Mr. Tushar Agarwal Veeresh pal Singh
& Sunil Kumar Sharma
Mrs. Anjali Sharma Aakankshi Sharma
When we got the opportunity to do a work on Book Shop Management
take this challenge and finished the work with our hard working and
and industry.
We are grateful to our project guide Mr. Tushar Agarwal & Miss.Neha
completion of the project. Last but not the least; I would like to extend
our gratitude towards our parents, who have always been our source
3) System Analysis
4) Feasibility Study
6.2. ER Diagram
7) Snapshots
8) Code Efficiency
9) Optimization of codes
10) Testing
12) Conclusion
13) Bibliography
Book Shop Management System
o Database
o Quantities of the products
General Constraints :-
The project can run any operating system where java 1.5
and MS-Access are installed.
GUI is only in English.
Login and password is used for identification of user and
there is no facility for guest.
Project Requirements
Hardware Requirements
Definitions of Problems
Problems with conventional system
1. Lack of immediate retrievals
The information is very difficult to retrieve and to find particular
information like- E.g. - To find out about the patient’s history, the
user has to go through various registers. This results in
inconvenience and wastage of time.
Alternative Solutions
1. Improved Manual System
One of the alternative solutions is the improvement of the
manual system. Anything, which can be done by using
automated methods, can be done manually. But the question
arises how to perform thing manually in a sound manner.
Following are some suggestions, which can be useful in the
manual system.
A more sophisticate register maintenance for various Patient
Information, Doctor diary, Immunization Details and a good
system for writing bill amount employees and stock availed for
the customers can be maintained at central place. Adequate
staff may be maintained so that updations are made at the very
moment at the same time. Proper person for proper work should
be made responsible so that a better efficiency could be
achieved. This needs a lot of work force.
2. Batch System
Another alternative solution can be used of computer based
batch system for maintaining the information regarding purchase
details, customers and employees. A batch system refers to a
system in which data is processed in a periodical basis.
The batch system is able to achieve most of the goals and sub
goals. But a batch system data is processed in sequential basis.
Therefore batch system is not suggested.
3. Online System
This system (HMS) provides online storage/ updations and
retrieval facility. This system promises very less or no paper
work and also provides help to Doctor and operational staff. In
this system everything is stored electronically so very less
amount of paper work is required and information can be
retrieved very easily without searching here and there into
registers. This system is been discussed here.
Limitation of the Project
Though the system has been designed according to the
requirements of the users it has its own limitation. Thus the limitation
of system are-
No facility to create new users with different roles
Object oriented Approach has been not been fully utilized.
Introduction and Objective
A Book Shop Management system is basically for management of
incoming and outgoing material from the Book shop It also maintain
management of all incoming and outgoing finance from the Shop
account section. It will reduce paper work & work load of user.
The main objective is to provide the customers fast and error
free transaction.
System Analysis
Before developing any new system anywhere, it is imperative
upon the developers to acquaint themselves with environment in which
the proposed system would be installed. Also, it is necessary to
interact with the user regarding their demands and the resources
available with them. This gives a clear overview of the improvements
wanted and to be provided.
The study and analysis of the proposed system was carried out
diligently under the guidance of experts of the organization. In the
existing system, all the work is being carried out manually. Computers
available are just for typing in the excel sheets. Besides him, we have
checked an earlier package being done in FoxPro and the reports
created in Excel sheets for more hints.
Feasibility study
Depending on the results of the initial investigation the survey is
now expanded to a more detailed feasibility study. “FEASIBILITY
STUDY” is a test of system proposal according to its workability,
impact of the organization, ability to meet needs and effective use of
the resources. It focuses on these major questions:
1. What are the user’s demonstrable needs and how does a
candidate system meet them?
2. What resources are available for given candidate system?
3. What are the likely impacts of the candidate system on the
4. Whether it is worth to solve the problem?
During feasibility analysis for this project, following primary areas of
interest are to be considered. Investigation and generating ideas about
a new system does this.
Steps in feasibility analysis
Eight steps involved in the feasibility analysis are:
Form a project team and appoint a project leader.
Prepare system flowcharts.
Enumerate potential proposed system.
Define and identify characteristics of proposed system.
Determine and evaluate performance and cost effective of
each proposed system.
Weight system performance and cost data.
Select the best-proposed system.
Prepare and report final project directive to management.
Feasibility study is the procedure to identify, describe the evaluate
candidate system and select the best possible action for the job. The
initial investigation culminated in a proposal summarized the thinking
of the analyst, was presented to the user for review. The proposal
initiated a feasible study to describe and evaluate the best system to
choose in terms of economical, technical and behavioral constraints.
Technical Feasibility
Front-End selection
1. It must have a graphical user interface that assists
employees that are not from IT background.
2. Scalability and extensibility.
3. Flexibility.
4. Robustness.
5. According to the organization requirement and the
6. Must provide excellent reporting features with good
printing support.
7. Platform independent.
8. Easy to debug and maintain.
9. Event driven programming facility.
10.Front end must support some popular back end like Ms
According to the above stated features we selected Java 1.6 as the
front-end for developing our project.
Back-End Selection
1. Multiple user support.
2. Efficient data handling.
3. Provide inherent features for security.
4. Efficient data retrieval and maintenance.
5. Stored procedures.
6. Popularity.
7. Operating System compatible.
8. Easy to install.
9. Various drivers must be available.
10. Easy to implant with the Front-end.
According to above stated features we selected Ms-Access as the
The technical feasibility is frequently the most difficult area
encountered at this stage. It is essential that the process of analysis
and definition be conducted in parallel with an assessment to technical
feasibility. It centers on the existing computer system (hardware,
software etc.) and to what extent it can support the proposed system.
Economic Feasibility
Economic justification is generally the “Bottom Line”
consideration for most systems. Economic justification includes a
broad range of concerns that includes cost benefit analysis. In this we
weight the cost and the benefits associated with the candidate system
and if it suits the basic purpose of the organization i.e. profit making,
the project is making to the analysis and design phase.
Operational Feasibility
Purpose of any information system is to create reports out of the
data provided. It does this work methodically however compared to a
manual system. To achieve this goal, an information system has many
Here, we describe the system as finally envisaged and is under
implementation phase. The description ranges from the input
identified, output needed & input design, database design, form design
and report design. It also included process specification.
Software Engineering
Software Engineering is comprised of set of steps that
encompasses methods, tools and procedures. These steps are often
referred to as software engineering paradigms. A paradigm for
software Engineering is chosen based on the nature of the project and
application, the methods and tools to be used and the controls and
deliverables that are required.
The four paradigms widely discussed are
• The classical life cycle
• Prototyping
• The Spiral model
• Fourth Generation techniques
The classical life cycle paradigm is chosen for this project as per the
organization standards.
Code Generation
The design must be translated into a machine readable form.
The code generation steps perform this task.
The testing process focuses on the logical internals of the
software assuring that all statements have been tested and on the
functional externals that is conducting tests to uncover errors and
ensure that defined input will produce actual results that agree with
Software will undoubtedly undergo changes after it is delivered
to the customer. Change will occur because errors have been
encountered, because the software must be adapted to accommodate
changes in its maintenance reapplies each of the preceding phrases to
an existing programmer rather than a new one.
Data Design
System Design
Design Implementation
Interface design
System Analysis (DFDs, ER diagram)
Data inputs
Book Shop Admin
Various reports
DFD: Level 0
sells gives
Stores & Retrieves
Stores & Retrieves stores& retrives
Back up Reg_db
stores & Retrieves
buy buy
Registers buy
DFD: Level 1
n books
Return Register compt_db
pract_db stationay_db
buy buy
DFD: Level 2
Query Admin
cust_fee_db Gives
d Receipt Stores
User Request
DFD: Level 3
Entity Relationship Diagram
y Tak do
do e sells
Compition book
id name
book_id book_typ
e nl
mrp s
name uid passw
ord b
date Author
tat rt
a el
Data Tables
1. Login Table
1. Login Form
2.Home Page
3.Home Page with MenuItem
3.Book Information
4.Book Information With Return Back to Home Page
5.Register Information
6.Stationary Information
7.Recharge Information
9.Practical Tools Information
10.Compitition Books Information
Code Efficiency
The amount of computing resources and code required by a
program to perform its function is known as code efficiency. The box-
structured specifications represented in a language are translated into
the appropriate programming language. Standard walkthrough or
inspection techniques are then used to ensure semantic conformance
of the code and correctness of the codes.
The correctness verification is also conducted for the source
code. To overcome the solid program architecture, which has more
difficulty in debugging and maintenance, individual modules are coded
in a simple manner. The resultant structured code is then reviewed
and tested to ensure that no anomalies have been introduced. Internal
code structured is implemented in such a way that the maintenance of
the project in future would not be a cumbersome job.
Optimization of code
Optimization plays a very effective and vital role in project
management particularly in implementation phase where user’s
acceptance has more say in terms of acceptance of the proposed
The factors that influence the optimization criteria are as follows
o The speed by which the program gets executed has a
major role in success of the project. If the speed of
the execution of the software program is high then
overall performance of the entire project will be very
high. It depends upon the effectiveness of the
modularity of the functions and subroutines in a
program. In our project is based on the concept of
modular design. A high amount of functions and
subroutines have been implemented, thus making
the entire project a modular one. Program execution
need not execute the entire program every time,
rather it calls functions required at that time thus
saving a great amount of time and making the
program the faster and accurate.
o Space available in hard disk also makes a difference.
If the program is compact one and dynamic
approach is being adopted then space could not be a
problem. Some time non availability of space in hard
disk also creates a flutter. Effective database
management and use of suitable operating system
are of high importance.
o The code writing is the heart of optimization.
Effective code writing and to the point approach
makes a program very effective. The code length
should be as small as possible and dynamic approach
should be adopted in calling functions and
o Selection of effective database is very important.
Here in our case MS-Acess has been selected due to
high performance and durability.
Operating System
o Selecting of operating system is also very important
because it should be compatible with the front end
accepted by the project leader. In our case Windows
XP is the choice.
Optimization about bad events means the explanations will be
temporary, specific, and impersonal. Pessimism about bad events
means the explanations will be permanent, pervasive and personal.
Project software testing is one of the elements of a
broader topic that is known as verification and validation (v & v).
Validation refers to a different set of activities that ensure that the
software that has been built is tractable to the organization
Although the validation encompasses a wide array of SQA
(auditing, reporting, function of management) activities. Since the
validation is concerned with the SQA activities hence it comprised the
formal technical reviews, performance monitoring, feasibility study,
database review, qualification testing and installation testing while
developing the ESCHPD.
Function Test
Acceptance Test
When the function test was completed, we involved the user to make
sure that the system worked according to user’s exception. Thus the
user did final acceptance test.
Installation Test
Even well designed and technically elegant system can succeed
or fail because of the way they are operated and used. Therefore, the
quality of training received by the personnel involved with the system
in various capacities helps or hinders and may even prevent the
successful implementation of an information system. Those who will be
associated with or affected by the system must know in detail what
their roles will be, they can use the system and what the system will
or will not do. Both system operators and users need training.
Training system operators
Many systems depend on the computer center personnel, who
are responsible for keeping the equipment running as well as for
providing the necessary support service. Their training must ensure
that they are able to handle all possible operations, both routine and
extraordinary. Operator training must involve the data entry
personnel. Since the system in commercial tax is a new one so, the
training personnel have been given first hand idea of how to use and
handle the equipments properly. They have also been familiarized with
the operational activities of the system e.g., proper shutdown,
maintenance, common malfunction and their remedies.
It also involves familiarization with run procedures, which
involves working through the sequence of activities needed to use a
new system on ongoing basis. These procedures allow the computer
operators to become familiar with the actions they need to take, and
when these actions occur. In addition, they are also informed that how
long applications will run under normal condition. This information is
important both to enable users to plan work activities and to identify
system that run longer or shorter then expected a sign that typically
indicates problems with the run.
User Training
During user training special emphasis has been given on
equipment use i.e., how to operate the equipment. In it users have
been the idea of troubleshooting the system, determining whether a
problem that arises is caused by the equipment or software or by
something they have done in using the system. A troubleshooting
guide has also been provided to users in case of emergency handling.
Data-handling activities receiving the most attention in user
training are adding data, editing data, formulating enquiries and
deleting records of data.
Conversion is the process of changing from old system to new
system. Here phase in method has been adopted because it is not
possible to install a new system throughout an organization all at once.
The conversion of files, training of personnel or arrival of equipment
may force the staging of the implementation over a period of time,
ranging from weeks to months.
Conversion plan
The conversion plan includes a description of all the activities of
that must occur to implement the new system and put it into
operation. It defines the persons responsible for each activity and
includes a timetable indicating when each activity will occur.
The maintenance part basically concerned with the modification
that are made to a “admin” system in initial release. Maintenance used
to be viewed as merely bug fixing, and it was distressing to discover
that so much effort was being spent on fixing defects and rectifying
There is a general perception that maintenance is indeed
not the proper word to use with software because maintenance refers
to un keep of the product in response to the gradual deterioration of
parts due to extended use of the product. For example, transmissions
are oiled and air filters are dusted and periodically changed. To use the
word maintenance with software gives the wrong connotation because
software doesn’t wear out. Unfortunately, however the term is used so
widely that we will continue using it.
Using Powerful development tools like Java and MS-Access the
project titled “Book Shop Management System” has been developed
successfully. Every possible validation is applied to the various controls
used in the forms. The system developed provides is applied to the
various controls used in the forms. The system developed provides a
high degree of accuracy and user friendliness. The back end MS-
Access provides flexibility for dealing with the data.
We use Java as a development platform. Obviously it is menu
driven program and there is flexibility of using MS-Access or SQL
Server at backend. But due to much flexibility our project suggested to
use MS-Access as backend.
When we started our project our first objective was to find such
a control which was very fast and also provided the flexibility of Test
report for they can be easily exported and printed.
The control on which we did our reporting work has a very large
scope we it also facilitate some extra features with their kin built
functions. But at some places we faced some unusual problems.
Overall, it has been a nice experience to work on Java and MS-
Access in the same project.