Sika Waterbar® WP AF: Product Data Sheet

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Sika Waterbar® WP AF


Sika Waterbar® WP AF are flexible, external waterbars ▪ Permanent flexibility
for construction joints made from PVC-P. ▪ Homogeneous waterbar
▪ Welding link strap on both sides of the waterbar for
USES machine welding
▪ Suitable for thermal welding on site
Watertight construction joint sealing in new concrete ▪ Resistant to all natural mediums in soil and ground-
tunnel structures. water
Sika Waterbar® WP AF can be combined with Sika- ▪ Robust products designed for handling and installa-
plan® WP membranes for tunnel waterproofing. tion on site
▪ Closed tunnel construction method (GBW) ▪ Suitable for welding with PVC-P based Sikaplan® WP
▪ Cut-and-cover tunnel construction method (OBW) membranes

Chemical Base PVC-P (plasticized)
Packaging Type Roll length [m]
SikaWaterbar® WP AF-28 15
SikaWaterbar® WP AF-36 15

Appearance / Colour Grey

Shelf Life Up to 60 months from date of production.
Storage Conditions Store in originally sealed, undamaged packaging, in a dry place at temper-
atures between +5°C and +30°C.

Long-term storage ≥ 6 months:

▪ The storage area must be covered, cool, dry, free from dust and moder-
ately ventilated.
▪ The waterbars must be protected from heat and UV radiation.

Product Data Sheet

Sika Waterbar® WP AF
February 2020, Version 01.01

Short-term storage < 6 months (on construction sites, outdoors < 6
▪ In dry conditions, protected from UV radiation, snow and ice, and any
kind of contamination or mechanical damage.
▪ Store separately from any potentially harmful or damaging materials,
plant or equipment such as structural steel, steel reinforcement, fuel or
vehicles, etc.
▪ Store away from trafficked areas and roads on site to avoid damage.
Total Width Type Total width [mm]
SikaWaterbar® WP AF-28 280
SikaWaterbar® WP AF-36 360

Thickness Type Thickness [mm]

SikaWaterbar® WP AF-28 4.0
SikaWaterbar® WP AF-36 4.0

Sealing Ribs Type Number of ribs [pcs]

SikaWaterbar® WP AF-28 4
SikaWaterbar® WP AF-36 6

Shore A Hardness 75 ± 5 (DIN 53505)

Tensile Strength > 12 MPa (EN ISO 527-1/-2)

Elongation > 300 % (EN ISO 527-1/-2)

Tear Strength > 12 N/mm (ISO 34-1)

Chemical Resistance Permanent resistant at +23°C: water, seawater, alcalic water and wastewa-
ter, deicing salt solutions.
Temporarily resistant against: diluted anorganic alcalies and mineral acids,
mineral oils.
PVC-P waterbars are not compatible with bitumen.
Ambient Maximum Temperature of Li- Pressurised water -20°C min. / +40°C max.
quids Non-pressurised water -20°C min. / +60°C max.

System Structure Suitable for welding with:
▪ Sikaplan® WP Membranes
▪ Sikaplan® WP Protection Sheets
▪ All other Sika Waterbar® WP AF types

Ambient Air Temperature +5°C min. / +35°C max.

Product Data Sheet

Sika Waterbar® WP AF
February 2020, Version 01.01

SUBSTRATE QUALITY ▪ PVC-P waterbars are not compatible with bitumen.
▪ The quality of the joint sealing depends on the fully
In-situ concrete: enclosure of the waterbar with concrete. In order to
Must be clean and dry as well as free from burrs, obtain a qualitative embedding, gravel nests have to
gravel nests, dust and loose parts. be avoided.
▪ For a watertight building, attention must be paid to a
Shotcrete: closed waterbar-system.
The profile of the shotcrete surface must not exceed a
ratio of length to depth of 5:1 and its min. radius must VALUE BASE
be 20 cm. The shotcrete surface must not contain
broken aggregates. Any leaks must be sealed with All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are
Sika® waterproof plugging mortar, or drained with a based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may
Sika® FlexoDrain system. Where necessary to achieve vary due to circumstances beyond our control.
the desired profile/surface, apply a fine sprayed con-
crete layer on the shotcrete surface with a min. thick- LOCAL RESTRICTIONS
ness of 3-5 cm and aggregate diameter not exceeding
8 mm. Steel (girders, reinforcement mesh, anchors, Please note that as a result of specific local regulations
etc.) must also be covered with a minimum of 4 cm the performance of this product may vary from coun-
fine sprayed concrete. The shotcrete surface must be try to country. Please consult the local Product Data
clean (no loose stones, nails, wires, etc.). A polypropyl- Sheet for the exact description of the application
ene geotextile (≥ 500 g/m2) or a compatible drainage fields.
layer must be installed prior to the waterbar applica-
This product is an article as defined in article 3 of regu-
The waterbars are installed flush with the external
lation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH). It contains no sub-
face of the concrete. It should be carefully fixed in the
stances which are intended to be released from the
formwork before concreting.
article under normal or reasonably foreseeable condi-
The external waterbar should be aligned and installed
tions of use. A safety data sheet following article 31 of
on the waterproofing substrate as centrally as possible
the same regulation is not needed to bring the
to the segment joint.
product to the market, to transport or to use it. For
safe use follow the instructions given in this product
data sheet.Based on our current knowledge, this
The specific welding parameters must be adjusted and
product does not contain SVHC (substances of very
checked on samples prior to the welding work. A min-
high concern) as listed in Annex XIV of the REACH reg-
imum ambient temperature of +5 °C and dry weather
ulation or on the candidate list published by the
conditions are required for welding onsite. Sika Water-
European Chemicals Agency in concentrations above
bar® WP AF can be connected by butt welding with
0.1 % (w/w)
suitable welding equipment. The welding edges are
melted in the process and fused permanently together
whilst in the plastic state. Only longitudinal joints of LEGAL NOTES
the profiled waterbars are permitted to be welded at
the buildingsite. All other joints are prefabricated un- The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
der workshop conditions. tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
products, are given in good faith based on Sika’s cur-
Protection of exposed waterbars on site: rent knowledge and experience of the products when
The waterbars should be protected from damage until properly stored, handled and applied under normal
they are fully embedded into the concrete. conditions in accordance with Sika’s recommenda-
tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
The waterbar and the joint must be cleaned befor con- strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
creting. ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any

Product Data Sheet

Sika Waterbar® WP AF
February 2020, Version 01.01

legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
from this information, or from any written recom-
mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
user of the product must test the product’s suitability
for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
serves the right to change the properties of its
products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
will be supplied on request.

Welwyn Garden City
Hertfordshire, AL7 1BQ
Tel: 01707 394444
Twitter: @SikaLimited


Product Data Sheet

Sika Waterbar® WP AF
February 2020, Version 01.01


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