformer Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

3. 1 NetPerformer SIP VoIP Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2

3. 2 SkyPerformer Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4

3. 3 TCP Acceleration Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6

3. 4 ATM Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index-1

Memotec Inc.
Memotec Inc.
Product Overview

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NetPerformer Overview

1.1 Introduction
The NetPerformer family of Multi-service Integrated Access Devices integrates traffic
over a variety of enterprise network infrastructures. The NetPerformer is both flexible and
• Interface cards provide more serial, analog and digital connections
• Firmware options to enhance the base feature set
• Interoperates with other network nodes in a variety of packetized environments.
The NetPerformer family of Integrated Access Routers is the optimal voice/data and GSM
backhaul convergence solution. It has been designed for enterprises and carrier to integrate
traffic over a variety of popular WAN infrastructures. It can be used over Switched/Lease
Lines, Frame Relay and ATM backbones, satellite networks as well as IP backbone. Line
costs are reduced by bundling various boundaries of traffic onto a single network
infrastructure, replacing distinct voice, legacy data, SNA and LAN networks.
Additionally with the SkyPerformer software option, NetPerformer can be used to create
point-to-multipoint networks, either full-satellite or hybrid terrestrial-satellite,
transporting voice and data over satellite, perfect for linking remote sites in which
terrestrial services are not readily available.
To further increase the performance over satellite, the SDM-9220/9230 TCP Acceleration
option is also available to overcome the throughput limitation inherent with high latency
The NetPerformer does not only support voice over Packet Networks, but also includes
excellent LAN, SNA and legacy data support. Models are available for branch, regional,
corporate offices and central sites.
Key NetPerformer features include:
• Flexible WAN interface can use Switched/Lease Lines, Frame Relay, IP, and
• Power Cell Technology delivering Quality of Service with fine granularity over
various WAN interfaces
• Efficient telephony transport and switching (voice, fax (G3, Super G3, G4, T.38),
and modem (V.32bis or passthrough))
• Voice Traffic Routing™ with dialed digit manipulations and Any-to-Any Teleph-
ony connectivity
• Convergence and Compression for data and voice over various WAN including
• Choice of voice signaling-PowerCell encapsulation for bandwidth efficiency, or
standard based VoIP with SIP signaling
• Radius Authentication and Billing
• IP RIP V1/V2/OSPF and IPX routing and bridging

1-2 Memotec Inc.

Product Overview

• Level 2 and 3 QoS mapping using IP Precedence/TOS bits and 802.1 p/q prioriti-
• 802.1 p/q VLAN support
• IP Multicast and NAT, including SIP NAT
• TCP Acceleration (option)
• GSM Abis/Ater bandwidth optimization option
• Transparent Nx64K digital support over PowerCell, including PowerCell over IP
• Legacy and transparent data over PowerCell
• SS7 transport and MTP2 and /or FISU spoofing
• SDLC and LLC2 spoofing and conversion
• HP OpenView-based network management

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NetPerformer Overview

1.2 Hardware Platforms

All NetPerformer products and licensed software options (V10.1.0 and higher) run on the
following hardware platforms:
• The SDM-9360/9380 standalone chassis models for branch, regional and remote
offices. Equipped with 4 slots for port expansion. Refer to the NetPerformer
SDM-9360/9380 Hardware Installation Guide for details on hardware fea-
• The SDM-9500 rackmount chassis model for central site offices, which can be
installed with up to 4 SDM-9585 cards, each of which is equipped with 4 slots for
port expansion. Refer to the NetPerformer SDM-9500 Hardware Installa-
tion Guide for details.
• The SDM-9220/9230 standalone chassis model for branch, regional and remote
offices. Refer to the NetPerformer SDM-9220/9230 Hardware Installation
Guide for details.
• The SDM-8400 standalone chassis model, a data-only integrated access device
that supports multiple serial ports and Ethernet for increased serial port capacity.
Refer to the NetPerformer SDM-8400 Hardware Installation Guide for
These NetPerformer hardware platforms employ the following standard and proprietary
• Standard: IP/Ethernet circuits, IP RIP v1/v2, IP Multicast PIMDM, VoIP
using SIP (with NetPerformer SIP VoIP option), OSPF v2, PPP links, Frame
Relay RFC-1490, SNA (SDLC, LLC and BAN/BNN), VLAN IEEE 802.1Q-
1998, ATM RFC-1483 and RFC-2364 (with ATM option).
• Proprietary: Memotec’s Signaling Engine technology for full support of
standard voice algorithms and both standard and proprietary data protocols, Pow-
erCell connections to converge voice and data, Voice over PowerCell (with Net-
Performer base product), Frame Relay-based satellite connections (with
SkyPerformer option).

1.2.1 Chassis Comparison

SDM-8400 SDM-9220 SDM-9230

Base Configuration

Universal AC Power Y Y Y

-48 VDC N Y Y

LAN Ports 1 2 2

Base Unit Serial Ports 4&8 1 1

Table 1-1: Chassis comparison

1-4 Memotec Inc.

Product Overview

SDM-8400 SDM-9220 SDM-9230

DSP Sockets - 1 1

Expansion Slots - 2 3

Total Support

LAN Ports 1 2 2

Serial Ports 4&8 3 3

T1/E1 Ports - 4 (data only) 6

BRI S/T physical ports - 4 6

Logical Digital Data Ports - 124 124

Digital Voice Ports - 8 (BRI only) 120

Analog Voice Ports - 8 12

FXO - 8 12

FXS - 8 12

E&M - 8 12

BRI Voice Channels - 8 12

CAS/PRI Voice Channels - N 120

ATM Capable N N Y

Table 1-1: Chassis comparison

• The SDM-9585 module is the card version of the SDM-9380 standalone unit.
The SDM-9585 can be used in the SDM-9500 chassis, occupying two slots in the
chassis. A single SDM-9500 chassis can be equipped with a maximum of 4
SDM-9585 modules, occupying the 8 slots. A ninth slot can be equipped with the
SDM-9500 expansion card, allowing up to four SDM-9500 to be linked together
via a 100 Mbps Firewire connection.
• The SDM-9220GW and SDM-9230GW has the same serial port capacity as the
SDM-9220 and SDM-9230 base units but do not support the same set of features.
Refer to for more details.
• The voice capacity of the SDM-9230 and SDM-9230GW is 120 channels in
PowerCell voice or VoIP SIP; it does require the SDM-92X0 dual port T1/E1 in
order to have 4 to 6 digital spans in the 3 available slots.

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NetPerformer Overview

1.2.2 SDM-9220/9230 vs. SDM-9210GW/9220GW/9230GW

NOTE: The SDM-9210/9220GW/9230GW models are no longer supported. This sec-

tion exists for legacy information purposes only.

The SDM-92X0 products can be equipped with various modules and interface cards in
order to meet your specific applications: type of GSM interface and level of convergence,
DSP density, required interfaces.
The SDM-9210GW has a fixed interface configuration.
Table 1-2 will help you to decide which SDM-92X0 model is best suited based on the
required features.

NOTE: Serial port expansion uses one of the expansion slots. The maximum capacity
indicated for other interface types in the table is for a single interface type.
When different types of interfaces are used, the number of expansion slots
available on the base unit will dictate the limit.

BRI S/T can be used to support backup using PPP or PowerCell, or even GSM
fractional E interface when connecting to PSTN with ISDN signaling.

GSM A-bis/ter license required. Refer to the DSP ordering information in

Product Bulletin NP121 to calculate the total number of DSP channels
required. A DSP channel is required for each timeslot carrying TCH/TRX and
signaling traffic.

Maximum one T1 or E1 ATM interface per SDM-9230 base unit. For GSM
3G (UMTS), ATM will be used on the user side to transmit only the active
cells over the PowerCell WAN. When the ATM license is enabled, the second
Ethernet port will become unavailable. Same thing when GSM 3G is enabled
on the SDM-9230; if the second Ethernet port is required for the application,
GSM 3G can still be passed transparently

PowerCell license is a pre-requisite to SkyPerformer option on SDM-

9220GW and SDM-9230GW. It is also required on the SDM-92X0GW when
used to transparently transport GSM A/E interfaces and to spoof SS7

Transparent digital is used to transmit Nx64Kbps timeslots over the WAN,

independently of the protocol and using a Constant Bit Rate mode. When
using Bit Oriented Protocol such as HDLC, the amount of bandwidth used on
the WAN will vary based on the real traffic that needs to be transmitted on the

1-6 Memotec Inc.

Product Overview

Feature SDM-9220 SDM-9220GW SDM-9230GW SDM-9230

Serial Port (base) 1 1 1 1 1

Maximum Speed 6/2 Mbps 6/2 Mbps 6/2 Mbps RX/ 6/6 Mbps RX/
8/8 Mbps RX/TX

Serial Port Expansion1 3 N/A 3 3 3

Ethernet Port 2 1 2 2 25

Expansion Slots 2 N/A 2 3 3

T1/E1 Interface1, 2 4 1 or 2 4 6 6

BRI S/T Ports1, 3 4 1 or 2 4 6 6

Analog Voice Ports1 8 N/A 8 12 12

DSP Capacity 30 60 30 120 120

BRI voice capacity 8 N/A 8 12 12

T1/E1 voice capacity N/A 60 30 120 120

GSM A.bis/ter Capacity4

30 N/A N/A N/A 120
(number of timeslots)

GSM A/E Support N/A N/A 30 channels 120 channels 120 channels

ATM Support N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes

WAN Support
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
IP, PPP, RFC1490

WAN PowerCell Yes N/A PowerCell Opt. PowerCell Opt. Yes

PowerCell Voice/Fax Yes N/A PowerCell Opt. PowerCell Opt. Yes

SkyPerformer Option N/A Option6 Option6

Legacy Data
Yes N/A PowerCell Opt. PowerCell Opt. Yes
(Serial or Digital)

Transparent Digital7 Yes N/A PowerCell Opt. PowerCell Opt. Yes

SS7 Spoofing Yes N/A PowerCell Opt. PowerCell Opt. Yes

Link Redundancy 64K PPP 64K PPP

Yes backup or backup or Pow- Yes
PowerCell opt. erCell opt.

1:1 Hardware Redundancy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Table 1-2: SDM-92X0 model feature characteristics

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NetPerformer Overview

1.2.3 SDM-8400 Description

The NetPerformer SDM-8400 enables incremental scalability of existing NetPerformer
multifunctional routers by adding serial port capacity. It can also be used as a standalone
unit for data only applications.

Figure 1-1: NetPerformer SDM-8400 unit

System Details All base units come equipped with universal AC power supply, RJ-45-DB9F console
cable, 19 inch rack mount kit and a 120 VAC North American or 240 VAC European
power cord that must be specified at time of ordering. All data ports equipped with HD-26
female connectors. Adapter cables are required for serial ports and must be ordered as a
separate item.

Interfaces • One 10/100Base-T Ethernet (RJ45 connector)

• Four or eight serial ports (HD26 female connectors)

1.2.4 SDM-9220 Description

The NetPerformer SDM-9220 is an entry-level standalone chassis designed for flexible
convergence at the branch office level. It is a high speed, low cost flexible and powerful
unit that supports 8 analog or BRI/ST digital voice in a multitude of application scenarios.
It also supports GSM A.bis/ter optimization for up to 30 timeslots.

Figure 1-2: Front view of the SDM-9220 unit

1-8 Memotec Inc.

Product Overview

System Details The SDM-9220 base unit is equipped with one serial port equipped with HD-26 female
connector, two 10/100Base-T Ethernet (RJ45 connectors), one console port and two
expansion slots. All UAC base units come equipped with universal AC power supply and
a choice of 120 VAC North American or 240 VAC European power cord that must be
specified at time of ordering. The –48VDC version include a 6 feet wiring harness. DB9F-
DB9F console cable and 19-inch rackmount kit are also included. Adapter cable is
required for serial port and must be ordered as a separate item.

Optional • One DSP connector per unit (DSP-160 type module only)
• Two expansion slots for the interface cards
• Analog voice interface cards: 2 and 4 ports FXS, 2 and 4 ports FXO, 4 ports
• Digital voice/data interface cards: 2 ports BRI S/T, single port T1, single port E1
75 or 120 ohms, dualport T1/E1 (adapter cable required for E1-75 applications)
• BRI digital voice is supported on SDM-9220, but not T1/E1 voice
• Dual serial port interface card, maximum one card per unit, providing a maxi-
mum of three serial ports.

1.2.5 SDM-9230 Description

The NetPerformer SDM-9230 is a standalone chassis designed for flexible convergence at
the branch office level.
It is a scalable product for branch offices that require support for 12 analog or 120 digital
telephony channels and the ATM option. It also supports GSM A.bis/ter optimization for
up to 120 timeslots.

Figure 1-3: Front view of the SDM-9230 unit

System Details The SDM-9230 base unit is equipped with one serial port equipped with HD-26 female
connector, two 10/100Base-T Ethernet (RJ45 connectors), one console port and three
expansion slots. All UAC base units come equipped with universal AC power supply and
a choice of 120 VAC North American or 240 VAC European power cord that must be
specified at time of ordering. The –48VDC version include a 6 feet wiring harness. DB9F-

Memotec Inc. 1-9

NetPerformer Overview

DB9F console cable and 19-inch rackmount kit are also included. Adapter cable is
required for serial port and must be ordered as a separate item.

Optional • One DSP connector per unit (DSP-160 type or High Density DSP module)
• Three expansion slots for the interface cards
• Analog voice interface cards: 2 and 4 ports FXS, 2 and 4 ports FXO, 4 ports
• Digital voice/data interface cards: 2 ports BRI S/T, single port T1, single port E1
75 or 120 ohms , dual port T1/E1 (adapter cable required for E1-75 applications)
• Dual serial port interface card, maximum one card per unit, providing a maxi-
mum of three serial ports.

1.2.6 SDM-9210GW, SDM-9220GW and SDM-9230GW Description

NOTE: These models are no longer supported. This section exists for legacy informa-
tion purposes only.

The NetPerformer SDM-9210GW, SDM-9220GW and SDM-9230GW are a standalone IP

router and VoIP SIP gateways designed for flexible convergence at the branch office level.
They are scalable products for branch offices that require support up to 120 VoIP digital
telephony channels.

System Details The SDM-9220GW and SDM-9230GW base units are equipped with one serial port
equipped with HD-26 female connector, two 10/100Base-T Ethernet (RJ45 connectors)
and one console port. The SDM-9220GW has two expansion slots and support up to 30
digital voice channels. The SDM-9230GW has three expansion slots and support up to
120 digital voice channels. The SDM-92X0GW base units support the same interface
cards used for the SDM-9220 and SDM-9230 described in the previous pages; digital and
analog voice are supported in the same unit. The SDM-9210GW is a 1U unit with a fixed
port configuration supporting 1 or 2 T1/E1 and up to 60 voice channels. All GW base units
come equipped with a DSP module supporting up to the specified number of voice
All UAC base units come equipped with universal AC power supply and a choice of 120
VAC North American or 240 VAC European power cord that must be specified at time of
ordering. The –48VDC version include a 6 feet wiring harness. DB9F-DB9F console
cable and 19-inch rackmount kit are also included. Adapter cable is required for serial port
and must be ordered as a separate item.
The basic software set provide support for VoIP SIP and IP routing over Ethernet, serial or
digital ports using PPP or Frame Relay RFC-1490. Powercell license is available for the
SDM-9220GW/9230GWonly, enabling support for PowerCell Voice and Data, including
support for legacy user data; the SDM-9230GW doesn’t support ATM. SkyPerformer and
TCP Acceleration can also be added on top of the PowerCell license.

1-10 Memotec Inc.

Product Overview

1.2.7 SDM-9500 Chassis Description

NOTE: This model is no longer supported. This section exists for legacy information
purposes only.

The NetPerformer SDM-9500 is the solution for corporate and central sites to integrate
traffic over a variety of popular corporate WAN infrastructures. It is a high capacity
product for central office locations that require support for up to 64 analog or 384 digital
telephony channels.

System Details The SDM-9500 UAC chassis come equipped with universal AC power supply and a
choice of 120 VAC North American or 240 VAC European power cord that must be
specified at time of ordering. A second UAC power supply can be added in the chassis to
provide redundancy. The SDM-9500 is also available in –48VDC configuration. DB9F-
DB9F console cable and 19-inch rackmount kit are also included.
The SDM-9585A is a ATM-ready high throughput card providing integrated data and
voice applications for up to 120 telephony channels per card. All SDM-9585A data ports
are equipped with HD-26 female connectors.
Adapter cables required for each port must be ordered as a separate item. Each SDM-
9585A card occupies two of the 8 slots available in the SDM-9500 chassis. Each card
communicates with each other in the same chassis via the backplane and with other
chassis via the optional expansion card in a ninth slot.

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NetPerformer Overview

1.2.8 SDM-9585 Description

NOTE: This model is no longer supported. This section exists for legacy information
purposes only.

The SDM-9585 is the rack version of the SDM-9380. it communicates with other cards in
the system via the backplane using a 100Mbps interface. Up to four SDM-9500 chassis
can be linked with each others.

Figure 1-4: Front view of the SDM-9585 unit

• Four DSP sockets per SDM-9585 card
Supports DSP SIMM modules with either 5 channels of G.729a or FAX relay, 4
channels of ACELP CN, G.726 ADPCM 16/24/32/40K or G723.1, 3 channels of
G.729 or modem relay per DSP
• One 10Base-T Ethernet (RJ45 connectors) per SDM-9585 card
• For expansion slots for interface cards per SDM-9585 card
• Three built-in universal serial ports and up to 11 serial ports supported per SDM-
9585 card
• 64 time slots can be configured for WAN connectivity on the same SDM-9585
card, any number of time slots for drop and insert, and up to the maximum of
voice channels supported by the installed DSP modules
• One slot for 100 Mbps Fireware bus expansion card per SDM-9500 chassis
• Four daisy-chained chassis when utilizing the SDM-9585
• Three daisy-chassis when utilized both SDM-9530 and SDM-9585 cards
• Four interface cards can be installed on each SDM-9585 card

1-12 Memotec Inc.

Product Overview

1.3 Firmware and Options

The NetPerformer base product firmware offers multi-protocol transport over various
WAN infrastructures using PowerCell™, a proprietary cell-based protocol that ensures
Quality of Service and minimum delays. Several licensed software options can be
installed on the base product:
• NetPerformer Voice over IP (VoIP) Option: Provides a distributed
voice communications system that can be integrated with a worldwide VoIP
softswitch platform, offering voice transport over IP using standard Session Initi-
ation Protocol (SIP). Refer to the Voice over IP (VoIP) Option module of this
document series.
• ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) Option: Permits the integration
of a wide variety of end user devices with an ATM network, providing a viable
internetworking solution for high-volume and disparate traffic types. Refer to the
ATM Option module of this document series.
• SkyPerformer Option: Provides satellite access functionality to the NetPer-
former product, creating a hybrid terrestrial/satellite network that uses a single
hardware platform and network management system. Refer to the SkyPer-
former Option module of this document series.
• TCP Acceleration Option: Permits higher performance on satellite links,
extending the feasibility of the TCP/IP protocol to satellite applications. Offered
on the SDM-9220 and SDM-9230 only. Refer to the TCP Acceleration Option
module of this document series.
The procedure for installing these options is provided in the Software Installation and
Licensing module of this document series.

1.3.1 Software Options

Each base unit ordered includes the basic NetPerformer software. Some features require
the purchase of an optional license.
A software license is no longer required to enable Voice over IP with SIP signaling on the
SDM-9360/9380/9585 and the SDM-9220/9230; this is now done via a configuration
parameter. SIP is the only voice transport method available on the SDM-9210GW/
ATM, SkyPerformer, and TCP Acceleration options can be added on the NetPerformer
SIP enabled units.
The VoIP SIP feature of the NetPerformer provides support for standard based Voice,
FAX, and modem over IP using SIP signaling. This allows interconnection of
NetPerformer to other SIP standard based devices using Service Providers for enhanced
connectivity. The NetPerformer with SIP interoperates with the Clarent Class 5 Call
Manager, and Clarent Command Center, other SIP proxies and SIP phones, as well as a
standalone proxyless SIP, using integral ingress and egress dialing plans.
ATM support requires an optional software license. This license can be installed on SDM-
9360A, SDM-9380A, SDM-9585A and SDM-9230 base units, but not on the SDM-9220,

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NetPerformer Overview

SDM-9210GW, SDM-9220GW and SDM- 9230GW. The proper type of T1 or E1

interface must be selected for connection to an ATM backbone; a maximum of one ATM
interface per base unit is supported. Various backbone infrastructures will be combined in
a single homogenous network using PowerCell technology.
For the SDM-9210/9220/9230 products, TCP/IP acceleration software licenses can be
used to accelerate TCP/IP traffic (typically file transfer and web browsing) over links with
long delay like, for example satellite links. TCP/IP acceleration licenses are available in
two options. The first license type supports up to 100 TCP connections, which is suitable
for branch locations. The second license type supports up to 300 TCP connections, which
is more suitable for regional and central site locations. The license is specific to SDM-
9220 or SDM-9230 and requires the serial number of the units. Upgrade of existing units
in the field is possible.
GSM A-bis/ter license enables bandwidth optimization on the SDM-9220/9230 platforms
over serial, digital or IP backbones. When used on the SDM-9230 base unit, GSM 3G
optimization is also available. It should be noted that when GSM 3G is enabled on the
SDM-9230 that the second Ethernet port become unavailable; if the second Ethernet is
required for the application, GSM 3G can still be passed transparently. Refer to Product
bulleting NP121 for more information. GSM license is specific to SDM-9220 or SDM-
9230 ands requires the serial number of the units. Upgrade of existing units in the field is
possible. This option is not available for SDM-9210GW, SDM-9220GW and SDM-
9230GW base units.
The SDM-9210GW, SDM-9220GW and SDM-9230GW provide VoIP SIP gateway
functionality and include integral IP router with WAN connectivity using serial/digital
(Frame Relay RFC1490, ATM, PPP) or Ethernet port.
PowerCell option is available for the SDM-9220GW and SDM-9230GW if support for
legacy data is required, or if PowerCell WAN is preferable for greater WAN efficiency.
The PowerCell license also allow the GW unit to be configured for more bandwidth
efficient PowerCell voice transport over nay type of network including IP.
PowerCell license is specific to SDM-9220 or SDM-9230 ands requires the serial number
of the units. Upgrade of existing units in the field is possible.
All NetPerformer chassis can be used to create satellite-based networks (either full
satellite or hybrid terrestrial/satellite) with the SkyPerformer’s software option.
SkyPerformer enables the transport of packetized and compressed voice and data over
satellite, which is perfect for linking remote sites in which terrestrial services are not
available. SkyPerformer can also be deactivated when terrestrial services become
available. The license is available for any type of NetPerformer base unit.

1-14 Memotec Inc.

Product Overview

1.4 Scalability and Flexibility

The NetPerformer’s scalable hardware and firmware design provides an easy migration
path for changing network needs.
• Provides telephony interfaces in densities appropriate to small remote offices or
large headquarters
• 2 to 384 telephony channels per unit
• PBX and PSTN voice interfaces include analog FXS, FXO and E&M, digital T1,
E1, ISDN-PRI, ISDN-BRI, and support of switched QSIG supplementary serv-
• Converges voice and data over leased or switched lines, Frame Relay, ATM, PPP
links, ISDN PRI and BRI, satellite, IP/Ethernet circuits
• Software configurable voice compression topography, enhanced voice mapping
table and adjustable voice traffic buffers.

Memotec Inc. 1-15

NetPerformer Overview

1-16 Memotec Inc.

NetPerformer Features

Memotec Inc. 2-1

NetPerformer Overview

2.1 About the NetPerformer Features

The NetPerformer converges voice and data, and provides:
• Multi-service support for the enterprise network
• Quality of Service (QoS) prioritization, voice quality and reliable data delivery
• Instant connectivity to PBX, key system and data networks
• Integrated PowerCell routing of an array of traffic types
• Simplified management and increased transport choices.

2.2 Convergence of Multiple Traffic Types

The NetPerformer integrates traffic from various sources and outputs it to one or more
network types:
• With T1 or E1 channelized digital connections, each of the embedded DS0s con-
tains voice, fax or modem signals in the form of pulse coded modulation (PCM).
The NetPerformer also supports analog voice, data (including legacy protocols),
LAN and IP/IPX traffic.
• Voice traffic is internally routed to a DSP resource, which compresses each voice
channel using a preconfigured algorithm: ACELP-CN, G.723, G.723.1, G.726 (16
to 40K), G.729, G.729A, or PCM64K.
• Fax and modem signals are also demodulated and converted into a data stream.
• Various signaling schemes (CAS, MF, DTMF, etc.) are used to determine the des-
tination of each call.
• Each call is routed to its destination over IP, Frame Relay, ATM, PowerCell or
satellite connections.
- Both the NetPerformer base product and NetPerformer SIP VoIP transport
data over PowerCell
- NetPerformer base product transports voice directly over PowerCell
- NetPerformer SIP VoIP does voice over IP, which can be subsequently trans-
mitted over PowerCell (requires another NetPerformer SIP VoIP at the other
end) or standard PPP and Ethernet protocols
- Physical interfaces for routing data traffic include channelized T1/E1, serial
WAN/user and Ethernet LAN interfaces.
• Digital signaling is converted as required in order to maintain compatibility with
various types of remote units.

2-2 Memotec Inc.

NetPerformer Features

Figure 2-1: The NetPerformer as Convergence Manager using PowerCell

Figure 2-2: The NetPerformer as Convergence Manager over IP

Memotec Inc. 2-3

NetPerformer Overview

2.3 Multi-service Feature Set

• Integrates Internet, Frame Relay, SNA, legacy data, HDLC/ASYNC, IP LAN
traffic (including VLAN), toll-quality analog and digital voice/fax/modem trans-
missions over a single communication circuit, eliminating parallel voice and data
• Transmits and receives traffic over IP, ATM, public or private Frame Relay,
leased line networks or satellite
• Integrates RIP V1/V2 IP, IPX and OSPF networks with central-point routing and
bridging, including IP Multicast, IP Subnet Broadcasting, and PowerCell over IP
• Provides multi-channel support for simultaneous voice and data streams through
an optional digital T1, E1 or ISDN-BRI S/T interface
• PowerCell technology permits concurrent handling of a variety of traffic types
and configurable prioritization of SNA, legacy data, LAN and WAN (PVCR)
• Supports a broad range of voice signaling types: analog FXS, FXO and E&M,
digital Channel Associated Signaling (CAS), Common Channel Signaling
• Provides a variety of voice algorithms in a configurable, modular DSP allocation
scheme: ACELP-CN, G723.1 (low and high), G726 (from 16K to 40K), G729,
G729A and PCM64K
• On the NetPerformer base product, allows for T1 and E1 transparent signaling
between 2 PBXs that use CCS, over timeslot 24 (on a T1 connection) or 16 (on
an E1 connection)
• Permits customization of digital line signaling characteristics for non-standard
• Supports analog PBX connections using E&M interface cards, allowing for up to
16 E&M lines and a variety of signaling types: Immediate Start, Wink Start,
Timed E, as well as customized signaling
• Includes CAS emulation of FXO, FXS, Grounded FXO, Grounded FXS, E&M
Immediate Start, E&M Wink Start, R2, PLAR
• Offers a Drop and Insert functionality (Passthrough mode) on digital interfaces,
useful for dividing timeslots between compressed voice traffic that passes
through PowerCell over IP, and uncompressed traffic that is routed directly to the
• Provides Network Address Translation (NAT) support to prevent IP address
depletion and ensure efficient service in Internet applications
• Replaces SNA leased lines with a single Frame Relay connection supporting
multiple PVCs and, for voice traffic, SVCs
• Provides fax/modem relay between 2 NetPerformer nodes (NetPerformer base
product only)

2-4 Memotec Inc.

NetPerformer Features

• NetPerformer SIP VoIP provides standard VoIP support using SIP call setup, RTP
(Real-Time Protocol) for voice transport and T.38 for fax
• Adds provision for line failure with virtual connections and dial backup functions
• Optimizes bandwidth utilization with traffic prioritization, Bandwidth-On-
Demand and load balancing
• Minimizes delays for time-sensitive applications with Weight Fair Queueing
(WFQ) prioritization schemes over multiple traffic types
• Ensures standards-compliant interoperability with RFC-1490, SIP (on NetPer-
former SIP VoIP) and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
• Facilitates firmware upgrades through FTP download, ZMODEM transfer via the
console and proprietary access tools
• Provides traffic capture capabilities for troubleshooting purposes
• Includes management capabilities such as SNMP support, Telnet remote access
and direct or dialup console connection.

Memotec Inc. 2-5

NetPerformer Overview

2.4 Traffic Handling

• Switching through intermediate NetPerformers using PowerCell technology
• PVC bundling to concentrate Frame Relay traffic originating from multiple
• Virtual LAN (VLAN) functionality to logically group nodes on different LAN
segments and prioritize their traffic
• SVCs and Hunt Groups to maximize voice switching capacity (on NetPerformer
base product only)
• Support of the ATM cell-based traffic structure (on ATM option only) permits
access to a variety of network services via ATM from a single unit, using AAL1
and AAL5 modes.
• Voice Traffic Routing (VTR) for local control of how voice traffic is forwarded to
its intended destination, with the possibility of setting up alternate routes using
local and long distance services
• Bandwidth On Demand over leased lines for managing bursty LAN traffic
• Load balancing over leased lines or Frame Relay for high-speed support using
multiple circuits
• Dial backup
• Multiprotocol support with prioritization through class of service queues
• SNA host port reduction
• Administrative filtering to reduce the internetwork load, based on protocols,
source/destination addresses and user-defined patterns
• PPP and BOOTP/DHCP Relay support.

2-6 Memotec Inc.

NetPerformer Features

2.5 PowerCell Technology

PowerCell is a cell-based protocol that conserves network bandwidth, ensures Quality of
Service and reduces delays. It provides:
• Voice and data transport over various WAN infrastructures, including IP and IP/
Ethernet circuits
• Prioritization and compression technology for superior network performance. A
PowerCell solution provides the advantages of data compression, multi-protocol
encapsulation and Quality of Service using 8 classes of service.
• PowerCell runs over IP, Frame Relay, leased lines, PSTN, ATM and satellite.
Protocol switching, e.g. from IP to Frame Relay, is accomplished without IP
transport overhead when switching onto the Frame Relay network.
• PowerCell switching allows for the creation of a private enterprise network that
uses virtual connections between different network nodes. No direct links are
required between the remote locations, since PowerCell can switch traffic via the
central site unit.
• Voice switching using PowerCell permits defining all call routes within the unit
using Voice Mapping Tables. Since no softswitch is required, this is an effective
low-cost solution for the small to medium-sized enterprise.
• Through PowerCell, the NetPerformer discovery capability is extended to all
other nodes in the network. Auto-discovery of nodes and routes is achieved when
the PVCR protocol is active on the WAN.
• PowerCell QoS can be combined with IP Precedence TOS bit and 802.1p/q sup-
port to provide end-to-end Quality of Service for voice and mission-critical data

Figure 2-3: NetPerformer PowerCell Service Scenario

Memotec Inc. 2-7

NetPerformer Overview

The NetPerformer base product can be used to build a private network for enterprises of
all sizes through virtual connections between different network nodes (IP, Frame Relay,
etc.) using PowerCell switching.
• To establish these connections, no direct links are required between the remote
locations, since PowerCell can switch traffic via the central site unit.
• PowerCell runs over IP, Frame Relay, leased lines, PSTN, ATM and satellite
• Protocol switching, e.g. from IP to Frame Relay, is accomplished without IP
transport overhead when switching onto the Frame Relay network
• This solution provides the advantages of data compression, multi-protocol encap-
sulation and QoS using up to 8 classes of service
• Voice switching using PowerCell permits defining all call routes within the unit
using Voice Mapping Tables
• No softswitch is required in this scenario, which results in a significant cost sav-
ings for the small to medium-sized enterprise.

2-8 Memotec Inc.

NetPerformer Options

Memotec Inc. 3-1

NetPerformer Overview

3.1 NetPerformer SIP VoIP Option

The NetPerformer SIP VoIP option is an IP-centric voice/data integration solution that
employs Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). This protocol is based on existing Internet and
SMTP/HTTP conventions that are well suited for large point-to-point and any-to-any
The NetPerformer SIP VoIP option is intended for a broad range of applications and serves
the wide area internetworking needs of central sites, regional offices and both large and
small branch offices.
• Converges voice and data over PPP links, Frame Relay RFC-1490, ATM RFC-
1483 and IP/Ethernet circuits
• Uses Memotec’s Signaling Engine technology for SIP-based VoIP transport,
standard voice algorithms and both standard and proprietary data protocols and
data compression algorithms
• Provides T1/E1 connectivity, including digital connections to PBXs via T1 and
E1 using CAS and CCS (QSIG), and offers drop and insert multiplexing for both
data and voice
• Maximizes bandwidth usage with high throughput levels, low overhead and min-
imal delays, and guarantees reliable integration of voice, fax and data traffic.
• Optimizes line utilization with cell-based multi-protocol prioritization, Band-
width-On-Demand and Load Balancing, and adds provision for line failure with
Virtual Connections and dial backup functions
• Significantly reduces communications costs, since it cuts long distance charges,
handles time-sensitive applications with reduced delays, and eliminates the need
for dedicated voice and data circuits in the network
• Runs on the same hardware platform as the NetPerformer base product line, and
includes most of the NetPerformer base product features.

Figure 3-1: NetPerformer SIP VoIP Service Scenario

The NetPerformer SIP VoIP option offers a full service scenario for the enterprise network
that uses SIP transport. In this application, the NetPerformer provides seamless integration

3-2 Memotec Inc.

NetPerformer Options

of Frame Relay, ATM and PSTN networks under IP-centric control.

• Permits a unified voice/data routing service across the entire network using a
standard IP protocol
• Allows interconnection of the NetPerformer with other SIP-based devices using
Service Providers for enhanced connectivity
• Allows all areas of the network to benefit from the throughput and cost advan-
tages of Voice over IP, including small branch offices in remote locations
• Provides QoS for voice connections and excellent response times across all loca-
• Supports traffic types that otherwise could not be transmitted across the central
data cloud, such as analog PBX, satellite and data transmissions
• Integrates these traffic types with digital voice and data using IP over WAN,
Frame Relay, ATM and IP trunking.
The NetPerformer VoIP SIP option can interoperate with the Clarent Class 5 Call Manager
and Clarent Command Center, other SIP proxies and SIP phones, and support a standalone
proxyless SIP application using an integral ingress and egress dialing plan.
• Provides all participating sites with the call management and control features of
the IP-centric softswitch
• Allows the network to attain a global presence, with enhanced flexibility, scala-
bility and compatibility with other gateways.

Figure 3-2: NetPerformer SIP VoIP Option to Clarent Gateway

Further information on the SIP VoIP licensed software option can be found in the Voice
over IP (VoIP) Option module of this document series.

Memotec Inc. 3-3

NetPerformer Overview

3.2 SkyPerformer Option

Memotec SkyPerformer is a licensed software option that adds satellite access
functionality to the NetPerformer product line.
• Creates a hybrid terrestrial/satellite network using a single hardware platform and
network management system.
• Exploits the broadcast nature of satellite communications.

Figure 3-3: SkyPerformer Hybrid Network

**Put change bar next to the figure for next version**

The SkyPerformer software is based on Frame Relay standards and offers a scalable
solution for both remote and central sites:
• Permits seamless communication with any Frame Relay compliant equipment
such as FRADs, routers and switches
• Goes where terrestrial Frame Relay cannot, providing a cost-effective solution
for small to medium sized satellite networks
• Consolidates voice, data and LAN traffic with terrestrial Frame Relay networks
and equipment
• Offers a hubless VSAT solution that requires neither an expensive DAMA com-
puter nor a central site switch (TDMA)
• Offers a superior solution to the point-to-point Single Channel Per Carrier
(SCPC) approach, as it requires fewer satellite carriers, uses less hardware and
may dispense with a central site PBX or host
• Provides better performance, with no double-hop satellite delay for voice/data
traffic, and no double compression required for voice
• Supports a wide variety of satellite network topologies: single or distributed star,
partially or fully meshed, point-to-point and multipoint networks
• Interfaces with all third-party satellite modems

3-4 Memotec Inc.

NetPerformer Options

Note: The SkyPerformer network solution requires external third-party satellite

modems that operate up to 6 Mbps or 2 Mbps, depending on the application.
Further information on the SkyPerformer licensed software option can be found in the
SkyPerformer Option module of this document series.

Memotec Inc. 3-5

NetPerformer Overview

3.3 TCP Acceleration Option

The NetPerformer TCP Acceleration Option permits higher performance on satellite links,
extending the feasibility of the TCP/IP protocol to satellite applications. It is offered on
the SDM-9220 and SDM-9230 as a licensed software option in NetPerformer version
10.2.x and above. The NetPerformer TCP Acceleration Option handles the obvious
problems associated with using TCP/IP, a protocol that was optimized to run on terrestrial
networks, in a satellite environment:
• Link latency: A satellite network is necessarily comprised of high-delay prod-
ucts, and satellite link bandwidth is not efficiently utilized
• High error rate: The potentially higher bit error rate of a satellite results in poor
TCP/IP performance
• Asymmetry: Satellite links often operate in an asymmetric mode where they
receive at a higher data rate than they transmit. The low-rate uplink easily
becomes congested.


Kujuak Montreal Internet Satellite Satellite NAT router

dish dish Firewall

PC-1 www.google.ca

Figure 3-4: TCP Acceleration Scenario

The TCP Acceleration Option is installed on all NetPerformer units that act as a gateway
to the satellite network with a MODULATOR satellite connection. The NetPerformer
unit may be installed in front of a satellite modem or another router.
To improve TCP/lP performance over satellite links, the NetPerformer solution addresses
transparency requirements, backward compatibility, improved network efficiency and
scalability, and permits high transmission rates. The protocol enhancement method used
has no negative impact on performance or connections, and can work with existing
Internet and intranet infrastructures. TCP connections are automatically spoofed if they
are sent or received at a connection where TCP Acceleration is activated.
Further information on the TCP Acceleration licensed software option can be found in the
TCP Acceleration Option module of this document series.

3-6 Memotec Inc.

NetPerformer Options

3.4 ATM Option

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is a cell-based technology that permits the
transmission of a variety of traffic types over public and private networks using a common
packet structure.
• All information is organized into fixed-length cells which can be sent from a
large number of service users
• Large networks can integrate voice, data and video more efficiently, and maxi-
mize service to all destinations while reducing bandwidth requirements.
The ATM option is available on the NetPerformer when installed with at least one T1/E1
• Sold under special license only
• Product key must be installed on every NetPerformer unit in the application
• Can be installed onto either a NetPerformer base product or NetPerformer SIP
VoIP option.
The ATM structure is based on the idea of a uniform cell size for all payload types, using
standardized ATM packets, or cells.
• The structure of the cell payload can differ, allowing for a variety of traffic types
to be sent in the same way.
• A virtual circuit is set up from source to destination, then all packets are sent
along this path in sequence.
ATM networks are able to adapt to the differences between voice and data:
• Uncompressed voice is generated at a constant rate, whereas for data, the bit rate
can vary.
• Voice circuits are always synchronous, and must maintain strict adherence to an
internal clock. Transmission delays are avoided.
• Data transfer is often asynchronous, and its timing is irrelevant. Transmission
delays can be tolerated.
• The bandwidth required for voice transmissions remains constant through time,
but tends to be bursty for data
• High bandwidth requirements are met by using a greater number of cells. The
number of cells is reduced during low traffic periods.
• QoS levels are negotiated at the time of service provisioning, and are application
and service dependent.
Further information on the ATM licensed software option can be found in the ATM
Option module of this document series.

Memotec Inc. 3-7

NetPerformer Overview

3-8 Memotec Inc.


Applications Options
ATM option 7-7 ATM 7-7
NetPerformer base product 8-8 SIP VoIP 2-2
NetPerformer SIP VoIP option 2-2 SkyPerformer 4-4
PowerCell 7-7 TCP Acceleration 6-6
SkyPerformer option 4-4
TCP Acceleration option 6-6 P
VoIP option with Clarent Gateway 3-3
ATM option 7-7 Platforms, hardware 4-4
PowerCell 3-3, 7-7
application 7-7
C Product features 1-1, 4-4
Convergence 2-2 Product overview 1-1

Features 1-1, 4-4 Satellite support 4-4
hardware 4-4 improving performance 6-6
software 2-2 Scalability 15-15
Firmware 1-1 Services 4-4
licensed options 13-13, 1-1 SIP support 2-2
SkyPerformer option 4-4
H Software features 2-2
Standards used 4-4
Hardware platforms 4-4
TCP Acceleration option 6-6
IP-centric network 3-3 application 6-6
Technologies used 4-4
L Traffic handling 6-6
Licensed options 13-13, 1-1
M VoIP option 2-2
VoIP option with Clarent Gateway
Multi-protocol support 2-2
application 3-3

NetPerformer base product 1-1
application 8-8
NetPerformer features 1-1
NetPerformer overview 1-1
NetPerformer SIP VoIP option 2-2
application 2-2

NetPerformer Overview 1
Contact Memotec:

tel.: +1-514-738-4781
e-mail: MemotecSupport@memotec.com

7755 Henri Bourassa Blvd. West

Montreal, Quebec | Canada H4S 1P7 www.memotec.com

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